13 Final Report
13 Final Report
13 Final Report
Mini-Project Report on
This is to certify that the project entitled “Title of the Project” is a bonafide work of
Tanisha Chitnis (19203022), Abhishek Bapat (19203020), Shlok Dalvi (19203012),
Avantika Aher (19203009) submitted to the University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment
of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science &
Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning).
________________ _______________
Prof. Shraddha Shinde Dr. Jaya Gupta
Mini Project Guide Head of Department
This Mini project report entitled “Title of the mini project” by Author Name1,
Author name2, author name3 and Author name4 is approved for the degree
of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science &Engineering, (AIML)
External Examiner:
Internal Examiner:
We declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and
where others' ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and
referenced the original sources. I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of
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The coronavirus illness (COVID-19) pandemic, which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan,
has swiftly spread to other nations, with several cases recorded throughout the world. India,
with a population of over 1.34 billion people and the world's second-largest population, will
have challenges in preventing the spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus among its citizens. To restrict the spread of the present outbreak, many measures
would be required, including computer modelling, statistical tools, and quantitative analytics,
as well as the speedy development of a new therapy. To attain this aim, the federal and state
governments are adopting a variety of steps and developing a number of wartime protocols.
The large second rise of COVID-19 infections utterly overloaded India's health system in
April, May, and most of June in the year of 2020. Beds, oxygen, medical equipment, and
personal protective equipment were in short supply at hospitals around the country (PPE).
While the number of reported active cases has decreased in recent weeks and the number of
persons released has increased, the daily mortality count has not decreased as swiftly as
predicted. Rural regions, which lack sufficient testing facilities and health-care infrastructure,
and where vaccination reluctance is strong, are of special concern. We'll keep doing what
we're doing while also bolstering clinical care skills at the neighbourhood and district levels
and supporting vaccination rollout methods.
Literature Survey
2.1 History
2.1 Review
Problem Statement
Experimental Setup
4.1 Hardware setup
4.2 Software Setup
Proposed system and Implementation
5.1 Block Diagram of proposed system
5.2 Description of Block diagram
5.3 Implementation
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has affected day to day life and is slowing down the global
economy. This pandemic has affected thousands of peoples, who are either sick or lost their
soul due to the spread of this disease The pandemic is fast-moving, as are the efforts to
address it. Hospitals reported that their most significant challenges centered on testing and
caring for patients with known or suspected COVID-19 and keeping staff safe. Hospitals also
reported substantial challenges maintaining or expanding their facilities’ capacity to treat
patients with COVID-19. Capacity concerns emerged as hospitals anticipated being
overwhelmed if they experienced a surge of patients, who may require special beds and
rooms to treat and contain infection. Many hospitals reported that post-acute-care facilities
were requiring negative COVID-19 tests before accepting patients discharged from hospitals,
meaning that some patients who no longer required acute care were taking up valuable bed
space while waiting to be discharged.
Hospitals reported that shortages of critical supplies, materials, and logistic support that
accompany more beds affected hospitals’ ability to care for patients. Hospitals reported
needing items that support a patient room, such as intravenous therapy (IV) poles, medical
gas, linens, toilet paper, and food. Others reported shortages of no-touch infrared
thermometers, disinfectants, and cleaning supplies. Isolated and smaller hospitals faced
special challenges maintaining the supplies they needed and restocking quickly when they ran
out of supplies.
The other most prominent concerns reported by hospital administrators centered on
maintaining facility operations while receiving and treating patients with known or suspected
cases of COVID-19. These challenges included concerns about bed availability, particularly
specialized beds such as intensive care unit beds, and supplies, as well as maintaining
financial solvency given reductions in routine patient care and elective surgeries.
