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Test Exam Questions

1. Ideal School & College, Motijheel, Dhaka Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (d) One should keep one's promise, ⎯?
(e) You'd better go now, ⎯?
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
necessary. 1×5=5 (a) Even if he fails, ⎯.
walk gurarantee deny add (b) Whenever he comes to our house, ⎯.
prove bring admit (c) There are so many stars in the sky that ⎯.
The women folk of our country can (a) ⎯ to the economy (d) If he had helped the poor student ⎯.
of our country. They have already (b) ⎯ that without their (e) He pretends as if ⎯.
participation no economy (c) ⎯ sustainable development B Composition : 60 Marks
for its people. To bring a positive change to our entire
socio-economic structure women's participation in every 9. Write a paragraph about 'Tree Plantation' by answering
level must (d) ⎯ in reality. It (e) ⎯ that economic the following questions. 10
underdevelopment is one of the prime causes of women's (a) What is tree plantation
destintion. (b) How do trees help us?
(c) How do they maintain ecological balance?
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (d) What do we get from trees?
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 (e) What may happen in absence of trees?
Bangladesh is no doubt one of (a) ⎯ poorest countries in (f) What steps need to be taken to motivate people for tree
the world, having (b) ⎯ few enemies. (c) ⎯ few plantation?
countries encircling her are not much richer than she. 10. Write a composition in about 250 words on any one of
They have (d) ⎯ little to do about our internal affairs. Our the following topics. 15
large population is rather (e) ⎯ burden than (f) ⎯ asset. (a) A Village Market.
But it is (g) ⎯ fact that (h) ⎯ days are not very far when (b) The Game You Like Most.
we will be (i) ⎯ able to win in (j) ⎯ race with many
11. Suppose your are Nasim/Nasima of the village Rupnagar,
other countries.
Upazilla Sonapur, District Rangpur. Recently a flood has
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1×5=5 swept over your area. It has caused a great havoc. Many
Mohsin was familiar (a) ⎯ the people of this people are suffering from want of food, cloths, drinking
subcontinent. He was famous (b) ⎯ his kindness. He was water, medicine etc. They need immediate help from the
not fearful (c) ⎯ his enemies. He did not jest (d) ⎯ the government. Now write an application to the Deputy
poor. He did not lack (e) ⎯ sympathy for the poor. Commissioner of your district for relief and medical
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the aids for the flood affected people of your area. 10
list. 1×5=5 12. Newspaper is a storehouse of knowledge. The necessity of
but unfortunately in fact reading newspaper is quite vast. Now, write a dialogue
in this connection like wise furthermore between you and your friend about the necessity of
though reading newspaper. 10
It is often said that our large population is our Number Or, Write down the summary of the following passage.
One problem. (a) ⎯ it is not true. (b) ⎯ large population Give a suitable title to it.
can be turned into a unique manpower in a country. (c) ⎯ There are a good number of reasons why students in
China can be cited. (d) ⎯ her population is more than 120 Bangladesh fail in English. That English is not their
million, she is progressing day by day. (e) ⎯ we wre native language is the main reason. In other words,
lagging behind. students have no good feeling with English. Very few of
5. Change the form of the following passage. 5 them are earnest in learning English. What the students
The boy said, "How fine the picture is ! I wish I could buy seek is to cross the stairs of examination. To most of them
it". His mother said, "But it is not durable and it will break learning English is unpleasant and examination is fearful.
Teaching English as a foreign language becomes very
down in about a month". The boy said, "Ok, Let us go
difficult when the learners are not mentally keen to the
now, mother. I shall not buy it".
subject. The most important matter is that the text books
6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined in different classes are not harmonious with the stages and
sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 the standard of the learners. Finally the motto of the
(a) A robber not only robbed everything of a poor man but also questions in the public examination includes cramming
murdered him. (Simple). The only other resident in the house rather than learning the language.
of the poor man was his wife. (b) She raised a hue and cry to let 13. The following story is incomplete. Use you imagination
her neighbours know the presence of the robber. (Complex). and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title
(c) As soon as the neighbours heard the hue and cry they to it. 15
rushed to the spot. (Negative). (d) Sensing the presence of the
neighbours the robber attempted to flee. (Compound). (e) The Once upon a time, there lived a hare in a forest near a
neighbours were very brave. (Negative). river. A tortoise was also used to live there in the river.
One day both of them were returning to their destination.
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 The tortoise was going slowly as usual....................
(a) All's well, that ends well, ⎯?
(b) Hope, he will succeed, ⎯?
(c) All of us came here, ⎯?
2 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

2. Viqurunnisa Noon School & College, Dhaka Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (d) Don't make a noise, ⎯?
(e) Messi, ⎯?
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
necessary. 1×5=5 (a) What cannot be cured ⎯.
hold bring dispel sit education build suit (b) He acted as if ⎯.
A teacher is an architect of a nation. He plays an (c) If you had any witness ⎯.
important role in (a) ⎯ up an educated nation. He (b) ⎯ (d) Unless you attempt all the questions ⎯.
the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. While (e) 1971 is the year when ⎯.
he (c) ⎯ his act according to the need of his listeners, he B Composition : 60 Marks
is able to (d) ⎯ the attention of his students. He (e) ⎯
9. Write a paragraph on "The Life of a Street Hawker"
motionless before his class.
on the basis of the following questions. 10
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (a) What is street hawker? (b) What does a street hawker do?
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 (c) What sort of man is a street hawker? (d) What does he
Bangladesh is (a) ⎯ land of rivers. There is hardly any sell? (e) How does he attract the attention of the customers?
country in (b) ⎯ world which has so many rivers. They (f) When does street hawker come out to sell his things?
provide us (c) ⎯ lot of fish all (d) ⎯ year round. Fishing 10. Write a composition in about 250 words on any one of
plays (e) ⎯ important role in our national economy and the following topics. 15
helps us in (f) ⎯ various ways. About half (g) ⎯ million (a) Recent floods in Bangladesh.
people of our country are engaged in (h) ⎯ fishing. It (b) Necessity of Physical Exercise.
helps us to go (i) ⎯ long way to solve (j) ⎯ 11. Imagine, you are Shakil of Nurpur village in the district of
unemployment problem of our country. Rangpur. The water of the tube-wells existing in your
3. Put a suitable preposition in each blank. 1×5=5 village has been found arsenic contaminated. Now, write
A poor man suffers (a) ⎯ many things. He destitutes (b) ⎯ an application to the Chairman of your Union Council
wealth. He is deprived (c) ⎯ the basic needs. But he is for sinking a deep tube-well for safe water. 10
contented (d) ⎯ what he has. He does not run (e) ⎯ wealth. 12. Think that you are Sima. Your SSC Examination is near
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or at hand and you are passing a busy time doing various
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5 things regarding your preparation for a good result. Now,
write a dialogue between you and your friend Lima on
sine die yeoman's service get the sack
your preparation for the ensuing examination. 10
inclined to tough cookie muster strong
Or, Write the summary of the following passage. Give a
turn a deaf ear
suitable title to it.
(a) The Manager ⎯ for corruption.
There are a good number of reasons why students in
(b) People ⎯ see the patriot's dead body.
Bangladesh fail in English. That English is not their
(c) The school was closed ⎯ and students were anxious.
native language is the main reason. In other words,
(d) He ⎯ to his follower's flattery. students have no good feeling with English. Very few of
(e) Sher-E-Bangla performed ⎯ for the country. them are earnest in learning English. What the students
5. Change the speech of the following passage. 5 seek is to cross the stairs of examination. To most of them
"Why are you putting up the food in your pocket, sir? learning English is unpleasant and examination is fearful.
Why don't you eat?" said the noble man. "I am doing the Teaching English as a foreign language becomes very
right thing". My dress deserves these rich dishes," replied difficult when the learners are not mentally keen to the
Sheikh Saadi. "I do not understand what you mean to subject. The most important matter is that the textbooks in
say." Said the nobleman. "And I'm sorry." different classes are not harmonious with the stages and
6. Read the following and transform the underlined the standard o the learners. Finally, the motto of the
sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 questions in the public examination induces cramming
(a) Day-to-day life in the city is not cheap. (Affirmative). rather than learning the language.
(b) People living below the poverty line lead a miserable life 13. The following story is incomplete. Use your imagination
(Complex). and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to
(c) Very few problems for them are as big as price hike. it. 15
(Superlative). One day two rats stole a piece of bread. They tried to
(d) The government has taken necessary steps to keep the divide it into two equal parts but failed. They fought for
price hike under control . (Passive). that. Lastly, they agreed to put up their problem to the
(e) The greedy people are responsible for price spiral. monkey. All the animals of the forest knew him as the
(Interrogative). wiser animal. They went to the monkey and asked him to
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 divide the bread into two equal parts. The monkey............
(a) The jury gave different opinions, ⎯?
(b) Everybody longs for power, ⎯?
(c) What a pity! ⎯?
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 3

3. Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks commodities is on the increase. (Compound) (e) It is
strong public awareness which is essential for the fight
1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs
against adulteration. (Simple)
from the list. Put them in the following correct tenses.
Use negatives if needed. 1×5=5 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
arrange cope copy expect (a) I have few friends, ⎯?
beat suggest matter lengthen (b) Allah is one, ⎯?
Most of our students cannot write out their examination (c) It's hardly rained this year, ⎯?
papers fairly. As they cannot understand the questions (d) How odd, ⎯?
properly, they often (a) ⎯ about the bush. Sometimes (e) Neither of them came, ⎯?
they fail to (b) ⎯ their answers neatly and systematically. 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
Although the teachers (c) ⎯ that their answers should be (a) Ten years have passed since ⎯.
brief and precise, they often (d) ⎯ their answers (b) If I had met him before ⎯.
unnecessarily where size does not (e) ⎯ at all. (c) ⎯ because he is not attentive to study.
2. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with (d) Scarcely had the assembly begun ⎯.
appropriate preposition. 1×5=5 (e) Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources ⎯.
Mark Twain was born (a) ⎯ the day of the appearance (b)
B Composition : 60 Marks
⎯ Halley's comet in 1835, and died on the day (c) ⎯ its
next appearance in 1910. He himself predicted this in 1909, 9. Write a paragraph about "Deforestation' based on the
when he said : I came in (d) ⎯ Halley's Comet in 1835. It is answers to the questions given below. 10
coming again next year, and I expect to go (e) ⎯ with it." (a) What is deforestation? (b) What are the causes of
deforestation? (c) What are the effects of deforestation?
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an
(d) What are the effect of deforestation on climate? (e)
article is not needed. 1
What measures should be taken to stop deforestation?
Just after 20 minutes Aldrin followed Armstrong and
10. Write a composition on (any one). 15
stepped on (a) ⎯ moon. Both (b) ⎯ astronauts explored
(a) Childhood Memories.
(c) ⎯ area surrounding (d) ⎯ landing craft. Then they (b) The Game You Like Most.
took (e) ⎯ pictures, set up scientific (f) ⎯ equipment and
11. Suppose, you are Karim/Karima. You feel the great need
collected sixty pounds of (g) ⎯ rocks and moon soil.
of debate in life and want to arrange a debate competition
They also set (h) ⎯ television camera on (i) ⎯ moon so in your college. Now, write an application to the
that (j) ⎯ whole world could watch. Principal of your college seekig his permission to
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the arrange a debate competition in your college. 10
list. 1×5=5 12. Suppose, you are Sumon/Sumona. Your friend is
nowadays but and although Fahim/Fahima. Both of you are very concerned about the
which in fact thus pollution of environment. Now, write a dialogue
With the passage of time all wounds are healed up between you and your friend about the environment
automatically. Time (a) ⎯ takes the role of great physician pollution. 10
in this respect. It is time (b) ⎯ wholly ameliorates all pangs Or, Write down the summary of the following passage and
and sufferings. The doctor heals our diseases and illness give a title to it.
with medicine. These are diseases of our body. (c) ⎯ what Man is mortal. To every man death must come sooner or
about the disease of our mind? (d) ⎯ we cannot treat our later. But it matters little if a man lives a few year more or
mind in a scientific way. It passes on (e) ⎯ gradually less than another. Our life is not measured by months or
removes all our frustration and sorrows. years. It is truly measured by our deeds and action. The
5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 people who live only for their own interest die
"Follow my example," she said when we shook hands, unhonoured and are not remembered after their death. But
"and never eat more than one thing for luncheon", "I'll do those who sacrifice their lives to the service of mankind
better than that," I retorted. "I'll eat nothing for dinner live in the hearts of men even after their death. Though
tonight". "Humourist!" she cried gaily, jumping into a cab. they do not live in the midst of living men, they are
6. Read the following passage and transform the remembered for ever by all. So, we should do good deeds
underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 for the benefit of mankind.
Adulteration is the act of making any commodity impure 13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete
by admixture of other or baser ingredients. (a) This it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
admixture may corrupt the original commodity. (Passive) Sheikh Saadi was a famous poet of Iran. Once he was
(b) The value or the effectiveness of the finished product going to the court. Night fell on the way. So, he was
is destroyed by adulteration. (Active) Adulterated foods compelled to take shelter in a rich man's house. At that
and beverages cause serious health hazards. (c) We have time Saadi had very simple dress.......
laws and law-enforcing agencies to stop the dishonest
businessmen. (Complex) (d) Their effort has been proved
ineffective since adulteration of foods and other
4 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

4. Dhaka Residential Model College, Dhaka Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. (a) The will of people prevails, ⎯?
Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where (b) Nobody can stop it, ⎯?
necessary. 1×5=5 (c) Everybody should be conscious, ⎯?
earn inspire take paralyse (d) Freedom is the birth-right of man, ⎯?
control gallop groan (e) Man is the maker of his own fortune, ⎯?
Price of essentials is such a crucial factor that it directly 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
(a) ⎯ the life and living of the majority people. The (a) Unless you work hard ⎯.
measures so far (b) ⎯ by he goverment (c) ⎯ (b) Had he been a little careful, ⎯.
appreciation from the people. But it is being replaced by (c) The more he gets, the more ⎯.
despair as the majority of the people have been (d) ⎯ (d) We take physical exercise so that ⎯.
under the crushing burden of (e) ⎯ prices. (e) ⎯ if you want to be happy.
2. Put a suitable preposition in the following blanks. 1×5=5
Salma is a brilliant student. She is conscious (a) ⎯ her B Composition : 60 Marks
duties. She is not indifferent (b) ⎯ her studies. She is also 9. Write a paragraph about "A Rickshaw Puller"
respectful (c) ⎯ her teachers and superiors. She is popular answering the following question. 10
(d) ⎯ her friends (e) ⎯ her good behaviour. (a) Who is a rickshaw puller? (b) How does he lead his daily
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an life? (c) How much does he earn a day? (d) How long does
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 he work everyday? (e) What happens when he earns to little?
There was (a) ⎯ man who inherited a vast property from 10. Write a composition in about 200 words on any one of
his father. He did not like physical labour. As (b) ⎯ the following topics. 15
result, he became very fat and could not move from one (a) Population Problem in Bangladesh.
place to another. He called in (c) ⎯ doctor. (d) ⎯ doctor (b) The Game You Like Best.
was very intelligent. He did not prescribe any medicine 11. Suppose, you are Sumon of 'X' High School, Dhaka. You
for (e) ⎯ man. He advised him to buy (f) ⎯ heavy club want to leave school earlier. 10
and move it in (g) ⎯ air till he got (h) ⎯ tired. Following Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your
the advice of the doctor, he became (i) ⎯ thin from (j) ⎯ school seeking permission for leaving school after the
obese man. third period.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the 12. Suppose, you are Anwar. You have been suffering from
list. 1×5=5 fever for about a week. Now, you are at the chamber of a
last of all first of all so doctor. 10
while rather such as Write a dialogue between you and your doctor
besides regarding your illness.
English is the most widely used international language. (a) Or, Write down the summary of the following passage.
⎯ communicating with the foreigners we cannot but use Give a suitable title to it.
this language. There are certain jobs in the country (b) ⎯ Man is the architect of his own fate. If he makes a proper
the jobs of a pilot, a postman a telephone operator etc. division of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is
where English is very essential. (c) ⎯ a student wishing to sure to prosper in life; but if the does otherwise, he is sure
go abroad must learn English. (d) ⎯ the importance of to repent when it is too late and he will have to drag a
learning English in our country cannot be ignored. (e) ⎯ miserable existence from day to day. To kill time is as
we should put high importance on learning English. culpable as to commit suicide, for life is noting but the
5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 5 sum total of hours days and years. Youth is the seed-time
"Why do you try to disturb the class? You should keep of life. In youth the mind is pliable and soft and can be
quiet and listen to your teacher. You should not do moulded in any form we like. If we lose the morning
anything that may disturb your classmates." hours of life, we shall have to repent afterwards.
"Sorry, Sir, I'll never do it again," said Tahmid to his
teacher. 13. Read the following story. It is not complete. Complete it
by using your imagination. Give a suitable title to it. 15
6. Read the passage and transform the following sentences as
Sheikh Saadi was a great poet in Iran. He used to lead a
directed in the brackets. 1×5=5
very simple life. Once on his way to the court of the king
(a) Everybody believes that education is the backbone of a
of Iran, he took shelter in a nobleman's house for a night.
nation. (simple) (b) No nation can prosper neglecting
He was then in a simple dress. The nobleman could not
education. (complex) (c) It is more powerful than anything
recognise him and........................
else. (superlative) (d) It is compared to light. (active) (e)
Everybody should give much importance on education,
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 5

5. Holy Cross Girls' High School, Dhaka Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (a) Luna hardly comes here, ⎯?
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. (b) Please do the sums, ⎯?
Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where (c) Nothing can concern you, ⎯?
necessary. 1×5=5 (d) There is a mistake, ⎯?
think build believe go (e) Wait here a moment, ⎯?
die bury call 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
The Egyptians believed that after people died they (a) ⎯ (a) He will not go unless ⎯.
to another world. They (b) ⎯ that people would still need (b) Had I seen him once more ⎯?
many of the things they had on earth. Their kings had (c) Be truthful if you ⎯.
many wonderful treasures. They buried those treasures (d) ⎯ who speak the truth.
with them. The kings (c) ⎯ in the open ground or in (e) ⎯ lest you should fail to get the train.
graveyards. They buried them in great buildings or tomb
(d) ⎯ pyramids. These pyramids (e) ⎯ out in the deserts. B Composition : 60 Marks
2. Put a suitable preposition in the following blanks. 1×5=5 9. Write the following paragraph on a "True Patriot" in
In order to share his joy and get relief (a) ⎯ his sorrows no more than 100-120 words answering the following
questions. 10
of mental agony, man makes friendship. (b) ⎯ friends,
his life seems to be dull and meaningless. But all friends (a) What is patriotism? (b) Who is a true patriot? (c) Why
are not true and sincere. Some make, friendship (c) ⎯ does a country need true patriots? (d) Are you a patriot, how?
(e) Are the Bangladesh true patriots? How can you say that?
achieve their personal interests (d) ⎯ guise of friends.
Give your own opinion on the matter.
They are called summer friends. A real friend will stand
(e) ⎯ you in your misfortune and try his/her best to give 10. Suppose you are Salam. You are a fresh University
you mental support. graduate. You are looking for a suitable position in a
renowned Pharmaceutical Company. Right at that time
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an
there is an advertisement from the famous pharmaceutical
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 company Novartis to fill in a number of position as
A true friend is (a) ⎯ asset. He stands by his (b) ⎯ friend chemists. Now write to the Managing Director of the
in time of danger. He is not (c) ⎯ greedy man. He always company, 34 Station Road, Tongi, Dhaka-1217. With
wishes for (d) ⎯ welfare of his friend. But it is (e) ⎯ all the academic certificates, two copies of passport
matter of (f) ⎯ fact that (g) ⎯ ideal friend is very rare size photographs along with a forwarding and your
today. (h) ⎯ selfish man cannot be (i) ⎯ true friend. He curriculum vitae before October 02. 2013. 10
thinks of his own (j) ⎯ interest. 11. Summarize the following passage in not more than five
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or sentences with a suitable title : 10
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5 Self control is at the root of all virtues, let a man give the
tough cookie fight shy of play truant reign to his impulses and passions and from that moment
conductive to tell upon take down yields up his moral freedom. He is carried along the
(a) The naughty boy always ⎯ me. current of life and becomes the slave of his own desire.
(b) Morning walk is ⎯ health. To be morally free to be more than animals man must be
(c) You won't be able to communicate with her, she is a ⎯. able to resist his instinctive impulses and this can only be
(d) He was punished for ⎯ from school. done by the exercise of self controll. This is the power
(e) Brothers should not ⎯ with one another. which constitutes the real distinction between physical
5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 5 and moral life. And it also from the primary basis of the
"We're late. "Popy said, as the cab stopped at the light. individual character. The stronger man is the who by
She looked at her husband "All right," her husband said, discipling exercise a constant control over the thoughts,
"I could not help doing it. The work on the desk and it had his acts, the truth of various desires that degrade society
to be completed. "This is one dinner party of the year I and thus indulged well into the crime that disgraces it
didn't want to be late for." Popy said. would shrink into insignificance before that abvance of
6. Read the passage and transform the underlined sentences violent selt discipling, self control respect and self control.
as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 12. Read the beginning of the story. Complete it from
(a) Once there lived a poor old woman (Make it complex). She your imagination giving it a suitable title. 15
lost her only child (b) She had none who could look after her. Yusuf is a poor rickshaw puller. He pulls rickshaws and
(Make it simple). (c) The bereavement overwhelmed the old earns whatever he can with his great toil. One day he took
woman (Make it passive) She came to Buddha. (d) She wanted a gentle man in his rickshaw who had a bag in his hand.
Buddha to bring her dead child to life (Make it complex) (e) Reaching the destination the man paid the fare and hurriedly
Her great sorrow touched Buddha (Make it passive). Buddha left the place leaving his bag behind. Yusuf noticed it after the
asked her bring him a handful of mustard from a house where gentle man left. He didn't know what..........
none had ever died. She searched for much a house but got in 13. Write a composition on any one of the following: 15
vain. (a) The Natural Calamities of Bangladesh
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (b) Jute the Golden Fibre of Bangladesh.
6 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

