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PSP - Iii-Ii Eee

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Se Page 1 onit-Tt pecan Lobes, wt det wod feeder here means “the Ganecting link trlarea she feeder eculd be shel, medium (long cihedd ge pooledling the the cheo circuits - in “he -form of a Lennsmission line, tar This could Ira dishribution circuil feeders one é } over cunent paotediom. vthe Verious TH! 2 pistance pater tion 3 pilot rehying padtection fem ofthese, ovet current js simple and cheapest -fiom dahe protection’ at ts most ajffreult. apply “ord veadjaustment, should & change in he circuit bis even howe 70 be replaced depending upon We cieuit Conditions. ( Gstly 7 govercurrent iheife distance pzolection a ig. weed “Pr hove and goround rfeullS 7 jreuitS) andl ic ulilities [aisbibution cl paoleclion needs occur! parolee: Hon Slation j sevice, clecl b = Hbanmission fines. is morrrally useel oA bockup is porovided o@ some Su ove current povtection wbection where “the paimory paoteclion distance Schemes. with fiom using overcurtent pavtection 1S achieved The diserim in -fellowsig uy | Time graded system. > aument graded System 3 —Time- current gaded System Aprehy. Tiga: Te: pap ch Ope __pe %4-210 + sdial feeder fe 4h “Time graded Syslern :- othe selectivity is acheived bared onthe time & ayo rmepratin de the. logs. considera! edn y -Figwe-2° —> The “feeder 8 being fedl-foms” one Source and has cthree SubstaHens indicated by “the vertical lined. —y the crosses represent he Iocalven ob. relays. — The veloys ane awed Simple ever Current relays >the He dh operation sek the yelays ab Wanious heotims 13 $ adjusted tht The jelay -tatohest- from the saci veil) have minimum time é cperatio” and agit 1S apptoached hwardS: “the Soetee “jhe operating -fime willl be» increases. —% the main drauback d- gieding The rel nhs because Ibis vewived That The moe Sv a fault jy, [e8Se% should be “The operating -ime + Page 3 athe veley® where ar in his sche le : sail be increases eprveting Sime a the rain agplicalion ef Such a gtocling dene en opie whee The fault current chesret “oily ech pit che location of the full: ond hence the vine characteristic 15 nol usecl a. current goaded System: a this type oP grading is clone ona Seiler where he fault Curent Vanics oppeciably with The fealll« This Mens ah we goloards “he Kune “the auvent will be increases path this if The relage higher current founads the Sou, a the elbadvantage ok the feng time dey Thal occurs in the Coxe c& time graded Syslem can be potally vey Come —) This iS -fault- ar sel fo pickal @ pregsessively known as caunent grading: ‘ > Since iris ‘difficutt, fe delermine “te mognitude of The | urvent accuralely and alto “The ~ accutory ef “The under; bxmsient Gnditions iS likely tor Suffer , aorvent gaading~ Glone canret be uted: | Gmbinalisn off the 2 gee goadings ties ’ ; ; is used ~> woolly | Time current grading 2Time current geoding :- ‘ his tire d- grading 5 achieved vstth the help ¢f- jnvere fine» Over cunent relay S and ~ most: tideky’ axed | TDsr rey (Gaveue definite rinimum Tine vlog). i | “he other ineve chomrclenistics egr'veiy invewe 181) | exfremly invewse one alo emphyed “depending, upon, The | System —Yequiverrents ate shir at be. values 4 overloads, Yebys are wed andi the Fault Curent: | Medues —eybstantic locals Lo oy fally ay the, fault cation moves o from eSoutce yew invest type de whys ate wsed. | ny exhemely inverse Page 4 — Parallel feeders paolection = CS 15 porrkeulocly | ~ > when Gnlimidy ob Sapnly Necessosy , foo fooalle! -feeders may be instolleg > Te a fault occurs on one -feeder, tt can be diSGnnected from “WE sysiem and Gontiniity of Supply con be crraintained -frorn the ther feeder The paxaltel fee ckys canned he povtected by Ton - directional over current rebys onky . tional rreliys ofs0 And rebys for celeclie 1 TE 1S necessazy to we cree bh ghack The time Setting’ 4- tripping a ' Seb-station fig pecaltell feeder _ -fg shows the Stem whae foo feeders Gnnected in pooraltel hebween The gereroliog Slakion and “the. Substation wy the prolection a his System Yeqives ahok+ di Fach feeder fos a nen- dhrectonal overcuret” relay ab =the gereradél end. “these. vebys st lave inverse fine chonockerishics. city Gach Leeder hab a@ veverse power 61) daccbional tela ab the’ Substation end The velays ~ inwkarlareens yea el oarte wlan poser _— Scanned with Camscan Page 5 dreclion ie, in “he direction & anw = | evens at p'9 a. 4 hug Be an easth. shown in fig. -faull occurs on feeder = cea, beakers ab AGP fault where a+ feederL ate Golinuily Suooly fr Ah al is desived that should open to dear “the should Yemain intact -fo maintain ithe shown fut is feed via ~Aoo a) divectly -fiom -feeder-I Via He relay A. by fiom. feeder 2 Via B, @y Seb-stalion: & P. -icthe paver flows in rehy Q vill direction but is stevented, in couses the opening & cixtuit Algo the why A’ voll operate remains ineperalive,. : yak is becuse These rebys have inverse time chocleristics and eb cuenis flowing in teby A.16 jn ercesS OP that | flowing In teby.B.