Past SSC
Past SSC
Past SSC
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3. Attempt all questions. Each candidate must submit the answer sheet with the question paper.
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Read the passage I below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Primitive man was probably more concerned with fire as a source of warmth and as a means of cooking food
than as a source of light. Before he discovered less laborious ways of making fire, he had to preserve it and
whenever he set on a journey, he carried a firebrand with him. His discovery that the firebrand from which the
touch may well have developed, could be used for illumination was probably incidental to the primary purpose
of preserving a flame.
Lamps, too, probably developed by incident. Early man may have had first conception of a lamp while
watching a twig or fibre burning in the molten fat dropped from roasting. All he had to do was to fashion a
vessel to contain fat and float a lighted reed in it. Such lamps made of hollowed sea shells, have persisted in
identical form up to quite recent times.
1. Primitive man preserved fire because
A. he had used it for illumination during his travel B. his methods of making fire was laborious
C. he wanted to discover how to make a lamp. D. he wanted to develop the torch
2. One way early man made a lamp was by putting in lighted reed in a
A. hollowed stone B. sea-shell C. vessel D. molten fat
3. Primitive man carried a firebrand during his journey mainly for
A. illumination B. cooking C. flame preservation D. warmth
4. According to the passage, the torch probably developed from
A. firebrand B. twig C. lamp D. fibre
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow. Each question carries 2 marks
Delinquency describes actions that would not be crime if performed by adults. If a young person performs one
of such actions, then he has committed a crime. Delinquency is one of several status offences that can be
committed only by people in particular stations of life as determined by profession of a person's role in society.
For young people, such offences include drinking, driving and smoking underage. Usually, they are of perhaps
only to the extent that they help to preserve some of the good things of life for the exclusive enjoyment of the
adult world. Delinquency is therefore, a weapon forged in adult minds and directed by adult hands against
young people. It is borne out of envy, adult pride and intolerance. If the world changed overnight and the
responsibility to make and enforce laws fell on juvenile shoulders, the adults should expect a raw deal in return.
Delinquency will then, certainly, refer only to many of the adult actions now freely committed by them.
6. If the world changed overnight, A. there will be more delinquency laws B. delinquency will
refer to adult actions C. delinquency will no longer be a crime D. the world will be turned upside down
7. In the view of the writer, drinking underage is an offence because A. adults want to have
all the drinks to themselves B. adults do not want juveniles to get drunk C. drunken
juveniles can cause disorders in the society D. adults have a duty to protect young people
8. When young people make and enforce laws
A. the responsibility will be too heavy on their shoulders B. they would negotiate against the adults C.
their laws will be very juvenile D. the world will be turned upside down
9. The writer of the passage believes that delinquency laws are
A. not relevant to human society B. only fit for young people C. unfair to the juveniles
D. very fair to the adult world
10. Status offences are those that can be committed by
A. all adults B. juveniles only C. delinquent juveniles D. specific classes of people
In questions 11 to 16, fill the gap with the option that is most nearly opposite to the word(s) or phrase(s)
11. Nigerian Airways is trying to improve its foreign
A. frontiers B. interior C. native .D. domestic
12. The accused pleaded that the incident was accidental but prosecution claimed that is was..........
A. premeditated B. otherwise C. treasonable D. unwarranted
13. Most of the electric power for the country comes from the gigantic dam built across the river at Bussa,
several other............ones are however, being planned for irrigation purposes
A. junior B. tiny C. small D. insignificant
In questions 39 and 40, identify the option that has a different stress pattern from the rest