Hospitals anticipated being overwhelmed by a surge in COVID-19 patients, who would need
specialty beds and isolation areas for effective treatment. Specifically, hospitals reported
concerns about potential shortages of intensive care unit beds, negative pressure rooms, and
isolation units. Hospitals also reported that, given the limitations to bed availability, it was
challenging to sufficiently separate COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients within their
Hospitals reported they do not have a reliable source for the equipment and supplies they use
to support patient care. One hospital reported that, in addition to beds, it needed to source the
materials that accompany additional beds and did not know where to order them. For
example, hospitals described the supplies that support a patient room, such as intravenous
therapy poles, medical gas, linens, and food.
Life Care GPS based Medical Emergency Solution (IEEE EXPLORE 2020) Govinda
Gindodia, Deepali Shrikhande
This application, Life Care, will help a patient to find a specialized doctor as per their needs,
availability, distance, and consultancy charges. It is designed especially for an emergency and
reduce the patient’s time in hunting for a specialized doctor. Life Care will locate the nearby
pharmacy store and check the medicines available in the store. This system will digitize the
entire medical documentation that can be accessed by doctors and patients from anywhere at
any time. Our system provides a link to virtual communication between patients and doctors.
The feature of GPS based medical emergency services will help the user to find the closest
doctor through GPS.
Life Care Careggi Smart Hospital (IEEE EXPLORE 2020) A. Luschi,A
.Belardinelli,L. Marzi,F. Frosini,R. Miniati, E. Iadanza
The application is designed for Android smartphones and tablets and it is freely
downloadable from the Google Play Store. It provides various useful tools to hospital’s users
such as personnel and structures finding, way finding and the possibility to access personal
medical records collected on regional electronic health record.
Elderly Healthcare Assistance Application using Mobile Phone (IEEE EXPLORE 2017)
Andreas Handojo, Tioe Julio, Adrian Sutiono, Anita Nathani Purbowo
As people become older they need special health, especially from the family member or
doctors. Therefore, this research try to develop an application on mobile phone that could
help elderly people and their family member to supervise and monitor the health of the
elderly. This application has feature to monitor the location of the elderly, remainder to take
the medication, doctor appointment remainder, medical record records, emergency phone to
family number or personal doctor.
COWAR An Android Based Mobile Application to Help Citizens and COVID-19
Warriors (IEEE EXPLORE 2020) Tarun Saxena, Prince Anuragi, Gandhali Shinde,
Nitesh Yadav, Mayuri Digalwa
In this paper, the design and development an android application to spread awareness and to
help the people of the world amid this COVID-19. The COWAR app connects the people
with the Doctors and the administration to come together and fight the pandemic. With this
app, one can track the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, check live statistics, check for
symptoms, browse an interactive map, and also get prevention details.
Blood Donation And Life Saver App (IEEE EXPLORE 2017) Annish Brislin M R1,
Albert Mayan J2 , Aroul Canessane R3, Anish Hamlin M R4
It can check for blood donor nearby by using GPS. Once the app user enters the blood group
which he/she needed it will automatically show the donor nearby and send an alert message
to the donor. In case if the first donor is not available it will automatically search the next
donor which is present in queue. If the donor accepts the request, then a onetime password
(OTP) will be sent to the donor to verify. Blood donation app provider list of donors in your
Inside Me: A Proposal for Healthcare MobileApplication (IEEE EXPLORE 2016)
Sarawut Busssadee, Sittipong Suwannatria Arnon Chonrawut, Ek Thamwiwatthan
Kitsuchart Pasupa
In this paper, we proposed mobile application for health monitoring-Inside Me-which can
help users to become more aware of their health. This application aims to track user's
workout activities and monitor and analyze user's health condition. It also gives some
instructions and suggestions to the user for maintaining and improving his or her health.
Moreover, it provides an assessment of the risk that the user may have one of these two
diseases: coronary disease and diabetes. Input data are collected from several sources such as
questionnaire, medical check-up record, and wearable device.
Health Channel A Health Care Support App(IRJET JOURNAL 2018) Mr. Sujith
JohnMs. Dhikhi TMr. Karthikeyan S. Mr. Advait N. Menon
The developed a web app that stores patient and hospital records online on a cloud server
accessible to both the doctor and patient. It provides various useful tools to the hospital’s
users such as personnel directory, access to personal medical records collected on regional
electronic health record. The web application keeps track of the doctor’s prescription and
reorders the
medicines for the patient so that the patient does not go out of stock ever and the doctor can
make changes to his prescription.
