DLL - Math 5 - Q1 - W1
DLL - Math 5 - Q1 - W1
DLL - Math 5 - Q1 - W1
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
of whole numbers up to 10 understanding of whole whole numbers up to 10 000 whole numbers up to 10 000
000 000. numbers up to 10 000 000. 000. 000.
B. Performance Standards Is able to recognize and Is able to recognize and Is able to recognize and Is able to recognize and
represent whole numbers up represent whole numbers represent whole numbers up to represent whole numbers up to
to 10 000 000 in various forms up to 10 000 000 in various 10 000 000 in various forms and 10 000 000 in various forms and
and contexts. forms and contexts. contexts. contexts.
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives M5NS-Ia-1.5 M5NS-Ia-9.5 M5NS-Ia-15.3 M5NS-Ia-15.3
Write for the LC code for
II. CONTENT Visualizing Numbers up to 10 Reading and Writing Rounding Numbers to the Rounding Numbers to the
000 000 with emphasis on Numbers up to 10 000 000 Nearest Hundred Thousands Nearest Hundred Thousands
numbers in Symbols and in Words and Millions and Millions
100 001 – 10 000 000
A. Review previous lesson Associating numbers with sets Answer the assignment Review the rules in rounding off Review the rules in rounding off
or presenting the new having 100 001-10 000 000 numbers. numbers.
lesson objects
B. Establishing a purpose Have a drill on visualizing Distribute a set of cards with Show a picture of a big crowd of Show a picture of a big crowd of
for the lesson numbers 100 001-10 000 000 numbers written in symbols people such as prayer people such as prayer
using number discs and another set of cards rally/basketball game. Ask rally/basketball game. Ask
with their equivalent in pupils to describe what they pupils to describe what they
words. Tell the pupils to find see in the picture. see in the picture.
their match. The first pair to Ask: Can you tell the exact Ask: Can you tell the exact
match wins. Post the number of people in the rally or number of people in the rally or
number pairs on the board. watching the game? watching the game?
Original File Submitted and Say: Sometimes there is no Say: Sometimes there is no
Formatted by DepEd Club need for us to give the exact need for us to give the exact
Member - visit number. Instead we just number. Instead we just
depedclub.com for more estimate how many people or estimate how many people or
things are there.” things are there.”
Ask: Why is it important to Ask: Why is it important to
estimate? estimate?
C. Presenting The Boy Scouts from different The total production of rice Guide the pupils to find the Guide the pupils to find the
examples/instances of the schools in Laguna joined a from 2011 – 2015 of a answer by estimation. Use a answer by estimation. Use a
new lesson Tree Planting activity. There certain region is twenty- number line label it from 8 000 number line label it from 8 000
were 123 121 trees planted in three million one hundred 000 to 16 000 000. 000 to 16 000 000.
all. Do you know how big 123 eighty thousand nine Find 8 933 789 Find 8 933 789
121 is? hundred five metric tons. Ask: To what number is it Ask: To what number is it
Ask:Is it correct to write the closer? closer?
number as 23 180 950? Are we going to round it up Are we going to round it up
Why? or round it down? or round it down?
What is the correct way of Find 15 249 345. (Repeat the Find 15 249 345. (Repeat the
writing this number? process) process)
How many digits does the Provide more examples of Provide more examples of
number have? Can you rounding numbers using the rounding numbers using the
read? number line. number line.
Ask the pupils the Guide pupils to see the pattern Guide pupils to see the pattern
importance of farmers in when to round up and when to when to round up and when to
our country. Lead them to round down. round down.
the idea that farmers work
harmoniously as a team to
have a better harvest.
D. Discussing new concepts Group the pupils into 5 teams. Divide the class into four Group the pupils into four. Each Group the pupils into four. Each
and practicing new skills #1 Distribute cutouts of number groups. Assign each group a group will be given an activity group will be given an activity
discs to the teams. Let the task. Read and write the sheet to answer. Let the group sheet to answer. Let the group
pupils use cutout of number numbers in words exchange activity sheet to exchange activity sheet to
discs to visualize 123 121. fromManila paper or check their answers . check their answers .
After all the groups have cartolina) Post the activity sheet written Post the activity sheet written
presented their answers, look Group 1 – 13 345 400 – 13 on a manila paper on the board. on a manila paper on the board.
back at the given example. 345 401 Call some pupils to answer. Call some pupils to answer.
Ask: How many 100 000 do Group 2 – 15 320 506 – 15 Ask: What is the rounding place Ask: What is the rounding place
we have? 1 320 507 if a number to be rounded to if a number to be rounded to
One 100 000s disc equals to Group 3 – 10 234 709 – 10 the nearest hundred thousand? the nearest hundred thousand?
how many? ( 100 000) 324 800 Millions? Millions?