39. A. bookcase B. untie C. except D. adopt
40. A. endeavour B. magazine C. confession D. example.
Time allowed: 1 hour
Read the following instructions carefully
35. On which days of the year are night and day the same length? A. 22 nd March and 22"d September
B. 22nd June and 22nd December C. 31st December and 31s; June
D. Midsummer day and midwinter day
36. Sedimentary rocks are easily recognized in the fields because
A. They form rounded hills B. They occur in horizontal layers C. they occur in layers
1. Which of the following best describes the overall purpose of the passage? A. to describe a
theory B. to establish a context C. to refute a misconception D. to suggest a reform
2. In the third paragraph “anxious” most nearly means
A. eager B. spirited C. insecure D. ill
3. According to the passage, the “revolt of middle class” in the fourth paragraph is due to which of the
following? I. the growing costs of the welfare state II. lack of access to pension funds III. lower wages
A. I only B. I and II only C. I and III only D. II and III only
4. According to the passage, the “world car” in the fifth paragraph is a car that
A. is accessible to individuals of all nationalities B. utilises resources from many different places C. is
more efficient than others D. is advertised world wide
5. Guarantee of income support for the poor families was removed in the United States due to one of the
following: A. mass protest by the poor for increased support B. decreasing fortunes of the United States
C. because the citizens were riding in world car D. because of the growing government spending.
Passage 2
In many places in the world today, the poor are getting poorer while the rich are getting richer, and the
programmes of development planning and foreign aid appear to be unable to reverse this trend. Nearly all the
developing countries have a modern sector, where the patterns of living and working are similar to those in
Read the following passage and select the best option that fills the corresponding gap in the text.
Every child in Hausa society –11--- awaits that day when the 30 day fasting period would come to an end. The
eagerness is not caused by the thought of ----12--- the fasting, hence the--- 13--- to eat and---- 14--- at any time
of the day. It is rather caused by the thought of those newly- sewn ---15-- and dresses in fabulous ---16--- ,
awaiting to be worn by the –17--. One can see the excitement in the faces of the kids on the --18-- day as they
march down the streets, road, and alleys of every Hausa ---19 ---- in northern Nigeria. This is what the Sallah
is all about, as far as these children are 20 .
In questions 1 to 50 choose the correct answer from options (a) to (d) that follow each question.
In questions 12 and 13, choose from the options given in A-D, the one which is opposite in meaning to the
word underlined in each of the following sentences
Read the following instructions carefully:
Use HB pencil to shade your answers. Ensure that any shading in error is thoroughly erased.
Candidates should write their Names, JAMB Registration numbers and the Question Paper Option
given to them in the appropriate spaces in the Answer Sheet.
Write your JAMB Registration numbers on the Question Paper in the space provided at the top of
Page 1.
Attempt all questions.
The use of calculators and /or similar electronic devices is NOT allowed
Read the passage below and answer questions 1-5 that follow.
The best acceptable definition of history is that it is a record of the past actions of mankind, based on surviving
evidence. It is this evidence that the historian employs to chronicle and correlate events, by which he arrives at
conclusions which he believes to be valid. Hence, the historian is referred to as an interpreter of the
development of mankind.
It should be understood that there is more than one way of treating the past. For example, in trying to deal with
the revolutions in Nigeria, past and present, the historian may describe the events in a narrative order. Or, he
may choose to concentrate on an analysis of the general causes, comparing their stages of evolution with the
patterns of evolution in other countries.
The historian does not seek to attain the same kind of results as the scientist who can verify his conclusions by
repeating his experiment under controlled conditions. Whilst he also attempts to classify the phenomena, the
historian is more likely to consider events in terms of their uniqueness.
Added to this is the fact that history is concerned, fundamentally, with the lives and actions of men, and as such,
the historian’s search for causes is bound to be relatively subjective, as compared to that by the scientist. In
essence, however, historians agree and insist that history should be written as scientifically as possible and that
the evidence should be analysed with the same objective attitude employed by the scientist when he examines
certain phenomena of nature.
1. How can history be scientifically recorded?
A. By speculating on what was and ought to have been.
B. By examining available evidence and analyzing unusual occurrences.
From the words lettered A – D choose the word which best completes each of the following sentences.
6. From the ______ of the Nigerian Civil War, every Nigerian lost hope of the existence of one corporate
Nigeria. A. beginning B. entrance C. outset D. onset
7. Miscreants ______________ on stealing for a living.
A. specialize B. depend C. participate D. delight
8. My uncle will visit me __________ Christmas
A. on B. by C. for D. at
9. The researcher who isolated himself in a desert island was able to survive because he was very-
A. creative B. resourceful C. determined D. flexible
10. All the windows of the school were _____________ by the explosion.
A. Broken B. dislodged C. shattered D. demolished
11. The coach about _______________ you complained has left the stadium earlier
A. who B. which C. him D. whom
12. The only student who failed the test ___________ away without the knowledge of the teacher.
A. slank B. slunk C. slinked D. slink
INSTRUCTION: After each of the sentences below, a list of possible interpretations of all or part of the
sentence is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.
