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Jee Physics Gravitation MCQ

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Newton's Law of Gravitation, Gravitational 5 A mass Mis split into two parts m and (M- m), which are
then separated by a certain distance. What ratio of m/M
Field Intensity and Potential maximizes the gravitational force between the two parts:
1. Kepler's second law regarding constancy ofaerial velocity
of a planet is a consequence of the law of conservation of (a)
(a) energy (b) angular momentum
(c) linear momentum (d) none of these 1
2. A planet is revolving around the sun as shown in elliptical
4 (a):5
path R
6. Two metal spheres ofequal radius r are touching each other.
The force of attraction Fbetween them is
(a) F*r6 (b) F 4

(c) F«r2 (d) F«

The correct option is 7. The figure shows four arrangement of threeparticles of equal
(a) the time taken in travelling DAB is less than that for masses. Arrange them according to the magnitude of the net
BCD gravitational force on the particle labeled m, in decreasing
order: JAMU B.Tech.-2013)
(b) the time taken in travelling DAB is greater than that D
for ABC D

(c) the time taken in travelling CDA is less than that for (1) (iü) d
(d) the time taken in travelling CDA is greater than that D
for ABC
(iii) D|
3. Asatellite S is moving in an elliptical orbit around the earth.
The mass of the satellite is very small compared to the mass
of earth: (a) ), (iii) = (iv), () (b) ()= (ii), (i), (iv)
(a) the acceleration of S is always directed towards the (c) (0), (ü), (üi), (iv) (d) (iv), (iü), (), ()
centre of the earth
8. The gravitational field strength due to a solid sphere (mass
(b) the angular momentum of S about the centre of the
M, radius R) varies with distance r from centre as :
earth changes in direction but its magnitude remains
(c) the total mechanical energy of S varies periodically
with timne R
(d) the linear momentum of S remains constant in (a r (b)
4. Two sphere of mass m and M are situated in air and the
gravitational force between them is F. The space around
the masses is now filled with a liquid of specific gravity 3.
The gravitational force will now be
(a) F (b) 3 (C) (d) R

(d) 3F
9. The gravitational potential due to a hollow sphere forces on the planet due to satellites is
(mass M, radius R) varies with distance rfrom centre as:

(a) (b)
(d) none of these
15. The tail of a comet Halley is directed away from the sun
due to the fact that :
(a) as the comet rotates around the sun, the lighter mass
(C) (d) of comet is pushed away due to centrifugal force only.
(b) as the comet rotates, the lighter mass of comet is
attracted by some star situated in the direction of tail.
10. The radi of two planets are respectively Rand R, and (c) the radiation emitted by sun exerts a radial pressure on
their densities are respectively P and P. The ratio of the the comet throwing its tail away from the sun
accelerations due to gravity at their surfaces is (d) the tail of comet always exists in same orientation.
(a) &1:82 =- PL.P2 (b) 8:82-R, :R,:p;P2 16. A satellite is in elliptical orbit about the earth (radius =
RR 6400 km), At perigee it has an altitude of 1100 km and at
the apogee its altitude is 4100 km. The major axis of the
(c) 8182= RP,:RzPi () 81:8)= RP;: Rzp orbit is :
11. An object weight 72 N on earth. Its weight at a height of
(a) 5200 km (b) 10400 km
RI2 from earth is
(c) 11600 km (d) 18000 km
(a) 32 N (b) 56 N
17. A body of mass m is taken from earth surface to the height
(c) 72 N (d) zero
equal to radius of carth, the change in potential energy will
12. If radius of earth is R then the height 'h' at which value of be
'g'becomes one-fourth is
(a) mg R (b) mg R
(c) 2 mgR (d)
(c) R (d)
4 mg R
18. A point mass m is placed inside a spherical shell of radius
13. Two spheres cach of mass M are situated at a distance 2d
Rand mass Mat adistance R/2 from the centre of the shell.
(see figure). A particle of mass m (m << M) is taken along The gravitational force exerted by the shell on the point mass
the path shown in figure. The work done in the process from
Ato Bis GMm GMm
(a) (b)
(c) zero (d)
19. Two particles of equal mass go round a circle of radius R
7 GMm 8 GMm under the action of their mutual gravitational attraction. The
(a) (b)
d d speed of cach particle is
8 GMm 1 JGm
(c) (d) zero
(a) v=
(b) V=2R
14. Two satellites of masses m and 2m are revolving around a
planet of mass M with different speeds in orbits of radi r 1 Gm |4Gm
(d) v=R
and 2r respectively. The ratio of minimum and maximum
(c) v=zVR
20. The earth (mass =6 x 102 kg) revolves round the sun with (a) +4.0 G (b) -7.5G
angular velocity 2 x 10-7 rad/s in a circular orbit of radius (c) -5.4G (d) +6.3 G
15 x 108 km. The force exerted by the sun on the earth in Satellites, Orbital Velocity & Escape Velocity
newtons, is
(a) 18 x 1025 (b) zero 27. Asatellite is orbiting a planet at a certain height in a circular
(c) 27 x 1039 (d) 36 x 1021 orbit. If the mass of planet is suddenly reduced to half, the
satellite would :
21. The kinetic energy needed to project a body of mass mfrom
(a) continue to revolve around the planet at the same speed
the earth surface (radius R) to infinity is
(b) falls freely on the planet
(a) mgRI2 (b) 2mgR
(c) orbit the planet at the lesser speed
(c) mgR (d) mgRI4
(d) escape from the planet
22. The distance of the centres of moon and earth is D. The mass
of carth is 81 times the mass of the moon. At what distance
28. An astronaut orbiting the earth in a circular orbit 120 km
above the surface of earth, gently drops a spoon out of the
from the centre of the earth, the gravitational force will be spaceship. The spoon will

