DXF Reference
DXF Reference
DXF Reference
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Table of Contents
Drawing Interchange File Formats ................................................................................................................ 4
ASCII Drawing Interchange (DXF) Files...................................................................................................... 4
DXF File Format ..................................................................................................................................... 4
General File Structure ........................................................................................................................... 4
Group Codes.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Comments ............................................................................................................................................. 8
File Sections .......................................................................................................................................... 9
HEADER Section .................................................................................................................................. 10
TABLES Section ........................................................................................................................................ 16
BLOCKS Section ................................................................................................................................... 19
ENTITIES Section ................................................................................................................................. 19
Entity Coordinate Systems (ECS) ......................................................................................................... 31
Arbitrary Axis Algorithm...................................................................................................................... 33
Extended Entity Data .............................................................................................................................. 33
Organization of Extended Entity Data................................................................................................. 35
Writing DXF Interface Programs ............................................................................................................. 37
Binary DXF Files ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Binary Drawing Interchange (DXB) Files ................................................................................................. 41
DXBIN Command................................................................................................................................. 41
DXB File format ................................................................................................................................... 41
Writing DXB Files ................................................................................................................................. 44
Appendix: DXF Group Code Summary ........................................................................................................ 45
Group Codes in Numerical Order............................................................................................................ 45
Group Codes by Entity ............................................................................................................................ 47
Entity Group Codes ............................................................................................................................. 48
Block and Table Group Codes ............................................................................................................. 54
Drawing Interchange File Formats
AutoCAD can be used as a complete drawing editor. However, in some applications,
other programs must examine AutoCAD drawings or generate drawings to be viewed,
modified, or plotted with AutoCAD. Drawing Interchange Format (DXF) files support the
interchange of drawings between AutoCAD and other programs. All implementations of
AutoCAD accept this format.
AutoCAD also supports the Initial Graphics Interchange Specification (IGES) file format.
The information comprising an AutoCAD drawing can be written out to an IGES format,
and IGES files can be read and converted to the AutoCAD internal format.
Note: We don’t recommend that you write programs to read .dwg files. The format of
this file can change significantly as new features are added to AutoCAD.
It might be helpful to produce a DXF file from a small drawing, print it out, and refer to it
while reading the information presented next.
• Viewport Configuration table (VPORT)
• Dimension Style table (DIMSTYLE)
• Application Identification table (APPID)
4. ENTITIES section—This section contains the drawing entities, including any Block
If you use DXFOUT’s Entities option, the resulting DXF file contains only the ENTITIES
section and the END OF FILE marker, and the ENTITIES section reflects only the objects
you select for output.
Note: If you select an INSERT entity, the corresponding Block definition is not included in
the output file.
A DXF file is composed of many groups, each of which occupies two lines in the DXF file.
The first line of a group is a group code, which is a positive nonzero integer output in
FORTRAN 13—this is, right-justified and blank filled in a three-character field (the
exception to this is the four-digit extended entity data group codes, which are output in
FORTRAN 14). The second line of the group is the group value, in a format that depends
on the type of group specified by the group code. Although DXFOUT output has a fixed
format, the DXFIN format is free.
The specific assignment of group codes depends on the item described in the file.
However, the type of the value this group supplies is derived from the group code in the
following way:
Table 1. Group code ranges
Group code range Following value Group code range Following value
A program can read the value following a group code without knowing the particular
use of this group in an item in the file. The appearance of values in the DXF file is not
affected by the setting of the UNITS command, coordinates are represented as decimal
(or possibly scientific notation if very large) numbers, and angles are represented in
decimal degrees with zero degrees to the east of origin.
Variables, table entries, and entities are described by a group that introduces the item,
giving its type and/or name, followed by multiple groups that supply the values
associated with the item. In addition, special groups are used for file separators such as
markers for the beginning and end of sections, tables, and the file itself.
Entities, table entries, and file separators are introduced with a 0 group code that is
followed by a name describing the item.
Note: The maximum DXF file string length is 256 characters. If your AutoCAD drawing
contains strings that exceed this number, those strings are truncated during DXFOUT. If
your DXF file contains strings that exceed this number, DXFIN fails.
Group Codes
Group codes are used to indicate the type of the value of the group, and to indicate the
general use of the group. The specific function of the group code depends on the actual
variable, table item, or entity description. This section indicates the general use of
groups, noting as “(fixed)” any that always have the same function.
Table 2. AutoCAD entity group codes (by number)
0 Identifies the start of an entity, table entry, or file separator. The type of entity is
given by the text value that follows this group
1 The primary text value of an entity
2 A name Attribute tag, Block name, and so on. Also used to identify a DXF section or
table name
3–4 Other textual or name values
5 Entity handle expressed as a hexadecimal string (fixed)
6 Linetype name (fixed)
7 Text style name (fixed)
8 Layer name (fixed)
9 Variable name identifier (used only in HEADER section of the DXF file)
10 Primary X coordinate (start point of a Line or Text entity, center of a Circle, etc.)
11–18 Other X coordinates
Table 3. AutoCAD entity group codes (by number) (continued)
Table 4. AutoCAD entity group codes (by number) (continued)
The 999 group code indicates that the following line is a comment string. DXFOUT does
not include such groups in a DXF output file, but DXFIN honors them and ignores the
comments. You can use the 999 group to include comments in a DXF file you’ve edited.
For example:
This is a comment.
This is another comment.
File Sections
The DXF file is subdivided into four editable sections, plus the END OF FILE marker. File
separator groups are used to delimit these file sections. The following is an example of a
void DXF file with only the section markers and table headers present:
<<<<Drawing entities go here>>>>
EOF (End of file)
HEADER Section
The HEADER section of the DXF file contains settings of variables associated with the
drawing. Each variable is specified in the header section by a 9 group giving the
variable’s name, followed by groups that supply the variable’s value. The following list
shows the header variables and their meanings.
Although this list is similar to the list of system variables in the AutoCAD Command
Reference, the two lists are not identical. Be sure to refer to the proper list.