How many 10 000 discs do we Group 4 – 6 456 790 - 6 What digit should be at the What digit should be at the
have? ( 2 ) 456 791 right of the digit in the rounding right of the digit in the rounding
Two 10 000s discs equal how Have each group post their place in order to round down? place in order to round down?
many? ( 20 000 ) work on the board. What digit should be at the What digit should be at the
How many 1000s? (3) Ask: How were you able to right of the digit in the rounding right of the digit in the rounding
Three 1000s discs equal 3000. do your task? place in order to round up? place in order to round up?
How many 100s? ( 1) Call some pupils to read Give more examples. Give more examples.
One 100s disc equals 100 some numbers they have
How many 10s? ( 2) written.
Two 10s discs equal 20 Ask:How many digits do
How many 1s disc? numbers from 13 345 400 –
One 1s disc equals to 1 13 345 4031have?
Say : “ 123 121 means 1 In numbers 15 320 506 – 15
hundred thousands, 2 ten 320 5097which digit is in the
thousands, 3 thousands, 1 millions place.
hundreds, 2 tens and 1 ones. How did you write the
Give another example: numbers in symbols?
(Explore and Discover) How did you separate the
A group of doctors donated a millions and thousands from
total of 234 534 kilograms of that of the digits of
rice to the earthquake hundreds, tens and ones?
victims. Can you imagine how How did you write the
big the number 234 534 is? numbers in words?
Do you still need to write
zero when writing in words?
Check the pupils answers.
E. Discussing new concepts Have the pupils answer “Get Have the pupils answer “ Have the pupils answer “ Get Have the pupils answer “ Get
and practicing new skills #2 Moving” Get Moving” Moving” Moving”
Check for understanding Check for understanding and Check for understanding and
and provide feedback. provide feedback. provide feedback.
F. Developing mastery Have the pupils answer “Keep Have the pupils answer Have the pupils answer Have the pupils answer “Keep
Moving” “KeepMoving” “KeepMoving” Moving”
Check for understanding Check for understanding and Check for understanding and
and provide feedback provide feedback provide feedback
G. Finding practical Have the pupils answer “Apply Your 1. What is largest 7- digit number A. Solve each problem. A. Solve each problem.
Skills” having different digits? 1.In fishponds of Aling Lulu, there were 1.In fishponds of Aling Lulu, there were
applications of concepts
Write it in symbols and in words 1 567 890 tilapia fingerlings in the first 1 567 890 tilapia fingerlings in the first
and skills in daily living _____________________________ pond, 567 890 in the second pond and 5 pond, 567 890 in the second pond and 5
2. What is the number next to 234 678 909 in the third pond. About how 678 909 in the third pond. About how
456? many fingerlings are there in all? many fingerlings are there in all?
Write it in symbol and in words 2.Mang Oyong harvested 234 678 2.Mang Oyong harvested 234 678
_____________________________ kilograms of calamansi. About how kilograms of calamansi. About how
__ many kilograms of calamansi were many kilograms of calamansi were
3. What is the smallest 6-digit harvested? harvested?
number having different digits?
Write it in symbol and in words B. Apply Your Skills (see LM) B. Apply Your Skills (see LM)
_____________________________ Check for understanding and provide Check for understanding and provide
__ feedback feedback
4. What is the number before 1 567
Write it in symbol and in words
5.What is the number between 890
789 and 890 791?
Write it in symbol and in words
Check for understanding and
provide feedback
H. Making generalizations Ask: How to visualize numbers Guide the pupils to give the How to round off numbers? How to round off numbers?
and abstractions about the from 100 001 to 10 000 000? generalization by asking,
lesson “How do we read numbers
up to 10 000 000?” “How do
we write numbers?”
I. Evaluating learning Draw number discs to show Match the numbers in Round the following to the Round the following to the
these numbers. symbols with the nearest: nearest:
1.345 678 corresponding numbers in A. Hundred thousands A. Hundred thousands
2.The farmers harvested a words. 1. 2 345 456 1. 2 345 456
total of 567 234 kilograms of 1.35 567 000 __________________ __________________
rambutan in one harvest 2.9 781 560 2. 4 234 567 2. 4 234 567
season. 3.456 890 __________________ __________________
3.There were 3 478 290 4.3 000 000 3. 6 561 345 3. 6 561 345
people who joined the Save 5.34 789 089 __________________ __________________
the Planet Earth movement. a.Thirty – four million seven 4. 5 987 456 4. 5 987 456
4.About 12 390 234 baby hundred eighty-nine __________________ __________________
clothes are produced by a thousand eighty- nine 5. 8 234 567 5. 8 234 567
factory in 5 years. b.Three million __________________ __________________
c.Thirty- five million five B. Millions B. Millions
hundred sixty-seven 1. 9 123 451 1. 9 123 451
thousand __________________ __________________
d.Nine million seven 2. 3 451 678 2. 3 451 678
hundred eighty- one __________________ __________________
thousand five hundred sixty 3. 7 987 567 3. 7 987 567
e.Four hundred fifty-six __________________ __________________
thousand eight hundred 4. 3 567 678 4. 3 567 678
ninety __________________ __________________
5. 7 789 123 5. 7 789 123
__________________ __________________
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use./discover which I wish
to share with other