06 Shubhangi2
06 Shubhangi2
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2 authors, including:
Shubhangi Kharche
South Indian Education Society's Graduate School of Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Shubhangi Kharche on 30 May 2022.
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, SIES Graduate School of
Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Ramrao Adik Institute of
Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
E-mail: shubhangik@sies.edu.in; prajakta.papalkar@rait.ac.in
Corresponding Author
Interoperability allows seamless data exchange among the heterogeneous
networks and is a crucial problem for the growth of forthcoming 6G networks.
The research has focussed on the interoperability issues in the Internet of
Things (IoT) related to cross-domain and cross-platform applications. How-
ever, the future 6G communication networks are not limited to interoperating
with IoT. The 6G networks must interoperate with the Wearable IoT (WIoT),
brain abstracted Internet of Thinking (IoTk), Internet of Everything, and other
space and undersea networks. The network softwarization, slicing, and intel-
ligentization techniques are envisioned to support seamless data exchange
between 6G and other heterogeneous networks. However, to successfully
achieve the goal of global 360◦ connectivity in 3D space, interoperability
issues with heterogeneous services, applications, protocols, networks, etc.,
must be solved. The integration and interoperability of 6G networks with all
aforementioned heterogeneous networks are inevitable to realize the goals of
3D communication successfully. The paper proposes a taxonomy to provide
deep insights into interoperability issues, challenges, and possible solutions
for 6G interoperability with WIoT, IoTk, IoE, and other networks. Though the
techniques mentioned above in 6G networks will allow interoperable solu-
tions, the integration and interoperability issues persist due to heterogeneities
in high-frequency bands, base stations, technologies, device identities, proto-
cols, and interfaces. The paper summarizes significant challenges regarding
interoperability issues in various areas related to 6G and highlights the broad
scope to further research.
1 Introduction
5G networks lack the adaptation of dynamic features, compatibility, and
interoperability [1]. There is an urgent need to build suitable protocols at
each protocol stack layer [2, 3] to make the personal wireless applications
interoperable with 5G networks. There is also a need to integrate 5G, arti-
ficial intelligence, and blockchain [4]. The researchers are working to solve
the issues in 5G and envisioning the sixth generation (6G) to be a highly
potential cellular communication technology that will support a plethora of
services, applications, and networks in global 3D space with 360◦ coverage.
6G will have to invest a gamut of networks such as Internet of Things (IoT),
Internet of Thinking (IoTk) [5], Internet of Everything (IoE), etc., providing
a large number of applications and services. 6G will converge with several
vertical industries like healthcare that relies on the notions of Intelligent IoT
(IIoT), Intelligent Internet of medical things (IoMT), Wearable IoT (WIoT),
Intelligent WIoT (IWIoT), and IoTk. The convergence with various networks
and industries will be possible upon overcoming the interoperability issues as
seen in Figure 1.
The IoT has a plethora of applications. One of them is the flying Adhoc
network (FANET) [6] that will need 6G support to interoperate with ter-
restrial, and undersea networks. In terrestrial IoT-based communication, the
devices are energy constraint [7] and need an energy-efficient routing proto-
col like RPL [8, 9]. In FANET communication, unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs) are battery-operated and need an energy-efficient routing proto-
col [6]. As the routing protocols are heterogeneous in IoT-based terrestrial
and aerial communication, 6G should provide interoperable solutions. IoTk
is a new paradigm [5] that network objects based on heterogeneous cognitive
levels of thinking aiming to have 6G technological support for interoperable
Interoperability Issues and Challenges in 6G Networks 1447
The sensors can be embedded in the textile with the help of electrodes to
collect and print the ECG and Electromyography (EMG) data. Sensors are
employed to monitor the physical data in two ways; first, the bodyworn sen-
sors, and second, the integrated bodyworn and ambient sensors. The sensor
readings are transferred to the data logging devices such as smartphones,
laptops, PCs, and other PDAs using short-range wireless communication
technologies. These technologies include Bluetooth, Bluetooth low energy
(BLE), ZigBee standard, ZigBee Pro, ZigBee IP, ultra-wideband (UWB),
near field communication (NFC), radio frequency identification (RFID),
Wi-Fi, and 6LoWPAN. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) is the dominant com-
munication technology for wearable sensors owing to its prolonged battery
life, low cost, reduced power consumption, and bidirectional communication
A patient carries several wearables capable of wireless communication for
health monitoring purposes, forming a wireless body area network (WBAN).