Table 6. DXF system variables (continued)
Table 7. DXF system variables (continued)
Table 8. DXF system variables (continued)
Table 9. DXF system variables (continued)
Table 10. DXF system variables (continued)
The following header variables existed prior to AutoCAD Release 11 but now have
independent settings for each active viewport. DXFIN honors these variables when read
from DXF files, but if a VPORT symbol table with *ACTIVE entries is present (as is true for
any DXF file produced by Release 11 or higher), the values in the VPORT table entries
override the values of these header variables.
Table 11. Revised VPORT header variables
The date/time variables ($TDCREATE and $TDUPDATE) are output as real numbers in the
following format:
<Julian date>.<Fraction>
The elapsed time variables ($TDINDWG and $TDUSRTIMER) have a similar format:
<Number of days>.<Fraction>
The date and time variables are described in the AutoCAD Command Reference.
TABLES Section
The TABLES section contains several tables, each of which contains a variable number of
The order of the tables may change, but the LTYPE table always precedes the LAYER
table. Each table is introduced with a 0 group with the label TABLE. This is followed by a
2 group identifying the particular table (VPORT, LTYPE, LAYER, STYLE, VIEW, DIMSTYLE,
UCS, or APPID) and a 70 group that specifies the maximum number of table entries that
may follow. Table names are output in uppercase characters.
The tables in a drawing can contain deleted items, but these are not written to the DXF
file. Thus, fewer table entries may follow the table header that are indicated by the 70
group, so don’t use the count in 70 group as an index to read in the table. This group is
provided so a program that reads DXF files can allocate an array large enough to hold all
the table entries that follow.
Following this header for each table are the table entries. Each table item consists of a 0
group identifying the item type (same as table name, e.g., LTYPE or LAYER), a 2 group
giving the name of the table entry, a 70 group specifying flags relevant to the table entry
(defined for each following table), and additional groups that give the value of the table
entry. The end of each table is indicated by a 0 group with the value ENDTAB.
The 70 group flag bit values are described in the following chart. Additional 70 group
values that apply to LAYER, STYLE, and VIEW table entries are described in the following
Table 12. Group 70 bit codes that apply to all table entries
The following are the groups used for each type of table item. All groups are present for
each table item.
If no value (0) is set, the layer is on and thawed. The fourth bit (8) and the eighth bit
(128) are not used.
Xref-dependent layers are output during DXFOUT. For these layers, the associated
linetype name in the DXF file is always CONTINUOUS.
STYLE 2 (style name), 70 (standard flag values), 40 (fixed text height; 0 if not fixed), 41
(width factor), 50 (oblique angle), 71 (text generation flags), 42 (last height used), 3
(primary font filename), 4 (big-font file name; blank if none).
If the third bit (4) is set in the 70 group flags, the text style is vertically oriented.
A STYLE table item is also used to record shape file LOAD requests. In this case, the
first bit (1) is set in the 70 group flags and only the 3 group (shape filename) is
meaningful (all the other groups are output, however).
The text generation flags are a bit-coded field with the following bit meanings:
Table 14. Group 71 bit codes for STYLE table
UCS 2 (UCS name), 70 (standard flag values), 10, 20, 30 (origin), 11, 21, 31 (X axis
direction), 12 22, 32 (Y axis direction). All in World coordinates.
VIEW 2 (view name), 70 (standard flag values), 40 and 41 (view height and width, in DCS),
10 and 20 (view center point, in DCS), 11, 21, 31 (view direction from target, in WCS),
12, 22, 32 (target point, in WCS), 42 (lens length), 43 and 44 (front and back clipping
planes—offsets from target point), 50 (twist angle), 71 view mode (see VIEWMODE
system variable).
If the first bit (1) is set in the 70 group flags, this is a paper space view.
VPORT 2 (viewport name), 70 (standard flag values), 10 and 20 (lower-left corner of
viewport; 0.0 to 1.0), 11 and 21 (upper-right corner), 12 and 22 (view center point, in
DCS), 13 and 23 (snap base point), 14 and 24 (snap spacing, X and Y), 15 and 25 (grid
spacing, X and Y), 16, 26, 36 (view direction from target point), 17, 27, and 37 (view
target point), 40 (view height), 41 (viewport aspect ratio), 42 (lens length), 43 and 44
(front and back clipping planes; offsets from target point), 50 (snap rotation angle),
51 (view twist angle), 68 (status field, never saved), 69 (ID, never saved), 71 (view
mode; see VIEWMODE system variable), 72 (circle zoom percent), 73 (fast zoom
setting), 74 (UCSICON setting), 75 (snap on/off), 76 (grid on/off), 77 (snap style), 78
(snap isopair).
The VPORT table is unique in that it may contain several entries with the same name
(indicating a multiple-viewport configuration). The entries corresponding to the
active viewport configuration all have the name *ACTIVE. The first such entry
describes the current viewport.
BLOCKS Section
The BLOCKS section of the DXF file contains all the Block Definitions. It contains the
entities that make up the Blocks used in the drawing, including anonymous Blocks
generated by the HATCH command and by associative dimensioning. The format of the
entities in this section is identical to those in the ENTITIES section. All entities in the
BLOCKS section appear between Block and Endblk entities. Block and Endblk entities
appear only in the BLOCKS section. Block definitions are never nested (that is, no Block
or Endblk entity ever appears within another Block-Endblk pair), although a Block
definition can contain an Insert entity.
External References are written in the DXF file as any Block Definition, except they also
include a text string (group code 1) of the path and filename of the External Reference.
This is the text string format:
Xref filename
Entity items appear in the BLOCKS and ENTITIES sections of the DXF file. The appearance
of entities in the two sections is identical.
Some groups that define an entity always appear; others are optional and appear only if
they differ from their default values. In the following description, groups that always
occur are given by their group number and function, while optional groups are indicated
by “-optional N” following the group description. N is the default value if the group is
Programs that read DXF files should not assume that the groups describing an entity
occur in the order given here. The end of an entity is indicated by the next 0 group,
beginning the next entity or indicating the end of the section.
