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Rice Biotechnology

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General Editor: Gabrielle J. Persley, International Service for National Agricultural Research (The Hague, Netherlands), and Project Manager, World Bank/lSNAR/ACIAR/AIDAB Biotechnology Study.
For a number of years, biotechnology has held out the prospect for major advances in agricultural production, but only recently have the results of this new revolution started to reach application in the field. The potential for further rapid developments is however immense. The aim of this new book series is to review advances and current knowledge in key areas of biotechnology as applied to crop and animal production, forestry and food science. Some titles will focus on individual crop species or groups of species, others on specific goals such as plant protection or animal health, with yet others addressing particular methodologies such as tissue culture, transtormation or immunoassay. In some cases, relevant molecular and cell biology and genetics will also be covered. Issues of relevance to both industrialized and developing countries will be addressed, and social, economic and legal implications will also be considered. Most titles will be written for research workers in the biological sciences and agriculture, but some will also be useful as textbooks for senior-level students in these disciplines. Editorial Advisory Board: P.J. Brumby, formerly of the World Bank, Washington DC, USA. E.P. Cunningham, FAO, Rome, Italy. P. Day, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. J.H. Dodds, International Potato Center (CIP), Peru. J.J. Doyle, International Laboratory tor Research on Animal Diseases, Nairobi, Kenya. S.L. Krugman, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. W,J. Peacock, CSIRO, Division of Plant Industry, Australia. Titles Available: 1 : Beyond Mendels Garden: Biotechnology in the Service of World Agriculture G.J. Pers/ey 2: Agricultural Biotechnology: Opportunities for International Development Edited by G.J. Persley 3: The Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Potato Edited by M.E. Vayda and W.D. Park 4: Advanced Methods in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Edited by D. R. Murray 5: Barley: Genetics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Edited by P. R. Shewry 6: Kice Biotechnology Edited by G.S. Khush and G.H. Toenniessen 7: Plant Genetic Manipulation for Crop Protection Edited by A. Gatehouse, V. Hilder, dnd D. Boulter

Titles in Preparation Biotechnology of Perennial Fruit Crops Edited by F. Hammerschlag and R. Litz Non-Food Uses of Agricultural Raw Materials: Economics, Biotechnology and Politics C. Spelman

Rice Biotechnology
Edited by

G S Khush
International Rice Research Institute The Philippines


G H Toenniessen
The Rockefeller Foundation, New York

CAB International
in association with the

International Rice Research Institute

To Robert F. and Sunny Chandler


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C A B International 1 991. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Published in Association with: international Rice Research Institute P.O. Box 933 1099 Manila Philippines

A catalogue record for this hook is available from the British library ISBN 0 85198 712 5 (CABI) ISSN 0960-202X (CABI) ISBN 971 22 0013 2 (IRRI) Typeset by Leaper & Gard Ltd, Brisrol Printed and bound in the UK by The Alden Press Ltd, Oxford


Foreword Preface 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The World Rice Economy: Challenges Ahead Cristina C David Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology Robert W Herdt Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice H I Oka Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Croups Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita Development and Use of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism in Rice Breeding and Genetics S R McCouch and S D Tanksley Rice Tissue Culture and its Application P T Lynch, R P Finch, M R Davey and E C Cocking Transformation and Kegeneration of Kice Protoplasts Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje

vii ix
1 19 55 83

109 135 157

6. 7.




Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu The Identification and Characterization o f Rice Nuclear Genes

175 199 225 253 281 309

Thomas W Okita
Gene Expression in Rice

Virginia Walbot and Daniel Gallie

11. Potentially Useful Genes for Rice Genetic Engineering Gary H Toenniessen 12.
13. Index

Jan E Leach and Frank F White

Trospects for the Future

Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring

Gary H Toenniessen and Gurdev S Khush



Populations in rice growing countries were increasing at a faster rate than food production in the 1950s and 1960s. Because of these trends, several authorities predicted large-scale food shortages in Asia resulting in famines and social upheavals, by the 1970s. Concerned at the impending crisis, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Government of the Philippines established the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in 1960 to harness the power of science for solving the problem of stagnant rice yields in developing countries. A series of high yielding rice varieties and other technology developed at IRRI and national agricultural research systems started the green revolution in rice and led to major increases in rice production. Most of the rice growing countries in Asia, where 92% of the world's rice is grown, became self-sufficient in food production. Worldwide, rice production doubled in a 25-year period, from 257 million tons in 1965 to 520 million tons in 1990. But the spectre of food shortages looms once again. The annual rate of increase in rice production has slowed down and there are no new areas that can be brought into rice production. World population which stands at 5.3 billion now is likely to exceed 6 billion by the turn of the century and 8 billion by 2020. The population of rice eaters is increasing at an exceptionally fast rate; the number of rice consumers will probably double by the year 2020. The International Food Policy Research Institute predicts that demand for rice will exceed production by the end of this century. We must therefore accelerate the rate of growth in rice production. New rice varieties with higher yield potential are essential to achieve this goal. In IRRIs long-term research strategy, we have conceptualized rice varieties of the future for five rice-growing ecologies. Such varieties must have higher yield potential than present high-yielding-varieties, excellent grain quality, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and should use inputs more efficiently. Recent developments in cellular and molecular genetics give us tools that hold great vii



promise in expediting such genetic improvement. Little has been known until recently, however, about the cellular and molecular genetics of rice. Fortunately, the Rockefeller Foundation again took the initiative and organized an International Program on Rice Biotechnology in 1985. The Foundation is funding research on rice biotechnology in carefully selected laboratories in industrial countries, and helping build capacity to use biotechnology in rice improvement in developing countries. Much useful information has been generated during the last 5 years; rice is now considered a model cereal crop for biotechnology research. The Rockefeller Foundation and IRRI have collaborated in producing this book, which reviews the latest breakthroughs in rice biotechnology. I hope this volume will prove useful to rice breeders, geneticists and biotechnologists alike, and will help pave way for another scientific breakthrough toward a higher yield plateau for rice. K L Lampe Director General International Rice Research Institute Los Baos, The Philippines


Rice is the most important food crop of the developing world and rice genetic improvement through breeding has been an effective mechanism for delivering the benefits of science and technology to hundreds of millions of resource-poor people. A research system with regional, national, and international components is now in place for producing improved rice varieties and making them available to farmers that need them. Biotechnology can significantly strengthen rice breeding programs and help produce new varieties with higher yield potential and greater yield stability. These should improve the efficiency of rice production and allow an expansion of the rice-growing area, thereby preventing future food shortages from occurring as demand for rice increases because of population growth and economic development. A strong breeding program is a prerequisite to the application of the new biotechnologies for rice genetic improvement. Biotechnology will enable rice breeders to achieve results more quickly and efficiently and will help them to attain breeding goals not feasible using conventional techniques. Biotechnology will complement, not replace, breeding. In less than a decade research on rice biotechnology has moved from a position of neglect to a position where some now consider rice a model plant for cereal research. A useful knowledge base on rice molecular genetics and cellular biology has been established and the tools necessary for applying this knowledge to rice genetic improvement are being refined and becoming available. Tissue culture techniques such as anther culture, embryo rescue, and use of somaclonal variants have contributed to the release of new rice varieties. These technologies are of proven benefit to rice breeding and through research are becoming applicable to a broader range of rice cultivars and breeding objectives. Most molecular genetic techniques are still being developed, but progress has been more rapid with rice than any other cereal. An RFLP map with 350 markers ix


has been prepared and several genes of economic importance have already been tagged with markers. The results should permit marker-based selection, thus increasing its efficiency. Species-specific probes and genetic maps of rice have been produced and are increasingly being applied in breeding. Further development of these tools into a map-based system for cloning rice genes is under way. Regeneration of fertile plants from protoplasts has been achieved for both japonica and indica rices and is the basis of rice genetic transformation systems that now exist in several laboratories. Transgenic rice plants containing alien marker genes were field tested in 1990. Several experiments are under way to introduce potentially useful cloned genes into rice. Numerous other research projects are aimed at identifying, constructing, and cloning a wide variety of genes from plants, microbes, and animals that might add useful traits if introduced into the rice genome. This book reviews the progress and potential for applying rice biotechnology to rice improvement in the coming decades.

Gurdev S Khush International Rice Research Institute and Gary H Toenniessen The Rockefeller Foundation 1 May 1991

The World Rice Economy: Challenges Ahead

Cristina C David
Agricultural Economist, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines

Sources of production growth Technical change and world trade pattern Trends in world and domestic prices Production environments, modern varieties, and yields The challenge ahead

Rice is the worlds single most important food crop and a primary food for more than a third of the worlds population. Production and consumption are concentrated in Asia where more than 90% of all rice is produced and consumed (Figs 1.1 and 1.2). Rice in Asia is typically grown by poor farmers on farms averaging 1 ha or less. In most countries rice is a subsistence crop with about half of the harvest retained and consumed by farm households. Indeed, most of the rice crop is consumed within the country where it is produced; less than 5% of world rice production is internationally traded. Of the 15 countries growing at least one million hectares of rice, only two are outside Asia (Table 1.1). China and India account for about 50% of the worlds rice area and 56% of production. Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Thailand each have rice production areas greater than the total for Latin America. Africas total rice area is only slightly below that of Vietnam, but African production is less than two-thirds that for Vietnam. Because of the political importance of rice, the central food policy issues confronting Asian governments are how to maintain low and stable rice prices to consumers, increase farmers income, and attain rice self-sufficiency for the country. Price and trade policies for rice and rice-crop inputs can address these policy issues in the short run but over the long run a more cost-effective policy

Cristina C David

Fig, 1.1. Regional distribution of world rough rice production (490.2 million tons), 1988. Source of basic data: FAO 1990.

Fig. 1.2. Apparent per capita daily calorie consumption, Asian countries, 1986 - 1988.

would be to increase productivity through technological change and investments in irrigation. Given the rapid growth of population and scarce land resources, this essentially means increasing land productivity through greater cropping intensity and higher yields per hectare. The advent of the modern rice technology and the strong government support to the rice sector since the 1960s - the Green Revolution phenomenon - demonstrated the strong potential of science-based agriculture for overcoming land constraints.

The World Rice Economy: Challenges Ahead

Table 1.1. Paddy production, area. and yields in selected major rice-growing countries that have more than 1 million hectares of rice crop area (1986-1 988). Source of data: FAO 1990. Area (000 ha) 55,272 40,609 10,236 2,024 1,402 36.002 10,016 9,416 5,608 4.559 3,351 1,682 36,754 32,650 2,186 1,273 5,402 1,171 8,017 7,842 144,162 Yield (t, ha) 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.0 2.9 4.0 2.1 2.8 3.0 2.6 1.2 5.4 3.4 6.1 6.3 1.8 1.9 2.3 1.9 3.3 Production (000 t) 127,964 07,168 23,129 4,964 2,862 103,536 40,494 19,538 16,035 13,642 8,823 2,085 199,252 175,086 13,421 7,909 9,941 2,223 18,594 10,866 475,764

Country South Asia total India Bangladesh Pakistan Nepal Southeast Asia total Indonesia Thailand Vietnam Myanmar Philippines Cambodia East Asia total China Japan Korea Rep. Africa total Madagascar Latin America total Brazil World total

Sources of production growth

Prior to World War II, growth in land productivity was limited to East Asian countries - Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China - where population pressure on limited land resources had induced more intensive land cultivation as early as the turn of the century. Essentially all rice areas were irrigated in Japan by the late 1800s and in China by 1930; in Taiwan and Korea about two-thirds was irrigated by 1940 (Barker and Herdt 1985). This facilitated the spread of highyielding fertilizer-responsive japonica varieties initially selected by innovative Japanese farmers and later improved by government research stations throughout East Asia. Declining cost of fertilizer as a result of technological developments in

Cristina C David

the industry and improvements in transportation also increased fertilizer use (Hayami and Ruttan 1985). In contrast, yields in South and Southeast Asia, where land is relatively more abundant, stagnated between 1 and 2 t/ha during that period. Increased demand for rice was met primarily by expanding area cultivated rather than increasing yields per hectare. Irrigation and drainage were poorly developed throughout much of the region. The only exception was Indonesia, where about half of the total rice area was under irrigation by 1930; in India, less than 25% of the rice area was irrigated. Other Asian countries had less than 10% of their rice area irrigated and those mainly used simple river diversion systems that supplemented rainfall during the wet season. Modest rice research efforts existed in Indonesia and India but progress was hindered by the narrow adaptability of indica rice across the widely varying production environments in the region. The lack of fertilizer-responsive varieties and relatively poor transportation limited application of higher levels of fertilizer. By the 1950s, population growth and diminished opportunities for the expanding rice-growing area became compelling reasons for increased rice productivity in the tropics. During the 1950s, rice breeders in India, Malaysia, Taiwan, and other Asian countries produced improved indica varieties - notably Mahsuri ADT27, and Taichung Native 1 - which gained limited acceptance in the region. It was after 1966, however, that dramatic changes occurred in the nature of rice production in South and Southeast Asia. A key contributor was IR8, the first of the modern indica varieties with a new plant type - short, stiffstrawed, fertilizer-responsive, and photoperiod-insensitive - bred at the International Rice Research Institute. In China, the same plant type was developed independently during the early 1960s and was also fully adopted in the country within less than a decade after its introduction. Since then, remarkable progress has been achieved in the Asian rice sector: 1. Rice production has grown faster than population. 2. The major source of output growth has shifted from crop area expansion to increases in yields. 3. Asias share of world rice imports has dropped as self-sufficiency ratios have increased in a number of traditionally importing countries. 4. Finally, all these have been achieved at lower real prices, sharing the benefits of higher productivity with poor urban consumers and rural landless households. Tables 1.2 and 1.3 show the trends in rice production, area, and yields from 1950 to 1990. Figure 1.3 depicts those trends and that of population for East Asia and for South and Southeast Asia combined. There have been dramatic changes in the nature of growth in rice production over the past four decades. Despite closing of the land frontier, as evidenced by declining growth in rice crop area (particularly in Asia), annual growth of rice production increasingly exceeded population growth. The major source of production increase shifted from crop area expansion to increases in yields. Annual increases in area planted to rice slowed and growth rate in yields accelerated. Half of the growth in production between 1955 to 1965 was due to crop area expansion; by the 1980s that had dropped to less than 10%.

The World Rice Economy Challenges Ahead

Table 1.2. Annual growth rates (%) of rice production, area, and yield, 1930- 1989.Figures in parentheses are % of growth in rice production due to changes in area and yield. Source of data: FAO 1990.
1950-1965 Production World Asia South Asia SE Asia East Asia a Africab Latin America 2.5 2.2 3.2 3.6 0.8 2.6 3.0 Area 1.2 (48) 1.1 (50) 1.3 (41) 1.9 (53) 0.1 (12) 0.9 (35) 5.3 (95) Yield 1.3 (52) 1.1 (50) 1.9 (59) 1.7 (47) 0.7 (88) 1.7 (65) 0.3 (5) 1965-1980 Production 2.9 2.9 2.8 3.0 2.8 3.2 3.4 Area Yield 1980-1989 Production 2.3 2.7 3.2 2.7 2.3 3.0 2.4 Area Yield

1.0 1.9 (38) (62) 2.0 0.9 (31) (69) 1.9 0.9 (32) (68) 0.8 2.2 (27) (73) 0.0 1.9 (32) (68) 2.8 0.4 1881 (12) 2.5 0.9 (74) (26)

0.2 2.3 (8) (92) 0.2 2.5 (7) (93) 0.3 2.9 (9) (91) 0.7 2.0 (26) (71) -0.5 2.8 (122) (-22) 1.3 1.7 (13) (57) -0.4 2.8 (-17) 11171

a china,

b Refers to Suhsaharan

Japan, and South Korea. Africa.

Table 1.3. Annual growth rates (%) of rice production, area, and yield, 1935- 1989.Source of data: FAO 1990.
1955-1965 Production India Bangladesh Pakistan Indonesia Philippines Thailand Myanmar Vietnam China Japan S. Korea 2.8 4.5 5.0 1.5 2.3 6.7 3.4 3.6 -1.0 0.6 3.3 Area 1.4 1.7 3.5 0.7 0.9 2.8 2.7 0.4 -1.1 0.1 1.0 Yield 1.4 2.8 1.5 0.8 1.4 3.8 0.7 3.2 0.1 0.5 2.3 1965-1980 Production 3.0 1.8 5.7 5.1 4.6 2.4 3.0 1.8 3.3 -1.3 3.7 Area 0.9 0.5 2.5 1.2 1.1 2.3 0.2 1.1 1.1 -2.0 0.1 Yield 2.1 1.3 3.2 3.9 3.5 0.1 2.8 0.7 2.2 0.7 3.0 1980-1989 Production 3.4 2.5 -0.3 4.1 2.3 2.0 -0.4 4.4 2.4 0.5 3.2 Area 0.3 -0.1 0.6 1.6 0.2 0.9 -0.4 0.3 -0.6 -1.1 0.4 Yield 3.1 2.6 -0.9 2.5 2.1 1.1 -0.01 4.1 2.8 1.6 2.8

Cristina C David

Fig. 1.3. Trends in population and paddy production, area and yield, South and Southeast Asia and East Asia, 1951 -1990. Source of basic data: FAO 1990.

Part of the growth in production was contributed by increases in double cropped areas as irrigation investments increased. In contrast, growth rate in yields more than doubled after 1965 and accounted for more than 90% of the growth in rice production by the 1980s compared with only 40% prior to the mid-1 960s. If the effect of double cropping is considered, the impact of growth in land productivity is even greater than indicated by the contribution of yields. Without such remarkable productivity growth, population pressure on limited land would have resulted in the higher cost of rice production and, hence, higher price to consumers in the region. These productivity trends differed somewhat across regions and across countries depending on each countrys resources, economic incentives, rate of technological change, investments in irrigation, and political stability. As noted in a later section, rapid growth in yields in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan can be explained mainly by increased economic incentives. The stagnation of rice production in Myanmar in the 1980s and in Vietnam in the 1970s was due to political instability and restrictive government trade policies. Heavy taxation of rice exports despite low world prices, together with serious salinity problems, has caused rice yields to stagnate in Pakistan. The remarkable acceleration of yield growth in Vietnam and China in the late 1970s and 1980s, on the other hand, was partly the outcome of the economic reforms that increased economic incentives. By and large, however, adoption of modern rice varieties (MVs), higher application of fertilizers, and expansion of irrigated area contributed about equally to the acceleration of productivity in South and Southeast Asia (Herdt and Capule 1983). In South and Southeast Asia, the MVs are now grown in more than half of

The World Rice Economy: Challenges Ahead

the rice crop area. Because the MVs are generally suited to irrigated areas and are more fertilizer-responsive than traditional varieties, they raised profitability of irrigation investments and fertilizer use, indirectly inducing greater public investments in irrigation and increased fertilizer application (Hayami et al 1976, David 1976).

Technical change and world trade pattern

Differential growth rate in rice production and demand across regions has led to changing patterns in the regional distribution of world trade (Table 1.4). The rapid growth in rice production in South and Southeast Asia, particularly in traditionally importing countries where the proportion of irrigated area is higher and modern rice technology more widespread, sharply reduced the share of Asian rice imports from a high of 60% in 1970 to a low of 22% by the late 1980s. Africa and the Middle East, which together account for only 3% of world rice production, now absorb more than 40% of world imports. Much less change can be observed in the regional pattern of world exports. Asia remains the main source of exports, although its share is still lower than before the 1960s, when Myanmar and Vietnam, historically the leading rice exporters, had a more open trading policy. Vietnam recently instituted economic reforms and again entered the world rice market, but Thailand now dominates the world rice trade, contributing about 40% of rice exports.

Table 1.4. Distribution of world rice trade across regions, 1960-1987 (%), Source of data: FAO 1990. Imports Region Developing countries Asia South Asia Southeast Asia East Asia b Africa Middle East Latin America Other developing countries Developed countries United States

Exports 1987 76 22 6 8 7 23 19 10 2 24 1960 81 74 3 53 18 4 3 19 13 1970 67 54 7 21 24 8 1 4 33 19 1980 62 53 14 29 12 1 1 5 38 22 1987 70 65 12 43 10 * * 4 * 30 19

1960" 77 56 23 27 6 8 5 6 2 23 -

1970 85 60 16 31 13 10 9 5 1 15 -

1980 79 37 4 18 15 19 14 8 1 21 -

b Excludes Japan.

3-year average centered at year shown.

* = less than 1%.

Cristina C David

Trends in world and domestic prices

A remarkable feature of the Asian rice economy is the fact that growth in rice production has been sustained at a declining real rice price over the past two decades. The long-term decline in world price (Fig. 1.4) is explained in part by the increasing self-sufficiency ratio of major traditional rice importers (Siamwalla and Haykins 1983). However, the collapse of the world rice market in the late 1980s was caused by other factors, including the high level of agricultural protection in the developed countries and the general slowdown in the world economy. Declining domestic price of rice can also be observed in some South and Southeast Asian countries (Fig. 1.5).While the changes differed across countries because of differences in pricing policies, the downward trend of the world price is generally reflected. The only exception is in Bangladesh, where technological change has been slow because of unfavorable production conditions. The decline in real rice price in India and the Philippines, where MVs were rapidly adopted, is more pronounced. Given the higher self-sufficiency ratios observed in South and Southeast Asia during this period, it is clear that sustained growth rates of rice production have been achieved at a low cost to the economy and that benefits from the low cost have been shared with consumers in terms of lower prices. The declining real price trends, however, imply that incentives to increase rice production are falling and thus the growth rate of rice production is not as high as it would have been if prices had remained constant. The trend of increase in the real price o f rice shown in Figure 1.6 for Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea is in stark contrast to the declining trends in the world

Fig. 1.4. Trends in world rice price in real terms, 1950- 1 990. Source of basic data: World Bank 1984, 1990a.

The World Rice Economy: Challenges Ahead

Fig. 1.5. Trends in wholesale price of rice in real terms for six South and Southeast Asian countries. Source of basic data: IRRI 1991,

market and in South and Southeast Asia. In these cases, the sharply rising cost of both land and labor have made rice increasingly costly to produce for the domestic market. Despite improvements in biological and mechanical technologies, rice self-sufficiency was maintained only by increasingly supporting the domestic rice price above world prices.

Production environments, modern varieties, and yields

Rice is grown in widely diverse production environments in terms of topography, soil type, water regime, and climatic factors. Aside from the irrigated areas, there are four other types of environments, based mainly on the water regime - rainfed


Cristina C David

Fig. 1.6. Trends in wholesale price of rice in real terms for Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. Source of basic data: IRRI 1991.

lowland including tidal wetland, deepwater, and upland or dryland areas (Khush 1984). Figures 1.7. and 1.8 present the distribution of the worlds rice area and production by production environments. Table 1.5 gives the distribution of rice crop area by production environment in Asian countries. More than 50% of the worlds rice crop area is irrigated but its contribution to world rice production (73%) is much higher because adoption of modern rice technology has been concentrated in irrigated areas. In contrast, the rainfed lowland areas constitute 23% of the worlds rice crop area but only 17% of total production. Part of the rainfed lowlands has adequate wet-season rainfall and water control such as in the Philippines, Myanmar, and Vietnam, where the modern rice technology performs almost as well as in irrigated areas. Most rainfed lowlands, however, particularly in eastern India, northeastern Thailand, and Bangladesh, are either drought-prone, flood-prone, or both. Farmers in those areas continue to use traditional varieties that give low, but stable yields. Also included in this category are the tidal wetlands, which typically cause salinity and other adverse soil stresses, making them unsuitable for growing the MVs. Upland areas account for 13% of world rice area but only 4% of production. The largest areas of upland rice are grown in Brazil and West Africa. Significant

The World Rice Economy: Challenges Ahead


Rainfed lowland includes tidal wetland area. Data from IRRI World Rice Database (RICESTAT).

Fig. 1.7. Estimated percentage of world rice area by culture type, 1985- 1987.

1985- 1987. Rainfed lowland includes tidal wetland production. Data from IRRI World Rice Database (RICESTAT).

Fig. 1.8. Estimated percentage of world rice production by culture type,

upland areas can still be found in India, Indonesia, and Laos. Deepwater rice constitutes 11% of the worlds rice crop area and 6% of production. Nearly all deepwater rice areas are located in the low-lying lands on the river deltas of South and Southeast Asia - the Mekong in Vietnam, Chao Phraya in Thailand, Irrawaddy in Myanmar, and the Ganges and Brahmaputra in Bangladesh and eastern India. No major technological breakthroughs have been achieved for rice grown in the upland and deepwater ecosystems. MVs developed so far have been best suited to irrigated and favorable rainfed lowland areas, and thus differences in adoption rates of MVs and associated fertilizer use across countries are positively related to the ratio of irrigated area


Cristina C David

Table 1.5. Distribution of rice crop area by production environment in Asia, 1987 (%). Source of data: IRRI 1991. Irrigated Bangladesh Cambodia China India Indonesia Japan Korea Rep. Laos Malaysia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Total * = less than 1 %. 19 16 93 44 81 99 99 6 54 18 23 100 58 77 27 46 58 Rainted 49 46 5 35 8 53 34 48 66 37 15 62 30 27 Deepwater 24 22 * 6 * 27 8 * 1 8 16 7 Upland 8 16 2 15 11 1 I 41 12 7 3 5 7 3 8 8

(Table 1.6). Indeed, adoption studies indicate that environmental characteristics, especially degree of water control or irrigation, and not farm size or tenure, are the most important factors explaining differential technology adoption (Ruttan 1977, Lipton and Longhurst 1989, Barker and Herdt 1985). In Thailand and Bangladesh, where MV adoption is comparatively low, rice is cultivated in large deltaic regions where the cost of developing effective water control is high. The Philippines and Indonesia, where production environments are generally favorable, have the highest MV adoption rates. Indias adoption rate of MVs is lower than in the Philippines because a greater proportion of its rainfed areas are drought-prone, flood-prone, or both. The Philippine rainfed areas, as in Myanmar, are generally characterized by favorable rainfed lowland conditions. Although Pakistans rice area is fully irrigated, the MV adoption rate is only about 50% because the traditional Basmati rice commands a price premium in the world market. Differential adoption of MVs between favorable and unfavorable areas occurs within a country. The gap in adoption rates across categories basically indicates the degree to which the nonirrigated areas are unfavorable to the growing of MVs (Fig. 1.9). In Thailand, MV adoption is limited to irrigated areas, in Nepal to the irrigated and favorable rainfed areas of the Tarai region. Traditional varieties are still widely planted in Bangladesh during the main transplanted (TP aman) and broadcasted (aus) crop seasons. However, the dry season (boro) crop, which is mostly irrigated by tubewells, is dominated by MVs.

The World Rice Economy: Challenges Ahead

Table 1.6. Patterns of MV adoption anti irrigation ratio in selected Asian countries, 1987. Source of data: IRRI 1991.
MV adoption (%) Thailand Bangladesh Myanmar Vietnam Pakistan India Indonesia Philippines Korea Rep. Japan 13 32 52 49 18 69 71 85 100 100 Irrigation ratio (%) 27 19 18 46 100 34 81 58 99 99


In India, adoption of MVs was concentrated in the north and southern parts, which are almost fully irrigated, but account for only 26% of rice area. MV adoption in irrigated and rainfed lowlands is remarkably similar in the Philippines, where traditional varieties are grown mainly in the upland areas, which currently constitute only 5% of total rice area. In Indonesia, the lower MV adoption rate in the unfavorable areas is largely accounted for by a higher proportion of upland and tidal wetland areas. Favorable areas are mostly characterized by irrigated and shallow rainfed conditions. Differential adoption of MVs has widened disparities in yields between irrigated and unirrigated regions since the mid-1960s (Fig. 1.10). While yields remained essentially stagnant at 1 to 1.5 t/ha in the unfavorable areas (where traditional varieties have continued to be grown), average yields reached 3-4 t/ha in the irrigated areas of India, Bangladesh Indonesia. and the Philippines. In Indonesia, rice yields in the unfavorable and semifavorable regions rose modestly because of the irrigation investments in the less favorable outer islands by the late 1970s (Jatileksono 1987). In Thailand, increases in yields in the irrigated areas are comparatively less due to the lower yield advantage of the MVs developed in Thailand.

The challenge ahead

World, and Asian, demand for rice is expected to grow in the order of 2.5% per year over the next decade as a result of growth in population and income per capita (World Food Council 1991). Although this projection is slightly lower than historical rates, increases in rice production required to feed the growing population in the 1990s and beyond will have to depend almost entirely on higher productivity, and on growth rates for yields even higher than those experienced during the Green Revolution period.

Fig. 1.9. Trends in adoption rate of modern varieties in different production environments. Source of data: IRRI 1991,

Fig. 1.10. Trends in paddy yields in different production environments. Sourc e of data: IRRI 1991.


Cristina C David

It should be emphasized that the central rice policy issue is not adequacy of world rice supply. Indeed, the world rice price in real terms is not expected to increase significantly over the next decade. The World Bank (1990b) projects the real world rice price to be 40 to 50% below the average for the 1960s and 1970s. Continued high levels of agricultural protection in developed countries will mean that a grain surplus in the world market will continue. Moreover, given existing technologies, there are potential rice surpluses forthcoming from traditional rice exporters, especially Burma and Vietnam, where economic reforms can dramatically increase domestic rice production. The relevant issue remains how to provide cheap rice and, at the same time, maintain comparative advantage in rice production for the majority of Asian countries where rice continues to be the main source of livelihood and rice selfsufficiency a national objective. Addressing this issue in the 1990s and beyond is much more difficult than it was in the 1960s: 1. Continuing rapid population growth and urbanization has sharply raised the cost of land in the more favorable rice-growing regions. 2. The large majority of Asian consumers remain poor and cannot be expected to support high rates of subsidies such as those conferred on rice farmers in wealthier Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. 3. Concern for the environmental cost of highly intensive cultivation raises questions about the sustainability of high fertilizer and pesticide use to increase productivity. Several studies have documented the sharply rising cost of new irrigation construction in many Asian countries (Aluwihare and Kikuchi 1990, World Bank 1990b). With the relatively low world rice prices projected for the 1990s, the social profitability of new irrigation investments will seem low to policymakers. While opportunities for improving irrigation efficiency through rehabilitation and better management of systems exist, putting those into practice will not be easy and potential impact will be modest. External lending and assistance for irrigation and irrigated area have already fallen sharply in the 1980s (Levine et a1 1988, Rosegrant and Pingali 1990). The growth rate of irrigated area in South and Southeast Asia, which increased in the Green Revolution period, had declined considerably by the late 1980s (Table 1.7). On the other hand, irrigated rice lands are degrading and even contracting because of problems of salinity, waterlogging, and siltation as well as conversion of land to other uses. Finally, improvements in the initially released MVs, such as multiple resistance to insects and diseases, better grain quality, and shorter growth duration, were largely accomplished prior to the 1980s. Little progress has been made in incorporating tolerance to abiotic stresses such as drought and salinity. Much of the breeding work during the 1980s can be characterized as maintaining the yield potential, which has not been surpassed substantially since IR8 was released. The only exception is the development of hybrid rice with a 15 to 20% higher yield potential than ordinary MVs. Adoption of hybrid rice, however, has been limited to China. The need to increase rice productivity through technological development is

The World Rice Economy: Challenges Ahead

Table 1.7. Avarage annual growth rate of irrigated agricultural area in Asia, 1960-1988. Basic source of data: FAO 1990.
Total 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 -1965 - 1970 - 1975 - 1980 -1985 - 1988 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.2 0.4 South Asia 1.8 2.9 1.8 2.8 1.8 0.1 Southeat Asia 1.6 1.2 2.8 3.6 4.1 1.3


East Asia 2.2 2.4 2.1 1.2 - 0.3 0.3

even more pressing for the coming decades than it was in the 1960s. Yet the easy gains in technical change in tropical rice have been reaped. The research strategy to increase and sustain future rice productivity wi1l have to: 1. Raise yield potential of irrigated rice. 2. Incorporate durable resistance to diseases and insects and tolerance to abiotic stresses to provide greater yield stability. 3. Increase productivity in the less favorable production environments. The prospects for success are highly uncertain and in any case the research cost of achieving these will be much higher than in the past. There is much less basic and applied research on rainfed than on irrigated rice. In the less favorable environments, the agronomic problems are much more difficult and the heterogeneous nature of the environments means research wi1l have to be highly locationspecific. Although national rice research capacity has grown stronger in many countries and some measure of progress is apparent, dramatic changes in the productivity growth at the national level cannot be expected with conventional research approaches. On the other hand, increasing the yield potential of irrigated rice and incorporating abiotic stress tolerance through conventional breeding have already proven difficult. Major advances in basic knowledge, particularly in molecular biology and biochemistry, as well as in increasing efficiency of conventional research approaches through biotechnology can create new opportunities for technological breakthroughs.

References cited
Aluwihare P B, Kikuchi M (1990) Irrigation investment trend in Sri Lanka: new construction and beyond. International lrrigation Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Barker R, Herdr K W (1985) The rice economy of Asia. Resources for the Future, Washington, DC. David C C (1976) Fertilizer demand in the Asian rice economy. Food Res. Inst. St. 15(1):109-123.


Cristina C David

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization (1990) AGROSTAT: information system on food and agriculture. FAO, Rome. Hayami V, Ruttan V V (1985) Agricultural development: an international perspective. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Hayami Y, David C C, Flores P, Kikuchi M (1976) Agricultural growth against a land resource constraint: the Philippine experience. Austr. J. Agric. Econ. 20(3):144-159. Herdt R W, Capule C (1983) Adoption, spread, and production impact of modern rice varieties. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baos, Philippines. IRRI - International Rice Research Institute (1991) World rice statistics. Los Bafios, Philippines. Jatileksono T (1987) Equity achievement in the Indonesian rice economy. Gadjah Madah University Press, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Khush G S (1984) Terminology for rice growing environments. Pages 5-10 in Terminology for rice growing environments. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baos, Philippines. Levine G, Barker R, Rosegrant M, Swendson M (1988) Irrigation in Asia and the near East in the 1990s: problems and prospects. Asia/Near East Bureau, Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Lipton M P, Longhurst R (1989) New seeds and poor people. Unwin Hyman, London. Rosegrant M W, Pingali P L (1 990) Sustaining rice productivity growth in Asia: a policy perspective. Social Science Division Paper No. 91-01, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines. Ruttan V W (1977) The Green Revolution: seven generalizations. Int. Dev. Rev. 19:1623. Siamwalla A, Haykins S (1983) The world rice market structure: Conduct and performance. Research report 39, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC. World Bank (1984) Commodity trends and price indexes 1983-84. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. World Bank (1990a) Revision of commodity price forecasts. Washington, DC World Bank (1990b) Price prospects for major primary commodities. Washington, DC. World Food Council (1991) Regional overview of food security focused agricultural research, technology transfer and application in Asia and the Pacific. World Food Council, Rome.

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology

Robert W Herdt
Director for Agricultural Sciences, The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA

The impact of technological change Direct effects of technological change Empirical studies of technological change in rice Limitations to setting research priorities Methodology Step 1. Define challenges Step 2. Estimated intensity Step 3. Expected productivity gain Step 4. Environmental effects Step 5. Equity considerations Step 6. Net present value Step 7. Potential for a biotechnology solution Step 8. Investment rule Rice research challenges Data on relative intensity of challenges Importance of challenge by ecology Summary: net present value Parameters on the value of biotechnology tools Rice biotechnology priorities Appendix 2.1 : Productivity gains from overcoming specific challenges Upland drought and blast Submergence and elongation Heterosis and apomixis Coastal saline soils Vitamin A Protein



Robert W Herdt

The Rockefeller Foundation has supported research in rice biotechnology since the early 1980s. This chapter reports what is known about the impact of technological change in agriculture. I consider the continuum from basic research through production, the position of biotechnology in the continuum, and the value of models for setting priorities along the continuum. I conclude that quantitative models have little value for choosing among basic research alternatives or in allocating priorities between basic and applied research. Models are useful for allocating priorities among applied research goals and are used in this paper to rank-order rice biotechnology activities. Readers interested in the ranking priorities will find them in Table 2.1 1 at the end of the chapter.

The impact of technological change

Research on the effect of technical change in agriculture has established that, when technological improvements are made in the production of a basic food crop, such as rice, for which demand is price-inelastic, the largest fraction of benefits accrues to consumers, assuming product prices are relatively free to respond to markets. This is true in high-income countries (Cochrane 1958) as well as low-income countries (Hayami and Kikuchi 1981). The impact on producers who also consume some of what they produce, which is the case in most developing countries, has also been considered (Hayami and Herdt 1977). One of the most important factors determining whether farmers benefit from a new technology is whether they adopt it, and thereby produce with less input per unit of output. But technological change affects the earnings of all land and capital used in agriculture and hence affects both adopters and nonadopters. Technological change also affects rural and urban nonfarmers, and laborers who work for farmers. Direct effects of technological improvement Economists define technological improvement as a change in production techniques that reduces unit cost of production when all other things are assumed to remain unchanged. One assumption underlying the general finding that consumers are the primary beneficiary is that prices of rice in the market are permitted to respond to the reduction in unit costs generated by the improved technology. If that downward adjustment is frustrated by government policy, then the benefits of the technological change may be absorbed by producers. Where government has previously held the market price of rice below what it would otherwise have been, consumers have already obtained the benefits of low consumer prices and, hence, the only gain from technological improvement is a reduction in government subsidy. Table 2.1 illustrates the impact of a technological improvement in rice production in one agroecology but not in a second. The impact on individuals depends on their relationship to rice production and consumption. Seven groups are defined.

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


Table 2.1. Impact of a technological improvement in rice production applicable in agroecology 1 but not 2, which leads to a fall in market price. The direction of effects on the price received tor rice, rice production costs, rice consumption costs, and net Impact on weltare are identified as a decrease (-), increase (+), no effect (0), or indeterminate (?). an Impact on price received 0 Impact on rice production costs 0 Impact on rice consumption costs -

1. Consumers, nonproducers Producers in agroecology 1 (technology suitable) 2. 3. 4. 5. Net Net Net Net buyers who adopt buyers, nonadopters sellers who adopt sellers, nonadopters

Net impact on welfare +

0 0

0 0

? ? ? -

Producers in agroecology 2 (technology not suitable) 6. Net buyers 7. Net sellers -

0 0

Group 1 consists of rice consumers who do not produce rice. They are not affected by farm price received or rice production costs, but, because their rice consumption costs fall with a technological improvement, their welfare improves. Producers located in the agroecology for which the technology is suitable and who adopt the technology make up groups 2 and 4. After the technological improvement they receive lower prices for the rice they sell but also have lower costs of production. Whether they gain depends on the relative change in costs and prices, which cannot be determined a priori. The net buyers (groups 2, 3, and 6) have a gain because they buy rice at lower prices, and those in group 2 also gain through lower production costs, but, because some changes increase benefits while others reduce them, the net impact is indeterminate. Groups 5 and 7 lose from the technical change because the price of rice they sell declines and they get no benefits from the technology because they either cannot (7) or do not (5) adopt. The overall effect of the change will depend on the magnitude of change each individual experiences and the proportion of population in each of the seven groups. Besides the attributes noted in Table 2.1, some individuals may work as laborers, others may receive the residual earnings from rice land, and others may supply inputs required by the new technology. All these attributes will affect the impact of the technical change on them. Thus, it is impossible to comment precisely about the size and magnitude of gains from a technological change in agriculture, although it is clear that consumers will gain and nonadopting farmers will lose, assuming, of course, that market prices reflect the cost-reducing effect of the technological improvement.


Robert W Herdt

Empirical studies of technological change in rice Social scientists expressed concern in the 1960s and 1970s about whether farmers with limited resources would adopt new technology (Falcon 1970). Since then, many empirical studies have shown that, although adoption of the semidwarf rice varieties in the first one or two years after their introduction was concentrated on larger farms, adoption thereafter spread generally throughout the farming population in agroecologies for which the new technologies were biologically well adapted (Ruttan 1977, Barker and Herdt 1985, Jateliksono 1987, Hossain 1988). Most early studies focused on areas where adoption occurred, leaving little evidence about the effects on groups like those in agroecology 2 of Table 2.1. However, a recent review of the equity effects of new technology by one of its early critics concluded that the major defect of the modern rices is that they were not equally well suited to all areas (Lipton and Longhurst 1989). A new set of studies comparing the impact in areas where new rices spread widely with areas where they did not spread provides more information on the matter (see Chapter 1). That research clearly shows that irrigation and other physical factors are much more important than farm size and tenure in accounting for adoption of semidwarf varieties. It also shows that the new varieties increased the demand for labor in the adopting areas and that interregional migration, both seasonal and permanent, occurred with the consequence that wage rates tended to rise in the nonadopting areas as well as in the adopting areas. In contrast, returns to land tended to rise in the adopting areas and fall in the nonadopting areas.

Limitations to setting research priorities

The exercise of setting research priorities has a narrow objective - it deals only with rice improvement research, and does that on a global basis. By definition, therefore, it does not deal with the question of how much should be invested in basic plant molecule research or with the relative allocation of investment to basic and applied research. There is a century of experience that demonstrates how basic research leads, through strategic agricultural research and applied research, to solving of problems (Evenson et a/ 1979, Evenson 1987). Knowledge reflected in technology is generated from applied research, which builds on knowledge generated by basic research. But it is time-consuming to build knowledge, knowledge is highly transferable, and once it exists it is difficult to keep others from using it. These are strong arguments for public investment in basic research, but, because the benefits of knowledge creation are difficult to predict and measure, formal methods to assist in making allocations to basic research, or between basic and applied research, are not available. Agricultural research has the objective of increasing the productivity, equity, and sustainability of an agricultural system. It may be complex, laboratorybased, and have a long gestation period, but because it is agricultural it is

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


directed toward an agricultural system, and hence is applied research. Basic research, on the other hand, has the explicit goal of increasing knowledge in a disciplinary area with no necessary direct link to concrete real-world problems. Rice crop improvement research involves strategic and adaptive work designed to improve the genetic characteristics of the rice plant. Adaptive research must, by its nature, be conducted in the ecosystem for which the improved variety is intended and entails fairly well-defined steps. An example of adaptive crop improvement research would be the identification of the best variety for a particular ecosystem. On the other hand, research to determine the genetic factors associated with biological nitrogen fixation is not locationspecific and may require some procedures only dimly envisioned when beginning the research. Thus, it is not adaptive, but strategic; it is not basic because it is aimed at the specific problem of providing crops with nutrients. The following analysis focuses on the allocation of resources among challenges to rice crop improvement research. The criteria involved are, therefore, problem-specific, and the results lead to implications for allocation among activities directed at resolving challenges, not among disciplines. The research activities included in the analysis range from highly strategic through applied to adaptive.

Operational methods to allocate research resources can be classified as follows, in order of increasing complexity: 1. Rules of thumb: require little data and little in the way of formal procedures. 2. Congruence: a step above rules of thumb; uses area or gross revenue of commodities as allocation criteria (Ruttan 1982, Boyce and Evenson 1975, Salmon 1983). 3. Scoring: uses several criteria in a weighted or nonweighted combination (Von Oppen and Ryan 1985). 4. Cost-benefit:places economic values on some of the same variables that may be used with rules of thumb or scoring methods (Araji et al 1978, Barker and Herdt 1982). 5. Consumer surplus-producer surplus: analysis of the results of price changes induced by supply shifts generated by technical change. Until recently little effort has been made to exploit this approach for setting priorities (Norton and Davis 1981). 6. Optimization: uses a formal procedure to allocate resources among alternatives by maximizing the expected additional economic value of production (Russell 1975, Habib eta1 1981, Fox 1984). The more complex approaches have the advantage of including several factors as decision criteria but have the disadvantage of requiring a gear deal of data that are only obtainable from subjective judgments. A cost-benefit approach can include dimensions of uncertainty and equity as well as productivity. It requires


Robert W Herdt

some data that are only available from subjective estimates but is enough of an advance over the less complex approaches to be desirable. A modified cost-benefit approach was used to set priorities for the Rockefeller Foundations support of applied rice biotechnology research. It consists of: (i) quantitatively estimating, for all possible challenges, the expected benefits to society from solving each; (ii) weighing the benefits by their contributions to environmental and equity goals; and then (iii) evaluating, for each challenge, the likely effectiveness of biotechnological as compared with conventional approaches. The specific steps are: 1. Define the research challenges. 2. Estimate the intensity of each challenge. 3. Determine the expected productivity, or output gain, associated with solving each challenge, evaluated at the expected product price. 4. Determine whether environmental benefits, or costs, are entailed in each potential solution to each challenge and, if so, adjust expected net benefits. 5. Determine equity implications associated with each challenge and each potential solution, and weigh expected net benefits in accord with equity judgments. 6. Use steps 2 and 5 to determine the net present value of equity-weighted expected benefits for each potential solution. 7. Estimate the potential for addressing the challenge through the application of biotechnology. 8. Combine steps 6 and 7 to determine the desired allocation of biotechnology research resources among challenges.

Step 1. Define challenges

A consolidated list of rice research challenges was developed by a series of consultations with several groups of rice researchers with extensive experience in developing countries. Challenges were identified in three categories: (i) research to combat the changing universe of pests and pathogens and maintain present productivity; (ii) research to overcome existing soil and climatic constraints that keep productivity in some agroecologies lower than potential productivity elsewhere; and (iii) research to raise potential productivity. Some challenges affect rice in all ecologies while others primarily affect rice grown in certain environments. Likewise, some problems are important in Latin America or Africa that are not important in Asia and vice versa. The process used to estimate likely productivity gains recognized these differences as follows: 1. Six world rice regions were defined (i = 1 to 6): China, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Subsaharan Africa, Latin America, and Middle East-North Africa. Table 2.2 shows some characteristics of those regions. 2. Four rice agroecologies were defined: irrigated, rainfed (lowland), upland, and deepwater (j = 1 to 4). These four agroecologies are, for some regions, aggregations of more regionally specific agroecologies, as defined in the footnotes to Table 2.2. The challenges of importance and the empirical bases for estimating their importance are discussed in the following section on rice research challenges.

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology

Table 2.2. Characteristics of six developing country rice regions. Sources of data are various issues of FAO production yearbooks and food balance sheets for 1979-1 981. Projected/rice area (million ha) in each agroecological zone Population (million) 1982 1,060 820 1,546 358 372 2 00 Food Rice calories (%) production obtained 1980-1 984 from rice (million t) 35 38 47 9 13 4 160 103 128 6 15 10 in 2000 Rainfed lowland 1.0 26.1 19.3 0.9 0.1 0 Deep water 0.3 3.7 2.1 0 0 0.1


Region China a South Asia b Other Asia c Subsaharan Africa d Latin America Middle East/ North Africa'

Irrigated 32.3 21.5 19.9 0.3 0.5 4.1

Upland 0.7 7.5 4.9 1.5 1.1 0

Area in China assumed to remain as in 1980-1984 projections based on (Huke 1982). Irrigated area in other regions assumed to grow at 2% annually, other ecologies assumed constant; exception, Subsaharan Africa irrigated area grows at 4% annually. b lndia and Bangladesh. c Developing countries in Asia excluding those in other groups. d Excluding those in Middle East/North Africa. e Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq.

Step 2. Estimated intensity The benefits that arise from research on challenges depend on the intensity of various challenges in each ecology. Three different approaches to estimating the severity of research challenges were used. Intensity method 1: yield loss This method obtains estimates of the absolute quantity of production attributed to each challenge. For each geographic region, an estimate of the total area of rice in each ecology is projected to the year 2000, as in Table 2.2. This area is designated H(i,j) . For each region and ecology, an estimate is made by knowledgeable scientists of the proportion of rice area affected by each challenge, h(i,j,k), and the yield loss or gain attributable (also called the yield foregone) on each affected hectare, Y(i,j,k). The total area affected by each challenge in each ecology is calculated: (1) x(i,j,k) = H(i,j) x h(i,j,k)

Multiplying by yield foregone in affected areas gives production foregone to each challenge in an ecology:


Robert W Herdt

(2) q'


= y'


x X(i,j,k)

Summing across each ecology gives the total production foregone to each challenge in each region: (3) Q (i,k) = S

q (i,j,k)

Production foregone is then multiplied by price (p) to obtain the value of foregone production due to each challenge in each major rice production region: (4) V(i,k) = p x Q(i,k) Yield increases brought about by new technologies are not identical to productivity gains because some technologies require farmers to purchase inputs. In such cases yield gains must be adjusted by the change in farmers per hectare costs to give an estimate of net value of production foregone. Denoting the per hectare farmers cost associated with the use of a technology discovered to solve a problem in each region and ecology as c (i,j,k) , the net value of production foregone may be expressed as: (5) v' (i,j,k) = [y(i,j,k) x p-c ] x x (i,j,k)

Summing this across each ecology gives the total net value of production foregone due to each problem in each major rice production region: (6) V(i,k) = S


These can, of course, be aggregated across regions to obtain estimates for all developing countries. This yield loss approach assumes that it is easier to think about the proportion of area affected and the average yield effect where a challenge exists than it is to integrate the two concepts and estimate the average yield effect over an entire ecosystem.

Intensity method 2: scoring

In the intensity scoring approach, each challenge in each ecology within a region is scored on a scale of 0 (completely unimportant) to 9 (very important). Biological scientists are familiar with this kind of scoring so it has an advantage over the previous method, but some additional procedures are required to use it to obtain yield gains. An estimate of the yield effects attributable to individual challenges is needed. Area by region and ecology, H(i,j), and current yields by region and ecology, Y(i,j), are estimated from available studies, government statistics, and the interpretation of these sources by experts. Examples are shown in Table 2.3. Challenges are grouped into six disciplinary categories: insects, diseases, soil factors, other pests, temperature and water, and physiological efficiency. Knowledgeable rice scientists provided estimates of the relative intensity of each problem for each ecology, based on a scale of 0 to 9. Sm(i,j,k), where m = 1 to 6, denotes the separate categories of problems. Expected yield loss from all the challenges included in each main category for

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


Table 2.3. Rice area and yield in region-specific agroecologies and their correspondence with global agroecologies. Source: categories and area data from Huke (1982); yields by agroecology derived from experts opinions from data-gathering workshops described in data and analysis section below.
Region-specific agroecology Region South and Southeast Asia Upland Favorable rainfed Unfavorable rainfed Tidal wetlands Irrigated wet season Irrigated dry season Deep water Favorable upland Unfavorable upland Hydromorphic Inland valley swamp Mangrove swamp Riverine Irrigated % of area 13 12 23 7 24 9 12 24 10 24 19 8 9 6 Yield (t/ha) 1.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 3.0 3.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 3.0 Global agroecology Upland Rainfed Rainfed Rainfed Irrigated Irrigated Deep water Upland Upland Upland Rainfed Rainted Rainted Irrigated


each ecology is estimated, Dm(i,j). That is, experts are asked, If all insect problems were solved, how high would yields be, and, if all temperature and water problems were solved, how much would yields change, and so forth, for each of the six disciplinary groups. The percent contribution of each challenge to the total yield loss from all the challenges in a category is calculated by assuming that within a category the intensity scores reflect absolute differences so the intensity of each as a percent of their total is calculated for respective categories: (7) Mm(i,j,k) = Sm(i,j,k) / S (k) Sm(i,j,k) This assumes that the assigned scores consistently reflect relative yield losses across problems and that all challenges in a category are included in the exercise. The expected yield loss attributable to each challenge in a category is equal to the expected yield loss attributed to each category times the percent contribution of each problem to the total impact of the category: (8) y'(i,j,k) = D(i,j) x M(i,j,k) Multiplying the expected yield loss attributable to each challenge in each ecology by the area of each ecology gives an estimate of the expected production foregone due to each challenge: (9) q'(i,j,k) = H(i,j) x y'(i,j,k)


Robert W Herdt

Multiplying the expected production foregone by the price of rice and subtracting the change in cost of farmer-applied inputs gives the expected net value of production foregone for each challenge for each ecology: (10) v(i,j,k) = p x q'(i,j,k) - c(i,j,k) Summing across ecologies gives the total expected net value of production foregone for each challenge: (11) V(i,k) = S


This corresponds to the value of foregone production estimated using the first approach as reflected in equation 6. Intensity method 3: reference region A third method is to rate challenges in a designated region relative to their severity in a reference region. This can be used where detailed information on the proportion of area affected and yield loss is too sketchy for the region of interest but the panel of rice scientists has some knowledge of relative severity compared with a reference region. These relative intensities, scored on a percentage scale, can be used as weights to be multiplied by estimates of proportion of area affected and yield loss in the reference region. Step 3. Expected productivity gain The expected productivity gain resulting from successful research on a particular challenge is valued as the expected gain in productivity per unit of output times the number of units of output times the price of output. Gain in productivity is reflected in the value of production foregone due to each challenge met by research (i.e. equation 6 or 11). The market price of rice in any country will be affected by shifts in domestic demand and supply and by external (world) market forces. Productivity gains resulting from research can, if significant relative to initial production, cause an increase in output and thereby a reduction in market prices, depending on the elasticities of demand and supply. These issues have been formulated into a consumers' surplus-producers' surplus (CS-PS) model (Norton and Davis 1981). In the present analysis, which is concerned only with rice, the impact on its price via demand elasticity is the same for all sources of productivity gains. Therefore, the impact of the successful solution to individual challenges need not be reflected in a demand elasticity in the analysis. The supply side of the CS-PS model is differentially affected by successful research on individual problems: if a challenge that affects a great deal of a country's or region's rice production is solved, supply will be greatly affected, but, if a challenge that affects only a small fraction of production is solved, the impact on supply will be small. This differential effect is reflected in the change in productivity as measured by unit production costs and quantity of output affected. It is possible, but unlikely, that the elasticity of supply will be differ-

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


entially affected by solution of different problems, so that aspect of the CS-PS model can be ignored as well. Consequently, this analysis uses a constant price and estimated quantity rather than the CS-PS model. Step 4. Environmental effects Some rice production technology entails environmentally damaging externalities - pesticides are an obvious case but irrigation may be another. These situations present challenges to research, which, if solved with environmentally less damaging approaches, would generate benefits beyond those measured as farmers benefits. Alternatively, some new technologies may entail external costs that would not appear in the computation of private benefits and costs. In this exercise, each research problem is examined for such externalities and, where they exist, adjustments are made to reflect the full economic costs or returns to society. Two alternatives suggest themselves as proxies for the external costs avoided by introducing genetic resistance to replace pesticides - the cost of the pesticides currently used or the estimated value of rice currently lost to pests. Both are arbitrary, but the first seems somewhat more arbitrary. Therefore, the environmental damage prevented through a genetic solution to a problem where pesticides are the alternative solution is assumed to be equal in value to the direct damage that would have resulted. Genetic drought resistance is likewise assumed to have external benefits equal to twice the value of production losses prevented because it reduces the need to construct irrigation, with its possible external costs. These adjustments are reflected in a set of environmental weights e(i,j,k) which are used together with equity weights as described below. Step 5. Equity considerations It is hypothesized that rice farmers in unfavorable ecologies, e.g. upland, are poorer than farmers growing rice in other ecologies, e.g. irrigated. If the hypothesis is true, one might draw the implication that a given expected increase in productivity in unfavorable ecologies is more socially valuable than a similar increase in favorable ecologies. This judgment can be reflected in a set of equity weights that provide the relative value of research that solves problems prevailing in each ecology. Likewise, it has been observed that the poorest rice farmers sometimes fail to use technologies requiring cash inputs. Technologies that replace cash with genetic characters may have higher equity-enhancing effects than cash-using inputs. In a similar way, labor-using inputs may have higher equity benefits in laborsurplus regions than in labor-scarce regions. Such judgments can be reflected in weights assigned to technologies or regions as follows. It is assumed that there is some equity weight that reflects the social value of increased production in each ecology and each region. Let f(i,j,k) be an ecology-specific weight and g(i,j,k) a technology-specific weight


Robert W Herdt

to be added to the environmental weight described above. Then, each possible technology applied in each agroecology has associated with it a total weight, which reflects judgments about environmental and equity effects, calculated as: (12) W(i,j,k) = e(i,j,k) + f(i,j,k) + g(i,j,k) The weighted net value of production foregone is obtained by multiplying production foregone times price, subtracting input costs, and multiplying by the weights: (13) v**(i,j,k) = (p* q(i,j,k) - c(i,j,k)) * w(i,j,k)

The weighted net value of production from solving a particular research challenge is the summation of values associated with that challenge across regions and agroecologies: (14) Step 6. Net present value The net present value (NPV) of research on a particular challenge is a summary measure of the weighted value of increased production less the cost associated with the research, adjusted for the number of years it will take to reach a solution. Associated with each challenge is the annual cost of research required to solve the challenge. The more difficult challenges will take longer to solve, or be more costly, or both. Completion could be defined as when the project has reached a stage where it is either manifestly a failure or success, or where it is bound to succeed, perhaps given some further expenditure (Atkinson and Bobis 1969). If a given research challenge can be addressed by several alternative approaches that have greatly different costs, each alternative is considered. An initial reaction might be to back the lowest-cost alternative, but, because research entails a great deal of uncertainty, more than one approach to a problem could be justified. Research costs are something of an artifact of the assumptions in the analysis described here. Because the main purpose is to ask where to devote additional resources, it was initially assumed that $0.2 million, in addition to present funds, would be spent on each challenge until it was solved. Given the $0.2 million for each challenge, the expected time needed to reach a solution is the critical parameter in determining research cost in this analysis. The NPV calculation uses a social rate of time preference, or discount rate, to put costs and value of production gains received at different times on a common base. The higher the discount rate, the less valuable are future gains and the greater the effect of the NPV calculation on the priorities. Technologies tend to be ecology-specific and seem to be adopted widely across the agroecology where they are appropriate, given appropriate policies and institutional support. Lags in adoption of technology are widely recognized but systematic associV** = S (i,j) V**(i,j,k)

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


ations between time pattern of adoption and type of technology have not been quantified, so the same time pattern is assumed for all potential genetic technologies in the analysis. It assumes that 20% of farmers in the appropriate agroecology adopt in the first year after a problem is solved and 20% of farmers adopt in each of the next four years. With annual investment on each problem of Ik, a social discount rate or r, and t indicating the year, NPV of research investment on each challenge can be calculated as: (15) NPV(k) = S

[V**k,t, - I(k)] * (1 - r)-t

Step 7. Potential for a biotechnology solution Because application of biotechnology to solve agricultural problems is still in an early stage, there are few data reflecting the potential of biotechnology to meet a given challenge. The approach is to use a score - based on the judgment of knowledgeable scientists - that reflects the potential that biotechnology has to lead to a successful solution to each challenge, B(k). A similar score is defined to reflect past success in addressing the problem using conventional approaches, C(k). The arbitrariness of this approach is acknowledged, but is justified by recognizing that any decision to invest in research using a given approach is based on an implicit judgment that it will succeed. The judgment is made explicit in this analysis. The final ranking criterion, R(k), is obtained by multiplying the weighted NPV of research on each challenge by the score for the potential of biotechnology and the conventional research score: (16) Step 8. Investment rule Given R(k) associated with research on each challenge, the next step is to determine how much of the available funds to allocate to research on each challenge. One method would be to rank the challenges by one of the variables developed in equations 6, 11, or 16 and invest a fixed amount in each project, beginning with the highest ranked, until all available funds are depleted. This method assumes there is nothing in the analysis to give guidance on the appropriate relative allocation among research challenges, but this is probably not accurate. Assuming an investment pattern of $0.2 million per challenge, the initial NPV can be computed for each challenge. The resources might be allocated among challenges according to the proportion each contributes to the summation across initial NPV. Following this rule would make the funding on each challenge a function of the expected outcome as well as the initial level used in the analysis. This kind of investment rule is likely to be superior to one that gives equal funding to every challenge. It has been used as a guide to the Rockefeller Foundation's investment, but other judgments have also entered the decision-making as experience has been gained with rice biotechnology. R(k) = NPV(k) *B(k) *C(k)


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Rice research challenges

One list of rice research challenges for South and Southeast Asia was derived in an interactive discussion process with a group of IRRI scientists (Barker and Duff 1986). A similar list was generated by a group of Africa-based rice scientists to derive estimates of problem intensities for principal rice ecologies of West Africa (Barker 1986). A third set was derived from a questionnaire mailed to US-based scientists who had worked in developing-country rice research during the 1970s and early 1980s. A fourth set was obtained at a workshop where scientists who answered the mail questionnaire participated in intensive, personal, interactive discussion to derive estimates of problem intensities. The rice researchers identified many challenges, ranging from yield constraints to opportunities for increasing yield potential. Although a wider range of challenges may face rice producers, this exercise limited the list of potential research problems to those that might be addressed through genetic crop improvement because that is the major contribution of biotechnology. Items from the four sources were consolidated to eliminate duplication. The final list of challenges (Table 2.4) includes 16 rice diseases, 24 insects that attack rice, 8 soil problems that affect rice, 8 temperature and water-related problems, and 7 other problems including birds, rodents, and weeds. Some challenges for increasing potential productivity or changing rice's nutritional characteristics may involve restructuring the basic physiological characteristics of the plant. These include drought and blast resistance for upland 'rice, submergence tolerance, resistance to coastal salinity, protein content of the grain, or even vitamin A content. These ideas are so speculative and risky that most applied researchers do not seriously consider them. Thus the data about them were identified by a limited number of key informants and judgments about their benefits made on an ad hoc basis as discussed in Appendix 2.1. Data on relative intensity of challenges Judgments on the importance of most of the research challenges listed in Table 2.4 were obtained for Southeast Asia, India, and Subsaharan Africa from the Same groups of biological research scientists who identified the challenges. If those groups had included social scientists, extension workers, and farmers, the accuracy with which responses reflect farm-level realities might have improved, although precision of identification of particular insect or disease agents might have decreased. Problem severity was estimated separately for each agroecology, but to save space most of the tables that follow show averages across agroecologies. Southeast Asia Three sets of intensity estimates were obtained for Southeast Asia. Barker and Duff (1986) requested 15 IRRI scientists to score the challenges for individual agroecologies of South and Southeast Asia and to estimate the total by which

Table 2.4. Five groups of rice research challenges Cor Southeast Asia, India, and Subsaharan Africa as identified by biological scientists knowledgeable of those regions. Plant diseases Bacterial blight Blast Brown spot Grain discoloration Grassy stunt virus Hoja blanca Leaf scald Leaf streak Ragged stunt virus Root nematode Sheath blight Sheath rot Tungro virus Udbatta Ufra Yellow mottle virus Insects Ants Armyworm Black bug Brown planthopper Caseworm Diopsis GaIl midge Grain sucking bugs Grasshopper Green leafhopper Hispa Leaffolder Mealy bug Mole cricket Naranga Root aphid Seedling maggot Striped stem borer Storage insects Thrips White grub Whiteback planthopper Whorl maggot Yellow stem borer Soils Acid soils Acid sulphate Alkaline soils Aluminium toxicity Iron deficiency Iron/manganese toxicity Peat soil Coastal saline/acid sulphate Physiological Drought at seedling Drought at anthesis Cold at seedling Cold at anthesis High temperature Submergence' Upland drought/ blast Waterlogged Apomixis Cytoplasmic male sterility Growth duration Lodging resistance Seedling vigor Other Birds Crabs Grain quality Grain processing Rodents Vitamin A Weeds


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yields could be increased in each rice agroecology over the next 20 years if all challenges were overcome. The Rockefeller Foundation obtained a second data set by mail. A questionnaire was mailed to 10 scientists resident in the USA who had a combined 129 years of rice research experience in developing countries. Replies were obtained from seven, with judgments on the percentage of total rice area to which each challenge applied, the average yield loss, and the resulting value of production foregone. Later, researchers who had replied to the questionnaire, along with several other experienced rice researchers, attended a workshop to personally review the various data sets and produce an agreed-upon group judgment on intensity of challenges in Southeast Asia. There was a good deal of agreement on severity of challenges among the three data sets for Southeast Asia. Tungro virus, bacterial blight, blast, ragged stunt virus, and sheath blight were ranked among the seven most important diseases in all three data sets. Brown planthopper, stem borer (yellow and white or combined), gall midge, and leaffolders were among the seven most important insects. Weeds, rodents, and birds were the three most important other pests. The high degree of consistency suggests that the exact way the data on intensity are obtained is not critical in determining the outcome. The consolidated set of results for Southeast Asia is shown in Table 2.5. South Asia The workshop also provided judgments on the relative severity of challenges in South Asia as compared with Southeast Asia. Those judgments, obtained with the reference region method (see intensity method 3 in methodology), are summarized in Table 2.6. Africa As part of its strategic planning exercise, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) organized a study of rice research challenges for West Africa in mid-1986. Knowledgeable scientists from IITA, the West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA), the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and other institutions participated in the study, which, among other things, generated an assessment of the potential productivity gains possible in each rice ecology and the relative severity of each challenge (Barker 1986). Tillage problems and birds were identified as the two most important production constraints, with weeds nearly as important. Diseases, especially blast, sheath blight, and grain discoloration were important; storage insects, stem borers, and diopsis were most important among insects. The same workshop that developed the estimates of the importance of challenges in Southeast Asia also made judgments about their importance in Subsaharan Africa, using the reference region approach. Table 2.7 summarizes the results. Weeds were seen as the overwhelming problem in Africa by the workshop group - weeds were rated 10 times as important in Africa as in Asia. All other problems were much less important, and the general results were similar to the IITA study.

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


Table 2.5. Percent area affected, yield loss, and value of production foregone attributable to individual rice production constraints in Southeast Asia. Values were calculated by the yield-loss method using inputs from workshop responses of US-based researchers. Value of production foregone ($million)

Area affected (%) Diseases Tungro virus Bacterial blight Sheath blight Ragged stunt virus Grain discoloration Blast Sheath rot Leafscald Grassy stunt virus Root nematodes Soil factors Coastal saline/acid Iron deficiency Irod/manganese toxicity Temperature and water Upland drought/blast Submergence Drought at anthesis Drought at seedling Cold at seedling Physiological opportunities Greater lodging resistance Cytoplasmic male sterility Seedling vigor Apomixis Shorter growth duration Insects Brown planthopper Yellow stem borer Gall midge StorageInsects Striped stem borer Leaffolder Whitebacked planthopper Grain sucking Armyworm 7.3 18.0 4.9 7.3 5.6 5.0 3.8 2.0 3.2 55.4 21.3 41.5 21.3 58.5 9.3 10.3 7.9 4.0 4.0 2.4 1.9 0.7 6.2 8.1 5.4 1.6 7.3 3.8 2.8 4.2 0.6 0.2

Yield loss (kg/ha)

Total value foregone (%)

74.2 12.4 10.1 7.7 6.2 3.1 1.8 1.6 1.4 0.1

342.7 57.5 46.6 35.7 28.8 14.3 8.1 7.3 6.5 0.3

9.1 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0

12.9 1.1 0.9

59.5 4.9 4.1

1.6 0.1 0.1

106.3 44.1 28.3 3.8 3.3 68.6 48.4 35.0 20.5 0

491.0 203.8 131.8 17.6 15.1 316.9 223.6 161.9 94.6 0

13.1 5.4 3.5 0.5 0.4 8.4 5.9 4.3 2.0 0

52.4 37.4 29.5 10.5 5.5 4.8 3.3 1.0 0.8

242.1 173.0 136.3 48.7 25.3 22.4 15.2 4.8 3.9

6.4 4.6 3.6 1.3 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.1

Table 2.5. (Continued) Value of production foregone ($million) 1.5 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1

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Area affected (%) Green leafhopper Whorl maggot Ants Caseworm Black bug Mole cricket Other factors Weeds Birds Rodents Crabs Grain processing Vitamin A Grain quality Total 79.7 24.1 8.8 21.4 41.5 100.0 41.5 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.1

Yield loss (kg/ha) 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0

Total value foregone (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0

104.7 39.5 16.9 15.2 0 0 0

483.5 182.5 78.2 70.2 0 0 0 3,760.9

12.9 4.9 2.1 1.9 0 0 0 100.0

China Data on relative severity of problems were not available for China. For interim purposes, the relative intensity of most problems were assumed to be equal to Southeast Asia, except for drought, submergence, waterlogging, storage pests, insects, birds, rodents, and weeds, which were assumed to have a 0.5 intensity relative to Southeast Asia because of the superior infrastructure in China. The intensity of cold damage was set at 1.5 times the level in Southeast Asia. The relative gains from apomixis and cytoplasmic male sterility were assumed to be twice the level of Southeast Asia, because China already has a considerable area in hybrid rice. Latin America Data on severity of challenges were not available for Latin America. For interim purposes, the relative intensity of most challenges was set equal to their intensity in Southeast Asia, except for blast, which was set at 1.5 times the Southeast Asia intensity. Hoja blanca, a virus that occurs only in Latin America, was assumed to have the same importance there that tungro virus has in Southeast Asia.

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


Table 2.6. Intensities (proportion) relative to Southeast Asia, yield loss and value of production foregone attributable to individual rice production constraints in South Asia. Values were calculated by the reference region method using inputs from workshop responses by US-based researchers. Value of production Relative intensity Diseases Tungro virus Bacterial blight Blast Grain discoloration Ragged stunt virus Sheath blight Grassy stunt virus Udbatta Ufra Sheath rot Leaf scald Root nematodes Soilfactors Coastal saline/acid Alkaline soils Iron/manganese toxicity Iron deficiency Other factors Weeds Birds Rodents Crabs Physiologicalopportunities Greater lodging resistance Cytoplasmic male sterility Seedling vigor Apomixis Insects Gall midge Brown planthopper Yellow stem borer Hispa Storage insects Leaffolder Striped stem borer 3.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 119.3 86.7 48.6 19.1 12.7 8.4 7.1 551.1 400.8 224.4 88.2 58.8 38.9 32.7 8.3 6.0 3.4 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 81.9 57.9 45.4 25.5 378.5 265.1 209.9 1 17.8 3.7 4.0 3.2 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 145.9 46.4 20.3 18.5 674.0 214.5 93.8 85.6 10.1 3.2 1.4 1.3 1.5 * 1.5 1.0 32.7 12.: 1.8 1.6 151.0 58.8 8.2 7.6 2.3 0.9 0.1 0.1 1.8 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 * 0.5 0.3 1.0 147.4 21.0 8.8 8.6 8.4 5.6 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.1 681.2 97.0 40.9 39.5 38.6 25.7 7.1 5.9 5.9 4.4 4.3 0.4 10.2 1.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 Yield loss (kg/ha) foregone ($million) Total value foregone (%)

Table 2.6. (Continued) Value of production Relative intensity Mealy bug Whiteback planthopper Thrips Grain sucking Armyworm Green leafhopper Whorl maggot Ants Caseworm Black bug Mole cricket Temperature and water Upland drought/blast Submergence Drought at anthesis Waterlogged Cold at seedling Drought at seedling Total 1.0 1.8 1.5 * * 1.5 162.7 95.0 58.2 50.9 50.9 8.4 751.5 438.7 268.7 235.2 235.2 38.6 6,658.0 * 1.5 * 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Yield loss (kg/ha) 5.7 5.4 2.5 1.4 1.2 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 foregone ($million) 26.5 24.9 11.8 6.4 5.5 2.6 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1

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Total value foregone (%) 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0

11.3 6.6 4.0 3.5 3.5 0.6 100.0

* Denotes constraint not considered important in Southeast Asia, relative intensity does not apply.

