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Ms Kakabadze

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Reporting Centre

Ground Floor
Union Street
L3 9PP
Tel 0300 790 6268

Web www.gov.uk/uk-visas-immigration

Ms T. Kakabadze Date 20/10/2023

London Wembley Hotel
365 High Road

Claimed asylum: 14 January 2021

Dear Ms Kakabadze
Ref: AIC/7126297
Re: Tsiuri Kakabadze and 12/04/1983

Your claim for asylum has been successful and you have been granted refugee
status and five years permission to remainin the United Kingdom (UK).
This decision was made in line with the Immigration Rules which were in force
before 28 June 2022 (because you made your asylum claim before this date).
For further information on the Immigration Rules under which your asylum
claim has been considered, please see

This means that we accept you have a well-founded fear of persecution and
therefore cannot return to your country Georgia, and we have recognised that you
are a refugee under the 1951 Refugee Convention.

You have been granted permission to remain in the UK for five years.

Your permission to remain ends on 11 October 2028. After 5 years you can apply to
extend your stay in the UK. Information on how to do this can be found in the ‘Next
steps’ section of this letter.

Your conditions
The following are all the conditions of your permission to remain in the UK.

Work condition

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You can work in the UK, including paid and unpaid employment, paid and unpaid
work placements undertaken as part of a course or period of study, self-employment
and engaging in business or any professional activity.

Study condition
If you are 16 or under, you are required by law to go to school. You may take a part-
time job if you are over 12, but you must meet all the relevant national and local
employment regulations that apply.

At the end of the school year after you are 16 you can leave school; you have a
choice as to what to do next. All the information you need about your choices can be
found at www.gov.uk/know-when-you-can-leave-school.

Public funds condition

You can apply for public funds (benefits and services). To find out about individual
benefits and who is eligible to access them, visit www.gov.uk/browse/benefits.

Police registration
If you were required to register with the police, you no longer need do so. If you were
subject to this requirement, your police registration certificate is enclosed and
endorsed to show that you no longer need to register.

Immigration bail
If you are on immigration bail, this will end automatically once you have been issued
with a Biometric Residence Permit.

Note on conditions
Failure to comply with the conditions of your permission is a criminal offence and may
also lead to your permission being cancelled and future claims being refused.

If you think an error has been made on the period granted or conditions
If you think an error has been made, for example the period of permission granted, or
your conditions, you can request an Administrative Review. You have 14 days from
when you receive this notice to apply for an administrative review.

Information on how to apply for administrative review, the process and the fees
payable are all available online at: https://www.gov.uk/ask-for-a-visa-administrative-

The administrative review claim form is available online at:


Immigration Health Charge

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If you have been granted a shorter period of permission than you applied for, some of
your immigration health charge payment may be refunded within 6 weeks of the date
of this decision. For further information on refunds of the immigration health charge,
please visit https://www.gov.uk/healthcare-immigration-application/refunds.

Further information about evidence of your status and how to prove your status is in
the ‘Next steps’ section of this letter

Yours sincerely

Admin Support Team

On behalf of the Secretary of State for the Home Department

The Data Protection Act 2018 governs how we use personal data. For details of how
we will use your personal information and who we may share it with please see our
Privacy Notice for the Border, Immigration and Citizenship system at
immigration-and-citizenship. This also explains your key rights under the Act, how
you can access your personal information and how to complain if you have concerns.

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Next Steps

Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)

You will receive a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) as evidence of your status. This
will be sent to you by courier, usually within 7 to 10 days of you receiving this

You will need to prove your identity and sign for the BRP if the card is delivered to
you directly. If you do not receive your BRP within 10 days, please visit

Your permission to remain in the UK ends on 11 October 2028.

If your BRP expires on 31 December 2024

You do not need to tell us if your BRP expires on 31 December 2024 and your
permission in the UK has been granted for a longer period. UKVI will update their
information on the GOV.UK website to tell you what you need to do in early 2024.

You do not need to do anything now, and your immigration status will not be affected.
It is important that you notify the Home Office of any change in circumstances, such
as change of address. To notify us of a change of circumstances visit

The expiry of the BRP card does not change your entitlement to work, access
services or benefits, or travel.

Your BRP is an important document, and you should look after it carefully. It is proof
of your right to stay, work or study in the UK and may be used as a form of
identification (for example, when setting up a bank account). You will need your BRP
(as well as your passport) for travel to and from the UK.

You can find more information about the BRP including what to do if your BRP is lost
or stolen or if your personal details change (such as your name) at: www.gov.uk/brp.

Sharing information about your permission to stay in the UK (your immigration

Employers, landlords or other organisations may need to check your immigration
status to see if you are allowed to work, rent somewhere to live or access public

You can prove your immigration status, right to work or rent by showing someone
your BRP.

You can also use our online services to prove your right to work (www.gov.uk/prove-
right-to-work) or prove your right to rent (www.gov.uk/prove-right-to-rent) and share
that information with other people. You'll need to select the option to share your
information and you’ll then get a share code to give to them. This share code will give
them time-limited access to view your right to rent, or right to work. You’ll also need
to give them your date of birth, to prove they have your permission to check your

If there is an error on your BRP

If you think something is wrong on your BRP, such as your name, sex, or it was
damaged when you received it, you should let us know.

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You only have 10 days from the date of receiving your BRP to let us know about an
error. Otherwise, you may have to apply and pay for a replacement.

Information on how to let us know can be found at: www.gov.uk/biometric-residence-


If your information or circumstances change

If your information or circumstances change you may need to tell us. You can find
out what changes you should tell us about and how to do so at: www.gov.uk/change-

If you have a BRP from a previous grant of permission

If you already hold a BRP from a previous grant of permission, or you were issued
with a replacement, you must now return it to the Home Office as it is no longer valid.

