JPME Volume 18 Issue 1 Pages 39-53
JPME Volume 18 Issue 1 Pages 39-53
JPME Volume 18 Issue 1 Pages 39-53
Oil Reserves Evaluation and Field Development plan of Hakim Oil Field in
Omar A.N. Saliha*, M. Tantawya, S. El Elayouty2, Atef Abd hady b
Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Eng., Suez University, Suez 43721, Egypt,
Faculty of Eng., BUE *
Corresponding author:
The main objectives of this research are to estimate the oil reserves and set a
development plan for Hakim Field in Libya, using three methods for calculating OOIP
which are Volumetric (Monte Carlo), Decline curve analysis (DCA), Material Balance
Equation, and establish the optimum development plan for Hakim field. Results
showed that the OOIP of Hakim Field, calculated by volumetric method done
through Monte Carlo tool given 90.2 MM STBO for Proven Reserves (1P) , 115.5 MM
STBO for Probable reserves (2P) and 147.0 MM STBO for Possible reserves (3P).
While OOIP estimated by Decline curve analysis given 82.4MM STBO for Proven
Reserves (1P) , 102.8MM STBO for Probable reserves (2P) and 114.9MM STBO for
Possible reserves (3P), and 112.18 MM STBO for Probable reserves (2P) by Material
Keywords Balance. In addition, 14 prediction scenarios have been applied on the Material
Oil Reserves Evaluation - Field Balance Model to establish the optimum Field development Plan, results showed
Development plan - Hakim Oil that from simulation model the optimal scenario is 8 Producing Wells, 4 Water
Field in Libya Injector Wells and 8000 BWPD.
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
ft % % 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
A 1P 1 18% 15%
2P 2.27 28% 19%
Figure 4 Gas Solubility, Rs for South Hakim PVT
3P 4.04 40% 24%
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
Figure 5 Oil Viscosity, µo for South Hakim PVT 0.2290 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.9013
0.4000 0.3233 0.0918 0.6767 0.3006
0.4500 0.4178 0.1385 0.5822 0.1969
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
0.5000 0.5123 0.1921 0.4877 0.1197
0.5500 0.6068 0.2519 0.3932 0.0653
Figure 6 Oil Formation Volume Factor, BO for North Hakim
0.6000 0.7013 0.3177 0.2987 0.0301
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Pressure,Psig 0.8
Relative Permeability
Oil Viscosity
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Normalized Water Saturation
0 normalized average krw normalized average kro
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Figure 9 Normalized Average Relative Permeability, Zones
A and B
Figure 8 Oil Viscosity, µo for North Hakim PVT
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
0.4500 0.3064 0.6936 0.0464 0.2321 Figure 11 Hakim Field Production Performance
Relative Permeability
0.6 1000
Jan-81 Dec-84 Dec-88 Dec-92 Dec-96 Dec-00 Dec-04 Dec-08
0.0 A13
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 A15
Normalized Water Saturation A17
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
Figure 16 Monte Carlo OOIP calculation Input Parameter for South Hakim -Zone A, [MBAL version 10.0]
Figure 17 Monte Carlo OOIP calculation Results for South Hakim -zone A, [MBAL version 10.0]
Table 7 summary of input and results from Monte Carlo Table 8 summary of input and results from Monte Carlo
calculation for South Hakim - the three zones A, B and C calculation for North Hakim - the three zones A, B and C
Net Pay Water Poros STOII Net Pay Water Porosi STOII
Ca Cas Thickness Saturation ty P
Zone Thickness Saturation ity P Zone
se e MMS
ft % %
ft % %
1P 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.16
1P 1.00 18 15 3.3
A A 2P 2.3 0.3 0.2 0.28
2P 2.27 28 19 5.27
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
3P 9.03
1P 3.3 0.2 3.5
A 2P 5.3 0.3 5.6
3P 8.0 0.5 8.4
1P 8.7 0.7 9.4 Figure 19 Hakim Field –DCA- 2P Case [OFM version 2010]
B 2P 12.2 1.1 13.3
3P 16.8 1.6 18.3
1P 75.9 1.5 77.3
C 2P 92.9 3.8 96.7
3P 113.3 7.0 120.3
1P 87.8 2.3 90.2
2P 110.3 5.2 115.5
3P 138.0 9.0 147.0
1P 2P 3P
27.93 27.93 27.93
Reserves 9.15 18.35 23.79
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
Figure 21 MBE for OOIP Calculation Graphical Method, [MBAL version 10.0]
Figure 22 The Rerservoir Energy from MBE Calculations, [MBAL version 10.0]
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
The Analytical Method vs. Cum Production from the historical data and the
The analytical plot shows the Reservoir Pressure model [27].
