Eprag en 2021.1
Eprag en 2021.1
Eprag en 2021.1
A practical guide
applicable to any procedure to be launched as of 24 June 2022
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Scope of the PRAG ................................................................................................................ 9
1.2 What the practical guide does not cover .............................................................................. 13
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 2
- 24 June 2022)
2.6.7. Competitive dialogue .........................................................................46
2.6.8. Negotiated procedure / single tender procedure ................................48
2.6.9. Preferences .........................................................................................50
2.6.10. Exclusion, selection and award criteria..............................................51
2.6.11. Selection and award criteria ...............................................................60
2.6.12. Procedure with a suspensive clause ...................................................66
2.6.13. Cancellation of procurement procedures ...........................................67
2.7. Contract value ...................................................................................................................... 68
2.8. Terms of reference and technical specifications .................................................................. 68
2.9. The evaluation committee .................................................................................................... 70
2.9.1. Appointment and composition ...........................................................70
2.9.2. Impartiality and confidentiality..........................................................72
2.9.3. Responsibilities of evaluation committee members ..........................74
2.9.4. Timetable ...........................................................................................75
2.9.5. Period of validity of tenders ...............................................................75
2.10. Award of the contract (see also special features for service contracts in Chapter 3) ........... 76
2.10.1. Notifying the successful tenderer and unsuccessful tenderers ...........76
2.10.2. Contract preparation and signature ....................................................78
2.10.3. Qualified electronic signature ............................................................79
2.10.4. Publicising the award of the contract .................................................81
2.11. Modifying contracts ............................................................................................................. 82
2.11.1. General principles ..............................................................................83
2.11.2. . Preparing an addendum ....................................................................85
2.12. Legal remedies ..................................................................................................................... 86
2.12.1. Complaints to the contracting authority .............................................86
2.12.2. Complaints to the European Ombudsman .........................................87
2.12.3. Ordinary actions - litigation ...............................................................87
2.12.4. Amicable settlement, conciliation and arbitration procedures ...........88
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 3
- 24 June 2022)
3.3.3. Contracts with a value of less than EUR 20 000................................92
3.3.4. Contracts with a value of less than EUR 2 500..................................92
3.3.5. Procedures applicable without ceilings ..............................................93
3.4. Restricted tenders (for contracts of EUR 300 000 or more) ................................................ 95
3.4.1. Publicity .............................................................................................96
3.4.2. Drawing up shortlists .........................................................................98
3.4.3. Drafting and content of the tender dossier .......................................100
3.4.4. Award criteria ..................................................................................101
3.4.5. Additional information during the procedure ..................................102
3.4.6. Deadline for submission of tenders ..................................................103
3.4.7. Period of validity..............................................................................103
3.4.8. Submission of tenders ......................................................................104
3.4.9. The Evaluation Committee ..............................................................104
3.4.10. Stages in the evaluation process ......................................................104
3.4.11. Cancelling the tender procedure ......................................................112
3.4.12. Prior verifications and award of the contract ...................................112
3.4.13. Provision and replacement of experts ..............................................119
3.5. Procedures for the award of contracts under EUR 1 000 000 ............................................ 121
3.5.1. Framework contract SIEA 2018 ......................................................121
3.5.2. Simplified procedure ........................................................................125
3.6. Modifying service contracts ............................................................................................... 126
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 4
- 24 June 2022)
4.3.7. Submission of tenders ......................................................................138
4.3.8. The evaluation committee — supplies .............................................138
4.3.9. Stages in the evaluation process ......................................................138
4.3.10. Cancelling the tender procedure ......................................................145
4.3.11. Award of the contract .......................................................................145
4.4. Local open tender for contracts between EUR 100 000 and EUR 300 000 ....................... 145
4.5. Simplified procedure for contracts under EUR 100 000 .................................................... 146
4.6. Single tender procedure for contracts between EUR 20 000 and EUR 2 500.................... 147
4.7. Modifying supply contracts; addendum ............................................................................. 147
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 5
- 24 June 2022)
6.1. Basic rules for grant contracts ............................................................................................ 174
6.1.1. Definition .........................................................................................174
6.1.2. Actors involved ................................................................................176
6.2. Forms of grants .................................................................................................................. 178
6.2.1. Simplified cost options ....................................................................180
6.3. Overview ............................................................................................................................ 181
6.3.1. Management modes - grants ............................................................182
6.3.2. Management Tools ...........................................................................183
6.3.3. Eligibility criteria .............................................................................184
6.3.4. Programming....................................................................................185
6.3.5. Transparency ....................................................................................185
6.3.6. Equal treatment ................................................................................185
6.3.7. Non-cumulation ...............................................................................185
6.3.8. Non-retroactivity ..............................................................................185
6.3.9. Co-financing ....................................................................................186
6.3.10. No-profit rule ...................................................................................188
6.3.11. Other essential points .......................................................................189
6.4. Award procedures .............................................................................................................. 189
6.4.1. Call for proposals .............................................................................189
6.4.2. Grants awarded without calls for proposals (‘Direct award’) ..........191
6.5. Calls for proposals ............................................................................................................. 193
6.5.1. Publicity ...........................................................................................193
6.5.2. Drafting and contents of the guidelines for applicants ....................194
6.5.3. Eligibility and evaluation (selection and award) criteria .................195
6.5.4. Additional information before the deadline for submission of proposals
6.5.5. Deadline for submission of proposals ..............................................197
6.5.6. Submission of the concept note and full application .......................197
6.5.7. The Evaluation Committee ..............................................................199
6.5.8. Stages in the evaluation process ......................................................202
6.5.9. Cancelling the call for proposals procedure .....................................209
6.5.11. Characteristics of the standard grant contract ..................................213
6.6. Low value grants ................................................................................................................ 215
6.7. Modifying grant contracts .................................................................................................. 215
6.7.1. General principles ............................................................................215
6.7.2. Preparing an addendum ....................................................................215
6.8. Award of contracts & financial support to third parties by grant beneficiaries ................. 215
6.8.1. Award of contracts ...........................................................................215
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 6
- 24 June 2022)
6.8.2. Financial support to third parties by grant beneficiaries ..................215
6.9. Grants to organisations whose pillars have been positively assessed, (other) international
organisations and national bodies ...................................................................................... 217
6.9.1. Grants to organisations whose pillars have been positively assessed by
the European Commission and (other) international organisations .217
6.9.2. Grants awarded to (other) national public bodies from Member States
or third donor countries ....................................................................218
6.9.3. Grants to national public bodies from a partner country .................218
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 7
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 1. Introduction
1. Introduction
This practical guide on contract procedures for European Union external action (PRAG) provides
contracting authorities, on the one hand, and tenderers, candidates, applicants and contractors, on
the other hand, with practical assistance in preparing and implementing procurement and grant
contracts in the field of external action.
This practical guide does not apply to contracts for which the European Commission acts as
contracting authority on its own account. These are covered by separate guides (the Vade-mecum on
public procurement in the Commission and the Vade-mecum on grant management) drafted by the
Directorate-General for Budget (DG BUDG). This practical guide does not apply to civil protection and
humanitarian aid operations carried out by the Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil
Protection (DG ECHO).
This practical guide applies to contracts awarded by FPI in direct management for the
implementation of assistance measures funded under the European Peace Facility, unless provided
otherwise in the relevant regulatory framework.
It does not claim to cover every single matter that may arise with public procurement and grant
procedures. It is only a general guide.
Although the PRAG provides explanations and information strictly in compliance with the rules and
regulations in force, it is not legally binding1. The applicable legislation and any clarification provided
by the Court of Justice of the European Union take precedence.
In the current and previous PRAG changes have been introduced following the introduction of
electronic processes. Since January 2020, the specific contracts under Framework contracts (FWC)
SIEA 2018, Audit 2018, PSF 2019, Events 2020, Eva 2020 are managed in eProcurement which is part
of the OPSYS ecosystem. Since August 2020 the Public Procurement Management Tool (PPMT) was
made available to External Action DGs. PPMT is a sub-part of the corporate eProcurement suite.
PPMT is used to publish notices and procurement documents in Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) and in
the Funding and Tender’s Portal (F&T).
This edition of the PRAG incorporates changes related to eSubmission. eSubmission allows economic
operators to respond electronically to procurement procedures by preparing submissions (i.e.
requests to participate or tenders) and submitting them electronically in a structured and secured
way. Practical information on the functionalities of eSubmission are available on the dedicated Relex
Wiki webpage.2 eSubmission will be available for the electronic management of international open
and restricted procedures and negotiated procedures. eSubmission applies only to the submission of
requests to participate/tenders in direct management. For indirect management, the paper
submission is still applicable. As a consequence, the annexes in the PRAG will provide options
differentiating electronic submission and paper submission.
A practical guide is a working tool, which explains the procedures applicable in a particular area. It cannot
derogate from higher-ranking rules: Judgment of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) of 15 September 2011,
CMB Maschinenbau & Handels GmbH and J. Christof GmbH v European Commission, T-407/07,
EU:T:2011:477, paragraph 157.
https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/display/RelexInternalWiki/Contracts+and+Procurements .
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 8
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 1. Introduction
Electronic management has a positive effect on the processes, as there are automated features
embedding some Annexes of PRAG or FWC templates and there are additional options for the
paperless flows. However, it does not have an effect on the principles and rules under which
procurement and grant award procedures are run. Building on the previous edition of PRAG, this
edition has further introduced and developed the compatibility of procurement and grant
procedures with electronic management. Given that electronic management evolves at a quicker
pace than the PRAG editions, it possible that some dispositions of the current PRAG edition will be
completed in the future by specific elements in the electronic management guidance available under
“OPSYS documentation”.
This edition of the PRAG also introduces novelties on the new Multiannual Financial Framework
(MFF) 2021-2027 and the new legal framework applicable to external actions.
The previous Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 will co-exist with the new
Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 as commitments made under the previous MFF
will still be implemented in the next years. This co-existence is reflected in this edition of the PRAG.
The financing of the EU's external action under MFF 2014-2020 will continue to be governed by the
legal framework in place at the time, notably the 11th EDF, whereas the financing of the EU's external
action under MFF 2021-2027 will be governed by the newly adopted legal framework.
The new MFF 2021-2027 introduces some substantial changes in respect of some established rules
and practices: e.g. eligibility, rule of origin3, and the disappearance of EDF specificities such as the
National Authorising Officer, private commissioned operations and EDF preferences. It is important
to remain vigilant as to the applicable set of rules that will depend on the MFF financing the action.
Under MFF 2021-2027, the PRAG is used by the Commission services responsible for the
management of projects and programmes financed under the external financing instruments.
This concerns:
- Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) for the NDICI-Global Europe
geographic programmes (all areas except Neighbourhood), NDICI-Global Europe thematic
programmes (Civil Society Organisations, Global Challenges, Human Rights and Democracy), NDICI-
Global Europe rapid response actions (resilience component), European Instrument for International
Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC), the Council decision on the Association of the Overseas Countries
and Territories, including Greenland.
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) for the
implementation of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III), NDICI-Global Europe
geographic programmes (Neighbourhood) and NDICI-Global Europe – rapid response actions
(resilience component).
Please note that the rule of origin is kept with regard to contracts financed by the INSC Regulation 2021/948 of
27 May 2021 under the MFF 2021-2027.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 9
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 1. Introduction
- Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) for the NDICI-Global Europe thematic programmes
(Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention; Electoral Observation Missions under Human Rights and
Democracy), NDICI-Global Europe rapid response actions (all components except resilience) 4.
Under MFF 2014-2020, the PRAG is used by the Commission services responsible for the
management of projects and programmes financed under the external financing instruments and the
EDF in the context of the Cotonou Agreement5.
- Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) for the EDF6, the Development
Cooperation Instrument (DCI)7, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)8,
the Nuclear Safety Co-operation Instrument (NSCI)9, the Instrument contributing to Stability and
Peace (IcSP)10, the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs)11 and the Instrument for Greenland
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) for the
implementation of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)13 and the European
Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)14;
Furthermore, the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) is in charge of the
instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community
(Council Regulation (EC) No 389/2006 of 27 February 2006 establishing an instrument of financial support for
encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community and amending Council Regulation (EC)
No 2667/2000 on the European Agency for Reconstruction (OJ L 65, 7.3.2006, p. 5)).
Partnership Agreement between Member of the African, Carribean and Pacific group of States, of one part, and
the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (OJ l 317,
15.12.2000, p.3), as amended in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 (OJ l 287,4.11.2010, p. 1) and Ouagadougou on 22
June 2010 (OJ L 269, 13.10.2010, p. 1).
Internal Agreement between the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European
Union, meeting within the Council, on the financing of European Union aid under the Multiannual Financial
Framework for the period 2014 to 2020, in accordance with the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement, and on the
allocation of financial assistance for the Overseas Countries and Territories to which Part Four of the Treaty on
the Functioning of the European Union applies (OJ L 210, 6.8.2013, p. 1) (the Internal Agreement).
Regulation (EU) No 233/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a
financing instrument for development cooperation for the period 2014-2020 (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 44).
Regulation (EU) No 235/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a
financing instrument for democracy and human rights worldwide (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 85).
Council Regulation (Euratom) No 237/2014 of 13 December 2013 establishing an Instrument for Nuclear Safety
Cooperation (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 109).
Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing an
instrument contributing to stability and peace (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 1).
Council Decision 2013/755/EU of 25 November 2013 on the association of the overseas countries and territories
with the European Union (OJ L 344, 19.12.2013, p. 1).
Council Decision 2014/137/EU of 14 March 2014 on relations between the European Union on the one hand,
and Greenland and the Kingdom of Denmark on the other (OJ L 76, 15.3.2014, p. 1).
Regulation (EU) No 231/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing an
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 11).
Regulation (EU) No 232/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a
European Neighbourhood Instrument (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 27).
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 10
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 1. Introduction
- Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) for the IcSP, the Partnership Instrument (PI)15 and the
election observation missions under the EIDHR16.
This practical guide provides users with the comprehensive information necessary to undertake
procurement (services, works and supplies contracts) or grant award procedures from the first steps
to the award, signature and implementation of contracts. The annexes cover both the award phase
and the implementation of contracts.
It outlines the contracting procedures to be used in direct management and in indirect management
with partner countries and, to a limited extent, in shared management (see Section 2.2.).
Although the procurement and grant award procedures applicable to the general budget of the
European Union, to the 10th and to the 11th EDF are quite similar, some remaining differences are
featured in this practical guide and its annexes.
The financing of the EU's external action under MFF 2014-2020 is governed by the following legal
- Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July
2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union17
The procurement rules for external action continue to contain differences as compared to the
procurement rules in internal policies. More specifically, external action procurement rules apply
when the Commission procures for the account of and on behalf of (‘for the exclusive benefit of’)
partner countries or for the mixed interest of the Commission and the partner country.
This practical guide applies the provisions of the Financial Regulation 2018. For contracts that are still
being implemented under the 2012 Financial Regulation, please refer to the 2016 practical guide.
- Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1311/2013 of 2 December 2013 laying down the multiannual
financial framework for the years 2014-202018
- Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014
laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for
external action (CIR)19
Regulation (EU) No 234/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a
Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 77).
Furthermore, the Structural Reform and Support Service (SRSS) is in charge of the instrument of financial
support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community (Council Regulation (EC)
No 389/2006 of 27 February 2006 establishing an instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic
development of the Turkish Cypriot community and amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2667/2000 on the
European Agency for Reconstruction (OJ L 65, 7.3.2006, p. 5)).
Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the
financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No
1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No
223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No
966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p.1).
OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 884.
OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 77.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 11
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 1. Introduction
- Internal Agreement between the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the
European Union, meeting within the Council, on the financing of European Union aid under the
multiannual financial framework for the period 2014 to 2020, in accordance with the ACP-EU
Partnership Agreement, and on the allocation of financial assistance for the Overseas Countries and
Territories to which Part Four of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union applies (the
Internal Agreement)20
- Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1877 of 26 November 2018 on the financial regulation applicable to
the 11th European Development Fund, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2015/323 (11th EDF Financial
The 11th EDF Financial Regulation was revised in order to incorporate the changes that were
stemming from the 2018 Financial Regulation (see above).
- Council Regulation (EU) 2015/322 of 2 March 2015 on the implementation of the 11th European
Development Fund22
The 11th EDF Implementing Regulation contains provisions on both multi-annual programming and
implementation as well as detailed rules on the involvement of the EDF committee.
The eligibility rules applicable to the EDF are included in Annex IV and have been aligned as much as
possible with those of the general budget of the EU, since the entry into force of the 2010 revision of
the Cotonou Agreement24.
- Council Decision 2013/755/EU of 25 November 2013 on the association of the overseas countries
and territories with the European Union (Overseas Association Decision)25
The Overseas Association Decision establishes the legal framework for the relations between the
OCTs, the Member States to which they are linked and the EU. The OCTs comprise of non-European
countries and territories that have special relations with Denmark, France, the Netherlands and the
United Kingdom. They are listed in Annex II to the Treaties. According to Article 355(2) of the TFEU
the specific provisions under Part IV of the TFEU apply to them. The purpose of association is to
promote economic and social development of the countries and territories and to establish close
economic relations between them and the European Union as a whole26. Article 77 of the Overseas
Association Decision determines that OCTs are eligible for funding from resources allocated for the
OCTs under the EDF Internal Agreement, the Union programmes and instruments provided for in the
OJ L 210, 6.8.2013, p. 1.
OJ L 307, 3.12.2018 p. 1.
L 58, 3.3.2015, p. 1.
Decision No 1/2014 of the ACP-EU Council of Ministers of 20 June 2014 regarding the revision of Annex IV
to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement (OJ L 196, 3.7.2014, p. 40).
Council Decision 2010/648/EU of 14 May 2010 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the
Agreement amending for the second time the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African,
Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of
the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000, as amended in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 (OJ L 287,
4.11.2010, p. 1).
See footnote Error! Bookmark not defined..
Article 198 TFEU.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 12
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 1. Introduction
Union’s general budget and funds managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) under the EIB’s
own resources, and the resources allocated to the EDF Investment Facility, in accordance with the
EDF Internal Agreement. The financial support to the OCTs is provided mainly through the EDF.
The financing of the EU's external action under MFF 2021-2027 is governed by the following legal
- Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July
2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union27
- Regulation (EU) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 June 2021
establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global
Europe, amending and repealing Decision No 466/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU) 2017/1601
and Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 480/2009; OJ L 209, 14.6.2021, p. 1–78.
- Council Regulation (Euratom) 2021/948 of 27 May 2021 establishing a European Instrument for
International Nuclear Safety Cooperation complementing the Neighbourhood, Development and
International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe on the basis of the Treaty establishing the
European Atomic Energy Community, and repealing Regulation (Euratom) No 237/2014; OJ L 209,
14.6.2021, p. 79–90.
- Council Decision (EU) 2021/1764 of 5 October 2021 on the association of the Overseas Countries
and Territories with the European Union including relations between the European Union on the one
hand, and the Greenland and the Kingdom of Denmark on the other (Decision on the Overseas
Association, including Greenland); OJ L 355, 7.10.2021, p. 6–134.
- Regulation (EU) 2021/1529 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 September 2021
establishing the Instrument for Pre-Accession assistance (IPA III); OJ L 330, 20.9.2021, p. 1–26.
− to contracts for which the European Commission acts as contracting authority on its own
account. For these, in-house public procurement procedures and templates (the Vade-mecum on
public procurement in the Commission and the Vade-mecum on grant management) are
− to humanitarian crisis management aid, civil protection operations and humanitarian aid
operations carried out by the DG ECHO;
− to contracting authorities, international organisations, national bodies with which there is an
agreement for use of their own procedures;
− to grant beneficiaries for which Annex IV of the standard grant contract applies (see Annex
Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the
financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No
1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No
223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No
966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p.1).
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 13
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 1. Introduction
‘Twinning’ is a dedicated institution-building tool providing expertise from Member States administrations to
the public institutions of partner countries. Twinning is made of grant contracts signed with Member States public
institutions. The ‘Common Twinning Manual’ — https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-
Direct labour operations are programmes executed by public or public-private agencies or services of the partner
country, if that country’s administration possesses qualified managers. They use a programme estimate: a
document laying down the human and material resources required, the budget and the detailed technical and
administrative implementing arrangements for execution of a project over a specified period by direct labour and
possibly also by means of public procurement and the award of specific grants. Specific procedures for direct
labour contracts and programme estimates are set out in a separate guide (Practical guide to procedures for
programme estimates - project approach) although most of the procurement procedures described in this practical
guide also apply: https://international-partnerships.ec.europa.eu/funding/guidelines/programme-estimates_en .
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 14
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
2. Basic rules
2.1. Overview
Contracts under procurement and grants are awarded according to strict rules. These help ensuring
that suitably qualified contractors and grant beneficiaries are chosen without bias and that the best
price-quality ratio or the best price is obtained, with the full transparency appropriate to the use of
public funds.
Procedures established by the European Commission for procurement and award of grants under the
relevant European Union external financing programmes are consolidated in this practical guide. Any
deviation from this practical guide and its annexes requires either a derogation or an exception from
the relevant European Commission services in accordance with internal rules.
Before starting any procurement or grant procedure, the budgetary commitment must have been
approved by a financing decision and, where appropriate, reflected in a subsequent financing
agreement. The funds must be available, except in the case of procedures with a ‘suspensive clause’
(see Section 2.6.12.).
There are different ways to implement the general budget of the EU or the European Development
Fund (EDF) funds (MFF 2014-2020), depending on the degree of delegation of a number of budget
implementation tasks (such as conclusion of contracts, their operational and financial management,
audit, evaluation, etc.).
There are three different management modes: direct management, indirect management and shared
The choice of management mode is an essential element of the financing decision and it is reflected
in the corresponding documents (e.g. the ‘action document’ for the relevant financing decision and
the (annual) action programme).
Therefore, in direct management, the European Commission (or the EU executive agencies) is the
contracting authority and takes decisions on behalf and for the account of the partner countries.
Article 62 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1046/2018 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July
2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p.1), hereafter the
“Financial Regulation” or FR.
Article 62(1)(a) FR.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 15
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
The contracts are concluded directly by the European Commission, acting on behalf of the partner
country. The European Commission is responsible for the entire cycle leading to contract signature
(issuing calls for tenders and calls for proposals, publication, establishing shortlist in restricted
procedures, evaluation, award and contract signature, etc.).
Deviations from standard procedures in this practical guide such as exceptions and derogations, as
well as prior approvals, events to be reported and non-compliance events have to be adopted in
compliance with internal procedures.
This practical guide mainly applies to the first case, i.e. when the European Commission entrusts
budget implementation to partner countries33. In this case, the contracts are concluded by the
contracting authority designated in a financing agreement, i.e. the government or an entity of the
partner country with legal personality.
It also applies to some exceptional cases where international organisations, development agencies or
other bodies must use EU contracting procedures.
Two modalities are possible under indirect management with partner countries34:
Decisions on the procurement and award of contracts are taken by the partner country, acting as
contracting authority, in line with the requirements set out in this practical guide and subject to the
prior approval of the European Commission.
The contracts are signed by the contracting authority of the partner country and endorsed by the
European Commission.
The relevant steps leading to contract award need the prior approval of the European Commission:
Prior to the launch of the procurement procedure or call for proposals, the contracting authority
must submit the documents (prior information notice (not compulsory), contract notice, additional
information about the contract notice, tender dossier or call for proposals file) to the European
Commission for approval. The European Commission verifies that these have been drafted in
accordance with the procedures and templates laid down in this practical guide. The contracting
authority is then responsible for drawing up shortlists (for restricted procedures), issuing the calls for
Article 62(1)(c) FR.
Please note that the European Commission usually undertakes directly activities such as project evaluation and
audits even under indirect management with partner countries.
The different ex ante and ex post control procedures are explained throughout this practical guide.
Article 154(6)(b) FR.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 16
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
tenders and calls for proposals, receiving applications/requests to participate, tenders and proposals,
chairing evaluation committees and deciding on the results of the procedure. Before signing
contracts, the contracting authority submits the results of the evaluations to the European
Commission for prior approval.
No prior approval is required in certain cases referred to in the practical guide to procedures for
programme estimates36.
Subject to the positive outcome of a prior ex ante pillar assessment (in relation to the third country’s
accounting, internal control, external audit, recovery of funds, beneficiaries’ information, and data
protection systems), the European Commission may decide to rely on the rules and procedures of
the third country entities’ and to limit its control to ex post controls. Where these entities comply
only in part with the requirements referred to above, the European Commission must take
appropriate supervisory measures ensuring the protection of the European Union’s financial
interests. These measures must be specified in the relevant agreements.
For programme estimates see above. Below the thresholds defined in the programme estimate
guide, transactions are subject to ex post controls.
2.2.4. Conclusion
In most cases, this practical guide applies to direct and indirect management with partner countries.
Note, however, that the European Commission may, in some specific cases, allow partner countries
to use other procedures depending on a prior positive assessment of such procedures.
The European Commission’s involvement in contracts signed by the partner countries under indirect
management is to authorise the financing of the contracts and check, notably with reference to
established checklists, that the procedures, the implementation of the contracts and the expenditure
See https://international-partnerships.ec.europa.eu/funding/guidelines/programme-estimates_en. A programme
estimate is a document containing a work programme to be implemented by a partner country of the European
Union. It is drawn up by the partner country and endorsed by the European Commission. The programme estimate
is a mixed form of financial implementation that may include activities entailing different levels of delegation. It
is the value of the contract to be concluded, as defined in the Programme Estimate Guide, which determines which
form of delegation is allowed.
Article 154(4) FR.
Article 62(1)(b) FR.
Regulation (EU) No 232/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a
European Neighbourhood Instrument (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 27).
Regulation (EU) No 231/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing an
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 11).
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 17
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
are correctly carried out. If the procedures established in this practical guide (or whatever procedure
the European Commission decides must be used) are not followed, the expenditure incurred on the
related operations may be found ineligible for EU financing. The European Commission’s intervention
is limited to checking whether the conditions for EU financing have been met.
In no case will this intervention aim at compromising the principle according to which these contracts
are drafted under the national legislation and concluded only by the contracting authority from the
partner country. Tenderers, candidates and applicants for these contracts do not possess any form of
contractual relationship with the European Commission during or after the implementation of the
contracts. Their only contractual relationship is with the contracting authority. A contracting
authority’s decision may not be replaced by a decision taken by the European Commission. The
contracting authority assumes full responsibility for its actions and will be accountable for those
actions in any subsequent audit or other investigation.
The box below summarises the control procedures that the European Commission must follow for
each management mode.
The contracts are concluded directly by the European Commission, acting on behalf of the partner
country. It draws up shortlists (restricted procedures) and is responsible for issuing calls for tenders
and calls for proposals, publishing them, receiving requests to participate, tenders and proposals,
chairing evaluation committees, deciding on the results of the procedures, managing complaints and
signing the contracts.
Before the procedure is launched, the contracting authority must submit the documents (tender
dossier, including relevant notices, or call for proposal file) to the European Commission for approval.
The European Commission verifies that they have been drafted in accordance with the procedures
and templates laid down in this practical guide (or whatever procedure the European Commission
decides must be used). The contracting authority is then responsible for drawing up shortlists
(restricted procedures), issuing the calls for tenders and calls for proposals, receiving requests to
participate, tenders and proposals, chairing evaluation committees and deciding on the results of the
procedure. Before signing contracts, the contracting authority submits the result of the evaluations
to the European Commission for approval. The European Commission verifies conformity with the
applicable procedures. The contracting authority also sends the contracts to the European
Commission for endorsement before signing them41.
The European Commission must always be invited when requests to participate and tenders are
opened and evaluated and a European Commission representative should, as a rule, attend as an
observer in all or part of the evaluation committee meetings. The European Commission pays
particular attention to potential conflicts of interests.
41The European Commission’s endorsement of the contracts is not necessary in certain cases, which are specified
in this practical guide or in the practical guide to procedures for Programme Estimates.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 18
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
The contracting authority must submit all relevant notices in electronic form to the responsible
delegation of the European Union for publication (see Annex A11e), with the exception of the cases
referred to in the Practical Guide for Programme Estimates.
Under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II), a phased waiver of different types of ex
ante controls may apply.
Regarding indirect management with beneficiary countries under the Instrument for Pre-Accession
Assistance (IPA III), the approach is to progressively transition from ex-ante towards ex-post controls.
In these cases, the entrusted entity (e.g. a national agency or international organisation) concludes
contracts with third parties.
That entrusted entity is responsible for publishing the relevant notices in order to ensure an
adequate level of competition.
The European Commission may verify the procedure ex-post, regardless of whether the European
Commission has carried out a prior ‘pillar assessment’ of the entrusted entity.
Eligibility criteria such as the rule of nationality and origin determine the conditions for participating
in calls for tender and calls for proposals and are essential requirements that each applicant,
candidate and tenderer must comply with. The rule of origin only applies to award procedures
financed under the framework of the Multiannual Financial Framework for the years 2014-2020. For
award procedures financed under the new Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 (Regulation
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 19
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
(EU) 2021/94742), with the exception of the INSC Regulation 2021/948 of 27 May 2021, all supplies
and materials may originate in any country.
For award procedures financed by a basic act under the MFF 2021-2027:
For financing under the OAD-Greenland Decision 2021/176443 and NDICI-Global Europe geographic
programmes, NDICI-Global Europe Civil Society Organisations and NDICI-Global Europe Global
Challenges programmes, participation is open to all natural persons who are nationals of and legal
persons (participating either individually or in a grouping) which are effectively established in
a Member State of the European Union or in an eligible country or territory as defined under Article
28 of Regulation (EU) N° 2021/947 establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International
Cooperation Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe).
For financing under NDICI-Global Europe Human Rights and Democracy and NDICI-Global Europe
Stability and Peace programmes, as well as for the NDICI-Global Europe - rapid response actions: for
the contract award procedures financed by <NDICI-Global Europe Human Rights and Democracy
programme>/<NDICI-Global Europe Stability and Peace programme>/<NDICI-Global Europe rapid
response actions>, participation is open without limitations.
For INSC 2021/948 of 27 May 202144 participation is open to all natural persons who are nationals of
and legal persons (participating either individually or in a grouping) which are effectively established
in a Member State of the European Union or in an eligible country or territory as defined under
Article 11 of Council Regulation (Euratom) 2021/948 establishing a European Instrument for Nuclear
Regulation (EU) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 June 2021 establishing the
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe, amending and repealing
Decision No 466/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU) 2017/1601 and Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No
480/2009; OJ L 209, 14.6.2021, p. 1–78.
Council Decision (EU) 2021/1764 of 5 October 2021 on the association of the Overseas Countries and Territories
with the European Union including relations between the European Union on the one hand, and the Greenland and
the Kingdom of Denmark on the other (Decision on the Overseas Association, including Greenland); OJ L 355,
7.10.2021, p. 6–134.
Council Regulation (Euratom) 2021/948 of 27 May 2021 establishing a European Instrument for International
Nuclear Safety Cooperation complementing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation
Instrument – Global Europe on the basis of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and
repealing Regulation (Euratom) No 237/2014; OJ L 209, 14.6.2021, p. 79–90.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 20
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
For IPA III 2021/152945, participation is open to all natural persons who are nationals of and legal
persons (participating either individually or in a grouping) which are effectively established in
a Member State of the European Union or in an eligible country or territory as defined under Article
10 of Regulation (EU) No [2021/1529] establishing the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA
For each external financing instrument financed under the new Multiannual Financial Framework for
the years 2021-2027 the countries corresponding to the rules of nationality are listed in Annex A2a1.
For commitments financed by a basic act under the MFF 2014-2020:For the general budget of the
EU, the eligibility rules for participation in public procurement, grant (including procurement under
grant contracts) and other award procedures are laid down in the Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 laying down common rules and
procedures for the implementation of the Union's instruments for financing external action (CIR)46 as
well as in the Financial Regulation. These eligibility rules differ depending on the external financing
instrument under which the respective project or programme is to be financed:
- Participation in procurement and grant procedures financed by the European Instrument for
Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP)47
is fully untied48.
− Member States, beneficiaries established in Annex I to the Pre-Accession Instrument (IPA II)
and contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area;
− for the ENI, partner countries covered by the ENI and the Russian Federation under certain
− developing countries that are in the list of Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients,
Regulation (EU) 2021/1529 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 September 2021 establishing
the Instrument for Pre-Accession assistance (IPA III); OJ L 330, 20.9.2021, p. 1–26.
Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 laying down
common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union's instruments for financing external action
(CIR), (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 95).
Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing an
instrument contributing to stability and peace (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 1).
Article 11 CIR.
Regulation (EU) No 233/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a
financing instrument for development cooperation for the period 2014-2020 (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 44).
Regulation (EU) No 232/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a
European Neighbourhood Instrument (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 27).
Regulation (EU) No 234/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a
Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 77).
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
which are not members of the G20 group52, and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs);
− member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
in case of contracts implemented in Least Developed Countries or Highly Indebted Countries,
as included in the list of ODA recipients53;
− countries for which reciprocal access to external assistance is established by the European
Eligibility to the IPA II is more restricted; it covers only Member States and beneficiaries established
in Annex I to the IPA II, contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and
partner countries covered by the ENI55.
Irrespective of the external financing instrument under which the respective project or programme is
to be financed, where an agreement on widening the market for procurement of goods or services to
which the Union is party applies, the procurement procedures for contracts financed by the budget
shall also be open to natural and legal persons established in a third country other than those
specified in the basic instruments governing the cooperation sector concerned, under the conditions
laid down in that agreement56.
For the EDF, Article 20 of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement57 replicates in general the same
provisions as above for the DCI.
For each external financing instrument financed under the framework of the Multiannual Financial
Framework (MFF) for the years 2014-2020, the countries corresponding to the rules on nationality
and origin are listed in Annex A2a to this practical guide. Extension of the rule of nationality under
MFF 2014-2020
The legislation also includes provisions that further extend the rules on nationality in certain cases.
For programmes funded by the general budget of the EU, the CIR extends the eligibility in case of58:
- Jointly co-financed actions / shared management / trust funds: whether implemented through
direct or indirect management, where actions are co-financed jointly with a partner or other donors
or implemented through a Member State in shared management, or through a trust fund established
by the Commission, natural and legal persons from countries which are eligible under the rules of
Members of the G20 Group only when they are beneficiaries of the action financed by the European Union, see
Article 9 (1)(d) CIR.
Article 9(1) CIR.
Article 9(e) CIR. Reciprocal access may be granted, for a limited period of at least one year, whenever a country
grants eligibility on equal terms to entities from the European Union and from a country eligible under the DCI,
ENI and Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries. This provision is replicated also for the EDF
(Article 20(1)(c) of Annex IV of Cotonou Agreement; Article 89 (1)(d) of the Overseas Association Decision for
Article 10(1) CIR.
Article 179 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1046/2018 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p.1).
Council Decision 2010/648/EU of 14 May 2010 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the
Agreement amending for the second time the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African,
Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of
the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000, as amended in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 (OJ L 287,
4.11.2010, p. 1) (Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement).
Article 8(2)(3) CIR.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
that partner other donor or Member State or determined in the constitutive act of the trust fund are
also eligible59.
- Actions implemented through indirect management: natural and legal persons from countries
eligible under the rules of the entrusted body are also eligible, except when the management is
entrusted to partner countries. In the latter case, only the rules of the external financing instrument
- Actions financed by more than one external financing instrument, including the EDF: natural and
legal persons from countries identified under any of these instruments are eligible for the purpose of
those actions.
- Actions of a global, regional or cross-border nature financed by one of the external financing
instruments: eligibility can be extended to natural and legal persons from countries, territories and
regions covered by the actions.
For EDF-funded programmes, Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement extends the eligibility in the
following cases60:
- Actions implemented through an international organisation: all natural and legal persons who are
eligible according to the rules of the organisation as also eligible, care being taken to ensure equal
treatment of all donors.
- Actions implemented as part of a regional initiative: natural and legal persons from a country
participating in the relevant initiative are also eligible61.
- Actions implemented through direct management and co-financed jointly with a partner or other
donor or implemented through a trust fund established by the Commission: all natural and legal
persons that are eligible under the rules of that partner or other donor, or under the rules
determined in the trust fund constitutive act are also eligible62.
- Actions implemented in indirect management through entrusted bodies (namely Member States or
their agencies, the European Investment Bank and international organisations or their agencies):
natural and legal persons who are eligible under the rules of that entrusted body as identified in the
agreements concluded with the co-financing or implementing body are also eligible; In addition,
where actions are co-financed jointly with a partner or other donor, all persons that are eligible
under the rules of that partner or other donor are also eligible.
- Actions co-financed under another external financing instrument: all natural and legal persons
eligible under any of these Instruments are also eligible.
Where actions are co-financed in parallel with a partner or other donor, the respective rules on nationality apply,
i.e. EU rules apply to the part of the action financed by the external financing instruments (without extension) and
the rules of the partner or other donor apply to the part financed by it.
Article 20, paras. (5)-(8) of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement.
Article 6(4) of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement.
Where actions are co-financed in parallel with a partner or other donor, the respective rules on nationality apply,
i.e. EU rules apply to the part of the action financed by the external financing instruments (without extension) and
the rules of the partner or other donor apply to the part financed by it.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Finally, the Council Decision 2013/755/EU of 25 November 2013 on the association of the overseas
countries and territories with the European Union (Overseas Association Decision)63 extends the
eligibility in case of 64:
o Actions jointly co-financed with a partner or other donor countries / shared management
/ trust funds: natural and legal persons from countries eligible under the rules of that
partner, other donor or Member State or determined in the constitutive act of the trust
fund are also eligible.
o Actions financed under the Overseas Association Decision and another instrument for
external action, including the EDF: natural and legal persons from countries identified
under any of these instruments as eligible, are considered eligible for the purpose of that
o Actions of a global, regional or cross-border nature: natural and legal persons from
countries, territories and regions covered by the action may participate in the procedures
implementing such actions.
Likewise, the nationality rule does not apply to international organisations participating in a
procurement or grant award procedure66.
- natural persons must state the country of which they are nationals;
- legal persons must state the country in which they are established and provide evidence of such
establishment by presenting the documents required under that country’s law.
OJ L 344, 19.12.2013, p. 1.
Article 89(1)(b)(c) of the Overseas Association Decision.
Article 8(5) CIR, Article 1(5) of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement and Article 89(1)(e) of the Overseas
Association Decision.
Article 8(1) CIR, Article 1(5) of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement and Article 89(1)(a) of the Overseas
Association Decision.
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- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
If the contracting authority (or evaluation committee) suspects that a candidate, tenderer or
applicant does not comply with the nationality rules, it must ask the candidate/tenderer/applicant to
provide evidence demonstrating actual compliance with the applicable rules.
To demonstrate their actual compliance with the ‘establishment’ criterion, legal persons have to
demonstrate that:
- the legal person is established under the law of an eligible State, and
- its real seat is within an eligible State. ‘Real seat’ must be understood as the place where its
managing board and central administration, or its principal place of business, are located67.
For the award procedures under MFF 2014-2020, in principle, goods supplied under a procurement
contract or a grant contract, financed under the general budget of the EU or the EDF (including OCTs)
financed under the framework of the multiannual financial framework for the years 2014-2020 must
originate from an eligible country as designated by the relevant external financing instrument(s)68.
For the award procedures under MFF 2014-2020, subject to derogation (granted on a case-by-case
basis), all goods to be delivered under a supply contract fall under the rules of origin, as do materials,
goods and components to be incorporated or to form part of the permanent works under a works
Goods purchased by the contractor for use during the execution of the contract (such as machinery
used by a supply contractor for testing and installing the goods supplied, equipment used by a works
contractor for building a road69, computer(s) used by a service contractor to draft a study) are not
subject to the rule of origin. It is only when the contract explicitly states that at the end of the
contract the ownership of the goods is transferred from the contractor to the contracting authority
(in the case of procurement contracts) or transferred by the grant beneficiary to another
entity/person or retained by him (in the case of grant contracts), that these goods are subject to the
rule of origin.
This is to avoid awarding contracts to companies that have established ‘letter box’ companies in an eligible
country to circumvent the nationality rules.
Article 8(4) CIR, Article 1(4) of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement and Article 89(1)(d) of the Overseas
Association Decision.
In a works contract, the option of having equipment vested in the contracting authority, given under Article 43(2)
of the general conditions, only applies while the works are being carried out and therefore does not constitute full
transfer of the property.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 25
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
2.3.5. Goods with a value under the threshold of the simplified procedure
Under the MFF 2021-2027, goods can originate in any country whatever their value (full untying),
with the exception of the INSC Regulation 2021/948 of 27 May 2021, where goods must originate
from an eligible country as designated by the financing instrument.
For the award procedures under the MFF 2014-2020, goods can originate in any country (full untying)
if their value is below the threshold of the simplified procedure for supply contracts (EUR 100 000)70.
This provision for full untying below the threshold of the simplified procedure must be stated in the
contract notice.
Where the procurement is divided into lots, the rule applies per lot (only applicable to lots of less
than EUR 100 000). The division into lots must be legitimate. This rule must not lead to artificially
sub-dividing procurement into smaller lots to circumvent the threshold of EUR 100 000.
This rule applies also to procurement done by grant beneficiaries and procurement of works
involving the supply of products. In case of works contracts that involve multiple purchases, the EUR
100 000 threshold applies by type of supply. Where the contract takes the form of a lump sum price,
the breakdown of the lump sum price must be used to verify the EUR 100 000 threshold by type of
The above rules have to be clearly stated in the instructions for tenderers and applicants.
The term ‘origin’ is defined in the relevant EU legislation on rules of origin for customs purposes:
Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013 laying
down the Union Customs Code71, and the Code’s implementing provisions: Commission Delegated
Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 of 28 July 2015 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the
European Parliament and of the Council as regards detailed rules concerning certain provisions of the
Union Customs Code72 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 of 24 November
2015 laying down detailed rules for implementing certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013
of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the Union Customs Code73.
The country of origin is not necessarily the country from which the goods were shipped and supplied.
Two basic concepts are used to determine the origin of goods, namely the concept of ‘wholly
obtained’ products and the concept of products having undergone a ‘last substantial transformation’:
Article 8(4) CIR and Article 20(3) of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement.
Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013 laying down
the Union Customs Code, OJ L 269, 10.10.2013, p. 1.
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 of 28 July 2015 supplementing Regulation (EU) No
952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards detailed rules concerning certain provisions of
the Union Customs Code, OJ L 343, 29.12.2015, p. 1.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 of 24 November 2015 laying down detailed rules for
implementing certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council
laying down the Union Customs Code, OJ L 343, 29.12.2015, p. 558.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 26
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
- If only one country is involved in the production, the ‘wholly obtained’ concept will be applied. In
practice, these goods wholly obtained in a single country must be regarded as having their origin in
that country. This will be restricted to mostly products obtained in their natural state and products
derived from wholly obtained products.
- If two or more countries are involved in the production of goods, it is necessary to determine which
of those countries confers origin on the finished goods. For this purpose, the concept of ‘last
substantial transformation’ is applied. In general, the criterion of last substantial transformation is
expressed in three ways:
• by a value added rule, where the increase of value due to assembly operations and
incorporation of originating materials represents a specified level of the ex-works price
of the product.
For award procedures under the Multiannual Financial Framework for the years 2014-2020 and for
award procedures financed by the INSC Regulation 2021/948 of 27 May 2021 under the Multiannual
Financial Framework 2021-2027:
When submitting its tender, if the rules of origin apply, the tenderer must state expressly that all the
goods meet the requirements concerning origin and must state the country(ies) of origin. When
tendering for systems comprising more than one item, the origin of each item in the system must be
specified. The tenderer is bound by the declaration of origin she/he submits. The tenderer is obliged
to verify that the provided information is correct. Otherwise, the tenderer risks to be excluded
because of negligently misrepresenting information. The tenderer may be requested to provide
documents supporting the stated origin. In this case, the tenderer must provide a declaration of
origin or additional information considering that the issuing authority may refuse to issue a
certificate of origin at tendering stage without presentation of commercial invoices.