6. Monipur High School, Dhaka Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (d) Let's aim at doing good, ⎯?
1. Fill in each a gap with the correct from of verb given (e) Nobody believes a liar, ⎯?
in the box. Use negatives from if necessary. 1×5=5 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
tell teach sustain respect (a) Fools rush in ⎯.
try trouble preach (b) No teacher likes such a student ⎯.
Truth always reigns in the last. Falsehood may triumph (c) 1971 is the year ⎯.
for the time being. Those who are engaged in preaching (d) ⎯, I would have flown to you.
the truth (a) ⎯ by all. Those who feel interest in (b) ⎯ (e) Scarcely had she reached the station ⎯.
lies cannot prosper in life. They may prosper seemingly
B Composition : 60 Marks
but cannot (c) ⎯ it all the time. Socrates throughout his
life would (d) ⎯ the truth. He (e) ⎯ to make people 9. Write a paragraph on "A Book Fair You Have Visited"
understand what was good for them. on the basis of the following questions. 10
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1×5=5 (a) What do you mean by a book fair?
It is known to all that smoking is detrimental (a) ⎯ (b) When did you visit the fair?
health. In spite of knowing the fact the smokers do not (c) Where was it held?
abstain (b) ⎯ smoking. They are indifferent (c) ⎯ their (d) What was the occasion?
(e) What did you do in the fair?
health. Those who are addicted (d) ⎯ smoking lose their
appetite (e) ⎯ food. 10. Write a short composition on (a) 'The Uses of
Computer in Bangladesh' or (b) 'The Importance of
3. Fill in the gaps with articles. Put a cross (×) where an
Reading Newspapers' in not more than 250 words. 15
article is not needed. 1
Punctuality is of great value to (a) ⎯ student. (b) ⎯ 11. Suppose you are Shamim or Shamima, a student of Kustia
Zilla School. You have a common room but its facilities
unpunctual boy who is late for (c) ⎯ class will miss (d)
are not at all sufficient to meet up your demand. Now
⎯ part of his lesson and fall (e) — behind other students.
write an application to the Headmaster of your school
But (f) ⎯ punctual student will learn his lesson in (g) ⎯
on behalf of the students requesting him to increase
time and do well in (h) ⎯ examination. Punctuality is (i)
the facilities of the common room as soon as possible.
⎯ key to success in life. We all should be (j) ⎯ punctual
12. Sumona gets up late in the morning. She cannot prepare
in our activities.
her lessons in time and so she does badly in the
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases and examination. On the contrary, Mila rises early in the
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5 morning and can complete her lessons well. So she is
French leave fresh blood tell upon doing well in the examination. Now write a dialogue
take to task day dreams sine die between Sumona and Mila about the benefits of early
beggar description rising. 10
(a) The university was closed ⎯. Or, Write down the summary of the following passage and
(b) Over exercise ⎯ our health. give a suitable title to it.
(c) The unruly girl was ⎯. Good manners form an important part of our education. Our
(d) At present the suffering of the flood affected people ⎯. education remains incomplete if we do not learn good
(e) No one should enjoy a ⎯. manners. In our behaviour with others, we must show
5. Re-write the following passage in the indirect speech. 5 proper respect to them. We should have a sense of propriety
Rimi said to her English teacher, "Sir, I want to improve in our conduct with others. We should show respect to our
my English. How can I do that?" "Don't worry I shall help propriety which is necessary for a cultural and disciplined
you," said the teacher. "Thank you, sir," said Rimi. "Give society. Again good manners cost us nothing; they are often
emphasis on all the four skills of language namely the result of good sense and good nature. The importance of
listening, speaking, reading and writing," said the teacher. good manners in life is great indeed. Good manners with
6. Transform the following sentences as directed. 1×5=5 love and respect for a man and help him in every sphere of
(a) Road accidents are a curse. (Negative) (b) They cause his life. Everyone likes a man of good manners and is glad
a great loss to life and property. (Interrogative). But these to help him. Really a man of good manners is a gentleman
accidents occur due to a number of reasons. (c) The in the true sense of the term.
drivers are basically responsible for the accidents. 13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete
(Complex) (d) Most of them hardly know the traffic rules. it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
(Passive) (e) Even if they know some rules, they hardly Once there lived a wood-cutter. He was very poor but
care for them. (Simple) honest. He lived on the bank of a river near a jungle. He
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 used to cut wood................
(a) Your mother need not go there, ⎯?
(b) Thank you so much, ⎯?
(c) There is little water in the jug, ⎯?
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 7

7. Shamsul Haque Khan School & College, Dhaka Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. (a) We ought to love our country, ⎯?
Put them in the following correct tenses. Use negatives (b) You'd rather go, ⎯?
where necessary. 1×5=5 (c) Open the windows, ⎯?
take pray offer remain (d) He may excuse this fault, ⎯?
keep do publish (e) Let us go there, ⎯?
With extreme competition everywhere parents are 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
constantly worried about their results. This is a common (a) He opened a bank account so that ⎯.
sight during the SSC Examination in thousands of (b) ⎯ he is honest.
families. Special prayers (a) ⎯ in families having such an (c) If you do not work hard ⎯.
examinee. Parents (b) ⎯ special care of their children. (d) It is high time ⎯.
They make sure that their wards get along with studies (e) A patriot is he ⎯.
without the slighest of problems even without mosquito
bites. Parents shuttle to mazars and temples and (c) ⎯ for B Composition : 60 Marks
the examinees. Sometimes they give cash money and 9. Imagine that some days ago you witnessed a street
kinds for their wards. Parents of an examinee usually (d) accident and you were greatly shocked. Write a
⎯ worried until the result (e) ⎯. paragraph in about A street accident. Answer the
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an following questions in your paragraph. 10
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 (a) When did you witness a street accident?
Though newspaper is not always (a) ⎯ unmixed blessing (b) How did it affect you?
yet it is (b) ⎯ most useful thing in modern life. We (c) How do you react when you read about street accidents
cannot think of (c) ⎯ day without it. To read newspaper in newspaper?
is (d) ⎯ good habit. (e) ⎯ more we read news paper, (f) (d) Why do so many street accidents occur?
(e) Can they be prevented?
⎯ more we can acquire knowledge. If we do not read it,
we shall be like (g) ⎯ frogs in (h) ⎯ dark well. It is (i) ⎯ 10. Write a composition in about 250 words on any one of
looking glass of (j) ⎯ modern world. the following topics.
(a) Population problem in Bangladesh.
3. Put suitable preposition in each blank. 1×5=5 (b) Newspaper.
A huge number of Bangladeshi children are (a) ⎯ their
parents' control. The parents are also very much 11. Suppose you are Simul, a student of class X in Barisal
Zilla School. Your father is a government officer.
indifferent (b) ⎯ their children's fault. As a result many
Recently he has been transferred from Barisal to Dhaka.
of them become involved in bad activities subversive (c) Now write an application to your Headmaster praying
⎯ society. They don't pay heed (d) ⎯ their superiors. for a transfer certificate.
They even indulge in various dangerous habits. It seems
that the sensible society is deaf (e) ⎯ all these anomalous 12. Suppose, you are Rina and you have been suffering from
development. fever for a week. Now you are at the chamber of a doctor.
Write a dialogue between you and the doctor.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the
list. 1×5=5 Or, Write down the summery of the following passage and
give a suitable title to it.
when if an but
what so though People say, “Health is wealth”. Health is the soundness of
mind as well as body. A healthy man or woman has a
Man is the architect of his own fortune. (a) ⎯ he makes sound body as well as sound mind. Without having one it
proper division of his time (b) ⎯ does his duties is very difficult to have the other. To build up your health
accordingly. He is sure to prosper in life. (c) ⎯ he does and to maintain it, you have to do certain things for your
otherwise, he is sure to repent. (d) ⎯ it is late. To kill physical health and you have to eat proper food. Without
time is (e) ⎯ culpable as to commit suicide, for our life is eating a balanced diet you cannot remain healthy. Besides,
nothing but the sum total to hours, days and years. without drinking clean water you cannot keep in good
5. Re-write the following in the reported speech. 5 health. You have to sleep properly. Without it you cannot
Omar (R) said to the woman, "where do you live?" The maintain good health. You have to take proper physical
woman said, "I live in a poor hut south end of this town. I exercise. Without it you cannot remain healthy. For your
am hungry but there is no food in my house. Will you mental health you have to control your emotions. Without
give me something to eat?" Hazrat Omar (R) said, "Go controlling it, you cannot enjoy mental health. Above all,
home, I am coming with food and money." you have to have patience and respect for other people’s
6. Read the following passage and transform the feelings.
underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 13. Read the beginning of the following story and
(a) Poverty is the most undesirable problem in a person's complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.
life. (Positive) (b) It is a great problem of a country Once a lion was sleeping in a cave. A mouse was playing
(Negative). (c) It destroys the dignity of an individual as nearby. Suddenly the mouse jumped on the lion's nose.
well as a nation. (Passive). (d) Bangladesh is a poor For this it broke through the lion's sleep. The lion
country but blessed with a lot of natural resources. became...........
(Complex) (e) Proper utilization of these resources can
eradicate our poverty. (Interrogative)

To see the unseen and to know the unknown is inherent in

Or, Write down the summary of the following passage. human nature. This curiosity leads men to travel from one
Give a suitable title to it. place to another. Beside, this travelling has a great
8 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

educative value. Books provide us with only bookish travelling teaches us to bear hardship and thus it is good
knowledge but travelling can make it perfect. It brings us for success in the struggle of life.
in contact with different people and different ways of life. 13. Read the beginning of the following story. It is
We read the majesty of the Himalayas, the vastness of incomplete. Now complete the story by using your
oceans and the beauty of the Taj from books. But we can imagination and give a suitable title to it. 15
know much more from them if we see them with our own Once a crow felt very thirsty. It was flying to and fro in
eyes. Travelling gives us pleasure too. It breaks the search of water. But he found water nowhere. At last he
monotony of life and fills the mind with joy. Moreover, saw a pitcher nearby and flew to it......................