\ | A foully feeder is isolaled - fouled. be in normal hereby P! This breakev ak’! wbile teley B —)tn This only the (8) vecocupaalng there is¢ disadvantage in “radial feeders f “There it occur duating the. {30 many Customers 1S any fou aymission “Phere tall be ne,. Supely fo fo his be dionged ty using parallel feedens there 18 any foul occut pe only one line of The feeder wil be affected the ther ill do the waik The Cost @18 high due to increase in feeders num Pm Sed to transfer heavy loads. ‘Scanned with CamS¢ann: Page 6 > Radial feeder pioleclion e ™ Th ig wed for many Yeally cheap and Simple the subslation @) The decked at tho ecattse cote of the custimers, fori ticS de ts sysdera is thal th | form gereval 3} fey dishuibubion petocess , iL i yd Is only used wher generating slations Me the “Main chanacl Power -fluo In, one Supply @nd —b “the dead “he 6 Radial ees aie -koo “types by dofintle lime rebiys. \ noe "9. Thyetse’ “time relay / Nh definile lime. vege Si en Io, me TOET enthine \ eset L5Ke dice posse as ea— chitec Hion, ——+ dlistance- The figuxe sto the’ olercurvent:*pootectiom ba aadtal feeders. by defile “Hme relays. The Hime operation “of each’ ely) i§--fixed andl 1S Independent The cperoting @curent> 2, Thverse ime _telass - Page 7 i‘ the fig Slesesovercurvend poudection cla pirdial feeder Using inverse fie relays te ahich versely porpvalional de th geval, spoaling “1 qunent - ahs father Civcuil frarher fens the genmraling station “the shatey is ils reky cpevaling fun Ring in Sistem i= yy this System Inlacermerteel by ‘ wihe’ panoor Stadions @? Sob stations allenale’ fey closed weg. ch any section of the ating Wat q br pas , andl power A rtings therwhy. an 4 fo ce & ding Section my be yeill be Supplieet maintaining continuily of Ssuprly: ose hive Se bg see weciee _05xe Ef 25S me Ua nev dee afer ‘both ond s 4 ase ob SS H G [ $3 pth Boe shows “the Siegle tine diagfarm datpical Gapstem Gonvisliog of one general tl Gy 30,83 5 Sy- ta bath directions under -faull- auing man Supping ut Sisieotions S11 7) the powe? flows Condi Hons: TE TS necessary +o gia in both ahrech’ons round iy The ing and alb0 —fo use dlicetional “76 hh Page 8 = Th dey thot only fully HON CP The sing Wohted under faut Gndilions, “he -hypes A rickys and their ime srilings Shout! br ag ~fe lows *~ Cy the hwo lines leaving “the geneling lelionn Thea quipped — with non- diectional overcurrent rely Che, AGT) . di) AL gach abstalima, Reverse parce Yelys* Should be place in bath inloming Ord aston ‘tines: (8-0 Z), Gil) There shad W& proper tekibive tine settieg ct the Wels + ita. cugng. vehys one seb ivith cheveasng stime Amid s- fie, locp in oiled tion]. @D divet lionel Coster current prlotection: oF T Tea mission tines :- > Reig used for “he protection the long cbacwmissive dines. an eS Cehien Delbpent | Gotolec hid dehermes, the plore angh & custent: at foo phases hte tine ane. Gmpaxed instead or The actual Curent

Coupling eyuipmert and bre 4? = the cornent Gormer yeceivey meceives she: cusncot cosnier fom fa Ltankmiller, 6 the distant d-the dine. = Page 9 a the inh a ve wollege “hat fon de qsed in aeley & | ay ey aecives Gaels the werivad cavticr crent | her cicuit Thal performs coy desived -fanclion. cy the wellege 15 Zev when he eavatier current ig nul being steceiwd -y line bsp 15 inserted betwee the bus ber and Gnnectron of coupling § C4 ciel ke the fine. “he -1 the Tatops — yestviel she cover eursent -le unpoctected section - she bss of the covoiler curyent- Signal _> Te alse. avoids fo the adjoining power civeuil wveuit circu civepit ert byeakev-2 coupling coupli f. ‘ capacital P Recelvet caractiar ean smittey TIN © ane we figs, comiet canvent Transmls: Gores to high Fremeny ine Conduct and Simmullanconsly hora the gk pe be. sion dine protectins > the coplig capacifé? Guipmeat —Ip "one Mop ihe Sepeonle, The pao” eupre Voltage: the poymal current. will be able-ts flows only Tough The line conduc lots while the high current Guonier casixentvalll Cheulake. puer athe. Ine conducts fitted rikte velth The high-frequency toap® Thecus the toop cpacitél and The. bh Getound + Page 10 ™ There -hoo types of cartier cawent — pstolection They one i [-piffecatiol Gmpanison pawtection- 2. phore Gmpatison padection- Differential GmpaniSon paretecion TD this. pactection schemes, The pstolee Hon can be don, by the Grpmison of the “full of the paver Sho divection atthe hoo ends of The dine- 1 The ‘operation takes place only when Tha pewey al- both The end & The fine is on athe bus -fo-a line ditection - ; wy After jhe divection Gmnpootsion; He! cannier pike lk informs “the “equipmed tow 0 divectonal® relay behayes ak “the otter end & & Shit civcuil- “1 The yelay, both “the end removes The fault from the bus ~ Ss 2 Dusting the Bull, a, Simale. gral Thsough Carsier piblad 7S -brarumited fv ove erd fh other: The pibk~paetéction relying echoes | Used for The paolection of -yansmission axe vainly caysifed Fe —foo types. They eis leclion scherserMestrids te dy the __ Gacetie blocking pe ee Pky. Ht bats te fot before enieving _ info The poptected Seton of _ stein Tis one of The orest reliable paotecting Schernes becaust jE paolecls che Spite equipment for” dooage diy Coarer parritiing Bhekieg -cohemnes t= the “cassie , porotecfiVe schemes -efoulk Gonent fo enter Tale “He parotectedl sectif™ of the System. allows Te Page 11 2 phox Grepartision —_Casotier protection :- a7 His Hyper Gmpwes the phase schlion helucen “the carvenl exenler ilo jhe pilt Zone and the curient deaving she prdected Zone. La The Current magnilucks axe nol Gmporedl. > teTt povided only main GY parmary patection and = backup potolection must be potovided also. 3) the arcurl chagsam “of The Phase” Gnpenrison caniey pacection scheme is Shawn in Agere. 7 a Harnett Teippieg circu Tipping circuit: “the Lransmission dine CTs Reds a mehoeks That ‘bronsfong the eas ulm cused ile a Singk phase, sinusoidal oP. oulnuk Voltage i this voltage 1S applied and seater Compute? / ~3 The outnu: ofthe cootiey curtent receiver iso The Gompare?. ¥ the Gmnporte® vgulebe? Jor Thipping The. uansmnission fine cite he “the caviier current, -fransmifer g0 applied +o he walking dean | axiliany Feloy. uit breaker Page 12 Tabereal Lunt q Fun-B EudrA fare, Fam fut Ewda Pew | Wei | : ro ak | Too oUuH oor apap oA cusgicr_ pase Coupon selawe 2 Sendany Current | 3 THongnitied Sig? deBied Signals ¢. olf. “Ag +) Patinciples 1 paimasy cartel te Received Signal 5+ locally Advantages ~ 1. TL hos @ -fasl-, cleaning patocess 9. No Separate vives Oe requined for Signalling 3+ the Simultaneous eperativn de cireuil- breakers | ind 3+ 1 vthe en . a Pane 4 is best guiled -for -fast- relaying . 4 y. “this system al bh tealion Appliers* powisery Control , telephene Gonreimicahter delemeter | rebying- Scanned with CamScanner Page 13 . gus-Bwt Protection : BS op The faut evrerens wheo faut eens nv ther Apes bath dele ff she Syrply 0 talernyptect ond att the bealth aa Seeder ate cvqunnectod. “the sengitly of’ th rege fee (mato Cond “hee fouls ore fompen “f 6 Lone ¢ hike ‘ile - out onus brant variate scat of Supndt insulates, Fale ob cated backers, -farcgin chjcel accidentally falling acres: the fees het ele, ta nenoving “he hes Bull » all “oho cjeeuilS Grnerting lo “the -feully section reeds te be cpon - “the stardaad — Gralruction for busbans has been vey high» voith the results “tat bus falls ae crfemely rate. “the two most Commonly useel Schemes <[or fustan potobection ane cd) pifferentie diy Faull bus. | Perdection: poled lion tin nifferential protection! ran the basic method 6 busbart poelection ‘Ss m= differential scheme Jo Iehich CurventSaentevng 0% deauing The HS oF “pilised-fabone — Qwiig normal dood tenditicn , The Sum che These currents tS equal fo x0 - = hen The fault occu bolane? and paoduces 8 diferentio . @ mela, ‘ - 7 The Se shows Te S@le live fare cd concent differential scheme era Station busbor be bya genevallt ard Supalics “the -futt Curvent upsets the 1 current to operate —V the busbens is fed loud -fo tuo lines: Page 14 Pus herd on & [es] — or fea} [ML * _—— Relay. ig: BiMfowenkial porter hom the secondaries eb Gooicel Lansfrme sm athe Gpnevak’ toad dine | & in dine abe oll Grrwcled in Potralte!