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Influence of incorporation of ZrO2 nanoparticles

on the repair strength of polymethyl methacrylate
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denture bases
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
International Journal of Nanomedicine
27 October 2016
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Mohammed M Gad 1 Background: Repeated fracture of the denture base is a common problem in prosthodontics, and
Ahmed Rahoma 2,3 it represents a nuisance and a time sink for the clinician. Therefore, the possibility of increasing
Ahmad M Al-Thobity 1 repair strength using new reinforcement materials is of great interest to prosthodontists.
Aws S ArRejaie 4 Aim of the study: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of incorporation of zirconia
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nanoparticles (nano-ZrO2) on the flexural strength and impact strength of repaired polymethyl
Department of Substitutive Dental
Sciences, 2Department of Restorative methacrylate (PMMA) denture bases.
Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Materials and methods: One hundred eighty specimens of heat-polymerized acrylic resin
University of Dammam, Dammam, were fabricated (90 for each test) and divided into three main groups: one control group (intact
Saudi Arabia; 3Department of Dental
Materials, College of Dentistry, specimens) and two groups divided according to surface design (45° bevels and butt joints),
Al-Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt; in which specimens were prepared in pairs to create 2.5 mm gaps. Nano-ZrO2 was added to
Department of Prosthetic Dental
repair resin in 2.5 wt%, 5 wt%, and 7.5 wt% concentrations of acrylic powder. A three-point
Sciences, College of Dentistry, King
Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia bending test was used to measure flexural strength, and a Charpy-type test was used to measure
impact strength. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the fracture surfaces and
nano-ZrO2 distribution. The results were analyzed with a paired sample t-test and an unpaired
t-test, with a P-value of 0.05 being significant.
Results: Incorporation of nano-ZrO2 into the repair resin significantly increased flexural strength
(P0.05). The highest value was found in the bevel group reinforced with 7.5% nano-ZrO2,
whereas the lowest value was found in the butt group reinforced with 2.5% nano-ZrO2. The
impact strength values of all repaired groups were significantly lower than those of the control
group (P0.05). Among repaired groups, the higher impact strength value was seen in the butt
group reinforced with 2.5% nano-ZrO2. The bevel joint demonstrated mainly cohesive failure,
whereas the butt joint demonstrated mainly adhesive failure.
Conclusion: Incorporation of nano-ZrO2 into the repair resin improved the flexural strength of
repaired denture bases, whereas it decreased impact strength, especially with high nano-ZrO2
Keywords: denture repair, flexural strength, impact strength, PMMA, ZrO2 nanoparticles

Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is the most common denture base material due to
Correspondence: Mohammed M Gad its biocompatibility, esthetics, accurate fit, stability in the oral environment, ease of
Department of Substitutive Dental fabrication and adjustment, low cost, and possibility of repair.1,2 However, PMMA
Sciences, College of Dentistry, University
of Dammam, PO Box 1982, Dammam has poor mechanical properties, which often results in denture base fractures.3 Such
31441, Saudi Arabia denture fractures may occur inside the patient’s mouth usually at the midline of the
Tel +966 5 9250 2080
Fax +966 13 857 2624
denture base during mastication or outside the patient’s mouth when the removable
Email dr.gad@hotmail.com prosthesis drops suddenly.4–6

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Fabrication of a new removable prosthesis is highly Although flexural stresses that are counteracted by the
costly and time-consuming for both patients and prostho- flexural strength of the material are a constant phenom-
dontists. Therefore, denture repair is required if the denture enon during mastication, impact strength is also required
fits properly.7 The proper denture repair procedure should to prevent accidental dropping or falling of the dentures.
be easy, time saving, match the original color, maintain Because dentures have frenal notches and some scratches on
dimension accuracy, and restore original strength.8,9 Different the denture surface that act as common stress concentrated
International Journal of Nanomedicine downloaded from https://www.dovepress.com/ by on 17-Aug-2019