Middle East-North Africa Data on relative severity of challenges were not available for Middle East-North Africa. For interim purposes the relative intensity for all challenges were set equal to their importance in the same agroecologies in Southeast Asia. Importance of challenge by ecology Some challenges were judged to be more important in some agroecologies than in others. For example, blast is more important in upland than in other ecologies, brown planthopper is more important in irrigated than in others, and leaffolders are important everywhere except in deep water. The area of rice planted to each agroecology in each region, together with the severity of each challenge, determines the regional importance of each challenge; the aggregation of these determine its global importance.

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


Table 2.7. Intensities (proportion) relative to Southeast Asia, yield loss and value of production foregone attributable to individual rice production constraints in Subsaharan Africa. Values were calculated by the reference region method using inputs from IlTA research and workshop responses by US-based researchers. Source: see discussion. Value of production Relative intensity Diseases Grain discoloration Blast Yellow mottle virus Bacterial blight Sheath blight Leaf scald Sheath rot Insects Gall midge Grain sucking Brown planthopper Ants Diopsis Storage insects Yellow stem borer Leaffolder Striped stem borer Soilfactors Aluminum toxicity Iron deficiency Iron/manganese toxicity Coastal saline/acid Other factors Weeds Birds Rodents Physiological opportunities Greater lodging resistance Cytoplasmic male sterility Seedling vigor Apomixis 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 52.7 32.4 27.9 21.8 14.23 8.74 7.53 5.88 1.96 1.20 1.04 0.81 10.0 10.0 0.5 1,551.0 258.0 5.5 41 9.04 69.65 1.48 57.62 9.58 0.20 * 1.5 1.1 0.5 10.0 8.4 0.8 0.3 2.70 2.27 0.21 0.08 0.37 0.31 0.03 0.01 * * 1.0 * * 1.3 0.2 1.0 0.2 20.0 19.0 16.0 11.0 10.0 9.1 7.3 2.1 1.1 5.40 5.20 4.33 2.97 2.70 2.46 1.97 0.56 0.29 0.74 0.71 0.59 0.40 0.37 0.33 0.27 0.07 0.04 1.5 0.5 * 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.0 16.2 3.4 3.0 2.2 1.5 1.4 0.5 4.39 0.93 0.81 0.60 0.42 0.39 0.13 0.60 0.1 2 0.11 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.01 Yield loss (kg/ha) foregone ($million) Total value foregone (%)

Table 2.7. (Continued) Value of production foregone ($million)

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Relative intensity Temperature and water Upland drought/blast Drought at anthesis Drought at seedling Cold at seedling Total 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1

Yield loss (kg/ha)

Total value foregone (%)

556.7 37.5 5.1 0.1

150.30 10.12 1.37 0.04 727.18

20.67 1.39 0.1 9 0.01 100

* Denotes constraint not considered important in Southeast Asia, relative intensity does not apply.

Limitations of data availability mean that the global results are strongly influenced by the loss estimates for Southeast and South Asia. However, because these two regions will make up two-thirds of the projected developing worlds rice area in the year 2000, with China contributing most of the rest, they would dominate global priorities even with different data for other regions. Thus, even without much empirical basis for the other regions, the results provided a provisional basis for setting priorities. Equity and environment weights For illustrative purposes, weights of 2 were assigned to technologies that operate in rainfed and deepwater areas. These equity weights are in addition to the environmental weights of 2 assigned to technologies that would, if successful, replace purchased inputs like insecticides, herbicides, and irrigation water. During the analysis, a range of alternative values were used for these weights with surprisingly little impact on the ranked criteria. The arbitrary nature of these weights is recognized, but, because they had little effect on the rankings, seemed adequate for the purpose at hand. Summary: net present value Table 2.8 shows the monetary value of increased rice production estimated to accrue in each region from solving the top 20 challenges, ranked by total NPV of equity-weighted expected returns. This summary indicator was calculated using equation 15 and includes the effects of weights for equity, environmental externalities, farmer costs, and research costs, and reflects judgments about how long it will take to solve the various problems. The latter are reflected in the second column of Table 2.8.

Table 2.8. Importance of rice research challenges measured by equity-weighted net present value of expected research returns for six world regions, with specified years to solution, discount rate = 5% ($million). Annual Investment ($million) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Middle East/ North Southeast Africa Asia 81.8 00.2 -1.2 43.0 31.8 -3.8 19.8 20.2 3.8 8.8 14.0 -0.8 - 1.4 5.4 8.1 - 3.2 0.8 0.7 3.8 5.1 442.7 383.2 248.2 354.2 249.0 336.1 31 5.8 226.6 201.4 179.4 122.6 13.9 86.9 61.7 61.7 - 5.2 63.9 49.4 51.7 $7.1

Challenge Brown planthopper Tungro virus Gall midge Greater lodging resistance Cytoplasmic male sterility Upland drought/blast Yellow stem borer Submergence (flash flood) Weeds Seedling vigor Birds Cold at seedling Drought at synthesis Apomixis bacterial blight Waterlogged Coastal saline/acid Sheath blight Storage insects Ragged stunt virus

Years to solution r 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 20 10 15 10 15 15 10 10 10 IO 10 IO

China 660.6 500.1 17.0 369.5 557.2 44.8 180.1 91.0 20.8 96.2 07.7 25.1 0.0 113.6 85.9 - 3.2 14.5 75.0 24.0 02.2

Latin America 8.4 5.0 -0.7 8.6 4.5 72.5 7.6 0.2 6.3 0.7 -0.0 -2.9 -0.0 -0.0 -0.8 - 3.2 -3.0 -2.0 -1.6 -2.2

South Asia 734.1 765.0 1,010. 3 423.7 295.8 516.5 410.2 491.6 282.3 231.5 144.7 202.0 182.2 77.7 106.2 262.0 107.1 25.8 03.1 40. 1

West Africa 5.9 -3.2 7.9 12.9 6.7 100.2 1.6 - 1.2 174.0 5.1 44.4 -3.1 1.2 0.1 -2.5 - 3.2 - 3.1 -2.7 -0.4 -3.2

World 1,943.8 1,720.2 1,201.7 1,227.7 1,160.8 1,085.3 045.3 842.3 718.2 539.8 41 2.4 310.1 287.7 274.8 274.4 202.0 250.1 168.2 157.5 155.3


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The NPV computations were done under the assumption that $0.2 million would be invested annually, in each region, for each of the challenges identified, and that new genetically based technology would begin to be available to farmers after the number of years indicated under years to solution. The five top-ranked challenges worldwide are brown planthopper, tungro virus, gall midge, lodging resistance, and cytoplasmic male sterility. The next five include upland drought in combination with blast and iron toxicity (abbreviated as upland drought/blast), yellow stem borer, submergence, weeds, and seedling vigor. The importance of the three Asian regions is evident from an examination of Table 2.8. These three regions grow so much of the developing worlds rice that problems important in any one of them will perforce be important globally. The top two challenges, brown planthopper and tungro virus, are important in all three Asian regions. Gall midge is important only in South Asia, but is so important there that it reaches third place overall. In China, brown planthopper, tungro virus, greater lodging resistance, and cytoplasmic male sterility are probably the principal problem areas for research. In Latin America, even assuming the same intensity of problems as in Southeast Asia, upland droughd/blast is likely to be of overwhelming importance, while in Southeast Asia it is one of 10 challenges of relatively high importance. Gall midge dominates challenges in South Asia and is of little importance elsewhere. A number of challenges show negative NPV, especially in Middle East-North Africa and in West Africa. This happens because the damage caused by each of these problems is minor but it is assumed that $0.2 million is spent on research, nonetheless. Those with negative NPVs would not be sensible regional investments but still might be sensible on a global basis. The rankings derived from the weighted NPV differ somewhat from those derived from the unweighted NPV and the undiscounted value of output foregone or the quantity of output foregone to each problem. Table 2.9 shows the 20 most important challenges based on four different criteria. The differences in ranking are illuminating. Based on output foregone, weeds are top-ranked, but based on weighted NPV they are ninth. The reason they shifted down with weighting is the assumption that if one were to seek a genetic or biotechnological solution (other than linked herbicide and herbicide resistance, which was not considered because of its assumed high environmental, equity, and cost effects) it would take 20 years before one could be found. In Africa, weeds are far and away most important by the weighted NPV criterion, but many more poor people are dependent on rice in Asia so weeds are less important globally than in Africa. Tungro and brown planthopper are important by all four criteria as are lodging, cytoplasmic male sterility, and submergence. However, gall midge is eighth based on output lost, but becomes third when based on weighted NPV. Because of its importance in rainfed areas, upland droughd/blast is third based on output lost, but moves up when equity, weights are introduced. It moves down somewhat when the NPV criterion is used because it has 15 years assigned as the time required to solve. It moves down when equity weights are assigned because other challenges, such as gall midge, lodging, and cytoplasmic male sterility,

Table 2.9. Alternative rank orderings of the 20 most important challenges to rice production based on four different criteria, all developing countries. Equity and environmentally weighted value of output foregone Drought/blast Tungro virus Weeds Brown planthopper Gall midge Cytoplasmic male sterility Lodging Yellow stem borer Submergence Drought at anthesis Birds Apomixis Seedling vigor Bacterial blight Cold at seedling Rodents Waterlogging Coastal saline Storage insects Sheath blight Net present value of Investing $0.2 million/yr on each tungro Brown planthopper Drought/blast Lodging Weeds Cytoplasmic male sterility Gall midge Submergence Yellow stem borer Seedling vigor Birds Drought at anthesis Apomixis Cold at seedling Bacterial blight Waterlogging Coastal saline Rodents Crabs Sheath blight

Quantity of output forogone Weeds Tungro virus Drought/blast Lodging Brown planthopper Cytoplasmic male sterility Submergence Gall midge Birds Yellow stem borer Seedling vigor Drought at anthesis Apomixis Cold at seedling Bacterial blight Waterlogging Coastal saline Rodents Crabs Sheath blight

Equity and environmentally weighted net present value Brown planthopper Tungro Gall midge Lodging Cytoplasmic male sterility Drought/blast Yellow stem borer Submergence Weeds Seedling vigor Birds Cold at seedling Drought at anthesis Apomixis Bacterial blight Waterlogging Coastal saline Sheath blight Storage insects Ragged stunt


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which apply under rainfed as well as upland conditions, move up. There is little difference among adjacent items in Table 2.9, even though they move around when different criteria are applied. The data available for this exercise are too crude to do much more than indicate relatively large differences in importance. They are probably good enough to indicate that challenges with negative NPVs should not be addressed, and that one ought to focus first on those in the top 20. Parameters on the value of biotechnology tools The analysis thus far has focused on the gains that might be obtained through research directed at each challenge, but has not examined the possibility or capacity for solving each challenge by using biotechnology as opposed to more conventional approaches. The guiding principle followed in arriving at judgments on the use of biotechnology for rice improvement is that traits easy to introduce using conventional plant breeding probably should not have high priority for genetic engineering because conventional methods are easier and less expensive. Conversely, those traits that have been difficult for plant breeders to manipulate would seem to be better candidates for attempted transfer using genetic engineering. Past efforts to address various research challenges can be grouped into four categories. Some challenges have been solved quite effectively with results that have been sustained over a significant period of time (ES in Table 2.10). Other challenges have been effectively addressed, with genes conferring strong resistance, but the results have not been sustained over time and a series of new genes for resistance have been sequentially identified (EU in Table 2.10). Research efforts to solve some others have been ineffective, even though they have been substantial (IS in Table 2.10). A fourth category (IN) includes those challenges for which there are no solutions because there have been no significant efforts expended. In a similar way, one might categorize the effect of the application of biotechnology approaches to each problem as likely to be highly effective (HE), likely to be not effective (NE), or unknown (U). A score for aggregate biotechnology appropriateness was developed by combining judgments on the effectiveness of conventional and biotechnological approaches. Challenges for which conventional approaches have been effective and sustainable, or for which biotechnological approaches seem likely to be ineffective, are assigned a weight of 0.5. Challenges for which conventional approaches have been effective but not sustainable, or ineffective because they have received no significant effort, or for which the effectiveness of biotechnology seems especially difficult to judge, are weighted as 1. Challenges for which conventional approaches have been ineffective, even with heavy investments, are weighted as 2, as are challenges for which there are indications that biotechnology may offer especially effective approaches. An aggregate biotechnology potential score is derived by multiplying the weight of conventional

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology

Table 2.10. Possible effectiveness a of conventional and biotechnology approaches to rice trait improvements.
Success with conventional ES EU Bacterial blight Blast Brown spot Grain discoloration Grassy stunt virus Hoja blanca Leafscald Leafstreak Ragged stunt virus Root nematode Sheath blight Sheath rot Tungro virus Udbatta Ufra Yellow mottle virus Ants Armyworm Black bug Brown planthopper Caseworm Diopsis Gall midge Grain sucking (rice) bugs Grasshopper Green leafhopper Hispa Leaffolder Mealy bug Mole cricket Naranga Root aphid Seedling maggot Striped stem borer Storageinsects Thrips White grubs Whiteback planthopper Whorl maggot Yellow stem borer Acid soils Acid sulphate soils 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IS IN Potential with biotechnology HE U 1 1 1 1 NE


Aggregate BT potential 0.5 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1

Weighted NPV X BT potential 137 135 -3 104 26 29 21 -3 621 -3 336 28 6,905 3 3 -9 -1 17 -3 1,944 -8 0 2,583 21 -4 9 57 400 15 -4 -4 -4 -6 132 158 10 -3 121 9 3,781 -3 -4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Table 2.10. (Continued) Success with conventional ES EU Alkaline soils Aluminum toxicity Coastal saline/acid sulphate Iron deficiency Iron/manganese toxicity Peat soil Drought at seedling Drought at anthesis Cold at seedling Cold at anthesis High temperature Submergence (flash flood) Upland drought/blast Waterlogged Birds Crabs Grain quality Grain processing Rodents Vitamin A Weeds Apomixis Cytoplasmic male sterility Shorter growth duration Greater lodging resistance Seedling vigor Total

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Potential with biotechnology IN 1 1 1 1 1 1 HE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U NE


Aggregate BT potential 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 2 0.5 1 2

Weighted NPV x BT potential 63 0 256 16 11 -3 75 575 310 -3 4 1,685 1,962 524 206 71 -2 -2 75 -3 359 275 2,322 -2 1,228 1,080 28,618

1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Weights for aggregate BT potential



BT potential = conventional effectiveness x biotechnology effectiveness. ES = effective and sustainable. EU = effective but not sustainable. IS = ineffective even with substantial research. IN = ineffective because no substantial research conducted. HE = effectiveness of biotechnology approach likely to be high. U = effectiveness of biotechnology approach unknown. NE = biotechnology approach likely not to be effective.

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


approaches by the weight for biotechnological approaches. Table 2.10 gives the scores for each challenge. Given the arbitrary weights used, an aggregate rating of 2 or 4 indicates highest potential for a biotechnological approach and a rating of 1 indicates moderate potential.

Rice biotechnology priorities

The analysis to this point has accomplished seven things: 1. It has presented a method for assembling data to judge the severity of a problem. 2. It has identified the challenges facing rice production - ways in which the productivity of rice production could be significantly improved - and the relative importance of challenges in various rice-dependent areas of the developing world. 3. It has suggested how environmental and equity factors could be reflected in making priority decisions. 4. It has indicated what problems should be addressed to give the largest equityweighted productive gains. 5. Using estimates of the time required to solve each problem, the equityweighted net present value of research on each problem has been determined. 6. The potential effectiveness of biotechnology as compared with conventional approaches has been identified. 7. All the above information has been combined in a single priority ranking (Table 2.11). Table 2.11 shows the rank ordering of research challenges obtained using four alternative criteria, with the fourth column showing the ordered priority rankings that resulted from combining the biotechnology potential judgments with the earlier estimates of the equity and environmentally weighted NPV. It has guided the Rockefeller Foundations funding of applied research on rice biotechnology. It is striking that, across the four columns of Table 2.11, one sees limited movement in the ranking of problems - the greatest movement occurs when biotechnology potential is considered in column four. With few exceptions, however, those challenges ranked in the top 10 by one criterion tend to remain in the top 10 when judged by the other criteria. The same generally holds for those challenges ranked in the second 10. This seems to be an artifact of this data set; it may not hold for applications of the methodology to other crops or for rice within individual regions.

Table 2.11. Rank ordering of research problems by four alternative criteria.

Equity-weighted value output foregone ($million) 1,699 1,534 1,423 1,092 1,059 1,032 750 704 601 516 481 421 402 278 246 235 230 223 209 Drought/blast Tungro virus Weeds Brown planthopper Gall midge Cytoplasmic male sterility Lodging Yellow stem borer Submergence Drought at anthesis Birds Apomixis Seedling vigor Bacterial blight Cold at seedling Rodents Waterlogged Coastal saline Storage insects 8,537 7,907 7,103 5,361 4,216 3,335 3,106 2,918 2,608 2,156 2,050 1,775 1,753 1,261 1,018 982 885 783 770 Equity-weighted NPV foregone ($million) Brown planthopper Tungro virus Gall midge Lodging Cytoplasmic male sterility Drought/blast Yellow stem borer Submergence Weeds Seedling vigor Birds Cold at seedling Drought at anthesis Apomixis Bacterial blight Waterlogged Coastal saline Sheath blight Storage insects 1,944 1,726 1,292 1,228 1,161 1,085 945 842 718 540 412 310 288 275 274 262 256 168 158 Equity-weighted NPV times BT potential ($million) Tungro virus Submergence Gall midge Cytoplasmic male sterility Brown planthopper Lodging Seedling vigor Waterlogged Drought/blast Yellow stem borer Ragged stunt virus Cold at seedling Drought at anthesis Leaffolder Weeds Sheath blight Apomixis Birds Storage insects 6,905 3,369 2,583 2,322 1,944 1,228 1,080 1,048 981 945 621 620 575 400 359 336 275 206 158

Value of output foregone ($million) Weeds Tungro virus Drought/blast Lodging Brown planthopper Cytoplasmic male sterility Submergence Gall midge Birds Yellow stem borer Seedling vigor Drought at anthesis Apomixis Cold at seedling Bacterial blight Waterlogged Coastal saline Rodents Crabs

Sheath blight Storage insects Ragged stunt virus Leaffolder Hispa Grain discoloration Striped stern borer Whiteback planthopper Blast Drought at seedling Alkaline soils

152 143 141 92 88 80 73 07 63 60 59

Sheath blight Ragged stunt virus Crabs Hispa Grain discoloration Leaffolder Striped stern borer Blast Whiteback planthopper Drought at seedling Alkaline soils

767 703 682 508 495 479 416 392 338 308 221

Ragged stunt virus Rodents Crabs Striped stem borer Whiteback planthopper Leaffolder Blast Alkaline soils Hispa Grain discoloration Drought at seedling

155 151 141 132 121 100 68 63 57 52 38

Bacterial blight Blast Striped stern borer Coastal saline Whiteback planthopper Rodents Drought at seedling Crabs Alkaline soils Hispa Sheath rot

137 135 132 128 121 75 75 71 63 57 56


Robert W Herdt

APPENDIX 2.1. Productivity gains from

overcoming specific challenges

Upland drought and blast Rice blast disease thrives in upland conditions, and, while seed rates, fertilizer practices, tillage and other management practices leading to high yields have been developed, their use is minimal because of the threat of blast damage (Syarifuddin et al 1986). Upland rice also suffers from low productivity because it is often stressed by drought in combination with various nutrient deficiencies. Introducing genetic resistance to any one of these problems would likely make only a marginal contribution to improving yields of upland rice because one of the other problems would hold productivity down. Overcoming all three could make a major difference, one characterized by some authorities as redesigning rice to grow like wheat. This trait is called upland drought/blast in the tables. Rice scientists use a three-factor classification scheme for upland rice based on length of growing season, moisture sufficiency, and soil fertility (Jones and Garrity 1986). More than 8.5 million ha of rice are currently grown in highly drought-prone or drought-prone upland rice areas in South and Southeast Asia, virtually all threatened by blast. With good levels of tolerance for the problems in this complex, upland rice yields could increase from about 1 t/ha to 5 t/ha. Perhaps half the increase would be needed to pay for the extra inputs needed for such productivity gains, so the net productivity increase attributable to the research is estimated at 2 t/ha. Submergence and elongation Although drought is extremely damaging to rice, an excessive depth of water is equally, or more, damaging. Such conditions are widespread in South Asia. Broadly speaking, there are two types of tolerance for deep water - elongation ability and tolerance for submergence for as long as 10 days. The elongation trait is specifically needed for floating rices, which cover a small, but significant, area. Submergence tolerance is a much more widely usable trait, but it has received less attention than the elongation trait (Jackson et al 1982). It is estimated that as much as 5 million ha in Asia are planted in conditions where new types of rices that perform well in water as deep as 1 meter would give significant improvements (1 t/ha) over local types even with modest additional inputs. Some examples of suitable varieties, such as RD19 released by the rice department of Thailand, exist to demonstrate the concept and illustrate its benefits, but more adaptable varieties are needed for other ecologies (HilleRisLambers and Seshu 1982).

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


Heterosis and apomixis Heterosis, or hybrid vigor, contributes to high productivity on nearly 10 million ha in China. Hybrid rices suitable to the tropical areas of Asia have not yet been released, although IRRI has 3 program with that goal. It is estimated that heterosis increases yields 10-15% under excellent culture conditions but productivity gains are somewhat less because of the extra inputs and costs (He et al 1984). Still, it is likely that productivity gains equivalent to 0.3 t/ha might be achieved by hybrid rice grown in irrigated areas. Apomixis provides a way to exploit heterosis without farmers having to purchase hybrid seed for each crop, thereby increasing farmer productivity but not yield, as compared with hybrid rice. Because it would not entail the annual purchase of new seeds, apomixis would have particular benefits for cash-short farmers, a character that is reflected in its equity weight. A rough-guess estimate of benefits from apomixis would be 50% of the gains from hybrid seed, say 0.15 t/ha. Conceivably it could apply to all rice throughout the developing world, but a 50% utilization level would be more realistic. Coastal saline soils Considerable areas of coastal Southeast Asia are currently affected by occasional or periodic salt water intrusion leading to soil salinity. Where rice is grown in saline soils, yields are normally low and are pushed even lower when the salt water intrusions occur. Except for these stresses, such areas are attractive for rice because abundant water from higher elevations is available and few other crops are viable. Some areas of such land have been, and will continue to be, converted into aquaculture ponds, but that conversion process is highly capital-intensive and the aquaculture market can easily be saturated with a small proportion of the coastal saline area. Vast areas are covered with mangrove swamps, which probably should be maintained for ecological reasons. Hence, estimates of potential research benefits include only the saline areas currently planted to rice. IRRI scientists estimate that tidal wetlands make up 7% of the rice area of South and Southeast Asia with yields about half those reached on average in the region (Barker and Duff 1986). Based on this information, it is estimated that a high level of salinity tolerance would increase productivity by 0.5 t/ha on 2 million ha in Southeast Asia (60% of tidal swamp area). Vitamin A It has been suggested that it may be possible to add the genetic capacity of synthesizing vitamin A or its precursor, carotene, to rice. Because vitamin A deficiency is widespread in Asia, an innovation of this type could produce major benefits. Estimates are that in Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, and the Philippines some 400,000 to 500,000 preschool children will become at least partially blind each year from vitamin A deficiency (United Nations 1985). The problem is also


Robert W Herdt

widespread in Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Central America. Vitamin A fortification programs have been undertaken in some countries but the budgetary resources are not always available. In Guatemala, with a population of about 10 million, the yearly cost of vitamin A fortification was about $0.4 million. Projecting from that figure, rice that incorporated vitamin A and overcame the deficiency among one billion people in Asia might be valued at $40 million annually. Alternatively, if vitamin A in rice could prevent partial blindness for one million school children per year, and each of those children earned an extra $100 per year when an adult, the additional value of productivity generated would be $100 million the first year, $200 million the second and so forth, increasing by $100 million per year. This effect would begin 10 years after the innovation was developed - when the children matured. Rice is a much less important part of the diet in other regions, so it is unlikely that such changes would overcome vitamin deficiency outside Asia. Thus, there are ample reasons for incorporating vitamin A, but, in the analysis, gains are assumed to occur only in Asia.

There is an ongoing discussion about a protein gap in the developing-country diets, with some authorities insisting there is a significant lack of protein and others insisting that the real lack is of the total quantity of food. The most recent authoritative information argues that, if people who suffer a lack of protein were to increase the quantity of their present diets, their protein deficiency would be overcome. Thus, it appears that the gains from increasing the percentage of protein in rice would be modest.

References cited
Araji A A, Sim R J, Gardner R L (1978) Returns to agricultural research and extension programs: ex-ante approach. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 60(5):964-968. Atkinson A C, Bobis A H (1969) A mathematical basis for the selection of research projects. IEEE Trans. Eng. Man. EM-16(1). Barker R (1986) Rice study group report. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. Barker R, Duff B (1986) Constraints to higher rice yield in seven rice growing environments in South and Southeast Asia. Paper presented at the Workshop on Molecular Mechanisms and Genetics of Host-PathogenRelationships in Rice, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baos, Philippines. 12 p. Barker R, Herdt R W (1982) Setting priorities for rice research in Asia. Pages 427-461in Science, politics and the agricultural revolution in Asia. R S Anderson, P R Brass, E Levey, and B M Morrison eds, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado. Barker R, Herdt R W (1985) The rice economy of Asia. Resources for the Future, Washington, DC. 324 p. Boyce J K, Evenson R E (1975) Agricultural research and extension programs. Agri-

Research Priorities for Rice Biotechnology


cultural Development Council, New York. Cochrane W W (1958) Farm prices: myth and reality. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Evenson R E (1987) The IARCs: evidence of impact on national research, extension and productivity. Study paper prepared for the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. World Bank, Washington, DC. Evenson R E, Waggoner P E, Ruttan V W (1979) Economic benefits from research: an example from agriculture. Science 205:1101-1107. Falcon W P (1970) The green revolution: generations of problems. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 52:3. FOX G (1984) Optimal investment in agricultural research: a thesis proposal. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Minnesota. Habib M A, Butterfield D, Mestelman S (1981) An ex-ante model for the allocation of research expenditures among competing crops. Working Paper 81-09, Department of Economics, McMaster University. Hayami Y, Herdt R W (1977) Market price effects of technical change on income distribution in semi-subsistence agriculture. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 59(2):245-256. Hayami Y, Kikuchi M (1981) Asian village economy at the crossroads, an economic approach to institutional change. Tokyo University Press, Tokyo. He G, Te A, Zhu Xiang, Travers S L, Xiufangand L, Herdt R W (1984) The economics of hybrid rice production in China. International Rice Research Institute, Res. Pap. Ser. 101. HilleRisLambers D, Seshu D V ( 1982) Some ideas on breeding procedures and requirements for deepwater rice improvement. In Proceedings of the 1981 International Deepwater Rice Workshop, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baos, Philippines. Hossain M (1988) Nature and impact of the green revolution in Bangladesh. International Food Policy Research Institute Research Report 67, Washington, DC. Huke R E (1982) Rice area by type of culture: South, Southeast, and East Asia. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baos, Philippines. Jackson B R, HilleRisLambers D, Prechachat C (1982) Development of deepwater rice varieties and breeding materials for South and Southeast Asian countries. In Proceedings of the 1981 International Deepwater Rice Workshop, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baos, Philippines. Jateliksono T (1987) Equity achievement in the Indonesia rice economy. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Jones P G, Garrity D P (1986) Toward a classification system for upland rice growing environments. In Progress in Upland Rice Research, Proceedings of the 1985 Jakarta Conference, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baos, Philippines. Lipton M, Longhurst R (1989) New seeds and poor people. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Norton G W, Davis J S (1981) Evaluating returns to agricultural research: a review. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 63(4):685-699. Russell D G (1975) Resource allocation in agricultural research using socio-economic evaluation and mathematical models. Can. J. Agric. Econ. 23(2):29-52. Ruttan V W (1977) The green revolution: seven generalizations. Int. Dev. Rev. 19:16-23. Ruttan V W (1982) Agricultural research policy. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Salmon D C (1983) Congruence of agricultural research in Indonesia - 1974-1978. Working Paper 83-1, Economic Development Centre, University of Minnesota. Syarifuddin A, Sudjadi M, Bahar F A, Ismail I G (1986) Upland rice environments in Indonesia and the fitness of improved technology in progress. In Progress in Upland


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Rice Research, Proceedings of the 1985 Jakarta Conference, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baos, Philippines. United Nations (1985) Prevention and control of vitamin A deficiency, xerophthalmia and nutritional blindness: proposal for a 10-year program of support to countries. United Nations, New York. Von Oppen M, Ryan J G (1985) Research resource allocation, determining regional priorities. Food Pol. 10:253-264.

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice

H I Oka
National Institute of Genetics, Mishima City, Japan

Oryza species and their genetic variations Primary, secondary, and tertiary gene pools Comparison of two cultigens and their hybrids Wild progenitors of cultigens Variations between wild and domesticated rice forms Races of the common wild rice distributed in different continents Species having genomes other than A Sterility and other dysfunctions of hybrids Differentiation of O. sativa cultivars Differentiation within Indica and Japonica groups Variations of isozymes and other molecular traits lntervarietal F1-sterility relationships Distributional features Indica-Japonicadifferentiation in wild progenitors Distribution of genes in rice populations and germplasm conservation Significance of genetic variability in traditional rice populations Conservation of genetic resources

The genus Oryza has about 20 species, two of which are cultivated. O. sativa, the common cultivated rice, is grown worldwide. O. glaberrima, the cultivated African rice, is grown on a small scale in a few countries in West Africa. The diverse varietal types of O. sativa are generally classified into Indica and Japonica groups. Varieties of O. glaberrima cannot be classified into such groups. Patterns of variation in the cultivated and wild species and barriers to gene flow are reviewed in this chapter.



H I Oka

Oryza species and their genetic variations

The 20 species recognized in the genus Oryza are classified into six sections (Table 3.1) following Roschevicz (1931). Of these, O. schlechteri Pilger is a rare species. It was collected in northeastern New Guinea in 1915 (Nayar 1973), but no herbarium specimens existed. O. schlechteri was recently rediscovered and collected by D A Vaughan of the lnternational Rice Research Institute (1990, pers. comm.). A large number of different names have been documented for O. sativa L. and the common wild rice thought to be its ancestor. The total number of Latin names for the given Oryza species reaches 87 (Oka 1988). I have used the name O. perennis Moench for the common wild rice. That name has been used by many workers (Chang 1964). According to Tateoka (1963, 1964), however, the type specimen for O. perennis has been lost and its original description is ambiguous. Thus the name is regarded as an uncertain application. In this chapter, O. rufipogon Griff. is used for the Asian form of the common wild rice and O. perennis complex as the general name for its different geographical races (Asian, American, and Oceanian). After Tateokas (1963) taxonomic revision, further changes of names were suggested by Clayton (1968): O. barthii A. Chev. to O. longistaminata A. Chev. et Roehr. and O. breviligulata A. Chev. et Roehr. to O. barthii A. Chev. Two new species were recognized later: O. nivara Sharma et Shastry for an Indian annual type of the common wild rice ( O. rufipogon ) and O. meriodinalis Ng for the Australian form of the common wild rice. In this chapter, the concept of biological species is followed and the use of specific names for taxa that are not reproductively isolated and cannot be morphologically distinguished is avoided. Genome symbols, A to F, have been assigned to the species on the basis of meiotic pairing in F, hybrids (Table 3.1). Taxa with the same genome symbols show no significant disturbance in chromosome pairing in their hybrids. O. sativa and O. glaberrima Steud., and their closely related wild relatives, all are diploid and share the A genome. The distantly related wild species have genomes B, C, D, E, and F and some are tetraploids (Table 3.1). These species generally have a small spikelet size, although some of them grow to be tall plants with broad leaves and many tillers. Many occur in moist habitats, although O. australiensis Domin occurs in sunny savanna (Oka 1988). O. punctata Kotschy has both diploid and tetraploid forms; the former occurs in the savanna and the latter in the forest. O. officinalis is called medicinal wild rice in China although the reason for the name is not known. O. ridleyi Hook, and O. longiglumis Jansen are found in shaded swamps. O. meyeriana Baill. is found in forested hillsides.

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice

Table 3.1. Oryza species a , their chromosome number, genome symbol, and geographical distribution (Tateoka 1963). Chromosomal number Genome symbols Geographical distribution


Section/species Section Oryzae sativa L. rufipogon Griff. (= perennis Moench) barthii A. Chev. (= longistaminata A. Chev. et Roehr.) glaberrima Steud. breviligulata A. Chev et Roehr. (= barthii in the sense of Clayton, 1968) australiensis Domin eichingeri A. Peter punctata Kotschy officinalis Wall. minuta J.S. Presl latifolia Desv. alta Swallen grandiglumis Prod. Section Schlechterianae schlechteri Pilger Section Granulatae meyeriana Baill. (= granulata Nees et Arn.) Section Ridleyanae ridley; Hook. f. longiglumis Jansen Section Angustifoliae brachyantha A. Chev. et Roehr. angustifolia Hubbard perrieri A. Camus tisseranti A. Chev. Section Coarctatae coarctata Roxb.

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24, 48 24 48 48 48 48


Worldwide, Asia, America Africa Africa, cultivated Africa Australia Africa Africa Asia Asia America America America

New Guinea



48 48

Asia New Guinea

24 24 24 24


Africa Africa Malagasy Africa



Some taxonomists have proposed that O. angustifolia, O. perrieri, O. tisseranti, and O. coarctata be excluded from the genus Oryza.


H I Oka

Primary, secondary, and tertiary gene pools

Harlan and De Wet (1971) proposed classifying the wild relatives of a crop species into three categories on the basis of isolation barriers and the ease of gene transfer to the cultivated species. This is a useful concept for breeders. In Oryza, however, F 1 sterility and other dysfunctions of hybrids occur irrespective of the genetic distance, and the distinction between the three categories is not always clear. The pattern of variation among species examined through methods of numerical taxonomy, however, is helpful. A variation study of 16 species based on 42 morphological traits, reported by Morishima and Oka (1960), suggests that Oryza species can be divided into three main groups; (1) O. sativa and its relatives, (2) O. officinalis and its relatives, and (3) other more distantly related species.

Comparison of two cultigens and their hybrids

The common rice, O. sativa L., and the African rice, O. glaberrima Steud., are thought to be an example of parallel evolution in crop plants. The wild progenitor of O. sativa is the Asian common wild rice, O. rufipogon, which shows a range of variation from perennial to annual types. That of 0. glaberrima is 0. barthii (= O. breviligulata), which is an annual grass endemic to West Africa. The two cultigens were domesticated independently. They have discrete differences in key characters (Table 3.2), and intermediate plants are rare. In ricefields managed by West African peasant farmers, O. sativa and O. glaberrima are often grown in mixtures of varying proportions. In such fields, the two species resemble each other, perhaps because of selection in similar directions. Natural hybrids between them are rare, even though experimental hybridization is easy. The F 1 plants are highly pollen-sterile, but about one-third of the F 1 embryo sacs are normal and functional and backcrosses can be made with the pollen of either parent (Chu et a1 1969). The gene loci that have been examined are identical between the two species (Sano 1988).

Table 3.2. Comparison between t w o cultigens, O. sativa and O. glaberrima.

Character Habit Ligule Panicle branches Frequency of glabrous varieties Varietal differentiation Ecotypes Distribution Improvement by man

O. Sativa

O. glaberrima

Essentially perennial Long and soft Many Low Highly variable Many Cosmopolitan Intensive

Annual Short and tough Few High Limited variation Few Endemic to West Africa Limited

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


Even though not much yield improvement work has been done, some O. glaberrima varieties yield about 3 t/ha when properly fertilized, which is about the same as yields of unimproved varieties of O. sativa. O. glaberrima varieties have genes for tolerance for various adverse conditions prevailing in Africa and for some diseases and insects. Backcross derivatives of O. sativa and O. glaberrima with different coefficients of relationship with either parent were examined for pollen fertility and other characters (Sano et al 1980b). The F1 plants between awnless parents had long awns, and awn length decreased with the coefficient of relationship departing from 0.5 to unity or zero. The F1 plants had nearly zero pollen fertility, and the mean pollen fertility increased with the increase of relationship with either parent, showing a negative correlation with awn length. An examination of some 60 B2F6 lines, which were nearly true-breeding, showed that lines with intermediate states in species-discriminating characters were fewer than those with parent-like states and produced a smaller number of seeds per plant, suggesting the so-called M-V linkage pointed out by Grant (1967). Those characters were also correlated with one another, indicating the potentiality of the lines to recover parental character associations. On the other hand, quantitative characters not serving for species discrimination showed remarkable transgressive variations. This shows that the parental genes can be recombined, although recombination may be restricted to some extent. Wild progenitors of cultigens O. rufipogon is distributed from Pakistan to China and Indonesia, and varies between perennial and annual types, which differ markedly in life-history traits (Oka 1988). In short, the perennial types have a higher outcrossing rate and lower seed productivity than the annual types. In monsoonal Asia, the perennial types grow in deep swamps, which retain moisture throughout the year, while the annual types occur in temporary marshes, which are parched in the dry season. The annual types are not found in areas like China and Indonesia where the dry season is not severe. Generally, perennial populations contain more gene diversity than annual ones. All these wild rices are crossable with O. sativa, sometimes producing hybrid swarms in the field, and the hybrids show no sterility. The variation between perennial and annual types is nearly continuous. It has been suggested that some intermediate perennial-annual populations, which regenerate by both ratoon and seed, are most likely to be the immediate progenitor of cultivated rice, because they have a high evolutionary potential as shown by their rich genetic variability, a moderately high seed productivity and tolerance for habitat disturbance (Sano et al 1980a, Oka 1988). The wild progenitor of O. glaberrima is O. breviligulata (= O. barthii ). These two taxa produce fertile hybrids and natural hybrid swarms in the field. They have an annual growth habit and short ligules and resemble each other in most botanical characters.


H 1 Oka

Variations between wild and domesticated rice forms In contrast to wild plants, domesticated rice cultivars are characterized by a low rate of seed shedding at maturity, a low degree of seed dormancy, synchronous heading, self-pollination, and high grain yield. Discrete differences are found when wild and cultivated plants are compared, but the variation is continuous if intermediate wild-cultivated plants are taken into account. A continuous array of integrades between wild and cultivated forms for the O. rufipogon -O. sativa series was found in the collection from the Jeypore Tract, India (Fig. 3.1A). The intermediate plants, when scattered in the plane defined by two discriminant formulas, appeared to form a bridge connecting domesticated cultivars with perennial or intermediate perennial-annual wild plants. Similarly, a continuous wild-cultivated variation was also found in the O. breviligulata -O. glaberrima complex, in which all the populations studied showed a continuous variation (Fig. 3.1B). The variation pattern seems to reflect the result of hybridization and selection, and may be regarded as suggesting gradual genetic changes of wild plants in the course of domestication. Weedy rices are also intermediate between wild and domesticated forms. They usually occur in direct-seeded ricefields, irrigation ditches, and dikes. They cannot survive in natural habitats, but persist in cultivated fields as a weed. They generally have some characters of wild plants such as seed shedding, seed dormacy, red pericarp, and awns. Their seeds get buried in soil and start germinating when domestic cultivars are seeded. Because weedy rices look like domestic cultivars in the vegetative stage, they avoid removal by weeding and reach maturity relatively uniformly, usually one week earlier than the domestic cultivars. They tolerate various adverse conditions, and have a higher outcrossing rate than domestic cultivars. Their populations contain various domestic cultivar genes and serve as a gene reservoir (Harlan 1965). The weedy rices may be divided into two categories: one is sympatric with wild rices, the other occurs in localities where no wild rice is found. The former is frequently found in India and Thailand and seems to have been derived from natural hybrids between wild and cultivated rices (Oka and Chang 1959). The latter is found in certain localities in China, Korea, and other countries, and its origin is unknown. There are contrasting views as to the role of weedy rices in crop evolution: one assumes them to be the immediate progenitor of crops, the other considers them to have evolved side by side with domestic crops from a common progenitor (Harlan 1965).

Fig. 3.1. Continuous variations between wild and cultivated forms. A: O. rufipogon to O. sativa. Wild controls, Jeypore strains, and cultivar controls are scattered according to the scores given by two discriminant formulas, one (abscissa) for classifying the perennial and annual types of the Asian common wild rice and the other (ordinate) for wild and cultivated forms (Oka and Chang 1962). B: O. breviligulata to O. glaberrima. Distributions of discriminant scores for classifying wild and cultivated forms in wild, semiwild, and cultivated populations collected in West Africa (Morishima and Oka 1970).

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultrvated Rice



H I Oka

Races of the common wild rice distributed in different continents The common wild rices, which I call O. perennis complex, are distributed throughout the humid tropics and comprise geographical races, Asian ( O. rufipogon ), African ( O. longistamina ), American, and Oceanian ( O. meriodinalis ). All these taxa share the A genome. These geographical races are not classifiable by single characters, but differ in the mode of association of characters as detected by multivariate analysis of character variations (Fig. 3.2). They are separated from one another by F1 pollen sterility (Chu et al 1969). The Asian race is most probably the wild progenitor of O. sativa; the other races do not seem to have contributed to the domestication of O. sativa or of O. glaberrima, O. longistamina has some characteristics that distinguish it from others. It is also isolated from its relatives by an F1 inviability barrier (Chu and Oka 1970a). Yet some of this taxons plants growing in ricefields produce so-called Obake types, which are self-compatible and crossable with O. sativa. These are probably the result of introgression from cultivars across the reproductive barriers (Chu and Oka 1970b). In Asia, as well as in Africa, the common wild rices grow in the proximity of ricefields. In India and Thailand, it is difficult to find a wild population isolated enough from cultivated rice to rule out the possibility of outcrossing and gene flow. In Africa, less than half the populations of O. longistamina observed (13 out of 29) were fully isolated from cultivated rice. In contrast, in America as well as in Australia, common wild rice is isolated from cultivated rice by long distances. Their contact occurs occasionally when a ricefield is reclaimed at a site where the wild rice grows. Hybrid swarms are often observed at such sites (Chu

Fig. 3.2. Strains of O. perennis complex scattered according to the score given by the first principal component of F1 sterility relationships (X) and that by the first vector of pattern analysis of 24 characters (Y). The X and Y components had 50% and 41% contributions to the total variance, respectively. Two strains from New Guinea belonged to the Asian race (Morishima 1969).

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


and Oka 1970b). The Oceanian race is annual, while the American race is generally an intermediate perennial-annual type. Some populations in the Amazon basin propagate vegetatively by tiller separation. An abscission layer is formed at the basal node of some tillers when submerged and separated tillers are carried by river water to take root at a new site (Oka and Morishima 1967). Although some F1 hybrids from crosses of these wild rices and domestic cultivars are pollen-sterile, gene transfer from the geographical races of the O. perennis complex to O. sativa is not difficult. A gene for resistance to grassy stunt virus of rice was found in O. nivara (= O. rufipogon ) and transferred to O. sativa by backcrossing (Khush et al 1977). Similarly, a gene for resistance to many races of bacterial blight of rice was found in O. longistamina and transferred to O. sativa by backcrossing (Khush et a1 1990). Thus, these common wild rices may be considered as either primary or secondary gene pools for O. sativa. Species having genomes other than A The rices of the so-called O. officinalis complex are distributed in the humid tropics of different continents in the same manner as are the geographical races of the O. perennis complex. Chang (1976) considers their common ancestors to have occurred in Gondwanaland some 100 million years ago and to have differentiated into different taxa with the gradual separation of the Gondwanic components. O. officinalis and its relatives are crossable with O. sativa, using the latter as the female parent. The rate of success is 4% or less (Jena and Khush 1986). For these crosses, the F1 embryos, which abort 2 weeks after fertilization, are excised and cultured in an MS medium (Jena and Khush 1984). An F1 plant of O. sativa x O. officinalis obtained without embryo rescue was reported in China. For that cross a male-sterile line of O. sativa was used as female parent (Yu 1989). Hybrid plants from O. sativa x O. officinalis grow normally and show intermediate features between the parental species, but they are highly male and female sterile. The parental chromosomes have little homology and only 1-4 rod-shaped bivalents are observed during meiosis of F, hybrids (Jena and Khush 1990). These sterile interspecific hybrids showed abnormalities in spindle formation and nonsynchronization of chromosome movement with cytokinesis, resulting in the formation of restitution nuclei carrying an unreduced set of parental chromosomes with a certain frequency (Li et al 1964, Ho and Li 1965). Similar abnormalities were also observed in the hybrid O. sativa x O. australiensis. When those F1s were backcrossed with fertile pollen of O. sativa, they produced allotriploid B1F1 plants, having one genome of wild species and two genomes of O. sativa (Jena and Khush 1986). Crosses between O. sativa and more distantly related species, such as O. ridleyi and O. meyeriana, have also been reported (Katayama and Onizuka 1979). The rate of success of such distant crosses is lower than 0.5%, and seems to depend on the genotypes of parental species (Sitch et al 1989). When ( O. sativa x O. officinalis ) x O. sativa B1 plants with genomes AAC were backcrossed again with O. sativa, the B2 plants comprised disomic plants with 2 n


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chromosomes (30%), alien addition plants with 2n + 1 chromosomes (48%), and plants with a higher number of alien chromosomes (2n + 2 to 2n + 6) (Jena and Khush 1990). The progenies of 10 of the 20 B2F2 disomic plants segregated for resistance to Philippine biotypes of brown planthopper, and some showed resistance to brown planthopper biotypes in Bangladesh and India. Progenies with genes for resistance to the whitebacked planthopper and bacterial blight, as well as several morphological traits, were also obtained. These results indicate that useful genes can be introduced from O. officinalis into O. sativa with proper genetic manipulations. Genes from O. australiensis and O. minuta have also been transferred to O. sativa (G S Khush, International Rice Research Institute, 1990, pers. comm.). Wild Oryza species are known to have genes for resistance to various diseases and insects such as blast, bacterial blight, viral diseases, brown planthopper, whitebacked planthopper, green leafhopper, whorl maggot, and stem borer. In fact, resistance to insects is found at higher frequency in the wild species collections than those of domestic cultivars (Table 3.3). The extent to which resistance of wild Oryza species is of host type (incompatible interactions controlled by certain genes) or of nonhost type (rejection through host recognition), and how distinctly these two types of resistance can be distinguished in genetic and biochemical basis remains to be seen (Collinge and Slusanenko 1987). Many insect species are monophagos and feed on a particular plant species. It is clear, however, that some of the resistance genes from wild species can be transferred to cultivated rice.

Table 3.3. Proportion of accessions resistant to insects in O. sativa cultivars and wild species of Oryza (Heinrich et al 1985). Cultivars Insect Brown planthopper ( Nilaparvata lugens ) Biotype 1 Biotype 2 Biotype 3 Whitebacked planthopper ( Sogatella furcifera ) Green leafhopper ( Nephotettix virescens ) Zigzag leafhopper ( Recilia dorsalis ) Striped stem borer ( Chilo suppressalis ) Yellow stem borer ( Scirpophaga incertulas ) Leaffolder ( Cnaphalocrocis medinalis ) Whorl maggot ( Hydrellia philippina ) Tested (no.) Wild species Resistant (%)

Resistant Tested (%) (no.)

30,790 8,922 10,711 46,488 47,944 2,370 15,000 19,961 17,914 15,787

0.91 1.41 1.38 0.84 2.50 1.52 0.15 0.1 3 0.20 0.01

248 248 248 228 288 208 167 181 264 328

48.0 39.1 39.5 37.7 49.1 55.2 4.2 13.3 3.03 2.1 3

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


Sterility and other dysfunctions of hybrids An important feature of Oryza germplasm, particularly of those having the A genome, is hybrid sterility (Chu et a1 1969). Hybrid sterility is also found among strains of O. officinalis (Jena and Khush 1985). In O. sativa, F 1 plants from intervarietal crosses often show reduced fertility of pollen and embryo sac, the degree of reduction depending on parental combination. This partial sterility is due to the gametophytic effect of parental genes, with the development of each gamete controlled by its genotype. The proportion of fertile pollen and embryo sac is usually similar in a hybrid. When the parents are fully fertile and chromosome pairing in the hybrids is normal, F 1 sterility is due to disharmonious interaction of parental genes, which may be either at the same locus or at different loci. Cases explained by the onelocus sporo-gametophytic interaction of sterility alleles were found in O. sativaO. glaberrima crosses, in some crosses between O. sativa cultivars (Oka 1988) O. and in O. sativa- rufipogon crosses (Sano 1989). An S gene in the sporophyte eliminates gametes with S a. A similar situation has been reported in tomato (Rick 1966). In rice, a neutral allele S n that neutralizes the gamete-eliminating effect when combined with S or S a was also found (Ikehashi and Araki 1986). Other cases of hybrid sterility that are explained by the duplicate gametic lethal hypothesis have been found in intervarietal crosses of O. sativa (Oka 1974, 1988). In addition, pollen sterility is also caused by interaction between male sterile cytoplasm of one parent and nuclear genes of the other in certain crosses. This is referred to as cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility and is utilized for the breeding of hybrid rices. The pattern of interactions between cytoplasms and genes is reviewed by Virmani and Shinjyo (1988). F 2 sterility caused by an interaction between sporophytic genes is often found in intervarietal crosses of O. sativa even though the F 1 may be fully fertile (Oka 1988). It is characterized by the occurrence of true-breeding semifertile lines (homozygous recessive for two sterility loci) in the later generation progenies. Partial F 2 sterility, as found in some perennial populations of O. rufipogon, is also due to this type of sporophytic sterility. Inviability of developing F 1 zygotes is found in crosses of O. longistamina with its A genome relatives (Oka 1988). This is due to a set of duplicate complementary lethals affecting cell differentiation in the hybrid endosperm, and acting as a crossing barrier. This isolation barrier may have developed as a result of selection for these complementary genes, because O. longistamina, which is partially self-incompatible and highly outcrossed, often grows sympatrically with O. breviligulata and the two cultivated species. Cases of F 1 weakness have also been reported in some intervarietal crosses of 0. sativa and more frequently between strains of O. glaberrima and O. breviligulata (= O. barthii ). Each is due to a set of complementary dominant weakness genes (Oka 1988). F 2 weakness, or the occurrence of weak F 2 segregants, was also observed in some intervarietal crosses of O. sativa and appears to be due to a set of complementary recessive genes (Oka 1988).


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Differentiation of O. sativa cultivars

Two varietal types or groups, Indica and Japonica, have long been recognized in O. sativa. In this chapter, I use the proper nouns Indica and Japonica for those varietal groups. If taken as subspecies, they must be indica and japonica as named by Kato et al (1928). Common nouns indica and japonica as used by some are not appropriate. The Chinese have recognized two rice varietal groups, Hsien and Keng, since the Han dynasty. These correspond to indica and japonica, respectively, as renamed subsp. hsien and keng by Ting (1949). The Indica and Japonica cultivars differ in many characters when typical varieties are compared, but show overlapping variations. There is no single criterion by which they can be distinguished from each other with certainty. From the standpoint of natural classification, the presence of the two groups can be shown by multivariate analysis of various character measurements, in which no external criterion is involved. Diagnostic characters were strongly intercorrelated among rice varieties from different Asian countries, reflecting their differentiation into the two types, but no correlations were found when the varieties were divided into the two groups and examined in each group (Oka 1988). There is a common misbelief that Indicas have long grains and Japonicas have short or round grains. Rice cultivars classified on the basis of length-width ratio of grains were placed in wrong groups in 39% of the cases (Morishima and Oka 1981). The Indica and Japonica types are each characterized by an association of certain diagnostic characters, such as KClO3 resistance, cold tolerance, apiculus hair length, and phenol reaction (Oka 1958). Classification based on scores given by a discriminant function combining measurements of these characters have a low probability of misplacement (below 1%) into the varietal groups. Even then a few varieties remain unclassified as atypical (Oka 1988). Differentiation within Indica and Japonica groups Varieties of the same group vary in characters, forming different ecotypes (Oka 1988). Ecotypes develop where rice is grown in different seasons and with different cultural management. For instance, in Bangladesh, seven Indica ecotypes are classified as follows: 1. Boro: winter rice, transplanted, cold-tolerant, grown December to May. 2. Aus: summer rice, broadcast or transplanted, grown April to August. 3. Broadcast Aman: deepwater rice, broadcast, grown April to December. 4. Transplanted Aman: autumn rice, transplanted, photoperiod-sensitive, grown July to December. 5. Rayada: deepwater rice, long duration, broadcast sown in mixture with Aus, grown March to December. 6. Ashina: deepwater Aus, broadcast, grown April to September. 7. Hill rice: upland fields, usually on sloping hillsides, direct seeded, grown June to September.

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


The Japonica varieties, on the other hand, are distributed over a wide range of latitudes, are divisible into tropical and temperate subgroups, and show different association trends of some morphological and physiological traits (Sato 1987, Oka 1988). Javanica varieties fall within the Japonica group. They cannot be considered to have the same level of differentiation as Indicas or Japonicas (Glaszmann and Arraudeau 1986). The name Javanica is of an uncertain application since there is no formal description. Morinaga ( 1954) suggested use of the name for Japonica-like varieties from Java, but gave no description and did not use this name in his later publications. Variations in isozymes and other molecular traits At several isozyme loci, alleles show different frequencies between the Indica and Japonica types, although there are no loci whose alleles characterize the two types without exception. Of 11 loci with 40 alleles examined (cf. Oka 1988), 7 showed significant differences in allele frequency between the Indica and Japonica groups that had been classified by diagnostic characters. The 7 loci were: Acp-1 (chr. 12), Cat-1 (chr. 6), Est-2 (chr. 6), Est-9 (chr. 7), Pgi-1 (chr. 3), Pgi-2 (chr. 6), and Pox-2 (chr. 12). Morishima and Gadrinab (1987) evaluated the likeness of a strain to the Japonica type in isozymes as follows: When a strain has allele i at locus j, the respective frequencies Pij(Ind) and Pij(Jap) + are obtained from a set of standard Indica and Japonica varieties, and their ratio Pij(Jap)/ Pij(Ind) + Pij(Jap) is used as an index of Japonica-likeness of the strain. When a strain is examined for n loci, its general likeness to Japonica is shown by the mean: XJap = 1 S Pij(Jap) / ( Pij(Ind) + Pij(Jap) ) n i

The Indica and Japonica groups classified by diagnostic traits show a distinct difference in the distribution of XJap scores (Table 3.4). This indicates that certain characters and isozyme alleles are associated in a particular manner among the varieties. The association pattern found in a set of strains can be used as an index showing their likeness to either of the two types (Sato et al 1990). The Asian common wild rices showed a continuous range of XJap scores from Indica-like to Japonica-like types, with intermediate ones most predominant (Table 3.4). On the other hand, Glaszmann (1 987) examined 1,688 native cultivars from different Asian countries for allelic frequencies at 15 isozyme loci and analyzed the data by a multivariate technique (factor analysis of correspondence). The results showed that 95% of the cultivars fell into six groups, the remaining 5% being scattered over intermediate positions. This classification involves no external criteria and may be compared to the principal component analysis of character variations mentioned above. When the six groups were compared with the varietal groups classified by morphological characters, group I corresponded to the Indica and group VI to the Japonica types (Table 3.5). Groups II-V were atypical but also classified as lndicas in the conventional classification. Groups II-V correspond to different ecotypes.


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Table 3.4. Distribution of isozyme score showing likeness to the Japonica type (XJap) a
in Asian wild rices and cultivars.

lsozyme score Plant group Wild rice Indica Japonica


0.1 2 11

0.3 7 17

0.5 26 3 2

0.7 12 1 2

0.9 4 28

No. of strains 51 32 32

1 X jap = S P ij (Jap) / ( P ij(Jap) + P ij(lnd)), where P ij s the frequency of allele i at locus j 2 and n is number of loci; n = 7.

Table 3.5. Correspondence of six enzymatic groups with local varietal types and with anterior classification of Asian rice cultivars (Glaszmann 1987).
Enzymatic group Origin Bangladesh and India Varietal type Aman Aus Boro Ashina Rayada Basmati Lowland Upland Tjereh Gundel Bulu Hsien Keng I 38 2 2 II III IV V VI

32 6 1


2 64 10 24 26 89

Thailand and Laos Java and Bali

168 12 10 4 84 2 173 53 22

China Japan and Korea Northeast India


The Indica varieties classified by diagnostic characters, as Glaszmann (1987) has shown, include five different isozyme groups, while the Japonicas (both the tropical and temperate) are relatively uniform and represented by one isozyme group. This is clearly observed when allelic variability for isozyme loci is evalu1 ated by the average gene diversity, H = - S (1 - S x 2 ij) given by Nei (1975) n where Xi,j is the frequency of allele i at locus j and n is the number of loci examined.

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


In addition to 82 Indicas and 85 Japonicas, 56 Asian common wild rices were evaluated for 11 isozyme loci, which were polymorphic in the material (Table 3.6). The order of diversity was: wild > Indica > Japonica. In contrast, when genes for the coloration of apiculus and stigma were examined, the order of diversity was reversed: wild < Indica < Japonica. Genes for other morphological traits may also show the same trend if their frequencies are examined in different varietal types. The trend of distribution suggests that gene diversity has either decreased or increased with the domestication of wild rices, which became differentiated into the Indica and Japonica types. The Indicas are intermediate between the wild and Japonica types. This agrees with the hypothesis of Ting (1957) that the Indicas evolved from the wild rice and the Japonicas were derived from Indicas. Varietal differences at the DNA level have recently been reported, although such knowledge is still fragmentary. Ishii et a1 (1988) investigated the fragment length polymorphism of chloroplast DNA in 66 accessions of wild and cultivated rices (using three endonucleases) and found nine types of chloroplast genomes distributed in different wild populations and cultivars (Table 3.7). Kadowaki et al (1988) examined 'small plasmid-like DNAs' in mitochondria, which were outside the mtDNA and whose function is not yet known. These were observed in 65 of 102 rice cultivars, of which 63 were Indicas. Intervarietal F1-sterility relationships The occurrence of F1 sterility in distant crosses was noted in the early days of rice breeding in Taiwan (Iso 1925). Since then, many rice workers have considered this sterility to be of particular value in estimating genetic relationships among rice cultivars. As mentioned earlier, it is caused by certain gene interactions. The F1 pollen fertility varies in a wide range depending upon parental genotypes and,
Table 3.6. Average gene diversity (H) a estimated in Asian common wild rice and
lndica and japonica cultivars (Oka 1988, new data added). Isozyme genes b Plant group Wild rice Indica Japonica

Coloration genes c

Strains examined 56 82 85

0.476 0.338 0.145

Strains examined 49 64 66

0.052 0.211 0.304

H =


S (1 - S x 2ij ), x ij = frequency of gene i at locus j, n = number of loci


examined. b11 loci, 40 allele5 (Acp-1, Amp-3, Cat-1, Est-2, Est-9, Pgd-2, Pgi-1, Pgi-2, Pox-1, Pox-2, Sdh-1). c 7 loci, 15 alleles ( C, A, P, Ps-1, Ps-2, Ps-3, I-Ps-3; genes for apiculus and stigma coloration).


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Table 3.7. Nine chloroplast genome types classified by the Eco RI, Hind lll and Pst l restriction fragment length patterns and number of accessions of Oryza species having different genomes types (Ishii et al 1988). Chloroplast genome types 4 5 6 7 Ill Ill Ill IV I I v I I VI I I

1 Species and types O. sativa Indica Japonica a O. perennis complex Asian b American African c Oceanian O. glaberrima O. breviligulata Total
a b c




9 VII I I Total

Eco RI: Hind lll: Pst I:


3 16 3 1


17 16 9 5 5 2 8 4 7 1 1 2 66

5 1

2 5 8 4

1 2




Including tropical and temperate varietal groups. O. rufipogon. O. longistaminata.


in contrast to sporophytic F2 sterility, it is not influenced much by environment. Contrary to the general belief, F1 sterility is not a good criterion for classifying rice varieties into Indica - Japonica types. Using a single test-strain, the probability of misclassification by F1 fertility was calculated to be 23 to 43% (Morishima and Oka 1981). Even when that data given by five test-strains were combined to construct a discriminant function maximizing the difference between the two types, the probality of misclassification was as high as 15%. As pointed out by Terao and Mizushima (1939), some Indica x Japonica hybrids are fertile, while some Indica x Indica and Japonica x Japonica hybrids show F1

I re-examined my old data (Oka 1958), in which 57 Indica and 59 Japonica cultivars from different Asina countries were test-crossed with seven strains consisting of three Indicas - one each from Vietnam, Taiwan, and India - and four Japonicas - one each from Indonesia and Philippines and two from Japan. Hybrids showing pollen fertilities hither than 87% were taken to be fertile. None of the tested cultivars gave fertile F1 plants with all seven test-strains. The widest affinity found was F1 fertilities with five test-strains, shown by two Taiwan Indicas, an Indian Indica, a Philippine Japonica, and a Chinese Japonica. They may be called 'wide-affinity varieties.' On the other hand, two Indicas and six

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


Fig. 3.3. O. sativa varieties of Indica and Japonica types scattered according to mean F1 pollen fertility (%) for crosses with three Indica test-strains (horizontal) and with four Japonica test-strains (vertical). Solid mark - Indica; open mark - Japonica; triangle - test-strain. The distribution space is divided into four arbitrary quadrants, assuming that mean F1 pollen fertilities higher than 80% may be considered fertile. a - F1 being fertile with both Indica and Japonica test-strains; b - fertile with Indica and semisterile with Japonica test-strains; c - fertile with Japonica and semisterile with Indica test-strains; d - semisterile with both Indica and Japonica test-strains.

Japonicas produced no fertile F, plants with any of the seven test-strains; they had a narrow or specialized range of F1-fertility relationships. When the mean F1 fertilities with three Indica and four Japonica test-strains were compared in a scatter diagram, the 57 Indica and 59 Japonica varieties tested were distributed as shown in Figure 3.3. Many O. rufipogon strains produce fertile F, plants with different O. sativa cultivars whose intercrosses show F1 sterility (Hinata and Oka 1962). They really have a much wider affinity than any cultivars. They may have several dominant sets of duplicate gametic lethals and neutral alleles for sporo-gametophytic interaction systems. With domestication, cultivars probably became differentiated into groups with narrower ranges of F1-fertility relations. Distributionalfeatures Japonicas are distributed from the tropics to northern temperate zones, while Indicas, as well as the common wild rices, are in the tropical and subtropical zones. In China, the Yangtze River is the approximate border between the two types. Their distribution is also conditioned by altitude. In Yunnan, China, the areas below 1,400 m are planted mainly to Indicas and areas above 1,800 m (up to 2,200 m) are planted to Japonicas. Areas in the intermediate altitudes are


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planted to both types either as pure varieties or as mixtures. Both types show a range in photoperiod sensitivity, but highly sensitive varieties are found only in the Indica types. It should be noted that, in tropical and subtropical regions, Japonicas are often grown as an upland crop even at low altitudes (Fig. 3.4). The same trend is also found in Yunnan, China. A comparison of two land-race populations managed by the same farmer of the Yi tribe, one in an upland and the other in a lowland field, showed that plants in the lowland population were largely lndicas while those in the upland population showed a tendency toward Indica-Japonica differentiation. There was a wide range in the root-development index, which represented adaptability to the upland conditions (Oka 1988). This supports the hypothesis of Wang et al (1984) that the Japonica type evolved from upland culture of incipient domesticates. When an Indica-Japonica hybrid population is raised in bulk, the frequency of genes derived from the Indica parent generally increases against those from the Japonica parent as the result of gametic selection, which causes segregation distortion and some zygotic selection (Oka 1988). When an F2 population from a cross between a Taiwan Indica and a Philippine Japonica was divided into two groups, with one grown in upland and the other in lowland conditions, the frequencies of genes derived from the Japonica parent were significantly higher in upland than in lowland for F5 populations (Table 3.8). This may serve as circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis of origin of the Japonica type in upland culture.

Fig. 3.4. Distribution of Indica and Japonica cultivars in upland and lowland fields at different altitudes as observed in Thailand (Sato 1986).

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


Table 3.8. Frequency of homozygotes for genes from Japonica parent in F5 populations of a cross between a Taiwan Indica and a Philippine Japonica grown in bulk in upland and lowland conditions (cf. Sato 1990). Upland ( p 1) (negative phenol reaction) (glutinous endosperm) (glabrous hull) P1 - P2 P 1 q 1 / n 1 + P 1 q 2/ n 2 0.660 0.465 0.301 Lowland ( p 2) 0.398 0.365 0.307 z tor difference a 10.96 3.43 3.32

Gene ph wx gl

P 0.000 0.001 0 .001

z =

Indica-Japonicadifferentiation in wild progenitors Two hypotheses have been proposed regarding the origin of Indica and Japonica rices. According to the diphyletic hypothesis, the two types were domesticated independently of each other and there should be wild rices differentiated into the two types or at least destined to become the Indica and Japonica types when domesticated. In contrast, the monophyletic hypothesis assumes that the two types originated from the same wild progenitor. There is some supporting evidence for the latter hypothesis: 1. Intermediate wild-cultivated rices from the Jeypore Tract, India, when distributed by discriminant scores for classifying the Indica and Japonica cultivars and by those for wild and cultivated forms in a scatter diagram, suggested that the wild plants are not differentiated and gradually become differentiated into the two types as they approach the cultivated form (Oka and Chang 1962, Oka 1988). 2. A wild strain from India produced some Japonica-like plants in the F- progeny of its cross with a typical Indica cultivar and Indica-like plants in its cross with a typical Japonica cultivar. This suggests the potentiality of the wild genotype to evolve into the two types (Oka and Morishima 1982). The hypothesis of diphyletic origins was proposed by some Chinese workers (cf. Oka 1988). Second (1982) supported the diphyletic hypothesis on the basis of his observations that some O. rufipogon strains from China showed Japonica-like zymograms. The common wild rices do not seem to be differentiated into the two types, but a few of them show some trace of differentiation, e.g. the correlation between KClO3 resistance and cold tolerance (Morishima 1986). In the wild rices, this correlation was significant only among 17 accessions from China, but was insignificant among 31 from India and Thailand. Weedy rices are differentiated into the two types. Those found in India and Thailand are Indica-like and those in China and Korea are Japonica-like in isozymes, although they show an intermediate range in morphological characters. Those found in Nepal are Japonica-like in isozymes and Indica-like in


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morphological characters and are similar to coexisting cultivars in this respect (Tang and Morishima 1988). The Korean weedy rices are Japonica types in view of their F1-fertility relationships (Heu 1988). This is probably because genes from coexisting Japonica cultivars have introgressed into the weedy rices. Archeological evidence shows that the Indica-Japonica differentiation of incipient domesticates had taken place at least in China. Excavations in Zhejiang Province have brought to light neolithic rice grains which are estimated to be from about 7,000 BP. The length and width of spikelets of the ancient rice grains have large variances and tend to be negatively correlated. The variation patterns are similar to those found in some land-race populations from the hilly area of tropical Asia (Table 3.9). According to You (1986), the neolithic grains from Hemudu are 3 mixture of many Indica (Hsien) and fewer Japonica (Keng) types, even though the intermediate ones are not necessarily classifiable. In later ages (4,000 to 5,000 BP), Japonica-like grains increased to half or more (Chen 1989). Even though visual judgment is unreliable, it is possible to recongnize that the incipient domesticates have differentiated into the two types in the lower Yangtze basin. Neolithic rice grains of similar ages were excavated in India (Maharaga site, Uttar Pradesh) and Non-Nok-Tha, Thailand (Oka 1988), but variations within samples are not reported. It is known that the Indica and Japonica types show a difference in the shape of plant opals kept in soil for a long time (Sato et al 1989). Studies of plant opals may shed more light on the Indica-Japonicadifferentiation of incipient domesticates.

Distribution of genes in rice populations and germplasm conservation

The genetic structure of plant populations is conditioned by the breeding system and many other factors. Morishima and Oka (1970) estimated genetic variances
Table 3.9. Length and width of spikelets, their standard deviations, correlation ( r ) and square root of generalized variance (P G) of prehistoric rice grains excavated at Luejiajiao and Hemudu near Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China as compared with those excavated at Itatsuke, Kyushu, Japan and of a sample collected recently from a directly seeded terraced paddy in Jeypore Tract, India.
Spikelet measurements Site Luejiajiao, Zhejiang Hemudu, Zhejiang a, ltatsuke (Japonica) Jeypore b
a b

Antiquity 7,050 BP 6,950 BP 2,240 BP Present

Sample size 11 23 22 44

Length (mm) 6.24 0.706 7.20 0.631 6.81 0.534 7.61 0.776

Width (mm) 3.16 0.327 2.98 0.292 3.71 0.237 3.24 0.286

r -0.25 -0.30 0.32 -0.28

PG 0.223 0.176 0.120 0.216

Values given by Oka (1988) corrected. Scatter diagram given by Oka (1 988).

