Financial Mathematics and Derivatives Chapter 6: Loans
Financial Mathematics and Derivatives Chapter 6: Loans
Financial Mathematics and Derivatives Chapter 6: Loans
Amortizing a loan
1 Loan
Varying series of payments
Equal Principle repayments
Final Payments (Baloon and drop payments)
Sinking fund Method of loan repayment
Loan refinancing
𝐼! = 𝑖𝐵!"# 𝑃! = 𝑅! − 𝐼! 𝐵4 = 𝐵456 − 𝑃4
𝐼! = 5%709.19 𝑃! = 200 − 35.46 = 709.19 − 164.54
= 35.46 = 164.54
Outstanding balance
§ After some payment(s), there is 2 ways to compute outstanding
balance (OS) or principal at time t, 𝐵# , (after payment at time t is
Ways of evaluating
Retrospective Prospective
method method
OS balance(t)
If the periods involve varying interest rate, need to allow for the varying interest.
• 𝐼# = 𝑖𝐵#%"
t 𝐼! 𝑷!
3 1000 1 − 𝑣 $ . 1000 𝑣 #
4 1000 1 − 𝑣 % . 1000 𝑣 $
1) Interest Content of
Payment at time t = OS
balance at time t-1*i
3) OS balance at time t
Garrett, S. J. (2013)
0 10,000
1 600 1000 -400 10400
2 5,000 1040 3960 6440
3 7,084 644 6440 0
Total 12,684 2,684 10,000
Next Payment is
𝑅#+" = 𝐼#+" + 𝑃#+" =3000= 𝐵# ×10%+ 𝑃#+" =900+ 𝑃#+"
𝑃#+" = 3000 − 900 = 2100
Increasing Or Decreasing
§ To calculate the last payment, first need to: determine OS balance after
the last regular payment, then allow of interest earned between 2nd last
and last payment
If the drop payment is paid following normal payment interval, then the
last payment will be: