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Amazon Entry

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Amazon Entry on Amazon Marketplace

Gregory S. Crawford, Matteo Courthoud,

Regina Seibel, Simon Zuzek

ISSN 0265-8003

Amazon Entry on Amazon Marketplace

Gregory S. Crawford, Matteo Courthoud,
Regina Seibel, Simon Zuzek

Discussion Paper DP17531

Published 18 August 2022
Submitted 18 August 2022
Centre for Economic Policy Research
33 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DX, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7183 8801

This Discussion Paper is issued under the auspices of the Centre’s research programmes:

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Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the Centre for Economic
Policy Research. Research disseminated by CEPR may include views on policy, but the Centre
itself takes no institutional policy positions.

The Centre for Economic Policy Research was established in 1983 as an educational charity, to
promote independent analysis and public discussion of open economies and the relations among
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medium- and long-run policy questions.

These Discussion Papers often represent preliminary or incomplete work, circulated to encourage
discussion and comment. Citation and use of such a paper should take account of its provisional

Copyright: Gregory S. Crawford, Matteo Courthoud, Regina Seibel, Simon Zuzek

Amazon Entry on Amazon Marketplace

There is an active policy debate seeking to understand whether Amazon first-party entry in
competition with third-party merchants harms these merchants, and ultimately consumers, on
Amazon Marketplace. Some argue that the exploitation of third-party data permits seller
expropriation and reduces innovation while others claim that such entry permits the
internalization of important externalities, benefiting consumers and merchants alike. We seek to
inform this debate by measuring the predictors and effects of Amazon first-party retail entry on
consumer and third-party merchant outcomes in the Home & Kitchen department of Germany’s
Marketplace between 2016 and 2021. We find Amazon entry both within and across products is
associated with modest positive effects on both consumer and third-party merchant outcomes
more consistent with mild market expansion than with appropriating third-party sales. We find
that both Amazon and large third-party merchants’ entry is associated with fewer subsequent
new product introductions, but that these are consistent with regression to the mean rather than
causal effects on innovation. Finally, we find that the predictors of Amazon’s within-product
entry decisions are more consistent with a strategy that makes Marketplace more attractive to
consumers than of third-party seller expropriation, including consideration of predictors based
on aggregated Marketplace data. While the empirical setting presented challenges for
estimating causal effects, our results are broadly inconsistent with systematic adverse effects of
Amazon entry on Amazon Marketplace.

Keywords: Amazon, Marketplace, Digital Platforms, Hybrid Platforms, Entry, Expropriation

Gregory S. Crawford - gregory.crawford@econ.uzh.ch

Department of Economics, University of Zürich, and CEPR

Matteo Courthoud - matteo.courthoud@econ.uzh.ch

Department of Economics, University of Zürich

Regina Seibel - regina.seibel@econ.uzh.ch

Department of Economics, University of Zürich

Simon Zuzek - c.m.dann@lse.ac.uk

Department of Economics, University of Zürich

Amazon.com (Amazon) provided the data used in this paper. The authors were compensated by Amazon for their time while
conducting the research, but have no current or other prior financial relationship with them. They were provided all the data that
they requested to study the effects of Amazon entry on Amazon Marketplace. Amazon had no role in the research design, the
analysis and/or interpretation of the data, nor the writing of the paper. Amazon had the right to review this draft to ensure that no
confidential business information was presented and to approve its release to the public. The views expressed in the paper are
those of the authors alone.

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Amazon Entry on Amazon Marketplace∗

Gregory S. Crawford† Matteo Courthoud‡ Regina Seibel§ Simon Zuzek¶

August 18, 2022


There is an active policy debate seeking to understand whether Amazon first-party entry in competition
with third-party merchants harms these merchants, and ultimately consumers, on Amazon Marketplace.
Some argue that the exploitation of third-party data permits seller expropriation and reduces innovation
while others claim that such entry permits the internalization of important externalities, benefiting con-
sumers and merchants alike. We seek to inform this debate by measuring the predictors and effects of
Amazon first-party retail entry on consumer and third-party merchant outcomes in the Home & Kitchen
department of Germany’s Marketplace between 2016 and 2021. We find Amazon entry both within and
across products is associated with modest positive effects on both consumer and third-party merchant
outcomes more consistent with mild market expansion than with appropriating third-party sales. We
find that both Amazon and large third-party merchants’ entry is associated with fewer subsequent new
product introductions, but that these are consistent with regression to the mean rather than causal effects
on innovation. Finally, we find that the predictors of Amazon’s within-product entry decisions are more
consistent with a strategy that makes Marketplace more attractive to consumers than of third-party seller
expropriation, including consideration of predictors based on aggregated Marketplace data. While the
empirical setting presented challenges for estimating causal effects, our results are broadly inconsistent
with systematic adverse effects of Amazon entry on Amazon Marketplace.
Keywords: Amazon, Marketplace, Digital Platforms, Hybrid Platforms, Entry, Expropriation

Amazon.com (Amazon) provided the data used in this paper. The authors were compensated by Amazon for their time while conducting the
research, but have no current or other prior financial relationship with them. They were provided all the data that they requested to study the effects
of Amazon entry on Amazon Marketplace. Amazon had no role in the research design, the analysis and/or interpretation of the data, nor the writing
of the paper. Amazon had the right to review this draft to ensure that no confidential business information was presented and to approve its release
to the public. The views expressed in the paper are those of the authors alone.

Department of Economics, University of Zürich and Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Email: gre-

Department of Economics, University of Zürich. Email: matteo.courthoud@econ.uzh.ch
Department of Economics, University of Zürich. Email: regina.seibel@econ.uzh.ch

Department of Economics, University of Zürich. Email: simon.zuzek@econ.uzh.ch

1 Introduction

Amazon.com is the world’s largest online retailer and one of the most valuable companies in the world.
With size comes scrutiny, and the company has been criticized by regulators and policymakers worldwide
for a number of its business practices, including those related to its operation of Amazon Marketplace, its
e-commerce platform/online marketplace that permits third-party merchants to sell to consumers in compe-
tition with Amazon’s first-party retail business. In November 2020, the European Commission (EC) sent
a Statement of Objections to Amazon regarding its use of “non-public marketplace seller data ... to avoid
the normal risks of retail competition and leverage its dominance in the market for the provision of mar-
ketplace services in France and Germany” (European Commission 2020). In the US, the October 2020
House of Representatives’ Antitrust Subcommittee report on its investigation into competition in digital
markets spent 82 pages on Amazon, concluding “Amazon’s dual role as an operator of its marketplace that
hosts third-party sellers, and a seller in that same marketplace, creates an inherent conflict of interest. This
conflict incentivizes Amazon to exploit its access to competing sellers’ data and information, among other
anticompetitive conduct” (House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee 2020). These concerns
have also garnered significant popular media coverage, with multiple high-profile and widely-read inves-
tigative reports in leading US media outlets (Weise 2019, Mattioli 2020a, Mattioli 2020b), and they extend
beyond Amazon, with considerable interest about vertically integrated (”hybrid”) online marketplaces from
policymakers worldwide.1

As a consequence of this policy interest, there is a large and growing literature in both law and economics
seeking to understand the consequences to consumers and third-party merchants of hybrid marketplaces’
business practices. Khan (2019), analyzing Amazon Marketplace, argues, inter alia, that its dual role creates
a fundamental conflict of interest that enables it to privilege its retail operations (e.g. via its search algorithm)
and appropriate business information of third-party merchants to inform its product entry decisions for
both retail and Private Label products.2 The focus of this paper is on Amazon’s entry decisions, and here
the economics literature is more mixed. Etro (2021b) shows that, because Amazon can monetize third-
party sales via commissions, it has no reason to foreclose third-party rivals, and instead has an incentive
to enter only when it has a competitive advantage from doing so (e.g. when it can exploit its efficient
logistics operations) or when there is third-party-merchant market power (e.g. via Private Label entry).3
For example the European Commission’s incipient regulations for digital markets, the Digital Markets Act, forbids “gatekeeper
platforms” from using data generated by business users of its “core platform services” in competition with those users. While
the definition of gatekeeper platforms is still being finalized, it is clearly meant to include firms beyond Amazon (Caffarra and
Morton 2021) and the determination of what integrated online marketplace owners may and may not do with respect to data on
their platforms is likely to remain a first-order competition policy question for the foreseeable future.
See also House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee (2020).
Similarly, Nosko and Tadelis (2015), analyzing eBay, show that decentralized sellers do not internalize the impact of their

Hagiu, Teh and Wright (2020) also mention the benefits of marketplace retail entry on third-party market
power, but suggest there may be inefficiencies if the marketplace self-preferences or imitates successful
third-party products using information on those products’ demand or sales, a point also analyzed in Madsen
and Vellodi (2021).4 In essence, there are papers analyzing the effects of Amazon’s (assumed) use of third-
party merchants’ data to enter with imitation products, Amazon entry to internalize Marketplace externalities
to the benefit of consumers, or possibly both.

In this paper, we seek to assess the empirical relevance of these arguments by using proprietary data from
2016-2021 from Amazon.com to measure the predictors and effects of first-party Amazon entry on Ger-
many’s Amazon Marketplace.5 We first characterize patterns of entry across the major “departments” on
Amazon’s Germany Marketplace, before settling on the computationally manageable task of analyzing de-
tailed entry patterns in the entirety of the Home & Kitchen department.6

We have four sets of results. First, we characterize the types of Amazon entry. We find that Amazon in
present in products that earn 39.0% of overall Home & Kitchen revenue in our sample period, and introduced
or entered products that earn 29.5% of total Home & Kitchen revenue. Almost half of the revenue from
products in which Amazon is present (48.7%) comes from products where there was de novo Amazon entry,
that is products Amazon introduced that no third-party merchant previously offered on Marketplace. Private
Label products earn a tiny fraction of this total (0.3% of total Home & Kitchen revenue).

Second, we estimate the effects of Amazon entry into pre-existing products introduced to Marketplace by
a single third-party merchant (accounting for 20.3% of Home & Kitchen revenue from products in which
Amazon is present). Excluding entry into products early in their lifespan (because such entry is likely corre-
lated with unobserved demand shocks), we find that Amazon entry into pre-existing products is associated
with slightly lower third-party merchant prices, lower third-party product availability (a measure of prod-
uct quality), with no estimated effect on total third-party revenue, quantity, or number of active merchants
in the 40 weeks post-entry. By the same token, Amazon itself exits frequently (a 40% exit rate in the 40
negative actions on the marketplace as a whole, inducing a reputational externality across sellers. The marketplace can mitigate
this by promoting high-quality sellers in its search results; a hybrid marketplace may also want to do this, or to enter as a first-party
retailer in those markets populated with low-quality sellers.
Other earlier papers related to our work include Hagiu (2009), Hagiu and Wright (2015), and Anderson and Bedre-Defolie
(2019). A range of recent papers also analyze a hybrid marketplace’s choice of commissions, identifying both an incentive to
raise third-party commissions to shift demand to its own products and an incentive to reduce commissions to attract third-party
merchants to the platform, lower their prices, and increase the marketplace’s overall value. Different modeling frameworks and
assumptions influence the strength of each effect, with consequent differences in policy recommendations (Anderson and Bedre-
Defolie 2021, Etro 2021a, Zennyo 2021). As the focus of this paper is on Amazon’s entry decisions, we do not speak to the
conclusions of these papers.
This paper focuses exclusively on entry on Amazon Marketplace, and does not speak to policy concerns regarding other aspects
of Amazon’s Marketplace business practices or Amazon’s non-Marketplace business practices.
For expositional convenience, in everything that follows we refer to Amazon.com’s Germany Marketplace simply as “Market-
place.” Similarly, it should also be understood throughout the paper that our results only analyze data in the German Marketplace’s
Home & Kitchen department. We speak to the external validity of our policy conclusions in light of these limitations in Section 5.

weeks post-entry), sometimes charges slightly lower prices than pre-entry third-party averages, and (again
excluding entry into newly-born products) earns sales typically 3-7% of third-party pre-entry totals.

The economics literature typically classifies the effects of entry into three categories: “cannibalization,”
when a firm’s entry with a new product earns revenue at the expense of its own pre-existing products, “busi-
ness stealing,” when a firm’s entry with a new product earns revenue at the expense of rival firms’ products,
and “market expansion,” when a new product earns revenue not previously being earned by any pre-existing
products (e.g. by satisfying consumer demand not previously being satisfied by pre-existing products).7
Taken together, the results summarized in the previous paragraph are consistent with Amazon entry within
existing products causing (on net) mild market expansion. We also look at the effects of Amazon and large
third-party merchants’ (“Big 3P”) entry into pre-existing products on smaller merchants’ subsequent inno-
vation activity, measured by their willingness to introduce new products. We find that both Amazon and Big
3P entry is correlated with reductions in the introduction of new products in the Home & Kitchen depart-
ment by merchants that have previously introduced successful products in this department. The relationship
between Amazon’s entry and new product introductions are smaller in absolute value than those of large
third-party entrants and both likely capture “regression to the mean” in new product introductions rather
than the causal effects of either Amazon or Big 3P entry (i.e. that merchants that previously introduced
innovative products are not guaranteed to again be able to do so).

Third, we expand our analysis beyond entry into pre-existing products to examine the cross-product effects
of Amazon entry, including Amazon Private Label (“PL”) entry. Cross-product entry is important from a
policy perspective given the magnitude of de novo Amazon entry on Marketplace; such entry will harm third-
party merchants only to the extent it draws demand from third-party products. When analyzing the effects
Amazon, Big 3P, and smaller third-party entry with new products within Home & Kitchen subcategories
(e.g. Robotic Vacuum Cleaners), we find that over an 80-week period Amazon entry is associated with
mild market expansion, with no evidence of business stealing. To measure the effects of the subset of
new Amazon products that is Private Label entry, we rely on Amazon search results to define both a set
of substitute products as well as a set of control products and find results qualitatively similar to that for
within-product entry: excluding effects on substitutes for which there are differences in pre-entry trends in
outcomes, Amazon PL entry is associated with an increase in total quantities sold of third-party substitute
products, with no estimated change in average third-party prices or total third-party revenue. Furthermore,
Amazon’s PL price is lower for some entry cohorts and has PL sales at a level 1-10% of pre-entry third-party
See Mankiw and Whinston (1985), noting that they call the market expansion effect the “product diversity” effect, or Davis
(2006) for an application of these ideas in the motion picture industry. All effects are likely to be present when a new product enters
a market, in which case the goal is often to measure which effects are stronger, those related to business stealing (and possibly
cannibalization) or those related to market expansion.


Fourth, we consider what factors predict Amazon entry within pre-existing Home & Kitchen products, ac-
counting both for covariates that are likely to be observable to both Amazon and third-party merchants, as
well as those observable only to Amazon based on aggregated (across merchants) Marketplace data.8 Tak-
ing Amazon entry decisions in isolation, we find that, Amazon tends to enter high-growth, low-competition
products. Comparing Amazon entry decisions to those of the largest third-party merchants, however, shows
that Amazon tends to enter low-growth, (even-lower-)competition, and low-availability (i.e. low-quality)
products. These effects are more consistent with a strategy that seeks to make Marketplace more attrac-
tive to consumers (via expanding variety, lessening third-party market power, and/or enhancing product
availability) than one that seeks to expropriate third-party merchant sales. Furthermore, those predictors
that are based on aggregated Marketplace data (measures of demand/demand growth, competitiveness, and
availability) are more consistent with Amazon entering products that make Marketplace more attractive to
consumers than to misappropriate third-party sellers.

What are the policy implications of our results “in the round”? Where we have the greatest confidence that
our results on the effects of Amazon entry are causal, there is evidence that such entry causes mild mar-
ket expansion: our cross-product analysis shows that Amazon’s (substantial) de novo entry in the Home &
Kitchen department appears to increase subcategory revenue and our within-product analysis shows small
incremental revenue and quantity effects without displacing third-party sales. Similarly, our results on the
predictors of Amazon entry suggests Amazon’s entry strategy in the Germany Home & Kitchen department
is more consistent with making Marketplace more attractive to consumers than expropriating third-party
merchants, including consideration of predictors based on aggregated Marketplace data. While the em-
pirical setting presented challenges for estimating causal effects, our results are broadly inconsistent with
systematic adverse effects of Amazon entry on Amazon Marketplace.

We obtain these results as follows. We begin our analysis by describing some basic facts about Marketplace
outcomes in our sample: across the 25 product “departments” covering 85% of total Marketplace revenue
that we study, we show that revenue and variety are steadily increasing and that third-party sales are an
increasing share of this revenue. Entry is a core element of competitive Marketplace dynamics across de-
partments: in our sample, the average end-of-sample revenue share of all products that entered during our
sample period is over 90%, with little variability across departments. As the general patterns are similar
Our empirical analysis of the factors that predict Amazon entry is conducted at the product level and therefore aggregates
information across third-party merchants in line with Amazon’s Seller Data Protection Policy. Section 4.1 describes this policy
(and its received criticism) and Section 4.2.2 describes in detail how our empirical analysis can potentially reveal the differential
impact of factors observable to Amazon but not third-party merchants, but not factors that are based on seller-specific versus
aggregated data.

across different product departments and the computational burden of analyzing the entirety of Amazon’s
Marketplace is considerable, we focus the remainder of our analysis on a single Marketplace department:
Home & Kitchen Items. Given the patterns summarized above, we think it likely that most Marketplace
departments would be representative of overall Marketplace entry patterns; we selected Home & Kitchen
as it high in overall size (8th-largest in net revenues) and in the share of first-party sales (also 8th-largest),
providing a rich environment to measure the predictors and effects of Amazon entry.

The core of our dataset is a record of every sale of an item in the Home & Kitchen department on the
Germany Marketplace from July 12, 2016 to May 31, 2021. This data includes the product sold, what
Amazon calls an ASIN, the merchant who sold it, the date and time of sale, and the price paid inclusive of
tax and shipping and/or any other charges. The data also indicate whether a product is an Amazon Private
Label product (e.g. “Amazon Basics”), in which case Amazon is the only seller. We also have information
on end-of-day offers at the product-day level, but use this sparingly as it is several orders of magnitude larger
than the sales data, imposing a significant computational burden, even in a single product department.

We distinguish two types of within-sample new product entry on Marketplace: “multi-merchant” new prod-
ucts, those that see two or more merchants making sales in the first four weeks of the product’s existence
on Marketplace and “single-merchant” new products, those for which there is only one seller making sales
in the first four weeks of the product’s existence on Marketplace. The policy debate, and therefore our
analysis, focuses largely on the predictors and consequences of two types of entry: (1) entry by Amazon
into single-merchant products first offered by third-party merchants and (2) new product entry of Amazon
Private Label products in competition with other pre-existing products.

We first measure the effects of Amazon entry on consumer and merchant outcomes, both to determine if
the anecdotes cited in the popular press are indicative of widespread Marketplace patterns and to benchmark
potentially negative effects of entry on third-party merchants against potentially positive effects on consumer
outcomes like prices and quality. To do so, we rely on a staggered difference-in-difference research design,
a topic of considerable recent research in the econometrics literature (Roth, Sant’Anna, Bilinski and Poe
2022, Wooldridge 2021). We focus our effects analysis first on measuring the causal effects of Amazon entry
within products in competition with pre-existing third-party merchants. Because we observe the exact timing
of Amazon entry and focus our measurement on the weeks immediately before (20) and after (40) this entry,
we can hope to pin down the causal effects of Amazon entry on product-level prices and quality (measured
by availability), as well as third-party merchant revenue, quantity, and number of active merchants (net entry
and exit). We also examine the impact of Amazon within-product entry on affected merchants subsequent
new product introductions, with results of all of these analyses summarized in the paragraphs above.

We then extend our effects analysis to examine cross-product effects of Amazon entry. To do so requires
defining a set of substitute products. For our general approach, we exploit Amazon’s definition of “subcate-
gories” (of which there are over 1,600 in the Home & Kitchen department) and analyze cross-product effects
within each subcategory. For Amazon Private Label products (of which there are approximately 150 in the
Home & Kitchen department), our process to define substitutes began with asking Amazon to examine all
searches in which each Private Label showed up in the first page of results (=20 products), and share with
us all the other products that also showed up in those searches. We included as substitute products for each
Private Label product the five largest revenue products from this first page of results that were in the same
Home & Kitchen subcategory. We also defined a control group for each set of such “treated” products as all
those products in the subcategory that never were on the first page of search results that included that Private
Label product. Such products’ absence in the search page results supports the assumption that they are not
substitutes for the Amazon private label product, but their presence in the same subcategory supports the
assumption that they may pick up similar unobservable demand, cost, or competition shocks.

We close our empirical analysis by estimating some of the factors that predict Amazon’s entry into specific
Home & Kitchen products and benchmark these against the entry decisions of large third-party (3P) mer-
chants. As ever, firms like to enter markets with high and/or growing demand, low and/or falling costs, and
low competition. The recent literature on hybrid marketplaces, summarized above, highlights the tradeoffs
hybrid marketplaces may face in their entry decisions. Hybrid marketplaces seeking to maximize the long-
run value of the marketplace will make entry decisions that seek to internalize externalities that are unlikely
to be internalized by independent third-party merchants, including enhancing variety, reducing seller market
power in individual products, and maximizing availability (Cabral and Xu 2021). Alternatively, hybrid mar-
ketplaces may exploit their dual position as retailer and marketplace provider by using marketplace data to
identify successful products, expropriating the value of third-party sellers and harming future innovation on
the platform (Hagiu et al. 2020, Madsen and Vellodi 2021). In our analysis, we seek to distinguish between
these theories, taking care to assess the impact of predictors that are likely to be observable to third-party
merchants versus those that are likely to be observable only to Amazon by virtue of its ownership of Mar-
ketplace data. A final section concludes by placing our empirical results in the policy context we seek to

This paper is related to several literatures in law, marketing, and economics. First, there is the substantial
and growing literature, summarized above, analyzing online marketplaces, including the choice to be a
marketplace or reseller or both (“hybrid”) and the consequences for consumer and third-party merchant
outcomes under each alternative (with Amazon the explicit or implicit subject of inquiry). We seek to test

the predictions of these theories with respect to Amazon’s entry decisions.9

We also contribute to the literature seeking to measure the competitive effects of entry. Recent papers
have focused on how endogenous product positioning and market structure via entry and exit can influence
topics such as measures of market competitiveness, product variety, and the evaluation of merger effects
(Eizenberg 2014, Arcidiacono, Bayer, Blevins and Ellickson 2016, Wollmann 2018, Ciliberto, Murry and
Tamer 2021). The majority of this literature uses structural econometric methods to infer competitive effects,
often in the absence of price and/or quantity information (Berry and Reiss 2007). We differ from this
literature by substituting data for structure: we can measure well prices, quantities, and (some) quality
attributes for the full set of competitors in a rich competitive environment.

Our analysis is a natural extension of the literature in marketing and economics analyzing the competitive
effects of Walmart’s entry into general merchandise and grocery markets. Indeed the issues raised in the de-
bate about Amazon’s business practices echo those raised in the 1990s and 2000s about Walmart, including
the consequences of Walmart’s success on small businesses, entrepreneurship, and innovation. This litera-
ture finds large and significant negative effects of Walmart and other “big-box” retail stores on small general
merchandise retailers’ survival (Jia 2008, Haltiwanger, Jarmin and Krizan 2010), but the opposite effects
of Walmart’s (“Superstore”) entry into grocery markets, with little or no effect of Walmart entry on prices
(Basker and Noel 2009, Arcidiacono, Ellickson, Mela and Singleton 2020), a positive impact on product
availability (Matsa 2011), and survival effects concentrated on large and not small competitors (Ellickson
and Grieco 2013, Arcidiacono et al. 2016).

Our work is closest to three other papers in the small but growing empirical literature looking specifically
at Amazon Marketplace outcomes. Gutierrez (2021) estimates a structural econometric model of Amazon
Marketplace, estimating consumer demand for products, allowing third-party sellers and Amazon to set
product prices and platform fees, and simulating counterfactual regulations such as requiring Amazon to
be only a reseller or only a marketplace. We differ from this work by measuring the predictors and effects
of Amazon first-party and Private Label entry on consumer and third-party outcomes, including longer-run
product entry decisions. Zhu and Liu (2018) looks also at the predictors of Amazon’s entry decisions, but
on a small subset of (US) Marketplace products from two months in 2013 and 2014. Our dramatically
richer (and more recent) data enables us to more credibly measure the effects and predictors of Amazon
entry and addresses concerns about the external validity of their results. Finally, Cabral and Xu (2021)
analyze price gouging by third-party merchants early in the COVID-19 pandemic, finding they charged
There is a related policy debate and academic literature concerned with self-preferencing on online marketplaces and its con-
sequences for consumer outcomes, e.g. European Commission (2020), Hagiu and Spulber (2013), and Lee and Musolff (2021).
While relevant for the outcomes we see, we do not have the data to investigate this topic.

prices for 3M masks 240% higher than Amazon’s 2019 price and that, when Amazon was stocked out, new
(entrant) sellers charged prices much higher than pre-existing sellers, arguing that existing sellers’ concerns
for their reputations limited their desire to charge more than they did. One of the threads of our empirical
analysis is to explore whether Amazon’s entry decisions are consistent with similar reputational concerns
for Marketplace as a whole.

The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 reports aggregate trends on Germany’s Marketplace
and motivates our decision to study the Home & Kitchen department. Section 3 reports our analysis of the
effects of Amazon entry, both within pre-existing Marketplace products as well as across products. Section 4
analyzes what factors predict Amazon entry within pre-existing products, both in the aggregate and relative
to big third-party merchant competitors. Section 5 concludes by summarizing the implications of our results
for the policy debate regarding entry on Amazon marketplace.

2 Germany Marketplace Facts

2.1 Aggregate Marketplace Trends

To measure the impact of Amazon entry on Amazon Marketplace, we obtained detailed data from Ama-
zon.com about their Germany Marketplace from July 12, 2016 to May 31, 2021. Our decision to focus
on Germany was due to its policy relevance: it is the largest of the countries that is the focus of the EC
investigation into some of the same questions that we are investigating (European Commission 2020). That
being said, we have no reason to expect the patterns that we find in Germany would differ meaningfully for
any of Amazon’s other individual country marketplaces worldwide.10

In principle, we had access to information about every offer and sale of every item on the Germany Market-
place during our sample period. In practice, this was too much information to analyze in a concise manner.
We therefore began by describing aggregate trends for the whole of the data before doing a more detailed
analysis on a representative subset of the full Marketplace data.

Figure 1 displays the total revenue and revenue share by merchant type on the whole of Germany’s Market-
place in our 5-year sample period.11 Amazon sales are distinguished between first-party sales (where other
merchants could also be offering the product) and Private Label sales (where they cannot). As can be seen
there, Marketplace revenue is growing in the aggregate, as is the share of revenue coming from third-party
Amazon currently operates Marketplace in 19 countries: 3 in North America, 8 in Europe, and the remaining 8 spread over
Asia, the Middle East, Brazil, and Australia.
For reasons of confidentiality, we will sometimes, as here, omit information from figures and tables that Amazon considers
sensitive competitive information.

sellers. Amazon Private Label revenues are tiny as a share of total Marketplace activity (0.3% of overall
sales), and are thus barely visible in the figure.

Table 1 reports summary statistics for some key variables across 25 of the largest Marketplace departments
covering approximately 80% of its revenue in our sample period. Amazon’s Germany Marketplace has an-
nual revenue in our sample period of 160.0b Euros on sales of over 21.5 million distinct products. Amazon’s
share of sales within departments is fairly constant, with departments with particularly high values (Books,
Home Entertainment, PC, Camera, and Major Appliances) all offering a significant share of high-value (of-
ten branded) products offered by a relatively small number of major manufacturers for which Amazon’s
efficient supply chain and logistics operations likely provide it with a competitive advantage relative to
third-party sellers.12 Entry is an important phenomenon across all categories: the average share of revenue
sold to products that entered during our sample period is 90.7% and is uniformly high, with a low value of
79.5% for Office Products.

With individual sales numbering in the billions and offers an order of magnitude larger than that, in what
follows we focus our detailed analysis on a subset of this data. As patterns of entry are relatively homo-
geneous across departments and understanding the dynamics of competition is not possible using random
subsamples, in the rest of our analysis we focus on characterizing the predictors and consequences of Ama-
zon entry in the entirety of a single Department: Home & Kitchen items. Given the patterns summarized
above, we think it likely that most Marketplace departments would be representative of overall Marketplace
entry patterns; we selected Home & Kitchen as it high in overall size (8th-largest in net revenues) and in
the share of first-party sales (also 8th-largest), providing a rich environment to measure the predictors and
effects of Amazon entry. Among high-revenue categories, it also had relatively few products, reducing the
computational burden of the analysis. In the next subsection, we describe in greater detail the data we use
in our analysis of the Home & Kitchen department.

2.2 Marketplace Data in the Home & Kitchen department

To address the predictors and effects of Amazon entry in the Home & Kitchen department on Amazon’s
Germany Marketplace, we obtained detailed sales and offer data from Amazon covering the period July 12,
2016 to May 31, 2021. This data includes the product sold, what Amazon calls an ASIN, the merchant who
sold it, the date and time of sale, and the price paid inclusive of tax and shipping and/or any other charges13 .
The data also indicate whether a product is an Amazon Private Label product (e.g. “Amazon Basics”),
For reasons of confidentiality, Table 1 does not report the share of Amazon sales in each category.
ASIN = Amazon Standard Identification Number. These are broadly analogous to a UPC code in a supermarket scanner dataset.

in which case Amazon is the only seller. We also have information on end-of-day offers at the product-
day level, but use this sparingly as it is several orders of magnitude larger than the sales data, imposing a
significant computational burden, even in a single product department.

Figures 2-4 show aggregate trends in some of the variables that play an important role in our analysis. Figure
2 is the Home & Kitchen-specific version of Figure 1 and shows similar patterns of revenue growth overall
and by merchant type as Marketplace as a whole, albeit with (as intended) a higher share of first-party (Ama-
zon retail) sales. Figure 3 reports the total number of products in the Home & Kitchen department making
1,000 Euros/month in sales, a measure of variety, and shows it growing steadily over our sample period. Fig-
ure 4 reports the average availability of products in the Home & Kitchen department by Amazon/third-party
merchants, showing both are quite high before onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.14

Our key object of interest is entry. We distinguish between new product entry and the (simple) entry of a
merchant (Amazon or third-party) into an existing product. We define both types of entry as the date of first
sale of that new product/merchant in an existing product.

Within new-product entry, we differentiate between “multi-merchant” new products, those that see two or
more merchants making sales in the first four weeks of the product’s existence on Marketplace, and “single-
merchant” new products, those for which there is only one seller making sales in the first four weeks of
the product’s existence on Marketplace. The remaining products, those that are present at the beginning
of our data, we call ”incumbent products.” Figure 5 shows that entry of single-merchant new products is
far more common and Figure 6 shows that, conditional on multi-merchant entry, there are sometimes many
merchants entering within products’ first four weeks of life. The policy debate, and therefore our analysis,
focuses largely on the predictors and consequences of two types of entry: (1) entry by Amazon into single-
merchant new products introduced to Marketplace by third-party merchants and (2) new product entry of
Amazon Private Label products in competition with other pre-existing (third-party) products. In the balance
of the paper, we seek to measure the effects, predictors, and other evidence related to these two types of

3 Amazon Entry on Amazon Marketplace: Effects

We first measure the effects of Amazon entry on consumer and merchant outcomes, both to determine if the
concerns raised about Amazon’s entry decisions in ongoing EC and US investigations are reflected in their
actual entry patterns in a large amount of Marketplace data and to benchmark potentially negative effects
We explored whether any of the qualitative results of our analysis were sensitive to the inclusion of data from the pandemic
period and found that they were not.

of entry on third-party merchants against potentially positive effects on consumer outcomes like prices and

For example, (Khan 2016) provides examples from the popular press of Amazon exploiting Marketplace
data in its own entry decisions, concluding “In using its Marketplace [data] this way, Amazon increases sales
while shedding risk. It is third-party sellers who bear the initial costs and uncertainties when introducing
new products; by merely spotting them, Amazon gets to sell products only once their success has been
tested.” House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee (2020) provides more detail: in the opening
remarks to the section covering Amazon titled “Appropriation of Third-Party Seller Data,” it reports that “...
the Subcommittee heard repeated concerns that Amazon leverages its access to third-party sellers’ data to
identify and replicate popular and profitable products from among the hundreds of millions of listings on
its marketplace. Armed with this information, it appears that Amazon would (1) copy the product to create
a competing private-label product; or (2) identify and source the product directly from the manufacturer to
free ride off the seller’s efforts, and then cut that seller out of the equation.”

