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An experiment was conducted at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during 2009-2010 to standardize
processing techniques for dried flower production. Foliage of silver oak (Grevillea robusta), thuja (Thuja orientalis)
and camellia (Camellia reticulata) was best preserved by glycerinization; leaves were soft and pliable, with lowest
moisture and highest overall acceptability. In the case of fully-opened flowers in button-type chrysanthemum
(Chrysanthemum grandiflorum), gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) and plumeria (Plumeria alba), a combination of sand
and silica gel, and microwave-oven embedded method was found to be suitable for drying, with high overall acceptability.
Dried pods of jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia) and castanospermum (Castanospermum australe) were fully bleached
by soaking overnight in 10% sodium hydroxide and subsequent treatment with 2% sodium hydroxide + 2.5%
sodium silicate + 35% hydrogen peroxide. Bleached pods were given dye treatments where acrylic dyes showed good
dyeing consistency, light fastness, wash fastness and rubbing fastness.
Key words: Dry flowers, glycerinization, desiccants, bleaching, dyeing
Table 1. Effect of drying method on time taken for drying of silver oak (Grevillea robusta), thuja (Thuja orientalis) and camellia (Camellia
reticulata) with different drying agents
Treatment Duration of drying Moisture loss (%)
Silver oak Thuja Camellia Silver oak Thuja Camellia
Air drying 3.6 days 10 days 8.2 days 43.53 44.33 53.12
Sand drying 5.8 days 18 days 14.0 days 38.77 47.38 46.58
Microwave drying 1.36 min 3.36 min 3.29 min 42.56 53.27 61.18
Glycerinization(full dip) 3.4 days 2.0 days 6.0 days 11.62 15.72 19.8
Glycerinization (uptake) 2.0 days 12.0 days 10.2 days 17.3 13.24 15.6
SEm ± 0.379 0.447 0.932 2.5 1.3 1.3
CD (P=0.05) 0.791 0.932 1.08 5.2 2.7 2.9
sand and borax (1:1). Dried pods of Jacaranda mimosifolia Table 2. Visual score on overall acceptability of dried leaves of
and Castanospermum australe were given different silver oak, thuja and camellia
bleaching treatments, with six bleaching chemicals in nine Treatment Sensory score
combinations. Fully-bleached pods were given dyeing Silver oak Thuja Camellia
treatment with four different dyes, viz., acid dyes, basic Air drying 1.99 1.82 0.35
Sand drying 2.50 1.66 1.30
dyes, food dyes and acrylic dyes. Experiments were laid
Microwave drying 2.02 1.44 0.76
out in Completely Randomized Block Design, with five Glycerinization(full dip) 3.70 3.87 3.70
replications. Quality parameters like colour retention, shape Glycerinization (up take) 3.18 3.08 2.74
retention, brittleness, texture and overall acceptability were SEm ± 0.15 0.13 0.17
CD (P=0.05) 0.28 0.26 0.35
visually scored in the experiment on drying. For bleaching
pods, scoring was done visually on quality parameters like
bleaching consistency (uniform bleaching of the pods), and drying, performance was poor in all the three, i.e., silver
whitening index, on a score of 0-4, where 0 denoted no oak, thuja and camellia leaves. This is due to the fact that
colour change and 4 bright white. For dyeing treatments, microwave dried materials are susceptible to breakage
time taken for dye uptake, dyeing consistency, wash fastness, (Papparozzi and Callister, 1988) although this method takes
rubbing fastness and light fastness were recorded minimum time for drying.
immediately after dyeing. In all the processing techniques, Consumer acceptability is the ultimate factor for
a panel of 10 members from all age groups judged the commercializing any dried-flower product. Acceptability
samples visually and scored on a scale of 0 to 4 (very low depends upon various parameters such as texture, shape
to very high dye). retention, colour retention, brittleness and, altogether, these
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION decide overall acceptance. In the present study, the best
overall acceptability was obtained with glycerinization full-
Experiment 1: Drying leaves dip method in thuja (3.87), silver oak (3.7) and camellia leaves
Results on leaf drying (Table 1) revealed that sand (3.7) (Table 2). The next best treatment was glycerinization
drying took maximum time (18 days) in drying thuja leaves. by the uptake method.
Minimum time taken for drying was in silver oak leaves These findings are in accordance with earlier reports
with microwave drying. Maximum moisture loss percentage of David Trinklein (1998) in maple, magnolia and oaks; Verey
in leaves (61.18%) was observed in microwave drying in (1994) in eucalyptus and hollyhock; Paul Dubois and Daryl
camellia leaves. Minimum moisture loss percentage (11.6%) Joyce (2005) in luecodendrons; Mercer Jo (1996) in beech;
was observed in glycerinization - full dip method in silver Anon. (2004) in ivy; Deepthi Singh and Santhosh kumar
oak leaves.This is because glycerin replaces moisture by (2008) in camellia and maiden hair fern, and, White (2007)
capillary action when leaves are subjected to the uptake in magnolia and ligustrum. They concluded that
method, whereas, glycerin is taken up through surface of glycerinization kept the leaves soft and pliable for easier
the leaves when the latter are dipped fully (White, 2007). handling and, hence, was the most suitable method for
Air-drying is the easiest and low-cost method of preserving obtaining most of the visual qualities in dried flowers,
flowers and foliage (Susan, 1990) but it causes the flowers especially the foliage part.
to shrink (Bhattacharjee and Palanikumar, 1999;
Rengaswamy et al, 1998). In the case of microwave-oven Treating foliage with glycerin yields unique results of
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Vol. 8(1):65-69, 2013 66
Processes for dried flowers production
indefinite flexiblity and pliability and, hence, the Table 4. Effect of bleaching agent on time taken for complete
glycerinization (uptake) method is suitable in foliage with bleaching in Jacaranda mimosifolia and Castnospermum australe
broad leaves, and glycerinization (full dip) method for single Treatment Jacaranda Castanospermum Effect
pods (hrs) pods (hrs) observed
leaves (White, 2007). Further, effect of glycerinization also
2% NaOH 24 24 Fully bleached
depend on type of the leaf (Paul Dubios and Daryl Joyce, + 2.5% Na2SiO3
2005). + 30 %H2O2
2% NaOH 18 12 Fully bleached
Experiment 2: Drying flowers + 2.5% Na2SiO3
Results on drying of flowers (Table 3) indicate that + 35%H2O2
2% NaOH 18 18 Fully bleached
overall acceptability was best in flowers embedded with a + 2.5% Na2SiO3
combination of silica gel and sand, under microwave-oven + 40 %H2O2
drying. Visual score of 3.5 was obtained by chrysanthemum 30% NaOCl 24 24 Unbleached
yellow, chrysanthemum green, gerbera and plumeria dried + 10% HCl
35% NaOCl 24 24 Unbleached
flowers. The next best result was with silica alone, in all the + 11.5% HCl
four types of flower. 40% NaOCl 24 24 Unbleached
+13% HCl
These findings are in accordance with those of Susan 30% NaClO2 24 24 Partially bleached
(1990) in rose, zinnia and dahlia; Thomler (1997) in marigold +10% HCl
and zinnia; Alleman (1994) in celosia and daffodil; Roberts 35% NaClO2 24 24 Partially bleached
+11.5% HCl
(1997) in carnation, chrysanthemum and zinnia; Lourdusamy
40% NaClO2 24 24 Partially bleached
(1998) in zinnia and French marigold. They found silica gel +13% HCl
drying to be the most suitable method for achieving most of
the desirable visual qualities in dry flowers.
oven or microwave oven, at controlled temperature for an
Silica gel is white in appearance and, sometimes, appropriate amount of time (Anon, 2000).