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


of some metric characters, and reported that within-population variances were larger in perennial and outcrossed (40% or more) populations than in annual and predominantly self-pollinating (selfing 80% or more) ones, while betweenpopulation variances had the opposite trend. The genetic structure of populations can be studied more precisely by using the frequencies of alleles encoding different isozymes. Using alleles at six polymorphic loci ( Acp-1, Cat-1, Pgi-1, Pgi2, Pox-1, and Pox-2 ), Morishima and coworkers continued investigation of the distribution of average gene diversity in populations of different ecotypes of the Asian common wild rice and cultivated land races. The average gene diversity obtained for all populations ( H T) can be partitioned into those within populations ( H s) and between populations ( D ST). The index of gene differentiation between populations is given by: G ST = D ST / H T = ( H T - H 5)/ H T (Nei 1975). The investigation showed that perennial populations of the Asian common wild rice had greater H s and higher heterozygosity but smaller G ST and lower fixation index than annual populations, in the same manner as was found in metric characters (Table 3.10). The weedy rices had high H s values and a high heterozygote frequency, suggesting their frequent hybridization. Land-rice populations had relatively low H, and high G ST - values, showing their polymorphism and differentiation into varieties. Their low heterozygosity and high fixation index show that they are predominantly self-pollinated as are other cultivars. It is appropriate to mention that upland land-race populations are generally more polymorphic than lowland ones. For instance, in seed samples obtained in northern Thailand, within-population genetic variability as shown by the variance for spikelet length and width (in square root of generalized variance) ranged in lowland populations from 0.05 to 0.20 with a mean of 0.12, while that for upland populations ranged from 0.15 to 0.30 with a mean of 0.20. This is partly because some upland populations contain Indica-like and Japonica-like plants with various atypical intermediates (Oka 1988). The upland culture of incipient domesticates possibly hastened the differentiation of the Japonica type.
Table 3.10. Within-population gene diversity ( H s), index of gene differentiation ( G ST), and other parameter values estimated for six isozyme loci in different ecotypes of Asian common wild rice ( O. rufipogon ) and cultivated land races ( O. sativa ). Unpublished data for six polymorphic loci ( Acp-1, Cat-1, Pgi-1, Pgi-2, Pox-1, and Pox-2 ) provided by Dr H Morishima (Nat. inst. Genet., Japan, 1990). No. of populations

Gene diversity
Hs Range G ST

Species/ecotype O. rufipogon Perennial intermediate Annual Weedy O. sativa

Polymorphic Heterozygote loci frequency

Fixation index (F)

10 6 13 7 15

0.235 0.249 0.056 0.276 0.086

0.10-0.40 0.05-0.40 0.00-0.15 0.20-0.35

0.396 0.289 0.600 0.272

0.58 0.67 0.21 0.64 0.33

0.1 36 0.120 0.011 0.1 29 0.0035

0.437 0.313 0.877 0.596 0.991

0.00-0.20 0.772


H I Oka

Populations of deepwater rices also seem to contain much genetic variability. An examination of 496 floating varieties from Bangladesh showed an H value as high as 0.351 for seven isozyme loci (similar to those used for estimating the XJap score; see Table 3.4). Their X Jap scores for Japonica-likeness ranged from 0.1 to 0.8 with a mean of 0.42 (Hakoda et al 1990). This also suggests that the presence of Japonica-like types plays a role in increasing gene diversity. Significance of genetic variability in traditional rice populations The populations of wild and weedy rices, as well as of land races that are genetically heterogeneous, are expected to be evolutionarily active under changing environments. The existence of genetic diversity enables crop plants to evolve and cope with environmental changes. Before the large-scale adoption of modern improved varieties, there were numerous traditional rice varieties grown in each geographical area. The mechanisms for maintaining genetic variability in predominantly self-pollinated populations, such as those of wild oats, barley, and lima beans, have been investigated and discussed by Allard et al (1978). The traditional systems of management by farmers are responsible for a great deal of this variability. Richard (1986) made an interesting observation on farmers of Sierra Leone in this regard: The farmers know about rice varieties quite well and are careful in preparing seed for the next season. They also recognize genetic changes as the nature of rice, and accept various types as provisions for future needs and against future risks. They do not share the governmental policy to select most profitable types restricting the range of available planting material. Land races generally have low yield capacity but high yield stability, which is important for subsistence farmers. Diversity probably serves as an insurance against crop failure. The land races may be regarded as natural composite varieties that have an array of resistance genes, and are well buffered so that no single race or a biotype of plant pests can attack at an epidemic level. With the recent modernization of agriculture and the establishment of a monoculture of a few profitable varieties, traditional land races are disappearing in many rice-growing areas. This has resulted in genetic erosion and increased the risk of outbreaks of diseases and insects. Many improved varieties are interrelated genetically and often carry the same genes for disease and insect resistance. Different measures to mitigate the negative effect of monoculture have been proposed and adopted, i.e. composite varieties, multiline varieties, rotation of varieties, and crop rotation. Oka (1982) suggested the use of genetic diversity as a mechanism for slowing down the evolutionary rate of parasites to produce new races or biotypes.

Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


Conservation of genetic resources The major countermeasure against genetic erosion is the conservation of seeds of land races and their wild relatives in gene banks. Such genetic conservation is being carried on at international, national, and institutional levels. The International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) was established in Rome in 1973, for the purpose of establishing liaison between these conservation programs and to support their activities. The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) maintains the international gene bank for rice in its International Rice Germplasm Center, which has about 83,000 accessions. Large collections of rice germplasm are also conserved in national gene banks in India, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Japan, and several other countries. Collections of wild-rice germplasm are being maintained at IRRI and at the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan. While the gene pools existing in nature are dynamic and evolving, those conserved in the seed banks are static. The conservation programs consist of collection from the field, multiplication, cold storage of dried seeds, documentation, evaluation, record-keeping, and use of selected stocks for breeding. The evolutionary forces in operation in nature are thus curtailed and mans work in this direction is much limited in range and activity. Moreover, the conservation programs are always endangered by personnel changes, changes in budgetary policy, and other human factors. The system of management of core collections is even more important than the total number of accessions kept in a gene bank. The unit of operation in a rice conservation program is an accession, which is handled usually as a pure line. This is almost unavoidable when a large number of accessions are to be conserved. However, seed samples collected from a field population cannot be represented by a single accession. The number of lines necessary for preserving 95% of genes present in a population with a 5% frequency is about 60. The number of lines necessary for representing a population are 20 to 100 depending upon the genetic diversity and other conditions (Oka 1983). Of the large collection kept at IRRI, some 9,700 or about 12% of the total were found to have useful genes for tolerance for drought, cold, deepwater, and adverse soils, and resistance to diseases, insects, and nematodes. When a particular resistance is sought for, however, the probability of finding a useful gene is higher in wild germplasm than among ordinary cultivars. This indicates the importance of wild species, particularly the wild relatives of cultigens, in conservation programs.

References cited
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H I Oka

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Genetic Diversity of wild and Cultivated Rice


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Genetic Diversity of Wild and Cultivated Rice


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Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups

Gurdev S Khush

and Toshiro Kinoshita

1 Division of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biochemistry, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines 2 Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Japan

Rice karyotype Somatic karyotype Pachytene karyotype Nishimura's chromosome numbering system Marker genes Gene symbolization in rice Inheritance and linkage relations Linkage groups Association of linkage groups with respective chromosomes Towards a unitied system ot numbering rice chromosome and linkage groups Future challenges

Knowledge of higher plant genetics is essential for advancing the frontiers of molecular genetics and for application of techniques of molecular and cellular genetics to crop improvement. Until recently knowledge of basic genetics of rice lagged far behind that of other major food crops such as maize, wheat, barley, and tomato. During the last decade, however, rapid advances in higher plant and molecular genetics have made rice a model crop for research in molecular genetics. The karyotype of rice has been studied at the somatic prometaphase as well as at the pachytene stage of meiosis, and individual members of the chromosome complement have been identified. A wealth of marker genes affecting various morphological and physiological traits has been assembled and many of these marker genes have been assigned to respective linkage groups. All of the 12 linkage groups are known and have been associated with respective chromosomes. About 48 isozyme loci are known and 33 of them have been assigned to 9 of the 12 chromosomes.


Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita

An RFLP map consisting of 230 markers has recently been prepared (Chapter 5). Concerted efforts are needed to map additional morphological markers and to fully saturate the RFLP map. Orientation of the linkage maps and the positions of centromeres need to be determined.

Rice karyotype
Kuwada (1910) was the first to study microsporogenesis, megasporogenesis, and mitosis in rice and reported its chromosome number as 2 n = 2X = 24. Since then various workers have confirmed this chromosome number for Oryza sativa L. and several wild species of the genus. A few wild species are tetraploid and have 48 chromosomes. Somatic karyotype Many attempts have been made to prepare a karyotype of rice and characterize rice chromosomes on the basis of size, position of centromere, and number and position of satellites. Small differences in absolute length, relative length, and arm ratio have been reported by various workers. Rau (1929) classified the haploid chromosome complement into five large, four medium, and three small chromosomes. Chromosome length has been shown to range from 0.7 to 2.8 m (Nandi 1936) to 2.0 to 5.0 m (Yasui 1941). Sen (1963) investigated the chromosome complement during microspore mitosis and reported chromosome size to range from 0.9 to 3.3 m. Of the 12 chromosome pairs, 2 were metacentric, 9 submetacentric, and 1 subtelocentric. Ten of the 12 somatic chromosomes were distinguished in haploids of rice varieties Norin 8 (Ishii and Mitsukuri 1960) and Taichung 65 (Hu 1964). Kurata and Omura (1978) studied the somatic chromosomes of the variety Sekitori and the length of individual chromosomes ranged from 1.5 to 4.1 m at prometaphase and from 1.0 to 1.9 m at metaphase. The chromosomes were arranged in descending order of length and designated as K1 to K12. The karyotype consisted of five metacentric pairs (K3, K6, K7, K8, Kll), five submetacentric (Kl, K2, K5, K9, K12), and two subtelocentric pairs (K4 and K10). Of these, K10 was a SAT-chromosome and had a secondary constriction. All chromosomes had deeply stained regions on both sides of the centromere. K8 and K11 chromosomes, however, had no differentially stained segments; they stained deeply throughout the entire length at prometaphase. The somatic chromosome complement of the variety IR36 was studied by Wu et a1 (1985) and Wu and Chung (1989). They reported chromosome 8 to be a SAT-chromosome. In contrast to the observations of Kurata and Omura (1978), where K3 is metacentric, Wu and Chung (1989) reported chromosome 2 to be metacentric. Chromosomes 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of their designation respectively corresponded to K10, K8, K12, K9, and K11 (Table 4.1). Fukui and Iijima (1991) studied the somatic chromosome complement of the variety Nipponbare

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups


Table 4.1. Comparison among various systems of numbering somatic chromosomes

of rice.

Kurata and Omura (1978) K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 K12

Wu and Chung (1989) 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 8 12 10

Fukui and lijima (1990) 1 3 2 4 6 3 7 9 8 11 10 12

at prometaphase with the aid of a chromosome image analyzing system. The chromosomes were arranged in the descending order of length (Fig. 4.1). When their numbering system was compared with that of Kurata and Omura (1978), chromosome 2 corresponded to K3, and chromosomes 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 corresponded respectively to K2, K6, K5, K9, K8, K11, and K10. The numbering of the remaining chromosomes agreed with each other (Table 4.1). As Figure 4.1 shows, the differences in the length and arm ratios of various chromosomes are not sufficient to identify each chromosome with certainty. Only a few of them, such as chromosomes 1, 2, 3 (first, second, and third longest), 4 (subtelocentric), 8 (darkly stained), and 10 (SAT-chromosome), can be identified with confidence. Doubts remain about the identity of others. As shown in Table 4.1, the comparative numbers assigned to somatic chromosomes in three numbering systems (all based on length) are vastly different. Only three chromosomes (1, 4, and 7) correspond to each other in the three systems. These comparisons cast doubt on the reliability of identification of somatic chromosomes. Pachytene karyotype The pachytene chromosome complement of rice was first studied by Shastry et al (1960). The chromosomes were numbered in decreasing order of length - the longest being chromosome 1 and the smallest chromosome 12. The karyotype consisted of eight submetacentric (1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, and 12), two metacentric (3 and 7), and two subtelocentric (6 and 10) chromosomes. The chromosome length varied from 18.0 m for chromosome 12 to 79.0 pm for chromosome 1. The centromeres of all chromosomes were flanked by darkly stained heterochromatic chromomeres although the centromere position was not unequivocally clear in all cases. Kurata et al (1981b) also analyzed the pachytene


Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita

Fig. 4.1. Somatic prometaphase chromosome complement of haploid rice (photograph courtesy of Dr K Fukui, Hokuriku National Agricultural Experiment Station, Inada, Japan).

chromosome complement of Nipponbare. When microspores were pretreated with uridine before staining, the centromeres stained lightly and could be identified with confidence. Differences in the location of centromeres of two chromosomes were noted when the results of Shastry et al (1960) and Kurata et al (1981b) were compared. Shastry et al reported chromosome 4 to be submetacentric but according to Kurata et al it is subtelocentric. Similarly, chromosome 6 is subtelocentric in the report of Shastry et al and metacentric according to Kurata et al. Our recent observations agree with the conclusions of Kurata et al (1981b) in regard to the position of the centromere of chromosome 4, which is subtelocentric. However, chromosome 6 is neither subtelocentric nor metacentric, as reported respectively by Shastry et al (1960) and Kurata et al (1981b), but is submetacentric (Fig. 4.2). The chromosome designations agreed remarkably in both studies except for chromosomes 11 and 12, which were interchanged. Kurata et al (1981b) also reported that pachytene chromosomes were similar in relative length and centromere position of the somatic prometaphase chromosomes. Thus, pachytene chromosome 1 corresponded to prometaphase chromosome K1 and so on. According to Shastry et al (1960) chromosomes 3 and 4 were nucleolar organizers in the variety Norin 6. Similarly, Sen (1963) reported chromosomes 3 and 4 to be nucleolar organizers in an indica variety. However, Kurata et al (1981b) found that chromosome 10 was the nucleolar organizer in Nipponbare. Khush et al (1984) reported that chromosome 9 is the main nucleolar organizer

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups


Fig. 4.2. Pachytene chromosome complement of rice. Arrows indicate positions of centromere.

but chromosome 10 is frequently attached to the nucleolus. In addition to the main nucleolus, several small supernumerary nucleoli were observed in Norin 6 by Shastry et al (1960), in Nipponbare by Kurata et al (1981b), and in IR36 by Khush et al (1984). In addition to length, position of centromere (arm ratio), and nucleolus organizing activity, the number and position of darkly staining chromomeres on chromosome arms can be employed in identifying individual chromosomes. Thus, the short arms of chromosomes 4, 9, and 11 are almost entirely heterochromatic and large darkly staining chromomeres are present on both arms of chromosome 8. Figure 4.2 shows the pachytene chromosome complement of rice with distinguishing features of each chromosome. The ideogram of the 12 chromosomes is shown in Figure 4.3. Chromosome 1 is easiest to identify as it is the longest of the complement.

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups


Chromosomes 2 and 3 can be distinguished from others on the basis of their relative length and from each other on the basis of centromere position. Although similar in length, chromosome 2 is submetacentric and chromosome 3 is metacentric. Chromosome 4 is very easy to identify, as its short arm is very short and almost entirely dark staining except for one terminal chromomere, which stains lightly. Chromosomes 5 and 6 are quite similar in length and both are submetacentric. Therefore, they are difficult to distinguish from each other. However, the short arm of chromosome 6 is shorter than the short arm of chromosome 5 and has a dark staining chromomere in the terminal region. Chromosome 7 is submetacentric but chromosome 8 is metacentric. Moreover, chromosome 8 has darkly staining chromomeres throughout its length. Chromosome 9 is subtelocentric with a darkly staining short arm, which contains a nucleolar organizing region. Chromosome 10, which is frequently attached to the nucleolus in IR36, is submetacentric. Its short arm is considerably longer than the short arm of chromosome 9. The two shortest chromosomes (1 1 and 12) are submetacentric but can be distinguished from each other due to the fact that the entire short arm of chromosome 11 stains darkly (Fig. 4.3). Nishimuras chromosome numbering system Nishimura ( 1961) assigned numbers I to X11 to the rice chromosomes involved in translocations in the order in which the translocations were discovered. Thus, the two chromosomes involved in the first translocation were numbered I and II and the chromosomes involved in the second translocation were numbered 111 and IV. The Roman numerals were later changed to Arabic numerals. This system was arbitrary and was not based on the cytological identification of chromosomes. As discussed in a later section, Nishimuras numbering systems was used by several Japanese authors between 1975 and 1988 but has now been discarded in favor of numbering system based on the length of pachytene chromosomes. Marker genes Numerous marker genes affecting morphological, physiological, biochemical, disease, and insect reactions, abiotic stresses, and coloration of plant parts of rice have been assembled. Many of these were identified as naturally occurring variations of spontaneous origin in varietal populations; others were induced through mutagenic treatments. The morphological markers affecting various plant parts such as stems, leaves, panicles, florets, and kernels are easiest to identify and have been thoroughly investigated. The expression of physiological markers is influenced by environments; biochemical markers can be investigated only in the laboratory. Genes for disease and insect resistance can be identified only on the basis of tests using pathogens. As a result of painstaking studies by numerous rice geneticists over the last 75 years, inheritance of most of the marker genes has been investigated and many of them have been assigned to respective linkage groups.


Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita

Gene symbolization in rice In the absence of any rules for assigning genes symbols, different gene symbols were assigned to the same genes. As an example, gene symbols m, U, am, gl, g, and wx were assigned to the gene for glutinous endosperm (Kihara 1964). Similarly, the same gene symbols were assigned to designate entirely different genes. Gene symbol gl has been used to designate glutinous endosperm as well as glabrous leaves. Dr K Ramiah of India was the first geneticist to advocate the standardization of gene symbols in rice. Kadam and Ramiah (1943) published a review of the existing position with regard to the use of gene symbols. They suggested rules for gene symbolization wherein many conventions used in maize, cotton, and Drosophila were adopted. The recommended symbols, along with those used by various authors and relevant references, were given. These recommendations were accepted by scientists in some countries but not in others. Later, Nagao (1951) also proposed a partly modified system of gene symbolization. Gene symbolization was discussed by the International Rice Commission (IRC) Working Party on Rice Breeding at its Sixth Session in Penang, Malaysia in 1955. The Working Party suggested that a unified system of gene nomenclature be evolved and appointed a committee for that purpose with N E Jodon, USA, as convenor. In the meantime, the International Committee for Genetics Congress nominated a small committee to draft rules for genetic symbols and nomenclature for all organisms. The report of the International Committee was accepted by the Tenth International Genetics Congress held in Montreal, Canada in 1959. The report was timely as it provided guidelines for the rice committee in preparing rules for gene symbolization in rice and a list of suggested gene symbols. The report of the rice committee was accepted by the IRC Working Party on Rice Production and Protection in 1959 and published in the IRC Newsletter (IRC 1959). The rules for gene nomenclature and gene symbols were reviewed during the symposium on Rice Genetics and Cytogenetics held at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in 1963 and were accepted by the participants. Unfortunately, however, no mechanism existed for monitoring the gene symbols and few authors followed the rules. In order to promote cooperation and adoption of uniform gene symbols for rice in Japan, an interim committee of Japanese scientists was organized in 1979. The committee, the Japanese Committee on Rice Gene Nomenclature and Linkage Groups, was renamed as the Japanese Rice Genetics Information Committee in 1981. The committee did considerable groundwork in reviewing the IRC recommended gene symbols. On the basis of correspondence between IRRI scientists (M S Swaminathan and G S Khush) and officials of the Japanese Rice Genetics Information Committee (H I Oka, T Kinoshita, and Y Futsuhara), it was decided to publish an annual Rice Genetics Newsletter (RGN) for exchanging information among rice scientists, and to hold an International Rice Genetics Symposium. The first volume of RGN was published in 1984 and contained proposed rules for gene symbolization. The First International Rice Genetics Symposium was held at IRRI in 1985. Participants decided to organize the Rice Genetics Cooperative

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups


(RGC) to promote international cooperation in rice genetics and to publish RGN. One of the standing committees of RGC coordinates and monitors gene symbols. New gene symbols and revised linkage maps are published annually in RGN. Inheritance and linkage relations A detailed treatise on the inheritance of marker genes and their linkage relations is beyond the scope of this chapter. Table 4.2 lists the known marker genes for various characters along with their linkage group if known. Readers are referred to a complete compilation of references to each marker gene by Kinoshita ( 1984) and to RGN 6, pages 12-29.

Linkage groups
The first report of linkage in rice was by Parnell et al (1917). They reported linkage between black hull and colored internode. Yamaguchi (192 1, 1926) reported linkage between apiculus color and waxy endosperm and set up the socalled 'waxy' linkage group. Morinaga and Nagamatsu (1 942) found linkage between purple leaf, liguleless, and phenol staining reaction and established the 'purple leaf' linkage group. Ramiah and Rao (1953) summarized the available information on linkage between many markers. Jodon (1956) proposed seven linkage groups on the basis of information available up to that time. Nagao and Takahashi (1 963) proposed 12 linkage groups (I-XII)for the first time. The independence of some of the linkage groups was tested by Iwata and Omura (1975, 1976) through trisomic tests. Their work showed that markers nal-2, ri, and gl, belonging respectively to linkage group VI, IX, and XII, in fact belonged to the same chromosome. These results were confirmed by Khush et al (1 984) as these three genes showed trisomic inheritance with triplo 5. However, dominant gene Hg belonging to linkage group X11 was located to chromosome 3 through a trisomic test by Librojo and Khush (1986) and found to be closely linked to dl of linkage group XI (Khush and Singh 1986). It was therefore assigned to linkage group XI. Thus, linkage group XII was split and assigned to two other linkage groups. lwata and Omura (1975) and Khush et al (1984) assigned linkage groups V and VI1 to the same chromosome through trisomic tests. Thus, the number of linkage groups was reduced to nine. However, Iwata and Omura (1975, 1976) established two new linkage groups represented respectively by markers fgl and pgl and markers rl and spl-1. Another linkage group represented by su was established by lsono et al (1978), thereby leading to the establishment of 12 independent linkage groups for the first time. Many marker genes have been added to linkage groups by workers in different countries. Two Japanese research groups, one at Kyushu University and the other at Hokkaido University, have made major contributions in this area.


Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita

Table 4.2. Genes for various traits in rice, gene symbols, and their linkage groups.
Linkage group

Gene symbol

Marker gene

Genes for anthocyanin coloration

C A P Pr Ps1 Ps-2 PI Prp-a Prp -b Pn Pin-1 Chromogen Activator Purple color Purple lemma, palea Purple stigma-1 Purple stigma-2 Purple leaf blade Purple pericarp (complementary) Purple pericarp Purple pulvinus, collar, leaf margins Purple internode, leaf sheath, part of collar, and pulvinus 6

4 4 4 4 4 1 4

Inhibitors of anthocyanin coloration

I-PI-1 I-PI-2 I-PI-3 I-PI-4 I-PI-5 I-PI-6 I-Ps-a I-Ps-b Inhibitor of purple leaf-1 Inhibitor of purple leaf-2 Inhibitor of purple leaf-3 Inhibitor of purple pericarp-4 Inhibitor of purple pericarp-5 Inhibitor of purple leaf-6 Inhibitor of purple stigma (complementary) Inhibitor of purple stigma

5 6 6 1 9 4 6 5 2 2 7 1 4 6 5 5 1 4 5

Genes for coloration, other than anthocyanin

Bf I-Bf Bh-a Bh-b Bh-c gf gh- 1 gh-2 gh-3 Rc Rd Wh Brown furrows of hull Inhibitor of brown furrows Black hull (complementary genes) Black hull gold furrows of hull gold hull and internode-1 gold hull and internode-2 gold hull and internode-3 Brown pericarp Red pericarp White hull

Genes for chlorophyll aberrations

al-1 al-2

al-3 al-4


albino-1 (lethal) albino-2 (lethal) albino-3 (lethal) albino-4 (lethal) albino-5 (lethal) albino-6 (lethal)

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups

al-7 dl-8 al-9 al- 10 bgl chl-1 chl-2 chl-3 chl-4 chl-5 chl-6 chl-7 chl-8 chl-9 chl-10 fs-1 fs-2 fgl (fl) pgl rfs st- 1 (ws-1) st-2 (gw) st-3 (stl) st-4 (ws-2) st-5 v-1 v-1(t) v-2 v-3 v-4 v-5 V-6 v-7 V-8 v-9(t) v-10 (t) v- 11(t) ylb ylm ygl z-1 z-2 z-3 z-4 z-5 z-6 albino-7 (lethal) albino-8 (lethal) albino-9 (lethal) albino-10 (lethal) bright green leaf chlorina-1 chlorina-2 chlorina-3 chlorina-4 chlorina-5 chlorina-6 chlorina-7 chlorina-8 chlorina-9 chlorina-10 tine stripe-1 fine stripe-2 faded green leaf pale green leaf rolled fine striped leaf stripe-1 stripe-2 stripe-3 stripe-4 stripe-5 virescent-1 virescent-1 (t) virescent-2 virescent-3 virescent-4 virescent-5 virescent-6 virescent-7 virescent-8 virescent-9 virescent-1 0 virescent-1 1 yellow banded leaf blade yellow leaf margin yellow green leaf zebra-1 zebra-2 zebra-3 zebra-4 zebra-5 zebra-6 4 1 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 1 1 6 8 8 2 6 1 10 10 7 6 3 3 4 4 6 3 3 6 11 3 1 3 8 11 5 7 5 4 10 11 11 3 8 4 7


Genes for short stature d-1 d-2 d-3 daikoku dwarf ebisu dwarf bunketsu-waito 5 4 4

Table 4.2. (Continued)

Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita

Gene symbol d-4 d-5 d-6 d-7 d-9 d-10 d-11 (d-8) d-12 d-13 d-14 d-17 (t) d-18 h d-18 k d-19 d-20 d-21 d-22 (t) d-23 (t) d-24 (t) d-26 (t) d-27 (dt) d-28 (dc) d-29 (d-K-l) d-30 (dw) d-31 d-32(d-K-4) d-33(dB) d-35(t) d-37 d-38(dx) d-39 d-40 d-4 1 d-42ft) d-50(t) d-51(d-K-8) d-52(d-K-2) 0-53(D-K-3) d-54(d-K-5) d-55(d-K-6) d-56(d-K-7) d-57(dx) sd-1(d-47) sd-2 sd-3 sd-4

Marker gene tillering dwarf (triplicate genes) ebisumochi dwarf cleistogamous dwarf Chinese dwarf tillering dwarf (KiKeibanshinriki) norin 28 dwarf yukara dwarf short grained dwarf tillering dwarf (kamikawabunwai) slender dwarf akibare dwarf kotaketamanishiki dwarf kamikawa dwarf hayayuki dwarf aomorimochi-14 dwarf jokei 6549 dwarf ah-7 dwarf m-7 dwarf 7237 dwarf bunketsuto tillering dwarf long stemmed dwarf short uppermost internode dwarf waisei-shirasasa dwarf taichung 155 irradiated dwarf dwarf kyushu-4 bonsaito dwarf tanginbozu dwarf small seeded dwarf crinkling dwarf thickset dwarf grassy dwarf intermediate dwarf liguleless dwarf fukei 71 dwarf dwarf Kyushu-8 dwarf Kyushu-2 Dwarf Kyushu-3 dwarf Kyushu-5 dwarf Kyushu-6 dwarf Kyushu-7 Taiwan dwarf semi-dwarf-1(dee-geo-woo-gen) semi-dwarf-2 (CI 11 033) semi-dwarf-3 (CI 19858) semi-dwarf-4 (CI 11 034)

Linkage group 6 2 7 7 6 1 4 3 1 1 3 6 1 11 11 2 2 4 2 12 4 8 3 11 1 1 3 9 1 -

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups

sd-5 sd-6(t) sd-7(t) semi-dwarf-5 (Short Labelle) semi-dwarf-6 (R-34) semi-dwarf-7 (D56-31) -


Genes for awns and spikelets An- 1 An-2 An-3 An-4 aph bd-1 bd-2 clw da dp-1 dp-2 eg Fg g-1 Su-g-1 G-2 Hg lhs-1 lhs-2 lp-1 lp-2 mls-1 mls-2 mp-1 mp-2 tri sh-1 sh-2 Awned-1 Awned-2 Awned-3 Awned-4 Apiculus hair beaked lemma-1 (duplicate genes) beaked lemma-2 claw shaped spikelet double awns depressed palea-1 depressed palea-2 extra glume Fuzziness of hull long sterile lemmas-1 Inhibitor tor long sterile lemma-1 Long sterile lemma-2 Hairy glume leafy hull sterile-1 leafy hull sterile-2 long palea (duplicate) long palea malformed lemma (duplicate) malformed lemma multiple pistils-1 multiple pistils-2 triangular hull shattering spikelets-1 shattering spikelets-2 4 5 3 8 6 6 9 1 7 3 3 7 1 6 2 11 1 7 1 3 4 3 4 10 6 7 6 10

Genes for grain size and shape bk ge lgt Lk-f Ik-i Mi rk-1 rk-2 Un-a Un-b big grain giant embryo long twisted grain Fusayoshi long grain irat 13 long grain Minute grain round kernel-1 round kernel-2 Uneven grain (complementary)

Genes for endosperm traits ae-1 ae-2(t) aIk du-1 amylose extender-1 amylose extender-2 alkali degeneration dull endosperm-1

Table 4.2. (Continued)

Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita


Gene symbol du-2 du-3 du-4 du-5 esp- 1 esp- 2 esp-3 flo- 1 flo- 2 flo-3(t) Iam(t) shr-1 shr-2 sug wx Ph

Marker gene dull endosperm-2 dull endosperm-3 dull endosperm-4 dull endosperm-5 endosperm storage protein-1 endosperm storage protein-2 endosperm storage protein-3 floury endosperm-1 floury endosperm-2 floury endosperm-3(t) low amylose endosperm shrunken endosperm-1 shrunken endosperm-2 sugary endosperm glutinous endosperm Phenol staining

Linkage group 12 7 11 11 5 4 9 1 8 8 6 4

Genes for panicle characters Bp Cg Cl Scl Dn- 1 Dn-2 dn-3 lax Ihd nbs nl-1 nl-2 ri Shp-1 shp-2 Shp-3 Shp-4 sp spr-1 Spr-2 Ur-1 ur-2 Bulrush-like panicle Cigar shaped panicle Clusteredspikelets Superclustered spikelets Dense panicle-1 Dense panicle-2 dense panicle-3 lax panicle leafy head nonbearing of spikelets neckleaf-1 neck leaf-2 verticillate rachis Sheathedpanicle-1 sheathed panicle-2 Sheathed panicle-3 (complementary) Sheathed panicle-4 short panicle spreading panicle-I Spreadingpanicle-2 Undulaterachis-1 undulate rachis-2 9 6 9 1 5 5 5 7 5 3 11 4 6 8

Genes for culm characters er eui fc- 7 fc-2(f) erect growth habit elongated uppermose internode fine culm-1 fine culm-2(t) 5 5 3 6

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups

la rcn-1 rcn-2 ts-a ts-b lazy growth habit reduced culm number-1 reduced culm number-2 twisted stem (complementary) twisted stem auricleless leaf droopy leaf dripping wet leaf-1 dripping wet leaf-2 dripping wet leaf-3 dripping wet leaf-4 dripping wet leaf-5 dripping wet leaf-6 dripping wet leaf-7 dripping wet leaf-8 glabrous leaf-1 glabrous leaf-2 Hairy leaf (complementary) Hairy leaf liguleless leai narrow leaf-1 narrow leaf-2 narrow leaf-3 narrow leaf-4 narrow leaf-5 Narrow leaf-6 rolled leaf-1 rolled leaf-2 rolled leaf-3 rolled leaf-3 rolled leaf-5 rolled leaf-6 brittle culm-1 brittle culm-2 brittle culm-3 brittle culm-4 brown leaf spot-1 brown leaf spot-2 brown leaf spot-3 brown leaf spot-3 brown leaf spot-5 brown leaf spot-6 spotted leaf-1 spotted leaf-2 spotted leaf-3 spotted leaf-4 spotted leaf-3 11 6 3 1 -


Genes for leaf characters aul dl drp-1 drp -2 drp-3 drp-4 drp-5(t) drp-6(t) drp-7(t) drp-8(t) gl-1 gl-2 H1-a H1-0 lg nal-1 nal-2 nal-3 nal-4 nal-5 Nal-6(t) rl-1 rl-2 rl-3 rl-4 rl-5 rl-6(t) 4 3 3 9 3 3 4 6 11 4 3 6 4 3 11 12 3 3 3 1 3 12 1 3 -

Genes for physiological traits bc-1 bc-2 bc-3 bc-4 bl-1 bl-2 bl-3 bl-4 bl-5 bl-6 spl- 1(sl) spl-2 spl-3 spl-4 spl-5 3 2 6 2 6 6 3 12 2 3 6 7

Table 4.2. (Continued)

Gurdev S Khush and Tushiro Kinoshita

Gene symbol spI-6 spl-7 spl-8 spl-9 ysl zn

Marker gene spotted spotted spotted spotted leaf-6 leaf-7 leaf-8 leaf-9

Linkage group 1 5 5 6

yellow leaf spot zebra necrosis

Genes for duration to heading Ef-1 m-Ef-1 E-1 E-2 E-3 If-1 If-2 Se-1 i-Se-1 se-2 Se-3(t) Earliness-1 modifier for earliness-1 Heading date-1 Heading date-2 Heading date-3 late flowering-1 late flowering-2 Photosensitivity-1 inhibitor for Photoperiod-sensitivity photosensitivity-2 Photosensitivity-3 10 7 6 7 -

Genes affecting reproductive traits cps ops ds ms-1 ms-2 ms-3 ms-4 ms-5 ms-6 ms-7 ms-8 ms-9 ms-10 ms-11 ms-12 ms-13 ms-14 ms-15 ms-16 ms-17 ga-1 ga-2 ga-3 ga-4 ga-5 compact panicle sterile open hull sterile desynapsis male sterile-1 male sterile-2 male sterile-3 male sterile-4 male sterile-5 male sterile-6 male sterile-7 male sterile-8 male sterile-9 male sterile-10 male sterile-11 male sterile-12 male sterile-13 male sterile-14 male sterile-15 male sterile-16 male sterile-17 gametophyte gene-1 gametophyte gene-2 gametophyte gene-3 gametophyte gene-4 gametophyte gene-5 5 6 3 7 6 9 5 2 6 3 3 6 6

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups

ga-6 ga-7 ga-8 ga-9 ga-10(t) gametophyte gametophyte gametophyte gametophyte gametophyte gene-6 gene-7 gene-8 gene-9 gene-10 4 1 1 1 4


Genes for fertility restoration

Rf- 1 Rf- 2 Rf-a, b, c, Rf-j

Pollen Pollen Pollen Pollen

fertility restoration-1 fertility restoration-2 fertility restoration (complementary genes) fertility restoration-j

10 11 2 11 6 11 9 6 4 4 11 11 5 11 4 5 4 6 8 -

Genes for disease resistance

Ce-1 Ce- 2 He Pi-a Pi-b Pi-f Pi-i Pi-k Pi-sh Pi-t Pi-ta Pi-z Xa-1 Xa -2 Xa-3 Xa-4 Xa-5 Xa -7 Xa-8 xa- 10 Xa-1 1 Xa-12 Xa-13 Xa- 14 Xa- 15 Xa-16 Xa- 17 Bsv Gsv Hbv Stv-a Stv-b Ydv

Cercospora resistance-1 Cercospora resistance-2 Helminthosporium resistance Piricularia resistance-a Piricularia resistance-b Piricularia resistance-f Piricularia resistance-i Piricularia resistance-k Piricularia resistance-sh Piricularia resistance-t Piricularia resistance-ta Piricularia resistance-z Bacterial blight resistance-1 Bacterial blight resistance-2 Bacterial blight resistance-3 Bacterial blight resistance-4 bacterial blight resistance-5 Bacterial blight resistance-? bacterial blight resistance-8 Bacterial blight resistance-1 0 Bacterial blight resistance-1 1 Bacterial blight resistance-1 2 bacterial blight resistance-1 3 Bacterial blight resistance-1 4 Bacterial blight resistance-1 5 bacterial blight resistance-1 6 Bacterial blight resistance-1 7 Black streaked virus resistance Grassy stunt virus resistance Hoja blanca virus resistance Stripe virus resistance-a (cornplementary) Stripe virus resistance-b Yellow dwarf virus resistance

Genes for insect resistance

Bph- 1 bph-2 Bph-3

Brown planthopper resistance-1 brown planthopper resistance-2 Brown planthopper resistance-3

4 4 10


Table 4.2. (Continued)

Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita

Linkage Gene symbol bph-4 bph-5 Bph-6 bph-7 bph-8 Bph-9 I-Bph-7 Glh-1 Glh-2 Glh-3 glh-4 Glh-5 Glh-6 Glh-7 Gm-7 Gm-2 gm-3 Wph-1 Wph-2 Wph-3 wph-4 Wph-5 Zlh-1 Zlh-2 Zlh-3 Genes for isozymes Acp-7 Acp-2 Acp-3 Acp-4 Adh-1 Adh-2 Amp-1 Amp-2 Amp-3 Amp-4 Cat-1 Dia-1(t) Dia-2(t) Enp-1 Est-1 Est-2 Est-3 Est-4 Est-5 Acid phosphatase-1 Acid phosphatase-2 Acid phosphatase-3 Acid phosphatase-4 Alcohol dehydrogenase-1 Alcohol dehydrogenase-2 Aminopeptidase-1 Aminopeptidase-2 Aminopeptidase-3 Aminopeptidase-4 Catalase-1 Diaphorase-1 Diaphorase-2 Endopeptidase-1 Esterase-1 Esterase-2 Esterase-3 Esterase-4 Esterase-5 12 12 7 11 2 8 6 8 6 6 7 6 9 Marker gene brown planthopper resistance-4 brown planthopper resistance-5 Brown planthopper resistance-6 brown planthopper resistance-7 brown planthopper resistance-8 Brown planthopper resistance-9 Inhibitor for Bph-1 Green leafhopper resistance-1 Green leafhopper resistance-2 Green leafhopper resistance-3 green leafhopper resistance-4 Green leafhopper resistance-5 Green leafhopper resistance-6 Green leafhopper resistance-7 Gall midge resistance-1 Gall midge resistance-2 gall midge resistance-3 Whitebacked planthopper res-1 Whitebacked planthopper res-2 Whitebacked planthopper res-3 whitebacked planthopper res-4 Whitebacked planthopper res-5 Zigzag leafhopper resistance-I Zigzag leafhopper resistance-2 Zigzag leafhopper resistance-3 group 10 10 -

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Group

Est-6 Est-7 Est-8 Est-9 Fdp-1 Gdh-1 Got-1 Got-2 Got-3 G6pd- 1 Icd-1 Mal-1 Mdh-1 Pgd-1 Pgd-2 Pgi-1 Pgi-2 Pgi-3 Pox- 1 Pox-2 Pox-3 Pox-4 Pox-5 Sdh-1 Sud-1(t) Sud-2(t) Sud-3(t) Tpi-1(t) Xdh-1(t) Esterase-6 Esterase-7 Esterase-8 Esterase-9 Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase Glutamate dehydrogenase-1 Aspartate aminotransferase-1 Aspartate aminotransferase-2 Aspartate aminotransferase-3 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 Malic enzyme-1 Malate dehydrogenase-1 Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-1 Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-2 Phosphoglucose isomerase-1 Phosphoglucose isomerase-2 Phosphoglucose isomerase-3 Peroxidase-1 Peroxidase-2 Peroxidase-3 Peroxidase-4 Peroxidase-3 Shikimate dehydrogenase-1 Succinate dehydrogenase-1 Succinate dehydrogenase-2 Succinate dehydrogenase-3 Triose phosphate isomerase Xanthine dehydrogenase -


11 3 1 6 2 1

11 6 3 6 5 12 7 7 7 6 12 -

Association of linkage groups with respective chromosomes In diploid species, associations between linkgae groups and respective chromosomes can be determined through the use of primary trisomics, translocations, or deficiencies. Iwata and Omua (1971a) studied the segregation of 21 marker genes belonging to six linkage groups in crosses involving 29 reciprocal translocations. Associations between six linkage groups and six chromosomes - of Nishimura's (1961) designation - involved in the translocation were found. Similarly, Iwata and Omurn (1971b) investigated the segregation of 13 markers in crosses with 19 reciprocal translocations and found associations between markers belonging to four linkage groups and four chromosomes. Thus, associations between 10 linkage groups and 10 chromosomes of Nishimura's designation were determined. However, due to the arbitrary nature of Nishimura's chromosome numbering system, these results were of limited value. Primary trisomics of rice have been produced by several authors (Ramanujam 1937, Yunoki and Masuyama, 1945, Karibasappa 1961, Katayama 1963, Sen


Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita

1965, Hu 1968, Iwata et al 1970,1984a, Watanabe and Koga 1975, Khush et al 1984, Misra et al 1986). However, only two series of primary trisomics, those of Kyushu University, Japan, produced by N lwata and colleagues in Nipponbare and those of IRRI produced by G S Khush and colleagues in IR36 have been employed in associating linkage groups with respective chromosomes. lwata and Omura (1975) crossed 22 marker genes belonging to 12 linkage groups of Nagao and Takahashi (1963) with eight primary trisomics. Eight additional marker genes were also crossed with these trisomics. On the basis of F2 segregation of these markers in trisomic progenies, association between five linkage groups and five trisomics were found. In addition, some new markers were associated with two trisomics. Additional associations were found between trisomics and marker genes by Iwata and Omura (1976) and lwata et al (1984a, b). By 1984, Iwata and colleagues had identified all the primary trisomics of rice and found associations between all the trisomics and marker genes. Initially, the extra chromosomes of the trisomics were identified following Nishimuras designations. However, Kurata et al (1981a) identified the extra chromosomes of Nipponbare trisomics following the numbering system proposed by Kurata and Omura (1978), which is based on the length of somatic prometaphase chromosomes. Thus, the linkage groups could be matched with the cytologically identifiable somatic chromosomes (Iwata 1986). Primary trisomics were established at IRRI in 1969 (Khush et al 1984). The extra chromosomes of these trisomics were identified at the pachytene stage of meiosis following the chromosome numbering system proposed by Shastry et al (1960). Thus, the trisomic for chromosome 1 (longest chromosome) was designated as triplo 1 and so on. Between 1970 and 1982, 22 marker genes belonging to 12 linkage groups were crossed with 12 trisomics and F2 populations originating from trisomic F1 plants were examined for segregation of marker genes. Of a possible 264 combinations, involving 22 genes and 12 trisomics, 120 were examined. Trisomic segregations were observed for 18 genes and each trisomic showed trisomic segregation for at least one gene. Thus, the associations were determined between the 12 linkage groups and 12 cytologically identifiable pachytene chromosomes (Khush et al 1984). When the chromosome-linkage group associations determined by Iwata et al (1984a) and Khush et al (1984) in independent studies were compared, the results did not agree for some of the chromosome-linkage group associations (Table 4.3). Towards a unified system of numbering rice chromosome and linkage groups During the first International Rice Genetics Symposium, a committee under the chairmanship of Professor Charles M Rick of University of California, Davis, recommended that the chromosome numbering system based on the length of pachytene chromosomes as proposed by Shastry et al (1 960) be followed. This recommendation was accepted by RGC. RGC also recommended that extra chromosomes of the trisomics of IR36 be reexamined to remove the discrepancies between the results of Iwata et al (1984a) and Khush et al (1984). Conse-

Table 4.3. Relationships between various systems of numbering chromosomes, trisomics, linkage groups, and new linkage group designations. Chromosomes Shastry et al (1960) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a a

Trisomics Nishimura (1961) 3 8 5 11 2 6 10 12 1 7 9 4 Iwata et al (1984a) O N M E L B F D H C G A Khush et al (1984) b 1 2 4 12 5 3 7 8 9 10 11 h

Linkage groups Nagao and Takahashi (1963) Ill X XI+XII (Hg) II Vl+lX+Xll (gl) I IV su V+VII fgl Vlll d-33

Kurata and Omura (1978) K1 K2 K3 K4 K9 K6 K11 K7 K10 K12 K8 K5

New linkage group designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

This system of numbering rice chromosomes was accepted by the Rice Genetics Cooperative in 1985. Trisomic numbers 4, 12, 3, and 6 in the table above have now been redesignated as trlplo 3, 4, 6, and 12 respectively, to correspond to the extra chromosome.

Fig. 4.4. Linkage map of rice.

Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups


quently, R J Singh (representing the IRRI group) and Nori Kurata (representing the University of Kyushu group) met in June 1986 at IRRI and examined the extra chromosomes of IR36 trisomics. Identifications of extra chromosomes of six trisomics were confirmed. The remaining six trisomics were examined by Kurata (1988) and Wu and Chung (1988). On the basis of these results, and discussions during several meetings, it was decided to change the designations of four trisomics of IR36. Thus, triplo 4 was redesignated as triplo 3, triplo 3 as triplo 6, triplo 6 as triplo 12, and triplo 12 as triplo 4. The identifications of the remaining eight trisomics were confirmed. These recommendations were accepted by RGC and approved by the participants of the Second International Rice Genetics Symposium held at IRRI in 1990. The agreed system of numbering rice chromosomes and linkage groups is shown in Table 4.3. From now on, the linkage group corresponding to chromosome 1 will be designated as linkage group 1 and that corresponding to chromosome 2 as linkage group 2 and so on. The latest chromosome map of rice is shown in Figure 4.4.

Future challenges
Thanks to the efforts of RGC, there is an internationally accepted system of numbering rice chromosomes and linkage groups. Rules for gene symbolization have been prepared (Rice Genetics Newsletter 1:2-3) and the new gene symbols are being constantly monitored. The seeds of marker genes are being preserved at two gene stock centers. The Rice Genetics Newsletter is published annually to exchange information on rice genetics. All these developments are conducive for international cooperation in rice genetics. We need to intensify cooperative efforts to locate the unlocated genes to respective chromosomes and map those which have been assigned to the linkage groups. Some of the linkage groups (8, 9, 10, and 12) are still sparsely populated with marker genes. Efforts should be made to find additional markers for these linkage groups. The positions of centromeres on the linkage maps and the orientations of linkage groups are still not known. For this purpose, we need a series of secondary, tertiary, or telotrisomics. Further delimitation of genes to specific chromosome segments may be possible through radiation-induced deficiencies (Khush and Rick 1968). Many biochemical and molecular markers (isozymes and RFLPs) have recently been identified. These markers are of great value in rice improvement. Of the 48 known isozyme markers, 33 have been located to nine of the 12 linkage groups (Ranjhan et al 1988; Wu et al 1988; Pham et a1 1990; Brar et al 1991). However, the linkage relations of most of the isozyme markers with morphological markers are still not known. The first RFLP map, consisting of 120 markers, was prepared by McCouch et al (1988). It has now been expanded to include 230 markers (see McCouch and Tanksley this volume). Efforts are under way to populate the RFLP map with at


Gurdev S Khush and Toshiro Kinoshita

least 1,000 markers and to locate genes governing complex traits of economic importance such as drought and salinity tolerance and the ability to stimulate nitrogen fixation via linkage with RFLP markers. An KFLP map of rice is also under preparation in Japan. Continued efforts are needed to integrate all existing markers into one unified, densely populated map.

References cited
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Rice Karyotype, Marker Genes, and Linkage Groups


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Development and Use of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism in Rice Breeding and Genetics
S R McCouchl and S D Tanksley 2
1 2

International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines Department of Plant Breeding and Biometry, Cornell University, USA

What is RFLP? RFLP map construction Library construction Plant material Linkage analysis Molecular genetic analysis in plant breeding Evaluation of genetic variability and genetic relationships Organellar genome analysis Gene-tagging Marker-aided selection Map-based gene cloning Current status of the rice RFLP map Evaluation of genetic diversity among rice accessions A gene-tagging experiment Conclusions

Rice is rapidly emerging as the monocot of choice for many types of genetic and molecular studies. This is because of a combination of factors, including the fact that rice is diploid (2 n = 34), has a relatively small genome (C = 0.6 pg), can be regenerated from protoplasts, and can be transformed by exogenous DNA (Bennett and Smith 1976, Chapters 6, 7, and 8, this volume). A vast reservoir of germplasm of both domesticated and wild rices is maintained by rice researchers worldwide. In addition, rice is the worlds most important food crop - the primary or secondary staple for more than half the population (Coffman and Juliano 1987). The recent construction of linkage maps of rice based on isozymes and DNA markers (McCouch et al 1988, Ranjhan et a1 1988, Wu et al 1988, Kishimoto et


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al 1989, Pham et al 1990) have complemented classical linkage maps based on morphological markers. Maps based on molecular markers have inherent advantages over classical maps, and promise to provide new opportunities for applications in genetics and breeding. Molecular markers are discrete, codominant, nondeleterious characters that are unaffected by environment and free of epistatic interactions (Beckman and Soller 1986, Tanksley et al 1989). Isozyme and DNA markers are useful in similar ways but isozymes are limited by the number of loci detectable. DNA markers, on the other hand, are unlimited in number, allowing saturated coverage of the genome. Molecular markers are used to address questions regarding genetic diversity, classification, and phylogeny relevant to germplasm management, and as a tool in breeding and selection, by tagging genes and manipulating useful agronomic traits. Ultimately, mapped DNA markers provide a way to clone genes of interest when the product of those genes is unknown. In this chapter, we briefly describe the techniques associated with detecting restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), followed by a discussion of RFLP map construction and applications of molecular genetic analysis in plant breeding. The second section of the chapter is devoted to a description of our efforts to construct a saturated RFLP map of rice, and to use that map to evaluate genetic variability and to tag genes for insect and disease resistance.

What is RFLP?
RFLP is the result of differences in the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA of different plants. These differences are the result of mutations occurring over time and are detected as variations (polymorphism) in the length of restriction fragments. RFLP analysis involves several steps. When DNA is extracted from plant tissue, it is digested with restriction enzymes, size-fractionated on a gel using electrophoresis, and then transferred to a hybridization membrane (filter) in a single-stranded form. Cloned sequences of DNA (probes) are labeled (usually with 32 P, but nonradioactive labeling techniques are becoming more refined) and, under appropriate conditions, the labeled single-stranded probe hybridizes to its single-stranded DNA counterpart on the filter. Unhybridized probe is then washed off, and the filter exposed to X-ray film to obtain an autoradiogram. The bands visible on an autoradiogram represent the restriction fragments in the digested plant DNA that contain the sequence homologous to the cloned sequence used as a probe. When the size of fragments hybridizing to the probe is different in the individuals being examined, a polymorphism exists. Fragment sizes at particular sites will differ among individuals either because of base substitutions that result in the addition or the deletion of an enzyme's cutting site, or because of the insertion or deletion of a portion of DNA bracketed by, or overlapping, the cutting sites (Fig. 5.1).

Development and Use of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism


Fig. 5.1. Two ways in which RFLP ran be generated. Arrows represent restriction sites along a chromosome of plant A or plant B. The solid rectangle represents the probe. Base pair substitution causes the loss or gain of a restrictlon site, resulting in restriction fragment length polymorphism between A and B, as can be seen in the autoradiogram in Figure 5.2. An insertion or deletion event causes similar changes in the length of the fragment hybridizing to the probe, as long as the event occurs within the area bracketed by the restriction sites.

RFLP map construction

DNA markers are obtained by cloning small pieces of plant DNA (Maniatis et al 1982). Collections (often millions) of cloned sequences (libraries) are characterized and used in a variety of ways. Library construction When total DNA has been isolated from a plant and used to construct a library, it is referred to as a genomic library. When mRNA has been isolated from plant tissues, it may be used to construct a complementary DNA (cDNA) library, which then consists exclusively of transcribed sequences. Libraries can also be made from organellar genomes. For mapping purposes, unique sequences, i.e. those that occur at a single site in the genome, are the most useful. Attempts to construct libraries that are enriched for these single-copy sequences facilitate mapping endeavors. Use of a methylation-sensitive enzyme, Pst I, to construct a genomic library of rice has proved less efficient at enriching for single- and low-copy sequences (McCouch et al 1988) than the same strategy in tomato and maize (Tanksley et al 1987, Burr et al 1988). Construction of a cDNA library is another way of obtaining a high proportion of single- or low-copy-number sequences in a library, because


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repeated sequences are generally not transcribed. This approach is being used in rice mapping efforts in our laboratory.

Plant material
One of the most important factors determining the success of an RFLP mapping (or tagging) project is the choice of parental material. First, it is essential that the parents for a mapping population be sufficiently distinct at the DNA level so that RFLP can be readily detected. However, a limitation on genetic diversity is imposed by the requirement for sexual compatibility between the parents. Second, different types and sizes of segregating populations can be constructed, depending on the objectives of the project and the nature of the parental material selected. Third, the possibility of combining morphological with molecular scoring of the segregating population offers the opportunity of linking morphological characters with molecular markers on one map. The choice of parents should be made with this possibility in mind, and extra thought given to the requirement for coordination of field and laboratory work. The degree of polymorphism in many inbred plant species, such as rice, tends to be lower than in many outcrossing species, such as maize, and thus a genetically more divergent set of parents may prove helpful in mapping projects on inbred crops. In cultivated rice ( O. sativa ), crosses between indicas and japonicas offer the likelihood of obtaining sufficient genetic variation, while at the same time avoiding the fertility barriers encountered in some interspecific crosses. However, the use of an interspecific cross, where possible, promises to substantially increase the level of polymorphism. The ability to construct an F2 progeny with relative ease in an inbred crop is an advantage, because the F2 is the most efficient population structure for mapping purposes. However, a backcross population serves the same purpose, although requiring a larger population size in order to achieve the same level of resolution in linkage analysis (Tanksley et a1 1987). For most crops, including rice, both of these types of populations suffer from the disadvantage that they are transient in nature and provide a limited amount of tissue for DNA extraction unless individual genotypes can be kept alive by vegetative propagation. Alternatives to these short-lived populations are inbred populations of either doubled haploids (Guiderdoni et a1 1990) or recombinant inbreds (Burr et a1 1988), which can be reproduced by seed. The versatility of these populations makes them attractive. Seeds can be distributed to workers in other laboratories and in other parts of the world, and populations can be grown repeatedly in many different environments, greatly facilitating the addition of both DNA markers and genetic loci controlling traits of agronomic interest.

Linkage analysis
Linkage analysis is performed on a segregating population in the same way for molecular markers as for morphological markers - according to the laws of Mendelian genetics. Polymorphism detected in the parents is scored in the progeny (Fig. 5.2). Recombination values are calculated for pairs of markers,

Development and Use of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism


Fig. 5.2. (a) Autoradiogram derived from hybridizing a single-copu clone, RG157, onto DNA from IR34583 (indica) and Bulu Dalam (javanica). Indica and javanica DNA was digested with the restriction enzymes Hind III, Dra I, Eco RV, and Eco RI, run out on an agarose gel, blotted and probed as described in McCouch et al (1988). For each enzyme, left lane = indica DNA, right lane = javanica DNA. For this probe, Hind III and Dra I detected polymorphism and Dra l was subsequently used to map the clone. (b) Autoradiogram from F2 segregation probed with RG157 (strong signal) and RC156 (faint signal). Scores (1 = javanica homozygote, 2 = heterozygote, 3 = indica homozygote) demonstrate linkage between RL157 and RG25 (not hybridized on this autoradiogram) and independence of RG156.

which deviate from independent assortment using maximum likelihood algorithms (Allard 1956) or multipoint analysis as described in Lander et al (1987). The framework RFLP map for rice constructed in our laboratory is shown in Figure 5.3. Once a molecular linkage map has been constructed, many useful applications can be considered in a plant breeding context. The map itself provides an ordered array of markers whose location in the genome is known. This information can make many types of genetic evaluation more efficient than when working with a random assortment of unmapped markers. X variety of approaches to molecular genetic evaluation are available and have been applied to rice.

Development and Use of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism


Molecular genetic analysis in plant breeding The use of molecular techniques provides a high-resolution view of genetic differences among individual plants, which can be used to address many questions relevant to plant systematics and breeding. Both the products and the processes of evolution and of human selection can be examined on the basis of molecular data.

Evaluation of genetic variability and genetic relationships

Variation within and between populations or individuals is assessed both at the isozyme and at the RFLP level on the basis of presence or absence of visible bands on a gel or on an autoradiogram. In phylogenetic studies, aimed at inferring evolutionary relationships among accessions or species of plants, molecular data can complement observations based on traditional techniques, and help clarify taxonomic relationships. Molecular data have provided consistent results in rice, whether based on analysis of cpDNA, isozymes, or RFLPs, and tends to support classification based on morphology, cytology, breeding behavior, and ecological distribution (Second 1982, 1985, Pental and Barnes 1985, lshii et al 1986, Glaszmann 1987, Dally and Second 1988, 1990, Wang and Tanksley 1989, Wang et a1 1991). Certain techniques may be preferred over others but, in general, because molecular analysis is independent of environment and ontogeny, its use allows greater flexibility in the production of plant material for taxonomic assessment. This and other advantages make it particularly attractive in the efficient management of germplasm collections. At the DNA level, variation (i.e. polymorphism) in noncoding as well as coding regions of the genome can be detected and used to help assess genetic variability. Examining many independent, polymorphic loci (which is possible with RFLP markers) increases the confidence and power of statistical measures that are required in phylogenetic studies. The use of DNA markers: (i) allows increased numbers of loci to be analyzed in 3 single individual or population; (ii) eliminates the bias toward sampling only areas of the genome that have phenotypic consequences for the organism, providing a degree of randomness of surveyed loci; and (iii) guarantees the genomic distribution of sampled loci, assuring coverage of the genome, if an array of mapped markers is available. Together, these features offer a degree of resolution previously unavailable to geneticists, for whom decisions about what to keep and what to discard in large collections, and how to select specimens for core collections, is becoming a burdensome responsibility. Singly or in groups, DNA markers are capable of producing unique patterns on an autoradiogram when used to probe individual genotypes (Dallas 1988, Wang and Tanksley 1989). These patterns, whether they are generated by hybridization with single-copy, multiple-copy, or repeated-sequence clones, are referred to as genetic fingerprints. They are useful in line identification, determination of pedigrees, plant variety protection, and patenting (Helentjaris et a1 1985, Gusella 1987, Smith and Smith 1989, Tanksley et a1 1989). They are also helpful


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in identifying somaclonal variants coming out of tissue culture (Dallas 1988, Brown et al 1990). Of particular interest in rice systematics is the rapid identification of different genomes or groups of species that contribute to the range of wild and cultivated species conserved in germplasm collections. Wild species are increasingly the source of many important traits in rice breeding, specifically disease and insect resistance, and cytoplasmic male sterility (which has been essential in the development of the hybrid rice industry in China). Because of the difficulty of accurately identifying the different taxonomic groups based on cytological observation, the availability of genome- or species-specific molecular markers would facilitate clarification of relationships among accessions. Some successes have been reported in the search for genome-specific probes among repeated, nuclear-derived sequences of DNA (Zhao et al 1989, Cordesse et al 1990, J Dallas, University of Missouri, USA, 1990, pers. comm., G Kochert, University of Georgia, USA, 1990, pers. comm.). The sequences reported so far include both tandem and interspersed repeats, and distinguish genomes, or groups of species, either by the clear-cut presence or absence of hybridization following Southern analysis, or by the different intensity of hybridization, indicating differences in copy number. Because about 50% of the rice genome is made up of repeated sequences, characterization of this fraction of the DNA is of interest in understanding genome evolution, as well as in generating probes of utility in rice germplasm identification. Organellar genome analysis Analysis of organellar genomes offers a technically more straightforward approach that does not require radioactive labeling or Southern analysis. Digestion of mitochondrial or chloroplast DNA with a variety of restriction enzymes allows visualization (following electrophoresis) of many scorable bands directly on an agarose gel (Ishii et al 1986, 1988, Dally and Second 1988, 1990). Studies of cpDNA variation using this technique have offered insights into the phylogenetic relationships among Oryza species that agree with those based on nuclear-derived markers. The direct application of this approach in plant improvement is relevant to cytoplasmically encoded characters, such as cytoplasmic male sterility, important in the production of hybrid rice, and in attempts to increase the level of cytoplasmic diversity in cultivated germplasm (Hargrove et al 1988). However, because of the conserved nature of the chloroplast genome, it is difficult to distinguish more closely related materials. As a result, use of organellar genome analysis has been restricted largely to interspecific studies. Gene-tagging The process of locating genes of importance via linkage to RFLP or isozyme markers is referred to as gene-tagging. Tagging projects are a prerequisite to the use of marker-based selection schemes, and to cloning genes of interest. The information that emerges from tagging projects includes: (i) the number of genes

Development and Use of Restriction Fragment lenght Polymorphism


controlling a phenotypic character of interest; (ii) the map location of those genes; and (iii) in the case of quantitative characters, the relative size of the contribution to trait expression (phenotype) of each. In plants, a number of reports of successful gene-tagging and monitoring of inheritance of both monogenic and polygenic characters in maize, tomato, and lettuce are available (Edwards et al 1987, Landry et al 1987, Burr et al 1988, Paterson et al 1988, Gupta et al 1989). The ability to detect tight linkage between markers and genes of interest depends on: (i) the number of mapped markers that is available for a given species (i.e. the saturation level of the map); and (ii) the level of polymorphism detectable by those markers in the plant material used in the tagging project. Tagging is more reliable when the genetic distance between a marker and the target gene is small because the probability of a crossover event separating a marker from the locus governing the trait diminishes with decreasing distance. The use of flanking markers, rather than a single marker linked to a target gene, is also recommended because the probability of two crossover events occurring to separate both flanking markers from the gene of interest is low (Tanksley 1983). Two approaches are commonly used in gene-tagging experiments. One depends upon the availability of isolines and is useful in tagging single genes, such as those conferring disease and insect resistance. This approach is discussed later in this chapter. The second approach is based directly on a segregating population. The population must: (i) segregate for the trait(s) of interest; and (ii) segregate for enough molecular markers to have a reasonable probability of detecting linkage with the genes for the trait of interest, no matter where they are located in the genome. Use of populations that segregate for several traits allows for simultaneous tagging of genes for each of the characters, whether monogenic or polygenic. Gene-tagging using such populations involves scoring individual segregants for the phenotypic character, or characters, of interest and for molecular markers dispersed throughout the genome. Linkage analysis on the combined phenotypic and molecular data determines the map position of the loci controlling the phenotype, or phenotypes, of interest. Most of the characters that plant breeders are concerned with are polygenically controlled. Before the advent of molecular markers, characterization of the genetic factors associated with quantitative traits was accomplished with the aid of classic biometrical procedures. Mapped molecular markers provide the geneticist with powerful new tools for identifying the component Mendelian loci of these complexly inherited traits. The number and chromosomal locations of the genetic factors involved in the expression of these traits, as well a5 the relative size of the contribution made by each locus to trait expression (phenotype), can be determined (Paterson et al 1988, Martin et al 1989). Although verification of linkage with quantitative trait loci is more laborious and time-consuming than for single gene characters, the payoffs are potentially greater. Some traits, such as tolerance for a variety of environmental stresses, including drought, salt, and mineral deficiencies or toxicities, rank as important targets for molecular markerbased selection in rice breeding because they are often prohibitively difficult to screen using classical selection techniques.


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When dealing with quantitative characters, especially those of low heritability, it is important that phenotypic evaluation be replicated in order to accurately distinguish genetic variation from environmental factors associated with phenotype. Replication in different environments also allows evaluation of genotype (or locus) by environment interaction. Ideally, replication can be accomplished using identical genotypes, based on either vegetative multiplication of a segregating population, or on inbred populations such as doubled haploids or recombinant inbreds. Where none of these are available, F3 families offer a solution to the requirement for replication (Burr et al 1988, Cowen 1988, Lander and Botstein 1988). A variety of approaches to linkage analysis for quantitative trait loci (QTL) are also available (Lander and Botstein 1988, Paterson et al 1988, Romero-Severson et al 1989). Carefully designed and well-executed tagging projects promise not only to offer new insights into the genetics of many agriculturally important, and often complex, traits, but also to provide a variety of new tools that can be tested in breeding programs for years to come.

Marker-aided selection
Marker-aided selection in a plant breeding context involves scoring indirectly for the presence, or absence, of a desired plant phenotype or phenotypic component based on the banding patterns of linked molecular markers. This involves assaying an individual plants DNA for the presence or absence of bands of appropriate molecular weight on a gel or an autoradiogram. The banding pattern of the molecular marker at a given locus is indicative of the presence or absence of a specific chromosomal segment, which carries the desired gene or allele, previously identified with the phenotype of interest. Marker-aided selection, based on RFLP-tagged QTLs, permits rapid identification of individuals that contain complementary parts of a complex character. Such individuals often defy accurate phenotypic identification because of the complex gene interaction that may govern the trait of interest. Following meiosis in a heterozygote, the set or package of alleles that governs a complex trait is broken up. Desirable alleles are dispersed among the segregating progeny, and the effects of some genes may be masked in the presence or absence of others because of epistatic interactions that govern their expression. When molecular markers linked to those genes (QTLs) have been identified, the opportunity to monitor the presence or absence of each QTL in individual plants is useful in determining which individuals should be crossed in future generations in order to produce a recombinant of interest. The level of resolution afforded by using marker-aided selection in a case such as the one described above can reduce population size and generation time because a breeder does not have to wait for an identifiable phenotype to occur in order to be able to identify promising selections. DNA markers can increase screening efficiency in breeding programs in a number of other ways. For example, they provide: (i) the ability to screen in the seedling stage for traits that are expressed late in the life of a plant (i.e. grain or fruit quality, male sterility, photoperiod sensitivity): (ii) the ability to screen for

Development and Use of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism


traits that are extremely difficult, expensive, or time-consuming to score phenotypically (i.e. root morphology, resistance to quarantined pests or to specific races or biotypes of diseases or insects, tolerance for certain abiotic stresses such as drought, salt, or mineral deficiencies or toxicities); (iii) the ability to distinguish the homozygous versus heterozygous condition of many loci in a single generation without the need for progeny testing (since molecular markers are codominant); and (iv) the ability to perform simultaneous marker-aided selection for several characters at one time. In some cases, simultaneous marker-aided selection could offer an opportunity to screen for a character, or characters, that could not be included in the program because of cost or difficulty of traditional screening procedures. Both pyramiding and multiline construction have been suggested as ways to provide more durable forms of disease and insect resistance in rice (Khush 1984, Yoshimura et al 1985, Saxena 1987), but, due to the time investment and difficulty of developing the lines based on traditional screening techniques, these approaches have not been widely tested. Construction of such lines via the backcross program is much more efficient if the genes of interest have been tagged with molecular markers. The ability to select accurately for rapid return to parental type and for minimal linkage drag associated with the target gene, or genes, constitutes two important features of marker-aided selection during backcrossing (Young et al 1988, Tanksley et al 1989). Marker-based selection is also helpful in attempts to transfer genes from exotic germplasm into cultivated lines. In a project aimed at introgressing brown planthopper resistance from O. officinalis into O. sativa background, the use of RFLP markers to monitor introgression is providing useful information about where those genes may lie (Kochert et al 1990). Linkage drag between a desired character and one or more highly undesirable characters is a common problem in such wide crosses, and identifying the recombinants with the least amount of donor DNA flanking the genes of interest is enhanced by the use of molecular markers. Thus, whole-genome, marker-based selection offers new opportunities to make efficient use of the wealth of useful genetic variation that exists in wild species of cultivated food crops. In order to assess the relative advantages of using marker-aided selection rather than phenotypic selection, it is clear that the investment in the genetagging process, as well as the cost of the actual selection procedure based on molecular markers must be weighed against the overall cost of a traditional breeding program. Costs and benefits are specific to the crop, the program, and the trait in question. Considerations involved in the assessment of the usefulness of RFLPs as selection tools in plant breeding have been discussed by several people (Beckman and Soller 1983, Burr et al 1983, Tanksley 1983, Helentjaris et al 1986). At this point, the size of populations requiring screening in a major breeding effort is the main limitation to using RFLP technology in early generation selection. As the technology evolves and shortcuts are developed, this limitation diminishes. One recent development in this regard is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Erlich 1989, Innis et al 1990). This technique involves synthesizing short oligonucleotide sequences, which are used as primers in DNA replication.


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The primers are specific to the 3 and 5 ends of a given sequence in the DNA of a plant. Genetic differences between individuals can be detected when the size of the segment of DNA bracketed by the primers is different (showing up as a polymorphism, or different-sized bands on an agarose gel). The bracketed region can be isolated and purified so that restriction mapping and sequencing is possible, allowing more refined analysis of genetic differences. Visualization of a specific region of DNA in this way does away with the need for radioactive labeling of DNA probes and Southern analysis, eliminating much of the technical difficulty and high cost associated with RFLP analysis. Thus, PCR offers the potential of generating a new type of molecular marker that is cheaper and easier to use than RFLPs, and promises to facilitate marker-aided selection with large plant populations. Map-based gene cloning Methods for isolating and cloning genes have been successful if the product of a gene is known (Gelvin and Schilperoort 1988), but in plants gene products of such agronomically important characters as disease and insect resistance have not been identified. Saturated RFLP maps provide a way to clone a gene without prior knowledge of its molecular function in a process known as reverse genetics (Orkin 1986). The feasibility of gene cloning based on saturated RFLP maps has been demonstrated in Drosophila and in humans (Bender et al 1983, Rommens et al 1989). Work under way in our laboratory and others is moving toward this goal in crop plants (Ganal et al 1989, R Kesseli, University of California, Davis, USA, 1990, pers. comm.). The method depends on a number of steps: 1. The target gene must be located between two tightly linked RFLP markers. 2. The physical distance between the markers and the gene must be estimated based on pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). 3. A library of large cloned segments of rice DNA in a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vector must be screened in search of one containing the target gene. 4. Plants must be transformed with candidate subclones to confirm the presence of the target gene. The first requirement in this process is a densely populated RFLP map on which target genes have been located via linkage to the mapped markers. Physical distances between linked RFLP markers can be estimated using PFGE in a process known as physical mapping. This requires isolation of high molecular weight DNA ( > 2 million base pairs, Mb), followed by digestion with rarecutting restriction endonucleases, and separation of fragments as large as 1 Mb using PFGE. Gels are then blotted and probed with RFLP markers surrounding the gene of interest. The goal of physical mapping is to establish a relationship between genetic distance (as expressed in percent recombination experienced at meiosis) and physical distance (expressed in base pairs) in a region of the chromosome near a gene of interest (van Ommen et al 1986, Kenwrick et al 1987, Ganal et al 1989). If the RFLP map is so densely populated that at least two markers will hybridize

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to the same high molecular weight restriction fragment, estimates of the number of base pairs separating the markers is relatively straightforward. If the region of interest is not saturated enough with markers, then linking libraries, based on large DNA fragments such as those generated by PFCE (Collins and Weissman 1984, Poustka et al 1986, 1987), must be available. Once a physical map has been constructed for the target region, the stretch of DNA defined by the markers bracketing the gene of interest has to be cloned. A YAC vector is capable of replicating large segments of foreign DNA (about 200 kb in size) (Burke et al 1987). This offers the possibility of cloning the entire genome of an organism such as rice in 10,000-20,000clones. Construction of a YAC library for rice has begun in our laboratory. Transformation with subfragments of large clones then provides a way of positively identifying which clone contains the target gene. The relative inefficiency of transformation systems in rice (Chapters 7 and 8, this volume) imposes a serious limitation to the success of this cloning strategy. Numerous candidate clones will have to be screened for their ability to alter the phenotype of a plant in order to confirm the presence of a target gene. Research devoted to improving transformation efficiency should help to make this step more feasible. Alternatives to transformation have been applied successfully to identify clones in the search for the cystic fibrosis gene in humans (Rommens et al 1989). Those techniques rely on chromosome sorting, very high-resolution RFLP maps, and the availability of numerous tissue-specific libraries. Research in these directions may also increase the options for gene-cloning available to molecular geneticists working on rice.