(a) fall vertically down to the carth
(a) (b) (b) move towards the moon
(c) will move along with the space ship
4D 9D
(c) (d) will move in an iregular way and then fall down to
3 10 earth
23. The depth d at which the value of acceleration due to gravity
29. A missile is launched with a velocity less than the escape
becomes l/n times the value at the surface, is [R= radius velocity. The sum of its kinetic and potential energy is
of the earth) (a) positive (b) negative
R (c) zero
(a) (b) (d) may be positive negative depending upon its
initial velocity
(c) (d) 30. Ageostationary satellite is orbiting the earth at a height of
6R above the surface of earth, R being radius of earth. The
24. Four particles each of mass M, are located at the vertices time period of another satellite at a height of 2.5 R from the
of a square with side L. The gravitational potential due to surface of earth is:
this at the centre of the square is
(a) 6v2 h (b) 6h
(a) -V32M (b) V6Gy (c) 6/2 h (d) 10 h
31. Two satellites Aand Bgo around a planet P in circular orbits
having radii 4 Rand R respectively. If the speed of satellite
(c) zero (d)
- A
is 3v, the speed of satellite Bwould be :
25. 3 particles each of mass m are kept at vertices of an (a) 12 v (b) 6v
equilateral triangel ofside L. The gravitational field at centre 4
due to these particles is (c) v (d) 2y
3GM 32. If the gravitational force between two objects were
(a) zero (b) 2 proportional to 1/R (instead of 1/R), where Ris separation
between them ; then a particle in circular orbit under such
9GM 12 GM a force would have its orbital speed v proportional to :
(c) (d
(a) (b) RO
26. The potential energy of 4-particles each ofmass I kg placed R
at the four vertices of a square of side I m is : 1
JAMU B. Tech. -2010] (c) R (a) R
33. An artificial satellite moving in a circular orbit around the 40. A satellite moves around the earth in a circular orbit of
earth has atotal (kinetic+ potential) energy E Its potential radius R with speed v. If the mass of the satellite is M, its
energy is: total energy is
(a) -Eo (b) 1.5 E (a)
(c) 2 E (d) E
34. A satellite is moving in a circular orbit around a planet. (d) M2
If T, the period of revolution andR, the radius of orbit
are known, the velocity v is unknown, then which of the 41. The time period of a satellite of earth is 5 hours. If the
following equations would you use to compute its velocity separation between the earth and the satellite is increased
or acceleration : to four times the previous value, the new time period will
2rR become
(a) v=a T, a= (b) v=
,v=aT (a)20 hours (b) 10 hours
2TR (c) 80 hours (d) 40 hours
(c) v=T R () v=;(ar) only 42. A satellite of mass m is circulating around the earth with
35. Asatellite is moving round the carth. In order to escape it, constant angular velocity. If radius of the orbit is R, and mass
its velocity must be increased by : of the earth M, the angular momentum about the centre of
the earth is
(a) 20 % (b) 41.4 %
(c) 1.41% (d) not possible (a) mGMRo (b) MJGmko
36. In a satellite if the time of revolution is T, then KE. is |GM
proportional to (c) m, |GM (d) M,
(a) 43. The escape velocity of a body projected from the surface
of the earth vertically upwards is 11.2 km/s. If the body
(d) T-23 is projected in a direction making an angle 30° with the
vertical, then the new escape velocity will be :
37. The satellite of mass mrevolving in a circular orbit of radius
r around the earth has kinctic energy E. Then its angular (a) 11.2
2 kms (b) 11.2x km/s
momentum will be
(c) 22.4 km/s (d) 11.2 km/s
(a E (b
44. The escape velocity from the earth is about 11 km per
second. The escape velocity from a planet having twice the
(c) V2Emy? (d) 2Emr radius and the same mean density as the carth is :
(a) 22 km/s
38 (b) 11 km/s
Asmall asteroid is orbiting around the sun in a circular orbit (d) 15.5 km/s
of radius n with speed va. A rocket is lunched from the
(c) 5.5 km/s
45. The acceleration due to gravity on a planet is same as that
asteroid with speed v = avg where v is the speed relative on earth and its radius is four times that of carth. What will
to the sun. The highest value ofa for which the rocket will
remain bound to the solar system is : (ignoring gravity due be the value of escape velocity on that planet if it is v, on
to asteroid and effects of other planets) KVPY -2012)
(a) Ve (b) 2v,
(a) 2 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 1 (c) 4ve ()
39. Aplanet moving along an elliptical orbit is closest to the sun 46. The condition for a uniform spherical mass m of radius
at a distance r and farthest away at a distance of r,. If v r to be a black hole is [G= gravitational constant and
and v, are the velocities at these points respectively,
gacceleration due to gravity]
then the ratio (a) (2Gm lrj/2 sc (b) (2Gmn /rl/2 c
(a) (ryt 2 (b) ( )
(c) (2Gm/ry/2 2c (d) (Gm/r 2e
(c) (rzt (d) (/)

