Service Rules&Financial Rules
Service Rules&Financial Rules
Service Rules&Financial Rules
Question Bank
Government Service Rules &
Financial Rules
( R.T.I Included )
Useful For :-
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3. Earned Leave
• Credit of EL will be afforded in advance at uniform rate of 15 days
• Credit will be offered on 1st January and 1st July
• Can be availed with or without MC
• Proportionate credit in case of appointment in the middle of the half year at
2.5 days for each calendar month
• Un availed joining time (Maximum 15 Days) will be credited to EL Account
• Encashment can be allowed for 300 days at the time of retirement
• 10 days of EL can be encashed for LTC (maximum 6 times)
• Maximum period of EL Can be availed is 180 days
• If employee is on Leave Preparatory can avail more than 180 days at time
• Outside India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Srilanka, Nepal & Pakistan can
be extended is 300 days
• If a Government servant has availed of extraordinary leave and/or some
period of absence has been treated as dies non in a half-year, the credit to be
afforded to his leave account at the commencement of the next half-year shall
be reduced by 1/10th of the period of such leave and/or dies non subject to
maximum of 15 days
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• Proportionate Credit in case of appointment in the middle of the half year 5/3
for each completed calendar month
• Credit will be offered on 1st January and 1st July
• Where a period of absence or suspension of a Government servant has been
treated as dies non in a half-year, the credit to be afforded to his half pay leave
account at the commencement of next half-year, shall be reduced by
one[1]eighteenth of the period of dies not subject to a maximum of ten days.
• Can be availed up to 180 days at one stretch
• No HPL in case of Compulsory retirement for calculation of leave encashment
• Can be accumulated without any limit
• Can be availed with or without MC
5. Commuted Leave
6. Maternity Leave
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7. Paternity Leave
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• Full pay and allowance for six month immediately following hospitalization
• Half pay for 12 Months beyond the said 6 months
• Ordinarily twelve months at any one time, and during his entire service,
twenty-four months in all (inclusive of similar kind of leave for study or training
granted under any other rules).
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• LND can be given w/o MC for Child care leave in the third year
Pension Rules:
1. Introduction: Pension rules in India form a crucial part of the social security
framework, providing financial support to government employees post-
retirement. These rules are designed to ensure a dignified and secure life for
2. Retirement Benefits:
• Pension rules outline the criteria for eligibility and the calculation of pension
• The pension amount is typically based on the length of service and the average
emoluments during a specific period.
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6. Family Pension:
• In the event of the employee's demise, family pension rules come into play.
• The family, typically the spouse, is entitled to a pension amount based on the
employee's service and emoluments.
7. Commutation of Pension:
• Pension rules may allow for the commutation of a portion of the pension
amount into a lump sum.
• Commutation factors are applied to calculate the commuted amount.
8. Gratuity:
• Gratuity is often a part of pension rules, providing a one-time lump sum
payment upon retirement.
• The gratuity amount is based on the length of service and the last drawn
2. Contributions:
• Employee Contribution: Individuals contribute a percentage of their
salary to their NPS account.
• Employer Contribution (for government employees): Employers also
contribute to the NPS account, enhancing the corpus.
3. Portability:
• One of the key features of NPS is its portability.
• Individuals can transfer their NPS accounts across jobs and locations,
providing flexibility.
4. Investment Options:
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2. Budgeting:
• Formula for Budget Calculation: Budget=Revenue Receipts
+Capital Receipts−Revenue Expenditure −Capital Expenditure
Budget=Revenue Receipts +Capital Receipts− Revenue
Expenditure−Capital Expenditure
3. Expenditure Control:
• Expenditure Control Formula: Expenditure Control=Budgeted
Expenditure−Actual Expenditure Control=Budgeted
Expenditure−Actual Expenditure
• Measures the variance between planned and actual expenditures.
4. Procurement and Contract Management:
• Value for Money (VFM) Formula: VFM=Quality of Goods/Services
Cost of Goods/Service VFM= Cost of Goods/Services Quality of
Goods/Services • Ensures that procurement decisions provide
optimal value for the cost incurred.
5. Payment and Receipt Procedures:
• Net Cash Flow Formula: Net Cash Flow=Total Cash Inflows−Total
Cash Outflows Net Cash Flow=Total Cash Inflows−Total Cash
• Monitors the net movement of cash, aiding liquidity
6. Internal Controls and Auditing:
• Audit Effectiveness Formula: Audit Effectiveness=Number of
Identified Issues Total Number of I ssues×100%Audit
Effectiveness=Total Number of Issues Number of Identified
Issues×100% • Measures the effectiveness of internal controls
through audit findings.
7. Advance Financing:
• Advance Release Formula: Advance Release=Amount Released in
Advance Release = Amount Released in Advance
• Quantifies funds released in advance to ensure essential activities
are adequately funded.
8. Delegation of Financial Powers:
• Authority Utilization Index Formula: Authority Utilization
Index=Actual Expenditure Incurred Authorized Financial
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C. Rule 2(c)
D. Rule 2(d)
7. Government means in CCS Conduct Rules
A. State government
B. Central government
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
8. Every government servant shall at all times
A. Maintain absolute integrity
B. Maintain devotion to duty
C. Do nothing which is unbecoming of a government servant
D. All the above
9. In sec 3-A of CCS Conduct rules explained
A. Observance of Government’s policies
B. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women
C. Promptness and Courtesy
D. All the above
10. No Government servant shall
A. In the performance of his official duties, act in a discourteous manner
B. In his official dealings with the public or otherwise adopt dilatory tactics or
willfully cause delays in disposal of the work assigned to him
C. Both the A & B
D. None of these
11. Observance of Government’s policies defined in ____of CCS Conduct rules
A. Sec 3-A
B. Sec 3-B
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C. Sec 3-C
D. Sec 3-D
12. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women defined in ____of CCS
Conduct rules.
A. Sec 3-A
B. Sec 3-B
C. Sec 3-C
D. Sec 3-D
13. For the purpose of Sec 3-C of these rule “sexual harassment” includes such
unwelcome sexually determined behaviour whether directly or otherwise as:-
A. Physical contact as advances
B. Demand or request for sexual favours
C. Sexually coloured remarks
D. Showing any pornography; or any other unwelcome physical, verbal or
nonverbal conduct of a sexual nature
E. All the above
14. Mark the correct option
A. Govt. servant who may be convicted in a criminal court to inform his official
superiors of the fact of his conviction and the circumstances
B. Failure on the part of any Govt. servant so to inform his official superiors will
render him liable to disciplinary action on this ground alone
C. Govt. servant who may arrested for any reason to intimate the fact of his
arrest and the circumstances connected therewith to his official superior
promptly even though he might have subsequently been released on bail.
D. All the above
15. Mark the incorrect option
A. To joining educational institution by Govt servants outside normal office
hours should be take prior permission before joining educational institutions or
courses of studies for universities degree
Competitive world
A. Sec 3
B. Sec 4
C. Sec 5
D. Sec 6
20. Mark the correct option
A. No Govt. servant shall use his position or influence directly or indirectly to
secure employment for any member of his family in any company.
B. A Govt. servant shall, as soon as he becomes aware of the acceptance by a
member of his family o an employment in any company or firm, intimate such
acceptance to the prescribed authority.