Each entity begins with a 0 group identifying the entity type. Every entity contains an 8
group that gives the name of the layer on which the entity resides. Each entity may have
elevation, thickness, linetype, or color information associated with it.
If handles are enabled, every entity has a 5 group containing its handle (as a string
representing a hexadecimal number).
The following groups are included only if the entity has nondefault values for these
properties. When a group is omitted, its default value upon input (when using DXFIN) is
indicated in the third column. If the value of a group is equal to the default, it is omitted
upon output (when using DXFOUT).
Table 15. Group codes common to all entities
The rest of the groups that make up an entity item are described next. Many of the
entities include “flag” groups. These are integer codes (6x or 7x groups) that encode
information specific to the particular entity type. In the following descriptions, the term
bit-coded means that the flag contains various true/false values coded as the sum of the
bit values given. Any bits not defined in the following should be ignored in these fields
and set to zero when constructing a DXF file.
Point entities have an optional 50 group that determines the orientation of PDMODE
images. The group value is the negative of the Entity Coordinate Systems (ECS) angle
of the UCS X axis in effect when the point was drawn. The X axis of the UCS in effect
when the point was drawn is always parallel to the XY plane for the point’s ECS, and
the angle between the UCS X axis and the ECS X axis is a single 2D angle. The value in
group 50 is the angle from horizontal (the effective X axis) to the ECS X axis. Entity
Coordinate Systems (ECS) are described later in this section.
CIRCLE 10, 20, 30 (center), 40 (radius).
ARC 10, 20, 30 (center), 40 (radius), 50 (start angle), 51 (end angle).
TRACE Four points defining the corners of the trace: (10, 20, 30), (11, 21, 31), (12, 22, 32),
and (13, 23, 33).
SOLID Four points defining the corners of the solid: (10, 20, 30), (11, 21, 31), (12, 22, 32),
and (13, 23, 33). If only three points were entered (forming a triangular solid), the
third and fourth points will be the same.
TEXT 10, 20, 30 (insertion point), 40 (height), 1 (text value), 50 (rotation angle -optional 0),
41 (relative X-scale factor -optional 1), 51 (oblique angle -optional 0), 7 (text style
name -optional STANDARD), 71 (text generation flags -optional 0), 72 (horizontal
justification type -optional 0), 73 (vertical justification type -optional 0), 11, 21, 31
(alignment point -optional, appears only if 72 or 73 group is present and nonzero).
The “text generation flags” are a bit-coded field with meanings as follows:
Table 16. Group 71 bit codes for Text entity
The justification-type value (group codes 72 and 73, not bit-coded) indicates the text-
justification style used on the text, as shown in the following table:
Table 17. Group 72 & 73 bit codes for Text entity
If the justification is anything other than baseline/left (groups 72 and 73 both 0),
group codes 11, 21, and 31 specify the alignment point (or the second alignment
point for Align or Fit).
DXFOUT handles ASCII control characters in text strings by expanding the character
into a ^ (caret) followed by the appropriate letter. For example, an ASCII Control-G
(BEL, decimal code 7) is output as ^G. If the text itself contains a caret character, it is
expanded to ^ (caret, space). DXFIN performs the complementary conversion.
SHAPE 10, 20, 30 (insertion point), 40 (size), 2 (shape name), 50 (rotation angle -optional 0),
41 (relative X-scale factor -optional 1), 51 (oblique angle -optional 0).
BLOCK 2 (Block name), 3 (this is also the Block name), 70 (Block type flag), 10, 20, 30 (Block
base point), and if the Block is an Xref Block it will also contain group code 1 (Xref
pathname). Block entities appear only in the BLOCKS section, not in the ENTITIES
section. The “Block type flag” (group 70) is bit-coded, with the following bit meanings:
Table 18. Group 70 bit codes for Block table
If the value of the “Attributes follow flag” is 1, a series of Attribute (ATTRIB) entities is
expected to follow the Insert, terminated by a sequence end (SEQEND) entity.
ATTDEF 10, 20, 30 (text start), 40 (text height), 1 (default value, see TEXT for handling of ASCII
control characters), 3 (prompt string), 2 (tag string), 70 (Attribute flags), 73 (field
length -optional 0), 50 (text rotation -optional 0), 41 (relative X-scale factor -optional
1), 51 (oblique angle -optional 0), 7 (text style name -optional STANDARD), 71 (text
generation flags -optional 0, see TEXT for more information), 72 (horizontal text
justification type -optional 0, see TEXT for more information), 74 (vertical text
justification type -optional 0, see group 73 in TEXT for more information), 11, 21, 31
(alignment point -optional, appears only if 72 or 74 group is present and nonzero).
The “Attribute flags” (group code 70) are a bit-coded field in which the bits have the
following meanings:
Table 19. Group 70 bit codes for Attdef entity
ATTRIB 10,20,30 (text start), 40 (text height), 1 (value, see TEXT for more information for
handling ASCII control characters), 2 (Attribute tag), 70 (Attribute flags; see ATTDEF
for more information), 73 (field length -optional 0), 50 (text rotation -optional 0), 41
(relative X-scale factor -optional 1), 51 (oblique angle -optional 0), 7 (text style name -
optional STANDARD), 71 (text generation flags -optional 0, see TEXT for more
information), 72 (horizontal text justification type -optional 0, see TEXT for more
information), 74 (vertical text justification type -optional 0, see group 73 in TEXT for
more information), 11, 21, 31 (alignment point -optional, appears only if 72 or 74
group is present and nonzero).
POLYLINE 66 (vertices follow flag), 10, 20, 30 (polyline elevation—30 supplies elevation, 10 and
20 are always set to zero), 70 (Polyline flag -optional 0), 40 (default starting width -
optional 0), 41 (default ending width -optional 0), 71 and 72 (polygon mesh M and N
vertex counts -optional 0), 73 and 74 (smooth surface M and N densities -optional 0),
75 (curves and smooth surface type -optional 0). The default widths apply to any
vertex that doesn’t supply widths.
