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Poster presentations’ list

Name &
N° Affiliation Title Authors mail
First Name
Modelling and optimization of
Abaidia coagulation- flocculation process of Meriem Abaidia, Abdelkader Debab, Malika abaidiamr@ya
1. Univ. Oran
Meriem waste water by response surface Khelladi hoo.fr
Effect of the novel geometry without
Lounis Abdallaha , Ould Chikh El Bahria,
pin of FSSW tool and welding
Abdallah Univ. Hachellaf Kaddoura, Meddah Hadj Milouda, lounisabdallah
2. parameters on friction stir spot
Lounis Mascara Abdellatif @gmail.com
welding of high density polyethylene
Imad B, Harbalot Cristophe B
HDPE sheets
Abdelkader Univ. Thermal vibration analysis of FGM Abdelkader Safa, Lazreg Hadji, Mohamed safaabk@yaho
Safa Relizane beams Bourada Malika Dohri, Dounia Muskaan o.fr
Synthesize of conductive polymer abdounekahina
Abdoune Brinis, Kahina Aoudia, Boualem Saidani And
4. Univ. Bejaia PPY coatings for corrosion prevention 06@gmail.co
Kahina Lila Chaal
of steel in 3%nacl solution m
Modeling the effect of cracks
Achour Univ. ar.aida@yahoo
5. geometry and position of a repaired Aida Achour, Belabbes Bachir Bouidjra
Aida Mostaganem .fr
pipelines with composite patch
Centre for
Aggoune Development Effect of the Radiative Losses During Samia Aggoune, Farida Hamadi, E. H. Amara saggoune@cdt
Samia of Advanced Selective Laser Melting Process a.dz
Cloisite type effect on IRGANOX®
Ait Cherif 1076 antioxidant diffusion in Ghania Ait Cherif, Abdelhakim Kerkour And
7. Univ. Bejaia 83@gmail.co
Ghania HDPE/Nanoclay nanocomposites Aicha Mouloud
Valoriration of cactus fibers as a filler
Alane for biocomposites besed on Arezki Alane, Idris Zembouai, Aida Benhamida arezki.alane@
8. Univ. Bejaia
Arezki polylactide (PLA): effects of various And Lynda Zaidi univ.bejaia.dz
surface treatments
Number of processing cycle effect on
Aouat Hassina Aouat, Dalila Hammiche, Amar hassinaaouat@
9. Univ. Bejaia the mechanical properties of the
Hassina Boukerrou yahoo.fr
Study and characterization of
Atamnia Amira Atamnia, Ferial Krid, Nadira Bellili And a.atamnia@uni
10. Univ. Skikda composite materials based on a
Amira Djihane Slimane Ben Ali v-skikda.com
natural filler.
Study of the ibuprofen release profile
Azouz from pcl-peg-pcl microspheres in a L’hachemi Azouz, Lydia Hammoumraoui,
11. Univ. Bejaia z@univ-
L'hachemi hydro – alcoholic media by using 23 Ounissa Sadoun-Daikha, Farouk Rezgui
experimental factorial design
Synthesis and characterization of
Azzegagh s_azzegagh@y
12. Univ. Bejaia galactomannans extracted from Assia Azzegagh, Hocine Djidjelli
Assia ahoo.fr
algerian carob seeds
The effect of using marble powder
Baghloul waste as mineral filler in the
13. Univ. Skikda Rahima Baghloul And Laidi Babouri a95@gmail.co
Rahima production of unsaturated polyester
resin besed composite
Physical and mechanical testing of
Univ. niv-
14. Bakiri Zahir rigid polyurethane foams obtained Zahir Bakiri And Saci Nacef
Constantine constantine3.d
from hydrocarbon blowing agents
Baouz Modification of Poly(Lactic Acid)
15. Univ. Bejaia Touffik Baouz And Nour El Houda Djerrad @univ-
Touffik Nanocomposites by an Ethylene-
methyl acrylate glycidyl methacrylate
Benamar Baroudi, Toufik Bensafi, Khaled
Experimental Study of the Effect of benamarbarou
Baroudi Univ. Toubal, Kadda Argoub, Djebar Hadji, Ali
16. Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) on the
Benamar Mascara Mustapha Benkouider, Ahmed Yahiaoui, Aicha di@gmail.com
Mechanical Behavior of Cement
Hachmaoui, Ayada Djafri
Ecole Slimane Bekhouche, Djalal Trache, Salim
