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Green Energy

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The Development of Renewable Energy

Although renewable energy is often seen as a solution for the future of our power
needs, we have been harnessing the natural power of nature for centuries. Windmills
and water wheels were used to power granaries, while the sun has been used to create
fire for heat and light.

However, humans became increasingly dependent on the use of fossil fuels including
coal and natural gas. The widespread use of these types of energy has been shown to
have had a detrimental impact on the planet, with increasing global temperatures, an
increase in extreme weather events and the loss of natural habitats as a result.

Recent advances in capture and storage, along with the global drive towards Net Zero,
has created an expansion in renewable and green energy production. These advances
range from small-scale production, such as the placing of solar panels on a home, to
large-scale facilities like offshore wind farms.

Types Of Renewable Energy Sources

There area range of renewable sources that have been developed, with each offering
their own advantages and challenges depending on factors such as geographical
location, requirements for use and even the time of year.

1. Solar Power

The potential for the sun to supply our electricity generation needs is huge, considering
the fact that enough energy to meet the planet’s power needs for an entire year reaches
the earth from the sun in just one hour. However, the challenge has always remained in
how to harness and use this vast potential.
We currently use solar energy to heat buildings, warm water and power our devices.
The power is collected using solar, or photovoltaic (PV), cells made from silicon or other
materials. These cells transform sunlight into electricity and can power anything from
the smallest garden light to entire neighbourhoods. Rooftop panels can provide power
to a home, while community projects and solar farms that use mirrors to concentrate the
sunlight can create much larger supplies. Solar farms can also be created in bodies of
water, called ‘floatovoltaics’ these provide another option for locating solar panels.

As well as being renewable, solar powered energy systems are also clean energy
sources, since they don’t produce air pollutants or greenhouse gases. If the panels are
responsibly sited and manufactured they can also count as green energy as they don’t
have an adverse environmental impact.

2. Wind Power

Wind energy works much like old-fashioned windmills did, by using the power of the
wind to turn a blade. Where the motion of these blades would once cause millstones to
grind together to make flour, today’s turbines power a generator, which produces

When wind turbines are sited on land they need to be placed in areas with high winds,
such as hilltops or open fields and plains. Offshore wind power has been developing for
decades with wind farms providing a good solution for energy generation while avoiding
many of the complaints around them being unsightly or noisy on land. Of course,
offshore use has its own drawbacks due to the aggressive environments the turbines
need to operate in.

3. Hydroelectric Power

Hydroelectric power works in a similar manner to wind power in that it is used to spin a
generator’s turbine blades to create electricity. Hydro power uses fast moving water in
rivers or from waterfalls to spin the turbine blades and is widely used in some
countries. It is currently the largest renewable energy source in the United States,
although wind energy is fast closing the gap.

Hydroelectric dams are a renewable energy source, but these are not necessarily green
energy sources. Many of the larger ‘mega-dams’ divert natural water sources, which
creates a negative impact for animal and human populations due to restricted access to
the water source. However, if carefully managed, smaller hydroelectric power plants
(under 40 megawatts) do not have such a catastrophic effects on the local environment
as the divert just a fraction of the water flow.

4. Biomass Energy

Biomass energy uses organic material from plants and animals, including crops, trees,
and waste wood. This biomass is burned to create heat which powers a steam turbine
and generates electricity. While biomass can be renewable if it is sustainably sourced,
there are many instances where this is neither green nor clean energy.

Studies have shown that biomass from forests can produce higher carbon emissions
than fossil fuels, while also have an adverse impact on biodiversity. Despite this, some
forms of biomass do offer a low-carbon option given the correct circumstances.
Sawdust and wood chippings from sawmills, for example, can be used for biomass
energy where it would normally decompose and release higher levels of carbon into the

6. Geothermal

Geothermal energy uses the heat trapped in the Earth’s core which is created by the
slow decay of radioactive particles in rocks at the centre of the planet. By drilling wells,
we are able to bring highly heated water to the surface which can be used as a
hydrothermal resource to turn turbines and create electricity. This renewable resource
can be made greener by pumping the steam and hot water back into the earth, thereby
lowering emissions.

The availability of geothermal energy is closely tied to geographical location, with places
such as Iceland having an easily reached, ready supply of geothermal resources.

Read our complete guide on geothermal energy

7. Tidal Power

Tidal power offers a renewable power supply option, since the tide is ruled by the
constant gravitational pull of the moon. The power that can be generated by the tide
may not be constant, but it is reliable, making this relatively new resource an attractive
option for many.

However, care needs to be taken with regard to the environmental impact of tidal power,
as tidal barrages and other dam-like structures can harm wildlife.

