Sept 2 K 5 A
Sept 2 K 5 A
Sept 2 K 5 A
Submitted by:
Children’s NGO Network (CNN)
C/o Children’s Legal Bureau Inc.
During the past monitoring period (1992), the NGO report on the United Nations
Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was mainly prepared by mostly Manila-
based NGOs and the NGOs based in other regions of the country were only informed of
the report after it was already submitted. This present report is an attempt of the Visayas
and Mindanao-based NGOs to come up with their own report on the CRC.
Around forty NGOs particularly those concerned with children came up with this
report after the conduct of consultation workshops on the UNCRC held on June 16-18,
1997 and September 9-11, 2004, consultations on different themes such as Child Abuse
(January 1998), Juvenile Justice (October 1998), Child Support (June 2000), all held in
Cebu City. In the first workshop, speakers knowledgeable on the subject were invited to
input on CRC and workshops followed after every topic. During the workshops, different
groups were tasked with coming up with findings and recommendations for a particular
subject matter in relation with the rights granted under the CRC. Consultations on the
different themes then followed sometime in 1998 to 2000. Sometime 2000, an update
was done, most of which was on the advocacy efforts of the NGOs particularly on the
area of juvenile justice, after several consultations were done.
After the state party report on the implementation of UNCRC was submitted in
2003, another workshop was conducted in 2004, this time to come up with a section by
section analysis of the state party report to update the last report prepared after the 1987
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on P.D. 603), Inter-country Adoption Code, Anti-trafficking in Persons Act, Anti-Violence
Against Women and Their Children Act, and others. These laws, however, have not been
effective in addressing the problem of violation of child rights particularly child abuse
and exploitation. It is obvious that these laws are hurriedly enacted just to comply with
the provisions in the CRC. Thus, there are defects or gaps in the law itself which hinder
its full implementation.
Aside from the laws, government has been implementing various programs to
comply with the provisions of the UNCRC as stated in its report. However, most of the
programs are not government initiated. Most of the time, NGOs initiate the programs and
government agencies are only asked to participate. In the state report though, it appears
that the government has claimed the accomplishments of the NGO as their own.
Children’s plight. Lastly, the plight of the children in the Philippines is closely
related with the crisis of Philippine society which is reflected in the family. This crisis in
the family at times lead to exploitation of children in labor and prostitution. It is also
important to note that because of this crisis, family members seek employment abroad.
Thus, children are separated from their parents. This should be a major concern of the
government since they are encouraging Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) because of
their contribution to the economy through their remittances.
Philippine Situation:
A woman was carrying her baby in her arms when suddenly she was attacked by
her husband who was drunk. In order to save and defend herself, being a battered wife as
she is, she tried to ward off his track and made the baby as her shield. Frail and fragile,
the baby died as a result of the blow. The couple buried the child and moved to Manila.
No one filed any case against the couple.
This is the sad plight of the children. They are the first one to be sacrificed by
even their own mother, who is supposed to be their protector. This happen not only when
the mother is a battered wife, but also whenever there is any crisis in the family in
general, a reflection of the crisis of Philippine society.
The crisis of the Philippine society is real. In the rural areas, there is massive
dislocation and displacement of farmer families brought about by land use conversion
from agricultural to industrial. As of November 1995, some 53,000 hectares of land have
been applied for conversion. When these families move to the urban areas to find jobs,
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the situation is even worse, 80% of them end up in slums. Thus, they make up 70% of the
urban poor families. (IBON)
Others join the ranks of the working class. However, the wages earned are barely
enough to feed their families. In Metro Manila for example, the minimum wage at present
(2004) is only P263 per day. (Source: Department of Labor and Employment). The
poverty threshold (as of 2002) or the minimum income required to meet food and non-
food requirement for a family of six is P266 per day (Source: National Statistical
Coordination Board). Considering the inflation rate, it could be higher.
Under the government’s Philippines 2000 (during the time of President Ramos)
which is still continued until the present administration, the country is geared towards
globalization heavily dependent on foreign direct investments. In order to attract these
investors, the government seeks to it that labor is cheap and docile, among other things.
Recently, the government has instituted contract arrangements like labor-only contracting
and job-sharing which means lower wages, no security of tenure and no protection of the
rights of the workers.
Displaced from agriculture and industry, the family worker takes his chance
abroad and becomes an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW). The Philippine Overseas
Employment Administration (POEA) estimates that as of December 2001, 7.41 million
Filipinos (around 10% of the population) work and live abroad. In the 1990s, an average
of 800,000 left each year. In 2003, 867,976 left abroad for more than 100 destinations.
This trend results in millions of families being separated and if nothing is done
regarding the matter, in the long run it might lead to the disintegration of the family.
The present crisis of the society and family takes a toll on the children. Because of
the insufficiency of wages of their parents to answer the needs of the family, the
children’s needs are oftentimes sacrificed including their health and education. The
children’s dependence and helplessness makes them vulnerable to various forms of abuse
such as child labor and prostitution. The details will be taken up later on this report.
a) Includes NGO Accomplishments. The State report includes the NGO, religious
and other group’s accomplishments in implementing the UNCRC instead of focusing on
its own programs and activities. The state report is supposed to report government’s
compliance with the UNCRC. Although the report specifically names the NGOs,
religious groups and other organizations, still, it gives an impression that the government
is the one initiating, leading and even funding these programs of the NGOs when these
are initiatives of the NGOs which they have coordinated with government. For instance,
the Child Basic Sector.
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b) Does not reflect local situation. The report generally does not reflect what is
happening particularly at the provincial, municipal and barangay (village) levels such as
in the allocation of budget for children, the local situation is not reflected. Most of the
programs mentioned do not include data at the local levels.
d) Programs and bodies created are only at the national level. Many
programs/bodies created by government are probably implemented only at the national
level since the local levels are not aware of it such as the Special Committee for the
Protection of Children, Philippine Plan of Action for Children, Child 21, Unlad Kabataan
Programme (UKP), Program on community-based rehabilitation, among others. There is
no data on how many have been covered under the programs.
a) Measures undertaken to harmonize national law and policy with the provisions of
the Convention. The Philippine government, particularly Congress, has enacted some
laws implementing provisions of the CRC such as R.A. 7610 (Special Protection Act) and
R.A. 7658 (Child Labor), Children’s Television Act, Family Courts Act, R.A. 9208 (Anti-
Trafficking of Persons Act), R.A. 9231 (Amending R.A. 7658), R.A. 9255 (Amending
Family Code on Illegitimate Children) and R.A. 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women
and Children Act) which basically address protection rights of the child, i.e., protection
from physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse. The Inter-country Adoption
Code and the Domestic Adoption Law are the laws implementing CRC provisions on
adoption and placement. Most of these laws are enacted when the schedule for CRC
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monitoring is near. For instance, the recent laws R.A. 9208, R.A. 9231, R.A. 9255 and
R.A. 9255 were enacted only in 2003-2004.
Even with these laws, it is perceived that there is insufficient legislation to fully
implement the UNCRC. One of these is the international standard when it comes to the
matter of juveniles in conflict with the law. The bill providing for a Comprehensive
Juvenile Justice System and Delinquency Prevention Program has been pending in
Congress since 1999 and until now, after five years and three congresses, the law has not
been passed.
Even with the laws enacted, implementation is another thing. Some factors
affecting implementation is the lack of political will, graft and corruption and defects in
the law itself. The Philippines is known to be one of the most corrupt countries in the
world where police, prosecutors, judges and other government officials can be bought or
Another reason why implementation is difficult is that the laws are too general. If
the law is too general, the implementor will have difficulty in implementation because it
gives him too much leeway and leave decisions to him. Particularly as regards R.A.
7610, it is not clear whether the penalties imposed should be that provided by the said
law if the act being complained of also falls under the Revised Penal Code. There have
been not much jurisprudence on the implementation of these recent laws.
There are still provisions under existing laws which are contrary to provisions in
the CRC. There are provisions in Family Code which states that the illegitimate child will
have a right to inherit only one-half of the share of the legitimate child. This is contrary to
the non-discrimination provision in the CRC. The provision in the Family Code that
states that the illegitimate child will use the family name of the mother, which is contrary
to the right to a name and identity has recently been corrected by R.A. 9255. If the father
acknowledges the child, the child can already use the father’s surname.
The local councils for the protection of children from the provincial, municipal to
the barangay levels mentioned in the report are mostly only organized on paper but are
not functioning. There are only functional structures when the NGOs are pushing for it
and are supporting these structures (i.e., the barangay council for the protection of
Aside from P.D. 603, other laws concerning children such as R.A. 7610, R.A.
7658, and recent laws R.A. 9208, R.A. 9255, R.A. 9231 and R.A. 9262 are not also
known to the communities. It cannot also be denied that laws protecting the rights of
children are not fully implemented and enforced. Even the Philippine Plan of Action for
Children (PPAC) and Child 21 which are supposed to be the country’s guide on CRC
implementation is not known to many.
Budget allocation for children’s programs is also a concern. Although there has
been an increase in the total amount according to the government report, there is a need
to examine if the allocation was really spent on children and not the other social services.
Another observation is that when it comes to programs for children, government has been
heavily dependent on UNICEF and other foreign funding agencies, such that only the
areas covered by UNICEF (the so-called Country Program for Children (CPC) V areas)
have a lot of programs for the children while the other areas have very limited
Based on the definition under CRC that a child is a person below 18 years old, the
Philippines can be considered a young country. Based on the 2001 estimates, 33.7
Million out of the total population of 77.13 Million (or around 44%) are children.
The definition of a child is provided under R.A. 7610 which includes those below
eighteen years old and those above eighteen years of age if he or she is physically,
psychologically incapable of protecting himself, which provision would be advantageous
for disabled persons. This definition is also in consonance with the Convention.
However, some laws define youth as persons below 35 years old, others define it as
below 24 years old. Sometimes, “youth” and “child” are used interchangeably. Thus,
there is confusion. This has also an implication on the participation rights of the child.
In any of the definitions, however, it does not indicate the lower limit, whether the
unborn child in the mother’s womb can be already considered a child. Under the
provisions of the existing Civil Code, though, the unborn child is protected. Under
Section 41 of the Civil Code, personality begins upon conception provided that the child
is actually born and if he is a pre-mature child (below seven months in the womb), he
should be alive for 24 hours outside the mother’s womb. Furthermore, under the Revised
Penal Code, abortion is considered a crime. Under the preamble of the CRC, unborn
children are supposed to be protected, but the CRC itself does not provide a lower limit to
the age of a person to be already considered a child. The NGOs feel that there is a need to
define the lower limit of the age of a child to include the unborn.
Minimum age for employment under R.A. 7658 is fifteen (15) but if the
employment is hazardous, only those eighteen or above can be accepted. There are
exceptions, however, to the minimum age and these are (1) when the employment is for
entertainment such as movie industry and (2) when the employment is for a family
enterprise and only members of the family are employees. The requirement for the two
instances is always that the child’s development is not affected and that there should be a
permit from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). Under R.A. 9231,
additional requirements were provided such as the number of hours work and the
prohibition of work during nighttime. The problem is that the enforcement of the law is
not strict. The problem may also be cultural because child work is considered a value and
children are treated as additional breadwinners.