13. Whenever he discussed modern philosophy with them, he did so with his tongue in his cheek. This
means that
A. spoke in a funny way B. did not express his true feelings C. spoke in such a way that nobody could
understand D. spoke in a pompous way.
14. The doctor asked whether the patient had turned the corner. In other words, he wanted to know
if the patient. A. had started to get better B. had died eventually
INSTRUCTION: From the words lettered A – D, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in
meaning to the underlined expression as it is used in the sentence.
19. Hermits are not interested in secular affairs A. dangerous B. sinless C. wordly D. difficult
20. Mr. Adu was mortally wounded in the accident. A. badly B. fatally C. adversely D. slightly
21. The evidence of the witness corroborated that of the accused.
A. contradicted B. prosecuted C. sentenced D. confirmed
22. The young woman had a benign growth in her ear.
A. harmless B. dangerous C. large D. smelly
23. At the zenith of one’s chosen career, one is bound to enjoy.
A. meeting B. nadir C. conference D. apex
24. Uncle Hugo is really a skinflint
A. a dubious person B. an ugly person C. a niggardly person D. a slim person
INSTRUCTION: From the work lettered A-D choose the word or group of words that is opposite in
meaning to the underlined expression as it is used in the sentence.
25. This expired drug will not assuage your feverish condition; it will rather _____ it
A. ameliorate B. amend C. relieve D. worsen
26. The verbosity of the Chairman’s opening address contrast with the ______ of the vote of thanks given by
the Secretary. A. slowness B. fluency C. certainly D. brevity
27. You will be expected to separate the tritons from the ___________
A. minnows B. victims C. saboteurs D. giants
28. One would have expected the students to take to consultation with the school authorities instead
of resorting to _______ A. arbitration B. mediation C. exultation D. confrontation
INSTRUCTION: From the words lettered A-D choose the appropriate answer.
1. Opportunity cost is the term which describes A. The initial cost of setting up a business
B. The cost of one product in terms of the forgone production of others
C. Monetary equivalent of the utility of a commodity
D. Monetary inequivalent of the utility of a commodity.
2. What is the circular flow of income? A. It is the flow of income in a circle
B. It is the flow of payments from domestic households to domestic firms and from domestic firms to
households. C. It is a flow of income between households and business firms.
D. It is the flow of payments from goods to households to firms.
3. Localization of industries is A. The industrialization of a country
B. Concentration of the firms of an industry in a particular area
C. The location of a firm at a particular locality D. The economic development of a locality
4. Decreasing returns to scale implies that if all factors of production are doubled output will be
A. More than double B. Less than double C. Doubled unchanged D. Single unchanged
5. Rent and interest are rewards to A. Labour and capital respectively B. Land only
C. Capital only D. Land and capital respectively.
6. Which of the following market structures are imperfect in competition?
(I) Monopoly, (II) Duopoly (III) Oligopoly
A. I, II and III only B. 1 and III only C. I and II only D. II and III only
7. The profit of the producer can be calculated as
A. Total cost less total revenue B. Average revenue less average cost C. Total revenue less
total cost D. Marginal revenue less marginal cost
8. The term “demand for money” means
A. Willingness of people to hold money B. Desire to borrow money from people
C. Desire of an individual to invest all his money in projects
D. Willingness of people to keep all the resources in assets.
9. The lender of last resort in the banking system is the
A. Last resort bank B. Commercial bank C. Central bank D. Mortgage bank
10. The three broad categories of production are
A. Direct, secondary and extractive B. Primary, tertiary and direct
From the options A — D provided, choose the one nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).
8. There was a very animated discussion on the world economy on television yesterday
A. robust B. unruly C. intellectual D. lively
9. The accused person made a witty remark in court today
A. wise B. cunning C. intellectual D. clever
10. The minister plans to improve the country's economic situation are farcical.
A. Amusing B. Ridiculous C. Dramatic D. Humorous
11. There was a deep ditch across the road, but after several attempts, Ada at last succeeded in
crossing it. A. efforts B. exertions C. trials D. approaches.