In this section of the paper, we characterize the types of Amazon entry in our data (in subsection 3.1) and
seek to measure the effects of Amazon entry, both into existing Marketplace products (in subsection 3.2)
as well as in competition with other distinct products (including Private Label entry; in subsection 3.4). In
Section 4, we address the predictors of Amazon’s entry decisions, including whether they appear to exploit
access to aggregate data on third-party merchants.

3.1 Types of Amazon entry

Before we begin our analysis of the effects of Amazon entry, it is important to situate our analyses in the
broader scope of Amazon’s Marketplace presence. Our estimation sample is selected to speak to the policy
issues described above. Table 2 describes Amazon’s presence across product types in the Home & Kitchen
Department on Germany’s Marketplace, and the share of revenue from those products in which it entered
in our sample period, broken out by the type of product it entered (incumbent, single-merchant, or multi-

Within the Home & Kitchen department on Germany’s Marketplace, we find that Amazon in present in
products that earn 39.0% of overall Home & Kitchen revenue in our sample period, and introduced or
entered products that earn 29.5% of total Home & Kitchen revenue.16 Almost half of the revenue from
products in which Amazon is present (48.7%) comes from products where there was de novo Amazon entry,
See the subsection above for definitions of each of these types of products.
Across all products in which Amazon is ever active, Amazon itself earns 77% of the products’ total revenue.

that is products Amazon introduced that no third-party merchant previously offered on Marketplace. Private
Label products earn a tiny fraction of this total (0.3% of total Home & Kitchen revenue). We explore the
consequences of this type of entry when we estimate cross-product effects in Section 3.4 below.

A further 20.3% of Home & Kitchen revenue from products in which Amazon is present comes from prod-
ucts first sold by a single third-party merchant where Amazon entry occurred no earlier than the fifth week
of the product’s life (see the next paragraph for why we focus on such entry). The effects of this entry is the
focus of the analysis of the next subsection.

3.2 Effects of Amazon entry into existing products

3.2.1 Empirical framework

Given its size and scope, our data provide a wealth of entry events to try to measure the causal effects of
Amazon entry into products first introduced to Marketplace by third-party merchants. This focus reflects
two conditions: (1) that a product was first introduced to Marketplace by a third-party merchant and (2) that
Amazon later entered in competition with it. In our analysis to come, we strengthen somewhat the first con-
dition in a way consistent with the policy concerns by focusing on products exhibiting single-merchant entry
by a third-party seller, defined as there having been a single (here, third-party) merchant selling the product
in the first four weeks of its “lifespan” on Marketplace. We feel that imposing a four-week window on the
entry events we study excludes two types of entry that are not the focus of the policy debate: (1) Amazon
entry into products newly offered by manufacturers for which there are multiple firms entering (including
Amazon), but that a third-party merchant happened to be first to make a sale, and (2) Amazon entry into
single-merchant new products before Amazon would have had time to infer such products’ potential value.

Because we observe the exact timing of Amazon entry and focus our measurement on its effects immediately
before and after entry, we can hope to pin down the causal effects of this entry on a host of consumer and
merchant outcomes using a “staggered differences-in-differences” research design. For each product, we
define its week of birth as the week of its first sale and measure the impact of Amazon entry at some later
week relative to products that never witness Amazon entry or do so at an even later entry week. While there
is precedence for such an approach in the literature analyzing Walmart entry (Arcidiacono et al. 2020), such
research designs involving multiple periods and variation in treatment timing (“staggered treatments”) have
received considerable attention in the recent econometrics literature, finding that when there is heterogeneity
in treatment effects across treatment cohorts (measured for us in product age) and/or time, imposing common
treatment effects can cause “forbidden” comparisons between products that have both been treated, with

adverse consequences on the estimated treatment effect(s).17 We address this concern by first estimating
flexible specifications that avoid such comparisons before imposing common treatment effects that can be
supported by the data (enhancing precision).

In what follows we present a range of results based on a common econometric specification. Letting i =
1, . . . , N index products, m = 1, . . . , M index merchant types (with details depending on the specification),
t = 1, . . . , T index individual weeks in our sample period, a = 1, . . . , A index a product’s age in weeks,
AmEntryi index the product age at which Amazon entered product i, and W index the number of post-
treatment weeks over which we measure effects (W = 40 in most of our results), the regression equation
for analyzing product-level outcomes like prices, quantities, or revenues is:

yimt = η + γi + γm + γa + γt + τrs,m ∗ di,AmEntryi =r ∗ da=r+s + imt (1)
r=5 s=0

where yimt is an outcome of interest (e.g., price, quantity, availability) of product i received/shipped/earned
by merchant type m in week t, γi , γm , γa , and γt are product or merchant (depending on specification),
age, and time (week) fixed effects, τrs,m is the estimated treatment effect of Amazon entry for cohort r in
week s after Amazon entry, with separate effects estimated by merchant type m, di,AmEntryi =r is a dummy
equal to 1 if product i saw Amazon entry at age r (which happens at the earliest at age a = 5 in our data),
and da=r+s is an age dummy equal to 1 in the sth week after Amazon’s entry for product i (given for each i
by r), where s = 0, . . . , W . This specification estimates flexible treatment effects for each separate cohort
of product ages at which Amazon enters, r = 5, . . . , A, for each week after Amazon enters a product,
s = 0, . . . , W (with s = 0 corresponding to effects in the week of entry). This specification is analogous
to that commonly estimated in the staggered treatment effects literature for cohorts that are aligned on
a product’s age rather than calendar time (and limited in effect to a total of W weeks).18 We highlight
that this specification estimates separate parameters measuring the effect of Amazon entry on third-party
merchants, τ̂s,3P , as well as an “effect” of Amazon entry on Amazon’s own outcomes, τ̂s,Am . The latter
can be interpreted as measuring the level of the Amazon outcome (by cohort and week of Amazon entry)
relative to pre-entry average or total (depending on specification) third-party outcomes. For expositional
convenience and to foster comparability with the impact of Amazon on third-party outcomes, we call these
See Roth et al. (2022) for an accessible survey and Sun and Abraham (2021), Goodman-Bacon (2021), Callaway and Sant’Anna
(2021), and Wooldridge (2021) for further details. Goodman-Bacon (2021) provides helpful intuition about how forbidden compar-
isons can arise and Wooldridge (2021) presents the problem and solutions in a framework readily accessible to applied researchers.
Our results were produced with an R package helpfully provided by Sun and Abraham (2021).
Thus τ50 is the effect of contemporaneous entry of the first cohort (those that saw entry at age a = 5), τ51 is the effect in the first
week post-entry of this first cohort, etc. (for 40 total weeks), and τ60 , τ61 , ... measure the effects of contemporaneous/first-week/etc.
entry of the second cohort (those that saw entry at age a = 6).

“treatment effects” of Amazon entry on Amazon outcomes.19 In our final results, we often impose common
treatment effects across groups of cohorts and/or weeks of treatment.20

We test the parallel trends assumptions in the analysis of each of our outcome variables. We do so by
augmenting equation (1) with pre-treatment “proxy” treatment effects as follows:
P−1 parallel
yimt = η + γi + γm + γa + γt + A
r=5 s=−Wpre τrs ∗ di,AmEntryi =r ∗ da=r+s
PA PW (2)
+ r=5 s=0 τrs,3P ∗ di,AmEntryi =r ∗ da=r+s + imt

where τrs are “proxy” treatment effects that measure differences in pre-treatment trends between
the treatment and control groups, Wpre (= 20) is the number of pre-treatment weeks over which we test
for trends, and we estimate post-treatment effects only for third-party outcomes.21 Letting τ̂sparallel =
1 P parallel
Nr r τ̂rs , s = −Wpre , . . . , −1, with Nr be the number of separately estimated cohort effects, the test
of the parallel trend assumption is the joint test, H0 : τsparallel = 0, ∀ s = −Wpre , . . . , −1.

3.2.2 Effects of Amazon entry into existing products on prices and quality

We begin our analysis of the effects of Amazon entry into existing products with an analysis of consumer
outcomes: prices and quality.

Prices For prices, we distinguish between Amazon’s (post-entry) price for a product and average third-
party merchant prices for that product, m ∈ {Am, 3P }. For product i in week t, prices are given by pimt
qz,imt pz,imt
when m = {Am} and by p̄imt = zP
when m = {3P }, where z indexes the individual sales
z qz,imt

of product i by all third-party merchants in week t, qz,imt is the number of units sold in transaction z, and
pz,imt is the price paid per unit in that transaction. All prices are inclusive of taxes and shipping charges.
To foster convenient comparison of prices across many products, for any given product we normalize third-
party prices by the average of p̄imt for the 10 weeks pre-Amazon entry (or all pre-entry weeks if Amazon
entered between 5 and 10 weeks of a product’s “birth”) and measure 3P merchant’s (and Amazon’s) price
relative to this pre-entry average. For products in which Amazon did not enter, we normalize third-party
prices by their full-sample average. We denote these pre-entry/no-entry average prices p̄pre−entry
i,3P . For
reasons of confidentiality, we are not able to provide a table of summary statistics for prices, nor for the
other outcome variables we analyze in the paper.
All of our qualitative results across our outcome variables continue to hold when we estimate the model including treatment
effects only for third-party outcomes.
We also do not make any accommodations for right-censoring in our final results.
That is, the equation substitutes τrs,m with τrs,3P , as Amazon has no pre-treatment outcomes prior to their own entry.

As discussed above, the control group in our staggered difference-indifference analysis consists of products
in which Amazon did not enter as well as pre-entry product-weeks for products in which Amazon did enter.
For computational convenience, we also drop all products whose “lifetime” on Marketplace was less than
one year.22

We begin our price analysis by estimating Equation (2) with yimt = p̄imt /p̄pre−entry
i,3P for m = {3P } and
yimt = pimt /p̄i,3P for m = {Am}. The left panel of Figure 7 reports the average (across product age
at entry cohorts) treatment effect of Amazon entry on average third-party normalized prices, τ̂s,3P and
τ̂s,3P , for two-week treatment windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks post-Amazon
entry.23 There is no evidence of violations of the parallel trends assumption and evidence of a statistically
significant reduction in prices of approximately 3% from week 10 after Amazon entry. The right panel of
Figure 7 indicates that these averages mask significant heterogeneity in treatment effects across age cohorts.
Reported there are comparable average across-cohort treatment effects by groups of cohort weeks (with
Amazon entry in 5-24, 25-49, 50-99, and 100+ weeks since a product’s birth).24 The strongest effects of
an impact of Amazon entry on 3P prices comes from entry into relatively young products: there is clear
evidence of significant price reductions for Amazon entry into cohorts in a product’s first 5-24 weeks of life
(when Amazon chooses to enter such products), but much more modest effects (if any) from Amazon entry
into older products. There is also a common pattern across time: whatever price effects arise tend to happen
within the first 10-15 weeks and remain (roughly) stable for the 40 weeks we investigate.

Figure 8 reports average (across product age at entry cohorts) treatment effect estimates from equation
(1) for third-party and Amazon prices, τ̂s,3P and τ̂s,Am , on the same figure and as well as comparable
across average across-cohort “treatment effects,” τ̂s,Am , by age at entry cohorts. The left panel of Figure 8
shows that Amazon enters at a price almost five percentage points above the average pre-entry third-party
price, but that their prices decline quickly into the 10th week post-entry before settling into a discount
relative to the average pre-entry 3P price of 4-7%. The right panel of the same figure shows that these price
advantages are also largely concentrated in those products in which Amazon entered early in its lifetime.
The first two columns of Table 3 summarize the results for both average third-party and Amazon prices
by estimating separate common-within-age-at-entry-cohort treatment effects by these four cohorts for both
groups, confirming that Amazon entry into young cohorts is associated with a 5.6% reduction in average
third-party prices, a 6.3% reduction in Amazon’s own price, and a small number of more modest effects for
both 3P and Amazon prices in later cohorts. Before interpreting these findings (in Section 3.2.4 below), we
This represents 42.2% of products, but only 3.5% of in-sample revenue.
For computational reasons, we estimate with flexible treatment effects pre- (testing the parallel trends assumption) and post-
entry using two-week instead of one-week windows.
A test of the (linear) parallel trends assumption cannot be rejected for each cohort.

first present our results for other outcome variables.

We also explored the extent of heterogeneity in treatment effects across different Home & Kitchen product
types. Our data includes fields for a product’s Category (c) and Subcategory (s). There are 467 of the
former and 2,531 of the latter, although some products (covering 10.2% of in-sample revenue) have no
listed subcategory and many have few sales. Relying on the 300 largest subcategories by sales, Figure
9 reports the estimated common-within-age-at-entry treatment effects for average third-party and Amazon
prices for each subcategory for each of these four entry cohorts. The distributions tend to be similar, with
both showing heterogeneity in the effects of Amazon entry, but with the majority of the mass centered on
the across-subcategory coefficient estimates reported in Table 3. As the computational burden of estimating
so many subcategory × age-at-entry cohort treatment effects is high, we do not report comparable results
for the remaining outcomes in this subsection.

Quality (Availability) There are many potential indicators of a product and/or merchant’s quality of ser-
vice. In an online retail environment, product availability, shipping time, and a product’s condition on arrival
(i.e. Is it the correct product? Is it undamaged?) are all material to a customer’s shopping experience. Of
these, we were able to obtain data on third-party product availability, an outcome previously studied in the
context of the competitive effects of Walmart entry (Matsa 2011).25

Under Marketplace rules, sellers are not allowed to list products that they do not have in stock (and are
thus not available). We observe availability at the product-merchant level using the amount of stock each
merchant reports to Amazon at the end of each day.26 We use this to determine, for each product, if it was
available for some third-party merchant on each day in the data and then average this across days for our
weekly analysis, which we call availimt for m = {3P }. As for prices, to foster convenient comparisons
across many products that may differ in their baseline availability, we normalize each product’s average
¯ imt . Unfor-
availability by the average of availimt for the 10 weeks pre-Amazon entry, which we call avail
tunately, this measure is only reliably available for third-party merchants and not for Amazon itself, so we
are not able to compare Amazon’s post-entry availability to a product’s pre-entry average.

To measure the impact of Amazon entry, we therefore estimate a version of Equation (2) with yimt =
¯ imt . As for prices, the left panel of Figure 10 reports the average (across cohorts) treatment effect
of Amazon entry on average third-party availability for two-week treatment windows between 20 weeks
Shipping locations are specific to a product and customer and we did not have access to any customer-level data. Even had
we had the data, shipping times, like a product’s condition on arrival, are seller-specific. Third-party sellers do have ratings on
Amazon.com, but Amazon does not keep historical metrics of seller ratings and the time and computational cost of reconstructing
them at the time of each sale was prohibitive.
Amazon collects offer information for each product on Marketplace at the end of each day.

pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks post-Amazon entry.27 Treatment effects can be interpreted as the estimated
percentage change in average third-party prices relative to their pre-Amazon-entry average.

There is evidence of a statistically significant increase in availability associated with Amazon entry. The
right panel in the same figure show that, also as for prices, there is heterogeneity in treatment effects across
cohorts, with the estimated increase in availability concentrated on relatively young products and, if any-
thing, decreases in availability for older cohorts. The third column in Table 3 summarize these results,
confirming that Amazon entry into young cohorts is associated with a 11.3% increase in average third-party
availability, with significant negative effects (of 5.3% and 4.6%) of Amazon entry on average third-party
availability in older cohorts. The latter results are perhaps surprising, but could reflect a strategic response
of third-party merchants to facing a more efficient competitor. We discuss further the impact of third-party
product availability on Amazon’s choice of products to enter in Section 4 below.

3.2.3 Effects of Amazon entry into existing products on revenue, quantity, and active merchants

We turn next to the topics core to the policy debate: the effects of Amazon entry on third-party merchant out-
comes, including revenue, quantity, and net entry/exit, which we measure by the number of active merchants.
In this subsection, we look at these topics in the context of entry into existing products; in subsection 3.4.2
below, we broaden our horizons to examine effects of Amazon Private Label entry on substitute products.