8. Bogra Cantt Public School & College, Bogra Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours Test Examination-2012; English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (e) Books are the greatest friends (Positive)
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
Put them in the following correct tenses. Use negative (a) Neither of them did it, ⎯?
(b) There is no water in the glass, ⎯?
where necessary. 1×5=5
(c) I can do it, ⎯?
keep form develop revive
(d) You've never been to Paris, ⎯?
become refresh walk be
(e) Shut up, ⎯?
Walking is a good exercise. It (a) ⎯ our body and (b) ⎯
8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
our mind. It (c) ⎯ beneficial to health. One can take fresh
(a) It was many years since ⎯.
air and enjoy the beauty of nature if one (d) ⎯ in the early
(b) He will shine in life provided that ⎯.
morning. So walking should be (e) ⎯ as a habit by people
(c) If you invite me ⎯.
of all ages.
(d) Scarcely had the assembly begun ⎯.
2. Use article where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (e) ⎯ when the last train will arrive?
article is not needed. 1
A library is (a) ⎯ part and parcel of (b) ⎯ education B Composition : 60 Marks
institution. It is (c) ⎯ unique place where books of 9. Write a paragraph on "Traffic Jam". Your paragraph
different subjects are kept for (d) ⎯ reading. It enables (e) must include the answers to the following question: 10
⎯ readers to read books of their choice that creates (f) ⎯ (a) What is traffic jam? (b) By whom or how is this
problem created? (c) At which places of a city or a town
enthusiasm for learning. Students should pay (g) ⎯ visit
does it occur? (d) What things happen for it?
to (h) ⎯ library regularly. One can borrow book for (i) ⎯ (e) How can this problem be solved.
certain period and return them after (j) ⎯ given time.
10. Write a composition in about 250 words on any one of
3. Put a suitable preposition in the following blanks. 1×5=5 the following topics: 15
Although a city life has many advantages, a city dweller (a) The Journey your life most.
sometimes gets tired (a) ⎯ it. He cannot attend the office (b) Computer as a Blessing of science.
and other places (b) ⎯ time because (c) ⎯ traffic jam. 11. Suppose you are Suman/Sabina of Nurpur High School,
The air in the city is polluted (d) ⎯ smoke and dust. Jessore. You appeared at the SSC Exam in 2013 and
Besides, he always busy (e) ⎯ a lot of commitments. secured GPA-5. You require a testimonial for admission
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or into a college. 10
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5 Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your
besides that and school for a testimonial.
if so both 12. Suppose you are Shahid and you want to be admitted
because in a new school. 10
Teaching is such a profession (a) ⎯ helps to build a nation. A Now, write a dialogue between you and the
Headmaster of the school regarding admission.
teacher is (b) ⎯ a guide (c) ⎯ a pioneer. He has to dedicate
to this noble profession in order to guide the nation. (d) ⎯ he Or, Books are men's best companions in life. You must have a
good number of friends but cannot get them when you
is called an architect of a new society. (e) ⎯ he neglects his want. They may not speak gently to you. One or two may
duties, social discipline will break down. prove false and do you much harm. But books are always
5. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech.5 ready to be by your side. Some books may make you
"What's your programme after the examination?" asked laugh, some others may provide you much pleasure.
Salam. Kamal said, "I've not yet decided. Can you suggest Others again provide you knowledge and new ideas and
any?" "Let us go on a picnic", said Salam. "What an make you noble. They are your friends through your life.
excellent idea! I shall certainly join you", said Kamal. 13. Read the beginning of the following story and
6. Read the passage and transform the following sentences as complete it in our own way. Give a title to it: 15
directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 Once there lived a middle-aged woman named Bilkis. She had
three sons. Her husband was very lazy and he did not do any
(a) We should read books to gain knowledge (Complex)
work. None but she had to work all day long to earn money for
(b) Books introduces us to the realm of knowledge (Passive) the family. One day she met a group of people who come to
(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and her village from the Grameen Bank. They said they were
great ideas (Interrogative) interested in helping the poor people, the landless and the
(d) If we read books, we can enrich our minds. (Simple) helpless. She learnt from them that................
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 9

9. Pabna Zilla School, Pabna Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (b) They had to do it, ⎯?
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. (c) If they are educated, they will become conscious, ⎯?
Put them in the following correct tenses. Use negatives (d) The baby is playing, ⎯?
where necessary. 1×5=5 (e) All that glitters is not gold, ⎯?
want keep play talk 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
hear merge happen (a) If you had informed me earlier, ⎯.
Rumour is some information that is spread by being (a) ⎯ (b) Though it was expected, ⎯.
about but may not be true. For instance we (b) ⎯ that (c) ⎯ must be pure.
South Korea was going to be (c) ⎯ with North Korea. (d) But for your help ⎯.
Actually that did (d) ⎯. Rumour (e) ⎯ a very important (e) A man who ⎯.
role informing public opinion on a very important matter. B Composition : 60 Marks
2. Put a suitable preposition in the following blanks. 1×5=5 9. Write a paragraph on "A book fair" by answering the
Poverty was a hindrance (a) ⎯ his success. It hindered following questions. 10
him (b) ⎯ going abroad. But he did not lose heart. He (a) What is a book fair? (b) When is a book fair held? (c)
was hopeful (c) ⎯ his success. He hit (d) ⎯ a plan. The Where is a book fair held? (d) Who participate in a book fair?
plan worked well. He succeeded in his attempt. For this he (e) How is its importance in our personal and national life?
was thankful (e) ⎯ God. 10. Write a composition in not more then 250 words on
3. Use article where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an any one of the following topics 15
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 (a) Duties of a student.
An angry man is not liked even by (a) ⎯ idiot. There is (b) Floods in Bangladesh.
(b) ⎯ difference between (c) ⎯ educated and (d) ⎯ 11. Write a dialogue between two friends about the merits
uneducated. Again, there are differences between (e) ⎯ and demerits of using mobile phone. 10
rich and (f) ⎯ poor. An educated (g) ⎯ man should come Or Write the summary of the following passage. Give a
forword to educate (h) ⎯ uneducated man. On the other suitable title a to it.
hand (i) ⎯ rich man should have sympathy for ⎯ poor Education is the proces by which our mind develops
man. through formal learning at an institute like a school,
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the college or university. It is mental and intellectual training
list. 1×5=5 which provides opportunities of growth and helps to
sense then and overcome obstacles to progress. Again the purpose of
when but when education is to inlighten the individual and develop
iron his/her capacity to the limit. It is also the business of
(a) ⎯ a piece of iron is hot, it gets pliable. (b) ⎯ it can education to train the individuals to make the right
be bent (c) ⎯ given any shape by striking it. For the best choices to go ahead. It enobles our mind and refines our
sensibility. It also boar boardens own out look and helps
result, a piece of iron has to be struck (d) ⎯ it is red hot.
us to become aware of our rights and responsibilities.
This is its literal meaning. (e) ⎯ it has a wider flugarative
implication in its flugarative sense. 12. Suppose you are student of class 10. All the students of
your class are interested to become the members of an
5. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech.5
English club. But you have no English club in your
"Good morning," said the tourist. "Do you have any room
school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of
vacant?" "Yes sir, double or single?" "I want single one,"
your school for opening an English club. 10
said the tourist. The receptionist said, "we have a single
room on the second floor." 13. Read the beginning of the following story and
complete it is your own words. Give a suitable title to
6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined
it. 15
sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5
Once two friends were passing through a dense forest. All
(a) One day Mr. Arif went to Rafiq's class and introduced him
on a sudden they saw a bear towards them. Both of them
to the class (simple). (b) But he was not received very warmly
got afraid. One of them knew how to climb up a tree but
(active). (c) Some of the students began to laugh at him when
other did not............. running to and fro and playing
he entered the class room. (compound). (d) They did not want
to mix with him (affirmative). (e) Rafiq took it to heart but did
not get very upset (simple).
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
(a) Nobody phoned, ⎯?
10 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

10. Rangpur Zilla School, Rangpur Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours Test Examination-2012; English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (e) I dared not drive at night, ⎯ ?
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the box 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
below. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives (a) If I had met you again ⎯.
where necessary. 1×5=5 (b) I am optimistic that ⎯.
pass neglect achieve follow (c) It is high time, the government ⎯.
utilize go have (d) Ten years were gone since ⎯.
Time is valuable (a) ⎯ a feeling for anybody. No one can (e) She pretended as though ⎯.
stop it. It marches forward and forward. It is not wise to B Composition : 60 Marks
(b) ⎯ away time follishly. The proper users of time are
9. Write a paragraph on "Your Visit to A Book Fair" by
sure to (c) ⎯ success in life. All the great persons of the
answering the following questions. 10
world have (d) ⎯ time properly. Students had better (e)
⎯ their foot prints. (a) What is book fair?
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (b) What was the occasion?
article is not needed. 1×5=5 (c) Where was the fair held?
(a) ⎯ discipline is seen in (b) ⎯ nature. Every morning (d) Why did you visit it?
(c) ⎯ sun rises in (d) ⎯ east, day follows (e) ⎯ night, (e) What did you see there?
birds sing and (f) ⎯ plants blossom. Everywhere in (g) ⎯ (f) What is your concept about the fair?
nature there is (h) ⎯ harmony. If there were no discipline 10. Write a composition in not more than 250 words on
in (i) ⎯ there would have been (j) ⎯ chaos every where. any one of the following topics. 15
3. Fill in the gaps of the following passage using (a) Your future plan of life.
appropriate prepositions. 1
(b) The journey you have recently made.
A student should be accustomed (a) ⎯ hard work which
11. Suppose you are Sakib/Sakila and you are a student of
is a key (b) ⎯ success, because none can succeed (c) ⎯
Dinajpur Zilla School, Dinajpur. You want to go on an
night. He, who is indifferent (d) ⎯ success, is sure (e) ⎯
excursion to the Sundarbans, one of the biggest mangrove
having success.
forest in the world and a world heritage site. Now on
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or behalf of the students of your shcool, write an application
idioms from the box below. 1×5=5 to the headteacher of your school for permission to go
in view of apart from on the verge of on an excursion. 10
kith and kin close fisted a narrow escape 12. Eid is one of the biggest religious festivals of the
play truant Muslims. On this occasion, everybody both rich or poor
(a) The man is ⎯ ruin. likes to buy new dress. So, one day you have gone to
(b) The child had ⎯ from being run over by a car. Super Market to buy a shirt. Now, write a dialogue
(c) ⎯ books and pens students need many other things. between you and the salesman about it. 10
(d) A ⎯ man like him is rare in our society. Or, Write down the summary of the following passage.
(e) He was pardoned ⎯ his age. Give a suitable title to it.
5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 5 Education is the process by which our mind develops
'Have you completed your assignment?' said Rumana. through formal learning at an institution like a school,
'No, I haven't completed yet.' replied Farah. 'But you college or university. It is mental and intellectual
must submit it timely.' said Rumana. 'I worked on it for opportunities of growth and helps to overcome obstacles
several hours yesterday.' replied Farah.
to progress. Again the process of education is to enlighten
6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined the individuals and develop his/her capacity to the limit.
sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5
It is also the business of education to trains individuals to
(a) No other problem in Bangladesh is as great as
make the right choice to go ahead. It ennobles our mind
illiteracy. (comparative). (b) Bangladesh is not the poorest
and refines our sensibility. It also broadenss our outlook
country in the world (positive). Most of our people
and helps us to become aware of our rights and
cannot read or write. (c) So, the literacy rate in
Bangladesh is very poor (negative). (d) It is too poor to be responsibilities.
imagined (complex). It is the duty of the educated the 13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete
illiterate. (e) The government has taken necessary steps to it in your own way. Give a suitable title of it. 15
eradicate illiteracy (passive). There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday. The
(a) Bangladesh is beset with so many problems, ⎯ ? farmer was very greedy. He thought that ...............
(b) Dina slept, ⎯ ?
(c) Everybody seconded the nice plan, ⎯ ?
(d) Have a cup of tea, ⎯?
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 11