Age for sexual consent is not clearly defined. Under R.A. 7610, it is implied that
the age for sexual consent is eighteen (18) years because of the definition of child in
relation with the provision on sexual abuse. This also coincides with the age of marriage
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which is also eighteen (18). Thus a child below 18 who gets pregnant cannot marry the
father. Parental consent for marriage is even necessary even if the person is already 18 to
21 years of age.
However, under the Revised Penal Code (prior to R.A. 7610), various crimes such
as statutory rape and consented abduction, which are abuses against minors, the
requirement is that the child is less than twelve (12) years old. There are other crimes
defined under the Revised Penal Code which applies to children (below 18 years of age)
such as simple seduction. R.A. 7610 does not also provide for the repeal of these
provisions of the Revised Penal Code, thus, there is confusion. There is a need to amend
the law in order to clarify the age of sexual consent, which must be differentiated from
the age of marriage.
Age of criminal liability is nine years old. This is a very low age for criminal
liability. The bill which increased the age of criminal liability to twelve years old has not
yet been passed. A child nine to fifteen years old may be criminally liable if it can be
proven that he is acting with discernment.
General Principles:
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Another group of children who are discriminated in terms of services are the
children with disabilities. There are insufficient services for these children. The
community-based approach for these children as mentioned in the government report is
almost non-existent at the local level.
Government should exert more efforts to reach out to children with disabilities
and children of indigenous communities so that they will not be deprived of the basic
services that they need.
b) Best interest of the child. A law, P.D. 603 (Child and Youth Welfare Code), already
existing even before the CRC provides for the best interest of the child principle. Article
8 of the said law states that “in all questions regarding the care, custody, education and
property of the child, his welfare shall be the paramount consideration.” The law is
vague, however, as to who will set the standards of what is the best interest of the child, is
it the parents, state or the child? In reality, it is eventually for the courts to decide should
there be any conflict on what really would be for the best interest of the child.
A significant development is the enactment by the Supreme Court of the Rule on
Examination of a Child Witness which provides child-sensitive approaches to child
witnesses in the courtroom so that the children will not be intimidated and will be able to
tell their story. Under the said rule the “best interest of the child” was defined. The
Supreme Court has also applied the principle of “best interest of the child” in some cases
for custody.
c) The right to life, survival and development. P.D. 603 enumerates the rights of the
child and these include the right to be born well, the right to a balanced diet, adequate
clothing, sufficient shelter, proper medical attention and all the basic physical
requirements of healthy and vigorous life. The said law also provides for development
rights such as the right to a well-rounded development, education, to full opportunities
and recreation.
In the past few years, it is true that there have been major improvements in the
health situation of the Filipino children which is basically due to UNICEF interventions
like immunizations and other health services. However, these efforts need to be sustained
since children are born every hour of the day.
Even with free tuition fees in the public schools, children are forced to drop out of
school because they cannot afford other contributions in school, to buy books and
uniforms. Although the country registers a high rate of literacy, children’s participation
and survival in school fall below expectation.
Children are also forced to leave school and work because their parents are not
earning enough. Child labor in the country has increased from 2.2 Million in 1991 to 5
Million in 1994 (DOLE) which figure coincides with UNICEF and ILO figures
estimating 5 to 5.7 million Filipino working children. A survey by the National Statistics
Office (NSO) reveals that there were about 3.7 million working children aged 5-17 years.
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Aside from leaving school and working, children are proliferating in the streets.
Some earn their living on the streets while others also make the streets their home. The
NSO survey reveal that apart from the 3.7 million working children, there were 409,849
children living away from home. Almost 47% of this were working as service workers,
9% are housekeeping and 7.4% are looking for work.
These street children are very vulnerable and prone to abuse and exploitation.
Many end up as prostitutes.
d) Respect for the views of the child. There are some provisions in the existing laws that
respects certain views or opinion of the child. This includes the provision in the Family
Code that in cases were the parents are separated, the children seven years old and above
can choose the parent where he wants to stay. In cases of adoption, children ten years old
and above are required to give their consent. Some provisions of P.D. 603 also grants
child participation in family affairs.
Other than Bill of Rights in the Philippine Constitution which applies to all
citizens including children, there is no law that specifically provides that the views of the
child should be respected in general. In criminal cases against the parents, the child’s
views are not considered. There are times that it is traumatic for the child to be the cause
of his parent’s imprisonment or meted out the death penalty. Thus, what he does is to
withdraw the case instead of coming up with a rehabilitation scheme for both the child
and the parent. There are times when it is the parents that are so eager to settle the case
like child abuse or rape cases, i.e., accepting certain sum of money from the offender,
without considering the opinion as well as the best interest of the child.
Children/youth are not anymore represented in Congress since the party list was
implemented. The different sectors are supposed to be represented through the party list
system. But since the children/youth does not have a political party, they are not
The state report stated that there is a Child Basic Sector which is represented in
the National Anti-poverty Council. However, this Child Basic Sector is actually a project
of a group of NGOs on child rights participation. Thus, the children represented are
coming from the areas where these group of NGOs have existing projects.
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In the schools, elementary and high school students do not usually have a student
council or if there is, they are not given rights to participate in decision-making processes
of the school.
The civil rights and freedom granted under the CRC are generally provided under
the Philippine Constitution as rights of all Filipino citizens. Presumably, children are also
granted the same rights as they are also human beings and Filipino citizens. However,
P.D. 603 which enumerates and defines the rights of the child does not specifically
mention and include civil rights and freedom. Most of the rights fall under survival,
protection and development rights. Thus, there is a perception that civil rights and
freedom are not very important and there is a tendency to ignore these rights. Even with
the provisions in the constitution, human rights continue to be violated and children are
among the first ones to be affected.
In the Philippines, nationality of the child follows the nationality of the parent.
Thus, children born of Filipino parents are considered as Filipino citizens.
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It is recommended that the proper government agencies and embassies where
there are migrant workers should monitor these cases and provide support services for
these children born without any identity.
b) Preservation of Identity. In the Philippines, there are provisions in the law which
respects the identity of the child such as provisions against simulation of birth under the
Revised Penal Code. This provision, however, is not strictly enforced and there are many
cases of simulation of birth certificates by couples who want to adopt a child. Instead of
undergoing the process of adoption which needs court hearings and is more expensive,
the practice is that upon the birth of the child, his birth certificate already reflects the
names of the “adopting” parents. The problem in these cases of simulation is that the
birth certificate itself of the child may be declared null and void. In cases where birth
certificate is necessary to establish the age of the child such as in cases of child abuse or
statutory rape, the accused could go scott free because of the annulment of the birth
The Domestic Adoption Law has provided a moratorium for cases of simulation
of birth as long as the child will be legally adopted. However, it is doubtful if many of
those who have simulated the births of their “adopted” children would avail of the
Simulation of birth certificates is very common in hospitals, and there are few
cases, if any, filed with the court on simulation of birth certificate. The problem in these
cases is that there are no complainants, and no one is interested in filing these cases. No
agency is tasked to monitor these cases.
There may also be violations of this right provided under other laws. An example
is in adoption cases. Under the law, once the court has granted adoption, this will entitle
the adopted person to the issuance of an amended birth certificate wherein the adopted
parents’ names shall appear as the parents of the adopted child. His family is thus
changed to the family name of the adopter. Thus, his identity is not preserved. This is also
applicable in inter-country adoption.
c) Freedom of Expression. Philippine law does not specifically provide for recognition
of the right of a child to expression as already mentioned earlier. However, it is the
culture of the Filipino that children are not allowed to argue with their parents and are not
asked their opinion on various issues and concerns. Children are generally not
represented in governance.
Some bodies like the Commission on Youth are not composed of children since
youth refers to those below thirty-five years of age. Thus, even if persons are eighteen
years and above, they can be youth representatives in these bodies.
The non-recognition of this right to expression is also the reason why children are
bound to be abused by their own parents physically an even sexually, as they cannot
voice out their opinion. In cases of incest, sometimes the child thinks that this is the usual
duty of a child to his father.
d) Access to Appropriate Information. Similar to the other civil rights, this is not also
specifically provided for under the laws but is provided under the Philippine Constitution.
Most of the time this right of the child is not given any importance and oftentimes
ignored. On the other hand, Philippines have no laws on the internet and information in
the internet can be accessed by the child, even inappropriate ones such as pornographic
There is a need to enact a law to regulate the internet such that information and
materials harmful to children may be avoided.
e) Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion. Also similar to other civil rights, no
specific recognition as to the freedom of the child to though, conscience and religion is
provided under existing laws. Only the constitution provides for this. It is also the culture
of the Filipino that children usually follow their parents’ religion. They are usually
baptized early in life when they could not yet choose what they would like to be. The
right to religion of school children though, has been recognized by the Supreme Court in
a case involving Jehovah’s witness. According to the Supreme Court reversing its former
decision on the matter, refusal of schoolchildren belonging to the Jehovah’s witness
religion to salute the flag by reason of their religion, in violation of a circular of the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports, is considered as part of their right to
f) Freedom of Association and Peaceful Assembly. The same is also true for freedom of
association and peaceful assembly, it is only recognized in the Philippine Constitution as
a right applicable to all citizens. It is not unusual for the youth in the country to form
their own organizations and to hold assemblies and activities in school and in the
community. In fact, the youth have a Sangguniang Kabataan at the barangay level. This
is a recognition that the children have freedom of association. However, most of these
youth organizations are usually composed of the older children and even those eighteen
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years old and above. Children below eighteen years old are not encouraged to join
organizations except boys and girls scouts in school. Most high school and elementary
schools do not have student councils or if there is any, they are not represented in
decision-making processes.
The problem with children and youth organizations is that some of them
(specially the fraternities) are doing harmful activities like rumbles, hazing, using illegal
drugs and the like. There seems to be no agency monitoring these youth organizations
except if they are school-based. In this case, it is the school that disciplines the
Government has to assign an agency to encourage but at the same time monitor
the youth organizations so that they will not be involved in anti-social activities and
instead their energies will be directed at something useful in the community.
g) Protection of Privacy. It is also the same as the other civil rights which are recognized
for all citizens in the Philippine Constitution, but because of the Filipino culture, where
parents are very much concerned with their children, they do not usually give privacy to
their children. For child abuse cases, trafficking in persons and children in conflict with
the law, the law provides for confidentiality. However, reporters do not usually respect
this as there is no strict enforcement.
The right of the child to a family environment is very much affected by the
increasing trend of Filipinos working abroad. From 3,694 workers deployed in 1969,
almost half a million Filipino overseas employment contracts were processed in 1983.
Today, the Philippines is the Number One exporter of labor in the world. It is also the top
supplier of crew members to the world’s shipping industry. In 2003, it has deployed
867,969 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), 651,938 are land-based. For the first half of
2004 (January to June), there are already 492,485 OFWs deployed.
The government report does not mention the concern of children of migrant
workers. This needs to be included because of the policy of government of encouraging
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). Thus, parental guidance and authority, which is
supposed to be exercised jointly by both parents are sometimes exercised only by one
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parent as the other is earning his living abroad. Sometimes, both parents are working
abroad, and the grandparents and other relatives take care of the children.
a) Parental guidance. Both P.D 603 and the New Family Code provide for parental
guidance. It is clear under the law, that parents are given the authority to provide parental
guidance. Under P.D. 603, parents have the duty to extend to the child the benefits of
moral guidance, self-discipline and religious instructions, supervise the child’s activities
including recreation, advice him properly, set a good example and inculcate in him the
value of industry, thrift and self-reliance.