- > the prrleclive rehy 16 Gnnection AN cbs mut be ob He ame Valin inthe scheme of “the capacities of The Wtveus Cinuil® Gnnecled acwss his pened Yegeorclless —* uncer normal doce! ¢ooctlions (ay external: Bull Gaddics, athe sum ob The cieetenls entering “he buS 16 ecual to i Those Aeaving il and 70 Curent fens Though “the arly poolecled Zone,;ihe FTP a Rall: soceeots,dollhin, THe currents @nlering “the bus votll “those feaving ik» —) the difference & "these currents will flows “ihwugh "the veley ancl cause tha epening of “the generality Civcwt breaker ond each of the fine circuit Peoke® “i Faull Bus paolection :- posible b sign & Slalion So hal le ful develop axe mostly earth fautlls « ho donges be caval: THis “that 9 5 this canbe achieved by poeviding canted metal -baviter (Known od -full- bus) secsehuren each Gnduck® thoughout ils entire dergih Yo bus sfauctett Gamaheud bitin ramcatakal high Page 15 “path THiS envangenend . evegy fori thal nist occu invelv? A Ganectiva befucen « Gnd fe and aa contthet metal peal wy By dieting He fw of coulh- fault corseat fl IS passible fo clleete “the -feulls ond detrymire “their focalion must A hus prelectian. 7 This ype of protection 1S known @ fault bud porter" ay “sunning struckee. Cfault bus) se pip , citeuit fig fault bus patetion + feg-R slow tle? (schematic arangement. of exit bus paolection: > he metal supaiting Strucoe (Gi) fault: bus 15 ecombect “tlowugh a curenl- towns-formet ' A Raby 15° Goneded aes the sendy his ev — Onder rovrnal operating Conditions rihere 6 Te curvent wo fom fault bus—fo qrund and the reby remains ™m ive. >A Bat eling a Gnnection between a lenduedat and ewoithcl Supndting ctruchore uolll result In carrenk flow Ho ground Arough the fault bss, cousing “he why operate. the qeration df rehy wit taj all beakers Gnnecting Ke Mupment- —bthe bus. Scanned with camsdann - _ Page 16 B-Lone Potoleclion wai distance 1 lays :~ preney shlion sgobtelion Blk FH f-%,—I+4: fe Z3— fig: 7 the ig 1 ghows @ diene syste In Seve Gch “thal power Tbxo coly rom lel “lo tight > The rehys ak AB, 6 6, ane set fo operate br impedenco lessthan 1, %, & Fas > Supe He fault ccurs belween Substations BEc, power, Slalion and Substation ghilalion. mm Geasisting be Ines sthe foul: tmpedlane at A&B wille GZ) ad Z Yespeelively. I) Th Is cle! thet Gy the portion shown sony veby of 8 will operate » > Similony , ifa_ fort only “rebiy “al A’ will eperele: + Tathis manner, inslanlancout pecleclion ‘can be chlained —By all Gedifiees of operalion. "1S obtain" InMloneous pzolertion fr vile fine che lo ist'inoceuvacies ‘and ingbument: bransborere? would rok be voy reliable #2” np o fault ot 19h & the gi distant M8 occur within “Section AB, then > Je is rel possible Gmnpkle length of in “the Yelay clement —) thus the Teléy a A’ dislinguishing helwee distane Ag ant tie me al fol this. difficully fis overGme by sing "Thgee Ze. clislance pavleclion’. Shown tn fips ¢: ‘Saanned with CamSranne ee ae _l[m 4 : LH B c ey Ga this Scher of poolection, “hice dislane elements ate used ob cach lermirnal' clement GaGver fist toh d te dine = the Zne} hy feull 10 his and 15 arronged —b =ip instancously portion: the Sone 2 clemeal- trips fr -eulls in “the __vermining fod of the fine and br Bulls in “the. nent dive, selon, but atime delay #8 inbeduced -b poelen|. ‘he bine -foser betrg leipped if THe full: porvidles ba mext feclivo is Teal © is a she neat: Seelivn —) fe -zone.3 ekement chy paeledtion I te event, ¢ Bult tn te leconedd by its breaker — Page 18 UNTT: on ver 2S if cr Ste Slog Fa, PER aw Pano ‘Genevals : hs 6 System f— Gienevaliy of avervellages pred. yeort Thhodichon + . —— ' s when The “thre ae several inslanees he. clones oh a power Sysion aie subjected fo CNET Volleges ie) Yoitage 5 gree? than “tle novel us “thes: Ovenvellags on ihe power Syplers roy be Couyel chic rmny yeakma such as lighteving , opening & g civeull breaker the grounding of a Ga Crelucldt et, Voltage surge - Tn a vey shoyk dwialten on te powy system vthe velloge rises Audldenfy 15, known’ as» Voltoge Swige (ay fyanstenl: Velkage » TrarsielS @) Ywiges le o- Lemporary ralute and exist Hey & Cvoig She chenliae bul they awe over voltages on ‘the power System: Scanned with CamScranne Ee Page 19 2% the wave chron ef a typical fighting Bage: inelwslucrs a sleep front TEMES Ie ven thal Aighloieg wove, x cy he Steeped The wonve fort the more vwopid 79 she in the relwéik. juildyp of — vollages ak any point In most of the ses, “his builop is Gompomline| being of order de I opser Ly vliage purges ane geet Specified in sige time ky and -lime be ty rnpid, fo decay cb bal? of the peak value « Cannes of over Velbages qhe over wligges ae dvided he ov Tin calegovies : I: Talernal causes {ai saitehing Suiges | aby Priulotion failure (C) AArcing ground id) Resonance 2. External -ficauses Ls lighting: I Interna! causes st AA . ge over jwollages, he pooner Septem Talerral causes ane parmanily due eseitations SeEUP ty sudden changes in the circu: conditions: a) sailchirg unged ced on The pow =the over voltages produ behing cparations ote known o> Syste? due to Swi Switching Anges Cage-ts- opening * ich fering swoite Yavelling saves axe. SOUP woh hing operations dan unboded tne, a overvoltages on em dine, mmm Page 20 oe Crariley anon babs fae lecly Coane te dee gy, Arena as tenon an hy L! eye h ow lth, y then ihe uendoaled tine io tvawrt ed to de vl fewer, © oltage Pure sot op enkich fouls long the dine. “Yon teaching the devantned ‘a. le the gply cud wills ab change Sige 1 is cuton loge bubag fe wllege “he lie hetine sy hotee “he mri Able iio vellecked back , Cote! Jouded tine ; over vollegeg witll alse her Ptodserd chosing the Suwile hing qperatinn of! Anded fine CUA curvend chopy Cy yent chopping Yells In “ile poroduct of high Vollage fanwienlss args “the Galoel5 the aiy bal ctreuil breaker: ion d- by Pogulalion -Bthire i -) the wit hihi (when ciheve (5 qrenwding a ) pailive dole place olede there i890 inglalio —helween “fe flee wrk “the. eel 21 Sp The port eb Gaded i “thus 15 poueckd che the eau Gallows “The current elo Pla clown esol Gannusn et. fon clin othe Gadducl® Scanned with CamScanne Page 21 jnlermitlel ae behing plow in fa a ysl with Conieent ig konen “aicing gorund! “bp acing ground ane -fo the brcakdewm a Aline Fo geteund faut fon of brantients pred “the qumulalive aad may caus equipment fr The power system" by oF imuhhion Areng grwund on be prevented by caalhing leronsients produced due fe seniou’s damage che neutyal. ARE: nance i= Kegenant @ fe eled vical syslom occurs ghen inducive siactance of the civeut sicaclaace 1S Knouxn as undey Resonance, The jen ane of the citcu algo caual fovesistone of the civeuit and py is: unity. euses high voltages #0 atte .gleclrical syste feames cual —lo Cogncitive Frsonance+ sil 1% Kesonance C 2 External Causes !- ghleing: ai ddetsie doch ids cou etwces He won ab Ligitning befucer do chad, ond chage soe? dhe Gath —bobucen cb Some clad 19 kre takes phee uhen a hge spett od nfial (4x0 B)-Ve) ‘gach 91: high pte bowting coloud ny medum Rar) 'S lightrmg ° chuds axe charged + ath vegaet fe cots eG ae dd regghbew dideclsic sheng destseyed. chad panes ove athe chee 0” tle coh hel The Mechanigrr of St when o chorged ites equal ancl oprmsile cath, ‘Ciowssen elastin cari@mnr Page 22 7 AS the cherge acquined by the cloud nears ineweoces and 4.4, potential behaeen cloud & eth In the aiy increases when The pelenfiol gowdien! . lokvlem) fo beak chun The furrwuntrey at he lightoing stoke stanls 15 sulbrcicel (GEV bem 4, 7) the “shioke’ “-mechanisen” is a5 tinder: (HAS soon ab The air near The eed hid breaks drsn, ~~ A rhb 9 a slreomey called deader Streamer (8) Pibl Streamer Stonts from “the clovd fousrotols “He” cath ond GaotieS change with it as shown In Fy (0). 4 Tn his streamer, leader «all rok. —B Yeach he eth # The fig ca) sherss the Jeadev steamer being Unable —b seach the earth as fadient. ot- tks end cloud rot sentinel woinloind abe The Strengh of aif. + The cual in “he seader Samer: iS:dew ( wee Wye = As the Jeader sideamne dey streamer shoolS UP fom in fg 8 Game path aban rain © # che action cao demapored with “the -ve lerminalS: ing eve change 97! yy reaches newt The cath, han she extth —to chotd ab Ser® anne! ob dounwaecid lendet, closing ae “sioitth deh alle Lightning 7 pose ; NT abs, Wit Lit sith Hhatandle the —fillowiny pinks ewe clewk Aig hlninn cickego &t) fe hghlning dichoye which usually oppeens-lo-The Cye as ynernyy \y ore i @ Siegle -Plashisin yealily made up dea qimbey de Seponele chokes “thal fvavel chun “the Stme paths he Iyfenal behocen therm voir heer 0-005 10 Ong see. Bach seperarle Stroke SlatlS ase downundd leaden Bora the — clood: My crt tax heer Pyne thal Sid ob all Agblning slbkes Yeall fw vegal idly denged! dowd and only Bh aMgniale fiom pesilively etnaged! clout. mt C) anthan been estimated “thal “thiauyhout le wét ld, theve Sect about — foo fighlning sT6kes pe selon. d) Lightning A dhscheanyes haning she Custeud: tn the alemge de Iokf-lo DRA Page 25 = pen th (eles stetes - ctheve ote to main ways hn ghrike The nowe! en a which o ighFning ray I. Direct Shuke. 