The declaration of origin must be submitted at the latest during implementation of the contract
when the certificate of provisional acceptance is requested. Failing this, the contracting authority will
not make any further payment to the contractor. Exceptionally, other substantiating documents can
be accepted by the contracting authority instead of the aforementioned declarations if the
contractor justifies that it is impossible to provide declarations of origin.
Declarations of origin must be issued by the competent authorities of the goods’ or supplier’s
declared country of origin (for example the chamber of commerce) and comply with the
international agreements to which that country is a signatory. However, declarations of origin are
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 27
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
not exhaustive proof of origin, and should not be regarded as a legal proof, but as useful element for
determination of the origin, which may, in case of doubts, facilitate further checks.
It is up to the contracting authority to verify compliance with the rules of origin. Where there are
serious doubts about the authenticity of a declaration of origin or the information it contains (e.g.
because of discrepancies in the document, spelling errors, etc.), the contracting authority should
contact the issuing authority to have the authenticity of the documents submitted and/or the
information it contains confirmed. Declarations issued by an authority, other than the one located at
the place of declared origin, should be investigated carefully. The contracting authority may also
carry out on-the-spot checks of compliance with the origin rules, preferably before the issuance of
the provisional acceptance certificate.
For EDF procurement, supplies originating in the OCTs are regarded as originating in the EU.
The decision on derogations is taken by the European Commission before the procedure is launched.
In principle, it is not possible to derogate from the rules on nationality and origin to allow only one or
a group of countries to become eligible unless it is duly motivated in the request for derogation.
Where actions are implemented in shared management, the relevant Member State to which the
Commission has delegated implementation tasks can also take such decisions.
The derogation must be mentioned in the contract notice (if published) and in the guidelines for
applicants (grants).
a) Extension74
In duly substantiated cases, the European Commission may extend eligibility to natural and legal
persons from an ineligible country and, under MFF 2014-2020, allow the purchase of goods and
materials originating in an ineligible country.
- economic, traditional, trade or geographical links with neighbouring countries (only for award
procedures under the MFF 2014-2020);
- unavailability of products and services in the markets of the related countries concerned;
- extreme urgency / crisis situation; or
- extreme difficulties to carry out a project, programme or other action with the general rules
on eligibility.
Where the EU is a party to an agreement on widening the market for the procurement of supplies,
works or services, eligibility can be extended, as required by that agreement.
Article 9(2) CIR, Article 9(1) of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement, Article 89(2)(f) of the Overseas
Association Decision and Article 11(8) of the INSC Regulation 2021/948.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Countries for which reciprocal access to external funding is established by the Commission; that
access may be granted, for a limited period of at least one year, whenever a country grants eligibility
on equal terms to entities from the Union and from countries eligible under NDICI- Global Europe;
the Commission shall decide on the reciprocal access and on its duration after consultation of the
recipient country or countries concerned.
b) Limitation75
In the context of grants, the basic acts also allow to limit eligibility on certain grounds, notably where
this is required by the nature and the objectives of the action and as necessary for its effective
The limitation can be made with respect to the nationality, localisation or nature of applicants and
does not require a prior approval / event to be reported.
By means of Council Decision taken on the basis of Article 29 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU)
and related implementing Regulation pursuant to Article 215 TFEU, the EU restrictive measures are
directly applicable in the European Union. Hence, when implementing the EU budget, the
Commission must give effect to EU restrictive measures.
The same obligation is implicitly imposed onto persons or entities entrusted with indirect
management by virtue of Article 62(1)(c) FR, which requires implementing partners to ensure that
funds are only disbursed in accordance with EU law, including therefore the implementation of EU
restrictive measures.
Likewise, grant beneficiaries and contractors must ensure that there is no detection of
subcontractors, natural persons (including participants to workshops and/or trainings and recipients
of financial support to third parties), in the lists of EU restrictive measures.
The lists of persons, groups, entities subject to the EU restrictive measures are maintained by the DG
FISMA and published on the following website: www.sanctionsmap.eu
Article 8(7) CIR, Article 1(8)(9) of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement, Article 89(1)(f) of the Overseas
Association Decision and Article 11(7) of the INSC Regulation 2021/948.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
There are some fundamental principles that apply to procurement and grant procedures which the
contracting authority has to respect throughout the procedure. These principles are laid down in the
Financial Regulation.
The contracting authority must take all necessary measures to ensure full compliance with these
principles also by facilitating the detection of unreliable economic operators and the protection of the
European Union’s financial interests. To this aim, an early detection and exclusion system (EDES) is
established by the Financial Regulation76 to reinforce the protection of the European Union’s financial
interests and to ensure sound financial management (see Section
Failure to comply with these general principles may lead to the annulment of the award decision.
2.5.1. Procurement
EU public procurement consists in contracts concluded in writing in order to obtain, against payment
of a price, the execution of works, the supply of goods or the provision of services77.
EU public procurement is governed by rules intended to remove barriers and open up markets in a
non-discriminatory and competitive way.
The following principles should be followed78:
- Transparency
The contracting authority should ensure openness and clarity on procurement policy and its delivery.
This obligation consists in ensuring, for the benefit of any potential tenderer, a degree of advertising
sufficient to enable the market to be opened up to competition and the impartiality of procurement
procedures to be reviewed79.
All interested parties should be treated in the same way, meaning that all tenderers must be
afforded equal opportunities when formulating their tenders, which therefore implies that the
tenders of all competitors must be subject to the same conditions80.
- Competition
Procurement should be carried out by competition, unless there are justified reasons to the contrary;
this obligation also means that the estimated value of a contract may not be established in such a
way as to avoid the competitive tendering procedure or to circumvent the rules which apply to
certain procurement procedures or above a certain threshold, nor may a contract be split for that
In place since 1 January 2016 and replacing the early warning system and the central exclusion database.
For the EDF, see Article 19a(2) of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement and Article 36 of the 11th EDF Financial
Regulation. For the general budget of the EU, see Article 101 FR.
Article 160 FR.
Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 7 December 2000, Telefonadress GmbH v Telekom Austria AG, C-
324/98, ECLI:EU:C:2000:669, paragraph 62.
Judgment of the General Court (First Chamber), 13 December 2013, European Dynamics Luxembourg SA and
Evropaïki Dynamiki — Proigmena Systimata Tilepikoinonion Pliroforikis kai Tilematikis AE v European
Commission, T-165/12, ECLI:EU:T:2013:646, paragraph 46.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
purpose (a practice known as ‘salami-slicing’)81. Moreover, as pointed out by the Court82, the widest
possible opening-up to competition is also in the interest of the contracting authority itself, which
will have thus greater choice as to the tender that is the most advantageous and the most suited to
the needs of the public authority83.
- Proportionality
This principle requires that measures adopted by the European Commission do not exceed the limits
of what is appropriate and necessary in order to attain the objectives pursued and that where there
is a choice between several appropriate measures recourse must be had to the least onerous84.
Budget appropriations must be used in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and
2.5.2. Grants
A grant is a financial contribution made by the European Commission by way of donation to one or
more beneficiaries for the purpose of carrying out an action or implementing a work programme.
Grants are divided in two general categories:
- action grants financing actions intended to achieve a European Union policy;
- operating grants financing the functioning of a body pursuing an aim of general European Union
interest or an objective forming part of a European Union policy objective.
- Transparency
The contracting authority must publish all relevant information in order to enable the potential
beneficiaries to obtain timely and accurate information on the actions being undertaken by the
European Union. The work programme is implemented by publishing calls for proposals87 and all
grants awarded in the course of the financial year will be published annually with due observance of
the requirements of confidentiality and security.
- Equal treatment
For mixed contracts, covering a combination of works, supplies or services, the contracting authority determines
the procurement thresholds and procedure to be used (with the agreement of the European Commission, for indirect
management with ex ante controls). This determination is made on the basis of the main component (works,
supplies or services) in terms of value.
Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 18 December 2014, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Careggi-
Firenze v Data Medical Service srl, C-568/13, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2466, paragraph 34.
Any attempt by a candidate, applicant or tenderer to obtain confidential information, enter into unlawful
agreements with competitors whose aim or effect is to impede, restrain or distort competition in a given market,
or influence the evaluation committee or the contracting authority during the process of examining, clarifying,
evaluating and comparing tenders and applications will lead to the rejection of its candidacy, proposal or tender
(see Section
Judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) of 27 September 2002, Tideland Signal Ltd v
Commission of the European Communities, T-211/02, ECLI:EU:T:2002:232, paragraph 39.
Article 2(59) FR.
Article 188 FR.
Except for duly substantiated and exceptional cases where direct award is justified (see Section 6.4.2.).
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
No preferential treatment may be given to any potential beneficiary. This rule applies not only to the
process of identifying and selecting beneficiaries88 but also during the implementation of the action.
- Co-financing
The costs are shared between the Commission and the beneficiary. This means that a grant awarded
for an action cannot fund the entire cost of the action and that an operating grant cannot fund all the
operating costs incurred by the beneficiary body. For more details on the exceptions to the co-
financing principle, see Section 6.3.9.
- No-profit
Grants must not have the purpose or effect of producing a profit within the framework of the action
or the work programme of the beneficiary. For more details, see Section 6.3.10.
- No-cumulative award
Each beneficiary may not get more than one grant per action (unless otherwise provided in the
applicable basic act), neither more than one operating grant for a given financial year. Under the
direct management mode, however, an action may be financed jointly from separate budget lines by
a number of authorising officers. The applicant must specify in the application form any applications
and awarded grants relating to the same action or to the same work programme.
- Non-retroactivity
Financing by the general budget of the EU and EDF funding may not be used to finance actions that
have already been completed and which have therefore proved achievable without financial support
from the European Union. At the same time, the rule prohibits awarding an operating grant for
activities carried out in previous budgetary years of the beneficiary. For more details on the
non-retroactivity principle and crisis situations, see Section 6.3.8.
2.5.3. Visibility
Unless the European Commission requests or agrees otherwise, all beneficiaries, managing
authorities and implementing partners of EU funding must use the EU emblem and short funding
statements in their communication to acknowledge the support received under EU programmes and
contribute to the visibility of the EU on the ground in accordance with the guidelines
(https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/eu-emblem-rules_en.pdf). Such measures shall be
carried out in accordance with the latest Communication and Visibility Requirements for EU-funded
external action, published by the European Commission (Communication and Visibility Requirements
for EU External Actions | International Partnerships (europa.eu)) or with any other guidelines agreed
between the European Commission and the Organisation.
See Section 6.5.3.
Guidance on the avoidance and management of conflicts of interest under the FR (2021/C 121/01)
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- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
In procurement and grant procedures, the situation of conflict of interest applies to persons in charge
of the procedure as well as to persons involved in the preparation, opening and evaluation phases.
A conflict of interest may arise where, for instance, a member of the opening and evaluation
committee or someone in the contracting authority or others involved in the procedure grant
themselves, or others, unjustified direct or indirect advantages by influencing the outcome.
Special care should be taken in cases where external experts are involved in the evaluation
committee91. Indeed, the authorising officer responsible must ensure that these external experts satisfy
the obligations concerning conflict of interests and confidentiality92.
In the potential case of members of staff of the EU delegations (local or contract agents) proposed as
experts by tenderers, the European Commission must make sure that the contract with the EU
institution is officially terminated before the expert starts to work on an EU financed project under a
contract with an external organisation/company. In the case of civil servants or other staff of the
public administration of the partner country, or of international/regional organisations based in the
country, regardless of their administrative situation, these must only be approved by the European
Commission if well justified. The tenderer must in its offer include information on the added value
the expert will bring, as well as proof that the expert is seconded or on leave on personal ground (see
It encompasses the violation of applicable laws or regulations or ethical standards of the profession
to which the contractor belongs, and any wrongful conduct that has an impact on the professional
credibility of the contractor93 (for details, see Section 2.5.6.).
Article 61 FR.
91 Articles 150(5), 225(4), 237(2), Annex I points 28.2 and 29.1 FR 2018.
For this purpose, each external expert must sign a declaration of impartiality and confidentiality (Annex A4).
These must be attached to the specific contract concluded with the contractor under a framework contract or to the
expert’s contract if there is no framework contract involved.
Article 136(1)(c) FR.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
There are specific situations for economic operators that qualify as ‘grave professional misconduct’
and not as conflict of interests94:
− where the operator attempts to unduly influence the decision-making of the contracting authority
during a procurement procedure;
− where the operator enters into agreement with other operators in order to distort competition;
− where the operator tries to obtain confidential information that may give it undue advantages in
the procedure.
Cases where an expert or company attempts to obtain information leading to an unfair advantage in
subsequent or related procedures or attempts to influence the decision making process of the
contracting authority or enters into agreement with other economic operators with the aim of
distorting competition are rather to be treated as grave professional misconduct and are a basis to
reject/exclude the economic operator concerned (see Section
Burden of proof: it is up to the contracting authority to prove the distortion of competition and to
prove that it has taken all possible measures to avoid the rejection. In particular, these measures must
include the communication to the other candidates/tenderers of the relevant information exchanged
in the context of or resulting from the involvement of the candidate/tenderer in the preparation of the
procurement procedure and the fixing of adequate time-limits for the receipt of tenders. The rejection
is subject to a contradictory procedure, so the tenderer must be given the opportunity to prove that its
prior involvement cannot distort competition.
Article 136 FR.
Article 141(c) FR.
Article 20(6) of the Annexe 1 to the FR.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
A case-by-case assessment is required to confirm that the situation of conflict of interest may
negatively affect the performance on the contract in question97. If the operator is in such a situation,
the corresponding tender is rejected. These cases often arise in evaluation or audit framework
contracts, where the contractor can have a professional conflicting interest for a specific contract.
Where a conflict of interest might occur with regard to on-going contracts, the contractor must
immediately inform the contracting authority and measures must be adopted to prevent or to
resolve such a conflict, including terminating the contract if necessary.
To ensure fair competition, no changes to the identity or composition of the candidate/tenderer are
permitted, except in the situations listed below where the contracting authority has to give prior
approval in writing.
The only cases where a change in composition of a consortium may be accepted are:
(i) where there is a merger or takeover of one member of the consortium (universal
(ii) where the change comes from the contracting authority, i.e. one member (leader or other
member) of the consortium is subject to exclusion or rejected because it does not comply
with a selection criterion applicable to it. Indeed, in this case, exclusion or rejection applies to
a legal entity, not to a group, so it may be disproportionate to reject the whole request to
participate/tender on that basis; such situations should be appreciated on a case-by-case
basis. The position to adopt could be different according to the various exclusion cases (for
instance, a change could be accepted in case of bankruptcy, but not in the case where the
member of the group has been convicted of fraud, corruption, etc.). In case of rejection,
withdrawal of the rejected member of the group could be accepted if the selection criterion
is still fulfilled without it.
The fact that the entity excluded is the leader of the consortium does not affect the substance of the
changes to the consortium. A leader has powers of attorney to represent other members of the
group of economic operators, but this does not determine per se its relative weigh in the consortium.
What has to be considered is the incidence that the entity concerned has in the selection criteria and
in the award criteria.
In both cases (i) and (ii) above, the contracting authority must verify the following conditions:
1. in the case (i) above, whether the new entity meets eligibility requirements;
2. in the case (i) above, whether the new entity is not in an exclusion situation;
3. in both cases, whether the selection criteria are still fulfilled (without the excluded or rejected
entity if applicable and without replacing it) compared to the request to participate/tender originally
For further guidance about the procedure, please consult Guidance on the avoidance and management of
conflicts of interest under the FR (2021/C 121/01), p. 19 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
4. in both cases, whether the change in composition of the consortium does not entail any
substantial change in the tender as originally submitted. For the case (ii), this condition is met as long
(a) all the tasks assigned to the excluded entity are taken over by the other members of the
(b) the change does not make the tender non-compliant with the requirements set in tender
(c) the change does not modify the evaluation of award criteria as originally submitted.
If all the conditions are fulfilled, the contracting authority can accept the change in the composition
of the consortium. Otherwise, the request to participate/tender must be rejected.
Once the contract is signed by the consortium, as a matter of principle there should be no change,
except in the cases of universal succession (merger/takeover of one of the members of the
consortium). In this case, the contracting authority must verify the following conditions:
For the selection criteria, the principle of proportionality may be used if the contract implementation
is already well advanced when the change occurs (e.g. selection criteria which were only necessary
for the start phase do not have to be fulfilled anymore at a later stage of the contract).
However, if a change, including the replacement of a member of the consortium, happens for
another reason, the contracting authority must analyse the consequences of terminating the
contract vs. accepting the change, and it must in particular assess whether the change is substantial
or not (i.e. if it requires to terminate the contract and launch a new procurement procedure or not).
If the change is accepted, the same verification as in the case of universal succession must be made.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
amount for which the financial guarantee has been given. A thorough check on the legality, reliability
and authenticity of any financial guarantees is therefore essential.98
In indirect management, the contracting authority should seek guidance from the European
Commission before accepting a financial guarantee.
Record keeping99
Subject to the contracting authority’s legislation on access to documents, written records of the
entire procurement and grant award procedure must be kept confidential and kept by the
contracting authority in accordance with the policy adopted on archiving. If its law conflicts with the
confidentiality required, the contracting authority must obtain prior authorisation from the European
Commission before disclosing any information.
Unsuccessful proposals have to be kept for 5 years from the submission deadline of the call, and
unsuccessful tenders have to be kept for 5 years from the submission deadline of the tender.
Contractual and financial documents have to be kept for a minimum of 7 years from payment of the
balance and up to the prescription date of any dispute about the law governing the contract. During
and after this period, the contracting authority will treat personal data in conformity with its privacy
policy. The documents to be conserved include all the preparatory documents, the corresponding
financing agreement, the originals of all requests to participate/tenders/proposals submitted, and
any related correspondence.
Financial guarantees (originals) must be kept in a safe place where they are protected against the risk
of loss or theft up to the end of their validity period or the end of the contractual obligations.
Availability of funds
Before initiating any procedure, the funds must be available. Calls may exceptionally be launched
with a suspensive clause after prior approval of the relevant services. The call is then launched before
the financing decision is adopted or before the financing agreement between the European
Commission and the partner country is signed. The call is cancelled if the financing decision is not
adopted or if the financing agreement is not signed. The contract cannot be signed until the funds
are available.
Cross-cutting issues
Concepts such as environmental issues, climate change, gender equality, accessibility for disabled
people need to be taken into account by tenderers, candidates and applicants in the context of
procurement and calls for proposals. Furthermore, appropriate environmental screening, including
for climate change and biodiversity impacts, must be undertaken at project level, in accordance with
the applicable legislative acts of the European Union, for both procurements and grants. Where
relevant, strategic environmental assessments must be used in the implementation of sectoral
Joint procurement with an EU Member State, an EFTA State or an EU candidate country
In case of joint action between an EU institution and a contracting authority from a Member State,
from an EFTA State or from an EU candidate country, the procurement procedure may be carried out
For additional details, see chapter 9.1 of the INTPA Companion.
Article 132 FR.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
jointly by the EU institution and that contracting authority. In this case, the procedures applicable to
the European Union Institutions must apply100.
Per diem
Per diem are daily subsistence allowances that may be reimbursed for missions foreseen in the terms
of reference and/or approved by the Contracting Authority, carried out by the contractor’s
authorised experts outside the expert's normal place of posting. The per diem is a maximum fixed
flat-rate covering daily subsistence costs. These include accommodation, meals, tips and local travel,
including travel to and from the airport. Taxi fares are therefore covered by the per diem. Per diem
are payable on the basis of the number of hours spent on the mission. Per diem may only be paid in
full or in half (no other fractions are possible). A full per diem shall be paid for each 24-hour period
spent on mission. Half of a per diem shall be paid in case of a period of at least 12 hours but less than
24 hours spent on mission. No per diem shall be paid for missions of less than 12 hours. Travelling
time is to be regarded as part of the mission. Any subsistence allowances to be paid for missions
undertaken must not exceed the per diem rates published on the website - https://international-
partnerships.ec.europa.eu/funding/guidelines/managing-project/diem-rates_en - in force at the time
of contract signature.
Any mention of the contractor in the present section has to be understood as the beneficiary in case
of a grant contract. The contractual obligations referred to in the present section must also apply to
all members of a consortium, to any sub-contractors and capacity providing entities, to lead
applicants, co-applicants, associates and affiliated entities.
The contractor as impartial and faithful adviser - absence of conflict of interest: the contractor must
at all time act impartially and as a faithful adviser in accordance with the code of conduct of its
profession. It must refrain from making public statements about the project or services without the
contracting authority’s prior authorisation. It may not commit the contracting authority in any way
without its prior written consent. The contractor must refrain from any relationship likely to
give rise to a conflict of interest compromising its independence or that of its personnel. If the
contractor ceases to be independent, the contracting authority may terminate the contract with
immediate effect
The contractor must respect human rights as well as environmental legislation and core labour
standards: the contractor and its -personnel must comply with human rights. In particular and in
accordance with the applicable basic act, tenderers and applicants who have been awarded contracts
Article 165(2) FR.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
must comply with the environmental legislation including multilateral environmental agreements,
and with the core labour standards as applicable and as defined in the relevant International Labour
Organisation conventions (such as the conventions on freedom of association and collective
bargaining; elimination of forced and compulsory labour; abolition of child labour).
The contractor and payments: the contractor may not accept any payment connected with the
contract other than that provided for therein. The contractor and its personnel must not exercise any
activity or receive any advantage inconsistent with their obligations to the contracting authority.
The contractor and professional secrecy: the contractor and its personnel are bound to maintain
professional secrecy for the entire duration of the contract and after its completion. All reports and
documents drawn up or received by the contractor during the performance of the contract are
The contractor and anti-corruption and anti-bribery: the contractor must comply with all applicable
laws and regulations and codes relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption.
The European Commission reserves the right to suspend or terminate the contract, if corrupt
practices of any kind are discovered at any stage of the award process or implementation of the
contract and if the contractor fails to take all appropriate measures to remedy the situation.
For the purposes of this provision, ‘corrupt practices’ are the offer of a bribe, gift, gratuity or
commission to any person as an inducement or reward for performing or refraining from any act
relating to the award of a contract or implementation of a contract already concluded with the
contracting authority.
Corrupt practices may also include unusual commercial expenses that are not mentioned in the
contract or not stemming from a properly concluded contract referring to the contract, commissions
not paid in return for any actual and legitimate service, commissions remitted to a tax haven,
commissions paid to a recipient who is not clearly identified or commission paid to a company that
looks like a front company. Contractors found to have paid unusual commercial expenses on projects
funded by the EU are liable, depending on the seriousness of the facts noted, to have their contracts
terminated or to be excluded from receiving EU funds.
The European Commission may carry out whatever documentary or on-the-spot checks it deems
necessary to find evidence in cases of suspected unusual commercial expenses.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
professional misconduct that may lead to immediate termination of the contract without prejudice to
further administrative sanctions and exclusion from future calls for tenders.
A grave professional misconduct is not only constituted by violations of applicable laws or
regulations or ethical standards of the profession to which the contractor belongs, but also
encompasses any wrongful conduct that has an impact on the professional credibility of the
contractor, and refers to conduct that denotes a wrongful intent or gross negligence (see in detail
Section on the exclusion criteria).
The Commission adopted its first anti-fraud strategy (CAFS) in 2011, which is an internal policy
document binding on the Commission services and executive agencies in their fight against fraud and
corruption affecting the EU's financial interests. The CAFS was updated in 2019 to enhance the
protection of the EU budget, to strengthen the corporate oversight of the Commission regarding all
issues related to fraud and to reinforce the overall anti-fraud system already in place.
In line with the requirements of the CAFS, DG INTPA has an anti-fraud strategy (AFS) and a related
action plan to enhance the prevention, detection and correction of fraud. The first AFS101 came into
effect in January 2014 and has been regularly updated to reflect the evolution in the Commission’s
external action policy and operations.
In 2021, the DG adopted a significant review to align its anti-fraud policy to the evolving financial and
operational context102. The latest AFS highlights the DG's operational specificities that make the fight
against fraud particularly complex and important. The accompanying action plan focuses on
increasing internal and external awareness on fraud-related issues; strengthening the follow-up
measures taken once fraud is detected; on the reinforcement of coordination, cooperation and
processes; and on the use of the Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES) as a fraud-sanctioning
An important factor in combatting fraud is staff awareness and an effective system of reporting
indications of fraud and irregularities. While whistleblowing is a right in many legal systems, it is an
obligation for EU staff. The EU Staff Regulations103 and the Financial Regulation104 set out an
obligation to report serious irregularities for any EU official who becomes aware of:
- facts that give rise to a presumption of possible illegal activity, including fraud or corruption,
detrimental to the interests of the EU;
The AFS and related information is available for European Commission staff on INTPA’s intranet:
In particular, the creation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument
(NDICI) under the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, the in-depth reorganisation of DG INTPA on
16/01/2021, and the adoption of the new CAFS in 2019.
EEC/EAEC Council: Regulation No 31 (EEC), 11 (EAEC), laying down the Staff Regulations of Officials and
the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic
Energy Community, Article22a-c.
Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union,
repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (2012 Financial Regulation), Article 74(8).
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
- conduct relating to the discharge of professional duties that may constitute a serious failure
to comply with the obligations of EU officials.
While fraud prevention and detection is primarily the responsibility of each head of a Commission
service (as appropriate in each management mode), two complementary bodies reinforce the
protection of EU’s financial interests in a comprehensive way:
− The newly created European Public Prosecutor’s Office, the EPPO, to conduct criminal
OLAF investigates fraud against the EU budget, corruption and serious misconduct within the EU, and
develops anti-fraud policy for the Commission. OLAF has to be informed of suspicions of fraud,
corruption or other irregularities concerning EU funds105, and is entitled to conduct:
OLAF makes its investigations independently and in compliance with the cooperation agreements in
force in third countries. It cooperates actively with its partners in the EU Member States and third
Following its investigation, OLAF makes a report indicating its findings and recommendations. The
competent responsible authorising officer by sub-delegation must ensure the financial follow-up, vis-
à-vis the recovery of amounts wrongly paid, in cooperation with OLAF.
The EPPO represents the first true supranational prosecutorial body with the powers to carry out
independently investigations and prosecutions into crimes affecting the financial interests of the EU.
The focus of its mandate is fraud and other crimes affecting the EU’s financial interest as defined
under Directive 2017/1371106. Since 2021, the EPPO can prosecute and bring the suspected
perpetrators of such crimes to judgment in the 22 participating Member States107.
There are several different procurement procedures, each allowing a different degree of
Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 September 2013
concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and repealing Regulation (EC)
No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (Euratom) No 1074/1999,
Article 8. This OLAF Regulation will be amended in 2021.
Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2017 on the fight against
fraud to the Union’s financial interests by means of criminal law, OJ L 198, 28.7.2017.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 41
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Article 164 FR provides the following list of procedures for awarding concession contracts108 or public
contracts, including framework contracts:
Article 178 FR on external action procurement provides on the one hand that the common provisions
on public procurement must be applicable to the external action procurement, subject to special
provisions relating to the arrangements for awarding external contracts laid down in its Annex I.
On the other hand, it also adds further conditions to the use of certain common provisions.
Accordingly, the publicity measures of Article 163(1) and the obligation to respect a standstill period
must only apply as from:
The simplified procedure is the new terminology adopted to replace the former ‘competitive
negotiated procedure’ under the previous Financial Regulation109 (the 2012 Financial Regulation).
Note also that for services, supply and works contracts both open and restricted procedures can be
used. However, only templates for the restricted procedure for services, and templates for the open
procedure for supplies and works are available as annexes to the PRAG. Templates for the simplified
and negotiated procedures for services, supply and works are now also available.
See Article 2(14) FR for the definition of concession contracts.
Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on
the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (OJ L 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1).
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Regardless of which procedure is used, all basic principles must be complied with (including the
eligibility, exclusion and selection criteria).
Where possible and appropriate in light of the nature of the action, and in line with the financing
agreement if any, the use of the simplest procedures must be favoured.
Note that projects must not be split artificially to circumvent the procurement thresholds.
Other procedures can be applied regardless of the thresholds, for instance negotiated
procedures on the basis of a single tender — as long as the relevant conditions are met (see
Sections 2.6.5., 2.6.6., 2.6.7. and 2.6.8.).
≥ EUR 5 000 000 < EUR 5 000 000 < EUR 300 000
but but > EUR 20 000
- International open
≥ EUR 300 000
tender procedure - Simplified procedure
or - Local open tender
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
- International
restricted tender
Electronic Submission (eSubmission) has been introduced for the management of the procurement
procedures in external actions. eSubmission is available through the TED eTendering website and
accessible on the Funding and Tenders Opportunities portal (F&T portal). eSubmission allows
economic operators to electronically submit requests to participate or tenders in a structured and
secure way. At the moment, eSubmission supports the following procurement procedures:
· Open procedures
· Restricted procedures
· Negotiated procedures without prior publication of a contract notice
When applying the direct management mode, the requests to participate and tenders in in the
above-mentioned procurement procedures must be submitted exclusively via eSubmission Requests
to participate and tenders submitted in any other way (e.g. post, courier, e-mail, hand delivery) will
be disregarded.
In order to submit a request to participate or tender using eSubmission, economic operators will
need to register in the European Commission's Participant Register - an online register of
organisations participating in EU calls for tenders or proposals. In case of consortia, requests to
participate will have to be made through a group submission which requires for each member of the
group a registration in the Participant Register.
When registered, each organisation obtains a Participant Identification Code (PIC, 9-digit number)
which acts as its unique identifier in the above register. Instructions on how to create a PIC can be
found on this page. Economic operators already registered in the Participant Register shall reuse
their existing PICs when preparing tenders in eSubmission.
It is up to the contracting authority to request the legal and financial validation of the data (PIC
validation) of any organisation applying via eSubmission. The EU Validation Services of the Research
Executive Agency (REA) are in charge of the PIC validation. The request for supporting documents in
no way implies that the organisation has been successful in a procurement procedure. All
communications with the EU Validation Services will take place through the F&T portal.
When applying the indirect management mode, the requests to participate and tenders will continue
to be submitted through paper documents.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
The tenders are examined, the eligibility and the financial, economic, technical and professional
capacity of the tenderers are checked to arrive at a selection, the tenders are evaluated and the
contract is awarded (see Sections 2.6.11. and No negotiation is allowed.
The contract is given maximum publicity by publishing a notice in the Official Journal of the European
Union (S series), in the Official Journal of the partner country, on the F&T portal, and in any other
appropriate media.
The selection criteria and the tasks to be undertaken are described in the published additional
information about the contract notice (A5f) document. A ‘long list’ of all the candidates replying to
the notice is cut down to a shortlist of the best qualified, on the basis of their replies. At the
shortlisting stage, before the list is approved by the evaluation committee, the contracting authority
checks that none of the candidates or their partners is in an exclusion situation in the early detection
and exclusion system (see Section 2.6.11.).
The contracting authority prepares the shortlist notice and publishes it together with the award
notice on TED (Section VI.3 of the award notice).
The contracting authority -sends the tender dossier only to the short-listed candidates.
Once the tenders have been analysed, they are evaluated and the successful tenderer is chosen (see
Sections 2.6.11. and No negotiation is allowed.
The evaluation (including the use of an evaluation committee) and the award of the contract follow
the rules of the open procedure.
For further details regarding simplified procedure in services, see Section 3.5.2., for supplies see
Section 4.5. and for works Section 5.6.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
particular with regard to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged110. In this way, the
framework contract represents a structure within which subsequent specific contracts are concluded.
Framework contracts with several economic operators are called ‘multiple’ framework contracts;
they take the form of separate contracts but they are all concluded on identical terms. The
specifications must state both the minimum and the maximum number of operators with which the
contracting authority intends to conclude contracts. The minimum may not be less than three.
The duration of a framework contract may not exceed 4 years, save in exceptional cases duly justified
in particular by the subject matter of the framework contract. Contracting authorities may not make
undue use of framework contracts or use them in such a way that the purpose or effect is to prevent,
restrict or distort competition.
The award of a framework contract always requires a public procurement procedure. However, once
a framework contract has been concluded, the award of specific contracts follows a request for
services sent by the contracting authority to a fixed number of framework contractors, usually three,
and the evaluation of their offers. A specific contract or a purchase order is then concluded. Specific
contracts based on framework contracts are thus awarded in accordance with the terms of the
framework contract. Hence, when awarding specific contracts under a framework contract, the
procedure set out in the framework contract should be followed (and not the rules applicable to
tenders), provided that the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment and non-
discrimination are respected, and framework contracts are not used improperly or in such a way that
their purpose or effect is to prevent, restrict or distort competition.
For each individual contract, the contracting authority publishes a contract notice and invites all
contractors admitted to the system to bid. The contract is awarded to the cheapest tender proposing
the delivery of the items requested most economically advantageous tender (i.e. the sole award
criterion is the price).
See Section for further details. A legal framework for this procedure has been devised for
future use, but the IT tools to make it possible (ensuring confidentiality and security) are not yet
available in the European Commission.
Article 2(31) FR.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Contracting authorities must publish a contract notice/additional information about the contract
notice setting out or attaching their needs and requirements. They must open a dialogue with the
candidates satisfying the selection criteria. The dialogue may cover all aspects of the tender;
however, it is conducted separately with each candidate on the basis of their proposed solutions and
ideas. The contracting authority must ensure equal treatment of tenderers and keep the tenders
confidential. It is therefore not allowed to pick the best solutions from different tenderers (i.e. no
‘cherry-picking’ is allowed).
The minimum number of candidates invited to tender is three. Before selecting the candidates, the
contracting authority checks that none of the candidates or their partners is in an exclusion situation
in the EDES system (see Section If fewer than three candidates meet the selection
criteria, the contracting authority may continue the procedure with the one or two who do meet the
criteria. The contracting authority may not make up the number with other economic operators who
did not take part in the procedure or candidates who do not meet the selection criteria.
During the dialogue, the contracting authority must treat all tenderers equally and ensure that the
solutions proposed or other information received in the dialogue is kept confidential unless the
candidate agrees to disclosure.
The contracting authority may reduce the number of solutions for dialogue by applying the award
criteria at a pre-dialogue stage, if the contract notice informs candidates of this possibility. The
contracting authority must prepare a report explaining the manner in which dialogue was conducted.
The contracting authority must inform tenderers who are not in an exclusion situation, whose tender
is compliant with the procurement documents and who make a request in writing, of the progress of
dialogue. Such information should not prejudice the legitimate commercial interest of tenderers or
distort fair competition between them. After informing the participants that the dialogue has been
concluded, contracting authorities must ask them to submit their final tenders on the basis of the
solutions presented and specified during the dialogue. The tenders must contain all the information
required and necessary for the performance of the project. At the request of the contracting
authority, these tenders may be clarified, specified and fine-tuned, provided this does not have the
effect of changing basic aspects of the tender or of the invitation to tender, variations in which could
distort competition or have a discriminatory effect. At the request of the contracting authority, the
tenderer offering best value for money may be asked to clarify aspects of the tender or confirm
commitments contained in the tender provided this does not have the effect of amending substantial
aspects of the tender or of the call for tenders and does not risk distorting competition or causing
The contracting authorities may specify prices or payments to the participants in the dialogue.
The contract is awarded to the technically compliant tender which is the most economically
advantageous (i.e. the sole criterion is the best price-quality ratio).
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
- using the ‘single tender procedure’ when the contract does not exceed EUR 20 000;
- using the ‘negotiated procedure’ whatever the value of the contract in exceptional and duly
justified cases, provided the factual or legal circumstances described in Sections, and are met. No specific threshold applies in such cases.
The negotiated procedure may only be used in cases stipulated in this practical guide. No prior
approval can be granted to apply the negotiated procedure in cases others than the ones stipulated
in this practical guide.
Before selecting the candidates, the contracting authority checks that none of the candidates or their
partners is in an exclusion situation in the early detection and exclusion system (see Section
For all procedures, a negotiation report (Annex A10a for negotiated procedures and Annex A10b for
single tender procedures) must be produced, explaining how participant(s) in the negotiations were
chosen, how they met the selection criteria, how the price was set, and the grounds for the award
The negotiation steps shown in the negotiation report template must be followed. Eligibility rules
(nationality as well as exclusion situations mentioned in Sections 2.3.1. and 2.3.2.) and selection
criteria must be duly complied with. Documentary evidence for exclusion criteria and selection
criteria should be submitted as referred to in Sections and 2.6.11., respectively.
The negotiated procedure covers two different types of negotiations for which different templates
should be used:
- negotiation with one economic operator to which the contracting authority awarded an initial
contract. The amendment of the initial contract is the outcome of the procedure. This type of
negotiated procedure takes place to procure similar services or works or additional supplies
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
- negotiation with one or several economic operators, which, if successful, will result in the award of
a new contract.
The tender dossier, to be drafted and approved by the relevant contracting authority for the
negotiated procedure before launching the procedure, shall include at least the invitation letter,
contract notice with the selection and award criteria, ITT, standard draft contract, relevant annexes
and terms of reference/technical specifications. For negotiated procedures the templates of the
simplified procedure, with the exception of the contract and its annexes, should be used and adapted
on a case-by-case basis. The invitation letter shall specify that it is a negotiated procedure, indicate
the deadline to receive the offer (to be determined on a case-by-case basis) and outline the process.
The conditions stated in section under e), under d) or under c) should be met
in case a negotiated procedure takes place to procure similar services or works or additional supplies.
Annex a8 is the template to be used to invite to tender for an amendment of a contract. The
invitation letter describes the scope and the revised terms of reference/technical specifications. The
invitation letter also provides the necessary background information, outline the negotiation process
and indicate the deadline to receive the offer.
There is no minimum time-limit for receiving tenders in negotiated procedures, but tenderers should
be given reasonable time to prepare good tenders, especially taking particular account of the
complexity of the contract. The minimum requirements included in the terms of reference / technical
specifications and the exclusion, selection and award criteria specified in the procurement
documents are not negotiable. Whenever appointed, the evaluation committee may organise
negotiation round(s) and possibly invite the tenderer(s) to discuss the technical and financial offer(s),
which can be disclosed at any time during the process. In such cases, recommendations on the award
decision will be made by the evaluation committee on the basis of the outcome of discussions held
during the negotiation(s) round(s) and will be documented in the negotiation report.
The contracting authority may award a contract on the basis of the initial tender without negotiation
where it has indicated in the procurement documents that it reserves the possibility to do so.
The contracting authority must inform tenderers who are not in an exclusion situation, whose tender
is compliant with the procurement documents and who make a request in writing, of the progress of
negotiation. Such information should not prejudice the legitimate commercial interest of tenderers
or distort fair competition between them.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Prior approval/event to be reported as the case may be is required from the European
Commission to use the negotiated procedure.
Prior authorisation by the European Commission must be sought to use the negotiated procedure.
The negotiation report must be endorsed by the European Commission.
If applicable, payments for amounts less than or equal to EUR 2 500 may be made against invoices
without prior acceptance of a tender.
2.6.9. Preferences
No ACP preference is possible in procurement procedures under MFF 2021-2027.
See Article 26 of Annex IV to the Cotonou Agreement:
1. Measures must be taken to encourage the widest participation of the natural and legal persons
of ACP States in the performance of contracts financed by the EDF in order to permit the
optimisation of the physical and human resources from those States. To this end:
a. for works contracts of a value of less than EUR 5 000 000, tenderers of the ACP States,
provided that at least one quarter of the capital stock and management staff originates from
one or more ACP States, must be accorded a 10% price preference during the financial
b. for supply contracts of a value of less than EUR 300 000, tenderers of the ACP States, either
individually or in a consortium with European partners, shall be accorded a 15% price
preference during the financial evaluation;
c. in respect of service contracts other than the European Commission's Framework contracts,
where tenders of equivalent economic and technical quality are compared, preference must
be given to:
i. experts, institutions or consultancy companies or firms from ACP States with the
required competence;
ii. offers submitted by ACP firms, either individually or in consortium with European
partners; and
iii. offers presented by European tenderers with ACP sub-contractors or experts;
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
e. the ACP State may, in the invitation to tender, propose to the prospective tenderers the
assistance of other ACP States’ companies or firms or national experts or consultants selected
by mutual agreement. This cooperation may take the form either of a joint venture, or of a
subcontract or of on the job training of trainees.
2. Without prejudice to the provisions in paragraph 1, where two tenders for works, supplies or
service contracts are acknowledged to be equivalent, preference must be given:
NB. South African natural or legal persons cannot benefit from the preference system.
In order to promote local capacities, markets and purchases, priority must be given to local and
regional contractors when the applicable Financial Regulation provides for an award on the basis
of a single tender. In all other cases, participation of local and regional contractors must be
promoted in accordance with the relevant provisions of that regulation.
The exclusion is decided by the Commission on the basis of a final judgment or a final administrative
decision or, in the absence of such a judgment or decision, on the basis of established facts or
findings and their preliminary classification in law contained in the recommendation of the EDES
panel111 referred to in Article 143 FR.
The EDES panel must be composed of a standing high-level independent chair (chosen from former members
of the Court of Auditors, the Court of Justice or former officials with at least the rank of director general in an EU
institution other than the Commission), two representatives of the Commission and one representative of the
contracting authority. The EDES panel has no investigative powers but bases its preliminary classification in law
on established facts and findings presented to it by the competent authorising officers.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
a) it is bankrupt, subject to insolvency or winding-up procedures, where its assets are being
administered by a liquidator or by a court, where it is in an arrangement with creditors, where
its business activities are suspended, or where it is in any analogous situation arising from a
similar procedure provided for under national laws or regulations;
b) it has been established by a final judgment or a final administrative decision that the economic
operator is in breach of its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security
contributions in accordance with the applicable law;
c) it has been established by a final judgment or a final administrative decision that the economic
operator is guilty of grave professional misconduct by having violated applicable laws or
regulations or ethical standards of the profession to which the economic operator belongs, or
by having engaged in any wrongful conduct which has an impact on its professional credibility
where such conduct denotes a wrongful intent or gross negligence, including, in particular, any
of the following:
ii) entering into agreement with other economic operators with the aim of distorting
d) it has been established by a final judgment that the economic operator is guilty of any of the
i) fraud, within the meaning of Article 3 of Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2017 on the fight against fraud to the Union's
financial interests by means of criminal law112 and Article 1 of the Convention on the
protection of the European Communities’ financial interests drawn up by the Council
Act of 26 July 1995113;
ii) corruption, as defined in Article 4(2) of Directive (EU) 2017/1371 and Article 3 of the
Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European
Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union, drawn up by the
Council Act of 26 May 1997114, and in Article 2(1) of Council Framework Decision
OJ L 198, 28.7.2017, p. 29.
OJ C 316, 27.11.1995, p. 48.
OJ C 195, 25.6.1997, p. 1.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
iv) money laundering or terrorist financing within the meaning of Article 1(3), (4) and (5)
of Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May
2015 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money
laundering or terrorist financing, amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the
European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Directive 2005/60/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directive 2006/70/EC (Text
with EEA relevance) of the European Parliament and of the Council117;
vi) child labour or other forms of trafficking in human beings as defined in Article 2 of
Directive 2011/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2011
on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims,
and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA119;
e) the economic operator has shown significant deficiencies in complying with main obligations
in the performance of a contract financed by the EU, which has led to the early termination of
a legal commitment or to the application of liquidated damages or other contractual penalties
or which has been discovered following checks and audits or investigations by an authorising
officer, OLAF or the Court of Auditors;
f) it has been established by a final judgment or final administrative decision that the economic
operator has committed an irregularity within the meaning of Article 1(2) of Council Regulation
(EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the European
Communities financial interests120.
g) it has been established by a final judgment or final administrative decision that the person or
entity has created an entity under a different jurisdiction with the intent to circumvent fiscal,
social or any other legal obligations of mandatory application in the jurisdiction of its
registered office, central administration or principal place of business.
h) it has been established by a final judgment or final administrative decision that an entity has
been created with the intent provided for in point (g).
