Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection Synopsis 20190614132833
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection Synopsis 20190614132833
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection Synopsis 20190614132833
Printed in India
First Edition: 2013
ISBN: 978-93-80355-87-0
Printed by
Repro India Ltd., Mumbai.
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Foreword V
Acknowledgement VII
Author’s note IX
The Golden Eagle V
Preface XI
1. Essentials of a good prescription 1
2. A Case of Ovarian Mass and Ovarian Cyst 5
3. A Case of Cholecystitis with Diabetes 17
4. A Case of Indian Childhood Cirrhosis 21
5. The Burnett Experience 24
6. A Case of Multiple Myeloma 28
7. A Case of Alcoholic Cirrhosis 31
8. A Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 40
9. A Case of Infertility with Vitiligo 47
10. A Case of Keloids 50
11. A Case of Painful Keloid 53
12. A Case of Wrist Drop and Imbecility 58
13. A Case of Cerebral Hypoxia with 64
Hallucinations and Stupor
14. A Case of Cerebral Parenchymal Oedema 66
15. A Case of Epilepsy 70
16. A Case of Cervical Spondylolisthesis 82
17. A Case of Cerebral Frontal Lobe Atrophy 88
18. A Case of Lumbo-Sacral Spondylolisthesis 91
19. The Importance of Diagnosis 98
20. Technique of Case Solving 102
21. Case Taking 109
22. The Final Diagnosis 114
23. Discussion with Dr. Borkar 116
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
I have known Dr Ashok Borkar as my student and later as a very sincere
and good practitioner and popular teacher of classical homeopathy.
He has a large practice in Goa and has impressed me with several
good, well-taken cases. This book by Dr. Ashok Borkar, his first one, is
an important contribution.
It highlights the fact that beyond matching the Sensation and
the symptoms of the patient with the remedy, one also has to consider
if the genius matches too.
This facilitates healing at the deeper levels and not only relief of
symptoms or state of mind.
The genius includes: sphere of action, pathological generals, general
modalities and Sensation: in short the very nature of the patient or
the remedy.
The several cases in the book illustrate the combined use of all
the three sides of the triangle: namely symptom, system (sensation
and miasm) and genius.
A note of caution is called for. We need to be flexible - as the last case
of the book shows, there are no fixed rules. Each case needs careful
evaluation. If one finds in a given case a very strong peculiar symptom,
or a very clear sensation and miasm, one can give the remedy even if it
is not known for the pathology in the case. We have seen this repeatedly.
After all, the pathological indications of many remedies only came after
their clinical use. So, nothing is absolute.
Yet this book does make a point that is sometimes overlooked: it is
important that the match between the patient and the remedy should be
at several levels, and the genius, the affinity and pathological tendencies
known about a remedy are certainly among the important and sometimes
crucial areas that need our attention.
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Author’s note
To derive maximum benefit from this book, the reader is advised to read
in serial order from the first to the last page. This will help to systematically
build up the reader’s ideas, concepts and personal understanding of
the book in the right perspective. Only then the reader will be able to
use this material to good effect. Every chapter in this book is connected
to the previous chapter and to the one that follows it and the continuous
flow of this work is maintained up to the concluding chapters.
Also, I chose to design this book in a way that resembles an effortless
conversation. I decided to select this way of delivery in order to convey
my thought process throughout a case. Additionally, I utilize
the conversational style of presentation even while teaching at seminars
and in the classroom, and overall this interactive method of lecturing is
appreciated by my interns, students and fellow colleagues.
It is also of importance to point out the use of archaic English in
the chapter, “The Burnett Experience”. I avoided changing the language
and manner of writing, as I did not want to disturb the originality and raw
essence of his work.
Furthermore, many cases in this book have clinical and diagnostic
investigations attached which demonstrate immense changes before
and after the homoeopathic remedy of choice. This in itself is a true
indicator of how much homoeopathy can influence and improve various
pathological diseases. For homoeopaths, my message is that we always
must remember that we are physicians first, and must recognize and
understand the pathology in order to prescribe the right homoeopathic
My final words of thought include sending a heartfelt thanks to all of
you, the readers. I wish you the best in your experiences, and hope you
will evolve after reading this work.
The Golden Eagle
A man found a couple of eagle’s eggs and placed them under a brooding
hen. The eaglets hatched with the chickens and grew to be like them.
They clucked and cackled, scratched the earth for worms, flapped their
wings and managed to fly a few feet in the air.
Years passed and one day the eagles, who were very old, saw a
magnificent bird above them in the sky. This bird glided along in graceful
splendor against the powerful wind, with scarcely a movement of its
golden wings. Spellbound, the eagles inquired of their neighbor, “Who
is that?”
“That is the king of the birds…the great eagle,” said their neighbor.
“He belongs to the sky and we belong to earth because we are only
One of the eagles believed this story, so he lived and died as a chicken,
for that is what he thought he was. The other suddenly became aware
of his majestic wings and attempted to test his own abilities. As he
released his wings, he soared high in the air.
All the abilities and tools that you need to do good work are
easily and readily available to you. Once you become aware of
them, you will be able to put them to good use and get amazing
results. Let the eagle within you soar high into the sky!