Current status of the rice RFLP map

Our efforts to construct a saturated molecular linkage map of the rice genome are based on analysis of three different crosses. Two are intraspecific crosses (indica/ japonica), with linkage analysis based on an F2 population in one case, and an anther-culture-derived doubled haploid population in the other. The third is an interspecific cross, with a corresponding backcross population, capable of being maintained indefinitely due to the perennial nature of one of the parents and the ease of dividing the plants. The first version of the rice RFLP map was based on analysis of an F2, population of 53 plants derived from a cross between an indica breeding line, IR34583-19-3-3, and a japonica (subgroup javanica) cultivar, Balu Dalam (McCouch et al 1988). This combination of parents was selected based on its relatively high degree of polymorphism (78% of clones surveyed detected polymorphism with at least one out of 11 enzymes surveyed) and the immediate availability of F2 seed. A set of inbred primary trisomics in IR36 background (Khush et al 1984) and a set of 10 different hybrid primary trisomies (IR36 primary trisomics x Ma Hae - a japonica cultivar) were used to assign linkage groups to chromosomes via dosage effects (McCouch et al 1988). The 53 plants


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in the F2 population represent 106 gametes and thus the resolution of the map is about 1 cM. At this time, about 235 markers have been mapped onto this population and the orientation of those markers is being confirmed by comparative mapping in the other populations. Two of the noteworthy aspects of the map derived from the IR34583/Bulu Dalam cross include the persistence of unlinked chromosomal segments believed to lie on the same chromosome, based on trisomic dosage analysis, and the existence of some clones that fail to show linkage to any of the established linkage groups. This feature was not encountered in a mapping project on tomato by the time 200 markers had been mapped onto the interspecific BC population. Because the size of the tomato and the rice genomes is about the same and both have 12 chromosomes in the haploid complement (Bennet and Smith 1976, Iyengar and Sen 1978, Galbraith et al 1983), it was surprising that these holes remained even as more markers were added to the rice map. Possible explanations for the existence of these holes include: 1. They are regions that are common by descent between the cultivars used in the cross, and thus lack polymorphism, even though they may consist of single copy sequences. 2. They are regions of highly repetitive DNA, which is not mappable using RFLPs (polymorphism cannot be analyzed). 3. They are regions of structural variability between the indica and japonica parents (i.e. translocations, inversions, or major additions or deletions) such that linkage analysis is incapable of resolving a linear order of markers. 4. The rice genome, measured in recombination units, or cM, is larger than tomato and thus more markers are required to saturate it. These hypotheses are being tested by mapping both the same array of markers and the new ones onto populations derived from other crosses. Plant material used in the second set of mapping experiments involves a population of 75 anther-culture-derived, doubled haploid (DH) lines, derived from a cross between a lowland indica variety, Apura, and an upland japonica variety, IRAT177 (Guiderdoni et al 1990). The use of this particular combination of parents was based on the availability of a DH population that was both genetically divergent and amenable to the available culturing and regeneration techniques. Classification into indica and japonica groups was based on isozyme analysis (Glaszmann et al 1984, Guiderdoni et al 1990). Thirteen isozyme loci, as well as several morphological characters, have been scored on the DH lines at this time, including resistance to Pyricularia oryzae Cav., the fungus causing blast (J C Glaszmann, IRAT-CIRAD, Montpellier, France, 1990, pers. comm.), height, leaf length, leaf width, panicle length, growth duration, tillering ability (B Courtois, Mission IRAT, Guadeloupe, West Indies, 1990, pers. comm.), amylose content of seed, gelatinization temperature, grain length, grain width, and 1,000-grain weight (E Guiderdoni, IRAT-CIRAD, Montpellier, France, 1990, pers. comm.). More than 75 RFLP markers have also been scored, including 20 single-copy markers that were monomorphic for the IR34583/Bulu Dalam mapping parents. These markers are of particular interest

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because they offer the possibility of clarifying whether certain regions that are potentially common by descent in one cross, consist of polymorphic sequences in another cross, thus allowing bridging of some of the holes in the existing RFLP map. At this time, segregation data are available on both populations for only 55 common markers. More of the previously mapped markers are in the process of being scored onto the Apura/IRAT177 DH lines. This will provide the basis for confirming the linear order of markers on the existing map, as well as for comparing levels of recombination between markers in the two indica/japonica populations. To a certain extent, these comparisons are limited by a lower level of polymorphism inherent in the Apura/IRAT cross, where only 50% of previously mapped markers are polymorphic (based on surveys with nine restriction enzymes). The third population being used for mapping in our laboratory is derived from an interspecific cross between an African indica land race ( O. sativa ), collected from Guinea Bissau, and an accession of O. longistaminata from Botswana, developed by ORSTOM in Cte dIvoire. Segregation studies on isozyme loci suggested the potential of this population for use in RFLP mapping. O. longistaminata is a perennial, rhizomatous, obligate outcrossing species with an almost complete fertility barrier with respect to O. sativa; few F1 plants were recovered from thousands of spikelets crossed. One served as the female in the series of backcrosses that gave rise to the segregating population of 120 plants (Ghesquiere 1988) used for mapping. This population is easily maintained by plant division and cuttings. Based on this O. sativa/ O. longistaminata cross, 12 linkage groups corresponding to the 12 chromosomes of rice were successfully established. At this time, the map consists of about 230 markers (Fig. 5.3), comprised of 130 markers from the Pst1 genomic library and about 100 new cDNA markers. The level of polymorphism detected for the interspecific cross far exceeds that of the intraspecific crosses. On a per enzyme basis, roughly 60% of clones surveyed were polymorphic, as compared with 30% in the IR34583/Bulu Dalam population and only 20% in the Apura/IRAT177 population. Ninety-five percent of previously mapped markers were polymorphic and mappable using only four enzymes ( Hind III, Xba I, Eco RV, and Sca I), and many clones that were monomorphic on one or both intraspecific populations were polymorphic on this interspecific combination. The fact that the 12 linkage groups came together for the first time using an interspecific cross, and that markers that were monomorphic on intraspecific crosses were particularly informative in this effort, suggests that the persistence of unlinked segments in the indica/japonica populations may have been due to monomorphic regions that are common by descent in the genomes of cultivated rice. This observation suggests that continued mapping on indica/japonica populations would not have been the most efficient means for generating a coherent map. Linkage analysis on the O. sativa/O. longistaminata population has confirmed that the linear order of the mapped markers is consistent with that on indica/japonica crosses and that none of the RFLP loci demonstrate unexpected


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segregation distortions. In a few cases, the chromosomal assignment of markers appears to have been in error on the original version of the map, probably due to misinterpretation of dosage differences on trisomic filters. Relocation of these markers was considered appropriate if an LOD score of 3 was attained when linkage analysis was performed using the Mapmaker program (Lander et al 1987). An overall repression of recombination was observed in the interspecific cross. Recombination frequency for O. sativa/O. longistaminata is about 75% of that observed in the indica/japonica crosses when averaged throughout the genome (1,800 cM vs. 2,300 cM). This repression of recombination contributed positively to the effort to identify the 12 chromosomes of rice with 12 linkage groups. Once accomplished, however, crosses that tend to increase rather than decrease recombination frequency may prove more useful in the fine mapping of specific chromosomal regions. Several of the RFLP markers originally mapped onto the IR34583/Bulu Dalam F2 population are classified as multiple copy sequences at medium stringency washes (0.5X SSC, 65 x ), and have presented complications in subsequent mapping efforts. The chromosomal location of particular loci detected by these probes had been determined in cases where either the probe could be visualized as a single-copy sequence using high stringency washes (0.05X SSC, 65 x ), or only a single locus was segregating for IR34583/Bulu Dalam. In subsequent populations, it is common that different loci detected by these multiple-copy clones appear to be segregating, making confirmation of the originally designated map position of some markers difficult. Our current strategy of transferring only single-copy markers from the original map (with the exception of a few clones that show linkage to agronomically important characters) and choosing singlecopy cDNA clones as new markers should solve this problem. Apart from the three crosses used in mapping experiments in our laboratory, attempts are being made to integrate some of the morphological mutant markers with the RFLP markers (Z Yu, Cornell University, USA, 1990, pers. comm., D S Brar, IRRI, Philippines, 1990, pers. comm.). Plant material for this project consists of several F2 populations, each segregating for a number of previously mapped morphological markers provided by T Kinoshita (Plant Breeding Institute, Hokkaido University, Japan), or maintained at IRRI. This work should help confirm chromosomal designations and linkage relationships among the several linkage maps of rice. The cDNA library used in this endeavor was constructed from mRNA isolated from oat (Avena). In an effort to map several monocot genomes simultaneously, oat cDNA probes were hybridized onto filters containing DNA derived from oat, barley, wheat, rice and sugarcane. Eighty-three percent of the oat clones hybridized to rice DNA, compared to roughly 60-65% showing detectable hybridization in barley and in wheat. The fact that the same set of clones can be used to map different genera offers the possibility of comparing taxa for colinearity of the same set of markers. Translocations, duplications, deletions, and other chromosomal rearrangements characteristic of different taxa can be documented (Bonierbale et al 1988) and provide information helpful in understanding the process of evolution. Such

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findings may also suggest novel ways in which genetic exchange can be accomplished between sexually incompatible individuals. Further mapping experiments will undoubtedly contribute greatly to our understanding of genome organization and the processes of evolution and selection that have given rise to rice and its relatives. Evaluation of genetic diversity among rice accessions A study of genetic diversity in rice based on a subset of 10 mapped RFLP markers dispersed throughout the genome concluded that 58 out of 70 (83%) of a range of cultivated varieties, selected to represent the breadth of the diversity of O. sativa, could be distinguished when the DNA from each accession was digested with five restriction enzymes (Fig. 5.4; Wang and Tanksley 1989). Polymorphism was detected for all 10 probes. In rice, an average of three alleles per locus was detected among cultivated accessions. In outcrossing species like maize, where the level of polymorphism is much higher and the number of alleles detected per locus exceeds that of rice, even related inbred lines can be distinguished using RFLPs (Helentjaris et al 1985, Smith and Smith 1989). When a wider range of rice germplasm was used, including wild species (both outcrossing and polyploid forms) as well as cultivated varieties, more alleles per locus (average = 11) were evident, and identifying unique hybridization patterns (fingerprinting) with either single- or multiple-copy clones was more efficient (Wang et al 1991). These studies suggest that currently available DNA markers will prove useful in a variety of settings where the accurate assessment of genetic variation between rice cultivars or species is important. A gene-tagging experiment Several gene-tagging experiments for disease and insect resistance in rice are under way in our laboratory. The availability of pairs of nearly isogenic lines (NILs), each containing a monogene for resistance to the whitebacked planthopper ( Sogatella furcifera ), the bacteria causing bacterial leaf blight ( Xanthomonas campestris pv oryzae ), or the fungus causing blast ( Pyricularia oryzae Cav.), offered a good starting point for these endeavors (Mackill et al 1988, Ogawa et al 1988). NILs provide a useful source of plant material for rapidly identifying regions of chromosomes where a gene of interest is likely to reside (Young et al 1988). RFLP studies were designed to identify the chromosomal segments that have been introgressed from the donors into the respective isolines. Interpretation of expected RFLP hybridization patterns resulting from surveys to detect introgression of donor-derived DNA (D) in recurrent parent (RP) and isoline (I) genotypes is illustrated in Figure 5.5. Confirmation of linkage between markers and the phenotypic character of interest is based on analysis of a segregating population derived from a cross between the RP and the I. Cosegregation of donor-derived RFLP bands with resistant phenotypes in this population is evidence of linkage. In some cases,

Fig. 5.4. A computer-generated dendogram of 70 varieties of O. sativa by RFLP analysis. Left side, first column -varietaltypes. Second column - Glaszmanns isozyme groups (Glaszmann 1987). Third column - variety number. The numbers below and above dendogram are genetic distance scales according to Nei et al (1987). Taken from Wang and Tanksley (1989).

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Fig. 5.5. Three expected outcomes of RFLP surveys to determine parental origin of chromosomal segments of DNA in the near isogenic lines. Lanes represent susceptible recurrent parent (RP), resistant isoline (I), and resistant donor (D). In the first triplet, the banding pattern Indicates recurrent parental origin of isoline DNA at the locus represented by the RFLP marker - a negative result indicating that the resistance gene is not located there. In the second triplet, the banding pattern indicates introgression of donor DNA - a putative positive result. In the third triplet, the pattern is monomorphic and offers no information.

spurious, donor-derived segments of DNA are detected in the NILs, which are not linked to the genes of interest. This phenomenon decreases with increasing numbers of backcrosses during NIL construction. The first confirmed case of linkage between RFLP markers and a gene conferring resistance to an insect is reported here for rice (McCouch et al 1991). Two RFLP loci linked to the Wph-1 gene (resistance to the whitebacked planthopper) have been identified by screening NILs. Alleles inherited from the donor variety, N-22, were confirmed to cosegregate with the resistant phenotype in an F2 population consisting of 10 resistant and 18 susceptible individuals (56 gametes). Cosegregation was perfect, with no crossovers separating either marker from the resistant phenotype (Fig. 5.6). We therefore conclude that the Wph-l gene lies between 0 and 5.2 cM of marker RG-146, and also of marker RG-445. The chromosomal location of the Wph-1 gene has not been established, despite clear evidence of close linkage to two RFLP markers. RG-146 and RG445 are both multiple-copy sequences, as can be seen from the hybridization patterns in Figure 5.7. Identifying the particular locus linked to Wph-1 from among the several loci detected by RG-146 and RG-445 demands careful molecular analysis and may provide insight into the genetics of disease and insect resistance at a level of resolution previously unattainable. Work is under way to isolate a subclone or flanking sequence that will hybridize uniquely to the specific region of the genome where the Wph-1 gene resides. The attempt to isolate a locus-specific probe is of interest because of its immediate use to breeders in marker-aided selection schemes, as well as its usefulness in firmly establishing the map location of the gene. The continuing effort in our laboratory, as well as in other laboratories, to locate genes of agronomic importance via linkage to RFLP markers should Soon allow many useful characters to take their place on the molecular map. This is an important step in the application of molecular markers in rice breeding.


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Fig. 5.6. Autoradiogram showing confirmation of linkage between RG146 and whitebacked planthopper-resistant phenotype. Lane 1 = IR36, the susceptible recurrent parent, lane 2 = resistant isoline, containing Wph-1 gene, lane 3 = N-22, the resistant donor. Lanes 4-15 = resistant phenotypes, lanes 16-32 = susceptible phenotypes - from an F2 population derived from a cross between IR36 and resistant Wph-1 isoline. Note the appearance of heterozygosity in the resistant isoline, which has inherited bands from both parents.

The construction of an RFLP map of rice has opened the door for many applications of DNA markers in plant breeding. Though the number of agronomically important genetic loci that have been tagged via linkage to molecular markers is currently limited, work toward this end can now accelerate rapidly. To take advantage of the potential that RFLP technology represents, a great deal of time and effort must be devoted to mapping the genetic loci responsible for the tremendous array of characters that breeders are concerned about in population or variety improvement programs. Much of this effort involves analysis of specially designed crosses with no immediate goal other than to determine where the genes of interest lie in relation to other mapped phenotypic or molecular markers. Further, given the complexity of quantitative traits, several different crosses must be carefully analyzed over different years and environments in order to unravel the important components of gene interaction and to clarify the effect

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Fig. 5.7. (a) Autoradiograms showing multiple banding patterns of RG 146 and RG445 (b) when probed onto IR34583 and Bulu Dalam DNA digested with several restriction enzymes. Both of these cloned sequences occur in multiple copies in the rice genome.

of environment and genetic background on the expression of individual alleles (Tanksley and Hewitt 1988). To provide rice breeders with a useful repertoire of new. tools, a saturated linkage map based on both molecular markers and phenotypic characters of agronomic importance must be available. For successful application of proposed physical mapping and chromosome walking techniques, the average interval between markers must be in the range of 500-600 kb. In rice, this is equivalent to one marker approximately every 2 kb, or a total of roughly 1,000 mapped markers. Saturation of specific chromosomal regions where genes of interest are located offers 'in alternative to genome-wide mapping efforts. Previously, such an effort depended on chromosome sorting techniques (Gray et al 1987) but new developments in random amplified polymorphic DNA technology are making it much simpler to target the addition of new markers (Williams et a1 1990). As the current rice map evolves toward saturation, and new technologies give rise to new types of genetic markers and new possibilities for locating and cloning


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genes of interest, the opportunities for effectively integrating molecular analysis of genetic variation into existing plant improvement programs become increasingly apparent.

References cited
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Rice Tissue Culture and its Application

P T Lynch, R P Finch, M R Davey, and E C Cocking
Plant Genetic Manipulation Group, Department of Botany, University of Nottingham, UK

Haploid culture of rice for plant breeding Somaclonal variation and somatic mutation in rice tissue cultures Rice tissue culture for transgenic plant production Rice tissue culture for somatic hybrid plant production Future prospects

The first cereal callus was produced from maize endosperm by La Rue in 1949. However, it was not until the mid-1950s that tissue cultures of rice were initiated, with studies on the culture of excised rice roots (Fujiwara and Ojima 1955) and immature rice embryos (Amemiya et al 1956). White (1934) reported unlimited growth of excised tomato roots on culture medium consisting of inorganic salts, sucrose, and yeast extract. Street (1957) showed that excised cereal roots, such as those of rye, require exogenous auxin for continued growth, whereas cultured tomato roots apparently synthesized supraoptimal levels of auxin. Exogenous 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) stimulated the production of callus, capable of indefinite growth, from rice stem nodes (Furuhashi and Yatazawa 1964), and induced callus on the roots of intact rice seedlings (Yatazawa et al 1967). The regeneration of rice plants was subsequently reported from root-derived callus (Kawata and Ishihara 1968), as was the regeneration of haploid rice plants from cultured anthers (Niizeki and Oono 1968). In the same year, shoots were obtained from callus initiated from rice embryos (Tamura 1968). These pioneering investigations, indicating the ability to control organogenesis from rice callus, provided a foundation for subsequent advances in rice cell and tissue culture and the application of these techniques to plant breeding.



P T Lynch, R P Finch, M R Davey, and E C Cocking

Haploid culture of rice for plant breeding

The normal gametophytic development of both the microspore and megaspore of rice can be diverted to a sporophytic pathway through in vitro techniques. The culture of anthers to induce sporophytic development of microspores has become more important than the culture of ovaries or ovules because the latter generally exhibit too low a response for application to rice breeding. However, culture of ovaries and ovules is of value in the case of male-sterile plants. The production of haploid rice through the culture of anthers/microspores has important applications in rice breeding. Doubling the chromosome complement of haploid material is a rapid method of inducing homozygosity, thus shortening the time required for the development of new rice varieties. Moreover, haploids express recessive genes that become fixed when the chromosome complement is doubled. The production of haploid rice plants by anther culture was first reported by Niizeki and Oono (1968). Subsequent studies have shown that the development of microspores into fertile plants depends on many factors, any of which can be limiting. These include plant genotype (Shen et al 1982), the developmental stage of the microspore (Chen 1976), cold pretreatment of the anthers (Sunderland 1978, Chaleff and Stolarz 1981, Chen Y et al 1982, Zapata et al 1982), growth conditions of the donor plants (e.g. photoperiod and light intensity [Lee et al 1988]), the orientation of the plated anthers (Mercy and Zapata 1987), and the nitrogen source of the callus-induction medium (Chen C J et al 1982, Tsay et al 1982). Chen et al (1 986) reviewed various studies concerned with the factors influencing successful rice anther culture. In general, optimal callus initiation is achieved with microspores in the mid-uninucleate stage from cold pretreated anthers plated onto N6 medium (Chu et al 1975). The frequency of differentiation of microspore-derived callus is optimal on medium with a relatively high inorganic salt content, such as that of Murashige and Skoog (1962), containing 4 to 5% wt/vol sucrose. The latter has an influence both as a carbon source and by its effect on the osmotic pressure of the medium (Chaleff and Stolarz 1981). The effects of different combinations of growth factors on callus induction are difficult to assess because these depend on both concentration and mutual ratio. Growth factor action is also affected by the relative concentrations of the other medium components. Anther callus induction in indica varieties generally requires lower concentrations of 2,4-D or a-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) than japonica varieties. A low 2,4-D concentration, combined with high NAA and kinetin levels, can stimulate direct plant regeneration from developing microspores, bypassing the callus stage in some varieties. Generally, plantlets must be induced from callus and this is achieved by removal, or reduction in level, of 2,4D, although IAA, NAA, and kinetin also play a role in plantlet development. However, the absolute growth factor requirements for both callus and plantlet development are genotype-dependent (Liang 1978, Cornejo-Martin and PrimoMillo 1981). Several researchers have initiated haploid rice cell suspensions from anther-

Rice Tissue Culture and Its Application


culture-derived callus. Toriyama and Hinata (1985) produced cell suspensions from calli released from intact panicles innoculated into liquid medium. Such cultures provided a viable system for the isolation of totipotent haploid protoplasts of rice (Toriyama et al 1986) of use in somatic hybridization studies (Toriyama and Hinata 1988, see later section). Chen Y et al (1981, 1982) reported the development of callus and plants from dividing microspores isolated after 3-4 days of anther preculture. The necessity for anther preculture has since been overcome by Cho and Zapata (1988), who regenerated plants from callus derived from isolated pollen of the anther-culture-responsive japonica rice variety Taipei 309. Subsequently, this work was extended to the indica variety IR43 (Zapata et al 1991). Although plant regeneration was achieved at low frequency, this technique has potential; microinjection of DNA into single microspore-derived proembryos may be feasible for the transformation of rice as it has been for Brassica (Neuhaus et al 1987). The development of homozygous lines using conventional sexual crossing requires five to seven generations. In contrast, homozygosity can be achieved within two generations using anther culture combined with spontaneous or chemically induced chromosome doubling. Ge et al ( 1983) compared the efficiency of the conventional breeding method with that involving anther culture. Four stable lines were selected from a cross between Late Keng 87 and American rice No. 1. Two were selected by conventional methods from 200 F2-F5 lines, compared with two from only 17 second-generation (H2) pollen-derived plants. In 1976, the first rice varieties from haploid breeding were released for commercial production (Yin et al 1976), and about 100 new varieties of rice derived from anther culture are currently grown on 250,000 hectares in China (Oono 1988). The development of a new, superior variety by conventional breeding usually involves a series of sexual crosses. Segregation of the progeny of such crosses is complex, and selection in earlier generations inefficient. Hence, a new breeding procedure has been developed whereby repeated hybridization is followed by anther culture of pollen lines (Ge et al 1983). Zhang (1982), for example, described the development of Hua Han Zao, an early-maturing coldand disease-resistant, high-yielding, indica/japonica hybrid variety. Firstly, F1 progeny of the cross between Jianong 485 (japonica) and Labelit (indica) were crossed with Tainan 13. Anther-culture-derived plants were then produced from the resulting F1 progeny, which were, in turn, crossed with Ke C1669. The F, plants were again selected by anther culture, resulting in the identification of the new variety Hua Han Zao. Other varieties produced using the same technique included Zhonghua No. 8 and No. 9 (Shen et al 1982) and Huajian 7902 (Ce et al 1983). The fertility of japonica/indica hybrids is improved by anther culture, as demonstrated by Li et al (1983). Seed set in F1 hybrids was 26-36%fertile. Backcrossing enhanced this rate to 45-50%, whereas anther-culture-derived H, lines from the same crosses exhibited as high as 80% fertility. However, greater variation occurs in the H2 generation from indica/japonica crosses than in intervarietal hybrids.


P T Lynch, R P Finch, M R Davey, and E C Cocking

Somaclonal variation and somatic mutation in rice tissue cultures

It has been known for more than 20 years that phenotypic variation occurs in plants regenerated from cultured cells and thus the culture of plant tissues is, in itself, the simplest form of genetic engineering. The genetic variation exposed constitutes the basis of somaclonal variation (Larkin and Scowcroft 1981). The mechanisms of somaclonal variation are still not established, and attempts to link genetic changes with visible chromosomal aberrations have been largely unsuccessful. DNA amplification, gene inactivation, and transposition have all been implicated (Shapiro and Cordell 1982, Oono 1985, Scowcroft and Larkin 1988). The high frequency of somaclonal variation observed in some tissue cultures of rice offers a potential route to broaden the genetic variability of this important crop. However, because DNA uptake into protoplasts is, at present, the only reproducible method of producing stable, transgenic rice plants (see later section), it is important to characterize and, if possible, minimize any undesirable genetic variability induced by protoplast regeneration procedures. Phenotypically variant plants of rice originating from seed-derived callus, including dwarfed and twisted plants, were first described by Nishi et al (1968). The observation of more commonly occurring variants, albinos and polyploids derived from anther cultures, was described by Oono (1984). Zakri (1986) reviewed the literature reporting somaclonal variation in rice plants derived from tissue culture, and discussed the significance of this phenomenon to rice breeding. Commonly observed variation in tissue-culture-derived plants includes the number of tillers per plant, plant height, flag-leaf length, heading date, panicle length, fertility, and the number of seeds produced (Oono 1978, 1981, 1985, Sun 1980, Sun et al 1981, 1983, Wang et al 1981, Zhao et al 1982, Schaeffer et al 1984, Murai and Kinoshita 1986). Oono (1983) reported an analysis of the seed progeny of tissue-culture-derived plants and observed variation in heading date and plant height in diploid and haploid plants, with fertility being more variable in diploids. Variation in plant height, heading date, fertility, and grain number were carried through to the subsequent seed generation. The variation in plants regenerated from haploid somatic tissues is greater than that resulting from radiation treatment. Dwarfism has been associated with specific cultivars. In the case of anther-derived plants of the japonica variety Calrose 76, 15 to 36% of the first-generation seed progeny were shorter than control plants. Leaf and seed size and seed weight were also less in the plants produced from seeds of tissue culture regenerants. Anther-derived doubledhaploid plants exhibited variation after several seed generations, but selfed, anther-derived plants gave dwarf progeny that had more tillers and produced larger seeds with higher levels of seed protein than parent plants (Schaeffer 1982, Schaeffer et al 1984). More recently, Zheng et al (1989) analyzed plants regenerated from seedderived callus of four Chinese varieties (Yuan Feng Zao, Zhu Yun Nuo, 8004, and 9007) of different grain type. The grain length and weight of somaclones decreased compared with that of control plants, although variation in grain

Rice Tissue Culture and its Application


width and thickness was not apparent. There was also variation in grain quality in somaclones from varieties with a starchy endosperm. Variation increased gel consistency, amylase content, gelatinization-cooking temperature, and chalkiness of the endosperm. There was a further decrease in grain weight and length, and enhanced protein content, when cultured tissues were exposed to low-dosage radiation prior to plant regeneration. Male-sterile somaclones have been identified from the indica varieties IR24 and IR54 (Ling et al 1988). Segregation of fertility in the R2 generation indicated that male sterility was controlled by two independent nuclear genes. Xie and Rush ( 1990) selected three R2 somaclonal lines showing high resistance to sheath blight in the US variety Labelle. The resistance remained stable during 4 years of field and glasshouse testing, and one somaclone had good agronomic characteristics when compared with existing resistant cultivars. Rice cell cultures have been selected for resistance to various stresses by the addition of stressing agents to the culture medium at levels that normally restrict the growth of non-resistant cells. For example, sodium salts have been used to select for salt tolerance and polyethylene glycol (PEG) for drought-tolerant cells (Dykes and Nabors 1986). Salt-resistant calli of a number of rice varieties, for example Norin 8, have been recovered using sea water as a stressing agent. However, their resistance declined in the subsequent generation and stable lines were not obtained (see Oono 1984). Increased levels of proline in salt-resistant rice callus have been reported (Reddy and Vaidyanath 1986, Kavi-Kishor 1988). Wakasa and Widholm (1 982) selected callus lines of Norin 8 that were resistant to 5-methyltryprophan (5MT, a tryptophan analogue). Plants regenerated from those lines showed significantly increased levels of tryptophan and phenylalanine. The 5MT resistance was inherited in two subsequent generations as a dominant nuclear mutation (Wakasa and Widholm 1987). Rice calli have also been screened for resistance to phytotoxins. Thus, Ling et al (1986) produced regenerants of the indica varieties IR8 and IR54 that were resistant to toxin produced by Helminthosporium oryzae and hence to brown spot disease. Resistance was maintained in the subsequent generation. The advent of protoplast-to-plant procedures for rice has recently led to assessments of protoclonal variation in protoplast-derived plants ( protoclones) and their seed progeny. In a field study of the japonica varieties Nipponbare, Norin 15, Fujisaka 5, and Iwaimochi, 80% of the protoplast-derived plants exhibited normal growth. The remaining 20% produced more tillers resulting in more panicles per plant, but shorter culm length and fewer spikelets per panicle. Seed fertility was reduced. Although the seeds had a lower kernel weight, grain yield was greater than in seed-derived (control) plants, which was probably related to the increased number of panicles on the protoclones. Triploid, tetraploid, and aneuploid plants were present among the regenerants, but plants with reduced seed fertility had apparently normal chromosome complements (Ogura et al 1987). In a subsequent study of the first seed progeny plants derived from the protoclones, Ogura et al (1989) reported about 25% semilethal segregants in Fujisaka 5. Plants of this cultivar, which were phenotypically normal, had an


P T Lynch, R P Finch, M R Davey, and E C Cocking

increased number of panicles, but showed a decrease in grain weight. Short culm length was a heritable trait in Fujisaka 5. In contrast, seed progeny of protoplastderived plants of Nipponbare and Iwaimochi were phenotypically uniform and stable, with a grain yield similar to control plants. In another report of protoclonal variation, Abdullah et al (1989) grew seed progeny of protoplast-derived plants of the japonica Taipei 309 in the field and evaluated 13 phenotypic characters. Seed progeny exhibited delayed flowering and decreased lengths of flag leaves and panicles. Flag leaf width increased, as did the number of branches per panicle. The authors inferred that protoclonal variation shifts means away from the direction of the previous selection history for the variety, and that protoclones exhibiting positive variation could be selectively exploited for crop improvement. Recently, Saleh et al (1 990) studied the stability of mitochondrial DNA in cell suspension cultures of Taipei 309. In the short term (up to 19 months) no significant alteration was apparent in the organization of mitochondrial DNA, as assessed by restriction enzyme digestion and DNA hybridization, although differences in the relative abundance of specific DNA sequences were observed in a 30month-old suspension culture. Muller et al (1 990) used RFLP analysis, with the actin gene as a probe, to characterize variation in the genomic DNA of rice plants regenerated from callus, cell suspensions, and protoplasts. For callus regenerants, variation increased significantly with time in culture and a doubling of the period of callus growth resulted in a fourfold increase in RFLP changes. The degree of variation was lower in many lines of protoplast regenerants than in callus-derived plants.

Rice tissue culture for transgenic plant production

The transfer of a specific gene or group of genes into a recipient genome has wide application in the genetic manipulation of crop plants. Although most transformation approaches for dicotyledons are based on the natural vector system of Agrobacterium, the general recalcitrance of monocotyledons to Agrobacteriummediated transformation has generally precluded the use of this method of gene delivery for rice. Following reports of DNA uptake into protoplasts of dicotyledons (Lurquin and Kada 1977, Davey et al 1980, Krens et al 1982), simple Escherichia coli plasmid-based vectors were used for cereal transformation (Lrz et al 1985, Potykus et al 1985). Indeed, direct DNA uptake is the only method for the reproducible transformation of rice and other cereals (Potrykus 1990 a, b). As in the case of genetic manipulation by somatic hybridization, the ability to regenerate plants from rice protoplasts is essential for the production of transgenic plants. Hence, emphasis has been placed on the development of reproducible protocols for regenerating plants from protoplasts of several rice varieties (Table 6.1), with most success in japonica varieties. The literature on rice transformation is reviewed extensively by others in this volume, with PEG (Uchimiya et al 1986, McElroy et al 1990, Peng et al 1990),

Rice Tissue Culture and its Application


electroporation (Ou-Lee et al 1986, Dekeyser et al 1989, Rattraw and Hall 1990), or a combination of these procedures (Yang H et al 1988, Zhang et al 1988) being employed to effect DNA uptake. A simple but efficient scheme is essential in selecting transformed protoplast-derived cells from which transgenic plants can be regenerated. The throughput of transgenic plants, based on the data of Zhang et al (1988), is low, and of the order of one plant from every 1.0 x 10 5 protoplasts plated. This assumes maximum recovery of transformed colonies following plasmid uptake. However, in practice, it may be necessary to culture 10 times this number of protoplasts to recover one transgenic plant (Kothari et al 1991). To date, mosrt studies have involved uptake into protoplasts of plasmids carrying chimeric genes, which confer antibiotic resistance on plant cells. Thus, Uchimiya et al (1 986) and Zhang et al (1988) selected transformed tissues by exposing protoplast-derived cells to kanamycin sulfate. These reports disproved the assertion that high natural levels of kanamycin resistance in cultured cells of certain monocotyledons would preclude the use of this antibiotic for selecting transformed cells (Vasil 1987). It was also demonstrated that plants could be regenerated from transformed callus selected on kanamycin-containing medium, providing the correct timing and period of exposure to the antibiotic were employed. Zhang et al (1988) noted that kanamycin sulfate inhibited the regeneration of green plants from protoplast-derived callus when the antibiotic was included in the medium used to induce shoot regeneration. Toriyama et al (1988) also recognized the inhibitory effects of kanamycin sulfate on shoot development and used medium containing geneticin (G418) to select transformed cells of the japonica variety Yamahoushi following electroporation of protoplasts with a plasmid carrying the neomycin phosphotransferase ( npt II) gene. In their study, G4 18 was more effective than kanamycin for selecting transformants, with a higher frequency of regeneration of green plants using G418 than after kanamycin selection. Other workers have surveyed a range of selectable markers for rice transformation (Dekeyser et al 1989). Kanamycin was not as efficient as G418, although it was possible to select transformed cells during the early stage of protoplast culture using kanamycin, as demonstrated by Zhang et al (1988). The apparent leakiness of kanamycin selection has resulted in hygromycin being employed to select transformed cells. The bacterial bph gene, encoding resistance to hygromycin B, has been introduced into protoplasts of the japonica varieties Nipponbare (Shimamoto et al 1989) and Yamahoushi (Matsuki et al 1989) by electroporation, and into protoplasts of the indica type variety Chinsurah Boro II by PEG (Datta et al 1990b) to produce transgenic plants. Seeds produced by selfing transgenic plants were germinated on medium containing hygromycin B and seedling survival demonstrated transmission of the active bph gene to seed progeny. Zang and Wu (1988) avoided the problem of antibiotic inhibition of plant regeneration in their work on PEG-induced uptake of pal1GusN (carrying the nonselectable gus gene) into rice proroplasts. GUS activity was assayed in situ in protoplast-derived cells and calli. Molecular analysis confirmed the transgenic nature of about 16% of the plants regenerated from plasmid-treated protoplasts in the absence of any selection system. In addition to transformation with a selectable marker, the feasibility of cotransformation

Table 6.1. Plant regeneration from rice protoplasts. Protoplast culture medium

Reference Fujimura et al (1985)

Rice variety Nihonbare Sasanishiki

Explant used"



Cell suspension derived R2 inorganic salts from IE and MSS callus (Ohira et al 1973) B5 vitamins (Camborg et al 1968) Cell suspension derived Modified from Kao (1 977) = KPR from MSS and LB

Plant regeneration from Full experimental details 5-20% of protoplastnot provided derived calli Plant regeneration from Protoplasts heat10-20% of protoplast- shocked. Regeneration derived calli via somatic embryogenesis confirmed Plantlet regeneration Only plantlets obtained from 10% of protoplastderived calli Plant regeneration from Cell suspensions initiated 12-24% of protoplast- by 'panicle culture' derived calli Plant regeneration from Calf serum added to 1% of protoplastprotoplast medium derived calli

Abdullah et al (1986)

Taipei 309 Fujisaka 5

Coulibaly and Demarly (1986) Toriyama et al (1986) Yamada et al (1986) Kyozuka et al (1987)


MSS callus

Modified 8P medium (Kao and Michayluk 1975) Modified B5 medium


Cell suspensions derived from anther callus Cell suspensions from MSS callus Cell suspensions from MSS and IE callus


Based on LS salts (Linsmaier and Skoog 1965) and 8P

Nipponbare lwaimochi Norin 14 Fujisaka 5 Koshihikari

MS vitamins (Murashige Plant regeneration from Nurse culture essential and Skoog 1962) 17-50% of protoplastR2 inorganic salts derived calli

Kyozuka et al (1988)

Chinsurah Boro II 63-83 IRAT109 'Indica' rice Cyokoto B-42 B-46 258 IR54

Cell suspensions from MSS callus

R2 inorganic salts MS vitamins

Plant regeneration from No plants regenerated 2-34% of protoplastfrom varietal group I derived calli indicas

Jenes and Pauk (1989)

Cell suspensions from IE

Modified from Yamada et al (1986) above

Plant/plantlet regeneration from 1-7% of protoplastderived calli Plant regeneration from up to 20% of specially selected protoplast derived calli

Dicamba used in regeneration medium

Lee et al (1989)

Cell suspensions from IE

Modified from Kao (1977)

First report of plant regeneration from protoplasts of a varietal group I indica

Masuda et al (1989)

Nipponbare Akitakomachi Blue Bonnet Pantiange-Heigu B1 C1 Chinsurah Boro II

Cell suspensions from MSS callus

Modified MS medium

Plant regeneration from Protoplasts purified by 6-23% of protoplastdensity gradient derived calIi centrifugation Plant regeneration (frequency not stated) Doubtful classification of varities as varietal group I indicas

Wang et al (1989) Datta et al (1990a)

CeII suspensions from MSS callus Cell suspensions from anther callus

Modified NO medium (Chu et al 1975) Modified N6 medium

Plant regeneration from Regeneration from approximately 10% of 'indicas-type' rice but not protoplast-derived calli from a varietal group I indica Plant regeneration from Nurse culture employed. 67% of protoplastRegeneration frequency derived calli calculated from only 30 plated calli

Li and Murai (1900)

Taipei 309 Nipponbare

Cell suspensions from MSS callus

'General medium'

IE = immature embryo, LB = leaf base meristem, MSS = mature seed scutellum.


P T Lynch, R P Finch, M R Davey, and E C Cocking

of rice protoplasts with a nonselectable gene and a selectable marker has been demonstrated by the production of transgenic plants from protoplasts cotransformed with an unlinked gus gene (Shimamoto et al 1989, Battraw and Hall 1990). To date, attention has focused on the transformation of japonica rice varieties for which protoplast-to-plant systems have been developed. This transformation technology is being applied to indica rices as reproducible protoplast systems become available. Thus, Peng et al (1990) produced the first transgenic indica plants, using the culture method of Lee et al (1 989). However, the plants, which were regenerated from G418-resistant calli and which contained the foreign gene, were sterile. It is interesting that transgenic plants produced in several studies have been sterile or shown reduced fertility compared with their nontransformed protoplast-derived counterparts. Further experiments should elucidate whether this is related to the plasmid uptake procedure or to positional effects of foreign gene or genes in the rice genome. While most emphasis has been placed on stable transformation, transient expression in rice protoplasts of reporter genes, such as those transcribing GUS and luciferase, has been studied as a means of assessing the nature and functional activity of promoter sequences (Ou-Lee et al 1986, Dekeyser et al 1989) and of optimizing the conditions for DNA uptake into protoplasts. Such experiments still rely upon the reproducible isolation of viable protoplasts and their maintenance in culture, albeit for limited periods. Additional transformation methods for rice, which negate the use of protoplasts and which eliminate the labor-intensive establishment and maintenance of cell suspensions, are being exploited. Although techniques such as the pollentube method (Luo and Wu 1988), particle bombardment into embryo tissue or embryogenic callus (Wang et al 1988), microinjection into proembryos (Potrykus et al 1989), imbibition of dry seeds in DNA solutions (Aryon et al 1991), and electroporation-mediated delivery of DNA into leaf bases of intact seedlings (Dekeyser et al 1990), have resulted in transient gene expression, they have not, as yet, led to the production of stably transformed rice tissues. Again, these approaches, with the exception of the pollen-tube pathway, necessitate reproducible cell culture and plant regeneration, or the ability to maintain seeds and seedlings under axenic conditions.

Rice tissue culture for somatic hybrid plant production

Recent success in rice protoplast regeneration has prompted initiation of a range of protoplast fusion studies. These have been aimed at transferring novel genetic traits across sexual incompatibility barriers, and at introducing cytoplasmic male sterility ( cms ) into desired rice cultivars through the production of cybrids (Kumar and Cocking 1987). It is significant that the first reports of rice protoplast fusion coincided with those of protoplast isolation. Harn (1973) and Lai and Liu (1976) observed fusion of protoplasts (from the same source tissue) following treatment with

Rice Tissue Culture and Its Application


sodium nitrate, although no attempt was made to culture the fusion products. Later, Niizeki and Kita (1981 ) used PEG with Ca2+ at high pH to fuse rice protoplasts with those of soybean. The fusion products were cultured in a liquid medium modified from the 8P formulation of Kao and Michayluk (1975), with benzyladelline (BA) replacing zeatin and coconut milk omitted. Hybrid cell clusters were obtained after 14 days of culture. Phenotypic differences in cell morphology were used to identify fusion products. Niizeki et al (1985) subsequently described the formation of hybrid ricesoybean callus. The tissue was identified phenotypically, because it exhibited both the blackish-purple pigmentation of parental rice callus, and the softness and pale green coloration of soybean callus. Sala et al (1985) reported the formation of hybrid rice-carrot callus after PEG-induced protoplast fusion. Hybrid tissue had the capacity of carrot cells to multiply, combined with the resistance to azetidine-2-carboxylic acid of rice cells. However, both groups demonstrated rapid elimination of most of the rice genome from the hybrid tissues by changes in esterase and peroxidase isoenzyme banding (Niizeki et al 1985) and nuclear DNA restriction patterns (Sala et al 1985). Terada et al (1 987) used electrofusion to produce heterokaryons between protoplasts of the japonica varieties Nipponbare and Sasanishiki with those of barnyard grass ( Echinochloa oryicola ). A number of putative hybrid calli and morphologically distinct plantlets were obtained using the nurse culture method of Kyozuka et al (1987), and hybrid selection based on iodoacetamide (IOA) inactivation of rice protoplasts combined with the inability of barnyard grass protoplasts to regenerate plants. Isozyme and chromosome analyses confirmed the hybridity of this material. Hayashi et al ( 1988) used similar protoplast fusion and selection procedures to produce somatic hybrid plants between the japonica varieties Nipponbare, Aoisora, and Tsukinohikari and the four wild rice species O. officinalis, O. eichingeri, O. brachyantha, and O. perrieri. Hybrid fertility was poor, with only one of the hybrids ( Oryza sativa (+) Oryza officinalis ) producing a single seed. The hybrids are currently being backcrossed with O. sativa and embryo rescue is being used to recover sexual hybrids. IOA inactivation appears to be applicable as a selection system for somatic hybrid cells of rice. However. Finch et al (1990) found that heterokaryons produced from cell suspension-derived protoplasts of the japonica variety Taipei 309 and mesophyll protoplasts of the salt-tolerant wild species Porteresia coarctata did not survive the IOA selection procedure, although the heterokaryons divided under nonselective conditions. Toriyama and Hinata (1988) used anatomical and morphological markers to identify somatic hybrid plants produced from fused protoplasts of haploid cell suspensions of japonicas Yamashoushi and Murasakidaikoka. Recently, Lee and Kameya (1 989) investigated the use of 5-methyltryptophan resistance as a means of selecting rice protoplast fusion products. The production of intervarietal somatic hybrid plantlets has demonstrated that the combination of this type of resistance with plant regeneration ability is feasible as a complementary system to select somatic hybrids in rice. The selection of protoplast fusion products using IOA inactivation has also been successful in the transfer of cms in rice. Yang Z-Q et al (1988) produced


P T Lynch, R P Finch, M R Davey, and E C Cocking

cybrid callus by electrically fusing gamma-irradiated ( 60 Co) protoplasts of the japonica variety A-58cms with IOA-treated protoplasts of the fertile japonica variety Fujiminori. Later, cybrid plants were produced from this callus as confirmed by restriction analysis of their mitochondrial DNA (Yang et al 1989). Morphological evidence suggested that the plants had the nuclear genome of the Fujiminori parent. Cybrids have also been produced after the fusion of IOAtreated protoplasts with X-irradiated protoplasts of cms rice varieties (Akagi et al 1989; Kyozuka et al 1989). In the latter study, cms was transferred from the indica type Chinsurah Boro II into the japonica variety Nipponbare.

Future prospects
There has been a tendency for rice to lead the way in the problematical field of monocotyledonous cell culture and genetic engineering. The advances made with rice have stimulated progress with the other major cereals. Protoplastto-plant systems, similar to those established in rice and utilizing embryogenic cell suspension cultures and nurse cells, have been developed, for example, in maize (Prioli and Sndahl 1989, Shillito et al 1989) and wheat (Vasil et al 1990, Wang et al 1990). Comparable reports for other cereals are expected in the immediate future. Direct DNA uptake into protoplasts of these cereals (Rhodes et al 1988) and somatic hybridization are feasible methods for genetically engineering these plants. The poor response of indicas compared with japonicas has, to date, inhibited the application of cell culture procedures. Kamiya et al (1988), in a comprehensive study of 500 rice varieties, showed that both callus formation and plant regeneration were highly genotype-dependent. In China, where plant regeneration frequencies of 10% from anther culture are common in japonicas, efficiencies of 3% are considered high for indicas (Zhang 1989). In an attempt to examine the genetic control of rice plant regeneration, Peng and Hodges (1989) reciprocally crossed the true indicas IR8, IR36, IR54, and IR64. Plant regeneration from immature embryo callus of the parental varieties and hybrids indicated that regeneration was controlled by nuclear genes, exhibiting both dominant and additive effects, and by cytoplasmic factors. The identification of genes controlling rice plant regeneration is an important initial step in understanding the genotypic response. Studies on the nutritional requirements of rice cells in culture (Schmitz and Lorz 1990) may also indicate genotypic factors. Use of cellular and molecular techniques to clarify the mechanisms involved in the genotype problem would aid the development of improved culture protocols. The recent attention to the difficulties of indica rice culture has revealed some confusion regarding the classification of rice into its subgroups. These groups can now be clearly defined by either their isozyme (Glaszmann 1987) or their RFLP patterns (Wang and Tanksley 1989) into six distinct varietal groups (VG). Japonica and javanica rices are in VG6. The intermediate varieties, previously referred to as indicas, can be differentiated from the true indicas of VG1, and belong to other varietal groups. This confusion of terms was highlighted in recent

Rice Tissue Culture and its Application


reports of indica plant regeneration and transformation. Kyozuka et al (1988) described plant regeneration from indica protoplasts, although some of the responsive varieties were japonicas (VG6). None of the VG1 cultivars examined responded in culture. Protoplast-to-plant procedures have been reported for VG1 variety IR54 (Lee et al 1989). The indica type variety, Chinsurah Boro II, transformed by Datta et al (1990b), is in VG2 and hence is an intermediate variety. Thus, it is important, when describing a rice variety, that the correct varietal grouping is stated. The efficiency of rice tissue culture techniques can be significantly reduced through the inability to regenerate green plants. This presents the greatest problem during anther culture, where the frequency of albino plant production has been reported to be 100% (Tsay et al 1981). Taipei 309, for example, produces an average of 1.3% albino plants from anther-derived callus (Torrizo and Zapata 1986), whereas albinism has only become a problem when plants are regenerated from protoplasts isolated from long established cell suspension cultures that are losing their ability to regenerate (Abdullah 1987). Albinism is known to be genotype-dependent (Liang et al 1980, Woo and Huang 1982) and influenced by culture conditions, including the incubation temperature (Bernard 1980) and the concentration of sucrose and mineral salts in the culture medium (Lee and Chen 1982). Sun et al (1 978) reported failure of normal plastid development in albino plants of rice. Abnormalities in fraction 1 protein and ribosomal RNA levels have also been observed (Liang et al 1978, Wang and Sun 1978). Chu (1982) suggested albinism may result from changes in chloroplast or nuclear DNA or both. In order to reduce albinism, a greater understanding is required of the physiological, genetic, and molecular basis of this phenomenon. The production of embryogenic rice cell suspension cultures has been essential for the development of protoplast-to-plant procedures in rice. However, with time, cell suspension cultures lose their ability to produce plants (Abdullah 1987), with extended culture periods resulting in greater genetic instability among regenerated plants (Muller et al 1990). Thus, regular culture initiation is necessary to maintain a supply of totipotent cultures. Cryopreservation provides an alternative method of maintaining a stock of competent cells (Lynch and Renson 1991). However, the ideal would be the ability to isolate protoplasts capable of sustained cell division and plant regeneration from intact plants. Although protoplasts can be isolated from whole plants, sustained cell division has been reported only once. Deka and Sen (1976) described the isolation of protoplasts from soft whitish leaf sheaths, with sustained cell division and rhizogenesis of these cultured proroplasts. However, other researchers have been unable to repeat the procedure. Recent reports of cell division of oat mesophyll protoplasts (Hahne et al 1989, 1990) should encourage similar studies in rice, while investigations of rice leaf senescence (Kao 1980,1985, Chengand Kao 1984, Chen et al 1990) may provide insight into the physiological difficulties of culturing rice mesophyll protoplasts. While considerable effort is being directed toward the development of tissue/ protoplast systems combined with transformation and somatic hybridization, two basic rice culture techniques are receiving renewed attention. Embryo rescue has become an important method of recovering hybrid embryos in wide hybridization


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programs (Jena and Khush 1984, Brar and Khush 1986). In vitro micropropagation is a basic technique applied to many plant species (Vasil and Vasil 1980, Conger 1981). Its use has been described in rice (Kumari et al 1988) and was recently extended to wild rice species by R P Finch, A Basset, I H Slamet and E C Cocking, Plant Genetic Manipulation Group, Dept of Botany, University of Nottingham. Exploitation of these emerging technologies should lead to the development of improved rice varieties. Nevertheless, application of this technology will depend on its continued integration with conventional breeding procedures.

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Transformation and Regeneration of Rice Protoplasts

Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University, USA

Rice protoplast regeneration: overview Responsive genotypes Suspension culture5 as sources of protoplasts Protoplast preparation and culture Rice protoplast transformation: overview Protoplast regeneration protocols Japonica varieties Indica varieties Protoplast transformation protocols Electroporation of protoplasts PEG treatment of protoplasts Rapid PEG transformation of protoplasts Summary

Genetic engineering of rice, both japonica and indica varieties, is now possible via direct uptake of DNA into protoplasts and regeneration of those protoplasts back into mature plants. The first successes in the production of transgenic rice plants were reported in 1988 for japonica varieties (Toriyama et al 1988, Zhang and Wu 1988, Zhang et al 1988) and in 1990 for an indica variety (Peng et al 1990b). The production of transgenic rice plants is, however, still not efficient. The numbers of reported transgenic plants are relatively few, the kinds of genes introduced are limited, the responsive genotypes are somewhat restricted (especially for the indica varieties), the reproducibility of the process (even in the same laboratory) is poor, and the number of laboratories in which transgenic plants can be produced is small. Nevertheless, rice is indeed the first agronomically 157


Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje

important monocot to be regenerated from protoplasts and to produce transgenic plants from transformed protoplasts. Although other techniques for transforming rice, including particle bombardment and DNA uptake via pollen or pollen tubes, via microinjection, or via Agrobacterium, are being investigated (see Chapter 8), protoplast transformation and regeneration is the only method from which stably transformed rice plants have been confirmed. Because of the recent successes in the production of transgenic rice plants from protoplasts, we first review the general features of these techniques for rice, and then present specific protocols for genetically engineering plants from japonica and indica varieties.

Rice protoplast regeneration: overview

Between 1976 and 1986, six publications reported the growth of rice protoplasts into callus (Deka and Sen 1976, Cai et al 1978, Wakasa et al 1984, Toriyama and Hinata 1985, Baba et al 1986, Thompson et al 1986). From 1985 to 1990 there were 13 primary publications from 12 different laboratories concerning the regeneration of rice plants from protoplasts (Fujimura et al 1985, Abdullah et al 1986, Coulibaly and Demarly 1986, Toriyama et al 1986, Yamada et al 1986, Kyozuka et al 1987, 1988, Kanda et al 1988, Lee et al 1989, Masuda et al 1989, Wang et al 1989, Datta et al 1990, Sun et al 1990). In addition, there have been further reports from several of those laboratories in which transgenic plants have been obtained. Most successes have occurred with japonica varieties; five of the publications in the preceding list report the regeneration of indica rice varieties from protoplasts (Kyozuka et al 1988, Lee et al 1989, Wang et al 1989, Datta et al 1990, Sun et al 1990). Thus, progress on rice regeneration was slow initially, but has accelerated during the last 3-4 years. Further progress on rice regeneration from protoplasts could be rapid. Responsive genotypes Japonica genotypes from which mature plants have been regenerated from protoplasts include Nihonbare (Fujimura et al 1985, Masuda et al 1989), Sasanishiki (Fujimura et al 1985), Taipei 309 and Fujisaka 5 (Abdullah et al 1986), Moroberekan (Coulibaly and Demarly 1986), Yamahoushi and Murasakidaikoku (Toriyama et al 1986,1988), AS8 MS and Fujiminori (Yamada et al 1986), Nipponbare, Iwaimochi, Norin 14, Fuijisaka 5, Koshihikare, and Sasanidhiki (Kyozuka et al 1987, Ogura et al 1987), Norin 8 (Kanda et al 1988), and Blue Bonnet, Pantiange-Heigu, and Akitakomachi (Masuda et al 1989). Indica varieties producing green plants (not necessarily mature) from protoplasts are 68-83, IRAT 109, Chyokoto (Kyozuka et al 1988), IR54 (Lee et al 1989), B1 (Wang et al 1989), DGZ (Sun et al 1990), and Chinsurah Boro II (Kyozuka et al 1988, Datta et al 1990). However, Chinsurah Boro II is not a true indica variety according to the classification of varieties by isozyme analysis

Transformation and Regeneration of Rice Protoplasts


(Glaszmann 1987) and more recent variety identifications based upon RFLP probes (Wang and Tanksley 1989). Thus, IR54 appears to be the only true indica variety that has been regenerated from protoplasts to mature, fertile plants (Lee et al 1989). Although many genotypes, e.g. IR36, are unresponsive in tissue culture, crossing such recalcitrant genotypes with regenerable varieties produces hybrids that are regenerable (Peng and Hodges 1989, Quimio and Zapata 1990). By taking advantage of this genetic control of regeneration, additional germplasm could become amenable to in vitro culture, including protoplast regeneration.

Suspension cultures as sources of protoplasts

Suspension-cultured cells, i.e. cells grown in liquid media, have been the primary source of protoplasts used for rice regeneration. Although some plants have been regenerated from protoplasts of other sources, namely primary callus from immature embryos and mature seeds (Kyozuka et al l987, Kanda et al 1988, Lee et al 1989), suspension-cultured cells appear to have a unique advantage. Why protoplasts derived from leaves, roots, or primary callus are less able to regenerate plants is unclear. Furthermore, the requirements for suspension cultures appear to be unique to monocot protoplast cultures as contrasted to dicot protoplast cultures. For suspension cultures of rice, 1 to 6 months are required for the cultures to become established. An established culture exhibits a rapid growth rate that is similar from subculture to subculture; the cell cluster size has become uniformly small; the cells are small, round, and highly cytoplasmic; embryo-like structures often occur within the cell clusters; the cells have become susceptible to the cell wall degrading enzymes used for preparing protoplasts; and, of course, the prepared protoplasts are capable of reestablishing growth and regenerating plants. A significant feature of an established rice suspension culture is that it appears to possess a higher percentage of totipotent cells than other explants or callus cultures. Unfortunately, there has been no thorough investigation of the characteristics common to the cells and cell clusters in liquid-grown rice cultures that serve as good sources of regenerable protoplasts. The growth rate of most rice suspension cultures shows a doubling time of 3-5 days, and the standard subculture cycle is about 1 week. Cultures are often described as consisting primarily of small and densely cytoplasmic cells containing few elongated and highly vacuolated cells. The size of cell clusters range from a few cells per cluster to more than 100 cells per cluster. As mentioned previously, the development of suspension cultures appears to represent a continuous selection for a higher percentage of cells that exhibit totipotency; however, an inability to precisely describe these established and regenerable cultures and to provide information on routine development of them is still a paramount problem in rice (and monocot) protoplast-regeneration research. Several explants and media have been used for rice suspension cultures. The explants producing the initial callus used for initiating suspension cultures have been either leaf bases (Abdullah et al 1986), immature embryos (Fujimura et al


Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje

1985, Kyozuka et al 1987, Lee et al 1989), mature seeds (Abdullah et al 1986, Yamada et al 1986, Kanda et al 1988, Kyozuka et al 1988, Lee et al 1989, Masuda et al 1989, Wang et al 1989), anthers (Toriyama and Hinata 1985, Toriyama et al 1986), or inflorescences (Sun et al 1990). A surprising number of the successes were with callus derived from mature seeds; however, we have found that immature embryos produce a more regenerable callus, which ultimately leads to regenerable suspension cultures. Many different media are used for in vitro culture of rice suspension cultures and protoplasts; the primary references and the compositions of these nutrient media are compared in Hodges et al (1989). Media used for growing the suspension-cultured cells include R2 (Fujimura et al 1985, Kyozuka et al 1987, 1988, Ogura et al 1987), BS (Fujimura et al 1985), LS (Abdullah et al 1986), AA (Abdullah et al 1986, Toriyama et al 1986, Yamada et al 1986), and N6 (Lee et al 1989, Wang et al 1989). The nitrogen source has been found to be especially important in the suspension media (Toriyama and Hinata 1985, Thompson et al 1986), and the use of the AA medium, which provides all nitrogen via amino acids (Muller and Grafe 1978), has been found to be effective for suspension culture maintenance and the release of protoplasts (Thompson et al 1986, Lee et al 1989). Sucrose has been used exclusively as the energy source and at concentrations of 2 to 3%. The 2,4-D concentrations used in the suspension media are in the range of 0.5 to 4 mg/liter, and generally no other hormones are added, although Wang et al (1989) did include 0.2 mg/liter zeatin along with 1.5 to 2.5 mg/liter 2,4-D. Also, the AA medium includes 0.1 mg/liter gibberellic acid (GA3) and 0.2 mg/liter kinetin. The dilution that occurs at subculture varies from 1 to 4g FW (or ml packed cell volume, pcv) per 10 ml of fresh medium. The suspension cultures are shaken on a gyrotary shaker between 60 and 160 r/min with most procedures using 80 to 120 r/min. Subculturing should occur twice weekly during the initial phase and then once per week after the culture is established. During subculturing, care must be taken to select for small clusters that are white to cream color, and it is important to avoid clusters that show any necrosis. Based upon the large number of genotypes that have been regenerated, the different explants used, and the different media employed, the key to developing effective suspension cultures appears to be more related to the cell selection process at the time of subculture than to any other factors. Because this selection process tends to be a highly visual and subjective process, it is difficult to describe in such a way as to make it easily reproducible. Additional research on the characterization and identification of unique morphological or biochemical features of regenerable suspension cultures is needed to make their development more precise. Protoplast preparation and culture Protoplasts are prepared by using enzymes that digest the pectins and cellulose of the primary cell wall. The enzymes are either semipurified, or more highly purified, preparations from fungi or snails and consist of pectinases and cellulases

Transformation and Regeneration of Rice Protoplasts


(Evans and Bravo 1983). The most common enzyme preparations and concentrations used for preparing rice protoplasts are 1-4% cellulase Onozuka R S (Yakult Honsha, Tokyo, Japan), and either 1-2% macerozyme R10 (Yakult Honsha, Tokyo, Japan) or 0.1-0.5%, pectolyase Y23 (Seishin Pharmaceutical Co., Tokyo, Japan). The enzymes are generally in a medium consisting of about 0.4 M mannitol as an osmoticum and various salts, with CaC12 (about 10 mM) as a key ingredient. A buffer such as MES, pH 5.5 to 6.0, is sometimes included. The digestion period is generally 3-4 hours with gentle shaking or no shaking at 25-30C in the dark. As part of the protoplast purification procedure, the protoplasts are filtered through a 20-40 m mesh nylon or stainless steel filter. Protoplasts can be further purified easily by centrifugation on discontinuous gradients of sucrose or mannitol. The extent of cell wall removal and the presence of cells possessing walls completely resistant to the enzymes is monitored by staining the protoplasts with Calcofluor White (Calbraith 1981). Protoplast viability should be higher than 90%. The commonest method for determining viability is by staining with fluorescein diacetate (FDA) (Widholm 1972). Protoplast culture is most often initiated on a medium solidified with agarose and rich in macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, amino acids, organic acids, and sugars. The media that have been used successfully for rice protoplasts are R2/B5 and N6 (Fujimura et al 1985), Kao medium with slight modifications (Abdullah et al 1986, Coullibaly and Demarly 1986, Lee et al 1989), B5/AA and N6 (Toriyarna et al 1986), R2 (Kyozuka et al 1987, 1988, Ogura et al 1987), RY2 (Yamada et al 1986), and N6 (Wang et al 1989). In most of the successful procedures the protoplast culture medium was supplemented with glucose (Fujimura et al 1985, Coulibaly and Demarly 1986, Yamada et al 1986, Toriyama et al 1988, Lee et al 1989, Masuda et al 1989, Wang et al 1989). In two laboratories a nurse culture has been useful, or required, for rice protoplast growth into callus and plant regeneration (Kyozuka et al 1987, Lee et al 1989). These nurse, or feeder, cells were required during the initial stages of cell wall regrowth and cell division. Protoplast-callus (p-callus) growth is sustained by transferring it to fresh N6 or MS media containing 2,4-D; some investigators included a cytokinin in the medium at this stage (Fujimura et al 1985, Coulibaly and Demarly 1986, Yamada et al 1986). Also, Wang et al ( 1989) reported that NAA and AKA were valuable for converting nonembryogenic p-callus into embryogenic p-callus at this stage of callus growth. In the final stages of regeneration into plants, a cytokinin in the concentration range of 0.1 to 5 mg/liter is frequently added to the N6 or MS basal medium (Toriyama et al 1986, 1988, Yamada et al 1986, Kyozuka et al 1987, Lee et al 1989, Masuda et al 1989, Wang et al 1989). Once the plantlets are 5-10 cm high, most will survive and grow into mature plants in growth chambers, greenhouses, or fields (Abdullah et al 1986, Kyozuka et al 1987, Lee et al 1989).


Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje

Rice protoplast transformation: overview

DNA transfer to plant protoplasts using a chemical treatment (polyethylene glycol [PEG] ) was initially demonstrated with dicot species (Krens et al 1982) and somewhat later for monocots (Lorz et al 1985, Potrykus et al 1985). Electroporation was developed at about the same time for transformation of protoplasts of monocots, as well as dicots (Fromm et al 1985). Rice protoplasts have been transformed with foreign genes by direct DNA uptake mediated by either electroporation (Ou-Lee et al 1986, Toriyama et al 1988, Matsuki et al 1989, Yang et al 1988, Zhang et al 1988, Shimamoto et al 1989) or PEG/salt treatments (Baba et al 1986, Uchimiya et al 1986, Morota and Uchimiya 1987, Yang et al 1988, Zhang and Wu 1988, Dekeyser et al 1989, Hodges etal 1989, McElroy et al 1990, Peng et al 1990a, b). Transgenic japonica plants were produced by Toriyama et al (1988), Zhangand Wu (1988), Zhang et al (1988), Shimamoto et al (1989), and Matsuki et al (1989). Datta et al (1990) obtained transgenic plants of a type II (Glaszmann 1987) rice variety (Chinsurah Boro II). Transgenic indica plants (IR54) were produced by Peng et al (1990b). It is still not clear whether electroporation - or PEG - mediated DNA uptake is preferred for transformation of rice protoplasts. In an extensive study, Negrutiu et al (1987) compared electroporation with PEG for transforming tobacco protoplasts and concluded that PEG with MgCl2 gave considerably higher absolute transformation efficiencies (3.9 to 48.6 X 10 -4 , i.e. 3.9 to 48.6 transformed protoplasts per 10,000 cultured) than electroporation. For rice, Yang et al (1988) compared the two procedures and found transformation efficiencies of 2 x 10 -4 for electroporation and 9 x 10 -5 for PEG. They also preferred electroporation because of its simplicity. On the other hand, we have found that, under conditions that kill 50% of the protoplasts by either an electroporation or PEG treatment, subsequent regrowth of the protoplasts back into callus is more rapid and more efficient following the PEG treatment (unpublished). Our transformation efficiencies with neo gene in IR54 using the PEG treatment was 2 x 10 -5 (Peng et al 1990a). Electroporation obviously requires equipment that is not needed when using the PEG treatment. On the other hand, PEG requires a slow dilution step after the DNA/PEG treatment, and this limits the number of samples that can be processed on a daily basis. This is a particular drawback when evaluating many experimental parameters, such as promoter constructions, using transient assays. Thus, electroporation would seem preferable if large numbers of treatments are involved. However, a simple procedure (described later) for diluting the PEG has recently been used (Lyznik et al 1990), and this may make the PEG procedure comparable to, or even more rapid than, electroporation. A general problem associated with genetic transformation of rice protoplasts using either transformation technique is that the foreign DNA often integrates in many copies and undergoes rearrangements during the uptake and integration process (Uchimiya et al 1986, Morota and Uchimiya 1987, Matsuki et al 1989, Peng et al 1990a). These DNA rearrangements were already known to occur in

Transformation and Regeneration of Rice Protoplasts


dicots (Paszkowski et al 1984, Krens et al 1985, Perbolte et al 1985, Czernilofsky et al 1986, Riggs and Bates 1986) as well as in another monocot (Fromm et al 1986, Rhodes et al 1988, Lyznik et al 1989). Shimamoto et al (1989), however, obtained several fertile transgenic rice plants following electroporation-mediated transformation, and gene rearrangements and multiple insertions did not appear to have occurred, at least in the selected callus lines. This is especially interesting because plant sterility in monocots following transformation by direct DNA uptake is often a problem (Rhodes et al 1988, Peng et al 1990b). This sterility is perhaps due to the excess random insertions of the introduced foreign DNA in transgenic genomes. The genes used for transforming and selecting rice protoplasts have been mainly from the group of genes encoding the aminoglycoside phosphotransferases (Bevan et al 1983, Herrera-Estrella et al 1983, Paszkowski et al 1984). One of these, the neo gene (also referred to as nptII ), encodes for neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII), which confers to plant cells a resistance to the antibiotics kanamycin and G418 (Yang et al 1988, Zhang et al 1988, Dekeyser et al 1989, Hodges et al 1989, Peng et al 1990a, b). A gene conferring resistance to hygromycin B ( aph IV, Waldron et al 1985, also referred to as bph gene) has also been used as a selectable gene marker for rice protoplasts (Matsuki et al 1989, Shimamoto et al 1989). And a herbicide resistance gene, bar, whose product confers resistance to phosphinothricin (the active ingredient of the herbicide Basta) was found to be promising for selecting transformed rice cells (Dekeyser et al 1989). The antibiotics used in conjunction with the neo gene can be important. For example, Yang et al (1988) produced transgenic plants following selection on kanamycin. However, Uchimiya et al (1 986) selected callus on kanamycin, but transgenic plants were obtained only when selection was made with G418 (Toriyama et al 1988). We observed a similar problem with kanamycin interfering with plant regeneration but were able to overcome it by selecting the transformants on G418 (Peng et al 1990b). Shimamoto et al (1989) obtained transgenic rice plants with the bph gene and selection on hygromycin B; however, Matsuiki et al (1989) obtained only albino plants after transformation with bph and selection on hygromycin. It is clear from these contrasting results that an optimum system for selecting transformants and regenerating fertile transgenic rice plants, as well as in other Gramineae (Hauptmann et al 1988), is still lacking. Reporter genes that have been transformed into rice include nos (encodes for nopaline synthase) (Morota and Uchimiya 1987), cat (encodes for chloramphenicol acetyl transferase, CAT) ( Ou-Lee et al 1986), and gus A (encodes for b -glucuronidase, GUS) (Zhang and Wu 1988, Matsuki et al 1989, Hodges et al 1989, Shimamoto et al 1989, McElroy et al 1990, Peng et al 1990a, b, Terada and Shimamoto 1990). In most instances the promoter for driving these genes has been the 35SCaMV promoter from the cauliflower mosaic virus. However, Dekeyser et al (1 989) evaluated several different promoters in rice protoplasts and concluded that the transcript 2 promoter of the octopine T-DNA was several times more efficient than either the transcript 1' promoter, the 35SCaMV promoter, the nos promoter, or a 5 fragment of the zein 4 gene of maize. The rolC promoter from the Ri plasmid of Agrobacterium rhizogenes was shown to


Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje

drive gusA expression in transgenic rice plants (Matsuki et al 1989), and the rice plant preserved the tissue specificity of gene expression observed in dicots. In an interesting study that did not involve selection on antibiotics, Zhang and Wu (1988) found the 5' region of alcohol dehydrogenase ( adh ), along with the first intron of adh, to function as a strong promoter of gusA expression. In this study, plants were regenerated (without any selection) and found to contain functional gusA at a surprisingly high frequency. In a recent paper from the same laboratory, McElroy et al (1990) reported that an actin gene promoter from rice was even more effective than the adh promoter in transiently driving gusA expression. If this enhanced expression holds for stable expression, perhaps this will make the identification of transgenic plants, without antibiotic selection, even more efficient. In summary, direct DNA uptake into rice protoplasts can be facilitated by either electroporation or PEG. To date, the genes and promoters used indicate that their expression and integration in rice is similar to that already described for dicots. However, selection on antibiotics continues to be a problem. Apparently, antibiotics can inhibit plant regeneration or cause transgenic plants to be phenotypically abnormal.