2 Tadivect stroke repitece SORE Pr, he dhivece shoke, The Aghtring dischage 18 dhvectly fore cloud fo The Subject Suipmert, ke over head Line Gy ether Sutlbcesr “the oventllage sebup due > he stroke may be Aange enough fo [hshovet “his pak dvectly to the Gz1ound: Supp it andivect Stroke i * gadies Gn divect sttekes resull F507 “he elect statically induced chayge> 0” “the Conduct de the paeence est : of chip on ig ahae “The Sine ond) A positive change cbod induces g negalive charge onthe indu chon « inbstee This -regative, asp, shel portion A, line véght- under a i | povlion of the fine *%d fom Thm | | | ange fo enath wor 0” otter ait Genne! Ae clad discos e wire is isolole yer the insula ks when chud ike negohve 07 flow quickly -b easth Scanned with CamSc: Hannfel effect of Aighring:- The ofrecer cay lndivec dightning i Amansmission fine prockites deep-fronted voltage wae onthe dine. The vollege ob This awe “AY vise from Sexo to peck value [ 200kv) in about IS and decay fo hal the peak ales in qhouk 5115+ ch he trowelling owe produced due 4 Aightming Sages wall Shaler phe jmsuldlds and may Bveo wreck pdles Gis while the. final velleges behoeeo the hans i bron iS never enough to Start an atc, once te insulation bos booker doton and an ax has bern started by. Momentary c\ervollage, The tine enough to Severely domegt “he vache: i iy TP he Cost | 16) tik injany pant & Mle power ssten by “the Lightning stoke , This ac will selp vey disheibing egcilation’ in he fine This, -ragy damage ot equipment —Gnnected fo “he Bing, Parotection Ggainst [ightring over _veltoges t= the imate Grnmemly used cbvices oY prolectio® against fightring aie. + di gogthing Screen nd wie: gfroke 01 a a diy over head Lightnigg arresters CA) Surge divetters- ity Page 27 a the pow? expensive equipment: dations and Sub slabions geacally howse = Ecoithing Stveen provides parolee fen fe pour? podtations gd seb stations agjainst dhect dightning yokes. Te Gnsisls ha vebwak & Grre Goackec Fa ( shield sereen) mounted all ever ho. electrical equipment 10 the pout lation oD substation - Gnnected —b cortth cfawte « tance poth by 1 the shield is properly on af east choo points “Aseugh a dow TP —} he Seveen parovides a Jw eo dightning Surges aie Gennected bh gound- 4} tle station ewipret is pootected against darnoge Fhe. trmilaticrs BERT I Npcarat- parode_probelic? agorrat he toavelling ewes ich yeach the Quipmt ia she station geound wires ~ —» the most ebbective meth & paouding pootection fo cay, fine against dtrect Aghnig stokes 1S by round witeS as Showon in. figure: Pine concluctoVs stokes We which dy overhead intercepted the growd wires ae fh “though ab 2” yesistance ~1 the heay Jighiig 0 an nde woire flows > th gtoued thud profectiog ME whe heotrnful effects é Aightorg dine -frorn | we [ Aelvantages + 1 Te pallies jbo protection gyainst clveel Kighlony shrokes on trantmissive dines 2 N fourding wite pavides dampig clhect. 3. Tt powvides @ cerlain amount: cf elecbeslalie shielding apist external -felds. 7 Rsadvantage- = 1.DE vequires adtitional GS 2 th Te cous Short direuil: fault Lightning. frresteP'S - 4 lightnirag anester iS 9% PAO which Conducts The high voltage Swrges System -fo “the hound ', =the lightning orvesteyS Gy Suge pzevide paolection agaist Such Surge’. Lec five device on te pe diverts Page 29 p bning yester i= wary SS oye Aigue doo te basic bo SUE diverler- nen - fret ge consisls ce a Spetk gop is seves with @ a yestsl3l- o+ cre end of the diveder 6 cence “the terminal equipment 4 be paotectect and the éther end 5 effectively Grourdedk age x he Lergth digp 8 ® Sek Hat rorrel Ine voltage pg rok enough —b came 90 ac avoss the Gop bat: dangerously high voltage wl! break door He a” Instilabion and fiom on ae: / 2, i the properly ch fe ron-dineet yesrstant tat | resistance decveases a the voltage co) cunent dincreoses- te Spork ! at ! 1 ! J i 1 1 RE 3 fpbhing 4 resist] arrester. “Types chy lightning frrestevsi- — = oo stheve axe several type & lightnivg amester in general use. They ate }- bb Rod GP lightning arvestens- 2 Hom goP dig 3. Molhigap Ightning arvestevs. gs Exprlaion tye Lightore arvesteré. 