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Sjefferson Lesson Plan

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Standards / Elements (Verbiage):

Georgia Standards of Excellence
 ELAGSE6RL3: Describe how a particular story or drama’s plot unfolds in a series
of episodes as well as how characters respond or change as the plot moves
toward a resolution.
 ELAGSE6RL5: I am learning how a sentence, paragraph, or chapter contributes
to the overall development of a story. (Theme, Plot, and Setting).
National School Library Standards
 A. I.2.: Learners display curiosity and initiative by recalling prior and
background knowledge as context for new meaning.
 B. I.3.: Learners engage with new knowledge by following a process that
includes generating products that illustrate learning.
 C. I.1.: Learners adapt, communicate, and exchange learning products with
others in a cycle that includes interacting with content presented by others.
 C.V.1.: Learners engage with the learning community by expressing curiosity
about a topic of personal interest or curricular relevance.
 D.III.1.: Learners actively participate with others in learning situations by
actively contributing to group discussions.

Essential Vocabulary:
 Claims · Arguments · Evidence · Reasons
 Write · Develop · Support · Clarify · Conclude
 Exposition, Rising action, Climax, Falling action, Resolution, Plot Pyramid

Student Lesson 1
Introduce Learning Targets: Today I am learning about…
 how characters respond or change as the plot develops.

Relevance: So that I can…

 Understand stories that I encounter in my life and understand how great
stories are told so I can tell my own stories.

Success Criteria: I know that I am successful (proficient) when I can…

 rephrase important events in parts of the story such as the exposition and
rising action in the text in a discussion or written response.
 identify specific examples and nonexamples of organizational structure in the
text such as the beginning, middle and end of the story, Chapters, and specific
events that take place during the story.

 The teacher will facilitate students’ review of the characters and plot for the
text The Book Thief.
S. Jefferson

Work Period:
 The teacher will continue reading The Book Thief.
 While reading, the teacher will continue to fill out Plot Pyramid and Characters
Chart for novel with student input.
 After reading, the teacher and media specialist will facilitate student groups
answering chapter questions in Canvas modules.

Check for Understanding: Students will answer comprehension/discussion questions

on Canvas.

Review Learning Targets & Assess Level of Mastery:
The teacher will review comprehension questions with the class and open the floor to
paired group and whole group discussions.

Student Lesson 2
Introduce Learning Targets: Today I am learning about…
 how characters respond or change as the plot develops.

Relevance: So that I can…

 Understand stories that I encounter in my life and understand how great
stories are told so I can tell my own stories.

Success Criteria: I know that I am successful (proficient) when I can…

 rephrase important events in parts of the story such as the exposition and
rising action in the text in a discussion or written response.
 identify specific examples and nonexamples of organizational structure in the
text such as the beginning, middle and end of the story, Chapters, and specific
events that take place during the story.

 The teacher will facilitate students’ review of characters and plot for the text
The Book Thief.

Work Period:
 The media specialist will review how to create a Kahoot, Blooket, or Gimkit.
 Students will work in groups to create a 5-10 question quiz using the quiz
creation tool of their choice to assess their classmates’ understanding of the
chapters we have read.
S. Jefferson

a. The teacher and media specialist will monitor and assist student groups
with creating their quizzes.

Check for Understanding: Students will complete another group’s quiz.

Review Learning Targets & Assess Level of Mastery:
The teacher will ask questions about the characters and plot of the book and call on a
student to answer. Classmates will agree (thumbs up) or disagree (thumbs down) with
the response.

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