PSP - Iii-Ii Eee
PSP - Iii-Ii Eee
PSP - Iii-Ii Eee
Coupling eyuipmert and bre 4?
= the cornent Gormer yeceivey meceives she: cusncot
cosnier fom fa Ltankmiller, 6 the distant
d-the dine.= Page 9
a the
inh a ve wollege “hat fon de qsed in aeley & |
ay ey
aecives Gaels the werivad cavticr crent |
her cicuit Thal performs coy desived -fanclion.
cy the wellege 15 Zev when he eavatier current ig nul
being steceiwd
-y line bsp 15 inserted betwee the bus ber and
Gnnectron of coupling § C4 ciel ke the fine.
-1 the Tatops — yestviel she cover eursent -le
unpoctected section -
she bss of the covoiler curyent- Signal
_> Te alse. avoids
fo the adjoining power civeuil
wveuit circu
civepit ert byeakev-2
coupling coupli f.
‘ capacital P Recelvet caractiar
ean smittey
we figs, comiet canvent Transmls:
Gores to high Fremeny
ine Conduct and Simmullanconsly
hora the gk pe be.
sion dine protectins
> the coplig capacifé?
Guipmeat —Ip "one Mop ihe
Sepeonle, The pao” eupre
the poymal current. will be able-ts flows only Tough The
line conduc lots while the high current Guonier casixentvalll
Cheulake. puer athe. Ine conducts fitted rikte velth The
high-frequency toap® Thecus the toop cpacitél and The.
bh Getound +Page 10
There -hoo types of cartier cawent — pstolection
They one i
[-piffecatiol Gmpanison pawtection-
2. phore Gmpatison padection-
Differential GmpaniSon paretecion
TD this. pactection schemes, The pstolee Hon can be don,
by the Grpmison of the “full of the paver Sho
divection atthe hoo ends of The dine-
1 The ‘operation takes place only when Tha pewey al-
both The end & The fine is on athe bus -fo-a
line ditection - ;
wy After jhe divection Gmnpootsion; He! cannier pike lk
informs “the “equipmed tow 0 divectonal® relay
behayes ak “the otter end & & Shit civcuil-
“1 The yelay, both “the end removes The fault from
the bus ~ Ss
2 Dusting the Bull, a, Simale. gral Thsough Carsier
piblad 7S -brarumited fv ove erd fh other:
The pibk~paetéction relying echoes | Used for The
paolection of -yansmission axe vainly caysifed Fe
—foo types. They eis
leclion scherserMestrids te
dy the __ Gacetie blocking pe
ee Pky. Ht bats te fot before
enieving _ info The poptected Seton of _ stein Tis
one of The orest reliable paotecting Schernes becaust
jE paolecls che Spite equipment for” dooage
diy Coarer parritiing Bhekieg -cohemnes t=
the “cassie , porotecfiVe schemes
-efoulk Gonent fo enter Tale “He parotectedl sectif™
of the System.
allows TePage 11
2 phox Grepartision —_Casotier protection :-
a7 His Hyper Gmpwes the phase schlion helucen “the
carvenl exenler ilo jhe pilt Zone and the curient deaving
she prdected Zone.
La The Current magnilucks axe nol Gmporedl.
> teTt povided only main GY parmary patection
and = backup potolection must be potovided also.
3) the arcurl chagsam “of The Phase” Gnpenrison caniey
pacection scheme is Shawn in Agere.
7 a
Teippieg circu Tipping circuit:
“the Lransmission dine CTs Reds a mehoeks That ‘bronsfong
the eas ulm cused ile a Singk phase, sinusoidal
oulnuk Voltage i
this voltage 1S applied
and seater Compute? /
~3 The outnu: ofthe cootiey curtent receiver iso
The Gompare?.
¥ the Gmnporte® vgulebe?
Jor Thipping The. uansmnission fine cite
he “the caviier current, -fransmifer
g0 applied +o
he walking dean | axiliany Feloy.
uit breakerPage 12
Tabereal Lunt q
Fun-B EudrA fare,
Fam fut
Ewda Pew
| Wei | : ro ak
| Too oUuH
oor apap
oA cusgicr_ pase Coupon selawe
2 Sendany Current | 3 THongnitied Sig?
deBied Signals ¢. olf.