Revenue and Quantity While conceptually the same, we modify the specifics of our estimation approach
to account for the frequent presences of zeros in our revenue and quantity data. In particular, we adapt
Equations (1) and (2) into an exponential regression model and estimate them by Poisson quasi-Maximum
Likelihood Estimation; they are otherwise identical to the specifications considered above. Thus we specify
the expected value of revenues or quantities as an exponential function and select the parameters to maximize
the likelihood of seeing those revenues and quantities that we see in the data:

E[yimt |x] = exp η + γi + γm + γa + γt + τrs,m ∗ di,AmEntryi =r ∗ da=r+s (3)
r=5 s=0

where the definitions of each of the parameters is as described under Equation (1) above.28 Given the
All of our regression results, weight each product by its total (Amazon + total 3P) average per-week in-sample revenue. This
ensures that the effects of entry that we measure are representative of the economic importance of their impact.
The comparable equation when testing pre-treatment trends is:
E[yimt |x] = exp η + γi + γm + γa + γt + A parallel
r=5 s=−Wpre τrs ∗ di,AmEntryi =r ∗ da=r+s
PA PW  (4)
+ r=5 s=0 τrs,3P ∗ di,AmEntryi =r ∗ da,AmEntryi =r+s

new functional form, the interpretation of the parameters changes slightly as well: τrs,m (approximately)
measures the proportionate change in expected revenues or quantities for merchant type m (3P or Am) when,
for age cohort r, the product is in the sth week after Amazon entry.29

For both revenues and quantities, we distinguish between Amazon’s (post-entry) revenue or quantity for
a product and the total third-party merchant revenue or quantity for that product, m ∈ {Am, 3P }. Thus
for product i in week t, revenue and quantity are given by revimt and qtyimt when m = {Am} and by
T ot = T ot
revimt z qz,imt pz,imt and qtyimt = z qz,imt when m = {3P }, where z indexes the individual sales

of product i by all third-party merchants in week t, qz,imt is the number of units sold in transaction z, and
pz,imt is the price paid per unit in that transaction. All prices are inclusive of taxes and shipping charges.
Unlike for prices, we do not normalize the revenue and quantity data, relying instead on product fixed effects
to account for heterogeneous revenue and quantity levels across products and the exponential functional form
to foster convenient interpretation of the coefficient estimates (cf. footnote 29 above). The sample of data
for the revenue and quantity regressions is the same as described above for the price regressions, but for the
additional presence of zeros in the revenue and quantity data when there are no sales.30

As for prices, we begin our revenue and quantity analyses allowing for non-parallel trends by estimating
T ot and y T ot
Equation (4) with yimt = revimt imt = qtyimt for m = {3P } and yimt = revimt and yimt =

qtyimt for m = {Am}. The two left panels of Figure 11 reports the average (across product age at entry)
treatment effect of Amazon entry on total third-party revenues and quantities, τ̂s,3P and τ̂s,3P , for two-
week treatment windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks post-Amazon entry. There is no
evidence of violations of the parallel trends assumption for either outcome variable, nor is there evidence of
a significant effect (across cohorts) of Amazon entry. As for prices, however, these averages mask significant
heterogeneity across age cohorts. The two right panels of Figure 11, while variable, show a general pattern
of increases in revenue and quantity when Amazon enters into young (5-24 and 25-49) cohorts and a pattern
of no change or a slight decrease in revenue and quantity when Amazon enters into older (50-99 and 100+)

Figure 12 reports treatment effect estimates from equation (3) for third-party and Amazon revenues and
quantities on the same figure.31 The left-hand panels aggregate across age cohorts while the right-hand

Formally the proportionate effect is (exp(τrs,m ) − 1), but this is close to τrs,m for values of τrs,m close to zero. As our
estimated values of τrs,m are often quite far from zero, we present proportionate effects in tables using the exact formula.
We include such zeros between weeks of non-zero sales, but drop them after all third-party merchants exit the product, whose
date we define as the week of their last sale (similarly for Amazon).
The estimated treatment effects on 3P revenues and quantities in the left-hand panels of Figures 11 and 11 differ only in the
reference period against which they are measured. In Figure 11, they are measured relative to t − 1, the week before Amazon entry;
In Figure 11 they are measured relative to the full 20 pre-entry weeks.

panels report the cohort-specific “treatment effects” across cohorts (analogous to the right-hand panels in
Figure 11 showing treatment effects on total 3P revenue and quantity). A clear pattern emerges: Amazon
entry into the youngest cohort (aged 5-24 weeks) is associated with their (Amazon) earning revenue com-
parable to that earned by third-party merchants in total (though with no decrease to 3P merchant revenue),
whereas entry into later cohorts is associated with their earning a small fraction of pre-entry total 3P rev-
enue.32 Table 4 summarizes the results for both average third-party and Amazon revenues and quantities
by estimating separate common-within-age-at-entry-cohort treatment effects by these four cohorts for both
groups, confirming that Amazon entry is associated with no statistically significant effect on either revenues
or quantities in any 3P product age cohort, and that the only statistically significant effects in the data are
that Amazon tends to earn a very small fraction (3-7%) of pre-entry total third-party revenues or quantity.
As for prices, we defer a thorough interpretation of these patterns until Section 3.2.4 below.

Number of Active Merchants (Net Entry and Exit) We turn next to the impact of Amazon entry on
net entry and exit within individual products, measured by the number of (quarterly) “active” third-party
merchants selling that product. Quarterly-active merchants are defined, for any given quarter, as those
merchants, ranked by sales, that contribute to 90% of a product’s sales in that quarter. Amazon is often but
not always an active merchant; we nonetheless always include them when they are present selling a product.
We define active merchants for each product to focus our analysis on those merchants that represent the
strongest competitors offering that product, though we note that all of the qualitative results in this section
are robust to using all merchants that made a sale rather than active merchants. A merchant is “ever active”
in a product if it is “quarterly active” in any quarter in the life of that product.

Our estimating equations are the same as Equations (1) and (2) used to measure the effects of Amazon entry
on third-party prices. As for all previous outcomes, we distinguish between Amazon’s (post-entry) presence
selling a product and the total number of active third-party merchants selling that product. Thus for product
i in week t, m = {Am}, yimt = Amazonimt , a dummy variable indicating that Amazon is active selling
product i in week t, and, when m = {3P }, yimt = ActM erchsTimt
ot =
n QuarterlyActiveM erchantint ,

the sum of the number of quarterly active merchants, n, offering product i in week t. For any given product
for which a merchant is ever active, we define entry as the first week in the data in which a merchant makes a
sale and exit as the final week in the data in which a merchant makes a sale; this allows merchants to continue
to be “active” even if they make no sales in given week (a common occurrence with rarely-sold products).
We again don’t normalize the number of active merchants, but instead include product × merchant fixed
To help interpret the magnitudes of the reported effects, values of τ̂rs,Am in the range of -4.0 to -2.5 are associated with
revenues of 1.8% to 8.2% that of total pre-entry third-party revenue.

effects so that the regression results report, for third-party merchants, the change in the number of active
merchants relative to the number present prior to Amazon’s entry and, for Amazon, the share of products in
which it continues to sell instead of exiting.

The two left panels of Figure 13 reports the average (across product age at entry cohorts) treatment effect
of Amazon entry on the number of active third-party merchants, τ̂s,3P and τ̂s,3P , for two-week treatment
windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks post-Amazon entry. There is weak evidence
of violations of the parallel trends assumption and a small but statistically significant correlation with net
entry post Amazon entry. As ever, these averages mask significant heterogeneity across age cohorts. The
two right panels of Figure 13, show a clear pattern of third party net entry when Amazon enters into young
(5-24 and 25-49) cohorts and slight net entry or slight net exit when Amazon enters into older (50-99 and
100+) cohorts.

Figure 14 reports treatment effect estimates from equation (1) for third-party active merchants and Amazon
(whether active or not) on the same figure. The left-hand panel aggregates across age cohorts while the right-
hand panel report the cohort-specific Amazon “treatment effects” across cohorts. A surprisingly consistent
pattern emerges: Amazon often exits quickly those markets it chooses to enter, with exit rates after 40 weeks
similar across product ages (at a level between 35-45% after 40 weeks). The third set of columns in Table 4
summarizes the results for both active third-party merchants and Amazon, confirming that Amazon entry is
associated with a statistically significant amount of net entry in the youngest age cohort and slight net exit
in the oldest cohort and statistically significant 40-week exit rates of 35-40% across all cohorts.

3.2.4 Effects of Amazon entry into existing products: Interpretation

In this section, we interpret our estimated effects of Amazon entry on consumer and third-party merchant
outcomes. We first note that, despite using methods designed to estimate causal effects, Amazon entry is
clearly correlated with unobserved demand shocks that are observed by third-party merchants (and presum-
ably Amazon), at least for the youngest Amazon entry cohorts (i.e. when Amazon enters in weeks 5-24 of a
product’s life). This can be seen most clearly in the first row of impacts in Tables 3 and 4: Amazon entry is
associated with statistically significant increases in the number of third-party active merchants, increases in
total (3P + Amazon) product revenue and quantity,33 and statistically significantly falling prices. The figures
underlying these regression results visually support the likelihood of early Amazon entry being associated
As there is no reduction in total 3P revenue upon Amazon entry and Amazon’s own revenue upon entry is approximately equal
to that of pre-entry 3P merchants, total revenue upon Amazon entry roughly doubles.

with positive unobserved (by us as econometricians) demand (and competition) shocks.34

Patterns for other age cohorts, particularly those older than 50 weeks, are more likely to satisfy the condi-
tions for causal effects interpretation, but even here one cannot be certain.35 To the extent that the results
summarized above are consistent with unobservable positive demand shocks at the beginning of a product’s
lifespan, there is also the risk for unobserved negative demand shocks for long-lived products (and these
may not be known to Amazon). That being said, there are few economically large or significant effects in
the Home & Kitchen in Germany data that we study: Amazon frequently exits markets that it enters, often
quickly, and when it stays this is sometimes associated with slightly lower prices for existing third-party
merchants and itself. It does not, however, appear to drive out a meaningful share of third-party sales (mea-
sured in quantity or revenue), and itself achieves on average single-digit revenue shares in the products that
it enters. While these small shares may add up to a meaningful amount of revenue in the aggregate, the evi-
dence summarized here does not support claims in policy circles of widespread expropriation of third-party
revenue, but instead suggests that Amazon entry into existing product markets is rather more associated with
(mild) market expansion than with business stealing.

3.3 Effects of Amazon entry into existing products on new product introductions

The policy debate on Amazon entry raises concerns not only about the short-run effects of Amazon’s en-
try into third-party merchant products, but also on longer-run effects of Amazon’s entry on third-party
merchants’ incentives to introduce innovative new products. In particular, does the possibility and/or the
practice of Amazon entry deter third-party merchants from selling new products on Marketplace for fear
that Amazon will later simply enter and sell the same or similar products.

To address this question, we examine the effects of Amazon entry into one of the products a third-party
merchant sells on the overall activities of that merchant. Given the tenor of the debate above, we define
our outcome of interest the introduction of “single-merchant” new products by third-party merchants.36 Our
Note in particular that there is an increasing trend pre-Amazon-entry in number of active merchants and revenues for the
youngest age cohorts.
The purpose of this project is to establish whether the raw patterns in Germany’s Amazon Marketplace data are consistent with
the policy concerns regarding negative consumer and/or merchant effects of Amazon’s business practices, and not to estimate the
causal effects of Amazon entry on consumer and/or merchant outcomes. That being said, we selected an empirical methodology
that has proven effective in estimating causal effects in a wide variety of settings. During the course of this research, we learned
that the empirical environment revealed by Marketplace data is more complicated than many, with significant product life-cycle
(thus dynamic) effects and heterogeneity across products, merchants, age, and time. We attempted to control for these effects in the
first instance with (product) age dummies, and even explored, for some of our outcome variables, separate age dummies for cohorts
of products depending on their age at Amazon entry, but the qualitative results above were unchanged. Researchers interested in
estimating the causal effects of Amazon entry with similar data will need to think carefully about how to adequately control for
strongly heterogeneous product life-cycle effects (among other possible sources of endogeneity) when conducting their analyses.
As described above, we define single-merchant new products as a product who makes sales from only one merchant in the first
four weeks of its life. This distinguishes it from multi-merchant new products, where 2 or more merchants make sales in these first

estimation sample focuses on those merchants that are most active on Marketplace, and on the products in
which they are themselves most active. We therefore include all “ever active merchants,” i.e. merchants
which ever contributed to 90% of a Marketplace product’s sales in at least one quarter of our data and
analyze the impact of entry of Amazon only into those products for which a merchant was ever active.

Given the importance of innovation effects in the current policy debate, we benchmark our analysis of the
effects of Amazon entry against those of merchants likely to be of similar efficiency. For simplicity, we
assume that the largest third-party merchants by revenue are those most likely to satisfy this criterion and
define a “big third-party merchant” as one of the top 100 third-party merchants by revenue in the Home
& Kitchen department in our sample period. We denote these “Big 3P” merchants, with the remaining
third-party merchants referred to as “Fringe 3P” merchants.37

We adapt the econometric specification used throughout our product-level analyses in the previous subsec-
tions to suit a merchant-level analysis. First, as above, we divide our merchants into “Big 3P” versus “Fringe
3P” and then measure the effects of the first entry of either Amazon or one of the big third-party merchants
(whoever was first to enter) on the rate of new product introductions of fringe third-party merchants:

N umN ewP rodsgmt = η + γm + γma + γt + τsAm ∗ dm,AmF irstm =t−s
+ τsBig3P ∗ dm,Big3P F irstm =t−s + mt

where N umN ewP rodsgmt is the number of single-entry new products introduced by fringe 3P merchant
m of growth type g (defined below) in week t, γm , γma , and γt are merchant, merchant age, and time (week)
fixed effects, τsAm is the estimated treatment effect of Amazon’s first entry into one of merchant m’s products
in week s after Amazon entry, dm,AmF irstm =t−s is a dummy equal to 1 if a product sold by merchant m was
first entered by Amazon (instead of a Big 3P merchant) and first saw Amazon entry within s weeks previous
to the current week t, where s = 0, . . . , W , with W = 80.38 τsBig3P and dm,Big3P F irstm =t−s are similarly
defined for those merchants that first experienced Big 3P entry. In the estimation sample (described more
fully below), merchants first experiencing Amazon entry earned 20.9% of in-sample revenue, those first
experiencing Big 3P entry earned 6.7% of revenue, and the remaining merchants experience no in-sample
four weeks (as might arise, for example, when a manufacturer releases a new product and that is introduced and sold on marketplace
by multiple sellers).
Big third-party merchants as defined account for approximately one-third of total third-party revenue in the Home & Kitchen
department in this period.
When s = 0, this will indicate the week of entry; when s = 80, this will indicate the last week over which we estimate the
effects of Amazon’s entry. In the analysis here, we focus on Amazon’s first entry into a merchant’s existing product mix, covering
55% of the Amazon entry cases (with the remaining merchants seeing two or more instances of Amazon entry).

Amazon or Big 3P entry.39

The policy debate focuses on the potential impact of Amazon entry on third-party merchants’ incentives to
offer innovative new products on Marketplace and our analysis therefore seeks to measure these effects, and
to benchmark them against effects of other efficient (Big 3P) seller entry. To do so, we must first distinguish
between “innovative” and “non-innovative” products. We do so by segmenting products according to their
revenue growth over their (pre-Amazon and/or pre-Big-3P entry) lifespan.40 For each product, we define
its revenue growth rate at the quarterly level over its lifetime. Restricting attention to those products whose
lifetimes are at least one year, we define “high-growth” products as those with a mean and median revenue
growth rate above 1, “low-growth” products as those with a mean growth below 1, but median growth above
1, and “no-growth” products as those with those with both mean and median growth below 1.41 These
definitions are arbitrary, but Table 5 shows that, when evaluated across the full sample, they segment well
Marketplace products, with the top three groups constituting roughly two-fifths of the products but almost
90% of the revenue in the Home & Kitchen department. Figure 15 reports the time pattern of revenue by
each product growth type in the Home & Kitchen department in our sample.