Protoplast regeneration protocols

One of the main purposes of this book is to facilitate the adoption of methods for genetically engineering rice. Thus, specific protocols for regeneration and transformation are presented. The selection of protocols presented here is based upon those that have been described in the greatest detail in published papers. Japonica varieties The protocol developed by Abdullah et al (1986) for regenerating japonica varieties of rice from protoplasts appears to be reproducible in other laboratories, and its key features are as follows: 1. Seeds of Taipei 309 were surface sterilized in 30% Domestos (Lever Bros, UK) for 30 min followed by 5 rinses with sterile tap water. 2. Seeds were germinated in the dark on basal MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) with 3% sucrose and 0.8% agar, pH 5.8. 3. Leaf bases from 7-day-old seedlings were removed and callus was initiated on LS medium (Linsmaier and Skoog 1965) with 2.5 mg/liter 2,4-D, 1.0 mg/liter thiamine HCl, 3% (wt/vol) sucrose, and 0.8% agar, pH 5.8. 4. One-month-old callus was used to develop a suspension culture. The callus was placed in AA medium (Muller and Grafe 1978) containing 2 mg/liter 2,4-D (AA2). During suspension culture establishment, the liquid medium was replaced at weekly intervals without reducing the cell density. The suspension culture was sieved through a 500 m nylon mesh as necessary to remove large clumps of cells. Established cell suspensions in AA2 medium were subcultured at weekly

Transformation and Regeneration of Rice Protoplasts


intervals using a dilution ratio of 1:4 inoculum/fresh medium. 5. Protoplasts were isolated 4 days after subculture, using an enzyme mixture consisting of 1% (wt/vol) cellulase RS, 0.1%, (wt/vol) Pectolyase Y23, 5 mM MES, CPW salts (Frearson et al 1973), and 13% (wt/vol) mannitol, pH 5.6. 6. Protoplasts were sieved through a 30 m nylon mesh and washed 3 times in CPW medium with 13% mannitol. 7. Protoplasts were plated at a density of 3.0 x 105/ml in 1.2% Sea Plaque agarose (FMC Corp, Rockland, ME 04841, USA) containing Kao medium (Kao 1977) with 0.5 mg/liter 2,4-D and 10% (wt/vol) glucose as osmoticum. 8. Microcalli 1-2 mm in diameter were transferred directly into 25-compartment dishes (Sterilin Ltd, Feltham, Middlesex, UK). Four colonies were placed in each compartment on 2 ml of either N6 or MS medium, without growth regulators, containing 8% (wt/vol) sucrose and 0.8% agar, pH 5.8. 9. Well-developed germinating embryoids were transferred onto MS basal medium with 0.8% (wt/vol) agar in continuous light (2,500 1x). Young regenerated plants 10-1.5 cm tall were transferred to soil in a growth room (day temperature 28C, night temperature 25C, 10-h photoperiod). it is nearly certain that this basic protocol (as well as the one presented next for indica varieties) can be improved because there are so many variables that influence the overall regeneration process and so many different developmental stages involved. The discussion preceding the presentation of protocols mentioned other parameters that might make these procedures more efficient. Indica varieties X protocol was developed in our laboratory (Lee et al 1989) for regenerating an indica variety (IR54) from protoplasts. Some of the features of this system have been recently modified, and the protocol described below is that currently used: 1. Seeds of 11354 were planted in pots as described by Koetje et al ( 1989). For the isolation of immature embryos from flowering plants, about 300 young spikelets containing embryos about 1 mm long (about 8-10 days post anthesis) were removed from the panicles and rinsed with 100 ml detergent solution (deionized water plus two drops Tween-20) in a 2.50 ml aspiration flask and stirred in vacuo for 10 min. The detergent was decanted and the spikelets rinsed with deionized water. One hundred ml of 70% (wt/vol) ethanol was added, and the flask vigorously shaken for 90 seconds. The ethanol was decanted, the spikelets were rinsed with deionized water, and 100 ml of 50% (vol/vol) Clorox bleach (2.6%, Na hypochlorite) and one drop of Tween-20 were added. These spikelets were treated in the Clorox for 50 min in vacuo. Spikelets were finally rinsed with 100 ml sterile deionized water three times in a laminar flow hood. 2. Immature embryos were isolated and cultured in the dark at 26C on either N6 (Chu et al 1975) or MS (Murashige and Skoog 1962) medium containing 3%, sucrose, 2.0 mg/liter 2,4-D, 50 mg/liter tryptophan, and 0.6% agarose (BRL; Life Technologies, Gaithersburg, MD, USA), pH 5.7 prior to autoclaving. In our laboratory, both N6 and MS media are supplemented with nicotinic acid


Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje

(0.5 mg/liter), thiamine.HCl (0.1 mg/liter), pyridoxine.HCl (0.5 mg/liter), myo-inositol (100 mg/liter), and glycine (2.0 mg/liter) and, hereafter, reference to either MS or N6 in our protocols includes these supplements and 3% sucrose. 3. Suspension cultures, which served as the source of protoplasts, were established by removing embryogenic regions of primary callus (1 g FW per 40 ml of liquid medium) from 3- or 4-week-old cultures of immature embryos and placing them into N6 liquid medium containing 3% sucrose, 20 mM L-proline, 50 mg/ liter tryptophan, and 2 to 4 mg/liter 2,4-D, pH 5.7 prior to autoclaving. Cultures were placed on a gyrotary shaker (at 120 r/min) in the dark at 25C. During establishment, the medium was replaced every 2 to 3 days for 2 to 4 weeks; subsequently, the cell suspensions were subcultured twice each week using 45 ml packed cell volume (pcv) per 40 ml of medium for the next 2 to 4 months. Small cell clusters were selected for subculturing during establishment of the liquid cultures. Care was taken to avoid the larger clusters or necrotic cells. The established cultures were then subcultured once per week. 4. Suspension cultures, which served as feeder or nurse cultures, were established in the same manner as described above except cultures of Calrose 76 were maintained in AA medium (Muller and Grafe 1978) while those of IR52 were maintained in an LS medium (Linsmaier and Skoog 1965). The AA medium contained 2% sucrose, 2 mg/liter 2,4-D, 0.1 mg/liter gibberellin A3, and 0.2 mg/ liter kinetin, pH 5.8 prior to autoclaving. The LS medium was altered to include 3% sucrose, 1.0 mg/liter thiamine.HC1, 50 mg/liter tryptophan, and 4.0 mg/ liter 2,4-D, pH 5.7 prior to autoclaving. 5. Four to 5 days prior to protoplast isolation, 1.5 to 2.0 ml pcv of IR54 suspension cells (maintained in the N6 medium) were transferred to 40 ml of MS or AA media (containing 2% sucrose) and 2 mg/liter 2,4-D. 6. Protoplasts were isolated by incubating 1 g FW of cels/10 ml of CPW salts (Frearson et al 1973) containing 1% Cellulase RS and 0.1% Pectolyase Y23, 0.4 M mannitol, and 5 mM MES, pH 6.0 for 4 hours in the dark at 26C on a shaker at 30 r/min. The enzyme solution was filter-sterilized. Protoplasts were filtered through 30 m nylon mesh (Tetko Co, Elmsford, NY, USA), washed with 2 volumes of the CPW medium containing 0.4 M mannitol (CPW-M), and centrifuged at 100g for 10 min. The protoplasts were then suspended in 1-2 ml of CPW-M medium, layered onto 5 ml of 0.6 M sucrose, and centrifuged at 40.g for 10 min. The floating and purified protoplasts (containing less than 0.1% cells) were collected with a Pasteur pipet, suspended in CPW-M medium, and centrifuged at 100-g for 10 min. 7. Finally, the protoplasts were suspended in Kao* medium (1 ml/0.1 ml packed volume of protoplasts) (Lee et al 1989). Kao* is Kao medium (Kao 1977) supplemented with 50 mg/liter arginine, 1 mg/liter NAA, 0.5 mg/liter zeatin, 0.5 mg/liter 2,4-D, 7% glucose, and 0.8% (wt/vol) agarose (Sea Plaque: FMC Co, Rockland, MD 04841, USA) Protoplast viability was determined with FDA staining (Widholm 1972), and cell contamination was determined by staining with Calcofluor White (Galbraith 1981). 8. Protoplasts were cultured using a feeder-layer method. The feeder-cell layer was prepared by adding to a Petri dish (60 x 15 mm) 6 ml of a mixture of 1.5 ml pcv of 4-day-old suspension cells (see step 4 above) into 20 ml Kao*

Transformation and Regeneration of Rice Protoplasts


medium. A Millipore filter (0.8 m pores) was placed on top of the feeder cells, and 0.2 ml of protoplasts containing 1 to 2 X 10 5 protoplasts were distributed evenly onto the filter. The plated protoplast cultures were incubated in the dark at 25C for 3 weeks. 9. After 3 weeks of incubation, the filters with p-callus colonies were transferred to MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/liter 2,4-D and 0.5 mg/liter benzylaminopurine (BAP) in 0.6% (wt/vol) BRL agarose (gelling temperature 36-42C) in Petri dishes (100 X 15 mm) and cultured in the dark at 25C. 10. After 3 weeks of culture, p-callus colonies 1-2mm in diameter with embryo-like structures were transferred to Petri dishes (100 X 25 mm) containing regeneration medium (N6 medium supplemented with 10 mg/liter kinetin or BAP and 0.1 mg/liter naphthalene-1-acetic acid [NAA]), and 0.6% (wt/vol) agarose. After 1 week in the dark the dishes were transferred to light chambers (75 mol/m 2/s photosynthetic photon flux density and a 16-hour photoperiod at 25C). 11. Plantlets with shoots 5 cm or longer were then transferred into glass jars (100 X 60 mm) containing 0.8% (wt/vol) agar with MS medium. Regenerated plants ( > 10 cm in length) were then transferred to pots containing soil and placed in a growth chamber (day temperature 28C, night temperature 24C, with 200 mol/m 2/s photosynthetic photon flux density and a 10-hour photoperiod) and grown as described for seed-grown plants (Koetje et al 1989). This procedure has resulted in the regeneration of hundreds of mature and fertile plants from the IR54 variety. The most critical and difficult aspect of the entire procedure is the visual selection of cells in the development of functional suspension cultures, i.e. those whose protoplasts are capable of growth.

Protoplast transformation protocols

As discussed previously, two procedures have been used most often for transforming protoplasts, namely electroporation- and PEG-mediated DNA uptake. Both procedures are effective with protoplasts of either japonica or indica genotypes. Here, we present the electroporation procedure followed by Zhang et al (1988) for transforming a japonica variety. This procedure was chosen because it was employed by the same laboratory whose procedure was described above for regenerating japonica protoplasts. The PEG procedure used routinely in our laboratory for transforming indica varieties (Peng et al 1990a) is then described. Finally, a simplified version of a PEG-mediated transformation protocol that is quite rapid and useful for transient transformation assays is presented.

Electroporation of protoplasts
Protoplasts were isolated as described above (see step 7 for japonica varieties). 1. Protoplasts were suspended at 2.5 X 106/ml in a medium containing 0.8 g/ liter NaC1, 0.02 g/liter KC1, 0.02 g/liter KH2PO4, and 100 g/liter glucose, pH 7.1 (Zhang et al 1988).


Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje

2. One ml of protoplast suspension was mixed with 20 g of plasmid in 20 l of TE buffer (10 mM Tris and 1.0 mM EDTA, pH 8.0). 3. Four hundred l samples of protoplast/plasmid mixture were transferred to the chamber of an electroporator (DIA-LOG, G.m.b.H., 4 Dusseldorf 13, FRG). The plexiglass chamber, which had two parallel stainless steel electrodes 1.0 cm apart, was sterilized by immersion in 80% (vol/vol) ethanol (30 min) prior to use. 4. Three successive exponential pulses of an initial voltage of 2,000 volts were applied to the samples of 10-s intervals by discharging a 40-nF capacitor across the electrodes of the chamber. 5. After electroporation, protoplasts were incubated on ice for 10 min followed by 20 min at 22C. 6. Protoplasts (6.0 x 10 5 /ml) were cultured in 1.5 ml volumes of KPR (Kao medium plus 0.5 mg/liter 2,4-D and 10% [wt/vol] glucose) medium (Abdullah et al 1986) made semisolid with 1.2% (wt/vol) Sea Plaque agarose (FMC Corporation, Rockland ME 04841, USA) in 3-cm diameter Petri dishes. The dishes were sealed with Nescofilm (Nippon Shoji Kaisha Ltd, Osaka, Japan). 7. Cultures were incubated in the dark at 27C. After 7 days, the agarose medium in each dish was cut into four sectors, the latter transferred to 5-cm diameter Petri dishes, and sectors bathed in 3 ml of KPR liquid medium. 8. At day 14 of culture, half of the cultures were maintained in KPR medium to ensure that the plasmid-treated protoplasts were capable of cell colony formation. In the remaining culture, the liquid medium in each dish was replaced by 3 ml of KPR medium containing 100 g/ml kanamycin. The kanamycincontaining liquid medium was replaced every 7 days. 9. When colonies reached a diameter of about 1 mm, they were placed on the surface of hormone-free N6 medium containing 8% sucrose and 0.6% wt/vol agarose (Sigma, type I) in 100-mm square 5 X 5 compartment dishes (Sterilin Ltd, Feltham, Middlesex, UK). Cultures were maintained in the dark and welldeveloped embryoids or plantlets were transferred onto MS basal medium with 0.8% (wt/vol) agar in continuous light (2,500 1x). Young regenerated plants 10-15 cm tall were transferred to soil in a growth room (day temperature 28C, night temperature 25C, 10-h-day/14-h-night cycle). Although this procedure provides key steps of general utility, each laboratory must conduct preliminary experiments to optimize the experimental conditions for their cells. The most important components to consider are the electrical parameters, the antibiotic concentration, and the time of its application to the protoplast culture. Somewhat different electroporation conditions were used by Shimamoto et al (1989) and Matsuki et al (1989). Those papers should be consulted. PEG treatment of protoplasts The procedure we use for PEG treatment of protoplasts (Lyznik et al 1989, Peng et al 1990a) is essentially that described by Krens et al (1982) and as modified by Antonelli et al (1988). Protoplasts were isolated from established cell cultures

Transformation and Regeneration of Rice Protoplasts


according to steps 5 and 6 above for the indica protoplast regeneration procedure. 1. After isolation and purification, protoplasts were suspended in CPW-M at a density of 2 x 107 protoplasts/ml. To 1 ml of protoplast mixture was added 50 to 100 g of linear or circular plasmid DNA in 100 l TE buffer and 1.1 ml of 40% PEG (Sigma, MW ~ 8,000) in Krens' F solution, pH 7.0 (Krens et al 1982). After a 5-min heat shock at 45C and chilling on ice for 20 s, the mixture was incubated at 30C for 25 min. 2. The above mixture was gradually diluted with 30 ml Krens' F solution over the next 30 min. 3. The protoplast mixture w'as centrifuged at 100g for 10 min, and the pelleted protoplasts were suspended in Kao* medium at a density of 1-2 x 106 protoplasts/ml. 4. Protoplasts were cultured using the feeder-layer method. Two hundred l of protoplasts containing 2-4 x 105 protoplasts were added on top of Millipore filters above the feeder-cell layer as described above in step 8 of the indica protoplast regeneration procedure. The protoplast culture was incubated in the dark for 3 weeks at 25C. 5. After 3 weeks, the filters with p-callus colonies were transferred to MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/liter 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/liter BAP, plus antibiotics (100 g/ml kanamycin or 20 g/ml G418 if using the neo gene) in 0.64% agarose (wt/vol) (BRL) in Petri dishes (100 x 15 mm) and cultured in the dark at 25C. 6. About 6 weeks after transformation. putative transformants of p-callus were selected for transfer off the Millipore filter and onto the same MS medium, but without the antibiotics, for another 2 to 3 weeks. This step is required for callus/ embryo development after the antibiotic treatment. 7. The calli were then transferred to N6 regeneration medium as in steps 10 and 11 of the indica rice regeneration protocol. The most important parameters to be considered are the antibiotics to use (with the neo gene, kanamycin was effective for callus selection but it interfered with plant regeneration; G418 functioned for selection of transformed callus and further plant regeneration) and the time of applying the antibiotic (Peng et al 19903, b). Because the indica p-callus grows slowly. we have found that 3 weeks of growth prior to applying the antibiotic was necessary. For faster-groiving p-calli, such as with certain maize cultures (Lyznik et al 1989), it is essential to add the antibiotics sooner. For transformation studies, there are many parameters to be evaluated such as the testing of various plasmid constructions, PEG concentrations, evaluations of DNA/protoplast ratios, testing linear vs. circular forms of plasmids, time of exposure to DNA, buffers, salts, etc. Many of these parameters can be evaluated by testing for transient gene expression a few hours or days after transformation. Often electroporation is used for these transient gene expression experiments, but the protocol presented nest, using the PEG method, also allows one to test many of these variables in a single experiment.


Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje

Rapid PEG transformation of protoplasts A disadvantage of the PEG procedure described above is that the dilution of the PEG following the initial treatment is slow and tedious. A modification of the above procedure that is especially useful for transient transformation assays is to plate the PEG-treated protoplasts directly onto agarose blocks in 12-well microculture plates (Lyznik et al 1990). Specifically, 100 l of a protoplast suspension is transferred to a 0.5-ml Eppendorf tube and mixed first with 5 l of plasmid (1 mg/ml) and then with 0.1 ml of 40% PEG in Krens' F solution (Krens et al 1982). After a 20-minute incubation at room temperature, the transformation mixture is pipetted into a well of a 12-well microculture plate containing a 2-ml block of solidified 0.2% low-melting-point agarose (BRL: Life Technologies, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) in Kao* medium. The covered plates are left overnight in a laminar flow hood at room temperature. With this procedure, the PEG is diluted gradually and automatically by the liquid in the agarose blocks. Assays for transient gene expression can be determined over a 4- to 48-hour period following DNA uptake. Elimination of the manual dilution permits the processing of many more samples per day.

Genetic engineering of rice, both japonica and indica varieties, is now possible via direct uptake of DNA into protoplasts and regeneration of these protoplasts back into mature plants. Protocols have been described for both transformation and regeneration of japonica and indica protoplasts. The efficiencies of the procedures for transformation and regeneration are still low, especially for the indica varieties. Nevertheless, the ability to produce transgenic plants of the world's most important food crop is a major advance. The next critical component for genetic engineering of rice via protoplasts is to transfer the transformation and regeneration procedures to other laboratories as quickly as possible and to continually strive to make the procedures simple and reliable. This is being achieved with various training workshops, publications of reviews such as this book, and scientist-exchange programs. There are major problems still associated with the primary steps of transformation and regeneration. Regarding protoplast regeneration there is still the genotype specificity issue, i.e. not all varieties can be manipulated in culture at high efficiency. It is laborious and time-consuming to develop established and regenerable suspension cultures, and there is a loss of regenerability with time in culture. Problems associated with transformation are the random insertion of the foreign genes into the genome following DNA uptake, rearrangements of the genes, stability of gene expression, the lack of a good selectable marker for rice, and the problem of albinism or frequent lack of seed set in transgenic plants. But let us not despair; the field is in its infancy and truly great progress has been made in the manipulation of rice protoplasts in the last 5 years. It is indeed the only reproducible method at present for genetically engineering rice.

Transformation and Regeneration of Rice Protoplasts


Even though the overall process of transforming and regenerating rice protoplasts is complex, it is now possible to initiate studies concerning the mechanism, or mechanisms, of gene integration into the genome, which should facilitate the targeting of foreign genes into specific sites in the rice genome or insertion mutagenesis of native genes. Further research on the control of foreign gene expression and the influence of foreign genes on the expression of native genes is needed and can be done. Furthermore, it is now possible to determine the inheritance of the foreign genes and to assess their fate in several subsequent generations. Answers to these problems will be forthcoming in concert with the introduction of genes controlling important agronomic traits such as virus resistance, insect and disease resistance, etc. Developments during the next few years in this field should be extremely enlightening and exciting.

References cited
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Transformation and Regeneration of Rice Protoplasts


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Thomas K Hodges, Jianying Peng, Leszek A Lyznik, and David S Koetje

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Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques

Jun Cao, 1 Wanggen Zhang,2 David McElroy,2 and Ray Wu 1,2
1 2

Section of Biochemistry, Molrcular and Cell Biology, Cornell University, USA Graduate Field of Botany, Cornell University, USA

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) method for introducing DNA into rice protoplasts

Callus induction and the establishment of cell suspension cultures Protoplast Isolation and PEL-mediated gene transfer

Regeneration of cells and calli from protoplasts Regeneration of plants from calli Comparison of the PEG and electroporation methods

Electroporation method for introducing DNA into rice protoplasts Culture of protoplasts following transformation

The pollen-tube pathway method Agrobacterium -mediated gene transfer system Conclusions

The bombardment procedure Stable transtormation of rice embryo section cells Transiormation of immature rice panicles Transient assay of gene constructs in specialized rice cells and tissues

GUS ( b -glucuronidase) assay system Biolistic method for introducing DNA into intact rice cells

Efficient methods for introducing foreign DNA into rice protoplasts and intact rice cells are now available. Transient expression o f foreign genes is easily measured, and transgenic rice plants with stable genomic integration o f foreign DNA have been produced in several laboratories. These developments make it possible for scientists to enter a new era in rice biotechnology. The availability o f reliable genetic transformation techniques will facilitate the elucidation of molecular principles of gene regulation in rice, and paves the way for transferring agronomically important genes into rice for crop improvement (for reviews, see Davey et al 1989, Uchimiya et al 1989, Wu 1989).


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

The main focus of this chapter is to describe and to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the available methods for introducing foreign DNA into rice. The following methods have been reported: 1. The polyethylene glycol (PEG) method. 2. The electroporation procedure for the introduction of DNA into rice protoplasts. 3. The biolistic method for the transfer of DNA into intact rice cells. 4. The pollen-tube pathway method for the introduction of DNA into the ovules of rice florets. 5. The Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. So far, only methods 1 and 2 have proven consistently reproducible for the production of transgenic rice plants (Zhang and Wu 1988, Toriyama et al 1988, Yang et al 1988, Shimamoto et al 1989). Method 3 has been used in several laboratories for transient assays of introduced genes, and chimeric rice plants have been produced (Cao et al 1990). We present these three methods in sufficient detail for them to be readily used by other investigators. The remaining methods (4 and 5) have not yet been fully documented or have been successfully used in only one or two laboratories. They are briefly discussed in this chapter. Sections related to the techniques of rice tissue culture and protoplast regeneration used in our laboratory are included so that others may follow the procedures that we have found useful. More comprehensive descriptions and discussions of these culture techniques are presented in Chapters 6 and 7.

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) method for introducing DNA into rice protoplasts
PEG is a chemical that promotes protoplast fusion. Its ability to promote the uptake of foreign genes by protoplasts has also been successfully exploited by a number of groups (Paszkowski et al 1984, Lrz et al 1985, Potrykus et al 1985, Negrutiu et al 1987). Using PEG, we established a reproducible system for the genetic transformation of rice protoplasts and the subsequent regeneration of transgenic rice plants. Plasmids containing the promoters of the maize alcohol dehydrogenase 1 gene ( Adh1 ) and rice actin 1 gene ( Act1 ) fused to a bacterial sequence coding for b -glucuronidase ( Gus ) (p-Al, Gus N and p Act1, respectively, Fig. 8.1) were used as the source of foreign DNA in transformation experiments (Zhang and Wu 1988, McElroy et al l990). Callus induction and the establishment of cell suspension cultures We use three varieties of rice ( Oryza sativa L.): Pi 4, Taipei 309, and Nipponbare, as a source of protoplasts in our transformation experiments. Mature or immature (22-26 days after flowering) seeds are manually dehusked and surfacesterilized in 30% (vol/vol) Clorox (Clorox Co., Oakland, CA) for 30 min,

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


GUS assav results Map of constructs Names Mean Mean specific expression activity efficiency nmol/h/mg %

Fig. 8.1. Results of transtormation of rice protoplast with Gus fusion constructs. Maps of constructs containing various portions of the 5-flanking and 5'-transcribed sequence of the rice actin 1 ( Act1 ) gene fused, in frame, to a sequence containing a b -glucuronidase (GUS) coding region and 3 nopaline synthase (nos) transcription terminator are shown next to their respective names. Open boxes represent noncoding exons of the Act1 gene, filled boxes represent the Gus coding region (not to scale), and striped boxes represent the nos terminator sequence. The stippled box in the construct pAl1GusN represents the first exon of the maize alcohol dehydrogenase gene ( Adh1 ). The indicated restriction enzyme sites are abbreviated as: Bam HI, B; Bgl ll, G; Eco RI, E; Pst l, P; Sst l, S; Xho I, Xh, Xba 1, X. The characteristics of the 5 region in each of the Act1-Gus fusion constructs are as follows: p Act1 -F and p Act1 -G have 1.3 kb and 0.9 kb, respectively, of rice Act1 DNA, each containing the 5 noncoding exon, 5 intron and part of the first coding exon of the Act7 genomic sequence; p Act1 -M was derived from p Act1 -G by the deletion of 157 bp from within its Act1 5 intron, removing a putative mRNA branch site; p Act1 -R is identical to p Act1 -G with the exception that it has the Act1 5 intron deleted. The results of four independent transformation experiments, assayed 20 days after transtormation by a quantitative fluorometric method, were used to estimate the mean specific activity of GUS in transformed rice protoplasts, after correction for background. Two independent protoplast transtormation experiments were carried out to estimate the mean expression efficiency of GUS by counting the number of blue cells (indicative of visible GUS expression). The results were expressed as a percentage of the total number of intact viable cells assayed 10 days after transformation (redrawn from McElroy et al 1990).


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

followed by three rinses with sterile tap water. The seeds are soaked in sterilized water at 27C overnight and then the embryos are carefully taken out with endsharpened forceps. The excised embryos are placed on LS 2.5 callus induction medium (Table 8.1) in plastic petri dishes with the scutellum facing upward. The sealed dishes are incubated in the dark at 27C. After one week, the calli derived from the scutellum are transferred to fresh LS 2.5 medium. Four weeks later, the resulting calli are selected for subsequent experimentation. The material is teased apart to an average size of between 0.5 and 2 mm following natural grooves on the callus surface. About 200 mg of callus is cultured in a 100 ml conical flask with 20 ml of AA2 liquid medium (Abdullah et a11986) on a rotary shaker at 110 rpm, either in darkness or using a 12-h-day/l2-h-night cycle. Serial subculturing is done weekly by exchanging half the volume of old medium with fresh AA2 medium. After 2 months, the suspension cells are filtered through a 1 mm nylon sieve (Spectrum) into a 500 ml flask containing 100 ml of AA, medium. These cells will normally grow vigorously after subculturing several times. After 3 months, the suspension cells are usually ready to be used in the isolation of regenerable protoplasts. Protoplast isolation and PEG-mediated gene transfer Healthy suspension culture (yellowish in color) is sieved through a 710 m nylon sieve into a new flask, 1-2 weeks before transformation, to allow for 1-2further subcultures. Four to six days after subculturing, cells are collected in a 50 ml plastic tube (Corning) by centrifugation. For preparing protoplasts, 2-5 g of cells are incubated with about 20 ml of an enzyme mixture comprising 1% (wt/vol) cellulase RS (Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd., Japan), 0.1% (wt/vol) Pectolyase Y23 (Seishin Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Japan) in CPW salts (Frearson et al 1973) with 8% mannitol (CPW8) (Table 8.2). The cells are incubated on a rotary platform shaker at 70 r/min for 3-5 h at 26C. The contents in the tube are successively passed through 80, 52, and 30 m diameter sieves to remove undigested cell clumps. The sieves are washed several times with CPW8 media to increase protoplast recovery and subsequent yields. The sieved protoplasts are placed in 50 ml tubes and pelleted by centrifugation for 5 min at about 100.g (700-800 rpm) in a table-top, swinging-bucket centrifuge. After discarding the supernatant and gently resuspending the pellet in 2 ml of CPW8 medium, the protoplast suspension is layered over 8 ml of 0.6 M sucrose in a 15 ml tube, and centrifuged at approximately 80 g for 5 min. Protoplasts isolated from the sucrose-CPW8 interface are transferred to a new tube with a transfer pipet, and MaMg transformation medium (Table 8.2) is added to a final volume of 10 ml. The number of protoplasts is determined under a microscope using a hemacytometer. The protoplasts are pelleted as before, and resuspended in MaMg medium to a final density of 2 X 106 protoplasts/ml. For DNA uptake, protoplasts (2 ml) are transferred to a 15 ml tube and foreign DNA (10 g/ml), calf thymus carrier DNA (50 g/ml), and one volume of a 30% polyethylene glycol-4000 (Sigma) solution are sequentially added, with

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


Table 8.1. Composition of culture media. Simplified KPR and the amino acid components of AA medium are filter-sterilized; all other media are autoclaved. Constituents (mg/liter) Macronutrients CaCl2 2H2O KH2PO4 MgSO4 7H20 KCl NH4NO3 KNO3 (NH4)2SO4 Micronutrients KI CoCI2 6H2O H3BO3 Na2MoO4 2H2O MnSO4 4H2O CuSO4 5H2O ZnSO4 7H2O FeSO4 7H2O Na2EDTA Vitamins and sugars Inositol Nicotinic acid Pyridoxine-HCI Thiamine-HCI Sucrose Glucose Amino acid Glycine I-Glutamine L-Aspartic acid L-Arginine Hormone 2,4-D Kinetin GA3 NAA Zeatin Agar Agarose pH 5.8 8 g agarose tor cell culture derived from protoplasts with 2,4-D; 10 g agar per liter tor plantlets without 2,3-D. b 8 g agarose per liter tor nurse cell Culture; 12 g LMT agarose tor solid culture ot protoplasts.

AA, 440 170 370 2,940 0.83 0.025 6.2 0.25 22.3 0.025 8.6 17.85 37.25 100 0.5 0.1 0.5 30,000 75 877 266 228 2.0 0.2 0.1 -

LS 2.5 -140 170 370 1,650 1,900 0.83 0.025 6.2 0.25 22.3 0.025 8.6 27.85 37.25 100 1.0 30,000 -

KPR 600 170 300 300 600 1,900 0.7.5 0.025 3.0 0.25 10.0 0.023 2.0 27.83 37.25 100 1.0 1.0 1.0 250 100,000 -

MS 440 170 370 1,650 1,900 0.83 0.025 6.2 0.25 22.3 0.025 8.6 27.85 37.25 100 0.5 0.5 0.1 30,000 2.0 2.0 0.5 10.000

N6 166 300 185 2,830 463 0.8 1.6 4.4 1.5 27.85 37.25 100 1.0 0.5 0.5 30,000 1.0 -

2.5 8,000

0.5 1.0 0.5 8,000 b

2.5 10,000 a 8,000,a


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

Table 8.2. Solutions for washing, cell wall digestion, transformation, and GUS assay. CPW8 medium (after Frearson et al 1973)

Constituents KH2PO4 KNO3 CaCI2 . 2H2O MgSO4 . 7H2O KI CuSO4 . 5H2O Mannitol pH 5.8; Autoclave
Cell wall digestion solution

mg/liter 27.2 101 1,480 246 0.16 0.025 80,000

Make 1 % (wt/vol) Cellulase RS (Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd., japan) and 0.1% Pectolyase Y23 (Seishin Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Japan) in CPW8 medium, filter-sterilize.
MaMg gene transformation medium

0.4 M Mannitol 15 mM MgCI2 0.1% MES pH 5.6; Autoclave

30% PEG in MaMg

Add 30 g PEG4000 to 60 ml of MaMg (pH 5.6) and, adjusted to 100 ml, filter-sterilize.
Solution for transient assay for glucuronidase (GUS) activity using the X-Gluc substrate

30% Ficoll 5 mM potassium ferrocyanide 5 mM potassium ferricyanide 0.1 M NaH2PO4 0.3% X-GIuc 0.005% Triton X-100 H2O
Lysis buffer for protein isolation and for GUS activity assay using the MUG substrate

Lysis buffer 50 mM NaH2PO4 10 mM EDTA 0.1 % Triton X-1 00 0.1 % Sarkosyl 10 mM -mercaptoethanol 25 g/ml PMSF pH 7.0

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


gentle mixing between each addition. The mixture is incubated at 25C for 2030 min with an occasional gentle swirl, and then diluted slowly with 2 volumes of CPW8 media, followed by centrifugation at about 100 g for 5 min to pellet the protoplasts. After the supernatant is carefully removed, the protoplasts are washed once more with CPW8 media. During the washing step, the concentration of protoplasts is determined by hemacytometry, and adjusted to a density of 1 X 106 per ml in a simplified KPK medium (Zhang and Wu 1988).

Electroporation method for introducing DNA into rice protoplasts

The electroporation method uses short electrical pulses of high field strength to increase the permeability of protoplast membrane and allow the entry of DNA molecules (for a review see Nagata 1989). This method was first applied to rice in 1986 (Ou-Lee et al 1986). Two electroporation systems and procedures were compared. One was a pulsar pulse generator connected to a helical fusion chamber (CCA, Chicago). In this, and most other commonly used models, the electrodes are immersed in a reaction chamber into which the protoplasts are also placed. The second system tested was a Baekon 2000 Advanced Gene Transfer System (Baekon, Saratoga, CX). This system can be operated in a noncontact mode in which the anode is positioned about 1 mm above the sample solution surface. Pulsed current is discharged across the gap between the anode and the reaction chamber solution surface. Although a relatively high voltage is required, we prefer to use the noncontact mode because we find that rice protoplast viability is higher after the electroporation procedure. In a typical experiment, 200 l of electroporation buffer (8 g/liter NaCI, 0.2 g/liter KCl, 0.1 g/liter KH2PO4, 0.6 g/liter Na2HPO4, 5 mM CaCl2, 460 mM mannitol, pH 7.1), containing 10' rice protoplasts, 20 g/ml plasmid DNA, and 50 g/ml calf thymus carrier DNA, are given 20 pulses of 10 kV (62.5 s each pulse). Two plasmids, which contain the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene and either the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter (p35S-CAT) or the Drosophila copia gene promoter (pCopiaCAT), were used. Both plasmids showed high transient expression in rice protoplasts, as measured by the formation of acetylated [14C]-chloramphenicol (Ou-Lee et al 1986). The electroporation method was also successfully used by several other investigators to introduce DNA into rice protoplasts (Toriyama et al 1988, Yang et al 1988, Shimamoto et al 1989). The method used by Toriyama et al ( 1988) is as follows. Rice protoplasts (2 X 105) were suspended in 0.6 ml of buffer consisting of 0.5 mM 2-[N-morpholino]ethane sulfonic acid (MES), pH 5.8; 7 mM KCI; 4 mM CaCl2 and 6.5% mannitol; 10 g of plasmid pCN containing the CaMV-35S promoter; and an aminoglycoside phosphotranferase type II (XPHII) coding sequence, conferring resistance to the antibiotic, G418. An electric pulse was delivered from a 125 F


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

capacitor, charged to produce a field strength of 500 V/cm (Gene-Pulser, BioRad, CA), for 20 ms. After electroporation, G418 was used to select transformants. Out of 19 G418-resistant colonies, 5 transgenic plants were regenerated. The method used by Yang et al (1988) is as follows. Rice protoplasts were suspended at 4.25 x 10 6 /ml in electroporation medium (pH 7.1), which contained 0.8 g/liter NaCl, 0.02 g/liter KCl, 0.02 g/liter KH2PO4, 0.115 g/liter Na2HPO4, 100 g/liter glucose, 10 g/ml pCaMV NEO (CaMV-35s promoter fused to a neomycin phosphotransferase gene), and 50 g/ml of sheared calf thymus carrier DNA. Electroporation was done using an electroporator (DIALOG, G.m.b.H., 4 Dsseldorf 13, West Germany) at 2,000 V with three pulses of 10 s durations. As can be seen in the examples above, there are several types of electroporation apparatus and the electroporation conditions used can be quite different. Home-made versions of the apparatus can be less expensive than the commercial ones (Fromm et al 1985). With any given apparatus, one must first optimize the electroporation conditions using a plasmid whose subsequent expression in the protoplast-derived cells can be readily monitored.

Culture of protoplasts following transformation

Several different methods can be employed to culture the protoplasts depending upon whether one is planning a transient assay of foreign gene expression or the regeneration of stably transformed plants. For a transient assay of foreign gene expression, 0.1 ml of solution containing 10' protoplasts is placed in each well of a 96-well culture dish. Two days after transformation, regenerated cells can be used in foreign gene product activity assays, for example -glucuronidase (GUS) assays if the introduced DNA includes a Gus reporter sequence. Regeneration of cells and calli from protoplasts

In our laboratory, the regeneration of cells and calli from protoplasts is done in either of two ways. In one method, the protoplasts are grown in the presence of nurse cells. To produce nurse cells, suspension culture cells are washed twice with KPR medium (Table 8.1) and placed in 100 x 15 mm plates containing 1X KPR with 0.8% agarose (BKL). A black filter (0.8 m, Millipore Co., Bedford, MA) is placed over the nurse cell layer, and about 1.5 million protoplasts are then evenly pipetted on top of the filter. To prevent potential nurse cell contamination among the regenerated plants, one should choose nurse cells derived from a rice variety whose plants can be readily differentiated from those used to prepare the protoplasts. The plates are sealed with parafilm and kept in the dark at 27C. Five to 7 days after incubation, a few drops of 1X KPR liquid medium is added to the protoplast culture to wet the filter. At this stage, a lot of protoplast-derived cell clusters can be seen with a dissecting microscope. Two

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


weeks after transformation, the filter with cells can be transferred to N6 medium containing 30 g sucrose and 2.5 mg 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) per liter (Table 8.1). We usually observe callus formation on the filters (5-7 d after transfer), and at this stage we transfer them to MS differentiation medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) containing 1.0%) agarose, 2 mg kinetin, and 0.5 mg 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) per liter (Table 8.1), as we also do with protoplasts placed in solid gel culture (see below). The advantage of the nurse cell method is that it is easy to get regenerated callus from protoplasts. However, it is difficult to distinguish individual calli in the callus culture lawn. In the second method, protoplasts are grown in a solid gel matrix. The protoplasts in KPR medium are spun down at 100 .g and resuspended in KPR medium containing 1.2% low-melting-point (LMP) agarose (1 vol 2X KPR + 1 vol 2.4% LMP-agarose) to give a final density of 1-2 X 106 protoplasts per ml. Aliquots (0.5-0.8 ml containing 0.5-1 X 10 6 protoplasts) are incubated in 12-well plates (COSTAR) and the plates sealed with parafilm. The protoplasts are cultured in the dark at 27C. Ten days later, agarose-embedded cell clusters regenerated from the protoplasts are transferred to 6-well plates, and 0.5 ml of a simplified KPR liquid medium is added to each well. Four weeks after transtormation, visible calli are available for transferring to MS differentiation medium. The advantage of this solid gel culture method is that one can easily distinguish individual calli derived from single protoplasts, which can be important for subsequent genetic analyses of regenerated plants. Regeneration of plants from calli To increase the efficiency of plant regeneration, small but visible calli (0.10.5 mm) are transferred to MS differentiation medium (Table 8.1). We find that adding growth regulators to the MS medium for the calli at this stage is essential for subsequent plant regeneration (Zhang and Wu 1988). We have also observed that a relatively high concentration of agarose ( 1.0%) in the MS differentiation medium gives a much greater regeneration efficiency than is found with the original MS differentiation medium containing 0.8% agar. For plant regeneration, calli that give rise to small shoots on the MS differentiation medium are grown in light. After green shoots have grown to a length of about 2 cm, plantlets are transferred to fresh N6 hormone-free solid medium. If a Gus sequence is included in the reporter gene, then we find that this is the best stage to assay for GUS activity, using small portions of the tissue of callus excised from the base of each plantlet. Transformed callus should show blue color indicative of GUS activity, while untransformed callus should remain white. The result from such callus assays is usually highly correlated with that from the whole plant tissue which they subsequently produce. Two weeks after culturing on hormone-free N6 medium, the plantlets are transferred to soil and placed directly into the greenhouse (day temperature 27 2C, night 22 2C; 10-h-day/l4-h-night cycle) without the need for hardening. In a given transformation experiment, when the regenerated plants mature, we found that the nontransformed plants are largely fertile (about 80%)


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

whereas most transformed plants are sterile (only about 10% fertile). So far, three medium-scale rice plant regeneration experiments have been carried out in our laboratory. From each experiment, starting with 107 protoplasts, at least 6 0 mature transgenic plants are usually produced, but most of them are sterile. We have found (using the protoplast isolation and PEG-mediated gene transfer procedures outlined above) that it takes between 7 and 9 months to proceed from the initial gene transfer step to the collection of mature seeds. Comparison of the PEG and electroporation methods

(free of inhibitors) in transformation experiments. The electroporation method may be slightly more efficient than the PEG method, but each electroporation apparatus needs to be tested to optimize its transformation efficiency. The limitation of using protoplasts as the starting material for transformation experiments is that only a relatively few varieties of rice can efficiently regenerate plants from protoplasts. However, the number of suitable rice varieties has been increasing over the last few years. To date, 10 japonica varieties and 2 indica varieties can be generated into plants from protoplasts.

DNA into rice protoplasts. The PEG method does not need an expensive electroporation apparatus, but each batch of PEG needs to be tested for its suitability

Both the PEG and the electroporation procedures work efficiently in transferring

GUS ( b -glucuronidase) assay system

The Gus coding sequence and reporter gene constructs derived from it are being used extensively in plant biotechnology, either as markers for monitoring transformation efficiency, or for the molecular characterization of regulatory elements isolated from a number of different plant genes (Jefferson 1987). The advantages of Gus over other reporter sequences include the high in vivo stability of the GUS enzyme, the simplicity of the assays for its expression in transformed material, and the low endogenous GUS activity in various plant tissues. For the transient assay of GUS activity in protoplast-regenerated cells, we used the following procedure. A GUS assay solution (Table 8.2) (40 l), containing X-Gluc (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl- b -D-glucuronide), is added into each well of a 96-well plate containing 105 protoplasts in 0.1 ml of KPR medium, 2 days after transformation. When @-glucuronidaseis produced in the rice cells, it cleaves X-Gluc to create an insoluble blue-colored derivative. Two to four days after the introduction of the GUS substrate, the number of blue cells (darkly stained cells in the black and white photographs) are counted under a stereomicroscope. We have found that different plasmid constructs display different optimal times for the detection of their GUS activity (Fig. 8.2), e.g. 10 days after protoplast transformation for the plasmid pAl1 Gus N and 20 days after protoplast transformation for the plasmid pAct1 -F (McElroy et al 1990). Figure 8.3 shows the results of GUS activity assays, indicated by dark staining, in protoplast-regenerated cells. Figure 8.3A shows several darkly stained cells 2

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


Fig. 8.2. Histogram of the temporal pattern of GUS expression after transtormation of rice protoplasts with three Gus fusion plasmids. Rice protoplasts were assayed visually tor GUS expression by counting the number of blue cells among 105 protoplasts 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20 days after transformation with the plasmids pAl1 Gus N, p Act1 -F,p Act1 -G.The histogram represents the mean of three independent experiments for each time point (redrawn from McElroy et al 1990).

days after transformation, whereas Figures 8.3B and 8.3C show that many more darkly stained cells can be visualized 10 and 20 days after transformation, respectively. In such in situ GUS activity assays, methylene blue is employed to determine the percentage of living cells in the cultured protoplast population and the results are used to calculate the transformation efficiency for each experiment (Fig. 8.1). For the assay of GUS activity in protoplast-regenerated rice tissues, a modified assay solution lacking ficoll but including a higher concentration of triton (0.5%) is used. Figure 8.4 shows GUS activity in leaf (A), root (B), and plantlets (several tubes in C) from transgenic rice plants. For quantitative assays of GUS activity, we have employed the following protocol for a number of different tissues. Cells derived from protoplasts are collected (20-30 days after gene transformation) in a 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube and spun down in a table-top fixed-angle centrifuge at 100.g. After discarding the supernatant, 1 ml of lysis buffer (Table 8.2) is added to each tube, and the cells are broken by vortexing. For rice plant tissue, the material (about 50-200 mg) is ground in liquid nitrogen in an Eppendorf tube, using an arrow-shaped plastic tip. Lysis buffer (1 ml) is then added to each sample, the residue is spun down, and the supernatant is transferred to a fresh tube. Supernatant (50 l), containing GUS enzyme and other soluble proteins, is set aside for a Bradford (1976) protein assay and the GUS activity results for the remaining supernatant are normalized to equivalent protein concentrations. For a more sensitive fluorometric assay of GUS activity, 0.1 ml of a substrate solution containing 10 mM MUG (4-methylumbelliferyl- b -glucuronide) and 0.9 ml of the lysis supernatant are incubated for 2 or 4 hours. Half of the reaction mixture is taken out at each time point and 0.5 ml of lysis buffer and 0.8 ml of 0.2 M Na2CO3 are added. These samples are fluorometrically assayed


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

Fig. 8.3. Visualization of GUS activity in transformed rice protoplasts. Analysis of GUS expression in rice protoplasts at X 100 magnification, (A) 2 days, (B) 10 days, and (C) 20 days after transformation with the Act1-Gus fusion plasmid p Act1 -F. Note that GUS-positive blue cells are shown as dark cells in this black and white photograph (also true in Figs 8.4 and 8.5).

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


Fig. 8.4. Visualization of GUS activity in transgenic rice plants. (A) Visualization of GUS activity in transgenic rice leaves: white color in an untransformed plant (bottom) and dark color in a transformed plant (top) after treating the leaves with GUS substrate followed by soaking in a fixing buffer (3 vol ethanol: 1 voI acetic acid). (B) Visualization of GUS activity in transgenic rice roots: dark color in a transformed plant (top) and white color in a control plant (bottom). (C) Four samples on the left are transgenic rice plantlets at different developmental stages: one-leaf, two-leaf, four-led, and six-leaf stage respectively; the second sample from the right side is an untransformed plant; the sample at the right is a transgenic plant but without staining with GUS substrate (the plant is actually light green, but in this black and white photograph it looks white).


Jun Cao, Wangyen Zhung, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

with excitation at 365 nm and emission at 455 nm. The amount of product is determined by comparison with a standard curve made from a MU (4-methylumbelliferone, the product of GUS activity on MUG) dilution series and the results are normalized to equivalent protein concentrations. Using the fluorometric assay, we have been able to quantitate the differences in GUS expression from fusion plasmids containing promoter elements from different plant genes as well as a series of Act1-Gus fusion constructs containing modifications to the Act1 regulatory elements (Fig. 8.1). We have also noted in our GUS assays that qualitative differences between Gus fusion constructs (number of blue cells or mean expression efficiency) are directly correlated with their respective quantitative differences as determined by GUS activity assays using the fluorometric method (Fig. 8.1). Therefore, we believe that valuable information regarding the action of regulatory elements in the Gus-based reporter gene system can still be obtained even if one does not have easy access to an expensive spectrofluorometer.

Biolistic method for introducing DNA into intact rice cells

The biolistic process (also known as the particle gun bombardment method) was invented by John Sanford at Cornell University (Klein et a1 1987a). It has been shown to be an effective method for the delivery of foreign DNA into intact plant cells (Fig. 8.5) (Cao et al 1990). A major advantage of transformation through the biolistic process is that any type of intact plant cells, or tissues, can be used as targets for receiving foreign DNA. Therefore, one can use this technique to transform material from rice cultivars that may not be readily amenable to plant regeneration from protoplasts. Moreover, one can study developmentally regulated gene expression in specialized cells or tissues by introducing different gene constructs into spatially distinct plant parts at particular stages in their development. T o date, there are three different types of the biolistic device, which differ mainly in their method of accelerating the microprojectile (tungsten or gold particles). The original device made use of a gunpowder charge, detonated with a firing pin (Klein et al 1987a). This is the only device that is now commercially

Fig. 8.5. Visual detection of GUS activity in various parts of rice transformed using the biolistic method. (A) In situ visualization of GUS activity in rice cell suspension culture at X50 magnification, two days after transformation with the Act1-Gus fusion plasmid p Act1 -G. The dark spots (about 10 in this sample) indicate the presence of high-level GUS expression. (B) In situ visualization of GUS activity in calli derived from a rice cell suspension culture at X40 magnification, 10 days after transformation with the Act1-Gusfusion plasmid pAct1 -F(left). The dark callus on the left-hand side is transformed, and the smaller, light colored callus .on the right-hand side is from an untransformed sample. (C) In situ visualization of GUS activity in sections of rice immature panicales at X30 magnification, 2 days after transformation with the

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


Act1-Gus fusion plasmid p Act1 -F. (D) In situ visualization of GUS activity in aleurone tissues of rice mature seeds at X64 magnification, one day after transtormation with the a -amylase- Gus fusion plasmid p Amyc -50. There are about 20 dark spots shown in this sample, two spots are marked with arrows. (E) In situ visualization of GUS activity in a rice root section of a 10-day-old plant at X64 magnification, 2 days atter transtormation with the Act1-Gus fusion plasmid pActl-F. There are two dark spot5 in the middle portion ot this sample. (F) In situ visualization of GUS activity in a rice leaf section ot a 10-day-old plant at X50 magnification, 2 days after transformatron with the Act1-Gus tusion plasmid pActl-F. There are about five dark spots near the center ot this sample.


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

available (Biolistic PDS-1000, duPont Company, Wilmington, DE). The second device made use of an electrical arc-discharge device to accelerate the DNAcoated gold particles (Christou et al 1988). The third device made use of controlled gas pressure from a cylinder of nitrogen gas to accelerate the microprojectile (Morikawa et al 1989). The velocity of microprojectiles accelerated by this device was much lower than in the gunpowder-driven method, but it was sufficient to deliver plasmid DNA into intact plant cells. The bombardment procedure The method for the coating of the microprojectiles with plasmid DNA is as follows (Cao et al 1990; Wang et al 1988). The tungsten particle suspension (12 l containing 1.2 mg of tungsten particles) is mixed with 10 g of DNA in 50 l of TE buffer in an Eppendorf tube, followed by the addition of 20 l of 40% PEG (4000) and 2.5 l of 0.1 M spermidine. After incubation at room temperature for 10 min, the tungsten particles, with the adsorbed DNA, settle to the bottom of the Eppendorf tube, and 70 l of the supernatant solution is removed and discarded. The tungsten particle-DNA mixture (2.5 l) is then loaded into the center of a high-density polyetheylene-cylinder macroprojectile. The macroprojectile is then placed into the barrel of the particle gun (PDS 1000, E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co.), followed by a cartridge of powder charge. A plastic petri dish (100 x 15 mm) containing the rice tissues (e.g. embryo sections) is placed in a vacuum chamber on a platform 12 cm from the end of the gun barrel. The pressure in the bombardment chamber is reduced to 0.050.1 atm. The firing system of the particle gun is activated to detonate the cartridge, leading to the acceleration of the macroprojectile toward a stopping plate. The macroprojectile stops upon impact, but the tungsten particle-DNA mixture is propelled through a hole in the stopping plate to bombard the rice tissue. Following bombardment, the vacuum of the chamber is gradually released and the petri dish is removed from the apparatus. The bombarded material is transferred to MS solid media supplemented with 1 mg/liter of NAA, and maintained at 26C under light, for subsequent GUS assays, or for plant regeneration. The deformed stopping plate, macroprojectile, and empty powder casing are discarded. The barrel is then cleaned in readiness for the next bombardment. Stable transformation of rice embryo section cells Experiments have been successfully conducted in introducing the plasmid pAl1G us N into rice embryo section cells (Cao et al 1990). Rice seeds are sterilized in 1.6% sodium hypochlorite for 30 min, and incubated in sterile water for 8 hours at 26C in the dark. Embryos are cut into thin sections (about 300 pm) after first removing their surface layers. The thin section consists of two poles, shoot and root (connected by mesocotyl tissue), which can be visually differentiated using a stereomicroscope. The central portion of the shoot pole is further dissected out of the thin section by cutting through the mesocotyl. We call this central portion (containing the shoot apex and epicotyl without any attached

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


root pole) the embryo section. One hundred embryo sections are placed in the center of a Whatman No. 1 filter paper disc (7 cm) that has been covered with a thin layer of 0.5% agar in MS medium. Embryo sections are maintained for 18 h at 26C in the dark and are then bombarded simultaneously with 1.2 pm (average diameter) tungsten particles carrying pAl1G us N DNA. For GUS activity assays, the bombarded embryo sections are collected 2 days after transformation, and their GUS activity is assayed by in situ staining (Jefferson 1987). Following incubation with the assay solution at 26C for 24 hours, blue cells on the embryo sections are visible to the naked eye; however, more blue cells of smaller size can be seen under a stereomicroscope. Using the plasmid pAl1G us N, we have found that about 75% of the embryo sections show one or more blue cells. In several cases, as many as 50 blue cells in an individual rice embryo section have been observed. For the achievement of stable transformation, the bombarded embryo sections are cultured on the MS medium. Although abnormal growth of tissues derived from embryo sections is observed, we have found that about 70% of the embryo sections produce shoots and roots and develop into plantlets within 2 weeks after bombardment. Plantlets, as well as abnormally growing tissues, are again further analyzed for GUS activity by the in situ staining method, 3 weeks after the bombardment. Localized regions showing blue color are observed in the tissues derived from embryo sections bombarded with pAl1G us N DNA but not in untransformed control. To demonstrate the presence of the GUS gene in transformed plants, genomic DNA hybridization analysis is carried out. Rice plants are transplanted in soil 45 days after transformation. Several days later, DNA is isolated from a part of every leaf from an individual plant. In one such experiment, we found that 9 out of 122 regenerated plants were transgenic as determined by the presence of an intact Gus gene (Cao et al 1990). Experiments in delivering foreign DNA into rice embryo sections show that this new method is simple and it readily generates transgenic plantlets from embryo sections (apparently from any rice varieties) about 3 weeks after gene transfer. However, only a small fraction of cells (between 0.1 and 0.5%) in embryo sections become transformed due to the randomness of the biolistic transfer process. Therefore, mosaic patterns of transformed cells in the rice embryo sections, as well as the resulting plants they generate, can be expected. In order to transfer the introduced genes from the cells of the embryo sections into the reproductive cells for subsequent inheritance by their progeny, we need to improve the efficiency of the biolistic process some 20- to 100-fold to increase the chances of hitting the primary meristematic cells in the shoot apex of the embryo sections. With continuous improvement of the panicle gun and the biolistic process, together with an increase in the number of laboratories using the biolistic method, it seems likely that the efficiency of this process will be considerably improved in the near future. Transformation of immature rice panicles Attempts have been made to transform the immature panicles of rice. Successful regeneration of plants from immature-panicle-derived calli from many rice geno-


J u n Cao, WangSen Zhung, David McElroy, and K a y W u

types has been described (Cao 1986). Immature panicles are maintained on MS medium supplemented with 4 mg/liter of 2,4-D. Generation of calli from immature panicles is initiated 7 days after the initial culture and becomes maximal 2 weeks later. The immature-panicle-derived calli are then subcultured onto MS medium containing 0.4 mg/liter of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 0.8 mg/liter of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) for plant regeneration. Shoots and plantlets are regenerated 1 month after the subculture. In experiments involving the transformation of immature panicles through the biolistic process, several immature panicles (less than 2 cm in length) are centrally placed on 1% agar containing MS medium, in a petri dish. In one such experiment, immature panicles were bombarded with tungsten particles coated with the plasmid p Act1 -F (Fig. 8.1). After bombardment, immature panicles were cut into small pieces (about 2 mm in size) and transferred onto fresh MS medium for callus induction. Five out of 39 small pieces of immature panicle were randomly chosen 2 days after gene transfer and assayed for GUS activity by the in situ staining method (Jefferson 1987). All five pieces showed GUS activity with a total of 384 blue spots (Fig. 8.5). Seven days later, when the immature panicles initiated callus production, small pieces of immature panicles with calli were again assayed for GUS activity. Blue spots were found in all calli derived from these samples. This suggests that the Actl-Gusgene has been introduced into the cells of the immature panicles and that the gene has been retained during subsequent DNA replication and cell division. Experiments are currently under way to regenerate plants from calli derived from immature panicles transformed with p Act2 -F and to examine the integration pattern of the plasmid in the rice genome. We expect the plants to be chimeric. However, we also expect that a sizeable proportion of the plants will transmit the foreign gene to their offspring. By using an antibiotic resistance or herbicide resistance gene as a selectable marker, it should be possible to reduce the mosaic nature of transgenic plants by selectively increasing the proportion of transformed cells.

Transient assay of gene constructs in specialized rice cells and tissues

A simple and valuable application of the biolistic process is to use it for analyzing the tissue specificity of different promoters in rice plants (Wang et al 1988, JuKon Kim, Soo-Young Kim, Jun Cao, and Ray Wu, Cornell University, 1990, unpublished data). In theory, any promoter can be fused to a Gus reporter sequence. Using the biolistic process, these new constructs can be easily delivered into specialized cells and tissues, at particular stages in their development, including those where the promoter is believed to function normally. Transient assays for GUS activity as a result of the uptake of the new constructs can be followed to delineate regulatory function. Based on such a principle, we have introduced different constructs into rice cells and tissues containing portions of rice a -amylase, glutelin, and actin gene promoters fused to a Gus coding region. The plant material assayed include cell suspensions and calli (Fig. 8.5, A and B), epidermal and aleurone tissue of mature rice seeds (Fig. 8.5D), aleurone and

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


endosperm cells of immature seeds, as well as stem, root (Fig. 8.5E), and leaf tissue (Fig. 8.5F) of rice plants at different developmental stages. The preparation of specified cells or tissues for use in the biolistic process is given below. 1. Cell suspension and calli: Actively growing cells or calli are placed on two layers of filter paper discs. 2. Epidermal cells of mature seeds: Seeds are soaked in sterile water for 16 hours. For each bombardment, 10 seeds are placed at the center of two layers of filter paper discs. 3. Aleurone cells of mature seeds: Seeds are soaked in sterile water tor 16 hours and the pericarp is removed under a stereomicroscope. Ten seeds with an aleurone layer on their surface are placed at the center of two layers of filter paper discs. 4. Endosperm and aleurone cells of immature seeds: Immature seeds, 15-20 days after pollination, are collected. Seeds are dehulled and their pericarp is peeled off. Ten seeds are placed at the center of two layers of filter paper discs. 5. leaves, stems, and roots of young plantlets: Rice embryos of mature seeds are germinated on AIS medium containing 1 mg/liter of NAA. Leaves, stems, and roots are collected from IO-day-old plants after germination. Leaves are laid down on the surface of the AIS medium with 1% agar, while roots and stems are cross-sectioned into small pieces (5 mm long). One end of each small piece is inserted into MS medium with 1% agar. The surface at the other end is exposed to bombardment. GUS assay by the in situ staining method is carried out 2 days after bombardment. Through comparative studies, we found that glutelin -Gus gene fusions are expressed only in immature endosperm and aleurone tissues, while the a amylase -Gus gene fusions were efficiently expressed in mature aleurone tissue but less efficiently expressed in immature aleurone tissue (data not shown). In contrast, actin -Gus gene fusions were constitutively expressed in all cells and tissues examined. There have been difficulties in studying developmentally regulated gene functions in specialized cells and tissues in rice because it takes several months to regenerate and grow transgenic plants from rice protoplasts. Our experiments show that, through the biolistic process, the regulatory elements of a gene can be easily and rapidly analyzed in specialized cells or tissues under conditions close to their normal physiological states. If the expression of a gene is developmentally regulated, one can monitor not only its quantitative activity, but also changes in its expression pattern in cells and tissues at different stages of a plant's development.

The pollen-tube pathway method

A procedure for transferring DNA into recently pollinated florets is known as the pollen-tube pathway method. Duan and Chen (1985) transferred total DNA from a variety of rice with purple leaves and glumes (donor DNA) into a variety


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

with normal green pigmented tissues (recipient plant), after cutting off the stigma of the floret and applying a drop of DNA solution to the cut end of the style. It is believed that the DNA reached the ovule by flowing along the pollen tube. Forty days later, mature seeds were collected and planted. The plants were grown to maturity and analyzed in that and following generations. Some of the recipient plants shared the phenotypic characteristics of the donor plants, which persisted for five generations. However, no molecular evidence was supplied to show that the phenotypic changes were the direct effect of the donor DNA. We attempted to further develop this procedure by introducing a plasmid p35S-NPTII-Hist3 into rice florets (Luo and Wu 1988). This plasmid carried a CaMV-35S promoter-neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) gene fusion and a 1.3 kb fragment containing the rice histone 3 gene (Peng and Wu 1986). Because the histone 3 gene, or pseudogene, or both, is represented in rice by about 50 copies per haploid genome, it was hoped that it might increase the plasmids genomic integration frequency. In one experiment, 259 rice florets (variety Fujisaka-5) were treated and 54 seeds were harvested. After germination of the seeds, root tips from 6-day-old plantlets and leaf tissues from 8-week-old plants were analyzed. About 8 samples out of 54 gave positive DNA slot-blothybridization signals, using p35S-NPTII as the probe. Although results from Southern blot hybridization on four samples suggested that the reporter gene was integrated in the rice genome, more definitive proof was needed to prove that such integration had indeed occurred. Several of these transgenic plants matured and produced seeds. However, the reporter gene was no longer present (R Wu, unpublished results). Although this method appears to be simple, it is not easily carried out and requires considerable skill for its success. Additional research will be required before it can be considered a viable method. For example, one must provide molecular data to prove that integration of the foreign gene has occurred (by showing the junction sequence between the foreign gene and the rice genomic DNA) and that the foreign gene is transmitted to the progeny of the transgenic plants. We also need to test whether or not positive results can still be obtained without using a high copy-number rice sequence (such as the histone 3 gene or a rice repetitive sequence) in the foreign DNA.

Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer system

Embryo-derived cultures of two rice cultivars have been transformed using two Agrobacterium -mediated gene transfer procedures. Raineri et al (1990) inoculated mature embryos in the variety Nipponbare with a wide-host-range (WHR) supervirulent strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and found tumorigenic callus tissue that grew on hormone-free medium. The transformation of this tissue was confirmed by DNA hybridization analysis that showed T-DNA present in the rice genome. Embryos of another rice variety, Fujisaka 5, gave a hypersensitive response

Table 8.3. Comparative assessment of rice transformation techniques. Transformation followed by regeneration of plants Parameters Starting material Relative transformation efficiency; approximate number of transgenic plants per experiment Probability of mosaic transformants Probability of nontransformed cell contaminants Number of cultivars that can be used Regeneration time to obtain seed-bearing transgenic plants Relative effort involved Fertile plant regeneration and transgenic F2 populations Requirement for expensive equipment Requirement for technical expertise Proven utility and reproducibility PEG Protoplasts 50 plants per 107 protoplasts Low Electroporation Protoplasts 50 plants per 107 protoplasts Biolistic Intact cellls 5 plants per 100 embryo sections High Low Potentially large ? Medium ? Yes Some Yes, mainly for transient expression Pollen tube Florets 9 plants per 250 florets LOW IOM ? 8-10mo Low ? NO Yes No Agroinfection Intact cells None regenerated

Low (Nurse culture: High) (Solid gel culture: Low) Relatively few 7-9 mo High Yes NO Yes Yes

? ? ? ? ? ? NO NO NO

Relatively few 7-9 mo High Yes NO Yes Yes


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

when inoculated with Agrobacterium strain A281. Extensive root proliferation was observed following inoculation with the limited-host-range (LHR) strain A856. These roots grew on hormone-free medium and produced octopine. Fujisaka 5 embryos, subsequently inoculated with a disarmed WHR strain conferring both kanamycin resistance and GUS activity, produced callus that grew on high levels of kanamycin and synthesized b -glucuronidase. The results suggested that T-DNA has been transferred, integrated, and then expressed in rice cells. However, (to date) normal rice plants have not been generated from the transgenic tissues (Raineri et al 1990). Upon further experimentation and verification, the Agrobacterium system may become a useful alternative to currently employed procedures for rice transformation.

A number of methods for introducing foreign DNA into rice protoplasts and intact cells are now available. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses (Table 8.3) and the transformation system one employs is often dependent upon the results one is hoping to obtain. At least four laboratories have succeeded in introducing foreign genes into rice protoplasts by the PEG or electroporation method and in subsequently regenerating transgenic plants. Even though the procedures are now well established, the production of transgenic rice plants is still a time-consuming and demanding task. A considerable amount of research experience is needed in order to routinely obtain reproducible results and high regeneration efficiencies. Other methods for producing transgenic rice plants by using intact cells or tissues need further development before they can be considered truly useful. In conclusion, within the last several years the overall progress in this area of research has been very impressive. It is likely that, within the next few years, several of the methods described in this article will have become both routine in their application and widespread in their operation.

References cited
Abdullah R, Cocking E C, Thompson J A (1986) Efficient plant regeneration from rice protoplasts through somatic embryogenesis. Bio/Technology 4:1087-1090. Bradford M M (1976) A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal. Biochem. 72:248-2.54. Cao J (1986) PhD dissertation. Louisiana State University, USA. Cao J, Wang Y-C, Klein T M, Sanford J C, Wu R (1 990) Transformation of rice and maize using the particle gun method. Pages 21-33 in Plant gene transfer. C J Lamb and R N Beachy, eds, Wiley-Lis, New York. Christou P, McCabe D E, Swain W F (1988) Stable transformation of soybean callus by DNA-coated gold particles. Plant Physiol. 87:671-674.

Assessment of Rice Genetic Transformation Techniques


Davey M R, Rech F L, Mulligan B J (1989) Direct DNA transfer to plant cells. Plant Mol. Biol. 13:273-285. Duan X, Chen S (1985) Variation of the characters in rice ( Oryza sativa ) induced by foreign DNA uptake. China Agric. Sci. 3:6-9. Frearson E M, Power J B, Cocking E C (1973) The isolation, culture and regeneration of pecunia leaf protoplasts. Dev. Biol. 33:130-137. Fromm M, Taylor L P, Walbot V (1985) Expression of genes transferred into monocot and dicot plant cells by electroporation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:5824-5828. Jefferson R A (1987) Assaying chimeric genes in plants: The GUS gene fusion system. Plant Mol, Biol. Reporter 5:387-405. Klein T M, Wolf E D, Wu R, Sanford J C (1987a) High-velocity microprojectiles for delivermg nucleic acids into living cells. Nature 327:70. Klein T M, Fromm M, Weissinger A, Tomes D, Schut S, Sletten M, Sanford J (1987b) Transfer of foreign genes into intact maize cells with high-velocity microprojectiles, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:4305. Lrz H, Raker R, Schell J (1985) Gene transfer to cereal cells mediated by protoplast transformation, Mol. Gen. Genet. 199:178-182. Luo Z X, Wu R (1988) A simple method for the transformation of rice via the pollen-tube pathway. Plant Mol. Biol. Reporter 6:165-174. McElroy D, Zhang W, Cao J, Wu R (1990) Isolation of an efficient actin promoter for use in rice transformation. Plant Cell 2:163-171. Morikawa H, Iida A, Yamada Y (1989) Transient expression of foreign genes in plant cells and tissues obtained by a simple biolistic device (particle gun). Appl. Microbiol. Biotech. 31:320-322. Murashige T, Skoog F (1962) A revised medium tor rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant 15:473-497. Sagata T (1989) Cell biological aspects of gene delivery into plant proroplasts by electroporation. Intl. Rev. Cytol. 116:229-255. Negrutiu I, Shillito R, Potrykus I, Blasini G, Sala F (1987) Hybrid genes in the analysis of tranformation conditions. Plant Biol. Biol. 8:363-373. Ou-Lee T M, Turgeon R, Wu R (1986) Expressiono of a foreign gene linked to either a plant virus or a Drosophila promoter after electroporation of protoplasts of rice, wheat and sorghum. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:6815-6819. Paszkowski J, Shillito R D, Saul M, Mandak V, Hohn T. Hohn B, Potrykus I (1984) Direct gene transfer to plants. EMBO J. 3:2717-2722. Peng Z, Wu R (1986) A simple and rapid nucleoride sequencing strategy and its application in analyzing a rice histone 3 gene. Gene 45:247-252. Potrykus I, Shillito R D, Saul M W, Paszkowski J (1985) Direct gene transfer: state of the art and future potential. Plant Mol. Biol. Reporter 3: 117-128. Raineri D M, Bottino P, Gordon M P, Nester E W (1990) Agrobacterium - mediated transformation of rice ( Oryza sativa L). Bio/Technology 8:33-38. Shimamoto K, Terada K, Izawa T, Fujimoto H (1989) Fertile transgenic rice plants regenerated from transformed protoplasts. Nature 338:274-276. Toriyama K, Arimoto Y, Uchimiya H, Hinara K (1988) Transgenic rice plants after direct gene transfer into protoplasts. Bio/Technology 6:1072-1074. Uchimiya H, Haneda T, Brar D S (1989) Transgenic plants. J. Biotech. 12:1-20, Wang Y-C, Klein T M, Fromm M, Cao J, Sanford J C, Wu R (1988) Transient expression of foreign genes in rice, wheat and soybean cells following particle bombardment. Plant Mol. Biol. 11:433-439. Wu R (1989) Methods for transforming plant cells. Pages 35-51 in Plant biotechnology. S D Kung and C F Arntzen, eds, Butterworths, Boston.


Jun Cao, Wanggen Zhang, David McElroy, and Ray Wu

Yang H, Zhang H M, Davey M R, Mulligan B J, Cocking E C (1988) Production of kanamycin resistant rice tissues following DNA uptake into protoplasts. Plant Cell Reports 7:421-425. Zhang W, Wu R (1988) Efficient regeneration of transgenic plants from rice protoplasts and correctly regulated expression of the foreign gene in the plants. Theor. Appl. Genet. 76:835-840.

The Identification and Characterization of Rice Nuclear Genes

Thomas W Okita
Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, USA

Identification of rice gene sequences General procedures for identifying and cloning mRNA sequences Identification of recombinant clones Construction and screening of genomic DNA libraries Isolation o gene sequences by the polymerase chain reaction The structure of rice genes Seed genes Glutelin and prolamine storage proteins ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase The waxy gene Other seed protein genes Hormone-responsive genes a -Amylase ABA-responsive genes Growth and development genes Phytochrome Nitrate reductase Protein kinases Alcohol dehydrogenase Histones Structural proteins Conclusion

Rice, like other field crops, is being improved by plant breeding to create new genic combinations from available germplasm. Rices range of genetic variability ha5 been further enhanced by use of embryo rescue techniques in wide hybridization breeding programs. Although tremendous improvements in overall rice yields have been obtained, the introduction of new genetic traits has been limited by the sexual incompatibility of the donor and recipient plant species. 199


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With the advent of recombinant DNA and gene transfer technology, sexual incompatibility no longer remains a barrier to the introduction of novel or altered genes. Genes conferring important agronomic, processing, cooking, or nutritional qualities can be transferred into rice from any plant. Such genes, however, must first be identified, isolated, and characterized. In this chapter I summarize the knowledge obtained through the analysis of rice nuclear genes, with special attention to the strategies employed for their isolation and structural elucidation. The regulation of rice genes is reviewed by Walbot and Gallie in Chapter 10 of this volume.