Figure 23 MBE for OOIP Calculation Analytical Method, [MBAL version 10.0]
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
Simulation Plot As is clear that the calculated data are consistent with
The simulation calculations can serve as a final historical data, therefore it can rely on this model to
quality check on the history matching carried out predict the future reservoir data.
earlier before transfer to prediction step.
Figure 25 comparison between historical data and calculated data while the simulation[MBAL version 10.0]
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
drilled in the future, the choice of the optimal number 8 Producing Wells
to reach the highest reserves. 10 Producing Wells
12 Producing Wells
The second level is the selection of the optimal
number of water injection wells to get the best Numbers of Producing Wells Selection Discussion:
pressure support for the reservoir, in order to be given It can be observed from the Figure 26, the three
the highest reserves, through the imposition of a scenarios 12 producing wells, 10 producing wells and
number of scenarios to predict containing different 8 producing wells are given higher reserves (52.17
numbers of water injection wells. MM STBO), but economically preferred the scenario
And then can move to the third level, after the which is a smaller number of wells, so 8 producing
selection of the appropriate number of production wells has been selected.
wells and water injection wells, will be specifies an Level II Numbers of Water Injection Wells
appropriate water injection rates, by testing a number Selection:
of water injection rates and choose the optimal rates.
8 Producing Wells and 2 Water Injection Wells
The following mention scenarios that have been
imposed on the three levels of sensitivity analysis 8 Producing Wells and 4 Water Injection Wells
Level I Numbers of Producing Wells Selection: 8 Producing Wells and 6 Water Injection Wells
2 Producing Wells (base case)
4 Producing Wells
6 Producing Wells
Figure 26 Production Prediction - Numbers of Producing Wells Selection [MBAL version 10.0]
Numbers of Water Injection Wells Selection Level III Rates of Water Injection Wells Selection:
Discussion: 8 Producing Wells , 4 Water Injection Wells and
It can be observed from the Figure 27, the two 2000 BWPD
scenarios (8 Producing Wells and 4 Water Injection 8 Producing Wells , 4 Water Injection Wells and
Wells) and ( 8 Producing Wells and 6 Water Injection 4000 BWPD
Wells) are given higher reserves (52.42 MM STBO), 8 Producing Wells , 4 Water Injection Wells and
but economically preferred the scenario which is a 6000 BWPD
smaller number of wells ,so 8 Producing Wells and 4 8 Producing Wells , 4 Water Injection Wells and
Water Injection Wells has been selected. 8000 BWPD
8 Producing Wells , 4 Water Injection Wells and
10000 BWPD
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
Figure 27 Production Prediction - Numbers of Water Injection Wells Selection[MBAL version 10.0]
Figure 28 Production Prediction - Rates of Water Injection Wells Selection [MBAL version 10.0]
Rates of Water Injection Wells Selection reserves (52.7 MM STBO lead to 46.97 % recovery
Discussion factor), but economically preferred the scenario
It can be observed from the Figure 28, the two which is minimum injection rates, so 8 Producing
scenarios (8 Producing Wells, 4 Water Injector Wells Wells, 4 Water Injector Wells and 8000 BWPD has
and 8000 BWPD) and (8 Producing Wells, 4 Water been selected.
Injector Wells and 10000 BWPD) are given higher
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016
The scope of the thesis is to estimate the oil BWPD Barrel Water per Day
reserves and set a development plan for Hakim Field,
DCA Decline Curve Analysis
through the use of three methods for calculating OOIP
which are Volumetric (Monte Carlo), Decline curve EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery
analysis (DCA), Material Balance Equation, therefor
FDP Field Development Plan
predict the reservoir behavior to set the optimum
development plan for Hakim field. Ft Feet
The following conclusions are made on the basis of
Kro Relative Permeability of Oil
this study:
at Different Sw
The OOIP of Hakim Field calculated by volumetric Kro (Swc) Relative Permeability of oil
method done through Monte Carlo tool given 90.2 at Connate Water Saturation
MM STBO for Proven Reserves (1P) , 115.5 MM Kro* Normalized Relative
STBO for Probable reserves (2P) and 147.0 MM Permeability of OIL
STBO for Possible reserves (3P). Krw Relative Permeability Of
The OOIP of Hakim Field calculated by Decline curve Water At Different Sw
analysis given 82.4 MM STBO for Proven Reserves Krw (Soc) Relative Permeability of
(1P) , 102.8 MM STBO for Probable reserves (2P) Water Critical Oil Saturation
and 114.9 MM STBO for Possible reserves (3P). Krw* Normalized Relative
The OOIP of Hakim Field calculated by Material Permeability of Water
balance given 112.18 MM STBO for Probable MEB Material Balance Equation
reserves (2P). MMSTBO Million Stock Tank Barrel Oil
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 18(1)2016