12. Nancy paused dramatically, but the effect of the unexpected break was spoiled by a loud snore
from the class monitor. A. damaged B. flawed C. marred D. heightened
From the words lettered A-D choose the interpretation that gives the correct meaning of the idiom in the
sentence or phrase.
13. The rich often give their children a party of rope. This means they give their children.
A. absolute freedom B. much freedom C. ample time D. many words of advice
14. The weak students could not see the wood for the trees. This means they. A. couldn't understand
the main point B. couldn't find their way to a place C. couldn't easily choose their future
careers D. couldn't differentiate trees.
From the options A - D, choose the EMPHATIC stress written in capital letters to which the given
sentence is the appropriate answer.
23. Tomi loves DODO for dinner
A. Does Aunty love dodo for lunch? B. Does Tomi love fried rice for dinner?
C. Does Tomi love dodo for lunch? D. Does Tomi have dodo for dinner?
24. Adamu RARELY visits his old friends
A. Who rarely visits his old friend? B. Does Adamu often visit his old friends?
C. Does Adamu rarely visit his old friend? D. Does Musa rarely visits his old friends?
25. John BOUGHT the book yesterday
A. Did John win the book yesterday? B. When did John buy the boot?
C. Who bought the book yesterday? D. Has John received the book he bought yesterday?
Which of the options A-D best explain the meaning expressed in the following sentences
From the letters A-D choose the correct answer
1. If the universal set μ = { X : X is a natural number and {1<x<9}, p= {x:1<x<4 }and
Q= {1,2,3,5,7}. Find(PVQ).
A. {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} B. {1,2,3,4,7} C. {1,2,3,4,} D. {6,8,9}
2. A sold a radio set to B at a profit of 10% and B sold it for N2612.50 at a loss of 5%. The cost of the radio
to A was A. N2375 B. N2750 C. 2500 D. N2488
3. Without the use of tables, evaluate Log 10√35 + Log10√2- Log10√7
A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D.
4. A number is selected at random from the numbers 1 to 30 inclusive. What is the probability that it is
divisible by 2 or 5? A. B. C. D.
5. Divide the octal number 106245 by the octal 137. A. 573 B. 776 C. 435 D. 1118
6. The average sales in a shop for the first 11 weeks of a quarter was N486 830 per week. The sales for the
two remaining weeks of the quarter averaged N 484 685 per week. What was the average weekly sales for
the quarter? A. N 85757.50 B. N 85 600 C. N 86 500 D. N86 830
8. A man took a loan of NP at the rate of 4% per annum simple interest. If at the end of 5 years
9. A man left N 5720 to be shared among his son and three daughters. Each daughter's share was
22 In an earthquake, it is the vibrations caused by the .........waves that produce the most damage
A. surface B. body C. stress D collision
23 Which of the following volcanoes have not erupted in historic times?
A Mt Fujiyama B. Mt Cameroon C. Mt Kilimanjaro D. Mt Pinatubo
24. The system of government in which elders rule is known as :
‘Spineless teams take early flight back to their bases', screamed a newspaper rider, a couple of days to the round
of last 16 of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. That was not a fair assessment of the 16 countries taking
the exit from the original 32. The only exception perhaps is the Super Eagles whose display in the last two
matches they played - against Greece and South Korea - was awful. After two weeks of the tournament, half of
the participants must be eliminated one way or the other, irrespective of whether or not the eliminated teams are
spineless. The description is sweeping, considering that many of the teams actually put up spirited performance
but still fell. Ill-luck, you could say, played a part. But not for Nigeria that had 60% of its qualification for the
next round performed for them by Argentina, but still couldn't deliver the 40% of beating South Korea. And that
is after being presented with gaping opportunities begging to be converted to goals. In the last two matches such
chances were up to four, one of them qualifying as the worst miss in the history of the world cup. If it is an
achievement to be in the Guinness Book of Records, the Super Eagles cannot be found wanting.
INSTRUCTION: After each of the sentences below, a list of possible interpretations of all or part of the
sentence is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.