OJ L 192 , 31.07.2003, p. 54.
OJ L 300, 11.11.2008, p. 42.
OJ L 309, 25.11.2005, p. 15.
OJ L 164, 22.6.2002, p. 3.
OJ L 101, 15.4.2011, p. 1.
OJ L 312, 23.12.1995, p. 1.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Point a) does not apply to the purchase of supplies on particularly advantageous terms either from a
supplier that is definitively winding up its business activities or from liquidators of an insolvency
procedure, an arrangement with creditors, or a similar procedure under EU or national law.
In cases referred to in points c), d), f), g) and h) in the absence of a final judgment or a final
administrative decision, or in the case referred to in point e), the contracting authority must exclude
an economic operator on the basis of a preliminary classification in law having regard to established
facts or other findings contained in the recommendation of the EDES panel. The EDES panel ensures
a centralised assessment of those situations after giving the economic operator the opportunity to
submit its observations. In indirect management, where applicable according to the correspondent
financing or contribution agreement, the contracting authority/entrusted entity will transmit the
information to the European Commission and the European Commission may refer the case to the
EDES panel.
- a natural or legal person who is member of the administrative, management or supervisory body or
has power of representation, decision or control on the economic operator is in a situation listed in
points c) to h);
- a natural or legal person that assumes unlimited liability for the debts of that economic operator is
in a situation listed in points a) or b);
- a natural or legal person who is essential for the award or for the implementation of the legal
commitment and is in a situation referred to in point c) to h).
The contracting authority must not exclude an economic operator where i) it can demonstrate that
adequate measures121 have been adopted which ensure its reliability, except in the cases listed in
point d); ii) it is indispensable for the continuity of the service for a limited duration and pending the
adoption of remedial measures; iii) where the exclusion would be disproportionate.
The exclusion system and the new requirements to promote good tax governance
With reference to taxation avoidance and money laundering, the following exclusion criteria apply:
1. breach of obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in
accordance with the applicable law (point (b) above);
3. creation of an entity to circumvent tax, social or other legal obligations (empty shell company)
(points (g) and (h) above).
For the first case (breach of obligations relating to taxes or social security), a final judgement or final
administrative decision is required in order to exclude an entity. For the second (involvement in
money laundering or terrorism financing) and the third case (creation of an entity to circumvent tax,
These measures may include, in particular: (a) measures to identify the origin of the situations giving rise to
exclusion and concrete technical, organisational and personnel measures within the relevant business area of the
economic operator, appropriate to correct the conduct and prevent its further occurrence; (b) proof that the
economic operator has undertaken measures to compensate or redress the damage or harm caused to the European
Union's financial interests by the underlying facts giving rise to the exclusion situation; (c) proof that the economic
operator has paid or secured the payment of any fine imposed by the competent authority or of any taxes or social
security contributions.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
social or other legal obligations), the authorising officer can bring the case before the EDES panel
(see Section at any moment, on the basis of established facts and findings brought to its
Evidence to be provided
Candidates, tenderers and participants are obliged to declare that they are not in one of the exclusion
grounds mentioned above through a signed declaration on honour (see Section
Where it is necessary to ensure the proper conduct of the procedure and there is a risk that the
declaration may contain false or distorted data, the authorising officer should verify the reliability of
the information provided in the declaration on honour by requesting appropriate evidence. Such
verification should in particular be undertaken if the authorising officer becomes aware of concrete
signs or indications (such as press reports) that put into question the information provided in the
declaration. Authorising officers should notably pay attention in this regard if the participant is
incorporated or established in a jurisdiction considered by the EU as non-cooperative for tax
• For the purpose of non-payment of taxes, a recent certificate by the competent authority of
the State concerned may be accepted as satisfactory.
• For the purpose of creation of an entity to circumvent tax, social or other legal obligations,
the authorising officer may accept as satisfactory evidence a recent extract from the judicial
record or, failing that, an equivalent document issued by a judicial or administrative authority
in the country of establishment demonstrating that those requirements are satisfied. Particular
attention should be paid in the case that the information cannot be obtained because this
includes a condition of confidentiality or when the information reveals that specific tax
clearances are being applied. To the extent possible this information should be analysed in
conjunction with the situation of the jurisdiction as regard the EU list of non-cooperative
Under the Financial Regulation, participants also have the obligation to disclose their beneficial
ownership structure upon request of the contracting authority123.
If the result of this analysis confirms that the participant/recipient may be in a ground for exclusion,
the authorising officer must submit the case to the EDES panel124.
In the context of ongoing grant or procurement award procedures, the authorising officer may ask that
the case is treated by the EDES panel as a matter of priority.
The Council of the European Union adopted a list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes on 5
December 2017. It contains two Annexes: (i) Annex I includes jurisdictions that are classified as non-cooperative
and (ii) Annex II includes further jurisdictions (‘Annex II Jurisdictions’ or ‘Committed Jurisdictions’) that have
taken sufficient commitments to address their identified deficiencies and as such have not been considered as non-
cooperative for the time being. Annexes I and II will be updated by the Council as appropriate and the changes
will become effective once published in the Official Journal of the EU. See
Article 137(2)(b) FR.
Article 143(6)(a) FR.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
b) has misrepresented the information required by the contracting authority as a condition for
participating in the procedure or has failed to supply that information;
c) was previously involved in the preparation of procurement documents used in the award
procedure where this entails a breach of the principle of equality of treatment, including
distortion of competition that cannot be remedied otherwise.
In cases under (a), if the contracting authority becomes aware of a situation of exclusion where a
recommendation of the EDES panel is required in accordance with Section, it will
immediately seize the EDES panel. The evaluation will not be suspended, except in procurement
restricted procedures at shortlisting stage (in this case the establishment of the shortlist must be
suspended until a decision on the rejection is taken). If the contract is to be awarded to the
entity/person concerned by the situation of exclusion, the award of the contract will be suspended
until the EDES panel has issued its recommendation. Where necessary, the contracting authority may
ask all tenderers to extend the period of validity of the offers accordingly. If the situation of exclusion
is confirmed in the recommendation of the EDES panel, the relevant entity/person must be rejected
from the given procedure according to Section and the procedure can resume with an
award to the second tenderer on the list or, if necessary, cancellation. In parallel, after the
recommendation of the EDES panel, a decision of exclusion must be taken according to Section
If the rejection is justified by the fact that the participant is already included at exclusion level in the
EDES, the decision of rejection must be taken directly without any contradictory procedure with the
In cases under (b) and (c), before taking the decision to reject a tenderer, candidate or applicant from
a given procedure, the contracting authority must give the economic operator the opportunity to
submit its observations (right to be heard) and to prove, in case of (c) that its involvement in the
preparation of documents used in the award procedure does not breach the principle of equal
treatment, including distortion of competition.
These grounds of rejection may have serious consequences for the economic operator concerned as
they may also qualify as grave professional misconduct according to Section and result in
a decision of exclusion. In this case, after or in parallel to the decision of rejection, the contracting
authority must refer the case to the EDES panel according to Section
Candidates, tenderers and applicants must sign a declaration together with their applications,
certifying that they do not fall into any of the exclusion situations cited under Sections
and and, where applicable, that they have taken adequate measures to remedy the
situation. For calls for proposals, the obligation to fill and sign the declaration on honour (PRAG
Annex A14b) applies to all applicants, co-applicants and affiliated entities.
They must also declare whether i) natural and legal persons that are members of the administrative,
management or supervisory body or that have powers of representation, decision or control and; ii)
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
beneficial owners as referred to in Article 3 of Directive (EU) No. 2015/849125 are in one of the
situations under points c) to g) of Section
Where the candidate or tenderer intends to rely on capacity providing entities or subcontractor(s),
he/she must provide the same declaration signed by this/these entity(ies).
The contracting authority must accept the European single procurement document (ESPD)126 as an
alternative to the declaration. The declaration must not be requested when it has already been
submitted for the purposes of another award procedure, provided the situation has not changed and
that the time elapsed does not exceed one year.
For procurement contracts with a value of EUR 15 000 or less, the contracting authority may waive
the requirement to submit a declaration depending on its risk assessment. For grants of EUR 15 000
or less, no declaration on honour must be required. The obligation to submit a declaration on honour
does not apply to entities implementing European Union funds in indirect management127.
B) Documentary evidence
When specifically requested by the contracting authority and where this is necessary to ensure the
proper conduct of the procedure, candidates and tenderers, the entity on whose capacity they
intend to rely or subcontractors must provide:
For procurement contracts with a value equal or greater than the international thresholds (services ≥
EUR 300 000, supply ≥ EUR 300 000, works ≥ EUR 5 000 000), before the notification of potential
award, tenderer(s) to which the contract is to be awarded (including consortium members) must
supply evidence that they do not fall into the exclusion situations, unless such evidence has already
been submitted earlier in the procedure.
In restricted and open procedures, these supporting documents will be requested from tenderers at
evaluation stage and verified by the contracting authority before the award of the contract to the
potential successful tenderer(s). In addition, the tenderers and candidates must certify that the
situation has not altered since the date of issue of the evidence.
The contracting authority must waive the obligation to submit documentary evidence: (i) if it can
access it on a national database free of charge; or, (ii) if such evidence has already been submitted to
it for the purposes of another procedure and provided that any submitted documents are still valid
and that the time that has elapsed since the issuing date of the documents does not exceed one year;
According to this provision, ‘beneficial owner’ means any natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls
the customer and/or the natural person(s) on whose behalf a transaction or activity is being conducted.
Standard electronic declaration for exclusion and selection criteria created under Directive 2014/24/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive
2004/18/EC Text with EEA relevance (OJ L 94, 28.3.2014, p. 65).
This refers in particular to pillar assessed entities and entities designated by third countries.
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(iii) if it recognises that there is a material impossibility to provide such evidence. The obligation to
submit documentary evidence does not apply to entrusted entities.
For grants, no documentary evidence has to be submitted unless specifically requested by the
contracting authority.
As satisfactory evidence that the candidate or tenderer is not in one of the situations described in:
- a), c), d), f), g) or h) of Section (exclusion criteria from participation in procurement
procedures), the contracting authority may accept a recent extract from the judicial record or,
failing that, a recent equivalent document issued by a judicial or administrative authority in
the country of establishment showing that the requirements are satisfied;
The documents may be originals or copies. However, originals must be made available to the
contracting authority upon request. The date of issuing of the documents provided must be no
earlier than one year before the date of submission of the tender. If the supporting documents are
not written in one of the official languages of the European Union, a translation into the language of
the procedure must be attached. Where the documents are in an official language of the European
Union other than the one of the procedure, they have to be accepted. However, it is strongly
recommended that a translation into the language of the procedure be provided, in order to
facilitate the evaluation of the documents.
During the evaluation procedure and at the latest before taking the award decision, the contracting
authority must check whether any of the entities involved (i.e. candidates or tenderers, including all
consortium members, indicated subcontractors and capacity providing entities) have been recorded
in EDES. Where the contracting authority limits the number of candidates invited to submit a tender,
e.g. in a restricted procedure, such checks must be conducted before the candidates are selected. For
restricted procedures in calls for proposals, such checks must be conducted once applicants are
provisionally selected or placed in a reserve list, during the final eligibility checks before the award of
the contract.
The EDES is a database, containing restricted information on cases of early detection, exclusion
and/or financial penalties. The EDES replaced as from 1st of January 2016 the early warning system
and the central exclusion database.
- the early detection of risks threatening the European Union’s financial interests following
information provided by OLAF, authorising officers of the Commission, European offices,
executive agencies, other Union institutions, a body or person entrusted with
implementation of Common Foreign and Security Policy actions or entities implementing the
EU budget under indirect and shared management;
- the exclusion of economic operators which are in one of the situations of exclusion listed in
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- the imposition of a financial penalty on an economic operator in accordance with Article 138
and to encourage the contracting authorities in these various situations to take the appropriate
measures provided in the Union legislation to protect the financial interest of the European Union.
The contracting authority cannot conclude a contract with entities that are recorded in EDES at
exclusion level. If any of the parties involved are recorded at the early detection level, the
signature of the contract might be conditioned upon measures to strengthen monitoring to be
applied during the execution of the contract and payments.
The contracting authority must notify the third party in question of its registration in the EDES
database. For early detection cases, such notification is deferrable in exceptional circumstances,
where there are compelling legitimate grounds to preserve the confidentiality of an investigation
or of national judicial proceedings, until such compelling legitimate grounds to preserve the
confidentiality cease to exist.
Where, after the award, the award procedure proves to have been subject to irregularities or fraud,
the authorising officer responsible may:
Article 131(1) FR.
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(d) where appropriate, terminate the legal commitment in whole or with regard to one or more
For contracts divided into lots, different minimum levels of capacity can be set for each lot.
Additional levels of capacity can be added for the case several lots are awarded to the same
For the international restricted procedure the contracting authority must shortlist a maximum of
eight candidates (six in case of an international restricted procedure for works). The contracting
authority will also publish criteria in addition to the financial, professional and technical ones. These
additional criteria will only be used to reduce the shortlist to eight candidates (six for works). These
criteria must therefore not be drafted in such a way that they would reduce competition too
much130. For example, a criterion such as ‘experience in the country’ is too restrictive and should be
The contract notice, additional information about the contract notice or the instructions to tenderers
templates include examples of criteria to be used in the procedure. Below, examples of criteria not
to be used:
- using imprecise terms such as ‘sufficient’, ‘major’, ‘relevant’ as they are too ambiguous.
- requesting technical experience relating to EU projects only, as this may in general be regarded
as discriminatory;
- requesting prior experience in the partner country, unless specific justification is provided, as
this could in general be regarded as discriminatory;
Article 131(2)(d) FR.
Article 38(3) of Annex I to the FR.
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- requesting technical experience in an overly prescriptive manner that effectively restricts the
number of eligible candidates to one or a few firms.
When deciding on the appropriate criteria, contracting authorities must consider whether
compliance can be proved and should, for instance, consider what type of documentary evidence the
tenderer may submit as proof.
The selection criteria must be specified in the contract notice/additional information about the
contract notice/instructions to tenderers and applied by the contracting authority without
modification unless a corrigendum has been published.
The contract notice must clarify how each selection criterion will be assessed in the case of
application submitted by a consortium. For instance, some criteria aiming at assessing the financial
and economic capacity might not be checked on the basis of aggregate values but are rather to be
met by each member of a consortium.
The candidates/tenderers are asked to provide a declaration on honour and to indicate in the
application form or tender submission form their economic, financial, professional and technical
capacity in accordance with the selection criteria laid down in the tender documents. Previous
experience that would have led to breach of contract and termination by a contracting authority
must not be used as reference. This is also applicable concerning the previous experience of experts
required under a fee-based service contract.
For service award procedures, the documentary evidence of the financial and economic capacity and
the technical and professional capacity according to the selection criteria specified in the additional
information about the contract notice (annex A5f) has to be provided at evaluation stage, upon
request of the contracting authority.
For supply procedures, only successful tenderers have to supply documentary evidence supporting
the information submitted in the tender before the award of the contract.
For works procedures however, the documentary evidence has to be submitted in accordance with
the tender dossier.
When in doubt about the authenticity of the documents provided, the contracting authority should
carry out additional checks and request additional documents.
For contracts with a value less than the international thresholds (services < EUR 300 000, supplies
< EUR 300 000 and works < EUR 5 000 000), the contracting authority may, depending on its
assessment of risks, decide not to require evidence of the legal, regulatory, financial, economic,
technical and professional capacity of economic operators.
Where the contracting authority decides not to require evidence of the legal, regulatory, financial,
economic, technical and professional capacity of economic operators, no pre-financing must be
made except in duly justified cases.
A candidate/tenderer may, where appropriate and for a particular contract, rely on the capacity of
other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links that it has with them, to fulfil one or more
selection criteria.
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With regard to technical and professional criteria, an economic operator may only rely on the
capacities of other entities where the latter will perform the works or services for which these
capacities are required.
Where an economic operator relies on the capacities of other entities with regard to criteria relating
to economic and financial capacity, the economic operator and those entities are jointly liable for the
performance of the contract. If the candidate/tenderer relies on other entities it must prove to the
contracting authority that it will have the necessary resources available to implement the contract,
by producing a commitment by those entities to place such resources at its disposal. Such entities,
for instance the parent company of the economic operator, must respect the same rules of eligibility,
and notably that of nationality, that apply to the economic operator relying on them.
The contracting authority must verify whether the entities on whose capacity the economic operator
intends to rely and the envisaged subcontractors, fulfil the relevant selection criteria. The data for
these entities as concerns the relevant selection criterion must be included in the tender in a
separate document. Proof of the capacity will also have to be furnished when requested by the
contracting authority.
The contracting authority must require that the economic operator replace an entity or
subcontractor who does not meet a relevant selection criterion.
The contracting authority may request information from the tenderer on any part of the contract
that the tenderer intends to subcontract and on the identity of any subcontractors.
In the case of works contracts, service contracts and siting or installation operations in the context of
a supply contract, the contracting authority may require that certain critical tasks be performed
directly by the tenderer itself of, where the tender is submitted by a group of economic operators, a
participant in the group.
The contracting authority must not demand that a group of economic operators have a legal form in
order to submit a tender or request to participate, but the selected group may be required to adopt a
legal form after it has been awarded the contract if this change is necessary for proper performance
of the contract.
If the documentary evidence submitted is not written in one of the official languages of the European
Union, a translation into the language of the procedure must be attached. Where the documents are
in an official language of the European Union other than the one of the procedure, it is however
strongly recommended to provide a translation into the language of the procedure, in order to
facilitate the evaluation of the documents.
If the candidate/tenderer is unable to provide the evidence requested for some exceptional reason
that the contracting authority finds to be justified, it may prove its capacity by any other means
which the contracting authority considers appropriate (see also Section 2.9.3.).
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a. economic operators have a certain minimum yearly turnover, including a certain minimum
turnover in the area covered by the contract;
b. economic operators provide information on their annual accounts showing ratios between assets
and liability;
For the purposes of point (a), the minimum yearly turnover must not exceed two times the estimated
annual contract value, except in duly justified cases linked to the nature of the purchase, which the
contracting authority must explain in the procurement documents.
For the purposes of point (b), the contracting authority must explain the methods and criteria for
such ratios in the procurement documents.
- In the case of dynamic purchasing systems, the maximum yearly turnover must be calculated on the
basis of the expected maximum size of specific contracts to be awarded under that system.
The contracting authority must define in the procurement documents the evidence to be provided by
an economic operator to demonstrate its economic and financial capacity. It may request in
particular one or more of the following documents:
a. appropriate statements from banks or, where appropriate, evidence of relevant professional risk
indemnity insurance;
b. financial statements or their extracts for a period equal to or less than the last 3 years for which
accounts have been closed;
c. a statement of the economic operator’s overall turnover and, where appropriate, turnover in the
area covered by the contract for a maximum of the last 3 financial years available.
If, for any valid reason, the economic operator is unable to provide the references requested by the
contracting authority, it may prove its economic and financial capacity by any other document that
the contracting authority considers appropriate.
a. for works, supplies requiring siting or installation operations or services, the educational and
professional qualifications, skills, experience and expertise of the persons responsible for
b. a list of the following, with a description providing sufficient details on their relevance to the
Article 19 of Annex I to the FR.
Article 20 of Annex I to the FR.
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selection criteria:
1. of the principal services provided and supplies delivered in the past 3 years, with the nature of
the services, the sums, dates and clients, public or private, accompanied upon request by
statements issued by the clients; where necessary in order to ensure an adequate level of
competition, the contracting authority may indicate that evidence of relevant supplies or services
delivered or performed more than 3 years before will be taken into account;
2. of the works carried out in the last 5 years, accompanied by certificates of satisfactory execution
for the most important works; where necessary in order to ensure an adequate level of
competition, the contracting authority may indicate that evidence of relevant works delivered
or performed more than 5 years before will be taken into account;
c. a statement of the technical equipment, tools or plant available to the economic operator for
performing a service or works contract;
d. a description of the technical facilities and means available to the economic operator to for
ensuring quality, and a description of available study and research facilities;
e. a reference to the technicians or technical bodies available to the economic operator, whether
or not belonging directly to it, especially those responsible for quality control;
g. for works or services, a statement of the average annual manpower and the number of
managerial personnel of the economic operator for the last 3 years;
h. an indication of the supply chain management and tracking systems that the economic operator
will be able to apply when performing the contract;
i. an indication of the environmental management measures that the economic operator will be
able to apply when performing the contract.
Candidates/tenderers are allowed to refer either to projects completed within the reference period
(although started earlier) or to projects not yet completed. Only the portion satisfactorily completed
during the reference period (although started earlier) will be taken into consideration. This portion
will have to be supported by documentary evidence (statement or certificate from the entity that
awarded the contract or proof of final payment) also detailing its value.
If a candidate/tenderer has implemented the project in a consortium, the percentage that the
candidate/tenderer has completed must be clear from the documentary evidence, together with a
description of the nature of the services, supplies or works provided if the selection criteria relating
to the pertinence of the experience have been used.
Where the supplies or services are complex or, exceptionally, are required for a special purpose,
evidence of technical and professional capacity may be secured by means of a check carried out by
the contracting authority or on its behalf by a competent official body of the country in which the
economic operator is established, subject to that body’s agreement. Such checks must concern the
supplier’s technical capacity and production capacity and, if necessary, its study and research
facilities and quality control measures.
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Where the contracting authority requires the provision of certificates drawn up by independent
bodies attesting the compliance of the economic operator with certain quality assurance standards,
including on accessibility for disabled persons, it must refer to quality assurance systems based on
the relevant European standards series certified by accredited bodies. The contracting authority
must also accept other evidence of equivalent quality assurance measures from an economic
operator that has demonstrably no access to such certificates or has no possibility of obtaining such
certificates within the relevant time-limits, for reasons that are not attributable to that economic
operator and provided that the economic operator proves that the proposed quality assurance
measures comply with the required quality assurance standards.
Where the contracting authority requires the provision of certificates drawn up by independent
bodies attesting that the economic operator complies with certain environmental management
systems or standards, it must refer to the European Union Eco-Management and Audit Scheme or to
other environmental management systems as recognised in accordance with Article 45 of Regulation
(EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the
voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS),
repealing Regulation (EC) No 761/2001 and Commission Decisions 2001/681/EC and 2006/193/EC133
or other environmental management standards based on the relevant European Union or
international standards by accredited bodies. Where an economic operator had demonstrably no
access to such certificates, or no possibility of obtaining them within the relevant time limits for
reasons that are not attributable to that economic operator, the contracting authority must also
accept other evidence of environmental management measures, provided that the economic
operator proves that these measures are equivalent to those required under the applicable
environmental management system or standard.
A contracting authority may conclude that an economic operator does not possess the required
professional capacity to perform the contract to an appropriate quality standard where the
contracting authority has established that the economic operator has conflicting interests that may
negatively affect its performance.
o under the best price-quality ratio, in which case the contracting authority takes into account the
price and other quality criteria linked to the subject matter of the contract, and apply a weighting
Quality criteria may include elements such as technical merit, aesthetic and functional
characteristics, accessibility, design for all users, social, environmental and innovative
characteristics, production, provision and trading process and any other specific process at any
stage of their life cycle, organisation of the -personnel assigned to performing the contract, after-
sales service, technical assistance or delivery conditions such as delivery date, delivery process
and delivery period or period of completion.
The contracting authority may lay down minimum levels of quality. Tenders below those levels
of quality must be rejected.
OJ L 342, 22.12.2009, p. 1.
Article 21 of Annex I to the FR.
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o under the lowest price, provided the tender satisfies the minimum requirements laid down.
The criteria must be precise, non-discriminatory and not prejudicial to fair competition.
Abnormally low tenders: see Sections 3.4.4. for services, for supplies and for works.
Confusing selection and award criteria constitutes a procedural defect that may result in the
annulation of the procedure in case of dispute. Indeed, as confirmed by the case law135, this
confusion could favour certain economic operators at the detriment of others regardless of the
quality of their technical offer.
At the stage of evaluation of award criteria, the contracting authority can no longer review the
capacity or ability of the tenderers as already assessed during the selection phase. Only the technical
and financial offers must be evaluated at this stage by reference to the award criteria which are to be
directly related to the tender specifications in order to assess the intrinsic quality of the offer and
which may not relate to the capacity of the tenderer.
In this regard, particular attention should be paid when defining award criteria for key experts in
order to avoid overlapping and double evaluation with the requirements related to personnel
(professional capacity) in the selection criteria.
b) before a financing agreement between the European Commission and the partner country is
Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 20 September 1988, Gebroeders Beentjes BV v State of the
Netherlands, C-31/87, ECLI:EU:C:1988:422, paragraphs 15-16; Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 19
June 2003, Gesellschaft für Abfallentsorgungs-Technik GmbH (GAT) v Österreichische Autobahnen und
Schnellstraßen AG (ÖSAG), C-315/01, ECLI:EU:C:2003:360, paragraphs 65-67; Judgment of the Court (First
Chamber) of 24 January 2008, Emm. G. Lianakis AE, Sima Anonymi Techniki Etaireia Meleton kai Epivlepseon
and Nikolaos Vlachopoulos v Dimos Alexandroupolis and Others, C-532/06, ECLI:EU:C:2008:40, paragraphs 30-
32; Judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) of 8 December 2011, Evropaïki Dynamiki v European
Commission, T-39/08, ECLI:EU:T:2011:721, paragraphs 21-24 and 40-42.
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making process. As a rule, circumstances justifying the use of a suspensive clause are outside
the European Commission’s control. Note that:
- the use of the suspensive clause after the financing decision is adopted but before the
financing agreement is signed may be considered in most cases as being outside the European
Commission’s control, as the entry into force of such agreement depends on the will of a third
party (i.e. the partner country);
- the use of the suspensive clause before a financing decision is adopted requires good reasons
why there are objective circumstances leading to the use of such clause and it is impossible
to wait for the decision to be adopted. These reasons must be duly reflected in the request
for prior approval. There are some cases where a suspensive clause is justified in order to
make efficient use of procedures, e.g. by having the option of launching a call for proposals
covering two budgetary years.
The actual award and signing of contracts following a call/a negotiated procedure launched with a
suspensive clause depends on the adoption of the financing decision and/or, where applicable, the
conclusion of the financing agreement.
Because of its implications, the contract notice or the guidelines for grant applicants/invitation to
negotiate must explicitly state that there is a suspensive clause.
The procedure will invariably be cancelled if the European Commission’s decision-making procedure
is not completed or the financing agreement is not signed.
- the tender procedure has been unsuccessful, i.e. no suitable, qualitatively or financially acceptable
tender has been received or there is no valid response at all;
- the economic or technical data of the project have fundamentally changed;
- exceptional circumstances or a force majeure render normal performance of the contract
- all technically acceptable tenders exceed the financial resources available;
- there have been breach of obligations, irregularities or frauds in the procedure, in particular where
these have prevented fair competition;
- the award is not in compliance with sound financial management i.e. does not obey the principles
of economy, efficiency and effectiveness (e.g. the price proposed by the tenderer to whom the
contract is to be awarded bears no relation to the market price).
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Whatever the case, the final decision is taken by the contracting authority (with the prior agreement
of the European Commission for contracts awarded by the contracting authority under the ex ante
system). In no event will the contracting authority be liable for any damages whatsoever including,
without limitation, damages for loss of profits in any way connected with the cancellation of a tender
even if the contracting authority has been advised of the possibility of damages. The publication of a
contract notice or the issuance of an invitation to negotiate does not commit the contracting
authority to implement the programme or project announced.
The responsibility for cancelling a tender procedure lies with the competent authority of the
European Commission in compliance with internal procedures.
Hence the importance of carefully choosing the selection criteria, which must be clear and non-discriminatory,
and may not go beyond the scope of the tasks or budget (see Section 2.8.1. for further details).
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technical and administrative requirements, and later to serve as the contractor’s mandate during
project implementation. The terms of reference or technical specifications are included in the tender
dossier and will become an annex to the resulting contract.
Thorough preparation of the terms of reference or technical specifications is extremely important for
the ultimate success of the project. It is important to ensure that the project has been properly
conceived, that the work is carried out on schedule and that resources will not be wasted. Greater
effort during project preparation will save time and money at later stages of the project cycle.
The terms of reference and the technical specifications must allow equal access for candidates and
tenderers and must not have the effect of creating unjustified obstacles to competitive tendering.
They must be clear and non-discriminatory, and proportionate to the objective and/or the budget for
the project. They specify what is required of the service, supply or work to be purchased. They also
specify the minimum requirements whose non-compliance entails the rejection of the tender. The
specifications include:
a) quality levels;
b) environmental and climate performance (e.g. care is taken to ensure that specifications take
into consideration the latest developments on the matter);
c) for purchases intended for use by natural persons, design for all users requirements
(accessibility for disabled people, environmental issues, etc. in accordance with the latest
developments), excepted in duly justified cases;
f) safety or dimensions, including, for supplies, the sales name and user instructions, and, for all
contracts, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling
(including environmental labelling, e.g. on energy consumption), production processes and
Make the terms of reference and technical specifications clear and concise. Technical specifications
may not point to particular brands and types, and they may not limit competition by being too
The terms of reference or technical specifications are drafted by the contracting authority. Where
the European Commission is the contracting authority, the standard practice is to consult and obtain
the approval of the partner country and, where appropriate, of other parties involved, on the terms
of reference or technical specifications, in order to strengthen both ownership and quality.
Given the technical complexity of many contracts, preparing the tender dossier — particularly the
technical specifications / terms of reference — may require the assistance of one or more external
technical specialist(s). Each such specialist must sign a declaration of objectivity and confidentiality
(see Annex A3).
Once the tender dossiers have been finalised, the tender procedure may be launched as soon as
possible. The terms of reference or technical specifications contained in a tender dossier — the basis
for the project work-plan — must reflect the situation at the time of project start-up to avoid
considerable effort being spent on re-designing the project during the inception period.
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The general structure of terms of reference for services reflects the principles of project cycle
management. The aim is to ensure that all issues are covered systematically and that key factors
related to clarity of objectives and sustainability are thoroughly examined. Annex B8 contains
skeleton terms of reference that show the minimum details to be provided within each of these
section headings.
For fee-based service contracts, the sections in the terms of reference include the allocated budget
headings. They consist of the fees, which are the only part of the budget that is subject to
competition (except if a component with global price is planned, which is also subject to
competition). The services are provided on the basis of a fixed daily fee rate for the days the experts
work under the contract. The budget also contains a fixed provision for incidental expenditure that
covers all current expenses incurred by the contractor that are not included in the fees. The section
on incidental expenditure must specify the type of expenditure that can be included in the
expenditure verification of the contract. The terms of reference also make provision for expenditure
verification. The budgets for incidental expenditure and expenditure verification are fixed by the
contracting authority. They must meet the requirements of the terms of reference and must be
carefully estimated. Unless exceptionally specified in the terms of reference, the use of the allocated
provision for incidental expenditures does not require a prior authorisation by the contracting
For global price service contracts, the terms of reference should clearly indicate output(s) expected.
The contractor must provide a given product. The technical and operational means by which it
achieves the specified outcome are irrelevant. These are, therefore, lump-sum (global-price)
contracts and the contractor will be paid only if the specified outcome is achieved. Therefore, terms
of reference should describe precisely the output(s) expected. Please note that global price contracts
do not entail any reimbursable expenses/incidental expenditure and are not subject to an
expenditure verification.
The terms of reference and the technical specifications may not be disclosed to any third party and
must be kept confidential until they are made available to the tenderers simultaneously as part of
the procedure.
The framework contracts currently managed by DG INTPA are SIEA 2018, AUDIT 2018, EVA 2020 and
EVENTS 2020, however this instruction is to be followed for any other framework contract that DG INTPA would
conclude after the release of this version of the PRAG.
Article 150 FR.
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sessions. It is recommended that the opening committee is made up of the same members as the
evaluation committee.
Although Art 150 FR exempts Delegations from ensuring a hierarchical separation between members
of evaluation committees, the hierarchical separation amongst voting members should in principle
be applied whenever possible. In order to ensure an appropriate segregation of duties, cumulating
the role of authorising officer with that of any member of the evaluation committee must be
avoided. If appropriate, on a case-by-case basis, the chairperson may also act as secretary, in
particular during periods of limited resources in terms of staff and internal expertise.
There must be a minimum of three evaluators for all procedures except for calls for tenders for
works above EUR 5 000 000, which require a minimum of five of them.
Evaluators must be provided with detailed information regarding the planned timetable and the
workload that the evaluation implies.
The contracting authority must make sure that evaluators are available during the scheduled
evaluation period. The contracting authority will appoint a replacement evaluator for each procedure
to prevent delays in case of unavailability.
Every member must have reasonable command of the language in which the tenders are submitted.
Evaluators must have the technical and administrative ability to give an informed opinion on the
Although observers are not part of the evaluation committee, they may attend the sessions of the
committee if appointed by the responsible authorising officer. They shall only intervene in the
debates at the request of the evaluators or the chairperson.
Members of the evaluation committee (i.e. the chairperson, the secretary and the evaluators) are
appointed on a personal basis by the relevant European Commission services that also approve
any observer. In eSubmission and only for procurement procedures, there are two types of
committees: opening and evaluation committee. It is recommended that for each lot, the
composition of both committees is the same. The opening and evaluation committees must be
appointed in PPMT before the start of the opening session and evaluation of requests to
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meetings. Independent experts recruited under service contracts may only attend as observers.
Attendance by other observers requires prior authorisation by the European Commission.
Evaluation committee members must attend all meetings. Any absence must be recorded and
explained in the evaluation report. The only exception is the opening session meeting in case of
eSubmission, whereby the technical opening can be done by the chair and secretary on behalf of the
opening committee.
An evaluation committee must be established for all procurement procedures, with the exception of
the single tender one (less than or equal to EUR 20 000) and the cases of negotiated procedure
mentioned under Section 2.6.8. However, in case of a negotiated procedure using eSubmission, it is
recommended to appoint an evaluation committee to allow the evaluation committee members to
access the offers.
For consultation procedures under a framework contract, the guidelines of that specific framework
contract should be followed. In case no such guidelines are set, the present rules and Section 3.5.1.
There is a conflict of interests where the impartial and objective exercise of the functions of a
financial actor or other person is compromised for reasons involving family, emotional life, political
or national affinity, economic interest or any other direct or indirect personal interest (see in detail
Section Should the conflict of interests be proven, the member or observer will be excluded
from participating further in any capacity in the evaluation meetings.
Acts likely to be affected by a conflict of interest may, inter alia, take one of the following forms:
(b) refusing to grant a beneficiary the rights or advantages to which that beneficiary is entitled;
(c) committing undue or wrongful acts or failing to carry out acts that are mandatory.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
The chairperson of the evaluation committee decides whether the evaluation process must be
restarted. That decision must be recorded and reasons given in the evaluation report.
During the grant award procedure or during the procurement procedure, all contacts between the
contracting authority and candidates, applicants or tenderers must be transparent and ensure equal
treatment. Those contacts must not lead to any amendment to the conditions of the contract or the
terms of the original tender or call for proposal.
Any attempt by a tenderer, candidate or applicant to influence the process in any way (whether by
making contact with members of the evaluation committee or otherwise) will result in the immediate
exclusion of its tender or proposal from further consideration and might lead to the exclusion from
future award procedures according to Section
For supplies and works tenders, apart from the tender opening session, which is public, the
proceedings of the evaluation committee are conducted in camera and are confidential. For service
tenders and calls for proposals, the proceedings of the evaluation committee, from the opening of
tenders/proposals to the conclusion of the work of the evaluation committee, are conducted in
camera and are confidential.
In case of electronic opening through MyWorkplace and in duly justified cases139, proceedings can be
done using videoconference systems. The system to be used must ensure the confidentiality of the
communication140. Any electronic transfer of information needed under this modality must also
guarantee its confidentiality141.
If its law conflicts with the confidentiality required, then the contracting authority must obtain prior
authorisation from the European Commission before disclosing any information.
Apart from the copies given to the assessors or EU delegations in call for proposals, the tenders or
proposals must not leave the room/building in which the committee meetings take place before the
conclusion of the work of the evaluation committee. They must be kept in a safe place when not in
For instance when the chair/secretary/voting members/assessors/observers are in another country.
The system to be used has to support encryption and this option has to be enabled. It also has to support protocol
H.323 and/or SIP.
Encryption must be used (using S/MIME V3 standard or equivalent).
See Section
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
The secretary to the evaluation committee is responsible for carrying out all administrative tasks
connected with the evaluation procedure. These include:
• keeping the minutes of all meetings of the evaluation committee and the relevant records and
• recording attendance at meetings and compiling the evaluation reports and their supporting
Any request for clarification requiring communication with the tenderers or applicants during the
evaluation process must be conducted in writing. Copies of any such communication must be annexed
to the evaluation report.
Where a participant fails to submit evidence or to make statements, the evaluation committee or, where
appropriate, the authorising officer responsible shall, except in duly justified cases, ask the participant
to provide the missing information or to clarify supporting documents, within a reasonable period of
time. Such information, clarification or confirmation shall not substantially change application
If an applicant, who was short-listed solely by relying on capacity providing entities, submits an offer
where the organisation and methodology does not include a written commitment proving that these
entities will, depending on the case, perform the work or services for which their capacities are required,
and/or will be jointly liable for the performance of the contract, the evaluation committee shall ask the
applicant to submit the requested evidence within a reasonable period of time. In case the applicant fails
to do so, the evaluation committee shall not evaluate further the technical offer and shall reject it on
those grounds.
If a tender or proposal infringes the formal requirements, the evaluation committee may use its
discretion to decide whether it will still be considered during the rest of the evaluation process, while
ensuring equal treatment of tenderers and applicants and upholding the principle of proportionality.
Whatever the evaluation committee decides, this must be fully recorded and reasons given in the
evaluation report.
– If they are submitted in the correct format and provide the requisite information, but the
document is organised incorrectly, e.g. information is provided in Section X of the form
when it should have been provided in Section Y.
– If they have not been signed or contain a scanned signature (the signature can be
requested later — but if it is not obtained or if the original document provided later is not
exactly the same as the one received earlier, the tender must be rejected). If a tender
guarantee is required, the tender must always contain an original of the tender guarantee.
If only a copy of the tender guarantee is provided, the offer must be rejected.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
– In a service contract award procedure, tenderers who have not submitted all the
documentary evidence regarding the exclusion or the selection criteria together with the
tender. The necessary supporting documentation may be requested from the successful
tenderer giving a reasonable time-limit.
– If information is made available to the evaluation committee that a key expert in a service
tender procedure is no longer available. Instead, the evaluation committee should
proceed with the evaluation of the original tender and the awarded tenderer will be given
a chance to replace the key expert, see Section
– The tender was sent in a single envelope rather than the two envelopes required, provided
the envelope is sealed (the confidentiality of the tender has been preserved).
– The tender combines the technical part and the financial part or has not used the
requested standard presentation.
2.9.4. Timetable
The evaluation committee must be formed early enough to ensure that the members (and any
observer appointed by the European Commission) are available in time to prepare and conduct the
evaluation process. The tenders must be evaluated in time to allow the procedure to be completed
within the validity period of the tenders. Extending the validity of tenders (see Section 2.9.5.) should
be avoided. It is very important that all tenderers, whether successful or unsuccessful, receive
information without delay.
Once the evaluation has been completed, the contracting authority is required to promptly approve
the evaluation report and take the award decision in annex to the evaluation report. Any failure of
the contracting authority to approve the evaluation report or to follow any recommendations and
conclusions contained in the report must be subject to a detailed and reasoned written explanation.
In exceptional cases with prior approval by the competent authority of the European Commission,
before this period of validity expires, the contracting authority may ask the tenderers for a one-off,
specific extension, which may not exceed 40 days.
The successful tenderer is bound by the tender for a further 60 days, irrespective of the date of
notification (i.e. 90 (+ 40) + 60 days) of the award of the contract. This period can only be further
extended when the contracting authority has referred a potential case of exclusion to the EDES panel
mentioned in Section 2.6.11. and for the duration of the procedure before the EDES panel.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
The contracting authority may also request a one-off extension of the validity of the offers submitted in
response to request for services of framework contracts, before the original validity period has expired.
For request for services below EUR 300 000, the period of validity can be extended for maximum 14
days. For request for services equal or above EUR 300 000 EUR, the period of validity can be extended
for maximum 30 days.
At the latest before taking the award decision, the contracting authority ensures:
• the submission of the original143 signed Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and
selection criteria
• the submission and admissibility of the documentary evidence on compliance with exclusion
and selection criteria
• that the pre-selected tenderer, including all consortium members, subcontractors and
capacity providing entities, if any, are not recorded in the EDES Database as an excluded
economic operator nor in the lists entities subject to EU restrictive measures (see Sections and 2.4.).
Before the tenders expire but after the award decision is taken and approved by the European
Commission, the contracting authority notifies the successful tenderer in writing that its tender
has been accepted and draws attention to any obvious arithmetical errors which were corrected
as part of the evaluation.
Regardless of the type of procedure for works and supplies contracts (for specific provisions on
service contracts see Section, the contracting authority must notify the award to the
successful tenderer (Annexes C8A and D8A) and, at the same time, inform in writing the
unsuccessful tenderers using the appropriate template (Annexes C8B or D8B).
The contract with the successful tenderer can only be signed after the expiry of the standstill period.
The duration of the standstill period is 10 calendar days when using electronic means or 15 days
when using other means, starting from the day following the date on which the notification to
tenderers was sent.
The requirement to submit an original Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria is only
applicable in case of paper submission.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Notification of the award to the successful tenderer automatically extends the validity of the
successful tender for 60 days. If a contract is awarded under a financing agreement that is not
concluded before the tender procedure is launched, the contracting authority must not notify the
successful tenderer before the financing agreement is concluded.
The notification submitted to successful and unsuccessful tenderers must follow the templates
referred to above.
If unsuccessful tenderers (i) are not in a situation of exclusion and fulfil the selection criteria, and (ii)
request further information in writing, they may be given any information that is not confidential144
e.g. comments.
Article 170 FR lays down the content of the duty to state reasons pursuant to Article 296 TFEU,
which the contracting authority has to discharge towards unsuccessful tenderers in a public
procurement procedure.
The General Court ruled in this respect145 that a contracting authority fulfils its obligation to state
reasons if it confines itself first to informing unsuccessful tenderers immediately of the reasons for
the non-award of the contract (the non-award decision) and then subsequently, if expressly requested
to do so by an unsuccessful tenderer who has submitted an admissible tender, provides the
characteristics and relative advantages of the tender selected as well as the name of the successful
The information should be provided within 15 days of receipt of a request in writing.
The contracting authority may suspend the signature of the contract for additional examination if
this is justified by the requests or comments made by unsuccessful tenderers or by any other
relevant information received during the standstill period.
In case of suspension, all tenderers have to be informed within 3 working days following the
suspension decision, which automatically extends the validity of their tender for the appropriate
In case the evaluation committee revises its initial award recommendation on the basis of
examination of information received in the standstill period and decides to award the contract to
another tenderer, a further standstill period has to be respected in the notification of the revised
award decision.
Information is confidential where its disclosure would e.g. hinder application of the law, would be contrary to
the public interest or would harm the legitimate business interests of public or private undertakings or could distort
fair competition between those undertakings. See Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission
documents (OJ L 145, 31.5.2001, p. 43).