This is reiterated in the Family Code which provides that parental authority shall
include the caring for and rearing them for civic consciousness and efficiency and the
development of their moral, mental and physical character and well-being. Among the
duties of parents under the Family Code are to give children advice and counsel, moral
and spiritual guidance and to impose discipline on them. In the absence of the parents or
if the parents are unfit, the Family Code provides for substitute parental authority in the
person of the (1) grandparent; (2) eldest brother or sister; and (3) actual custodian. This is
in accordance with the Filipino custom of extended family.
The laws providing for parental guidance are general and thus difficult to enforce.
There are no clear measures or indicators whether or not the parental guidance given is
appropriate enough. A possible problem is the culture of the Filipino that how you raise
your child is a private or domestic matter and the state cannot interfere.
The different programs on parental guidance (ERPAT, PES, UKP) are not
consistently implemented, most are only implemented in major cities and the
municipalities near the major cities only. Pre Marital Counseling is implemented in
getting a marriage license but attendance is merely for compliance. Solo parent act is not
b) Parental responsibilities. Philippine laws recognize the natural right and duty of
parents over their children which should be supported by the state. Parental authority and
responsibility may not be renounced or transferred except in cases authorized by law.
This would imply that the parents have the primary responsibility of taking care of their
children. The emphasis of the laws, however, is on the right or authority of parents, rather
than the responsibility. The Family Code and P.D. 603 provides that parents shall exercise
joint parental authority over their children. The term used is “authority” rather than
“responsibility.” The same laws at the same time, also provide for parental
responsibilities which include parental guidance as stated in the next preceding
paragraph. Aside from those already mentioned earlier, parents have the duty to keep the
child in their company, to support, educate and instruct them, protect, preserve and
maintain their physical and mental health at all times, to furnish them with good and
wholesome educational materials, and represent them in all matters affecting their
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As for state support, family planning programs are also being promoted by
government agencies such as Department of Health and the Population Commission.
Under the Family Code, it is required that parties eighteen years to below twenty-five
years of age should undergo marriage counseling before they get married.
These family planning programs, and marriage counseling, however, focus more
on birth control. The state also provides for day care centers in each barangay. The Labor
Code provides that companies should provide day care centers for the children of their
employees. However, this law is not strictly enforced.
Under the Family Code, Civil Code and P.D. 603, parents and other persons
exercising parental authority shall be civilly liable for the injuries and damages caused by
the acts or omissions of their unemancipated children living in their company and under
their parental authority.
Under P.D. 603, parents can also be criminally liable for abandonment, neglect,
exploitation of the child and their parental authority terminated or suspended. The
problem is the Filipino culture which values unity in the family regardless of whether or
not the needs of the child can be met.
c) Separation from parents. There are laws that govern separation of children from their
parents. These include provisions in the Family Code providing the instances when
parental authority may be suspended or terminated. This includes adoption of the child,
appointment of a general guardian, judicial declaration of abandonment, final judgment
of a competent court divesting the party of parental authority and judicial declaration of
absence or incapacity of the parent. The grounds for the court to suspend parental
authority include the following: conviction of a crime that carries with it penalty for civil
interdiction, treats the child with excessive harshness or cruelty, gives the child
corrupting orders, compels the child to beg, or subjects the child to acts of lasciviousness.
The court shall deprive the parent permanently of parental authority if he subjects the
child or allow him to be subjected to sexual abuse.
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However, in the Philippines, with the increasing number of Overseas Filipino
Workers (OFWs) being encouraged by government, many children are separated from
their parents.
It is recommended that there should be a policy that those hiring Filipino workers
abroad should also provide for the travel as well as sustenance and all other provisions
for his family as well.
d) Family reunification. There are no laws treating this matter. As already mentioned
earlier, with the globalization trend, increasing OFWs, and children born of parents with
different nationalities, or children of prostitutes with foreigners, this should be treated in
the laws.
e) Recovery of maintenance for the child. The Family Code provides that children
whether legitimate of illegitimate are entitled to support from their parents. It is also
under RA 7610 refusal to give support to the child may be considered as a form of child
abuse. Under the new law R.A. 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children
Law), deprivation of support may constitute economic abuse and is penalized.
Although it is clear in the law that the child has a right to be supported by her/his
parents, it is the implementation and enforcement that is the problem. Even if the court
has already ordered for the payment of support, the order is difficult to enforce.
A big problem on the recovery of support is when the child is illegitimate. If the
father does not acknowledge the child, it is difficult to ask for support as paternity has to
be established first. In order to establish paternity, there should be a written instrument or
document to prove this. The only reliable way to establish the paternity of the child is
through a DNA test which is quite expensive and not accessible particularly in the
Another problem in the recovery of maintenance is when the parent works abroad
or is a foreigner particularly if they have abandoned the family and already have another
family abroad. Even if there is already an order of the court to give support, the
enforcement is quite difficult especially if there are no properties in the Philippines.
Other modes of execution for orders of support aside from those in the Rules of
Court must be explored. An office of child support enforcement can be created with the
specific function of enforcing support orders. Some aggressive techniques include
garnishment of wages and income tax refunds, revocation of licenses, direct contact with
local and foreign employers, providing translated copies of outstanding court orders,
warrants, criminal enforcement proceedings and others. The possibility of reciprocal
agreements with other countries for children whose parents are foreigners or are residing
abroad should also be explored.
h) Illicit transfer and non-return. No laws regarding this matter except for R.A. 7610 on
child trafficking and the recently passed Anti-trafficking in persons act which includes
the children.
i) Abuse and neglect, including physical and psychological poverty and social
reintegration. After the ratification of the CRC, the Philippines adopted R.A. 7610 which
provides for special protection against child abuse, exploitation and discrimination and
providing for penalties for violation.