Effect of Mg-Al/cuo nanothermites on ing.slimane.be
Bekhouche Militaire Chelouche, Amir Abdelaziz, Ahmed Fouzi
17. the thermocatalytic degradation of khouche@gma
Slimane Polytechniqu Tarchoun, Widad Benchaa And Ammar
cellulose nitrate il.com
e Boudjellal
Belgherbi Ouafia, Lakhdari Delloula, Seid
Belgherbi Center In Nickel particles dispersed polyaniline o.belgherbi@c
18. Lamria, Lamiri Leila, Boudour Samah,
Ouafia Industrial as anode for fuel cells rti.dz
Laidoudi Samiha And Chouder Dalila
Belhadj Chemical characterization of epoxy Ouerdia Belhadj, Dalila Hammiche, Amar
19. Univ. Bejaia j@univ-
Ouerdia matrix and amine curing Boukerrou And Gerard Jean François
Belkacem Univ. Mechanical behavior of hybrid adim.belkace
20. Adim Belkacem And Taher Hassaine Daouadji
Adim Tissemsilt laminated composite plates m@gmail.com
The heating effect on the
Belkorissat Polyethylene Terephthalate trapped Redouane Belkorissat, Omar Jbara And belkhorissatr
21. Univ. Tiaret
Redouane charge analyzed in the Scanning Sébastien Rondot @yahoo.com
Electron Microscope
Bacterial degradation of prickly pear rebiha.bellach
Bellache Rebiha Bellache, Dalila Hammiche And Amar
22. Univ. Bejaia seed/ polyhydroxybutyrate-co- e@univ-
Rebiha Boukerrou
valerate biocomposite bejaia.dz
Effect of acetylation on composite
Bellili Bellili Nadira, Dairi Badrina, Hamour Noura, dina_1961s@y
23. Univ. Skikda materials besed on polypropylene/
Nadira Djidjelli Hocine And Boukerrou Amar ahoo.fr
coffee husk waste
Benahmed Univ. Numerical study of structures around Lamia Benahmed, Khaled Aliane, Said
24. mia91@yahoo
Lamia Tlemcen a tapered cube mounted in channel Abboudi, Zakaria Sari Hassoun
Benali Univ. Sidi Dynamic behavior of prestressed benali.kld@g
25. Benali Khaled And Krour Baghdad
Khaled Bel Abbès composite plate mail.com
Investigation of stresses in thick- abdelhakim.be
Benchallal Rafik Benchallal, Abdelhakim Benslimane And
26. Univ. Bejaia walled FGM cilinder under nslimane@uni
Rafik Mounir Methia
thermomechanical loadings v-bejaia.dz
Ferromagnetism in cofehfge
Bendahm Univ. Fatima Bendahma, Mohamed Mana, Mansouria f.bendahma@
27. Quaterner Heusler Alloys: an Ab
Fatima Mostaganem Hammou, Sabria Terkhi, Rachida Bentata yahoo.fr
initio Investigation
Benkouider Univ. DFT study of conjugated Benkouider Imen, Sahnoune Hiba And Elkichai
28. univ-
Imen Boumerdes organometallic architectures Aziz
The use of maghnite-h+ as an eco-
Souad Bennabi, Nadir Mahammed, Nabahat
Bennabi catalyst in the synthesis of souad_bennabi
29. Univ. Oran Sahli, Mohammed Belbachir, Claire-Hélène
Souad poly(ETHYLGLYOXYLATE), a 02@yahoo.fr
Brachais And Jean-Pierre Couvercelle
biodegradable polymer
Ali Benouis, Noureddine Djebbar, Mohammed
Univ. Sidi Numerical Study of Damage in the aly_ouis@hot
30. Benouis Ali El Sallah Zagane, Abdelmadjid Moulgada And
Bel Abbès Cement PMMA of THR mail.fr
Rachid Zahi
Synthesis, characterization, and
Toufik Bensafi, Benamar Baroudi, Kadda toufik.bensafi
Bensafi Univ. optical properties of New
31. Argoub, Ahmed Yahiaoui, Djebar Hadji And @univ-
Toufik Mascara Heterocyclic Polymers Contains Two
Khaled Toubal mascara.dz
1,2,4- triazole Rings
Synthesis, spectroscopic properties,
Toufik Bensafi, Kadda Argoub, Djebar Hadji,
density functional theory calculations toufik.bensafi
Bensafi Univ. Ahmed Yahiaoui, Benamar Baroudi, Khaled
32. and First order nonlinear optical @univ-
Toufik Mascara Toubal, Ayada Djafri And Ali Mustapha
properties of novel 5-arylidene-2,4- mascara.dz
In silico investigation of the lignin