Judgment of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) of 15 September 2011, CMB Maschinenbau & Handels
GmbH and J. Christof GmbH v European Commission, T-407/07, EU:T:2011:477, paragraph 160; Judgment of
the General Court (Third Chamber) of 19 March 2010, Evropaïki Dynamiki - Proigmena Systimata
Tilepikoinonion Pliroforikis kai Tilematikis AE v European Commission, T-50/05, ECLI:EU:T:2010:101,
paragraph 133ff.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
1) when the value of the contract does not exceed the threshold of EUR 300 000 for service
and supply contracts; and EUR 5 000 000 for works contracts;
2) in a procedure where only one tender has been submitted;
3) to specific contracts based on a framework contract;
4) to dynamic purchasing system;
5) in a simplified procedure under Section 2.6.4.
– Prepare a contract dossier (if possible printed in double-sided copies) with the following structure:
c) copy of the call (prior information notice (if applicable) and contract notice, additional
information about the contract notice, tender opening record, evaluation report, guidelines
for applicants, evaluation reports, list of grants to be awarded, and any other relevant
d) the originals of the proposed contract, which is based on the standard contract
e) special care should be taken to incorporate all minutes of pre-tender meetings, questions
and answers, clarifications and corrigenda issued during the tender procedure, clarifications
requests by the evaluation committee and replies received, and any minutes of negotiation
meetings into the contract intended for signature. For grant contracts, include minutes of
information sessions and published Q&A, if any.
The standard contract annexes including the general conditions, forms and other relevant documents
must be reproduced unchanged in every contract. Only the special conditions (and the budget in the
case of grants) need to be completed by the contracting authority.
The contracting authority sends the contract dossier to the delegation of the European Union for
endorsement. The delegation signs all originals of the contract (and initials all pages of the special
conditions and the budget) to endorse the EU financing and sends them back to the contracting
authority. No endorsement by the delegation is required in certain cases referred to in the
practical guide to procedures for programme estimates.
– Sign and date all originals of the contract and initial all pages of the special conditions and most
relevant annexes including, for grants, the budget. In the case of grants, the contracts must be
signed within 3 months from the date of notification of the evaluation results, save in exceptional
cases, in particular for complex actions, calls using 2 budgetary years, calls for proposals launched
in the context of facilities, multi-beneficiary contracts, or large number of proposals or where
there have been delays attributable to the applicants.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
– Send the signed originals of the contract to the successful tenderer/applicant, who must
countersign them within 30 days of receipt.
– The tenderer or grant applicant keeps one original and returns the other(s) to the contracting
authority together with any financial guarantee(s) required in the contract. If the successful
tenderer/applicant fails to do this within the specified deadline or indicates at any stage that it is
not willing or able to sign the contract, the tenderer/applicant cannot be awarded the contract.
The contract preparation process must be restarted from step 1 with a new contract dossier
prepared using the second-best tender (provided that that tender passed the technical threshold
and is within the maximum budget available for the contract). In the case of grants, the contract
will be offered to the highest-ranking applicant on the reserve list (see Section
On receipt of the signed original(s) from the successful tenderer/applicant, the contracting
authority checks that it/they correspond(s) strictly to those sent originally.
On receipt of the signed originals from the successful tenderer/applicant, the contracting authority
checks that they correspond strictly to those sent originally. One original is kept and the other is
sent to the delegation of the European Union.
The contracting authority checks that the natural person who signs the contract for the successful
legal entity has the power to represent that legal entity.
The contract takes effect on the date of the last signature. The contract cannot cover earlier services
or costs or enter into force before that date, unless in duly substantiated exceptional cases (see
Section 6.3.8.).
Contracting authorities must retain all documentation relating to the award and execution of the
contract for a minimum period of 7 years after payment of the balance and up to the date of
prescription of any dispute under the law governing the contract.
During and after this period, the contracting authorities will treat personal data in accordance with
their privacy policy. The documentation referred to above must be made available for inspection by
the European Commission, OLAF, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) and the Court of
QES can be used as a solution for signing any document for which a handwritten signature is
required. However, QES only applies to contracts managed outside OPSYS (since the digital
Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic
identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 79
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 2. Basic rules
signatures embedded into OPSYS are equivalent to handwritten signatures) and where both the
applicable law and the dispute settlement forum are in an EU Member State.
Moreover, the QES feature is currently not available for indirect management by partner countries.
European Commission staff in Delegations belong from an IT point of view to the EEAS domain.
Currently, the EEAS is not yet covered by the DG DIGIT qualified certificates for electronic signatures.
Therefore, European Commission staff in Delegations will only be able to apply QES once the DG
DIGIT certificates have been extended to the EEAS domain.
Signature process
Before applying QES, the other party needs to be contacted to be informed about the use of QES and
inquired whether they can also use it. In the signature process, there are three options, which are
described below:
If both parties can sign electronically using QES, both parties will sign the same original. There will be
no need to send paper documents by post or keep paper copies of the contract. The qualified
electronic seal is automatically applied on all the documents registered in ARES.
Before sending the contract in pdf format to the contractor/beneficiary for signature, the European
Commission, as the Contracting Authority, applies a qualified electronic seal on the pdf version of the
contract. The European Commission electronic seal serves as evidence that an electronic document
was issued by the Commission. This seal ensures the origin and integrity of the document. If
someone tries to modify or compromise the integrity of a ‘sealed’ document, the seal will no longer
be valid.
Before sending back the countersigned document to the Contracting Authority, it is recommended
that the contractor/beneficiary check the signature and validity of the certificate. Once the
contractor/beneficiary has checked the signature and validity of the certificate, the
contractor/beneficiary can sign the document using QES and send it back to the European
Commission via email.
Once the signed contract has been received, the European Commission checks if the content of the
document is intact by verifying that the European Commission electronic seal has not been
compromised and that the signature used is a valid QES.
Option 2 (hybrid): The Contracting Authority signs with QES, the contractor/beneficiary signs on
The process to apply the QES on behalf of the European Commission is the same as in Option 1.
As in Option 1, it is recommended that the contractor/beneficiary check the signature and validity of
the certificate. After applying the necessary checks, the contractor/beneficiary should print two or
three copies of the contract, initial each page, provide a handwritten signature and send one or two
original(s) back to the Contracting Authority by post. For this purpose, the Contracting Authority
should provide the contractor/beneficiary with a postal address.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Once the Contracting Authority has received the signed original paper copy by post, the Contracting
Authority verifies the signature and the initials on the original. Then the Contracting Authority scans
the signed original, certifies the scan’s conformity with the signed original and registers it in ARES.
The new document must be linked to the previous ARES document containing the electronically
signed version signed by the Contracting Authority.
The European Commission will keep the original signed document received by post, file and store it
in the paper archives.
Option 3 (hybrid): The Contracting Authority signs on paper, the contractor/beneficiary signs with
The European Commission, as the Contracting Authority, will print out the contract and provide the
two or three originals with a handwritten signature. One of the signed originals will be sent to the
contractor/beneficiary. The Contracting Authority will keep an original for archiving purposes.
The contractor/beneficiary scans the contract, signs it with QES and sends it back by email.
The Contracting Authority checks if the document received by email containing the counter-party’s
QES is intact and corresponds exactly to the signed original carrying the handwritten signature. The
Contracting Authority also checks the validity of the QES from the contractor/beneficiary and
registers the document in ARES. The new document must be linked to the previous ARES document
containing the version signed by the Contracting Authority. Procurement
In the case of procurement, after having received the countersigned contract from the successful
tenderer, the contracting authority fills in the appropriate award notice template and sends it for
publication (see Annex A11e).
The European Commission publishes the results of the tender procedure in the Official Journal
(where applicable), and on the F&T portal.
If the award notice is also published locally, the contracting authority must arrange local publication
An award notice is published if the value of the contract is above international thresholds (services >
EUR 300 000, supplies > EUR 300 000, works > EUR 5 000 000), unless the contract was declared
secret (and the secrecy is still relevant at the time of the award), or where the performance of the
contract must be accompanied by special security measures, or where the protection of the essential
interests of the EU or the partner country so requires, and where the publication of the award notice
is deemed not to be appropriate. Please note that in case of restricted procedures, the list of
selected candidates has to be given in Section VI.3 of the award notice.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules Grants
Grants awarded in direct management from EUR 15 000 or more are published in the Financial
Transparency System (FTS) (as extracted from ABAC) and also on the website of DG International
Partnerships or Funding and Tender opportunities website147 (F&T portal) (as extracted from
PROSPECT in case of call for proposals).
For grants contracts concluded in the framework of programme estimates, the relevant contracting
authority shall prepare for publication a summary table based on the format in annex E11 to the
practical guide (‘Publication of awards’) and i) publish it on its own Internet site and/or in any other
appropriate media. If the relevant contracting authority does not publish on its own internet site, the
EU Delegation should remind this obligation and if still not published, the EU Delegation should
ii) immediately upload annex E11 in electronic form in Prospect (indirect management - publication
only) and it is automatically sent for publication on the website of DG International Partnerships or
Funding and Tender opportunities website (F&T portal).
Unsuccessful applicants should be informed without delay, and in any event no later than 15
calendar days after information has been sent to the successful applicants, in writing using the
appropriate template (Annex E9).
They may receive, at their request, further information regarding the evaluation of their own
proposal (any weakness, poor or insufficient description of the action, budget not matching the
proposed activities, overall lack of consistency, etc.).
As a rule, all applicants should be notified the outcome of the evaluation of their applications within
6 months following the submission deadline of the full application.
Contracts may need to be modified if the circumstances of project implementation have changed
since the contract was signed. However, the subject matter of the contract cannot be altered.
Contracts can only be modified during their execution period. Any changes to the contract must be
made officially by means of an administrative order or an addendum in accordance with the general
conditions. Substantial changes to the contract must be made by means of an addendum. Such an
addendum must be signed by the contracting parties (and, under an indirect ex ante management,
approved and endorsed by the European Commission). The contractor may simply notify the
contracting authority of changes of address, changes of bank account, and changes of auditor; this
does not affect the contracting authority’s right to oppose the contractor’s/beneficiary’s choice of
bank account or auditor. The same applies to clerical and administrative changes (contact persons,
addresses, other contact details) that affect the contracting authority. Please note that any such
notification sent by the contracting authority must request an acknowledgment of receipt by the
With the next PROSPECT release, the publication tool will move from the website of DG International
Partnerships to the Funding & tender opportunities (F&T Portal).
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Contracts cannot be amended after the end of the execution period. Note that the execution period
of the contract is generally longer than the implementation period. For definition of the execution
period of the contract and implementation period, see Annex A1a.
Any modification extending the period of implementation must be such that implementation and
final payments can be completed before the expiry of the financing agreement (if any) under which
the initial contract was financed.
A contract can be amended through an administrative order or an addendum under the conditions
provided for in the contract itself. In exceptional circumstances, the amendment may have a
retroactive effect provided the execution period has not expired but the contractor or grant
beneficiary will only receive confirmation that the contracting authority has agreed to its request
once the addendum has been duly signed or an administrative order has been issued. The contractor
or grant beneficiary bears the financial risk of any costs incurred or goods and services provided
before the addendum or administrative order has been issued, because the contracting authority has
the right to refuse to sign the addendum or issue the order. Only once the addendum or order enters
into force may the contractor or grant beneficiary claim payment for the costs, goods or services.
i. A contractor reports an urgent need to replace a key expert in March, which is accepted in an
addendum in April. The amendment enters into force in April, acknowledging the change as from
March. The contractor is only entitled to ask for payment for the work carried out in March after
the entry into force of the amendment.
ii. In a grant, the implementation period expired in May and the grant beneficiary requests a one-
month extension in June. If the contracting authority accepts the justification, including for the
late request, and issues an addendum in July, the implementation period will be extended by 1
month from May to June. Costs incurred from May to June would only become eligible after the
entry into force of the addendum in July.
No changes to the contract may alter the award conditions prevailing at the time the contract was
Following this logic, major changes, such as a fundamental change to the terms of reference or to the
technical specifications, cannot be made by means of an addendum or an administrative order.
A request for changes to the contract must not automatically be accepted by the contracting
authority. There must be justified reasons for modifying a contract. The contracting authority must
examine the reasons given and reject requests that are not fully substantiated.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
Modifications to contract amounts may entail changes for the financial guarantees linked to the
The purpose of the addendum or administrative order must be closely connected with the nature of
the project covered by the initial contract.
Requests for contract modifications must be made (by one contracting party to the other) in time to
allow the addendum to be signed by both parties before the expiry of the execution period of the
A contract, a framework contract or a specific contract under a framework contract can be modified
by means of a simple addendum, with no need to undertake a negotiated procedure, in the following
cases148, provided the modification does not alter the subject matter of the contract or framework
a) additional works, supplies or services by the original contractor that have become necessary, if the
following cumulative conditions are fulfilled:
- they were not included in the initial procurement (i.e. not similar to the ones which were
provided for in the initial contract);
- changing contractor is not feasible for technical reasons (e.g. compatibility with existing
equipment, services or installations);
- changing contractor would cause substantial duplication of costs for the contracting
- any increase in price, including the net cumulative value of successive modifications, does
not exceed 50% of the initial contract value.
b) modifications needed because of circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not
foresee, provided that any increase in price does not exceed 50% of the initial contract value;
c) where the value of modifications is below the following thresholds (also known as the double de
minimis rule):
(i) EUR 300 000 for service and supply contracts, and EUR 5 000 000 for works contracts;
(ii) 10% of the initial contract value for service, and supply contracts, and 15% of the initial
contract value for works contracts; and
(iii) the net cumulative value of several successive modifications does not exceed the
thresholds under points i) and ii) above.
d) all other modifications which do not alter the minimum requirements of the initial procurement
but the value of which is within the limits of c) (i) and (ii) above, unless such modification of value
results from the strict application of the procurement documents or contractual provisions.
Cases under d) above concern minor changes which do not affect substantial aspects of the contract
or the initial procurement procedure, or changes that are part of the economic life of the contractor.
Article 172(3) 2018 FR.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
They entail administrative changes such as universal succession or concern administrative details
(e.g. change of address, replacement of auditor).
Reference to the initial contract value does not take into account price revisions.
All kind of modifications listed above apply also to specific contracts under framework contracts.
Moreover, cases under points a), b), c) and d) also apply to the framework contract itself.
1) Use the templates for an addendum provided in Annex B16, Annex C12, Annex D11 and Annex
All references in the proposed addendum to article numbers and/or annexes to be amended must
correspond to those in the initial contract.
Any addendum modifying the budget must include a replacement budget showing how the full
budget breakdown of the initial contract has been modified by this (and any previous) addendum
(see Annex B17, Annex C13, Annex D12 and Annex E3h7).
If the budget is modified by the proposed addendum, the payment schedule must also be modified
accordingly, taking into account any payments already made in the course of the contract.
The payment schedule must not be modified unless either the budget is being modified or the
contract is being extended.
a. an explanatory note (see the model in Annex A6) providing the technical and financial reasons
for the modifications in the proposed addendum;
b. a copy of the request for (or agreement to) the proposed modifications;
c. the originals of the proposed addendum, which is based on the standard addendum and includes
any revised annexes.
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
3) Sign and date all the originals of the addendum and initial all pages of the special conditions and
most relevant annexes including, for grants, the budget.
3) Send the addendum dossier to the delegation of the European Union for endorsement
(initialling all pages of the special conditions) to confirm the EU financing. No endorsement by
the delegation is required in certain cases referred to in the practical guide to procedures for
programme estimates.
4) Send the signed originals of the addendum to the contractor, who must countersign them within
30 days of receipt and return two originals to the contracting authority together with the possible
financial guarantee required in the addendum.
4) On receipt of the signed originals from the contractor, the contracting authority checks that
it/they correspond(s) strictly to those sent originally.
5) On receipt of the signed originals from the contractor, the contracting authority checks that they
correspond strictly to those sent originally. One original is kept and the other is sent to the
delegation of the European Union.
6) Publish a notice for modification of contract in the Official Journal of the European Union and on
F&T portal, when the addendum concerns the addition of activities that were not included in the
original contract or have become necessary due to unforeseeable circumstances (i.e. cases of
modification through simple addendum under points (a) and (b) of Section 2.11.1.). However, the
publication of such notice is not requested when the value of the modification is lower than EUR
300 000 for service and supply contracts, or lower than EUR 5 000 000 for works contracts.
Where the European Commission is the contracting authority, the complaint will be sent to the
person who took the contested decision, who will endeavour to investigate the complaint and
respond within 15 working days. If the candidate, tenderer or applicant is not satisfied with the
answer received, she/he may refer to the relevant geographical director in Headquarters. The
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
complaint shall be substantiated and its sole object shall not be to obtain a second evaluation for no
reason other than the complainant disagrees with the final award decision.
Where the European Commission is the contracting authority, the action must be launched in
accordance with the rules set out by the TFEU149.
Where the European Commission is not the contracting authority, the action must be launched in
accordance with the conditions and deadlines fixed by the national legislation of the contracting
The Court of Justice of the European Union has the sole jurisdiction in disputes relating to
compensation for damages caused by the European Commission in the case of non-contractual
National tribunals are competent in case of contractual liability as set out in the general conditions of
the contract.
No subcontract can create contractual relations between any subcontractor and the contracting
authority. The contracting authority must not be held responsible for any failure by the contractor
to honour its contract with the subcontractor. In case of disagreement regarding the
implementation of that contract, the subcontractor must address itself to the contractor and/or to
the respective jurisdiction competent to hear such litigations. The same situation is applicable to
experts working under service contracts.
The General Court has jurisdiction over acts of the European Commission intended to produce legal effects vis-
à-vis third parties — pursuant to Articles 256 and 263 TFEU.
Pursuant to Articles 256, 268 and 340 TFEU. The deadline to introduce an action for annulment before the
General Court against the European Commission's decisions runs from the moment of the publication of the
measure, or of its notification to the plaintiff, or, in the absence thereof, of the day on which it came to the
knowledge of the latter, as the case may be (pursuant to the TFEU).
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Chapter 2. Basic rules
The amicable settlement of disputes is an essential precondition before starting a legal action
before the courts or an arbitration procedure (this latter foreseen only for procurement
contracts). Therefore, a party to the contract is able to initiate a court proceeding only if this party
has attempted to resolve the dispute amicably without being able to reach an agreement.
Therefore, if the contracting authority is the initiator of the legal action before the courts, it must
provide a proof that it has made firstly an attempt to resolve the dispute amicably. This means
that the contracting authority should have a preliminary contact with the beneficiaries or the
contractors aiming at resolving the disputes amicably, following which it turned out that the
parties could not reach a settlement.
Disputes relating to an EDF-financed contract may be settled by conciliation or by arbitration
under the general conditions and the special conditions governing the contract. The procedure to
be used is set out in Annex V to Decision No 3/90 of the ACP-EEC Council of Ministers of 29 March
1990 adopting the general regulations, general conditions and procedural rules on conciliation and
arbitration for works, supply and service contracts financed by the European Development Fund
(EDF) and concerning their application151.
These rules can be found in Annex A12.
OJ L 382, 31.12.1990, p. 1.
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
3. Service contracts
3.1. Introduction
Service contracts are meant for studies, technical assistance and are also used for audits or
communication services.
A study contract is a service contract concluded between a contractor and the contracting authority,
which includes studies for the identification and preparation of projects, feasibility studies, economic
and market studies, technical studies and audits.
A technical assistance contract is a service contract where the contractor is called on to play an
advisory role, to manage or supervise a project, or to provide the expertise specified in the contract.
The service will be paid on the basis of the delivery of the specified output(s). Payments might be
totally or partially withheld if the contractual result(s) have not been reached in conformity with the
detailed terms of reference. Payment(s) is/are based on the approval of this/these deliverable(s).
Partial payment has to be determined according to the partial implementation of the output(s).
The project manager must not request in the terms of reference a breakdown of inputs for a global
price contract, e.g. minimum number of experts (unless Key experts are requested) or a fixed list of
The contractor might be requested to submit a breakdown of price per deliverable. Indeed, the
financial offer for a global price contract may include — where requested, see below — a price
breakdown based on outputs/deliverables against which partial payments can be made (e.g. the
deliverables could be related to the progress inception report/interim report/final report or to the
different parts of a study/report/event) depending on the project in question. Timesheets for experts
or supporting documents for expenses incurred will not be requested to process payments since
global price contracts do not entail any reimbursable expenses/incidental expenditure and are not
subject to an expenditure verification.
The contracting authority will provide the maximum budget available on the basis of the expertise
required or the required category of staff and the number of working days needed, including where
necessary travel costs and per diem. Where several results are to be achieved, the tenderers must
provide in their offer a detailed breakdown in order to compare the offers and check if no input has
been forgotten. However, during and after the implementation, the technical and operational means
by which the contractor achieves the specified output(s) are not relevant for the satisfactory
implementation of the contract.
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
Studies, evaluations, audits, organisation of events such as conferences, training sessions. Studies
include a variety of tasks like identification and preparation of projects, feasibility studies, economic
and market studies, technical studies, drafting a legal document, evaluations and audits.
3.2.2. Fee-based
Where the output is unpredictable, or where the workload to achieve the specified output is
impossible to quantify in advance, fee-based contracts are more appropriate, as it is economically
more advantageous to pay the services on the basis of time actually worked.
Fee-based contracts may also include activities paid on the basis of lump sums. An example could be
a fee-based contract for training, where the trainings would be paid on a fee-based basis, and where
the development of the training material would be paid on a lump sum basis.
Technical assistance contracts often only specify the means. For instance, the contractor is
responsible for implementing the tasks entrusted to it in the terms of reference and ensuring the
quality of the services provided. The contractor should, however, contribute to improve the
performance of the institution she/he is seconded to. A service consultant also has a duty of care
under the contract: it must warn the contracting authority in good time of anything that might affect
the proper implementation of the project.
In most cases the whole contract is set out in the form of either a global price contract or a fee-based
Some contracts may combine global price and fee based. In such cases, each item or each section of
the contract should have a clear method of measurement and verification: global price or fee-based.
It should be clear in the terms of reference and furthermore stipulated in the financial offer
An example of a combined service contract is a design and supervision contract that usually would
consist of two distinct sections and terms of reference: 1) the design section is a collection of several
global price outputs: geotechnical study, environmental study, socio-economic study, etc. — whereas
2) the supervision section would be fee-based items.
A road supervision contract does indeed mainly consist of fee-based items, since the supervising
engineer is affected by many factors that are beyond his control, like additional works, delays of
various stakeholders including the contractor herself/himself, the public authority and the donor.
However, before the tender launch it is possible to single out tasks within the supervision duties,
which may be treated as a global price: for example, studies on technical alternatives that have to be
studied by specialists outside the resident team. Once the number of expert days is agreed for the
task(s), the item will be accounted for as a global price.
Moreover, technical assistance projects may contain a mix of fee-based and global price for projects
that are structured into different phases:
- A first critical phase may consist of a diagnostic, analysing institutions and stakeholders,
assessing capacity, facilitating a joint process for defining precise actions and concrete
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
- A second phase would consist of the realisation of those specific actions. The individual output
may be contracted as global price.
In other cases the use of global price service contracts is encouraged as more appropriate.
Global price contracts do not require key experts. In such cases the terms of reference will describe
the expertise required and the tenderer will demonstrate in its tender that he has/has access to this
expertise. An example where key experts are not deemed necessary is a mission that consists in a
well-defined technical output, e.g. design documents for an investment project. In that case,
provided the contractor has qualified permanent staff, his professional responsibility should lead him
to select the best possible staff in order to deliver the expected results. Should key experts be
deemed to be indispensable, they would also have to sign a SoEA.
The methodologies contained in the offers must include a work plan indicating the envisaged
resources to be mobilised, allowing a better comparison of offers and offering a basis for negotiation
in case of amendment to the contract.
Global price contracts generate less micromanagement and dot not imply verification of timesheets
and incidental expenditure and therefore will free more time for working on operational and sector
• Restricted procedure
All service contracts worth EUR 300 000 or more may be awarded by restricted tender procedure
following international publication of a prior information notice (not compulsory), a contract notice
and additional information about the contract notice (see Section 3.4.1.)152.
For thresholds and procedures see point 38 of Annex I to the Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1046/2018 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 30 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of
the Union (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p.212) (FR).
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
The Audit FWC 2018 is a quick tool to contract audit-related services to be carried out on the
premises of entities receiving funds from external action programmes or in the form of desk studies.
It covers all the types of assignments related to audits and verifications (there is no lot). There is no
limit in the amount or the duration of the assignment.
EVA 2020 serves exclusively the purpose of Strategic Evaluations of EU External Strategies, Policies,
and Instruments managed by FPI, INTPA, and NEAR evaluation Units. For evaluations of projects and
programmes interventions, EU Delegations and HQ Units must use Framework Contract SIEA 2018.
For the single tender procedure the specific annexes for simplified tenders must be used
(administrative compliance grid, contract, contract notice, invitation letter, instructions to tenderer,
terms of reference and tender form) for this procedure. They can be adjusted to the procedure,
including deleting non-relevant sections, without this requiring derogation.
However, please note that the budgetary commitment against which the invoice is paid has to be
validated before the contracting authority enters into the corresponding ‘legal commitment’. In this
context, such legal commitment may take the form, inter alia, of an agreement, a pro-forma invoice,
a written acceptance of a quotation, a booking confirmation, an order form, etc.
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
Prior approval / event to be reported as the case may be is required from the European
Commission for the use of the negotiated procedure.
Prior authorisation by the European Commission is required for the use of the negotiated
No prior authorisation by the European Commission is required for the use of the negotiated
For service contracts, contracting authorities may use the negotiated procedure on the basis of one
or several tenders in the following cases153:
A tender must be considered unsuitable where it does not relate to the subject matter of the
contract and a request to participate must be considered unsuitable where the economic
operator is in an exclusion situation or does not meet the selection criteria154.
b) Where the services can only be provided by a single economic operator and for any of the following
(i) the aim of the procurement is the creation or acquisition of a unique work of art or artistic
(ii) competition is absent for technical reasons;
(iii) the protection of exclusive rights including intellectual property rights must be ensured.
The exceptions set out in points (ii) and (iii) must only apply when no reasonable alternative
or substitute exists and the absence of competition is not the result of an artificial narrowing
down of the parameters when defining the procurement.
c) In so far as is strictly necessary where, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by
unforeseeable events, it is impossible to comply with the applicable time limits and where the
justification of such extreme urgency is not attributable to the contracting authority.
Operations carried out in crisis situations must be considered to satisfy the test of extreme
urgency. The authorising officer by delegation, where appropriate in concertation with the other
Annex I to the FR, points 11 and 39.
Annex I to the FR, point 11(2).
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
authorising officers by delegation concerned, must establish that a situation of extreme urgency
exists and must review his decision regularly with regard to the principle of sound financial
d) Where a service contract follows a design contest and is to be awarded to the winner or to one of
the winners; in the latter case, all winners must be invited to participate in the negotiations.
e) For new services consisting in the repetition of similar services entrusted to the economic operator
to which the same contracting authority awarded an original contract, provided that the original
contract was awarded after publication of a contract notice that indicated the extent of possible
new services, the conditions under which they will be awarded (i.e. the possible use of the
negotiated procedure), and the total estimated amount for these subsequent services. This total
amount has to be taken into consideration in applying the applicable thresholds to determine the
correct procurement procedure to follow for the original contract.
f) For contracts for any of the following:
(i) legal representation by a lawyer within the meaning of Article 1 of Council Directive
77/249/EEC of 22 March 1977 to facilitate the effective exercise by lawyers of freedom to
provide services156;
(ii) legal advice given in the preparation of the proceedings referred to above or where there is
tangible indication and high probability that the matter to which the advice relates will become
the subject of such proceedings, provided that the advice is given by a lawyer within the meaning
of Article 1 of Directive 77/249/EEC;
(iii) for arbitration and conciliation services;
(iv) document certification and authentication services which must be provided by notaries. For
legal services not covered under point f), the contracting authority may use the simplified
procedure, whatever is the estimated value of the contract157.
g) For contracts declared to be secret or for contracts whose performance must be accompanied by
special security measures, in accordance with the administrative provisions in force or when the
protection of the essential interests of the European Union so requires, provided the essential
interests concerned cannot be guaranteed by other measures; these measures may consist of
requirements to protect the confidential nature of information which the contracting authority
makes available in the procurement procedure.
h) For financial services in connection with the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities or other
financial instruments within the meaning of Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments amending Council Directives
85/611/EEC and 93/6/EEC and Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the
For the general budget of the Union: Annex I to the FR, point 39(2). For the EDF: ‘emergency assistance’ is
another case specific to the EDF and distinct from the ‘extreme urgency’ referred to here, in which the negotiated
procedure may be used for actions that are not governed by Article 19c of Annex IV to the 2000/483/EC:
Partnership agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part,
and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (OJ L
317, 15.12.2000, p. 3) (Cotonou Agreement). Emergency assistance is linked to the application of Articles 72
and/or 73 of the Cotonou Agreement. For the overseas countries and territories (OCTs): see Article 79(5) of the
Council Decision 2013/755/EU of 25 November 2013 on the association of the overseas countries and territories
with the European Union (OJ L 344, 19.12.2013, p. 1).
OJ L 78, 26.3.1977, p. 17.
Annex I to the Financial Regulation, point 38(4).
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
Council and repealing Council Directive 93/22/EEC158, central bank services and operations
conducted with the European Financial Stability Facility and the European Stability Mechanism.
i) Loans, whether or not in connection with the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities or other
financial instruments.
j) For the purchase of public communication networks and electronic communications services
within the meaning of Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7
March 2002 on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and
services (Framework Directive)159.
k) Services provided by an international organisation where it cannot participate in competitive
procedures according to its statute or act of establishment.
l) Where the services are entrusted to public-sector bodies or to non-profit institutions or
associations and relate to activities of an institutional nature or designed to provide assistance to
peoples in the social field.
m) Where the tender procedure has been unsuccessful, that is to say, where no qualitatively and/or
financially worthwhile tender has been received, in which case, after cancelling the tender
procedure, the contracting authority may negotiate with one or more tenderers of its choice from
among those that took part in the invitation to tender procedure, provided that the original
procurement documents are not substantially altered.
n) Where a new contract has to be concluded after early termination of an existing contract.
In all cases, a negotiation report must be prepared (see template in Annex A10) justifying the manner
in which the negotiations were conducted and the basis for the resulting contract award decision.
The procedures described in Section and Section must be followed by analogy. The
negotiation report must be included in the contract dossier and the contracting authority must
approve it.
OJ L 145, 30.4.2004, p. 1.
OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p.33.
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
3.4.1. Publicity
In order to ensure the widest possible participation in competitive tendering and the requisite
transparency, the contracting authority must publish a contract notice and additional information
about the contract notice for all service contracts of EUR 300 000 or more (except for specific
contracts under the Framework Contracts, in accordance with the guidelines on publication (see
Annex A11e).
The purpose of the prior information notice is to provide greater publicity for calls for tenders and
more preparation time for tenderers. Encoding and processing a prior information notices requires
time and human resources. If due to time constraints a prior information notice can only be
published shortly before the contract notice (e.g. 30 days), an alternative option would be not to
publish a prior information notice and to provide tenderers with a longer submission deadline in the
contract notice. Publishing the contract notice earlier would provide economic operators with more
time to submit a good quality offer. Prior information notices on the other hand have an added value
when there is a sufficient period between its publication and the planned publication of the Contract
The prior information notice must briefly state the subject, content and value of the contracts in
question. Publishing a prior information notice does not oblige the contracting authority to award
the contracts proposed, and economic operators are not expected to submit requests to participate
at this stage.
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
The contracting authority drafts the prior information notice directly via PPMT in direct management
and in case of indirect management using the appropriate template (A5d) and submits it for
publication to the relevant delegation of the European Union (see guidelines for publication in Annex
If necessary, the contracting authority arranges simultaneous local publication and publication in any
other appropriate media directly.
The European Commission (acting on behalf of the contracting authority) is responsible for
publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and on the F&T portal. If the contract notice
is published locally, the contracting authority must arrange local publication directly.
The contract notice and the additional information about the contract notice must provide would-be
service providers with the information they need to determine their capacity to fulfil the contract in
The selection criteria set out in the contract notice and in the additional information about the
contract notice must be:
• easy to check on the basis of the information submitted using the standard request to participate form
(see Annex B3)
• devised to allow a clear YES/NO assessment to be made as to whether or not the candidate satisfies
a particular selection criterion
The criteria given in the annexes to this practical guide are given by way of illustration and must be
adapted to the nature, cost and complexity of the contract.
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
The time allowed for candidates to submit their requests to participate must be sufficient to permit
proper competition. The minimum deadline for submitting requests to participate is 30 days from the
date of the notice’s publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and on the F&T portal.
However, in exceptional cases, this period may be shortened in compliance with internal procedures.
Under indirect management this is also subject to prior authorisation by the European Commission.
The actual deadline will be determined by the contract’s size and complexity.
If the contract notice and the additional information about the contract notice are also published
locally by the contracting authority, these documents must be identical to the ones published in the
European Union Official Journal and on the F&T portal and must be published at the same time.
The contract notice and the additional information about the contract notice must be clear enough
to save candidates from requesting clarification or additional information during the procedure.
If the contracting authority, either on its own initiative or in response to a request for clarification
from a tenderer, amends information in the contract notice or in the additional information about
the contract notice, it must submit a corrigendum stating the changes made. The corrigendum to the
contract notice will be encoded directly in eNotices in direct management and, in indirect
management, the appropriate template (Annex A5b) shall be used and forwarded to the relevant
delegation of the European Union, always complying with the deadlines set up in the publication
guidelines (see Annex A11e). However, a corrigendum to the additional information about the
contract notice might also be published in eTendering, if necessary.
The corrigendum must be published not later than 8 days before the original submission deadline. Be
aware that the corrigendum has to be sent to the relevant service not later than 5 days before the
expected date for its publication.
The corrigendum may extend the deadline to allow candidates to take the changes into account.
Please note that with a clarification, the contracting authority cannot give an opinion on the
assessment of the request to participate.
If information in the contract notice/additional information about the contract notice needs to be
clarified but does not require an amendment of the contract notice, the request for clarification
must be submitted at the latest 21 days before the submission deadline and the clarification will
be published in eTendering, not in the Official Journal of the European Union, at the latest 8 days
before the submission deadline.
In eSubmission and only for direct management procedures, there are two types of committees:
opening and evaluation committees. It is recommended that for each lot, the composition of both
committees is the same. The opening and evaluation committees must be appointed in PPMT before
the start of the opening session160 and the evaluation of requests to participate.
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
- compliance with formal submission requirements (see Annex B10)160. The committee must
decide whether or not candidates comply with the formal submission requirements;
- drawing up a long list (see template in Annex B4) summarising all the requests to participate
- eliminating requests to participate that are inadmissible due to being submitted by ineligible
candidates (see Section 2.3.) or by candidates falling into one of the situations described in
Section This is assessed, inter alia, on the basis of their declaration on honour;
For the supply of supporting documents in relation to the exclusion and selection criteria, see
sections 2.6.10. and 2.6.11.
After examining the responses to the contract notice/additional information about the contract
notice, the evaluation committee shortlists the candidates offering the best guarantee of
satisfactory performance of the contract.
If the number of eligible candidates meeting the selection criteria is greater than eight, the additional
criteria published in the contract notice are applied in order to reduce the number to the eight best
candidates. For further details, please see Section 2.6.11. (selection criteria).
If the number of eligible candidates meeting the selection criteria is less than the minimum of four,
the contracting authority may invite only those candidates who satisfy the selection criteria to
submit a tender, or even the only candidate satisfying the selection criteria. Before accepting a
reduced competition of less than four candidates, an event to be reported or a prior authorisation is
required depending on the case, as stated in the text box below. This prior authorisation may be
granted based on a verification showing that the timing of the publication, the selection criteria used
and the scope of the services in relation to the budget were satisfactory. This must be justified in the
evaluation report.
An event to be reported is required.
For eSubmission, several automatic validation checks take place to ensure that the submissions comply with
the deadline and that they were received in the same state as they were submitted, i.e. that their integrity and
confidentiality have been preserved. When all requests to participate for all lots are verified and marked as “In
Order” /“Not in Order”, the Record of Opening (see Annex B10a_specimen_openreport_eSubmission) can be
generated. After closing the opening session, the evaluation committee members, nominated through PPMT, can
access the request to participate that are “In Order”. Then, the evaluation committee must decide in Annex B4
whether or not the request to participate complies with the formal submission requirements.
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
The shortlisting process and the final shortlist itself must be fully documented in a shortlist report
(see template in Annex B5).
Before the shortlist is approved by the evaluation committee, the contracting authority must check
that no candidate (including partners) is in an exclusion situation in the early detection and exclusion
system or subject to European Union restrictive measures (see Section 2.4.).
The shortlist report is signed by the chairperson, the secretary and all evaluators.
The shortlist report must be submitted to the contracting authority, which must decide whether or
not to accept its recommendations, before the shortlisted candidates can be invited to submit a
If the relevant delegation of the European Union does not accept the recommendations of the
contracting authority, it must write to the contracting authority stating the reasons for its decision.
No authorisation by the European Commission is required before the contracting authority acts on
the recommendations of the evaluation committee.
Candidates not selected will be informed in writing by the contracting authority (see Annex B7).
Selected candidates will receive a letter of invitation to tender and the tender dossier (see template
in Annex B8).
The contracting authority prepares the shortlist notice and publishes it together with the award
notice on TED (section VI.3 of the award notice). (See guidelines for publication in Annex A11e).
If unsuccessful candidates request further information, they may be given any information that is not
confidential, e.g. reasons why a reference does not meet the technical selection criterion, as this may
help them to be successful in future tenders.
These documents must contain all the provisions and information that candidates need to submit a
tender: the procedures to follow, the documents to provide, cases of non-compliance, award criteria
and their weightings, etc. Where the European Commission is the contracting authority, the standard
practice is to consult and obtain the approval of the partner country and, where appropriate, of
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
other parties involved, on the terms of reference or technical specifications, in order to strengthen
both ownership and quality. See Section 2.8. for guidelines on drafting terms of reference. Given the
technical complexity of many contracts, the preparation of the tender dossier may require the
assistance of one or more external technical specialist(s). Each specialist must sign a declaration of
objectivity and confidentiality (see Annex A3).
The tender dossier must be agreed upon by the European Commission prior to issue. The standard
practice is to consult and obtain the agreement of the partner country, and where appropriate of
other parties involved, on the tender dossier.
A. Instructions to tenderers
The tender dossier must clearly state that the tender must be made with firm, non-revisable prices.
According to the applicable rules, a pre-financing guarantee could be required or not. If required, this
must be mentioned in the tender dossier.
In case of direct management, the tender dossier will be published on the TED eTendering platform.
The shortlisted candidates will receive a notification granting access to the tender. In case of indirect
management, the tender dossier will be sent simultaneously to all shortlisted candidates via mail or
email. Any tender received from a legal or natural person not invited to tender will be rejected.
The technical criteria allow the quality of technical tenders to be assessed. The two main types of
technical criteria are the methodology, and for fee-based contracts, the curriculum vitae (CV) of the
key experts proposed. The technical criteria may be divided into sub-criteria. The methodology, for
example, may be examined in the light of the terms of reference, the optimum use of the technical
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and professional resources available in the partner country, the work schedule, the appropriateness
of the resources to the tasks, the support proposed for experts in the field, the complementarity of
the consortium members, etc. CVs may be awarded points for such criteria as qualifications,
professional experience161, geographical experience, language skills, etc. The tender evaluation
committee is required to ensure that any methodology submitted by the tenderer complies with the
requirements of the terms of reference. The methodology may add to the requirements of the terms
of reference but must in no way detract from them.
Each criterion is allotted a number of points out of 100 distributed between the different sub-criteria.
Their respective weightings depend on the nature of the services required and are determined on a
case-by-case basis in the tender dossier as indicated in the evaluation grid.
The points must be related as closely as possible to the terms of reference describing the services to
be provided and refer to parameters that are easy to identify in the tenders and, if possible,
The tender dossier must contain full details of the technical evaluation grid, with its criteria and sub-
criteria and their weightings.
There must be no overlap between the selection criteria used to draw up the shortlist and the
award criteria used to determine the best tender. In that regard, particular attention should be paid
to experience, in order not to have it evaluated twice in the selection criteria and in the award criteria
(see Section
Abnormally low tenders
Contracting authorities can reject tenders that appear to be abnormally low in relation to services
The concerned tenderer must be asked, in writing, to provide details of the constituent elements of
its tender, notably those relating to compliance with employment protection legislation and working
conditions in the location of the contract, such as the service provision process, the technical
solutions chosen or any exceptionally favourable condition available to the tenderer, the originality
of the tender.
In view of the evidence provided by the tenderer, the contracting authority decides on whether the
tender is to be considered irregular and has consequently to be rejected.
Both that decision and its justification must be recorded in the evaluation report.
Only the professional experience mentioned in the CV will be considered by the evaluation committee.
Article 169(1) FR.
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Tenderers may submit questions via TED e-Tendering platform (electronic submission - direct
management) or in writing (paper submission - indirect management) no later than 21 days before
the deadline for submission of tenders. The contracting authority must reply to all tenderers’
questions in TED e-Tendering (electronic submission - direct management) or in writing (paper
submission - indirect management) no later than 8 days before the deadline for receipt of tenders.
Clarifications and any minor changes to the tender dossier must also be published on TED e-
Tendering (direct management) and, in indirect management, in writing and simultaneously
addressed to all shortlisted candidates. No prior opinion on the assessment of the tender can be
given by the contracting authority in reply to a question or a request for clarification.
If the technical content of the tender is complex, the contracting authority may hold an information
meeting and/or site visit. This meeting must be announced in the tender dossier and must take place
no later than 21 days before the expiry of the deadline for submission of tenders. All costs of
attending such a meeting must be met by the tenderers. Individual visits by companies during the
tender period cannot be organised by the contracting authority taking into account transparency and
equal treatment of the tenderers. Although they are not compulsory, these information meetings are
encouraged since they have proven to be an efficient way to clarify many questions related to the
tender dossier. Any presentation/documentation to be delivered in the information session, as well
as the outcome and the minutes, must also be shared with all shortlisted candidates. In case of direct
management, documents will be shared via TED e-Tendering. In case of indirect management,
documents will be sent via mail or email.
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In case of paper submission (indirect management), tenders should be submitted in accordance with
the double envelope system, i.e. in an outer parcel or envelope containing two separate, sealed
envelopes, one bearing the words ‘Envelope A — technical offer’ and the other ‘Envelope B -
financial offer’. All parts of the tender other than the financial offer must be submitted in Envelope A.
The technical offer and the financial offer always have to be evaluated successively and separately:
the technical offer is evaluated first and financial offer checked only after the evaluation of technical
offer.It ensures that the technical quality of a tender is considered independently of the price. The
tender must be submitted in accordance with the instructions to tenderers. See Section 2.9.3. for
consequences of infringements to formal requirements in the further evaluation process.
In eSubmission and only for direct management procedures, there are two types of committees:
opening and evaluation committee. It is recommended that for each lot, the composition of both
committees is the same. The opening and evaluation committees must be appointed in PPMT before
the start of the opening session and the evaluation of tenders.
In case of paper submission (indirect management), the envelopes containing the tenders must
remain sealed and be kept in a safe place until they are opened. The outer envelopes of tenders must
be numbered in order of receipt (whether or not they are received before the deadline for
submission of tenders).
For detailed instructions on how to submit a tender please consult the eSubmission Quick Guide available at:
The supported browsers, file types, size of attachments and other system requirements can be consulted at:
https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/x/Oo5kI. In case of technical problems, please contact the eSubmission Helpdesk
(see contact details in the eSubmission Quick Guide) as soon as possible.
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The first meeting of the evaluation committee is held before the actual evaluation starts. The tender
dossier should have been circulated in advance to the members of the evaluation committee. The
chairperson presents the purpose of the tender and explains the procedures to be followed by the
evaluation committee, including the evaluation grid, award criteria and weightings specified in the
tender dossier.
