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THS Repulse

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A BattleCorps Ship Profile is a gameplay aid designed to offer
players a glimpse into the inner workings of one of the mas-
sive WarShips, deadly DropShips, or fragile JumpShips that
populated the historical navies of the Inner Sphere and Clans.
A ship in space is a city unto itself, and each one developed
a culture during each of its crewings and deployments. The
complement of a warship must come to live and work togeth-
er to survive, especially in the cauldron of combat or a long
Each of the ships found in these small PDF exclusives is too
unique to ever be in the pages of Field Manual or Technical
Readout. Each of them may have been scrapped or destroyed
the day after the report was compiled. Perhaps they were
mothballed or lost in an accident; perhaps they lost their seals

and decompressed; perhaps they exist at the same time peri-

od your player group sits down to play a game of BattleTech or the AdvAnCed plAnetAry Conquest
A Core rules

an A Time of War role-playing campaign. Our intention in cre-

ating these profiles isn’t to increase the already-considerabe
canon of BattleTech lore, although they are official and sanc-
tioned units, but rather to offer you a chance to add a harmless
and perhaps fun bit of flavor to your games.
As we launch this series of free-to-subscriber content to Bat-
tleCorps, please note that the era icon and a year will appear in
each one. The unit listed existed during that era and specific
year, and may or may not have existed before or after. Unless
they appear in other products, they have vanished into the TM

mists of histrory.

BattleCorps Managing Editor
Jason Schmetzer
BattleCorps PDF Exclusive Cover Design
Ray Arrastia
Jason Schmetzer
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each controlling hundreds of worlds across a
thousand light years and beyond. Yet the sins
of man have followed him from the cradle of

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harvest high technologies and human slaves
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35005 the battletech rpg

THS Repulse
THS Repulse was an Aegis-class heavy cruiser in service to the Terran Hegemony Navy in 2522 when Captain Lindsay Rathbone
took command. Her patrol duties carried her along the Hegemony’s borders with the Free Worlds League and the Capellan
Confederation, where she saw regular duty in show-the-flag stops along the patrol route. In 2523 she took part in a series of war
games along the Capellan border, acting as the aggressor against a HAF naval flotilla that included a battleship. Although she
was destroyed in all nine series of engagements, Captain Rathbone’s crew managed to destroy the HAF battleship in simulated
combat thirty-three percent of the time, earning the crew a shipwide commendation and a notation for future promotion for
Captain Rathbone.
Repulse’s only real combat while under Rathbone’s command occured in 2525, when a group of dissatisfied HAF militiamen


mutinied and stole three DropShips. After claiming a number of hostages to keep the ground-based HAF from pursuing them,
they made for the jump point. Repulse, having just arrived, immediately moved toward an intercept. Repulse’s marines and fighter
escort forced an engagement with the mutineers’ DropShips and managed to successfully board all three, killing the mutineers
and rescuing many of the hostages. Although the local media attempted to paint Captain Rathbone’s decision to engage as
unnecessary, the HAF admirals saw it differently and rewarded the captain with promotion to rear admiral and command of a
destroyer division in the HAF home fleet.

CO: Captain Lindsay Rathbone CO: Lieutenant Commander Eleanor Freidken
Veteran / Fanatical Wing / Regular / Fanatical

Under Captain Rathbone’s command Repulse’s wardroom Lieutenant Commander Friedken’s wing of eighteen heavy
operated very much like it were the wardroom of a Napole- Hammerhead aerospace fighters had only recently come to-
onic-era Royal Navy ship. A native of Terra’s British Isles, the gether; Repulse was their first duty assignment as a wing.
captain favored formality with her officers and midshipmen Commander Friedkin worked closely with Captain Rathbone
in all but the most personal circumstances, and her officers to give the wing every opportunity to fly together, and her
follow her lead. Strangely, this forced distance did not isolate efforts paid sterling dividends when her fighters were tasked
Captain Rathbone from her officers or crew; where a lesser of- with escorting the marines’ shuttles to the mutineers’ Drop-
ficer would soon become little more than a martinet, Lindsay Ships.


Rathbone’s seeming omniscience about the goings-on in her One of Freidken’s squadron commanders, Lieutenant Du-
ship meant that she always rewarded individual effort, which rant, was awarded a medal for bravery for action against Marik
endeared her to her crew. renegades in 2519, but none of his sqaudron’s pilots knew.
Durant was afraid they’d see his teaching as lording.