The law defines child abuse and specific acts such as child prostitution, child
trafficking, child pornography and other acts of abuse. The law is however, vague since
all other forms of abuse are lumped together and the elements of the crime defined are
not clear. There has been no jurisprudence on how to interpret the law in the light of the
existing provisions of the Revised Penal Code that may have similar elements. Thus,
there are conflicting opinions. For instance, in cases of the infliction of slight physical
injuries to children, some prosecutors do not consider it as child abuse under R.A. 7610
but consider it as slight physical injuries only (under the Revised Penal Code) thus, the
penalties are lighter.
The prosecution of child abuse cases under R.A. 7610 is quite difficult. There are
many inadequacies and gaps in the law such as there is no provision about sexual abuse.
It is lumped under child prostitution which is different since this involves commercial sex
and does not include ordinary sexual abuses. Even incest is not defined.
There is a need to amend or codify the laws to have a clear definition of crimes
against children.
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j) Periodic review of placement. This is not provided for under the Inter-Country
Adoption Code. It places the child adopted to the custody of the foreign country. In
some cases, the receiving country makes the review of placement, however, others do not
provide this service. This is therefore a gap in the said law which should be answered by
the legislature.
These rights are progressively implementable under the CRC. This means that the
enforcement of these rights would depend on the capacities of the states. There is thus an
excuse for developing countries like the Philippines not to fully enforce these rights as
they have no financial capacity. These are basic needs affecting the child’s very life and
survival, thus, these rights should have been prioritized and immediately demandable. In
the Philippines, the laws granting these rights are there as mentioned earlier. However,
the situation will show that the basic health and welfare services are very inadequate.
Social services are not government’s priorities. The combined budget allocations
for health and housing services are lower than military spending. Education budget is
higher since it prepares the young to be pool of cheap labor. The chunk of government’s
expenses goes to the payment of debt.
For one, the national budget for health and social services are not given priority.
In 1995-2001, appropriation for debt service is higher compared to social services. Health
only receives 5% of the budget.
a) Survival and Development. The laws are there. P.D. 603 provides for these rights of
the child, but the data would show that there is a very big gap as far as implementation is
concerned. There have been recent improvements though on this area, such as having
been declared as polio-free and the decrease in infant mortality. But still, much has to be
done in terms of malnutrition, and other health services.
b) Disabled Children. Although there are laws and programs for children with disabilities
as stated by the report, it is inadequate, particularly on early detection and support
services for these children, particularly outside Metro Manila. P.D. 603 provides for the
commitment of disabled children including mentally retarded, physically handicapped,
emotionally disturbed and mentally ill children. The said law also provides for training
opportunities for disabled children. The problem is the implementation of the law. There
are few facilities provided by government for the disabled children.
c) Health and health services. As already mentioned earlier, the laws are there. P.D. 603
provides for the right of the child to health. However, data shows otherwise. The report
mostly deals with the laws and programs like on breastfeeding, Generics Act,
Compulsory Immunization but there is no concrete data for instance on the percentage of
mothers who are actually breastfeeding and children actually served. Though there have
been significant improvement in the health status like in the data on under-five mortality
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and being declared as polio-free, still, access to health services especially in far-flung
areas remain.
d) Social Security and child care services and facilities. There is no law on social
security and insurance for children. The Social Security Service Law, however, already
includes illegitimate children as beneficiaries of the member.
b) Aims of Education. Education under the CRC is aimed at developing the child’s
personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to the fullest extent is not met by the
educational system. Education in the Philippines is commercialized and is aimed at
providing skilled labor to industry rather than to develop the child’s personality, and
respect for cultural identity. Because the background of education in the Philippines is
colonial, there are still traces of this in the school curriculum.
c) Leisure, recreation and cultural activities. This right is provided under P.D. 603.
However, it is not implemented as can be seen by the data on child labor. Child laborers
are obviously deprived of their right to leisure, recreation and cultural activities.
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demolitions, who are displaced due to conversion of agricultural lands to industrial or
other natural or man-made disasters have been left out.
It was estimated by the military in 2000 that some three percent (3%) of the 9,000
to 10,000 fighters of NPA are children. Though the armed forced do not directly recruit
children, there are para-military units recruiting children. Some civilian/citizen’s anti-
crime groups are also accredited by the PNP to bear arms. Is there any monitoring by
PNP if these groups are not recruiting minors?
The armed conflict situation particularly in the Mindanao area is also a cause for
concern. MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) have also been reported to have trained
children including girls. With the conflict in Mindanao at present, the distinction
between combatants and civilians is blurred and there is a great possibility that children
could be used in actual combat. Aside from these, many families including children have
been displaced. Many children have lost their parents, or are caught in the crossfire.
The insurgency problem in many areas has remained because of the basic
problems of society like poverty and lack of social services. Unless government will
improve services in the depressed areas to improve the economic and social conditions,
armed conflict will always be there and innocent children will continue to bear the brunt
of the conflict.
b) Children in conflict with the law. The Philippine law on juvenile justice is quite out-
dated. It follows the ordinary procedures of the justice system which is basically not
child-sensitive. The youthful offender undergoes the same process and trial as the adult
offender except that his sentence is suspended. There are no special courts for youthful
offenders that are specially trained on the matter, unlike in other countries where there are
special panels created for child offenders. At present, what the Philippines has are
designated Family Courts which is not only for children but for cases involving family
affairs like declaration of nullity of marriage, annulment, adoption among others.