For tender openings in case of paper submission (indirect management), see tender opening
checklist in Annex B9.
At this stage the evaluation committee must decide whether or not tenders comply with the formal
submission requirements.
In case of electronic submission (direct management), several automatic validation checks take place
to ensure that the tenders comply with the deadline and that they were received in the same state as
they were submitted, i.e. that their integrity and confidentiality have been preserved. When all
tenders for all lots are verified and marked as “In Order” /“Not in Order”, the Record of Opening (see
Annex B10a_specimen_openrecord_eSubmission) can be generated. After closing the opening
session, the evaluation committee members, nominated through PPMT, can access the tenders that
are “In Order”.
In case of paper submission (indirect management), the summary of tenders received, which is
attached to the opening record (see Annex B10), must be used to record whether each of the tenders
complies with the formal submission requirements.
The chairperson must check that no member of the evaluation committee has a potential conflict of
interest with any of the tenderers (on the basis of the shortlist, the tenders received, consortium
members and any identified subcontractor). See also Sections 2.9.2. and 2.9.3.
In case of electronic submission (direct management), the financial offers will remain unopened until
technical assessment of all the tenders has been completed.
In case of paper submission (indirect management), the envelopes containing the financial offers will
remain sealed. All financial offers will be deposited in safe deposit until technical assessment of all
the tenders has been completed.
The evaluation committee checks that the tenders comply with the instructions given in the tender
dossier and in particular in the administrative compliance grid (see Annex B8). Any major formal
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errors or major restrictions affecting performance of the contract or distorting competition result in
the rejection of the related tender.
Nationality of subcontractors: the evaluation committee must check at this stage that any
subcontractors identified in the technical offers satisfy the nationality rule in Section 2.3.1.
The administrative compliance grid included in the tender dossier must be used to record the
administrative compliance of each of the tenders.
Please note that the documentary proof for exclusion and selection criteria as well as for the key
experts are not verified during this phase of the evaluation.
The evaluation committee then examines the technical offers, while the financial offers remain
sealed/unopened. When evaluating technical offers, each member gives each offer a technical score
out of a maximum of 100 points in accordance with the technical evaluation grid (setting out the
technical criteria, sub-criteria and weightings) laid down in the tender dossier (see Section 3.4.4.).
Only offers that achieve an average technical score of 75/100 or more are declared ‘technically
accepted’. Under no circumstances may the evaluation committee or its members change the
technical evaluation grid communicated to the tenderers in the tender dossier.
In practice, it is recommended that tenders be given points for a given criterion one after another,
rather than scoring each tender for all criteria before moving on to the next tender. Where the
content of a tender is incomplete or deviates substantially from one or more of the technical award
criteria laid down in the tender dossier (e.g. if an expert does not meet the minimum requirements in
the profile), the tender will be automatically rejected, without being given a technical score, but this
must be justified in the evaluation report.
For instructions and guidelines how to allocate points in the evaluation for fee-based and global-
price contracts, please see the evaluator’s grid (Annex B12a and Annex B12b, respectively). Experts
must be evaluated against the requirements stated in the terms of reference. The key experts must
fulfil the minimum requirements for all the criteria. If it is not the case, the offer should be
considered inadmissible and be rejected.
The tenderers must provide documentary proof for the key experts proposed. This includes copies of
the diplomas referred to in the CV and employers’ certificates or references proving the professional
experience stated in the CV. If missing proofs are requested it will only be for the relevant experience
and diplomas that are among the requirements in the terms of reference. Only diplomas and
experience supported by documentary proof will be taken into account.
Civil servants or other staff of the public administration of the partner country, or of
international/regional organisations based in the country, regardless of their administrative situation,
must only be accepted by the European Commission if well justified. The tenderer must in its offer
include information on the added value the expert will bring, as well as proof that the expert is
seconded or on leave on personal ground.
In the potential case of members of staff of the European Union delegations (local agents) proposed
as experts by tenderers, the European Commission must make sure that the contract with the EU
institution is officially terminated before the expert starts to work on an EU financed project under a
contract with an external organisation/company (see Section 2.5.4.).
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For fee-based contracts, the precise time input of the key expert is left to the discretion of the
tenderers as it has to be linked with the methodology provided. The methodology should include the
time needed for each key expert in order to achieve the required outputs of the project.
Each evaluator completes an evaluation grid (see Annex B12) to record his/her assessment of each
technical offer in order to establish a general appreciation of strengths and weaknesses of the
individual technical offers.
On completion of the technical evaluation, the points given by each member are compared at the
evaluation committee’s session. Besides giving a numerical score, a member must explain the
reasons for his/her assessment and defend his/her scores before the evaluation committee.
The evaluation committee discusses each technical offer and each member gives each tender a
technical score. Evaluators may change their individual evaluation as a result of the general
discussion on the merits of each offer.
In case of major discrepancies, full justification has to be provided by dissenting members. Once
discussed, each evaluator finalises his/her evaluation grid on each of the technical offers and signs it
before handing it over to the secretary of the evaluation committee. The secretary must then
compile a summary of the comments of the evaluation committee members as part of the evaluation
The secretary calculates the average technical score of each technical offer, which is the arithmetical
average of the technical scores given by each member for a given offer.
Interviews should be standard practice whenever the expert proposed has no relevant experience of
EU projects, as evidenced by the CV, and when this experience is a key element for the position and
for the project implementation. In other cases (e.g. under direct management) verification/checks
within the European Commission may be more appropriate. Interviews should therefore be provided
for in the tender dossier and must be well prepared if conducted.
The preferred method of conducting interviews is by telephone (or equivalent). Exceptionally and
only if duly justified, given the cost both to tenderers and the contracting authority, the expert may
be interviewed in person.
Before definitively concluding its evaluation of the technical offers, the evaluation committee may
decide to interview the key experts proposed in technically accepted tenders (i.e. those that have
achieved an average technical score of 75 points or more in the technical evaluation). It is
recommended that tenderers that have scored close to the technical threshold also be invited for
interview. Any interviews should be held by the evaluation committee at intervals close enough to
allow the experts to be compared. Interviews must follow a standard format agreed beforehand by
the committee with questions drafted and applied to all experts or teams called to interview. The
indicative timetable for these interviews must be given in the tender dossier.
Tenderers must be given at least 10 days’ advance notice of the date and time of the interview. If a
tenderer is prevented from attending an interview by force majeure, a mutually convenient
alternative date/time is arranged. If the tenderer is unable to attend on this second occasion, its
tender may be eliminated.
On completion of the interviews, and without modifying either the composition or the weighting of
the criteria laid down in the technical evaluation grid, the evaluation committee decides whether it is
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necessary to adjust the scores of the experts who have been interviewed. Any adjustments must be
substantiated. The procedure must be recorded in the evaluation report.
Once the evaluation committee has established each offer's average technical score (the
mathematical average of the technical scores given by each voting member), any tender falling short
of the 75-points threshold is automatically rejected. If no tender achieves 75/100 points or more, the
tender procedure is cancelled.
Out of the tenders reaching the 75-point threshold, the weighted technical score of each offer is
calculated using the following formula:
Weighted technical score = (average technical score of the offer in question/average technical score
of the best technical offer) x 100.
Important: the weighted technical score of the best technical offer must always be 100 points.
Offer 1 Offer 2 Offer 3
Evaluator A Technical
100 55 88 84
Evaluator B Technical
100 60 84 82
Evaluator C Technical
100 59 82 90
Weighted technical
score (average technical
85.33/85.33 x
score of the offer in
84.67/85.33 x 100
question / average Eliminated** 100
= 99.22
technical score of the
best technical offer x
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In case of indirect management, the chairperson and the secretary of the evaluation committee
initial the envelopes containing all the originals of these financial offers
The evaluation committee has to ensure that the financial offer satisfies all formal requirements.
A financial offer not meeting these requirements may be considered inadmissible and be rejected.
Any rejection on these grounds must be fully justified in the evaluation report.
The evaluation committee checks that the financial offers contain no obvious arithmetical errors. Any
obvious arithmetical errors are corrected without penalty to the tenderer.
In case of indirect management, the envelopes containing the financial offers of rejected tenderers
following the technical evaluation must remain unopened and are kept. They must be archived by
the contracting authority together with the other tender procedure documents.
The total contract value comprises the fees (including employment-related overheads), the incidental
expenditure, lump sums (if applicable) and the provision for expenditure verification164 that are
specified in the tender dossier. Only the price without VAT/indirect taxes should be taken into
consideration for the financial evaluation. This total contract value is compared with the maximum
budget available for the contract. Tenders exceeding the maximum budget allocated for the contract
are considered unacceptable and are eliminated.
The evaluation committee then proceeds with the financial comparison of the fees and lump sums
between the different financial offers. Both the provision for incidental expenditure and the
provision for expenditure verification are excluded from the comparison of the financial offers as
they are specified in the tender dossier.
The tender with the lowest total fees + lump sums receives 100 points. The others are awarded
points by means of the following formula:
Financial score = (lowest total fees + lump sums / total fees + lump sums of the tender being
considered) x 100.
When evaluating financial offers, the evaluation committee compares only the total fees and lump
possible Tenderer 1 Tenderer 2 Tenderer 3
In the exceptional cases where the expenditure is verified by the European Commission, the tender documents,
including the proposed contractual template, must be duly amended. A derogation is thus required.
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* Only tenderers with an average technical score of at least 75 points in the technical evaluation qualify for
the financial evaluation.
Tenderer 1 Tenderer 2 Tenderer 3
100.00 x 0.80 =
technical score x 99.22 x 0.80 = 79.38
Financial score x following 100.00 x 0.20= 89.71 x 0.20=
0.20 technical 20.00 17.94
evaluation 79.38 + 20.00= 80.00 + 17.94=
Overall score
99.38 97.94
Final ranking 1 2
The resulting, weighted, technical and financial scores are then added together to determine the
tender with the highest score, i.e. the best quality-price ratio. It is essential to make the calculations
strictly according to the above instructions. The evaluation committee’s recommendation must be to
award the contract to the tender achieving the highest overall score on the condition that the
documentary evidence submitted by the tenderer for the exclusion and selection criteria is verified
and admissible.
In respect of service contracts other than the European Commission’s Framework contracts, when
technical offers are evaluated, a preference must be given to tenders submitted by legal or natural
persons of ACP States, either individually or in a consortium among them.
Where two tenders are acknowledged to be equivalent on the basis of the final score, preference
is given:
- offers the best possible use of the physical and human resources of the ACP States;
- offers the greatest subcontracting possibilities to ACP companies, firms or natural persons;
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- is a consortium of natural persons, companies and firms from ACP States and the European
(See also Section 2.6.9.)
As a result of its deliberations, the evaluation committee may make any of the following
- that complies with the formal requirements and the eligibility rules;
- whose total budget is within the maximum budget available for the project;
- that meets the minimum technical requirements specified in the tender dossier; and
- that provides the best value for money (satisfying all of the above conditions).
The evaluation report is drawn up. The verification of documentary evidence for exclusion and
selection criteria and eventual clarifications must be carried out during the evaluation and before
taking the award decision. The contracting authority will then take its decision.
The entire procedure (technical and financial evaluation) is recorded in an evaluation report (see
template in Annex B11) to be signed by the chairperson, the secretary and all evaluators.
This must be submitted to the competent authority of the European Commission, which must
decide whether or not to accept its recommendations.
If the European Commission does not accept the proposed decision, it must write to the
contracting authority stating the reasons for its decision. The European Commission may also
suggest how the contracting authority should proceed and give the conditions under which the
European Commission might endorse the proposed contract on the basis of the tender procedure.
If the European Commission accepts the proposed decision, the contracting authority will either
commence with the award of the contract (see Section 3.4.12.) or cancel the tender, as decided.
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No prior authorisation by the European Commission is required before the contracting authority
acts on the recommendations of the evaluation committee.
The tender evaluation must be concluded step by step to reach a conclusion. The principle behind
requesting separately the technical and financial offers is to ensure that the evaluators do not know
the financial offer and thus cannot be influenced by the price when assessing the technical quality of
a tender. Consequently, the technical proposals cannot be re-scored once the financial offers have
been opened, except if the contracting authority rejects the proposal of the evaluation report (due
to a mistake in the evaluation) and ask the evaluation committee to convene again.
The entire evaluation procedure, including notification of the successful tenderer, must be
completed while the tenders are still valid. It is important to bear in mind that the successful
tenderer might be unable to maintain its tender if the evaluation procedure takes too long. Please
see Section 2.9.5.
Subject to the contracting authority’s legislation on access to documents, the entire tender
procedure is confidential during the evaluation process. The evaluation committee’s decisions are
collective and its deliberations must remain secret. The committee members and any observers are
bound to secrecy. If its law conflicts with the confidentiality required, the contracting authority must
obtain prior authorisation from the European Commission before disclosing any information.
The evaluation report, in particular, is for official use only and may be divulged neither to tenderers
nor to any party outside the authorised services of the contracting authority, the European
Commission and the supervisory authorities (e.g. the European Court of Auditors). Extracts from the
evaluation report may however be disclosed (see Section 2.12.1.).
At the latest during the evaluation procedure and before taking the award decision, the contracting
authority ensures that there is no record of the successful tenderer, including consortium members,
subcontractors or capacity providing entities, if any, in exclusion situation in the EDES nor in the lists
of EU restrictive measures (see sections and 2.4.).
During the evaluation procedure and before taking the award decision, the evaluation committee will
request the original165 Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria and copies of
documentary evidence for exclusion and selection criteria from the potential successful tenderer. If
upon verification, the evaluation committee considers the submitted evidence not admissible, it will
request the same evidence from the second best ranked tenderer.
The requirement to submit an original Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria is only
applicable in case of paper submission.
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At the latest before taking the award decision, the contracting authority has ensured that the
relevant third party (i.e. tenderer including partners) is not registered at exclusion level in the early
detection and exclusion system nor included in the list of European Union restrictive measures
(see Section 2.4).
At the same time the result is notified to the second best tenderer (Annex B13b) and the other
unsuccessful tenderers (Annex B13c).
The notification letter (Annex B13a) to the successful tenderer implies that the validity of the
successful tender is automatically extended for a period of 60 days (if the contracting authority is
required to obtain the recommendation of the panel referred to in Section, the tender
validity period can be further extended up to the adoption of that recommendation).
At the same time the second best tenderer is informed about the result (Annex B13b). The
contracting authority reserves the right to send a notification of award to the second best tenderer in
case of inability to sign the contract with the first ranked tenderer. The validity of the second best
tender will therefore be kept and will only be extended with the 60 days in case of notification of
The contracting authority will furthermore, at the same time, also inform the remaining tenderers
(Annex B13c). The consequence of these letters will be that the validity of their offers must not be
retained. In case of request, for further information from the non-successful tenderers, any
information which is not confidential may be disclosed to them. An example may be comments
regarding their strengths and weaknesses as this may assist them to be successful in future tenders.
As soon as the contract is signed by the successful tenderer, the contracting authority must inform
the second best tenderer that she/he will not be awarded the contract.
In the notification of award the contracting authority requests the successful tenderer to confirm the
availability/unavailability of the key experts within 5 days of the date of the notification letter. As
declared in the statement of exclusivity and availability, should a key expert receive a confirmed
engagement he/she must accept the first engagement that is offered chronologically.
Should any of the key experts be unavailable the successful tenderer will be allowed to propose a
replacement expert. This may for example happen in case the expert has been successful in another
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tender procedure. The successful tenderer must give due justification for the exchange of expert but
acceptance by the contracting authority will not be limited to specific cases. The contracting
authority will verify that the replacement expert’s total score in relation to the evaluation criteria is
at minimum the same as the scores given in the evaluation to the expert he/she is proposed to
replace. The contracting authority may consult the original evaluation committee and may interview
one or more replacement experts by videoconference or telephone. It must be emphasised that the
minimum requirements for each evaluation criteria must be met by the replacement expert.
The maximum time limit for proposing a replacement should be within 15 days of the date of the
notification letter. Only one time-period to propose replacements will be offered to the successful
tenderer, in which they may, if possible, propose several candidates for replacement of the same
position. The replacement expert cannot be one presented in a bid from an unsuccessful tenderer
participating in the same tender. The contracting authority may choose between these proposed
candidates. If the contracting authority accepts the proposed replacements the contract dossier must
contain the justification for the acceptance.
If no replacement expert is proposed or if the proposed replacement expert does not either meet or
exceed the total scores of the originally proposed expert, the contracting authority will decide either
to award the contract to the second best tenderer (also giving them a chance to replace an expert in
case of unavailability) or to cancel the procedure.
Summary of scenarios:
The awarded tenderer confirms that all their key experts are available. When the contracting
authority receives the information they proceed with contract preparation and signature, see
b) One or more of the key experts are not available but replacements are acceptable.
The awarded tenderer confirms that one or more of their key experts are not available. They
propose replacement experts within the time limit, submitting the necessary documentary
evidence (as requested for the original experts in the tender) and justification for unavailability.
The contracting authority will verify that the replacement fulfils the minimum requirements in
the terms of reference and that he/she would have scored minimum the same as the originally
proposed expert (total scores). If several experts are proposed for the same position the
contracting authority may choose between the experts. Written justification of the choice is
made by the authorising officer and will be part of the contract dossier, see Section
c) One or more of the key experts are not available and replacements are NOT acceptable.
The awarded tenderer confirms that one or more of their key experts are not available. They
propose replacement experts within the time limit, submitting the necessary documentary
evidence (as requested for the original experts in the tender) and justification of unavailability.
The contracting authority will verify that the expert fulfils the minimum requirements in the
terms of reference and that the expert would have scored minimum the same as the originally
proposed expert (total scores). If none of the replacements are accepted, the contract may
either be awarded to the second best tenderer or the procedure may be cancelled. If the
second best tenderer will be notified of the award they must also be given the same possibility
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The justification for non-acceptance of a replacement expert must be recorded in writing and the
decision must be taken by the authorising officer. At the same time the authorising officer will take
the decision to either award the contract to the second best tender or to cancel the procedure.
Where a contract is awarded under a financing agreement that had not been concluded at the time
the tender procedure was launched, the contracting authority must not notify the tenderers before
the financing agreement has been concluded.
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The representative of the partner country must submit duly substantiated and justified objections to
reject an expert (e.g. the expert is persona non grata, there are public order issues, or information
unknown to the evaluation committee has been disclosed which could have affected the outcome of
the evaluation). If the authorising officer accepts the rejection of the expert, the successful tender is
allowed to propose a replacement (see Section If this procedure fails, the award may go to
the second best tender, if any. In this case, the representative of the partner country again has the
right to approve the experts. If there is no second best tender or if the experts are rejected again, the
tender is cancelled. A request for the approval of key experts is not a request for approval of the
European Commission’s evaluation.
The partner country's approval must also be obtained for any replacement key expert proposed by
the contractor. The representative of the partner country may not withhold its approval unless it
submits duly substantiated and justified objections to the proposed experts in writing to the
An example where it may not be appropriate is a multi-country project where many partner countries are
involved and it would be practically difficult to obtain the approvals.
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delegation of the European Union. If the representative of the partner country fails to issue or to
reject its approval within 15 days of the date of the request, the expert is deemed to be approved.
The representative of the partner country may only ask for experts to be replaced if duly
substantiated and justified objections are given in writing. Standstill clause (applicable for direct contracts above EUR 300
See Section 2.10.1.
Prepare a contract dossier (if possible printed recto/verso) using the following structure:
a) Explanatory note using the format in Annex A6 (if applicable including the justification for
acceptance of replacement key experts);
b) Copy of the financing agreement authorising the project (if there is one);
c) Copy of the call announcements (prior information notice, contract notice, additional
information about the contract notice and shortlist), shortlist report, tender opening record,
evaluation report with award decision, and any other relevant information)
d) Three originals in indirect management; two originals in direct management, of the proposed
contract, which is based on the standard contract template
The standard contract annexes for the general conditions and Forms and other relevant documents
must be reproduced without modification in every contract. Only the special conditions should need
to be completed by the contracting authority.
- Once the standstill period is passed, sign and date all originals of the contract and initial all
pages of the special conditions and the budget.
- Send the signed originals of the contract to the successful tenderer who must countersign
them within 30 days of receipt. The contractor keeps one original, and returns the remaining
original(s) to the contracting authority. If the successful tenderer fails to do this within the
specified deadline or indicates at any stage that it is not willing or able to sign the contract, the
tenderer cannot be awarded the contract. The contract preparation process must be restarted
from step 1 with a new contract dossier prepared using the second best tender (provided that
that tender is still valid).
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The contracting authority must verify the power of representation of the natural person who signs
the contract for the legal entity to which the contract has been awarded.
The contract takes effect on the date of the later signature. The contract cannot cover earlier
services or enter into force before this date.
Contracting authorities must retain all documentation relating to the award and execution of
contract for a minimum period of 7 years after payment of the balance and up to the date of the
prescription of any dispute in regard to the law which governed the contract.
During and after this period, the contracting authorities will treat the personal data in conformity
with their privacy policy. These documents must be made available for inspection by the European
Commission, the European Anti-Fraud Office, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Court
of Auditors.
QES can be used as a solution for signing any document for which a handwritten signature is
required. However, QES only applies to contracts managed outside OPSYS (since the digital
signatures embedded into OPSYS are equivalent to handwritten signatures) and where both the
applicable law and the dispute settlement forum are in an EU Member State.
Moreover, the QES feature is currently not available for indirect management by partner countries.
European Commission staff in Delegations belong from an IT point of view to the EEAS domain.
Currently, the EEAS is not yet covered by the DG DIGIT qualified certificates for electronic signatures.
Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic
identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive
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Therefore, European Commission staff in Delegations will only be able to apply QES once the DG
DIGIT certificates have been extended to the EEAS domain.
For more information on the process to obtain the QES certificate as well as the procedure step-by-
step, see Chapter 2.10.3 of the PRAG.
Once the contract has been signed the contracting authority is responsible for preparing the award
notice without delay (in indirect management using the template in Annex A5g) and for submitting it
for publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and on the F&T portal (see publication
guidelines in Annex A11e). If necessary, the contracting authority must arrange simultaneous local
publication in any other appropriate media directly.
The award notice must be published if the value of the contract is above international thresholds (>
EUR 300 000), unless the contract was declared secret (and the secrecy is still relevant at the time of
the award) or where the performance of the contract must be accompanied by special security
measures, or when the protection of the essential interests of the European Union, or the partner
country so requires, and where the publication of the award notice is deemed not to be appropriate.
Please remember that the list of selected candidates has to be given in section VI.3 of the award
In addition the contracting authority must record all statistical information concerning the
procurement procedure including the contract value, the names of the other tenderers and the
successful tenderer.
Whatever the form, the key experts to be provided by the contractor must be identified and named
in the contract.
The evaluation committee may recommend that a tenderer be excluded from the tender procedure,
and its offer considered irregular, if this company and/or proposed experts deliberately conceal the
fact that all or some of the team proposed in their tender are unavailable from the date specified in
the tender dossier for the start of the assignment, or if it can be established that this company has
proposed names of experts which in fact had not given their consent to participate. This may lead to
their exclusion from other contracts funded by the European Union (see Section
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the contracting authority may decide to terminate the contract using article 36(2)(l) of the general
During the implementation of a service contract, where a member of staff has to be replaced, the
replacement must possess at least equivalent qualifications and experience and the fee/rate may in
no circumstances exceed that of the expert replaced. Where the contractor is unable to provide a
replacement possessing equivalent qualifications and/or experience, the contracting authority may
either terminate the contract, if it considers that its performance is jeopardised, or, if it considers
that this is not the case, accept the replacement, in which case the latter’s fees are to be negotiated
downwards to reflect the proper level of remuneration. Any additional expenses resulting from the
replacement of staff are borne by the contractor except in the case of replacement resulting from
death or where the contracting authority requests a replacement not provided for by the contract.
Where an expert is not replaced immediately and sometime elapses before the new expert takes up
his functions, the contracting authority may ask the contractor to assign a temporary expert to the
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
project pending the new expert’s arrival or to take other steps to bridge the gap. Whatever the case
may be, the contracting authority will make no payment for the period of absence of the expert or
his replacement (whether temporary or permanent).
3.5. Procedures for the award of contracts under EUR 1 000 000
The Framework contract ‘Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018’ (FWC SIEA 2018) is a
multiple framework contract with reopening of competition between three or four framework
contractors of the concerned lot, to provide short-term technical assistance assignments covering
the entire range of project cycle operations with the exception of programmes’ financial audits
(which are covered by a dedicated framework contract).
It entered into force on 1 June 2018 and it is valid until 31 May 2022.
The FWC SIEA 2018 in itself has no overall contract amount. No request for services may be issued
under the FWC SIEA 2018 if no funds are available to cover the operation.
Services worth less than EUR 1 000 000 may be contracted using the FWC SIEA 2018.
Detailed information on how to use FWC SIEA 2018 can be found in the guidelines available on the
Conditions of use
The contracting authority for each individual specific contract may be:
- the European Union represented by the European Commission, acting on behalf of partner
OPSYS since January 2020. For requests of services funded under Trust Funds, CRIS FWC module has to be
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Chapter 3. Service contracts
- a partner country under indirect management (if authorised by INTPA, and only once the IT system
will allow it).
Content Procedure
A specific contract can only be concluded during the validity of the framework contract.
All the documents for the different steps of the procedure must follow the forms designed for
FWC SIEA 2018, available on the dedicated internet site170. These forms may be updated during
implementation of the framework contract, so users must ensure they use the most up-to-date
versions. Users of the framework contract should be aware that there are two distinct procedures
that must be used under the framework contract; one for contracts under EUR 300 000 and one for
contracts of EUR 300 000 or above and less than EUR 1 000 000, the first being a simpler and shorter
a) Consultation
A request for services must be sent to three or four171 framework contractors within the
same lot. Providing that at least one offer satisfies the admissibility, quality and financial
criteria, the project manager can award the contract on this basis.
If, however, there is no qualitatively and/or financially satisfactory tender received, the
relevant authorising officer may simply cancel the consultation, or cancel and either:
Three for a budget under EUR 300 000, and four for a budget equal to or above EUR 300 000.
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The consultation must comply with the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal
treatment, non-discrimination and of sound competition and with the terms of the
framework contract.
Offers should be submitted via OPSYS. For those cases where CRIS is still used, offers
should be submitted by e-mail to a functional mailbox specified in the request, which is
accessible only to those persons authorised by the authorising officer. If the offer is sent
to another address, the offer may be rejected. The specific ToR (terms of reference) for
the proposed specific contract are attached to the request in order to give the
framework contractors all the information they need to submit an offer. Their quality, in
particular their clarity, is critical for the quality of the offer and the success of the
assignment. The contractual deadline for submission of offers is minimum 14 calendar
days for requests < EUR 300 000, and a minimum of 30 calendar days for requests with a
maximum budget >= EUR 300 000, from the date of dispatch of the request. It is always
possible to allow a longer period of submission of offers. The framework contractors can
ask for clarifications. The answers are sent simultaneously to all the framework
contractors consulted. If amendments made during the consultation period may have an
impact on the selection of the experts, the date for submission of offers must be
extended accordingly.
b) Evaluation of offers
Offers are valid for 14 calendar days after the deadline for submission
Offers are valid for 30 calendar days after the deadline for submission
An evaluation committee will be formally appointed by the contracting authority. See Section
For all requests for services:
- the offer complies with the eligibility rules of the external financing instrument which
finances the specific contract; (see Section 2.3.)
- the fee rates, including those in the budget breakdown of a global price specific contract
do not exceed the contractual maxima;
Using 80/20 ratio between technical quality and price, see above at
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For the evaluation of the technical quality, the specific contract’s contracting authority will
define the detailed criteria and their respective weights in the evaluation grid attached to the
request for services.
Unless clearly stated to the contrary in the request for services, if one of the experts does not
comply with any minimum requirement set out in the tender specifications, his/her score will
be 0 and the whole offer must be rejected. Therefore, it is recommended to pay careful
attention to minimum requirements and to the use of terms that imply a minimum
requirement (e.g. ‘experience in at least three developing countries’, ‘minimum C1 level of
English’, etc.)
Unless otherwise indicated in the evaluation grid, any offer falling short of the technical
threshold of 75 out of 100 points, is automatically rejected. Out of the offers reaching the 75-
point evaluation threshold, the best technical offer is given 100 technical points (using the
automatic formula in the IT system, equivalent to the one explained in Section
For the financial evaluation of a fee-based specific contract, the provision for incidental
expenditure and the provision for expenditure verification will not be taken into account in
comparison of the financial offers. For the financial evaluation of a global price based specific
contract the total price will be taken into account in the comparison of the financial offers.
The offer with the lowest total price (taking above into consideration) receives 100 financial
score (using the automatic formula in the IT system, equivalent to the one explained in
For the final score of the offer, the best price-quality ratio is established by weighing
technical quality against price (using the automatic formula in the IT system, equivalent to
the one explained in Section
If no offer is selected, the project manager may, after analysing the specific terms of
reference, change and relaunch the request with the same framework contractors.
Within 14 days or 30 days of the deadline for receipt of offers, all the framework contractors
who submitted offers must be notified of the results of the evaluation and the award
decision. The notification is also obligatory when a new request for services is sent to the
same framework contractors (relaunch). The contracting authority can sign the contract as
soon as notification has taken place. There is no standstill period between notification and
The specific contract comprises the assignment letter, the specific terms of reference, any
methodology used, and the financial offer.
For specific contracts managed in OPSYS, the framework contractor signs first and the
contracting authority for the specific contract signs last. For specific contracts managed in
CRIS, the contracting authority for the specific contract signs first and the framework
contractor signs last.
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The performance assessment form for the framework contractor must be filled in after the end
of the assignment. This assessment covers the standard to which the framework contractor has
executed the contract and must be sent to the latter for comments.
Note that the simplified procedure requires more time than the procedure to start an assignment
under the framework contract.
In order to start the simplified procedure, the contracting authority creates a procedure in
CRIS/PPMT and gets a reference number.
The contracting authority draws up a list of at least three service providers and justifies its choice.
The candidates are sent a letter of invitation to tender accompanied by a tender dossier. The specific
annexes for simplified tenders must be used (administrative compliance grid, contract, contract
notice, invitation letter, instructions to tenderers and tender form) for this procedure. For any other
document of the tender dossier the regular service annexes must be used. The contract notice is not
published, but it is included in the tender dossier as it contains important information for those
service providers that are invited to tender, notably the selection criteria. Tenders must be sent or
hand delivered to the contracting authority at the address and by no later than the date and time
shown in the invitation to tender. The chosen candidates must be allowed at least 30 days from the
dispatch of the letter of invitation to tender to submit their tenders. Tenders must be opened and
evaluated by an evaluation committee with the necessary technical and administrative expertise,
appointed by the contracting authority.
Tenderers for the simplified procedure may also be chosen from a list of vendors. The list must be
drawn up following a call for expression of interest and must be valid for no more than 4 years from
the date of advertisement. A legal framework for this procedure will be developed for future use.
If, having consulted the tenderers, the contracting authority receives only one tender that is
administratively and technically valid, the contract may be awarded provided that the award criteria
are met.
In the event of a failure of the simplified procedure the contract may be concluded by negotiated
procedure (see Section The procedure for evaluating the tenders and awarding the contract
is the same as under the restricted procedure (see Sections 3.4.9. to
As an exception the contracting authorities may use the simplified procedure for legal services
according to the common procurement vocabulary (CPV) nomenclature174, regardless of the
estimated value of the contract175.
Annex I to the FR, point 38(1)(d) and 38(2)(c), new terminology: ‘simplified procedure’ instead of ‘competitive
negotiated procedure’.
Some legal services may be awarded following a negotiated procedure, see Section
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Any justified modification that involves a change in the total value of the contract must be made by
means of an addendum.
The purchase of services which consist in the repetition of similar services as those foreseen in the
original contract is regarded as a negotiated procedure (see Section under e)), unless the
value of the purchase of similar services is within the limits of the ‘double de minimis rule’ (see
Section 2.11.1. under (c) or in case of unforeseen circumstances that a diligent contracting authority
could not foresee (see Section 2.11.1. under (b)).
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Chapter 4. Supply contracts
4. Supply contracts
4.1. Introduction
Supply contracts cover the purchase, leasing, rental or hire purchase (with or without option to buy)
of products. For mixed contracts, see Section 2.5.1.
All supply contracts above this threshold must be the subject of an international open tender
procedure following publication of a contract notice and additional information about the contract
notice (see Section 4.3.)176.
4.2.2. Contracts of more than EUR 100 000 and less than EUR 300 000
These supply contracts may be awarded through a local open procedure177.
Point 38(2)(a)(i) of Annex I to the Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1046/2018 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 30 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (OJ L 193,
30.7.2018, p.1) (FR).
Annex I to the FR, point 38(2)(b)(i).
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necessary in order to ensure an adequate level of competition on the Official Journal of the European
Union, F&T portal. For details, see Section 4.4.
Annex I to the FR, point 38(2)(c)(ii).
Annex I to the FR, point 38(2)(d).
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Supply contracts may be awarded by negotiated procedure on the basis of one or several tenders in
the following cases180:
A tender must be considered unsuitable where it does not relate to the subject matter of the
contract and a request to participate must be considered unsuitable where the economic
operator is in an exclusion situation or does not meet the selection criteria181.
b) Where the supplies can only be provided by a single economic operator and for any of the
following reasons:
(i) the aim of the procurement is the creation or acquisition of a unique work of art or artistic
(ii) competition is absent for technical reasons;
(iii) the protection of exclusive rights including intellectual property rights must be ensured.
The exceptions set out in points (ii) and (iii) must only apply when no reasonable alternative or
substitute exists and the absence of competition is not the result of an artificial narrowing down
of the parameters when defining the procurement182.
c) In so far as is strictly necessary where, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by
unforeseeable events, it is impossible to comply with the applicable time limits and where the
justification of such extreme urgency is not attributable to the contracting authority.
Operations carried out in crisis situations must be considered to satisfy the test of extreme
urgency. The authorising officer by delegation, where appropriate in concertation with the other
authorising officers by delegation concerned, must establish that a situation of extreme urgency
exists and must review his decision regularly with regard to the principle of sound financial
d) For additional deliveries that are intended either as a partial replacement of supplies or
installations or as the extension of existing supplies or installations, where a change of supplier
would oblige the contracting authority to acquire supplies having different technical
characteristics that would result in incompatibility or disproportionate technical difficulties in
operation or maintenance.
e) Where the products are manufactured purely for the purpose of research, experimentation, study
or development; however such contracts must not include quantity production to establish
Annex I to the FR, points 11(1) and 39(1).
Annex I to the FR, point 11(2).
Annex I to the FR, point 11(3).
Annex I to the FR, point 39(2).‘Emergency assistance’ is another case specific to the EDF and distinct from the
‘extreme urgency’ referred to here, in which the negotiated procedure may be used for actions that are not governed
by Article 19c of Annex IV to the 2000/483/EC Partnership agreement between the members of the African,
Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of
the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (Cotonou Agreement) (OJ L 317, 15.12.2000, p. 3 ). Emergency
assistance is linked to the application of Articles 72 and/or 73 of the Cotonou Agreement. See also Article 79(5)
of Council Decision 2013/755/EU of 25 November 2013 on the association of the overseas countries and territories
with the European Union (‘Overseas Association Decision’).
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For each individual contract, a simplified contract notice is published giving tenderers that have
not yet been admitted to the system the possibility of submitting an indicative tender within 15
days. The contracting authority then invites the tenderers admitted to the system to submit a
tender within a reasonable time limit. The contract will be awarded to the tender offering the best
price-quality ratio on the basis of the award criteria specified in the contract notice for the
establishment of the dynamic purchasing system.
The contracting authority may not resort to this system to prevent, restrict or distort competition.
The legal framework of this procedure is defined for future use, but the IT tools (confidentiality,
security) to make it possible are not yet available in the European Commission.
OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 33.
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Chapter 4. Supply contracts
4.3.1. Publicity
In order to ensure the widest possible participation in competitive tendering and the requisite
transparency, a contract notice and additional information about the contract notice must be
published for every open tender procedure according to the guidelines for publication (Annex A11e).
The purpose of the prior information notice is to provide greater publicity for calls for tenders and
more preparation time for tenderers. Encoding and processing a prior information notices requires
time and human resources. If due to time constraints a prior information notice can only be
published shortly before the contract notice (e.g. 30 days), an alternative option would be not to
publish a prior information notice and to provide tenderers with a longer submission deadline in the
contract notice. Publishing the contract notice earlier would provide economic operators with more
time to submit a good quality offer. Prior information notices on the other hand have an added value
when there is a sufficient period between its publication and the planned publication of the Contract
The prior information notices are published in the Official Journal of the European Union, on F&T
portal185 and in any other appropriate media according to the guidelines for publication (Annex
See: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home
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The contracting authority drafts the contract notice in PPMT, in case of direct management (also
Annex A5f is needed) and in indirect management using the appropriate templates (both Annexes
A5e and A5f are needed) and send it in due time in electronic form to the EU delegation for
If necessary, the contracting authority must arrange simultaneous local publication and publication in
any other appropriate media directly.
The contract notice must provide would-be suppliers with the information they need to determine
their capacity to fulfil the contract in question. No estimated value or available budget is to be
indicated in the contract notice. Instead, the contracting authority will provide an estimation of the
volume of the purchase (e.g. number of supply items) as short description in the contract notice, in
order to give the necessary elements allowing the economic operators to prepare and submit offers.
If the contract notice and additional information about the contract notice are also published locally,
it must be identical to the ones published on the Official Journal of the European Union, F&T portal
and issued at the same time.
The tender dossier for the contract in question is published on the TED e-Tendering and F&T portal.
If the contracting authority, either on its own initiative or in response to the request of a tenderer,
amends information in the contract notice or in the additional information about the contract notice,
it must submit a corrigendum stating the changes made. The corrigendum to the contract notice will
be encoded directly in eNotices for direct management. In indirect management the appropriate
template (Annex A5b) shall be used and forwarded to the relevant EU delegation for publication,
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always complying with the deadlines set up in the publication guidelines (see Annex A11e). However,
a corrigendum to the additional information about the contract notice might also be published in
eTendering, if necessary.
The corrigendum may extend the deadline to allow candidates to take the changes into account.
The corrigendum must be published not later than 8 days before the original submission deadline. Be
aware that the corrigendum has to be sent to the relevant service not later than 5 days before the
expected date for its publication.
Tender documents must contain all the provisions and information that tenderers need to submit
their tenders: the procedures to follow, the documents to provide, cases of non-compliance, award
criteria, etc. When the contracting authority is the European Commission, it may be desirable to
involve representatives of the final beneficiaries in preparing the tender at an early stage. See
Section 2.8. for guidelines on drafting technical specifications.
Technical specifications must afford equal access for candidates and tenderers and not have the
effect of creating unjustified obstacles to competitive tendering. They specify what is required of a
product, service or material or work to achieve the purpose for which they are intended.
d) for purchases intended for use by natural persons, wherever possible, the accessibility
criteria for people with disabilities or the design for all users
g) safety or dimensions, including the sales name and user instructions, terminology, symbols,
testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling, production processes and
The contracting authority is responsible for drawing up these documents. The tender documents will
be shared via TED e-Tendering.
Given the technical complexity of many supply contracts, the preparation of the tender dossier —
particularly the technical specifications — may require the assistance of one or more external
technical specialists. Each such specialist must sign a declaration of objectivity and confidentiality
(see Annex A3).
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Chapter 4. Supply contracts
As with terms of reference for service contracts, particular attention must be paid to drafting the
technical specifications. They are the key to successful procurement, a sound supply contract and a
successful project.
The technical specifications state — where applicable, lot by lot — the exact nature and performance
characteristics of the supplies. Where applicable, they also specify conditions for delivery and
installation, training and after-sales service.
It is essential that the performance characteristics suit the intended purpose. If there needs to be an
information meeting or site visit to clarify technical requirements where the supplies are to be
installed, this should be specified in the instructions to tenderers, together with details of the
The purpose of the technical specifications is to define the required supplies precisely. The minimum
quality standards, defined by the technical specifications, will enable the evaluation committee to
determine which tenders are technically compliant.
Unless warranted by the nature of the contract, technical specifications referring to or describing
products of a given brand or origin and thereby favouring or excluding certain products are
prohibited. However, where products cannot be described in a sufficiently clear or intelligible
manner, they may be named as long as they are followed by the words ‘or equivalent’.
The tender dossier must be agreed upon by the European Commission prior to issue. The standard
practice is to also consult and obtain the agreement of the partner country and, where
appropriate, of other parties involved.
The contracting authority must submit the tender dossier to the delegation of the European Union
for authorization prior to issue.
A. Instructions to tenderers
B. Draft contract, special conditions and annexes (including technical specifications)
C. Further information
D. Tender form for a supply contract
The tender dossier must clearly state whether a firm, non-revisable price must be quoted. The prices
should normally be fixed and not subject to revision, but in specific cases a price revision clause
might be justified. If that is the case, the tender dossier must lay down the conditions and/or
formulas for revision of prices during the lifetime of the contract (Article 26(9) of the special
conditions). In such cases the contracting authority must take particular account of:
a) the object of the procurement procedure and the economic situation in which it is taking
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A tender guarantee assures the contracting authority that submitted tenders will not be withdrawn.
If the contracting authority deems a tender guarantee to be appropriate and proportionate, it may
request it, representing 1% to 2% of the overall value of the contract. The contracting authority must
return the tender guarantee as foreseen in Sections and 4.3.10. and release it for all
tenderers when the contract is signed.
The contracting authority must call in the tender guarantee if the tender is withdrawn before
contract signature.
According to the applicable rules, guarantees (pre-financing and/or performance guarantee) could be
required or not. If so, this must be mentioned in the tender dossier.
They relate to the tenderer’s capacity to execute the contract. The selection procedure involves:
1. Eliminating tenderers who are ineligible in view of their nationality (see Section 2.3.1.), are
subject to European Union restrictive measures (see Section 2.4.), or fall into one of the
situations described in Sections (exclusion from participation in procurement
procedures) and (rejection from a given procedure); checking that the tenderers’
financial situation (financial and economic capacity) is sound, as backed up, for example, by
balance sheets and turnover for the previous 3 years (see Section if specifically
required in the tender dossier.
2. Verifying the tenderers’ technical and professional capacity, for example by looking at their
average annual staffing levels, the size and professional experience of their management and
the main supplies delivered in the field in question in recent years (see Section
The selection criteria specified in the annexes to this practical guide are given by way of illustration
and need to be adapted to the nature, cost and complexity of the contract. They must be in a yes/no
format to allow a clear assessment of whether or not the offer meets them.
If, for some exceptional reason that the contracting authority considers justified, the tenderer is
unable to provide the references required by the contracting authority, it may prove its economic
and financial capacity by any other means that the contracting authority considers appropriate.
Where the supplies are complex or, exceptionally, are required for a special purpose, evidence of
technical and professional capacity may be secured by means of a check carried out by the
contracting authority or on its behalf by a competent official body of the country in which the
tenderer is established, subject to that body’s agreement. Such checks will cover the tenderer’s
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technical capacity and production capacity and, if necessary, its study and research facilities and
quality control measures.
Only successful tenderers must supply supporting documents for the selection criteria before the
award of the contract (optional for contracts below EUR 300 000, see Section 2.6.11.).
3. Technical evaluation
The technical evaluation will be based on the evaluation grid published in the tender dossier, that
must not be changed in any way during the evaluation process. Given the wide variety of supplies
and their technical nature, the technical requirements must be tailored to each tender in a yes/no
format to allow a clear assessment of whether or not the offer meets the technical specifications set
out in the tender dossier.
The award criterion applied to technically compliant tenders is the lowest price or, in exceptional
cases mentioned in Section, the best price-quality ratio.
