2008 IIR HeatingVentilatingandAir-ConditioningHVACequipmenttaxonomy
2008 IIR HeatingVentilatingandAir-ConditioningHVACequipmenttaxonomy
2008 IIR HeatingVentilatingandAir-ConditioningHVACequipmenttaxonomy
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ivan Korolija on 22 February 2016.
Presenter: M/Mr Ivan Korolija, Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, De Montfort University, Queens
Building, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, UK, phone: +441162551551 ext 6848, email: ikorolija@dmu.ac.uk
Past efforts to reduce carbon emissions from the non-domestic building sector have had limited success in the UK.
One of the reasons for this is a general absence of data addressing the non-domestic building sector, leading
further to a lack of transparent and validated methods for energy use benchmarks and both statistical and
predictive energy use modelling. This paper addresses this issue by proposing a Heating Ventilating and Air-
Conditioning (HVAC) equipment taxonomy that will allow compatibility across building sector energy modelling,
benchmarking and surveying.
The paper presents a comprehensive, yet easily expandable, friendly to use HVAC equipment taxonomy. The main
aim of the HVAC equipment taxonomy is to assist both predictive and statistical building energy end use modelling,
surveying fieldwork and analysis of all building types and the allocation of energy to end uses.
The HVAC equipment taxonomy developed also includes information about equipment energy efficiency in terms of
efficiency coefficients or auxiliary energy consumption for both design and part load. This is supported by a review
of what are sometimes contradicting and ill-defined energy efficiency indices, especially with regard to part-load
Promoting energy efficiency in buildings in the European Union has gained prominence with the adoption of the
Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) in 2002. The EPBD requires several different measures to
achieve prudent and rational use of energy resources and to reduce the environmental impact of energy use in
buildings. The three main components for implementation of the Directive are: calculation methodology, energy
certificate and inspections of boilers and air-conditioning. The principal categories for the energy certificate scheme
are Asset Rating, based on calculated energy use and Operational Rating, based on metered energy. The
imminent, April 2008, implementation of the energy certificate scheme in the UK has revealed that existing sets of
benchmarks were limited and that design data is unlikely to be available in existing building stock.
More recently, under the EU Energy Efficiency Action Plan, the UK has committed to an indicative target of 9%
energy saving by the end of 2010 and the next Action Plan in 2011 must report on progress against this. Although
the targets are indicative and thus not mandatory, Member States have a clear legal obligation to adopt and aim to
achieve the target, using appropriate cost-effective energy services and other energy efficiency improvement
measures, with the building sector already identified as one having the largest cost-effective saving potential.
The successful implementation of any energy efficiency measure in the building sector and especially the
evaluation of its extent are virtually impossible without detailed knowledge of the current energy profile of the UK
building stock. While there is, to some extent, already existing information on domestic stock there is much less
information available on the non-domestic sector. The steady increase in air-conditioning and appliances such as
computers, telephony and various amenities use in non-domestic building sector has been observed and identified
as a potential area for decreasing the overall building energy consumption (Careiro 2006, Brow 2007, Marjanovic-
Halburd 2008). At the same time there is little or no information on the air-conditioning systems presence in existing
buildings, let alone their type distribution. The lack of statistics on UK non-domestic building stock makes that
sector a priority. Its diversity in both activity and built forms renders it much more complex than domestic sector.
• Energy used for building heating, ventilating and air-conditioning which is consumed by building HVAC
• Energy used for domestic hot water provided either by building heating source or by dedicated domestic
hot water heaters,
• Energy used for lighting consumed by lights and
• Energy used by different appliances that can be anything from desk top computers over vending machines
to hand dryers in toilets.
Often, the energy used by fans, pumps and controls, which are strictly speaking part of the HVAC equipment, are
accounted as a separate category generally referred to as ‘auxiliary’ and associated with electrical energy.
In order to understand non-domestic building energy consumption contributing to energy end use categories and
their subsequent carbon emissions, it is necessary to have information about the HVAC equipment and appliances
used in buildings, together with the way they are used, as well as the building characteristics. The HVAC taxonomy
presented in this paper is part of a wider research programme addressing this issue by developing a data system
which will include different taxonomies (appliances, HVAC systems, building types, etc…) and surveying protocols,
thus enabling both statistical and predictive modelling of the energy end-uses in non-domestic buildings.
HVAC Taxonomy
The central aim of the research described in this paper is to provide a general purpose HVAC equipment
classification to assist both statistical and predictive energy end-use modelling and surveying field work for both the
domestic and non-domestic buildings. Surveying can be at different levels of detail and the HVAC Taxonomy must
therefore support different levels of surveying complexity through several tiers. Ideally the taxonomy would
subdivide HVAC equipment into a number of clear and systematically grouped categories whilst being at the same
time both comprehensive and complete, i.e. there is a place for everything, and only one place. This would avoid
over-complication of the survey process whilst maintaining the desired level of accuracy. The more general tiers
should be detailed enough to still allow reasonable accuracy when used for modelling purposes. The energy end-
use modelling in this concept refers to a steady-state monthly or yearly prediction in which case the efficiencies
and/or coefficients of performance (COPs) of the HVAC systems and its elements would be one of the most
important modelling parameters. The developed taxonomy should facilitate the modelling process by providing
default values of efficiency at different classification levels for both design, nominal, and part load efficiencies.