6. On this issue, the University has crossed the Rubicon. This means that...
A. the University has reversed its earlier decision B. the University is undecided
C. the University is unsafe D. the University is not changing its decision
7. Dr Amadasun is a dye in the wool academic. This means that....
A. Dr Amadasun has strong opinions that will not change
B. Dr Amadasun is not knowledgeable as he claims C. Dr Amadasun teaches well
D. Dr Amadasun misrepresents that academic community
8. The policy of taxation has become the Achilles' heel of the state Governor. This means that....
A. the policy of taxation is making the state Governor very popular
B. taxation has become the policy that is making the Governor unpopular
C. the Governor is unable to decide on taxation .
D. taxation is the strongest policy of the government
9. James and Jude are hand in glove in this Association. This means that....
A. the two of them work closely to do illegal things B. the two of them are always fighting
C. they have opposing views D. the two of them use the same hand gloves
10. If he annoys me further, I will spill the beans. This means that....
A. I will fight him B. I will reveal a secret that will hurt him
C. I will throw his beans away D. I will criticize him harshly
11. After the activities of the day I was completely burnt out. This means that....
A. I was extremely tired at the end of the day B. I was very sad at the end of the day
C. I was very excited at the end of the day D. I was very angry at the end of the day
12. The police have closed in on the armed robbers. This means that....
A. the police have arrested the armed robbers B. the police have killed the robbers
C. the police are in the process of arresting the robbers
A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 2
33. A fair die is rolled once. Find the probability of getting a number greater than 6.
A. 1/6 B.I C.2/3 D. 0
34. A ball is drawn from a box containing 12 red balls, 8 white balls and 10 green balls. What is the
probability of drawing either a red, white or green ball?
A. 2/5 B. 1/3 C.I D. 0
35. If y varies directly as the square root of x and y is 10 when x = 1 , find y when x = 4.
A. 18 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40
36. Which of the following is a factor of 15 + 7x - 2x 2
A. x – 3 B. x + 3 C. x – 5 D. x + 5
37. The angle between latitude 300S and 130N is....
A.17° B.33° • C.43° D. 53°
38. The volume of a hemispherical bowl is 718 cm3. Find its radius.
Read the passage below
There can be no doubt that to educate a child is a language which is not that of either of his parents tends to
alienate him from his parents; to educate him in a language which is not one of the indigenous languages of the
country tends to alienate him from the culture of country. If he grows up with one language for the school-room
he may well develop a kind of dual personality, one side of which is being developed by the ideas which he
encounters and the training he receives in school- is sealed off in a kind polythene bag from the side which
makes the everyday social, cultural and moral decisions. In such a situation very often the child whom would
respond creatively to his own saturation does not do so well at school as the clever parrot. Education through the
medium of a foreign languages may encourage a kind of opportunism which is not prepared to give back an
unselfish service to the community. Teachers in all the English medium universities and colleges which have
been started or developed in the newly independent parts of the British Commonwealth have had to contend
with their problem, and from the main force of the argument for education in the vernacular derives.
Now answer the following questions
1. The passage above is …………… (a) narrative (b) descriptive (c) expository (d) argumentative 2. A
child who is educated in foreign language according to the passage may suffer from the
following except (a) selfishness (b) dual personality (c) alienation (d) become a patriot
3. The writer of this passage believes that………….. (a) it is good to educate a child in a foreign language
(b) it is fair to educate a child in a foreign language (c) it is unusual to educate a child in a foreign
language (d) it is disadvantageous to educate a child in a foreign language
4. The position of this extract is……… (a) that a child should be educated in the language of either his
parents or a vernacular (b) that a foreign language will give the child good education (c) that the child
4. Simplify log10
(3016 ) - 2log10 (
9 ) + log10
243 (a) 2- log105 (b) 1 – log1015 (c) 1.5 (d) 1.0
5. A woman sold x oranges at 5 for Np and y mangoes at 8 for 7kobo on a particular day. Calculate in
Naira, her total sales for the day. (a) (Px –Yz)/100 (b) (100Zy +Px)/80 (c) (160Px + Yz)/800
(d) (5Yz + 8Px)/40
6. Evaluate ( log28/ log525 ) – log3( 27 ) (a) 9/2 (b) 5/2 (c) 3/2 (d) -3/2
34. The independence of the judiciary is meant to (a) Protect the right of the judges
(b) Safeguard the liberties of individual (c) enable judges enact laws at will
(d) allow judges to participate in partisan politics
35. A benefit which a country seeks to achieve in his relations with others nations is called (a) national
interest (b) commercial interest (c) international diplomacy (d) foreign policy objective .