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Recently, the Supreme Court issued Rules on Juveniles In Conflict with the law
which provides for Diversion proceedings before the arraignment and provides other
disposition measures after the suspension of sentence. However, the scope of diversion is
very limited as it only applies to offenses punishable by not more than six months
imprisonment which constitutes only around five percent of the CICL cases.
The administration of juvenile justice. P.D. 603 or the Child and Youth Welfare
Code provides for a system of juvenile justice wherein youthful offenders are given a
chance to be rehabilitated instead of imposing the sentence for their criminal offense. The
administration of justice is basically the same as that of the adults as there are no special
courts for juveniles alone. Although there are courts recently designated as family courts,
it is not exclusive for juveniles.
The only difference between the adult offender and the youthful offender is that
the sentence of the youthful offender is suspended automatically and he will be placed in
a rehabilitation center for the youth managed by the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) or will be subject to other disposition measures such counseling,
trainings.. If he behaves well, he will be recommended for release and all his records will
be destroyed. This will give him a chance to a new life without the stigma of being an ex-
convict. If he is found to be incorrigible, his suspended sentence will be imposed.
The law, however, provides that suspension of sentence, however, does not apply
to a youth offender who has once enjoyed suspension of sentence or one who has been
convicted of an offense punishable by death or life imprisonment. This disqualification is
not consistent with the provisions of the CRC whose purpose is that the child should be
given a chance to be rehabilitated. This provision is also contrary to the best interest of
the child principle.
This detention home is where the youthful offender stays while the case is still
pending before the courts. P.D. 603 was enacted as early as 1975 but the Rules and
Regulations on the Apprehension, Investigation, Prosecution and Rehabilitation of Youth
Offenders was only enacted on February 20, 1995. According to the said rules, the
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) shall establish the youth detention
homes in cities and provinces which shall be distinct and separate from the jails thereat
and that these homes shall have a home-like environment.
Unfortunately, this provision has not been implemented. There are no separated
detention homes for the youth in most cities and provinces. They are placed together with
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the adult detention prisoners. They are just given separate quarters within the same
detention center which is accessible to all.
Thus, the purpose of separating them so that they will not be influenced by the
adult offenders, is not attained. Also, because of the length of time for the case to be
determined, sometimes the child is already above twenty one years of age at the time his
case is decided and thus, cannot anymore avail of rehabilitation. Most of the children in
conflict with the law are thus confined in the detention center with the adults for a longer
period of time than they stay in the rehabilitation center.
If the youth offender is under twenty one years at the time of conviction, he shall
be committed to the proper penal institution and as far as practicable be completely
segregated from adult offenders and grouped according to age levels, pathological or
behavioral tendencies or other suitable criteria to ensure his speedy rehabilitation.
The law also provides that in lieu of confinement in a regular penal institution, a
youth offender may be made to serve his sentence in an agricultural and forestry prison
camp. Again, the problem here is the implementation. The above provisions are not
implemented. At present convicted youthful offenders are confined in the regular penal
institution together with the adults.
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Physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration. Aside from the
rehabilitation of a youthful offender upon suspension of his sentence, as mentioned
above, no provision in the law provides for physical and psychological recovery and
social reintegration. The rehabilitation center where a youthful offender is confined, may
not provide the necessary support for the psychological recovery and social reintegration
of the youthful offender.
The provision that the case records of the youthful offended are privileged and
confidential and that he shall not be liable or guilty for perjury, concealment, or
misrepresentation by failure of his failure to disclose or acknowledge the criminal case
against him or recite any fact related thereto in response to any inquiry made to him for
any purpose may help in his social reintegration but this is not enough.
The problem with the law is that it is too general that its enforcement becomes
difficult. There are very few successful cases in the country dealing with violation of R.A
7610. Thus, there have been few convictions of employers violating the law on child
labor as well as those engaged in child prostitution.
The law also gives several people the personality to sue in behalf of the child such
as the barangay captain, three concerned citizens residing in the place where the abuse
took place and social worker of child-caring institutions.
However, it is only DSWD that is given the authority to take protective custody of
the abused child. The difficulty is that there are few DSWD personnel and at times when
there is urgent need, the DSWD is not readily available. The recommendation is for the
other persons authorized to file a case to be also authorized to take protective custody of
the abused child, not only DSWD personnel.
The recommendation is for the review and amendment of the existing law (R.A.
7610) to have clearer definitions of offenses covered under the term “child abuse” and to
make it more responsive to the needs of abused children.
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Economic exploitation, including child labor. As already mentioned earlier, R.A.
7610 as amended by R.A. 7658 prohibits child labor which includes children below 15
years of age. From 15 to below 18 years old, children are not allowed to work in
hazardous employment such as mining. Recently, another law (R.A. 9231) amending
R.A. 7610 was enacted providing for limitations in the hours of work for working
children. This law, however, is not strictly enforced. There are many situations of child
labor in hazardous industries which are not being checked by the government.
One of this is the case of small-scale gold mining in Mt. Diwalwal in Davao.
Children are engaged in mining. Many cases of child labor in small industries especially
those contracted out exist in the country such as manufacturing of firecrackers. The
problem in these cases is that the parents themselves allow their children to engage in
these hazardous work because of poverty.
There is a need for more education and information campaign on the issue of
child labor and for the Department of Labor and Employment to monitor the different
firms if they are hiring children and to have strict enforcement of the law.
The laws and government programs are largely focused on the worst forms of
child labor. Most children are in the agricultural and informal sector as stated in the
report. However, they are not covered in the law and government programs are not
implemented in these areas. Child domestic helpers were not emphasized but is also and
issue. There is no mechanism to monitor this.