There are a large number of variations in HVAC equipment and the ways they can be used to control the
environment. The usual approach in building services text books and design manuals in classifying air conditioning
systems is to distinguish one type from another and to provide a background for selecting the optimum air
conditioning system based on building requirements which usually results in the classification based on working
fluids as all-air, all-water or air-water (ASHRAE Handbook 2000).
The existing approach typically used by HVAC equipment manufacturers is usually centred around the individual
processes for which specific HVAC equipment is responsible for. A good example of the latter system of HVAC
classification is given by OPUS (www.opus-bs.co.uk), Figure 1.
Figure 1: OPUS HVAC classification (www.opus-bs.co.uk)
As already mentioned the purpose of this research is to develop a HVAC taxonomy that would support both
statistical presentation of different HVAC systems and/or equipment in non-domestic buildings and predictive
modelling of the building HVAC energy end-use in this sector. The text book approach of having a few broad
categories is too general and would allow neither sufficiently robust statistical HVAC modelling nor statistical
analysis. On the other hand, the manufacturers’ style of HVAC equipment classification is a practical, detailed list
of the available products with far too many details to effectively support the surveying fieldwork or effective
predictive energy-end use modelling at the building stock level.
The AuditAC project (AuditAC Training Package), concerned with air-conditioning systems mandatory analysis as
part of the European EPBD implementation, has suggested the following classification, Figure 2.
Although more suitable than other classification methods previously described, its primary classification at room
and building level is not definitive, since one can have several different air conditioning systems in the same
building, each of them serving one or several rooms.
The new classification is based on existing methods but is concerned with both surveying fieldwork and HVAC
energy-end use modelling. It is summarised in Table 1.
Table 1: HVAC systems classification
Table 1: HVAC systems classification (continue)
Boiler efficiency
ASHRAE gives the definition of the boiler efficiency as the ratio of energy delivered by the water as it leaves the
boiler and the energy in the fuel delivered to the boiler, whilst the seasonal efficiency is “Actual operating efficiency
that the boiler will achieve during the heating season at various loads…”, (ASHRAE, 2004). It should be noted that
there are two efficiency figures, depending on whether the gross or net calorific value of the fuel is used.
UK Building regulation defines the seasonal efficiency based on the boiler efficiencies, measured at 100% load
(η100%) and at 30% load (η30%) which are usually quoted by the boiler manufacturers, (DCLG, 2006). For single
boiler systems where the boiler output is ≤ 400kW and the boiler will operate on a low temperature system, and for
multiple-boiler systems where all individual boilers have identical efficiencies and where the output of each boiler is
≤ 400kW operating on a low temperature systems the following equation applies:
If we make an analogy with the part load efficiency of chillers according to the ARI standard, this would imply an
underlying assumption that boilers operate 81% of their working time at 30% load and 19% at full load. There are
no relations in this equation to any of building load parameters, such as water mass flow rate, flow or return
temperature. By its definition, the seasonal efficiency should be used to predict the annual fuel consumption:
however, the seasonal efficiency is often used in simulations, multiplying the global efficiency figure directly by
building load to produce a monthly or even daily energy consumption profile.
From 1 of January 1994 all new hot water boilers in the UK must operate at minimum levels of efficiency whilst
running at full-load or part-load conditions, (DTI, 1995). All boilers must comply with the following efficiency
requirements at full load and at 30% part load (Table 2). The efficiencies are classified into three categories
depending on the average boiler water temperature at part load. The average boiler water temperature is the
average of entering and leaving boiler water temperature which indirectly connects to building loads. Efficiencies
are calculated using the boiler rated power output Pn.
Range of
Type of boiler output Efficiency at rated output Efficiency at part load
Average boiler Average boiler
water Efficiency water
kW requirement
temperature requirement [%] temperature
express in %
[°C] [°C]
Standard 4 to 400 70 ≥84+2LogPn ≥50 ≥80+3LogPn
4 to 400 70 ≥87.5+1.5LogPn 40 ≥87.5+1.5LogPn
temperature (*)
Gas condensing 4 to 400 70 ≥91+LogPn 30 (**) ≥97+LogPn
(*) including condensing boilers using liquid fuel
(**) temperature of boiler water supply
If we combine the equation (1) and the requirements from the Table 2 we obtain the following equation for standard
Equation (2) suggests that the minimal seasonal efficiency is 82.45% for small boilers (4 kW) and goes up to 88%
for 400kW boilers. At the same time CIBSE in (CIBSE, 2005) is suggesting typical seasonal efficiencies for non
condensing boilers in the range of 45%-82%, Figure 3.