The BRP card should be cut into quarters and posted (in a windowless plain
envelope) to BRP Returns, P.O. Box 195, Bristol, BS20 1BT. You may have to pay a
penalty of up to £1,000 if you fail to return an invalid BRP.

When your permission to stay ends

If you want to stay in the UK after your current permission ends, you must make a
new claim for permission to stay before your current permission ends. We
recommend you apply no more than 28 days before your current permission ends.

Details of how to do this can be found at: www.gov.uk/settlement-refugee-or-


When your permission ends

If you want to stay in the UK after your current permission ends, you must make a
claim for permission to stay before your leave expires. Information on how to make a
claim can be found at: www.gov.uk/settlement-refugee-or-humanitarian-protection.

If you do not make a further claim, you will be expected to leave the UK on or before
the expiry date of your current leave.

Active Review
You should be aware that your refugee status and leave to enter or remain may be
subject to active review at any point. Such a review may be triggered in the following

 where there is evidence that, as a result of your own actions, you no longer
require protection of the Refugee Convention (for example, evidence that you
have regained the protection of your country of origin or another country), or
 where there is evidence that, as a result of your own actions, you are no longer
entitled to protection of the Refugee Convention (for example evidence that you
have committed a particular serious crime, whether in the UK or before you came
to the UK), or
 Where there is evidence that you obtained leave by deception, or
 Where there is a significant and non-temporary change in the conditions of a
country in which you have a right to reside, or
 Where the circumstances in connection with which you were recognised as a
refugee have ceased, or
 Where for some other reason it is considered that your presence in the UK is not
conducive to the public good.

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In the event that your case is to be reviewed, you will be informed in writing. The
reasons for the review will be explained and you will be offered the opportunity to
submit reasons as to why you should be permitted to remain in the UK.

Additional information

Outstanding appeals
If you have already appealed against a previous decision of the Home Office, and
that appeal has not been concluded, we will tell the Tribunal that you have been
granted permission to stay in the United Kingdom. You should assume the appeal
will proceed unless the Tribunal tells you that it will not.

Travelling outside of the UK

If you want to travel abroad, you should apply for a Refugee Convention Home Office
Travel Document. You can find out how to apply for this on GOV.UK at

You should not book travel outside of the UK until you receive your BRP. Doing so
may mean that you fail to receive your BRP and that puts you at risk of being unable
to prove you have permission to stay in the UK and being refused re-entry.

You must take your BRP with you when you travel outside the UK. If you travel
without your BRP you may be refused re-entry to the UK.

As an individual with refugee status, you are not expected to travel to your country of
origin unless there are exceptional circumstances. Return to country of origin or
obtaining a passport from your country of origin will usually indicate voluntary re-
availment of protection from that country and may lead to revocation of your refugee
status. You should contact the Home Office if you plan to return to your country of
origin. If you do return to your country of origin, your continuing need for protection
may be assessed.

Immigration Health Charge

You are free to use the National Health Service and the social services, and other
help provided by local authorities as you need them.

Asylum support
If you are currently in receipt of asylum support, you remain eligible to receive it for a
further 28 days after you have been notified of your permission to stay. You will
receive a separate notice to confirm the exact date when your asylum support will
end. There is no right of appeal against this decision to cease your support.

Welfare support for children

If you are an unaccompanied child, the decision to allow you to stay in the United
Kingdom does not change your right to receive support through the local authority
which provides care for you. It may, however, change how care will be provided and
it is important that you tell Social Services that you have been given permission to
stay and for how long.

Refugee integration loan

You can apply for an integration loan if you are 18 years of age or over. Integration
loans are interest free - you only pay back what you borrow - but you must make
regular payments. You can only use the loan to help you get what’s essential to help
you settle into UK society, for example housing, education, or work.

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For information on integration loans, including the criteria you must meet and how to
apply, please visit www.gov.uk/refugee-integration-loan.

Your family

Children born in the UK

You are legally required to register the birth of a child in the UK within 42 days of
their birth. If you do not register your child’s birth you will not be able to claim benefits
your child could be entitled to.

Children born in the UK may not automatically become British citizens. It is strongly
recommended that you make a claim for your child to be granted permission to stay
in line with yourself. If you do not do so, it may prevent your child accessing health
care or educational services. If you wish to travel and you want your child to travel
with you, we will not be able to issue your child a travel document if you cannot show
they have permission to be in the United Kingdom.

How to apply for your UK-born child to have permission to stay

This is a free service. To apply, you must send a letter requesting that the UK-born
child is granted permission to stay in line with your permission. The letter must state
the child’s nationality and their home address.

You must also include the following. You can send copies or the original documents:
 The child’s long birth certificate
 Evidence of both parents’ UK immigration status including full name(s), date of
birth, any Home Office reference number(s) and/or copies of BRP cards; and
 2 passport photographs of the child.

The letter and documents should be sent to:

Home Office, Grant in Line Admin Team, 7th floor Capital Building, Liverpool,
L3 9PP

Claims for family reunion

You can find out if your partner and/or children meet the conditions to be able to
apply under this route at www.gov.uk/government/publications/family-reunion-

Living in the UK

State pensions
You can check if you are old enough to apply for a state pension at

Setting up a bank account

You may now wish to apply for a UK bank account if you do not have one already.
Banks will ask you to provide proof of your identity and your Biometric Residence.
Permit (BRP) can be used as a form of identification. Further information can be
found at www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/banking/getting-a-bank-account.

Other sources of information

In addition to this notice, we have published a welcome guide for new refugees. Go
to www.gov.uk/government/publications/welcome-a-guide-for-new-refugees to see
the guide.

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