36. A politically aware and active society is said to have (a) subjective political culture
(b) participatory political culture (c) parochial political culture (d) evaluative political culture
37. The political parties that were established in West Africa between 1945-1965 fought for
(a) national conferences (b) political independence (c) supremacy among themselves
(d) regional integration.
38. Government can be made responsible and accountable to it citizens through the following
methods except (a) periodic change of government (b) demonstration (c) political education
(d) public opinion
39. The doctrine of the rule of law is credited to (a) J.J. Rousseau (b) John Locke (c) A. V. Dicey (d)
Thomas Hobbes
40. Nigeria recently launched ------------------------ into orbit
(a) Sat -2 and Sat – x (b) Sat – 2 and Sat-1x (c) Sat -x and Sat 1 (d) Sat-1 and Sat 2x
Read the following instructions carefully
1. Use HB pencil to shade your answers. Ensure that any shading in error is thoroughly erased.
2. Candidates should indicate the Question Paper Type given to them in the appropriate space in the
Answer Sheet
3. Write your JAMB Registration number on the Question Paper in the space provided at the top of page
4. The use of calculators and/or similar electronic devices is NOT allowed
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow by choosing the appropriate option.
I have never been able to believe that a woman’s task in life is limited to her children. I can quite well conceive
that in my mother, as with more women of our own day, there is an urge to creativeness beyond the begetting of
children. These women have a contract with life itself which is not discharged by the mere procreation of their
species. Men recognize and try to honour this contract in themselves as a matter of course. They would rebel
against the narrowly conceived idea that the world restricts their role to that of protectors and feeders of women
and children. They do not acknowledge and respect the same things so readily in women. Perhaps until they do,
the world will not be the full creative relationship that life intends it should be between men and women.
1. Which of the following sentences best describes the author’s view about child bearing?
(a) It s injurious to a woman’s health (b) It is the chief function of a woman (c) Child bearing
should not preclude women from working outside the home (d) They should make the
best of their talents to help the world
2. what would be your interpretation of the sentence, ‘These women have a contract with life’
(a) They have been bound by marriage to serve their children (b) They are bound to support
their families (c) They are legally bound to work (d) They should make the best of
their talents to help the world
3. What according to the passage, are men’s expectations’? (a) They will not work unless their
employer gives them contract (b) They work only to provide for their wives and families
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
One fact that we have to comprehend is that , in our unconscious mind, we cannot distinguish between a wish
and a deed. We are all aware of our illogical dreams in which two completely opposite statements can exist side
by side – very acceptable in our dreams but unthinkable and illogical in our waking state. Just as our
unconscious mind cannot differentiate between the wish to kill somebody in anger and the act of having done
so, the young child is unable to make this distinction. The child who angrily wishes his mother to drop dead for
not having gratified his needs will be traumatized greatly by the actual death of his mother – even if this event is
not linked closely in time with his destructive wishes. He will always take part of or the whole blame for the
loss of his mother. He will always say to himself – rarely to others – ‘I did it. I am responsible’.
I was bad, therefore mummy left me. ‘It is well to remember that the child will react in the same manner if he
loses a parent by divorce, separation or desertion.
Death is often seen by a child as an impermanent thing and has therefore little distinction from a divorce he may
have an opportunity to see the parent again
6. This passage emphasizes (a) a child growing in ignorance (b) our unconscious mind
(c) a child’s inability to distinguish between dream and reality (d) illogical dream
7. Our unconscious minds and dreams are alike in that (a) both are out of our control (b) both can
accommodate contradictions manner (c) neither function in a continuous manner (d) both deal with
non-real issues
8. The child would feel responsible for his mother’s death even if it is unconnected with his wishes because
(a) he regards his wish as a curse (b) he hates her and wants her dead
(c) his needs are not gratified (d) he cannot distinguish between wish and reality
9. ‘Traumatized’ as used in the passage means (a) angered (b) made happy and satisfied (c) made sad and
dejected (d) made to feel guilty
10. From the child’s point of view, in what way is death likened to a divorce? (a) Both are loses (b) Both are
temporary (c) Both would involve his mother (d) He feels responsible in each case
Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence
6. If x α and x=72 when n=8, find x when n=20 (a) 29 (b) 26.9 (c) 27.8 (d) 28.6
14. Which of the following is not associated with the development of land and sea breezes?
(a) saturated air (b) descending air (c) low pressure (d) ascending air
15. Which of the following pairs is not correct in the measurement of weather elements
(a) Rainfall with rainguage (b) Humidity with hydrometer (c) pressure with anemometer
(d) Temperature with thermometer
16. Which of the following climates is characterized by an alternate hot, wet season and cool dry season
(a) Equitorial (b) Mediterranean (c) Tropical desert (d) Tropical continental
17. Which of the following human activities has a beneficial effect on soils?
(a) Grazing (b) Strip cultivation (c) Burning bush (d) Slopewise cultivation
18. Arid regions have a great potential for
(a) thermal energy (b) solar energy (c)H.E.P (d) nuclear energy
19. Which of the following is a measure aimed at controlling world population growth?
(a) Family planning (b) Decrease in food production (c) Migration (d) Encouraging early marriage
20. Which of the following settlement types is the largest?
(a) Megalopolis (b) Agglomeration (c) Conurbation (d) City
21. The world’s busiest sea route is the
(a) South Atlantic route (b) Cape route (c) Panama Canal route (d) North Atlantic route
22. The average density of Sima is (a) 2.0 (b) 2.9 (c) 3.0 (d) 3.7
23. An example of a crystalline rock is (a) peat (b) limestone (c) granite (d) sandstone
24. When plateaux are enclosed by fold mountains they are known as
(a) intermont plateaux (b) lava plateaux (c) volcanic plateaux (d) dissected plateaux
From the options lettered A – D, choose the one that is nearly the same in meaning to the underlined
1. The budget of 2014 was designed to consolidate the gains of the economic recovery
programme. (a) protect (b) support (c) strengthen (d) diversify
2. The Art teacher told John that his painting ‘The walls of Kano’ was so realistic, that it might
almost have been a photograph.
(a) clear (b) vivid (c) authentic (d) literal
3. The lawyer’s argument of the case was exhaustive.
(a) thorough (b) interesting (c) exaggerating (d) fascinating
4. The students were advised to be careful of mundane things.
(a) sinful (b) immoral (c) evil (d) worldly
5. The Minister described the new policy as obnoxious.
(a) Unpredictable (b) offensive (c) prudent (d) affordable
Read the passage and fill the numbered gaps with the correct option lettered A – D.
Emeka and his auntie arrived in PortHarcourt during the rush-hour, when offices and shops were
closing and workers were hurrying home. Emeka had never seen so many people on the streets or so
many – 16 – on the roads. Emeka’s auntie told him that the taxies had the worst drivers. One minute
they would be – 17 – other cars, the next stepping in the middle of the road to pick up – 18 – without
any signal to other drivers of their intentions. There were long – 19 – of people waiting at bus – 20 –
and – 21 – often seemed in danger of their lives as they tried to run across the road whenever there was
a lull in the traffic. Emeka heard the blaring horn of a/an – 22 – as it rushed to pick up the victims of
an accident, and this was followed by four policemen in an open – 23 –. His auntie told him that the
police did not have to –24 – the speed limit in cases of emergency, but civilian drivers could be heavily
– 25 – for speeding.
16. transports vehicles wagons Trucks
17. bypassing undertaking taking over Overtaking
18. bystanders clients passengers passers-by
19. tiers rows crowds Queues
20. stops stations parks Halts
21. walkers linkers foot-passengers pedestrians
22. lorry omnibus ambulance Bus
23. car van carriage Saloon
24. keep exceed observe See
25. imprisoned detained remunerated Fined
Below each sentence containing an Idiomatic expression, there are options lettered A – D. Choose the
option that best explains the underlined idioms.
