Activating HSDPA 15 Codes
Activating HSDPA 15 Codes
Activating HSDPA 15 Codes
Follow the procedure below to activate the HSDPA 15 Codes feature.
Expand/collapse all 1. Start the RNC RNW Object Browser GUI. 2. Open the RNC object and select PS tab > Miscallenous PS parameters > HSDPA dynamic resource allocation (HSDPADynamicResourceAllocation) parameter and set it to Enabled. 3. Select the appropriate WCEL object and open it. 4. Select the AC tab and scroll down to the HS-PDSCH code set and select the required amount of codes. The number of codes that can be allocated depends on the licence options activated in the RNC. If HSDPA 10 Codes is used, the recommended code set contains 5, 8, and 10 codes. If HSDPA 15 Codes is used, the recommended code set contains 5, 8, 20, 12, 14, and 15 codes. 5. Check the HS-PDSCH code upgrade margin for SF128 codes parameter (HSPDSCHMarginSF128). If the feature HSDPA 15 codes is being used, change the value to a value less than the default value of 8. When the first HS-DSCH MAC-d flow setup takes place in the cell, the highest value from the HSPDSCH code set is taken into use. The RNC chooses whether to use DL RLC PDU size 656 (bits) or 336 (bits) when HSDPA 15 Codes is enabled. The RNC dynamically adjusts the HS-PDSCH codes from 5 to maximum number according to the instantaneous traffic mix in the cell (DCH load) and BTS capability. The operator can define the set of permitted HS-PDSCH codes. Further information
The operator must check and update the value of the MaxBitRateNRTMACdflow according to the active features. This parameter can be used to restrict the maximum data rate of one HSDPA user. Depending on whether this feature or the HSDPA 10 Mbps per user feature is used, the operator can restrict the peak rate of one user and lower the value of this parameter.
Expected outcome
The feature is activated.
Further information
It is not necessary to reset the RNC after activating this feature.