Identification of rice gene sequences

One of the first steps for isolation of recombinant clones containing a gene of interest is to obtain basic information on its tissue and temporal expression as assessed by the levels of its gene product or mRNA transcripts, or both. General procedures for identifying and cloning mRNA sequences By judicious selection of tissue under appropriate developmental or physiological conditions, specific mRNA transcripts can be enriched in a total poly(A+)-RNA fraction and used as the starting material to construct a complementary DNA (cDNA) library. An example illustrating this point is the accumulation of rice storage proteins during seed development. Storage protein synthesis attains its maximal rate 10-15 days after flowering. During that period as much as 9% of the total poly( A+)-RNA consists of storage protein mRNA transcripts (W T Kim and T W Okita, Washington State University, unpublished data). Screening of a cDNA library prepared from poly(A+)-RNA of such seed tissue should result in about 10% of the clones encoding for storage protein sequences. Similarly, rice cDNA clones for phytochrome (Kay et al 1989a), hormone-responsive (Mundy and Chua 1988, ONeill et al 1990), anaerobically induced (Xie and Wu 1989), and stress-related (Borkird et al 1990, Claes et al 1990, M Van Montagu, University of Ghent, pers. comm.) genes can be identified by carefully analyzing selected tissue. Once the appropriate tissue enriched for the specific mRNAs under study has been identified, a total RNA fraction must be isolated. Extra precautions must be adhered to during isolation of RNA because it is highly susceptible to RNase, an enzyme activity not easily inactivated by normal protein denaturation conditions. The use of oven-baked glassware treated overnight at 180C (temperature sufficient to ash organic substances) and autoclaved solutions and plasticware are absolutely necessary. Because plant tissues contain substantial amounts of RNase, protein denaturants must be included in the extraction buffer. General RNA isolation protocols include either the anionic detergent, sodium dodecyl sulfate (Nagy et al 1988), or chaotropic guanidine salts (Reeves et al 1986) in the extraction buffer to denature endogenous RNase activity. The total RNA sample

The Identification and Characterization of Rice Nuclear Genes


is further fractionated by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography as outlined i n Sambrook et al (1989). Because almost all eukaryotic mRNAs possess a homopolymer poly(A) tract on the 3' terminus, a highly enriched mRNA fraction can be selected by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography. The quality of the poly(A+)-RNA can be evaluated by agarose electrophoresis in the presence of glyoxal or formaldehyde (Sambrook et al 1989). When stained with ethidium bromide, the RNA usually spans a size range from 500 to 1,500 nucleotides, with a modal size of about 1,000. Residual ribosomal RNA, if present, will display two discrete bands, about 2,500 and 1,800 nucleotides. The highly intact poly(,\+)-RNA can now serve as the template for cDNA synthesis. In the past, cDNA cloning was an extremely difficult procedure because many enzymatic steps had to be optimized for maximum yields. This has improved considerably with the introduction of commercially available cDNA synthesis kits, which contain all of the enzymes and buffers necessary for doublestranded cDNA synthesis. All of the commercial kits are based on the cDNA cloning procedure developed by Gubler and Hoffman ( 1983). The enzymatic steps involved for cDNA synthesis are illustrated in Figure 9.1. First-strand cDNA synthesis is accomplished using reverse transcriptase and oligo(dT) as a primer. The resulting mRNA-cDNA hybrid then serves as the substrate for treatment with RNase H, DNA polymerase, and E. coli DNA ligase in the presence of all four dNTPs. RNase H, an RNA-DNA-dependentactivity, introduces nicks in the RNA strand thereby creating Okazaki-like primers. This provides an ideal substrate for the replacement of RNA by DNA via the action of DNA polymerase. Any nicks between the DNA stretches are sealed with E. coli DNA ligase. T4 DNA ligase is not used here because it can mediate inter- and intrachain ligations, events that would generate artifactual cDNAs (composed of two different gene sequences). The double-stranded cDNA is then inserted into the cloning vector by either G-C tailing or by the addition of linkers to the cDNA, followed by digestion to create cohesive ends. The latter method is easiest to perform. Moreover, a readable DNA sequence around the homopolymer region is difficult to obtain by the dideoxy chain termination technique. Plasmid and phage vectors have been used to construct rice cDNA libraries. Most plasmid cloning vehicles are based on the pUC8 and pUC9 vectors developed originally by Yanisch-Perron et al (1985). Substantial amounts of DNA can be obtained because these plasmids amplify to high levels in most E. coli strains. Although growth of l phage and purification of its DNA are more difficult, the use of phage vectors as the host vehicle for cDNA cloning has several advantages. Introduction of cDNA sequences into E. coli can be efficiently and reproducibly accomplished via in vitro packaging of the l DNA. Moreover, screening of large numbers of clones is more practical with l DNA than with plasmid DNA. These properties may be important criteria when cDNAs of rare mRNAs are sought or when there is a limited quantity of poly(A+)-RNA. Finally, phage libraries are relatively stable and can be stored for several years at 4C or indefinitely at -80C. Table 9.1 shows the various rice cDNA libraries that have been constructed during the past several years.


Thomas W Okita

Fig. 9.1. Enzymatic steps employed for the synthesis of cDNA and its insertion into bacteriophage or plasmid vectors.

Table 9.1. Rice cDNA libraries. Cultivar IR30 Tissue type of poly(At) RNA Young etiolated leaves Vector l gt11 Genes identified Phytochrome Actin Alcohol dehydrogenase Protein kinase Rab21 Salt 7 osmotic-adapted cDNAs Glutelin Prolamine ADP - glucose pyrophosphorylase Nitrate reductase a - amylase Lectin Oryzacystatin 10 kDa prolamine Glutelin Glutelin Reference Kay et al (1989a) McElroy et al (1990a) Xie and Wu (1980) Lawton et al (1989) Mundy and Chua (1988) Claes et al (1990) Borkird et al (1990) Okita et al (1989) Kim and Okita (1988a, b) Anderson et al (1989) Hamat et al (1980) O'Neill et al (1990) S. Wessler (see Wilkins and Raikhel 1989) Abe et al (1987) Masumura et al (1989) Takaiwa et al (1986) Higuchi and Fukazawa (1987)

IR30 Taichung 1 Taipei 309 M201

ABA treated seeds Salt-stressed roots PEG-adapted cells Mid-developing seeds

pMBL12 pSP65 l gt10 l gt11

M202 Nato Nihonbare Nipponbarre Mangetsumochi Akenohoshi

De-embryonated half seeds Mid-developing Mid-developing Mid-developing Mid-developing Mid-developing seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds

pARC7 l gt10 l gt10 pUC9, l gt11 pBR325 pBR322


Thomas W Okita

Identification of recombinant clones There are several procedures for identifying rice recombinant DNA clones. In some instances the rice cDNA library can be screened with heterologous gene sequences isolated from other plants. Clones encoding rice a-amylase (ONeill et al 1990), lectin (Wilkins and Raikhel 1989), nitrate reductase (Hamat et al 1989), and granule-bound starch synthase (Okagaki and Wessler 1988) have been isolated using heterologous probes of barley or maize gene sequences. Peng and Wu (1986) isolated a rice histone gene by employing the comparable gene of the sea urchin. The ability to employ heterologous DNA probes will depend on the overall conservation of the DNA sequences and codon usage, two parameters that may vary considerably. If mRNA is fairly abundant and well represented in the cDNA library, bruteforce approaches can be utilized. Takaiwa et al (1986) and Wang et al (1 987) employed hybrid-selected translation to identify a storage protein clone containing glutelin sequences. In this technique, the recombinant cDNA is denatured, immobilized on nitrocellulose, and hybridized with the same poly(A+)RNA used as the starting template for cDNA synthesis. The filter containing the RNA-DNA hybrid is then washed extensively, and the RNA released by high temperature. The RNA is translated in vitro and the identity of the coding sequences contained within the recombinant clone is inferred by the size of the synthesized polypeptide. Antibodies or oligonucleotides are used in two other procedures for identifying specific recombinant DNA clones. If antibodies are available to the gene product which the clone encodes, then they can serve as probes to screen a cDNA library. Both pUC and related plasmids and l gt11 (Huynh et al 1985) contain the lac promoter upstream of the multiple cloning site, or sites, contained within the a-peptide of b -galactosidase or intact b -galactosidase. Therefore, cDNA sequences have the potential to be expressed as fusion proteins with b -galactosidase and identified with the antibody probe. Either monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies can be used to screen for the antigen-0-galactosidase fusion protein, although the former yield a greater number of false positives. The single-peptide epitope recognized by the monoclonal antibody may be shared by other nonrelated proteins. Before the antibody preparation is employed as a probe its specificity should he verified by Western blot experiments. Recombinant clones encoding the rice storage proteins glutelin (Okita et al 1989) and prolamine (Kim and Okita 1988a, b, Masumura et al 1989), and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (Anderson et al 1989) have been identified using monospecific polyclonal antibodies. With the availability of relatively low-cost DNA synthesizers, synthetic oligonucleotides are increasingly being used to probe for specific gene sequences. If segments of the primary structure of the gene product have been elucidated by amino acid sequencing, then the DNA sequence corresponding to the antisense strand can be synthesized. In practice, however, because of the degeneracy of the genetic code, oligonucleotides are prepared for a peptide region enriched for specific amino acids, e.g. tryptophan, methionine, aspartic acid, etc., encoded by one or two different codons. By limiting the ambiguity of the oligonucleotide

The Identification and Characterization of Rice Nuclear Genes


probe mixture, one can greatly increase the probability of success by this approach. Abe et al (1987) isolated a cDNA clone for a cysteine protease inhibitor of rice seed. In their study, a mixture of only slightly degenerate oligonucleotide probes resulted in the identification of 12 putative clones, of which only four reacted with a second independently derived oligonucleotide mixture encoding a different peptide. Kay et al (1989a) identified a rice phytochrome cDNA by screening a library with two synthetic oligonucleotides that spanned the highly conserved chromophore binding region of the oat phytochrome cDNA clone. A similar strategy was employed by Lawton et al (1989) and Claes et al (1990). In their studies of the isolation of clones encoding protein kinase homologues, Lawton et al (1989) took advantage of the fact that eukaryotic protein kinases displayed conserved amino acid sequences. Two partially degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to the conserved regions of the catalytic domain were used to isolate homologous sequences from bean and rice cDNA libraries. Claes et al ( 1990) obtained a cDNA clone, called Sal T which encodes a protein specifically localized in salt-stressed rice roots. Based on partial amino acid sequences of the Sal T polypeptide, a degenerate oligonucleotide mixture was synthesized incorporating 2'-deoxyinosine at the corresponding wobble position for highly degenerate codons, an approach first employed by Ohtsuka et al (1985). Deoxyinosine can hydrogen-bond with deoxyadenosine monophosphate, deoxycytidine monophosphate, and uridine monophosphate and its utilization can significantly reduce the ambiguity of synthetic oligonucleotides. The differential hybridization technique is a more global approach to the identification of genes expressed during a specific physiological or developmental condition of rice. In this approach, a cDNA library is screened in duplicate with two nucleic acid probes obtained from distinct periods of plant growth. The procedure has been particularly useful in evaluating genes that are responsive to phytohormones or that were expressed during a specific stress condition. Mundy and Chua (1988) have identified abscisic acid (ABA)-responsive gene sequences by screening a seed cDNA library with single-stranded cDNA probes prepared from mRNA isolated from control and ABA-treated half-seeds. Similarly, Korkird et al (1990) obtained cDNA clones that show preferential hybridization to probes prepared from mRNA from polyethylene glycol-adapted rice cells. Pater et al (1990) have obtained a nuclear-encoded, light-responsive cDNA encoding a unique chloroplast-localized protein. The major limitation of this approach is that only genes well represented in the probe mixture at moderately abundant levels will be identified. Additional steps, e.g. cascade hybridization (Zimmermann et al 1980), must be employed to identify less-represented gene sequences. Once the cDNA clone of interest has been identified, it is normally characterized by Northern blot methods (Sambrook et al 1989) to estimate the size of its mRNA and to determine its levels during plant development or physiological state, i.e. hormone or environmental condition. In most instances, temporal accumulation patterns of the mRNA transcript should be consistent with the levels of the encoded protein. The encoded primary sequence of the clone is then derived from information obtained by DNA sequence analysis.


Thomas W Okita

Construction and screening of genomic DNA libraries

Once the cDNA clone has been extensively characterized it can be employed as a probe to screen a l genomic library. An excellent discussion on theory and pitfalls, as well as detailed laboratory protocols on the construction and screening of genomic libraries, is in the second edition of Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual (Sambrook et al 1989). Table 9.2 provides a list of rice l genomic libraries presently available.

Isolation of gene sequences by the polymerase chain reaction

The application of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique has radically changed the ability to isolate and analyze gene sequences. Before the introduction of this technique, it was extremely difficult to isolate full-length cDNA clones (and in some instances their corresponding genomic sequences), and particularly to isolate the mRNAs under-represented in the library. These obstacles are readily overcome by the application of PCR and, in most instances, the necessity to construct and screen genomic libraries for specific genes is eliminated. In the original protocol, PCR required knowledge of the DNA sequences flanking the region of interest. Two synthetic oligonucleotides corresponding to the opposite ends of the target sequence would be incubated with the four deoxyribonucleotides and Taq DNA polymerase, and subjected to multiple cycles of DNA synthesis followed by heat denaturation of the newly synthesized DNA
Table 9.2. Rice genomic libraries.
Cultivar IR26 Vector l EMBL4 Genes identified Actin Histone Small subunit Rubisco a-amylase Phytochrome Rab21 Tubulin Nitrate reductase l 2001 l EMBL3 l Charon 35 Waxy Glutelin Glutelin NADH-nitrate reductase ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase a-amylase M202 l EMBL3, l EMBL4 a-amylase Reference McElroy et al (1990a) Peng and Wu (1986) Xie and Wu (1988) Ou-Lee et al (1988) Kay et al (1989a) Yamaguchi-Shinozaki et al (1989) G An, pers. comm. G An, pers. comm. Okagaki and Wessler (1988) Takaiwa et al (1987a) Okita et al (1989) Choi et al (1989) Anderson et al (1989) Huang et al (1990) Huang et al (1990)


Labelle Mangetsumochi M201

The Identification and Characterization of Rice nuclear Genes


duplexes (Fig. 9.2). After 25-30 cycles, the targeted DNA is amplified over 100,000-fold, resulting in g quantities sufficient to be cloned by direct methods. Such an approach can theoretically be employed to isolate different alleles of a gene to assess their polymorphism. For example, S Wessler (University of Georgia, 1990, pers. comm.) used PCR to analyze a hypermutable region of several rice waxy alleles. Similarly, Barbier and Ishihama (1990) studied the microheterogeneity of the rice 10-kDa prolamine gene sequences by this approach. Because only small quantities of target DNA are needed, PCR is also invaluable in assessing the presence of foreign DNA sequences in putatively transformed tissue in limited amounts. Two modifications of the original PCR protocol have been developed to isolate specific cDNA and genomic sequences: 1. Screening of a cDNA library usually results in the isolation of truncated cDNAs that are missing information on the 5 terminus. Anchored PCR was, therefore, developed to amplify RNA sequences whose 5 regions are not known or are highly variable (Frohman et al 1988). In this technique, mRNA is reversetranscribed to form single-stranded cDNA. The 3 end of the cDNA is tailed with a homopolymer of dG residues by the action of terminal transferase. The dGtailed cDNA is then subject to standard PCR reaction conditions using a 3 primer of known sequence and a 5 anchor primer containing poly dC attached to a sequence containing a convenient restriction site (Fig. 9.2). 2. Another modification of the original PCR protocol is the inverse PCR technique (Triglia et al 1988). This technique permits the amplification of DNA segments flanking a region of known sequence and is directly applicable to the isolation of genomic sequences. This approach, however, requires information on the location of restriction sites flanking the known target sequence. In this technique the DNA is digested with a restriction enzyme at sites flanking the target sequence and then ligated to form monomeric circles. The DNA is then amplified using primers, homologous to the ends of the known target sequence, which direct synthesis away from the other primer site. The application of inverse PCR eliminates the need for the construction and screening of genomic libraries and is likely to have a major impact on the mapping and sequencing of plant genes.

The structure of rice genes

Seed genes
Most seed proteins are in the form of storage proteins, which usually lack any enzymatic activity and simply provide a source of nitrogen and carbon for the developing seedling. In comparison with other plant species, rice seeds accumulate relatively low amounts of protein overall (about 5% of seed weight) and of storage proteins in particular. Because rice provides an imponant source of protein for human nutrition in many developing countries, much effort has been

Fig. 9.2. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. In the standard PCR protocol, the target DNA is heat denatured in the presence of two primers, which anneal to the termini. DNA synthesis is accomplished by Taq DNA polymerase in the presence of the four deoxyribonucleotides. Successive rounds of heat denaturation, followed by DNA synthesis, result in the amplification of the target DNA to g amounts. The anchored PCR requires only a single primer. In the anchor PCR technique, an artificial tail of dG residues is added to the 3 end of the target DNA. Amplification of DNA takes place in the presence of a primer of known sequence and a second primer containing oligo dC residues. The inverse PCR was developed to amplify and clone segments flanking a known DNA sequence. The DNA is digested with restriction enzymes at sites flanking the target DNA and ligated to form monomeric circles. The DNA is then amplified using primers homologous to the ends of the known sequence.

The Identification and Characterization of Rice Nuclear Genes


devoted to increasing the protein content and nutritional quality of the seed proteins.

Glutelin and prolamine storage protein

Rice, like oats, synthesizes and accumulates two classes of storage proteins ubiquitously present in seeds of most plant species. Based on the original Osborne fractionation, the predominant storage protein (60-80%) in rice seeds consists of the insoluble glutelins. .More recent studies have shown that these proteins are structurally homologous to the 11S globulin storage proteins (Takaiwa et al 1986, 1987a, Higuchi and Fukazawa 1987), which have been extensively studied in legumes. Rice also contains the alcohol-soluble prolamines, the dominant storage protein observed in many cereal grains. The prolamines, however, comprise only a small proportion (3-10%) of the total protein in the rice grain (Mandac and Juliano 1978). Recombinant clones for both glutelin and prolamine have been isolated in several laboratories. The glutelins are a polymorphic group of polypeptides encoded by at least three different gene classes (Takaiwa et al 1987a, b, 1989, Okita et al 1989). The glutelin mRNA transcripts are about 1,800 nucleotides in length and code for polypeptides with molecular weights of about 56,000 (Takaiwa et al, 1987b, Higuchi and Fukazawa 1987, Okita et al 1989). The deduced glutelin precursor contains a 24-residue signal peptide at the N-terminus not present in the mature protein (Fig. 9.3A). The signal peptide facilitates binding of the growing nascent chain to the rough endoplasmic reticulum and is proteolytically processed during cotranslational-dependent transport into the lumen. The site of post-translational cleavage, which results in the formation of the acidic and basic subunits of the glutelin protein (Yamagata et al 1982), is conserved in derived primary sequences examined. A direct comparison of the derived primary sequences of glutelin to 11S storage proteins, i.e. soybean glycinin and pea legumin, revealed 32-38% identity (Takaiwa et al 1986, Higuchi and Fukazawa 1987). As these conserved regions are dispersed throughout these proteins, the similarity appears to be the result of divergent evolution from a common ancestral gene (Higuchi and Fukazawa 1987). Alignment of the glutelin and other 11S storage protein sequences also reveals several peptide regions prone to mutation. One region located near the C-terminus of the acidic subunit has been labeled the hypervariable region (Argos et al 1985) as it appears to tolerate large insertions of variable size and net charge (Fig. 9.3A). Two other regions contained within the acidic subunit also display significant divergence in sequence and size variation (Okita et al 1989). Argos et al (1985) have suggested that these variable regions may be possible targets for genetic modification for improved nutritional quality without detrimental effects on the processing and packaging of these proteins in seed tissues. Attempts presently center on engineering the soybean glycinin by insertion of various DNA sequences encoding sulfur amino acids at the hypervariable region of the gene. Several of these genetically altered proteins are faithfully processed and packaged in transgenic tobacco plants (N Nielsen, Purdue University, 1990, pers. comm.), suggesting the feasibility of genetically altering


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Fig. 9.3. Schematic representation of the structure of the seed proteins glutelin (A) and lectin (B). Both proteins are synthesized as preproteins. The glutelin and lectin signal peptides (SP) are cotranslationally cleaved to yield precursors of about 52 kDa and 20 kDa, respectively. The glutelin precursor is then post-translationally processed to yield the acidic (30-32 kDa) and basic (21-22 kDa) subunits linked by disulfide bonds. The variable (VR) and hypervariable (HVR) regions, which appear to tolerate large insertions, are depicted. The lectin precursor is cleaved twice to yield subunits of 10 kDa and 8 kDa as a second proteolysis step removes a carboxyl terminal peptide (TP).

storage proteins to encode a better balance of amino acids. Moreover, the threedimensional structure of phaseolin, structurally similar to the 11S storage proteins (including glutelin), has been obtained at 3A resolution (Lawrence et al 1990). This information will aid in the design of more rational attempts to genetically engineer these proteins. The glutelins are encoded by a complex multigene family, which can be subdivided into at least three classes based on nucleic acid sequence and Southern blot analysis (Okita et al 1989, Takaiwa et al 1987b, 1989). Two classes, represented by clones Gtl and Gt2, displayed at least 87% homology in the 5-flanking and coding sequences and probably evolved by a more recent duplication event. The third class, Gt3, showed little homology in the promoter sequences upstream of the putative CCAAT box and exhibited significant divergence in all other parts of the gene (Okita et al 1989). The divergence in the 5flanking region between Gt3 and the other two conserved classes is consistent with the mRNA accumulation patterns during endosperm development. Transcripts of Gtl and Gt2 steadily increase throughout development, whereas Gt3 mRNAs attain a maximum level at about 10 days post-anthesis and then decline (Okita et al 1989). Sequence motifs observed in other storage protein genes are

The Identification and Characterization of Rice Nuclear Genes


also present in the glutelin promoters. A -300-bpelement similar in sequence to the SV40 enhancer core (Kreis et al 1985), with the consensus sequence TG(T/A/ C)AAA(G/A)(G/T), is present several times in the 5'-flanking regions of Gt1 and Gt2 but only once in Gt3. The dyad sequence CATGCATG (RY repeat) is a second motif observed in many seed-specific genes but not in genes expressed in other plant tissues (Dickinson et al 1988). A perfect RY repeat is present in the Gt2 promoter and variant forms are present in Gtl. The significance of these conserved sequence motifs in regulating transcription of seed protein genes is unclear. The glutelin gene is expressed in transgenic tobacco seed (Leisy et al 1989), which affords the opportunity to evaluate the transcriptional role, if any, of the conserved sequence motifs. Considerable size variation of the rice prolamines has been reported. The predominant prolamine species have apparent molecular weight from 13 kDa to 17 kDa (Mandac and Juliano 1978, Ogawa et al 1987). Other minor components are present in some but not all rice varieties. The structure of the prolamine proteins has been deduced by analysis of recombinant clones. Kim and Okita (1988a, b) have shown that the single 14 kDa prolamine subunit evident in the rice cultivar M201 is actually encoded by two different cDNA classes, based on cross-hybridization and restriction enzyme mapping analyses. Both classes encode a 17.2 kDa polypeptide containing a 14-amino acid signal peptide. The deduced primary sequences of both prolamine classes are devoid of repetitive sequences, a feature prevalent in other cereal prolamines. The most striking difference displayed by these two prolamine classes is the amino acid composition of the encoded polypeptides. Both protein classes are devoid of lysine but one class is deficient in both methionine and cysteine (less than 1 mol %) whereas the other class is rich (9%) in these residues. Masumura et al (1989, 1990) have isolated cDNA clones that encode the 10 kDa and 13 kDa prolamines. The 10 kDa prolamine is remarkably high in methionine (20%) and cysteine (10%). Based on amino acid composition, the prolamines can be divided into two classes, sulfur-rich and sulfur-deficient prolamines. Although the sulfurrich prolamines are primarily responsible for the adequate dietary levels of methionine and cysteine content in rice seeds (Bright and Shewry 1983), these proteins resist protease digestion and a significant portion passes through the digestive tract of monogastric animals (Tanaka et al 1975, Resurreccion and Juliano 1981). ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase

The first unique biochemical reaction of starch biosynthesis is catalyzed by ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase. This enzyme, which forms ADP-glucose, the sugar nucleotide utilized by starch synthase, is allosterically activated by 3phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA) and is inhibited by inorganic phosphate. In efforts to manipulate this gene so that it encodes an enzyme refractive to Pi (inorganic phosphate) inhibition and hence to facilitate carbon flow into starch, Anderson et al ( 1989) isolated and characterized a cDNA clone encoding one of the ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase subunits. The derived primary sequence, 483 amino acids in length, displays a putative leader peptide presumably required for trans-


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port of the nuclear-encoded protein into the amyloplast. A comparison of the primary sequence of the putative mature subunit with the E. coli ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase showed significant conservation, particularly around the allosteric and substrate-binding domains (Fig. 9.4). Significant differences in the primary sequences of the plant and bacterial enzymes may reflect the unique allosteric effectors that control these enzymes. A major structural change evident between the plant and bacterial subunit is that the former contains an extended C-terminal peptide. Morell et al (1988) have shown that pyridoxal phosphate, which mimics the allosteric effector 3-PGA, reacts not with the conserved lysine whose counterpart lies within the allosteric region of the bacterial enzyme but with a lysine residue near the C-terminus of the plant subunit (Fig. 9.4). It is of interest that three other point mutations, which reduce the allosteric behavior of the bacterial enzyme to Fru-1,6-P2, are conserved in the plant subunit. Anderson et al (1991) suggest that differences in the allosteric specificity between the plant and bacterial enzyme may be due to point mutations at specific residues and a DNA insertion extending the Cterminal end of the plant subunit. These mutational events may have simultaneously resulted in a loss of allosteric behavior to Fru-1,6-P2 but gain in sensitivity to 3-PGA. The gene encoding the small subunit of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase has a complex structure with ten exons and nine introns spanning more than 6,000 bases (Anderson et al 1990). All of the introns, except for intron 2, contain the

Fig. 9.4. Comparison of the primary structures of the E. coli and rice endosperm ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase subunits. The stippled boxes represent regions of significant similarity while the lines indicate nonconserved regions. Residues essential for the catalytic and allosteric properties of the bacterial enzyme and the corresponding amino acids in the plant subunit are depicted. Residues Lys296 and Gly336, when replaced by Glu and Asp respectively, result in a bacterial enzyme with altered allosteric properties. The striped box located on the C-terminus of the plant subunit contains Lys469 reactive to the allosteric analog pyridoxal phosphate. The open box indicates the putative transit signal peptide (SP).

The Identification and Characterization of Rice Nuclear Genes


consensus splice site sequences while intron 2 has CA/CC borders at the 5' and 3' ends. Sequences adjacent to the splice site borders share homology to the splice site consensus sequence, suggesting that the overall splice region, rather than the specific GT/AG sequence, determines the splice site.

The waxy gene

The waxy locus of rice, like those of maize and other cereals, encodes a granulebound starch synthase that is responsible for the synthesis of amylose. Okagaki and Wessler (1988) isolated the rice waxy gene and showed that the exons (coding segments) are highly conserved to the maize counterpart, as evidenced by physical mapping techniques. Other portions of the gene, e.g. promoter sequence, are less conserved. Unlike the situation observed in maize, Southern blot analysis of 10 rice strains containing waxy mutations revealed nearly identical restriction fragments at and around the waxy locus. The absence of gross structural changes in these rice waxy mutations suggests that rice has fewer transposable elements, or that the elements transpose less frequently than in maize (Okagaki and Wessler 1988). Several unstable waxy mutations have been observed in progeny obtained by a wide hybridization cross between O. sativa and the distantly related wild species, O. officinalis (S Wessler, University of Georgia, 1990, pers. comm.). Structural analysis revealed that the unstable mutations were not the result of transposition events but may be related to methylation effects because distinct DNA methylation patterns were observed for the progenitor, mutant, and revertant waxy genes. Further molecular analysis revealed the presence of a novel BstN1 site located in an intron at the 3' end of the revertant waxy gene. Detailed PCR-dependent sequence analysis of this 3' intron from the progenitor and several mutant and revertant lines revealed specific and consistent modifications within a 100 bp region designated the hypermutable region (hmr). The hmr, which is present in about 50 copies in O. sativa and is completely absent from O. officinalis, may be mutable because of gene conversion with other copies in the O. sativa genome. If this underlying mechanism for unstable mutations of the waxy locus is valid then it may lead to a novel development of isolating other genes exhibiting unstable mutations generated by the O. sativa X O. officinalis cross.

Other seed protein genes

Protease inhibitors are one of several anti-nutrient molecules that accumulate in seed tissue. Abe et al (1987) isolated a seed cysteine protease inhibitor cDNA and showed that the derived primary sequence contained the sequence Gln-Val-ValAla-Gly. This peptide motif, which is conserved among the cystatin superfamily of genes, has been implicated to be involved in the inhibition of cysteine proteinases. Two classes of recombinant clones for rice seed lectins have been isolated and characterized by Wilkins and Raikhel (1989). Both cDNA classes are apparently products of a single gene yielding different-size transcripts due to polyadeny-


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lation site selection. The synthesis and processing of the rice lectin proteins are complex because they are subject to three proteolytic steps (see Fig. 9.3B). In addition to the cotranslational cleavage of the signal peptide, selective removal of a C-terminal domain containing a potential N - linked glycosylation site occurs post-translationally, yielding an 18 kDa polypeptide. The mature 18 kDa subunit is then proteolytically processed to two smaller subunits of 10 and 8 kDa. The isolation of a rice homologue to the maize R gene is presently being pursued by S Wesslers team at the University of Georgia (pers. comm.). In maize, the R proteins are encoded by a complex multigene family whose components regulate anthocyanin production in different plant tissues. In addition to understanding the genetic interactions between regulatory and structural genes (Ludwig et al 1989), utilization of the R genes may provide a novel tool in evaluating rice transformation as documented in maize. Ludwig et al (1 990) have shown that constitutive expression of the R gene induces cell autonomous pigmentation in maize tissues not normally pigmented. As a reporter gene, R will be a useful colored marker to select transformed cells or to quantify transient expression of genes introduced into living tissues of maize by the biolistic technique. Present efforts are directed at developing a comparable system in rice. Hormone-responsive genes Phytohormones are required for normal plant growth and development. Several of these hormones also mediate activation of specific genes, which adapt the plant to environmental changes, especially to osmotic stresses induced by desiccation, salt, or cold. a -Amylase The induction of a - amylase during cereal seed germination has provided one of the best systems for studying hormonally and developmentally regulated gene expression in plants (Nolan and Ho 1988). Genes of a-amylase are controlled positively by gibberellins (GAS) and negatively by ABA. The enzymes are encoded by a complex multigene family consisting of at least two classes, whose components respond to GA differently. ONeill et al (1990) isolated two rice cDNA clones and demonstrated that the expression of the corresponding genes is regulated by GA,. Huang et al (1990) conducted a comprehensive study of the rice a-amylase multigene family. To establish the size and organization of these genes, they isolated more than 30 genomic clones, which upon molecular analysis were classified into five hybridization groups. Structural analysis by DNA sequencing revealed that the multigene families in wheat, barley, and rice shared a common ancestor containing three introns. A comparison of the 5flanking regions of cereal a-amylase genes revealed several conserved sequences. In addition to the TATA and CCAAT boxes, ubiquitously present in eukaryotic genes, a strongly conserved sequence, designated the pyrimidine box (C/TCTTT-C/T), was observed about 150 bp upstream of the transcriptional initiation site. The pyrimidine box is also observed in other GA-inducible genes

The Identification and Characterization of Rice Nuclear Genes


suggesting some role in GA regulation (Huang et al 1990). In support of this, OuLee et al (1988) have shown that a GA-inducible protein factor can protect a region containing the pyrimidine box from exonuclease III digestion in vitro. ABA-responsive genes The hormone ABA mediates a number of important physiological processes in plants, especially during seed development and in response to osmotic stress (Skriver and Mundy 1990). Mundy and Chua (1988) isolated a cDNA clone, pRab21, which encodes a 21-kDa polypeptide specifically synthesized in ABAtreated seeds. The Rab21 open reading frame encodes a polypeptide of 16,529 daltons, considerably smaller than the size predicted by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The pl of the protein, as assessed by amino acid composition, is very basic, which may account for its lower mobility on denaturing polyacrylamide gels and hence overestimation of molecular size. The primary sequence contains a duplicated domain structure, each containing an A and B peptide repeat. Short peptide stretches, a polyserine cluster and a B peptide, are conserved with a cotton LEA protein D11, suggesting that they may be functionally related (Dure et al 19 89 ). Although the function of the Rab21 and other seed ABA-responsive proteins is not known, sequence comparisons and preliminary modeling studies suggest that they play a role in osmoprotection during waterstress and desiccation (Dure et al 1989). The Rab2l proteins are encoded by at least four tightly linked genes spanning about 30 kb on the rice chromosome (Mundy and Chua 1988, YamaguchiShinozaki et al 1989). The four proteins encoded by these genes are highly homologous (65-92%)) and share several conserved peptides, including the B peptide, serine cluster, and TGGAYG sequence. All of the mRNAs except for the RabD gene accumulate in mature embryos, in ABA-treated roots and seedlings, and in response to osmotic stress, although they display differential expression under these conditions. mRNAs for KabD are not expressed in mature embryos, suggesting that this gene lacks the appropriate regulatory elements permitting expression in developing seeds. Comparison of the promoter regions of the Rab genes revealed two conserved sequence motifs. One sequence motif was 80% homologous to the SP1 binding site, an element known to modulate transcription. The other common motif (PuTACGTGGCPu), similar in sequence to the CAMP-responsive element, appears to be conserved in the promoter regions of several cotton Lea genes, suggesting it may be an ABA-responsive DNA element (Yamaguchi-Shinozaki et al 1989). Protein changes induced by salinity stress have been evaluated in roots of the salt-sensitive rice cultivar, Taichung native 1 (Claes et al 1990). At least eight proteins were specifically induced by salinity stress as analyzed by twodimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Using an oligonucleotide probe based on partial primary sequences of a 15 kDa polypeptide, a cDNA clone, SalT, was isolated. The cDNA encodes a slightly acidic (pI 5.0) protein 145 residues in length containing small glycine-rich repeats reminiscent of Rab21, but apparently does not share any direct homology with Rab2l or any known ABAresponsive protein. Interestingly, the extent and tissue specificity of SalT expression


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was consistent with the pattern of sodium ion accumulation in the various tissues of salt-grown plants. Levels of SalT mRNAs were highest in sheath tissue and lowest in the leaves, while levels in roots were intermediate. The SalT gene was also activated by ARA alone, suggesting that this gene is not responding to a wound effect but may be responding to a changing salt concentration in order to prevent damage. In a similar line of work, Borkird et al (1 991 ) investigated the effects of the osmoticum polyethylene glycol on a cell suspension line of T309. They have shown that this cell line can be adapted to grow in 20% PEG as well as medium containing 1% NaCl. Screening of a cDNA library prepared from mRNA from PEG-adapted cells by the differential hybridization technique resulted in the isolation of seven clones preferentially accumulated in these cells. Because genes represented by these clones are selectively expressed in PEG-adapted cells, they may play a role in the water-stress adaptive process. Growth and development genes Several rice genes involved in signalling and recognition at the molecular level are actively being studied. In addition, information on rice genes encoding enzymes of metabolism and structural proteins have been obtained. Phytochrome Light provides plants with energy and fixed carbon via photosynthesis and stimulates plant growth and development. One of the photoreceptors involved in the latter processes is phytochrome. When activated by far-red light phytochrome induces the steady-state level of specific mRNAs such as those for chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and the small subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (see Kay et al 1989a). Kay et a1 (1989a) isolated both cDNA and genomic clones for the rice gene. Unlike the case observed in other plants, rice contains only a single etiolated-type phytochrome gene, affording a unique opportunity to study the autoregulation of one gene rather than a multigene family. In this light, Kay et al (1989a) showed that the phytochrome mRNA is expressed at low levels in etiolated leaves. The steady-state levels decrease within 1.5 min following removal of light and are partially reversed by far-red light. Nuclear-run studies indicate that this down-regulation of the phytochrome gene is exerted at the level of transcription. The phytochrome gene is structurally complex (Kay et al 1989a, b). The mRNA sequence, spanning more than 8,000 bases, is encoded by six exons interrupted by five introns, with an intron present in both the 5' and the 3' untranslated regions. The 5' flanking region of the rice phytochrome gene contains some interesting sequence motifs. An AT-rich region containing a 42 bp repeat of (TA)21 resides between -290and -249 bp from the transcriptional start site. A GC-rich box located between -165 and -152 is conserved with the oat promoter. Several sequence elements homologous to the core binding site (GGTTAA) of GT-1, a nuclear gene that binds to the light-responsive element of

The Identification and Characterization of Rice Nuclear Genes


the pea rbcS-3A promoter (Green et al 1988), are observed at -1285to -1266 and -242to -220 bp. The functional significance of the latter sequence motif was demonstrated by gel retardation studies (Kay et al 1989a). Specific binding to a radio-labeled promoter fragment (-441to -204 bp) was shown with a rice nuclear extract. This specific DNA-protein complex was abolished when competed with unlabeled fragment containing four copies of the pea rbcS-3A GT-1 binding sequence but not by a mutated fragment that does not bind GT-1. The rice phytochrome gene has been expressed in transgenic tobacco plants and demonstrated to be functional with respect to photoreversibility and chromophore maturation (Kay et al 1989c). Dampening of the circadian rhythm in chlorophyll a/b-binding protein mRNA levels in those normal-appearing transgenic tobacco plants was attenuated by the increased levels of the rice photoreceptor protein. A more recent study by Dehesh et al ( 1991 ) revealed the presence of a second phytochrome gene, which is present as a single copy in the rice genome. Sequence analysis indicated that the encoded protein was more identical to the phyB polypeptide from Arabidopsis (73% sequence identity) than it was to the phyA - type phytochrome (50% identity) described earlier by Kay et al 1989 a, b). Sequence comparisons of the two rice phytochromes revealed that the structural divergence was nonrandom. The central peptide regions containing the chromophore attachment site were conserved while the amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal ends of these proteins diverged significantly. Cene-specific Northern blot analysis also showed that the two phytochrome genes were differentially regulated in leaf tissue. Unlike the negative autoregulation of the phyA by light, phyB was constitutively expressed under these conditions. These differences in the primary structures of the encoded polypeptides and light-induced responses of their respective genes led Dehesh et al (1991) to suggest that these two phytochromes may have distinct functional roles in phytochrome-mediated plant responses. Nitrate reductase The reduction of nitrate to nitrite is catalyzed by nitrate reductase (NR), a step considered to be rate-limiting in nitrate metabolism. Rice contains two types of nitrate reductase enzymes, NADH-dependent and NAD(P)H-bispecific forms, which are preferentially accumulated in leaf and root tissue, respectively (Hamat et al 1989). The gene structure of the NADH-dependent activity has been obtained by Choi et al (1989). The structural gene spans about 5,000 bp and is interrupted by 3 introns. The open reading frame encodes 916 amino acids (101,482 Da) and is highly homologous to the apoprotein from Arabidopsis and tobacco, particularly around the peptide-binding domains to the molybdenum, heme, and FAD cofactors (Choi et al 1989). The expression of the NADHdependent nitrate reductase gene ha5 been shown to be induced by nitrate (Hamat et al 1989). In the absence of nitrate, only trace amounts of nitrate reductase activity and mRNA are detected in seedling leaves. Upon addition of nitrate, mRNA levels rapidly increase and attain a maximum level after 6 hours and then decline even though enzyme activity increases over a 24-hour period. Less information is available about the NAD(P)H-bispecific nitrate reductase gene. A

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second genomic clone has been obtained and partial sequence data indicated a second type of nitrate reductase gene (G An, Washington State University, 1990, pers. comm.). Analysis of the expression of this second nitrate reductase gene has shown that it is predominantly expressed in roots, suggesting that it may encode the NAD(P)H-bispecific enzyme. Protein kinases Although plants respond to a variety of environmental, developmental, and metabolic signals, information on how these signals are transduced into eliciting specific biochemical and molecular processes is lacking. In eukaryotic organisms, many of these pathways involve the phosphorylation of proteins mediated by protein kinases. Such activities can be readily detected in plant tissues but their specific function as signal tranducers remains unknown. To overcome this knowledge gap, Lawton et al (1989) identified several cDNA clones from both bean and rice that displayed conserved sequences characteristic of protein-serine/ threonine kinases. The C-terminal region of the deduced primary sequence is homologous to the catalytic domains of other eukaryotic protein kinases and contains highly conserved residues involved in ATP binding, phosphotransfer, and target amino acid specificity. Alcohol dehydrogenase Among plants, rice is unusual in that it can germinate in the absence of oxygen, presumably by utilizing energy generated by glycolysis. In view of the importance of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in this fermentation pathway, Xie and Wu (1 989) conducted a study on the rice enzyme and gene. They showed that ADH activity and mRNAs were inducible in all rice tissues, including mature leaves, under anaerobic conditions, or in the presence of 2,4-D. The relatively high anaerobic induction of ADH in mature leaves of rice is in marked contrast to maize, which fails to induce ADH activity under such conditions. This relaxed control of the rice ADH in mature leaves may have evolved due to the routine growth of this plant in flooded soil. Two classes of ADH cDNA clones exhibiting 80% homology have been obtained (Xie and Wu 1989). Both cDNAs encode nearly identical proteins containing 376 or 375 amino acids. Sequence homology comparisons with the maize ADH1 and ADH2 genes support the view that these two rice ADH clones are homologues. Histones Histones comprise a group of five basic proteins that interact with DNA to form the highly ordered chromatin structure present in all eukaryotes. The study of histone genes from a widely diverse group of organisms has provided insight into the nature of cell cycle control and temporal uncoupling of gene expression (see Chaubet et al 1987). In plants, histone H3 and H4 gene sequences are known from several cereals, including rice, as well as one dicotyledon.

The Identification and Characterization o f Rice Nuclear Genes


As has been found for all the other histone genes, from yeast to man, considerable sequence homology exists among the plant genes and with nonplant histones. The coding sequence of the rice histone H3 gene (Peng and Wu 1986, Wu et al 1986) is 79 and 80% homologous to the Arabidopsis and sea urchin genes, respectively, but increases to 91% when compared with the maize gene (Chaubet et al 1987). Similar increased homology among the monocotyledonous histones is found at the third position of the codons. In rice and maize, the third position is 98 and 95% C+C respectively; that of Arahidopsis and sea urchin is 58 and 59% G+C, respectively. Such a strong bias of G+C bases in the third position has also been observed for the rice and maize nitrate reductase genes (Choi et al 1989). Several consensus sequences in the 5' untranslated region of the plant H3 genes were reported: a CCAA/CT/C sequence near the start site of transcription, the TATA promoter element, and a GCT/CC/TC sequence just upstream of the TATA box, all of which were shared by the rice gene. Thomas and Padayatty (1983) cloned a 6.6 kbp fragment from germinating rice embryos containing the H2A, H2B, and H4 histone genes. The clustering of these genes is reminiscent of the histone gene organization found in many animal species, while no evidence of such tight clustering has been observed in other plant species. The H2A and H2B genes are situated about 4 kbp from the H4 gene on opposite strands of the genome, resulting in their bidirectional transcription.

Structural proteins
Actin is an essential structural component of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton or mitotic apparatus, or both, and is involved in 3 number of plant-related physiological processes, e.g. cytoplasmic streaming and organelle movement. This protein is encoded by a family of structurally conserved genes, which differ with regard to the developmental stage and tissue-specific abundance of their respective mRNA transcript (McElroy et al 1990a, b, Reece et al 1990). Of particular significance in rice biology, however, is the utility of the actin promoter in rice transformation studies. Previous rice transformation studies have utilized both the maize ADH1 gene and the CaMV 35S promoter, with the former being 1020 times more active (McElroy et al 1990c). The ADH1 promoter, however, is effective in rice protoplasts only under anaerobic conditions and is not constitutively expressed in all transformed rice tissues (Zhang and Wu 1988). McElroy et al (1990c) have now shown that a rice actin gene, Act1, is expressed constitutively in all rice tissues examined. Evaluation of the actin promoter sequences, including intron 1 in transient expression assays, indicate that it is about 5 to 10 times more active than the maize ADH1. The high efficiency of the actin promoter in rice cells indicate that it will play a prominent role in transgenic plant formation. Tubulins compose a second class of structural proteins that are encoded by a multigene family whose components are differentially expressed during seed development. At least one a-tubulin gene appears to be expressed solely during pollen development (Ludwig et al 1988). G An's team at Washington State University (pers. comm.) have recently isolated five a-tubulin genomic clones and are presently evaluating their temporal control and tissue specificity during


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rice development. The isolation of a pollen-specific gene will afford them the opportunity to initiate molecular studies to create male-sterile plants.

The isolation and study of rice nuclear genes have facilitated efforts to genetically engineer this plant. Genes involved in the rice plants adaptation process to water-, salt-, and osmotically-stressed conditions have been obtained. Several seed-specific genes that will aid in efforts to improve the nutritional value of the rice grain protein have been characterized. Specific seed and constitutive (e.g. actin) promoter sequences will also serve to drive other genes conferring important agronomic traits, e.g. anti-nutrient proteins. In addition to aiding ongoing efforts to genetically improve this plant the study of rice genes will certainly provide valuable information on the overall control of plant genes and the function of their products. An example is the phytochrome gene. Although etiolated-type phytochrome is extensively studied in a number of other plant systems, it is typically encoded by multiple genes. The presence of single genes for both the phy A- nd phy B-type phytochromes in rice affords a unique opportunity to evaluate their expression without the complexity inherent in other systems.

References cited
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The Identification and Characterization of Rice Nuclear Genes


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Gene Expression in Rice

Virginia Walbot and Daniel Gallie
Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, USA

The genomes of rice The plastid genome The mitochondrial genome The nuclear genome Basic features of genes Plastid genes Mitochondrial genes Converting organellar genes to nuclear genes Nuclear genes Nuclear gene regulatory regions The upstream region and promoter elements The leader region Coding region 3 Untranslated region Transient gene expression analysis Electroporation Polyethylene glycol DNA delivery methods for intact tissues Initial results with rice Promoters Processing of the pre-mRNA mRNA stability and translational efficiency Polyadenylation Importance of the 5 cap structure in mRNA Sequence context surrounding the initiator codon



Virginia Walbot and Daniel Gallie

This chapter outlines the basic features of rice genes, including those of the plastid, mitochondrial, and nuclear genomes. It also describes the methods of transient gene expression analysis that have been used to elucidate the functional roles of gene structure in modulating expression. The results of molecular analysis of gene expression in rice are still limited. Because of that, structural features already demonstrated to be important in related plants are discussed in light of the initial results from rice.

The genomes of rice

Rice like other angiosperms contains three genomes: nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial. The two organellar genomes are maternally inherited in rice and are, therefore, characteristic of specific cytoplasmic types in this species. Agronomically important traits, such as cytoplasmic male sterility (cms), are associated with particular nuclear-cytoplasmic combinations.

The plastid genome

The smallest genome, that of the plastid (cpDNA), is known in the most detail (Table 10.1), because it has been completely sequenced (Hiratsuka et al 1989).

Table 10.1. Chloroplast gene sequences of rice in the EMBL databank as of 1 March 1990. Accession number EM:Chosxx EM:Chosxx-2 Or:Riccpcycf Or:Riccpos14 Or:Riccpospsb Or:Riccprbc1 Or:Riccprbcm Un:M22826 Un:X12844

Description Rice complete chloroplast genome Continuation of CHOSXX from base 100001 (Rice complete chloroplast genome) Rice ( O. sativa ) chloroplast cytochrome f gene, complete cds Rice chloroplast rps 14 gene for ribosomal protein S14 Rice chloroplast psbF gene for 10-kDa phosphoprotein potential component of photosystem II Rice chloroplast rbcL gene encoding large subunit of ribulose-I, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) Rice chloroplast DNA for ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase (clone pCT-1) Nucleotide sequence of the genes located around the junctions of the rice chloroplast genome Rice chloroplast DNA short interspersed repeat (pCt-3) upstream rp12 gene (also present in mtDNA dna)

Gene Expression in Rice


Complete sequence information is available through the European Molecular Biology Laboratory databank. The genome is 135,525 kb, within the range of sizes reported for other angiosperms. The rice plastid genome, like the cpDNA of tobacco, encodes ribosomal RNAs, tRNAs, and proteins involved in carbon fixation, electron transport, and other plastid functions. The majority of proteins found in the plastid are, however, encoded in the nucleus and transported posttranslationally into the organelle. Rice cpDNA, as well as the plastid DNA of most other angiosperms, contains a large inverted repeat that divides the genome into a small and large single-copy region. Recombination within these inverted repeats will invert the single-copy regions relative to each other, and there is evidence that this flipping occurs in vivo; in other regards, however, the plasmid genome is quite stable (Palmer 1985). In other species, cpDNA variation is unknown or involves minor polymorphisms. Consequently, the map and sequence of rice cpDNA assembled for the Nipponbare japonica-type cytoplasm should suffice for most cytoplasms. The mitochondrial genome The other cytoplasmic genome of rice, that of the mitochondrion (mtDNA), has only recently been analyzed. Unlike the plastid genome in angiosperms, which is relatively constant in size and coding function, mitochrondrial genomes of higher plants are divergent in size and sequence content (Newton 1988). Proven genes in plant mitochondria are, in general, limited to those encoding ribosomal RNAs, tRNAs, and proteins involved in ribosome assembly, cytochrome oxidase, components of electron transport, and ATP synthase. The sequences of a number of these genes have been obtained from rice, using heterologous probes to recover the appropriate rice clones from genomic libraries (Table 10.2).
Table 10.2. Mitochondrial gene sequences of rice in the EMBL databank as of 1 March 1990.

Accession number Or:Ricmtb 1 Or:Ricmtb4 Or:Ricmtcyo2 Un:X12845 Un:X15990 Un:X16936 Un:X17040 Un:X17064

Description Oryza sativa (rice) mitochondrial plasmid-like DNA (B1), complete sequence Rice mitochondrial circular plasmid-like DNA B4 Rice ( Oryzva sativa ) MT cytochrome oxidase subunit II (CUII) gene Rice mitochondrial short interspersed repeat DNA (pMt-0) upstream rearranged rp1 2 gene (pseudo) Rice mitochondrial coxI gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit I Rice mitochondrial ATPase subunit 9 gene Rice mitochondrial coxlll gene tor cytochrome oxidase subunit Ill Rice mitochondrial cob gene tor apocytochrome b


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A rice mitochondrial map that consists of about 500 kb was recently reported for a japonica variety (Harai et al 1990). Although cpDNA organization is quite constant, intraspecific variation in mtDNA organization has been reported in a number of species (Newton 1988). Consequently, additional maps may be required to place the known genes on the mtDNA present in various cytoplasms. An expected result from these comparisons will be discovery of the diversity of mtDNA in rice and the possibility of pinpointing regions of the genome in which the cms lines differ from their normal counterparts. The smallest known mtDNA is 208 kb found in Brassica hirta (Palmer and Herbon 1987). The rice genome is about twice that size. It is unlikely, however, that rice mtDNA encodes more genes than the Brassica genome. In fact, despite their larger sizes, the mtDNA in higher plants is thought to contain fewer genes than the cpDNA. This conclusion is based on: (i) the diversity of transcripts isolated from organelles; and (ii) the diversity of proteins synthesized in vitro by isolated, intact organelles. The apparently limited coding capacity of mtDNA and the wide variation in size among plants (from 208 kb in Brassica to - 2,500 kb in some melons) suggests that much of the genome will be junk. Indeed, mtDNAs from a variety of species have been shown to contain large segments of plastid DNA (Stern and Lonsdale 1982, Stern and Palmer 1984), and one segment of cpDNA has already been found in rice mtDNA (Moon et al 1988). To date, no higher plant mtDNA has been sequenced, but when the complete sequence is available there may be surprises such as unexpected genes. One reason for interest in the rice mtDNA genome is that cms in many higher plants is associated with defects in the mitochondrion rather than the plastid (Newton 1988). The cms trait has been exploited in crops such as maize, Brassica, and rice for the production of hybrid seed. To be of use to farmers, however, such hybrid seed must also inherit a nuclear-based restoration of fertility system from the male parent so that the planted seed are fully fertile. This genetic relationship between a defective cytoplasm and one or more required (usually fully dominant) nuclear genes suggests that the nuclear genome of fertility-restoring lines encodes a function correcting a mitochondrial deficiency. To date, the nature of these mitochondrial defects is well established for the sterile T cytoplasm of maize (Dewey et al 1986) and for a cms mutant in petunia (Young and Hanson 1987). In both cases, rearrangements in cms mtDNA created a novel opening reading frame. In the case of maize, expression of the novel protein (TURF13) in E. coli confers sensitivity to methomyl, an insecticide that is also a selective toxin in sterile T maize plants (Dewey et al 1988). For rice cms is not yet understood at the molecular level. Paralleling the initial reports on cms in other species, however, novel restriction fragments (Kadowaki et al 1986) have been detected in three cms cytoplasms. As mentioned above, interpretation of such differences is difficult, because rearrangements in mtDNA are common and create many restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) variations. Another proposed feature of cms lines is the presence of plasmids, which have been detected in at least one source of cms in rice (Chinsurah Bore II: Yamaguchi et al 1986). RFLP and plasmids are compelling evidence for diversity among mtDNA in rice cytoplasms, but the association of these features with the cms trait must be interpreted with caution. To verify that a particular restriction

Gene Expression in Rice


fragment variant is associated with cms either analysis of a cytoplasmic fertility revertant, or discovery of the impact of the RFLP on mitochondrial function such as detection of a novel fusion protein, or both, would be required. Similarly, because the S1 and S2 DNA episomes of cms -S maize were initially shown to correlate well with the male sterile phenotype, it was proposed that they caused cms. Subsequently, it was demonstrated that neither the presence of the plasmids (Weissinger et al 1982, Escote et al 1985) nor their expression (Manson et al 1986, Zabala et al 1987, OBrien et al 1988, Zabala and Walbot 1988) directly determines the cms phenotype. Further data on the role of plasmids and episomes in the rice mitochondrial genome will be required before concluding that the plasmids detected so far are determinants of male sterility. Furthermore, plasmids were shown to be unreliable markers for classifying cms cytoplasms in maize as wider surveys of plasmid distribution were reported (Newton and Walbot 1985). The nuclear genome Rice is a diploid plant with a haploid nuclear DNA content of about 550,000 kb (calculated from data in Bennett et al 1982). This is about seven times the size of the nuclear genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, the angiosperm with the smallest nuclear DNA content recorded to date. Rice has the smallest genome of the grasses, making it a logical candidate for a future genomic sequencing project for this important group of plants. The small genome size is also of more immediate benefit in fitting the RFLP map to physical distances. Because of the small size of the rice genome, closely linked RFLPs (see Chapter 5) may provide a reasonable clue to the distance between markers in kb and open up the possibility of walking or jumping from marker to marker along the rice chromosomes. Chromosome walking is a difficult procedure and only appropriate in genomes in which the physical markers, such as RFLP, are spaced less than I Mb (1 megabase = 1,000 kilobases = 1,000,000 base pairs) apart. In terms of molecular cloning, the number of various kinds of clones required to contain the genome can be estimated. Assuming a 550,000 kb nuclear genome size, a minimum of 2,000 YACs (yeast artificial chromosomes) of 275 kb each, 12,000 cosmids, and roughly 25,000 lambda phage would be required. Of course, to be sure that any particular region is present, several to IO-fold redundancy is required. A list of the nuclear genes cloned and sequenced from rice is provided in Table 10.3. Most of these genes were obtained utilizing heterologous probes. As more people initiate studies of the molecular physiology and development of rice, it is likely that clones important for rice biology will be obtained directly from cDNA cloning of rice mRNAs from various tissues and after stress treatments (as for example Mundy and Chua [1988], who discovered a gene whose expression is induced by abscisic acid and water stress in rice;.


Virginia Walbot and Daniel Gallie

Table 10.3. Nuclear gene sequences of rice in EMBL databank as of 1 March 1990. Accession number P1:Ricaamya P1:Ricaamyb P1:Ricadp P1-Riccpi P1-Ricg11a P1:Ricglu P1:Ricglui1 P1 :Ricglui2 P1:Ricgluii1 P1:Ricgluii2 P1: Ricgluta P1:Ricglutg P1:Richis3 P1:Ricocs P1:Ricprol P1:Ricrbcs P1:Ricrep1 P1:Ricrep11a P1:Ricrep11b P1:Ricrep2 P1:Ricrep48r P1:Ricrep5 P1:Ricrep6 P1:Ricrep7 P1:Ricrep9 P1:Ricrgaa P1:Ricrgab P1:Ricrgac P1:Ricrge P1:Ricrgh P1:Ricrgsbha P1:Ricvcn1

Description Rice a - amylase mRNA, complete cds, clone pOS103 Rice a - amylase mRNA, complete cds, clone pOS137 O. sativa ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 51-kDa subunit mRNA, complete Rice cysteine proteinase inhibitor (oryzacystatin) Rice ( O. sativa ) G11A protein, partial cds Rice mRNA for glutelin (pCSW-321) Rice mRNA for glutelin type I (clone pREE 61) Rice mRNA for glutelin type I (clone pREE 103) Rice mRNA for glutelin type II (clone pREE 77) Rice mRNA for glutelin type II (clone pREE 99) Rice glutelin subunit mRNA Rice glutelin gene Rice histone 3 gene, complete cds Rice oryzacystatin gene, complete cds Rice mRNA for prolamine Rice rbcS gene for ribulose, 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase small subunit Rice DNA for repetitive sequence RG1 Rice DNA for repetitive sequence RG11A Rice DNA for repetitive sequence RG11B Rice DNA for repetitive sequence RG2 Rice mRNA for repetitive sequence RC48 (tRNA and 5S RNA homolog) Rice DNA for repetitive sequence RG5 Rice DNA for repetitive sequence RG6 Rice DNA for repetitive sequence RG7 Rice DNA for repetitive sequence RG9 Rice 5S ribosomal RNA gene from ungerminated embryo Rice 5S ribosomal RNA gene from 48-h-germinated embryo Rice 5S ribosomal RNA gene, 3 end, cloverleaf spacer DNA and SS ribosomal RNA gene copy 2, 5 end Rice 17S ribosomal RNA gene Rice 25S ribosomal RNA gene Rice gene encoding three ribosomal RNAs: the 17s, 3 end; 5.8S, complete; 25S, 5 end Rice variable copy number DNA (pRB301)

Gene Expression in Rice

P1 :Ricvcn2 Un:M24504 Un:X13908 Un:X13909 Un:X14172 Un:X14568 Un:Y00842 EM:Osglut21 Un:X13678 Un:X13679 Un:X13680 P1:Riccpi P1:Ricocs EM:Osrac1 Rice variable copy number DNA (pRB401) with 3'rps 12-rps7 region Oryza sativa rice lectin Rice cab1R gene for light harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein


Ric cab2R gene for light harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein Rice phy 18 gene for phytochrome Rice mRNA for glutelin Rice rab21 gene for water-stress inducible protein RAB21 Rice mRNA for preproglutelin Oryza sativa H3 histone gene H3R-11 Oryza sativa H3 histone pseudogene H3R-12 Oryza sativa H3 histone H3R-21 clone RH3-2 Rice cysteine proteinase inhibitor (oryzacystatin) Rice oryzacystatin gene, complete cds Oryza sativa RAc1 mRNA for actin

Basic features of genes

Plant cells contain three genetic compartments: mitochondrion, plastid, and nucleus. In each of these genomes, the genes are organized and expressed in a distinctive fashion, and the particular features of each will be discussed in turn. Plastid genes Sequence analysis of the 5 regions flanking chloroplast genes suggested that the regulatory regions were similar to the -10and -35 regions important in most genes in Escherichia coli (Mullet 1988). This hypothesis was confirmed by demonstrating that plastid genes could be expressed in this bacterium without alteration of the promoter elements. The plastid uses the universal codons, so the primary protein sequence produced in E. coli is identical to that in the plastid. Chloroplast transformation in Chlamydomonas (Boynton et al 1988) now opens the possibility of exploring directly the nucleotide requirements for plastid gene function, at least in this single-cell organism. Although transcription is a prerequisite for gene expression, post-transcriptional events play a critical role in regulating plastid gene expression. Several types of RNA processing occur. Introns are removed from some transcripts of plastid genes, and endonucleolytic cleavage releases mature structural RNAs. Stabilization of plastid mRNAs is controlled at the level of 3 end processing (reviewed in Mullet 1988). Structural features of the mRNA act in cis (Stern and Gruissem 1987), but trans-acting factors are also likely to be required. Stabilization and processing of mRNA in the plastid could be the step at which nuclear-encoded


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factors exert regulation on plastid mRNA abundance, thus insuring the coordinate expression of nuclear and plastid genes. Mitochondrial genes Elucidation of regulatory regions of mitochondrial genes has proven much more difficult than in the plastid. Even though many mitochondrial genes have been sequenced in wheat, rice, and maize, there are no obvious consensus sequences at the transcription initiation sites nor is there any obvious match to prokaryotes (Mulligan et al 1988a). Further work will be required in this area. An in vitro transcription assay would be particularly useful for defining many features of transcription. Using high-voltage electroporation (Calvin and Hanawalt 1988), DNA can be introduced into isolated rice mitochondria (Mulligan et al 1989). To date, however, reproducible gene expression has not been detected. RNA processing by endonucleolytic cleavage occurs in the formation of mature ribosomal RNAs in plant mitochondria (Mulligan et al 1988b). Processing of mRNA seems not to occur except when introns are spliced from primary transcripts, e.g. in cox2 of rice (Kao et al 1984). A recent surprise was the discovery of a novel form of mRNA processing in plant mitochondria (Covello and Gray 1989). This process, termed RNA editing, is proposed to be an evolutionary adaptation to allow higher plant mitochondria to conform to the universal codon rules. In the past it was assumed that plant mtDNA had an exception to the universal rules, because, at amino acid positions with conserved tryptophan residues (TGG codon in DNA and UGC in mRNA) in genes of fungal and animal mtDNA, some plant genes contained the codon CGG (arginine in the universal code). Another twist in this story is that monocot and dicot mitochondria appeared to contain only one tRNA gene for tryptophan; this tRNA gene is part of a plastid DNA segment now present in mtDNA (Marechal et al 1987, Leon et al 1989) and has an anticodon for UGG. This dilemma was recently resolved by the discovery of mRNA editing in higher plant mitochondria. In the mRNA, a few C residues are changed to U; consequently, CGG in the DNA can be edited to UGG in the mRNA, preserving universal codon usage in higher plant mitochondrial DNA. Editing at C residues changes additional codons. The editing process is selective - only a few residues are changed - requiring an unknown mechanism to provide specificity. Much remains to be done to elucidate the regulation of this novel molecular process. Converting organellar genes to nuclear genes Because direct transformation of either plastids or mitochondria in intact higher plant tissue or in vitro is likely to be unavailable for several years, an alternative strategy has been developed to examine the impact of engineered changes in organellar proteins. Genes from either organelle can be modified to allow their transcription in the nucleus, and the coding regions can be modified to target the protein product to the appropriate organelle.

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Figure 10.1 shows the type of gene construct required to accomplish these two goals. First, a nuclear promoter must be substituted for the organellar upstream region; this process is relatively straightforward. Second, an amino terminal extension of a 20-30-amino acid transit sequence must be added so that the precursor protein synthesized in the cytoplasm will be directed to the appropriate organelle. Work in progress indicates that specific peptides are required to direct the protein to the appropriate compartment within the organelle. The transit sequence can be obtained from a nuclear gene directing the synthesis of a protein normally transported to either the plastid or the mitochondrion, i.e. Rubisco small subunit for plastids and ATP synthase subunits for the mitochondrion. Using this strategy, the impact of mutations on organellar genes can be examined, albeit against a background of normal organelle gene expression. One early application of this strategy was to target the gene encoding an enzyme responsible for glyphosate resistance to the plastid (Shah et al 1986). Nuclear genes Figure 10.2 is a diagram of a typical gene of a higher eukaryote. Most of the features indicated were discovered first in mammalian genes or their viruses, but the features have proven to be of general significance. There are no fundamental differences between the genes of higher plants and animals, although the precise sequence requirements for similar functions have diverged to some extent.

Nuclear gene regulatory regions

Transcriptional activation of a gene is a prerequisite for its expression. From detailed studies in animals, transcriptional activation of a typical gene requires

Fig. 10.1. Diagram of the type of construct required to convert an organellar gene into a nuclear gene. A nuclear gene promoter must be substituted tor the organellar promoter; the start site of transcription is indicated by the bent arrow. The RNA leader region (between the transcription initiation site and the ATG) can be from either an organellar or nuclear gene source. The amino terminal coding region ot the organellar gene must be modified by addition of a transit peptide sequence from a nuclear gene whose product is directed to the appropriate organelle. The 3' untranslated region of the mRNA must be derived from a nuclear gene to ensure polyadenylation and hence mRNA stability; neither plastid nor mitochondrial mRNAs are polyadenylated and they lack the polyadenylation addition signal. For mitochondrial genes subject to RNA editing, appropriate nucleotide substitutions must be engineered into the DNA construct to encode the correct protein product. Because the universal codons are used in plastid DNA, no such substitutions are required for plastid genes.


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Fig. 10.2. Diagram of a typical nuclear gene and its messenger RNA. The DNA upstream of the start site of transcription (bent arrow) will contain protein binding motifs, here termed enhancers (filled boxes). The gene typically contains both exons and introns, but in the mature mRNA the introns are removed by splicing. The mature mRNA is also capped, a 5terminal addition after transcription. The mRNA leader region is important in determining the translational efficiency of the message, while the 3 untranslated region determines mRNA stability. The mRNA terminates in poly(A) residues added post-transcriptionally.

that several protein factors (transcriptional activators) recognize and bind to specific sequence elements (variously termed enhancer elements, consensus sequences, boxes, or regulatory elements) in the gene region.
The upstream region and promoter elements Although such DNA binding sites are typically 5 of the coding region, a few bases to several kb upstream, some DNA binding sites are contained within the coding region or even 3 of the coding region of the gene. For formation of a fully active transcription complex at a specific gene, the DNA sequence content of each binding site, the order of the sites, and their spacing with regard to each other and the usual transcriptional start site are critical. For many genes, additional proteins interact, prior to transcription, with the DNA recognition proteins to finally achieve an appropriate DNA and protein substrate for recognition by RNA polymerase. RNA polymerase initiates transcription at one or more specific bases upstream of the coding region. There is intensive research on the cloning and characterization of transcription factors and for understanding the DNA-protein and protein-protein recognition motifs sufficient to activate transcription. The presence of transcription factors in plants has been confirmed biochemically by demonstrating that plant nuclear extracts contain proteins binding to specific DNA sequence elements important in gene transcription. In addition, mutants of maize genes

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that alter the transcription of other genes (opaque-2, R, B, C1 ) have been cloned by virtue of transposable element insertions. DNA sequence analysis of these genes has shown that they share features with known transcription factors isolated from mammalian cells. These results suggest that most proteins involved in transcriptional regulation in plants will be members of the categories of activator proteins already defined by work in other organisms. The leader region The nucleotides prior to the ATC of the mRNA utilized for translational initiation constitute the leader region of the message. The leader includes the transcribed region from the initiation point of transcription, ax well as an inverted G nucleotide added post-transcriptionally; this nucleotide is referred to as the cap, and is added in the nucleus. In in vitro translation, the cap is dispensable; however, in vivo it plays a critical role (Callis et al 1987a), because mRNAs lacking the cap structure result in low protein production. The structure, composition, and length of mKNA leaders can influence mKNA translatability and may contribute to mKNA stability. These topics are discussed in greater detail in a later section. Particular leader sequences may allow selective translation of their mRNAs during stress or development. Coding region The most conspicuous feature of the coding region of many eukaryotic nuclear genes is the presence of intervening sequences. In the primary transcript, the coding blocks are termed exons, and the intervening sequences are termed introns. The introns are removed from the message by mRNA splicing, a process that efficiently and precisely joins the 3 end of an exon to the 5 end of the next exon. In plants, introns are generally short (100-200 bases) although some longer introns have been reported. Exceptional splicing events, such as use of different splicing borders, skipping one or more exons, etc., are relatively common events in animal genes; these events allow one reading frame to make several products. To date, there is little evidence for such exceptional splicing events in plants. 3 Untranslated region The nucleotides following the termination codon marking the end of the open reading frame of the coding region constitute the 3 untranslated region (3UTR). The first segment of this region is derived by transcription of the DNA; however, a post-transcriptional addition of 50-100 A residues creates a poly(A) tail at the end of nearly all nuclear-encoded transcripts. In current models, transcription continues past the sequences present in the mature 3-UTR; an endonucleolytic cleavage creates the terminus of the message, and this is the substrate for polyadenylation in the nucleus. The cleavage is relatively precise, although


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many genes give rise to several mRNA size classes, reflecting use of discrete cleavage sites. The signal for the cleavage reaction, also termed the poly(A) addition signal, is an AU-rich sequence about 30 bases upstream from the cleavage site. As was demonstrated for the 5 cap, the post-transcriptional addition of poly( A) to mRNA increases protein product formation substantially (Callis et al 1987a, Gallie et al 1989). The poly(A) tail may perform several roles: (i) protecting transcripts from degradation; (ii) increasing translation; and (iii) allowing storage of mRNAs in seeds and during other developmental stages. The poly(A) tail interacts with a protein, or proteins, in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. Although most poly(A) tails in nature are > 30 bases, tails of 25 bases are sufficient for the tail to perform its roles and presumably to bind protein in rice cells (Gallie et al 1989).