The “vertices follow flag” is always 1, indicating that a series of Vertex entities is
expected to follow the Polyline, terminated by a sequence end (SEQEND) entity. The
polyline flag (group code 70) is a bit-coded field with bits defined as follows:
Table 20. Group 70 bit codes for Polyline entity
5 = quadratic B-spline surface
6 = cubic B-spline surface
8 = Bezier surface
32 The polygon mesh is closed in the N direction
64 The Polyline is a polyface mesh
128 The linetype pattern is generated continuously around the vertices
of this Polyline
Following the Polyline header is a sequence of Vertex entities that specify the vertex
coordinates and faces that compose the mesh.
The AutoCAD entity structure imposes a limit on the number of vertices that a given
face entity can specify. You can represent more complex polygons by decomposing
them into triangular wedges. Their edges should be made invisible to prevent visible
artifacts of this subdivision from being drawn. The PFACE command performs this
subdivision automatically, but when applications generate polyface meshes directly,
the applications must do this themselves.
The number of vertices per face is the key parameter in this subdivision process. The
PFACEVMAX system variable provides an application with the number of vertices per
face entity. This value is read-only, and its set to 4.
Polyface meshes created with the PFACE command are always generated with all the
vertex coordinate entities first, followed by the definition entities. The code within
AutoCAD that processes polyface meshes does not require this ordering; it works
even with interleaved vertex coordinates and face dentitions as long as no face
specifies a vertex with an index that appears after it in the database. Programs that
read polyface meshes from DXF should be tolerant of odd vertex and face ordering.
VERTEX 10, 20, 30 (location), 40 (starting width -optional, see earlier), 41 (ending width -
optional, see earlier), 42 (bulge -optional 0), 70 (vertex flags -optional 0), 50 (curve fit
tangent direction -optional). The bulge is the tangent of 1/4 the included angle for an
arc segment, made negative if the arc goes clockwise from the start point to the
endpoint; a bulge of 0 indicates a straight segment, and a bulge of 1 is a semi-circle.
The meaning of the bit-coded Vertex flag (group code 70) is shown in the following
Table 21. Group 70 bit codes for Vertex entity
Every Vertex that is part of a polyface mesh has the 128 bit set in its Vertex flags (70)
group. If the entity specifies the coordinates of a vertex of the mesh, the 64 bit is set
as well and the 10, 20, and 30 groups give the vertex coordinates. The vertex indexes
are determined by the order in which the Vertex entities appear within the Polyline,
with the first numbered 1.
If the Vertex defines a face of the mesh, its Vertex flags (70) group has the 128 bit set
but not the 64 bit. The 10, 20, and 30 (location) groups of the face entity are
irrelevant and are always written as zero in a DXF file. The vertex indexes that define
the mesh are given by 71, 72, 73, and 74 groups, the values of which are integers
specifying one of the previously defined vertices by index. If the index is negative, the
edge that begins with that vertex is invisible. The first zero vertex marks the end of
the vertices of the face. Since the 71 through 74 groups are optional fields with
default values of zero, they are present in DXF only if nonzero.
SEQEND No fields. This entity marks the end of vertices (Vertex type name) for a Polyline, or
the end of Attribute entities (Attrib type name) for an Insert entity that has Attributes
(indicated by 66 group present and nonzero in Insert entity).
3DFACE Four points defining the corners of the face: (10, 20, 30), (11, 21, 31), (12, 22, 32), and
(13, 23, 33). 70 (invisible edge flags -optional 0). If only three points are entered
(forming a triangular face), the third and fourth points will be the same. The
meanings of the bit-coded “invisible edge flags” are shown in the following table:
Table 22. Group 70 bit codes for 3D Face entity
VIEWPORT 10, 20, 30 (center point of entity in paper space coordinates), 40 (width in paper
space units), 41 (height in paper space units), 68 (viewport status field), 69 (viewport
ID, permanent during editing sessions, but mutable between sessions; the paper
space viewport entity always has an ID of 1).
0 Off.
<positive value> On, active and the value indicates the order of “stacking” for the
viewports, with 1 applying to the active viewport, which is also
the highest, 2 applying to the next viewport in the stack, and so
In addition, the extended entity data groups in the following table apply to viewports.
Note: In contrast to normal entity data, the same extended entity group code can
appear multiple times, and order is important.
Table 23. Extended entity group codes for Viewports
Group Description
1001 Application name. This field will always be the string “ACAD”
1000 Begin viewport data. This field will always be the string “MVIEW”.
Other data groups may appear in the future
1002 Begin viewport descriptor data. This field will always be the string
1070 Extended entity data version number. For Release 11 and 12, this
field will always be the integer 16
1010 View target point X value
1020 View target point Y value
Table 24. Extended entity group codes for Viewports (continued)
Group Description
Table 25. Extended entity group codes for Viewports (continued)
Group Description
1003… The names of layers frozen in this viewport. This list may include
Xref-dependent layers. Any number of 1003 groups may appear
1002 End frozen layer list. This field will always be the string “}”
1002 End viewport data. This field will always be the string “}”
The dimension type (group code 70) is an integer-coded field with the following
Table 26. Group 70 integer codes for Dimension entity
Value Meaning
In addition, all dimension types have an optional group code (51) that indicates the
horizontal direction for the Dimension entity. This determines the orientation of
dimension text and dimension lines for horizontal, vertical, and rotated linear
dimensions. This group value is the negative of the Entity Coordinates Systems (ECS)
angle of the UCS X axis in effect when the Dimension was drawn. The X axis of the
UCS in effect when the Dimension was drawn is always parallel to the XY plane for the
Dimension’s ECS, and the angle between the UCS X axis and the ECS X axis is a single
2D angle. The value in group 51 is the angle from horizontal (the effective X axis) to
the ECS X axis. Entity Coordinate Systems (ECS) are described later in this section.