Benslama Univ. Oum Ouided Benslama, Nedjwa Mansouri And benslama.wide
33. polymer biodegradation by the
Ouided El Bouaghi Rabah Arhab d@hotmail.fr
actinomycetal peroxidase enzyme
Benzidane Experimental analysis of the mohammedare
M. A. Benzidane, R. Benzidane, B. Bouhamida,
34. Mohammed Univ. Oran mechanical properties of hybrid bio- zki.benzidane
L. Errouane, Z. Sereir
Arezki composites @univ-usto.dz
Dyanmic mechanical analysis and
Berkouk morphological study of composites of Abir Berkouk, Ahmed Meghezzi, Hamza abir.berkouk@
35. Univ. Biskra
Abir polyvinyl chloride- Date palm leaf Chelali univ-biskra.dz
Influence of polyethylene
Biskri biskriyasmina
36. Univ. Skikda terephthalate (PET) fiber in sand Yasmina Biskri, Laidi Babori, Wided Dehes
Yasmina @yahoo.fr
concrete proprities
Univ. Preparation of microspheres based on Omar Larbi Bouamrane, Benyoucef o.larbi‐
37. Khemis the chitosan-carboxymethyl cellulose Mekhaneg, Abdelkader Hellal And Lasnouni bouamrane@u
Omar Larbi
Meliana complex: Study and characterization Touafri niv‐dbkm.dz
Date palm fibers extraction protocols Abdelkader Boudjemline, Brahim Boukhlouf,
38. e Univ. Biskra
and characterization Semcheddine Derfouf And Toufik Tibermacine
DFT quantum chemical method for
Boudjenane fatima.boudjen
Univ. thizolidinone derivative synthesis, X-
39. Fatima Boudjenane Fatima Zohra ane.etu@univ-
Mostaganem ray structure determination, and
Zohra mosta.dz
related physical properties
Analysis of SEM images of Samah Boudour, Ouafia Belgherbi, Moufdi
Boudour Center In s.boudour@crt
40. polyaniline/copper particles using Hadjab, Delloula Lakhdari, Leila Lamiri,
Samah Industrial i.dz
image processing Samiha Laidoudi And Mohamed Redha Khell
Badiaa Bouider, Slimane Haffad,
Elaboration and characterization of
Bouider Abderrahmane Habi, Boubkeur Seddik bouiderbadiaa
41. Univ. Bejaia poly (lactic acid) with modified filler
Badiaa Bouakaz, Mourad Berd And Meriem Houda @gmail.com
of graphene oxide nanocomposites
The prediction of structural, electronic
Bouldiab Univ. Yassou94@ya
42. and magnetic properties of a new Bouldiab Yasmine
Yasmine Mostaganem hoo.com
heusler alloy
Syntheses, Structures and Biological
Boulguemh imededdine.bo
Univ. Properties of Two New Copper (II) - Imed Eddine Boulguemh, Adel Beghidja And
43. Imed ulguemh@um
Constantine Based Complexes with Schiff base Chahrazed Beghidja
Eddine c.edUniv. dz
Preparation, Characterization and
Boulkadid Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Boulkadid Moulai Karim, Touidjine Sabri,
Militaire karim.boulkad
44. Moulai Polyurethane/Nitrocellulose Blends as Trache Djalal, Belkhiri Samir And Mezroua
Polytechniqu id@gmail.com
Karim Binder for Composite Solid Abderrahmane
Study and modeling of the migration
of a UV light absorber in polymeric
Bourezama Nadjla Bourezama, Hayet Belkacemi, Nicolas nedjlah@yaho
45. Univ. Bejaia food packaging and influnce of the
Nadjla Longieras, Naima Ifourah o.fr
medium composition on thier
Effect of the granulometry and alkali
Boussehel treatment of palm fibers reinforced Boussehel Hamida, Debabeche Nadjla, h.boussehel@
46. Univ. Biskra
Hamida poly (VINYL CHLORIDE) Loughlani Rayane Ichrak And Guerira Belhi univ-biskra.dz
Optimization of the encapsulation of
two antihypertensives ( candesartan
Chabane cilexetil and valsartan) in Ahmed Chabane, Farouk Reagui, Fatiha
47. Univ. Bejaia e@univ-
Ahmed biodegradable polymer (polylactic Bouchal, Houssam Slama, Mohamed Hentabli
acid) and the study of the release
Free vibration analysis of sandwich
Guermit Univ. Tizi Guermit Mohamed Bilal Chami, Lazreg Hadji, guermit.chami