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
21. Elections defined in _____of CCS Conduct rules
A. Sec 3
B. Sec 4
C. Sec 5
D. Sec 6
22. Rule___ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 provides that a Government servant
shall not be a member of any political party
A. Rule 5(1)
B. Rule 5(2)
C. Rule 5(3)
D. Rule 5(4)
23. Mark the incorrect option
A. A Govt. servant qualified to vote at such election may exercise his right to
B. A Govt servant shall canvass or otherwise interfere with or use his influence
in connection with or take part in an election in legislature election only
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C. Govt servant endeavour to prevent any member of his family form taking part
in elections.
D. None of these
24. The following action by a Govt servant does not amount of contravention of
rule 5(4)
A. Making normal arrangement during election tours o ministers to enable them
to carry out their responsibilities as ministers.
B. Arrangements by district officer for affording normal courtesies and security
to Ministers on their visits connected with election campaign.
C. A only
D. All the above
25. Mark the correct option
A. Prior permission is required to join Bharat sevak samaj
B. Participation of Govt. servants in the Indo-Foreign cultural organizations to
be avoided
C. Mere intimation sufficient to join samyukta sadachar samiti
D. Prior permission necessary to join foreign language classes conducted by Indo
foreign cultural organizations.
E. All the above
26. Joining of Associations by Government servants defined in _____of CCS
Conducts rules
A. Sec 3
B. Sec 4
C. Sec 5
D. Sec 6
27. Earned Leave can be ordinarily combined with the following.
A. Casual Leave, half pay leave, maternity leave
B. Study leave, casual Leave, maternity leave
Competitive world
A. 15 days
B. 30 days
C. 45 days
D. 60 days
38. Joining time can not be combined with
A. Earn Leave
B. Causal Leave
C. Sick Leave
D. Commuted leave
39. In case of temporary transfer for a period up to 180 days only actual trant
time, as in case of journey on tour, can be allowed
A. True
B. False
40. In case of transfer at own request, joining time is admissible for the actual
transit time.
A. True
B. False
41. Interest on delayed payment of gratuity is applicable if?
A. The Government servant delays submission of papers.
B. The delay is attributable to clear administrative lapses.
C. The Government servant is ignorant of the rules.
D. All of the above
42. A Government servant joins on 15 January; he is entitled to following under
CGEGIS 1980 Rules.
A. Insurance Cover from 15th January to 31st December.
B. Savings benefit from 15th January to 31st December.
C. Both a and b
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C. Sec 9
D. Sec 10
52. Criticism of Govt means and includes
A. Which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy
or action of the Central Government or a State Government
B. Which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the Central Govt.
and the Government of any State
C. Which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the central
government and the Government o any foreign state
D. All the above
53. Evidence before committee defined in _____of CCS Conducts rules
A. Sec 8
B. Sec 7
C. Sec 9
D. Sec 10
54. Rule 10 of CCS Conduct rules not apply to:-
A. Evidence given at an enquiry before an quthority appinted by the Govt,
Parliament or a State Legislature
B. Evidence given in any judicial enquiry
C. Evidence given at any departmental enquiry ordered by authorities
subordinate to the government
D. All the above
55. Any Government servant may give evidence in any judicial enquiry as per
rule ______of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964,
A. Rule 10(3)(a)
B. Rule 10(3)(b)
C. Rule 10(3)(c)
D. Rule 10(3)(d)
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Competitive world
61. As per CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 a government servant holding Group C post
can accept gift worth Rs ___ on occassions such as weddings anniversaries
funerals or other religious functions:
A. Rs 1000/-
B. Rs 2000/-
C. Rs 5000/-
D. Rs 10000/-
62. Rule 13-A of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 deals with ___
A. Subscription
B. Dowry
C. indebtedness
D. Gifts
63. Rule___of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government servant
subletting of Government accommodation
A. Rule15(A)
B. Rule15(B)
C. Rule15(C)
D. Rule15(D)
64. Rule____ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 regulates the lending and borrowing
of money by Government servants;
A. Rule 15
B. Rule 16
C. Rule 17
D. Rule 18
65. According to rule___ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 no governmet servat shall
speculate in any stock of shares, securities or other investments
A. Rule 15
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B. Rule 16
C. Rule 17
D. Rule 18
66. Rule ___of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about insolvency and habitual
A. Rule 15
B. Rule 16
C. Rule 17
D. Rule 18
67. Rule____ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government servant
possessing movable, immovable and valuable property
A. Rule 15
B. Rule 16
C. Rule 17
D. Rule 18
68. No government servatn shall employ to work any child below the age of 14
years as per rule____ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964
A. Rules 22(a)
B. Rules 22(b)
C. Rules 22(c)
D. Rules 22(d)
69. A government servant shall not use any intoxiacating drink or drug to excess
as per rule ___ of CCS (Counduct) Rules 1964:
A. Rules 22(a)
B. Rules 22(b)
C. Rules 22(c)
D. Rules 22(d)
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A. Rule 21
B. Rule 22
C. Rule 23
D. Rule 24
71. This Rule of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about delegation of Powers
A. Rule 21
B. Rule 22
C. Rule 23
D. Rule 24
72. Rule___ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about Repeal and saving
A. Rule 22
B. Rule 23
C. Rule 24
D. Rule 25
73. In this part of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 the prevention of corruption Act
1988 is reproduced:
A. Appendix-I
B. Appendix-II
C. Appendix-III
D. Appendix-IV
74. Financial Year covers the period
A. From 01 Jan to 31 Dec
B. From 01 April to 31 March next year
C. From 01 July to 30 June next year
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79. State whether true or false The accounting heads under which major tax and
non-tax revenues are collected shall be prescribed by the administrative
Ministry in consultation with the Budget Division in the Finance Ministry.
A. True
B. False
80. The rates of user charges should be linked with appropriate price indices and
reviewed at least
A. every year
B. every two years
C. every three years
D. every five years
81. The expenditure Charged on the Consolidated Fund and expenditure for
which a vote of the Lok Sabha is required have been provisioned in
A. Article 112 (1) and Article 112 (2) respectively
B. Article 112 (2) and Article 113(3) respectively
C. Article 112 (3) and Article 113(3) respectively
D. Article 112 (3) and Article 113(2) respectively
82. The estimates for expenditure for which vote of Lok Sabha is required shall
be in the form of
A. Vote on Account
B. Demand for Grants
C. Vote for Grants
D. Vote on Demand
83. The final unit of appropriation is
A. Major Head
B. Minor Head
C. Primary Head
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D. Object head
84. State whether One Demand for Grant is presented in respect of each
Ministry or Department and under no circumstances more than one Demand
for Grant in respect of a single Ministry or Department shall be presented
A. True
B. False
85. The Demand for Grants shall be presented to Parliament at
A. single level
B. two levels
C. three level
D. four levels
86. Pick the incorrect one
A. The Demand for Grants shall be presented to Parliament at two levels.
B. The main Demand for Grants shall be presented to Parliament by the Ministry
of Finance, Budget Division along with the Annual Financial Statement
C. The Detailed Demands for Grants, for consideration by the “Public Account
Committee (PAC) of the Parliament, are laid on the Table of the Lok Sabha by
the concerned Ministries/ Departments, as per dates approved from time to
D. None the above
87. The heads under which provision for expenditure shall be made in the
Demands for Grants or Appropriation shall be prescribed by the Finance
Ministry in consultation with the
C. Public Account Committee
D. Administrative Ministry or Department.
88. DRSC stands for
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D. Credit on Demand
93. Vote on Account’ has been referred to in
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C. GFR 5
D. GFR 6
98. Pick the correct one regrading examining the point by the Controlling Officer
on receipt of the returns from DDOs.
(i) that the accounts classification has been properly given
(ii) that progressive expenditure has been properly noted and the available
balances worked out correctly
(iii) that expenditure up-to-date is within the grant or appropriation
(iv) that the returns have been signed by Disbursing Officers. Where he finds
defects in any of these respects, he shall take steps to rectify the defect.
A. i, ii and iii
B. i, ii and iv
C. ii, iii and iv
D. All of the above
99. When all the returns from the Disbursing Officers for a particular month have
been received and found to be in order, the Controlling Officer shall compile a
statement in Form
A. GFR 5
B. GFR 6
C. GFR 7
D. GFR 9
100. On receipt of all the necessary returns, the Head of the Department shall
prepare a consolidated account showing the complete expenditure from the
grant or appropriation at his disposal upto the end of the preceding month in
A. GFR 7
B. GFR 8
C. GFR 9
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D. GFR 10
101. Who shall be responsible for the monthly reconciliation of the figures given
in the accounts maintained by the Head of the Department with those
appearing in the Accounts Officer’s books?
A. DDO & Accounts Officer jointly
B. DDO & Head of Department jointly
C. Head of Department & Accounts Officer jointly
D. All of the above jointly.
102. Pick the incorrect one
A. DDOs shall maintain a Bill Register in Form TR 28-A, and note all bills
presented for payment to the PAO in the register. Payment details shall be
noted in the appropriate column of the Bill Register.
B. The PAOs shall furnish to each of the DDOs including Cheque – drawing DDOs,
an extract from the expenditure control register or from the Compilation Sheet
every month. statements for May to March shall also contain Progressive
C. The DDO shall furnish to the PAO a certificate of agreement of the figures
as per his books with those indicated by the PAOs by the 15th day of the
month following the month of accounts.
D. The Principal Accounts Officer (or PAO wherever payments, relating to a
grant are handled wholly by a PAO) of each Ministry, shall send a monthly
statement showing the expenditure vis-à-vis the Budget provision under the
various heads of accounts to the Heads of Departments responsible for overall
control of expenditure against grant of the Ministry as a whole.
103. The Head of the Department shall furnish a quarterly certificate to the
Principal Accounts Officer certifying the correctness of the figures relating to
Grant for the quarter by
A. the 15th of the following month after the end of quarters
B. the 15th of the second following month after the end of quarters
C. the last day of following month after the end of quarters
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D. the last day of second following month after the end of quarters
104. The Departments of the Central Government shall obtain from their Heads
of Departments and other offices under them the departmental figures of
expenditure in Form GFR 8 by
A. the 7th of the following the month
B. the 10th of the following the month
C. the 15th of the following the month
D. the last day of the following the month
105. A Broadsheet shall be maintained by the Departments of Central
Government or each Head of Department and other authorities directly under
them, to watch the prompt receipt of the various returns from month to month
in Form
A. GFR 9
B. GFR 10
C. GFR 11
D. GFR 11
106. In order to maintain proper control over expenditure, a Controlling Officer
shall obtain from the spending authorities liability statements in Form GFR 3- A
every month, starting from the month of
A. April
B. June
C. September
D. October
107. The Controlling Officer maintains a Liability Register in Form
A. GFR 2
B. GFR 3
D. GFR 6
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B. 267 (1)
C. 266 (2)
D. 267 (2)
118. The procedure for obtaining an advance from the Contingency Fund and
recoupment of the Fund shall be as laid down in the
A. Contingency Fund of India Rules 1952
B. Contingency Fund of India Rules 1955
C. Treasury Rule
D. GAR 1990
119. Who appears before the Committee on Public Accounts and any other
Parliamentary Committee for examination of accounts?
A. Head of Department
D. Financial Advisor
120. All contracts shall be made by an authority empowered to do so by or
under the orders of the President in terms of
A. Article 299 (1)
B. Article 299 (2)
C. Article 301 (1)
D. Article 301 (2)
121. The various classes of contracts and assurances of property, which may be
executed by different authorities, are specified in the Notifications issued from
time to time by the
A. Ministry of Finance
B. Ministry of Law
C. Ministry of Trade & Commerce
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D. Ministry of Industries
122. The powers of various authorities, the conditions under which such powers
should be exercised and the general procedure prescribed with regard to
various classes of contracts and assurances of property are laid down in
A. Rule 107 of GFR 2017
B. Rule 79 of R&P 1983
C. Rule 52 of GAR 1990
D. Rule 21 of the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules.
123. State whether true or false The modifications in standard forms of contracts
should be carried out only after obtaining legal advice.
A. True
B. False
124. A Ministry or Department may, at its discretion, make purchases by issuing
purchase orders containing basic terms and conditions of value up to
A. Rs. 200000/-
B. Rs. 250000/-
C. Rs. 300000/-
D. Rs. 500000/-
125. Tender documents include the General Conditions of Contract (GCC),
Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) and scope of work, the letter of acceptance
will result in a binding contract in respect of Works Contracts, or Contracts for
purchases valued between
A. Rs. 100000-500000
B. Rs. 200000-1000000
C. Rs. 100000-1000000
D. Rs. 200000-1000000
126. A Contract document should be executed, with all necessary clauses to
make it a self-contained Contract in respect of contracts for works with
estimated value and purchase of
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131. Price Variation Clause can be provided only in long-term contracts, where
the delivery period extends
A. up-to 18 months
B. up-to 36 months
C. beyond 36 months
D. beyond 18 months
132. The variations under Price Variation Clause are calculated by using indices
published by Governments or
A. Chambers of Commerce
B. Chambers of Trade
C. Chambers of Industries
D. All of the threes
133. No price adjustment under Price Variation Clause will be made in favour of
the supplier where resultant increase is lower than
A. 1%
B. 2%
C. 5%
D. 10%.
134. No price variation will be admissible beyond the original Scheduled
Delivery Date for defaults on the part of the supplier. However, it may be
allowed beyond the original Scheduled Delivery Date, by specific alteration of
that date through an amendment to the contract in cases of Force Majeure or
defaults by Government.
A. True
B. False
135. Copies of all contracts and agreements for purchases, and of all rate and
running contracts entered into by civil departments of the Government other
than the departments like the DGS&D should be sent to the Audit Officer and
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/or the Accounts officer as the case may be when value of the
contracts/agreements are of
A. Rs. 10 lakh and above
B. Rs. 15 lakh and above
C. Rs. 20 lakh and above
D. Rs. 25 lakh and above
136. Provision for recovery of liquidated damages applies when
A. Item/service received less than supply/work order
B. Description of items are different than what required in supply order
C. Items/services delivered beyond scheduled delivery date
D. Items/service supplied or rendered are in damaged/inappropriate condition.
137. No claim for the payment from contractor shall be entertained after the
lapse of
A. 3 years of arising of the claim.
B. 5 years of arising of the claim
C. 7 years of arising of the claim
D. 10 years of arising of the claim
138. Monthly review should be made of all bank guarantees or other
instruments expiring
A. within 6 months
B. after 6 months
C. within 3 months
D. after 3 months
139. An authority competent to incur expenditure may sanction the purchase of
goods required for use in public service in accordance with provisions given in
A. Delegation of Financial Powers Rules
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B. Departmental Regulations
C. R&P
140. The terms rate contract pertains to
A. Ministries/Departments
C. Ministry of Finance
D. Ministry of Corporate Affairs
141. GeM stands for
A. Government Money
B. Government e-marketing
C. Government e-market Place
D. Goods e-market place
142. Pick the incorrect one
A. Up to Rs.50,000/- through any of the available suppliers on the GeM, meeting
the requisite quality, specification and delivery period.
