Barira. Assignment1 FIN424
Barira. Assignment1 FIN424
Barira. Assignment1 FIN424
Financial Market
Submission Date
19 October, 2023
7. Forward Rate
a. Determine the forward rate for various one-year interest rate scenarios if the two-year
interest rate is 8 percent, assuming no liquidity premium. Explain the relationship between
the one-year interest rate and the one-year forward rate, holding the two-year interest rate
Answer. When the one-year interest rate increases, the forward rate decreases. If the one-year
interest rate matches the two-year interest rate, the one-year forward rate becomes zero, and if
the one-year rate surpasses the two-year rate, it turns negative. By keeping the two-year interest
rate constant, an increase in the one-year interest rate results in a reduction in the forward rate.
The smaller the difference between the two-year and one-year interest rates, the lower the
interest rate needed in the second year for the combination of the two one-year rates to equal the
two-year rate.
b. Determine the one-year forward rate for the same one-year interest rate scenarios in
question (a), assuming a liquidity premium of 0.4 percent. Does the relationship between
the one-year interest rate and the forward rate change when the liquidity premium is
Answer. The overall connection between the one-year interest rate and the one-year forward rate
remains valid.
c. Determine how the one-year forward rate would be affected if the quoted two-year
interest rate rises, while both the quoted one-year interest rate and the liquidity premium
are held constant. Explain the logic of this relationship.
Answer. The forward rate rises as the two-year interest rate increases. A larger gap between the
two-year and one-year interest rates requires a higher interest rate in the second year for the
combination of the two one-year rates to match the two-year rate.
d. Determine how the one-year forward rate would be affected if the liquidity premium
rises, holding the quoted one-year interest rates constant. Also, hold the two-year interest
rate constant. Explain the logic of this relationship.
Answer. Keeping the one-year and two-year interest rates constant, the forward rate decreases
when the liquidity premium is higher. When the liquidity premium is elevated, a larger part of
the interest rate difference (two-year rate minus one-year rate) is attributed to interest rate
expectations, leading to a lower one-year forward rate.
8. After-tax Yield.
Determine how the after-tax yield from investing in a corporate bond is affected by higher
tax rates, holding the before-tax yield constant. Explain the logic of this relationship.
Answer. When the tax rate is increased while keeping the before-tax yield constant, the after-tax
yield decreases. A higher tax rate results in a larger portion of the before-tax yield being set aside
for taxes, leaving a smaller portion of the before-tax yield available to the investor.