In what follows, we define innovative products to be our “high-growth” products, capturing 11.3% of prod-
ucts but 45.8% of revenue in the Home & Kitchen department. We measure the effects of the first Amazon or
Big 3P entry into any Fringe merchants’ existing products, not just those that may have been high growth.42
As we are particularly interested in the effects of such entry on “innovative merchants,” we analyze the
effects of such entry separately for merchants depending on their history of successful (i.e. high-growth)
new product introductions. In the Home & Kitchen department for the sample which allowed us to mea-
sure all the key covariates in this analysis, 96.9% of merchants, covering 85.4% of revenue, had introduced
no pre-Amazon-or-Big-3P-entry high-growth new products (including those merchants that never saw such
entry), 2.1% of merchants, covering 6.7% of revenue, had introduced one such new product, and 1.0% of
merchants, covering 8.0% of revenue, had two or more such new products.43 Table 6 reports the average
number of new product introductions by these three merchant pre-entry product growth segments, for both
Note that this doesn’t mean that such merchants never competed against Amazon in our data. They may have experience
Amazon entry before week 5 (such events are excluded from of the estimation sample) or entered an ASIN in which Amazon was
The average age at which a fringe merchant first experiences entry into one of its products is similar, albeit slightly less, for
first Big 3P relative to first Amazon entry.
There are three other categories in the data: “short exit” products/merchants are those that exist for less than a year, “instant
exit” products/merchants are those that exist for less than a quarter, and the remaining products are too new to Marketplace to
calculate our growth measures, making up a residual, “not enough data,” category.
We explored also estimating the effects of entry into high-growth products but the data were not rich enough to detect any
significant correlations.
This analysis measures the effects of Amazon and Big 3P entry on over 52,000 merchants. To be included in the sample, we
required four quarters of revenue data to calculate product growth types (thus the last year is dropped), a new product had to survive
at least one year, and we had to be able to calculate the age of the merchant. This sample captures 55.6% of the full sample revenue.

high- and non-high-growth product introductions and by pre/post entry period (if relevant). The patterns in
our subsequent regression results are qualitatively similar to those in this table of data patterns.

In our analysis, we estimate versions of Equation (6) for each of three dependent variables: the number
of all single-entry new products as well as the number of high-growth and non-high-growth single-entry
new products. This allows us to capture the impact of Amazon entry on the introduction of (what turns
out to be) both innovative and non-innovative new products. The left panel of Figure 16 reports average
treatment effects of the first Amazon entry into one of a merchant’s products on the number of subsequent
single-entry new products introduced by merchants between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 80 weeks
post-Amazon entry. In the right panel, we examine the heterogeneity in this treatment effect across the
number of previous high-growth single-entry new products a merchant had introduced previous to Amazon
entry. There is a slight positive relationship for merchants with 0 previous high-growth new products, no
effect for those with 1, and strong negative effects for those with two or more such products.44

Table 7 reports regression results from a version of Equation (6) which imposes common effects of Amazon
and Big 3P entry across weeks, but allows τ to vary by the number of each merchant’s pre-Amazon-entry
or pre-Big-3P-entry single-entry high-growth new products introduced, both for all such new products as
well as broken out by (what turned out to be) high-growth and non-high-growth new products. The results
show negative relationships between Amazon and Big 3P entry and third-party merchants’ subsequent new
product introductions, with statistically significant correlations for Amazon entry on merchants with two or
more previous high-growth new product introductions and for Big 3P entry on merchants with one previous
high-growth new product introduction. Comparing to the average number of weekly pre-entry new product
introductions in Table 6, the magnitudes of the relationships are large, with effect sizes among those with
positive pre-entry high-growth new product introductions generally in the range of 40-80%. Absolute effect
sizes are more negative for Big 3P than Amazon entry, as (generally) are relative effect sizes.

The goal of our analysis in this section has been to provide empirical evidence on important policy concerns
surrounding the impact of entry of marketplace owners in hybrid platform markets on innovation on the
platform. As highlighted in the introduction, some have argued that hybrid platforms present an inherent
conflict of interest that is prone to innovation-reducing imitation (House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust
Subcommittee 2020). The economics literature provides more nuanced conclusions, however, with both
Hagiu et al. (2020) and Madsen and Vellodi (2021) showing that a forward-looking hybrid platform has an
incentive to internalize the innovation-reducing effects of its entry on the long-run value of the platform.
A platform following such a strategy must necessarily balance the increased value to consumers and the
We tested the assumption of parallel linear pre-trends for each of these cohorts and could not reject it for any.

platform of entry in competition with third-party sellers against the loss of innovation from sellers who
respond to such imitation by failing to bring future new products. Hagiu et al. (2020), in particular, find a
platform internalizing such effects is more likely to imitate less innovative products.

How then to interpret our results? Unfortunately, we do not think that they reveal the causal effects de-
scribed in this literature and instead simply reflect “reversion to the mean” in new product introductions.
In particular, having a successful new product introduction is uncertain. While there may be persistence in
the ability to successfully identify, market, and ultimately sell some new products (e.g. for brand owners
introducing a new version of a previously successful product), this certainly isn’t true for all new products.
Thus for merchants that have previously introduced a successful new product, we would expect a down-
ward trend in the expected success rate of subsequent product introductions and, by backward induction, a
lesser desire to introduce new products in the first place, with the oppositive effect for those merchants that
have not previously introduced a successful new product. Furthermore, since our entry analysis analyzes
the effect of a merchant’s first exposure to Amazon or Big 3P entry, entry is necessarily increasing over
time. Thus our estimated correlations between new product introductions and entry likely capture correla-
tions between a decreasing (for previously successful merchants) or increasing (for previously unsuccessful
merchants) trend in new product introductions and an increasing trend in Amazon or Big 3P entry in the raw
data. Correctly measuring the causal effects of entry on innovation on Amazon Marketplace would need to
address such considerations, as well as the life-cycle patterns that threatened identification in the previous
subsections (cf. footnote 35). Attempting to do so is beyond the scope of this study, but a highly interesting
area for future research.

3.4 Cross-product effects of Amazon entry, including Private Label entry

We turn now to the more challenging case of assessing the effects of Amazon’s entry into one product on
other products. The increased challenge arises from the difficulty defining appropriate groups of substitute
products over which to measure effects for the more than 100,000 Home & Kitchen products in our dataset.

We seek to resolve this challenge in two ways. First, we analyze general cross-product effects of entry
within individual Home & Kitchen subcategories. Subcategories on Marketplace are mutually exclusive
and exhaustive and capture meaningful and intuitive differences between products. Second, given their
importance in the policy debate, we use Amazon search results to define substitute products for each of the
largest Amazon’s Private Label kitchen products and measure the effects of Private Label entry on these
substitutes. We describe each exercise in turn.

3.4.1 Cross-product effects within subcategories

Amazon classifies the thousands of products in the Home & Kitchen department into 467 categories (e.g.
Vacuum cleaners, Kettles, Fans) and over 2,500 subcategories (e.g. Robotic vacuum cleaners, Stick vacuum
cleaners, Cylinder vacuum dust bags, etc.). Table 8 reports the top 10 subcategories by revenue in the Home
& Kitchen department as well as, for each subcategory, the number of “active” products, defined as the set
of products that make up 90% of the revenue within that subcategory in our sample period, the number of
Amazon Private Label products, and the number of “active” entry events, defined as entry by an ever-active
merchant into one of the active products.45

To measure cross-product effects of entry, we estimate reduced-form regressions of the following form:

log(1 + yst,m ) = η + γs + γt + n γmn log(1 + entriesst,n ) + γtot log(1 + productsst ) + st,m ,
m, n = {Big3P, F ringe3P, Amazon}

where log(1 + yst,m ) is the log of (one plus) a revenue variable (to be further described) earned by all prod-
ucts in subcategory s in week t, m indexes three types of merchants, big third-party merchants (“Big3P”),
other third-party merchants (“Fringe3P”), and Amazon, γs and γt are subcategory and week fixed effects,
log(1 + entriesst,n ) is the log of one plus the number of products that entered subcategory s in week t
,n ∈ Amazon, Big3P, F ringe3P , and log(1 + products)st is the log of (one plus) the total products of-
fered in subcategory s in the Home & Kitchen department in week t. Our estimation sample relied on 2,225
subcategories with complete data covering 90% of the revenue among products that had a subcategory.

In what follows, we report specifications with two different outcome variables, log(1 + yst,m ). 46 We report
results for both (i) log(1 + revenuest,m ), which is, for each merchant type, m, the log of (one plus) the
total revenue of all of products in subcategory s in week t and for (ii) log(inc_revst,m ), the log of the
total revenue of all incumbent products of merchant type m in s and t, where incumbent revenue excludes
revenue from all products of that merchant type that entered that subcategory in the previous 80 weeks. We
also report regression results aggregating each revenue variable across all merchant types, yielding a total
subcategory-level revenue measure. We exclude the first 80 weeks of a subcategory’s life from our analysis
to ensure we are measuring the effects of de novo entry in each subcategory.

The purpose of these regressions is to try to answer “from whom do new entrants steal revenue?” The iden-
Ever-active merchants, defined above, are those that contribute to 90% of the sales of that product in some quarter in our sample
Including “1+” in the specifications was for computational convenience. We care most about relative rather than absolute
magnitudes of the coefficients. As such, we determined this a convenient parameterization.

tification strategy is similar to an aggregated version of that used in the within-product analysis above: to
exploit variation in the number and timing of entry of new products on the total and incumbent revenues
of Amazon, Big 3P, and Fringe 3P merchants. We include subcategory level fixed effects to pick up unob-
served differences in demand or competitive conditions across subcategories and date fixed effects to pick
up seasonality or other time-varying shocks for the Home & Kitchen department as a whole. One threat to
our identification strategy would be the presence of time-varying demand shocks, e.g. from demand growth
within a subcategory. In this case, more product entry could be correlated with positive demand shocks and
could cause an upward bias in our parameter estimates. Another is that subcategories could include products
that aren’t fully substitutable. While we think product complementarity is unlikely given the granularity of
subcategory definitions (c.f. those listed in Table 8), there are many products in each subcategory and they
may not all be close substitutes. This mixing of more and less substitutable products would tend to attenuate
our estimated effects. By the same token, if products substitute across subcategories (e.g. Robotic and Stick
vacuum cleaners), then we may underestimate the extent of business stealing between merchants. Despite
these concerns, each of these considerations would seem to apply equally across merchant types, thus our
estimates should at minimum provide insights on the relative effects of each type of merchant entry on own
and rivals’ subcategory revenue.

Table 9 presents our results. Focusing first on the upper half of the table, the upper-left panel reports the
coefficient estimates of regressions of log revenues of each merchant type (as well as total subcategory
revenue) on the log number of new entrants of each revenue type, as well as a control for the number of
products in the subcategory. Patterns are broadly in line with expectations: entry of, e.g., 10% more big
third-party products in the previous 80 weeks are associated with a 4.7% increase in big third-party revenue
in week t. Diagonal elements are uniformly positive and the elasticity of revenue with respect to increases
in total numbers of products tend to be between 0.9 and 1.5.

The challenge with total revenue as the dependent variable is that entry induces both market expansion
(due primarily to sales of the new products) as well (possibly) as business stealing (due to reduced sales
of existing products). The upper-right panel of Table 9 seeks to isolate the business-stealing incentives by
excluding from the dependent variable, revenue, all revenues from products that have entered in the previous
80 weeks. Thus the dependent variable in any given week, t, which we call “incumbent” revenue, reflects
revenue from products at least 80 weeks old as of t. The coefficients then measure the correlation of these
incumbent revenues with more or fewer entrants in the previous 80 weeks of the various merchant types.47
We choose not to control for total (incumbent) products in this specification as the number of incumbent total products in week
t are fixed and variation over time would arise exclusively from product exit, which is not the focus of this exercise. That being
said, the qualitative patterns in the table are the same when including such a covariate.

The results show more clearly cannibalization, at least for some merchant types. In particular, increases in
fringe (big third-party) entry is associated with reductions in incumbent fringe (third-party) revenue. By
contrast, increases in Amazon entry tend not to cannibalize anyone’s sales, if anything being associated with
a slight increase in big third-party revenue. Further confirming these patterns, a 10% increase in Amazon
entry is associated with a 0.7% increase in total subcategory revenue (statistically significant at the 10%
level), while a similar 10% increase in fringe third-party entry is associated with a 1.5% decrease in total
subcategory revenue.

3.4.2 Effects of Amazon Private Label entry

We address the question of the effects of Amazon Private Label (PL) entry by combining the methods of the
previous subsections: we define a set of substitute products over which to measure the cross-product effects
of Private Label entry and then use methods similar to that in Section 3.2 to measure the effects of that entry
on some of our earlier outcome variables (notably revenue and prices).

For each of the largest Private Label products in the Home & Kitchen department, we used Amazon’s search
results to identify substitute products. In particular, for each Private Label product, we asked Amazon to
identify all searches in the first week of each month in our sample in which that Private Label showed up on
the first “page” of search results (which they define as the top 20 results). We asked them to identify all other
products that also showed up in the first page of results and then defined as potential substitutes all products
in that list that were in the same Home & Kitchen subcategory.48 To align the analysis to the policy concerns
raised in this space, we selected the five highest-revenue products among these potential substitutes as our
substitutes of interest, i.e. that were “treated” by Amazon Private Label entry. For the same reasons, we also
focused our PL analysis on the 50 Home & Kitchen Private Labels with the highest revenues, for which we
were able to construct a valid control group for 31.

We also use the search results to help define a set of control products for the set of substitute products
treated by Amazon’s PL entry. An ideal control group would control for unobserved demand and/or cost
shocks common to the subcategory of PL entry but not affected itself by the entry of Amazon’s PL product.
Our choice is the set of all products within the PL entry subcategory that we did not show up in the search
results described above. These products’ absence in Amazon’s search results supports the assumption that
they are not a substitute for the Amazon PL product and their presence in the same subcategory supports the
assumption that they may be subject to similar unobservable subcategory-level demand, cost, or competition
shocks. On average across the PL products that we considered, 18.4% of the subcategory revenue came from
This was important to eliminate complements, e.g. vacuum bags for Private Label vacuum cleaners (and vice versa).

the PL’s treated group, 60.4% from the PL’s control group, 1.7% from the PL itself, and the remainder from
products below the top 5 that were included in Amazon search results with the PL.

We then estimated treatment effects specifications of the following form:

yjmt = η + γj + γt + τp(r)s,m ∗ di,AmEntryi =r ∗ da=r+s + jt (7)
r∈R s=0

where yjmt is an aggregate outcome of interest (e.g., average price or total revenue or quantity) of the
products, i, defined to be part of the treated substitute products for Amazon Private Label product j, i, . . . , Ij ,
for merchant type m ∈ {3P, Am} in week t, γj and γt are Private-Label-related-product and time (week)
fixed effects, τp(r)s,m is the estimated treatment effect of Amazon entry for the cohort group p (the average
of the age at entry ri for the treated substitutes, i, for Private Label product j) in week s after Amazon entry,
with separate effects by merchant type m, di,AmEntryi =r is a dummy equal to 1 if product i saw Amazon
entry at week r. The (average) “age at entry,” r, for PL j is a sales-weighted average of the ages of the five
substitutes for each PL j, and this average age at entry is allocated to one of three cohort groups, p, defined
by R = {5 - 49, 50 - 99, 100+}, da=r+s is an time dummy equal to 1 if in the sth week after Amazon’s
(average) age at entry, where s = 0, . . . , W .

There are several differences in this specification relative to those in Section 3.2, all related to the fact that
we are measuring cross-product rather than within-product entry. First, the outcome variable of interest is
an aggregate of the outcomes of the five treated products for each Amazon Private Label: for prices, it is the
sales-weighted average price and for revenue and quantity it is the total revenue and total quantity. Second,
since we measure the effect of Amazon’s PL entry on five substitute products, there is no single age at entry;
rather we calculate a sales-weighted average age at entry and measure effects across age cohorts relative to
this average age.

The qualitative results for the effects of Amazon Private Label entry are quite similar to those shown above
for within-product entry, so we present them briefly. The left panel of Figure 17 and the two left panels of
Figure 18 report the treatment effect of Amazon PL entry on average third-party substitutes’ prices and total
third-party substitutes’ revenue and quantity, τ̂s,3P and τ̂s,3P , for two-week treatment windows between
20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks post-Amazon entry. The right panels of each figure overlay
Amazon outcomes relative to average (for prices) or total (for revenue and quantities) third-party substitute
outcomes. Aggregating across age cohorts, the results show negligible effects on any third-party outcome,
with Amazon pricing slightly less than pre-entry substitute product average prices and earning revenues
substantially less than pre-entry third-party averages.

