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Bpe201 PTD Unit2

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Unit 2 Group Classification of Philippine Benguet

Traditional Dance
The "Bendian"/" Bendayan" festival
Lesson 1 Cordillera Dances celebrated by the Benguet, Ibaloi, and
Kankanay is always significant and
Lesson Proper: Dances from the Cordillera extraordinarily participated in by the
Groups community. Bendian is performed for many
Bontoc reasons, some of which are to heal a
prolonged illness; relieve natural calamities
The Bontoc are once feared as head- such as famine and drought, and celebrate
hunters of the north. They are a highly a bountiful harvest. However, the biggest
civilized community that is ruled by their Bendian is to celebrate a victory in war and
commandments. They are commonly a successful headhunt. The arrival of
associated with their skillful war dances and successful head takers, called "ulul," is met
rituals using shields and spears for with grand festivities by the entire village.
The Bendian festival involves the village
The Bontoc people would hold a ritual circling and dancing around the ulul leader
dance to ensure or thank the gods for while executing various arm movements. It
success in head taking expeditions. lasts until the wee hours of the night, the
Performed ceremonially is the dance ritual ends on the sound of the loudest oway
Mangangayaw, a ritual preparation for a or war cry.
battle or headhunting expedition.
Bontoc Rain Dance
The Apayaos are firm believers of their
Ifugao spirit-god called Anito. Most of their festivals
are offered to their anito in celebration of a
Uyauy is the most significant gathering of
good harvest called say-yam. Sometimes
all Bumayah Festival. Many bumayahs
they are referred to as Isneg or Isnag, an
make up an uyaoy. An uyaoy is celebrated
Austronesian ethnic group of the
for many varied reasons, most common is
Philippines' northern people. Their native
that given by a kadangyang (aristocratic
language is Isneg (also called Isnag),
class) to reaffirm his social status in the
although most Isnag also speaks Ilokano.
community. It also gives him a chance to be
considered into the village's council of Their closeness to nature made them
elders. create a dance called Pingpingaw in
imitation of the movements of a high-flying
Among the Ifugao, the people's Hudhud
bird called Turayan or Turayen. Their other
epic, telling of the origins, heroes, and
dances are Pinanyoan (blanket dance),
important events of the Ifugao is sung at the
which is a courtship and marriage activity.
death of a prominent member, buried in a
sitting position inside burial tombs on the Kalinga
side of hills. A relative of the deceased
leads the Bangibang or funeral dance. The Kalingas are referred to as
Some men brandish spears and shields "peacocks of the Mountains" because of
while others beat rhythmically on wooden their love for bright colors, decorative body
sticks as they approach the dead member's tattooing common for both sexes. The
home and urge him to take revenge. wedding ceremony is a great occasion to
witness the vitality of Kalinga culture. The
Ifugao dress newlyweds initiate the dancing with an
exchange of gifts. She gives him a dagger
Wedding Dance in Tam-Awan Village
symbolizing his protection, and he lays cloth
over her shoulders. Wedding guests then war expeditions. One of them is the Tagem,
join in the Tadok or Pattong Salip. In these a headhunting gesture in dance
dances, the men encircle a ring of women. entertainment.
Most impressive is the Kalinga Pot Sometimes they are referred to as
Dance or Banga. Women show off their Bugkalot, a tribe who inhabit the southern
graceful prowess by skillfully balancing Sierra Madre and Caraballo Mountains, on
seven or more clay pots on their heads as the east side of Luzon, primarily in the
they skip amongst river stones and keep provinces of Nueva Vizcaya and Nueva
time to an increasingly rapid beat. Colorful Ecija and along the mountain border
costumes and headdresses are worn in between the provinces of Quirino and
these ceremonies. Aurora. Aside from head-hunter, Bugkalot
men love hunting wild animals and fish for
Itneg food while women are in charge of plant
The Tinggian of Abra is always called cultivation.
Itneg, referring to Tineg or "the interior." But Young Men are trained to fight, hunt,
when the outsiders came, they were called dance, sing, and play instruments and
Tinggian, the Malay word for "highland." accessories. Young women are trained in
Two groups of Tinggian exist today - the housekeeping, plant cultivating, singing,
valley and the upland, both settling as rice dancing, playing instruments, weaving, and
farmers long before the Spaniards came in making attires and accessories.
search of goldin Abra.
The community in Abra is a matriarchal
society where most of the mothers spend
The Gaddangs are a linguistically identified
out in the field seeking food, and that the
baby stays cuddled in the arms of its father. ethnic group sharing centuries of residence
The latter spends hours gossiping with other in the Cagayan River watershed in Northern
machos; each one also cuddling a baby. Luzon. They are simple people who have
Tinggian singer breaks into an uwawi of much to celebrate. They have time to dance
idudu lullaby to send his baby to sleep. This and make merry, and most of their dances
dance that takes the ldudu lullaby's name are accompanied by bamboo resonators,
demonstrates the change in roles in a stompers, and brass ganzas.