5+ Value type lighting avvesters- j | Scanned with CamScanne hining arresters Page 30 —y Rod gap lightning arrester i- TE is avey simple ype de diveiler ond Cnuisly y hoo teem yds: — one is Gnnecled the series resistance limits he power atc. ~ By The inclusion df soiies resistance, the deghee é priobec fem Qgains- -fsavelligg emies 18 reduced: Th order lo overGme “his difficulty, Some ot the ~29PS (Boe) ete Shuntled by a -Yesistance. tne [Bae] a ° ° . 8 c Series ae Sha Md Yesistance under normal Gndibions, the point B Is of coatth potential and the rovmal Sunwly veltage is 1g uneble fo breakebon The Series gaps. » vl — 9 Such avvesterd can be Empalyed where “hysle docs net excoed 33k lf Page 33 PR eaplsion type arrestee :— s expobio? type eb arrester is ako called " prolectit abe" and Grnmonly wed on system operating apto oe sn ounes with a at iS essentialy Gnsists de sedgap AG in Se5 a 7 cen gp cocosed in a filer abe, “This g4p the fiber “hbe 15 —Brmedl by hao ekctodes y ekcbsade 15 Gnnected @te paced undet SE foe zioct gap ane lewet -i-he uppe 15 castthed- 3 one expulsion arrester Conduct éi- 6 = Eootth- : Pcvonlones r ; | thay aye ol wy expemive- 2 they can carly installed - BAisadvantags> se alge 2 Fhis nok suitoble br protec tio af expensive Caen ‘canned Witn Camscanne Page 34 B valve -lype anrester 7 wolve -lype anesters ‘incerporale nem hoeast 1: onle extensively used on aystem Volloges oprialg ate high ATL Gmids gf eo anerblies chy Series Spee I agp ti nen-lineor resister discs mh sle9 the non-linesa eleenents “the Spark gaps. 7) Both the assembles we actorinochted in Hight porcelain Gnlainer. ae ee Gnoreted in Series with wut VErwirel SY | spark gars Poycelai anes ; | Gadi | resis Spork Bh sek @ : | non — Linear} = i Yesishey non-Liaead we vesis}> “FT —> Under néimad Conditions, “the normal S,srem volleges is IrBubbicient to couse the break-down of atv gap anernd —y onthe cccunance ob an overvollage , The breakdewn dite genlS Spank takes phe and “the Suge Gyo 15 Gnducted ~fo ewtth wa “the ronafineat yesishit —) gince the ifudle eh Surge Cument- is vey Aaage, is rene dingo element will offer « very dow vesistoree “0m pomege Moye: - Page 35 the yest 15 Wak “the Sune il . ge will snpidly go-fo cath «eed L being Pig ge =a th. inst oe being sent buck over aly Aine. a uke the Suage (5 over, the ren—JSinean yesishivs astume high tesislance -to slop the fw of’ carver. peianteges p they provides very Clbeclie paoleclion gaimal Swipes 2 they epevale voy rapidly . taking bess Than a ecerd. 3. qe impulse yoko is prac licoly unify. psodanlges = jcthey may iil to check the Sages & vey sleep eve front fiom reaching “the. terminal opporiTus this calls for adfitional steps check steop-fronted woes: their performance 1S acvextly alfected by he enldy moisture into Te enclsure. This necessitates ebbective Sealing. dite erclsure ak all -times Zinc oxide Aightning Avvestev8:- : i r hack) WES zircon ide semi Gadel ‘nibjon t- rw } Aehiilion a ars Such ok Gp avresien is knaon 25151 athe ‘ . ae. ae arvesten (3) 20 Riverter- a cnc fight] Conabsuclion § woBtkig t- vor sue a semicon enc mateaal be NUR and rnixlure. ented evith Gome processes ; , in @ Oy noe is Spry dried —f oljoin @ wale of fockS. “the. diy pod is empresied Foto cise shaped b gedstes —b lain @ dense PY athe bbcks covarnc« Scanned with CamScanne ~+ the metal ovide esish Page 36 a disc is Caled with a Grek bel froma uneksitable es a Gmprund protect the dis¢ effect. “t “t line lerinal |_aspring- ycelan sheen whet at ip? ae elechode Galect gorrd ermine | — 7 the conducting coating algoe paovides PnP Gnleels and uniform current distyibution. housing Filet ys the die Then enclosed In a parelain with rilryen gos @ SPP: 3 silicon robber 1S wd — keep 4 the dise ‘8 held under pressure — the Zr ckment eliminaDes series Spo7k® gopsn te divetley: a The Veltog TE en. impulse voltage ch Acneuil facakey om a a Sel cahmcren! EU fault cunenl wnenl. 5 the the high “the er ahi & mechanical device thal dishes pxgrttede Chie) cerrent card in adilion? perlams the fanclion of & Swilch. oy the encuit Becher savinky —elesgneed Ay closing GD opning Pg dsital circuit» 46 the ckclvicol sytem frum draxge. aa eke chas porolect carcuil brerke? seq eS of ang y ling Lheaiel which Gorstouc lion cig nan insole —7 the basic mm & Gnla athe sepoatio Scrves hwo uncliens hove chy TL extinguishes the ee Bhan’ behaeen he Gonlects i when “the chewie breaker een i wt poovides adequales insolation belwece te Galadts | ed fro each Gutact te garth. : Plvids ore weed for ate entinetivn and fe yutigg aed tyres & > Many Tasslating athe fWid choo depends ufo? 7 civeutt breaker leo b aiy of le mosphonie pes 2 Geopressed a es ane ae rsp 3 oil which P7" 4. olba high vaecur” 5 sulphuor esa fluor (sF6): > A ciewit fpeaker can rte cay preak @ ae either ualomaticaly, unde? ag Grdiliors BO Cordlil (or8- monualy Ce) fill-load ond chant circuit: Page 42 ° . pevalin J Petinciple :— 1A cpg assenliolky — Gnsis!s A -fecd ond roving aalleck electrodes » Gadificns, Thes? Gontacls to eirnsin under ngimal operating. closed and will nck oper auton Beally unlifl ord unless a, Sptem betenes faulty when a bully octums 09 any op coils of ca get erengised cote aR pulled opel fy See? opening the cinevit« separetied under faut —) when he Gnlacts & a 6B oF Comilions, anc 1S Shuck bekwoen ahem — she current 16 “hus abe -fo Gnlirue until the dickeye CeANA 7 he pawduction F ore sno only. clay ibolso generate pont fe he stem, The and “he moving Gnlels, mechanism, “thas gp He Gove enctrratS teak intenuption —pzocess bat on (D-to He which may cue cbrage fe the syste circuit breaker tselP. — ctherefoye ithe main pete extinguish The orc with # hak beak Generated by tk ry nef Value. - bem ina circuit breaker is to nthe shaikest passible inne, So teach & dangerous Aric interuplion cat) prc éstinelion:- —y then the current Guowying dentocts circuit. breaker aye moved, an otc is formed, which insist for? shat poiod after The Segaiation of Gntacts - > the ane is dangevUS en account - enetgy genemted jn if in the -firm of heal+ a ae ri beaker Should be Copable ecingishig anc without Causing ony digtutb equipment. a“ snes ch The r Page 43 cathe ete plays a vital ; stole in the behaviow —— cireuil- brcaken in hoviewt of the cy the interruption De ane 14 stelatively mew AMlett shan Are asta. g i _y Ta an Acar, “the Curren! begemes #016 ding he Yegubat yoave 0 a the are vanishes and it 15 inlermpled hem resfrieliog, ppving- Gale fale —y “te Conduct e ‘ luctonces of the anc dine propeational -fothe - novoF electors pev @mcubic Centimeter parodied by ies ipcisation , the sunne & The diometer’- the aac ard nthe aecipaocal of The Aength Aye —> For are extinction, TE ig necessary Lh reduce b The density of The free cleclwons [ey tecluces The janizatjon and decreases The diameler de atc. Hethod &- ane interruption *- “here one 20 mathods & wc interruption . “They one :- J. High yesistance method: 2. boo resistance method: |. High resistance méthd © In “his method, We oC is Gedrolled in such acny Tot effective Yesistance Increas with le Hone, So Thok the = cunent ® reduced fo Such aValue ‘That heat formed by it is. ret ‘salticient to maintain “The atc 6D tus atc IS extinguished: cn P N Becawe d& the yesistive oalute de the oc edn, mosh gh ihe eneigy in Fe System call be ’sSipatec evity, the civevik beater» This 5 The main chessbock eb his ming of arc Inlevwplion - he veusons which cor inevcae The lesistane ot, ac, a) cooling dy anc 8) Trereating The ©) Reducing The cess Section d) Spliltiog de ote. feaghh dare de we zoo: . 2: Low resistance method Feurvent daterrplion ero d ] —— — ble only fn Ac circuit “This rected is appeal ob Current, inferuphion because, there axe nalutal Zet0 too times in a Setord fy 5DI% IF serply System. This "8 the advartiges ob Ac ciel for ane Inferruphion prapate becawe the cunent is not allowed fo 7B. gpeian: Sh this tnethed , The ote resistance 15. Kept foo ig ere, where the ane etliogists ges unkil the current Peiking after sl: bas nobunaly and Th5 porvented from Yes epne 00k Wak a) pantculeat Reskei ki ing Voltage - ciycuil Bs f-3 E fer ule Gan — —Transferme, * fig ty hyee) wy Consider le Sypfer hewn in igen od tte eyunwlent crewl in -hger) 1 the voltage “Hat devwebps ans HO oe the aicshriking vellege which Sichlenly crises ancl credits ed He athe foul on, whea che circuit brea fer ig. short: cincuiled 5 gens, the convent flee 1S info copacilel copodi _+ the civcuil breter i hlenupled and 15 diverlect by hr itklsateany oP “te eae > the inductance amet cepacilonce eee /on oscitaleey circurt- > the current flasing | 15 o Mg tt fide -O oscilla tien nnegfec bing resistance the frearenty d (F=0) -t tied ie Since the faansient 15 only Von be Gnsidered —telatively ns oy a very Shoit duteRen, toa br the “Priced ¢ . anolysi's fe ge ( a am Noe ail i -.d (c%) % Ped ) dé dt y ; i 2° ane 2 ollage across a AG _copnsilac) ‘Canned with CamScanr

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