World Religions and Christendom Sects
World Religions and Christendom Sects
World Religions and Christendom Sects
Oxford Dictionary
the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods
Strongs Concordance – Authorized Version KJV
2356 – Ceremonial Observance 2454 – Judaism/Jewish Faith/Jews Religion
Acts 26:5 Galatians 1;13
James 1:26 Galatians 1:14
James 1:27
Luke, Paul & James
Some Expositors define it as, Mans way to reach God.
We have to differentiate between denominations between within the body of Christ and non-Christian
cults and other religions’ Presbyterians and Lutherans are Christian denominations, Mormons and
Jehovah witnesses are cults (groups claiming to be Christians but denying one or more essentials of the
Christian faith), Islam and Buddhism are entirely separate religions.
A.World Religions
Why should we arm ourselves with this information?
Information helps you decision making.
Helps in shaping your world views i.e. the way you see the world around you and the way you
process all information.
(Worldviews can be formed in many ways e.g. Culture, social media, peer groups, traditions, media,
advice from friends/family, adversity, church sermons and even what we are discuss now-religions.)
An interesting problem about religion is every shareholder of every other religion in the world also
believes that they are holders of the truth.
i) 6.4 Billion People are involved in one of the world’s top 9 religions.
ii) There are 4,200 religions in the world (including cults and mainstream religious offshoots)
The rise of denominatins within christianity can be traced back to the prostentant movement
reformation during 16the cntury.(the movement to refoerm Roman Catholic Church),out of which 4
major mainline churches would emerge,namely,Lutheran,Reformed,Anabaptist and Anglican.From these
4 other denomination sgrew over centuries.Lutheran was named after Martin luther,and was based on
his teaching;Methodist got their name from John Wesley who was famous fro coming up with
‘’methods” for spiritual growth;Presbyterians are named for their view on church leadership-the greek
word ‘’elder’’ is presbyteros;Baptist got their name because they emphasized the importance of belivers
Each denomination has slightly different doctrine or emphasis from others such method of baptism,
availability of Lords table to all or just few, sovereignty of God vs free will in matters salvation, future of
Israel and the church,pretribulationvs post tribulation,rapture,the existence of ‘’sign’’ gifts and miracles
in modern world,women in church leadership etc.
Though some accept the Lordship and Salvation matters according to the scripture, they can differ on
the aforementioned.
The Mainline denominations mention above have spawned numerous offshoots such as assemblies of
God,Christian and missionary alliance,Nazarenes,Evangelical free,Independebt bible churches etc
C. Sects and Cults
Cults and the occult
While a cult sets out to find truth but misses it, the occult is not interested in truth.
Instead it is interested in tapping into metaphysical power somewhere out there beyond the five
senses. While a cult is interested in some knowledge, the occult is interested in feelings or an
experience. While cults have founders, the occult does not trace activities to a specific person per se.
Cults deal with doctrines, rules and regulations. The occult deals with incantations, secrecy, rituals and
oaths. The cults are denominational. The occult is more like an acephalous movement.
Some of the cults include groups such as the Unification Church (MooniesChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints (Mormonism), jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, Branhamism, Dini ya Musambwa,
Legio Maria, Church of the Restoration of the Ten Commandments(formed by Joseph Kibwetere in
Uganda), Kimbanguism and House of Yahweh, ADC,Legio Maria,People like yesu wa tongaren,Jehovah
wanyonyi etc.
The occult, on the other hand, includes practices such as witchcraft, sorcery and divination, astrology
(determining your destiny by your star), palm-reading, consultation of the dead, demonology, angel
veneration, telepathy and extra-sensory-perception, Ouija boards and tarot cards, yoga, interest in
UFO’s, spell-casting, superstitions e.g. fascination with the number 13, black cats, etc.
Council of trent and other councils that took place between 1545-1563 in response to martin luther
reformation movement in 1517 and was basically to approve the questioned doctrine like praying tp the
saints,praying for the dead which are found in apocrypha books like Sirach,wisdom,tobit,1 macabees
and Judith.Some of the early chrch fathers like Augustine rejected these books,because they contradict
the whole counsel of God.
263 to 298 of O.T verses are quoted in NT
We say a lot of things when people die eg In paying tribute to former Republican National Committee
Chairman Lee Atwater , Secretary of State James A. Baker said he was finding it "hard to imagine a self-
professed bad boy like Lee up there with the angels. But I am convinced that's exactly where Lee is and
that the angels are simply going to have to adjust."