Linear dimension types with an oblique angle have an optional group code (52).
When added to the rotation angle of the linear dimension (group code 50) this gives
the angle of the extension lines. The optional group code 53 is the rotation angle of
the dimension text away from its default orientation (the direction of the dimension
For all dimension types, the following groups represent 3D WCS points:
10, 20, 20
13, 23, 33
14, 24, 34
15, 25, 35
For all dimension types, the following groups represent 3D ECS points:
11, 21, 31
12, 22, 32
16, 26, 36
Linear (13, 23, 33) The point used to specify the first extension line.
(14, 24, 34) The point used to specify the second extension line.
(10, 20, 30) The point used to specify the dimension line.
Angular (13, 23, 33) and (14, 24, 34) The endpoints of the first extension line.
(10, 20, 30) and (15, 25, 35) The endpoints of the second extension line.
(16, 26, 36) The point used to specify the dimension line arc.
Diameter (15, 25, 35) The point used to pick the circle/arc to dimension.
(10, 20, 30) The point on that circle directly across from the pick point.
Radius (15, 25, 35) The point used to pick the circle/arc to dimension.
(10, 20, 30) The center of that circle.
Ordinate (13, 23, 33) The point used to select the feature.
(14, 24, 34) The point used to locate the leader end point.
For a given Z axis (or extrusion) direction, there are an infinite number of coordinate
systems, defined by translating the origin in 3D space and by rotating the X and Y axes
around the Z axis. However, for the same Z axis direction, there is only one Entity
Coordinate System. It has the following properties:
• The orientation of the X and Y axes within the XY plane are calculated in an
arbitrary, but consistent manner. AutoCAD performs this calculation using the
arbitrary axis algorithm (described later in this section).
For some entities, the ECS is equivalent to the World Coordinate System and all points
(DXF groups 10 – 37) are expressed in World coordinates. See the following table.
Table 27. Coordinate systems associated with an entity type
Entities Notes
Line, Point, 3D Face, 3D These entities do not lie in a particular plane. All points are expressed in
Polyline, 3D Vertex, 3D World coordinates. Of these entities, only Lines and Points can be
Mesh, 3D Mesh vertex extruded; their extrusion direction can differ from the World Z axis
Circle, Arc, Solid, Trace, These entities are planar in nature. All points are expressed in Entity
Text, Attrib, Attdef, coordinates. All of these entities can be extruded; their extrusion direction
Shape, Insert, 2D can differ from the World Z axis
Polyline, 2D Vertex
Dimensions Some of a Dimension’s points are expressed in WCS, and some in ECS
Viewport Expressed in World coordinates
Others The remaining entities have no point data and their coordinate systems
are therefore irrelevant
Once AutoCAD has established the ECS for a given entity, here’s how it works:
• The elevation value stored with an entity indicates how far along the Z axis to shift
the XY plane from the WCS origin to make it coincide with the plane that the entity
is in. How much of this is the user-defined elevation is unimportant.
• Any 2D points entered through the UCS are transformed into the corresponding 2D
points in the ECS, which is shifted and rotated with respect to the UCS.
• You cannot reliably find out what UCS was in effect when an entity was acquired.
• When you enter the XY coordinates of an entity in a given UCS and then do a
DXFOUT, you probably won’t recognize those XY coordinates in the DXF file. You
must know the method by which AutoCAD calculates the X and Y axes in order to
work with these values.
• The elevation value stored with an entity and output in DXF files is a sum of the Z-
coordinate difference between the UCS XY plane and the ECS XY plane, and the
elevation value that the user specified at the time the entity was drawn.
Arbitrary Axis Algorithm
The arbitrary axis algorithm is used by AutoCAD internally to implement the arbitrary
but consistent generation of Entity Coordinate Systems for all entities except Lines,
Points, 3D Faces, and 3D Polylines, which contain points in World coordinates.
Given a unit-length vector to be used as the Z axis of a coordinate system, the arbitrary
axis algorithm generates a corresponding X axis for the coordinate system. The Y axis
follows by application of the right-hand rule.
The method is to examine the given Z axis (also called the normal vector) and see if it is
close to the positive or negative World Z axis. If it is, cross the World Y axis with the
given Z axis to arrive at the arbitrary X axis. If not, cross the World Z axis with the given Z
axis to arrive at the arbitrary X axis. The boundary at which the decision is made was
chosen to be both inexpensive to calculate and completely portable across machines.
This is achieved by having a sort of “square” polar cap, the bounds of which is 1/64,
which is precisely specifiable in 6 decimal fraction digits and in 6 binary fraction bits.
The algorithm does the following (all vectors are assumed to be in 3D space, specified in
the World Coordinate System):
Let the given normal vector be called N.
Let the World Y axis be called Wy, which is always (0,1,0).
Let the World Z axis be called Wz, which is always (0,0,1).
Here we are looking for the arbitrary X and Y axes to go with the normal N. They’ll be
called Ax and Ay. N could also be called Az (the arbitrary Z axis):
If (abs (Nx) < 1/64) and (abs (Ny) < 1/64) then
Ax = Wy x N (where "x" is the cross-product operator).
Ax = Wz x N.
Scale Ax to unit length.
The group codes 1000 through 1071 describe extended entity data. The following is an
example of an entity containing extended entity data in DXF format.
2 — Normal entity definition data.
2.122642 — Extended entity data.
Organization of Extended Entity Data
The group code 1001 indicates the beginning of extended entity data. In contrast to
normal entity data, the same group code can appear multiple times, and order is
An application can use as many APPID names as needed. APPID names are permanent,
although they can be purged if they aren’t currently used in the drawing.
Each APPID name can have no more than one data group attached to each entity.
Within an application’s group, the sequence of extended entity data groups and their
meaning is defined by the application.
Note: PostScript images and PostScript fill requests for Polylines are stored in the
AutoCAD database as extended entity data belonging to the
The following extended entity data group codes are supported by AutoCAD, which
maintains and manipulates their values as described:
Table 28. Extended entity data group codes and descriptions
String 1000 Strings in extended entity data can be up to 255 bytes long
(with the 256th byte reserved for the null character)
Application 1001 Application names can be up to 31 bytes long (the 32d byte is
name also a reserved for the null character). Use of application names is
string described in more detail later in this section
value Caution: Do not add a 1001 group into your extended entity
data, as AutoCAD will assume it is the beginning of a new
application extended entity data group
Control 1002 An extended data control string can be either “{“ or “}”: these
string braces enable applications to organize their data by subdividing
the data into lists. The left brace begins a list, and a right brace
terminates the most recent list; lists can be nested
When AutoCAD reads the extended entity data for a particular
application, it checks to ensure that braces are balanced
Layer name 1003 Name of the layer associated with the extended entity data
Table 29. Extended entity data group codes and descriptions (continued)
Binary data 1004 Binary data is organized into variable-length chunks. The
maximum length of each chunk is 127 bytes. Binary data is
represented as a string of hexadecimal digits, two per binary
byte, in ASCII DXF files
Database 1005 Handles of entities in the drawing database
handle Note: When a drawing with handles and extended entity data
handles is imported into another drawing using INSERT, INSERT
*, XREF Bind, XBIND, or partial DXFIN, the extended entity data
handles are translated in the same manner as their
corresponding entity handles, thus maintaining their binding.
This is also done in the EXPLODE Block operation, or for any
other AutoCAD operation. When AUDIT detects an extended
entity data handle that doesn’t match the handle of an entity in
the drawing file, it is considered an error. If AUDIT is fixing
entities, it sets the handle to 0.
3 reals 1010, Three real values, in the order X, Y, Z. They can be used as a
1020, point or vector record. AutoCAD never alters their value
World space 1011, Unlike a simple 3D point, the World space coordinates are
position 1021, moved, scaled, rotated, and mirrored along with the parent
1031 entity to which the extended data belongs. The world space
position is also stretched when the STRETCH command is
applied to the parent entity and this point lies within the select
World space 1012, Also a 3D point that is scaled, rotated, and mirrored along with
displacement 1022, the parent (but not moved or stretched)
World 1013, Also a 3D point that is rotated and mirrored along with the
direction 1023, parent (but not moved, scaled, or stretched)
Real 1040 A real value
Distance 1041 A real value that is scaled along with the parent entity
Scale factor 1042 Also a real value that is scaled along with the parent. The
difference between a distance and a scale factor is application-
Integer 1070 A 16-bit integer (signed or unsigned)
Long 1071 A 32-bit signed (long) integer
For more information on extended entity data and the APPID table, refer to the ADS
Programmer’s Reference and the AutoLISP Reference.
The following example is a Microsoft BASIC™ program that reads a DXF file and extracts
all the Line entities from the drawing (ignoring lines that appear inside Blocks). It prints
the endpoints of these lines on the screen. This program is presented as an example of
just how simple a DXF-reading program can be.
1000 REM
1010 REM Extract lines from DXF file
1020 REM
1030 G1% = 0
1040 LINE INPUT "DXF file name: "; A$
1050 OPEN "i", 1, A$ + ".dxf"
1060 REM
1070 REM Ignore until section start encountered
1080 REM
1090 GOSUB 2000
1100 IF G% <> 0 THEN 1090
1110 IF S$ <> "SECTION" THEN 1090
1120 GOSUB 2000
1130 REM
1140 REM Skip unless ENTITIES section
1150 REM
1160 IF S$ <> "ENTITIES" THEN 1090
1170 REM
1180 REM Scan until end of section, processing LINEs
1190 REM
1200 GOSUB 2000
1210 IF G% = 0 AND S$ = "ENDSEC" THEN 2200
1220 IF G% = 0 AND S$ = "LINE" THEN GOSUB 1400 : GOTO 1210
1230 GOTO 1200
1400 REM
1410 REM Accumulate LINE entity groups
1420 REM
1430 GOSUB 2000
1440 IF G% = 10 THEN X1 = X : Y1 = Y : Z1 = Z
1450 IF G% = 11 THEN X2 = X : Y2 = Y : Z2 = Z
1460 IF G% = 0 THEN PRINT "Line from (";X1;",";Y1;",";Z1;")
to (";X2;",";Y2;",";Z2;")" : RETURN
1470 GOTO 1430
2000 REM
2010 REM Read group code and following value
2020 REM For X coordinate, read Y and possibly Z also
2030 REM
2040 IF G1% < 0 THEN G% = -G1% : G1% = 0 ELSE INPUT #1, G%
2050 IF G% < 10 OR G% = 999 THEN LINE INPUT #1, S$ : RETURN
2060 IF G% >= 38 AND G% <= 49 THEN INPUT #1, V : RETURN
2080 IF G% >= 50 AND G% <= 59 THEN INPUT #1, A : RETURN
2090 IF G% >= 60 AND G% <= 69 THEN INPUT #1, P% : RETURN
2100 IF G% >= 70 AND G% <= 79 THEN INPUT #1, F% : RETURN
2110 IF G% >= 210 AND G% <= 219 THEN 2130
2115 IF G% >= 1000 THEN LINE INPUT #1, T$ : RETURN
2120 IF G% >= 20 THEN PRINT "Invalid group code";G% : STOP
2130 INPUT #1, X
2140 INPUT #1, G1%
2150 IF G1% <> (G%+10) THEN PRINT "Invalid Y coord
code";G1% : STOP
2160 INPUT #1, Y
2170 INPUT #1, G1%
2180 IF G1% <> (G%+20) THEN G1% = -G1% ELSE INPUT #1, Z
2200 CLOSE 1
Writing a program that constructs a DXF file is more difficult. You must maintain
consistency within the drawing, although AutoCAD lets you omit many items in a DXF
file and still obtain a usable drawing. The entire HEADER section can be omitted if you
don’t set header variables. Any of the tables in the TABLES section can be omitted if you
don’t need to make entries, and the entire TABLES section can be dropped if nothing in
it is required. If you define any linetypes in the LTYPE table, this table must appear
before the LAYER table. If no Block Definitions are used in the drawing, the BLOCKS
section can be omitted. If present, the BLOCKS section must appear before the ENTITIES
section. Within the ENTITIES section, you can reference layer names even though you
haven’t defined them in the LAYER table. Such layers are automatically created with
color 7 and the CONTINUOUS linetype. The EOF item must be present at the end-of-file.