materials have been used to repair fractured denture bases; areas and consequently reduce the strength of the dentures,31
these include autopolymerized, visible light-polymerized, a Charpy-type impact test was selected for this study, and
and heat-polymerized acrylic resin. V-shaped notches were created in the specimens in order to
Heat-polymerized materials have been proven to have simulate denture borders.
better mechanical properties than autopolymerized resin.10–14 The effects of nano-ZrO2 on the repair strength of PMMA
However, distortion or warpage due to reheating and time- denture bases have not been well investigated in the literature.
consuming laboratory procedures are drawbacks to their Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the rein-
use as a repair material.14,15 Therefore, autopolymerized forcement effect of nano-ZrO2 on the flexural strength and
acrylic resin is preferred over heat-polymerized acrylic resin impact strength of repaired PMMA denture bases. The null
for repair. hypothesis is that the addition of different concentrations of
Although autopolymerized resin is the most common nano-ZrO2 will not improve the flexural strength and impact
material used for repair, its strength has been shown to be strength of repaired PMMA denture bases.
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half that of intact heat-polymerized denture resin.16 Hence,

repeated fracture of the repaired denture bases has been Materials and methods
reported to be frequently related to the low strength of Specimen preparations
the autopolymerized repair resin.6,12 To achieve adequate A total of 180 specimens of heat-polymerized acrylic resin
repair strength, many attempts have been made to modify (Major.Base.20; Major Prodotti Dentari Spa, Moncalieri,
repair surface design and/or reinforce the repair resin.7 Italy) were prepared. Ninety specimens were prepared for
Different design modifications of repaired joints have the flexural strength test in dimensions of 65×10×2.5 mm3
been made by increasing the surface area, which therefore in accordance with the ANSI/ADA specification no 12.20
improves the bond strength.17 Ninety-degree butt and The other 90 specimens were prepared for the impact
45° bevel joint designs have been found to affect repair strength test in accordance with the ISO standard 1567:1999/
strength.18–21 Amd.1:2003(E) for denture base polymers.32 Specimens
Zirconia (ZrO2) is a metal oxide that has been widely for the impact strength test were prepared with dimensions
used because it possesses high mechanical strength, good of 50×6×4 mm3, and each specimen was fabricated with a
surface properties, and good biocompatibility and biologi- V-shaped notch. The notch depth was ~0.8 mm across the
cal properties, thus making it a beneficial material for use entire 6 mm width of the specimen, leaving an effective depth
in dental materials, such as reinforcement of denture bases of 3.2 mm below the notch.
and repair.22–25 The incorporation of zirconia nanoparticles Specimens for both strength tests were divided into one
(nano-ZrO2) into PMMA has been suggested to improve control group (intact specimens) and two repair groups for
PMMA properties.26,27 The addition of nano-ZrO2 to PMMA each strength test, and these specimens were consequently
significantly improves flexural strength and impact strength. divided according to the surface design into four butt groups
Furthermore, the maximum increase in flexural strength and four bevel groups for each test (Table 1). Specimens of
and impact strength was observed in PMMA denture bases repair groups were prepared in two parts (one pair) for each
containing 5 wt% nano-ZrO2.28,29 specimen to allow space for the repair material. To standard-
Good adhesion and dispersion homogeneity of nano-ZrO2 ize the butt and 45° bevel joints, modified metal plates were
with the resin matrix effectively improve the properties of customized and used to prepare the repair groups’ specimens
the polymer/nanoparticles composite. Therefore, surface (Table 2 and Figure 1).
modification of nanoparticles with a saline coupling agent For control group specimens, metal molds were waxed
(97% 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate [TMSPM] up, and then the wax (Cavex Set Up Wax; Cavex, Haarlem,
solution) might reduce aggregation of nano-ZrO2 and then the Netherlands) specimens were invested in type III dental
enhance its compatibility with the polymer, which may result stone (Fujirock EP; GC, Leuven, Belgium) within a metal
in the improvement of composite properties.28–30 flask (61B Two Flask Compress; Handler Manufacturing,

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Table 1 Specimens grouping and coding with specifications

Group Code Repair material
Control HC Intact heat-polymerized specimens
Butt joint BTAP Unreinforced autopolymerized acrylic resin
2BTZ 2.5 wt% nano-ZrO2-reinforced autopolymerized acrylic resin
5BTZ 5 wt% nano-ZrO2-reinforced autopolymerized acrylic resin
7BTZ 7.5 wt% nano-ZrO2-reinforced autopolymerized acrylic resin
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Bevel joint BVAP Unreinforced autopolymerized acrylic resin

2BVZ 2.5 wt% nano-ZrO2-reinforced autopolymerized acrylic resin
5BVZ 5 wt% nano-ZrO2-reinforced autopolymerized acrylic resin
7BVZ 7.5 wt% nano-ZrO2-reinforced autopolymerized acrylic resin
Abbreviation: nano-ZrO2, zirconia nanoparticles.

Westfild, NJ, USA). After the flasking procedure was com- Silanization of nano-ZrO2 particles
pleted, the dental wax was burned out and the mold spaces The nano-ZrO2 powder used (99.9% purity, 1314-23-4;
were cleaned of any wax traces by immersion in hot water Sigma-Aldrich Co., St Louis, MO, USA) had an average
and then allowed to dry. After that, a separating media (Isol granularity of 90 nm and surface area of 9±2 m2/g. The
Major; Major Prodotti Dentari Spa) was applied to dental stone addition of the silane coupling agent TMSPM (Shanghai
surfaces and allowed to dry. According to the manufacturer's Richem International Co., Ltd. Shanghai, China) to nano-
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instructions, heat-polymerized acrylic resin was mixed and ZrO2 particles results in the creation of reactive groups on
packed in the dough stage into the mold cavity; trial closures its surface, which allows for adequate adhesion between
were then performed, and the flask was closed and kept under nanoparticles and the resin matrix. 33 To achieve this,
a bench press for 30 min. Acrylic resin specimens were pro- 0.3 g of TMSPM was dissolved in 100 mL of acetone to
cessed for 8 h in a water bath at 74°C, and the temperature was ensure that it would evenly coat the surfaces of the ZrO2
then increased to 100°C for 1 h in a thermal curing unit (KaVo particles. Thirty grams of ZrO2 particles were added to
Elektrotechnisches Werk GmbH, Leutkirch, Germany). After the TMSPM/acetone solution and stirred with a magnetic
polymerization, flasks were bench cooled at room tempera- stirrer (Cimarec Digital Stirring Hotplates, SP131320-33Q;
ture prior to deflasking. The excess resin of specimens was Thermo Fischer Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) for
trimmed with a tungsten carbide bur (HM251FX-040-HP; 60 min. Subsequently, a rotary evaporator was used to
Meisinger, Centennial, CO, USA) and polished with acrylic remove the solvent under vacuum at 60°C and 150 rpm
polisher (HM251FX-060; Meisinger, USA). For repair group for 30 min. When the sample was dried, it was heated at
specimens, each pair of respective plates was painted with 120°C for 2 h and naturally cooled to obtain the surface-
petroleum jelly and subjected to the same flasking procedure treated nano-ZrO2.26,34
as the control group. The flask was then opened, and the metal
plates were removed, creating mold spaces that were cleaned, PMMA/ZrO2 nanocomposite preparation
packed, processed, and finished as for intact specimens. A The silanized nano-ZrO2 particles were weighed using an
digital caliper (EK-1106B; China Hunan E&K Tools Inc., electronic balance (S-234; Denver Instrument, Gottingen,
Changsha, China) was used to evaluate pairs of repair group Germany) and added in concentrations of 2.5 wt%, 5 wt%, and
specimens according to the required dimensions (Table 2). 7.5 wt% of autopolymerized acrylic polymer powder (Major.
Control and repair groups were stored in distilled water at Repair, Major Prodotti Dentari Spa). The pre-weighted
37°C for 7 days. silanized nano-ZrO2 was added to the autopolymerized

Table 2 Dimensions of molds and plates used for fabrication of specimens

Molds Flexural strength molds Impact strength molds
Customized mold 65×10×2.5 mm 3
50×6×4 mm3 with V-shaped elevation and 0.8 mm height
Butt joint plate Length =31.25 mm, width =10.0±0.01 mm, and Length =23.75 mm, width =6±0.01 mm, and
thickness =2.50±0.01 mm thickness =4±0.01 mm
45° bevel joint plate Length of 31.25 mm for the lower surface and 30 mm for Length of 23.75 mm for the lower surface and
the upper surface with a 45° bevel, width =10.0±0.01 mm, 20 mm for the upper surface with a 45° bevel,
and thickness =2.5±0.01 mm width =6±0.01 mm, and thickness =4±0.01 mm

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Figure 1 Molds (A), intact specimens (B), and modified plates (C, butt joint; D, bevel joint) used for fabrication of specimens and repair of specimens (E, butt surface design
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repair; F, bevel surface design repair).