Figure 3: Boiler efficiencies, (CIBSE, 2005)
As already mentioned, often the boiler seasonal efficiency is used for short-term HVAC energy end-use modeling.
However the accuracy of the modelling prediction would increase if the boiler efficiencies are given as a function of
the part load conditions, thus relating more closely to the actual operating efficiencies which depend on the
operating conditions.
CIBSE Guide B shows the boiler efficiency changes with variations in boiler load as in Figure 4. However it is rather
difficult to relate “boiler load” with variables associated with the building load such as water temperatures or flow
rates. ASHRAE, on the other hand, at least for condensing boilers, suggests the use of a relationship between the
boiler efficiency and return water temperatures, see Figure 5, which can be related to the system operating
conditions. However, this approach does not account for variation in water flow rates or air-fuel ratio in operation.
Figure 4: Typical seasonal LTHW boiler efficiencies at part load, (CIBSE, 2005)
Figure 5: Boiler efficiency – effect of inlet water temperature, (ASHRAE, 2004)
Recent research (Hanby, 2007, Andre 2008) on boiler efficiency based on physical modelling of the boiler
components has shown how all the operating characteristics can be taken into account. The example summary
graph presented in Figure 6 includes both the boiler’s flow and return water temperatures.
Figure 6: Evolution of the boiler net efficiency with the boiler water inlet (return)
temperature for different values of the outlet water (flow) temperature, (Andre, 2008)
The results presented in Figure 6 show the significance of the water return temperature, particularly in the region
where flue gas condensation begins (around 55C).
Chiller efficiency
The other HVAC component crucially influencing HVAC energy end-use is the chiller when the building is air-
conditioned. The usual way of presenting the energy efficiency of chillers is by the coefficient of performance (COP)
and integrated part load value (IPLV). For example, according to Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations, water
chillers must meet the minimum COP and IPLV presented in Table 3.
Table 3: Minimum COP and IPLV of Packaged Water Chilling Packages (CSA C743-02 Performance Standard for
Rating Packaged Water Chillers / Canadian Standards Association)
As the most common COP values for water and air cooled chillers of 4.2 to 5.4 and 2.7 to 3.2 respectively are
suggested in (Yu, 2006).
According to ARI Standard 550/590, the IPLV should be determined using the part-load energy efficiency at 100%,
75%, 50%, and 25% load points at the specified conditions, equation (3).
The ARI standard has been challenged by work presented by Yu in (Yu 2000), where it has been demonstrated
that when variable condensing temperature control was present, the ARI performance curves could give inaccurate
information about the maximum COP at part loads.
The importance of chiller part load efficiency on HVAC end energy use is well captured in EnergyPlus simulation
software where performance curves for more than 160 chillers are provided. EnergyPlus, in its chiller model, uses
performance curves based on leaving chilled water temperature and entering condenser water temperature. The
influence of the building cooling to the chiller efficiency is introduced indirectly through the part load factor which is
based on the real building cooling load.
This paper presents a comprehensive, yet easily expandable and easy to use general purpose HVAC equipment
classification that covers both the domestic and non-domestic building sectors. The purpose of developing the
taxonomy is to facilitate both predictive and statistical building energy end use modelling, surveying fieldwork and
analysis of all building types and the allocation of energy to end uses.
In tandem, the taxonomy needs to be aligned to values and procedures for calculating energy conversion factors
for the class members. A brief review covering boiler and chiller full-load and part-load efficiencies has been
presented, to illustrate how these two aspects can be combined.
CIBSE (2005). Guide B: Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. London, CIBSE.
AHSRAE Handbook 2004 - HVAC Systems and Equipment.
Yu, F. W. and K. T. Chan (2007). "Part load performance of air-cooled centrifugal chillers with variable speed
condenser fan control." Building and Environment 42(11): 3816-3829.
Henninger, R. H. and M. J. Witte (2008). EnergyPlus Testing with HVAC Equipment Component Tests, U.S.
Department of Energy; Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; Office of Building Technologies; Washington,
Yu, F. W. and K. T. Chan (2006). "An alternative approach for the performance rating of air-cooled chillers used in
air-conditioned buildings." Building and Environment 41(12): 1723-1730.
Yu, F. W. and K. T. Chan (2006). "Life cycle analysis of enhanced condenser features for air-cooled chillers serving
air-conditioned buildings." Building and Environment 41(8): 981-991.
Yu, F. W. and K. T. Chan (2005). "Electricity end-use characteristics of air-cooled chillers in hotels in Hong Kong."
Building and Environment 40(1): 143-151.
ARI Standard 550/590 (2003) Performance rating of water-chilling packaged using the vapor compression cycle.
http://www.oee.nrcan.gc.ca/regulations/amendment8_chillers.cfm?te. "Canada's Energy Efficiency Regulations."
AuditAC Training Package, http://www.energyagency.at/projekte/auditac_publ.htm.
The authors would like to acknowledge financial support of this work which forms part of the CITYNET project
funded via the Marie Curie Research Training Network.