48. beams with functionally graded
Mohamed Ouzou Amar Kahil @yahoo.com
porous layers
Evaluation of the performance of the
Chouarfia multiphase element method in the Samir Chouarfia, Kamel Meftah, Wahid chouarfia1992
49. Univ. Biskra
Samir elastic behaviour of short fibre Kaddouri, Lakhdar Sedira @gmail.com
reinforced composites
Theoretical and experimental study of
Dairi Badrina Dairi, Nadira Bellili, Hamour Noura, badrina_d@ya
50. Univ. Skikda the properties of composite materials
Badrina Hocine Djidjelli And Amar Boukerrou hoo.fr
with a polymer matrix
Debabeche Study of the properties of Debabeche Nedjla, Aoumri
51. Univ. Biskra che@univ-
Nedjla polyethylene/ palm fiber composites Hassen And Boussehel Hamida
Elaboration and characterization of
Dehas composite material based on O.Dehas, L.Babouri, M.Guessom, A.Douibi, dehaswided@
52. Univ. Skikda
Ouided unsaturated polyester resin reinforced Y.Beskri gmail.com
with PET fiber
Effect of accelerated photooxidation nadjet.dehouc
53. Univ. Bejaia on polyamide 11/vermiculite Nadjet Dehouche And Mustapha Kaci he@univ-
nanocomposites bejaia.dz
Elaboration et caractérisation en
Djeddi Univ. Tizi Fadila Djeddi, Lila Mansouri, Mohellebi adilamohellebi
54. flexion d’un composite matrice
Fadila Ouzou Mouloud @yahoo.fr
polyester, charge PET recyclé
Investigation of Polyoxymethylene
Djerrad (POM) modified with high impact djerradnourelh
55. Nour El Univ. Bejaia polystyrene (HIPS) recycled from Nour El Houda Djerrad And Touffik Baouz ouda@gmail.c
Houda waste electric and electronic om
Meh ppv polymer thin films and meh
Djidjeli Chahinez Djidjeli, Azeddine Chelouche, Tahar chahinezdji.27
56. Univ. Bejaia ppv:zno nano composite for hybrid
Chahinez Touam, Djamel Djouadi @gmail.com
solar cells application
Geometrical parameters optimizations
Fekih Sidi Univ. Sidi fekih_moh@y
57. of scarf and double scarf bounded Selma Aminallah, Sidi Mohamed Fekih
Mohamed Bel Abbès ahoofr
Dynamic Behavior of Glass/Carbon
Ghazoul Univ. Sidi Tahir Ghazoul, Mohamed Atif Benatta And taherghazoul
58. Nanotubes Reinforced Polymer
Tahir Bel Abbès Mohamed Bachir Bouiadjra @gmail.com
Composite Plates
Ghennam The parameters effect study of the Asma Ghennam, Samia Rebouh, Mounir ghen.matic@g
59. Univ. Medea
Asma microencapsulation process using Bouhedda mail.com
biopolymers on the release of
Evaluation and optimization of
Goudjil crosslinked hydrogels by Hadjer Goudjil, Samia Rebouh And Mounir hadjerchimie
60. Univ. Medea
Hadjer polycondensation using design of Bouhedda @gmail.com
Guemmoud Univ. Study of structural and magnetic
61. Guemmoud Nassima, Labidi Salima sima@gmail.c
Nassima Annaba properties binary alloy fesb by wien2k
Free vibration analysis of FG porous
Hadji Lazreg Hadji, Mehmet Avcar And Nafissa had_laz@yaho
62. Univ. Tiaret sandwich ptates under various
Lazreg Zouatnia o.fr
boundary conditions
Sudy of the behavior of a composite
Hamadache Hassiba Hamadache, Nacera Chibani, Hocine hamadachehas
63. Univ. Bejaia polyester and fiber of animal origin
Hassiba Djidjelli siba@yahoo.fr
under thermal stresses
Hammou Univ. Half-metallic properties in Half- Mansouria Hammou, Fatima Bendahm, f.bendahma@
Mansouria Mostaganem Heusler compound Mohamed Mana yahoo.fr
Prediction and optimization of
stability parameters for dispersed
Hamiouda Sara Hamiouda, Sonia Lefnaoui And Madiha s_hamiouda@
65. Univ. Medea systems based on hydrophobically
Sara Melha Yahoum yahoo.fr
modified biopolymer using response
surface methodology
Application of blend polymer
Hammadi Meriem Houda Hammadi, Abderrahmane Habi, meriemhouda.