“Ag +) Patinciples
1 paimasy cartel
te Received Signal 5+ locally
Advantages ~
1. TL hos @ -fasl-, cleaning patocess
9. No Separate vives Oe requined for Signalling
3+ the Simultaneous eperativn de cireuil- breakers
| ind 3+
1 vthe en . a Pane
4 is best guiled -for -fast- relaying .
4 y. “this system
al bh
Appliers* powisery Control , telephene Gonreimicahter
delemeter | rebying-
Scanned with CamScannerPage 13
gus-Bwt Protection :
op The faut evrerens
wheo faut eens nv ther Apes bath dele ff
she Syrply 0 talernyptect ond att the bealth
aa Seeder
ate cvqunnectod. “the sengitly of’ th
fee (mato Cond “hee fouls ore fompen “f
6 Lone ¢
hike ‘ile - out onus brant variate scat
of Supndt insulates, Fale ob cated backers,
-farcgin chjcel accidentally falling acres: the fees het ele,
ta nenoving “he hes Bull » all “oho cjeeuilS Grnerting lo
“the -feully section reeds te be cpon -
“the stardaad — Gralruction for busbans has been vey
high» voith the results “tat bus falls ae crfemely rate.
“the two most Commonly useel Schemes <[or fustan
potobection ane
cd) pifferentie
diy Faull bus.
| Perdection:
poled lion
tin nifferential protection! ran
the basic method 6 busbart poelection ‘Ss m=
differential scheme Jo Iehich CurventSaentevng 0%
deauing The HS oF “pilised-fabone
— Qwiig normal dood tenditicn , The Sum che These currents
tS equal fo x0 -
= hen The fault occu
bolane? and paoduces 8 diferentio
. @ mela, ‘ -
7 The Se shows Te S@le live fare cd concent
differential scheme era Station busbor be
bya genevallt ard Supalics
“the -futt Curvent upsets the
1 current to operate
—V the busbens is fed
loud -fo tuo lines:Page 14
Pus herd
& [es] — or
fea} [ML *
ig: BiMfowenkial porter hom
the secondaries eb Gooicel Lansfrme sm athe
Gpnevak’ toad dine | & in dine abe oll Grrwcled in
> the prrleclive rehy 16
AN cbs mut be ob He ame Valin inthe scheme
of “the capacities of The Wtveus Cinuil®
Gnnecled acwss his pened
—* uncer normal doce! ¢ooctlions (ay external: Bull Gaddics,
athe sum ob The cieetenls entering “he buS 16 ecual to
i Those Aeaving il and 70 Curent fens Though “the arly
poolecled Zone,;ihe
FTP a Rall: soceeots,dollhin, THe
currents @nlering “the bus votll
“those feaving ik»
—) the difference & "these currents will flows “ihwugh
"the veley ancl cause tha epening of “the generality
Civcwt breaker ond each of the fine circuit Peoke®
“i Faull Bus paolection :-
posible b sign & Slalion So hal le ful
develop axe mostly earth fautlls «
ho donges be caval:
“that 9
5 this canbe achieved by poeviding canted
metal -baviter (Known od -full- bus) secsehuren
each Gnduck® thoughout ils entire dergih Yo bus sfauctett
Gamaheud bitin ramcatakal
highPage 15
“path THiS envangenend . evegy fori thal nist occu
invelv? A Ganectiva befucen « Gnd fe and aa
contthet metal peal
wy By dieting He fw of coulh- fault corseat fl IS
passible fo clleete “the -feulls ond detrymire “their
A hus prelectian.
7 This ype of protection 1S known @ fault bud porter"
ay “sunning struckee.
Cfault bus)
se pip
, citeuit
fig fault bus patetion
+ feg-R slow tle? (schematic arangement. of exit bus
> he metal supaiting Strucoe (Gi) fault: bus 15 ecombect
“tlowugh a curenl- towns-formet '
A Raby 15° Goneded aes the sendy his ev
— Onder rovrnal operating Conditions rihere 6 Te curvent
wo fom fault bus—fo qrund and the reby remains
™m ive.