The wearables are available from a variety of vendors with the heterogeneous
device hardware, platforms, operating systems, addressing, and computa-
tional capacities. Due to these heterogeneities’ interoperability issues are
observed in the networks [18]. The WBANs are the stub networks connected
to the Internet of Things forming the so-called WIoT.
which will assist teachers and learners in regulating their daily activities. For
example, the analysis of sleep disorders includes handwriting analysis, facial
expression analysis, and how frequently the patients consume tea and coffee.
Here interoperability issues are regarding the collection of heterogeneous
data from image sensors and their processing.
Ontology is concerned with the knowledge base related to a wearable
device, a physical domain, and data, respectively known as device ontol-
ogy, physical domain ontology, and estimation ontology. Ontology enhances
interoperability by allowing data to be linked at the semantic level. Here
information is first stored in simple language. Languages may be graphical or
natural languages. For example, an electroencephalogram (ECG) data image
on the sending side is encoded using a JPEG encoder. Further, the encoded
information is exchanged by transforming it in the form that communication
channels can send. At the receiving end, the data is interpreted. If there is a
failure at any point in this process, then the information may get lost. If the
receiver is using the Tiff decoder, then received data cannot be interpreted.
If the sender and receivers are using different languages, then communication
will not occur between sender and receiver. This is semantic heterogeneity.
Software professionals can solve this semantic heterogeneity by taking proper
care while designing the software [26]. Syntactic interoperability issues arise
due to the heterogenous message formats, structures, and interfaces between
users and devices. Interoperability between 6LoWPAN [23] devices is pos-
sible but the interoperability between a 6LoWPAN device and a standard
Zigbee device or a 6LoWPAN device and a LoRaWAN device is not possible.
5 Intra 6G Interoperability
6G is envisioned to support global ubiquitous and high connection den-
sity with its state-of-the-art technologies and services. To realize the 3D
connectivity goals, 6G should provide several interoperable solutions. 6G
operates on the THz frequency bands and OWC also depends on the high-
frequency bands in the THz range. So, there should be interoperability
between the high-frequency bands [45]. Interoperability should also be set
between optical-optical and RF-optical networks [45]. Interoperability should
be provided among the heterogeneous frequency bands covering mmWave,
THz, and microwave communications. 6G will be fully compliant with
IoT means it is envisioned to support interconnections with all the stub
networks of IoT connected via the Internet backbone. The stub networks
like 6LoWPANs, LoRaWANs, WSNs, WBANs, WMNs, optical wireless
networks (OWNs), aerial networks, space networks, wireless underwater
networks (WUWNs), wireless Internet of ships (WIoS), wireless vehicle
networks, etc. All these stub networks operate on different IEEE protocol
standards having heterogeneity at physical and MAC layer functionalities.
For example, the PHY/MAC layer functionalities for 6LoWPANs depend
on IEEE 802.15.4 whereas, for WBANs the functionalities depend on IEEE
802.15.6 standard. Interoperable solutions must be developed for interfaces,
encoding formats, addressing (physical and logical both), hardware, oper-
ating systems, and many more to set seamless and ubiquitous connectivity
between 6G and IoT stub networks. The ubiquitous global network formed
by 6G will be composed of heterogeneous base stations (BS’s) like aerial
flying base stations, terrestrial base stations, underwater base stations, fly-
ing robots, autonomous vehicles, etc. with different hardware (transceiver,
encoder/decoder, amplifiers, etc.), various spectrum sensing and allocation
mechanisms, various power control mechanisms, etc. To establish seam-
less interconnectivity among heterogenous BS’s interoperable solutions are
required to be developed.
1460 S. Kharche and P. Dere
predict the data from space networks, while others may do the same for
underwater networks. In such scenarios, heterogeneity will exist in the data
and the ML and DL models, leading to interoperability issues. Moreover,
before the realization of 6G networks lot of research is expected on simulators
which should have the integration of ML and DL models suitable to solve the
interoperability issues among the heterogeneous data formats [54].
The authors would like to offer thanks to the anonymous editors and review-
ers of this manuscript for spending their valuable time and providing valuable
reviews and insightful remarks.
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