11. Dinajpur Zilla School, Dinajpur Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (d) Had I been a leader, –––.
(e) We are –––.
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
Put them in the following correct tenses. Use negative B Composition : 60 Marks
where necessary. 1×5=5 9. Write a paragraph on "Load Shedding" by answering
be damage follow use the following question: 10
consider know become (a) What is called load shedding?
Mobile has (a) ––– a day to day comparison for our life.
But (b) ––– mobile for the teenagers is (c) ––– as a (b) What problems does it create in our life?
dangerous and harmful thing. They frequently use it for (d) (c) How does it affect our economy?
––– their bright career. It is (e) ––– to them that technology (d) What harms does it do for an examinee before exam?
should be used maintaining moral and ethical sense. (e) How can we minimize this problem?
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an 10. Write a composition in not more than 250 words on
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 any one of the following topics: 15
The Taj Mahal is surrounded by a beautiful (a) ––– (a) A Journey by Train.
garden. There is (b) ––– long pool of water before the (b) Population Problem in Bangladesh.
building. One can see (c) ––– beauty of the Taj in its
11. Suppose you are Mamun/Maymuna, an examinee of
reflection in (d) ––– pool water. Visitors come to see this S.S.C exam 2014 from Bogra Zilla school. You have
wonderful building at different time of (e) ––– day since it
passed S.S.C exam with G.P.A.-5. You would like to
assumes different looks at different times. However, (f) ––
admit yourself in Dhaka College in intermediate level.
– construction of the Taj is not unknown to (g) ––– You need a testimonial to admit there.
educated. Emperor Shahjahan built it as (h) ––– tomb for
his wife. It is still one of (i) ––– most beautiful (j) ––– Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your
buildings in the world. school praying for a testimonial. 10
3. Fill in the gaps of the following passage using 12. English language plays an important role in passing the
appropriate prepositions. 1
/2×10=5 exam as well as communicating with others and managing
Students should not involve themselves (a) ⎯ a good job. You feel the necessity of having good oral and
companions. It is broad-based term. Coming and going written skills in English language. If you had a language
back from school (b) ––– receiving anything is similar (c) club, you could practice developing these skills. Now,
––– corruption. Wasting time looking (d) ––– the screen write a dialogue between you and your friend Masud
of mobile phone is also a corruption. It is, of course, true on the importance of having a English language club
that they will not derive pleasure (e) ––– reading and in your school.
writing unless they can go under the deeper region of study. Or, Write down the summary of the following passage.
Give a suitable title to it.
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or Democracy is a system of government by all the people of
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5 a country. Usually through the representatives whom they
at a stretch in a nutshell blue blood elect, as allowing freedom of speech, religious and
political opinion. It means fair and equal treatment of each
bone of catch sight of at an alarming rate
other by citizens without social class division. It is the
system of governing the country according to people will.
look after In a democratic country people elect their representatives
(a) He narrated the incidents –––. who work for the people. Free and fair election is the pre-
(b) His father's saving is ––– between two brothers. condition of democracy. Democracy is the right of the
(c) I ––– her at the play. people to speak equal rights. They enjoy the rights of
(d) He can write a poem –––. food, cloth, shelter, education, medical treatment and
(e) Students are being morally degenerated –––. other facilities. People are the source of power, that is,
5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 5 posses the absolute power in a democratic country.
My friend said to me, "Why are you sitting alone here?" I Abraham Lincoln, the late president of the USA, defines
have been looking for you, let us go for a walk in the open democracy as "Government of the people, by the people
field." "Leave me alone" said I. and for the people."
6. Read the passage and transform the following sentences In a true sense of democracy the majority party should
as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 form a coalition with the main opposition party and work
(a) Planning for future is very important. (Exclamatory) (b) together in democracy. But in some cases the rulling party
Without determining aim, one cannot reach at his goal in coalition with other hand, the main opposition party in
(Complex). (c) Only a definite aim gives us courage and coalition with some minor parties is engaged in
energy. (Negative) (d) So, we should have a definite aim to destructive criticism and collision. Ours is a democratic
be successful in future. (Complex) (e) We want all of you to country. Let us hope we will stride ahead with our unity
fix up an aim at the beginning of your career. (Passive) towards a brighter tomorrow.
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete
(a) Smoke pollutes air, –––? it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
(b) She has made tea, –––? Once there lived a girl named Reshma in Ghoraghat
(c) Please, meet with me at my residence, –––? Upozilla under Dinajpur district. His father, Jamal
(d) We should not waste our time, –––? married her off with an unemployed man named Rafique
(e) You need not write it, –––? at her early age. Their conjugal life was not happy
8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 because of their poverty. One day, she went out from her
(a) I am confident –––. home and took a job of a garment worker in Rana plaza in
(b) ––– as if he were an officer. Gazipur...................
(c) Though we have a car, –––.
12 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

12. Comilla Zilla School, Comilla Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. (a) The Headmaster and the Secretary went there, –––?
Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where (b) There is no king in China, –––?
necessary. 1×5=5 (c) No man is happy in this world, –––?
use cost think help (d) Practice makes a man perfect, –––?
(e) She needs a pen, –––?
be mistake last
Words kind or unkind, (a) ––– nothing; but they (b) ––– 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
very powerful factors in giving pleasure of causing (a) ––– when the Language Movement took place.
misery. They can be (c) ––– both for good and for evil. (b) When the meeting started –––.
The influence of words (d) ––– throughout a life time. A (c) ––– that Bangladesh is progressing day by day.
home where the people do not (e) ––– kind words to (d) ––– if you want to be trusted.
another, must be like a desert. (e) He is so dishonest that –––.
2. Put a suitable preposition in each blank. 1×5=5 B Composition : 60 Marks
The ability (a) ––– honesty and dishonesty is quite 9. Write a Paragraph on "Load Shedding" by answering
impossible. A dishonest man is always greedy (b) ––– the following questions. 10
undue privileges. He hankers (c) ––– illegal income. But
(a) What is load shedding? (b) What are the causes of load-
an honest man is dead (d) ––– the corruption. No
shedding? (c) What are the adverse effects of load shedding?
problem, not threat can derail him (e) ––– the path of
(d) Who suffer much for it? (e) What measures can be taken
honesty. to solve this problem?
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an 10. Write composition in about 250 words on any one of
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 the following topics: 15
(a) ––– honest boy is he who never tells a lie. He carries (a) Tree Plantation
out (b) ––– orders of his parents. He has (c) ––– aim in
(b) A Village Fair
life. He develops (d) ––– attitude to serve his nation. He is
(e) ––– active worker who upholds (f) ––– interest of his 11. Suppose you are Arif of the village Rupnagar under
nation above everything. He thinks that he has (g) ––– Comilla district. Recently a flood has swept over your
role to play in all matters. We cordially expect such kind area. It has caused a great havoc. Now, write an
(h) ––– of boy to change (i) ––– selfish motive of (j) ––– application to the Deputy Commissioner of your
district for relief goods and medical aid for the flood
affected people of your area. 10
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or
12. Mobile phone is a very recent invention of modern
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5
sceience. We use it for making communication and other
bring about go across double game purposes. But it has some demerits too. Now, write a
on the instant apart from first water dialogue between you and your friend, Sakib about
call in question mobile phone. 10
(a) His honesty can't be –––. Or, Write down the summary of the following passage and
(b) Over eating may ––– one's health hazard. give a suitable title to it.
(c) Faid is a painter of the –––. Good manners form an important part of our education.
(d) I can't sustain any kind of –––. Our education remains incomplete if we do not learn good
(e) ––– books and pens students need many other things. manners. In our behavior with others, we must show
5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 5 proper respect to them. We should have a sense of
Karim's father said, "You had better take an umbrella with propriety in our conduct with others. We should show
you, Karim. I think it may rain and you have a cold. But respect to other which is necessary for a discipline
don't leave it at school as you did with mine when." I lent society. Again good manners cost us nothing, they are
it to you last week. often the result of good sense and good nature. The
6. Read the passage and transform the underlined sentences importance of good manners in life is great indeed. Good
as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 manners bring love and respect for a man and help him in
(a) In order to be healthy we have to take balanced diet. every sphere of his life. Everyone likes a man of good
manners and becomes glad to help him. Good manners
(Complex) (b) A balanced diet is a food that contains
build up our character with good qualities. Really a man
something from each of the three main groups of food.
of good manners is a gentleman in true sense.
(Simple). These groups are protein, carbohydrate and fat.
(c) Protein is the most important food for building our 13. Read the following story. It is not complete. Complete
body (Positive). (d) The bodies help us to build new cells it by your imagination and give a suitable title to it. 15
as old ones die. (Simple) (e) Carbohydrate and fat provide Once there lived an honest wood cutter in a village. One
us with the root of our existence named energy. day he was cutting wood near a river. Suddenly his axe
fell into the river.............
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 13

