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ManSci Review

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Top manager
d. Chief executive officers
REVIEWER 7. A business organization owned and
operated by a group of individuals and is
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. created for their mutual support and benefit.
a. Cooperative
b. Sole proprietorship
1. Which business constituents analyze their c. Corporation
competitive environment and plan, organize, d. Partnership
direct, and control the operation of their 8. A business entity operated and owned by
organization? two or more persons who contribute
a. Stockholders possession into the firm.
b. Managers a. Sole proprietorship
c. Regulators b. Partnership
d. Agents c. Corporation
2. Which aspect of the management process d. Cooperative
involves determining what an organization 9. Which level of management sets general
needs to do and how best to do it? policies, formulates strategies, approves all
a. Organizing significant decisions, and represents the
b. Planning company in dealings with other firms and
c. Controlling with government bodies?
d. Directing a. Top managers
3. Comparing actual performance against b. Operations managers
standards is an example of which function of c. Middle managers
the management process? d. First-line managers
a. Planning 10. Titles such as plant manager, operation
b. Organizing manager, and division manager designate
c. Leading which level of management?
d. Controlling a. First-line manager
4. What type of management process function b. Middle manager
is being used when a manager motivates the c. Top manager
workforce by rewarding them with additional d. Supervisors
vacation when standards are achieved? 11. The titles of supervisors, office managers,
a. Leading and group leaders are examples of which
b. Planning level of management?
c. Organizing a. Top management
d. Controlling b. First-line management
5. What type of manager is responsible for c. Middle management
implementing the strategies, policies, and d. Operation management
decisions made by top manager? 12. Which of the following are responsible for
a. First-line manager production and quality control?
b. Office manager a. Operations manager
c. Supervisor manager b. Information manager
d. Middle manager c. First-line manager
6. Which type of manager spends most of their d. Marketing manager
time working and supervising the employees 13. A manager is expected to serve in what
who reports to them? interpersonal capacity when coordinating
a. First-line manager people, groups, and organizations?
b. Information manager a. Figurehead
b. Spokesperson
c. Negotiator
1. A key function of planning is to create goals.
d. Liaison
14. The managerial role characterized by the
2. Another term for effectiveness is doing things
ability to gather and disseminate
right. (Efficiency)
communications and areas of interest is
3. Top-level managers tend to have a strong
referred to as:
technical skills since they set the strategies
a. Informational
for the firm as a whole and need to see how
b. Resource allocator
organizational pieces all fit together.
c. Decisional
(conceptual skills)
d. Figurehead
4. Giving a speech at an organization dinner is
15. Which of the following is NOT considered
liaison role of managers. (Figurehead)
and organizational strength?
5. Disseminating and translating goals defined
a. Strong position
by top managers into action is one of the
b. Changing consumer tastes
most important job responsibilities of first-line
c. Dedicated workforce
managers. (Middle manager)
d. Technical expertise
6. An important part of the controlling function
is evaluating. (TRUE)
7. An organization that fails to plan will find it
hard to assess progress. (TRUE)
8. Leading function of management include
determining who does what tasks.
1. An organization's external environment (Organizing)
consists of everything that might affect it. 9. Other term for job specialization is division of
(TRUE) labor. (TRUE)
2. CEO, COO, and President are examples of 10. In reality, all organizations have single goal.
Middle Level Managers. (FALSE) (Multiple)
3. When a sales manager compares actual
sales to the quarterly sales quota, he/she is
performing the controlling function of
management. (TRUE)
4. The first-line managers are supposed to
execute plans that involve the schedules of
1. He introduced ‘one best method’
employees. (TRUE)
5. Business strategy focuses on improving the
2. He developed the 14 Basic Management
company’s competitive position. (TRUE)
Principles. (HENRI FAYOL)
6. Managers are decision-makers. (TRUE)
3. It refers to the ‘chain of superiors’ (SCALAR
7. Organizing identifies the qualified potential
employees. (FALSE)
4. A German theorist who introduced
8. Managerial Effectiveness is the degree to
‘Bureaucracy’ (MAX WEBER)
which an organization uses its resources
5. A management principle that focuses on
wisely. (FALSE)
fairness, impartiality, and respect. (EQUITY)
9. A key function of planning is to create goals.
6. It promotes “mastery” among the workers.
10. Staffing ensures that each job is not
7. It means ‘unity is strength’ (ESPRIT DE
duplicated. (FALSE)
8. He executes ceremonial duties
9. A type of plan that addresses the overall 2. Which management function involves
organizational goals. (STRATEGIC PLAN) arranging and structuring resources within
10. Plans typically can be used repeatedly. an organization? (ORGANIZING)
(STANDING PLAN) 3. A manager needs to ensure that the
company’s products meet quality standards
and comply with regulations. Which
V. MATCHING TYPE management function is primarily involved?
4. In a manufacturing plant, who is responsible
1. Must coordinate and direct all the activities of for monitoring the production process and
the firm. (TOP MANAGER) ensuring that quality standards are met?
