educative value. Books provide us with only bookish travelling teaches us to bear hardship and thus it is good
knowledge but travelling can make it perfect. It brings us for success in the struggle of life.
in contact with different people and different ways of life. 13. Read the beginning of the following story. It is
We read the majesty of the Himalayas, the vastness of incomplete. Now complete the story by using your
oceans and the beauty of the Taj from books. But we can imagination and give a suitable title to it. 15
know much more from them if we see them with our own Once a crow felt very thirsty. It was flying to and fro in
eyes. Travelling gives us pleasure too. It breaks the search of water. But he found water nowhere. At last he
monotony of life and fills the mind with joy. Moreover, saw a pitcher nearby and flew to it......................
13. Nawab Faizunnessa Govt Girls' High School, Comilla Sub Code 1 0 8
Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs (a) Karim as well as his friends attended in the function,
from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the ⎯?
negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 (b) The boy let the bird free, ⎯ ?
ban remove habituate (c) Our police can hardly control traffic jam ⎯ ?
involve horrify start (d) Nothing is working ⎯ ?
Drug adiction is a curse. Our young generation (a) ⎯ (e) Only Allah can help us, ⎯ ?
themselves in taking drugs. Firstly, a group of teenagers 8. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5
(b) ⎯ smoking. Slowly they are (c) ⎯ of taking drugs. (a) If I were the owner of the factory, ⎯ .
This problem is getting more (d) ⎯ day by day. So for the (b) Be sincere about your duty lest ⎯ .
sake of national interest trafficking of drug as well as (c) Patience is bitter but ⎯ .
smoking should strongly be (e) ⎯ . (d) ⎯ when the function started.
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (e) Unless we change our attitude ⎯ .
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 B Composition : 60 Marks
(a) ⎯ Olympic Games started long before (b) ⎯
9. Write a paragraph on "Tree Plantation" by answering
Christain era. There was (c) ⎯ village in Greece named
the following questions. 10
(d) ⎯ Olympia. The games were named after (e) ⎯ town
(a) What is tree plantation? (b) How do trees help us (c) How
of Olympia. Today it is (f) ⎯ one of (g) ⎯ extraordinary
do they maintain ecological balance? (d) What may happen
events in the world. (h) ⎯ Olympic flame is kept burning
in absence of trees? (e) What steps need to be taken to
during the period of the games. The games cause (i) ⎯
motivate people for tree plantation?
great excitement all over the world. (j) ⎯ most of the
people of the world eagerly wait for the games. 10. Write a composition on any one of the following within
250 words. 15
3. Put the suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5
(a) Your Childhood Memories; (b) The Population
The result of honesty is (a) ⎯ description. It results (b) ⎯
Problem in Bangladesh.
peace. An honest man is true (c) ⎯ his word. He never
11. Suppose you are Samir/Samira of Rasulpur village under
deviates (d) ⎯ the right path. Dishonesty brings (e) ⎯
ruin. Nurpour Upazilla in the district of Rangpur. There is
severe scarcity of water in your viallage. 10
4. Complete the sentences with the phrases or idioms
Now, wirte an application to the chairman of your
from the list given in the box. 1×5=5
Union Parishad for sinking several deep tube-wells in
sun and substance bless with go through your village for safe water.
to and fro find fault with go ahead 12. Illiteracy is a great problem in Bangladesh. It hampers
(a) Have you ⎯ today's newspaper? our development. Now write a dialogue between you
(b) Birds fly ⎯ in the sky. and your friend about how to eradicate illiteracy from
(c) The habit of ⎯ others is not good. your village. 10
(d) Write the ⎯ of the poem. Or, Write down the summary of the following passage and
(e) Bangladesh is ⎯ many natural resources. give a suitable title to it.
5. Rewrite the following sentence in the reported speech.5 Good manners form an important part of our education.
"Why are you putting the food in your pocket?" said the Our education remains incomplete if we don't learn good
noble man. "My dress deserves the food," said Sheikh manners. We must respect others properly. We should
Saadi. "I don't understand what you want to", said the have the sense of right and wrong. We should behave
noble man. "I was the same man who had my dinner here according to culture and society. Again good manners
last week," said Saadi. "Let me say sorry to you," said the cost of nothing. They are often the results of good sense
noble man. and good nature. The importance of good nature is great
6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined indeed. All respect him very much.
sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 13. Read the beginning of the following story and
(a) None can prosper in life without reading books complete it in your own way. Give a title to it. 15
(Affirmative). (b) Reading is a mental training which helps to One day a teenaged boy was tending cattle by the side of a
overcome obstacles to progress. (Simple) (c) So we should read railway line. Suddenly he noticed that some railway
book to enlighten our mind. (Complex) (d) It ennobles our slippers were about to collapse. He heard the wistle of the
mind and refines our sensibility (Negative). (e) We can train coming from a distance. He ⎯
broaden our mind by reading books. (Complex).
