Appropriate Policy Documents
Appropriate Policy Documents
Appropriate Policy Documents
5 min read
What is a DPIA?
What is an appropriate policy document?
What does an APD cover?
Do I need an APD?
Do I need multiple APDs?
What is the retention period?
Do other documents need to be updated?
When an organisation handles certain special category 'sensitive' personal data or criminal
offence data, they will need to comply with the relevant data protection laws. This includes
completing a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) which sets out a lawful basis for the
processing of the data. For some of these lawful processing conditions, an appropriate policy
document needs to be in place. Read this guide to find out more.
What is a DPIA?
A DPIA is a process designed to help organisations identify and minimise the data protection
risks of a project. Where the processing (eg obtaining or recording) of personal data (eg
names, addresses and information about racial or ethnic origin) is likely to result in a high
risk to individuals, a DPIA needs to be completed. For more information, read Data
protection impact assessments.
Do I need an APD?
Organisations will need to have an APD in place when they process special category
'sensitive' personal data or criminal offence data under certain specified conditions, as a
specific accountability and documentation measure. Where an APD is required, it must be in
place at the time of processing.
An APD is needed when an organisation processes special category data under the
‘employment, social security and social protection’ condition or the ‘substantial public
interest’ condition (depending on the ‘associated conditions’ relied on, which organisations
need to demonstrate to show that they have a substantial public interest in the processing).
An APD must always be in place under the employment, social security and social protection
For the substantial public interest condition, an APD must be in place for all associated
conditions, apart from the journalism, academia, art and literature condition.
An APD is not needed where data is being disclosed (or prepared to be disclosed) to
the relevant authorities for the associated conditions of preventing or detecting unlawful
acts and anti-doping in sport. For all other processing activities relating to these associated
conditions, an APD must be in place.
An APD must be in place when an organisation is authorised to process criminal offence data
by UK law under one of the following conditions:
employment, social security and social protection
statutory and government purposes
administration of justice and parliamentary purposes
protecting the public against dishonesty
regulatory requirements
preventing fraud
suspicion of terrorist financing or money laundering
safeguarding of children and individuals at risk
elected representatives responding to requests
disclosure to elected representatives
informing elected representatives about prisoners
publication of legal judgments
standards of behaviour in sport
administration of accounts used in the commission of indecency offences involving
As with special category personal data above, an APD is not needed where data is being
disclosed (or prepared to be disclosed) to the relevant authorities for the associated
conditions of preventing or detecting unlawful acts and anti-doping in sport. However,
for all other processing activities relating to these associated conditions, an APD must be in