2. His objective is to achieve a production target (FIRST-LINE MANAGER)
at the lowest possible cost. (PRODUCTION
3. Responsible in designing compensation II. MULTIPLE CHOICE
systems to encourage employees to work
hard. (HR MANAGER)
4. They must allocate an advertising budget to 1. A finance manager who reads the Wall Street
promote the product more effectively. Journal on a regular basis would be
(MARKETING MANAGER) performing which role?
5. He has the ability to think and conceptualize a. Leader
about abstract and complex situation. b. Disseminator
6. It refers to the knowledge and proficiency of d. Liaison
a person. (TECHNICAL SKILL) 2. Designing a series of interview questions to
7. To finish all the assessments posted in LMS provide information about possible
every night starting this week. (SHORT customers for a company would primarily
TERM PLAN) require _____ skills.
8. He concluded that friendships and a. Technical
associations have the strongest positive b. Human
influence on productivity. (ELTON MAYO) c. Conceptual
9. Grace is a sales manager in charged with d. None of the above
allocating funds, resources, and labor cost 3. An important part of the ____ function is
for the coming year. In doing so she is evaluating the performance of his/her
preparing a _____. (STANDING PLAN) people.
10. She stressed the significance of belonging to a. Planning
a group as a way for people to grow in the b. Organizing
organization. (MARY PARKER FOLLER) c. Leading
d. Controlling
4. Giving a speech at an organization dinner
would fall into which Mintzberg category?
a. Informational
I. IDENTIFICATION b. Entrepreneurial
c. Decisional
d. Interpersonal
1. When Joe decides the number of output 5. You are a manager in a retail store, and
units his team will be able to produce this you’ve noticed a decline in sales over the
week, which management process is he past few months. What should be your first
performing? (PLANNING) step in addressing this issue?
a. Increase the advertising budget d. Promote employees solely based on their
b. Hire more staff seniority
c. Analyze sales data and customer
d. Reduce prices on all products
6. If a project meets all its goals and objectives
but takes longer than expected, what aspect QUIZ ON SWOT AND PESTLE
needs improvement?
a. Efficiency
b. Effectiveness 1. Which of the following factors is NOT
c. Neither typically considered one of KFC's strengths,
d. Both despite its popularity?
7. Interpersonal skills are vital for a manager a. Iconic "Finger-Lickin' Good" slogan
when they need to: b. Global brand recognition
a. Make strategic decisions c. Limited menu options
b. Supervise employees in daily tasks d. Strong emphasis on franchise
c. Resolve conflicts and build partnerships
d. None of the above 2. In the context of SM Supermalls, what might
8. Fayol’s principle of “unity of command” be a potential challenge in considering a
suggests that employees should receive large and diverse retail tenant base as a
orders from: strength?
a. Multiple supervisors to foster creativity a. Increased foot traffic and sales
b. A single supervisor to avoid b. Difficulty in coordinating marketing
confusion efforts
c. Cross-functional teams to promote c. Attracting international brands
collaboration d. Limited rental revenue
d. A variety of sources to encourage
flexibility 3. SM Supermalls' ability to offer a wide range
9. According to Fayol, the principle of of services beyond shopping, such as dining,
“centralization” suggests that: entertainment, and medical services, can be
a. Decision-making authority should be a strength but may also lead to:
concentrated at the top levels of a. A decline in foot traffic
management b. Increased competition from
b. Decision-making should be delegated to standalone providers
all employees c. Lower rental revenue
c. Decision-making should be based on d. Difficulty in attracting tenants
consensus among all employees
d. Decision-making authority should be 4. SM Supermalls' ability to attract both
based on employee’s seniority international and local brands is a strength
10. Fayol’s principle of “Stability of Tenure” because:
suggests that organizations should: a. It offers a diverse shopping
a. Frequently rotate employees to prevent experience
them from becoming complacent b. It keeps rental rates low for tenants.
b. Maintain a stable workforce by c. It maximizes the need for marketing
minimizing turnover and promoting campaigns
employee loyalty d. It discourages competition among
c. Encourage employees to seek new job brands.
opportunities regularly
5. What could potentially hinder Jollibee Foods a. Strong emphasis on traditional Filipino
Corporation's expansion plans? recipes
a. Strategic acquisitions of smaller chains b. Limited focus on product innovation
b. Economic instability in key markets c. Efficient inventory management
c. Diversification into unrelated industries d. Effective marketing strategies
d. Aggressive pricing strategies
12. What could potentially hinder Goldilocks
6. Which of the following might be a concern for Bakeshop's ability to compete with emerging
Jollibee Foods Corporation's financial bakery chains?