The following Microsoft BASIC program constructs a DXF file representing a polygon
with a specified number of sides, leftmost origin point, and side length. This program
supplies only the ENTITIES section of the DXF file, and places all entities generated on
the default layer 0. Since this program doesn’t create the drawing header, the drawing
limits, extents, and current view will be invalid after performing a DXFIN on the drawing
generated by this program. You can do a ZOOM E to fill the screen with the drawing
generated. Then adjust the lines manually.
1000 REM
1010 REM Polygon generator
1020 REM
1030 LINE INPUT "Drawing (DXF) file name: "; A$
1040 OPEN "o", 1, A$ + ".dxf"
1050 PRINT #1, 0
1060 PRINT #1, "SECTION"
1070 PRINT #1, 2
1090 PI = ATN(1) * 4
1100 INPUT "Number of sides for polygon: "; S%
1110 INPUT "Starting point (X,Y): "; X, Y
1120 INPUT "Polygon sides: "; D
1130 A1 = (2 * PI) / S%
1140 A = PI / 2
1150 FOR I% = 1 TO S%
1160 PRINT #1, 0
1170 PRINT #1, "LINE"
1180 PRINT #1, 8
1190 PRINT #1, "0"
1200 PRINT #1, 10
1210 PRINT #1, X
1220 PRINT #1, 20
1230 PRINT #1, Y
1240 PRINT #1, 30
1250 PRINT #1, 0.0
1260 NX = D * COS(A) + X
1270 NY = D * SIN(A) + Y
1280 PRINT #1, 11
1290 PRINT #1, NX
1300 PRINT #1, 21
1310 PRINT #1, NY
1320 PRINT #1, 31
1330 PRINT #1, 0.0
1340 X = NX
1350 Y = NY
1360 A = A + A1
1370 NEXT I%
1380 PRINT #1, 0
1390 PRINT #1, "ENDSEQ"
1400 PRINT #1, 0
1410 PRINT #1, "EOF"
1420 CLOSE 1
As long as a properly formatted item appears on the line on which the data is expected,
DXFIN accepts it (of course, string items should not have leading spaces unless these are
intended to be part of the string). This program takes advantage of this flexibility in
input format, and does not generate a file exactly like one generated by AutoCAD.
In the case of error loading a DXF file using DXFIN, AutoCAD reports the error with a
message indicating the nature of the error and the last line processed in the DXF file
before the error was detected. This may not be the line on which the error occurred,
especially in the case of errors such as omissions of required groups.
The DXFOUT command provides a Binary option that writes binary DXF files. Such a file
contains all of the information present in an ASCII DXF file, but in a more compact form
that takes, typically, 25% less file space and can be read and written more quickly
(typically 5 times faster) by AutoCAD. Unlike ASCII DXF files, which entail a trade-off
between size and floating-point accuracy, binary DXF files preserve all of the accuracy in
the drawing database. AutoCAD Release 10 was the first version to support this form of
DXF file; it cannot be read by older versions.
Following the sentinel are (group, value) pairs as in an ACSII DXF file, but represented in
binary form. The group code is a single-byte binary value, and the value that follows is
one of the following:
• A two-byte integer with the least-significant byte first and the most-significant
byte last.
• An eight-byte IEEE double precision floating-point number stored with the least-
significant byte first and the most-significant byte last.
• An ASCII string terminated by a zero (NUL) byte.
The type of the datum following a group is determined from the group code by the
same rules used in decoding ASCII DXF files. Translation of angles to degrees, and dates
to fractional Julian date representation, is performed for binary files as well as for ASCII
DXF files. The comment group, 999, is not used in binary DXF files.
Extended entity data group codes are represented in Binary DXF as a single byte with
the value 255, followed by 2-byte integer value containing the actual group code,
followed by the actual value.
Extended entity data long (group code 1071) values occupy 4 bytes of data. Extended
entity data binary chunks (group code 1004) are represented as a single-byte, unsigned
integer length, followed by the specified number of bytes of chunk data. For example, to
transfer an extended entity data long group, the following values would appear,
occupying 1, 2, and 4 bytes respectively:
DXFOUT writes binary DXF files with the same file type (.dxf) as for ASCII DXF files. The
DXFIN command automatically recognizes a binary file by means of its sentinel string.
There is no need for you to identify it as a binary file.
If DXFIN encounters an error in a binary DXF file, it reports the byte address within the
file where the error was detected.
DXBIN Command
To load a DXB file, enter the DXBIN command:
Command: dxbin
When AutoCAD prompts you, respond with the name of the file you want to load. You
don’t need to include a file type; .dxb is assumed.
Each data record begins with a single byte identifying the record type, followed by data
items. The data items have various forms of representation and encoding. In the
descriptions following, each data item is prefixed with a letter and a hyphen. The
meaning of the letter codes is as follows:
In the following table, the lengths include the item-type byte and assume the number
mode is set to zero (integer mode). If number mode is floating-point, add 6 bytes to the
length for each n- item present and 4 bytes for each a- or u- item present.
Table 30. Byte length for item types
Table 31. Byte length for item types (continued)
The Line Extension item extends the last line or line extension from its To point to a new
To point. The Trace Extension item extends the last trace solid, or Trace Extension from
its x3,y3-x4,y4 ending line to a new x3,y3--x4,y4 line.