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
On the 26th of January 1992, barely 3 months into my homoeopathic
practice, I was called upon to treat a 56-year-old lady who was suffering
from continuous uterine hemorrhage for six months. She was gasping
for breath and her hemoglobin was 3mg%. The Tata Cancer Hospital,
Mumbai, had diagnosed her as a case of Carcinoma of the uterus and
they had advised her not to undergo surgery, radiotherapy or
chemotherapy. They said that she was in the advanced stage of
endometrial cancer and she would be unable to bear any of these
aggressive remedial procedures. The tumor was huge and it extended
from the pelvis to the epigastrium. It was as hard as a cricket ball. When
I asked her what was happening she directly talked about wanting to
eat spicy food. She was restless and she wanted her relatives to change
her position constantly, as she would feel anxious if she were in one
place. I got her admitted to the hospital and the first thing she said on
admission was that the place was so dirty that she felt like taking a
broom herself and cleaning up the whole place. I gave her Arsenic alb
30C three times a day, and there was drastic improvement within a day.
She could talk without gasping for breath. The bleeding stopped
altogether in another three days. The remedy was continued three times
a day for about a month, and the tumor went on reducing in size.
The tumor disappeared completely in about one year and she enjoyed
good health for the next twelve years.
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
delayed because he was not able to take a final decision in these matters.
Finally, he would get very angry whenever he was contradicted.
The remedy selected was based on the following rubrics:
Anxiety, night watching from
Anxiety, health about relatives
Anger from contradiction
Single doses of Cocculus indicus 200 were given infrequently, about
three times in six months. This medicine cured him completely and
he has been in good health ever since.
These successes early on in my practice made it clear to me that
the scope of homoeopathy is unlimited, provided we make a good
It should be noted that good results in such so-called ‘incurable cases’,
or cases with structural changes, were few and far between. There was
no consistency. The few good results would confirm the truth that
homoeopathy works well and cures such cases. However, the many
failures would drive home the fact that homoeopathy itself works, but
homoeopaths themselves fail.
So the question arose: ‘Why did I succeed in some cases while I failed
in others?’ On looking back, I observed that all of my prescriptions were
based mainly on mental symptoms. If that was the right technique, then
it should have worked well for all of my patients. Obviously, I was missing
something and I realized that I needed to improve my skills as a
prescriber. After twenty years of practice, I realized that there were a
few good results because unknowingly, I had done something right in
those cases, but what was that?
To find a solution to this question I embarked upon an intensive journey
to study the subject. I attended various seminars, observed many cases
of successful homoeopaths and read many books. Not entirely satisfied
by what I saw and heard, I started studying the successful cases in my
clinic and tried to find out what was common in all of them. Was there a
pattern running through and through? What was it that I was ‘doing
right’, albeit unknowingly in these cases? To my amazement, I found
the answers I was looking for and this book is a result of the study and
the conclusions derived thereupon.
This book is not the final word on the subject. Rather, it should be treated
as a study in progress.
Essentials of a Good Prescription
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
In the animal kingdom, the main issue is SURVIVAL. The basic feeling
is, ‘Me versus You’, or ‘Victim versus aggressor.’ In a patient needing an
animal remedy the perception is that the other person is the problem:
‘He is doing things to me; he should be put down’. There is comparison
and competition. In a patient needing a remedy from the animal kingdom,
we observe multiple sensations and they describe a process. It may be
a process of attack, defense, feeding, locomotion or death.
In order to understand the kingdom correctly we have to explore
the following seven areas of the patient’s life: the chief complaint,
the associated complaints, his experience in stressful situations, fears,
dreams, childhood, and hobbies & interests.
The other important concept taught by Dr. Sankaran is the concept of
miasms. Dr. Sankaran has presented ten miasms otherwise known as
the ten coping mechanisms. The miasm [or coping mechanism] of each
patient can be classified into one of the following:
1. Psora [possible type]
2. Sycosis [fixed type]
3. Syphilis [impossible type]
4. Acute [panic type]
5. Typhoid [crisis type]
6. Ringworm [doubtful type]
7. Malarial [harassed type]
8. Cancer [chaotic type]
9. Tubercular [claustrophobic type]
10. Leprous [isolated type]
Every patient has one predominant miasm at a given point of time and
needs a remedy that covers that miasm. To know the miasm, we have
to understand how he copes with his problems. This is depicted by
the subsequent criteria:
1. His perception of the situation
2. His reaction to the problem
3. The degree of desperation with which he experiences
the problem
4. The pace of his problem
5. His attitude towards the problem
A Case of Ovarian Mass and Ovarian Cyst
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
A Case of Cholecystitis with Diabetes
A Case of Indina Childhood Cirrhosis
Case analysis:
The following rubrics were considered for this case.
(Complete repertory):
Abdomen; enlarged spleen
Abdomen; cirrhosis liver
Abdomen; dropsy, ascites.
Emaciation general, appetite ravenous, with
Fasting, while, aggravates
Rubbing ameliorates
Pains, burning
Hot patient
Iodum 6C was given twice a day for 15 days.
When she was brought to the clinic the disease picture was dominated
by the cirrhosis of liver and the massively enlarged spleen. So I had to
make sure that this was covered by the remedy. As we know from
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Seat of Action:
About the seat of action he writes,
Hahnemannic medicine in its pristine purity is based on pure
pharmacodynamics. It is in fact therapeutically applied
pharmacodynamics; its first and deepest groundwork being
the principle that given drugs affect given organs (parts) by self-
elective preference.
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
A Case of Alcoholic Cirrhosis
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
A Case of Infertility with Vitiligo
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
A Case of Keloids
This is a case of a fourteen-year-old boy who had been suffering from
keloids since the age of twelve.
The patient said that all of this began when he had a fall on a tar road
and his right knee was injured. Later, he had a fall again and there was
a cut at the same site. He also had eczema on the left ankle, which had
started when he was nine years of age and would come up again and
again. He suffered from recurrent headaches and he would also get
recurrent throat infections with difficulty in swallowing. He would get
sneezing, running nose and cough, which were aggravated in
the monsoon and from change of weather.
The keloid was reddish in color. He said that since the first injury, his
wounds do not heal completely and they become black. The pain in
the keloid would become severe when he moved his leg, and so he
could not move his leg easily. It was numb.
This is how the history proceeded:
D: How is the pain?
P: The pain is as if someone bites you. It is as if someone is pinching
you. I can’t do anything.
D: Tell more about it.
P: The pain is sudden. Like a sudden, tight pinch.
D: Explain a little more.
P: The pain is as if teeth are going into it. It pains a lot and stops.
There is sudden burning. I feel as if skin was going to come out.
D: Tell a little more.
P: It is as if someone is biting through you. I feel like hitting that
person. The pain is as if something has suddenly pierced through
your skin and gone through. It is like a sting. The whole part
becomes numb. You can’t do anything about it.
D: How is this ‘sting’?
P: ‘Sting’ feeling is as if it will tear and bleed. You get a burning
D: Burning?
P: You feel hurt. It is painful. You want to hit that person so that he
D: Tell more about burning?
A Case of Painful Keloid
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Case analysis:
The following rubrics were chosen for this case (Complete repertory):
• Generalities; Reaction, lack of, old people, in
• Generalities; Food and drinks, juicy things, desires
• Extremities; Coldness, hands, icy
• Mind; Dullness, understands questions only after repetition
• Mind; Indifference, apathy, everything to
• Mind; Talk, indisposed to
• Mind; Forgetfulness, of old people
• Mind; Homesickness
• Mind; Slowness of old people
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
A Case of Lumbio-Sacral Spondylolisthesis
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Situation 1:
If we have a clear-cut Sensation in the case, our task becomes very
easy. If you have taken the case properly then the kingdom and miasm
approach will quickly take you to the exact remedy or a very small group
of remedies. From here we read the remedy from the materia medica
and note the similarity, check out the rubrics and confirm that
the pathology is covered. Then we are ready with a good prescription.
The case of Fel tauri (cholecystitis) and the Aranea diadema case
(sciatica) were solved with this approach.
What if you come to a new remedy (unproved remedy) or a remedy
that has not had an extensive proving?
In this case, we have to check out the toxicology of that substance and
see if the pathology is covered. It may happen that you come to a known
remedy, but the pathology is not covered. Then we have to find out
more information from alternate sources such as the internet. Read
about the toxicology of that substance. W e do not know all
the toxicological effects of all the remedies given in our materia medica,
and the internet can be put to good use to get this information.
Situation 2:
If you do not have a case with a clear-cut Sensation or if you do not
know the Sensation Method, then the following technique will be of
great use:
Our case analysis techniques can be put to good use only if we have
taken the history correctly. Faulty data will lead to wrong analysis. So it
is imperative that we learn the art of case-taking.
I would once again like to suggest that every homoeopath make
the best use of the courses offered at The Other Song International
Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy, where the art of case-taking is
taught by some of the world’s best teachers of homoeopathy.
Here are some guidelines that will help you enhance your technique of
case taking:
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
The other song : International Academy
of Advanced Homoeopathy
Headed by Dr. Rajan Sankaran and supported by Homoeopathic
Research and Charities (Mumbai), ‘the other song: International
Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy’s is the culminationof a vision
shared by a group of like-minded homoepaths, of establishing a world
class institute that would develop into a hub for homoeopathic healing
learning and research.
Provide premium quality homoeopathic treatment from highly
experienced homoeopathic physicians.
Establish world-class and highly modern clinics.
Set up a round the clock clinic and pharamacy for the benefit of
Create a reassuring ambience of patients where they can share
their physical ailments and emotional stresses with the aim of
seeking a homoeopathic cure.
Integrate modern medicine (wherever required)and
complementary holistic therapies such as yoga and meditation
with Homoeopathy.
Provide expert opinion and guidance in difficult and challenging
cases to homoeopaths from around the country and the world.
Impart systematic and intensive clinical training under
the expertise of a team of international renowned teachers, with
a view to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and
Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection
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