B. Above Rs.50,000/- and up to Rs.30,00,000/- through the GeM Seller having
lowest price amongst the available sellers, of at least three different
manufacturers, on GeM, meeting the requisite quality, specification and
delivery period.
C. Above Rs.30,00,000/- through the supplier having lowest price meeting the
requisite quality, specification and delivery period after mandatorily obtaining
bids, using online bidding or reverse auction tool provided on GeM.
D. None (all of the above are correct)
143. The Ministries/Departments shall l project their Annual Procurement Plan
of goods and services on GeM portal within
A. 30 days of Budget approval.
B. 30 days of financial year
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D. 25 lakh
157. Copies of the bidding document should be sent directly by speed
post/registered post/courier/ email to firms which are borne on the list of
registered suppliers for the goods in question under
A. Advertised Tender Enquiry
B. Limited Tender Enquiry
C. Multi Tender Enquiry
D. Two Stage Tender Enquiry
158. The number of supplier firms in Limited Tender Enquiry should be
A. not less than three
B. more than three
C. four
D. six
159. Purchase through Limited Tender Enquiry may be adopted even where the
estimated value of the procurement is more than 25 lakh in the following
circumstances except
A. The competent authority in the Ministry or Department certifies that the
demand is urgent and any additional expenditure involved by not procuring
through advertised tender enquiry is justified in view of urgency.
B. There are sufficient reasons indicating that it will not be in public interest to
procure the goods through advertised tender enquiry.
C. The sources of supply are definitely known and possibility of fresh source(s)
beyond those being tapped is remote.
D. The goods under procurement is of high value and delicate nature.
160. Pick the incorrect one
A. For purchasing high value plant, machinery etc. of a complex and technical
nature, bids may be obtained in two parts- Technical bid and Financial bid.
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B. Technical bid consists of all technical detail s along with commercial terms
and conditions and Financial bid indicating item-wise price for the items
mentioned in the technical bid.
C. The technical bid and the financial bid should be sealed by the bidder in
separate covers duly super-scribed and both these sealed covers are
submitted separately.
D. The technical bids are to be opened by the purchasing Ministry or
Department at the first instance and evaluated by a competent committee or
authority. At the second stage financial bids of only these technically acceptable
offers should be opened after intimating them the date and time of opening the
financial bid for further evaluation and ranking before awarding the contract.
161. Procurement from a single source may be resorted to in the following
circumstances except:
A. It is in the knowledge of the user department that only a particular firm is the
manufacturer of the required goods
B. In a case of emergency and reason for such decision is to be recorded and
approval of competent authority obtained.
C. For standardisation of machinery or spare parts to be compatible to the
existing sets of equipment (on the advice of a competent technical expert and
approved by the competent authority), the required item is to be purchased
only from a selected firm
D. None of the above
162. Proprietary Article Certificate is applicable in
A. Limited Tender Enquiry
B. Advertised Tender Enquiry
C. Single Tender Enquiry
D. Two Bid Enquiry Tender
163. An online real-time purchasing technique utilised by the procuring entity
to select the successful bid, which involves presentation by bidders of
successively more favourable bids during a scheduled period of time and
automatic evaluation of bids is called
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A. Electronic Procurement
B. Electronic Reverse Auction
C. Electronic Buyer Seller Action
D. Electronic Deliberation
164. State whether true or fasle Maintenance contract(s) of suitable period
either with the supplier of the goods or with any other competent firm, not
necessarily the supplier of the subject goods is/are especially needed for
sophisticated and costly equipment and machinery.
A. True
B. False
165. To safeguard against a bidder’s withdrawing or altering its bid during the
bid validity period in the case of advertised or limited tender enquiry, Bid
Security is obtained. Bid Security is also called
A. Security Deposit
B. Performance Deposit
C. Work Guarantee
D. Earnest Money
166. Amount of bid security should ordinarily range between
A. 1 to 5% of the estimated value of the goods to be procured.
B. 2 to 5% of the estimated value of the goods to be procured.
C. 3 to 5% of the estimated value of the goods to be procured.
D. 5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goods to be procured.
167. Bid Security may be exempted for
A. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
B. Suppliers registered with the Central Purchase Organisation or the concerned
Ministry or Department.
C. Both of the above
D. None
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Competitive world
Competitive world
Association of consultancy firms etc. Where the estimated cost of the consulting
service is up to Rupees
A. 10 lakh
B. 15 lakh
C. 25 lakh
D. 40 lakh
182. “Expression of Interest” should be sought where the estimated cost of the
consulting services is
A. above Rs. 20 lakh
B. above Rs. 25 lakh
C. up-to Rs. 20 lakh
D. up-to Rs. 25 lakh
183. The number of short listed consultants should
A. not be less than three.
B. be more than three
C. not be less than six
D. be more than six
184. RFP stands for
A. Requirement for Procurement
B. Request for Procurement
C. Request for Purchase & Payment
D. Request for Proposal
185. Technical bids should be analysed and evaluated by a
A. Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC) constituted by the Ministry or
B. Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC) constituted by the Ministry of
Competitive world
C. For estimated value of the non-consulting service above Rs.10 lakhs The
Ministry or Department should issue advertisement in such case should be
given on Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP)
D. None (All of the above are correct)
190. Works which add capital value to existing assets but do not create new
assets are called
A. Original Works
B. Repair Works
C. Minor Works
D. Contingent Works
191. New constructions, site preparation, additions and alterations to existing
works, special repairs to newly purchased or previously abandoned buildings or
structures, including re-modelling or replacement are called
A. Original Works
B. Repair Works
C. Minor Works
D. Contingent Works
192. Subject to certain conditions a Ministry or Department at its discretion may
directly execute repair works estimated to cost up to Rupees
A. 10 lakhs
B. 15 lakhs
C. 20 lakhs
D. 30 lakhs
193. A Ministry or Department may, at its discretion, assign to any Public Works
Organisation (PWO) repair works estimated to cost above Rupees 30 Lakhs and
original/minor works of
A. above 50 lakh
B. above 1 crore
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C. above 2 crore
D. any value
194. Pick the incorrect one No works shall be commenced or liability incurred in
connection with it until
A. administrative approval has been obtained from the appropriate authority in
each case.
B. sanction to incur expenditure has been obtained from the competent
C. a properly detailed design has been sanctioned; while designing the projects
etc, principles of Life Cycle cost may also be considered.
D. funds to cover the charge during the year and beyond till completion of the
work have been provided by competent authority.