acrylic polymer powder, thoroughly mixed, and stirred for Flexural strength test
30 min to achieve an equal distribution of particles and to To determine flexural strength, fracture load was measured
obtain a consistent and uniform color.22,35 using a three-point bending test on a universal testing
machine (Instron 8871; Instron Co., Norwood, MA, USA).
Repair procedures The specimens were placed on a three-point flexure apparatus
The metal molds that were used to fabricate the control with a 50 mm distance between two supports. A 50 kgf load
group’s specimens were used to hold the reassembled speci- cell was applied at the midpoint of the repaired area with a
mens for repair. Repair surfaces were painted with monomer crosshead speed of 5 mm/min until the specimen fractured.
liquid and left for 3 min. Next, specimens were placed into Fracture load was recorded. The formula S =3WL/2bd2 was
the mold and fixed, preserving the required repair gap. The used to calculate the flexural strength values of each speci-
digital caliper was used to measure the proper dimensions men, where S is the flexural strength (MPa), W is the fracture
of the repair area of each specimen and the whole length load (N), L is the distance between the two supports, b is the
of each specimen. According to the manufacturer’s recom- specimen width, and d is the specimen thickness.10,32
mendations, the mixed nanocomposite powder was dispersed
in a methyl methacrylate monomer with a powder/liquid Impact strength test
mass ratio of 2:1; then the subsequent material was mixed An impact strength test was performed using a pendulum
and packed into the repair area, adding an excess amount to Charpy-type impact test machine (Digital Charpy Izod impact
compensate for polymerization shrinkage. Next, the molds tester, XJU 5.5, Jinan Hensgrand Instrument Co., Ltd., Jinan,
holding the repaired specimens were placed into a pres- China). Each specimen was horizontally positioned with a
sure pot at a temperature of 37°C and subjected to 30 psi distance of 40 mm between the two fixed supports. At room
pressure for 30 min.21 After polymerization, the specimens temperature, a drop weight of 0.5 J was applied at the mid-span
were removed from the molds, and the excess acrylic resin of the specimen on the opposite side to the notch, and the value
was removed with a tungsten carbide bur at a low speed. of the impact strength (kJ/m2) was digitally recorded.32
Next, all specimens were finished, using a 600-grit abrasive
paper under running water, and then stored in distilled water Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
at 37°C for 48±2 h. Next, the specimens were subjected examination
to the corresponding tests: flexural strength and impact The samples were fixed on metal stubs and immersed in an
strength (Table 1). ultrasonic bath of deionized water for 10 min. A sputtering

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device was used to spatter the specimens with gold (one cycle reinforced with 7.5% nano-ZrO2 (91.43 MPa), was signifi-
of 120 sec) under vacuum. The fractured surfaces were ana- cantly higher than the other reinforced groups (P0.05). The
lyzed using an SEM (Inspect S50, FEI Company; Hillsboro, lowest flexural strength value was found in the butt group
OR, USA), evaluating the evenness of distribution along the reinforced with 2.5% nano-ZrO2 (81.74 MPa). Furthermore,
interfaces between the acrylic resin matrix and the nano-ZrO2 there were no significant differences between the butt and
particles. The SEM unit operated at 20 kV, WD =15–18 mm, bevel groups reinforced with 5% nano-ZrO2, while there was
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with a spot size range of 25–100 pA. Photomicrographs were a significant difference between the 2.5% group and the 7.5%
made at ×100, ×200, ×400, ×600, ×1,000, ×1,200, ×1,600, group (P0.05; Table 3).
and ×2,000 magnifications for visual inspection, and three
observers noted whether the nature of the failure was cohe- Impact strength
sive (within the repair material only), adhesive (at the inter- Table 4 shows the mean and SD of impact strength for
face of the repair material and the repaired resin), or mixed the tested groups. The mean values of all repaired groups
(within both the interface and the repair materials). were significantly lower than those of the control group
(2.69 kJ/m2; P0.05). In the repaired groups, the lowest
Statistical analysis impact strength value was found in the bevel group reinforced
SPSS software, version 20.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, with 7.5% nano-ZrO2 (0.96 kJ/m2), while the highest value
NY, USA) was used for statistical data analysis. The results of was seen in the butt group reinforced with 2.5% nano-ZrO2
the flexural strength and impact strength tests were presented (1.70 kJ/m2). In comparison to the unreinforced autopolymer-
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as arithmetic mean and standard deviation (SD). For intra- ized acrylic resin group, a significant increase in the impact
group comparisons, in relation to the control versus various strength was found in the butt group reinforced with 2.5%
stages of flexural strength and impact strength, a paired nano-ZrO2 particles, while a significant decrease was seen in
sample t-test was used. For comparison between the butt and the bevel group reinforced with 7.5% nano-ZrO2 particles.
bevel joints, an unpaired t-test was used. A P-value 0.05 Furthermore, no significant differences were found within
was considered a statistically significant result. the butt groups between the unreinforced autopolymerized
group and the 5% nano-ZrO2- or 7.5% nano-ZrO2-reinforced
Results autopolymerized acrylic resin group. There were no sig-
Flexural strength nificant differences among the bevel groups between the
The mean and SD of flexural strength for the tested speci- unreinforced autopolymerized groups and the 2.5% nano-
mens are summarized in Table 3. The statistical analysis ZrO2-reinforced resin or the unreinforced autopolymerized
showed that the flexural strength of the control group was groups and the 5% nano-ZrO2-reinforced autopolymerized
significantly better than all repaired groups (P0.05), acrylic resin group.
excepting the bevel group reinforced with 7.5% nano-ZrO2
(P0.05). Within each bevel group and butt group, there Evaluation of SEM images
was a statistically significant difference between nano- Representative SEM images showing the fractured surfaces of
ZrO2-reinforced autopolymerized acrylic resin group and the control, bevel, and butt specimens are presented in Figure 2
nano-ZrO2-unreinforced autopolymerized group (P0.05). for the flexural strength specimens and in Figure 3 for the
Between reinforced groups, the bevel group’s strength, impact strength specimens. Figure 2A (the control group)