Renewable energy offers a range of benefits including offering a freely available source
of energy generation. As the sector grows there has also been a surge in job creation to
develop and install the renewable energy solutions of tomorrow. Renewable sources
also offer greater energy access in developing nations and can reduce energy bills too.

Of course, one of the largest benefits of renewable energy is that much of it also counts
as green and clean energy. This has created a growth in renewable energy, with wind
and solar being particularly prevalent.

However, these green benefits are not the sole preserve of renewable energy sources.
Nuclear power is also a zero-carbon energy source, since it generates or emits very low
levels of CO2. Some favour nuclear energy over resources such as solar and wind,
since nuclear power is a stable source that is not reliant on weather conditions. Which
brings us onto some of the disadvantages of renewable energy…

As mentioned above, many renewable energy sources cannot be relied upon all the
time. When the sun goes down or hides behind a cloud, we cannot generate solar
power and when the wind doesn’t blow, we cannot create enough wind energy. For this
reason, fossil fuels are still in use to top-up renewable sources in many countries.
This variable production capacity means that large energy storage solutions are
required to ensure there is enough power when renewable energy generation dips. An
alternative solution is to deploy several renewable technologies, creating a more flexible
system of supply that can counteract dips in production for a given source.

Some renewable resources, such as hydropower and biomass, do not suffer with these
problems of supply, but these both have their own challenges related to environmental
impact, as noted above.

In addition to this, some renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind farms,
create complaints from local people who do not want to live near them.

However, this is not always the case, as shown by the example of Ardossan Wind Farm
in Scotland, where most local residents believe the farm enhanced the area.
Furthermore, a study by the UK Government found that, "projects are generally more
likely to succeed if they have broad public support and the consent of local
communities. This means giving communities both a say and a stake." This theory has
been proven in Germany and Denmark, where community-owned renewable projects
have proven popular.

What is Non-Renewable Energy?

Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will either run out or not be replenished
for many thousands of years. These include fossil fuels, such as coal, and natural gases
that are burned to generate electricity.

Why is it Important?
Renewable energy is important as it has the potential to provide a ready supply of
power without using natural resources. There is also a lower risk of environmental
problems like fuel spills and minimal issues with emissions, while also reducing the
need for imported fuels. With reliable supplies and fuel diversification, renewable energy
could meet our power needs for years to come.

How Effective is it?

The effectiveness of renewable energy depends upon the resource being used. Some
renewable sources are more readily available and effective than others, while some,
such as geothermal are of great use in some locations and not in others due to
accessibility. However, despite these challenges, renewable energy has the potential to
reduce electricity sector emissions by around 80%.

What is the Best Type of Renewable Energy?

There is no ‘best type’ of renewable energy, as use widely depends on location. Iceland,
for example, has ample geothermal resources, while places like the highlands of
Scotland are well-suited to wind power. In other areas, solar energy is best suited while
the United States has invested in hydroelectric power. Each type of renewable energy
has benefits and drawbacks, often related to supply, meaning that the best solution is
often to use a variety of types of resource in together.

Where is Renewable Energy Used the Most?

A study of nations around the world found that Germany uses the highest amount of
renewable energy with 12.74%. This was followed by the UK (11.95%), Sweden
(10.96%), Spain (10.17%), Italy (8.8%), Brazil (7.35%), Japan (5.3%), Turkey (5.25%),
Australia (4.75%) and the USA (4.32%) all making up the top ten.

Clearly, much work needs to be done to increase these usage rates in order to reach a
completely renewable future, but this need is driving industry forward and creating
opportunities in this sector.

Will Renewable Energy Run Out?

Renewable energy sources will not run out – at least not for many millions of years (in
the case of the sun, for example). They provide a viable alternative to non-renewable
resources, such as fossil fuels while many are also environmentally friendly and
produce little of no CO2.

Can Renewable Energy Replace Fossil Fuels?

The hope is that renewable energy will one day replace fossil fuels. There is a finite
amount of coal and oil on the planet, so these will eventually run out. This means that
the future needs to be renewable. In addition the environmental benefits of a clean,
green and renewable energy future are becoming increasingly obvious as global
warming continues.

To fully replace fossil fuels, there will be a need to continue innovating renewable
energy solutions. In addition, there is every likelihood that renewable sources will need
to be used in conjunction with one-another to provide a steady supply. There is a
requirement for cleaner methods of production and improved power management and

While a totally renewable future is possible, there is still much work to be done before
the world is ready to dispense with fossil fuels completely.

Summary / Conclusion
Renewable energy looks set to be a large part of the future energy mix, along with other
clean sources such as nuclear power. The drive towards a greener future for power
production is promoting a rise in job creation in renewable power industries such as
solar and wind. This trend looks set to continue as governments strive to reach net zero.

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