Slotwise Room Allotment 2023 2024 1
Slotwise Room Allotment 2023 2024 1
Slotwise Room Allotment 2023 2024 1
1. The UG and PG Timetable is shown in the following pages. Room allotment for all the UG first-year courses is included in this table but a separate timetable for UG
first-year courses will be published later.
2. The duration of the class (lecture, tutorial or practical) will be as per the L-T-P indicated against the course. If the lecture venue is room 315 in Block V, it is indicated
as V 315. LH is New Lecture Complex. Bharti Building room allotments are shown separately within this timetable.
3. If a course has only 1 or 2 lectures per week, then the course coordinator should decide the days of the class and inform the students. The indicated room has been
allocated for all three hours of that slot.
4. Please contact the UG Section (Ph: 1725)/ LHC management (LH 102, Ph: 7368) for scheduling Colloquium courses. For the keys of LCD system (LTs and Blocks),
please Call 6415 (ETSC).
5. NCC and NSS activities are usually scheduled on Saturday and Sunday from 9 AM to 12 noon. Course coordinators are requested not to schedule any classes,
quizzes, etc. at these times.
6. Contact points for any technical issues, (a) LHC management and Timetable staff (LH102; Ph: 7358; email:, for AV Ph: 6496; Security
Ph: 7377 (b) for LTs and Blocks : ETSC (Ph: 6415).
7. Any room related issues, please contact LH management ( LH 102; email:; Ph: 7368).
*** Respective course coordinators are requested to check the availability of an alternative venue before raising any valid request for changes (Slot changes require the
permission of Dean Academics) ***
Shaikh Ziauddin Ahammad
Chairman, Time Table Committee
Copy to:
1. Professor In-charge, LHC - for information
2. LHC Maintenance unit - With a request to check/maintain all rooms
3. Caretaker unit - With a request to check/maintain all rooms
4. AEE.(Civil), AEE. (Elect.) - With a request for necessary action (Civil, AC and Elect works)
5. ETSC - with a request for necessary action ( related to AV)
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
B CVL731 LH 619
B CVL779 LH 604
B CVL801 LH 621
B DSL722 LH 623
B ELL202 SH LH 602 LH 602 LH 602 LH 602 LH 602
B ELL302 LH 121
B ELL701 II 336
B ELL713 V 344
B ELL715 VI 301
B ELL750 II LT 3
B ESL330 LH422 III 342 III 342
B ESL739 III 342
B HSL512 LH 518 LH 619
B MCL111 LH 325
B MCL134 LH 408
B MCL242 LH 410 LH 614 LH 614 LH 614 LH 614 LH 614
B MCL704 III 336
B MCL714 IIA 101
B MCL731 LH 606
B MCL796 IV 323
B MLL702 IV 339
B MLL719 III 339
B MLL760 IV LT 1
B MTL105 LH 416
B MTL180 LH 418 LH 612 LH 612 LH 612 LH 612 LH 612
B MTL503 LH 510 LH 621 LH 621
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
C MCL701 LH 615
C MCL760 LH 606
C MLL727 LH 604
C MTL712 LH 510
C PYL209 LH 408
C PYL557 LH 410 LH 621 LH 621
C PYL657 LH422
C PYL725 LH 614
C SBL100 LH 325
C TXL734 TX 120
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
D CVL743 LH 622
D CVL756 III 342
D CVL773 LH 521
D CVL820 LH 602
D ELL205 IV 254 LH 621 LH 621 LH 621 LH 621 LH 621
D ELL205 LH 114 LH 510 LH 510 LH 510 LH 510 LH 510
D ELL311 LH 121 LH 615 LH 615 LH 615 LH 615 LH 615
D ELL735 II LT 2
D ESL260 LH 517 IV 323 IV 323
D ESL737 IV LT 1
D MCL141 LH 108 LH 619 LH 619 LH 619
D MCL735 LH 604
D MCL769 LH 606
D MDL801 II 336
D MLL371 LH 519
D MLL703 IV 323
D MLL723 IV LT 2
D MTL100 LH 416
D MTL100 LH 418
D MTL104 LH 510
D MTL106 LH 325 LH 613 LH 613 LH 613 LH 613 LH 613
D MTL603 LH 512 III 342 III 342
D MTL766 LH 615
D PYL123 LH 526 II LT 3 II LT 3
D PYL551 LH 527 III LT 2 III LT 2
D PYL701 IV 339
D PYL793 IV LT 4
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
D PYL800 LH 619
D RDL728 III 336
D TXL111 II LT 1
D TXL232 VI LT 2
D TXL750 TX 120
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
E ELL203 LH 114 LH 519 LH 519 LH 519 LH 519 LH 519
E ELL305 LH 121
E ELL714 IIA 305
E ELL734 LH 606
E ELL771 LH 526
E ELL805 LH 527
E ELL857 III 342
E ESL100 LH 519 III LT 2 III LT 2
E ESL263 LH 602
E ESL755 LH 611
E HSL522 LH 520
E MCL261 LH 512
E MCL742 LH 615
E MCL761 II 337
E MCL781 LH 619
E MCL840 VI LT 1
E MLL100 LH 325
E MLL253 LH 604
E MLL701 IV 323
E MTL122 LH 603 LH 620
E MTL505 LH 408 LH 621 LH 621
E MTL860 LH 510
E PYL121 LH 410 LH 613 LH 613 LH 613 LH 613 LH 613
E PYL331 LH 605
E PYL553 LH 416 LH 623 LH 623
E PYL702 LH 313.3
E PYL753 III 336
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
E PYL791 LH 621
E SBL708 IV 339
E SPL706 LH 623
E TXL212 LH 418
E TXL713 IV LT 1 IV 339
E TXL721 IV LT 2
E TXL753 TX 120
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
F PYL741 LH 613
F PYL770 LH 623
F RDL735 IV LT 4
F SBL713 IIA 305
F SPL722 II 336
F TXL242 II LT 1
F TXL710 II 337
F TXL731 TX 120
F TXL749 III 342
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
H ELL702 IV 339
H ELL728 IIA 305
H ESL220 LH422
H ESL370 LH 602
H ESL740 LH 527
H ESN791 IV LT 1
H HSL513 LH 603
H HUL286 LH 410 LH 615 LH 615 LH 615
H HUL362 LH 605
H HUL370 LH 416
H HUL377 LH 604
H HUL379 LH 606
H HUL380 LH 611
H MCL318 LH 521
H MCL343 LH 612
H MCL348 LH 614
H MCL702 II LT 3
H MCL799 LH 313.3
H MCL812 IV LT 2
H MLL181 LH 613
H MLL203 LH 615
H MTL107 LH 108
H MTL601 LH 418
H MTL781 LH 114
H MTL783 LH 512
H PYL102 LH 111
H PYL567 LH 510
H PYL707 II LT 2
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
H PYL751 V 418
H SBL724 LH 121
H SPL810 V 344
H TXL777 TX 120
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
J MLL739 LH 602
J MTL103 LH 308
J MTL501 LH 310
J PYL703 LH 604
J PYL742 LH 615
J PYL749 LH 408
J PYL795 II LT 3
J RDL700 LH 410
J SPL708 LH 606
J TXL752 TX 120
J TXL785 III 342
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
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Slotwise Room Allotment | IIT Delhi Semester 1, 2023-2024
M HUL381 LH 519
M HUL384 LH 521
M MCL751 LH 622
M MCP100 LH 114
M MLL721 LH 621
M MSL304 LH 418
M RDL705 LH 619
M SBL701 LH 604
M VEL700 LH 606
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