If the selected tender exceeds the maximum budget available for the contract, Section
If the selected tender exceeds the maximum budget available for the contract, Section
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Tenderers may submit questions via TED e-Tendering platform no later than 21 days before the
deadline for submission of tenders. The contracting authority must reply to all tenderers’ questions
in TED e-Tendering no later than 8 days before the deadline for receipt of tenders. In case of indirect
management with ex ante controls, the European Commission transmits the questions to the partner
country. The partner country then submits the clarifications to the European Commission for ex ante
approval and publication in TED e-Tendering.
Clarifications and any minor changes to the tender dossier must also be done in TED e-Tendering. No
prior opinion on the assessment of the tender can be given by the contracting authority in reply to a
question or a request for clarification.
If the questions result in an amendment to the contract notice, a corrigendum must be published, as
explained in Section The corrigendum must be published before the submission deadline in
TED e-Tendering. The deadline for the submission of tenders may be extended to allow tenderers to
take account of the changes.
If the technical content of the tender is complex, the contracting authority may hold an information
meeting and/or site visit. This meeting must be announced in the tender dossier and must take place
at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The contracting authority must state
in the tender dossier if attendance at this meeting or site visit is strongly advised or compulsory. All
costs of attending the meeting must be met by the tenderers. Individual visits by companies during
the tender period cannot be organised by the contracting authority for reasons of transparency and
equal treatment of the tenderers. Although they are not compulsory, these information meetings are
encouraged since they have proven to be an efficient way to clarify many questions related to the
tender dossier. Any presentation/documentation to be delivered in the information session, as well
as the outcome and the minutes, must also be uploaded on TED e-Tendering.
The deadline for submission must be long enough to guarantee the quality of tenders and so permit
truly competitive tendering.
Experience shows that too short a period prevents candidates from tendering or causes them to
submit incomplete or ill-prepared tenders. The deadline for submissions must fall on a working day in
the country of the contracting authority. It is advised to organise the tender-opening session one
week after the deadline for submission to allow tenders submitted on the last day, in paper
submission, and tenders guarantees, if applicable, to arrive at the contracting authority premises.
The minimum period between the date of publication of the contract notice and the deadline for
submitting tenders is 60 days. However, in exceptional cases, a shorter deadline may be allowed in
compliance with internal procedures.
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In eSubmission and only for direct management procedures, there are two types of committees:
opening and evaluation committee. It is recommended that for each lot, the composition of both
committees is the same. The opening and evaluation committees must be appointed in PPMT before
the start of the opening session and the evaluation of tenders.
On receiving tenders, the contracting authority must register them, stating the date and time of
submission. It must provide a receipt for tenders delivered by hand or submitted electronically.
For paper submission (indirect management), the envelopes containing the tenders must remain
sealed and be kept in a safe place until they are opened. The outer envelopes of tenders must be
numbered in order of receipt (whether or not they are received before the deadline for submission
of tenders).
For detailed instructions on how to submit a tender please consult the eSubmission Quick Guide available at:
The supported browsers, file types, size of attachments and other system requirements can be consulted at:
https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/x/Oo5kI. In case of technical problems, please contact the eSubmission Helpdesk
(see contact details in the eSubmission Quick Guide) as soon as possible.
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Chapter 4. Supply contracts
The tender opening session is a formal, public process. The evaluation committee opens the tenders
in public at the place and time set in the tender dossier. Although it is public, participation in the
tender opening session is restricted to representatives of the companies that are tendering for the
See the tender opening checklist in Annex C5 for the detailed formalities to be carried out by the
chairperson with the assistance of the secretary.
The opening committee appointed by the European Commission through PPMT, must carry out
the tender opening session.
The European Commission must be informed of the tender opening session. It may be represented
as an observer at the tender opening session and receive a copy of each tender.
The chairperson must check that no member of the evaluation committee has a potential conflict of
interest with any of the tenderers (on the basis of the tenders received, consortium members and
any identified subcontractor). See Sections 2.9.2. and 2.9.3.
The evaluation committee must decide whether or not tenders comply with the formal
For electronic submission (direct management), several automatic validation checks take place to
ensure that the tenders comply with the deadline and that they were received in the same state as
they were submitted, i.e. that their integrity and confidentiality have been preserved. When all
tenders for all lots are verified and marked as “In Order” /“Not in Order”, the Record of Opening can
be generated. After closing the opening session, the evaluation committee members, nominated
through PPMT, can access the tenders that are “In Order”.
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For paper submission (indirect management), the summary of tenders received, which is attached to
the tender opening record (see Annex C6) must be used to record whether each of the tenders
complies with the formal submission requirements.
The minutes of this meeting are included in the tender opening record and the tender opening
record must be made available to the tenderers on request.
Any tender guarantee must be returned to the tenderers that do not comply with the formal
submission requirements. This implies that tenders that have been submitted, in paper submission,
after the submission deadline must also be opened (after the opening session) so that the
guarantees can be returned.
During the technical evaluation, the evaluation committee analyses whether the tenders satisfy the
requirements set in the tender dossier. This includes any service components included in the
technical specifications. The results are recorded in a yes/no grid for all the items specified in the
tender dossier. No scoring method should be used. If the tender is divided into lots, the evaluation
should be carried out lot by lot.
With the agreement of the majority of the evaluation committee voting members, the chairperson
may write to tenderers whose submissions require clarification, asking them to reply within a
reasonable deadline set by the evaluation committee.
Before conducting a detailed evaluation of the tenders, the contracting authority checks that they
comply with the essential requirements of the tender dossier (i.e. the administrative compliance
A tender is deemed to comply if it satisfies all the conditions, procedures and specifications in the
tender dossier without substantially departing from or attaching restrictions to them. Substantial
departures or restrictions are those that affect the scope, quality or performance of the contract,
differ widely from the terms of the tender dossier, limit the rights of the contracting authority or the
tenderer’s obligations under the contract or distort competition for tenderers whose tenders do
Each offer is examined for compliance with the tender dossier, in particular that:
The administrative compliance of each of the tenders must be recorded in the evaluation report (see
Annex C7).
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Chapter 4. Supply contracts
The detailed technical evaluation of the tenders takes place after the administrative compliance
The criteria to be applied are those published in the tender dossier and, accordingly, the evaluation
grid included in the tender dossier must be used. Under no circumstances may the evaluation
committee or its members change the evaluation grid communicated to the tenderers in the tender
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess whether or not the competing tenders meet the selection
criteria and the minimum technical requirements.
Rule of origin (applicable only to contracts financed by a basic act under the Multiannual Financial
Framework 2014-2020 (contracts/lots above EUR 100 000 under CIR and irrespective of the value for
other instruments) and to contracts financed by the INSC Regulation 2021/948 of 27 May 2021
under the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027): all tenders must fulfil the requirements
listed in Sections 2.3.5. and 2.3.8. In case of any doubt as to the origin of goods, additional
information must be requested. Should doubts persist, the advice of the European Commission
should be sought (if it is not the contracting authority).
The tenderer will be required to provide proof of origin in the form of a certificate of origin or other
official documentation as prima facie evidence, before the contract is signed if possible. It is the
responsibility of the tenderer to verify that the provided information is correct.
To establish origin, one must determine where the product in question has been obtained or
Tenders that clearly fail to satisfy the rule of origin must be rejected.
Important: For contracts financed by a basic act under the new Multiannual Financial Framework
2021-2027, with the exception of the INSC Regulation 2021/948 of the 27 May 2021, all supplies
and material may originate in any country and no declaration of origin is required.
Nationality of subcontractors: the evaluation committee must check at this stage that the
nationalities of any subcontractors identified in the technical offers comply with the nationality rule
explained in Section 2.3.1.
Having evaluated the tenders, the evaluation committee must then rule on the technical compliance
of each tender, classifying it as technically compliant or not technically compliant. Where contracts
include after-sales service and/or training, the technical quality of such services is also assessed in
accordance with the published criteria.
If the tender procedure contains several lots, financial offers are compared for each lot. The financial
evaluation must pick out the best financial offer for each lot, taking into consideration any discounts
granted by the tenderers.
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Company A offers a discount of 20% if awarded lots 1 and 3, company B offers a discount of 10% if
awarded all three lots, company C offers no discount.
Combination 1: 72 + 40 + 48 = 160
Combination 2: 72 + 36 + 63 = 171
Combination 3: 70 + 50 + 55, but since there is a cheaper price offered for lot 2, the sum becomes:
70 + 40 + 55 = 165
The contracting authority must choose combination 1, awarding contracts for lots 1 and 3 to
company A and lot 2 to company B for the initial price offered.
If the chosen tender exceeds the maximum budget available for the contract, Section
Contracting authorities can reject tenders that appear to be abnormally low in relation to the goods,
The concerned tenderer must be asked, in writing, to provide details of the constituent elements of
its tender, notably those relating to compliance with employment protection legislation and working
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conditions in the location of the contract, such as the economics of the products, the manufacturing
process, the technical solutions chosen or any exceptionally favourable condition available to the
tenderer, the originality of the tender.
In view of the evidence provided by the tenderer, the contracting authority decides on whether to
reject the tender or not.
Both that decision and its justification must be recorded in the evaluation report.
Applicable only to contracts financed by a basic act under the multiannual financial framework
for the years 2014-2020:
- allows for the best possible use of the physical and human resources of the ACP States;
- offers the greatest subcontracting opportunities for ACP companies, firms or natural persons;
- is a consortium of natural persons, companies and firms from ACP States and the European
As a result of its deliberations, the evaluation committee may make any of the following
At the latest during the evaluation procedure and before taking the award decision, the contracting
authority ensures that there is no record of the successful tenderer, including consortium members,
subcontractors or capacity providing entities, if any, in exclusion situation in the EDES nor in the lists
of EU restrictive measures (see sections and 2.4.).
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Chapter 4. Supply contracts
During the evaluation procedure and before taking the award decision, the evaluation committee will
request the original187 Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria and copies of
documentary evidence for exclusion and selection criteria from the potential successful tenderer. If
upon verification, the evaluation committee considers the submitted evidence not admissible, it will
request the same evidence from the second best ranked tenderer.
The entire procedure (technical and financial evaluation) is recorded in an evaluation report (see
template in Annex C7) to be signed by the chairperson, the secretary and all evaluators. This
evaluation report must be submitted to the European Commission, which must decide whether
or not to accept its recommendations.
The entire procedure (technical and financial evaluation) is recorded in an evaluation report (see
template in Annex C7) to be signed by the chairperson, the secretary and all evaluators. This
evaluation report must be submitted to the contracting authority, which must decide whether or
not to accept its recommendations. The contracting authority must then submit the evaluation
report together with its proposed decision to the European Commission. If there is an award
proposal and the European Commission has not already received a copy of the tenders, these
must be submitted.
If the European Commission does not accept the proposed decision, it must write to the
contracting authority stating the reasons for its decision. The European Commission may also
suggest how the contracting authority should proceed and give the conditions under which the
European Commission may endorse a proposed contract on the basis of the tender procedure.
If the European Commission accepts the proposed decision, the contracting authority will either
commence awarding the contract (see Section 4.3.11.) or cancel the tender, as decided.
The report is drawn up. The contracting authority will then take its decision. The entire evaluation
procedure, including the notification to the successful tenderer, must be completed while the
tenders are still valid. It is important to bear in mind that the successful tenderer might be unable to
maintain its tender if the evaluation procedure takes too long.
Subject to the contracting authority’s legislation on access to documents, the entire tender
procedure is confidential from the end of the tender opening session until both parties have signed
the contract. The evaluation committee’s decisions are collective and its deliberations must remain
secret. The evaluation committee members and any observers are bound to secrecy. If its law
The requirement to submit an original Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria is only
applicable in case of paper submission.
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conflicts with the confidentiality required, the contracting authority must obtain prior authorisation
from the European Commission before disclosing any information.
The evaluation report is for official use only and may be divulged neither to tenderers nor to any
party outside the authorised services of the contracting authority, the European Commission and the
supervisory authorities (e.g. the Court of Auditors).
A cancellation notice must be published following the guidelines for publication (see Annex A11e).
It may happen that the procedure must be cancelled. Cancellation of the procedure can take place
up until signature of the contract (Art. 171 FR). Candidates or tenderers must always be informed as
soon as possible if it is decided, in the course of the procedure, to cancel it.
If the tender procedure is cancelled before the opening session, in case of paper submission (indirect
management), the unopened and sealed envelopes must be returned to the tenderers. Standstill clause (applicable for contracts above EUR 300 000)
See Section 2.10.1.
4.4. Local open tender for contracts between EUR 100 000 and
EUR 300 000
In this case, the contract notice is published in the local official journal of the partner country or any
equivalent local media, and where necessary in order to ensure an adequate level of competition, in
the Official Journal of the European Union, F&T portal. Publication in the local official journal or
equivalent media is the responsibility of the partner country.
As the cost of publishing the full contract notice in the local media may be high, the template in
Annex C3 gives the minimum information that must be included in a local advertisement. However,
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Chapter 4. Supply contracts
the full contract notice must be available from the address referred to in the advertisement, together
with the tender dossier.
Note that a local open tender procedure must provide other eligible contractors with the same
opportunities as local companies. No conditions seeking to restrict the participation of other eligible
contractors are allowed (e.g. obliging such companies to be registered in the partner country or to
have won contracts there in the past).
In this procedure, there must be a minimum of 30 days between the date of publication of the
contract notice in the local press and the deadline for submission of tenders. However, in exceptional
cases, a shorter deadline may be allowed in compliance with internal procedures.
The measures applicable to an international open procedure, as described in Section 4.3., apply by
analogy to the local open procedure.
Paper submission instructions in tender documents should be followed in local procedures both in
direct and indirect management.
Applicable only to contracts financed by a basic act under the multiannual financial framework
for the years 2014-2020:
Tenderers from the ACP States, either individually or in a consortium with European partners,
must be accorded a 15% price preference during the financial evaluation.
Moreover, where two tenders are acknowledged to be equivalent, preference is given:
- allows for the best possible use of the physical and human resources of the ACP States;
- offers the greatest subcontracting opportunities for ACP companies, firms or natural persons;
- is a consortium of natural persons, companies and firms from ACP States and the European
See also Section 2.6.9.
See, points 38(1)(d) and 38(2)(c) (‘simplified procedure’ instead of ‘competitive negotiated procedure’) of
Annex I to the FR.
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Chapter 4. Supply contracts
accompanied by a tender dossier. The contract notice (annex c2) is not published, but it is included in
the tender dossier as it contains important information for those companies that are invited to
Tenders must be sent to the contracting authority at the address and by no later than the date and
time referred to in the invitation to tender. The chosen candidates must be allowed at least 30 days
from the dispatch of the letter of invitation to tender. Experience shows that too short a period
prevents candidates from tendering or causes them to submit incomplete or ill-prepared tenders.
The deadline for submissions must fall on a working day in the country of the contracting authority.
The tenders are opened and evaluated by an evaluation committee with the necessary technical and
administrative expertise, appointed by the contracting authority. It is advised to organise the tender-
opening session one week after the deadline for submission to allow tenders sent on the last day to
arrive at the contracting authority premises.
If, following consultation of the tenderers, the contracting authority receives only one tender that is
administratively and technically valid, the contract may be awarded provided that the award criteria
are met.
In the event of one failure of the simplified procedure, the contract may be awarded by negotiated
procedure (see Section The remainder of the procedure (preparing the tender dossier,
evaluating the tenders, awarding the contract, etc.) is the same as under the international open
procedure (see Sections 4.3.2. to
Leaving aside varying the quantities according to Article 22 of the general conditions (see below)
before contracting and/or during the execution of the contract, the contracting authority may not
increase the budget of the initial supply contract or agree to/arrange for the purchase of equipment
that was not covered in the initial tender and subsequent contract.
(1) For additional deliveries by the original supplier intended either as a partial replacement of
supplies or installations included in the original contract, or as an extension of existing supplies or
installations. This is only allowed where a change of supplier would oblige the contracting authority
to acquire equipment having different technical characteristics that would result in either
incompatibility or disproportionate technical difficulties in operation and maintenance. The
additional deliveries arrangement is regarded as a negotiated procedure (see Section and
an addendum or a new contract should be signed.
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Chapter 5. Works contracts
Under Article 22 of the general conditions, the contracting authority has the power to issue an
administrative order on variations. The contractor must comply with the variation order.
5. Works contracts
5.1. Introduction
Works contracts cover either the execution, or both the execution and design, of works or a work
related to one of the activities referred to in Annex II to Directive 2014/24/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive
2004/18/EC 189 or the realisation, by whatever means, of a work corresponding to the requirements
OJ L 94, 28.3.2014, p. 65.
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Chapter 5. Works contracts
specified by the contracting authority exercising a decisive influence on the type or design of the
work. A ‘work’ means the outcome of building or civil engineering works taken as a whole that is
sufficient in itself to fulfil an economic or technical function.
Works contracts are usually concluded by the partner country with which the European Commission
has a financing agreement (under indirect management).
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5.2.2. Contracts with a value of EUR 300 000 or more but less than
EUR 5 000 000
For works less than or equal to EUR 2 500, payments may be made against invoices without prior
acceptance of a tender. However, please note that the budgetary commitment against which the
invoice is paid has to be validated before the contracting authority enters into the corresponding
‘legal commitment’. In this context, such legal commitment may take the form, inter alia, of an
agreement, a pro-forma invoice, a written acceptance of a quotation, an order form, etc.
Annex I to the Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1046/2018 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30
July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p.1) (FR),
points 38(1)(d) and 38(2)(c) for new terminology: ‘simplified procedure’ instead of ‘competitive negotiated
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Chapter 5. Works contracts
Works contracts may be awarded by negotiated procedure on the basis of one or several tenders in
the following cases191:
b) In so far as is strictly necessary where, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by
unforeseeable events, it is impossible to comply with the applicable time limits and where the
justification of such extreme urgency is not attributable to the contracting authority.
Operations carried out in crisis situations must be considered to satisfy the test of extreme
urgency. The authorising officer by delegation, where appropriate in concertation with the other
authorising officers by delegation concerned, must establish that a situation of extreme urgency
exists and must review his decision regularly with regard to the principle of sound financial
c) For new works consisting in the repetition of similar works entrusted to the economic operator to
which the same contracting authority awarded an original contract, provided that these works are
in conformity with a basic project for which the original contract was awarded after publication of
a contract notice that indicate the extent of possible new works and the conditions under which
they will be awarded (i.e. the possible use of the negotiated procedure). The total estimated
amount for these subsequent works must be taken into consideration in applying the applicable
thresholds to determine the correct procurement procedure to follow.
d) Where the tender procedure has been unsuccessful, that is to say where no qualitatively and/or
financially worthwhile tender has been received. In such cases, after cancelling the tender
procedure, the contracting authority may negotiate with one or more tenderers of its choice, from
among those that took part in the invitation to tender procedure, if they comply with the selection
criteria, provided that the original procurement documents are not substantially altered and the
principle of equal treatment is observed.
e) For contracts declared to be secret, or for contracts whose performance must be accompanied by
special security measures, in accordance with the administrative provisions in force or when the
protection of the essential interests of the Union so requires provided the essential interests
concerned cannot be guaranteed by other measures; these measures may consist of requirements
to protect the confidential nature of information that the contracting authority makes available in
Annex I to the FR, points 11 and 39.
‘Emergency assistance’ is another case specific to the EDF and distinct from the ‘extreme urgency’ referred to
here, in which the negotiated procedure may be used for actions which are not governed by Article 19c of Annex IV
to the 2000/483/EC Partnership agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of
States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou
on 23 June 2000 (Cotonou Agreement). Emergency assistance is linked to the application of Articles 72 and/or 73
of the Cotonou Agreement. See also Article 79(5) of Council Decision 2013/755/EU of 25 November 2013 on the
association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Union ( ‘Overseas Association Decision’)
(OJ L 344, 19.12.2013, p. 1).
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h) Where a new contract has to be concluded after early termination of an existing contract.
i) Where the works can only be provided by a single economic operator by a single economic
operator and for any of the following reasons:
(i) the aim of the procurement is the creation or acquisition of a unique work of art or artistic
(ii) competition is absent for technical reasons;
(iii) the protection of exclusive rights including intellectual property rights must be ensured.
The exceptions set out in points (ii) and (iii) must only apply when no reasonable alternative or
substitute exists and the absence of competition is not the result of an artificial narrowing down of
the parameters when defining the procurement.
The contracting authority must prepare a negotiation report (see template in Annex A10) justifying
the manner in which the negotiations were conducted and the basis for the contract award decision
resulting from these negotiations. The procedures set out in Section and Section
must be followed by analogy, and the negotiation report included in the contract dossier.
5.3.1. Publicity
To ensure the widest possible participation in competitive tendering and the requisite transparency,
a contract notice and additional information about the contract notice must be published for every
open tender procedure, according to the guidelines on publication (see Annex A11e).
‘Electronic communications network’ means transmission systems and, where applicable, switching or routing
equipment and other resources which permit the conveyance of signals by wire, by radio, by optical or by other
electromagnetic means, including satellite networks, fixed (circuit and packet-switched, including Internet) and
mobile terrestrial networks, electricity cable systems, to the extent that they are used for the purpose of transmitting
signals, networks used for radio and television broadcasting, and cable television networks, irrespective of the type
of information conveyed.
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The purpose of the prior information notice is to provide greater publicity for calls for tenders and
more preparation time for tenderers. Encoding and processing a prior information notices requires
time and human resources. If due to time constraints a prior information notice can only be
published shortly before the contract notice (e.g. 30 days), an alternative option would be not to
publish a prior information notice and to provide tenderers with a longer submission deadline in the
contract notice. Publishing the contract notice earlier would provide economic operators with more
time to submit a good quality offer. Prior information notices on the other hand have an added value
when there is a sufficient period between its publication and the planned publication of the Contract
The prior information notices must give a brief indication of the subject and content of the tenders.
Prior information notices are sent as soon as possible after the decision approving the programme
for works contracts. Publishing a prior information notice does not bind the contracting authority to
finance the contracts proposed and prospective contractors are not expected to submit tenders at
this stage. Prior information notices are published in the Official Journal of the European Union, on
the F&T portal and in any other appropriate media.
Prior information notices are to be submitted for publication via PPMT at least 5 days before the
intended date of publication.
Prior information notices are to be submitted for publication to the relevant EU delegation in
electronic form using the template in Annex A5d at least 15 days before the intended date of
Contract notices and additional information about the contract notices must be submitted for
publication directly in PPMT in case of direct management (also Annex A5f is needed) and in case
of indirect management (both Annexes A5e and A5f are needed) to the relevant EU delegation in
electronic form and according to the guidelines for publication (A11e).
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In addition, the finalised tender dossier (see Section 5.3.2.) must be submitted to the European
Commission either at the same time or in advance to demonstrate that the proposed contract
notice/additional information about the contract notice correspond to the objectives of the
The contract notice must state clearly, precisely and completely the subject of the contract and the
contracting authority. No estimated value or available budget is to be indicated in the contract
notice. Instead, the contracting authority will provide an estimation of the volume of the purchase as
short description of the contract notice, in order to give the necessary elements allowing the
economic operators to prepare and submit offers. If the contract notice and additional information
about the contract notice are also published locally, it must be identical to the ones published on the
Official Journal of the European Union, F&T portal and appear at the same time.
If the contracting authority, either on its own initiative or in response to the request of a tenderer,
amends information in the contract notice or additional information about the contract notice, it
must submit a corrigendum stating the changes made. The corrigendum to the contract notice will
be encoded directly in eNotices for direct management. In indirect management the appropriate
template (Annex A5b) shall be used and forwarded to the relevant EU delegation for publication,
always complying with the deadlines set up in the publication guidelines (see Annex A11e). However,
a corrigendum to the additional information about the contract notice might also be published in
eTendering, if necessary.
The corrigendum may extend the deadline to allow candidates to take the changes into account.
The corrigendum must be published not later than 8 days before the original submission deadline. Be
aware that the corrigendum has to be sent to the relevant service not later than 5 days before the
expected date for its publication.
Tender documents must contain all the provisions and information that tenderers need to submit
their tenders: the procedures to follow, the documents to provide, cases of non-compliance, award
criteria, etc. When the contracting authority is the European Commission, it may be appropriate for
representatives of the final beneficiaries to participate in preparing the tender dossier at an early
stage. See Section 2.8. for guidelines on drafting technical specifications.
Technical specifications must afford equal access for candidates and tenderers and not have the
effect of creating unjustified obstacles to competitive tendering. They specify what is required of a
product, service or material or work to achieve the purpose for which they are intended.
a) quality levels;
b) environmental performance and climate performance;
c) for purchases intended for use by natural persons, accessibility criteria for people with
disabilities or design for all users, except in duly justified cases;
d) the levels and procedures of conformity assessment;
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The contracting authority is responsible for drawing up these documents. The tender documents will
be shared via TED e-Tendering.
Given the technical complexity of many works contracts, preparation of the tender dossier —
particularly the technical specifications — may require the assistance of one or more external
technical specialists. Each such specialist must sign a declaration of objectivity and confidentiality
(see Annex A3).
As with the terms of reference for service contracts, particular care must be taken when drafting the
technical specifications. They are the key to successful procurement, a sound works contract and a
successful project.
Technical specifications state — where applicable and lot by lot — the exact nature and performance
characteristics of the works. Where applicable, they also specify conditions for delivery and
installation, training and after-sales service.
It is essential that the performance characteristics suit the intended purpose. If there needs to be an
information meeting or a site visit to clarify technical requirements at the site where the works are to
be carried out, this should be specified in the instructions to tenderers, together with details of the
The purpose of the technical specifications is to define the required works precisely. The minimum
quality standards, defined by the technical specifications, will enable the evaluation committee to
determine which tenders are technically compliant.
Unless warranted by the nature of the contract, technical specifications referring to or describing
products of a given brand or origin and thereby favouring or excluding certain products are
prohibited. However, where products cannot be described in a sufficiently clear or intelligible
manner, they may be named as long as they are followed by the words ‘or equivalent’.
The tender dossier must be agreed upon by the relevant services of the European Commission.
The standard practice is to also consult and obtain the agreement of the partner country, and
where appropriate of other parties involved, on the tender dossier.
The contracting authority must submit the tender dossier to the delegation of the European Union
for authorisation prior to issue.
No prior authorisation of the tender dossier by the European Commission is required.
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The tender dossier must clearly state whether a firm, non-revisable price must be quoted. A price
revision clause might be justified and works contracts are commonly subject to price revision. If that
is the case, it is recommended that a price revision formula, following the models given in Article 48
of the special conditions, be included. When taking a decision on price revision, the contracting
authority must consider:
a) the object of the procurement procedure and the economic situation in which it is taking place;
A tender guarantee assures the contracting authority that submitted tenders will not be withdrawn.
If the contracting authority deems a tender guarantee to be appropriate and proportionate, it may
request it, representing 1% to 2% of the overall value of the contract. The contracting authority must
return the tender guarantee as foreseen in Sections at the end and 5.3.10. and release it for
all tenderers when the contract is signed. The contracting authority must call in the tender guarantee
if the tender is withdrawn before contract signature.
- eliminating tenderers who are ineligible in view of their nationality (see Section 2.3.1.), are
subject to EU restrictive measures (see Section 2.4) or fall into one of the situations described
in Sections (exclusion from participation in procurement procedures) and (rejection from a given procedure);
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- checking that the tenderers’ financial situation (financial and economic capacity) is sound, as
backed up, for example, by balance sheets and turnover for the previous 3 years (see
Section if specifically required in the tender dossier;
- verifying the tenderers’ technical and professional capacity, for example, by looking at their
average annual staffing levels, the size and professional experience of their management,
and the main works carried out in the sector in question in recent years (see Section
The selection criteria specified in the annexes to this practical guide are given by way of illustration
and need to be adapted to the nature, cost and complexity of the contract. They must be in a yes/no
format to allow a clear assessment of whether or not the offer meets them.
If, for some exceptional reason that the contracting authority considers justified, the tenderer or
candidate is unable to provide the references required by the contracting authority, it may prove its
economic and financial capacity by any other means that the contracting authority considers
appropriate. Where the works to be implemented are complex or, exceptionally, are required for a
special purpose, evidence of technical and professional capacity may be secured by means of a check
carried out by the contracting authority or on its behalf by a competent official body of the country in
which the tenderer is established, subject to that body’s agreement. These checks will cover the
tenderer’s technical capacity and production capacity and, if necessary, its study and research
facilities and quality control measures.
3. Technical evaluation
The technical evaluation will be based on the evaluation grid published in the tender dossier, which
must not be changed in any way during the evaluation process.
As a rule, the technical requirements for the works are laid down in the design (including plans,
drawings, material-specifications, …) previously made by a service provider in
engineering/architecture that is annexed to the tender dossier and which to the very detail
determines how the works must look like. In such cases, in a yes/no format, a clear assessment can
be made of whether or not the offer meets the technical specifications set out in the tender dossier.
Only very exceptionally, subject to derogation194, the technical requirements for the works will limit
themselves to minima above for which the tenderers can propose its own solutions: only in such
cases, the offers that comply with those minimum quality levels, should be technically scored in
accordance with the technical evaluation grid (setting out the technical criteria, subcriteria and
weightings) laid down in the tender dossier.
4. Financial evaluation
As a rule, the award criterion during the financial evaluation of works offers, is the lowest price.
Subject to prior approval, the financial evaluation may take into account not only the acquisition
costs but, to the extent relevant, costs borne over the life cycle of the works (such as for instance
maintenance costs and operating costs): if so, the tender dossier must in advance indicate the data
Such derogation must no longer be required for a design and build (DB) and/or a design, build and operate
(DBO) tender dossier if and when such tender dossier templates have been added to the PRAG's annexes.
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to be provided by the tenderers and the method that will be used to determine the life-cycle costs on
the basis of those data.
Where no technical scoring is given to the offers, the most economically advantageous tender is the
technically compliant tender with the lowest price.
Where exceptionally, subject to derogation, a technical scoring is given to the offers, the most
economically advantageous tender is the technically compliant tender with the best price-quality
ratio, determined by the results of the technical and financial evaluation in accordance with the
weightings laid down in the tender dossier.
Tenderers may submit questions via TED e-Tendering platform no later than 21 days before the
deadline for submission of tenders. The contracting authority must reply to all tenderers’ questions
in TED e-Tendering no later than 8 days before the deadline for receipt of tenders. In case of indirect
management with ex ante controls, the European Commission transmits the questions to the partner
country. The partner country then submits the clarifications to the European Commission for ex ante
approval and publication in TED e-Tendering.
Clarifications and any minor changes to the tender dossier must also be done in TED e-Tendering. No
prior opinion on the assessment of the tender can be given by the contracting authority in reply to a
question or a request for clarification.
If the questions result in an amendment to the contract notice, a corrigendum must be published as
explained in Section The corrigendum must be published before the submission deadline.
The deadline for the submission of tenders may be extended to allow tenderers to take account of
the changes. The corrigendum must also be published in TED e-Tendering.
If the technical content of the tender is complex, the contracting authority may hold an information
meeting and/or site visit. This meeting must be announced in the tender dossier and must take place
at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. The contracting authority must state
in the tender dossier if attendance at this meeting or site visit is strongly advised or compulsory. All
costs of attending the meeting must be met by the tenderers. Individual visits by companies during
the tender period cannot be organised by the contracting authority for reasons of transparency and
equal treatment of the tenderers. Although they are not compulsory, these information meetings are
encouraged since they have proven to be an efficient way to clarify many questions related to the
tender dossier. Any presentation/documentation to be delivered in the information session, as well
as the outcome and the minutes, must also be uploaded at least on the TED e-Tendering.
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tenders and so permit truly competitive tendering. Experience shows that too short a period
prevents candidates from tendering or causes them to submit incomplete or ill-prepared tenders.
The deadline for submission must fall on a working day in the country of the contracting authority. It
is advised to organise the tender-opening session one week after the deadline for submission to
allow tenders submitted on the last day, in case of paper submission, and tender guarantees, if
applicable, to arrive at the contracting authority premises.
For paper submission (indirect management), each technical and financial offer must be placed in a
single sealed envelope, itself placed in a package or outer sealed envelope.
In eSubmission and only for direct management procedures, there are two types of committees:
opening and evaluation committee. It is recommended that for each lot, the composition of both
committees is the same. The opening and evaluation committees must be appointed in PPMT before
the start of the opening session and the evaluation of tenders.
For detailed instructions on how to submit a tender please consult the eSubmission Quick Guide available at:
The supported browsers, file types, size of attachments and other system requirements can be consulted at:
https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/x/Oo5kI. In case of technical problems, please contact the eSubmission Helpdesk
(see contact details in the eSubmission Quick Guide) as soon as possible.
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For paper submission (indirect management), the envelopes containing the tenders must remain
sealed and be kept in a safe place until they are opened. The outer envelopes of tenders must be
numbered in order of receipt (whether or not they are received before the deadline for submission
of tenders).
The tender opening session is a formal, public process. The evaluation committee opens the tenders
in public at the place and time set in the tender dossier. Although it is public, participation in the
tender opening session is restricted to representatives of the companies that are tendering for the
See the tender opening checklist in Annex D5 for the detailed formalities to be carried out by the
chairperson with the assistance of the secretary.
The opening committee appointed by the relevant services of the European Commission through
PPMT, must carry out the tender opening session.
The European Commission must be informed of the tender opening session. It may be represented
as an observer at the tender opening session and receive a copy of each tender.
The European Commission need not be informed of the tender opening session and does not
participate in it.
The chairperson must check that no member of the evaluation committee has a potential conflict of
interest with any of the tenderers (on the basis of the shortlist, the tenders received, consortium
members and any identified subcontractor). See Sections 2.9.2 and 2.9.3.
The evaluation committee must decide whether or not tenders comply with the formal
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In case of electronic submission (direct management), several automatic validation checks take place
to ensure that the tenders comply with the deadline and that they were received in the same state as
they were submitted, i.e. that their integrity and confidentiality have been preserved. When all
tenders for all lots are verified and marked as “In Order” /“Not in Order”, the Record of Opening can
be generated. After closing the opening session, the evaluation committee members, nominated
through PPMT, can access the tenders that are “In Order”.
In case of paper submission (indirect management), the summary of tenders received, which is
attached to the tender opening record (see Annex D6), must be used to record the compliance of
each of the tenders with the formal submission requirements. It must be made available to the
tenderers upon request.
Any tender guarantee that does not comply with the formal submission requirements, must be
returned to the tenderers. In case of paper submission, this implies that any tenders that have been
submitted after the submission deadline, must be opened (after the opening session) so that the
guarantees can be returned.
As part of the technical evaluation, the evaluation committee analyses the commercial aspects, and,
where applicable, the service component of the tenders to determine whether they satisfy the
requirements set in the tender dossier. The results are recorded in a yes/no grid for all elements
specified in the tender dossier. Only very exceptionally, subject to derogation, a technical scoring
method should be used, in accordance with Section 5.3.3. above. If the tender is divided into lots, the
evaluation should be carried out lot by lot.
With the agreement of the majority of the evaluation committee voting members, the chairperson
may write to tenderers whose submissions require clarification, asking them to reply within a
reasonable deadline set by the evaluation committee.
Before conducting a detailed evaluation of the tenders, the evaluation committee checks that they
comply with the essential requirements of the tender dossier (i.e. the administrative compliance
A tender is deemed to comply if it satisfies all the conditions, procedures and specifications in the
tender dossier without substantially departing from or attaching restrictions to them. Substantial
departures or restrictions are those that affect the scope, quality or performance of the contract,
differ widely from the terms of the tender dossier, limit the rights of the contracting authority or the
tenderer’s obligations under the contract or distort competition for tenderers whose tenders do
Each offer is examined for administrative compliance with the tender dossier in accordance with the
published administrative compliance grid.
The administrative compliance of each of the tenders must be recorded in the evaluation report (see
Annex D7).
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The detailed technical evaluation of the tenders takes place after the administrative compliance
check. The criteria to be applied are those published in the tender dossier and, accordingly, the
evaluation grid included in the tender dossier must be used. Under no circumstances may the
evaluation committee or its members change the evaluation grid communicated to the tenderers in
the tender dossier. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess whether or not the competing tenders
meet the minimum technical requirements and selection criteria.
Rule of origin: (applicable only to contracts financed by a basic act under the multiannual financial
framework for the years 2014-2020 (above EUR 100 000 under CIR and independently of the value
for other instruments) and to contracts financed by the INSC Regulation 2021/948 of 27 May 2021
under the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021-2027): all tenders must comply with
the rule that goods purchased and materials to be incorporated in the permanent works fulfil the
requirements referred to in Section 2.3.5. Tenders that fail to satisfy the rule of origin must be
rejected. The rule of origin does not apply to the contractor’s equipment used during the
construction, unless the tender dossier explicitly stipulates that this equipment becomes the full
property of the contracting authority at the end of the contract.
The tenderer will be required to provide proof of origin in the form of a certificate of origin or other
official documentation as prima facie evidence, before the contract is signed if possible. It is the
responsibility of the tenderer to verify that the provided information is correct.
For contracts financed by a basic act under the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, with
the exception of the INSC Regulation 2021/948 of 27 May 2021, all supplies and material may
originate from any country and no declaration of origin is required.
Nationality of subcontractors: the evaluation committee must check at this stage that the
nationalities of subcontractors identified in the technical offers comply with the nationality rule in
Section 2.3.1.
Having evaluated the tenders, the evaluation committee rules on the technical compliance of each
tender, classifying it as ‘technically compliant’ or ‘not technically compliant’. Only very exceptionally,
subject to derogation, the technically compliant offers are subsequently technically scored in
accordance with a technical evaluation grid laid down in the tender dossier (see Section 5.3.3.
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If the chosen tender exceeds the maximum budget available for the contract, the provisions set out
in Section may apply.
Contracting authorities can reject tenders that appear to be abnormally low in relation to the works
The concerned tenderer must be asked, in writing, to provide details of the constituent elements of
its tender, notably those relating to compliance with employment protection legislation and working
conditions in the location of the contract, such as the construction method, the technical solutions
chosen or any exceptionally favourable condition available to the tenderer, the originality of the
In view of the evidence provided by the tenderer, the contracting authority decides on whether to
reject the tender or not.
Both that decision and its justification must be recorded in the evaluation report.
ACP States’ preference is not applicable for commitments financed by a basic act under the new
Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
Where two tenders are acknowledged to be equivalent, preference is given:
(a) to the tenderer of an ACP State; or
(b) if no such tender is forthcoming, to the tenderer who:
- offers the best possible use of the physical and human resources of the ACP States;
- offers the greatest subcontracting possibilities to ACP companies, firms or natural persons;
- is a consortium of natural persons, companies and firms from ACP States and the European
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- that is the most economically advantageous tender (satisfying all of the above
At the latest during the evaluation procedure and before taking the award decision, the contracting
authority ensures that there is no record of the successful tenderer, including consortium members,
subcontractors or capacity providing entities, if any, in exclusion situation in the EDES nor in the lists
of EU restrictive measures (see sections and 2.4.).
During the evaluation procedure and before taking the award decision, the evaluation committee will
request the original196 Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria and copies of
documentary evidence for exclusion and selection criteria from the potential successful tenderer. If
upon verification, the evaluation committee considers the submitted evidence not admissible, it will
request the same evidence from the second best ranked tenderer.
The entire procedure (technical and financial evaluation) is recorded in an evaluation report (see
template in Annex D7) to be signed by the chairperson, the secretary and all evaluators. This
evaluation report must be submitted to the competent authority of the European Commission,
which must decide whether or not to accept its recommendations.
The entire procedure (technical and financial evaluation) is recorded in an evaluation report (see
template in Annex D7) to be signed by the chairperson, the secretary and all voting members of
the evaluation committee. This evaluation report must be submitted to the relevant services of
the contracting authority, which must decide whether or not to accept its recommendations.
Consequently, the contracting authority must then submit the evaluation report together with its
proposed decision to the European Commission. If there is an award proposal and the European
Commission has not already received a copy of the tenders, these must be submitted.
If the European Commission does not accept the proposed decision, it must write to the
contracting authority stating the reasons for its decision. The European Commission may also
suggest how the contracting authority should proceed and give the conditions under which the
European Commission may endorse a proposed contract on the basis of the tender procedure.
If the European Commission accepts the proposed decision, the contracting authority will either
commence awarding the contract (see Section 5.3.11.) or cancel the tender, as decided.
No prior authorisation from the European Commission is required before the contracting authority
acts on the recommendations of the evaluation committee.
The entire evaluation procedure, including the notification to the successful tenderer, must be
completed while the tenders are still valid. It is important to bear in mind that the successful
tenderer might be unable to maintain its tender if the evaluation procedure takes too long.
The requirement to submit an original Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria is only
applicable in case of paper submission.
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Subject to the contracting authority’s legislation on access to documents, the entire tender
procedure is confidential from the end of the tender opening session to the signature of the contract
by both parties. The evaluation committee’s decisions are collective and its deliberations must
remain secret. The evaluation committee members and any observers are bound to secrecy. If the
law of the country of the contracting authority conflicts with the confidentiality required, the
contracting authority must obtain prior authorisation from the European Commission before
disclosing any information.
The evaluation report is for official use only and may be divulged neither to tenderers nor to any
party outside the authorised services of the contracting authority, the European Commission and the
supervisory authorities (e.g. the Court of Auditors).
For paper submission (indirect management), if the tender procedure is cancelled before the opening
session, the unopened and sealed envelopes must be returned to the tenderers. Standstill clause (applicable for contracts above EUR 5 000 000)
See Section 2.10.1.
The proposed contract must comply with the template in Annex D4.
A prior approval is required.
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5.4.1. Publicity
In order to ensure the widest possible participation in competitive tendering and the requisite
transparency, the contracting authority must publish contract notices and additional information
about the contract notices (annex a5f) for all work contracts of EUR 5 000 000 or more.
The purpose of the prior information notice is to provide greater publicity for calls for tenders and
more preparation time for tenderers. Encoding and processing a prior information notices requires
time and human resources. If due to time constraints a prior information notice can only be
published shortly before the contract notice (e.g. 30 days), an alternative option would be not to
publish a prior information notice and to provide tenderers with a longer submission deadline in the
contract notice. Publishing the contract notice earlier would provide economic operators with more
time to submit a good quality offer. Prior information notices on the other hand have an added value
when there is a sufficient period between its publication and the planned publication of the Contract
The prior information notice is to be sent as soon as possible after the decision approving the
programme for works contracts and must briefly state the subject and content of the contracts
concerned. Publishing a prior information notice does not oblige the contracting authority to finance
the contracts mentioned and candidates are not expected to submit applications at this stage.
The contracting authority is responsible for drafting the prior information notice using the relevant
template and for submitting it for publication on the F&T portal and in the Official Journal of the
European Union in electronic form (see publication guidelines in Annex A11e). If necessary, the
contracting authority arranges simultaneous local publication and publication in any other
appropriate media directly.
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The European Commission (acting on behalf of the contracting authority) is responsible for
publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and on the F&T portal. If the contract notice
is published locally, the contracting authority must arrange local publication directly.
The contract notice/additional information about the contract notice must provide potential
candidates with the information they need to determine their capacity to fulfil the contract in
The selection criteria set out in the contract notice must be:
– easy to check on the basis of the information submitted using the standard application form
(see Annex dr3)
– devised to allow a clear yes/no assessment to be made as to whether or not the candidate
satisfies a particular selection criterion
The selection criteria given in the annexes to this practical guide are given by way of illustration and
need to be adapted to the nature, cost and complexity of the contract.
The time allowed for candidates to submit their applications must be sufficient to permit proper
competition. The minimum deadline for submitting applications is 30 days from the date of the
notice’s publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and on the F&T portal. The actual
deadline will be determined by the contract’s size and complexity.
