How To Answer 23 of The Most Common Interview Questions
How To Answer 23 of The Most Common Interview Questions
How To Answer 23 of The Most Common Interview Questions
sized, stay positive and be as brief as possible about it. If you were
How to answer 23 of the most fired, you’ll need a good explanation. But once again, stay positive.
I’d be very surprised if you haven’t been asked this one at every 5. What relevant experience do you have?
interview. It’s probably the most asked question because it sets the
stage for the interview and it gets you talking. Be careful not to give Hopefully if you’re applying for this position you have bags of re-
the interviewer your life story here. You don’t need to explain every- lated experience, and if that’s the case you should mention it all.
thing from birth to present day. Relevant facts about education, But if you’re switching careers or trying something a little different,
your career and your current life situation are fine. your experience may initially not look like it’s matching up. That’s
when you need a little honest creativity to match the experiences
required with the ones you have. People skills are people skills
2. Why are you looking (or why did you leave you last job)? after all, you just need to show how customer service skills can
apply to internal management positions, and so on.
This should be a straightforward question to answer, but it can
trip you up. Presumably you are looking for a new job (or any job)
because you want to advance your career and get a position that
allows you to grow as a person and an employee. It’s not a good
idea to mention money here, it can make you sound mercenary.
And if you are in the unfortunate situation of having been down-
6. If your previous co-workers were here, what would they say 10. What motivates you to do a good job?
about you?
The answer to this one is not money, even if it is. You should be
Ok, this is not the time for full disclosure. If some people from motivated by life’s noble pursuits. You want recognition for a job
your past are going to say you’re a boring A-hole, you don’t need to well done. You want to become better at your job. You want to help
bring that up. Stay positive, always, and maybe have a few specific others or be a leader in your field.
quotes in mind. “They’d say I was a hard worker” or even better
“John Doe has always said I was the most reliable, creative prob-
lem-solver he’d ever met.” 11. What’s your greatest strength?
Before you apply, take a look at for a good idea of what something like “I’ve always got on just fine with my co-workers ac-
someone with your specific experience should be paid. You may tually.”
want to say, “well, that’s something I’ve thought long and hard
about and I think someone with my experience should get between
X & Y.” Or, you could be sly and say, “right now, I’m more interest- 17. Is there anyone you just could not work with?
ed in talking more about what the position can offer my career.”
That could at least buy you a little time to scope out the situation. No. Well, unless you’re talking about murderers, racists, rapists,
But if you do have a specific figure in mind and you are confident thieves or other dastardly characters, you can work with anyone.
that you can get it, I’d say go for it. I have on many occasions, and Otherwise you could be flagged as someone who’s picky and diffi-
every time I got very close to that figure (both below and sometimes cult if you say, “I can’t work with anyone who’s a Bronco’s fan. Sor-
above). ry.”
14. Are you good at working in a team? 18. Tell me about any issues you’ve had with a previous boss.
Unless you have the I.Q. of a houseplant, you’ll always answer Arrgh! If you fall for this one you shouldn’t be hired anyway. The
YES to this one. It’s the only answer. How can anyone function interviewer is testing you to see if you’ll speak badly about your
inside an organization if they are a loner? You may want to mention previous supervisor. Simply answer this question with extreme tact,
what part you like to play in a team though; it’s a great chance to diplomacy and if necessary, a big fat loss of memory. In short,
explain that you’re a natural leader. you’ve never had any issues.
15. Tell me a suggestion you have made that was imple- 19. Would you rather work for money or job satisfaction?
It’s not a very fair question is it? We’d all love to get paid a
It’s important here to focus on the word “implemented.” There’s Trump-like salary doing a job we love but that’s rare indeed. It’s fine
nothing wrong with having a thousand great ideas, but if the only to say money is important, but remember that NOTHING is more
place they live is on your notepad what’s the point? Better still, you important to you than the job. Otherwise, you’re just someone look-
need a good ending. If your previous company took your advice ing for a bigger paycheck.
and ended up going bankrupt, that’s not such a great example ei-
ther. Be prepared with a story about an idea of yours that was tak-
en from idea to implementation, and considered successful. 20. Would you rather be liked or feared?
I’ll finish the way I started, with one of the most common ques-
tions asked in interviews. This directly relates to the research
you’ve done on the company and also gives you a chance to show
how eager and prepared you are. You’ll probably want to ask about
benefits if they haven’t been covered already. A good generic one
is “how soon could I start, if I were offered the job of course.” You
may also ask what you’d be working on. Specifically, in the role
you’re applying for and how that affects the rest of the company.
Always have questions ready, greeting this one with a blank stare is
a rotten way to finish your interview. Good luck and happy job hunt-