inclusion membrane (bpims)for
66. Meriem Univ. Bejaia Said Bey, Boubkeur Seddik Bouakaz And hammadi@uni
extration of hexavalent chromium in
Houda Badiaa Bouider v-bejaia.dz
acidic aqueus medium
Ibuprofen release from polylactic acid
Hammoumr /cellulose mixture tablets: Box- Lydia Hammoumraoui, L'hachemi Azouz,
67. Univ. Bejaia umraoui@univ
aoui Lydia behnken design for optimization of Ounissa Sadoun And Farouk Rezgui
influenced parameters
Effect of maleic anhydride and
Hamour titanium dioxide on the miscibility of Hamour Noura, Bellili Nadira, Dairi Badrina
68. Univ. Bejaia @univ-
Noura the known immiscible PHBV/PP And Boukerrou Amar
Harrate Study of Antimicrobial Activities of Imene Harrate, Nacera Chibani And Sofiane
69. Univ. Bejaia @univ-
Imene Thyme and Propolis of PLA films Fatmi
Integral for thermal and mechanical
Hebbar Univ. Sidi imhebbar@gm
70. fracture of functionally graded Imène Hebbar And Abdelkader Boulenouar
Imène Bel Abbès ail.com
Computational machine learning
Mohamed Hentabli, Abd-Elmouneïm Belhadj,
Hentabli techniques for modeling the hentm92@hot
71. Univ. Medea Farid Dahmoune, Ahmed Chabane And
Mohamed adsorption of ciprofloxacin antibiotics mail.fr
Houssam Eddine Slama
pollutants on modified chitosan
Effects of fiber modification on
mechanical and durability
Ibrahim Hanane Ibrahim, Dalila Hammiche, Amar hananef@live.
72. Univ. Bejaia characteristics of polymer composites
Hanane Boukerrou fr
through variations of agents
Influence of the parameters of
microencapsulation in biodegradable
Ifourah polymers optimized by box-behken Naima Ifourah, Hayet Belkacemi, Sandrine pharmacinaim
73. Univ. Bejaia
Naima design and of the physiological Cammas –Marion, Nadjla Bourezama a@outlook.fr
environment on the release kinetics of
Effects of water absorption on the
Kabache kabfay07@out
74. Univ. Setif mechanical properties of Fayçal Kabache And Sorya Nekkaa
Fayçal look.fr
biendcomposites material
An Ecofriendly Approach of
Kebir Abderraouf Kebir, Abdelmalek Brahma, Tayeb kebirgc@gmai
75. Univ. Blida Developing Geopolymer Concrete by
Abderraouf Smail And Saddika Mohamadi l.com
Utilizing Waste Tire and Fly Ash
Bending analysis of functionally
Keddouri Ahmed Keddouri, Lazreg Hadji, Nafissa ahmkeddou61
76. Univ. Djelfa graded sandwich plates with
Ahmed Zouatnia @yahoo.com
Kemmache Erbium doped fiber laser (EDFL) kemmacheabir
77. Univ. Setif Abir Kemmache, Bouzid Belloui
Abir design: Simulation study @yahoo.com
Synthesis of PLGA copolymers by
azeotropic polycondensation and djamila.kerrou
Kerrouche Kerrouche Djamila, Chaleix Vincent, Rouba
78. Univ. Bejaia study the controlled release of che@univ-
Djamila Nabila
metformin through these polymer bejaia.dz
Determination of the rupture abdraouf.khald
Khaldoune Khaldoune Abd Raouf, Rokbi Mansour And
79. Univ. Msila parameters of a plant fiber by two oune@univ-
Abd Raouf Zergane Said
diameter measurement techniques msila.dz
Univ. Setif Influence of the polishing process on Laadjel Djouda, Brahim Aounallah And djoudalaadjel1
80. Djouda
the surface quality Belkhir Nabil 0@gmail.com
Mechanical and physical behavior of yacine.labiad
Labiad Yacine Labiad, Abdelaziz Meddah And Miloud
81. Univ. Msila compressed earth blocks loads by @univ-
Yacine Beddar
sisal fibers msila.dz
Preparation of co-PPY hybrid Lamiri Leila, Tounsi Assia, Samiha Laidoudi,
Lamiri Center In lamiri.lila@ya
82. nanocomposite and its application in Belgherbi Ouafia, Boudour Samah And
Leila Industrial hoo.fr
photovoltaic cells Lakhdari Delloula
Rheological study of the properties of
Univ. Wafaa Mahi, Khadidja Arabeche And Djazia mahi.wafaa.08
83. Mahi wafaa biodegradable polymer matrix
Tlemcen Bendeddouche @gmail.com
composite materials: effect of fillers
Effect of temperature on the
Radouane Maizia, Dissa Boubkeur, Abdlehafid radouane.maiz
Maizia performance of a polymer electrolyte
84. Univ. Bejaia Dib, Yasmine Belazougui, Anthony Thomas ia@univ-
Radouane membrane fuel cells by
And Serguei Martemianov bejaia.dz
electrochemical analysis
Mana Univ. Study of New Half-Heusler Alloy Mohamed Mana, Fatima Bendahma, Mansouria f.bendahma@
Mohamed Mostaganem crtib: First-Principles Calculations HammoUniv. yahoo.fr
Exploration by molecular docking of
Mansouri Univ. Oum the degradation activity of some Nedjwa Mansouri, Ouided Benslama And
86. i94@gmail.co
Nedjwa El Bouaghi synthetic hydrocarbons polymers by Rabah Arhab
the laccase enzyme of streptomyces
Numerical Study of propagation of
Meddor Univ. samsum66@g
87. prior crack in the tibial insert of the Belkacem Meddor, Abdelhak Saoudi
Belkacem Khenchela mail.com
total prosthesi of knee
Mohamed am.mohamedb
Thermal Behavior of Date stones/
88. Ben Ali Univ. Skikda Amel Mohamed Ben Ali enali@univ-
Polyvinylchloride Composites
Amel skikda.dz
Study of mechanical behavior of a
Mohellebi Univ. Tizi composite material loaded with
89. Mouloud Mohellebi, Fadila Djeddi uloud@yahoo.
Mouloud Ouzou elastomer powder recovered from
used tires
Morphological and properties nawel.mokran
Mokrane Nawel Mokrane, Mustapha Kaci, Nadjet
90. Univ. Bejaia characterisation of PLA/PHBHHX e@univ-
Nawel Dehouche And Jose-Marie Lopez-Cuesta
blends bejaia.dz
Nanoclay effect on irganox 1035 aicha.mouloud
Mouloud Aicha Mouloud, Abdelhakim Kerkour And
91. Univ. Bejaia migration from HDPE food packaging @univ-
Aicha Ghania Ait Cherif
film to fatty food simulant bejaia.dz
Valorization and characterization of
Nasri Yasmine Nasri, Mohamed Tahar Benaniba And Yasmine.nasri
92. Univ. Setif polymers used in multilayer
Yasmine Michel Bouquey @univ-setif.dz
Action of glass fibre reinforcement in
Ramdani Univ. Sidi bounazef@yah
93. PTFE polymer on the dynamic Nadia Ramdani, Mokhtar Bounazef
Nadia Bel Abbès oo.com
friction coefficient
Characterization of biocomposites
Remila based on PHBV and ampelodesma Brahim Remila, Idris Zembouai, Lynda Zaidi,
94. Univ. Bejaia @univ-
Brahim mauritanica (DISS) natural fibers: Djedjiga Kedjia And Atifa Mokrani
effects of chemical preatments
Morphological, physico-chemical and
Rosa Rili, Mustapha Kaci, Nadjet Dehouche rosa.rili@univ
95. Rili Rosa Univ. Bejaia thermal properties of microcrystalline
And Stéphane Bruzaud -bejaia.dz
cellulose from olive husk flour
Saad Thermal buckling analysis of porous bm_saad@yah
96. Univ. Tiaret Mohamed Saad, Lazreg Hadji
Mohamed plates of fgmmaterial oo.fr
Saidi Univ. Adsorption of textile dyes by Mokhtar.Saidi, A.B.Reguig , A.Remil,
97. @univ-
Mokhtar Mascara microporous materials A.Bettayeb , A.Yahiaoui
Samira Univ. Sidi Composite repair modelling of a liamani2007@
98. Liamani Samira
Liamani Bel Abbès vertical crack in pipe yahoo.fr
A new approach for mathematical abdelkader.sar
Sarri Univ.