Newton's Laws of Gravitation, Gravitational GMm

(d 1+
Fieldand Potential:
1. If the radius of the earth were to shrink by 1% its mass
remaining the same, the acceleration due to gravity on the 5. The gravitational potential difference between the surface of
carth's surface would a planet and a point 10 mabove is 4.0 J/kg. The gravitational
(a) decrease by 2% (b) remain unchanged field in this region, assumed uniform is
(c) increase by 2% (d) increase by 1% (a) 0.025 Nkg (b) 0.40 Nkg
(c) 40 Nkg (d) 4.0 N/kg
2. If earth is supposed to be a sphere of radius R, if g830- is 6. Two identical trains are moving on rails along the equator
value of acceleration due to gravity at latitude of 30° and g on earth in opposite directions with the same speed. The
at the equator, the value of g- &30" is pressure exerted on rails will be :
(a) same
sa for both
(a) o'R (b) (b) zero for both
(c) more for train moving along the carth's motion
(c) oR (d) more for train moving opposite the earth's motion
7. A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth in a circular path
3. A certain planet completes one rotation about its axis in
time T. The weight of an object placed at the equator on of radius r with velocity v. How much energy is required to
the planet's surface is a fraction f (f is close to unity) of take the satellite from an orbit of radius r to one of radius
tis weight recorded at a latitude of 60°. The density of the 3r:
planet (assumed to be uniform) is given by :KVPY-2010] GMm GMm
(a) (b)
37 3r
(a) (b) GMm GMm
(c) (d)
3n 3r
4GT? (d
( 3GT Satellites, Orbital Velocity and Escape Velocity
The figure shows aspherical hollow inside a lead sphere of 8. The eccentricity of earth's orbit is e =0.0167. The ratio of
radius R, the surface of the hollow passes through the centre its maximum speed in its orbit to its minimum speed is:
of the sphere and "touches" the right side of the sphere. The |KVPY 2012|
mass of the sphere before hollowing was M. With what (a) 2.507 (b) 1.033
gravitational force does the hollowed out lead sphere attract (c) 8.324 (d) 1.000
a small sphere of mass mthat lies at a distance 'd from the 9. Abody moves in a circular orbit of radius R under the action
centre of the lead sphere, on the straight line connecting the ofa central force. Potential due to the central force is given
centres of the sphere and of the hollow by V(r) =kr (k is a positive constant). Period ofrevolution
GMm of the body is proportional to : |KVPY 2014]
(a) (a) RI2 (b) R-/2
(c) R32 (d) R-S2
10. For the earth - moon system, let Mand mbe the masses ofthe
GMm earth and the moon respectively. Let v be the instantaneous
d R relative velocity. The total kinetic energy of this system in
2d. the centre of mass frame will be given by
1 mM,2 (b) ;m+ 2 M
(C) 2 m+M
(c) my² (d)
11. A research satellite of mass 200 kg circles the earth in an from P and reaches at Cunder gravitational attraction only.
orbit of average radius 3R/2 where R is the radius of the Its speed at centre Cwill be:
earth. Assuming the gravitational pull on a mass of 1 kg on
the carth's surface to be 10 N, the pull on the satellite will (a)
(a) 880 N (b) 889 N
(c) 890N (d) 892N (b)
12. Energy required to move a body of mass m from an orbit
of radius 2R to 3R is (©) 2Gm(Wi-)
(a) GMm/12R2 (b) MGm/3R2 VR
(c) GMm/8R (d) GMm/6R (d) zero
13. Aparticle of mass 10 g is kept on the surface of a uniform 17. A planet was suddenly stopped in its orbit supposed to be
sphere of mass 100 kg and radius 10 cm. Find the work to circular. The time it takes to fall on to the sun is, if time
be done against the gravitational force between them to period of planet's revolution is T
take the particle far away from the sphere (you may take G
=6.67 x 10-11 Nm² / kg?) T
(a) 6.67 x 10-9J (b) 6.67x 10-10 J () ; (b) 4
(c) 13.34 x 10-10J (d) 3.33 x 10-10J
(c) (d) V2T
14. An asteroid of mass m is approaching earth initially at a 8
distance of 10R, with speed v It hits the earth with aspeed 18. The escape velocity from earth is v,. A body is projected
v,(R, and M, are radius and mass of earth), then with velocity 2v, with what constant velocity will it move
in the inter planetary space
(9) vj=2Gm)
M,R10 (a) v. (b) 3v
(c) VBv, (d) 5v,
19. Three equal masses (cach m) are placed at the corners of
an equilateral triangle of side 'a'. Then the escape velocity
Re of an object from the circumcentre P of triangle is :

15. A projectile is projected with velocity kv, in vertically

upward direction from the ground into the space. (ve is
escape velocity and k <1). Ifair resistance is considered to
be negligible then the maximum height from the centre of D

earth to which it can go, will be: (R= radius of earth)

(a) (b)
k²+1 (a) (b) 3Gm
R R V a
(c) (d)
l+k? k+1
16. A point P lies on the axis of a ring of mass M and radius a
R at a distance R from its centre C. A small particle starts

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