195. State whether true or false For purpose of approval and sanctions, a group
of works which forms one project, shall be considered as one work. Therefore,
approval or sanction of higher authority is not required as cost of each particular
work in the project is within the powers of such approval or sanction of a lower
A. True
B. False
196. Open tenders will be called for works costing Rupees
A. 1 lakh to 10 lakh
B. 2 lakh to 15 lakh
C. 3 lakh to 20 lakh
D. 5 lakh to 30 lakh
197. Limited tenders will be called for works costing less than Rupees
A. 1 lakh
B. 2 lakh
C. 5 lakh
D. 10 lakh
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Competitive world
C. Public Account
D. Departmental Fund
211. The classification of transaction in Government Accounts shall have closer
reference to
A. Function/Programme/Activity
B. Department/Ministry
C. Capital and Revenue
D. Charged and Voted
212. Classification of Government Accounts consists of
A. 4 tiers
B. 5 tiers
C. 6 tiers
D. 7 tiers
213. The six tiers of Government Accounts are represented by a unique
A. 15 digits’ numeric code.
B. 15 digits’ alpha-numeric code
C. 13 digits’ numeric code.
D. 13 digits’ alpha-numeric code
214. Pick the incorrect one
A. The List of Major and Minor Heads of Accounts of Union and States is
maintained by the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure – Controller
General of Accounts)
B. CGA is authorised to open a new head of account on the advice of the C&AG
under the Article 150 of the Constitution.
C. Ministries/Departments may open Sub-Heads and Detailed Heads as required
by them in consultation with the Budget Division of the Ministry of Finance.
Competitive world
(iv) All the reappropriation orders, surrender order shall be generated through
PFMS system. (v) All grantee institutions shall submit Utilisation Certificates on
A. i, ii, iii and iv
B. i, ii, iv and v
C. ii, iii, iv and v
D. All of the above
219. DBT should include
A. in-kind transfers to beneficiaries
B. in cash transfers to beneficiaries
C. transfers/honorariums given to various enablers of government schemes
D. All of the above.
220. Transaction charges for the financial intermediaries facilitating DBT
payments shall be paid as stipulated by
A. Union Cabinet
B. Ministry of Finance
C. Ministry of Trade & Commerce
D. Ministry of Corporate Affairs
221. Appropriation Accounts of Central Ministries/Departments other than
Ministry of Railways, Defence and Posts shall be prepared by the
D. Principal Accounts Officer
222. Appropriation Accounts of Central Ministries/Departments shall be
prepared under the guidance of
Competitive world
D. Principal Accounts Officer
223. Who signs the Appropriation Accounts of Central Ministries/Departments?
D. Principal Accounts Officer
224. Union Government Appropriation Accounts (Civil) that required to be
submitted to Parliament, shall be prepared by
A. Principal Accounts Officer
225. State whether true or false Appropriation Accounts pertaining to
Departments of Posts and Defence Services shall be prepared and signed by the
Secretaries to the Government of India in the Department of Posts and Ministry
of Defence respectively and that of Ministry of Railways by the Chairman,
Railway Board.
A. True
B. False
226. Accounts showing under the respective Heads the annual receipts and
disbursements and statement of balances for the purpose of the Union, are
A. Appropriation Accounts
B. Finance Accounts
C. Proforma Accounts
D. Balance Sheet
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Competitive world
Competitive world
Competitive world
240. Every personal deposit account so authorised to be opened, shall form part
of the Government Account and be located in the
A. Consolidated Fund
B. Contingency Fund
C. Public Account
D. Local Departmental Account
241. The provisions relating to “Personal Deposit Account” are contained in
A. Civil Accounts Manual and R&P 1983
B. GAR, 1990
C. GFR, 2017
D. Accounts Code
242. In relation to Civil and Criminal Courts’ deposits, Personal Deposit Account
to be opened in favour of the
A. Chief Justice of High Court of the State Concerned
B. Chief Justice of Supreme Court
C. Bar Council
D. Chief Judicial Authority concerned
243. State whether true or false Officers commanding units and others
concerned in the administration of public funds in the Defence Departments can
be authorised to open personal deposit accounts for such funds.
A. True
B. False
244. Significant expenditure incurred with the object of acquiring tangible
assets of a permanent nature or enhancing the utility of existing assets, shall
broadly be defined as
A. Assets expenditure
B. Capital expenditure.
Competitive world
C. Revenue expenditure
D. At discretion of HoD
245. Charges on maintenance, repair, upkeep and working expenses, which are
required to maintain the assets in a running order as also all other expenses
incurred for the day to day running of the organisation, including establishment
and administrative expenses, shall be classified as
A. Revenue expenditure
B. Capital expenditure
C. Major Expenditure
D. Contingent Expenditure
246. Pick the incorrect one
A. Expenditure on a temporary asset or on grants-in-aid cannot ordinarily be
considered as a capital expenditure
B. Expenditure on a temporary asset or on grants-in-aid shall not, except in
cases specifically authorised by the President on the advice of the C&AG, be
debited to a Capital Head.
C. Capital expenditure is generally met from receipts of capital nature, as
distinguished from ordinary revenues derived from taxes, duties, fees, fines and
similar items of current income including extraordinary receipts.
D. Under no circumstances the Government shall meet capital expenditure
from ordinary revenues.