Table 3 Mean value and SD of flexural strength of tested specimens (MPa)

Sample Control Butt Bevel
AP 2.5% 5% 7.5% AP 2.5% 5% 7.5%
Mean (SD) 92.43 53.29 81.74 85.32 84.51 54.75 86.91 87.64 91.43
P-value 0.001a 0.001a 0.001a 0.001a 0.001a 0.005a 0.003a 0.123a
– 0.001b 0.001b 0.001b – 0.001b 0.001b 0.001b
– – – – 0.156c 0.020c 0.123c 0.001c
Notes: aShows P-value of significance of mean effect of flexure strength of each repaired group compared to that of the control group. bShows P-value of significance of mean
effect of flexure strength compared to that of the conventional group (AP) within each group (butt/bevel). cShows P-value of significance of mean effect of flexure strength
compared between butt versus bevel groups.
Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.

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Table 4 Mean value and SD of impact strength of tested specimens (J)

Sample Control Butt Bevel
AP 2.5% 5% 7.5% AP 2.5% 5% 7.5%
Mean (SD) 2.69 1.26 1.70 1.37 1.27 1.46 1.52 0.98 0.96
P-value 0.001a 0.001a 0.001a 0.001a 0.001a 0.001a 0.001a 0.001a
– 0.001b 0.063b 0.938b – 0.461b 0.652b 0.001b
– – – – 0.006c 0.057c 0.584c 0.001c
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Notes: aShows P-value of significance of mean effect of impact strength of each repaired group compared to that of the control group. bShows P-value of significance of mean
effect of impact strength compared to that of the conventional group (AP) within each group (butt/bevel). cShows P-value of significance of mean effect of impact strength
compared between butt versus bevel groups.
Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.