contains blue crystals that act as an indicator for the amount
Experiment 3: Bleaching pods
of moisture absorbed. Moisture is absorbed by silica gel
from the flowers (Norman Winter, 1998) quickly, compared Time taken for perfect bleaching was least in the
to borax and sand; and, flower shape is also retained treatment combination of overnight soaking in 10% sodium
(Nirmala, 2008). Sand drying is the oldest method, least hydroxide, followed by soaking with 2% sodium hydroxide
expensive and sand is the best desiccant. It should be dry, + 2.5% sodium silicate + 35% hydrogen peroxide, compared
fine and washed several times with water to make it salt- to other hydrogen peroxide combinations (Table 4). This is
free (White, 2007). Microwave-oven drying with embedded in accordance with findings of Samanta et al (2007) where
desiccants is one of the best methods to obtain superior optimum time period required for bleaching at room
products. Embedded plant material is placed in a hot-air temperature was 6, 3 and 5h, respectively, for jute, cotton
and jute-cotton union fabrics. Time variation between pods
Table 3. Sensory score on overall acceptability of flowers of may be due to difference in pod thickness, lignin content
chrysanthemum (yellow and green), gerbera and plumeria with and cellulose content.
various drying agents with microwave drying
Treatment Sensory scores
Data on quality of bleaching consistency and whitening
Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum Gerbera Plumeria
index of bleached pods at periodic intervals (Figs. 1 and 2)
(yellow) (green) revealed that bleaching consistency score was maximum
Air drying 0.76 0.78 0.78 0.76 (2.23) in pods soaked in 10% sodium hydroxide overnight,
Sand drying 2.83 2.82 2.68 2.8 followed by treatment with 2% sodium hydroxide + 2.5%
Silica drying 3.02 3.06 2.77 3.03 sodium silicate + 35% hydrogen peroxide. These findings
Borax drying 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Silica + 3.56 3.57 3.53 3.55
are in line with those of Gulrajani and Sukumar (1985).
sand drying Suitability of hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent
Borax + 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
sand drying
has been reported by several workers earlier. Peroxides
SEd ± 0.13 0.065 0.09 0.054 can degrade cellulose, as well as decolourize it, and remove
CD (P=0.05) 0.06 0.130 0.18 0.12 stains (Zeronian et al, 1995), are less expensive (Paul
J. Hortl. Sci.
Vol. 8(1):65-69, 2013 67
Jawaharlal et al
Dubios and Daryl Joyce, 2005) and are the best bleaching
agents (Lourdusamy, 1998). The reason is that use of
hydrogen peroxide at optimum concentrations results in
higher rate of degradation of cellulose and hemicelluloses
present in the constituent fibres, and improves whitening
index. Addition of sodium hydroxide to hydrogen peroxide
causes surface-darkening, impairing whiteness and, hence,
optimum use of a peroxide stabilizer (sodium silicate) is
essential to achieve comparable levels of whiteness. This is
probably due to re-deposition of silica particles from sodium
Fig 4. Effect of dye on sensory score for wash fastness in pods of
silicate onto the bleaching material (Samanta et al, 2007). Jacaranda mimosifolia and Castanospermun australe
J. Hortl. Sci.
Vol. 8(1):65-69, 2013 68
Processes for dried flowers production
for basic and acrylic dyes in both jacaranda and Lourdusamy, D.K. 1998. Standardizing drying and bleaching
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observations of Van Dam Jan et al (2002) and Anon (2010). to Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore
Mercer Jo. 1996. Horticulture Information Leaflet 8111
Wash fastness of a dye is influenced by rate of
North Carolina Cooperative. www.ces.ncsu.edu/
diffusion of the dye and state of the dye once inside the
fibre. The dye has a tendency to aggregate inside the fibre
Norman Winter. 1998. Preserving Flowers and Leaves.
(thereby increasing in molecular size) and, hence, exhibits
good wash fastness. These findings are also in agreement
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Ordinator, NAIP (Component –II), ICAR, New Delhi, for fn010_1989.pdf pp: 33-44
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Vol. 8(1):65-69, 2013 69