247. Charges for re- placement of all wastage or depreciation of property
originally provided out of capital grants shall be classified as
A. Revenue Expenditure
B. Capital Expenditure
C. Contingent Expenditure
D. At discretion of HoD
248. The cost of genuine improvements, which enhance the useful life of the
asset whether determined by prescribed rules or formulae, or under special
orders of Government, may be debited to
Competitive world
A. Revenue Expenditure
B. Capital Expenditure
C. Contingent Expenditure
D. At discretion of HoD
249. Expenditure on account of reparation of damage caused by extraordinary
calamities such as flood, fire, earthquake, enemy action, etc., shall be charged
to Capital, or to Revenue, or divided between them, depending upon whether
such expenditure results in creation/acquisition of new assets or whether it is
only for restoring the condition of the existing assets, as may be determined
case basis by
A. HoD
B. Government
C. Ministry of Finance
D. Accounts Office
250. The allocation between capital and revenue expenditure on a Capital
Scheme for which separate Capital and Revenue Accounts are to be kept, shall
be determined in accordance with such general or special orders as may be
prescribed by the Government after consultation with the
D. Niti Aayog
251. Capital receipts accruing during the process of construction of a project,
shall be classified as
A. Revenue Receipt
B. Misc. Receipt
C. Contribution
D. reduction of capital expenditure
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Competitive world
256. The Central Government (which includes Union Territories) and the State
Governments have agreed under reciprocal arrangements not to prefer petty
and isolated claims for an amount not exceeding
A. 5000/-
B. 7500/-
C. 10000/-
D. 15000/-
257. If a doubt arises as to whether a particular claim would fall within or
outside the purview of the proposed arrangement between the Central
Government (which includes Union Territories) and the State Governments, it
shall be decided by
A. Central Govt.
B. State Governments concerned
C. mutual consultation
D. Parliament.
258. In the case of Projects, jointly executed by several Governments, where the
expenditure is to be shared by the participating Governments in agreed
proportions, but the expenditure is ab-initio incurred by one Government and
shares of other participating Governments recovered subsequently shall be
exhibited as
A. Revenue receipt
B. Misc. Revenue receipt
C. Misc. Deposit Receipt
D. abatement of charges
259. A five years’ contract shall be offered to the State Government during
which the Central Government would pay the fixed sum per annum for the
work, If the charges are found to be reasonable and do not exceed for any
individual item (or connected group of items)
A. 10000/-
B. 25000/-
Competitive world
C. 50000/-
D. 100000/-
260. An annual statement of proposed charges from the State Government at
the time of preparation of the Budget shall be necessary, if the amount agreed
upon exceeds
A. 25000/-
B. 50000/-
C. 75000/-
D. 100000/-
261. Claims of State Governments, on account of the extra cost of agency
functions entrusted to them under
A. Article 258
B. Article 259
C. Article 261
D. Article 263
262. The date up-to which Inter-Governmental adjustments can be carried out
as the books of RBI for the month of March are closed on this very date
A. 7th April
B. 15th April
C. 20th May
D. 1st June
263. Recoveries of expenditure for services rendered or supplies made to
nonGovernment parties or other Governments (including local funds and
Governments outside India), shall in all cases, be classified as
A. Reduction of Expenditure
B. Receipts
C. Contribution
D. Misc. Deposit Receipt
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Competitive world
D. 20th years
276. All moneys received by or on behalf of the Government either as dues of
Government or for deposit, remittance or otherwise, shall be brought into
Government Account
A. on the same day
B. within 24 hours
C. as soon as possible
D. without delay
277. All moneys received by or on behalf of the Government shall be brought
into Government Account in accordance with such general or special rules as
may be issued under Articles
A. 149 and 283 of the Constitution
B. 150 and 283 (1) of the Constitution
C. 151 and 284 (1) of the Constitution
D. 151 and 283 of the Constitution
278. Under Article 284 of the Constitution all moneys received by or deposited
with any officer employed in connection with the affairs of the Union in his
capacity as such, other than revenues or public moneys raised or received by
Government, shall be paid into the
A. Consolidated Fund of India
B. Contingency Fund of India
C. Public Account
D. Departmental Account
279. All moneys received by or deposited with the Supreme Court of India or
with any other Court, other than a High Court, within a Union Territory, shall be
paid into
A. Consolidated Fund of India
B. Contingency Fund of India
C. Public Account
Competitive world
D. Departmental Account
280. The Head of Account to which public moneys shall be credited and the
withdrawal of moneys therefrom shall be governed by the relevant provisions
A. List of Major Head and Minor Head
B. Delegation of Financial Power
C. GAR 1990 and R&P Rules, 1983 or such other general or special orders as
may be issued in this behalf.
D. Treasury Rules
281. Subject to any general or special orders issued by a Department of the
Central Government, an Administrator or a Head of a Department responsible
for the collection of revenue shall keep ________the fully informed of the
progress of collection of revenue under his control and of all important
variations in such collections as compared with the Budget Estimates.
A. Secretary to the concerned department
B. Ministry of Finance
C. Committee on Economic Affair
D. Niti Aayog
282. When the maintenance of any rentable building is entrusted to a civil
department, other than the Central Public Works Department, who shall be
responsible for the due recovery of the rent thereof
A. the Administrator or the Head of the Department concerned
B. the head of the office concerned
C. Divisional officer of the concerned division
D. Directorate of Estate
283. The detailed rules and procedure, regarding the demand and recovery of
rent of Government buildings and lands, are contained in the
A. GAR 1990
B. R&P 1983
Competitive world
C. GFR 2017
D. departmental regulations of the departments in charge of those buildings
284. Who shall watch the realization of miscellaneous demands of Government,
not falling under the ordinary revenue administration, such as contributions
from State Governments, Local Funds, contractors and others towards
establishment charges.
A. Head of the Department
B. Accounts Officers
C. Chief Accounting Officer
D. Department of Revenue
285. Subject to any general or special orders issued by the Government
Departments of the Central Government, Administrators and Heads of
Departments, other than those in _____________ shall submit to the Audit
Officer and the Accounts Officer concerned statements showing the remissions
of revenue and abandonment of claims to revenue sanctioned during the
preceding year by competent authorities
A. Ministry of Railways
B. Ministry of Defence
C. Department of Post
D. Department of Telecommunication
286. The above mentioned statement shall be submitted
A. Monthly
B. Quarterly
C. Six-monthly
D. Annually
287. The above mentioned statement of remission of revenue shall be
submitted to the Audit Officer and the Accounts Officer concerned on
A. 31st March
B. 1 st April
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C. 1 st June
D. 30th September
288. In the annual statement of remission of revenue shall be submitted to the
Audit Officer and the Accounts Officer, individual remissions need not be
included in the statements provided that amount is
A. Below Rupees one hundred (100)
B. Below Rupees five hundred (500)
C. Below Rupees one thousand (1000)
D. Below Rupees two thousand (2000)
289. Who may make rules defining remissions and abandonments of revenue
for the purpose of Rule 19 of GFR 2017
A. Parliament
B. President
C. Ministry of Finance
D. Departments of the Central Government and Administrators concerned
290. Standards of financial propriety have been referred to in the GFR under
A. 19
B. 20
C. 21
D. 22
291. The financial powers of the Government, which have not been delegated
to a subordinate authority, shall vest in the
A. President
B. Parliament
C. Union Cabinet
D. Finance Ministry
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C. three stages
D. depending upon the nature of case.
303. The reports on losses, which the HoD cannot finally dispose of under the
delegated powers, shall be submitted to
A. Financial Advisor of the concerned Ministry/Department
B. Chief Accounting Authority of the concerned Ministry/Department
C. the Finance Ministry
D. the Parliament
304. State whether true or false An amount lost through misappropriation,
defalcation, embezzlement, etc., must not be redrawn on a simple receipt
pending investigation, recovery or write-off with the approval of the authority
competent to write-off the loss in question. It should only be drawn after loss
has been made good.
A. True
B. False
305. In cases of loss to Government on account of culpability of Government
servants, the loss should be borne by the
A. Government Servant concerned
B. Section-in-charge of Government Servant concerned
C. HoD concerned
D. Central Government Department or State Government concerned with the
306. If any recoveries are made from the erring Government officials in cash,
the receipt will be credited to the that borne/sustained the loss i.e.
A. Government Servant concerned
B. Section-in-charge of Government Servant concerned
C. HoD concerned
D. Central Government Department or State Government concerned with the
Competitive world
307. All cases involving loss of Government money arising from erroneous or
irregular issue of cheques or irregular accounting of receipts will be reported to
A. Chief Controller of Accounts
B. Controller General of Accounts
C. Comptroller & Auditor General
D. Audit/Account Officer
308. Cases involving material loss or destruction of Government property as a
result of fire, theft, fraud, etc., shall be invariably reported to the Police for
investigation as early as possible where value of loss exceeds
A. 10000/-
B. 25000/-
C. 50000/-
D. 100000/-
309. All loss of immovable property, such as buildings, communications, or
other works, caused by fire, flood, cyclone, earthquake or any other natural
cause, shall be reported at once by the subordinate authority concerned to
Government through the usual channel incase loss exceeds
A. 25000/-
B. 50000/-
C. 100000/-
D. 150000/-
310. Pick the incorrect one regarding submission of any files categorized as
‘Secret’ or ‘Top Secret to Audit officer
A. It should not be submitted to Audit without prior concurrence of
B. It should be submitted as usual.
C. It should be submitted to Audit in the presence of HoD
Competitive world
D. It should personally be given to the Head of the Audit Office specifying this
fact, who will then deal with it in accordance with the standing instructions
for handling and custody of such classified documents.