shows a smooth surface with small pits displaying features in flexural strength for both butt and bevel surface joints in
of brittle fracture. Figure 2B shows fewer irregularities and comparison with the control group, with the exception of the
dimpling. Figure 2C and D displays more irregular surfaces, bevel group reinforced with 7.5% nano-ZrO2. Otherwise,
and the smooth bases (non-uniform lamellar) exhibited all the reinforced repaired groups demonstrated signifi-
ductile fracture features in addition to even distribution of cantly increased flexural strength values in comparison to
nanoparticles filling all spaces, particularly at high concentra- the unreinforced autopolymerized resin group. The present
tions. Figure 2E reveals fewer irregularities accompanied by study revealed that reinforcement of a repaired denture base
rough surfaces, which increased as the nano-ZrO2 concentra- resin with nano-ZrO2 resulted in an increase in its flexural
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tion increased (Figure 2F). Figure 3A displays good surface strength. This study’s findings were in agreement with the
characteristics, which changed with increasing nanoparticle findings of a previous study that reported that the incorpora-
concentrations, resulting in loosely bonded clusters and cor- tion of nano-ZrO2 into acrylic resins enhanced the flexural
responding space formations (Figure 3B–D). Figure 3E and F strength of the material.22 Similarly, Zhang et al investigated
shows images at high magnifications, displaying nanoparticle the performance of PMMA/ZrO2 nanocomposites, where
clusters and spaces. The fracture during the flexural strength they formulated a composite of nano-ZrO2, aluminum borate
specimens’ analysis revealed that the bevel joint group suf- whiskers, and PMMA to evaluate their effects on the flexural
fered primarily cohesive failure, while the butt joint group strength and surface hardness of the denture surface resin.
presented primarily adhesive failure (Table 5). They found that the composite material increased the flexural
strength of the resin by 50%.35 In this study, the addition
Discussion of 2.5% nano-ZrO2 particles, 5% nano-ZrO2 particles, and
The choice of repair material depended primarily on the 7.5% nano-ZrO2 particles showed a statistically significant
strength of the repair material, the repair surface design, and increase in flexural strength compared to the unreinforced
the choice of repair material reinforcement. Nano-ZrO2 incor- autopolymerized resin. However, with the addition of 7.5%
poration into a PMMA denture base resin had a significantly nano-ZrO2 particles, the maximum flexural strength value
beneficial effect on the material’s mechanical properties.36,37 was recorded, but it had no statistical significance compared
The resin/filler interface adhesion was an important factor that to the control group. This increase in flexural strength could
affected PMMA/nano-ZrO2 composite properties.22 Initially, be attributed to nano-ZrO2 particle sizes, their distribution
it was assumed that the modification of nano-ZrO2 particles within the repair material, and the silanization process, along
with a silane coupling agent improved the bonding between with the joint’s surface design. In addition, the transformation
reinforcement materials and the PMMA resin matrix, which of ZrO2 from the tetragonal to monoclinic phase resulted in
consequently increased the PMMA/nano-ZrO2 composite absorbing the energy of crack propagation in a process called
material’s strength.28–30 The present in vitro study evaluated transformation toughening. In addition, during this process,
the effects of incorporation of nano-ZrO2 particles into repair the expansion of ZrO2 crystals occurred and placed the crack
resin and the repair surface design on the flexural strength under a state of compressive stress, which led to the arresting
and impact strength of repaired denture base resins. of crack propagation.38 Based on the SEM analysis shown in
Figure 2, this increase in flexural strength might be due to
Flexural strength the good distribution of nano-size particles and interstitial
The results of this study showed that repairs using unrein- filling of acrylic resin matrix with ZrO2, which interrupted
forced autopolymerized resin revealed a significant decrease the crack propagation.27

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 +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P  +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P
$0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH&76 $0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH%9=

& '
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 +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P  +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P
$0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH%9= $0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH%9=

( )

 +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P  +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P
$0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH%7= $0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH%7=

Figure 2 Representative SEM images of fractured surfaces of flexural strength specimens.

Notes: (A) Control, (B) 2BVZ, (C) 5BVZ, (D) 7BVZ, (E) 2BTZ, and (F) 5BTZ.
Abbreviation: SEM, scanning electron microscope.

The topography of the fractured surfaces of each specimen in Figure 2B–D shows uniformly distributed irregularities
described by SEM was studied for changes according to with a dimpled appearance, representing ductile fractures.
nano-filler concentrations. Smooth surfaces exhibited brittle The amount of filler used to reinforce acrylic resins and
fracture characteristics, while more uniformly distributed the filler-to-resin interactions were important factors affect-
irregularities exhibited ductile characteristics.26 SEM analysis ing mechanical properties. The percentage of nano-ZrO2

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 +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P  +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P
$0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH,6%7= $0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH,6%9=

& '
For personal use only.

 +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P  +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P
$0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH,6%7= 30 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH,6%9=

( )

 +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P  +9 :' 0DJ 6SRW 'HW —P
30 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH,6%9= $0 N9 PP î  (7' 6DPSOH,6%7=

Figure 3 Representative SEM images of fractured surfaces of impact strength specimens.

Notes: (A) 2BVZ, (B) 5BVZ, (C) 7BVZ, (D) 2BTZ, (E) 5BTZ, and (F) 7BTZ.
Abbreviation: SEM, scanning electron microscope.