Mobile App to Search for Nearest Hospital and Healthcare Management System
(IJATIR 2016) Pallavi R, Kumar Rajat
The proposed framework finds closest accessible doctor's facility, contacts its rescue vehicle
crisis framework, gets to an Electronic Wellbeing Record of crisis patient that can
fundamentally help with pre-clinic medicines. The framework will recognize accessibility of
the closest accessible particular clinic every through CMS server which gives constant data
about the approaching patient to the doctor’s facility. This paper proposes Android Based
Following for CMS (Crisis Medicinal Framework) on cloud
Developing a mobile COVID-19 prototype management application
(IEEE EXPLORE 2020) Mouna Berquedich, Amine Berquedich, Oulaid Kamach,
Malek Masmoudi, Ahmed Chebbak, Laurent Deshayes
COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that has affected an unprecedented number of people to
date. Patients typically present with a combination of fever or cough and have a history of
exposure to either a close contact with COVID-19 or travel to an affected geographic
area. The applications implemented are used to early recognition and isolation ofa patient
with COVID- 19 at home and in the ED may help decrease exposure to other patients and
healthcare personnel. Future research is necessary to expand our collective knowledge of
COVID-19 and optimize patient outcomes.
Health technology management: A database analysis as support of technology managers
in hospitals Roberto Miniatia, Fabrizio Dorib, Ernesto Iadanzac, Mario M. Fregonarad
Guido Biffi Gentilie
Technology management in healthcare must continually respond and adapt itself to new
improvements in medical equipment. Multidisciplinary approaches which consider the
interaction of different technologies, their use and user skills, are necessary in order to
improve safety and quality. An easy and sustainable methodology is vital to Clinical
Engineering (CE) services in healthcare organizations in order to define criteria regarding
technology acquisition and replacement. This article underlines the critical aspects of
technology management in hospitals by providing appropriate indicators for benchmarking
CE services exclusively referring to the maintenance database from the CE department at the
Careggi Hospital in Florence, Italy.
Problem Statement
3. Problem Statement
Nowadays, everyone is trying to focus in on their wellbeing in their everyday occupied lives.
The Covid flare-up has additionally featured the dire need to return to existing worldwide
medical care and make it more secure, undeniably more comprehensive, and generally around
open. A large portion of the countries were affected by the infection. During the Second and
Third wave India have endured a great deal like lack of beds, ICU beds, Oxygen Cylinders. A
large portion of individuals couldn't get beds at clinics couldn't get any information about
hospitals like what they provide how many beds are available they at their place.
However, this isn't the one problem that we as a whole are experiencing According to the
National Crime Records Bureau, almost 24,012 individuals kick the bucket every day
because of a postponement in getting clinical help. Most patients have suffered these
situations like moving one hospital to another due to some lack equipment in a particular
hospital or couldn’t find the perfect hospital for a patient. The Foundation found — from
national crime, birth and death records in January 2014 that heart attacks, at 19% of the total,
are the leading cause of death, while brain haemorrhage is fourth on the list.. Early
adjustment of a cerebrum discharge patient is basic in saving his life. Mishaps are tenth on
the rundown - almost 4,40,042 cases are accounted for the nation over every year, of which
1,39,091 individuals lose their life. The main hour after the episode, or the Golden Hour, is
basic. Numerous mishap casualties sit tight for help at the site, and a postpone costs them
their life.
Experimental Setup
4. Experimental Setup
4.1 Hardware Setup
In this description students have to write Configuration of computer system to run the software.
Students have to draw block diagram of proposed system. Flow chart can be added at this point.
5.3 Implementation
Implementation of proposed system must be included here. Students can explain implementation
using screen shots of output.
Students have to include conclusion here. Future scope can be include in next subpoint.
Research paper
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