>A Bat eling a Gnnection between a lenduedat and ewoithcl
Supndting ctruchore uolll result In carrenk flow Ho ground
Arough the fault bss, cousing “he why operate.
the qeration df rehy wit taj all beakers Gnnecting
Ke Mupment- —bthe bus.
Scanned with camsdann-
_ Page 16
B-Lone Potoleclion wai
distance 1 lays :~
preney shlion sgobtelion
f-%,—I+4: fe Z3—
7 the ig 1 ghows @ diene syste
In Seve Gch “thal power Tbxo coly rom lel
“lo tight
> The rehys ak AB, 6 6, ane set fo operate br
impedenco lessthan 1, %, & Fas
> Supe He fault ccurs belween Substations BEc,
power, Slalion and Substation
mm Geasisting be Ines
sthe foul: tmpedlane at
A&B wille GZ) ad Z Yespeelively.
I) Th Is cle! thet Gy the portion shown sony veby of 8
will operate »
> Similony , ifa_ fort
only “rebiy “al A’ will eperele:
+ Tathis manner, inslanlancout pecleclion ‘can be
chlained —By all Gedifiees of operalion.
"1S obtain" InMloneous pzolertion fr
vile fine che lo ist'inoceuvacies
‘and ingbument: bransborere?
would rok be voy reliable #2”
np o fault ot 19h & the
gi distant M8
occur within “Section AB, then
> Je is rel possible
Gmnpkle length of
in “the Yelay clement
—) thus the Teléy a A’
dislinguishing helwee
distane Ag ant tie me al fol
this. difficully fis overGme by sing "Thgee Ze.
clislance pavleclion’. Shown tn fips ¢:
‘Saanned with CamSranneee ae _l[m
4 : LH
B c
ey Ga this Scher of poolection, “hice dislane elements
ate used ob cach lermirnal'
clement GaGver fist toh d te dine
= the Zne}
hy feull 10 his
and 15 arronged —b =ip instancously
the Sone 2 clemeal- trips fr -eulls in “the __vermining
fod of the fine and br Bulls in “the. nent dive, selon,
but atime delay #8 inbeduced -b poelen|. ‘he bine -foser
betrg leipped if THe full:
porvidles ba
mext feclivo is Teal ©
is a she neat: Seelivn
—) fe -zone.3 ekement chy paeledtion I
te event, ¢ Bult tn te leconedd
by its breaker
—Page 18
ver 2S if cr Ste
Slog Fa, PER aw Pano
‘Genevals : hs 6 System f—
Gienevaliy of avervellages pred. yeort
Thhodichon + .
—— ' s when The
“thre ae several inslanees he.
clones oh a power Sysion aie subjected fo
CNET Volleges ie) Yoitage 5 gree? than “tle novel us
“thes: Ovenvellags on ihe power Syplers roy be Couyel
chic rmny yeakma such as lighteving , opening & g
civeull breaker the grounding of a Ga Crelucldt et,
Voltage surge -
Tn a vey shoyk dwialten on te powy system vthe
velloge rises Audldenfy 15, known’ as» Voltoge
Swige (ay fyanstenl: Velkage »
TrarsielS @) Ywiges le o- Lemporary ralute
and exist Hey & Cvoig She chenliae bul they awe
over voltages on ‘the power System:
Scanned with CamScranneEe Page 19
2% the wave chron ef a typical fighting
inelwslucrs a sleep front
TEMES Ie ven thal Aighloieg
wove, x
cy he Steeped The wonve fort the more vwopid 79 she
in the relwéik.
juildyp of — vollages ak any point
In most of the ses, “his builop is Gompomline|
being of order de I opser
Ly vliage purges ane geet Specified in
sige time ky and -lime be
ty rnpid,
fo decay cb bal? of the peak
value «
Cannes of over Velbages
qhe over wligges ae dvided he ov Tin calegovies :
I: Talernal causes {ai saitehing Suiges
| aby Priulotion failure
(C) AArcing ground
id) Resonance
2. External -ficauses
Ls lighting:
I Interna! causes st AA .