Transient gene expression analysis

With the advent of Agrobacterium -mediated transformation of dicot species and the limited success of monocot transformation by means of direct transfer of DNA, it is now possible to stably transform plants. The procedures for generating transgenic plants, however, still require several months from the introduction of the DNA until whole plants are obtained. This approach, therefore, is not suitable for studies where the analysis of a large number of gene constructs is necessary. Several transient expression systems have been developed to overcome this limitation. Most of the delivery systems introduce naked plasmid DNA into the cell, where, following partitioning into the nucleus, the DNA is expressed. Typically, reporter gene expression is assayed in the cells from several hours to a few days post-delivery. The difference between the various techniques lies in how the DNA is delivered. Electroporation Electroporation has been applied successfully to plant, animal, and prokaryotic species. In this technique, an electric current transiently produces holes in the plasma membrane of protoplasts through which DNA may enter (Fromm et al 1985, 1986). Protoplasts derived from cell suspensions or from plant tissue (e.g. mesophyll or aleurone cells) can be used. Electroporation has been developed as a delivery system for RNA and proteins as well. It is an efficient delivery system, whereby more than 90% of the viable protoplasts both receive and express the nucleic acid (Gallie et al 1989). Although it is possible that electroporation may cause stress, active translation can be detected within 30 min following delivery of mRNA, indicating that cells quickly recover biosynthetic activities.

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Polyethylene glycol Polyethylene glycol (PEG) has also been used for the transformation of a number of plant species, including grasses (Cocking and Davey 1987). PEG and electroporation both involve the use of protoplasts, although it may be possible to electroporate whole tissues. Because of their nondifferentiated state, protoplasts derived from cell suspensions cannot be used for studies in which gene expression is regulated in a tissue-specific or developmental manner. Protoplasts derived from certain tissue types, however, may prove to be useful for analysis of tissue-specific regulation. Nevertheless, protoplasts have been useful for a number of expression studies involving physiological responses to heat, cold, hormones, UV light, and pathogen elicitor molecules. Moreover, because many plant viruses will replicate in protoplasts, these isolated cells have proven useful for virological studies at the molecular level. Protoplasts are also well suited for the study of housekeeping genes and the routine aspects of cellular functions involved in gene expression, such as intron splicing, nucleocytoplasmic transport, and mRNA translation. Because millions of protoplasts can be transformed simultaneously by either electroporation or PEG, high levels of reporter gene expression are achieved, and even severe mutants can still be above background expression levels, i.e. in promoterless controls or mock-transformed cells. DNA delivery methods for intact tissues For those studies involving tissue-specific expression or developmental regulation, other delivery systems have been developed. Microinjection can be used for the injection of mRNA or DNA into either whole cells or protoplasts where the site of delivery can be either the cytoplasm or the nucleus. Because each cell must be microinjected individually, a technique requiring both skill and patience, a maximum of about 100 cells can be injected in a day by one person. Moreover, it is problematic to quantitate precisely the amount of DNA delivered into each cell, making quantitative comparisons between constructs rather difficult. Because of these limitations, microinjection is seldom used for transient analysis. Particle bombardment of whole tissues has been developed recently as a faster, less demanding delivery system than microinjection (see Klein et al 1989). In this technique, kernels, pollen, roots, leaves, stem, flowers, etc. are bombarded with particles coated with DNA. In a single blast, DNA can be delivered to more cells than in a day of microinjection. Although this technique is more efficient than microinjection, it also results in significant damage to tissue, and the plant wound response may influence the results of an experiment. Quantitation is also a problem with particle bombardment and has largely limited this technique to qualitative analyses. Initial results with rice All of the above techniques have been used in studies involving rice. DNA electroporation has been used to examine promoter strength and to evaluate


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selectable markers (Dekeyser et al 1989). In addition, mRNA poration has been used to study post-transcriptional control of expression (Gallie et al 1989). PEGmediated transformation of rice protoplasts has been used to study the regulation of a wheat promoter by abscisic acid (Marcotte et al 1988) and in viral studies. Expression after particle bombardment of rice callus has been demonstrated (Wang et al 1988, see also Chapter 8 of this volume). Expression studies in rice, however, have been hampered to some extent by the poor levels of expression that are generally found. In part, this may have occurred because the features controlling expression (e.g. promoters, enhancers, polyadenylation sites) have been taken from nonrice species, usually dicots, and may not be optimal for a monocot such as rice. A greater appreciation of the specific requirements for gene expression in rice is required, for without efficient expression even the best delivery system will lead to only limited results. What follows is a step-by-step analysis of the regulatory elements that control gene expression, and what is known about these features as they pertain to rice. Promoters The promoter responsible for the production of the 35s RNA from cauliflower mosaic virus is probably the most widely used promoter for both dicots and monocots. It gained wide usage because it is relatively constitutive; that is, it is expressed in most tissues, and it is a strong promoter in many species. Dekeyser et al (1989) demonstrated that, in rice, the 2' promoter from the T-DNA of octopine type Ti plasmid was 3 to 4 times more effective than the 35S promoter in electroporated rice protoplasts. The 2' promoter was also 10 times more efficient than the nopaline synthase (nos) promoter and 100 times more efficient than the promoter from the zein 4 gene. As an example of the differences found in promoter strength between species, the nos promoter was 10 times more efficient in rice than in tobacco. Marcotte et al (1988) have analyzed the promoter for the wheat EM gene (a major protein in mature embryos). That gene is induced by the phytohormone abscisic acid, and the gene product may be involved in cell survival during desiccation. The EM promoter yielded 60 times more reporter gene expression under induced conditions and twice as much under noninduced conditions when compared to the 35S promoter in PEG-transformed rice protoplasts. Consequently, even the constitutive level of expression of the EM promoter is twice that of the 35S promoter. The promoter found in the long-terminal repeats of the Drosophila transposable element copia was as efficient as the 35S promoter in electroporated rice protoplasts derived from either leaf or callus culture (Ou-Lee et al 1986). From these analyses, it is clear that, although the 3SS is an adequate promoter, it may not be suitable for obtaining high expression in rice. Even though the repertoire of promoters that have been isolated from, or examined in, rice is still quite small, it is already clear that strong promoters suited specifically to rice must be found. An alternative approach to isolating new and more efficient promoters is to

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improve already isolated promoters. Many promoters contain transcriptional activating sequences, termed transcriptional enhancers. These are usually found upstream of the region containing the promoter but they have also been found within the gene coding region and downstream of the gene. The degree to which the enhancers increase transcription is independent of both their position relative to the promoter and their orientation, but their effectiveness is dependent on the number of enhancer sequence copies present. For example, sequences dispersed in a 300-bp region upstream of the 35S promoter determine the rate of transcription and hence are the enhancer elements of this promoter (Odell et al 1985). Kay et al (1 987) duplicated a 253 bp region containing the 35S enhancer region, positioning it immediately upstream of the 35S promoter, and found that this tandem arrangement increased promoter activity 10-fold. A later study failed to confirm this effect (J R de Wet and V Walbot, Stanford University, 1991 unpublished data). There may also be limitations to the application of the 35S enhancer's tandem duplication in use with other promoters, because only minimal activation was observed for the nos promoter (Kay et al 1987). In contrast Odell et al (1 988) found a fivefold increase in expression when the 35S transcriptional activating sequence was positioned upstream of the nos promoter in both electroporated soybean and PEG-transformed tobacco protoplasts. Although the 35S enhancer sequences function independently of orientation, Odell et al (1988) observed that enhancer activity was attenuated when the sequences were distant from the promoter. Of equal importance to the need for more efficient promoters for work in rice is the need for greater understanding of what constitutes rice transcriptional activating sequences and how these enhancers can be manipulated for rice biotechnology. Processing of the pre-mRNA Important as transcriptional control is, it is becoming increasingly apparent that post-transcriptional control of gene expression plays a vital role in determining exactly how much protein product is produced. Some post-transcriptional steps in which regulation is now known to occur include: 1. Intron splicing (Smith et al 1989). 2. Nucleocytoplasmic transport (Braddock et al 1989, Malim et al 1989). 3. mRNA stabilization/destabilization by stem-loop structures located within the 3' untranslated region (Pandey and Marzluff 1987, Levine et al 1987, Casey et al 1988, Mllner and Khn 1988) or polyadenylated tails (reviewed in Brawerman 1987). 4. Regulation of translation initiation by the 5'-UTR and the sequence context surrounding the initiator AUG codon (Aziz and Munro 1987, Gallie et al 1987a, b, 1989, Kozak 1987, Ltcke et al 1987, Werner et al 1987, Williams et al 1988). 5. The rate of elongation during translation (Wolin and Walter 1988). The coding regions of many genes, including both organellar and nuclear genes, can be interrupted by noncoding regions (termed introns for intervening


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sequences). The introns are removed from the pre-mRNA by splicing. The presence of introns can increase the expression of a gene in both animal (Buchman and Berg 1988) and plant cells (Callis et al 1987b) by means of an unknown mechanism. Pre-mRNAs containing introns may be shunted through a processing pathway which, as a result of interaction with the spliceosome or splicing per se, or both, may result in more efficient capping, polyadenylation, or nucleocytoplasmic transport of these transcripts. Regardless of the mechanism, the presence of introns in chimeric constructs has been used to increase expression in rice up to 35-fold (J R de Wet and V Walbot, Stanford University, 1991 unpublished data). Not all plant genes benefit from the presence of introns (Chee et al 1986) and, of course, not all plant genes have introns (Bevan et al 1983, Fraley et al 1983, Herrera-Estrella et al 1983). However, for some genes, introns can make an important contribution to increasing expression. Introns from plants differ from nonplant species (Hawkins 1988, Goodall and Filipowicz 1989) and introns from monocot species differ from those in dicot species. Because introns from dicots are generally not efficiently spliced when introduced into monocot species (Keith and Chua 1986), the sequences governing splicing seem to have evolved at a much faster rate than the sequence requirements controlling promoter or enhancer activity. It may be that, even within a group, such as the monocots, splicing is less efficient when an intron is introduced into a heterologous host. It will be necessary, therefore, to determine whether introns from rice will have a greater enhancing effect in rice than do introns from other monocots.

mRNA stability and translational efficiency

Following nucleocytoplasmic transport of the mRNA into the cytoplasm, two additional steps exert control on gene expression: the rate of mRNA decay and translational efficiency. Of the factors known to influence mRNA stability, the poly(A) tail was the first to be identified, although its role remains controversial. More recently, the role that the 3-UTR plays in mRNA stability has been investigated. For example, nonpolyadenylated histone mRNAs contain sequences in the 3-UTR that link the steady-state levels of the mRNA to the cell cycle (Pandey and Marzluff 1987), that is, histone mRNAs are stable during S-phase but are selectively degraded during G2. The 3-UTR of transferrin receptor mRNA contains stem-loop structures which are specifically involved in the regulation of transcript stability (Mllner and Kuhn 1988, Casey et al 1988). As a consequence, transferrin receptor mRNA is stabilized in the absence of iron. The primary sequence motif, AUUUA, found within the 3-UTRs of a number of lymphokine and proto-oncogene mRNAs, acts as a destabilizing element, insuring the rapid turnover of these mRNAs (Shaw and Kamen 1986, Jones and Cole 1987, Brewer and Ross 1988, Wilson and Treisman 1988, Wreschner and Rechavi 1988). There is increasing evidence for the role of the 5 untranslated leader in regulating translational efficiency. There are several examples where the leader has been demonstrated to enhance expression (Logan and Shenk 1984, Geballe et al

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1986, Jobling and Gehrke 1987, Cullen 1988, Gallie et al 1987a, b, 1989). The leader sequence can have a detrimental effect on expression if extensive secondary structure is present that prevents the 40S ribosomal subunit from scanning through the mRNA in the process of interacting with the first AUG in the appropriate context. Similarly, if mRNAs have a complementary 5-UTR and 3UTR such that stable secondary structures form involving the two termini (Spena et al 1985) translation is adversely affected. In contrast, in the specific cases of poliovirus and EMC virus, in which ribosome scanning apparently does not occur, the leaders contain extensive secondary structure, and this structure is required for efficient internal initiation by the ribosomes (Pelletier and Sonenberg 1988, Pelletier et al 1988, Trono et al 1988). We have investigated the role that the 5- and 3-UTRs play in establishing the level of expression in rice. We examined the effect of the poly(A) tail length as well as the effect of the leader sequence of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) on expression of chimeric (3-glucuronidase (GUS) (Jefferson et al 1986) mRNA constructs. Table 10.4 illustrates the effect that the TMV leader (called W ) and poly(A) tails of 25 or 50 adenylate residues have on expression in electroporated tobacco and rice protoplasts. The W sequence has a dramatic effect on expression in tobacco (about a 30-fold increase) but only a 3-4-fold increase in expression in rice. This differential in enhancement between the two species is representative of the difference in enhancement observed in dicot versus monocot species in general and illustrates a yet further difference between monocots and dicots. In contrast, a poly(A),, tail had about the same positive effect on expression in both species tested. When the poly(A) tail length was increased from 25 to SO adenylate residues, a further 3-fold increase was observed in both species. When both a poly(A) tail and W were present, the resulting increase in expression was approximately the multiplication of the individual effects, suggesting that these two features function independently. In order to function efficiently, the

Table 10.4. Effect of W and poly(A) tail length on the expression of GUS from mRNA electroporated into rice and tobacco protoplasts. Specific activity (nmol/min per mg protein) mRNA Polylinker 5 GUS GUS-A25 GUS-A50 TMV 5 Q-GUS Q-GUS-A25 R-GUS-A50 0.03 0.88 1.43 0.29 10.6 18.5 < 0.01 0.27 0.81 < 0.01 0.34 0.93 Rice Tobacco


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poly (A) tract must be positioned at the 3-terminus. In Figure 10.3 the effect of internalizing the poly (A) tract with 2.5 adenylate residues is shown. A few bases 3 of the last A residue are tolerated, but more lengthy additions have a severe detrimental effect. We also examined the effect that the TMV 3-UTR has on expression in rice. The TMV genome, like that of many plant RNA viruses, is not polyadenylated but instead terminates in a tRNA-like structure (Hall 1979, Haenni et al 1982). The tRNA-like terminus deviates from the cloverleaf model of tRNA but is similar to the L-conformation of authentic tRNAs (Rietveld et al 1983). Immediately upstream of the terminal 105 bases, which comprise the tRNA-like structure, is a 72-base region in which three consecutive RNA pseudoknots are found (Van Belkum et al 1985). Although no function has been assigned to the pseudoknots, all capped nonpolyadenylated plant viral mRNA examined to date contains one or more of these structures in the 3-UTR. Table 10.5 illustrates that the TMV 3-UTR can increase GUS expression as much as SO-fold in mRNA constructs electroporated into rice protoplasts. As with the poly( A) tail, internal-

Fig. 10.3. Comparison of GUS production from mRNAs with or without poly(A) tails and the impact of additional sequence elements. GUS activity was measured in rice protoplasts electroporated with mRNAs derived by in vitro translation from the constructs illustrated at the bottom of the figure. All mRNAs were capped (GpppG sequence) during in vitro translation; all mRNAs contained the mRNA leader element. A family of nonadenylated transcripts differing in the length of the 3 untranslated region were produced by linearizing the vector sequence at the restriction sites shown (R = Eco RI, Pv = Pvu II, Sc = Sca l) prior to in vitro translation. The longer the 3 untranslated region, the greater the GUS activity produced. Similarly, a family of polyadenylated transcripts were produced by linearizing the second vector (containing the poly[A] element illustrated as a black box) at various restriction sites. Maximum expression was achieved by linearizing at Dra l (Dr in the figure), producing a terminal poly(A) tail (Gallie et al 1989). Expression from the polyadenylated form of the mRNA is > 30-fold higher than from the nonadenylated form. Addition of sequence beyond the poly(A) region is detrimental to gene expression.

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Table 10.5. Effect of the TMV 3-UTR on GUS mRNA expression in electroporated rice protoplasts.
Specitic activity (nmol/min per mg protein)


0.02 1.13

0.1 1 5.71

ization of the TMV 3'-UTR was detrimental to its ability to function (Fig. 10.4). Most of the regulation associated with the TMV 3'-UTR was localized to the upstream pseudoknot domain, although the tRNA-like structure was required for full function. The 3'-UTRs appear to affect gene expression at two levels: mRNA stability and translational efficiency. Both a poly(A) tail and the TMV 3'-UTR sequences result in an increase in the half-life of the GUS mRNA when present at the 3'terminus. This 3-fold effect is not enough to account for the 50- to 100-fold increase in GUS production, suggesting that in addition these 3'-UTR elements have a role in regulating translational efficiency.

Fig. 10.4. Impact of the 3' untranslated region of tobacco mosaic virus on GUS expression in rice protoplasts. A series of constructs similar to those described for Figure 10.3 but incorporating the 3'-UTR of TMV were utilized instead of the poly(A) block, As with the poly(A) tail, the 3'-UTR functions best when it is terminal.


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Polyadenylation The maturation of the 3'-terminus of mRNAs serves as another potential point of gene regulation. Processing at this end of the message begins with a site-specific endonucleolytic cleavage, after which adenylate residues are added to form the poly(A) tail. Ten to 30 bases upstream from the processing site lies a hexanucleotide, AAUAAA, that is conserved among eukaryotes. An analysis of 46 nuclear genes of higher plants showed that the hexanucleotide motif, or a closely related sequence, was present 18-36 bases upstream from the processing site of all the genes (Joshi 1987). Fifty-four percent of the genes had a sequence with one base mismatch and 6.5% of the genes had two mismatches. These results are striking, because in animal genes even single base mismatches can have a substantially detrimental effect on processing (Wilusz et al 1989). It is possible that 3' processing is less selective in plants, or that additional sequence motifs compensate for mismatches in the consensus sequence (Joshi 1987). The fact that several plant genes from both petunia and maize utilize multiple sites for polyadenylation would support the idea that processing is less stringent for plant genes (Dean et al 1986). In contrast, polyadenylation signals from a human and two animal viral genes were inefficiently utilized in tobacco cells, resulting in aberrantly processed mRNAs (Hunt et al 1987), which suggests that the hexanucleotide sequence is not sufficient for the polyadenylation process in plant cells. In examining the available rice gene sequences, we find that the hexanucleotide sequence, AAUAAA (or one-base mismatch derivatives), is present in the 3'-UTR of most of the genes. It remains to be determined, via a functional test, whether these sites are actually involved in the processing of the message. 3'terminal processing is an important control point in the regulation of gene expression in plants. Ingelbrecht et al (1989) showed that the polyadenylation sites from several genes, when positioned downstream from a reporter gene, can result in as much as a 60-fold range in expression. For gene transfer studies in rice, therefore, the isolation and examination of polyadenylation signals may well make a significant contribution toward optimizing expression in this species. Importance of the 5 cap structure in mRNA For efficient and accurate initiation of translation in eukaryotes, both the cap (GpppG) at the 5'-terminus and the sequences immediately surrounding the AUG start codon play important roles. Almost all eukaryotic mRNAs are capped, a feature essential for efficient translation in vivo; in addition, most mRNAs are methylated at the 7' position of the cap structure (m 7 GpppG). In one study, the presence of an unmethylated cap increased translation of GUS mRNA more than 13-fold compared with the uncapped control mRNA (Gallie et al 1989). It is quite probable that the increase in translation was far greater than this, but, as the expression from the uncapped form of the GUS construct was at, or below, the limit of detection, the fold increase could not be measured accurately.

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Sequence context surrounding the initiator codon The sequence GCC[A/C]CCAUGG has been determined to be the consensus sequence for accurate initiation of translation in animal cells (Kozak 1987). The [A/G = purine] in the -3 position (where the AUG codon is numbered +l to +3) and the G in the +4 position are the primary determinants of a good initiation context. Sequences in the other positions are less highly conserved and make a much smaller contribution to the context effect. The optimal context for plant genes has been reported to be AACAAUGCC (Ltcke et al 1987). In that study, the A in the -3 position was less important for initiation efficiency in the in vitro translation assay system derived from a plant (wheat germ lysate) than when the components were derived from an animal (rabbit reticulocyte lysate). The G in the +4 position, as well as the C in the +5 position, were more highly conserved in plant sequences (10 genes) than in animal sequences (22 genes). From an examination of 16 nuclear genes from rice (Table 10.6), we propose a rice consensus context of: -5 C -4 A/C -3 G/A -2 C/A -1 g +1 A +2 U +3 G +4 G +5 C

The C in the +4 position and the C in the +5 position are the most highly conserved bases after the AUG initiation codon. The rice consensus sequence

Table 10.6. Consensus tor the sequence context surrounding initiator codons of rice nuclear genes. Rice dwarf virus (10) Rice dwarf virus (9) Glutelin Glutelin ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase Oryzacystatin H3 histone H3 histone Chlorophyll a/b-binding protein Chlorophyll a/b-binding Rubisco small subunit Rubisco small subunit Prolamin Prolamin RAB 21 Nitrate reductase Consensus: -5 C56 -4 A56 C31 -3 G44 A38 -2 C44 A38 ACGAACAUGGAA UCCGUGAUGGGU AACAACAUGGCA ATAGCUAUGGCG GCAACCAUGAAU CACAACAUCUCG UCCUCCAUGCCC UCCGCGAUGGCC CCAUCAAUGCCC CUACACAUGGCC GCAGAGAUGGCC CUACGUAUGGCU UCAGCAAUGGCA GCAGCAAUGAAG AGCAGGAUGGAG CUAAACAUGGCU -1 g38 +1 A100 +2 U100 +3 G100 Omura et al 1988 Uyeda et al 1989 Takaiwa et al 1987 Masumura et al 1989a Anderson et al 1989 Abe et al 1987 Peng and Wu 1986 Wu et al 1989 Luan and Bogorad 1989 Luan and Bogorad 1989 Xie and Wu 1988 Matsuoka et al 1988 Masumura et al 1989a Kim and Okita 1988 Mundy and Chua 1988 Choi et al 1989 +4 G81 +5 C69


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agrees best with the consensus determined for plant genes in general in these two most highly conserved positions. The rice consensus is less strong in positions -1, -2, and -3 than the general plant consensus. The highly conserved positions are suggestive of functional significance and, therefore, attention to the sequence context immediately surrounding (especially sequences 3) the initiation codon of a gene to be transferred to rice may well provide another means by which expression can be optimized.

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Potentially Useful Genes for Rice Genetic Engineering

Gary H Toenniessen
The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA

Enhanced yield potential Improved photosynthetic efficiency Hybrid rice Cytoplasmic male sterility Nuclear male sterility Apomixis Harvest index Source-sink relationships Moditication of plant type Pest resistance Insect resistance Endotoxins Inhibitors o f insect digestive enzymes Lectins Controlling expression and prolonging effectiveness Disease resistance Fungal and bacterial pathogens Virus pathogens Abiotic stress tolerance Drought and salinity tolerance Osmolytes Root depth and vigor Stress-induced genes Temperature Cold tolerance Heat tolerance Submergence tolerance and other stresses Improved product quality Starch Storage proteins Vitamins


lowering production costs Herbicide resistance Nitrogen nutrients loss-of-functiongenes Antisense RNA Ribozymes Antibodies Conclusions

Gary H Toenniessen

The genetic engineering of rice is technically feasible, as indicated in previous chapters. Chimeric gene constructs have been interated into the nuclear DNA of rice cells, plants regenerated from these cells, and the foreign genes expressed and passed on to the next generation as part of the rice genome. The added gene may encode a new protein or it may alter the level or location of expression, or both, of existing proteins. The site of gene integration appears to be random. Techniques for targeting genes to a particular site on the rice genome, or for replacing an existing gene with an engineered alternative, are not yet available. While further work is needed to improve the reliability and efficiency of the existing transformation techniques and to expand the range of rice cultivars for which they are applicable, much research is now focused on identifying gene constructs that can instill cultivars with useful new traits of agronomic, nutritional, and commercial value. The coding sequence of these chimeric genes can come from any source rice, wild relatives of rice, other plants, microbes, animals, or chemical synthesis. In the case of nonplant coding sequences, it may enhance and stabilize expression of the foreign gene if codons that do not occur often in plants are substituted with an equivalent codon commonly used by monocot plants during translation of mRNA to protein (Huang et al 1990). The regulatory sequences will need to function in rice and often will come from rice. Many of the more sophisticated and powerful uses of genetic engineering will involve highly regulated genes that are expressed at desired levels in particular cells, tissues, or organs at particular stages of development, or in response to particular environmental stimuli. To be useful these added genes must instill new traits in elite rice lines that further contribute to one or more of the following broad breeding objectives: enhanced yield potential, pest resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, improved product quality, and lowering of production costs. This chapter reviews selected research strategies aimed at identifying and constructing such useful genes.

Enhanced yield potential

Many rice-dependent countries already farm all land that is well suited for crop production. Meeting future food needs without further agricultural encroachment on forested or marginal lands will require intensified production and

Potentially Useful Genes for Rice Genetic Engineering


increased yields on land that is already in production. Irrigated tropical rice can be grown throughout the year and its maximum yield should be calculated on the basis of total production per unit area per unit time. Some of todays elite rice lines mature in 100 days or less. Three crops/year averaging 4 t/ha obviously provide more calories and protein that two crops/year averaging 5 t/ha. The principal ways of enhancing the maximum yield potential of rice are to increase total biomass production/unit area per unit time and to increase the harvest index. Improved photosynthetic efficiency Essentially all biomass production is directly or indirectly dependent on photosynthesis. In absolute terms, the efficiency of photosynthesis is low and it varies among plants. Even a modest improvement in the photosynthetic efficiency of rice could have a significant impact on total biomass production. However, there has been little success in breeding for improved photosynthetic efficiency and the genetic basis of its variation is poorly understood. Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts and is dependent on complex structural, regulatory, and genetic machinery. The genes responsible are shared between the chloroplast and nuclear genomes. The chloroplast genome of rice has been completely sequenced (Hiratsuka et al 1989) but many chloroplast genes and gene products are still unknown and reliable techniques for transformation of rice chloroplasts are not yet available. Modifications can be made in the levels and properties of known nuclear-encoded photosynthetic proteins through genetic manipulations, such as overexpression, site-directed mutagenesis, and use of loss-of-function genes (e.g. antisense, ribozymes, antibodies). Rubisco, the CO2-fixing enzyme, for example, is thought to catalyze a rate limiting step and is the target of much current research using site-directed mutagenesis. The potential for improving photosynthetic efficiency is great, but most current research is aimed at identifying opportunities rather than exploiting them. Hybrid rice A promising near-term opportunity for achieving increased biomass production, as well as improving yield stability, is to expand the area planted to hybrid rice. The Chinese have led the way in exploiting heterosis in rice and have more than 10 million ha planted with F1 hybrids. Hybrid rice plants exhibit vigorous growth above and below ground with increased productivity per day, superior root penetration, and improved lodging resistance and drought tolerance (Lin and Yuan 1980). The harvest index for hybrid rice is essentially the same as with pure-line varieties. Hybrids give Chinese farmers 10-20%) yield increase over semidwarf inbred rice cultivars. Yuan Long-ping, director of the Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Institute (1986 pers. comm.), speculates that intersubspecies hybrids (indica x japonica) may yield 30-50% more if the problems of sterility often observed in such crosses could be overcome.


Gary H Toenniessen

Production of hybrid rice seed in China is a labor-and skill-intensive process. Hybrid rice seed production is much more difficult than, for example, hybrid maize seed production. Rice is a self-pollinated crop with small flowers that are monoclinous (stamens and pistil on the same flower). Hand removal of anthers for seed production is impractical; a genetic substitution for hand emasculation is essential. Even then, cross pollination needs to be mechanically enhanced. Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) More than 90% of hybrid rice seed production in China employs a traditional three-line system (cytoplasmic male sterile [ CMS], maintainer, and restorer lines). Wide use of this system outside China has been limited. The existing CMS lines are not well adapted to tropical conditions, and lack resistance to tropical diseases and insect pests. It is a lengthy process to transer the CMS trait from one line to another via breeding; at least six backcrosses are needed. CMS is usually due to a defect in the mitochondrial genome. Research on the molecular biology of rice mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has expanded recently (see Chapter 10) but little has been learned concerning the molecular mechanism of CMS. No one has identified a male sterility gene at the molecular level or mtDNA fragments or rearrangements that appear to be responsible for the CMS trait in rice. This, combined with the lack of relilable protocols for the genetic transformation of plant mitochondrial genomes, limits the potential for expanding the applicability of CMS using molecular gene transfer techniques. However, with protoplast regeneration feasible for rice, it should be possible to transfer CMS using protoplast fusion techniques. Protoplasts are formed from both the CMS and elite lines, and radiation is used to destroy the nucleus of the CMS protoplasts. When protoplasts from the two lines are fused, a portion of the fusion products are cybrids containing a nucleus of the elite line and a mixture of the two cytoplasms. RFLP or other markers specific for CMS mtDNA identify cybrid callus for regeneration to plants. Using such techniques Kyozuka et al (1989) succeeded in transferring CMS from an indica line to Nipponbare, an important japonica variety. In the modified Nipponbare line, the CMS trait functioned normally, being maternally inherited and reverting to fertility when crossed to a line containing the appropriate restorer genes. Nuclear male sterility (NMS) At the current state of technology, the introduction of novel nuclear genes is a more promising use of genetic engineering than CMS as the basis of male sterility systems. Naturally occurring nuclear male sterility (NMS) genes exist in most crop plants, including rice (Rutger and Shinjo 1980). Regardless of whether an NMS gene is dominant or recessive, at most 50% of the progeny of any cross will be male sterile (Kao et al 1990). The key problem limiting use of NMS is the need to eliminate the male fertiles in order to obtain a pure stand of male sterile plants. Genetic engineering can solve this problem by introducing two directly linked genes into the maternal line: one for male sterility (e.g. inhibit pollen development) and the other to facilitate roguing of the male

Potentially Useful Genes for Rice Genetic Enginerring


fertile plants (e.g. herbicide resistance). Assuming the NMS functions as a dominant gene, a third gene for restoring fertility (e.g. genes causing loss of function of the NMS gene) needs to be introduced into the paternal line. Scientists at Plant Genetic Systems (PGS) in Belgium reported on progress toward engineering such an NMS system into rapeseed (Mariani et al 1990). The first task was to construct a gene whose product would inhibit pollen production without harming plant growth or seed development. Anthers are composed of several tissues and cell types, including the tapetum, which surrounds and nourishes the pollen sac. Goldberg (1988) had previously cloned anther-specific cDNAs from tobacco and one of these was used as a probe to isolate a gene, designated TA 29, which is expressed specifically in anther tapetal cells. The regulatory portion of this gene was fused to the coding sequence of a ribonuclease gene called barnase which was isolated from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Because barnase degrades RNA, it should function as a toxin that specifically inhibits growth of the cells producing it, but not the surrounding tissue. The chimeric gene TA 29-barnasewas transferred into rapeseed plants. Transformed rapeseed plants expressing TA 29-barnase were male sterile with no detectable tapetum, a collapsed pollen sac, and no microspores or pollen grains. All other tissues and cell types were identical to those in male-fertile plants used as controls. The PGS scientists suggest that coupling this chimeric gene for inhibition of tapetal cells with a dominant, constitutively expressed, herbicide-resistance gene could provide a mechanism for obtaining a pure stand of male sterile plants. They also note the existence of a protein inhibitor of barnase as a candidate gene for restoring fertility. Research aimed at designing analogous NMS systems for rice is under way. In the process, it may also be possible to modify the architecture of the rice flower and flag leaf in ways to enhance cross pollination (e.g. open florets with elongated and exposed stigma and exerted anthers). Apomixis Asexual reproduction through seed is known as apomixis (Nogler 1984). The embryo develops directly from a maternal cell of the embryo sac without union of female and male gametes and the resulting seeds are genetic clones of the mother plant. The potential for apomixis to make a significant contribution to cereal breeding has been noted by Harlan (1965), Bashaw et al (1970), Bashaw (1980), Savidan (1986), and Richards (1986). It could greatly facilitate hybrid seed production. Once a productive hybrid is produced, it could be multiplied easily and quickly through apomictic seed production of successive generations. There would be no segregation and no loss of hybrid vigor. Seed multiplication would be inexpensive and farmers would simply save a portion of their crop as hybrid seed for the next planting. Apomixis occurs in a variety of forms in a large number of monocot and dicot species. It is difficult to conduct genetic analysis of the various forms of apomixis because the trait replaces sexual reproduction. In a cross, apomictic plants can be used only as male parents. In a few cases it has been demonstrated that apomixis


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is conditioned by one or two dominant genes and there is a dosage effect suggesting the existence of a gene product that serves as a cellular signal (Taliafero and Bashaw 1966, Savidan 1983, Nogler 1984). Apomixis appears to be a genetic suppression of sexuality rather than a loss of sexuality. Because genes controlling apomixis have not been found in the cultivated cereals, it is necessary to identify a source of apomixis. Several relatively empirical efforts aimed at transferring apomixis from wild relatives to pearl millet, wheat, and maize are under way, with the work on pearl millet the most advanced (Dujardin and Hanna 1985). Apomixis has not been found in wild relatives of rice (Neil Rutger, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Stoneville Miss., 1989 pers. comm.), however, Chinese scientists report some success in screening for facultative apomixis in rice cultivars that give a relatively high frequency of twin seedlings, an indicator of adventitious embryony (Yuan 1990). These results need further analysis, using molecular markers and other rigorous techniques. There is little current effort to identify, clone, or construct genes for apomixis that could be introduced to rice via genetic engineering. However, as molecular genetic markers and genes for tight male sterility become available, it should be possible to design experiments where the selection pressure for apomixis is strong. Harvest index Modern high-yielding rice varieties have dwarfing genes that increase grain yield potential by partitioning a greater proportion of plant biomass into the grain and by reducing lodging. The harvest index (ratio of grain yield to total dry matter production) of these semidwarf varieties is around 0.45-0.5. Rice breeders believe it is possible to improve the harvest index to about 0.6 (Swaminathan 1988). Source-sink relationships In rice, sucrose is the major product of photosynthesis transported from leaves to the developing seeds for starch biosynthesis. Several enzymatic steps catalyze sucrose synthesis in the leaves (source), sucrose transport, and starch biosynthesis in the endosperm (sink). By adding genes to rice for enzymes that catalyze key regulatory steps in particular tissues, it may be possible to enhance the flow of carbon to starch synthesis in the endosperm, resulting in assimilation of additional dry matter in the grain and further improving the harvest index. Such an increase in sink strength may even promote greater photosynthate production, resulting in increased photosynthetic efficiency and increased biomass. There are several options for constructing candidate genes for enhancement of starch biosynthesis. If regulation of a key enzymatic reaction is at the level of gene transcription, it may be sufficient to add a chimeric gene with a promoter that overproduces the indigenous enzyme in the desired tissue. Similarly, the duration of expression of the gene during the plants life cycle could be length-

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ened. Multiple forms of enzymes often exist in plants with different forms expressed in different tissues. Microbes and other organisms may have enzymes that catalyze the same reaction, but have different properties. Mutant forms of these enzymes can also be obtained. Addition of a gene for an alternative form of the enzyme may shift the equilibrium of key reactions toward starch biosynthesis. Okita (Chapter 9) describes the gene for rice ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and cites evidence that the reaction this enzyme catalyzes is a key regulatory step in starch biosynthesis. The enzyme is encoded by a small gene family and there are at least two distinct forms, one found in leaves and the other in endosperm. Various forms of the enzyme have also been isolated from bacteria and have different types of allosteric regulation (Anderson et ai 1990). Perhaps most promising, mutations are known to exist in the bacterial genes, which result in enzymes whose activity is less dependent on allosteric activation (Lee et al 1987). Hence, a variety of chimeric gene constructs can be conceived whose product may modify the rate and duration of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase activity in favor of starch biosynthesis. Another strategy to promote sink strength has been proposed by Morris (1 990). He notes evidence that grain size is closely associated with, and probably under the control of, a short pulse of the plant hormone cytokinin early in seed development. The gene ipt from Agrobacterium tumefaciens encodes a cytokinin biosynthetic enzyme. Adding a chimeric gene combining the ipt coding sequence with a regulatory sequence for endosperm-specific expression at the correct early stage of seed development should strengthen the cytokinin pulse, hopefully resulting in increased grain size. The key step will be identification of the appropriate tightly regulated promoter. Modification of plant type Khush ( 1990) has sugested that it may be possible to improve the harvest index of rice by breeding for plants with larger panicles but a reduced number of tillers. Thicker stems having large vascular bundles would be needed to provide a more efficient transport system and further enhance lodging resistance. Lignins, cellulose, and hemicellulose contribute to stem strength, and it should be possible to alter their biosynthesis in ways similar to that suggested for starch. For example, the gene for cinnamylalcohol dehydrogenase (CAD), the first enzyme in the synthesis of lignin, has been cloned from rice (Zhu Q et al 1990). Perhaps modifications can be made in the expression of this gene which would strengthen cell walls of the stem.

Pest resistance
Plants have evolved a wide array of physiological and biochemical mechanisms for protecting themselves from microbial infection and insect attack, or for tolerating such infection. Host-pest interactions are genetically complex, involving many genes in both organisms that have coevolved over time. In most cases, host


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genes for resistance are regulatory genes that control the expression of groups of other genes responsible for the physiological and biochemical functions that constitute the resistance trait. Research with rice is under way to isolate genes for resistance so that the structure and function of gene and gene product can be studied at the molecular level. No such gene has yet been isolated and it is likely to be some time before such genes will be modified through genetic engineering. In the meantime, genetic engineering to enhance pest resistance in rice will focus on the addition of genes, originating from both alien sources and rice, which code for proteins that directly inhibit microbial infection and insect attack. Genetic engineering will bring new tools to pest control and if used wisely will enable other tools, such as integrated pest management, to be used more effectively. Insect resistance More than 100 species of insects attack rice, with at least 20 insects regarded as major pests. Losses of 10-30% of total yield from insect damage are not uncommon. Insecticides are expensive and often not available to poor farmers in developing countries - and, when they are, health and environmental risks are inherent. Breeding for insect resistance and use of biocontrol are attractive alternatives to insecticides, and both can be enhanced by genetic engineering. Numerous host genes for insect resistance have been incorporated into modern rice varieties through conventional breeding, but there are many insects against which effective resistance genes are not available. Furthermore, the emergence of new insect biotypes can lead to breakdown of plant resistance. The identification and judicious exploitation of exotic genes that can provide insect resistance will be one of the more significant near-term contributions of genetic engineering to rice production and utilization. Most exotic insect resistance genes are initially likely to encode insecticidal proteins where the gene product itself provides the toxicity and biosynthetic pathways are not involved. Scientists have only just begun to tap this pool of potential genes for resistance to insect pests. Under natural conditions, pathogenic microorganisms are the main controlling agents that limit the development of insect populations. Protein toxins from entomocidal bacteria, protein inhibitors of insect digestive enzymes, and certain lectins are the prime targets of current research. Endotoxins Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus sphaericus are entomocidal bacteria used for environmentally safe insect control. Both produce endotoxin proteins, which form early in the sporulation phase and crystallize within the sporangium. While each strain has a relatively narrow spectrum of insecticidal activity, many strains have been isolated from throughout the world. B. thuringiensis strains exist that are toxic to lepidoptera (caterpillars), diptera (mosquitoes and black flies), and

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coleoptera (beetles) larvae, while B. sphaericus toxicity appears to be limited to diptera larvae (Aronson et al 1986). Several copies of the genes encoding crystal proteins are generally carried on large transmissible plasmids (Gonzalez et al 1981). Under natural conditions, these genes code for protoxins. Upon ingestion by insects, the protoxin is transformed by gut proteases into the active endotoxins. Several genes for protoxins have been cloned for which deletions in the carboxy-terminal half of the gene, but not the amino-terminal half, retain insecticidal activity (Adang et al 1985). For plant genetic engineering, truncated B. thuringiensis toxin genes containing the essential toxin domains can be used. In 1987 Fischhoff et al reported the incorporation of two truncated genes from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki into the genome of tomato plants. Expression of the genes conferred insect tolerance on the transgenic tomato plants and their progeny. Larvae of Manduca sexta, Heliothis zera, and Heliothis virescens were killed within 48 hours with very little evidence of feeding damage to the leaf. Similar results have been obtained with cotton and other crops. As more is learned about the toxin domains of B. thuringiensis genes, it should be possible to combine and synthesize novel gene constructs whose products exceed the naturally occurring toxins in efficacy. They could be used to produce improved insecticidal formulations and as genes for insect resistance. There is virtually nothing published on the effects of B. thuringiensis isolates on various insect pests of rice. At IRRI, and in Thailand, China, the Philippines, Pakistan, India, and no doubt elsewhere, researchers are just beginning to identify B. thuringiensis strains that are particularly effective against rice pests such as stem borers and leaffolders. Inhibitors of insect digestive enzymes The storage tissues of most plants contain chemicals that limit predation by insects and other herbivores. Some are protein inhibitors of insect digestive enzymes and their genes are sources of insect resistance. There are basically two strategies for identifying such genes. One involves purifying and characterizing key digestive enzymes from the insect pests of interest and screening them against known inhibitors. Chen (1991), for example, purified and characterized five starch digestive enzymes ( a - amylase isozymes) from the gut of three major storage pests - the rice weevil, the red flour beetle, and the yellow mealworm. They were screened against known a - amylase inhibitors (e.g. wheat a-amylase inhibitor, 12K corn inhibitor) and selective inhibition of each enzyme was obtained. The alternative approach is to purify a putative inhibitor from a plant and then determine which insects it affects. The best-known example is the cowpea trypsin inhibitor (Hilder et al 1987). It is a typical serine protease inhibitor but with effectiveness against a broad spectrum of insect pests. The cowpea gene was transferred into tobacco, and plants expressing this foreign inhibitor at approximately 1% of total protein in leaves were resistant to predation by tobacco budworm and other insect pests. The cysteine protease inhibitor, oryzacystatin, has been isolated from rice


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seeds. Both the protein and the gene coding for it have been throroughly characterized (Abe et al 1987, Kondo et al 1989, Chen 1991). Gut proteases of the rice weevil and the red flour beetle were shown to be strongly inhibited by oryzacystatin. It does not appear to be expressed in tissues other than endosperm. Additional inhibitors from other plants, such as the mung bean trypsin inhibitor, potato proteinase inhibitors I and II, arrowhead proteinase inhibitors, and towel gourd trypsin inhibitors, are being tested against the digestive enzymes of rice insect pests (Chi 1990). Any that function as inhibitors would have genes that should enhance insect resistance if transferred to rice.

Lectins are a group of plant proteins that bind to carbohydrates, including chitin. Some have been shown to provide protection against predation by insects and pathogens (Chrispeels and Raikhel 1991). For example, Acrelin-I, a lectin found in beans, has toxic effects on the important bean insect pest Zabrates subfasczatus (Osborn et al 1988). Chrispeels and Raikhel (l991) speculate that the deleterious effect of chitin-binding lectins on insect development is mediated by binding to chitin in the peritrophic membrane that lines the midgut of insects, thus interfering with the uptake of nutrients. Rice contains lectins (Tsuda 1979, Stinissen et al 1984, Wilkins and Raikhel 1989), which no doubt have similar defense functions, and lectins from other plants may inhibit rice pests. As indicated in Chapter 9, lectin synthesis and processing is relatively complex. Genes for lectins, or synthetic genes that combine specific domains from lectin genes (e.g. chitin-binding domains), are candidates for insect resistance.

Controlling expression and prolonging effectiveness

In utilizing genes coding for insecticidal products produced endogenously in plants, considerable care and further research will be needed to control gene expression and to have the gene product delivered to the correct site. The insecticide should be produced in the organ the insect attacks and not others. If the target insect is a phloem feeder, then a signal sequence is likely to be needed to deliver the toxin to the phloem. If the target insect attacks the grain, the gene product needs to be expressed in the endosperm and consideration will need to be given to human toxicity, heat liability, and other factors influencing suitability for human consumption. Promoters that are induced in response to insect feeding could play an important role. Thornburg et al (1990) recently demonstrated in field-grown tobacco plants that the wound-inducible pin2 promoter directs the synthesis of novel proteins specifically in tissues preferentially consumed by larval insects. Control of gene expression to prolong the usefulness of the gene is another important factor. Engineering constitutive expression of B. thuringiensis toxin genes at high levels throughout the life cycle of a homogeneous planting of rice over large areas would be unwise. If the toxin were effective, tremendous selection pressure would be placed on the insect population to evolve a new biotype

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resistant to the toxin and the value of the transformed crop would be lost. Resistance to B. thuringiensis insecticides has already occurred in nonrice insect pests (Tabashnik et al 1990). Since the primary insect pests of rice are monophagous, their potential to develop resistance may be especially high under transgenic rice culture. Concepts of evolutionary biology and ecology need to be brought to the genetic engineering process (Gould 1988). For example, if the plants or plant parts producing the toxin constitute only a portion of the pests diet, the selection process will be minimal. Resistance genes based on mild toxins, such as some inhibitors of digestive enzymes, may last longer than resistance genes based on strong toxins. Combining genes encoding a toxin and genes encoding a repellant will offer longer-lasting resistance than either approach alone. Disease resistance The principal strategy for controling rice diseases is breeding for resistance. Research on the molecular genetics of the pathogens is leading to new tools, such as molecular probes for disease diagnosis and monitoring, which will allow existing sources of resistance to be used more effectively (see Chapter 12). Genes for novel types of resistance are also being identified and cloned. Fungal and bacterial pathogens Blast ( Magnoporthe grisea ), sheath blight ( Rhizoctonia solani ), bacterial leaf blight ( Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae ), and leaf streak (Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzicola ) are diseases of rice that cause significant yield loses. In rice, as in other plants, infection by these fungal and bacterial pathogens usually results in an inducible defense response. This can include synthesis and accumulation of phytoalexins, reinforcement of cell walls by deposition of callose, lignin, and related phenolics, production of proteinase inhibitors, and an increase in the activity of hydrolytic enzymes such as chitinases and glucanases. Genes coding for such inhibitirs and lytic enzymes and for key enzymes in phytoalexin and cellwall component biosynthetic pathways have been cloned from rice and other plants. All are candidate genes for engineering enhanced disease resistance. Chitinases and glucanases degrade the major structural polysaccharides of the fungal cell wall. These enzymes have both a binding domain and a catalytic domain for their respective polysaccharides. Alone or in combination, they attack the growing hyphal tip and are potent inhibitors of fungal growth (Schlumbaum et al 1986). There are about six chitinase genes in rice (Zhu Q et al 1990). The acidic forms accumulate in extracellular spaces and the basic forms accumulate in the vacuole. Genes for key enzymes in the biosynthesis of phytoalexins, such as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) have been cloned from rice as has the gene for cinnamylalcohol dehydrogenase (CAD), a key enzyme in lignin biosynthesis (Zhu Q et al 1990). As indicated previously, chitin-binding lectins also have antifungal properties. Broekaert et al (1989) suggest that such lectins cross-link the chitin at the tip of growing


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hyphae, thus preventing cell expansion and slowing fungal growth. Many microorganisms produce antimicrobial products, and exotic genes for disease resistance may come from some of these sources. In one screening procedure used in China, extracts from candidate microbes are tested against rice pathogens. If there is an inhibitory effect, the extract is treated with proteases to determine if proteins are responsible for the inhibition. If they are, the proteins are purified and used to isolate the corresponding genes. Proteins inhibitory to the blast and bacterial blight pathogens have been identified using this method (Zhu W-G et al 1990). Animals also produce numerous antimicrobial peptides that might serve as the toxin domains of synthetic resistance genes. Cercopins are a family of peptides, 37 amino acids long, which represent the major, inducible, antibacterial defense system of insects (Steiner et al 1981). Magainins, a family of peptides, 23 amino acids long, with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity has been isolated from the skin of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis (Zasloff 1987). Defensins, a family of antimicrobial peptides, 29-34amino acids long, have been isolated from human and rabbit neutrophils and are believed to function within the milieu of the phagocytic vacuole (Ganz et al 1985). Virus pathogens Viral diseases, such as tungro, cause significant yield losses in rice. Use of vectorresistant varieties and insecticides are the principal stragegies currently used to control rice viral diseases. Efforts to breed for broad and stable resistance to viral infection have met with little success, except in the case of grassy stunt virus where a natural gene for resistance was brought into cultivated rice from a wild relative and has functioned effectively (Khush 1977). One of the most promising developments in plant biotechnology involves the use of nonconventional genes for introducing new sources of resistance to infection by plant pathogenic viruses. In most cases the exotic gene for resistance comes from, or is based on detailed knowledge of, the viral genome itself. A highly successful strategy is termed coat protein-mediated protection. A chimeric gene is made combining a strong plant promoter with the virus gene for capsid protein. Expression of the gene in transgenic plants results in accumulation of the capsid protein in plant cells. In several cases it has been shown that plants expressing such a gene are resistant to infection by the virus the gene came from (Beachy 1990). Moreover, the resistance extends to related viruses and works simultaneously with genes from more than one virus (Beachy and Stark 1989, Lawson et al 1990). While the mechanism of protection is not fully understood, it appears that disassembly of the virus is inhibited (Register and Beachy 1988) and that this is due to the accumulated capsid protein and not the mRNA (Powell et al 1990). Because little or no virus replication occurs, there is little opportunity for the appearance of mutants that could overcome the resistance. Tomato plants expressing the capsid protein gene of tobacco mosaic virus yielded the same as uninfected control plants and 26-35% better than control plants infected with the virus (Nelson et al 1988). Another strategy that has been shown to work, albeit not as effectively, is

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adding a gene for parasitic RNA - a small piece of noncoding, noninfectious RNA that competes with genomic RNA in the virus replication process. Satellite RNAs and defective-interfering (DI) RNAs are naturally occurring parasites. They depend on their helper virus for propagation through replication and encapsidation (Franki 1985). Harrison et al (1987) incorporated a gene for cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) satellite RNA into the genome of tobacco plants. When challenged with CMV, plants expressing this gene showed a decrease in symptoms. Similar results were obtained with satellite RNA from tobacco ringspot virus (Gerlach et al 1987). In China, a gene for CMV satellite has been reported to give field resistance to CMV (Tien et al 1987). It should be possible to construct similar genes for satellite or Dl RNAs, or for artificial parasitic RNAs, that would confer a degree of resistance to infection by plant pathogenic viruses. Because the effect of natural satellite RNA on virulence is somewhat unpredictable (Baulcombe et al 1989), use of artificial parasite genes is probably preferable. Use of antisense RNA to provide protection against virus infection has been tried but to date has not been very successful (Hull 1990). High levels of antisense RNA are required to obtain low levels of resistance and a yield penalty appears to result (Wilson 1989). Perhaps more promising, but yet unproven, are chimeric genes that express antisense RNA linked to catalytic RNA. Such catalytic antisense RNAs have been termed ribozymes (Haseloff and Cerlach 1988). The antisense component anneals the ribozyme with the target RNA, which is then cleaved by the catalytic component. Any target RNA (e.g. viral) entering a cell expressing a ribozyme gene should be cleaved and inactivated (Young and Gerlach 1990). Another promising, but yet unproven, strategy against viral pathogens would interfere with the cell-to-cell movement of viruses (Hull 1990). Many plant viuses encode a 30 kDa protein that facilitates such movement through the plasmodesmata (Wolf et al 1989, Melcher 1990). A gene whose product suppresses synthesis of, or inactivates, this protein should provide broad-spectrum virus resistance. Genes for antibodies are obvious candidates. Additional strategies for nonconventional resistance to viruses include use of genes that inhibit the spread of viruses from plant to plant by insect vectors, and genes based on understanding of natural sources of resistance. To enable selection and utilization of one or more of these mechanisms for resistance the genomes of several important viral pathogens of rice (tungro, ragged stunt, hoja blanca, yellow mottle, stripe, yellow stunt, dwarf, blackstreaked dwarf) are currently being characterized at the molecular level. Tungro, the most important viral disease of rice in Asia, for example, is now known to be caused by a complex of two viruses. Rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) is transmitted by leafhoppers and causes few symptoms. Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) causes severe symptoms but requires the presence of RTSV for leafhopper transmission. Together they are leafhopper-transmitted and cause severe symptoms. RTSV has a single-stranded RNA genome of about 10 kb. RTBV has a circular double-stranded DNA genome of about 8.3 kb. The capsid protein genes from both viruses have been identified and cloned and will be tested as candidate genes for tungro resistance (Bhattacharyya-Pakrasi and Beachy 1990,


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Jones et al 1990). Similar results are being obtained with other rice viruses and this should allow cloning of nonconventional genes for resistance by utilizing one or more of the strategies noted above.

Abiotic stress tolerance

Rice is grown under a broad range of environmental conditions. At various times, in various locations, it is subjected to extremes of heat and cold, drought, submergence, excessive salts or heavy metals, high winds, intense precipitation, stagnant waters, high or low light intensity, adverse soil structure, nutrient deficiency, and other stresses. Unlike animals, which can move or modify their environment, plants must adapt themselves for survival under adverse conditions. They can produce specific proteins, activate biosynthetic pathways, modify metabolic or physiological functions, and alter their morphology. The cumulative effect of these numerous responses constitutes the quantitative trait a plant breeder identifies as tolerance or lack thereof. Manipulation of such a trait via genetic engineering will require a much improved understanding of the genetic determinants of the component functions. At present three strategies for improving stress tolerance in rice are being pursued: 1. Rice genetic maps and markers can help in identifying the more important genetic components and in following their inheritance, even though the function of the gene products may not be known. 2. By isolating induced protein or mRNA, it is possible to identify, clone, study, and modify the level of expression of stress-induced rice genes. 3. It is possible to transfer alien genes of known or unknown function that add or enhance a desired response. Such gene transfers would make, at most, incremental improvements in the quantitative trait of interest. Drought and salinity tolerance Drought is the most important abiotic stress limiting rice yields. Drought tolerance is an important trait for all types of rainfed rice culture. Hardpan in soils can block root growth and impede water extraction even in irrigated fields. Salinity is the most widespread of the adverse soil problems lowering rice production. The fundamental mechanisms of drought and salinity injury and resistance in rice at various stages of the life cycle are poorly understood. In the near term, the RFLP map will probably be the most important biotechnology tool applied to breeding for drought and salinity tolerance. However, there are some genetic engineering strategies worth testing. Osmolytes Perhaps the most obvious strategy would be to add genes for the biosynthesis of cytoplasmic osmolytes, such as proline and betaine, which are known to protect

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plants during osmotic stress. Genes for enzymes involved in proline biosynthesis have been cloned from bacteria (Csonka 1988) and plants (Delauney and Verma 1990). The gene for one of two enzymes required for betaine synthesis has been cloned from spinach (Weretilnyk and Hanson 1990). It should be possible to construct chimeric genes that would increase the cytoplasmic level of protective osmolytes in response to osmotic stress. Root depth and vigor Root characteristics of rice, including depth of rooting, root thickness, size of metaxylem elements, and ability to penetrate compacted subsoil, play crucial roles in drought tolerance. While root-specific genes of unknown function have been cloned from rice (R A Schilperoort, University of Leiden, 1990 pers. comm.), genes governing root-pattern formation and drought adaptation have not been isolated from plants. However, the Ri T-DNA plasmid from Agrobacterium rhizogenes carries genes that alter the pattern of root development in plants as well as the morphology of leaves and other organs (Tepfer 1984). Tepfer (1989) has proposed that Ri genes expressed specifically in roots, and in response to drought stress, might give plants a root system better adapted for drought conditions. Stress-induced genes Molecular biologists have powerful tools for identifying and cloning inducible genes (see Chapter 9). If they can purify a protein or mRNA induced in response to a stress, they can design a probe to isolate the corresponding gene from a genomic library. Numerous plant genes induced by stress have been identified in this manner. While the molecular biology of the genes themselves can be, and often is, studied in detail, the physiological and biochemical function of the gene products remains poorly understood (Schoffl 1988). Whether such genes and proteins are really responsible for an agronomically useful adaptation to stress, or simply a general response of injured or dying cells, remains to be seen. The ability to transform rice provides an opportunity to address this question and it will be interesting to see what effect modifying the level or location of expression of such genes has on particular tissues and whole plants. Two groups have reported on water-stress-induced genes from rice. The Rab (responsive to abscisic acid) genes are induced by the plant hormone ABA and water stress (Mundy and Chua 1988, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki et al 1990). The SalT gene is induced in rice in response to salt and water stress (Claes et al 1990). While these genes exhibit interesting organ specificity, no physiological function has been reported. It would also be interesting to transform rice with osmotic-stress-induced genes from other plants. The products of some, such as dehydrins (Close et al 1989) and osmotin (Singh et al 1988), have been proposed as osmoprotectants. In the case of osmotin, high levels of accumulation in tobacco cells have been shown to enhance salt tolerance (LaRosa et al 1989).


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Temperature Rice is planted in cold environments as far north as 53N and at altitudes higher than 3,000 m. At the other extreme, rice-growing regions in Pakistan, the Middle East, and Africa often experience air temperatures in the 40-45C range and even higher soil surface temperatures. Cold tolerance All modern cultivars of Oryza sativa evolved from a tropical progenitor and are well adapted to growth at warm temperatures. Poor seedling vigor and poor fertility, particularly reduced pollen viability, are consequences of cold stress and can significantly reduce yield. While cold tolerance in other crops is usually studied in the 0-4C range, rice can respond adversely to cold in the 10-20C range. Since many plants are better adapted than rice to cold stress, there may be significant opportunities to improve cold tolerance in rice via transformation with cloned genes from other species. Recently Hahn and Walbot (1989) examined the impact of mild cold treatment on protein synthesis and mRNA levels in rice. Treatment of rice seedlings with a diurnal cycle of 15/10C or 11/6C for up to 1 week resulted in progressive change in protein synthesis patterns. De novo accumulation of several abundant proteins, such as Rubisco, was depressed, while other polypeptides, including water-stress- and ABA-induced Rab 21, were found to be coldinduced. The levels of alcohol dehydrogenase-1 mRNA and protein activity rapidly increased, perhaps reflecting a fundamental shift in energy metabolism to ensure tissue survival during the stress period (Virginia Walbot, Stanford University, 1990 pers. comm.). These changes were reversed when the seedlings were returned to normal growth temperatures. Cold-sensitive rice cultivars responded with similar but more drastic changes when compared with coldtolerant varieties. Similar responses to cold stress have been reported in other plants better adapted to cold. Guy and Haskell (1987) have shown that the induction of freezing tolerance in spinach is associated with the synthesis of cold-acclimationinduced proteins, and Meza-Basso et al (1986) found proteins that were preferentially synthesized and accumulated when rapeseed was subjected to 0C treatment. The addition of genes for one or more such proteins might enhance cold tolerance in rice. Heat tolerance If the warnings of environmentalists and climatologists concerning global warming are accurate, breeding for heat tolerance in rice will be more important in the future than it has been to date. The most readily observable molecular response to heat stress in plants is the induction of heat-shock proteins. Genes for heat-shock proteins have been found in every organism examined and surely exist in rice. Although the function of most heat-shock proteins is unknown, they somehow allow cells to establish

Potentially Useful Genes for Rice Genetic Engineering


thermotolerance at a temperature that is normally lethal. Heat-shock proteins are induced when plants growing in the field are subjected to natural heat-stress conditions (Kimpel and Key 1985). As more is learned about the function of heat-shock proteins, candidate genes for enhancing heat tolerance in rice may be identified. Submergence tolerance and other stresses Submergence tolerance is a complex trait of unique importance to rice. While there is significant genetic variability for submergence tolerance among rice cultivars, little is known concerning the mechanism of the tolerance. There should be opportunities to facilitate breeding for submergence tolerance via RFLP tagging, but the use of genetic engineering will need to await elucidation of at least some of the underlying biochemical and physiological components of the trait. This is also true for many other stresses that remain little studied and poorly understood.

Improved product quality

Rice grain is the largest source of food consumed by humans. The quality characteristics desired for cooking rice vary culturally and regionally. When rice is used for making processed foods (snack foods, baby food, alcoholic beverages, puddings, etc.), there are often unique quality requirements. If the rice is to be sold on the world market, milling quality and percentage of brokens are important. Improving the nutritional value of rice is an important breeding objective, even though it may not be reflected in increased price. Starch More than 90% of the dry matter in rice is starch. The starch is composed of a branched fracton, amylopectin, and a linear faction, amylose. The amylose/ amylopectin ratio is the single most important factor determining eating quality of cooked rice and is controlled by multiple alleles at the Waxy locus. Normal wild type rice ( Wx ) has 15-30% amylose and 70-85% amylopectin. Glutinous rices are recessive mutants ( wx ) and have 98-100% amylopectin. The Waxy gene encodes a starch granule-bound enzyme (an NTP-glucosyl transferase) responsible for the synthesis of amylose. The gene has been extensively studied in maize and was recently characterized and sequenced in rice (Okagaki and Wessler 1988, Wang et al 1990). While breeders have successfully manipulated starch composition in rice, the availability of this cloned gene may allow fine tuning of starch composition for specific uses.


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Storage proteins In comparison with other cereals, the quality of protein (amino acid balance) in rice is relatively good, but the total quantity of protein is relatively low. Only about 5% of the total grain weight is protein and a portion of this exists in a form that is not digested in the human intestinal tract. Attempts have been made to breed for higher protein content in rice but with little success. In Chapter 9 Okita reviews the characteristics of the gene families that encode the two major types of rice storage proteins, glutelin and prolamine. He also presents a strategy whereby these genes might be engineered to encode proteins with improved amino acid balance. Tanakas laboratory at Kyoto Prefectural University is exploring alternative approaches to improving the quantity and quality of digestible protein. In rice there are two distinct types of storage protein bodies. Type I (PB-I) primarily accumulates prolamine and is indigestible due to the dense stacking of hydrophobic prolamine polypeptide layers. Type II (PB-II) primarily accumulates glutelin and is easily digestible (Ogawa et al 1987). Signal sequences on the mRNA and proprotein control the sites of polypeptide synthesis, sorting, and packaging (Masumura et al 1990). It should be possible to modify the level of expression and sorting of the storage proteins such that a higher percentage of total protein is directed into the digestible form, PB-II. Tanaka (1990) has also suggested adding to rice chimeric genes with a coding sequence for a highly nutritious hydrophilic protein (e.g. casein) under the control of the prolamine regulatory and signal sequences. This should result in a small amount of hydrophilic casein being packaged into PB-I, thereby reducing its rigid structure and making the prolamines more accessible to proleolytic enzymes in the human intestinal tract. Vitamins Milled rice is not high in vitamins. Rice grain starts with little or no vitamin A, C, or D and most of its B-complex vitamins are removed with the bran during milling. These nutritional shortcomings are unfortunate in such an important food. Genetic engineering may offer the opportunity to improve this situation, at least in the case of vitamin A. Poor populations suffering vitamin A deficiency are often highly dependent on rice as their primary food source. Vitamin A, necessary for vision, fetal development, and regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, is supplied to humans primarily through dietary sources of provitamin A carotenoids (Blomhoff et al 1990). Vitamin A deficiency has long been known to cause xerophthalmia (blindness and night-blindness), with 6-7 million children stricken each year. More recent epidemiological evidence suggests that it also predisposes these children to respiratory and intestinal diseases that cause higher rates of mortality. A study in northern Sumatra found a 34% reduction in preschool-aged child mortality following two rounds of vitamin A supplementation (Sommer et al 1986).

Potentially Useful Genes for Rice Genetic Engineering


Rice genetic engineering presents an opportunity to address the vitamin A problem. Carotenoids are photosynthetic pigments and rice, like all green plants, synthesizes carotenoids in its photosynthetic tissues. It contains all of the genes necessary for carotenoid biosynthesis. Evidently one or more of these genes is not expressed in the endosperm or there is some other blockage of the pathway. The goal is to turn on the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway in rice endosperm, and it is reasonable to believe this is possible as it has occurred in the evolutionary history of maize. Yellow maize endosperm contains carotenoids and their synthesis is under the control of a single dominant gene, Yl. Buckner et al (1990) recently cloned the Yl gene from maize using transposon tagging. Buckner (1990) intends to test the consequences of expressing the Yl gene product in rice endosperm, where, hopefully, it will turn on carotenoid biosynthesis. If not, this discovery still presents the opportunity to better understand the regulatory mechanisms involved. Once the nature of the blockage is understood, it may be possible to add a chimeric gene with regulatory sequences for expression in rice endosperm and a coding sequence for the missing enzyme. Alternatively, it might even be possible to clone all of the necessary genes from a bacterium and add them to rice as an endosperm-specific, carotenoid-expression cassette.

Lowering production costs

Maximum benefits will accrue to rice producers and consumers if further increases in yield can be achieved a t lower production costs. The main inputs associated with rice production in developing countries are land, labor, and fertilizer. Genetic engineering can contribute to producing varieties with lower input requirements. Herbicide resistance In rice production, as with many other crops, much of the labor input is required for weeding, and the total yield loss due to weeds is still significant. Herbicides have become more readily available in developing countries and their use is expanding. Engineering plants for herbicide resistance has been one of the early accomplishments of biotechnology. New crop varieties with alien genes for herbicide resistance have been field-tested successfully and should be commercially available within the next few years. At least three different strategies have been employed. Perhaps the most straightforward strategy is to identify an enzyme or other gene product that detoxifies or inactivates the herbicide. As an example, the broad-spectrum herbicide glufosinate-ammonium (Basta) is a potent inhibitor of glutamine synthetase, the only enzyme in plants that can detoxify ammonia. Plants sprayed with the herbicide rapidly accumulate ammonia and die. Murakami et al (1986) cloned a gene termed bar from the bacterium Streptomyces


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hygroscopicus, which encodes an enzyme (phosphinothricin acetyl transferase) that inactivates glufosinate. Several crop plants have been transformed with the bar gene and give complete resistance to the herbicide under normal field applications (DeGreef et al 1989). Another strategy involves identifying a gene that encodes a different form of the target enzyme, which is less sensitive to the herbicide. The target of the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) is S-enol-pyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSP), a key enzyme in the synthesis of aromatic amino acids. DellaCioppa et al (1987) cloned an epsp gene from E. coli encoding an EPSP enzyme less sensitive to glyphosate than the product of plant epsp genes. Transfer of the E. coli genes to plants conferred glyphosate resistance. A third strategy involves overproducing the target enzyme in transformed plants. Shah et al (1986) cloned an epsp gene from a glyphosate-tolerant petunia cell line. Transgenic plants containing this gene had EPSP activity at about 20fold normal plants and were glyphosate-tolerant. These and other genes for herbicide resistance should work in rice, and herbicide-resistant rice plants are likely to be one of the first practical applications of rice genetic engineering. Nitrogen nutrients In order to take advantage of genetically enhanced yield potential, rice needs access to an ample supply of nutrients, the most important of which is nitrogen. For irrigated rice production, the primary source of nitrogen is ammonia. Rice genes encoding glutamine synthetase, the enzyme responsible for primary and secondary assimilation of ammonia, have been cloned (Sakamoto et al 1989). For upland and rainfed rice production, where soils are oxidized, nitrate is the primary source of nitrogen. Rice genes for nitrate reductase, which catalyzes the reduction of nitrate to nitrite and is the rate-limiting step in nitrate metabolism, have also been cloned (Choi et al 1989). Genetic engineering to overproduce or express different forms of these enzymes in rice roots may make it possible to improve the efficiency of rice in utilizing available nutrients. The introduction of symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation into rice would be one of the most significant contributions biotechnology could make to agriculture. Millions of peasant farmers who cannot afford commercial fertilizer would benefit, and it could help to wean modern agriculture from dependence on inputs derived from fossil fuels. Three laboratories have reported results from experiments involving inoculation of rice roots with rhizobia which suggest that this goal may not be totally unrealistic ( Al-Mallah et al 1989, Bender et al 1990, Jing et al 1990). Each lab has, independently and using different strategies, obtained root nodules on rice that contain healthy growing rhizobia. These nodules do not fix nitrogen but they have a structure similar to those formed on legumes and the rhizobia retain the capacity to nodulate legumes and fix nitrogen. It appears that rice has the genes necessary to form nodules but is not producing the chemical signals that turn on the nitrogen fixation pathway in rhizobia. Perhaps only a few legume genes would need to be added to rice to produce the necessary signals.

Potentially Useful Genes for Rice Genetic Engineering


Loss-of-function genes
As noted in previous sections, genes for antisense RNA, ribozymes, and antibodies have the potential to serve as novel sources for resistance to, or tolerance for, rice pests by interfering with the synthesis or function of pest-encoded proteins. Such genes can also interfere with the synthesis and function of riceencoded proteins, thereby causing a loss or reduction in normal gene function. This will be useful in studying and manipulating the biochemical and physiological function of the products of indigenous or introduced rice genes. In the absence of transformation techniques for allelic replacement of genes, it may provide a mechanism for replacement of gene function.

Antisense RNA
Antisense RNA was originally discovered as a naturally occurring mechanism for down-regulation of gene expression in bacteria (Simons and Kleckner 1983). By base pairing with the complementary sense portion of the target mRNA, antisense RNA inhibits the normal flow of information from DNA, through mRNA, to protein. There is evidence that the resulting double-stranded RNA impedes mRNA transport from the nucleus, encourages degradation of mRNA, or inhibits ribosome binding and translation of the mRNA (Mol et al 1990). Regardless of the exact mechanism, the net result is a reduction in synthesis of the target protein. An antisense gene designed to down-regulate expression of a target rice gene could be made by splicing together the coding sequence of the target gene in reverse orientation, with regulatory sequences chosen to assure transcription to RNA at high levels in those cells expressing the target gene. This technique has been demonstrated in other plant systems to down-regulate expression of key enzymes and to generate physiological consequences (Mol et al l990). Smith et al (1990) introduced an antisense gene to tomato that caused a dramatic reduction in polygalacturonase, an enzyme important in fruit ripening. The transgenic tomatoes ripened more slowly. While the efficiency of antisense technology seems to vary with target protein, it is broadly applicable and should have a significant impact on rice genetic engineering.

Ribozymes carry the antisense RNA concept a step further by adding a catalytic domain, which cleaves and inactivates the target mRNA. Ribozymes are based on the discovery that some RNAs (certain transfer RNAs, preribosomal RNAs, satellite RNAs, and viroid RNAs) are autocatalytic or can function like enzymes. In the case of the satellite RNA of tobacco ringspot virus, Haseloff and Gerlach (1988) demonstrated that the catalytic domain responsible for cleavage comprised 24 nucleotides and formed a hairpin loop-like structure. For this catalytic domain, the cleavage site on the target RNA comprised only the three nucleotides CUC. They were able to design a ribozyme consisting of the 24-


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nucleotide catalytic domain flanked on both sides by antisense RNA selected to align the catalytic unit with a GUC cleavage site on the target RNA. In vitro cleavage of target mRNA by this ribozyme, directed by antisense RNA against three different GUC sites, demonstrated its catalytic activity and site specificity. Ribozymes should make antisense technology even more powerful and more broadly applicable as a means of down-regulating and perhaps completely eliminating the functional expression of target genes. Antibodies Two different approaches have recently been used to express functional antibodies in plants. Hiatt et al (1989) transformed tobacco plants with genes formed from cDNAs derived from mouse hybridoma mRNA. Plants expressing either the light or heavy immunoglobulin chains were sexually crossed. The progeny plants expressed both chains and assembled a functional antibody. During et al (1990) transformed tobacco with a chimeric gene containing cDNA sequences for both the light and heavy immunoglobulin chains and also obtained functional antibodies. In both cases, coding sequences for signal peptides were needed to direct both chains to the same cellular location for assembly. The resulting antibodies retained the same epitope specificity as the hybridoma-derived antibodies. Thus it may be possible to add genes to rice that would produce antibodies that recognize, bind, and inactivate enzymes and other immunogenic compounds within the plant. If so, the opportunities for using endogenously produced antibodies to down-regulate functional gene expression, and to conduct many other types of fundamental and applied investigations, would appear to be enormous.