Table 5 Fracture mode of flexural strength specimens at both fracture ends

Sample Butt Bevel
Cohesive 1 3 1 8 8 7 6
Adhesive 9 9 7 9 2 1 1 2
Mixed 1 1 2 2

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Dovepress Effects of incorporation of ZrO2 nanoparticles on the strength of PMMA

used must be dispersed evenly within the resin matrix Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between
without interrupting its continuity. Flexural strength was the reinforced bevel and butt groups, except for 7.5% nano-
proportional to the nano-ZrO2 percentage; the repair resin’s ZrO2 with a bevel, which demonstrated significantly reduced
flexural strength increased as the nano-ZrO2 concentration impact strength. The existence of a V-notch confirmed
increased. This finding was in agreement with some previous that the specimens were broken at the same point during
studies 27,37 but in disagreement with others. 28,33 These testing.31,42 Therefore, the surface design did not significantly
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differences could be explained on the basis of studies having affect the repairs’ impact strength.
different methodologies or practices, such as dissimilar Based on the results of the present study, the incorpora-
testing procedures, various nanoparticle concentrations, or tion of nano-ZrO2 into repair resins may improve the repair
different filler surface modifications. strength of the material and increase the fracture resistance
Repair material and the repaired acrylic resin interface of the repaired denture base. This justifies the clinical
with the original material were another important factors that importance of incorporation of nano-ZrO2 into repair resins
affected the overall repaired structure’s mechanical proper- compared to unreinforced autopolymerized repair resins.
ties. Moreover, the joint surface design has been proven to Reinforcement materials, surface design, and repair tech-
have a major impact on the strength of the repaired acrylic nique were other major factors that primarily affected the
resin.18,19 Cohesive failure primarily occurred with the bevel repairs’ strength. Therefore, the choice of repair reinforce-
joint design, demonstrating that beveling of repair surface ment material in combination with the repair surface design
design increased the flexural strength. This strength increase was of major importance in obtaining the best mechanical
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might be due to the 45° beveling, which increased the inter- properties for repair resins.
face surface area and consequently provided a wide bond area. The limitations of this study included the fact that only two
Mechanically, the 45° beveling might also shift the damaged mechanical properties were investigated (flexural strength and
area’s tensile stress to the shear stress at the interface of the impact strength) and only one type of nanoparticle composite
repaired specimens.19,21 On the other hand, the butt joint material nano-ZrO2 was evaluated as a repair material. For
primarily experienced adhesive failure. The lack of adhesion future research, other properties can be investigated and other
could be attributed to the small surface area provided by the nanoparticle materials can also be used for reinforcement of
butt joint, which resulted in decreased flexural strength.39 the repair material. In addition, the mechanical tests were
not accomplished within wet environments, similar to the
Impact strength conditions inside the oral cavity. Future studies are required
The results of the current study showed that all the repaired that evaluate the effects of nano-ZrO2 reinforcement on the
groups shared a significant decrease in their impact strength properties of repaired denture base resins when specimens
compared to the control group. Among the repaired groups, are stored in water or artificial saliva for a longer duration.
there was a significant increase in the impact strength with In addition, clinical studies should be proposed that inves-
the 2.5% nano-ZrO2 with a bevel-shaped repair, and there tigate the clinical performance of this nano-ZrO2 material
was a significant decrease with the 7.5% nano-ZrO2 with inside the oral cavity and its effects in cases of repeated
a butt-shaped repair compared to the unreinforced auto- denture fracture.
polymerized repaired groups. This factor implied that the
addition of 2.5% nano-ZrO2 provided the nanocomposite Conclusion
with its maximum impact strength, but the addition of 5% Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the incorporation
nano-ZrO2 and 7.5% nano-ZrO2 reduced the impact strength of nano-ZrO2 into a dental bridge repair material, combined
values. The lowest mean value for impact strength occurred with a bevel joint repair surface, improved the flexural
with the 7.5% nano-ZrO2, which was similar to the results strength of the repaired resin denture base. The impact
obtained by Asopa et al.40 This obvious reduction in impact strength of nano-ZrO2-reinforced specimens increased with
strength may be due to the agglomeration of nano-ZrO2 a low percentage (2.5%) of nano-ZrO2 and decreased as the
at 5 wt% and 7.5 wt%, which resulted in loosely bonded content of nano-ZrO2 increased (5% and 7.5%).
cluster formations, where crack propagation may occur and
affect the impact strength.41 SEM analysis (Figure 3E–F) Acknowledgments
showed cluster formations and voids on both sides of frac- The authors would like to thank Deanship of Scientific
tures, which could explain the decreased impact strength. Research, University of Dammam, for providing a research

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