Table 10 demonstrates that there is, as for within-product entry, important cohort effects and quantify the
magnitudes of Amazon’s effects. The first row in Table 10 shows, as for our within-product analysis in
Section 3.2 above, that Amazon PL entry in competition with products that are (on average) early in their
life cycle is likely associated with important unobserved demand shocks, with third-party quantities and
revenues increasing and prices falling. As such, none of these should be interpreted as causal effects.
Amazon PL entry into older product cohorts that fail to reject the assumption of common pre-trends show
very modest effects: no impact on average third-party prices or revenues, despite Amazon charging lower
prices, a positive effect on third-party quantity, and Amazon selling or earning a small fraction (1-10%) of
the quantities or revenues of pre-entry third-party levels.49

3.4.3 Effects of Amazon entry across products: Interpretation

Considering the effects of Amazon entry across products within subcategories, the evidence suggests Ama-
zon entry on Amazon Marketplace causes market expansion rather than business stealing. Considering a
more targeted analysis of Amazon Private Label entry, for those product cohorts for which a causal analy-
sis is most supportable (with product ages of 50 or more weeks), there is no evidence of significant price,
revenue, or quantity effects on third-party merchants and Amazon, when it enters, charges lower prices and
earns a small fraction of pre-entry third-party substitutes’ revenue or quantity. Taken together, the interpre-
tation of the effects of Amazon entry across products in Germany’s Home & Kitchen is comparable to that
for our within-product effects analysis: we find no evidence of the expropriation of significant third-party
sales, or indeed any material third-party harm.

4 Predictors of Amazon Entry

4.1 Context and testable implications of the existing literature

In our final section, we now to examining the factors that predict which products Amazon chooses to offer.
We do so, however, only for Amazon entry decisions within existing products, for the dual reasons that this
business practice is one of the two pillars of policy concerns regarding Amazon behavior and that they are the
most straightforward to address from an empirical perspective.50 As discussed in Section 3.1, our analysis
Statistical tests for common pre-trends between the treated and control groups are rejected for all outcome variables in the
youngest cohort and for revenues and quantities in the oldest cohort, with a positive pre-trend in treated markets.
We don’t, by contrast, seek to model Amazon’s decision to enter with particular Private Label products for the same reasons
(and more) that complicated the measurement of Private Label effects: we would need to know which non-Private Label products
are likely substitutes of the Private Label product, not only for those Private Labels that they chose to introduce, but also those
that they could have but didn’t. The latter is particularly difficult given the size and scope of Amazon Marketplace, and therefore

of within-product entry focuses on cases when there is a single third-party merchant selling the product in
its first four weeks of life (“single-merchant entry”); subsequent entry by Amazon in such products accounts
for slightly more than 20% of its Marketplace revenue in the Home & Kitchen department in Germany in
our sample period.

The possibilities for analyzing Amazon entry within existing products are promising. There are many thou-
sands of entry events and we have the ability to measure many (but not all) of the factors that could influence
Amazon’s entry decisions. Furthermore, some of these factors are known only to Amazon by virtue of its
ownership of Marketplace (e.g. existing products’ revenue or revenue growth), whereas others are observ-
able to third parties (e.g. sales ranks, number of competitors), enabling us to assess the potential relevance
of Amazon having access to aggregated Marketplace data to inform its entry decisions.

We provide two important caveats about this claim, however. First, since 2014, Amazon has had a Seller
Data Protection Policy that “prohibits Amazon Retail teams from using non-public seller-specific data to
compete against third-party sellers.”51 In what follows, we will only use aggregate (product-level) informa-
tion, thus (we believe) satisfying the requirements of the Seller Data Protection Policy.52 Second, and more
important, we do not have access to all possible determinants of Amazon entry decisions (e.g. external com-
petitor information, internal profit information, and other potentially important factors). As such, it is very
possible that covariates that we include in our analysis not only measure the causal effect of that variable
on Amazon’s entry decision, but also pick up the effects of other factors we are not able to measure that
are correlated with it. We do not, therefore, consider this a causal analysis; instead we interpret our results
as predictive and assess whether the signs and magnitudes of coefficients are broadly consistent with the
economic forces identified in the economic literature as relevant to Amazon’s entry decisions.

What are these forces? The literature analyzing economic entry in general emphasizes, quite naturally,
that firms prefer to enter markets where demand is high (and/or growing), costs are low (and/or falling), and
competition is low (Berry and Reiss 2007). The economic literature analyzing hybrid marketplaces provides
further predictions based on the vertical relationship between the marketplace as marketplace provider and
as one more retailer on the marketplace. Nosko and Tadelis (2015), using eBay data, show that decentralized
beyond the scope of this paper. We also are not able to estimate the factors that influence Amazon “de novo” entry (or analyze
cross-product effects more generally), as again many of the key factors that would enter this decision (the set of possible products
not currently offered on Marketplace, the extent of any difference in the set of products offered on Marketplace relative to rival
online platforms, and others) are not in our data.
Despite this policy, there have been many claims that it has not been uniformly monitored and enforced, at least in the US and
India (House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee (2020, pp 274-282), Kalra and Stecklow (2021)). We are not aware
of any violations of this policy in Amazon’s Germany Marketplace that we study.
Technically, our approach of aggregating information to the level of the product provides merchant-level information when
there is only a single merchant selling a product prior to Amazon entry (and/or Big 3P entry in such specifications). However, this
arises in only 6-8% of products (weighted by revenue), so for practical purposes our regressions are relying on the same kind of
aggregated data on which Amazon’s policies permit itself to rely.

sellers do not internalize the impact of their actions on the marketplace as a whole, inducing a reputational
externality across sellers (i.e. buyers tend to blame the platform, not a bad seller, for a bad outcome on the
platform). Their mitigation strategy for the platform is to promote high-quality sellers in search results; the
analogous outcome in our setting would be for Amazon to enter into markets where there are low-quality
sellers. Etro (2021b) analyzes Amazon’s entry incentives and finds, under a range of demand conditions,
that they are aligned with consumer welfare: entry reduces prices, increasing consumer conversion rates,
and proportionately benefiting both the platform and consumers. It further shows that, because Amazon can
monetize third-party sales via commissions, it has no reason to foreclose third-party rivals, instead having
an incentive to enter only when it has a competitive advantage from doing so (e.g. when it can exploit its
efficient logistics operations) or when there is third-party-merchant market power (e.g. via Private Label
entry), factors which increase the value of the marketplace not only for consumers, but also for third-party

Not to say there are not tradeoffs. Anderson and Bedre-Defolie (2021) endogenize the fees platforms charge
sellers and find that the hybrid mode for a monopolist platform encourages higher fees (due to standard
margin-squeeze arguments), thus lower variety and consumer welfare. Hagiu et al. (2020) examine the
policy effects of banning hybrid marketplaces, finding this would be consumer and total welfare-reducing.
Policies that limit the imitation of highly innovative products and prevent steering of buyers to the hybrid’s
own products would be preferred. Madsen and Vellodi (2021) analyze the exploitation of data by a hybrid
platform and find its optimal policy must trade of the ex post benefits of successfully imitating successful
products against the ex ante reduction in innovation caused by such imitation. In this paper, we look at a
single Marketplace department with a fixed commission fee and thus cannot test the implications of these
theories on marketplace fees, focusing instead on whether the predictors of Amazon entry decisions are more
consistent with factors that internalize potential negative externalities, enhancing the value of Marketplace
for consumers and firms, or more consistent with exploitation of high-demand/high-growth products brought
to marketplace by third-party sellers, possibly using Marketplace data not available to rival entrants.

4.2 Empirical model and results

4.2.1 Empirical Model

To do so, we consider two versions of the question, “which products on Marketplace does Amazon enter?”
First, we ask it unconditionally, analyzing Amazon’s entry decisions across the Home & Kitchen department

where a product exists and has been sold by a third-party merchant for a minimum of four weeks.53 For
convenience, we ignore questions of when Amazon enters in favor of what predicts Amazon entry, whenever
it occurs. Thus our analysis is cross-sectional: an observation is a product, i, and AmEntryi = 1 if Amazon
entered into this product (after its fifth week of life) at some point during our sample period. AmEntryi = 0
before its entry date (where it entered) and for all other marketplace products in which Amazon chose not
to enter during our sample period.

We also seek to benchmark Amazon’s entry decisions against other retailers most similar to it. We deter-
mined that the closest likely comparable retailers are “big” third-party merchants, i.e. the top 100 such
merchants that have the highest in-sample Home & Kitchen revenue. As described earlier, these big mer-
chants, while less than 1% of all Marketplace merchants, earn a third of third-party revenue on Marketplace.
We therefore ask the related question, “which products on Marketplace does Amazon enter first?”, i.e. be-
fore a big third-party retailer. As highlighted in the theoretical literature summarized above, to the extent
Amazon’s entry decisions are driven, at least in part, to maximize the value of the marketplace as a whole,
they are likely to be driven by factors different from those of large 3P merchants, who seek only to maxi-
mize their own profits. In this specification, an observation is again a product, i, AmF irsti = 1 if Amazon
entered into this product before a big third-party merchant, and AmF irsti = 0 if a big third-party mer-
chant was the first to enter the product. Naturally the estimates from such a specification measure only the
difference in impact each predictor has on Amazon versus third-party incentives to enter a product.

The regression equations for both of these specifications are simple Linear Probability Models with a (near-)
common set of covariates:

yi = DemandF actors0i βDem + Comp&P latF actors0i βComp + P latAttractiveness0i βP latf orm + i (8)

where yi is either AmEntryi or AmF irsti , according to the two specifications described above, DemandF actorsi ,
are covariates we expect potential entrants to be aware of that measure the expected demand and/or demand
growth for product i, Comp&P latF actorsi are covariates likely to measure the expected competitiveness
of product i (that could also be important from the Platform’s perspective), and P latAttractivenessi are
covariates likely to be measure features important to the attractiveness of the platform that might be more
salient to Amazon’s entry decisions than to a third-party merchant’s. Note that these designations are merely
suggestive and their interpretations are not causal. Individual covariates can proxy for multiple potential in-
fluences (e.g. competitiveness and platform considerations); this will be evident in the empirical results to
The restriction that Amazon not enter in the first four weeks is also what we did in the effects section above and speaks to the
desire to address the policy questions about expropriation of third-party sellers’ information and data.

come. All covariates are averaged across time: for the 10 weeks before Amazon or big-third-party-merchant
entry (as the case may be), and across the full sample for products where Amazon never entered.

We consider a range of demand factors. These include the log of (1 +) the pre-entry (total third-party)
revenue of the product, the inverse of the sales rank of the product in its subcategory (thus higher values
indicate more attractive sales positions), and, in some specifications, measures of revenue growth.

In both the text and the tables, we distinguish between covariates that are likely to be observed only by
Amazon versus those that are also observable to third-party merchants (a topic we discuss in more depth in
the next subsection). Among the demand factors, Log(1 + Revenue) and a product’s High/Low/No growth
status rely on internal product-level sales data observed by Amazon but not by a third-party merchant; in the
tables these are written in italicized script. By contrast, the inverse sales rank is our approximation to similar
information provided to all third-party merchants by Amazon in their Seller Central Marketplace services,
and is therefore not italicized.

We consider as well a range of factors that measure the current (and thus expected) competitiveness of
product i. These include the number of active merchants (as we’ve defined them in this project),54 the
number of merchants offering the product (regardless of sales), whether or not a third-party merchant is
offering the product Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA), and whether or not there is a big third-party merchant
already selling the product. The number of offering merchants and whether there is an FBA or big third-
party merchant is clearly observable to other third-party merchants. While we created the number of active
merchants using sales data only available to Amazon, whether third-party merchants could approximate it is
not so clear.55 To be conservative, while “partially observable,” we include the number of active merchants
in the tables in italicized text.

We call these covariates competitive/platform factors as, all else equal, increases in the number of efficient
merchants selling a product will tend to make the product less profitable for any potential entrant, but it
will also be perceived to be “well served” from the platform’s perspective as it is more likely that there
are already efficient sellers in place to sell the product. Both suggest negative effects on Amazon’s entry

Our final set of covariates focuses on considerations that are particularly salient to the attractiveness of the
marketplace beyond the individual product. These are average product availability and whether or not a
product is on offer but has not yet made any sales. Lack of product availability and the listing of a product
with terms and conditions sufficiently unattractive to fail to result in any sales are both potentially factors
The number of merchants that contributed to the first 90% of the sales of that product.
Third-party merchants monitoring a product market could likely determine the number and identity of active sellers by carefully
monitoring the terms of their offers to consumers, including whether/not any (and how many) win the Buy Box.

for any firm to enter to provide a better price/availability, but they are likely to induce a significant negative
consumer experiences from a platform perspective, further increasing Amazon’s incentives to address them
via product entry. Both such covariates would be observable only to Amazon using Marketplace data.

4.2.2 The Role of Sellers’ Data in our Analysis

As described in the Introduction, many of the concerns about Amazon’s Marketplace entry decisions relate
to its potential use of third-party seller Marketplace data to inform its entry decisions. These discussions
sometimes conflate seller-specific data with aggregate data, i.e. data aggregated across multiple sellers but
still only available to Amazon. As described in Section 4.1 above, Amazon has since 2014 had a Seller Data
Protection Policy of not using non-public, seller-specific data, albeit there are concerns that this policy has
not been uniformly monitored and enforced. Such data is distinct from data aggregated across sellers, for
whom such a policy does not apply.

As described in Section 4.1 above, our empirical model constructs predictors of Amazon’s (and Big 3P mer-
chants’) product-level entry decisions using pre-entry Marketplace data at the level of individual products.
But for the few cases where there is a single merchant selling a product for all weeks prior to Amazon (or Big
3P) entry (6-8% when weighted by revenue), our analysis relies exclusively on the type of aggregated data
permitted under Amazon’s Seller Data Protection Policy. As such, it cannot speak directly to the differential
effects of using aggregate versus seller-specific data.

What our analysis can do, however, is speak to the predictive value of “public” information likely to be
observed by both Amazon and other 3P merchants alike versus “non-public” information likely to be ob-
served only to Amazon by virtue of its ownership of Marketplace. Of the covariates described in Section
4.2.1 above, we argued that four are likely to be public/observable-to-third-party-sellers measures of de-
mand or competitive conditions (a product’s inverse sales rank, the number of offering merchants, and
whether or not there is an FBA or Big merchant present) and the remaining seven are likely to be to be
non-public/unobservable measures of demand, competitive conditions, and platform externality factors (pre-
entry product revenue and revenue growth, the number of active merchants, and measures of product/existing
seller quality like availability and the presence of offers without sales). One goal of the empirical analysis is
to determine the extent to which non-public information available to Amazon by virtue of owning Market-
place can predict Amazon’s entry decisions relative to public information, and to what extent the patterns
of such predictions are consistent with exploitation of third-party sellers versus internalizing Marketplace
externalities. The next sections describes our results and their interpretation along these lines.

4.2.3 Results

Table 11 presents the results predicting Amazon entry, both relative to those products it chose not to enter
and relative to those products where it entered before a big third-party seller, with the final set of columns
reporting the difference in coefficients across the two dependent variables. To foster comparability with
later results that were not able to calculate the demand growth variables, we present baseline results both
including and excluding them.

The first two columns of Table 11 measure the correlates that predict Amazon entry into a pre-existing
Marketplace product. They show that Amazon entry depends in mixed ways on demand levels (anyway
with small magnitudes), but is strongly associated with high demand growth.56 It is less common the more
offering and active merchants are present, but (contrary to expectation) increasing in the presence of a
big or FBA merchant. These latter could be proxying for unobserved (by us) demand shocks correlated
with the entry of such merchants. As expected, Amazon is more likely to enter the lower is existing product
availability and when there are products on Marketplace where existing seller offers are not attractive enough
to yield sales (e.g. due to high prices, lack of availability, or other factors).