If the contract notice and additional information about the contract notice are also published locally
by the contracting authority, it must be identical to the ones published by the European Commission
in the Official Journal and on the F&T portal and must appear at the same time.
The contract notice must be clear enough to save candidates from requesting clarifications or
additional information during the procedure. Candidates may however submit questions should they
need to. If the contracting authority modifies the contract notice/additional information about the
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contract notice, either in response to a question or on its own initiative, a corrigendum including the
changes must be submitted for publication to the relevant service of the European Commission (see
Annex A5b). The corrigendum will be encoded directly in eNotices and, in indirect management the
appropriate template (Annex A5b) shall be used and forwarded to the relevant EU delegation for
publication, always complying with the deadlines set up in the publication guidelines (see Annex
A11e). The corrigendum must be published before the submission deadline and the latter may be
extended to allow candidates to take the changes into account. Please note that with a clarification,
the contracting authority cannot give an opinion on the assessment of the application.
If information in the contract notice/additional information about the contract notice needs to be
clarified but does not require an amendment of the contract notice, a clarification must be published
on the Official Journal of European Union and F&T portal.
There must be at least five evaluators. They must have the technical and administrative capacities
necessary to give an informed opinion on the applications. Each member must have a reasonable
command of the language in which the applications are submitted. All members of the evaluation
committee must sign a declaration of impartiality and confidentiality (see Annex A4). For the
responsibilities of the evaluation committee members, see Section 2.9.3.
The evaluation committee (i.e. the chairperson, the secretary and the evaluators) must be
appointed on a personal basis, in PPMT by the European Commission.
The evaluation committee (i.e. the chairperson, the secretary and the voting members) must be
appointed on a personal basis by the contracting authority and the appointments submitted to the
European Commission for agreement. The European Commission should participate as an
observer. The membership of the evaluation committee is deemed to be approved if the European
Commission does not object within 5 working days. As a general rule, the European Commission
appoints an observer to attend all or part of the evaluation committee meetings. Prior
authorization must be sought from the European Commission for other observers to attend.
The evaluation committee (i.e. the chairperson, the secretary and the evaluators) must be
appointed on a personal basis by the contracting authority.
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- eliminating applications that are inadmissible because submitted by ineligible candidates (see
Section 2.3.1. on nationality rules) or fall into one of the situations described in Sections (exclusion from participation in procurement procedures) and (rejection
from a given procedure);
- applying the selection criteria exactly as published.
For the supply of supporting documents in relation to the exclusion and selection criteria, see points and 2.6.11.
After examining the responses to the contract notice, the evaluation committee shortlists the
candidates offering the best guarantee of satisfactory performance of the contract.
If the number of eligible candidates meeting the selection criteria is greater than six, the additional
criteria published in the contract notice are applied in order to reduce the number to the six best
candidates. For further details, please see Section 2.6.11.
If the number of eligible candidates meeting the selection criteria is less than the minimum of four,
the contracting authority may invite only those candidates who satisfy the selection criteria to
submit a tender. Before accepting a reduced competition of less than four candidates, prior
authorisation of the European Commission is required save in indirect management with ex-post
control as stated in the text box below. This prior authorisation may be granted based on a
verification showing that the timing of the publication, the selection criteria used and the scope of
the works in relation with the budget were satisfactory. This must be justified in the evaluation
An event to be reported is required.
Prior authorisation by the European Commission is required.
No prior authorisation by the European Commission is required.
The shortlisting process and the final shortlist itself must be fully documented in a shortlist report
(see template in Annex dr5 of the dR1 tender dossier).
Before the shortlist is approved by the evaluation committee, the contracting authority must check
that no candidate (including partners) are in an exclusion situation in the early detection and
exclusion system (see section or are subject to European Union restrictive measures (see
section 2.4.).
The shortlist report is signed by the chairperson, the secretary and all the evaluators.
The shortlist report must be submitted to the European Commission, which must decide whether
or not to accept its recommendations, before the shortlisted candidates can be invited to submit a
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The shortlist report must be submitted to the contracting authority, which must decide whether or
not to accept its recommendations. The contracting authority must then submit the shortlist
report together with its recommendation to the European Commission before the shortlisted
candidates can be invited to submit a tender.
If the European Commission does not accept the recommendation of the contracting authority, it
must write to the contracting authority stating the reasons for its decision.
No prior authorisation by the European Commission is required before the contracting authority
acts on the recommendations of the evaluation committee.
Candidates not selected will be informed of that fact by the contracting authority by means of a
standard letter, the format of which is given in Annex dr7. Candidates who are selected will receive a
letter of invitation to tender and the tender dossier (see template in Annex dr8a).
The contracting authority is responsible for preparing the shortlist notice, which will be published
together with the award notice in TED (section VI.3 of the award notice).
If unsuccessful candidates request further information, they may be given any information that is not
confidential, e.g. reasons why a reference does not meet the technical selection criterion, as this may
help them to be successful in future tenders.
Tender documents must be carefully drafted, to ensure that the contract is complete and that the
procurement procedure is carried out correctly
Between the date of dispatch of the letters of invitation to tender and the deadline for receipt of
tenders there must be a minimum of 60 days.
In case of direct management, the tender dossier will be published on the TED eTendering platform.
The shortlisted candidates will receive a notification granting access to the tender. Tenders must be
submitted exclusively via the electronic submission system (eSubmission) via a link in the TED
eTendering platform197.
In case of indirect management, the tender dossier will be sent simultaneously to all shortlisted
candidates via mail or email. Any tender received from a legal or natural person not invited to tender
will be rejected. Tenders should be submitted in accordance with the double envelope system.
The measures applicable to an open procedure, apply by analogy to the rest of the restricted
procedure for works contracts, with the caveat that the elements related to the selection phase
should not be taken into account. The publication of the tender dossier and way of submission will
differ in case of direct or indirect management.
For detailed instructions on how to submit a tender please consult the eSubmission Quick Guide available at:
The supported browsers, file types, size of attachments and other system requirements can be consulted at:
https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/x/Oo5kI. In case of technical problems, please contact the eSubmission Helpdesk
(see contact details in the eSubmission Quick Guide) as soon as possible.
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Chapter 5. Works contracts
5.5. Local open tender (for contracts of at least EUR 300 000
and under EUR 5 000 000)
In this case, the contract notice is published in the local official journal or equivalent local media, and
where necessary in order to ensure an adequate level of competition, in the Official Journal of the
European Union, F&T portal. Publication in the local official journal or equivalent local media is the
responsibility of the partner country.
As the cost of publishing the full contract notice in the local media may be high, the template in
Annex D3 gives the minimum information that must be included in a local advertisement. However,
the full contract notice must be available from the address referred to in the advertisement, together
with the tender dossier.
Note that a local open tender procedure must provide other eligible contractors with the same
opportunities as local companies. No conditions seeking to restrict the participation of other eligible
contractors are allowed (e.g. obliging such companies to be registered in the partner country or to
have won contracts there in the past).
In this procedure, there must be a minimum of 60 days between the date of publication of the
contract notice in the local press and the deadline for receipt of tenders. However, in exceptional
cases, a shorter deadline may be allowed in compliance with internal procedures, and subject to
prior authorisation of the competent authority of the European Commission.
The measures applicable to an international open procedure, as described in Section 5.3., apply by
analogy to the local open procedure. The principal difference is that the minimum number of
evaluators in the evaluation committee is three.
Paper submission instructions in tender documents should be followed in local procedures both in
direct and indirect management.
ACP States’ preference is not applicable for commitments financed by a basic act under the new
Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 For commitments financed by a basic act under the
MFF 2014-2020:
For works contracts of a value of less than EUR 5 000 000, tenderers from the ACP States, provided
that at least one quarter of the capital stock and management staff originates from one or more
ACP States, must be accorded a 10% price preference during the financial evaluation.
In addition, where two tenders for works are acknowledged to be equivalent, preference must be
(a) to the tenderer of an ACP State; or
(b) if no such tender is forthcoming, to the tenderer who:
(i) allows for the best possible use of the physical and human resources of the ACP States;
(ii) offers the greatest subcontracting possibilities for ACP companies, firms or natural
persons; or
(iii) is a consortium of natural persons, companies and firms from ACP States and the
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Chapter 5. Works contracts
Annex dS1 contains a specific tender dossier for the simplified procedures.
Tenders must be sent to the contracting authority at the address and by no later than the date and
time shown in the invitation to tender. The chosen candidates must be allowed at least 30 days from
the dispatch of the letter of invitation to tender in which to submit their tenders.
The tenders are opened and evaluated by an evaluation committee with the necessary technical and
administrative expertise, appointed by the contracting authority.
If, following consultation of the tenderers, the contracting authority receives only one tender that is
administratively and technically valid, the contract may be awarded provided that the award criteria
are met.
In the event of one failure of the simplified procedure, the contract may be awarded by negotiated
procedure subject to prior authorisation of the relevant services of the European Commission. The
remainder of the procedure (including preparation of the tender dossier, evaluating the tenders and
awarding the contract) is the same as under the international open procedure (see Sections 5.3.2. to
ACP States’ preference is not applicable for commitments financed by a basic act under the new
Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 .
For works contracts of a value of less than EUR 5 000 000, tenderers from the ACP States, provided
that at least one quarter of the capital stock and management staff originates from one or more
ACP States, must be accorded a 10% price preference during the financial evaluation.
In addition, where two tenders for works are acknowledged to be equivalent, preference must be
(a) to the tenderer of an ACP State; or
(b) if no such tender is forthcoming, to the tenderer who:
(i) allows for the best possible use of the physical and human resources of the ACP States;
(ii) offers the greatest subcontracting possibilities for ACP companies, firms or natural
persons; or
(iii) is a consortium of natural persons, companies and firms from ACP States and the
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Chapter 5. Works contracts
In the vast majority of cases, the works contract stipulates that it is paid by measurement: in such
contracts, the quantities indicated in the bill of quantities are estimates, as is the initial contract price
derived from these estimated quantities.
Whenever an application for payment is submitted, the supervisor measures, for each item, the
actual quantities of the works executed and calculates the amount due by applying the unit rates.
Increases vis-à-vis the initial contract price that are the sole result of the measured actual quantity
exceeding the stated bill of quantities or price schedule do not represent a change of the contract
and do not require an administrative order to amend the contract or an addendum.
Likewise, the application of the price revision clause of the contract will have the same effect. Again,
since the price revision formula is already agreed upon by the contracting parties in the initial
contract, the contract does not need to be amended to allow increases vis-à-vis the initial contract
price to deal with their effect.
Administrative order
In a works contract, the supervisor has the power to issue an administrative order to change any part
of the works if necessary for the proper completion and/or functioning of the works. These changes
may include additions, omissions, substitutions, changes in quality, quantity, form, character, kind,
position, dimension, level or line and changes in the specified sequence, method or timing of
execution of the works. See Article 37 of the general conditions.
The contractor is bound to make the changes ordered. The contractor cannot delay the works
ordered pending a decision on the claim he might have either to extend the period of
implementation or for additional payment.
Changes to the contract not covered by an administrative order must be formalised through an
addendum. An addendum must be issued when the change entails an increase or reduction of the
total value of the works in excess of 15% of the initial contract price.
The total period of execution of a works contract includes the period of implementation of the works
and the defects liability period between provisional and final acceptance. During this time, the
period(s) of implementation can be extended by administrative order or by contract addendum, even
after the implementation period specified in the contract has expired.
A works contractor is committed to completing the works, and the contracting authority is
committed to paying for the certified works. These commitments and the contract remain valid even
if the contractor fails to complete the works within the period(s) specified in the contract, the
consequence being that liquidated damages for delay can be deducted from the amounts due.
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Chapter 6. Grants
6. Grants
For the purpose of this section, the term ‘grant beneficiary’ should be understood as (i) the only
beneficiary of the grant (in case of mono-beneficiary grants) or as (ii) all beneficiaries of the grant (in
case of multi-beneficiaries grants).
Where it is not specified otherwise the lead applicant (i.e. the organisation or individual who submits
an application for a grant) and the co-applicant(s) are hereinafter jointly referred as the applicant(s).
The terms “proposals” and “applications” are used interchangeably in this chapter to refer to the
submission by the applicant of either the concept note, in restricted procedures, or the concept note
and full proposal, in open procedures. By contrast, “full applications” is used in restricted and open
calls for proposals to refer to the full proposal.
6.1.1. Definition
A grant is a financial donation/non-commercial payment by the contracting authority from the
general budget of the European Union or the European Development Fund (EDF) given to a specific
grant beneficiary to finance:
- either an action intended to help achieve a European Union policy objective (action grant);
- or the operation (i.e. the running costs) of an entity that pursues an aim of general European
Union interest and supports a European Union policy (operating grant198)199.
The body(ies) signing a grant contract is known as the grant beneficiary(ies) and should not be
confused with the partner country, the final beneficiary of the operation200 nor with the target
In the case of an operating grant, the grant must take the form of a financial contribution to the work
programme of the entity.
The duration of an operating grant may not exceed 12 months.
For the 11th EDF and amended 10th EDF Financial Regulation (bridging facility) the relevant objective/interest
is defined as: (a) an action intended to help achieve an objective of the 2000/483/EC Partnership agreement
between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European
Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (Cotonou Agreement) or
the Council Decision 2013/755/EU of 25 November 2013 on the association of the overseas countries and
territories with the European Union (‘Overseas Association Decision’) (OJ L 344, 19.12.2013, p. 1), or of a
programme or project adopted in accordance with that agreement or decision; or (b) the functioning of a body
which pursues an objective referred to in point (a).
‘Final beneficiaries’ are those who will benefit from the project in the long term at the level of the society or
sector at large.
201 ‘Target groups’ are the groups/entities who will be directly positively affected by the project at the project
purpose level.
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Chapter 6. Grants
A grant is made for an action, proposed to the contracting authority by an applicant, which falls
within the normal framework of the applicant’s activities. This is in contrast to a procurement
contract, in which the contracting authority draws up the terms of reference for a project it wants to
be carried out.
The lead applicant may act individually or with co-applicant(s): however, if awarded the grant
contract, both the lead applicant and the co-applicant(s) (if any) become grant beneficiary(ies).
The action must be clearly identified. No action may be split for the purpose of evading compliance
with the rules laid down in this practical guide.
A grant beneficiary is responsible for implementing the action and owns the results. By contrast,
under a procurement contract, it is the contracting authority who owns the results of the action.
A grant beneficiary generally contributes to the financing of the action unless full Union financing is
essential for the action to be carried out (see Section 6.3.9.). In the case of procurement contracts,
the contractor does not contribute financially. The amount of a procurement contract represents a
price fixed in accordance with competitive tendering rules.
No grant may give rise to profits (i.e. it must only balance income and expenditure for the action see
Section 6.3.10. for exceptions), unless the objective is to reinforce the financial capacity of a
beneficiary or generate income. The no-profit rule applies to the action and not necessarily to the
grant beneficiary.
The fact that a body is non-profit-making does not mean that it can only conclude grant contracts;
non-profit bodies can also tender for procurement contracts202.
Please note however that references acquired in implementing grant contracts cannot be presented in support
of an application for a service contract (in Section 6 of the application form for service tenders, PRAG Annex b3),
and that references to implemented service contracts cannot be presented in support of a grant application (in
Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of Part B of the grant application form, PRAG Annex e3b).
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Chapter 6. Grants
No grant contract can be signed unless the action meets the above requirements.
The following, amongst others, are not grants under the European Union Financial Regulation203:
- programme estimates;
- procurement contracts204;
- payments made to bodies entrusted with budget implementation under Articles 62 and 63 FR205
(e.g. international organisations, national agencies of the Member States or third countries etc.);
- financial instruments within the meaning of Articles 208 and 209 of the Financial Regulation,
including interest rate rebates associated to these instruments. NB: Interest rate rebates and
guarantee fee subsidies not combined in a single measure with these financial instruments are
assimilated to grants, but not subject to the co-financing and no-profit rule (See Section 6.3.10.).
In principle, grants paid under direct management and indirect management with partner countries
are covered by the rules set out in this chapter.
If awarded the grant contract, the lead applicant will become the beneficiary identified as the
coordinator in the special conditions of the grant contract. The coordinator is the main
interlocutor of the contracting authority. It represents and acts on behalf of the co-
beneficiary(ies) (if any) and coordinates the design and implementation of the action.
- co-applicants (if any) – who will become the co-beneficiaries following the award of the grant
Co-applicant(s) participate in designing and implementing the action, and the costs they incur
are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the lead applicant.
Only the lead applicant and co-applicants will become parties to the grant contract.
Their affiliated entities206 are neither beneficiaries of the action nor parties to the contract.
However, they participate in the design and in the implementation of the action and the costs
they incur (including those incurred for implementation contracts and financial support to third
parties) may be eligible, provided they comply with all the relevant rules already applicable to
See Article 180(3) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1046/2018 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 30 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p.118)
Article 1(52) FR.
Applicable also to EDF as per Article 17(2) of the Council Regulation (EU) 2015/323 of 2 March 2015 on the
financial regulation applicable to the 11th European Development Fund (OJ L 58, 3.3.2015, p. 17).
Article 187 FR.
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Chapter 6. Grants
the beneficiaries under the grant contract. Affiliated entities must satisfy the same eligibility
criteria as the lead applicant or the co-applicant to which they are affiliated.
Only entities having a structural link with the applicants, in particular a legal or capital link, may
be considered as affiliated entities to the lead applicant and/or to co-applicant(s).
a) Control, as defined in Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 26 June 2013 on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and
related reports of certain types of undertakings, amending Directive 2006/43/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directives 78/660/EEC and
- Entities under the same direct or indirect control as the beneficiary (sister companies).
The structural link must be neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of
its implementation. This means that the link would exist independently of the award of the
grant; it should exist before the award procedure and remain valid after the end of the action.
− entities that have entered into a (procurement) contract or sub-contract with a beneficiary,
act as concessionaires or delegatees for public services for a beneficiary;
− entities that receive financial support from the beneficiary;
− entities that cooperate on a regular basis with the beneficiary on the basis of a memorandum
of understanding or share some assets;
OJ L 182, 29.6.2013, p. 19.
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Chapter 6. Grants
− entities that have signed a consortium agreement under the grant contract (unless this
agreement implies the creation of a sole applicant as described above).
How to verify the existence of the required link with the beneficiary?
The affiliation resulting from control may be proved in particular on the basis of the
consolidated accounts of the group of entities the beneficiary and its proposed affiliates belong
The affiliation resulting from membership may in particular be proved on the basis of the
statutes or equivalent act establishing the entity (network, federation, association) that the
beneficiary constitutes or in which the beneficiary participates.
If the analysis of the accounts or of the statutes does not provide for a clear-cut affiliation
between the applicant and the entity that it presents as its affiliate, the entity may be treated as
separate co- applicant in the same proposal. The change in the treatment of that entity, from an
affiliated entity to a co-applicant, is not to be considered substantial and falls within the scope
of corrections that may be made during the finalisation phase of the grant contract.
Affiliated entities are only relevant for action grants, not for operating grants.
- Associates
Other organisations or individuals may be involved in the action. Such associates play a real role
in the action but may not receive funding from the grant, with the exception of per diem or
travel costs. Associates do not have to meet the eligibility criteria referred to in Section 2.1.1. of
the Guidelines for applicants.
- Contractors
The grant beneficiaries and their affiliated entities are permitted to award contracts. Associates
or affiliated entities cannot be also contractors in the project.
The grant beneficiaries may award financial support to third parties. These third parties are
neither affiliated entities nor associates nor contractors.
(a) financing not linked to costs of the relevant operations based on208:
(i) either the fulfilment of conditions set out in sector specific legislation or Commission
Decisions; or
Specific guidelines on the procedure to be followed to accept financing not linked to costs will be provided to
the services in due time.
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Chapter 6. Grants
(ii) the achievement of results measured by reference to the previously set milestones or
through performance indicators;
(b) reimbursement of eligible costs that may be based on any or a combination of the following
(i) unit costs, which cover all or certain specific categories of eligible costs that are clearly
identified in advance by reference to an amount per unit;
(ii) lump sums, which cover in global terms all or certain specific categories of eligible costs
that are clearly identified in advance;
(iii) flat-rate financing, which covers specific categories of eligible costs, which are clearly
identified in advance, by applying a percentage;
A prior approval must be sought for the use of financing not linked to costs.
Prior authorisation by the European Commission must be sought for the use of financing not linked
to costs.
No prior authorisation by the European Commission is required.
While until the recent past grants were mainly awarded in the form of reimbursement of eligible
costs actually incurred, the 2018 Financial Regulation:
Grants must not exceed an overall ceiling expressed in terms of an absolute value (‘maximum grant
amount’) that must be established on the basis of:
(a) estimated eligible costs, where possible, in the case of reimbursement of eligible costs actually
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Chapter 6. Grants
(b) the overall amount of estimated eligible costs clearly defined in advance in the form of lump
sums, unit costs or flat rates (see above Art. 125(1)(c),(d) and(e));
(c) the overall amount of financing not linked to costs in the case referred to in point (a) of Article
Without prejudice to the basic act, grants may in addition be expressed as a percentage of the
estimated eligible costs where the grant takes the form specified in point (a) above or as a
percentage of the lump sums, unit costs or flat rate financing referred to in point (b) above.
The grant is generally expressed as a maximum amount and a percentage of the eligible costs. This
means that the contracting authority's contribution usually covers only a certain percentage of the
costs, according to the rules set out in the call for proposals. The call for proposals also establishes
the maximum and minimum amounts of the contribution.
These forms of reimbursement can be combined together to cover different categories of eligible
costs, provided the limits and conditions stated in the call for proposals are complied with.
Example: A grant for an action may be awarded in the form of a lump sum covering costs for
equipment together with unit costs covering personnel costs and reimbursement of
actual costs covering other running costs (see Section 6.2.1.).
They are of two types, each type being subject to different conditions as regards their prior
1. ‘Output or result based SCOs’, sometimes also referred to as ‘performance based’ SCOs: this
category includes costs linked to outputs, results, activities, deliverables in the framework of
a specific project (for example the determination of a lump sum for the organisation of a
conference, or for the realisation of a determined output/activity). Where possible and
appropriate, lump sums or unit costs must be determined in such a way to allow their payment
upon achievement of concrete outputs and/or results. They will be authorised by the relevant
contracting authority (if recommended to be accepted by the evaluation committee, they will
be formally approved by the contracting authority responsible and stated in the contract210).
2. ‘Other SCOs’: This second category entails simplified cost options embedded in the accounting
practices of the beneficiary. This category is only applicable to pillar assessed entities when
receiving a grant awarded directly without a call for proposals, for which an ex-ante
assessment is deemed necessary211 to ensure coherence across services, considering the need
for a consistent application of the conditions required. In order for the contracting authority
to allow the use of these SCOs, the beneficiary's cost accounting practices need to have been
positively assessed by an independent external auditor.
Article 125(c) to (f) and Article 180(3) FR.
At least in the ‘justification sheet’ of the budget and in the budget itself.
Other SCOs need to be always ex-ante assessed independently of their amount.
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Chapter 6. Grants
Please also refer to Annex e3a2 Guidelines for simplified cost options for further details.
For calls for proposals and grants awarded without a call for proposals to non-pillar assessed entities,
applicants may only propose output or result-based SCOs, which can only take the form of unit costs
and lump sums, since flat-rate financing is input based and therefore cannot be proposed by
applicants. The contracting authority will decide whether or not to accept SCOs. SCOs can apply to
one or more of the direct cost headings of the budget (i.e. cost headings 1 to 6), or to cost sub-
headings, or to specific cost items within these cost headings. Please note that, in the case of grants
awarded without a call for proposals to non-pillar assessed entities, output or result-based SCOs are
admissible only if an evaluation committee has been appointed.
With regard to “Other SCOs”, unless otherwise provided for in the basic act, the use of lump sums,
unit costs or flat-rate financing embedded in the accounting practices of the beneficiary must be
authorised by a decision of the contracting authority responsible, who must act in accordance with
the internal rules of the European Commission.
Once the amounts have been assessed and approved by the contracting authority (as clearly laid
down in the budget of the action212), they will not be challenged by ex post controls. This means that
auditors will not check all the supporting documents to establish the actual costs incurred, but they
will concentrate on the correct application of the formula used and the related inputs or generating
events as established in the contract. Auditors will not check the actual costs to verify the generation
of a profit or a loss, even though the auditors and/or the European Commission have the right to
access the statutory records of the beneficiary, notably its general accounting statements, for
statistical, methodological or anti-fraud purposes (as applicable to all forms of grants) according to
article 16 of the general conditions. This means that the beneficiary has to keep supporting
documents establishing that the grant has been effectively implemented.
Single lump sums may be determined on the basis of the estimated budget, which should comply
with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Compliance with these principles must
be verified ex ante at the time of evaluation of the grant application.
When authorising single lump sums, the contracting authority responsible must comply with the
conditions applicable to output or result based SCOs.
When using this form of financing, the description of the action must include detailed information on
the essential conditions triggering the payment, including, the achievement of outputs and/or
6.3. Overview
There are strict rules governing the way in which grants are awarded. They require programming,
transparency and equal treatment. Grants may not be cumulative or awarded retrospectively and
they must generally involve co-financing. The amount specified in the grant contract as eligible for
financing may not be exceeded.
See example in Annex e3a2 ‘Guidelines for simplified costs options for Union financed grant contracts.
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Chapter 6. Grants
As general rule with some specific exceptions, the grant may not have the purpose or effect of
producing a profit for the beneficiary.
Grants are awarded either by a European Commission decision notified213 to the successful applicant
or by a written agreement (standard grant contract) concluded with it. Grants awarded in the
framework of external action are awarded through written agreement (standard grant contract).
Grants are awarded by the European Commission, which is responsible for issuing calls for
proposals, receiving proposals, chairing evaluation committees, deciding on the results of calls for
proposals and signing the contracts.
Grants are awarded by the contracting authority designated in the financing agreement, i.e. the
government or an entity of the partner country with legal personality with which the European
Commission concludes the financing agreement.
The contracting authority is responsible for issuing calls for proposals, receiving proposals, chairing
evaluation committees and deciding on the results of calls for proposals. The contracting authority
must submit the evaluation report, details of the proposed grants and, where required, the draft
contracts to the European Commission for endorsement. No endorsement of the contracts by the
European Commission is, however, needed in certain cases contemplated in the practical guide to
procedures for programme estimates.
Once the grant has been approved, the contracting authority signs the contract and notifies the
European Commission accordingly. As a general rule, the European Commission is represented as
an observer when proposals are opened and evaluated and must always be invited.
The contracting authority must submit the guidelines for applicants and grant award notices to the
European Commission for publication, with the exception of the cases referred to in the practical
guide to procedures for programme estimates.
Grants are awarded by the contracting authority designated in the financing agreement, i.e. the
government or an entity of the partner country with legal personality with which the European
Commission concludes the financing agreement. It is responsible for issuing calls for proposals,
Please note that legal commitments for grants implementing the budget under the Multiannual Financial
Framework 2014-2020 may continue to take form of grant decisions. The provisions of Title VIII of FR 2018
applicable to grant contracts shall apply mutatis mutandis to grant decisions. The European Commission shall
review the use of grant decisions under the post-2020 multiannual financial framework, in particular in view of
the progress made in electronic signature and electronic management of grants by the time (Article 279(1) FR
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Chapter 6. Grants
receiving proposals, chairing evaluation committees, deciding on the results of calls for proposals
and signing the contracts without the prior authorisation of the European Commission.
The contracting authority must submit the guidelines for applicants and grant award notices to the
European Commission for publication.
Calls for proposals in direct management launched by the DG International Partnerships will be
processed through the two following online tools: PADOR and PROSPECT214.
PADOR (potential applicant data online registration) is the database where lead applicants, co-
applicants and affiliated entities should register, update information about their organisation and
upload their supporting documents (statutes, audit reports, legal entity form (LEF) etc.). The
purpose of the on-line registration in PADOR is to provide the European Commission with
information about the organisations involved in the action.
By registering on-line in PADOR, lead applicants, co-applicants and their affiliated entities get a
unique identifier (EuropeAid ID), which they need to insert in their application form. The
organisations are responsible for keeping information in PADOR up to date.
In case on-line registration is impossible because of technical difficulties, the lead applicants, co-
applicants and affiliated entities must submit, together with their application, the PADOR
registration form (Annex F) following the instructions given in the guidelines for applicants.
As PADOR is designed for organisations, natural persons who participate in a call (where the
relevant guidelines allow for their participation) do not have to register in PADOR nor submit
PADOR registration form. All information necessary for the evaluation of their applications is
included in ROSPECT and the application form.
PROSPECT is the single online platform to be used for the management of calls for proposals and it
is used for all calls managed by DG International Partnerships (both in headquarters and
- Module 2: to be used by the European Commission services to create and publish calls for
Exceptions may apply e.g. to twinning projects.
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Chapter 6. Grants
Online submission is in principle mandatory for applicants. However, by default the guidelines for
applicants include an option to submit applications exceptionally offline. Only if applicants are not
prevented from submitting via PROSPECT due to technical issues in their country will this option
be deleted and applications will only be accepted via PROSPECT.
When applicants encode in PROSPECT their EuropeAid ID, PROSPECT retrieves automatically from
PADOR all relevant information about the organisation. When applicants encode in PROSPECT a
PADOR offline form (Annex F), Commission staff will use this form to create or update their PADOR
profile. The functionality of ‘Upload PDF’ available in PADOR allows European Commission staff to
quickly transfer the data from Annex F into PADOR.
- PROSPECT e-learning
Participation in grant award procedures is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons and
to entities that do not have legal personality under the applicable national law, provided that their
representatives have the capacity to take on legal obligations on their behalf and that they offer
financial and operational guarantees equivalent to those provided by legal persons. Furthermore,
applicants must be established in an eligible country in accordance with the applicable basic act (for
more details see Section 2.3.1.).
A prior approval must be sought for the participation in grant award procedures of entities that do
not have legal personality under the applicable national law.
Prior authorisation by the European Commission must be sought for the participation in grant award
procedures of entities that do not have legal personality under the applicable national law.
No prior authorisation by the European Commission is required.
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Chapter 6. Grants
6.3.4. Programming
Grants under direct management are subject to a financing decision, which at the same time
constitutes the annual or multiannual work programme. The financing decision indicates the period it
covers, the basic act, if any, the objectives pursued, the expected results, the method of
implementation, the indicative timetable of calls for proposals with the indicative amount and the
maximum rate of co-financing. The financing decision is adopted by a Commission decision and
published on the website of DG International Partnerships. There is no need for a work programme
for grants under indirect management.
6.3.5. Transparency
See Section 2.5.2.
6.3.7. Non-cumulation
See Section 2.5.2.
6.3.8. Non-retroactivity
See Section 2.5.2.
Exceptionally, a grant may be awarded for an action that has already begun where the applicants
can demonstrate and justify the need to start the action before the contract is signed. In this case,
expenditure incurred before the submission of grant applications is, as a general rule, not eligible for
The acceptance of costs from an earlier date216 (i.e. before submission of grant applications) is
possible only in duly substantiated exceptional cases217:
b) in the event of extreme urgency where an early engagement by the Union would be of major
importance, for the purposes of humanitarian aid, emergency support operations, civil
protection operations or for crisis management aid and in other exceptional and duly
substantiated emergencies.
In these cases, the costs incurred by a beneficiary before the date of submission of the
application must be eligible for Union financing under the following conditions:
For direct awards, the financing may go back to the starting date of negotiations as confirmed by administrative
That could be even an earlier date than that of the financing decision.
Under the FR (Article 110), it is no longer necessary to indicate cases of cost-eligibility-retroactivity in the
financing decision.
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Chapter 6. Grants
- (i) the reasons for such derogation have been properly substantiated by the contracting
authority responsible;
- (ii) the grant agreement sets explicitly the eligibility date earlier than the date for
submission of applications.
The relevant eligibility date should also be included in the guidelines for applicants.
The contract for an operating grant must be awarded within 4 months from the start of the
beneficiary’s financial year. Costs eligible for financing may not have been incurred before the grant
application was lodged nor before the start of the beneficiary’s financial year.
Retroactive financing constitutes an event to be reported.
The approval by the AOSD of cost eligibility before the signature of a grant contract, but after
submission of a grant application is an event to be reported.
Moreover, retroactive financing to cover costs incurred before the submission of the proposal, for
reasons of extreme urgency in crisis management aid or in other exceptional and duly substantiated
emergencies also constitutes an event to be reported.
Prior authorisation by the European Commission must be sought for the retroactive financing.
6.3.9. Co-financing
See Section 2.5.2.
As general rule, a grant may not finance the entire cost of the action or the entire operating
expenditure of a beneficiary, with the following exceptions:
Full Financing
The contracting authority must be in a position to show that financing in full is essential to carry
out the action in question and must substantiate its award decision accordingly. Under direct
management, full financing constitutes an event to be reported. Under indirect management with
ex-ante controls, the contracting authority must obtain the prior authorisation of the European
For instance, the financing of an action in full may be authorised in the following cases, save where
prohibited by the basic act:
- humanitarian aid, including assistance for refugees, uprooted persons, rehabilitation and
mine clearance;
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Chapter 6. Grants
- where it is in the interests of the European Union to be the sole donor to an action, and in
particular to ensure visibility of a European Union action. Grounds must be provided for in
the award decision.
For EIDHR financed actions (MFF 2014-2020), full financing is also possible for cases (i) and
(ii) under g) in section 6.4.2.
For the MFF 2021-2027 financed actions, full financing is also possible for cases a) and b)
under h) in section 6.4.2.
The co-financing may take the form of the beneficiary's own resources (self-financing), income
generated by the action and financial or in kind contributions from third parties.
The contracting authority may accept contributions in kind as co-financing, if considered necessary or
appropriate. Co-financing in kind means the provision of goods or services to the grant beneficiary
free of charge by a third party. Therefore, contributions in kind do not involve any expenditure for
the grant beneficiary218. For the purpose of the no-profit rule (see Section 6.3.10.), in kind
contributions are not taken into account.
If contributions in kind are accepted as co-financing, the beneficiary(ies) must ensure they comply
with national tax and social security rules.
Contributions in kind from third parties, with the exception of in kind contributions in the form of
volunteers’ work219, must be presented separately from the contributions to the eligible costs in the
estimated budget (like non eligible taxes, they are presented as accepted costs in the estimated
budget for the action). Their approximate value must be indicated in the estimated budget and must
not be subject to subsequent changes.
The beneficiary has to declare the co-financing actually provided in the final report. The
beneficiary(ies) may at that point replace any planned contribution from its own resources by
financial contributions from third parties.
For low value grants (i.e. any grant up to EUR 60 000) refusal of co-financing in kind — if proposed
but not considered appropriate or necessary — should be clearly justified.
Volunteers’ work
Where the relevant call for proposals allows for the work performed by volunteers to be considered
as acceptable co-financing, beneficiaries may declare personnel costs for the work carried out by
volunteers under an action or work programme as eligible cost, on the basis of unit costs determined
by the European Commission at the following address:
Nevertheless, actual costs generated by the acceptance, distribution, warehousing etc. of in kind contributions
may be eligible for funding if complying with Article 14 of the general conditions.
See dedicated box for details on the presentation of volunteer’s work in the budget.
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Chapter 6. Grants
ersion=ALL&language=en .
Contributions in kind from third parties in the form of volunteers' work, valued in accordance with
the above paragraph, must be presented in the estimated budget, separately from the other eligible
costs, in the dedicated budget line 10.2 of the budget template (PRAG Annex e3c) . The value of the
volunteer’s work must always be excluded from the calculation of indirect costs. Volunteers’ work
may comprise up to 50% of the co-financing, the latter corresponding to the part not financed by the
EU grant. For the purposes of calculating this percentage, other contributions in kind, if allowed, and
other co-financing must be based on estimates provided by the applicant220.
Grants may not have the purpose or effect of producing a profit within the framework of the action
or the work programme, with the exception of some specific cases (see below) as provided for in the
special conditions of the standard grant contract.
Profit is defined as a surplus of the receipts over the eligible costs approved by the contracting
authority when the request for payment of the balance is made.
The receipts to be taken into account are the consolidated receipts on the date on which the
payment request for the balance is made by the coordinator that fall within one of the two following
b) income generated by the action; unless otherwise specified in the special conditions.
In case of an operating grant, amounts dedicated to the building up of reserves must not be
considered as a receipt.
When grants or parts of grants are based on simplified cost options, these amounts should be
established in such a way as to exclude profit a priori. If this is the case, the amounts of unit costs,
lump sums and/or flat rates established in the contract must not be challenged by ex post controls,
i.e. through comparison with the actual costs they cover (see Section 6.2.1. and Annex E3a2
Guidelines for simplified cost options).
In case a profit is made, the contracting authority has the right to reduce the final amount of the
grant by the percentage of the profit corresponding to the final European Union contribution to the
eligible costs actually incurred approved by the contracting authority (thus excluding other eligible
costs declared on a simplified cost option basis), except in the cases listed below.
Article 190(2) FR.
Article 192(3) FR.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 188
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
b) actions that generate an income to ensure their continuity after the period of Union
financing provided for in the grant agreement. Where applicable, this must be
specified in Article 7 of the special conditions;
c) study, research, training or education support paid to natural persons or other direct
support paid to natural persons most in need, such as unemployed persons and
refugees. Where applicable, this must be specified in Article 7 of the special
e) grants in the form of financing not linked to costs of the relevant operations (see
Article 125(1)(a) FR);
Contingency reserve:
A reserve for contingencies and/or possible fluctuations in exchange rates not exceeding 5% of the
direct eligible costs may be included by the applicants in the budget for external actions given the
specificity and the higher level of unpredictability of external actions.
Ethics clauses:
In addition, for all grant award procedures (calls for proposals or direct award) where the requested
grant exceeds EUR 60 000, lead applicants, co-applicants and affiliated entities other than (i) natural
persons (ii) pillar-assessed entities and (iii) governments and other public bodies whose application
has been provisionally selected or placed in a reserve list, shall assess their internal policy against
sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEA-H) through a self-evaluation questionnaire with the
aim to inform the contracting authority about the entity’s SEA-H policy in place and the measures
envisaged in order to improve the SEA-H policy within the relevant organisation222.
Please note that in direct management, for calls for proposals where PROSPECT is used, the self-evaluation
questionnaire on SEA-H must be submitted via PADOR. In case of direct award of grants, where PROSPECT is
not used, all submitted data, including the self-evaluation questionnaire on SEA-H, must be transferred into the
relevant European Commission information systems.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 189
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants Publication
A call for proposals is always published on the website of DG International Partnerships or Funding &
Tender opportunities website (F&T Portal)223. A call for proposals must also be published locally
where it is not organised by a service of the European Commission headquarters.
For the publication of calls for proposals in direct or indirect management and calls for proposals for
Twinning projects, please refer to the relevant webpages of the two online tools: PADOR224 and
PROSPECT225. Calls for proposals are published onthe website of DG International Partnerships226 or
Funding & Tender opportunities website (F&T Portal), while local calls for proposals are also
published locally. The grants awarded under the Programme Estimates, if not published locally, have
to be published on the website of DG International Partnerships or Funding & Tender opportunities
website (F&T Portal) via PROSPECT (PRAG Sections and Trust Fund-related Calls for
Proposals are not published in PROSPECT.
In exceptional cases, calls for proposals may be open, i.e. all applicants are free to submit a full
application. In this case a concept note must still be submitted together with the full application and
the evaluation process is carried out in two steps (shortlisting on the basis of the concept note), in
accordance with the published guidelines for applicants (see Section 6.5.2.).
A decision to launch an open rather than a restricted call must be justified by the particular technical
nature of the call, the limited budget available, the limited number of proposals expected or
organisational constraints (e.g. calls by regional European Union delegations).
A prior approval must be sought for the launch of an open call for proposals.
Prior authorisation by the European Commission must be sought for the launch of an open call for
No prior authorisation by the European Commission is required.
With the next PROSPECT release, the publication of call for proposals will move from the website of DG
International Partnerships to the Funding & Tender opportunities (F&T Portal).
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 190
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants Partnerships
Grant contracts may take the form of financial framework partnership agreements with a view to
establishing a long-term cooperation between the Commission and beneficiaries implementing
European Union funds227,228. Financial framework partnership agreements must specify the forms of
financial cooperation, including the obligation to set out, in the specific agreements signed
arrangements for monitoring the achievement of specific objectives. In addition, in case the financial
partnership agreements takes the form of a grant, it must specify the nature of actions planned on a
one-off basis or as part of an approved work programme, the procedure for awarding specific grants,
in compliance with the principles and procedural rules in this practical guide and the general rights
and obligations of each party under the specific contracts. The duration of the partnership may not
exceed 4 years, save in duly justified cases clearly indicated in the annual activity report. Financial
framework partnership agreements are treated as grants for the purposes of programming, ex ante
publication and the award procedure and may, under indirect management, provide for the reliance
on the systems and procedures of the beneficiary229. Financial framework partnership agreements
should only be envisaged if their use has a clear extra value. For example, if only one specific grant is
foreseen, financial framework partnership agreements are not the appropriate modality.
A prior approval must be sought for the use of a financial framework partnership agreement.
Prior authorisation by the European Commission must be sought for the use of a financial
framework partnership agreement.
Direct awards require a prior approval/constitute an event to be reported.
Prior authorisation of the European Commission must be sought. The negotiation report (Annex
A10a) must be submitted to the relevant services of the European Commission, which must decide
whether to accept the negotiation result.
No prior authorisation by the European Commission is required for the use of the direct award
procedure or for the results of negotiation contained in the negotiation report (Annex A10a).
Article 130 FR.
FFPA templates for mono-beneficiary grants under direct management including a template for the specific
grant contracts based on the standard grant contract for European Union external actions are available as annexes
to the practical guide.
In line with the conditions set by Article 154(2)(3)(4) FR.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 191
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
In the following circumstances, it is not necessary to organise a call for proposals before awarding
b) For the purposes of humanitarian aid and civil protection operations or for crisis management aid.
This provision is mutatis mutandis applicable to programmes funded by the EDF under emergency
assistance provided for in Articles 72 and/or 73 of the Cotonou Agreement;
c) Where the grant is awarded to a body with a de jure or de facto monopoly, duly substantiated in
the award decision. ‘De facto’ or ‘de jure’ monopoly means that the grant beneficiary:
• has exclusive competence in the field of activity and/or geographical area to which the
grant relates pursuant to any applicable law; or
• is the only organisation (i) operating or (ii) capable of operating in the field of activity
and/or geographical area to which the grant relates by virtue of all considerations of fact
and law.
d) Where the grant is to be awarded to a body identified by the relevant basic act231, as beneficiary
of a grant or to bodies designated by the Member States, under their responsibility, where those
Member States are identified by a basic act as beneficiaries of a grant. Note that ‘basic act’ refers
to the Regulation governing the programme. It is not sufficient to identify a body for a direct
award in financing decisions/annual action programmes, as these do not constitute basic acts;
e) In case of research and technological development, to bodies identified in the work programme,
where the basic act expressly provides for that possibility, and on condition that the action does
not fall under the scope of a call for proposals;
f) For actions with specific characteristics that require a particular type of body on account of its
technical competence, its high degree of specialisation or its administrative power, on condition
that the actions concerned do not fall within the scope of a call for proposals. These cases must
be duly substantiated in the award decision.
i. low value grants to human rights defenders to finance urgent protection actions, where
appropriate without the need for co-funding;
ii. grants, where appropriate without the need for co-funding, to finance actions in the most
difficult conditions or in situations referred to in Article 2(4) of Regulation (EU) No
235/2014 where the publication of a call for proposals would be inappropriate. Such
grants shall not exceed EUR 1 000 000 and shall have a duration of up to 18 months, which
may be extended by a further 12 months in the event of objective and unforeseen
obstacles to their implementation;
Article 195 FR.