26. I assured him I would not go back on my word (a) return to a place
(b) return to a certain word while reading (c) re-use my word
(d) fail to keep my promise
27. Adam’s opponent has an axe to grind
(a) has an axe to sharpen (b) has some selfish objective in view
(c) will grind with axe (d) has some pepper to grind
28. Jude paid through his nose for his new car. This means he
Editors: Prof. F. F. O. Orumwense, Prof. F. Ekhaise Page 57
(a) paid a very low price (b) paid a very high price (c) paid through an agent
(d) paid throughout the year
29. The company closed down once it was in the red.
(a) in debt (b) bankrupt (c) disorganised (d) burgled
30. Burning the midnight oil is not a prerequisite for success in examinations. This means that to
pass examinations, (a) does not need to study very seriously
(b) doesn’t need to work late into the night (c) shouldn’t read at all in the night
(d) shouldn’t burn oil while reading in the night
From the word lettered A – D, choose the one that best complete each of the following sentences
1. If a kilogramme of beef is N250 and a kilogramme of fish is N200, what is the opportunity cost
of buying 10 kilogrammes of beef?
(a) N2500 (b) N2000 (c) 12.5kg (d) 50kg
2. A trader sold N14000 on Monday, Nx on Tuesday, N10,000 on Wednesday and N16,000 on
Thursday. If his mean amount is N15,000, how much did he sell on Tuesday? (a) N24,000
(b) N15,000 (c) N40,000 (d) N10,000
3. One disadvantage of mixed economy is .................. (a) absence of competition
(b) private sector participation (c) that it takes the features of capitalism and socialism
(d) government interference with consumers sovereignty
4. An investor who lost only his investment due to business total collapse, must have invested
in ............. (a) partnership (b) private company (c) a co-operative society (d)
public corporation
41. A school boy lying on the ground 30m away from the foot of a water tank tower observes
that the angle of elevation of the top of the tank is 60 0. Calculate the height of the water
tank. (a) 60m (b) 30 3 m (c) 20 3 m (d) 10 3 m
42. The gradient of the line joining (3, y ) and ( 1, 2) is . Find the value of y .
(a) -4 (b) -3 (c) 3 (d) 4
43. The binary operation * is defined by x * y xy y x , for all real values of x and y . If
x * 3 2 * x , find x . (a) -1 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 5
x2 x
44. Find the limit of as x 0 . (a) -1 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 2
45. A wire 4m long and of cross sectional area 2 10 8 m2 has a resistance of 5 . Calculate
its resistivity.
(a) 4 10 7 m (b) 2.5 10 7 m (c) 4 10 8 m (d) 2.5 10 8 m
46. What energy is radiated by an atom as an electron jumps from one level to another within
the atom? [Plank’s constant 6.6 10 34 Js, speed of light in vacuum is 3.0 10 8 ms-1,
wavelength of emitted radiation is 3.3 10 7 m].
(a) 6.6 10 19 J (b) 6.0 10 19 J (c) 1.65 10 17 J (d) 6.60 10 7 J
47. The handle of a screw jack of pitch 4mm turns through a circle of radius 21cm when it is
used to raise a load. What is the velocity ratio of the jack? [ ] . (a) 66 (b) 165 (c)
264 (d) 330
1 1 3
48. Given sin 45 0 cos 45 0 , sin 30 0 , cos 30 0 , find sin 150 .
2 2 2
6 6 2 2 21
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 4 3 3
49. If the sum of the first n terms of a sequence is n 2 n 1 , find the 5th term.
(a) 21 (b) 12 (c) 31 (d) 8
2 2 2
50. Solve 3 5 3 x 11 . (a) 2 x 2 (b) 2 x 2 (c) x 2 , x 2 (d)
3 3 3
x 2 , x 2
dy x x 1 x2
51. Find if y . (a) 2 (b) 2 (c) (d) x( x 1) 1
dx x 1 ( x 1) ( x 1) x 1
52. A committee of two men and three women is to be formed from five men and four women.
How many different committees can be formed?
(a) 40 (b) 10 (c) 4 (d) 64
53. From the bag containing three red and four white balls, a ball is picked but not replaced. A
second ball is then picked. Find the probability that the balls are of the same colour. (a)
9 3 1
(b) (c) (d)
49 7 7