The next two columns of Table 11 measure the relative importance of the same covariates for determining
whether Amazon or a big third-party merchant enters an existing product first. (For expositional convenience
the third pair of columns reports the difference in the estimates across the first two pairs of columns). The
results show that Amazon is less responsive to demand factors in their entry decisions (or in the speed of
their entry decisions) than are big third-party merchants. For example, a product moving from the lowest to
highest possible sales rank (0 to 1) is associated with a thirteen percentage point smaller predicted first-to-
enter probability for Amazon relative to a big third-party merchant. By contrast, Amazon is more responsive
to the presence of existing merchants (being more reluctant to enter relative to a big third-party merchant),
with the converse the case for the presence of an FBA merchant (with big third-party merchants being now
much more reluctant to enter). Amazon is also more responsive than big third-party merchants with respect
to lack of product availability, albeit (surprisingly) less responsive to products with offers but no sales.57

As our effects analysis in Section 3.2 showed heterogeneous effects associated with the age of a product at
the time of Amazon’s entry, Table 12 explores whether similar heterogeneity is present in our analysis of
To foster interpretability, note that these results say that a high-growth product is associated with a 52 percentage point higher
Amazon entry probability, whereas a product moving from 2nd (1/2=0.5) to 1st (1/1=1) in its subcategory sales rank is associated
with a 1 percentage point lower Amazon entry probability.
We interpret variables observable to Amazon but not third-party merchants as if third-party merchants did not consider such a
variable in their decision-making but Amazon did (or could). If third-party merchants made random decisions related to products
with offers and not sales, these results would suggest Amazon would be even less likely to enter relative to this benchmark. That
seems unlikely, suggesting the covariate is picking up some other unmeasured factors that differentially affect Amazon and third-
party entry decisions.

the predictors of Amazon’s entry.58 In fact there is surprising homogeneity, with the strongest differences
across cohorts showing that Amazon is much more unresponsive to products’ sales ranks than are third-
party merchants in all but first-to-enter into the oldest cohort (with the coefficient magnitude 4 times the
across-cohort estimate for entry into products 25-49 weeks old).

4.3 Predictors: Interpretation

The goal of our empirical analysis in this section is twofold. First, we wish to measure the predictors
of Amazon’s entry decisions to assess their potential motivations: are their entry patterns consistent with
exploiting third-party merchants or with internalizing marketplace externalities (or perhaps both)? Second,
what role does aggregate (across sellers) data which is only available to Amazon appear to predict their entry
decisions relative to those of third-party merchants who do not observe such data.

The results predicting Amazon entry in isolation (the first two columns of Table 11) presents evidence more
in favor of internalizing externalities than exploiting third-party merchants: its entry is correlated with high-
growth, low-competition markets, even if there are other big and/or efficient (FBA) sellers present. While
this may harm pre-existing sellers, such is the nature of a competitive markets in general and the results of
section 3.4 above suggest that Amazon entry cannibalizes little aggregate third-party revenue. Furthermore,
Amazon entry is particularly likely when there are third-party offers but no sales (suggesting low-quality or
capacity-constrained product listings) and when product availability is low.

The picture is even more consistent with the goal internalizing marketplace externalities when Amazon’s
entry decisions are benchmarked against those of big third-party merchants. The results show that Ama-
zon enters product markets before third-party merchants when demand is low, concentration is high, and
product availability is low.59 Furthermore, predictors in italicized font that are observed by Amazon but not
by third-party merchants (demand, demand growth, low competition, and availability) are strongly associ-
ated with internalizing platform externalities associated with insufficient variety (as proxied by low-demand
goods), competition within a product, and reputational concerns associated with product stock-outs. Such
an entry strategy is more consistent with one which makes Marketplace more attractive to consumers (and,
by extension, third-party merchants) than one which seeks to expropriate third-party seller sales.
We were not able to measure the demand growth variables for the two youngest entry cohorts, and so drop these variables from
the analysis and compare results across cohorts and for the pooled regression for this specification.
The only puzzle is Amazon’s high entry propensity into products where there already exists an FBA merchant. If this coefficient
indeed reveals a causal effect and not a spurious correlation, it could signal a market for which Amazon’s efficiency advantages
beyond fulfillment may be beneficial (e.g. low-value “staples”), or that Amazon’s entry costs are lower due to greater information
about that product’s fulfillment cost requirements. Further investigation of these considerations would be welcome.

5 Conclusion: Policy implications of our findings, limitations, and direc-
tions for future research

The goal of this paper has been to address the policy issues raised in the public debate regarding Amazon’s
Marketplace business practices related to product entry. There are broadly three main concerns: first, that
Amazon misappropriates third-party seller value on Marketplace by entering with products in competition
with merchants’ most successful products; second, that it uses Marketplace data to enable such a strategy;
and third, that third-party merchants and consumers are harmed by such strategies, the former directly and
the latter via reduced innovation on the platform.

We’ve sought to evaluate each of these concerns by examining the predictors and effects of Amazon’s en-
try decisions in the Home & Kitchen department on the Germany Marketplace between July 12, 2016 and
May 31, 2021. In Section 4, we assess the first two of these concerns for Amazon entry into products
that were introduced to marketplace by third-party sellers. Our results provide much stronger evidence for
internalizing platform externalities (to the benefits of consumers and third-party merchants alike) than ex-
propriation of third-party seller sales: while Amazon tends to enter high-growth, low-competition markets,
relative to other big third-party merchants, they appear to enter first low-growth, (even-)lower competition,
low-product availability markets. We were not able to address the question of whether or not Amazon uses
seller-specific Marketplace data to inform their entry decisions; to the extent they use aggregated (across
sellers) Marketplace data, it appears they do so to create a more attractive platform for consumers than to
exploit successful (i.e. high-demand) third-party products.

In Section 3, we assess the third concern regarding consumer and merchant effects. Our efforts were com-
plicated by the revelation of complicated life-cycle effects for which we could only imperfectly control.
Focusing first on the effects of Amazon entry into existing products, and excluding such entry into early age
cohorts, where such life-cycle considerations were strongest, we found that Amazon entry was correlated
with slight price reductions and, surprisingly, lower third-party availability. For third-party merchants, we
found little, if any, displacement of third-party revenue in the first 40 weeks after Amazon entry, and that
Amazon itself sold only between 3-7% of pre-existing third-party quantity or revenue. Amazon often en-
tered and frequently failed (40% of the time) and its entry was associated with net exit only in the latest entry
cohort, with small magnitude (0.07 fewer active sellers). These effects are all modest and more consistent
with mild market expansion than business stealing. We also investigated the impact of Amazon entry on
merchants’ subsequent innovation, benchmarking the effects against those of Big 3P sellers, but the results
likely capture regression to the mean in new product introductions than the causal effects of either Amazon

or Big 3P entry.

We also examined cross-product effects, albeit in a more limited way due to the challenge identifying sets
of products likely to be affected by Amazon entry as well as other products which could serve as an ap-
propriate control group for the “treated” (by entry) products. We first characterized general cross-product
entry cannibalization effects within Home & Kitchen subcategories, finding that Amazon entry was more
consistent with market expansion than business stealing relative to entry by fringe or large third-party mer-
chants. These are important from a policy perspective given the large share of revenue associated with de
novo Amazon entry on Marketplace. We also examined the impact of Amazon Private Label (PL) entry.
We used Amazon’s historical search results and the definition of subcategories to identify, for each of the
largest PL products, a set of substitute products most likely to be impacted by Amazon entry as well as a set
of appropriate control products for these substitutes, finding results qualitatively similar to that for within-
product entry: excluding effects on substitutes early in their life cycles, Amazon entry is associated with
an increase in total quantities sold of third-party substitutes, with no estimated change in average prices or
revenues, while it charges lower prices for some entry cohorts and is associated with sales between 1-10%
of pre-entry third-party totals.

These conclusions come with a number of important limitations. Due to the computational demands of
analyzing such a large data environment, we analyzed only the Home & Kitchen department on the Ger-
many Marketplace between 2016-2021: it is possible that other patterns could arise in other departments
or in other countries or in other times. Our analysis of Private Label products necessarily relied on impor-
tant assumptions on which were both the “treated” and “control” groups of products; different definitions
are possible and these could yield different results. Our analysis used methods commonly applied to re-
veal causal effects in a wide variety of settings, but outcomes on Amazon Marketplace reflect challenging
unobserved life-cycle effects; further research would be welcome to directly address this challenge and/or
explore further dimensions of heterogeneity in the estimated effects. Finally, the goal of this project has
been to measure the effects of Amazon entry on Amazon Marketplace “in the round.” We do not dismiss
the stories of individual third-party merchants whose businesses have been displaced by Amazon entry. Our
goal has been to access as large a portion of Marketplace data as possible to assess how representative might
be such stories. Where we have looked, we do not see that they are.


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Table 1: Revenue shares across Germany’s Marketplace departments, 2016-2021

Avg Annual May 2021 Number of

Net Revenue Net Revenue Entering Prods Products Relative to
Department (normalized) Share Net Rev Share Depts’ Average
Home 1.000 0.119 0.911 5.11
PC 0.823 0.098 0.947 0.68
Home Improvement 0.816 0.097 0.878 1.90
Sports 0.669 0.079 0.938 2.54
Wireless 0.572 0.068 0.976 1.64
Toys 0.445 0.053 0.910 1.39
Books 0.423 0.050 0.816 2.34
Kitchen 0.380 0.045 0.886 0.58
Health & Personal Care 0.360 0.043 0.886 0.88
Electronics 0.338 0.040 0.942 0.64
Lawn and Garden 0.323 0.038 0.894 0.77
Furniture 0.314 0.037 0.936 1.17
Office Products 0.241 0.029 0.795 0.97
Automotive 0.226 0.027 0.853 1.07
Personal Care Appliances 0.201 0.024 0.891 0.16
Camera 0.176 0.021 0.886 0.22
Pet Products 0.158 0.019 0.856 0.64
Home Entertainment 0.157 0.019 0.985 0.03
Grocery 0.138 0.016 0.871 0.53
Baby 0.137 0.016 0.901 0.36
Major Appliances 0.132 0.016 0.924 0.06
Video Games 0.128 0.015 0.977 0.08
Biss 0.113 0.013 0.914 0.36
Luggage 0.085 0.010 0.944 0.37
Jewelry 0.066 0.008 0.956 0.50
Total or Average 1.000 0.907

Note: For 25 of the 28 largest departments by revenue on Amazon’s Germany Marketplace, reported is its average annual net revenue (scaled to
that of the highest-revenue department), its total Marketplace revenue share, the share of last-month Marketplace revenue earned by products that
entered in our sample period, and the total number of products sold relative to the across-department average number of products.

Table 2: Revenue shares of products in Markeplace by Amazon presence and type of product

Among Products Where

Among All Products Amazon is Present
Total Total
Did Amazon Did Amazon Type Across-type Type Across-type
Is Amazon Enter Enter First Product Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue
Present? In Sample? In Sample? Type Share Share Share Share
Yes Unknown Unknown Incumbent 0.095 0.095 0.244 0.244
Yes Yes Yes Single-merchant entry 0.136 0.349
Multi-merchant entry 0.054 0.190 0.138 0.487
Yes Yes No Single-merchant entry 0.079 0.203
Multi-merchant entry/ 0.026 0.105 0.067 0.269
No No n/a Incumbent 0.032
Single-merchant entry 0.552
Multi-merchant entry 0.027 0.611
Note: Reported is the share of revenue accruing to products on Germany’s Marketplace in our sample period by whether or not Amazon is active,
whether or not Amazon entered the product in our sample period, and whether or not they entered that product first (i.e. before a 3P merchant).
Incumbent products are those that were present at the beginning of our data, in which case we do not know whether or not Amazon entered
before or after a third-party merchant. Single-merchant entry products are those for which a single seller sold that product for the first four weeks
of its life; multi-merchant entry products are those sold by multiple sellers in the first four weeks of their lives. The product revenue shares for
the samples on which we conducted our within-product analysis (single-merchant entry products where Amazon was not first) and cross-product
analysis (all products where Amazon was first) in Sections 3.2 and 3.4 are given in bold font.

Table 3: Treatment effects of Amazon entry within existing products: consumer outcomes

Prices Availability
Age at Entry Third Third
Cohort Party Amazon Party
l.t. 25 weeks -0.056 -0.063 0.113
(0.015) (0.013) (0.042)
25-50 weeks -0.003 -0.008 -0.022
(0.016) (0.021) (0.023)
50-100 weeks -0.028 -0.005 -0.053
(0.009) (0.008) (0.011)
100+ weeks -0.013 -0.028 -0.046
(0.007) (0.010) (0.013)
Fixed Effects:
Product Yes Yes
Merchant n/a n/a
Week Yes Yes
Age Yes Yes

Note: Reported in columns labeled “Third Party” are estimated common-within-age-at-entry-cohort treatment effects of Amazon entry on average
third-party prices and availability by product age at entry cohorts. Parameter estimates measure the effect of Amazon entry on the outcome relative
to the 10-week pre-entry average of third-party sellers. Also reported in columns labeled “Amazon” are the values of post-entry Amazon prices and
availability relative to the same pre-entry third-party average. Standard errors are clustered at the product and week levels. Statistically significant
results at the 5% level are reported in bold.

Table 4: Treatment effects of Amazon entry within existing products: merchant outcomes

Revenue Quantity Merchants
Third Third Third
Cohort Party Amazon Party Amazon Party Amazon
l.t. 25 weeks -0.006 1.226 -0.044 -0.102 0.351 0.618
(0.353) (1.133) (0.208) (0.432) (0.167) (0.036)
25-50 weeks 0.017 -0.945 -0.007 -0.965 0.135 0.663
(0.206) (0.031) (0.193) (0.017) (0.111) (0.047)
50-100 weeks -0.157 -0.971 -0.117 -0.948 -0.001 0.645
(0.153) (0.012) (0.086) (0.021) (0.049) (0.045)
100+ weeks -0.264 -0.935 -0.116 -0.940 -0.071 0.598
(0.191) (0.038) (0.144) (0.019) (0.036) (0.041)
Fixed Effects:
Product Yes Yes Yes
Merchant Yes Yes Yes
Week Yes Yes Yes
Age Yes Yes Yes

Note: Reported in columns labeled “Third Party” are estimated common-within-age-at-entry-cohort treatment effects by product age at entry
cohorts of Amazon entry on total third-party revenue and quantity, as well as on the number of quarterly active third-party merchants. Quarterly-
active merchants are those merchants, ranked by sales, that contribute to 90% of a product’s sales in that quarter. Treatment effect estimates are
given by (exp(τ̂r,m ) − 1) for cohort r and merchant m (3P, Amazon) and can be interpreted as the proportionate effect of Amazon entry on
the outcome relative to the 10-week pre-entry total of third-party sellers. Also reported in columns labeled “Amazon” are the values of post-entry
Amazon revenue and quantity relative to the same pre-entry third-party total, as well as the probability that they continue to sell the product over 40
weeks post-entry. Standard errors are clustered at the product and week levels and treatment effect standard errors are calculated via a parametric
bootstrap. Statistically significant results at the 5% level are reported in bold.

Table 5: Product and revenue shares by product growth types, Home & Kitchen department

Share of Share of
Product Type Products Revenue
high growth 0.113 0.458
low growth 0.111 0.324
no growth 0.191 0.111
short exit 0.133 0.03
instant exit 0.289 0.005
not enough data 0.163 0.072
Top 3 groups 0.415 0.893

Note: Reported is the share of products and revenue by product growth types in the Home & Kitchen department in our sample period. Product
growth types are not an Amazon construct; they are defined by the authors based on the rate of product revenue growth over products’ lifetime on
Marketplace (see text for details).

Table 6: New product introductions by pre-entry product growth segment

No Previous Pre-entry One Previous Pre-entry Two+ Previous Pre-entry

High-growth New High-growth New High-growth New
Product Introductions Product Introductions Product Introductions
Non- Non- Non-
High High High High High High
All Growth Growth All Growth Growth All Growth Growth
Amazon Pre-entry 0.184 0.070 0.114 0.339 0.124 0.215 1.432 0.679 0.753
Post-entry 0.170 0.071 0.098 0.186 0.061 0.125 0.983 0.540 0.443
Big 3P Pre-entry 0.319 0.117 0.203 1.141 0.362 0.779 2.716 0.620 2.096
Post-entry 0.274 0.062 0.211 0.706 0.233 0.473 1.824 0.279 1.545
No entry 0.885 0.221 0.664 0.176 0.080 0.097 2.027 0.759 1.268
Overall 0.648 0.169 0.478 0.258 0.097 0.161 1.677 0.672 1.005

Note: Reported is the average number of weekly new product introductions by “fringe” third-party merchants (those outside the top 100) segmented
by the number of previous high-growth products introduced (0, 1, 2+) in the Home & Kitchen department in our sample period. Reported are
averages for those merchants that first experience Amazon entry, that first experience Big 3P entry (those inside the top 100 third-party merchants),
and that experience no entry, as well as the overage average for that pre-entry product growth segment.).