Dozens of chimeric gene constructs are now available for testing in rice. Some, such as tungro capsid protein genes, chitinase and glucanase genes, the oryzacystatin gene, herbicide resistance genes, and the Yl gene of maize, could provide significant benefits in the near future. Others will expand the knowledge base concerning the biochemical and physiological function of gene products so that agronomically useful modifications can be attempted. For each construct, numerous transformed rice plants will be needed to meaningfully assess the impact of the added gene and to obtain otherwise normal plants. The resulting transgenic rice plants will need to be tested in the field and evaluated by breeders. Surprises, both positive and negative, will surely occur. Over the coming decade the range of useful genetic variability available for rice improvement will be substantially increased and the power, precision, predictability, and efficiency of rice breeding will be enhanced.

Potentially Useful Genes for Rice Genetic Engineering


References cited
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Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring

Jan E Leach and Frank F White
Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, USA

Molecular probes and assay systems Immunoassays Antibody probes Nucleic acid hybridization techniques Nucleic acid probes Nucleic acid amplification strategies Use of molecular probes for disease diagnosis and monitoring Diagnosis Regulatory programs Monitoring populations of pathogens Conclusions

Methods for pathogen detection and disease diagnosis are critical components of effective crop-management strategies and regulatory programs, and also are needed for assessing the etiology, epidemiology, and distribution of rice diseases. Traditionally, diagnosis of rice diseases has been based on the recognition of symptoms characteristic of particular diseases, observation of the pathogens on, or in, the tissues, and isolation of the pathogens. Pathogens were then grouped taxonomically based on their morphology, or by physiological or biochemical tests. In cases where the pathogens exhibit pathogenic specialization (race specificity), such as bacterial blight caused by Xanthomons oryzae pv. oryzae (ex Ishiyanu 1922) (nom. rev. Swings et al 1990, formerly Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae [Ishiyama 1922, Dye 1978]) and rice blast caused by Magnaporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr comb. nov. (anamorph Pyricularia oryzae Cavara), the racegrouping of the pathogen is determined by inoculation of rice differential cultivars (Ou 1985, Seshu et al 1986, Mew 1987). 281


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Over the past decade, advances in the fields of molecular biology and immunology have greatly increased the accuracy, rapidity, and sensitivity of nucleic acid and protein detection. The techniques have, and will continue to have, a major impact on the approaches used to detect and diagnose pathogens in both research and diagnostic laboratories. In addition to the benefit of facilitating the disease management process, the techniques add considerable precision to quarantine and control measures that can potentially save millions of dollars. Immunochemical assays using polyclonal antibodies were the first of the recent techniques to revolutionize the detection and diagnosis of pathogens. In combination with agglutination or precipitation tests, immunomicroscopy, or immunoabsorbent assays (Clark and Bar-Joseph 1984, Halk and Der Boer 1985, Miller and Martin 1988, Chu et al 1989), polyclonal antibodies have been especially useful for rapid detection, identification and taxonomic classification of rice viruses (for review, see Omura 1988). The complex nature of bacterial and fungal antigens, however, has limited the use of polyclonal antibodies for diagnosis due to the lack of specificity at the species, pathovar (pathotype), or race level (Alvarez et al 1989). Subsequent hybridoma technology, introduced by Kohler and Milstein (1975), led to the development of assays based on monoclonal antibodies and has ameliorated some of the problems with specificity (Halk and De Boer 1985). DNA-DNA or KNA-DNA hybridization technologies added even greater precision and sensitivity (compared with immunological techniques) and have been exploited to develop nucleic acid-based hybridization assays (Miller and Martin 1988, Chu et al 1989, Walker and Dougan 1989). In this review, we describe the general basis of these technologies, and discuss their applicability to the detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of rice pathogens.

Molecular probes and assay systems

Both immunoassays and nucleic acid hybridization assay systems can provide the sensitivity and specificity needed by diagnosticians. Immunoassays use either polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies as probes. Nucleic acid systems use DNA or DNA probes. In either system, the probes are generally covalently modified to contain either radioactive, luminescent, fluorescent, or enzymatic molecules. Immunoassays and nucleic acid hybridization techniques may both employ double-probe (indirect) procedures. In such procedures, one probe contains the specificity for the pathogen, while the second probe contains the label or reporter molecule and specificity for the first probe.

Immunoassays are based on the specific recognition and binding of antigens by antibodies. Of all the immunoassays available, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Clark and Bar-Joseph 1984) and immunoblot assay (IBA) (Banttari and Goodwin 1985, Leach et al 1987) are the most sensitive,

Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


economical, and convenient. While many variations exist, both assays are based on the use of a solid phase (e.g. a plastic microtiter dish or a nitrocellulose membrane) to attach the antigen or primary antibody followed by detection of antigen or antigen-antibody complexes with an enzyme market covalently linked to an antibody molecule. The most common form of ELISA for detection of target microbes in complex mixtures is the double-antibody sandwich ELISA (Fig. 12.1). For ELISA, the untagged antibody is bound to a microtiter dish well. The test sample, enzyme-labeled antibody (conjugate), and enzyme substrate are added sequentially. Unbound material is removaed after each step by washing. In a positive test, the intensity of color resulting from enzymatic activity with the substrate is determined spectrophotometrically, and is proportional to the amount of conjugate bound and, consequently, the amount of antigen present. In a negative test, the solution remains colorless The sandwich ELISA is especially useful for detecting antigens in complex mixtures, such as soil or plant extracts, because the bound antibody specifically captures the antigen or antigens of interest, while irrelevant material is removed in the wash steps. The IBA procedure is based on the same principles as the ELISA procedure, except that the antigen is bound to a nitrocellulose or cellulose membrane, and a substrate that is converted to insoluble product is used for detection (Fig. 12.1). Adaptations of the IBA and ELISA procedures, such as the dipstick format (Dewey et al 1989, 1990) and flow-through assay (Rittenburg et al 1988, Miller et al 1988, 1989), provide means dor rapid dingnosis of samples in the field.







Fig. 12.1. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELlSA) and the immunoblot assay (IBA) are based on the use of a solid phase to attach the pathogen or primary antibody. The antigen or antigen-antibody complexes are detected with an enzyme marker covalently linked to an antibody molecule.


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Specificity of immunoassays is dependent on the antibodies used, while sensitivity is governed predominantly by the enzyme tag, enzyme substrate, and the method of substrate detection. The use of some enzyme systems can provide detection of less than 0.10 g total protein per ml. Alkaline phosphatase is often used for detection of plant pathogens because endogenous plant alkaline phosphatase activity is low compared with that of other enzyme systems such as peroxidase. Fluorescent molecules, radioactive materials, colored microbeads, and colloidal gold are also used as tags for antibody detection in immunoassays. Antibody probes Probes in most immunological assays consist of either polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies. Polyclonal antibodies are a heterogeneous population of serum proteins that are produced by higher vertebrates in response to immunization by a target antigen. As a heterogeneous population, polyclonal antibodies have many different specificities and binding affinities to the target molecule. The quality, quantity, and affinity of antibodies for specific antigenic determinants (epitopes) may vary from animal to animal, and between different bleeds from the same animal. The variety of immunoglobulin types in polyclonal antisera can enhance sensitivity in assays by reacting with different epitopes (antigenic sites), thereby amplifying the final signal. However, the specificity of polyclonal antibodies can be reduced if some epitopes are shared between the target and other related organisms. Problems with specificity associated with the use of polyclonal sera can be avoided through the use of monoclonal antibodies (reviewed in more detail elsewhere: (Kohler and Milstein 1975, Galfre and Milstein 1981, Halk and De Boer 1985). Monoclonal antibodies are homogeneous populations of antibodies secreted by hybrid cell lines called hybridomas. Basically, an animal is immunized with the target antigen, and the spleen is removed. The cells of the spleen, which are predominantly B-lymphocytes (antibody-producing cells), are then fused with myeloma cells to form antibody-secreting hybridomas (Fig. 12.2). Because each B-lymphocyte produces one antibody that is specific to one epitope of the antigen, each individual hybridoma colony will secrete one type of antibody. An appropriate clonal line is selected by measuring the strength of interaction of antibody produced with the target antigen. The hybridoma lines produce a constant, uniform supply of monoclonal antibodies. In addition to the specificity provided by the antibody, the use of monoclonal antibodies also avoids the variability that is often observed among batches of polyclonal antibodies. Nucleic acid hybridization techniques Nucleic acid hybridization techniques are based on the specificity by which nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) hybridize to form double-stranded molecules. The kinetics of hybridization and the factors affecting the stability of the duplex are reviewed elsewhere (Meinkoth and Wahl 1984, Britten and Davidson 1985). The essential points for diagnostic purposes are that mismatches in the duplexes

Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


Fig. 12.2. Monoclonal antibodies are produced in and secreted by hybridomas. The hybridoma lines produce a constant, uniform supply of the monoclonal antibody.

impart instability to the hybrids, and stability is dependent on ionic strength, temperature, base composition, length of matched sequences, and concentration of destabilizing agents such as formamide. Manipulation of any one of the factors can provide conditions that will discriminate between two DNA or RNA sequences, depending on the sequence relationship. In some circumstances, probes and conditions can be adjusted to discriminate single base-pair changes between two DNA sequences. Because closely related organisms share a greater nucleotide similarity than those that are distantly related, nucleic acid sequences from the target organism that will hybridize only to nucleic acid from that


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organism can be identified. Such specific sequences can be labeled with a detectable marker, and used as a probe for hybridization with nucleic acid from the target organism. Hybridization reactions may be performed in solution (Young and Anderson 1985), in situ (Pardue 1985), or on solid filter supports (Anderson and Young 1985). For diagnosis, filter hybridization methods are used most frequently. The technique involves immobilizing denatured DNA or RNA on the filter (nitrocellulose or nylon membrane). The bound sequences are available for hybridization with complementary nucleic acid probes. The probes are labeled with radioactive (32P) or nonradioactive (e.g. biotin, photobiotin) materials. After washing to remove unbound probe, hybrids are detected by autoradiography (32P) or various enzyme-immunochemical methods (Moeremans et al 1984, Hull and AI-Hakin 1988, Urdea et al 1988, Keller and Manak 1989). Digestion of the DNA with a restriction endonuclease and separation of the fragments by electrophoresis before transfer to the filter membrane provide the basis for the Southern technique (Southern 1975). Southern analysis provides information regarding the size of fragments as well as the presence of probe-related sequences. Colony and dot-blot hybridizations are the simplest nucleic acid-based assays to perform and can be used qualitatively to distinguish between plant pathogen groups, if a specific probe is available (Hull 1984, Walker and Dougan 1989). One further variation, the sandwich hybridizations, which are analogous to sandwich immunoassays, makes use of a filter membrane as the solid phase, and requires two subclones of adjoining sequences or use as capture and detector probes (Ranki et al 1983). Denatured target nucleic acid and labeled singlestranded detector probe are added to the bound single-stranded capture probe. The detector probe binds to the solid phase by hybridization with target sequences that are hybridized to the immobilized capture probe. The advantage of the sandwich format is that target sequences are removed from the sample environment, which often contains nonspecific binding substances, before hybridization with the labeled probe. DNA hybridization diagnostic techniques are often scored as a simple positive or negative result. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (KFLPs) can also be scored. The broadest utility in hybridization techniques for bacterial and fungal plant disease diagnosis is currently from KFLP analyses of the pathogens. RFLP technology uses natural variation in the genomes of different groups or strains of organisms. The variations (polymorphisms) in fragment sizes can be generated by loss or gain of restriction endonuclease recognition sites, or by other events that change fragment sizes, such as deletions or insertions in the DNA sequences. Differences in the size of the DNA fragments are detected after digesting the DNA with restriction enzymes and separating the fragments by electrophoresis in agarose or polyacrylamide gels (Fig. 12.3). The distribution of restriction sites in the DNA dictates the number and size of fragments produced after digestion. Therefore, each restriction enzyme and target DNA combination will produce a specific set of fragments, which are used as a fingerprint for a given strain. Polymorphisms may be revealed by direct visualization with ultraviolet light after staining the gels with ethidium bromide (Klich and Mullaney 1987, Jones et al 1989). However, specific sets of fragments are more commonly

Fig. 12.3. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis is used to detect natural variation in genomic organization. The differences detected by RFLP can be used to assess the genetic diversity of pathogen populations.


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revealed by Southern blot analysis (Hamer et al 1989, Leach et al 1990). The DNA fragments are transferred to a nitrocellulose or nylon membrane, and hybridized with a particular probe (Fig. 12.3). The use of RFLP data for assessing the genetic diversity of pathogen populations and for determining relatedness of pathogen groups requires numerical analysis of the data (Lynch 1988, Nei and Li 1979). The information from autoradiograms after Southern blot analysis is converted to binary data (Fig. 12.3). Fragments with the same mobility in the gel (i.e. the same molecular weight) are assigned a position and the presence or absence of a band at that position is coded 1 or 0, respectively, to generate a data matrix. The simplest analyses often ignore band intensity. However, if appropriate internal controls have been included, band intensity, which reflects sequence copy number, sequence relatedness, or both, can be evaluated using a gel scanner. Data generated by different probes can be directly compared for the generation of a data matrix if the same filter is probed several times, using a different probe each time. A separate data matrix is created for data from each different filter. A symmetrical similarity matrix is generated by calculating the similarity coefficient (F) for every possible pairwise combination of strains. A commonly used equation for the similarity coefficient is: F = 2nxy/(nx + ny) where x and y are the two strains being compared, nxy is the number of shared fragments, and nx and ny are the number of fragments in each strain (Nei and Li 1979). Computer software packages are available for such data manipulations (e.g. NTSYS-pc, Exeter Publishing, Setauket, New York, and Clustran 3.2, Wischart 1987). For a pictorial interpretation, the data can be clustered using a variety of algorithms, such as the unweighted pair-group method with averaging (UIGMA) or Ward's clustering method (Ward 1963). Nucleic acid probes The specificity of nucleic acid hybridization assays, like immunoassays, is dependent on the ability of the probe to discriminate between the DNA of target and other organisms. Nucleic acid probes may be prepared in several ways (uncloned or cloned nucleic acid fragments, oligonucleotides), although the probes are most frequently cloned fragments. The probes are derived by cloning double-stranded genomic DNA or cDNA (synthesized from mRNA) into plasmid or phage vectors and amplification in E. coli. Clones specific for a pathogen or strain can be identified from libraries by screening each clone against Southern blots of genomic DNA from the target organism and related organisms. Nucleic acid probes can be labeled with a range of radioactive (e.g. 32 P or 35 S) or nonradioactive (biotin, dioxigenin, fluorescein, enzyme, steroid antigens) markers (Al-Hakim and Hull 1986, Cunningham and Mundy 1987, Dattagupta et al 1987, Li et al 1987, Seriwatana et al 1987, Zuckermann et al 1987, Hull and AI-Hakim 1988, Kincaid and Nightingale 1988, McInnes et al 1989). The labeled nucleotides are incorporated into the probe by nick translation, oligo-

Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


labeling, end-labeling, cDNA synthesis, or transcription from a transcription vector (tor techniques, see Maniatis et al 1987, Ausubel et al 1989, Sambrook et al 1989). After hybridization reactions, the signals are detected by autoradiography or, if nonradioactive probes are used, by colorimetric, fluorometric, or photometric methods. While nonradioactive labeling methods are, in general, less sensitive than radiolabeling (Zwadyk et al 1986, Hull and Al-Hakim 1988), widespread application of nucleic acid probe technologies in dingnostics and the monitoring of pathogen populations will require the replacement of radioactive reporter groups with nonradioactive labels. Nonradioactive probes have the advantages of greater stability (and, hence, longer storage life) and elimination of the hazards associated with handling radioisotopes. Long-tern1 storage of probes is particularly important in regions where it is difficult to obtain labeling materials. A variety of nonradioactive reporter systems exist. Biotin-based reporter systems are widely used because biotin can be readily cross-linked to deoxyribonucleotides. DNA with biotin will then form stable complexes with avidin (Langer et al 1981, Leary et al 1983). An enzyme (e.g. peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase) can he attached to avidin, and the avidin - enzyme conjugate can he used to detect presence of biotin colorimetrically. New substrates for the enzymes alkaline phosphatose and horseradish peroxidase have been described which, when catalyzed, emit light (Whitehead et al 1983, Kreike et al 1990). An alternative nonradioactive system is based on the incorporation of digoxigenin-labeled deoxyuridine-triphosphate (Dig-dUTP) into the DNA. The target DNA hybrids are detected by ELISA, using an anti-digoxigenin antibodyalkaline phosphatase conjugate (Koehringer Mannheim 1989a, b). A third alternative is based on the direct linkage of enzymes such as horseradish peroxidase to the single-stranded probe DNA (Renz and Kurz 1984). A small synthetic polymer carrying many primary amino groups is fused with the enzyme. essentially converting the enzyme into DNA-binding protein. The modified protein, which is now able to bind electrostatically to any polyanion due to its small, positively charged tail, is then covalently linked to the single-stranded DNA probe using gluteraldehyde. Detection of the labeled DNA after hybridization can be by colorimetric means, or by emission of light after oxidation of luminol by the horseradish peroxidase (Whitehead et al 1983, Renz and Kurz 1984). A more detailed discussion of the advantages and applications of various reporter systems was recently published (Keller and Manak 1989). Nucleic acid amplification strategies Various methods are available to amplify enzymatically the signal probe or target nucleic acid, and thereby enhance the sensitivity and specificity of nucleic acid hybridization assays. These systems can be used with or without labeled probes tor the detection ot specific sequences. One approach involves amplifying the target of the probe via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR, Erlich 1989); another entails amplifying the probe with Q-replicase (Lizardi et al 1988, Siegler 1989). PCR technology involves the annealing of two oligonucleotide primers to sites


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that flank the target sequence, followed by sequence extension from the primer across the target region by Taq DNA polymerase (Fig. 12.4). Repeated cycles of heat denaturation of the template, annealing of the primers to their complementary sequences, and extension of the annealed primers with Taq DNA polymerase result in the exponential amplification of the segment defined by the 5 ends of the PCK primers (Saiki et al 1988, Scharf et al 1986). The technique can be used to amplify single-copy genes in complex mixtures of RNA or DNA, such as a mixture of pathogen and plant genomic DNAs. The thermostable Taq DNA polymerase, produced by the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus, is

Fig. 12.4. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique can be used to amplify pathogen DNA for diagnostic purposes. Two oligonucleotide primers that flank the target sequence are annealed to the DNA. Taq DNA polymerase is used to extend the sequence from the primer across the target region. Repeated cycles of heat denaturation of the template, annealing of primers, and primer extension result in exponential amplification of the sequence defined by the 5 ends of the primers.

Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


essential to the PCR technology because it eliminates the need to add fresh DNA polymerase after each heat denaturation cycle. PCR technology can be used to amplify pathogen DNA for strain identification and development of strain-specific probes, production of uncloned probes from mRNAs, and amplification of cloned probes in vitro (Erlich 1989, White et al 1989). Because PCR is so sensitive, it has great potential for routine and large-scale detection of pathogens in areas such as seed certification and quarantine. The amplified sequences may be visualized in an ethidium-stained gel, thus alleviating blotting and hybridization. In addition, small amounts of samples can be tested, an important consideration for species identification of field samples. Using the PCR technology, Steffan and Atlas (1988) detected amplified sequences in about one bacterial cell per gram of soil sediment. Possible problems in PCK are the amplification of nontarget sequences due to partial homology to the primer or contamination of the sample (Kwok and Higuchi 1989). In addition, the sample preparation for PCR can be labor-intensive. Qb -replicase is used to amplify probe sequences that are attached to the Qb replicate replication stuctures (Lizardi et al 1988, Siegler 1989). The RNA probe is first annealed to the target sequences. After excess probe has been removed, Q b -replicase is added, and the probe sequences are replicated. To decrease the background signal, the Qb-replicase system is used in conjunction with an initial step to purify the target sequences. Strands of thymidine molecules (poly[dT] ) are linked to magnetic particles, and complementry adenine tails (poly[dX] ) are added to oligonucleotide or DNA fragment probes containing sequences specific to the target DNA or RNA. After the complementary base pairs bind one another, the magnetic beads with the hybrid complex are separated from the mixture, and the excess target DNA is washed away. The process can be repeated as necessary. To amplify the signal, a second probe, also specific for the target, is inserted into MDV-1, an RNA molecule that serves as a template for the enzyme Qb-replicase. After hybridization of the MDV-1 probe with the target DNA, Qb-replicase is used to catalyze RNA replication and, thereby, rapidly amplifies the MDV-1 portion of the complex geometrically. The amplified RNA can be detected simply by adding ethidium bromide and reading the results with a fluorotneter.

Use of molecular probes for disease diagnosis and monitoring

Plant disease diagnosticians have been quick to apply molecular technologies to the diagnosis and monitoring of plant pathogenic organisms. However, examples demonstrating the use of molecular probes are few because of the diversity and number of plant pathogenic organisms. In addition, the information desired (pathogen group, presence, or amount) may require different types of probes or different assay conditions.


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Diagnosis The quality and utility of any disease diagnostic tool depends on the rapidity, the precision and accuracy, and the sensitivity of the diagnosis. The time for diagnosis depends on the actual speed and sensitivity of the technique. Molecular probes can significantly shorten the time of diagnosis by reducing the assay time and increasing the sensitivity, which may allow detection of pathogens in plants before symptom expression. Such early detection may be critical if measures to control disease exist. For example, if insect-vectored viruses in carrier insects or infected plants are detected early, then the application of insecticidal sprays can control transmission of the virus to noninfected fields. Detection of viral particles is possible in presymptomatic leaves or single insect vectors using ELISA or latex agglutination tests (Omura et al 1984, 1986, Hibino et al 1988). Of course, early detection may be of little importance if no practical or economical means to limit the disease is available, as is the case for many diseases caused by fungi or bacteria. Diagnosis of viral diseases has probably benefited the most from immunological assays. The greater utility of these assays for viruses compared with other pathogens undoubtedly stems from the greater simplicity of the viral structure. The existence of fewer antigenic determinants allows easier identification of discriminatory antibodies. A well-established, rapid assay for identification of rice viral pathogens is based on the agglutination of antibody-coated latex beads in the presence of antigen (Omura et al 1984). An antibody-sensitized latex bead suspension is mixed with plant homogenate and, in the presence of antigen, the latex particles form aggregates. For detection and diagnosis of most rice viruses, polyclonal antibodies are sufficient. However, an advantage of monoclonal antibody technology is that large amounts of specific antibodies can be continually produced. Omura et al (1986) used monoclonal antibodies prepared against rice stripe virus (RSV) to detect the virus antigen in viruliferous insects. A review of current serological techniques for the detection and diagnosis of rice virus diseases has recently been published (Omura 1988). Nucleic acid hybridization assays have been shown to have lower detection limits than ELISA assays, although less interference by plant extracts was observed for ELISA than for nucleic acid hybridization assays (Chu et al 1989). Serological identification and detection of rice bacterial pathogens have been performed primarily with polyclonal antisera (Choi et al 1980, Quimio 1989, Keddy and Keddy 1989, Wang et al 1990, Zeigler et al 1987). Problems have been observed with serum specificity, reproducibility of the reaction, loss of reactivity of a particular strain after successive culturing, and colony type variants with different serological properties (Alvarez et al 1989). More recently, monoclonal antibodies have been produced that are specific for the rice pathogenic bacteria Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola (Alvarez et al 1989, Benedict et al 1989). The monoclonal antibodies are used in a modified ELISA, wherein the problem of bacteria being dislodged from plates during processing is reduced by drying the bacteria onto the walls of the microtiter dish wells (Renedict et al 1989).

Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


The X. oryzae pv. oryzae monoclonal antibodies were generated after immunization with formalinized bacteria, and were specific to antigens located on the bacterial surface (Kenedict et al 1989). One monoclonal antibody, Xco-1, reacted with all strains of X. oryzae pv. oryzae that were tested (1 78) and did not react with any other bacterial species of plant or animal origin. The monoclonal antibody, therefore, was considered to be pathovar-specific and was used in an ELISA to help identify the pathogen in a recent outbreak of bacterial blight in the USA (Kenedict et al 1989, Jones et al 1989). Attempts to produce race-specific monoclonal antibodies have not been successful (Benedict et al 1989). The lack of success may be because the race determinants are induced only in the plant, or because they are not surface constituents. A DNA probe has been developed for comparison of partial sequences of 16S RNA from 52 strains of phytopathogenic bacteria. including X. oryzae pv. oryzae (DeParasis and Roth 1990). The rRNA molecule is very abundmt in bacteria ( > 10,000 copies per actively growing cell) and contains diverse sequence regions that are correlated with phylogenetic relatedness. The high copy number increases the inherent sensitivity of a probe derived from unique 16S RNA sequences. A DNA sequence based on the 16S RNA, which hybridized only with plant-pathogenic pathovars of Xanthomonas such as X. oryzae pv. oryzae, was identified. Such a probe would be useful for routine screening to detect the presence of pathogens; a more specific probe could then be used if pathovar diagnosis is required. Efforts are continuing to identify pathovarspecific 16S RNA probes (D. Roth. University of Wyoming, Laramie, 1990, pers. comm.). An alternative DNA probe. which can be used in a nucleic acid hybridization assay based on RFLP for diagnosis of X. oryzae pv. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola, has also been described (Leach et al 1990). The probe is a repetitive DNA sequence cloned on a 2.4 kb Eco RI- Hind III fragment from the genome of X. oryzae pv. oryzae (pJEL101). When pJEL101 was used as a probe against Southern blots of Eco RI-digested genomic DNAs from X. oryzae pv. oryzae under high-stringency conditions, complex hybridization banding patterns were observed because of the random distribution and high cop! number (about 81 copies per genome) of the element in the genomes of strains X. oryzae pv. oryzae. Strains representing 4 of 25 pathovars of X. campestris (a closely related species) also contained several copies of a related element. Only X. oryzae pv. oryzicola, another rice pathogen, contained a relatively high copy number of pJEL101 sequences compared with X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Fig. 12.5). The RFLP patterns produced by hybridization of genomic DNA from the various pathovars of X. oryzae and X. campestris were distinctive and, rhus, the probe can be used as a diagnostic tool for X. oryzae pv. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola. RFLP patterns generated by hybridization of Eco RI-digested DNA from X. oryzae pv. oryzae with the repetitive DNA element described above (pJEL101) correlated strongly with race differentiation. There were secveral RFLP types within some races. Of interest is the observation that no RFLP type was shared between rices (Leach et al 1989, unpublished data, our lab). The hybridization patterns, however, are complex and difficult to interpret, and the race 3 patterns were similar enough to those of other races (especially to races 2


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pathovars. The probe was 32P-labeled pJEL 101. Samples are as follows: X. oryzae pv. oryzae PXO61 and PXO86Rif; X. campestris pv. holcicola XH112 and 86; X. campestris pv. translucens XT110 and 5752; X. campestris pv. malvacearum 535 and 536; X. campestris pv. vasculorum 206 and 1326; X. campestris pv. phaseoli WT8 and CNF31; X. rampestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans XCPF8 and BAT67; X. campestris pv. undulosa 1945 and 5755; X. campestris pv. secalis 5749; X. campestris pv. alfalfae KX-1 and FX1-1; X. campestris pv. campestris 528 and KXCC1; X. campestris pv. glycines 1791 5; X. campestris pv. zinnae 460; X. campestris pv. phleipratensis 5744 and 1839; X. oryrae pv. oryzicola BLS256 and BLS175; X. campestris pv. vesicatoria 81-23 and 82-8; X. campestris pv. cerealis 1943 and 1836. Plasmid pJEL 101 was digested with EcoRI- Hind lll. Genomic DNA was digested with EcoRI.

Fig. 12.5. Southern blot analysis of total DNA from Xanthomonas oryzae and X. campestris

Molecular probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


and 5) to limit the usefulness of RFLP analysis with the repetitive element as a probe for race differentiation. An alternative strategy to obtain race-specific probes is to use cloned avirulence ( avr ) genes, or their products, because these are the race determinants. A pathogen race is defined by its interactions (compatible or incompatible) with a set of differential host plants containing specific genes for resistance. Based on gene-for-gene interactions, incompatibility (resistance) in a host-pathogen interaction results from the interaction (either directly or indirectly) between the product of a dominant avr gene in the pathogen and the product of a dominant resistance gene in the host (Flor 1955, Ellingboe 1976). Thus, X. oryzae pv. oryzae should contain single, dominant avr genes that correspond with single, dominant resistance genes in rice. Each functional avr gene (i.e. functional in the sense that resistance is induced in rice containing the corresponding resistance gene) in the bacterium is one of the group of avr genes that defines the pathogen race. Therefore, an avr gene, or its product, may be useful for diagnosing races. The feasibility of using cloned avr genes for race typing is currently under investigation. A Raymundo and R Nelson (IRRI, Philippines, 1990, pers. comm.) have developed a simplified method for RFLP analysis of X. oryzae pv. oryzae based on the observation that digestion with the restriction enzyme Pst I results in only a few high - molecular - weight DNA fragments. When the Pst I-digested DNA samples are subjected to electrophoresis and stained with ethidium bromide, the feu large fragments that result form distinctive patterns for different strains. Thus, RFLP patterns can be discerned without Southern blot analysis. DNA from some strains, those of race 1 and some of those from race 3, do not cut with Pst I. However, most of the RFLP patterns revealed by Pst I digestion are specific to a group of strains within a single race. Strains of race 2, the most prevalent race in the Philippines, are easily distinguished from strains of other races by this technique. The existence of a group of specific monoclonal antibodies (Benedict et al 1989), as well as the diagnostic repetitive DNA probe (Leach et al 1990), and their use in a recent outbreak of bacterial leaf blight of rice in the southern USA provide an opportunity to compare features of the two types of probes. Bacterial leaf blight in the USA appears to be caused by a related yet distinct group of strains of X. oryzae pv. oryzae that were isolated in Texas and Louisiana. Three monoclonal antibodies distinguish the USA strains from Asian strains of X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Xco-5) and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xco-1, Xco-2). No single antibody is specific for one group of X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Table 12.1). These results suggest that the USA and Asian strains are distinct, yet closely related, strains. The differences detected by the antibodies probably reflect single genetic differences between the strains. The nucleic acid probe, while not as convenient to use as antibodies, provides more information regarding the genetic relatedness of the strains. This is because use of the repetitive DNA element allows comparison of a larger portion of the bacterial genomes than can he achieved using the antibodies. Based on RFLP analysis using the repetitive DNA probe, the USA strains are not closely related to the Asian strains, that is, many differences (RFLPs) were observed between the


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Table 12.1. Grouping of strains of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae with monoclonal antibodies. From Benedict et al (l989).

X. o. oryzae group a MAb X1 Xco-1 Xco-2 Xco-5 Xccola Total no. Ib + + + 140 II c + + 9 IIId + + + + 15 IV e + + + 14

X. c. oryzicola + +

Other xanthomonads + 130

nonxanthomonads 89

+ 8g

178 strains tested. 91 PXO strains (all 6 races): 12 PXO strains; 35 from Australia, Bangladesh, Burma, Ceylon, Colombia (CIAT 1186), India, Indonesia, Japan, East Pakistan, Taiwan, and Thailand; 2 antibiotic-resistant strains, PXO 61-SM and PXO 86-RIF. c PXO 35; PXO strains 61, 631; 1 each from Thailand, India, Japan, Ceylon, Colombia (CIAT 1185), and Taiwan. d Texas strains X1-5, X1-7, X75A, X7-2D, X7-3E, X11-1A, X11-5A, X11-1B, X11-4B, X11-5B, X11-6B, X11-2D, X13-3A, X13-5C, X13-2E. e Texas strains X1-6, X1-8, X1-10; X4-1B, X4-1C, X4-2C, X4-3D, X4-4C, X4-4D, X4-8C; Louisiana strains X8-1A, X8-1B, Ru-8717, Ru-8718. f Weak positives. g All strains had the indicated reactivity patterns.

strains (Fig. 12.6). In fact, more differences were observed between the USA and Asian strains of X. oryzae pv. oryzae than between the Asian strains of X. oryzae pv. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola. Thus, based on RFLP, the organism causing the outbreak of leaf blight in the USA might be considered a distinct pathovar of X. oryzae. Fungal pathogens of rice, such as Magnaporthe grisea or Rhizoctonia solani, are relatively easily diagnosed by the disease symptoms and the morphology of spores and hyphae. One consequence is that little work has been devoted to developing molecular probes for diagnosis of fungal diseases. Dewey et al (1 989, 1990) adapted the dipstick immunoassay for detection of Humicola lanuginosa and Penicillium islandicum, which are associated with discoloration and toxicity, respectively, in stored rice. A family of dispersed repetitive DNA sequences were identified in M. grisea, the rice blast fungus, and called MGR ( M. grisea repeat) elements (Hamer et al 1989). The elements are highly conserved among isolates of M. grisea that are pathogenic to rice, but do not hybridize under high stringency conditions with isolates of M. grisea that do not infect rice. Therefore, the elements are diagnostic for rice-pathogenic M. grisea.

Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


Fig. 12.6. Comparison of RFLP patterns of bacterial pathogens and saprophytes of rice. Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae PXO86 and PXO61 from the Philippines, lanes A and B; X1-7 and X1-8 from Texas, USA, lanes C and D; X8-1A from Louisiana, USA, lane E; Xanthomonas spp., lane F; Aeudomonas paucirnobilis, the brown blotch organism ClAT1173, lane G; Xanthomonas spp., lane H; X. oryzae pv. oryzicola BLS175, lane I. Genomic DNA was digested with EcoRI. The probe was 32P-labeled pJEL 101.

Regulatory programs
Increased rice improvement activities have resulted in increased international movement of rice germplasm. The international movement of seed presents problems for plant quarantine programs. Methods of detecting and diagnosing pathogens associated with seed, then, are critical to effective regulatory programs. Members of all of the major rice pathogen groups (virus, bacteria, fungi, nematodes) can be seed-transmited (Mew et al 1988). Unfortunately, there is no single reliable and efficient method of routine seed testing for rice pathogens, especially for bacterial pathogens (Mew et al 1988, Saettler et al 1989). Of all the areas for uses of molecular probes described in this document, the regulation and plant quarantine programs are perhaps the areas where molecular probes can make the greatest practical impact due to the speed with which the assays can he performed and the extreme sensitivity that can be achieved. However, the sensitivity of these assays may require that quarantine programs


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reassess the threshold limits of detection that are relevant to disease control. In other words, the biological significance of the data needs to be known. For example, immunoassays and nucleic acid hybridization assays cannot discriminate between viable and nonviable pathogens. Thus, such assays could lead to false positives in a quarantine program and are of little value for determining the efficacy of seed treatments. In such cases, a combination of conventional and molecular techniques would be more informative. Samples that are positive for the presence of a pathogen by molecular analysis might be evaluated for the presence of living propagules. In addition, disease managers need to know the numbers of a particular pathogen that can cause disease, and the amounts of plant material it is necessary to sample. Few examples of the use of molecular diagnostics in rice seed pathology are available. Seed transmission has been confirmed for five bacterial pathogens of rice, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola, Pseudomonas fuscovaginae, P. avenae, P. glumae, and P. syringae pv. syringae (for review, see Goto et al 1988). The presence of any one of these in seed may be sufficient for rejection or destruction of seed by quarantine officials in a number of countries. The pseudomonads, which are especially difficult to detect and diagnose in seed because of their similarity to saprophytic, nonpathogenic pseudomonads, are ideal candidates for the development of molecular probes. Monoclonal antibodies specific for X. oryzae pv. oryzicola (Benedict et al 1989) have been developed, but their usefulness in detection of the pathogen in seed is yet to be determined. Monoclonal antibodies to X. oryzae pv. oryzae are being tested along with a newly developed selective medium to determine if the bacterium is seed- transmitted (Gonzalez et al 1990, C Gonzalez, Texas A&M University, College Station, 1990 pers. comm.). Of the 56 fungal pathogens causing diseases of rice, more than half are reported to be seedborne (Mew et al 1988). Detection and diagnosis of these fungal pathogens is usually by direct observation or by plating techniques. Contamination by fast-growing saprophytic fungi is a major problem. Dewey et al (1989, 1990) developed monoclonal antibody probes for specific detection of Humicola lanuginosa and Penicillium islandicum, fungi associated with discoloration of stored rice. The rapid and accurate identification of P. islandicum is of particular importance because the fungus produces mycotoxins that cause liver lesions, cirrhosis, and primary liver cancer. All inoculated grains tested positively for P. islandicum with ELISA. Substantially more discolored rice grains were classified as positive for P. islandicum when the monoclonal-antibody ELISA was used as compared with direct plating of surface-sterilized grains (Dewey et al 1990). The authors suggest that the surface sterilization and washing necessary to prevent overgrowth from quick-growing contaminant fungi reduce the detection of surface-growing fungi by the conventional plating assay. It is still not clear, however, if the low levels of P. islandicum detected by ELISA assays are biologically significant. Repetitive DNA elements such as those cloned from X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Leach et al 1990) and Magnaporthe grisea (Hamer et al 1989, D. Skinner and S. Leong, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin, 1991, pers. comm.) may be useful for diagnosis of pathogens in seed samples. However, their use requires first culturing the organisms, and then RFLP analysis. Sequences

Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


unique to the pathogens may be identified by sequence analysis of the repetitive elements. If such specific, unique sequences could be identified for rice pathogens, the sensitivity for detection could be enhanced using PCR or other amplification technologies described earlier. Monitoring populations of pathogens In a plant-pathogen ecosystem, the host population is assumed to influence the genetic diversity and population structure of the pathogen. This assumption has practical implications in ecosystems where host resistance genes are systematically introduced into plant varieties for disease control. The widespread use of a single resistance gene might accelerate the development of highly pathogenic races, hence destabilizing crop production (Marshall 1977). In fact, the use of single-gene resistance for control of rice blast and bacterial blight has been frustrated by pathogen variation to virulence (for review, see Latterell 1975, Ou 1985, Mew 1987). Several management strategies have been proposed for long-term control of diseases, such as blast and bacterial blight, that exhibit pathogenic specialization (race specificity). The use of multilines or varietal mixtures that provide diverse host genotypes may limit the buildup of particular pathogen pathotypes or races (Browning and Frey 1969, Marshall et al 19%). Alternatively, strategic deployment of single race-specific genes may provide successful disease control (McDonald et al 1989). In either situation, more effective control will result from a better understanding of: (i) the race structure of the populations; (ii) the actual mechanisms of race emergence; and (iii) the epidemiology of race change in the population. If the race dynamics of a pathogen population could be adequately monitored and the epidemiology investigated, then recommendations regarding the resistance genes most likely to be effective for pathogen control could be made. Only a few host-pathogensystems have been investigated from a population und ecological perspective (McDonald et al 1989). A key reason for the lack of empirical data is that analysis of pathogen populations often requires a large number of phenotypic or genotypic markers. Most characterizations of rice pathogens that exhibit pathogenic specialization are based on differential reactions to host varieties. The usefulness of pathogenicity tests in assaying pathogen variability, however, is often limited by the small number of available differential varieties and, hence, the provision of little information regarding the genetic relationship among strains. With recombinant DNA technology, a large number of genetic markers can be generated by RFLP analysis. Comparison of the RFLP markers among strains provides new insights into the genetic and population dynamics of rice pathogen populations. Repetitive DNA elements are especially suited to the generation of RFLP markers because they allow analysis of a large portion of the genome with one probe. In a preliminary study of populations of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, the repetitive DNA element described earlier (pJEL101) was used in RFLP analysis to examine 94 strains of the pathogen collected from 1972 to 1987 in the


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Philippines (Leach et al 1989, unpublished data our lab). A high level of diversity in the pathogen population was observed for strains collected; that is, the number of variants of X. oryzae pv. oryzae present at any one time has remained relatively constant over time. In a separate study, Mew et al (1 990) and Vera Cruz (1984) monitored the frequencies of six races in the pathogen population by inoculation to differential rice cultivars and observed a shift from race 1 (incompatible to Xu-4) to race 2 (compatible to Xa-4 ) after the introduction of varieties containing the Xu-4 gene for resistance. Based on the RFLP data, even if the proportion of an individual race in the population increases in response to host genotype (Vera Cruz 1984, Mew et al 1990), a high degree of diversity within individual race groups still remains (unpublished data, our lab) and the potential for the emergence of other races has not been reduced. The MGR elements (Hamer et al 1989) and other repetitive elements cloned from Magnaporthe grisea were used in RFLP analysis of DNA from weedinfecting isolates and rice isolates of M. grisea (E Borromeo, H Leung, and R Nelson, IRRI, Philippines, 1990, pers. comm.). No overlap was found between the hybridization patterns observed for weed and rice isolates, suggesting there is little gene flow between populations of M. grisea infecting weeds and rice. The practical implication of this work is that weeds may not be an important source of inocula for rice blast epidemics. The MGR elements were also used as probes to demonstrate that the wheat blast pathogen in Brazil, which became a serious problem in the 1980s, was not derived from rice pathogens indigenous to the area (Valent 1990). The genetic variability of M. grisea in the Philippines was examined by RFLP analysis using a repetitive DNA probe designated 613 (Borromeo et al 1990). Among 106 isolates examined from 17 provinces in the Philippines, 49 RFLP types were identified, indicating that the variability was high in the total population. The RFLP types varied in frequency and distribution. Four RFLP types accounted for 40% of the samples, whereas the frequencies of several other types ranged from 1 to 4%. One predominant type (13%) was distributed in 10 of 17 provinces, whereas another type (10%) was restricted to a single province. No association between RFLP types and race was observed. In addition to repetitive DNA elements, future investigations of populations could be done using avirulence ( avr ) genes (or unique sequences within them) or their products as probes. The probes would be invaluable for monitoring the presence of functional avr genes in the pathogen that correspond to particular resistance genes in the host. If the pathogen population contains a functional avr gene, then the resistance conferred by the corresponding resistance gene should be effective. If, however, a change over time is observed, and the proportion of the pathogen population containing the functional avr gene decreases, then the loss in the overall effectiveness of the corresponding resistance gene would be predicted, and a new resistance gene should be deployed. To evaluate the usefulness of avr genes as predictive probes, they must first be cloned and characterized. Strategies to clone uvr genes from X. oryzae pv. oryzae have been established (Kelemu and Leach 1990). Strategies to clone avr genes from M. grisea have been proposed (Valent 1990).

Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


The use of molecular probes will have an increasing impact on the diagnosis and monitoring of rice pathogens in the foreseeable future. The probes can be highly specific, and the assay techniques are sensitive, fast, and readily adapted to largescale testing. Immunoassays, at present, offer greater simplicity and have fewer equipment requirements for deployment. DNA probe-based analyses, especially RFLP analyses, involve more steps than immunoassays, and field assay systems are not likely to be available in the immediate future. On the other hand, in some circumstances, nucleic acid hybridization methods can provide more information and greater sensitivity than immunoassays. For example, the developmental stage of the pathogen or the growth substrate (e.g. plant inducible genes) does not affect detection by DNA probes, which, unlike serological probes, do not depend on the expression of particular genes. In practice, the type of probe and assay system one uses depends on the information desired and the organism to be assayed, because each type of probe has particular advantages and disdvantages. Theoretically, antibody and nucleic acid probes both have the precision necessary to distinguish between forma specialis, races, or strains of a pathogen, or the more moderate level of precision that is required to differentiate strains from two pathovars or species of a pathogen. Some of the limitations in molecular assays may soon be alleviated by new technologies on the horizon. The development of monoclonal expression libraries in Eschrichia coli is particularly exciting and in the future may supercede present-day monoclonal antibody technology. It seems likely that the costs of antibody production wi11 decrease and subsequently lead to greater development of antibody-based diagnostics. The technology involves the amplification of immunoglobulin variable-region genes from a population of lymphocytes (by polymerase chain reaction technology, described earlier), followed by the creation of expression libraries in E. coli (Huse et al 1989, Orlandi et al 1989, Ward et al 1989). Each clone in the library encodes a functional antibody fragment (Eab) with a different specificity. Libraries constructed in bateriophage lambda can be rapidly and simply screened with antigen molecules to identify clones producing binding domains that recognize the antigen. Bacteriophage plaques on a culture lawn of E. coli are transferred onto nitrocellulose filters. The filters are then screened with labeled antigen. Because tens of thousands of phage plaques may be screened, an enormous diversity of synthetic antibody fragments can be screened. Expression of antibodies in E. coli ensures that the appropriate clones, once identified, can be produced efficiently. Although the production of highly specific probes in E. coli is still in the developmental phases, it has the potential to replace monoclonal antibody hybridoma technologies in many areas of research and development. The precision of the molecular techniques presents diagnosticians and disease-regulating agencies with important problems that must be resolved before these assays are routinely used. Neither type of molecular assay can replace conventional diagnostic techniques because, in most cases, the biological relevance of the results generated is not known. For example, the significance of


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the detection of 10 pathogen propagules in 1000 seeds vs. 1000 pathogen propagules in 10 seeds in terms of subsequent disease development will need to be determined for particular pathogens. Molecular assays cannot distinguish between living and dead pathogens, and, thus, will need to be used in conjunction with conventional diagnostic techniques for many purposes. New levels of taxonomic discrimination between groups of strains that infect the same hosts and cause similar symptoms are possible with molecular techniques. This may present a serious dilemma, especially if one of the pathogens is on the quarantine lists of several countries. The case of the strains of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae identified in the USA is a good example. Are the organisms from Texas and Louisiana strains of X. oryzae pv. oryzae? Genetically, the strains from the USA appear related to, but distinct from, X. oryzae pv. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola. Thus, if the genetic relationship of the strains is considered, the strains might be grouped into a different pathovar from X. oryzae pv. oryzae or X. oryzae pv. oryzicola, and the disease caused by these strains would require a distinct name. However, if the disease observed in the USA were of significant danger to other rice-growing countries, then the separation of the strains into a different pathovar might be irrelevant to quarantine officials, because both X. oryzae pv. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola are on the quarantine lists of many countries. The paucity of examples for the use of molecular probes for diagnosis of pathogens in seeds is predominantly due to the lack of suitable probes. The list of seedborne rice pathogens is daunting (Mew et al 1988) and the development of specific probes, either antibody or nucleic acid, to the major pathogens will be time-consuming and expensive. To meet the political and scientific demands of plant quarantine agencies, however, further efforts are needed for probe development. Molecular probes greatly increase our ability to describe pathogen populations and to understand the impacts of host genotype, climate, and cropping intensity on pathogen variability. The basic information derived from molecular studies on pathogens and pathogen populations will ultimately lead to improved strategies for disease management. At present, the release of new rice varieties is based primarily on the observed level of disease and insect resistance in multilocation yield trials. Detailed descriptions of race composition, genetic variability, and the genetic potential to change in the pathogen population have not been available to scientists, farmers, or extension workers in planning varietal release. In fact, with the exception of wheat rust and cereal powdery mildew, such information is rarely available in pathosystems (Wolfe 1984, CIMMYT 1988). The availability of suitable probes, such as repetitive DNA elements or cloned avirulence genes, to characterize different pathogen populations from broad geographic areas will provide the information needed for the rational use of resistant germplasm among rice-growing countries.

Molecular Probes for Diseuse Diagnosis and Monitoring


References cited
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Molecular Probes for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring


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Prospects for the Future

1 2

Gary H Toenniessen1 and Gurdev S Khush2

The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines

Wide crosses Anther culture Maps, markers, and gene tagging Genetic engineering Useful genes Conclusions

Rice breeders face a major challenge of producing rice varieties for diverse environments in which the crop is grown. These varieties must have increased yield potential, superior grain quality, resistance to diseases and insects, and tolerance for abiotic stresses. Plant breeders have always used the best new technology to achieve such breeding objectives but perhaps no other innovation has facilitated plant breeding work as much as will recent breakthroughs in biotechnology. Plant breeding involves two phases. 1. The evolutionary phase where variable populations are produced. The timetested methods used to create variability are hybridization and, to a lesser extent, mutation induction. 2. The evaluation phase where desirable genotypes are selected from the variable populations. Various methods, such as bulk population breeding, pedigree selection, recurrent selection, and single-seed descent, are used to identify desired genotypes. The yield performance of selected genotypes is then evaluated in replicated trials. The tools of biotechnology will not replace - and are not intended to replace any of the time-tested methods of crop improvement. Rather, biotechnology 309


Gary H Toenniessen and Gurdev S Khush

techniques either increase the efficiency of various methods of plant breeding, or allow breeders to accomplish objectives that cannot be achieved through conventional plant breeding. For example, wide hybridization through embryo rescue or somatic hybridization, somaclonal variation, and genetic engineering are useful in the evolutionary phase. The selection efficiency with doubled haploid lines produced through anther culture of F1 hybrids is higher due to absence of dominance variance. RFLP markers, when used to tag genes of economic importance, can aid the selection process and increase its efficiency. The marker-based selection holds particularly high promise for quantitative traits and those that are difficult to evaluate with presently available techniques. Nucleic acid probes and monoclonal antibodies are proving of great value in selection for disease resistance. Perhaps the most important contribution of biotechnology will be in adding alien genes to the gene pools of the crop species through genetic engineering. The elegant techniques for gene identification, gene cloning, and transformation allow introduction of genes from any living organism to another where it imparts a useful function. Such gene transfers are beyond the capability of conventional breeding methods.

Wide crosses
Rice biotechnology is already contributing to the production of improved varieties. Wide-cross hybridization, including use of embryo rescue techniques, has allowed the transfer of useful genes from wild Oryza species to elite cultivars. Many more potentially useful genes remain available in the wild species and new tools from biotechnology will speed their utilization. RFLP maps and speciesspecific DNA probes will enable rice breeders to more effectively follow the introgression of alien chromatin from wild species to elite lines. Using in situ hybridization of these probes and scanning electron microscopy, it is even possible to visualize the alien chromatin on the rice chromosomes. As protoplast regeneration protocols become more efficient and available for a broader range of rice cultivars, protoplast fusion followed by regeneration should become another technique for wide crossing. Alternatively, since genomic DNA can be used to transform protoplasts at a high rate (Antonelli and Stadler 1990), the transformation of rice protoplast with total genomic DNA of a wild species may be possible. Over the coming decade it can be anticipated that numerous genes from wild relatives will be used to transfer useful new traits in rice.

Anther culture
Anther culture allows the production of homozygous plants in two generations and can reduce the time required to produce new rice varieties. The gametic genotype, including recessive genes, is expressed and early generation selection

Prospects for the Future


becomes feasible due to the additive effect of the doubled haploid lines and the elimination of dominance variance. Anther culture of rice has been proven effective and will be more broadly utilized, particularly in locations where only one generation per year is feasible for conventional breeding. Anther culture should also enable greater utilization of minor genes for resistance, the cumulative effect of which may provide more durable resistance than that provided by major genes. Further theoretical and empirical research aimed at improving the anther culture response of indica rice is under way and should help advance application of this valuable breeding tool.

Maps, markers, and gene tagging

As indicated in Chapter 5, rice is particularly well suited for DNA-based genetic mapping. It is a true diploid with a small genome having ample polymorphism and it is highly recombinogenic. There are major RFLP mapping programs under way at public sector institutions in at least four countries, and gene tagging studies are being done in numerous locations worldwide. The maps and markers are shared and made freely available to any scientist. The International Rice Research Institute is facilitating collaboration, coordination, synthesis of results, and integration of the KFLP map with the classical map. Both IRRI and the Internatioal Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in New Delhi are making progress toward the development of nonradioactive probes that would enable routine use of RFLP markers in developing country rice breeding programs (Ishii et al 1990). By combining the independently developed RFLP maps of rice, a densely saturated map should soon be available. In tagging experiments this will allow identification of markers that are closely linked to the genes responsible for any trial that can be scored. For complex traits (such as drought tolerance) the markers can then be used not only to follow inheritance of major genes, but also as an analytical tool for dissecting the trait and identifying its major physiological and biochemical components. The KFLP map will soon be sufficiently dense to allow chromosome walking and map-based cloning of rice genes. Thus, it should soon be possible to clone rice genes with a known phenotype but an unknown function. The maize Activator (Ar) element was recently transferred to the genome of rice plants and shown to transpose (Murai et al 1991). Assuming transposition continues to occur in progeny plants, transposon tagging will also be available for cloning rice genes of unknown function. These methods will enable important genes, such as those controlling pest resistance, to be cloned and their function studied at the molecular level. A wealth of knowledge concerning biochemical and physiological mechanisms should result and strategies for useful modification of these genes should emerge.


Gary H Toenniessen and Gurdev S Khush

Genetic engineering
As indicated in Chapters 6, 7, and 8, several laboratories have established the capacity to produce transgenic rice plants via protoplast uptake of DNA followed by plant regeneration. For some japonica cultivars, transformation efficiencies have improved significantly and numerous transgenic plants can be produced. Transfer of transformation protocols from one laboratory to another is also occurring. A variety of interesting rice gene constructs are being tested for research purposes and to evaluate their potential usefulness. Steady progress is being made toward developing protoplast-based transformation protocols for indica rice but efficiencies remain low. There are unpublished reports of genotype-independent transformation of indica and japonica rice using particle bombardment and of transgenic rice plants produced via Agrobacterium vectors. Within a few years one or more of these transformation techniques should be sufficiently routine to enable rice biotechnology laboratories to establish a transformation capability for any rice cultivar. Homologous recombination was recently reported in plant cells following Agrobacterium -mediated transformation (Lee et al 1990), suggesting that allelic replacement of plant genes may soon be possible. Using particle bombardment, Svab et al (1990) achieved stable transformation of the chloroplast genome. This opens the possibility of using chloroplasts as sites of alien gene expression and vehicles for alien gene delivery. While these results were in tobacco, further refinements will surely enable them to be repeated for other species, including rice. Methods for the manipulation and transfer of large DNA fragments are being developed and will provide another set of valuable tools for plant genetic engineering (Schlessinger 1990). This includes experiments aimed at transforming plant protoplasts with large DNA fragments (200-500 kb) cloned in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). If successful, it should then be possible to transform rice with YACs that carry DNA fragments shown by RFLP mapping to contain useful genes. It would not be necessary to first clone the genes unless molecular modification were to be performed. Scientists are beginning to experiment with concepts for producing artificial plant chromosomes. While still at an early stage of exploration, this is a realistic research objective with significant potential for further strengthening plant genetic engineering.

Useful genes
As noted above, new tools are becoming available for identifying and cloning rice genes. In addition, a major international research program has been launched designed to obtain the complete genetic sequence of the flowering plant Arabodopsis and to identify and clone many of its genes. The combination of RFLP mapping and transposon tagging in maize is also leading to the identification and cloning of many genes. These genes, or modifications of them, may confer useful traits if transferrred to rice and in most cases they can be used as

Prospects for the Future


heterologous probes for isolating the analogous gene from rice. The coding and regulatory sequences of these genes will provide a substantial and valuable source of raw materials for rice genetic engineers. Over the next 10 years the numerous genes worthy of testing in rice should become available.

The prospects for the future of rice biotechnology are extremely promising. The scientific understanding that underlies the technology continues to advance rapidly, allowing constraints to be overcome and the technology to be strengthened. Research institutions in rice-dependent countries are now at the torefront of applying the technology and they have the scientific capacity to further advance it. Before the end of the century, rice producers and consumers should begin to receive the benefits and can expect to continue receiving benefits for many years to come.

References cited
Antonelli N M. Stadler J (1990) Genomic DNA can be used with cationic methods to transform maize protoplasts at high rate. Theor. Appl. Genet. 80:395-401, Ishii T, Olivier P, Krar D S, Khush G S (1990) Use of nonradioactive digoxigenin-labeled DNA probes tor RFLP analysis in rice. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 8:167-171. Lee K Y, Lund P, Lowe K, Dunsmuir P (1990) Homologous recombination in plant cells after Agrobacterium mediated transformation. Plant Cell 2 (5):415-426. Murai N, Li A-J, Kawagoe Y, Hayashimoto A (1991) Transposition of the maize activator element in transgenic rice plants. Nucleic Acids Res. 19 (3):617-622. Schlessinger D (1990) Yeast artificial chromosomes: tools for mapping and analysis of complex genomes. Trends Genet. 6:248-258. Svab Z, Hajdukiewicz P, Maliga P (1990) Stable transtormation of plastids in higher plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (21):8526-8530.


a - amylase: Induction of, 214 Abiotic stress tolerance: osmolytes 266: root depth and vigor, 267; stressinduced genes, 167; submergence, 269; temperature, 768 Actin, 219 ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylene: encoding gene structure, 212; subunits, 211 Agriculture: technical change in, 20 Agrobacterium - mediated gene transfer, 194-196 Alcohol dehydrogenase, 218 Anther culture, 136-137, 310-311 Antibody probes, 284 Antisera DNA, 273 Apomixis, 257 Biolistics introduction of DNA into rice cell, 188-193; bombardment procedure, I 90; use of embryo section cells, 190; use of specialized cells or tissue in, 192 Biotechnology: prospects tor techniques, 310-313; scoring appropriateness of approaches, 44-47 Callus: induction of, 176; regeneration of

plant cells from, 182; organogenesis fom, 135 (DNA (complementary DNA): genomic library, 206; library construction, 111, 124, 201; library screening procedures 204; synthesis, 201 Cell suspension cultures, 176- 178 Centromeres, positions of. 84 Chromosome map, 105; Nishimura system for numbering, 89; numbering system 105: walking of, 229 Cost-benefit approach: allocation of research resources, 24-31 cpDNA, 116, 226 Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS): association with nuclear - cytoplasmic combinations 226; definition, 65; transfer in rice, 116, 145-146. 228-229, 256

Disease diagnosis: use of molecular probes for, 29 1-296 Disease resistance: bacterial and fungal pathogens, 263; viral pathogens, 264-266 DNA ( See also cDNA; cpDNA; mtDNA; DNA markers; DNA transfer; genomes): biolistic methods for Introduction into rice cells, 176, 315

188-193; direct uptake into protoplasts, 146, 157; electroporation mediated uptake of, 162; electroporation method for introduction of, 181; fragment length polymorphism of, 69; hybridization, 286; microinjection of, 137; PEGmediated uptake of, 162; PEG method for introduction into rice protoplasts, 176-181; rearrangement during uptake of, 162 DNA markers: marker-aided selection in breeding, 118-120; patterns for genetic fingerprints, 115; use for increased screening efficiency in breeding, 118; use of, 109, 111 DNA transfer: by Agrobacteriummediated system, 194; by pollen tube pathway method, 193; to rice protoplasts, 162 Electroporation: efficiency of method, 184; technique, 2.36 ELlSA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), 282 Environment: effects of research on, 29; for rice production, 9 European Molecular Biology Laboratory, 227

of flanking marker for, 1 17; with nearly isogenic lines (NILS), 125 Gene transfer: Agrobacterium -mediated system, 194; technology for, 200-207 Genetic diversity: among rice accessions, 125 Genetic engineering, 254, 312 Genetic erosion, 76 Genetic fingerprints (See also DNA markers), 115, 125 Genetic resources: conservation of, 77 Genetic transformation (See also DNA transfer, protoplast), 175-196 Genetic variability: significance of, 76 Genomes: analysis of organellar, 116; mitochondrial (mtDNA), 227; nuclear, 229; of rice, 226-229; plastid (cpDNA), 226 Germplasm: collection, 77; use of RFLP for collection management, 115 Green revolution, 2, 13 Growth and development genes: alcohol dehydrogenase, 218; histones, 218; nitrate reductase, 217; phytochrome, 21 6; protein kinases, 21 8; structural proteins, 219 GUS ( b -glucuronidase): activity 141, 183; assay, 182; assay system, 184-188

F1 sterility, 65, 69-71 F2 sterility, 65, 70 Fingerprints: genetic, 115 Genes (See also growth and development genes; hormone responsive genes): conversion of organellar, 232; growth and development, 216-220; mitochondrial, 232; nitrate reductase, 217; nuclear, 229-236; phytochrome, 216; plastid, 231; reporter, 163; seed, 207-214; useful genes, 312 Gene cloning: map-based, 120; saturated map for, 120 Gene symbolization: rules for, 105; standardization of, 90 Gene tagging: information from, 116; use

Haploid breeding: first rice varieties from, 137; production of rice from, 136 Histones, 218 Hokkaido University, 91 Hormone responsive genes: a-amylase, 214; ABA-responsive, 215 Hybrid rice, 16, 255-256 Hybrid sterility, 65

Immunoblot assay (IBA), 282 Indica: as varietal group, 66-69; distribution of, 71; origin of, 73 Insect resistance: digestive enzyme inhibitors, 261 ; endotoxins, 260; gene products for, 262-263; lectins, 262 International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR), 77 International Center for Genetic

Engineering and Biotechnology, 311 International Rice Commission (IRC), 90 International Rice Genetic Symposium, 90, 102, 105 International Rice Germplasm Center, 77 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), 4, 77, 90, 311 lodoacetamide (IOA): inactivation of protoplasts, 144: somatic hybrid cell selection of rice, 145 IR8: 4, 16 IR36: somatic chromosomes of, 84; trisomics of, 102, 103 Isozymes: variations in, 67-69

Modern rice varieties (MVs): adoption of, 6, 8, 13; adoption factors, 22; adotpion rates, 12: adoption studies. 22; lack of breeding progress in, 16; major defects of, 22: suitability of, 10 Molecular assay systems, 282 Molecular genetics, 83, 115-121 Molecular probes: for monitoring pathogen populations, 299; in regulatory programs, 297-299: uses of, 282-302 mRNA; identifying and cloning sequences of, 200; stability and translational efficiency of, 140-241 mtDNA 69, 227, 232 Multiline construction: for disease and insect resistance, 119

Japanese Rice Genetics Information Committee, 90 Japonica: as varietal group, 66-69: distribution of, 71; origin of, 73; origin in upland culture, 72

Karotype: pachytene, 85-89; somatic, 84

Land races, 76, 77 Linkage: verification with quantitative trait loci, 117 Linkage analysis: O. sativa O. longistaminata population, 124 Linkage drag: problem in wide crosses, 119 Linkage groups: association with respective chromosome, 101-105; in rice, 91-101

Marker-aided selection: based on RFLP-tagged QTL, 118; gene transfer from exotic to cultivated lines, 119; in plant breeding, 118-120 Marker genes: identification of, 89; linkage groups of, 83; segregation of, 101 Megasporogenesis, 84 Meiosis: pachytene stage of, 83, 102; somatic prometaphase of, 83 Microsporogenesis, 84 Mitochondrial genes: features of, 232 Mitosis, 84

National Institute of Genetics, 77 Nearly isogenic lines (NILs), 125 Set present value (NPV): of research 30, 31, 40-44 Nipponbare: trisomics of, 102 Nishimura: chromosome numbering system of, 89 Nitrate reductase: gene for, 217 Norin 8: haploids of, 84 Nuclear gene: cloned iron rice, 229; diagram of 233; 3' untranslated region, 235; transcription coding region, 237; transcription leader region 235; transcriptional activation, 233; transcriptional regulation, 234 Nucleic acid ( See also DNA; mRNA); amplification, 289-291; hybridization techniques, 284-288; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 289; probes, 288 Nuclear male sterility (NMS), 256 Organellar genes: conversion of, 232 Organellar genomes: analysis of, 116 Organogenesis: from rice callus, 135 Oryza glaberrima, 56-59 Oryza sativa: chromosome number of. 84; differentiation of cultivars, 66; wild progenitor of, 62 O. sativa/O. longistimata, 123

Oryza species: main groups, 58

environmental effects of, 29; methodology for resource allocation to, 2.3; net present value (NPV) of, 30,40-44; priority setting, 22; productivity (CS-PS model), 28; productivity gain, 28; ranking of challenges, 47; severity of challenges, 15-28 Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) (See also RFLP map; RFLP markers): changes during callus growth, 140; definition of, 110; interspecific crosses for, 112; library linkage based on DNA fragments, 121; linkage analysis, 112; map, 84, 10.5; pattern use for classification of rice subgroups, 146; as physical marker, 229; -tagged QTLs, 118; use for analysis of pathogens, 286 RFLP map: construction of, 11 1-113; first version of, 121; mapping programs underway, 311; need for saturated linkage map, 129; persistence of unlinked segments (holes) in, 122; plant material for mapping, 112; saturated map for gene cloning, 120; second mapping experiment, 122; status of, 121-128; third mapping population, 123 RFLP marker: integration of morphological mutant markers, 124; linkage with insect resistance gene, 127; use for study of genetic diversity, 125 Ribozymes, 273 Rice: abiotic stress tolerance, 266; advent of modern technology for, 2; allocation of research resources for, 24-31; as world food crop, 1 ; biotechnology priorities for, 20,47; biotechnology research ranking, 20; challenge for breeders, 309; challenges for research, 32-47, 50-52; characteristics of domestic and wild plants of, 59; chromosome characterization, 84-89; chromosome map, 105; chromosome numbering system, 105; classification into varietal subgroups, 146; comparison of O. sativa and O. glaberrima, 58; cytoplasmic-

Pathogen populations: monitoring by molecular probes, 299 Phenotypic evaluation: replication of, 118 Photosynthetic efficiency: potential for improvement of, 255 Phytochrome gene, 21 6 Plastid genes: features of, 231 Pollen tube pathway method, 193 Polyethylene glycol (PEG): efficiency of PEG method, 184; method for introduction of DNA into protoplasts, 176-181; PEG-mediated gene transfer, 178; protoplast transformation by, 237; as stressing agent, 139, 141, 145 Polymerase chain reaction (PCK): as alternative to RFLP, 120; isolation of gene sequences by, 206; modification of protocol, 207 Promalins: size variation in, 21 Protease inhibitors, 213 Protein kinases, 21 8 Protoclonal variation, 139 Protoplast (See also protoplast regeneration; protoplast transformation): culture after transformation, 182-1 84; fusion, 144; isolation, 178; preparation and culture, 160; regeneration, 158-171; regeneration of cells and calli, 182; transformation, 162 Protoplast regeneration: enzyme preparations for, 160-161, media used, 161; protocols, 164-167 Protoplast transformation: gene markers for, 163; genes used for, 163; promoters for driving, 163; protocols, 167-170 Pyramiding: for disease and insect resistance, 119

Quantitative trait loci (QTL.): linkage analysis for, 11 8

Reporter genes, 163 Research: challenges, 32-40,50-52;

genetic male sterility (CMS), 65; development of research challenge\ for, 24; differential production growth across regions, 7; effects of technological improvement of, 20; enhanced yield potential of, 255; F1. F2 sterility, 65: first varieties from haploid breeding, 1.37; gene sequence identification. 200-207; gene structure of, 207-220; gene symbolization in, YO, 10.5; gene transformation techniques, 17.5- 196; generic engineering of, 254; generic variances in, 74-76; genomes of. 226-229; glutelins, 210; growth in demand for. 1.3: growth and development genes of, 716-220; harvest Index, 258; herbicide resistance. 271 ; hormone-responsive gene, 214-216; improved grain quality of, 269-271 ; Indica type, 66-69; introduction of foreign DNA Into, 176-196; irrigation of rice area, 10; japonica type, 66-69; linkage groups of, 91-101 ; linkage maps of, 109; male-sterile somaclones of, 139; marker genes of, 89-91 ; mitachondrial map of, 228; model crop tor molecular genetic research, 83; modern variety adoption, 6, 8. 13; modification of plant type, 259; molecular markers of, 110; molecular probes tor regulatory programs of, 297-299; need for nutrient nitrogen, 272; origin of Indicas and Japonicas. 73; PEG treatment of protoplasts of, 168; performance of modern technology, 10; pest resistance in, 260-266; policy issues for, I, 16; primary trisomics of, 101 ; production of antibodies in, 274; production environments, 9; production growth. 3-6; production of transgenic plants, 157; promalins, 21 1; protoclonal variation of, 139; protoplast electroporation, 167; protoplast source, 159; research challenges, 32-40; research strategy for, 17; seed genes of, 207-214; self-sufficiency in Asia, X; somaclonal variation in tissue culture, 1.39; somatic hybridization,

319 144- 146; somatic mutation of, 138; source-sink relationship. 259: sterility, and dysfunctions of hybrids, 65; tissue culture, 135-118; transient gene expression, 236-746: variations in isozymes and other molecular traits, 67-69; waxy gene of, 213; weedy species, 60; wild species, 58-60, 116; world consumption, 1 ; world price decline, 8; world production, 1; world trade pattern, 7 Rice Genetics Cooperative (RGC), 90, 102, 105 Rice Genetics Newsletter (RGN), 90. 105 Rockefeller Foundation, 20, 24 Seed genes: glutelin and promaline storage proteins, 209-211: protease Inhibitors, 21 3; waxy gene, 213 Sekitori: somatic chromosomes of, 84 Somaclonal variation: identification of variants, 116; in rice tissue culture, 138-140 Somatic hybrid: rice protoplast fusion in, 144: use for plant production, 144- 146 Somaric hybridization, 146 Source-sink relationships: 259 Suspension culture: media tor, 160: as protoplast source, 159

Taichung 65: haploids of, 84 Technica1 change: benefactors of, 20; effects of, 20 Tissue culture: application to rice research, 135-148; cybrid production, 146; efficiency of, 147: transfer of CMS, 145 Transformation: efficiency of GUS assay system. 184-188 Transgenic plant production: additional methods exploited, 144; use of hygromycin in, 141; use of kanamycin in, 141 Transient gene expression: DNA delivery methods, 237; electroporation, 236; initiation codon, 245; mRNA stability, 240-243; PEG method, 237; polyadenylation, 244; post-

transcriptional control 239; promoters, 238 Tubulins, 219 Waxy gene, 21 3 Weedy rices, 60, 73-74 Wide crosses, 3 IO Wild rice: 56, 58-64


Useful genes: identification of, 312

Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), 121

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