Uid - Oneshot
Uid - Oneshot
Uid - Oneshot
VTU previous year paper analysis by YouTuber Afnan Marquee. The questions present in this
document are repeated 5+ times in previous year papers. So don't miss it by any chance! For
video explanation, check out my YouTube Channel!
Module 2
-> Obstacles/Pitfalls + 5 commandments
-> Human Characteristics
-> Direct/Indirect Business Req. Analysis
Module 3
-> Structures of Menu
-> Function of Menu
-> Content of Menu
-> Phrasing of Menu
-> Navigating Menu
-> Types of Menu
Module 4
-> Components of Window
-> Window Presentation Styles
-> Types of Window
-> Window Management Schemes
-> Window Operation Guidelines
-> Devices
Module 5
-> Buttons/Text-Only or Read-Only
-> Selection/View/Presentation
-> Prototypes and Tests
Module 1
Q. Importance & Benefits of Good Design
Before that, UID definition…
User Interface Design is the subset of a greater study called Human Computer Interface. UID
deals with the study of how humans interact with computer and making it more better.
Good Design is Important because a poor design will cause a lot of wastage of time. People
get stressed out easily. They also tend to spend more energy and time getting a simple task
done. It also causes them to lose interest.
Benefits of Good Design are that it helps reduce time and effort. Improves employee
satisfaction and thereby increasing the customer satisfaction as well. Whenever any error has to
be corrected, good design plays a vital role in doing so!
Direct Manipulation means direct interaction with the components. It is used to make changes
to the system or perform some task by directly interacting with the device. It mainly has 4
1. The system is portrayed as an extension of real-world: The user never feels what
complexity is going behind the system functioning. It just looks like another entity of
2. The continuous visibility of objects and actions: The objects present in “Virtual
World” are always visible. Each of the object has an associated functionality. This
functionality whenever is needed to be executed, is sent as a reminder to the user.
3. Actions are rapid and inceremental with rapid display of results: Whatever the user
is doing on the screen. The result of those interactions is continously visible. The
modified changes are everytime updated and visible on the screen.
4. Incremental actions are easily reversible: If an action is done in wrong manner, it is
instantly visible on the screen and can easily be changed/modified.
Indirect Manipulation means the changes taking places are not happening due to the direct
interaction of the user with the system. They often happen through an intermediary in between.
The unableness to do the direct manipulation may be due to various reasons, like, the GUI
might be hard to understand or people are not technically advanced to understand it. It might
even be due to lack of screen space.
Examples of Indirect Manipulation include using the pop-up menus, or navigation bars, etc.
Q. Advantages and Disadvantages of Graphical Systems
● Faster Learning
● Easier to use
● Fewer Errors
● Replaces national languages
● Attractive and uses less space
● Complex
● More research needed
● Lack of Experimental Tests
● Not Familiar (Complex)
● Inefficient for Public Users
Firstly, lets have a look at characteristics of GUI orelse GUI will become sad 🙁
There are seven characteristics of GUI:
1. Sophisticated Visual Presentation
2. Pick-and-Click interaction
3. Restricted Set of Interface options
4. Visualization
5. Object Orientation
6. Use of Recognition Memory
7. Concurrent Performance of Functions
Consider GUI vs WEB = Instagram vs Internet Explorer
Instagram is fast and awesome
Internet Explorer is slow and useless
Like that only even our GUI is awesome with high class features and on the other hand WEB is
Reliability Yes No
Q. Principles of UID
Module 2
Q. Obstacles/Pitfalls + 5 Commandments
● Nobody gets it right for the first time
● Development is chock full of surprises
● Good Design requires living in a sea of changes
● Making contract to ignore the change will never eliminate the need for change
● Even if you have made the best system humanly possible, people will still make
● Designers need good tools
● No early analysis of user’s need and expectations
● A focus on using design features that are neat or glitzy
● Little or no creation of design element prototypes
● No usability testing
● No common design team
● Poor communication
5 commandments
1. Gain a complete understanding of the users and their tasks
2. Solicit early and ongoing User involvement
3. Perform rapid prototyping and testing
4. Modify and Iterate Design as much as necessary
5. Integrate the design of all system components
Incase, they ask about Human Considerations in Design, write about knowledge,
experience, and task needed to be performed.
Q. Direct and Indirect Business Req. Analysis
Module 3
Q. Structure of Menus
Q. Function of Menus
Q. Content of Menus
Q. Phrasing of Menus
Q. Navigating Website 🕸
Web Navigation is the act of Navigating the Web.
There are few guidelines that should be followed when Navigating Web:
1. Scrolling
2. Number of links
3. Presenting Links
4. Links to avoid
● Orphan link
● Boomerang link
● Gotcha link
● False Alarm link
● Mystery link
● Missed Opportunities link
5. Writing, Grouping, Ordering, Size, Spacing
6. Kinds of links: Within page/website/external
7. Link Maintenance
Describe the functionality of each of 13 components present, like, what they do etc.
Q. Explain the Presentation Styles
There are three presentation styles:
1. Tiled Style
2. Overlapping Style
3. Cascading Style
Tiled Style
Overlapping Style
Cascading Style
Q. Text-Only or Read-Only
Text boxes can be of 3 types:
1. Single Text box/Multiline Text box
2. Captions
3. Fields
Q. Selection Controls
1. Radio Button
2. Check Box
3. Palette