The Scale Factor is a floating-point value by which all integer coordinates are multiplied
to obtain the floating-point coordinates used by the entities. The initial scale factor
when a file is read is 1.0. The New Layer item creates a layer if none exists, giving the
new layer the same defaults as the LAYER New command, and sets that layer as the
current layer for subsequent entities. At the end of the DXB file load, the layer in effect
before the command is restored.
The Block Base item specifies the base (origin) point of a created Block. The Block base
must be defined before the first entity record is encountered. If DXB does not define a
Block, this specification is ignored.
A Polyline consists of straight segments of fixed width connecting the vertices, except as
overridden by the Bulge and Width items. The closure flag should be 0 or 1; if it is 1,
there is an implicit segment from the last vertex (immediately before the Seqend) to the
first vertex.
A Bulge item, encountered between two Vertex items (or after the last Vertex of a
closed Polyline), indicates that the two vertices are connected by an arc rather than a
straight segment. If the distance between the vertices has length d, and the
perpendicular distance from the midpoint of that segment to the arc is h, then the
magnitude of the Bulge is (2 * h / d). The sign is negative if the arc from the first vertex
to the second is clockwise. A semi-circle thus has a bulge of 1 (or -1). If the number
mode is 0 (integer), Bulge items are scaled by 216. If the number mode has been set to
floating-point, then the floating-point value supplied is 2*h/d (not scaled).
The Width item indicates the starting and ending widths of the segment (straight or
curved) connecting two vertices. This width stays in effect until the next Width item or
the Seqend. If there is a Width item between the Polyline item and the first Vertex, it is
stored as default width for the Polyline; this saves considerable database space if the
Polyline has several segments of this width.
The Number Mode item controls the mode of items with types given in the table above
as n-, a-, or u-. If the value supplied is zero, these values will be integers, otherwise
To remember the last to-point, lines share the same cells, so don’t mix extension groups
for the two entities without an initial group before the extension. There is no extension
group for 3Dfaces, as there’s no obvious edge to extend from.
The New Color group specifies the color for subsequent entities in the DXB file. The w-
colornum word argument is in the range from 0 to 256. 0 means color by block, 1–255
are the standard AutoCAD colors, and 256 means color by layer. A color outside the
range from 0 to 256 sets the color back to the current entity color (you can do this
deliberately, and it can be quite handy). The initial entity color of material added by
DXBIN is the current entity color.
All points specified in the DXB file are interpreted in terms of the current UCS at the
time the DXBIN command is executed.
Appendix: DXF Group Code Summary
This appendix is a reference to the DXF group codes. The first section lists the group
codes in numerical order. The second organizes them by entity.
Table A–1. Entity group codes by number (continued)
Table A–1. Entity group codes by number (continued)
Caution: Although these tables show the order of group codes as they usually appear,
don’t write programs that rely on this order, which can change under certain conditions
or in a future AutoCAD release. Code to handle an entity should be driven by a case
(switch) or a table, so it can process each group correctly even if the order is
Entity Group Codes
Table A-3 shows group codes for entities (as they would be saved in the ENTITIES
section of a DXF file; optional codes are shown in gray). For the codes that apply to
Block definitions and table entries, see “Block and Table Group Codes.”
Table A–3. Entity group codes by entity
Table A–3. Entity group codes by entity (continued)
ARC 10 Center
40 Radius
50 Start angle
51 End angle
Table A–3. Entity group codes by entity (continued)
Table A–3. Entity group codes by entity (continued)
POINT 10 Point
50 Angle of X axis for the UCS in effect when the Point was drawn
(optional; default: 0). Used when PDMODE is nonzero
Table A–3. Entity group codes by entity (continued)
Table A–3. Entity group codes by entity (continued)
VERTEX 10 Location
40 Starting width (optional; default: 0)
41 Ending width (optional; default: 0)
42 Bulge (optional; default: 0)
70 Vertex flags (optional; default: 0):
1 Extra vertex created by curve-fitting
2 Curve-fit tangent defined for this vertex. A curve-fit
tangent direction of 0 may be omitted from the
DXF output, but is significant if this bit is set
4 not used
8 Spline vertex created by spline-fitting
16 Spline frame control point
32 3D Polyline vertex
64 3D Polygon mesh vertex
128 Polyface mesh vertex
50 Curve-fit tangent direction (optional)
Table A–3. Entity group codes by entity (continued)
Table A-5 shows the group codes for Block definitions and table entries (as they would
be saved in the TABLES and BLOCKS section of a DXF file; optional codes are shown in
Table A–5. Block and table group codes by entity
BLOCK Note: A Block description also contains the standard entity groups shown in
Table A-2 except for the entity name (–1) group, which ads_tblnext()
and ads_tblsearch() do not return
2 Block name
70 Type flag:
1 This is an anonymous Block (generated by
hatching, associative dimensioning, other internal
operations, or an application)
2 Variable attributes follow
4 This Block is an external reference (Xref)
8 not used
Table A–5. Block and table group codes by entity
Table A–5. Block and table group codes by entity (continued)
ENDBLK (No groups) End Block definition (appears only in BLOCKS table)
Table A–5. Block and table group codes by entity (continued)
Table A–5. Block and table group codes by entity (continued)
VPORT 1 Vport name (might not be unique: all Vports in the current
configuration are named *ACTIVE, and the first *ACTIVE
Vport in the table is the one currently displayed)
70 Standard flag values
10 Lower-left corner (a 2D point)
11 Upper-right corner (a 2D point)
12 Center (a 2D point)
13 Snap base point (a 2D point)
14 Snap spacing (X and Y)
15 Grid spacing (X and Y)
16 Direction from target point
17 Target point
40 Height
41 Aspect ratio
42 Lens length
43 Front clipping plane
44 Back clipping
50 Snap rotation angle
51 Twist angle
68 Status field
69 ID
71 View mode—same values as the VIEWMODE system variable
72 Circle zoom percent
73 Fast zoom setting
74 UCSICON setting
75 Snap on/off
76 Grid on/off
77 Snap style
Table A–5. Block and table group codes by entity (continued)