For the European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights (multiannual financial framework 2014-2020),
Article 6(1) (c) (iii) of Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March
2014 laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union's instruments for financing
external action (CIR) (OJ L 77, 15.3.2014, p. 95), and for the MFF 2021-2027, Article 27 (3) (c) of Regulation
(EU) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 June 2021 establishing the Neighbourhood,
Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 192
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
a) low-value grants to human rights defenders to finance urgent protection actions and
needs, including through mechanisms for the protection of human rights defenders at
risk, as well as to mediators and other civil society actors involved in crisis and armed
conflict related dialogue, conflict resolution, reconciliation and peacebuilding, where
appropriate without the need for co-financing;
b) grants, where appropriate without the need for co-financing, to finance actions in the
most difficult conditions where the publication of a call for proposals would be
inappropriate, including situations where there is a serious lack of fundamental freedoms,
including violation of human rights, threats to democratic institutions, escalation of crisis
or armed conflict, where human security is most at risk or where human rights
organisations and defenders, mediators and other civil society actors involved in crisis
and armed conflict related dialogue, reconciliation and peacebuilding operate under the
most difficult conditions; such grants shall not exceed EUR 1 000 000and their duration
shall not exceed 18 months, which may be extended by a further 12 months in the event
of objective and unforeseen obstacles to their implementation;
c) low value grants to civil society organisations using, to the extent possible, simplified
forms of financing in accordance with Article 125 of the Financial Regulation.
In all cases, the contracting authority must prepare a report explaining the manner in which the grant
beneficiary was identified and the grant amounts established, and the grounds for the award
decision (see template negotiation report — Annex A10a). The contracting authority must follow the
steps shown in the negotiation report template and ensure that all the basic principles for grants are
respected (including eligibility, capacity and exclusion).
In the case of grants awarded without a call for proposals, even though an evaluation committee
may be useful, it is not compulsory.
The procedures described in Section 6.5.10. must be followed by analogy, with the report referred to
in the previous paragraph being included in the contract dossier.
Even if the beneficiary is designated in the basic act or it is in a monopoly situation the financial
capacity always has to be verified as the financial interests of the European Union have to be
The guidelines for applicants are published on the website of DG International Partnerships or
Funding & Tender opportunities website (F&T Portal)232 and in any other appropriate media (other
websites, specialised press, local publications, etc.). They should also be available in hard copy from
With the next PROSPECT release, the publication of call for proposals will move from the website of DG
International Partnerships to the Funding & Tender opportunities (F&T Portal).
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 193
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
the contracting authority. They should be available in the languages appropriate to the call for
The European Commission is responsible for publishing the guidelines for applicants on the website
of DG International Partnerships or F&T portal. If the contracting authority is not a service of the
European Commission headquarters, it must arrange local publication directly at the same time as
they are published on the designated website.
Since the cost of publishing the entire guidelines for applicants in the local press might be
prohibitive, the template in Annex e2 prescribes the minimum information that is required for local
publication. Those guidelines must be available at the address stated in the local publication.
It is also highly advisable, after the launch of the call for proposals, to hold one or more information
sessions that all the potential applicants can attend. Such information sessions must take place at the
latest 21 days before the deadline for submission of the concept notes233. Moreover, information
sessions can also be organised at the latest 21 days before the deadline for submission of the full
application for applicants whose concept notes have been pre-selected. Any
presentation/documentation to be delivered in the information session must also be uploaded at
least on the website of DG International Partnerships or F&T portal, where the call was published. In
direct management the dates, locations and presentations for information sessions on global calls for
proposals must be coordinated with the European Commission headquarters. The information to be
disseminated in all targeted regions must be harmonised in a non-discriminatory way.
If the contracting authority, either on its own initiative or in response to a request for clarification
amends information in the call for proposals, a corrigendum with the changes must be published
subject to the same publicity conditions as those for the call for proposals. The corrigendum may
extend the deadline to allow applicants to take the changes into account.
In order to make more efficient use of calls for proposals the contracting authority may group calls
for proposals for different instruments (it may then be advisable to divide the calls into lots234)
and/or use the budget of several successive years. In the latter case, a suspensive clause must be
included for the following years. Calls may also cover several countries of one region and group the
related budgetary appropriations.
The guidelines for applicants should set out very clearly and in detail the objectives and priorities of
the call for proposals, and give particular attention to the eligibility criteria. They must be published
and any change to them must be published as well.
Full application in case of open procedures.
Note that a division of lots into sub-lots is not possible.
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- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
It is advisable to clarify and limit the priorities and objectives of calls and to clearly explain the
eligibility criteria for applicants (see Section 6.5.3. below) to ensure that only adequate applications
will be submitted.
• Eligibility of the applicants: this refers to the applicants' legal and administrative status - see in
particular Sections 2.3.1. and (rules on nationality and grounds for exclusion). If a call
for proposals relates to actions that might or need to be implemented by several entities, the
minimum, maximum or the recommended number of entities and the eligibility criteria
applicable to each entity or to all together may be specified.
• Eligibility of the action: this refers to the types of activities, sectors or themes and geographical
areas covered by the call for proposals.
• The selection criteria are used to assess the lead applicant's financial capacity as well as the
lead applicant's and the co-applicant(s)'s (and their affiliated entity(ies)) operational capacity
to complete the proposed action:
- the lead applicant must have stable and sufficient sources of funding to keep operating
throughout the action implementation period and to participate, where appropriate,
in its funding;
- applicants (and their affiliated entity(ies)) must have altogether the necessary
experience, professional competencies and qualifications to complete the proposed
The financial capacity has always to be verified235, except where the lead applicant belongs to
one of the following categories: natural persons in receipt of education support, natural
For financial framework partnership agreements, the verification of the financial capacity takes place before
entering into the framework agreement.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 195
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
persons most in need and receiving direct support, public bodies or international
Assessments are made on the basis of the information and supporting documents submitted
in the context of the call for proposals. Supporting documents may include an external audit
report of the lead applicant, the profit and loss account and the balance sheet for up to the
three last financial years for which the accounts were closed. In case of doubts about the
capacity of the applicants, the evaluation committee may ask for additional proof.
• The award criteria are used to assess proposals against the set objectives and priorities, so that
grants are awarded to actions that maximise the overall effectiveness of the call for proposals.
They should enable the contracting authority to select proposals that will comply with its
objectives and priorities and guarantee the visibility of the European Union financing.
The award criteria relate, in particular, to the relevance of the action and its compatibility
with the objectives of the grant programme under which the call for proposals is being
financed; the quality, expected impact and sustainability of the action, and its cost-
All eligibility and evaluation criteria specified in the call for proposals must be applied as specified
and cannot be changed in the course of the procedure. The criteria should be precise and non-
discriminatory (see the evaluation grid templates).
The contracting authority must reply to all such questions at least 11 days before the deadline for
submission of concept notes/full applications. Replies will be published on the relevant website(s),
i.e. there is no need to provide individual replies. In the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the
contracting authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of an applicant, an affiliated entity,
an action or specific activities.
In compliance with transparency and equal opportunities requirements, the answer provided to
applicants on points that may be of interest to other applicants must be made available to all
applicants. The way to achieve this is to publish on the website where the call was published, website
of DG International Partnerships or Funding and Tender opportinities website (F&T portal) (and other
websites, where appropriate) a document containing all the questions and answers provided. This
document must be updated regularly until 11 days before the deadline for submission of concept
notes/full applications.
Article 198(5) FR
For open calls, during the time between the publication and the deadline for the submission of the application
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 196
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
For calls for proposals launched in direct management, proposals must be submitted online via
PROSPECT by the date and time indicated in the guidelines for applicants. Lead applicants receive
a confirmation of the date and time of their submission in PROSPECT. All dates and times in
PROSPECT are expressed in Brussels time (GMT+1).
Where PROSPECT is not used (i.e. under indirect management) or where PROSPECT is used but it
is technically impossible for the applicant to submit the proposal via PROSPECT238 proposals must
be submitted to the contracting authority at the address and, at the very latest, by the date (and time,
for hand-delivery) indicated in the guidelines for applicants, as evidenced by the date of dispatch, the
postmark or the date of the deposit slip (for hand-delivery, the deadline for receipt is on the date and
hour fixed in the guidelines for applicants). However, if accepting concept notes/full applications239
that were submitted on time but arrived late would considerably delay the award procedure or
jeopardise decisions already taken and notified, the contracting authority may, for reasons of
administrative efficiency, reject any application received after the effective date of approval of the
concept note evaluation (first stage) or of the evaluation of the full application (second stage)240.
The deadline for submission must be long enough to allow for high-quality proposals. Experience
shows that a too short deadline may prevent potential applicants from submitting proposals or cause
them to submit incomplete or ill-prepared proposals.
The minimum period for submission is 45 days. In exceptional cases, a shorter deadline may be
allowed as a derogation241.
This only applies where the option to exceptionally submit applications offline is foreseen in the guidelines for
For open calls, full application forms.
For open calls, this first step is the approval of the concept note evaluation.
For open calls, the minimum period between the date of publication of the guidelines for applicants and the
deadline for submission of proposals is 90 days. Where the maximum size of each grant to be awarded within the
programme is EUR 100 000 or less, the minimum period is 60 days.
For open calls, the application form should be submitted in accordance with the instructions given in the
guidelines for applicants.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 197
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
Lead applicants invited to submit a full application following a pre-selection of their concept note
must submit the following documents243 together with the full application form244:
- The statutes or articles of association of the lead applicant, of each co-applicant (if any) and
of each affiliated entity (if any);
- The legal entity form duly completed and signed by each of the applicants;
In addition, for the purpose of the evaluation of the financial capacity, the following documents
should be submitted:
- For action grants exceeding EUR 750 000 and for operating grants above EUR 100 000, the lead
applicant must provide an audit report produced by an approved external auditor where it is
available, and always in cases where a statutory audit is required by European Union or
national law. That report must certify the accounts for up to the last three available financial
years. In all other cases, the applicant must provide a self-declaration signed by its authorised
representative certifying the validity of its accounts for up to the last three available financial
- For action grants not exceeding EUR 750 000 and for operating grants below EUR 100 000, a
copy of the lead applicant’s profit and loss account and the balance sheet for up to the last
three financial years for which the accounts were closed).
The audit obligation does not apply to international organisations nor to public bodies.
Depending on its risk assessment, the contracting authority may waive the audit obligation for
secondary and higher education and training establishments.
The applicants must indicate the sources and amounts of European Union funding received or
applied for the same action or part of the action or for its functioning during the same financial year
as well as any other funding received or applied for the same action.
No supporting documents are requested for an application for a grant not exceeding EUR 60 000.
For open calls, these documents should be submitted together with the application form.
This requirement must apply only to the first application made by a beneficiary to a contracting authority
responsible in any one financial year.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 198
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
The supporting documents required by a specific call for proposals must be uploaded in PADOR by
the time limit given by the European Commission. If it is impossible to access PADOR on-line, lead
applicants must submit the requested supporting documents together with PADOR registration
form at the time of the full application.
No supporting document will be requested for applications for low value grants and for the
following categories of applicants: (i) natural persons in receipt of education support (ii) natural
persons most in need, such as unemployed and refugees, and in receipt of direct support (iii)
public bodies, including Member State organisations (iv) international organisations (v) persons or
entities applying for interest rate rebates and guarantee fee subsidies where the objective of those
rebates and subsidies is to reinforce the financial capacities of beneficiaries or to generate an
income. Composition
Proposals are evaluated by an evaluation committee appointed by the contracting authority
comprising a non-voting chairperson, a non-voting secretary and an odd number of voting members
(the evaluators) with a minimum of three of them246.
The evaluators must possess the technical and administrative capacity necessary to give an informed
opinion on the proposals. They must have a reasonable command of the language in which the
proposals are submitted. They must represent at least two organisational entities of the contracting
authority with no hierarchical link between them, unless there are no separate entities (e.g. in a
European Union delegation). If necessary, substitutes for the members can be appointed on the
same conditions as the members.
Note that the evaluation committee, the chairperson, the secretary and the voting members are appointed for
the call for proposals as a whole, i.e. there may not be different committees, chairpersons, secretaries or voting
members for different lots.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 199
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
The evaluation committee members should attend all meetings, except the opening meeting. Any
absence must be recorded and explained in the evaluation report. A member who withdraws from
the evaluation committee for whatever reason must be replaced by a substitute evaluator
designated according to the standard procedure for appointing members of the evaluation
committee. The chairperson of the evaluation committee determines to what extent the evaluation
process must be restarted. This decision and any other decision relating to the replacement of a
committee member must be recorded and reasons to be given in the evaluation report.
All evaluators have equal voting rights. Although Article 150 FR exempts Delegations from ensuring a
hierarchical separation between members of evaluation committees, the hierarchical separation
amongst voting members should in principle be applied whenever possible.
The evaluation committee should be formed early enough to ensure that the members (and any
observer appointed by the European Commission, in the case of indirect management with partner
countries with ex ante controls) are available in time to prepare and conduct the evaluation process.
The allocation of the final scores is a joint decision of the evaluation committee. However, the
assessment of proposals may be split among the voting members. In this case, each concept note or
full application must be assessed independently at least by two voting members247.
The committee reserves the right to perform re-evaluations in duly substantiated cases. However, in
the case of substantial discrepancies between the two assessments, the committee must re-evaluate
the application concerned.
Assessors work under the supervision of the chairperson of the evaluation committee. Assessors may
attend the meetings of the evaluation committee as observers to present the results of their
assessments and answer any questions from the evaluation committee members.
• For the administrative checks (including the eligibility of the action), the assessors check each
proposal against the criteria listed in the checklist250 and the declaration by the lead applicant
(see the application form). Each proposal needs only to be checked by one assessor.
The foregoing is only relevant where no assessors are used. For the avoidance of doubt, neither the chairperson
nor the secretary may assess concept notes/full applications.
Internal assessors are to be understood as internal to the contracting authority (based in European Union
delegations or at Headquarters). External assessors are external experts.
Where different types of expertise are required for the different assessments, different assessors may also be
appointed for the different steps of the award procedure.
Please note that the concept note / full application should not be rejected only because the information filled in
by the applicant in the checklist is not correct (relevant for indirect management only).
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 200
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
• For the evaluation of concept notes and full applications, assessors must use the published
evaluation grids (see template evaluation grids) to give scores and provide comments.
• At least two assessors must assess each concept note and each full application, working
independently of each other251. The two assessors should preferably be chosen from among
European Commission staff. In case of scarcity of internal resources, external assessors may
also be chosen. The external assessors must have an in-depth knowledge of the issues covered
by the grant programme concerned. Their expertise should be checked against their CVs. A
minimum of 5 years of experience of a particular issue should be requested.
The assessor coming from the EU delegation will be nominated in accordance with the applicable
instructions on the nomination of evaluation committees by the relevant authorizing officer. If
assessors are not used, the EU delegation should nevertheless be duly consulted. If an EU delegation
is not in a position to carry out the evaluation within the deadline, in order to avoid delays, its
assessment can be taken over by a voting member from the evaluation committee or other internal
or external assessor.
It is also possible to have proposals evaluated by one assessor and one voting member of the evaluation
committee acting as the second assessor.
In duly justified cases, the European Union delegation may also be involved in the evaluation of the concept
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 201
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
In direct management, where PROSPECT is used for the management of calls for proposals, lead
applicants must submit their proposals online via PROSPECT following the instructions given in the
PROSPECT user manual.
Upon submission of the proposal, the lead applicants will receive an automatic confirmation of
receipt in their PROSPECT profile.
In indirect management, lead applicants must submit proposals by post, private courier service or by
hand delivery. When receiving proposals, the contracting authority must register them and provide a
receipt for those delivered by hand (see Annex A7). The envelopes must remain sealed and be kept in
a safe place until they are opened. The outer envelopes of proposals must be numbered in order of
receipt (whether or not they are received before the deadline for submission of proposals).
Under direct management in the exceptional cases where for technical reasons is not possible to register
in PROSPECT, lead applicants must submit proposals by post, private courier or by hand delivery. The
service in charge of the call must ensure that all applications received are registered in PROSPECT
following the opening session. Lead applicants who submitted online will receive an automatic
acknowledgement of receipt. Applications received by post, private courier or hand deliveries (including
any overdue applications) must be encoded on behalf of the applicants in the system and the original
must be kept in the archives. Once an application is encoded, PROSPECT will generate an automatic
acknowledgement of receipt to the email address of the organisation and of the contact person. In case
of overdue applications, PROSPECT will generate the respective letter. In case the specific call does
not allow the submission of proposals by post, private courier or hand deliveries, the applications
received by these means will be rejected.
Full applications and concept notes in case of open calls for proposals.
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 202
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 6. Grants
Under indirect management and direct management in cases where some applications are received
on paper, all proposals received should be opened in an opening session (after expiry of the
submission deadline) at which the registration details are checked and the proposals are numbered.
The secretary to the evaluation committee supervises the opening session and requests the
assistance of other staff of the contracting authority if need be.
Only those proposals that met the deadline are subject to an administrative check to assess whether
the criteria mentioned in the checklist are fulfilled. Under no circumstances may assessors or
members of the evaluation committee change the checklist.
Note that the administrative check also includes an assessment of the eligibility of the action.
Administrative checks may be carried out by members of the evaluation committee (including the
secretary) or by one or more assessors.
If any of the requested information is missing or is incorrect, the application may be rejected on that
sole basis and the application will not be evaluated further. However, if due to a clerical error on the
part of the applicants, the applicants fail to submit evidence or to give a statement, the evaluation
committee may, except in duly justified cases, ask the lead applicant to provide, within a set
deadline, the missing information or clarify supporting documents. Such information or clarifications
may not substantially change the proposal or alter the terms of the call. Once received, the
evaluation committee may use its discretion in deciding whether it should be accepted, while
ensuring equal treatment of proposals and proportionality. Any decision taken by the evaluation
committee must be fully recorded and the evaluation report(s) shall give reasons (see Section 2.9.3.).
The contracting authority must keep proposals not considered for further evaluation.
If the members of the evaluation committee do not carry out the check themselves, the evaluation
committee must review the conclusions of the assessor(s) using the completed grids. To facilitate the
evaluation committee’s review of the assessments, the secretary must ensure that one list is drawn
up containing proposals that did not comply with the administrative checks. Reasons must be given
for each entry on the list.
Following the opening session (where relevant), and the administrative checks, the evaluation
committee meets to decide on any contentious case (including the eligibility of actions) and proceeds
with the evaluation of the concept notes.
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Chapter 6. Grants
Where the call for proposals is organised by a headquarters service of the European Commission and
an European Union delegation exceptionally participates as assessor in the evaluation of concept
notes, each concept note is assessed by the European Union delegation in the country where the
proposed action is to take place, for assessment on the basis of the same evaluation grid (see Annex
E8). The completed evaluation grids for each full application must be sent to the evaluation
The secretary then draws up a list of all the concept notes, ranked by score. As a first step, only the
concept notes that receive a score of at least 30 points in the evaluation are considered for pre-
selection. Concept notes that reach the above threshold will then be ranked by score. The highest
scoring applications will be pre-selected until at least twice the available budget for the call for
proposals is reached.
Following the evaluation of the concept notes, the contracting authority informs all lead applicants in
writing of the results of the evaluation and whether or not they passed the opening (where
applicable) and administrative checks and shall invite the shortlisted lead applicants to submit a full
application255. Under direct management, this letter is generated and sent via PROSPECT. In case of
hand deliveries or applications received by post, PROSPECT sends the letter to the email addresses
encoded. Lead applicants who did not provide an email address will be informed by post.
For direct management, the same grid is generated in PROSPECT.
For open procedures, following the assessment of the concept note by the evaluation committee, the contracting
authority shall inform applicants whether their concept notes have been pre-selected and therefore, the full
application will be evaluated.
For open procedures, there is no opening and administrative checks before the evaluation of the full application.
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Chapter 6. Grants
The quality of the full application is assessed using the evaluation grid (see Annex e5b257) containing
the selection and award criteria. Comments are made for each subheading on the basis of the
questions and criteria used for that heading. In addition, there must always be a check of consistency
between budget items and the description of the action. The overall assessment is based on the
scores obtained under each subheading, added up by heading. If the evaluation committee does not
evaluate the applications itself, the final score is the arithmetical average of the scores given by the
assessors. For indirect management, the completed assessments for each proposal must be sent to
the evaluation committee (for direct management they are available in PROSPECT).
Where the call for proposals is organised by a Headquarters service of the European Commission
each full application will be allocated via PROSPECT to the European Union delegation in the country
where the proposed action is to take place, for an internal assessment on the basis of the same
evaluation grid (see Annex e8).258 The completed evaluation grids for each full application must be
sent to the evaluation committee.
Under direct management (members of) the evaluation committee or internal assessors evaluating
the full applications may re-evaluate the scores given for the relevance at concept note stage and
transferred to the full application. It is up to the evaluation committee to accept this new assessment
or not.
Please note that the information assessed on the basis of the concept note may not be changed by
the applicants in the full application except for the following: i) the contribution requested from the
European Union for the action may not differ from the initial estimate by more than 20%. Should that
requested contribution differ from the initial estimate, the difference between the European Union
contribution and the total cost of the action must remain within the limits imposed by the guidelines
for applicants; ii) the lead applicant may add, remove or replace one or more co-applicant(s) or
affiliated entity (ies) only in duly justified cases; iii) the lead applicant may adjust the duration of the
action if unforeseen circumstances outside the scope of the applicants have taken place following
the submission of the concept note and require such adaptation (risk of action not being carried out).
In such cases the duration must remain within the limits imposed by the guidelines for applicants. An
explanation/justification of the relevant replacement/adjustment must be included in an
accompanying letter or email259.
The secretary then draws up a list of all the full applications, ranked by score. The highest scoring
applications will be pre-selected until the available budget for this call for proposals is reached.
For direct management, the same grid is generated in PROSPECT.
This means that one of the assessors will be from the relevant European Union delegation.
In case of direct management when PROSPECT is used in Annex A.2 – Instructions for drafting the Full
Application, Section 2.1.1, point viii.
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Chapter 6. Grants
Following the evaluation of the full applications, the contracting authority informs all lead applicants
in writing of the results of the evaluation, whether or not they passed the opening (where applicable)
and administrative checks and whether they have been provisionally selected according to their
score. Those whose proposals have been provisionally selected will be invited to supply the required
supporting documents.
Under direct management, the notification letter is generated and sent via PROSPECT. In case of
hand deliveries or applications received by post, PROSPECT sends the notification letter to the email
addresses encoded. Lead applicants who did not provide an email address will be informed by post.
• Is the declaration by the lead applicant in conformity with the supporting documents
Any missing supporting document or any inconsistency between the declaration and the
supporting documents is sufficient to reject the proposal. However, the evaluation
committee may use its discretion in deciding whether the concerned applicants should be
allowed to submit missing documents or correct the relevant information, having regard to
the principles of equal treatment and proportionality. Any decision taken by the evaluation
committee must be fully recorded and the reasons leading to this decision must be explained
in the evaluation report(s) (see Section 2.9.3.).
This is assessed according to the criteria set out in the guidelines for applicants.
The eligibility checks may be carried out by members of the evaluation committee or by assessors.
Each proposal may be examined by one person only.
While the eligibility checks are usually carried out only for the provisionally selected applicants at the
end of the procedure, the evaluation committee may decide to check eligibility at any previous step
No supporting documents will be requested for applications for a grant not exceeding EUR 60 000.
In case open calls for proposals, documents should be submitted together with the application form.
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Chapter 6. Grants
in the procedure. In the interest of good administrative practice, the evaluation committee can check
and then exclude applicants at any stage of the evaluation if it is immediately obvious that the latter
do not meet the eligibility criteria.
If the members of the evaluation committee do not carry out the assessment themselves, the
evaluation committee must review the conclusions of the assessors using their completed grids. To
facilitate the evaluation committee’s review of the assessments, the secretary must ensure that one
list containing the ineligible proposals is drawn up. Reasons must be given for the ineligibility of each
entry on the list.
The evaluation committee may decide to approve the ranking drawn up by the secretary on the basis
of the assessors’ report. If the evaluation committee does not accept the scores awarded by the
assessors to an application (where for instance there is a significant difference or clear discrepancies
between the scores awarded by the assessors), it must give reasons for this decision in the
evaluation report. The committee then has to fill in a new evaluation grid (either collectively or by
one of the voting members of the committee) for the proposal concerned. Such a re-evaluation may
not be entrusted to external assessors. A new list will be produced on the basis of the scores from
the new evaluation, which replace those given by the assessors. The new evaluation may also cover
only one or more parts of the evaluation (for example, where the evaluation committee decides to
re-evaluate only the relevance of the actions).
All such decisions must be recorded and fully substantiated in the evaluation report. The evaluation
grids completed by the members of the evaluation committee must be kept with those completed by
the assessors.
The evaluation committee’s decisions are taken independently and in an advisory capacity. The
evaluation committee must ultimately draw up a list of the applications selected for financing,
indicating the score obtained by each application, the requested amount of the proposed grant and
the proportion of the eligible costs proposed to be financed. Subject to the following considerations,
this list is made up of the applications obtaining the best scores, ranked by order, within the limits of
the funds available under the call for proposals.
• The evaluation committee may recommend the selection of an application under certain
conditions that should be met prior to contract signature. Any such conditions, however,
should not call into question the grant award decision or be contrary to the equal treatment
of applicants (see Sections 6.3.6. and 2.5.2).
• The evaluation committee may decide not to allocate all the available funds if it finds that
there are too few applications of the quality required to receive a grant. In other words, the
mere availability of funds should not lead to the award of contracts for applications that do
not reach the necessary level of quality.
• The evaluation committee may draw up a list by subject or geographical area according to the
guidelines for applicants.
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Chapter 6. Grants
• The evaluation committee may reject an application if it has selected another that is of a
similar nature but has been awarded a higher score.
• Where several applications submitted by the same lead applicant are selected for financing,
but the lead applicant does not have the financial and operational capacity required to
implement all the actions together, the committee may reject the applications that have been
awarded a lower score, and select the applications that the lead applicant has the capacity to
The evaluation committee may also draw up, in the same conditions, a ranked reserve list comprising
a limited number of applications that obtained the best scores after those selected for financing. This
reserve list is valid for the period stated in the evaluation report. The applications included in that list
are likely to receive a grant if funds become available under the call for proposals (if the eligible costs
of the selected applications decrease, or it is impossible to sign a contract with the selected
applicants, etc.).
The final evaluation report, covering the eligibility checks, is drawn up following the final meeting of
the evaluation committee. It must be signed by all members of the evaluation committee.
In addition to the above, the contracting authority must then submit the evaluation report and the
recommendations of the contracting authority to the European Commission for authorisation.
If the contracting authority confirms that no modifications have been made (either in the special
conditions or in the proposed contract annexes) to the standard contract conditions annexed to
the guidelines for applicants, the European Commission’s authorisation of the evaluation report,
including the final list of grants to be awarded counts as a global endorsement of the
corresponding contracts if such endorsement is required. The list must include all the information
necessary to conclude the contracts (including the applicants' details, the maximum grant amount
and the duration of the contract). No endorsement by the EU delegation is required in certain
cases referred to in the practical guide to procedures for Programme Estimates.
Once the approvals have been given, the contracting authority will begin awarding the grants
(see Section 6.5.10.).
The award decision states the subject and overall amount of the decision, the approved evaluation
report and, where appropriate, the grounds for the decision by the contracting authority to depart
from the recommendations made by the evaluation committee in the report in respect of a particular
Subject to the contracting authority’s legislation on access to documents, the entire procedure, from
the drawing-up of the call for proposals to the selection of successful applicants, is confidential. The
evaluation committee’s decisions are collective and its deliberations must remain secret. The
evaluation committee members and assessors are bound to secrecy. If its law conflicts with the
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Chapter 6. Grants
confidentiality required, the contracting authority must obtain prior authorisation from the European
Commission before disclosing any information.
• the call for proposals has been unsuccessful, i.e. no worthwhile proposal has been received or
there were no replies;
• the economic or technical data of the programme have been fundamentally altered;
• exceptional circumstances or force majeure render the normal implementation of the planned
actions impossible;
• there have been irregularities in the procedure, in particular where these have prevented
equal treatment.
The cancellation of a call for proposals constitutes an event to be reported.
If a call for proposals is cancelled, all lead applicants must be notified of the cancellation by the
contracting authority but will not be entitled to compensation. Under direct management, this letter
is generated and sent via PROSPECT. In case of hand deliveries or applications received by post,
PROSPECT sends the letter to the email addresses encoded. Lead applicants who did not provide an
email address will be informed by post.
The contracting authority must then send a cancellation notice to the relevant services in the
European Commission for publication on the website where the call was published, website of DG
International Partnerships or Funding and Tender opportunities website (F&T portal).
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Chapter 6. Grants
After the contracting authority has given its official approval of the final list of grants to be
awarded, it notifies all successful lead applicants in writing that their applications have been
Under direct management, this letter is generated and sent via PROSPECT. In case of hand
deliveries or applications received by post, PROSPECT sends the letter to the email addresses
encoded. Lead applicants who did not provide an email address will be informed by post.
If the call for proposals was organised by a headquarters service of the European Commission a copy
of these notifications, and, where appropriate, all the documentation and information from the
evaluation needed to draft and manage the contract, are sent to the European Union delegation in
the country where the proposed action is to take place.
Letters to successful lead applicants must be sent within 15 days of the award decision: unsuccessful
lead applicants must be informed that they have not been selected (including the reasons why they
were unsuccessful) within 15 days of the notification to the successful lead applicants.
At the latest before taking the award decision, the contracting authority ensures that there is no
record of the successful applicant, including partners, in exclusion situation in the early detection and
exclusion system nor in the lists of European Union restrictive measures (see Sections 2.4. and and (in indirect management this must be checked with the EU delegation).
The timeline and the different stages of restricted and open calls for proposals can be summarised as
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Chapter 6. Grants
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Chapter 6. Grants
The budget proposed for the action by the successful applicants at the call for proposals stage must
be corrected to remove any obvious arithmetical errors or ineligible costs prior to signing the
contract. The description of the action is corrected accordingly if need be.
The contracting authority may decide that other clarifications or minor corrections may be made to
the description of the action or to the budget in so far as they do not call into question the grant
award decision, do not conflict with equal treatment of applicants, and:
- aim at taking into consideration changes that have occurred since the date of receipt of the
These amendments cannot lead to an increase in either the amount of the grant or the percentage of
the European Union contribution as set in the guidelines of the call for proposals. In this respect,
records of the contacts with the applicants must be kept on the file.
In direct management, the signing of a grant contract with an applicant must take place within 3
months from the notification of the award decision. However, in exceptional circumstances, in
particular in case of complex actions (such as multi-beneficiaries calls or, in case of calls with a large
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Chapter 6. Grants
number of proposals) or where there have been delays attributable to the applicants, this rule should
not be applied.
Any other alteration to the successful applicant’s proposal, or negotiation of it, is prohibited.
Once the above mentioned procedure has been followed, and all possible contracts have been
signed with successful applicants on the final list, it may be the case that some funds remain
available under the budget of the call for proposals. It may even be the case that additional funds are
added while the reserve list is still valid.
In these cases, the procedure for signing additional contracts from the reserve list will be:
- If the funds still available suffice to finance the requested European Union contribution from the
first runner on the reserve list, the provisions above regarding the notification and contract
preparation/signature are followed. In order to verify whether the funds are enough, the
arithmetical errors and potential ineligible costs must have been taken into consideration as they
may lead to a reduction of the budget.
- If the funds available do not suffice, this same applicant will be offered the possibility to increase
its co-financing in order to bridge the gap. If the applicant is able to do so (please note that, as a
result of this exercise, the percentage of eligible costs must remain within the authorised co-
financing rules set by the guidelines of the concerned call), the contract will be signed in line with
the instructions in this chapter. In the case that no additional funds can be secured by the
applicant, or in case that the new percentage of co-financing is not compliant with the guidelines
for applicants, no contract will be signed and the second runner in the list will be contacted. The
same approach is followed (availability of funds to finance the action after correction of potential
arithmetical errors or ineligible expenditure, possibility is given to increase their contribution if
the remaining funds cannot cover the requested European Union financing, etc.).
If needed, the same will be done with the subsequent applicants on the reserve list (3rd, 4th, etc.).
Under no circumstances will applicants be requested to reduce or amend their actions (apart from
the possible corrections and clarifications explained in this chapter) in order to make them fit the
available European Union financing, since this would entail a negotiation and an alteration of the
This procedure may lead to situations where lower ranked proposals are finally given a contract
instead of higher ranked ones. For the sake of transparency and equal treatment, it is important to
keep a record of all communications with the applicants when following the above described
• The coordinator is the main interlocutor of the contracting authority. It represents and acts on
behalf of any other beneficiary (if any) and coordinates the design and implementation of the
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Chapter 6. Grants
• The costs eligible for financing are the costs incurred by the grant beneficiary (or beneficiaries
in case of multi-beneficiary grants). Costs incurred by affiliated entities to a beneficiary may also
be accepted as eligible costs.
• The standard grant contract recognises the beneficiary’s independence of action and lays down
simplified management rules accordingly. In particular, it allows the coordinator to adapt or
modify the action without the prior consent of the contracting authority provided that the
modifications are not substantial (i.e. they do not put into question the conditions of award of
the contract) and do not result in a change of more or less than 25% to any budget heading.
• In awarding any procurement contracts required for the purposes of the action, the beneficiary
must comply with the rules set out in Annex IV to the contract.
• Unless otherwise requested or agreed by the European Commission, the grant beneficiary must
take the necessary measures to ensure the visibility of the Union financing or contribution
(see Section 2.5.3.).
Grants awarded in direct management of EUR 15 000 or more are published in the Financial
Transparency System (FTS) (as extracted from ABAC) and on the website of DG International
Partnerships/F&T portal (as extracted from PROSPECT in case of call for proposals).
Grants awarded in indirect management are published locally. If such local publication is not done,
the EU delegation shall upload in PROSPECT Annex e11 as filled in by the contracting authority.
Once the contracts have been signed, the contracting authority drafts a notice of award for each call
for proposals (see award notice, Annex e11).
In indirect management, for the grant contracts concluded in the framework of programme
estimates, the relevant contracting authority shall prepare for publication a summary table based on
the format in Annex e11 to the Practical Guide (‘Publication of awards’) and i) publishes it on its own
Internet site and/or in any other appropriate media. If the relevant contracting authority does not
publish on its own internet site, the EU Delegation should remind this obligation and if still not
published, the EU Delegation should ii) immediately upload Annex e11 in electronic form in
PROSPECT (indirect management - publication only) and it is automatically sent for publication on the
website of DG International Partnerships or F&T portal.
The European Commission may waive or authorise the contracting authority from the partner
country to waive the above obligations if publication of the information might threaten the safety of
the beneficiaries or harm their business interests.
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Chapter 6. Grants
Grant contracts may be amended only by written additional agreements, not by administrative
orders. Such additional agreements, including those aiming at adding or removing a beneficiary, must
not have the purpose or the effect of making changes to the contract that would call into question
the grant award decision or be contrary to the equal treatment of applicants.
When using the standard grant contract, the maximum amount of the grant and the maximum
percentage of the European Union contribution must not be increased.
However, these contracts may only cover a limited portion of the action.
Article 204 FR.
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Chapter 6. Grants
• Before awarding the grant, the contracting authority has verified that the grant beneficiary
offers appropriate guarantees as regards the recovery of amounts due to the European
Commission. This is due to the fact that the grant beneficiaries remain financially responsible
vis-à-vis the contracting authority for the correct use of the financial support.
• The following conditions for giving such support are strictly defined in the grant contract to
avoid the exercise of discretion by the grant beneficiary. By default, the applicants will include
this information in their applications:
b) The different types of activities eligible for financial support, on the basis of a fixed list
Where no specific activities are supported (e.g. unconditional cash transfers to refugees
to support their living or to human right defenders to support their work in general) this
must also be specified. In this case, the grant beneficiary does not have to demonstrate
that the financial support has been used by the recipients of financial support for a
specific purpose.
c) The types of persons or categories of persons that may receive financial support
As basic acts usually do not foresee restrictions on nationality and origin regarding the
recipients of financial support the contracting authority has to include any such
restrictions in the guidelines for applicants.
d) The criteria for selecting these entities and giving the financial support
Where the contracting authority wants to ensure that the beneficiary complies with
certain principles and/or procedures justified by the specifics of a call (e.g. where large
amounts will be redistributed through calls for proposals), this should be set forth in the
guidelines for applicants. For example, the guidelines could foresee that, when
launching calls for proposals for the award of financial support, beneficiaries may use
their own procedures provided these procedures comply with the principles of
proportionality, sound financial management, equal treatment and non-discrimination,
ensure transparency with adequate publication of calls for proposals and prevent
conflict of interests throughout the entire award procedure.
e) The criteria for determining the exact amount of financial support for each third entity
Where the contracting authority wants to ensure that the financial support should be
based e.g. on costs actually incurred or comply with the no-profit-principle this needs to
be specified in the guidelines for applicants.
The maximum amount of financial support that can be paid must not exceed EUR 60 000
per third party, except where achieving the objectives of the actions would otherwise be
impossible or overly difficult. In that case, no limits apply263.
Under the initial 10th (and previous) EDF Financial Regulation, financial support could not be the primary aim
of the action.
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Chapter 6. Grants
Where the contracting authority wants to apply a total ceiling for the giving of financial
support (i.e. the available envelope for the applicants in this regard), this needs to be
specified in the guidelines for applicants.
Applicants may also be invited in the guidelines for applicants to propose the necessary
documents to be kept by third parties to demonstrate that the financial support has
been used in accordance with the grant contract.
In the current context where grants of a large amount are encouraged to avoid the multiplication of
small contracts, financial support to third parties can be an effective way to fund grass-roots
organisations or local authorities, within the above described limits.
For the avoidance of doubt, rules on financial support apply only where a beneficiary provides this
support to a third party. The criteria above do not need to be complied with when funds are
provided to co-beneficiaries or affiliated entities.
However, the template of the contribution agreement will need to take into consideration standard
templates published with the call for proposals, i.e. the budget (Annex B) and the logical framework
(Annex C)266 which is to be included in the description of the action. The description of the action
(Annex I to the contribution agreement) will be drawn from the application form submitted by the
Where the lead applicant is not a pillar assessed organisation but one or more co-applicant are
international organisations whose pillars have been positively assessed, the standard grant contract
Organisations who have concluded framework agreements complementing the PAGoDA template can continue
using the PA Grant template also after adoption of the contribution agreement template until a new framework
partnership agreement has been signed.
Available on the website of DG INTPA. With the new Financial Regulation this does not apply to grant contracts
with the World Bank which are based on a different set of templates.
For direct awards (direct award by contracting authorities from Partner Countries or duly substantiated and
exceptional cases where direct award is justified -see Section 6.4.2.-), the organisation and the contracting authority
may agree to use other budget and financial report templates (e.g. the templates of the organisation) as long as
these templates comply with the provisions of the contribution agreement.
Where the contribution agreement results from a call for proposals, the template for financial reports attached
to the practical guide (Annex E3h7) has to be used. Where the contribution agreement results from a direct award
(direct award by contracting authorities from Partner Countries or duly substantiated and exceptional cases where
direct award is justified -see Section 6.4.2.-), the organisation and the contracting authority may agree to use
different budget and financial report templates as long as these templates comply with the provisions of the
contribution agreement. For the narrative reports, the organisation may use its own templates as long as these
templates comply with the relevant provisions of the contribution agreement.
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Chapter 6. Grants
will be signed. In this case, additional provisions of Annex e3h11 will be incorporated under Article 7
of the special conditions.
Some provisions of Annex e3h11 (see Annex e3h11 for details) also need to be included in the special
conditions if the lead applicant or a co-applicant is an international organisation whose pillars have
not been positively assessed.
As per Article 156 FR, ‘international organisation’ means an international public-sector organisation
set up by international agreement, and specialised agencies set up by such organisations — these
organisations may have a worldwide or regional scope. Entities created under national law are not
international organisations (e.g. a national NGO with several regional or country offices).
Organisations such as the United Nations and its agencies and specialised entities, the World Bank,
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Word Trade Organisation, the
International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Organisation for Migration clearly
fall under the definition of ‘international organisation’. In cases of doubt, to ascertain whether an
organisation is covered by the definition, the nature of the organisation must be determined mainly
on the basis of its legal founding documents (for instance, its statutes and/or the intergovernmental
agreement setting it up).
Where a public body from a partner country implements an action outside the scope of a call for
proposals the applicable modality depends on the concrete action:
1. If the activities to be implemented by the public body with its own resources/staff are envisaged
as a stand-alone project (i.e. not involving budget implementation tasks) the public body will
sign the standard grant contract. In these cases, a direct award is always justified due to the
Note that before the entry into force of the 2015 practical guide, public bodies from partner countries that were
part of the national government did in general not implement actions by way of a grant but under a financing
agreement with the relevant partner country.
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Chapter 6. Grants
monopoly situation of the beneficiary269. Such activities may also include the award of contracts
but only to supplement the activities to be implemented by the staff of the public body.
2. Where the financial contribution of the European Union aims at supporting the running costs of
the National Authorising Officer (NAO) under the EDF or of a ministry, such support will be
provided by way of an operating grant. Again, the NAO or ministry may award contracts in line
with the relevant provisions of the grant contract. The aforementioned support to the NAO or to
a ministry must not be confused with support to the implementing structure of a project under a
programme estimate. In the latter case, the European Union contribution supports the body in
managing budget implementation tasks (not the running costs) and will be provided as part of
the programme estimate under the financing agreement with the partner country(ies)270.
3. If the activities to be implemented by the public body are part of a larger project or programme
involving also budget implementation tasks the public body will implement the activities under a
programme estimate271.
Note that a prior approval must still be requested.
Note that the support to the running costs of the NAO/ministry will be included in a programme estimate, if the
relevant financing agreement foresees also the award and management of procurement contracts and/or grants.
Some of these activities may be performed as direct labour. For further information on programme estimates,
please consult the practical guide for programme estimates.
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Chapter 6. Grants
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Chapter 7. List of Annexes
7. List of Annexes
A General
A1a Glossary of terms a1a_glossary_en.docx
A1b Glossary of Terms (multi) a1b_glossarymulti_en.docx
A2a Eligibility programmes 2014- a2a_ecprogrammes_eligibility2014_2020_en.docx
A2a1 Eligibility programmes 2021- a2a1_ecprogrammes_eligibility2021_2027
A2b1 EU external aid programmes a2b1_ecprogrammes_en.docx
A3 Declaration of objectivity and a3_decl_ob_conf_en.docx
A4 Declaration of impartiality and a4_decl_imp_conf_en.docx
A5 Notices
A5a Cancellation notice (e-notices) a5a_cancnotice_en.docx
A5b Corrigendum of contract notice a5b_corrigcontractnotice_en.docx
A5c Notice for modification of a5c_contractmodificationnotice_en.docx
A5d Prior information notice (e- a5d_priorinfonotice_enotices_en.docx
A5e Contract notice (e-notices) a5e_contractnotice_enotices_en.docx
A5f Additional information about a5f_additional_information_contract_notice_en.docx
the Contract Notice (e-notices)
A5g Award notice (e-notices) a5g_awardnotice_enotices_en.docx
A6 Explanatory note a6_explnote_en.docx
A7 Receipt for hand delivered a7_receipt_en.docx
requests to participate/
tenders/ proposals
A8 Invitation for tender a8_invit_neg_en.docx
(amendment of contract
through a negotiated
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 221
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 222
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
B Service contracts
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 223
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 224
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
C Supplies
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 225
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
D Works
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 226
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 227
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 228
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
E Grants
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 229
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 230
- 24 June 2022)
Chapter 7. List of Annexes
Contract procedures for European Union external action - A practical guide (Version 2021.1 231
- 24 June 2022)