Drug abuse. The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act was enacted in 2002 and
before that, there was already a Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, yet this law needs
enforcement. Few big time drug lords have been convicted. It is only the users who are
arrested including minors. The law provides for rehabilitation of drug dependents.
These dependents will not be held criminally liable if they voluntarily submit
themselves to treatment. However, most of them do not submit themselves for treatment
as they cannot afford to pay the drug rehabilitation centers. These centers have no budget
from the government, thus, they have to collect contributions for the food and other needs
of the drug dependents.
With the new law, the penalties have been increased and drug testing is required
for certain groups of persons. However, the stiffer penalties did not solve the problem
but in fact made it worse. Law enforcers who have quotas on the drug cases they filed
could easily plant the evidence since even .01 gram of illegal drugs has already a high
penalty. Many of the victims of the planting of evidence are minors.
Another problem is that the enforcers of the law themselves are involved in drugs,
that is why the drug problem would remain a problem. Also, some government officials
in dealing with the problem resort to exposure tactics without due process of the law.
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Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. As already mentioned, earlier, R.A. 7610
is there to address the problem of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children.
However, the said law does not specifically deal with sexual exploitation and abuse other
than those mentioned under child prostitution.
There is no clear provision dealing with sexual exploitation and abuse not related
to prostitution such as incest. There are also provisions in the Revised Penal Code which
penalizes sexual exploitation of minors, but most of the offenses cover minors up to
twelve years old only. For sexual offenses against minors twelve to eighteen years old,
the penalties are very low.
The promotion of tourism in the country particularly in the Visayas, has led to an
increase in prostitution, children included. The operators recruit children from the
provinces enticing them to the city in the pretext of employing them as waitresses or
domestic helpers. When they reach the city, they are forced into prostitution.
Other forms of exploitation. Other forms of exploitation are also provided under
RA 7610. The problem again is that the law is vague and thus, as already earlier
mentioned, difficult to implement. These forms of exploitation should be well-defined so
that it would not be difficult to prosecute these cases.
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Although the right to environment is not specifically provided for under the
Convention on the Rights of the Child, but may fall under the right to health, special
attention is given to this right in this report. In the Philippines, the right not only of
children, but also of future generations yet unborn, to a balanced ad healthful ecology has
been recognized by the Supreme Court.
In the celebrated case of Oposa, vs. Factoran, the Supreme Court sometime
in 1994, recognized the personality of minor children to sue in their own bhalf as well as
in behalf of the future generations based on their right to environment. In the said case,
the children sued the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural resources
(DENR) for issuing Timber License Agreements (TLA) in excess of the forest cover of
the country. The clearing of the forests would largely affect the children since this will
result in water shortage, oxygen depletion, flooding, soil erosion in the future.
This is a significant development and milestone not only in environmental law but
in child rights as well since children are given importance. The Philippines is one of the
first countries where the right to environment of the children including those unborn are
Even with this recognition of the right to environment and the different laws that
we have, the Philippines continue to be beset with environmental problems like pollution
and environmental degradation. One tragedy that happened in 2000 was in Payatas
where the garbage dump covered and killed several residents, many of the victims were
children. Street children are exposed daily to toxic and hazardous wastes, scavenging in
dumpsites and roaming in the streets exposed to air pollution from motor vehicles.
Environmental data show that forest cover, mangroves, corals, biodiversity has
continuously decreased through the years.
The first to be affected by these environmental problems are the children because
their immune systems and physical make-up are not yet fully developed, thus, they are
more vulnerable. They will also be the one to suffer when the natural resources such as
potable water will already be depleted.
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In addressing the issue of child’s rights in the Philippines, it is important that this
be taken in the light of the overall socio-economic and political conditions in the country.
With a country beset with economic problems, especially with the continuous devaluation
of the peso and high inflation rate, where around thirty percent (30%) of the people live
below poverty line (Source: National Statistical Coordination Board), it is not surprising
that the situation of child abuse and exploitation is rampant.
However, this present crisis, should not be made as an excuse for the exploitation
of children and a reason why government should not prioritize their needs. The
government should not only answer the economic crisis but should undertake measures to
protect the children.
1. A systematic review of Philippine Laws vis-à-vis the provisions of the UNCRC and
other related international instruments to which the Philippines is a signatory, should
be undertaken by congress so that they can systematically enact the appropriate laws
and not just pay attention to these when it is reporting year or when the UN
committee is about to examine the state party report. The appropriate laws could
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g) Amend R.A. 7610 to be more responsive to the needs of abused and exploited
children such as giving authority to persons who may file child abuse cases to
get the custody of the child.
h) Clearly define the age of sexual consent and in so defining, clarify related
laws on marrying age, age for statutory rape and other sexual abuse being
committed against children.
i) Laws regulating internet and cellphone since pornographic materials and
inappropriate information are easily accessible to children from these sources
j) Enact law on Children Basic Sector not just E.O.
k) Enact laws for internal refugees, they should be afforded the same treatment
and services of external refugees
l) Enact a Bill of Rights of Children to specifically include civil and political
m) Add provisions in the Family Code to include parental responsibility aside
from the provision on parental authority;
2. That the government exert efforts to implement existing laws on children and to
implement programs for the full implementation of the UNCRC:
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j) That the Child’s Rights be incorporated by the Department of Education in the
curriculum of elementary schools, to include and emphasize their right to
expression and to empower the children so that they will be capacitated to
genuinely participate in decision-making and governance;
3. Government should work together with the NGOs for the following:
4. Government should implement economic reform programs and laws that generally
affect the poor and marginalized such as poverty reduction and economic reform
measures and implementation of genuine agrarian reform
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