14 English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions
14. Chittagong Govt Collegiate School & College, Chittagong Sub Code 1 0 8
Time : 3 hours English (Compulsory) 2nd Paper Total Marks : 100
A Grammar : 40 Marks 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. (a) How odd, ⎯?
Put them in the following correct tenses. Use the (b) There is too much noise outside, ⎯?
negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 (c) The mother rose in her, ⎯?
plot make be mark feel devote (d) The jury gave unanimous opinions, ⎯?
Patriotism implies those qualities which (a) ⎯ a man (e) We know little about our future, ⎯?
noble. Patriots lives (b) ⎯ to the well-being of their 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5
country. But those devoid of patriotic zeal (c) ⎯ (a) Danger often comes ⎯.
selfcentered. They (d) ⎯ no scruples (e) ⎯ against the (b) The building coustructed fifty years ago ⎯.
country. (c) If I had had the time, ⎯.
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an (d) ⎯, provided they are educated.
article is not needed. 1
/2×10=5 (e) It is time ⎯.
Then (a) ⎯ terrible thing happened. While we are waiting B Composition : 60 Marks
for (b) ⎯ coffee (c) ⎯ head waiter, with (d) ⎯
ingratiating smile on his false face, came up to us bearing 9. Write a paragraph in about 120 words on 'Your
National Flag' by answering the following questions. 10
(e) ⎯ large basket full of huge pieces. They had (f) ⎯
(a) What does it symbolise? (b) What is its size? (c)
blush of (g) ⎯ innocent girl. They had (h) ⎯ rich tone of
Where is it hoisted? (d) When is it half mast? (e) How can
Italian (i) ⎯ landscape. My guest unmindfully took one
we hold up its honour?
and expressed her joy at (j) ⎯ taste of them.
10. Write a composition on any one of the following within
3. Put a suitable preposition in the following blanks. 1×5=5 250 words. 15
Everyone desires (a) ⎯ wealth. But a few attain it. Some (a) A journey Your Have Enjoyed
people hanker (b) ⎯ riches. Some are content (c) ⎯ what (b) Tree Plantation.
they have. True happiness lies (d) ⎯ contentment. It is
11. Imagine, you are Sakib living in the village, named
high time we gave (e) ⎯ the habit of covetousness. Mollapara in Chittagong. The people of your village have
4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or been suffering for want of pure drinking water. Now, write
idioms from the list given in the box. 1×5=5 an application to the chairman of your union council to
fall flat go through in harmony with sink at least three tube-wells in your village. 10
skim through gift of the gab point bank 12. Suppose, you are Jamal. Your SSC Examination in near at
over head and keep in view hand and you are passing a busy time doing various things
ears regarding your preparation for a good result. Now, write
(a) A K Fazlul Haq had wonderul ⎯. a dialogue between you and your friend Limon on
(b) He refused ⎯ to help me. your preparation for the ensuing examination. 10
(c) Student should not ⎯ any book. Or, Write down the summery of the following passage.
(d) He is ⎯ in debt. Give a suitable title to it.
(e) My advice ⎯ on him. Education is the process by which our mind develops
5. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech.5 through a formal learning at an institution like a school,
"Why are your children crying, my daughter?" said the college or university. It is mental and intellectual training
Caliph "They have been starving" said the woman. "Have which provides opportunities of growth and helps to meet
you how else in the world?" My husband died some challenges and overcome obstacles to progress. Again, the
months ago. He left them neither any money nor any purpose of education is to enlighten the individual and
property. So they are in great distress. They have to starve develop his/her capacity to the limit. It is also the business
whenever I fail to get anything for them to eat". of education to train individuals to make the right choices
6. Read the following passage and transform the to go ahead. It ennobles our mind and refines our
underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 sensibility.
Information teachnology is a wonderful invention. (a) 13. Read the following outlines and develop them into a
There are many things that can be included in technology complete story. Give a suitable title to it. 15
(Active). (b) Computer has pushed the modern age a step Sheikh Saadi was a great poet in Iran. He used to lead a
ahead. (Complex) (c) It can do many things very simple life. The noble man could not recognise him
(Interrogative). Internet is the latest invention in the and. ...............
communication system (d) In the field of technology,
science will go far and make much more progress
(Simple). (e) As man is curious, he will try to invent new
things (Compound)
English Second Paper Q Test Exam Questions 15