ge over jwollages, he pooner Septem
Talerral causes
ane parmanily due eseitations SeEUP ty sudden
changes in the circu: conditions:
a) sailchirg unged
ced on The pow
=the over voltages produ
behing cparations ote known o>
Syste? due to Swi
Switching Anges
Cage-ts- opening *
ich fering swoite
Yavelling saves axe. SOUP woh
hing operations dan unboded tne,
a overvoltages on
em dine,
mmmPage 20
Crariley anon babs fae lecly Coane te dee gy,
Arena as tenon an hy
L! eye h ow
y then ihe uendoaled tine io tvawrt ed to de vl
fewer, © oltage Pure sot op enkich fouls
long the dine.
“Yon teaching the devantned ‘a.
le the gply cud wills ab change Sige
1 is cuton loge bubag fe wllege “he lie
hetine sy hotee “he mri Able
iio vellecked back
, Cote! Jouded tine ;
over vollegeg witll alse her Ptodserd chosing the
Suwile hing qperatinn of! Anded fine
curvend chopy
Cy yent chopping Yells In “ile poroduct
of high Vollage fanwienlss args “the Galoel5
the aiy bal ctreuil breaker:
by Pogulalion -Bthire i
-) the wit
hihi (when ciheve (5 qrenwding a
) pailive dole place olede there i890
inglalio —helween “fe flee wrk “the. eel
21 Sp The port eb Gaded i “thus 15 poueckd
che the eau Gallows “The current elo Pla
clown esol
Gannusn et. fon clin
othe Gadducl®
Scanned with CamScannePage 21
jnlermitlel ae behing plow in
fa a ysl with Conieent
ig konen “aicing gorund!
“bp acing ground ane
-fo the
brcakdewm a
Aline Fo geteund faut
fon of brantients
qumulalive aad may caus
equipment fr The power system" by oF
imuhhion Areng grwund on be prevented by caalhing
leronsients produced due
fe seniou’s damage
ARE: nance i=
@ fe eled vical syslom occurs ghen inducive
siactance of the civeut
sicaclaace 1S Knouxn as
undey Resonance, The jen ane of the citcu
algo caual fovesistone of the civeuit and py is: unity.
euses high voltages #0 atte .gleclrical syste
feames cual —lo Cogncitive
sil 1%
Kesonance C
2 External Causes !-
ai ddetsie doch
ids cou etwces He
won ab Ligitning
befucer do chad, ond
chage soe? dhe
Gath —bobucen cb
Some clad 19 kre
takes phee uhen
a hge spett od
nfial (4x0 B)-Ve)
‘gach 91: high pte
bowting coloud
ny medum Rar) 'S
lightrmg °
chuds axe charged +
ath vegaet fe cots eG ae
dd regghbew
dideclsic sheng
chad panes ove athe
chee 0” tle coh
hel The
Mechanigrr of
St when o chorged ites
equal ancl oprmsile
elastin cari@mnrPage 22
7 AS the cherge acquined by the cloud nears
ineweoces and 4.4,
potential behaeen cloud & eth
In the aiy increases
when The pelenfiol gowdien! .
lokvlem) fo beak chun The furrwuntrey at he
lightoing stoke stanls
15 sulbrcicel (GEV bem 4,
7) the “shioke’ “-mechanisen” is a5 tinder:
(HAS soon ab The air near The eed hid breaks drsn,
~~ A rhb 9
a slreomey called deader Streamer (8) Pibl Streamer
Stonts from “the clovd fousrotols “He” cath ond
GaotieS change with it as shown In Fy (0).
4 Tn his streamer, leader «all rok. —B Yeach he eth
# The fig ca) sherss the Jeadev steamer being Unable
—b seach the earth as fadient. ot- tks end cloud rot
sentinel woinloind abe The Strengh of aif.
+ The cual in “he seader Samer: iS:dew (