performance? a. Strong brand loyalty among existing
a. Efficient utilization of resources customers
b. Well-diversified customer base b. Diverse product portfolio
c. Currency exchange rate fluctuations c. Efficient pricing strategies
d. Limited menu options d. Limited investment in marketing and
7. What could be a potential weakness in
Jollibee Foods Corporation's supply chain? 13. What is a potential opportunity for Pizza Hut
a. Efficient inventory management in terms of global expansion?
b. Strong relationships with local a. Minimizing efforts in international growth
distributors b. Focusing on core markets exclusively
c. Dependence on a single supplier for c. Decreasing presence in regions with
key ingredients established competition
d. Streamlined logistics operations d. Expanding into emerging markets
8. What could be a potential challenge for with adapted menus
Jollibee Foods Corporation's international
expansion efforts? 14. How can Pizza Hut leverage technology for
a. Strong government support in target growth and improved customer experience?
countries a. Implementing advanced online ordering
b. Robust local competition in each market platforms
c. Extensive brand recognition worldwide b. Increased the investment in digital
d. Adapting menus to local tastes and infrastructure
preferences c. Focus on modifying the mobile apps and
9. What could potentially hinder McDonald's online ordering
expansion into new markets? d. all of the above is CORRECT
a. Strong financial resources
b. Well-established brand recognition 15. What is a potential threat for Starbucks in the
c. Efficient cost management highly competitive coffee industry?
d. Cultural differences and preferences a. Strong brand recognition
b. Saturated market with numerous
10. Which factor might affect McDonald's coffee competitors
competitiveness in the fast-food industry? c. Extensive global presence
a. Effective supply chain management d. Diverse product offerings
b. Strong emphasis on employee training
c. Rapidly changing consumer trends
d. Limited presence in urban centers 16. How might shifting consumer preferences
impact Starbucks?
11. What could potentially impact Goldilocks a. Maintaining consistent product offerings
Bakeshop's ability to compete with other b. Adapting to changing tastes and
bakeries and confectionery shops? preferences
c. Ignoring emerging trends in coffee
consumption 21. Metrobank is evaluating the potential impact
d. Minimizing efforts in menu innovation of new government policies aimed at
regulating the financial sector. These policies
aim to stabilize the banking industry and
17. What could pose a threat to Starbucks in protect consumers. Which aspect of the
terms of environmental factors? PESTLE analysis is most relevant for
a. Strong emphasis on sustainability and Metrobank in this scenario?
eco-friendly practices a. Political
b. Implementing effective waste b. Legal
management practices c. Economic
c. Disregarding the impact of climate d. Technological
change on coffee production
d. Ignoring the importance of energy
22. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the
government of the Philippines implements
strict lockdown measures, affecting supply
18. What is one of the key strengths of Colgate- chain operations for Samsung. Which aspect
Palmolive in terms of its product portfolio? of the PESTLE analysis is most relevant for
a. Limited product diversity Samsung Philippines in this scenario?
b. Minimal international market presence a. Political
c. Focusing on consumer preferences b. Legal
d. Strong focus on oral care and c. Economic
personal hygiene products d. Technological

19. Amidst a rapidly changing political

landscape, Metro bank is faced with new 23. The Philippines experiences a surge in e-
government regulations regarding financial commerce adoption, leading to increased
institutions. These regulations aim to online sales of Samsung products. Which
enhance transparency and strengthen aspect of the PESTLE analysis is most
consumer protection. Which aspect of the relevant for Samsung Philippines to consider
PESTLE analysis is most relevant for Metro in response to this trend?
bank in this scenario? a. Political
a. Political b. Legal
b. Legal c. Economic
c. Economic d. Technological
d. Technological
24. As consumer preferences in the Philippines
shift towards minimalist and space-saving
20. Metrobank is exploring the integration of home designs, Samsung Philippines
advanced AI-driven chatbots and blockchain introduces compact and multi-functional
technology to enhance customer service and home appliances. Which aspect of the
security. Which aspect of the PESTLE PESTLE analysis is most relevant for this
analysis is most relevant for Metrobank in product development?
this scenario? a. Political
a. Politcal b. Economic
b. Legal c. Social
c. Economic d. Technological
d. Technological
25. As the Philippines experiences rapid
economic growth, leading to an increase in
disposable income, which aspect of the
PESTLE analysis is most relevant for Coca-
Cola Bottling Company?
a. Political
b. Social
c. Economic
d. Technological

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