13. Nawab Faizunnessa Govt Girls' High School, Comilla Sub Code 1 0 8
Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs (a) Karim as well as his friends attended in the function,
from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the ⎯?
negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 (b) The boy let the bird free, ⎯ ?
ban remove habituate (c) Our police can hardly control traffic jam ⎯ ?
involve horrify start (d) Nothing is working ⎯ ?
Drug adiction is a curse. Our young generation (a) ⎯ (e) Only Allah can help us, ⎯ ?
themselves in taking drugs. Firstly, a group of teenagers 8. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5
(b) ⎯ smoking. Slowly they are (c) ⎯ of taking drugs. (a) If I were the owner of the factory, ⎯ .
This problem is getting more (d) ⎯ day by day. So for the (b) Be sincere about your duty lest ⎯ .
sake of national interest trafficking of drug as well as (c) Patience is bitter but ⎯ .
smoking should strongly be (e) ⎯ . (d) ⎯ when the function started.
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (e) Unless we change our attitude ⎯ .
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 B Composition : 60 Marks
(a) ⎯ Olympic Games started long before (b) ⎯
9. Write a paragraph on "Tree Plantation" by answering
Christain era. There was (c) ⎯ village in Greece named
the following questions. 10
(d) ⎯ Olympia. The games were named after (e) ⎯ town
(a) What is tree plantation? (b) How do trees help us (c) How
of Olympia. Today it is (f) ⎯ one of (g) ⎯ extraordinary
do they maintain ecological balance? (d) What may happen
events in the world. (h) ⎯ Olympic flame is kept burning
in absence of trees? (e) What steps need to be taken to
during the period of the games. The games cause (i) ⎯
motivate people for tree plantation?
great excitement all over the world. (j) ⎯ most of the
people of the world eagerly wait for the games. 10. Write a composition on any one of the following within
250 words. 15
3. Put the suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5
(a) Your Childhood Memories; (b) The Population
The result of honesty is (a) ⎯ description. It results (b) ⎯
Problem in Bangladesh.
peace. An honest man is true (c) ⎯ his word. He never
11. Suppose you are Samir/Samira of Rasulpur village under
deviates (d) ⎯ the right path. Dishonesty brings (e) ⎯
ruin. Nurpour Upazilla in the district of Rangpur. There is
severe scarcity of water in your viallage. 10
4. Complete the sentences with the phrases or idioms
Now, wirte an application to the chairman of your
from the list given in the box. 1×5=5
Union Parishad for sinking several deep tube-wells in
sun and substance bless with go through your village for safe water.
to and fro find fault with go ahead 12. Illiteracy is a great problem in Bangladesh. It hampers
(a) Have you ⎯ today's newspaper? our development. Now write a dialogue between you
(b) Birds fly ⎯ in the sky. and your friend about how to eradicate illiteracy from
(c) The habit of ⎯ others is not good. your village. 10
(d) Write the ⎯ of the poem. Or, Write down the summary of the following passage and
(e) Bangladesh is ⎯ many natural resources. give a suitable title to it.
5. Rewrite the following sentence in the reported speech.5 Good manners form an important part of our education.
"Why are you putting the food in your pocket?" said the Our education remains incomplete if we don't learn good
noble man. "My dress deserves the food," said Sheikh manners. We must respect others properly. We should
Saadi. "I don't understand what you want to", said the have the sense of right and wrong. We should behave
noble man. "I was the same man who had my dinner here according to culture and society. Again good manners
last week," said Saadi. "Let me say sorry to you," said the cost of nothing. They are often the results of good sense
noble man. and good nature. The importance of good nature is great
6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined indeed. All respect him very much.
sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 13. Read the beginning of the following story and
(a) None can prosper in life without reading books complete it in your own way. Give a title to it. 15
(Affirmative). (b) Reading is a mental training which helps to One day a teenaged boy was tending cattle by the side of a
overcome obstacles to progress. (Simple) (c) So we should read railway line. Suddenly he noticed that some railway
book to enlighten our mind. (Complex) (d) It ennobles our slippers were about to collapse. He heard the wistle of the
mind and refines our sensibility (Negative). (e) We can train coming from a distance. He ⎯
broaden our mind by reading books. (Complex).
14 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

14. Chittagong Govt Collegiate School & College, Chittagong Sub Code 1 0 8
Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. (a) How odd, ⎯?
Put them in the following correct tenses. Use the (b) There is too much noise outside, ⎯?
negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 (c) The mother rose in her, ⎯?
plot make be mark feel devote (d) The jury gave unanimous opinions, ⎯?
Patriotism implies those qualities which (a) ⎯ a man (e) We know little about our future, ⎯?
noble. Patriots lives (b) ⎯ to the well-being of their 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
country. But those devoid of patriotic zeal (c) ⎯ (a) Danger often comes ⎯.
selfcentered. They (d) ⎯ no scruples (e) ⎯ against the (b) The building coustructed fifty years ago ⎯.
country. (c) If I had had the time, ⎯.
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (d) ⎯, provided they are educated.
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 (e) It is time ⎯.
Then (a) ⎯ terrible thing happened. While we are waiting B Composition : 60 Marks
for (b) ⎯ coffee (c) ⎯ head waiter, with (d) ⎯
ingratiating smile on his false face, came up to us bearing 9. Write a paragraph in about 120 words on 'Your
National Flag' by answering the following questions. 10
(e) ⎯ large basket full of huge pieces. They had (f) ⎯
(a) What does it symbolise? (b) What is its size? (c)
blush of (g) ⎯ innocent girl. They had (h) ⎯ rich tone of
Where is it hoisted? (d) When is it half mast? (e) How can
Italian (i) ⎯ landscape. My guest unmindfully took one
we hold up its honour?
and expressed her joy at (j) ⎯ taste of them.
10. Write a composition on any one of the following within
3. Put a suitable preposition in the following blanks. 1×5=5 250 words. 15
Everyone desires (a) ⎯ wealth. But a few attain it. Some (a) A journey Your Have Enjoyed
people hanker (b) ⎯ riches. Some are content (c) ⎯ what (b) Tree Plantation.
they have. True happiness lies (d) ⎯ contentment. It is
11. Imagine, you are Sakib living in the village, named
high time we gave (e) ⎯ the habit of covetousness. Mollapara in Chittagong. The people of your village have
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or been suffering for want of pure drinking water. Now, write
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5 an application to the chairman of your union council to
fall flat go through in harmony with sink at least three tube-wells in your village. 10
skim through gift of the gab point bank 12. Suppose, you are Jamal. Your SSC Examination in near at
over head and keep in view hand and you are passing a busy time doing various things
ears regarding your preparation for a good result. Now, write
(a) A K Fazlul Haq had wonderul ⎯. a dialogue between you and your friend Limon on
(b) He refused ⎯ to help me. your preparation for the ensuing examination. 10
(c) Student should not ⎯ any book. Or, Write down the summery of the following passage.
(d) He is ⎯ in debt. Give a suitable title to it.
(e) My advice ⎯ on him. Education is the process by which our mind develops
5. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech.5 through a formal learning at an institution like a school,
"Why are your children crying, my daughter?" said the college or university. It is mental and intellectual training
Caliph "They have been starving" said the woman. "Have which provides opportunities of growth and helps to meet
you how else in the world?" My husband died some challenges and overcome obstacles to progress. Again, the
months ago. He left them neither any money nor any purpose of education is to enlighten the individual and
property. So they are in great distress. They have to starve develop his/her capacity to the limit. It is also the business
whenever I fail to get anything for them to eat". of education to train individuals to make the right choices
6. Read the following passage and transform the to go ahead. It ennobles our mind and refines our
underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 sensibility.
Information teachnology is a wonderful invention. (a) 13. Read the following outlines and develop them into a
There are many things that can be included in technology complete story. Give a suitable title to it. 15
(Active). (b) Computer has pushed the modern age a step Sheikh Saadi was a great poet in Iran. He used to lead a
ahead. (Complex) (c) It can do many things very simple life. The noble man could not recognise him
(Interrogative). Internet is the latest invention in the and. ...............
communication system (d) In the field of technology,
science will go far and make much more progress
(Simple). (e) As man is curious, he will try to invent new
things (Compound)
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 15

15. Dr Khastgir Govt Girls' High School, Chittagong Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (e) The men own the livestock and the fruit trees
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where 7. Add tag question to the following sentences. 1×5=5
necessary. 1×5=5 (a) The leader as well as the workers will attend the
sit learn wonder change meeting, ⎯?
stick teach repeat (b) Everyone has followed my teaching, ⎯?
Children's education (a) ⎯ very rapidly today. In the past (c) Those who are honest hardly suffer, ⎯?
teachers made the children (b) ⎯ for hours. They made (d) I have a few good friends, ⎯?
them memorise all sorts of things. In fact, the children had (e) Sports news amuses me, ⎯?
to go on (c) ⎯ things until they knew them by heart. 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
Today many teachers (d) ⎯ if it is possible to make the (a) We should start the programme provided that ⎯.
children learn at all. A modern teacher cannot remain (e) (b) ⎯, the electricity went out.
⎯ to the traditional method of teaching. (c) ⎯ he did not get the job.
2. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with (d) Did she know ⎯?
appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 (e) If you lent me some money, ⎯?
It is not long ago that Hilsha fishes abounded (a) ⎯ our B Composition : 60 Marks
rivers. Specially, the Padma was abounded (b) ⎯ Hilsha
9. Write a paragraph on "Reckless driving" by answering
fishes. The rise in temperature is adverse (c) ⎯ the
the following questions. 10
growth of fish population. This has resulted (d) ⎯ the
(a) What do you understand by reckless driving?
dearth of Hilsha fish in our country. Common people can
(b) Why do most of the drivers of our country drive
not keep it (e) ⎯ the menu even on special occasion.
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (c) What happens for this practice?
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 (d) What should be done to stop reckless driving?
Family is (a) ⎯ ancient institution. (b) ⎯ person comes (e) If you find your driver driving recklessly what you
of and dies in (c) ⎯ family. (d) ⎯ character of a child is should do?
formed by (e) ⎯ family members. (f) ⎯ child learns how 10. Write a composition on any one of the following : 15
to behave with others (g) ⎯ from his own family. If the (a) Population problem in Bangladesh.
members of (h) ⎯ family practice good manners, (i) ⎯ (b) Your childhood memories.
children of that family also show well behaviour. So the 11. Suppose you are Shumon/Shumona of Rajshahi Govt.
parents of a family should be aware of (j) ⎯ their School. You want to go on a study tour to a historical
offspring's behaviour. place of interest. Now, write an application to your
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or Headmaster for arranging the study tour programme.
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5 12. Suppose you are Rimi and your friend is Mila. Write a
lag behind run short of master piece dialogue on the uses and abuses of mobile phones in daily life.
lump sum maiden speech off hand Or, Self confidence is an essential quality for every person. It
put off is such a virtue that increases one's mental courage and
(a) "Dipu Number Two" is a ⎯ of Muhammad Zafar Iqbal. physical strength. Self confident persons never fall in life.
(b) Shaila is ⎯ of money. They are never afraid of facing difficulty. They can
(c) We should grant a ⎯ money to the poor students. always take the right decision as they are well guided by
(d) Our girls are not ⎯ our boys. their high confidence. Lack of confidence weakens one's
(e) He can deliver a lecture ⎯. heart and kills his/her potentiality and skill. He/She loses
the hope of life. Hesitation and fear always work in
5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 5
confidence less person. A student who has self confidence
Bassanio said, "Dear friend Antonio, I am in great need of
is never afraid of taking examination. Rather he/she
some money. I would like to visit Portia at Belmont,
always tries to overcome any problem with courage. As a
grandly dressed and with many servants. But I don't have
consequence, he/she gains his/her expected success.
any money right now. Please help me to fulfil my
intention." Antonio said, "By God! I shall help you." 13. The following story is incomplete. Use your
imagination and complete it in your own way. Give a
6. Read the following passage and transform the sentences as
suitable title to it. 15
directed in the brackets. 1×5=5
(a) The Native Americans are known as Hopi Indians Mila was student of class X. She got a very poor marks in
(Active voice). English in her first terminal examination. She became
(b) They are called the peaceful people because of their very disappointed. Her class teacher told her still she
non violent nature (Complex). could do well. She was also resolved to improve her
(c) They grow as many as 24 varieties of crops (Negative). performance................
(d) Though Hopi women cannot become religious leaders,
their children inherit the clan of their mother (Compound).
16 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

16. Sylhet Govt Pilot High School, Sylhet Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks ideas. (Interrogative) (d) By reading books, we can enrich
our minds. (Compound) (e) Books are the greatest friends.
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
Put them in the following correct tenses. Use negative
where necessary. 1×5=5 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
wait go be know (a) They had gone to school before ⎯.
prepare waste bear (b) ⎯ so that he could do well in the examination.
Student life is the best time for (a) ⎯ oneself for future. It (c) He can lend you some money provided ⎯.
(b) ⎯ the seed time of life. So during the period of life (d) Unless you went abroad ⎯.
student must not (c) ⎯ time. They should (d) ⎯ in mind (e) Had I been a little more careful, ⎯.
that time (e) ⎯ for none. B Composition : 60 Marks
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition. 1×5=5 9. Write a paragraph on "A book fair you have visited"
A man accoustomed (a) ⎯ hard work, is not afraid (b) ⎯ answering the following question. 10
any difficulty. He is worthy (c) ⎯ praise for his hard (a) What is a book fair?
work. He is never in different (d) ⎯ his duties. He knows (b) When did you visit the fair?
that the idle suffer (e) ⎯ the long run. (c) Where was it held?
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (d) What was the occasion?
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 (e) What did you do there?
A student must take care of (a) ⎯ his health. He should 10. Write a short composition in about 200 words on
keep in mind that (b) ⎯ sound mind lives in (c) ⎯ sound "Physical Exercise" Or, "A journey by boat." 15
body. Good health is (d) ⎯ key to success. In order to 11. Suppose, you are Sumon reading in class X in Sonapur
enjoy good health, (e) ⎯ student must observe (f) ⎯ rules High School, Rangpur. You have a common room in your
of health. (g) ⎯ unhealthy man may possess vast (h) ⎯ school but it is not well furnished and rich in necessary
things. Now, write an applictation to the Headmaster
wealth but he leads (i) ⎯ unhappy life. His wealth is of
of your school on behalf of the students for increasing
no (j) ⎯ use.
common room facilities. 10
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or
12. Suppose, you are Nabil. Your class teacher wants to
idioms from the list. 1×5=5 know your future plan of life. Now, write a dialogue
find fault with epoch making for good between you and your teacher about it. 10
in black and white make out all out Or, Write down the summary of the following passage and
cope with give a suitable to it. 10
(a) You should complain against the corrupt employees ⎯. Money cannot buy happiness. Money is a must for our
(b) It is really bad to ⎯ others. life. But it is not the thing that necessarily brings
(c) Landing on the moon is an ⎯ event. happiness. Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing.
It is the name of a feeling. It means the contentment of the
(d) He could not ⎯ the situation.
mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and content
(e) I can not ⎯ what you say. with his life, is really happy. Happiness cannot be
5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 purchased with money. So we see that the richest men of
The teacher said to the student, "Have you learnt your our society are not the happiest men. They lead life with
lesson?" "No, Sir," "replied the student. The teacher said, cares and anxieties and pass sleepless nights. On the other
"Why?" "I have been suffering from headache. I shall hand there are large number of poor men who are happy
learn the lesson tomorrow," replied the student. and enjoy a sound sleep. The man who is honest and
6. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 virtuous, though not rich, does not suffer from the anguish
(a) Everybody attended the meeting, ⎯? of the soul. His conscious mind does not torment him.
Hence money cannot ensure happiness. It is only moral
(b) You need to think a lot about it, ⎯?
and spiritual development that gives us happiness
(c) Let her sing a song, ⎯?
13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it
(d) You need not go there, ⎯?
in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
(e) The mother rose in her at the sight of the child, ⎯? Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was ill. One night
7. Read the following passage and transform the he was studying by the side of his ailing mother. All on a
underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 sudden, his mother woke up and asked her to give her a
Books are the best companion to the people (a) we should glass of water. He went to the kitchen to bring water........
read books to gain knowledge (Complex). (b) Books
introduce us the kingdom of knowledge. (Passive) (c) The
books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 17

17. Jessore Zilla School, Jessore Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (a) I wish I could visit the place, ⎯?
(b) A lie never lies hidden for long, ⎯?
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
Put them in the following correct tenses. Use negatives (c) He seldom receives phone call from his friends, ⎯?
where necessary. 1×5=5 (d) It was considered unsinkable, ⎯?
lead achieve breed tell (e) Rana as well as his friends was present, ⎯?
expose make cultivate 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
Truthfulness (a) ⎯ all other virtues which (b) ⎯ a man (a) We would win the game if ⎯.
really great. The man who (c) ⎯ the habit of speaking the (b) The wearer best knows ⎯.
truth is trusted by others. A man (d) ⎯ his ends once or (c) If I were you ⎯.
twice by (e) ⎯ lies. But no permanent gain comes out of (d) He insisted ⎯.
such success. (e) Five years passed since ⎯.
2. Put a suitable preposition in the following blanks. 1×5=5 B Composition : 60 Marks
Happiness consists (a) ⎯ contentment. So, we should not
9. Write a paragraph on "Traffic Jam" by answering to the
run (b) ⎯ more and more money. Sometimes, it may questions given below. 10
bring (c) ⎯ some unexpected troubles and one may fall a (a) What is traffic jam?
victim (d) ⎯ dangers for his unusual greed for money. (b) Why is it caused ?
We all should be contented (e) ⎯ what we have. (c) What are its effects?
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (d) How can it be solved?
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 10. Write a composition on any one of the following topics. 15
Punctuality is of great value to (a) ⎯ student. (b) ⎯ (a) Science in Everyday Life.
unpunctual boy who is late in (c) ⎯ class will miss (d) ⎯ (b) A Journey You Enjoyed.
part of his lesson and fall (e) ⎯ behind other students. 11. Suppose you are Masud of the village Rangnagar under
But (f) ⎯ punctual student will learn his lesson in (g) ⎯ Rajbari district. Recently a flood has swept over your
time and do well in (h) ⎯ examination. Punctuality is (i) area. It has caused a great havoc. Now write an
⎯ key to success in life. We all should be (j) ⎯ punctual application to the Deputy Commissioner of your
district for relief and medical aids for the flood
in our activities.
affected people of your area. 10
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the
12. Write down the summary of the following passage and
list. 1×5=5
give a suitable title to it. 10
if and along with through thus so since
Education is a process by which our mind develops
Computer virus is terror to the users of computers. (a) ⎯
through formal learning at an institution like a school,
it is not biological virus, it disturbs the plain operation of
college or university. It is mental and intellectual training
computer. Computer virus is usually a programme to
which provides opportunities of growth and helps to
delete the files which are saved (b) ⎯ useful memories.
overcome obstacles to progress. Again the purpose of
Sometimes the virus attacks the hard disk (c) ⎯ harms it. education is to enlighten the individual and develop
(d) ⎯ things happen (e) ⎯, no operation is possible after his/her capacity to the limit. It is also the business of
the attack. education to train individual to make the right choices to
5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 5 go abroad or ahead. It develops our mind and refines our
"Please give me your English grammar book", said sensibility. It also broadens our outlook and helps as to
Rahim. "I cannot give it to you now," said Karim. become aware of our rights and responsibilities.
"Why?". "I have to take it with me in the class." "I shall Or Write a dialogue between you and your friend Sakib
return the book before starting your class," said Rahim. about your preparations for the coming SSC
"Take it," said Karim. "Thank you," said Rahim. examination.
6. Read the following passage and transform the 13. Read the beginning of the following story. It is not
underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give
(a) Health is wealth (Complex). A good health is a it a suitable title. 15
gurantee for happiness. (b) A healthy poor man is happier Once a boy named Rafiq was coming home from his
than a sick moneyed man (Positive). (c) Though a healthy school on foot, Suddenly he noticed a money bag lying
man is an asset to his family an unhealthy man is liability beside the road. He thought for a while..............
(Compound). (d) He can succeed in life (Interrogative).
(e) So everybody cannot but be conscious of his health.
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
18 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