Table 7: Treatment effects of Amazon and Big 3P entry on third-party merchant new product introductions

Effects of Amazon entry Effects of Big 3P entry

Previous Non- Non-
High-growth All High-growth High-growth All High-growth High-growth
New Product New product New Product New product New product New product New product
Introductions Introductions Introductions Introductions Introductions Introductions Introductions
None 0.153 0.066 0.087 -0.071 -0.023 -0.048
(0.097) (0.045) (0.054) (0.166) (0.060) (0.119)
One -0.059 -0.041 -0.018 -0.964 -0.204 -0.760
(0.152) (0.058) (0.101) (0.417) (0.091) (0.337)
Two or more -0.638 -0.268 -0.370 -1.199 -0.377 -0.822
(0.303) (0.127) (0.189) (0.837) (0.296) (0.677)
Fixed Effects:
Product n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Merchant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Week Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Merchant Age Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Note: Reported are the estimated treatment effects of the first entrant, Amazon or a Big 3P merchant, on a Fringe merchant’s subsequent introduction
of new products, with effects estimated separately for cohorts based on previous number of new product introductions. Big 3P and Fringe merchants
are those inside/outside the top 100 in sales in the Home & Kitchen department. Estimated magnitudes may be compared with pre-entry average
new product introduction rates reported in Table 6 above. Standard errors are clustered at the merchant and week levels. Statistically significant
results at the 5% level are reported in bold.

Table 8: Top 10 subcategories in the Home & Kitchen department

“Active” Entry
Rank Subcategory Products Events

1 Robotic Vacuums 84 163

2 Espresso Fully Automatic 81 65
3 Stick Vacuum Cleaners 125 221
4 Deep Fryers 127 169
5 Hot Beverage Makers Accessories 393 922
6 Cylinder Vacuum with Dust Bag 82 105
7 Blenders 289 458
8 Indoor Grills 92 167
9 Cleaning Tools & Supplies 317 455
10 Cylinder Vacuum Bagless 51 88

Note: Reported are the 10 largest subcategories by revenue in the Home & Kitchen department, the number of “active” products (those that, when
ranked by revenue, contribute to 90% of that subcategories revenue), and the number of “active” entry events, defined as entry into an active product
by an ever-active merchant (those that, when ranked by revenue, contribute to 90% of that product’s revenue in at least one quarter of its life).

Table 9: Cross-product effects of Amazon, Big 3P, and Fringe 3P entry

Log(Total Revenue) Log(Incumbent Revenue)

Fringe Big Fringe Big
3rd Party 3rd Party Amazon Total 3rd Party 3rd Party Amazon Total
Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue
log(1+Fringe 3P Entries) 0.23 -0.18 -0.14 0.08 -0.15 -0.04 0.01 -0.15
(0.019) (0.022) (0.019) (0.013) (0.027) (0.025) (0.019) (0.025)
log(1+Big 3P Entries) -0.12 0.47 -0.13 0.01 0.10 -0.40 -0.05 0.02
(0.025) (0.051) (0.034) (0.017) (0.032) (0.049) (0.034) (0.033)
log(1+Amazon Entries) -0.27 -0.04 0.77 -0.05 0.03 0.13 -0.01 0.07
(0.031) (0.032) (0.043) (0.017) (0.039) (0.038) (0.049) (0.037)
log(total products) 1.57 0.90 0.89 1.42
(0.035) (0.054) (0.043) (0.025)
Fixed Effects:
Subcategory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Week Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Note: Reported are the parameter estimates from seemingly unrelated regressions of two measures of log (1+) revenue on the number of instances
of entry within each of the subcategories in the Home & Kitchen department. Each of these measures varies across three merchant types: Amazon,
Big 3P merchants (those in the top 100), and Fringe 3P merchants. Also reported are regression results of total (across merchant types) revenue on
the same entry measures. Standard errors are not clustered. Statistically significant results at the 5% level are reported in bold.

Table 10: Treatment effects of Amazon Private Label entry

Prices Revenue Quantity

Third Third Third
Cohort Party Amazon Party Amazon Party Amazon
5-50 weeks -0.073 -0.021 0.606 -0.960 0.533 -0.948
(0.030) (0.054) (0.270) (0.014) (0.274) (0.020)
50-100 weeks 0.009 -0.119 0.370 -0.949 0.384 -0.902
(0.014) (0.030) (0.236) (0.019) (0.177) (0.038)
100+ weeks -0.020 -0.032 0.273 -0.991 0.264 -0.986
(0.021) (0.023) (0.220) (0.004) (0.111) (0.002)
Fixed Effects:
Product Yes Yes Yes
Merchant Implicitly w/ τAm Implicitly w/ τAm Implicitly w/ τAm
Week Yes Yes Yes
Age Yes Yes Yes

Note: Reported in columns labeled “Third Party” are estimated common-within-age-at-entry-cohort treatment effects of Amazon PL entry on
average third-party related products’ prices and total third-party related products’ revenue and quantity by product age at entry cohorts. Parameter
estimates measure the effect of Amazon entry on the outcome relative to the 10-week pre-entry average of third-party sellers. Also reported in
columns labeled “Amazon” are the values of post-entry Amazon prices, revenue, and quantity relative to the same pre-entry third-party average (for
prices) or totals (for revenue and quantity). Standard errors are clustered at the “market” (i.e. group consisting of each PL product and its substitute
products) and week levels. Statistically significant results at the 5% level are reported in bold.

Table 11: Predictors of Amazon entry

Amazon or Big
Amazon or Not? Third Party First? Difference
(A) (B) (B) - (A)
Including Including Including
Demand Demand Demand
Baseline Growth Baseline Growth Baseline Growth
Demand factors
Log (1+Revenue) 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.01 -0.01
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Inverse Sales Rank -0.02 -0.02 -0.13 -0.13 -0.12 -0.11
(0.00) (0.00) (0.01) (0.01)
High growth product 0.52 -0.14 -0.66
(0.00) (0.00)
Low growth product 0.29 -0.09 -0.38
(0.00) (0.00)
No growth product 0.02 -0.04 -0.06
(0.00) -(0.01)
Competitive/Platform Factors
# Active Merchants -0.01 -0.05 -0.23 -0.21 -0.22 -0.16
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
# Offering Merchants -0.01 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
FBA Merchant Present 0.18 0.16 0.56 0.56 0.38 0.40
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Big Merchant Present 0.08 0.08
(0.00) (0.00)
Platform Externality Factors
Average product availability -0.04 -0.07 -0.18 -0.17 -0.14 -0.11
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Product w/ Offers but no Sales 0.77 0.77 -0.31 -0.33 -1.08 -1.10
(0.00) (0.00) -(0.01) -(0.01)

Note: Reported are the estimated predictors of Amazon entry, either unconditionally (“Amazon or Not?”) or relative to Big 3P merchant entry (“Amazon or Big 3P First?”). Also reported is the
difference in the results across columns. Covariates written in italics are likely to be observed only by Amazon by virtue of their access to Marketplace data; covariates without italics are likely to
be observed by both Amazon and third-party merchants (see text for details). Standard errors are not clustered. Statistically significant results at the 5% level are reported in bold.
Table 12: Predictors of Amazon entry by age at entry cohort

Amazon or Big
Amazon or Not? Third Party First?
Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry
Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort
Pooled 5-24 25-49 50-99 100+ Pooled 5-24 25-49 50-99 100+
Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline
Log (Rev) 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 -0.02 -0.02
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Inverse Sales Rank -0.02 -0.04 0.00 -0.01 0.06 -0.13 -0.33 -0.50 -0.35 -0.13
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01)
High growth

Low growth

No growth

Active Ms -0.01 -0.12 -0.04 -0.01 0.03 -0.23 -0.37 -0.31 -0.21 -0.29
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01)
Offering Ms -0.01 -0.01 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
FBA M 0.18 0.12 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.56 0.69 0.75 0.73 0.73
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Big M 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Avail -0.04 -0.09 -0.07 -0.06 -0.08 -0.18 -0.15 -0.12 -0.13 -0.14
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Offs no Sales 0.77 0.79 0.84 0.84 0.83 -0.31 -0.21 -0.19 -0.25 -0.21
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) -(0.01) -(0.01) -(0.01) -(0.01) -(0.01)
Note: Reported are the estimated predictors of Amazon entry, either unconditionally (“Amazon or Not?”) or relative to Big 3P merchant entry (“Amazon or Big 3P First?”) by age at entry cohort.
Statistically significant results at the 5% level are reported in bold.

Figure 1: Germany Marketplace Revenue By Week and Merchant Type

Note: Reported are the total revenue and revenue share by merchant type on Germany’s Marketplace from July 12, 2016 to May 31, 2021. Units in
the left panel are omitted for reasons of confidentiality.

Figure 2: Germany Home & Kitchen department Revenue By Week and Merchant Type

Note: These figures display the total revenue and revenue share by merchant type in the Home & Kitchen department from July 12, 2016 to May
31, 2021. Units in the left panel are omitted for reasons of confidentiality.

Figure 3: Number of Products, Home & Kitchen department

Note: Reported are the number of products offered by week in the Home & Kitchen department in our sample period, including measures of entry,
exit, and net entry. Units on the y-axis are omitted for reasons of confidentiality.

Figure 4: Average Product Availability, Home & Kitchen department

Note: Reported are the average availabilities of products offered by Amazon (1p) and third-party merchants (3p) in the Home & Kitchen department
in our sample period.

Figure 5: Number of merchants upon new product entry, Home & Kitchen department

Note: Reported are the distributions of the number of merchants that enter within four weeks of the first sale of a new product in the Home &
Kitchen department in our sample period. The vast majority of the time there is one such entrant; the next figure analyzes more closely when there
are two or more such entrants.

Figure 6: Number of merchants upon new product entry, multi-merchant new products,

Note: Reported are the distributions of the number of merchants that enter within four weeks of the first sale of a new product in the Home &
Kitchen department in our sample period, conditional on their being at least 2 such merchants in the first four weeks.

Figure 7: Price effects: Third-party, in aggregate and by age cohort

Note: Reported in the left panel are the average (across product age at entry) treatment effects of Amazon entry on average third-party normalized
prices, τ̂s,3P and τ̂s,3P , for two-week treatment windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks post-Amazon entry. Treatment
effects can be interpreted as the estimated percentage change in average third-party prices relative to their pre-Amazon-entry average. Reported in
the right panel are comparable average across-cohort treatment effects by groups of cohort weeks (with Amazon entry in 5-24, 25-49, 50-99, and
100+ weeks since a product’s birth). Confidence intervals in the right panel are suppressed to foster comparability across cohorts.

Figure 8: Price effects: 3P, Amazon, and Amazon by cohort

Note: Reported in the left panel are average (across product age at entry) treatment effect estimates for third-party and Amazon prices, τ̂s,3P
and τ̂s,Am , on the same figure. Reported in the right panel are average across-cohort “treatment effects” of Amazon entry on Amazon prices,
τ̂s,Am , by age at entry cohorts. Confidence intervals in the right panel are suppressed to foster comparability across cohorts.

Figure 9: Subcategory price effects: 3P by age cohort

Note: Reported are the estimated common-within-age-at-entry treatment effects of Amazon entry on average third-party and Amazon prices across
the 300 largest subcategories in the Home & Kitchen department. Separate effects are estimated for each subcategory for each age at entry cohort
(5-24, 25-49, 50-99, and 100+ weeks); each panel reports the results for one of these four cohorts.

Figure 10: Availability effects: 3P, in aggregate and by cohort

Note: Reported in the left panel are the average (across product age at entry) treatment effects of Amazon entry on average third-party normalized
availability for two-week treatment windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks post-Amazon entry. Reported in the right panel
are comparable average across-cohort treatment effects by groups of cohort weeks (with Amazon entry in 5-24, 25-49, 50-99, and 100+ weeks since
a product’s birth). Confidence intervals in the right panel are suppressed to foster comparability across cohorts.

Figure 11: Revenue and Quantity effects: 3P, in aggregate and by age cohort

Note: Reported in the left panels are the average (across product age at entry) treatment effects of Amazon entry on average third-party nor-
malized revenue (top panels) and quantity (bottom panels) for two-week treatment windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks
post-Amazon entry. Reported in the right panels are comparable average across-cohort treatment effects by groups of cohort weeks (with Amazon
entry in 5-24, 25-49, 50-99, and 100+ weeks since a product’s birth). Confidence intervals in the right panels are suppressed to foster comparability
across cohorts.

Figure 12: Revenue and Quantity effects: 3P and Amazon, and Amazon by age cohort

Note: Reported in the left panels are average (across product age at entry) estimated treatment effect parameters for third-party and Amazon
revenue (top panels) and quantity (bottom panels). Reported in the right panels are average across-cohort “treatment effect” parameters of Amazon
entry on Amazon revenue (top) and quantity (bottom) by age at entry cohorts. Table 4 imposes common effects within each age cohort and converts
these estimated parameters into proportional changes. Confidence intervals in the right panels are suppressed to foster comparability across cohorts.

Figure 13: Number of Active Merchant effects: 3P in aggregate and by age cohort

Note: Reported in the left panel are the average (across product age at entry) treatment effects of Amazon entry on the average number of quarterly-
active merchants for two-week treatment windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks post-Amazon entry. Quarterly-active mer-
chants are those merchants, ranked by sales, that contribute to 90% of a product’s sales in that quarter. Reported in the right panel are comparable
average across-cohort treatment effects by groups of cohort weeks (with Amazon entry in 5-24, 25-49, 50-99, and 100+ weeks since a product’s
birth). Confidence intervals in the right panels are suppressed to foster comparability across cohorts.

Figure 14: Number of Active Merchant effects: 3P and Amazon, and Amazon by age cohort

Note: Reported in the left panel are average (across product age at entry) treatment effect estimates for the average number of third-party quarterly
active merchants and Amazon’s continued presence offering a product. Reported in the right panel are average across-cohort “treatment effects” of
Amazon entry on Amazon’s continued presence offering a product by age at entry cohorts. Confidence intervals in the right panels are suppressed
to foster comparability across cohorts.

Figure 15: Product Revenue by Type, Home & Kitchen department

Note: Reported is the total revenue by product growth type in the Home & Kitchen department from July 12, 2016 to May 31, 2021. See text in the
body of the paper for the definition of product growth types.

Figure 16: New product introductions effects: Fringe 3P in aggregate, and by previous high-growth product
introduction cohort

Note: Reported in the left panel are the estimated treatment effects of Amazon entry on average fringe (outside the top 100) third-party merchant
new product introductions for two-week treatment windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 80 weeks post-Amazon entry. Reported in
the right panel are estimated treatment effects by previous high-growth product introduction cohorts (for merchants with 0, 1, or 2+ high-growth
new products introduced previous to Amazon’s entry). Confidence intervals in the right panel are suppressed to foster comparability across cohorts.

Figure 17: Private Label price effects: 3P in aggregate and relative to Amazon PL prices

Note: Reported in the left panel are the average (across product age at entry cohorts) treatment effects of Amazon Private Label entry on the
average third-party normalized prices for related products for two-week treatment windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40 weeks
post-Amazon entry. See the text for the definition of related products, the treatment group, as well as the associated control group. Reported in the
right panel is the same left-panel figure as well as the average across-cohort “treatment effect” of Amazon entry on Amazon PL prices. PL = “true”
corresponds average Amazon Private Label treatment effects.

Figure 18: Private Label revenue and quantity effects: 3P in aggregate, and by product age cohort

Note: Reported in the left panels are the average (across product age at entry cohorts) treatment effect parameters of Amazon Private Label
entry on the total third-party revenue and quantity of related products for two-week treatment windows between 20 weeks pre-Amazon entry and 40
weeks post-Amazon entry. See the text for the definition of related products, the treatment group, as well as the associated control group. Reported
in the right panels are the same left-panel figures as well as the average across-cohort “treatment effect” parameters of Amazon entry on Amazon
PL revenue and quantity. PL = “true” corresponds average Amazon Private Label treatment effects. Table 10 imposes common effects within each
age cohort and converts these estimated parameters into estimated proportional changes.


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