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MM (3rd) Dec2018

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| 57522 BBA 3rd Sem. (N. S.) 2014-17 Examination - November, 2018 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Paper: BBAN-302 Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80 ‘Before ansring the quo, canis shoul erst hey hace ee suppl the cnn an complet gueston per. No comp in this rgd lv entertained fer extn. Note: All questions of Section - A are compulsory. Auenp one question from cach Unit in Section ~ Hl {All questions carry equal marks. SECTION-A = 41, Explain the meaning of following (2) Marketing mix (0) Markoting process (©) Market information system 75223700 (P-3NO9K18) PTO. (@) Product positioning (©) Product ne (©. Branding ofa product (3) Personal selling (h) Customer relationship marketing. SECTION-B unr 2. Differentiate between marketing and-seling. Also clarify the traditional and modem concepts of marketing teking suitable examples, 3. What are controllable and uncontrollable factors in the ‘marketing environment ? Discuss in brie. unt —1 4. Wriat do you mean by market segmentation ? Why and how are inarkels segmented ? Discuss taking suitable examples. 5. What is marketing research ? Enumerate the sequence of stope involved in conducting a markcting research study. srsz2a700 (6-30-8418) (2) *UNIT=m 6. Explain Product Life Cycle in detail, How do marketing strategies change as product moves through various stages of life cycle? 7. What do you understand by ‘price’ of a product ? Explain various pricing strategies giving. suitable examples uNtT-1v 8. "Wholesalers perform so many important functions, that it is not possible to eliminate them from the channels of distribution’ Do you agree with it ? Critically evaluate the statement considering the types of wholesalers and functions performed by them, 8. What do you miean by sales promotion ? Discuss various sales promotion tools used by marketers in retail context. s7s223700 4P-3}0-8K18) (8)

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