18. Kushtia Zilla School, Kushtia Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks (b) Please sit down, ⎯?
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. (c) Let's have some fun, ⎯?
Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where (d) Wait here a moment, ⎯?
necessary. 1×5=5 (e) Every body knows it, ⎯?
face go neglect get 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
realise study blow (a) Although he is a boy ⎯.
Student should study regularly. If anybody (a) ⎯ his (b) The chief guest speaks loudly in order that ⎯.
student life, he cannot build up a happy life. It is a matter (c) He was punished because ⎯.
of regret our children (b) ⎯ regularly. If this condition (c)
(d) The students walked fast lest ⎯.
⎯ on the country (d) ⎯ a great problem. Everybody
(e) If you had learnt the lesson well, ⎯.
should (e) ⎯ the matter.
2. Put a suitable preposition in the following blanks. 1×5=5 B Composition : 60 Marks
To ensure sound health everybody should take proper 9. Write a paragraph on "Load-shedding" by answering
exercise. So if we are not conscious (a) ⎯ our health, our the following questions. 10
mind will not remain sound. (b) ⎯ the same time we have (a) What do you mean by load-shedding?
to remember that excessive exercise does harm (c) ⎯ our (b) Why does it occur?
body. Early rising is good (d) ⎯ health. Walking (e) ⎯ the (c) What problems does load-shedding create?
morning and evening helps a man to keep his body sound. (d) Who suffer most?
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (e) What steps would be taken to stop load-shedding?
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 10. Write a composition on any one of the following. 15
Football is (a) ⎯ popular game in our country. It thrills (a) Physical Exercise.
not only (b) ⎯ players but also the spectators. It is a (b) Tree Plantation.
foreign (c) ⎯ game. It is popular all over (d) ⎯ world. It 11. Suppose you are Monish/Monisha and a student of class
ten of Rangpur Zilla School. You are in science group and
is played in an open (e) ⎯ field. There are some rules for
use laboratory for your experiment but in the lab you have
conducting (f) ⎯ game. According to the rules (g) ⎯
little facilities. Now, write an application to the
game is played. All the players are to abide by (h) ⎯ Headmaster of your school for increasing the facilities
rules. (i) ⎯ players are to show respect to the decision of in the laboratory. 10
(j) ⎯ refree. 12. Suppose, you are Monish, Make a dialogue between
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or you and your friend Nehal about your preparation for
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5 the SSC exam. 10
brought to book no doubt in order to Or, Write down the summary of the following passage.
put out nipped in the bud desire to Give a suitable title to it.
according to due to Most of our students cannot write out examination papers
fairly. As they cannot understand the question properly,
(a) We build houses ⎯ remain safe. they often about the bush and cram their answers with
(b) The price of daily necessary articles has risen ⎯ flood. irrelevant and unnecessary details. Sometimes they fail to
(c) All the criminals have been ⎯. arrange their answers neatly, clearly and systematically.
(d) He did the work ⎯ my advice. Although the teacher suggests that their answer should be
brief and precise, they often lengthen unnecessarily where
(e) His hopes and desire were ⎯.
size does not matter at all. They have a silly notion that
5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 5 the more they write the more will be their marks. The
"How is your mother, Shudip?" asked Mr. Zaman. "She is reality is just opposite, their long answers generally
very well. Thank you", Shudip replied. "I am very glad to become disgusting. Such answers always earn unhappy
hear that she is better", said Mr. Zaman. marks. In order to get expected marks, all you should
6. Read the passage and transform the underlined sentences understand the questions well and answer them just to the
as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 point. Don't worry, if your answers are fairly short. Be
(a) Everybody lives in society. (Negative) sure your sentences make a sense. Try to answer the
(b) So, we should not disturb social order. (Affirmative) question more or less in your own English. Fram your
(c) If we remain it, we shall be able to lead a peaceful answers exactly in the same tense as the question are in.
Plain and clear English is not bad.
life (Simple).
(d) Who does not like peace? (Assertive). 13. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your
imagination to complete it. Give a suitable title to it. 15
(e) It is so much required. (Active)
Once there was a farmer in a village. He was very idle. He
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
had a few plots of land. But he did not plough them well.
(a) We have to study English, ⎯? He did not sow seeds in time. So he couldn't raise.
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 19

19. Khulna Zilla School, Khulna Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks in our daily life. (Make it passive) (d) Since our
maximum people are technologically illiterate, they are
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list.
deprived of the blessing of internet (Make it compound).
Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where
What a pitiable condition it is ! (e) That the earth depends
necessary. 1×5=5 on it is known to us. (Make it simple)
purchase be satisfy buy
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
do get bring
(a) A burnt person dreads the fire, ⎯ ?
Money (a) ⎯ happiness. Money is a must for our life. But
(b) None of us was present there, ⎯ ?
it is not necessary (b) ⎯ happiness. Happiness is
(c) All that glitters is not gold, ⎯ ?
absolutely a psychological thing. It is the name of feeling.
(d) Fishes are being caught in the river by the fishermen,
He who (c) ⎯ with what he gets and content with his life
is really a happy man. Happiness cannot (d) ⎯ with
(e) Let's have a picnic ⎯ ?
money. No doubt, money has (e) ⎯ something to do with
happiness but it cannot give us complete happiness. 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
2. Fill in the blanks of the following passage using suitable (a) Danger often comes ⎯ .
prepositions. 1×5=5 (b) It is industry by which ⎯ .
A good student is never indifferent (a) ⎯ his studies. He (c) He insisted that ⎯ .
knows well that success lies (b) ⎯ hard work. So, he is (d) Ten years passed since ⎯ .
always absorbed (c) ⎯ deep studies. Nothing can prevent (e) ⎯ as it did not rain in time.
him (d) ⎯ working hard. His hard work and sincerity B Composition : 60 Marks
result (e) ⎯ ultimate success. 9. Write a paragraph on "A School Magazine" by
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an answering the following questions: 10
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 (a) What is a school magazine?
Education is (a) ⎯ process by which our mind develops (b) How is it published?
through formal learning at (b) ⎯ institution like (c) ⎯ (c) What does it contain?
school, college or university. It is (d) ⎯ mental and (d) Who bear the expenditure of the magazine?
intellectual training which provides opportunities for (e) (e) What is its usefulness?
⎯ growth and helps to overcome (f) ⎯ obstacles to 10. Write a short composition in about 250 words on any
progress. Again, (g) ⎯ purpose of education is to one of the following topics. 15
enlighten (h) ⎯ individual and to develop his/ her (a) The Season You Like Best.
capacity to the limit. It is also (i) ⎯ business of education (b) Science in Everyday Life.
to train individuals to make the right choices to go ahead. 11. Suppose, you are Akash. You are a student of class X of
It ennobles our mind and refines our (j) ⎯ sensibility. Jessore Zilla School. Your father who is a government officer
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or has recently been transferred from Jessore. Now, write an
application to the Headmaster of your school praying for
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5
a transfer certificate. 10
in the guise of a moot point call in question
12. Write a dialogue between you and your friend Joy on the
a narrow escape by fits and starts in vogue
necessary of tree plantation. 10
take after
Or, Write the summary of the following passage. Give a
(a) His honesty cannot ⎯. suitable title to it.
(b) This fashion is no more ⎯ .
Man is mortal. To everyman death must come sooner or later.
(c) Students should not study ⎯ . But it matters little if a man lives a few years more or less
(d) The girl ⎯ her mother. than another. Our life is not measured by months or years. It
(e) The police came here ⎯ a beggar. is truly measured by our deeds and actions. The people who
5. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech.5 live only for their own interest die unhonoured and are not
"Why are you putting up the food in your pocket, Sir?" remembered after then death. But those who sacrifice their
asked the noble man "I am doing the right thing. My dress lives to the service of mankind live in the hearts of men even
deserves these rich dishes," replied Sheikh Saadi. "Please after their death. Though they do not live in the midst of
tell me clearly what you mean to say" said the noble man. living men, they are remembered forever by all. So we should
do good deeds for the benefit of mankind.
6. Read the following passage and transform the
13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it
underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
Communication technology is a wonderful invention.
Once there was a shepherd. He was wicked. He tended his
(a) There are many things that have been included in
cows by the side of a forest. As he was wicked, he made fun.
communications technology. (Make in simple). (b) To run
He would often cry out 'tiger' ! 'tiger' ..........
this system, computer is a must. (Make it Complex.) It
can do many things (c) So, we should know the use of it
20 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions

20. Barisal Zilla School, Barisal Sub Code 1 0 8

Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks are the nation builders (Active). (c) Apparently teachers are
esteemed highly (Interrogative). (d) The talented students are not
1. Fill in each gap with right from of the verbs. Use
interested in teaching as they know the miserable condition of the
negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 teachers (Compound). (e) What a critical juncture the teachers are
cause enter face accelerate passing now (Assertive)!
be play show
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
Many wild animals and birds (a) ⎯ with extinction at
(a) I dare to drive at night, ⎯?
present. Their decline has (b) ⎯ by the ruin of their feeding
(b) He hardly tries to pass the examination, ⎯?
and nesting places. The chemicals and pesticides used by
(c) Everybody was present, ⎯?
farmers (c) ⎯ their food chain. Now and then it (d) ⎯ death
(d) That he broke my car can be true, ⎯?
to them. Hunting of birds and animals (e) ⎯ another cause of
(e) I think he is a liar, ⎯?
their extinction.
8. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5
2. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition. 1×5=5
(a) Hardly had I touched the flower ⎯.
There was no one (a) ⎯ the house. Sara knocked twice. As
there was no response. He was surprised. Pushing the door (b) If the doctor had come timely ⎯.
open, he went (b) ⎯. There was blood (c) ⎯ the carpet. She (c) He who spits against the wind ⎯.
hurried (d) ⎯. He had no time because he was pre-occupied (d) ⎯ you might be a burden to the society.
(e) ⎯ an important job. (e) I fancied ⎯.
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an B Composition : 60 Marks
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 9. Write a paragraph on "Deforestation" answering the
"You are (a) ⎯ Nazrul, I see. We really take pride in (b) ⎯ following questions. 10
capacity you possess. However, I will appreciate if you have
(a) What is deforestation?
your potential by reading (c) ⎯ literary works of (d) ⎯
(b) What are the causes of deforestation?
contemporary writers and poets." (e) ⎯ teacher softly patted
(c) What are the effects of deforestation on men and
on (f) ⎯ back of Daian. "I'll, sir, I think you are (g) ⎯ best
guide for me. Please, show me (h) ⎯ ways which are (i) ⎯
(d) What are the effects of deforestation on climate?
right and which are (j) ⎯ wrong for me."
(e) What measures should be taken to stop deforestation?
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or
idioms from the list. 1×5=5 10. Write a short composition on 'Duties of students' or 'Your
in abeyance a fabian policy crop up visit to a historical place'. 15
play ducks and drakes as to green eye 11. Suppose you are the students of Nabogram High School,
brown study mare's nest Barisal. You have a school library but is not equipped with
(a) I know little ⎯ the economic condition of the boy. modern facilities. Now, write an application to your
(b) Don't ⎯ with money. Headmaster for increasing your library facilities. 10
(c) The court is still ⎯. 12. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it on
(d) His new business suits him ⎯. your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
(e) Various problems will ⎯ due to poverty. Rafi completed his Diploma in Agriculture but unfortunately
5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 did no get any job. So, his poor father sold his land he had to
"Please let me have the coffin," he cried. "I will pay you well send his son to Malaysia. He gave Tk. 3,00,000 to take
for it." "We would not sell it for the world," one of the dwarfs manpower agent. So, he.................
said. "But I can't live without Snowwhite," sighed the Prince. 13. Suppose, you are Shohan. Your friend Salman is deeply
"So the dwarfs took pity on the prince and gave him addicted to Internet browsing and Facebook. 10
Snowwhite." Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about the
6. Transform the following sentences as directed. 1×5=5 badness of Internet browsing and Face book..........
(a) The development of education depends on the qualified teachers
(Complex). It is a matter of regret that the number of qualified
teachers is not sufficient in our country. (b) It is said that teachers

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