Tinggian family.
One of the more traditional dances is
Ilonggot "BUMBUAK," where the 'tobacco' tree
attracts three Gaddang birds,' 2 females
The Ilongots feared for their headhunting
and a male. These "birds" fly and glide
activities where most of their dances are
through these trees, enjoying the plantation
associated with their victorious episodes in

LESSON 2 including their music and dance. Of all the

dance forms they introduced, Balse, Valse,
Western Influenced
or Waltz stuck so strongly, finding its way to
nearby all dances labeled "Christians." In
Dances with Western Influence the province of Bulacan, Balse ng
Desposorio was performed before and
Balse/Valse during wedding ceremonies.
The Spaniards brought many The Desposorio is a wedding dance
changes in the traditions of the Filipinos, ritual usually done the night before the
wedding day until dawn. People who join Bohol and other provinces during the
the parade celebrate and dance together, Spanish time. It was originally performed by
shout with joy, recite poems, and enjoy the couples informally gathered in the ballroom
festivity as one couple is about to be bound with no definite sequence steps.
by the Holy Sacrament.
The Pandanggo are so many
The Habanera is believed to have variations found practically over the
originated in Havana, Cuba, brought by Christian lowlands. Pandanggo evolved
African slaves found in its way to Spain and from the Fandango of Spain, which arrived
France in19th century, wherein it became in the Philippines during the Hispanic
popular. The Habanera, with its syncopated period.
interest finding roots in many regions such
One of the most popular and
as Pangasinan, Ilocos, Zambales, and
challenging versions is the Pandanggo sa
Ilaw (dance with oil lamps), from Mindoro.
The Habanera Botolena is a strongly The female dancer gracefully and skilfully
influenced dance that comes from Botolan, balances three lighted "tinghoy" or oil
Zambales. It combines Filipino and Spanish lamps, one on her head and one on the
steps and is a popular dance at weddings, back of each hand. The audience claps their
baptisms, and village fiestas. This dance hands in time with the music, while the
was supposedly performed in the earlier dancers transfer the glasses from one
days in honor of a departing priest. Later on, partner to the other without dropping them.
it became a dance performed during social
Quadrille dances
The quadrille found many
interpretations in the Philippines, from the
During the Spanish Regime, La Jota Pasakat (from the French pas de quatre) to
dances were the most popular dances the Lanceros, an adaptation of the
performed in any social gatherings by the American square dance called Lancers. The
Spanish Señoritas and Caballeros. One of Pasakat was a favorite of the people of Sta.
the Spanish Inspired Jota dances is the La Rosa in Laguna, while the Lanceros was
Jota Moncadeña by the older people of preferred in Negros in the Visayan Islands,
Moncada, Tarlac. Bicol Region, Pangasinan, an Quezon in
Luzon. However, one of the favorites was
The dance was named after the
the Rigodon, a stately dance performed by
place where it originated. It combines
distinguished guests and officials.
Spanish and Ilocano dance steps and
music. The use of bamboo castanets makes Polka
the dance lively, gay, and delightful.
Polka sa Nayon was popular in the
Originally this was danced during a funeral
province of Batangas during the Spanish
procession in the early times.
time. It was trendy in the old days and was
Mazurka usually danced at all the big social affairs
and the town fiestas.
The Polish Mazurka found Filipino
versions in the Mazurka Boholona. This Another one is the Polka sa Plaza, a
traditional Ballroom dance was popular in grand parade of beautiful ladies in their
traditional Maria Clara and parasols beginning from the churchyard going around
(umbrellas). With their partners, wearing the town.
their traditional Barongs, they gladly parade,
UNIT 2 LESSON 3 Maguindanao
Sagayan is a war dance performed
INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE LESSON by both the Maguindanao and Maranao,
depicting a warrior's movement engaged in
They are known for their mysticism,
combat. It is a dance in preparation of the
royalty, and beauty, which are evident in
Sagayan's body (anyone who performs the
their music and dances. Accompanied by
Sagayan's ritual is called a Sagayan and his
the kulintang, agong, dabakan, and other
dance) against possible harm. The
Muslim percussions, string, and wind
sharpening of his weapons and his
instruments, Filipino Muslim dance is
complete surrender to the great Allah are
marked by intricate hand and arm
characteristic dance movements.
movement along with shimmering
Sometimes, several brave dancers choose
costumes. Typical to their dances are the
to perform the Sagayan ritual together.
use of fingers to express feelings and
emotions. Muslim dances move with a SAGAYAN
peculiar elasticity and almost serpentine
suppleness; curves emphasize joint less,
back turned hands, flexible arms, and the Tausug, also called Joloano, is one
body's rounded posture. of the largest Muslim ethnic groups of the
Southern Philippines. They live primarily in
the Sulu Archipelago, mainly in the Jolo
Singkil is a unique dance of the island cluster. Though known as fearsome
Maranao people. This dance from Lanao del warriors, the Tausug is also better known as
Sur, Mindanao, is done to the exciting sturdy seafarers and hardy farmers.
rhythmic clapping of bamboos. Extensive orchards are planted to coconut
and pomelos and fields to staples like rice
Singkil was said to have originated
and root crops.
from a legend. The diwatas (some form of
nymph or fairy) took the Princess SUA-KU-SUA
Gandingan to the forest. The diwatas
caused an earthquake in the woods,
causing the beautiful princess to flee for her Maglangka means - to dance, and
life. She gracefully hurdled over the shaking dance has been the tool to mold an
rocks, weaving through trees trembling adolescent girl into a person for good
around her. In the dance, the trembling breeding and an accomplished dancer. The
rocks and trees became the clapping and girls are introduced to a string of rules,
clashing bamboo poles. There are many which are expected to guide them through
versions of Singkil. It has no definite number life. Those young girls are left under the
of steps or figures. Even the arm tutelage of a strict but understanding
movements are improvised and executed teacher who herself learned the rudiments
according to the mood and skill of the of good breeding from even stricter
dancers. teachers.
Dance tradition dictates that the girl accompaniment. Lasting the entire night,
must move within the boundaries a square the Lunsay is the most popular social
scarf, a mat, or when affordable, a carpet. In activity and entertainment form among the
these confines, she has to move like a bird Jama Mapun. The Lunsay formation is in a
in flight, a fish gently undulating in water or circle or spiral of handholding dancers.
a branch swaying in the air. These Women always accompany the inner circle.
movements demand intensity, The dance is alternately fast and slow,
concentration, and innate style. Today, starting invariably with the slow movement
Maglangka is reinterpreted from a tool of (clockwise or step left), matched by the
discipline and grace, into a dance manner of singing. When the singing is
expressing emotion and as a way to accelerated, the steps become vigorous,
entertain guests. and the movement direction is changed to
counterclockwise or another direction.
The main occupation of the Badjao
is fishing, pearl diving, boat building, fishnet The Yakan are the indigenous
mending, and other activities that involve inhabitants of Basilan's island province in
the community. The women share in the the Sulu Archipelago, southern Philippines.
work by harvesting bivalves from the beach The Yakan women are known to be the
at low tide, helping mend nets and prepare finest weavers in the Philippines and entire
the men's needs for the next trip out at sea. Southeast Asia. Aside from weaving, the
Yakans are agriculturists growing upland
The Buti-buti is an occupational
rice. The traditional cycle of rice production
dance that mimics the daily activities of men
is depicted in the hand gestures and
rowing, diving, casting and pulling nets,
footwork stances of their dances.
harvesting, and bringing home the catch.
Shellfish gathering is the women's part in Pamansak is a general Yakan term
the dance. Rattan baskets are for their meaning to dance. It is a traditional dance
catches while the men sling nets and form that predates Islam and Christianity,
paddles on their shoulders. Buti-buti's style consisting of languid arm movements.
is casual and very natural. Anyone who Yakan has shared heritage with neighboring
feels like dancing may join anytime. indigenous communities in the Sulu
archipelago - Pangalay (Ta'u Sug) and Igal
Jama Mapun
(Sama). Pamansak can be performed with
In the vast waters between Borneo, or without the kukko or janggay.
Palawan, and Jolo, an island known as
Cagayan de Sulu is an oasis. The native
people of this island call themselves Jama Unit 2 Lesson 4
Mapun; their island, Tana Mapuan; their
Dances of the Lesser-Known Groups
language Pelun Mapun. Literally, "Jama"
Traditional Group dances
means "man or people," hence Jama
Mapun means "people of Mapun." Bagobo
Lunsay is a communal singing The Bagobo constitute one of the
performance with definite movement largest groups among the indigenous
patterns corresponding to those in the song peoples of Southern Mindanao. Bagobo is
the predominant inhabitant of the vast areas upstream," derived from man ("first") and
extending from Davao's west coast to the daya ("upstream or upper portion of a
high reaches of Davao's famous and river"). They are shifting cultivators who rely
significant mountain ranges of Mt. Apo or mainly on swidden farming (also known as
Apo Sandawa to the tribal people. slash-and-burn) to survive.
Lawin-Lawin is a rite-of-passage The Mandaya are found in Davao
dance performed by sons of the datu, or Oriental and Davao del Norte, Mindanao.
chieftain. It traces the metamorphosis of an Mandaya means "the first people
eagle (lawin) from hatching of the egg to upstream," derived from man ("first") and
adulthood. As the eagle battles with strong daya ("upstream or upper portion of a
mountain winds, he eventually finds his river"). They are shifting cultivators who rely
strength. mainly on swidden farming (also known as
slash-and-burn) to survive.
Makatod (also spelled Makatud), a
The Bukidnon is one of the
rite of passage of the Tagabawa sub-tribe of
traditionalistic ethnic groups in the southern
Davao-Mandaya, focuses on a young prince
Philippines. They inhabit the north-eastern
born high by courtiers and given a place of
part of Mindanao, the second-largest island
honor by his people. A unique prop in this
of the archipelago. The Dugso (also Dugsu)
dance is a dried palm frond shredded to tiny
means dance in the Bukidnon dialect.
separate pieces. The palm leaves give a
Dugso is usually performed during important
faint hissing sound when shaken. They
occasions like kaliga (feasts) thanksgiving
mimic the wing movements of the eagle.
for the good harvest. Sometimes it is also
performed in fulfillment of a vow or Makatod/Makatud rite
thanksgiving of a favor granted.
The name Mansaka is a combination
The Manobos of Agusan are low- of man ("first") and saka ("to ascend"), and
keyed people demonstrating the name they is almost identical to the meaning of
adapted as "Manobo," which means low. Mandaya: "the first people to climb the
The Manobo are strong in mind and spirit; mountains or go upstream." Mansaka can
their cultural identity is firmly rooted in the be found in Davao Oriental.
land and nature. Their dances are typically
The Inamo is an imitative dance
marked by symbolism and mimicry.
depicting the movements of a monkey. The
Pig-agawan is a courtship dance step, close, step, the jump with knees bent,
performed by several women alluringly and the walking steps are observable in the
dancing with a gentleman. The handkerchief dancers' footwork. Simultaneously, the
is used as a typical dance- prop to hands and arm movements include the
symbolize the bird's wings or hawk or their hands on hips, arms in the second position,
sensitive body parts. and one hand above the eyebrow as if the
dancer is looking for something.
Mansaka tribe dance
The Mandaya are found in Davao
Oriental and Davao del Norte, Mindanao. Subanon
Mandaya means "the first people
Subanon is a tribe indigenous to the Kadal Tahu dance
Zamboanga peninsula area, mainly living in
the mountainous regions of Zamboanga del
Sur and Misamis Occidental. They are river The Tagbanuas are believed to be
dwellers coming from the word "suba," descendants of the Tabon Man due to the
which means "river," and the suffix "non," many similarities they have when it comes
which indicates a locality or place of origin. to language, alphabet, the practice of
kaingin, and a shared belief in soul
All all-male Subanon dances are
relatives. This tribe is found mostly in the
called Sohten, including this one that
Central and Northern portion of Palawan.
warriors perform with a rectangular shield
and a cut of dried palm leaves. No one They practice shifting cultivation of
knows when this Sohten started, but long as upland rice, which is considered as a divine
remembered, this particular Sohten was gift. They are also known for their ritual
portrayed as a pre-combat ritual to called "Pagdiwata," a ceremonial rite
supplicate to nature gods called Diwata for performed during bilug (full moon) to heal
protection and success. the sick, implore or in thanksgiving for a fair
and bountiful harvest. The death cult is the
Today, the same dance though
key to Tagbanua's religious system, who
softer and less aggressive, is a reminder of
also believes in countless deities' natural
those glorious bygone days.
Sohten dance
Pagdiwata dance
The T'boli has long been hunters
The Tagakaolo inhabit Mindanao,
and gatherers and also a horticulturist. The
Sarangani, Davao Del Sur, and Mt. Apo.
fields and forests in which they spend a
Tagalaya, from the mountains, indicates
significant number of hours teeming with
they came from the river sources. A musical
animals like pigs, monkeys, frogs, bats, and
log called Udol of the Tagakaolo is beaten,
several bird species. From these animals
and around it, they dance to call on the
are drawn inspiration for music, dance,
dead spirits to come home from the
dress, body ornaments, and entertainment.
distance or battle.
Kadal Tajo/ Tahu, which means "the
When the Udol has been sound
true dance of the t'boli," is a dance form
endlessly for many days, but no warriors
containing a story. Popular among is about
return, the women one by one get away and
colorful birds in flight, preening, simply
go back in great disappointment, resigning
perched on branches, or searching the
the faith of their beloved men to their gods.
forest floors. To emulate a magnificently
The Udol log stashed away once again with
colored bird, the T'boli maiden puts a lot of
a wish it would never be used again.
attention to her outfit. They wear an
elaborately embroidered long-sleeved
blouse to match a brightly colored tube-skirt
and several large combs dangling with glass Udol dance
beads in all conceivable colors. Others are
bead adornments, earrings, bib-choker, and
a headband made of braided horsehair and
brass-wire links that frame her dainty face.

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