CO: Commander Eliott Teach CO: Major Hirotaro Kazumoto
Veteran / Fanatical Company / Veteran / Fanatical

The gunnery crew is the heart of any WarShip’s crew, but Although standard Aegis tables of organization did not list
Repulse’s gunners were very nearly a separate part of the ship marine detachments, it was standard practice for captains to
from the rest of the crew. Commander Eliott Teach drove his have their orders of battle modified to add a company or so
gunners well beyond the norm of HAF naval practice, so much of security troops, especially aboard vessels operating near
so that his crew regularly set fleet records for fastest times to the Hegemony’s borders. The conversion cost a negligible
gunnery stations. His crews also had the highest rate of crew amount of cargo space and added significant protection.
transfer aboard Repulse, but Captain Rathbone gave Teach lee- Major Kazumoto’s marine were raised from the HAF garrison
way because he got results. on Procyon, and were among the best of the garrison there.
During the wargames, it was twice Teach’s personal battery, The major was a native of nearby Sirius, and inisted his ma-
the bow-chaser naval cannon mounts, that crippled the bat- rines keep the highest standards of decorum and pomp while
tleship opponent; Teach’s next posting was aboard that battle- aboard ship, including wearing dress uniforms while at guard.
ship as gunnery officer.
notable personalities

Captain Lindsay Rathbone Commander Eliott Teach

Captain Rathbone has been an Hegemony naval officer Eliott “Blackbeard” Teach is what many call a mustang, an of-
since her graduation from the academy at the age of 22. Her ficer who began his career in the Hegemony navy as an enlist-
first posting was on the battleship Ptolemy, where she was in ed man. Rising to the position of master gunner, Teach went
charge of a gunnery division. Driven and professional, Rath- through a commissioning program and became gunnery offi-
bone was steadily promoted until she was named commander cer of the corvette Dauntless in 2515. He earned his nickname
of the Mako-class corvette Cornelwood in 2518. Her term as on Dauntless, raging at his gunnery crews like a pirate of old
commander of that vessel was commendable, if quiet, and she until they performed as well as he demanded.
was named commander of Repulse soon after. Although he is a harsh taskmaster, he is defiantly loyal to his
Special Abilities crews, often defending them against other officers and even
Captain Rathbone is a Veteran officer and a natural com- Captain’s Mast.
mander; she recieves a +2 bonus to all Leadership rolls, as well Special Abilities
as a +1 bonus to all Protocol and Administration rolls. Any ship with Teach as gunnery officer recieves a +2 Initia-
tive bonus in every turn.

Lieutenant Commander Eleanor Friedken Major Hirotaro Kazumoto

Ellie Friedken’s pilots often call her “Mama Ellie” behind her Hirotaro Kazumoto is a quiet officer, preferring to lead by
back, but few doubt her prowess as a fighter pilot. Friedken example rather than fiat. Many of his officers have learned to
has spent her entire career as a ship-based pilot, managing to fear his quiet disapproval, often no more than a barely-percep-
avoid the ground postings that most pilots inevitably end up tible frown. Because his praise is so rare, it is highly treasured,
serving. She grants her squadron commanders significant au- and his troops often perform above and beyond the call of
tonomy, a practice she learned from her first wing command- duty to get a quiet “well done” from their commander.
er, and in return her squadrons routinely earn commendable In combat Kazumoto prefers to let his sub-unit command-
marks in exercises. ers command their platoons and instead focuses on the wider
Special Abilities perspective from a central command post.
Commander Friedken possesses the Thick Skinned trait, Special Abilities
making her resistant to depressurization damage to her cock- Major Kazumoto has the Patient trait (see p. 121, AToW) and
pit, and its a Veteran fighter pilot. receives a +2 bonus to all Leadership and Perception rolls.

Lieutenant Raymond Durant Master Gunner Benjamin Golden

Commander of one of Repulse’s Hammerhead squadrons, Every WarShip seems to need what used to be called an “old
Ray Durant is a career pilot with few aspirations beyond squad- salt,” and on Repulse that old salt is Ben Golden. A forty-year
ron command. His place on Repulse is his first command, and veteran of the HAF Navy, Golden is the oldest member of the
he is working hard to make sure he does it right. If he has ship’s company. He is Commander Teach’s right-hand man,
any flaws it is a compulsion to second-guess his leadership, having recognized the officer as a kindred spirit. Commander
although his pilots respect his ability. of the broadside cannon bays, Golden has been known to
Special Abilities threaten his gunners with a cold and violent death if they
Durant has a 1-TP Dark Secret about his past, which he fears don’t meet “the Old Man’s” exacting standards.
his pilots won’t respect him for. In addition, he suffers a –1 Special Abilities
penalty to all Leadership rolls, despite being an Elite pilot. Master Gunner is In For Life (HAF) (2-TP) and possesses the
Weapon Specialist (NAC) special ability (see p. 221, AToW).

unit support craft

During Captain Rathbone’s command Repulse carried four STAR LEAGUE ERA CLAN INVASION ERA JIHAD ERA
dedicated escort DropShips used to ferry ground troops as
well as her fighter complement.

THS Barclay (Vulture-class)


CO: Captain Thomas Dever
Regular / Reliable

THS Grant (Vulture-class)

Regular / Reliable

THS Boris (Vulture-class)

CO: Captain Minerva Wald
Regular / Reliable

THS Earnestine (Vulture-class)

CO: Captain Lucio Viscionne
Veteran / Reliable



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