99. modeling and numerical simulation of Abdelkader Sarri ri14@gmail.co
Abdelkader Ouargla
phase change hysteresis in PCMS m
Montmorillonite poly ( vinylidene
fluoride) besed a novel polymer
Sellami ferhat-
100. Univ. Bejaia inclusion membrane with improved Ferhat Sellami
Ferhat 06@live.fr
stability for the facilitated transport of
Preparation and characterization of
Asymmetric microporous membrane: semghouni.has
Semghouni Hassina Semghouni, Said Bey, Alberto Figoli,
101. Univ. Bejaia application for Cr (VI) removal via a sina@gmail.co
Hassina Alessandra Criscuoli
multi-frame flat sheet membrane m
Design and implementation of Djihane Slimane Ben Ali, Ferial Krid, Habiba djihanosse9@
102. Ben Ali Univ. Skikda
conductive polymers Tabet And Amira Atamnia gmail.com
Elaboration and characterization of
Tighzert Wassila Tighzert, Abderrahmane Habi, wt2108@gmai
103. Univ. Bejaia PLA-Chitosan nanofibers prepared by
Wassila Abdallah Ajji l.com
Physico-mechanical properties of tnaima.touati
Touati Naima Touati, Idris Zembouai, Lynda Zaidi
104. Univ. Bejaia biocomposites based on Poly (3- @univ-
Naima And Mustapha Kaci
hydroxybutyrate-co-3- bejaia.dz
hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and natural
Ecole Effect of varied proportion of NC/PU
Touidjine Militaire on curing kinetics of Touidjine Sabri, Boulkadid Moulai Karim, sabri.touidjine
Sabri Polytechniqu Polyurethane/Nitrocellulose blends Trache Djalal And Belkhiri Samir @gmail.com
e via FT-IR measurements
Toumi Univ. Preparation end charaterisation of toumi899@hot
106. Toumi Imene And Benyoucef Abdelghani
Imene Mostaganem polymer/ clay nanocomposites mail.com
Toutou Chemical composition and application Zahra Toutou, Nacera Chibani And Sofiane toutouzahra70
107. Univ. Bejaia
Zahra fields of Algerian propolis Fatmi @gmail.com
Younsi A novel and simple higher order shear
Univ. Sidi Abderahman Younsi, Abdelouahed Tounsi, younsiabdou@
108. Abderahma defomation theory for static analysis
Bel Abbès Bouazza Fahsi, Boumediene Kheroubi gmail.com
n of functionally graded plate
Elaboration and characterization of
Lynda Zaidi, Idris Zembouai, Naima Touati lynda.zaidi@u
109. Zaidi Lynda Univ. Bejaia PHBV based biocomposites
And Mustapha Kaci niv-bejaia.dz
reinforced with algerian natural fibers
Narimene Zeghouati, Said Bey, Silvia Simone, narimene.zegh
Zeghouati Removal of Cr (VI) by spiral hollow
110. Univ. Bejaia Alberto Figoli, Alessandra Criscuoli, Mohamed ouati@univ-
Narimene fiber membrane contactor system
Benamor, Enrico Drioli bejaia.dz
Natural Weathering Degradation and
Zembouai its effects on thermal and mechanical Idris Zembouai, Lynda Zaidi, Mustapha Kaci,
111. Univ. Bejaia @univ-
Idris properties of Polylactide Stéphane Bruzaud
(PLA)/Cloisite 30B Nanocomposites
The study effect of annealing on
Zennaki Univ. rheological and thermal properties by Assia Zennaki, Abdelkader Berrayah, Latifa zen.assia@hot
Assia Tlemcen comparing two elaboration methods Zair And Lina Benkraled mail.fr
of PLA films
Estimation of fiber/ polymer bond sidali.zernadji
Zernadji Zernadji Sidali, Rokbi Mansour And Ben
113. Univ. Msila strength from maximum load values @univ-
Sidali Hamida Mohamed
recorded in the microbond tests msila.dz
Zerriouh Molecular dynamic simulation, Ali Zerriouh, Amani Deghiche And Nacerddine zerriouhali@g
114. Univ. Setif
Ali structural and morphological study of Haddaoui mail.com
the hybrid mixture besed on PVA

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