311. In a case relating to arbitration, the arbitral award was remitted under
section 16 of the Arbitration Act, 1940. The date of award was 1st June, 1992.
The Arbitration and Conciliation Act came into force on 22 August, 1996. The
validity of award can be challenged under the
A. Limitation Act, 1963
B. General Clauses Act, 1897
C. Arbitration Act, 1940
D. Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 only.
312. Which of the following model law was used by the Indian Arbitration and
conciliation Act 1996?
A. Constitution of India
B. Guidelines of Supreme Court of India
C. European Commercial Arbitration Procedure
D. UNCITRAL, 1985.
313. Which among the following is the main objective of the Arbitration Act,
A. To comprehensively cover international commercial arbitration
B. To ensure that arbitral tribunal within the limits of court’s jurisdiction
C. To minimize the supervisory role of courts in the arbitral process
D. none of the above
314. The power of court to refer parties for arbitration would and must
necessarily include, imply and inhere in it
A. the power and jurisdiction to advise the parties
B. the power and jurisdiction to review the award
C. the power and jurisdiction to appoint the arbitrator
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Competitive world
Competitive world
C. the tribunal
D. both (b) and (c).
329. An arbitral award becomes enforceable when
A. the time for making an application for setting aside the arbitral award has
expired and no such application has been made
B. an application for setting aside the arbitral award has been refused
C. either (a) or (b)
D. neither (a) nor (b).
330. Which of the following in the correct statement
A. an arbitral award can be inferred with if it is contrary to the substantive
provisions of the Act or against the terms of the contract
B. an arbitral award can be set aside if the arbitral tribunal has not followed the
mandatory procedure prescribed under the Act
C. an arbitral award can be set aside if it is contrary to fundamental policy of
Indian law, or the interest of India, or justice or morality
D. all of the above.
331. Which one of the following is incorrect statement:
A. an arbitral award is a contract
B. an arbitral award must be in writing and signed.
C. an arbitral award includes an interim award.
D. none of the above.
332. To invoke international commercial arbitration it is necessary that at least
one of the parties is:
A. a body corporate which is incorporated in any country other than India
B. Government of a foreign country
C. an individual who is a national of, or habitually resident in any country other
than India.
D. all of the above.
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Competitive world
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Competitive world
365. Arbitration and Conciliation Act for referring the parties to arbitration is
allowed, the proceedings in which the application was made are liable to be
A. stayed
B. adjourned sine die
C. dismissed as not maintainable
D. either (a) or (b).
366. The provision of section 8, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 are
A. pre-emptory
B. directory
C. discretionary
D. optional.
367. Section 8, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
A. bars the court from referring the parties to arbitration once the party has
submitted his statement
B. does not. bar the court from referring the parties to arbitration after
submission of his statement, where the party who has brought the action does
not object
C. does not bar the court from referring the parties to arbitration after
submission of his statement, irrespective of whether the party who has brought
the action has any objection to it or not
D. only (a), and not (b) or (c).
Competitive world
D. ninety days
379. Which is the incorrect statement: The High Court before appointing an
arbitrator, shall have due regard to
A. qualifications required of the arbitrators by the agreement of the parties
B. nationality of the arbitrator
C. other ‘considerations which are likely to secure the appointment of an
impartial arbitrator.
D. none of the above.
380. Under section 10, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, the parties are
free to determine the number of ' arbitrators, provided that such number
A. does not exceed three
B. does not exceed five
C. does not exceed seven
D. is not an even number.
381. Where the parties fail to provide for an odd number of arbitrators, the
arbitral tribunal shall consist of
A. three arbitrators
B. five arbitrators
C. sole arbitrator
D. either (a) or (b) or (c).
382. Under section 11, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, a person for being
an arbitrator
A. must be an Indian national
B. must be an Indian citizen
C. may be a person of any nationality
D. may be a person of any nationality, except an alien enemy.
383. In an arbitration by three arbitrators where the parties fail to agree upon
appointment of arbitrators, under section 11, Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
A. each party shall appoint one, and the two appointed arbitrators shall
appoint the third arbitrator
B. the claimant shall appoint two arbitrators and the disputant shall appoint one
C. the disputant shall appoint two arbitrators and the claimant shall appoint one
D. all the three, to be appointed by the Court.
384. Under section 11, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, the arbitrator has to be
A. within 30 days of the arbitration agreement
B. within 30 days of arising of the dispute
C. within 30 days of failure to resolve the dispute of their own
D. within 30 days from the receipt of request for appointment of arbitrator
from the other party.
385. In the case of appointment of sole or third arbitrator in an international
commercial arbitration, a person
A. who is of the nationality of the claimant may be appointed as arbitrator
B. who is of the nationality of the disputant may be appointed as an arbitrator
C. who is of any nationality irrespective of the nationalities of the parties may
be appointed as an arbitrator
D. who is of a nationality other than the nationalities of the parties may be
appointed as an arbitrator.
386. A party.....
A. cannot challenge an arbitrator appointed by him
B. may challenge an arbitrator appointed by him for reason of which he
becomes aware after the appointment has been made
C. may challenge an arbitrator appointed by him for reason known to him
before the appointment is made
410. For condonation of delay -in making an application for setting aside the
arbitral award
A. section 34 of the Act is complete in itself
B. section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963 is applicable
C. both (a) and (b)
D. neither (a) nor (b).
411. Delay in making an application for setting aside the arbitral award
A. can be condoned under section 5 of Limitation Act
B. cannot be condoned by invoking section 5 of Limitation Act
C. may be condoned under section 5 of Limitation Act as per discertion of the
D. only (a) and not (b) or (c).
412. Which of the following is incorrect statement
A. the effect of award being set aside is no longer enforceable by law
B. the setting aside of an award acts as a bar to subsequent arbitral proceeding
on the same dispute
C. the setting aside of an arbitral award invalidates the arbitral agreement
D. none of the above
413. Under section 34, misconduct in proceeding means:
A. proceeding ex prlrte without sufficient cause
B. improper rejection of evidence
C. both (a) and (b)
D. only (a).
414. ‘Personal misconduct’ connotes:
A. bias
B. bribery
C. having interest in the subject-matter of reference
445. The power and functions of the conciliator has been laid down under:
A. section 64
B. section 62
C. section 67
D. section 63.
446. The provisions for the appointment of the conciliator is laid down under:
A. section 64
B. section 67
C. section 62
D. section 61.
447. Section 64, which provides for the procedure for the appointment of the
conciliator is enacted on the basis of:
A. Article 2 of UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
B. Article 4 of UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
C. Article 3 of UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
D. none of the above.
448. Which of the following is incorrect statement:
A. the conciliator shall assist the parties in an independent and impartial manner
B. the conciliator can make proposals for settlement but it has to be
accompanied by the statement of reasons
C. the conciliator shall be guided by principle of objectivity, fairness and justice
D. none of the above.
449. The conciliator is required to be bound by
A. principles of natural justice
B. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
C. Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
D. both (a) and (c).
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C. section 75
D. section 74.
460. The ‘Principle of Co-operation’ is laid down under:
A. section 71
B. section 70
C. section 69
D. none of the above
461. Under section 41, where a party cannot represent himself due to
insolvency, he shall be represented by:
A. Official Assignee
B. Arbitrator himself
C. Receiver
D. both (a) and (c)
462. Which of the following is incorrect statement:
A. under section 40, the arbitration agreement shall not be discharged by death
of the party "
B. under section 40, where the death occurs during the course of the arbitral
proceedings, all the legal representatives are bound by the award
C. under section 40, the legal representatives are bound by the award if death
occurs during the course of proceedings, but after the death a new arbitrator
has to be appointed
D. none of the above.
463. Section 30 of the Act lays down the provision for:
A. mutual settlement of disputes by parties before the arbitral Tribunal
B. form’ and content of the interim award
C. termination of the proceedings of an arbitral Tribunal
D. correction and interpretation of an arbitral Tribunal.
468. An appeal shall lie from which of the following orders to the court
authorised by law to hear appeals from original decrees of the court passing the
A. granting or refusing to grant any measure under section 9
B. setting aside or refusing to set aside on arbitral award under section 34
C. only (a) is correct
D. both (a) and (b) are correct.
469. The party applying for the enforcement of a foreign award shall, at any time
of the application, produce before the court-
A. the original award or a copy thereof, duly authenticated in the manner
required by law of the country in which it was made.
B. the original agreement for arbitration or a duly certified copy thereof l
C. such evidence as may be necessary to prove that the award is a foreign award
D. All the above.
470. The party applying for the enforcement of a foreign award shall, at the time
of application, produce before the court
A. the original award or a copy thereof duly authenticated in the manner
required by law of country in which it was made
B. evidence proving that the award has become final
C. such evidence as may be necessary to prove that the conditions under section
57(1)(a) and (c) are satisfied
D. All the above.
471. The Arbitrator in respect of escalation cost
A. has jurisdiction to proceed inherently
B. has no jurisdiction to proceed inherently
C. has to proceed only within scope of Contract Act
D. has to proceed only within scope of
A. Yes
B. No
C. No only contractual
482. In a contractual arbitration the jurisdiction of courts can be completely
ousted under 1996 Act
A. No
B. Yes, statutory provisions can be ousted
C. Yes, it can be partially ousted
D. Yes it can be ousted, but for enforcing the award interference of court is
483. Conciliation is a private, informal process in which a neutral third person
helps disputing parties to reach an agreement.
A. True
B. Partially true
C. True up to the extent that a neutral third person helps disputing parties to
reach an agreement
484. Conciliator would independently investigate into the dispute and draft his
report indicating the method of settlement of disputes.
A. True
B. False
C. The conciliator would take help from the disputing parties on the settlement
of the method
485. Mediation can be termed as assisted negotiation
A. No
B. Yes
C. Yes and the mediator plays the role of a facilitator in attaining cooperation
between the parties to the dispute
486. Bargaining is a common feature of the negotiation process.
(iv) The debit is treated as reduction of expenditure when making up the account
of Major Head
A. i, ii and iii
B. ii, iii and iv
C. i, iii and iv
D. All of the above
495. The Minor and Major Head of the MPSSA are
A. 107/8658
B. 129/8658
C. 799/8658
D. 800/8658
496. The accounts of MPSSA is operated to account for the settlement of dues
of the Suppliers of Stores
A. If payment is not made in the same month in which the stores have been
B. If payment is not made on the date on which the stores have been received
C. If payment is made without the store has been received in the month of
D. If payment is made without the store has been received on the date of
497. Minor 107-Cash Settlement Suspense Accounts under Major Head 8658 is
operated for settlement of
A. Advance payment
B. Inter-departmental transactions with Cabinet Secretariat and Ministry of
C. Inter-departmental transactions with other departments of the same Govt.
D. Inter-departmental transactions with other Govt, Non-Govt. including Local
Bodies and Private parties.
498. When materials are received from a supplier or from another department
in India or abroad, the value of the stores should be
A. Credited To MPSSA
B. Debited to MPSSA
C. Credited to CSSA
D. Debited to CSSA
499. Pick the correct ones
(i) When materials are received for a specific work, the MPSSA will be credited
immediately and work accounts is debited.
(ii) When materials are received for stock and payment has not been made
during that month, the MPSSA will be credited on closing the accounts of the
(iii) A single transfer entry order known as Omnibus Transfer Entry Order, Form
53A may be prepared for all purchases of stores made for specific works in a
sub-division during a month and so a combined entry for all transactions during
the month took place, the entry being attested at once
(iv) Value of materials should be debited in works abstract under the relevant
subhead such as Contractor-OT or Material or final charges as the case may be
A. i, ii and iii
B. ii, iii and iv
C. i, ii and iv
D. All of the above
500. State whether true or false: If any item of supply be paid for during the
same month, the amount paid should be noted in the relevant column and at
the end of the month, the total of all items paid for during the same month
should be worked out and only the net amount credited under Material
Purchase Settlement Suspense Account.
A. True
B. False
501. The Omnibus Transfer Entry Order should be incorporated in the transfer
entry book only at the end of the month so that
A. Reconciliation between the quantity and value account may be secured.
B. Verification of stores with specification may be completed diligently
C. It may be not necessary to copy out in detail the transactions paid for during
the month.
D. All of the above.
502. The TEO is prepared in
A. Single copy
B. duplicate
C. triplicate
D. Quadruplicate
503. Pick the incorrect one regarding disposal of TEO
A. One copy to PAO
B. One copy to Transfer entry Book of DO
C. One copy to Suspense Register
D. One copy to Stock Account
504. When the actual value of the materials is not known, an estimated figure
should be adopted, any difference being adjusted, as soon as known should be
afforded in the MPSSA by
A. a debit entry
B. a debit or credit entry
C. a credit or minus credit entry
D. a debit or minus debit entry
505. When the price of the materials is paid or adjusted by transfer, in MPSSA
the payment should be
A. Debited
B. Minus credited
C. Minus Debited
D. Credited
506. State whether true or false If the amount admitted in payment exceeds the
amount credited to “M.P.S.S.A.” the difference should be charged direct to
Stock or to the work concerned, and should be shown as minus entry in the
A. True
B. False
507. Pick the incorrect one
A. Repayment of lapsed deposits applies mutatis mutandis to repayment of
lapsed balances of MPSS Account.
B. Outstanding balances lapsed to revenue and requiring adjustment on the
basis of Old PAO Memos should be equated to repayment of lapsed Deposits
C. The write back of such lapsed balances of “Material Purchase Settlement
Suspense Account” are in the nature of corrections of erroneous adjustments
and no pre-check of such transaction is contemplated
D. Pre check by PAO would be necessary, if the amount is required to be paid
to any party
508. The MPSS Account is maintained in Suspense Register in form
A. CPWA 67
C. CPWA 69
D. CPWA 70
509. The details of MPSSA in Suspense Register is recorded in a separate set of
folios for each of two headings
A. Purchases from India & Purchases from abroad
B. Purchases for Stock and Purchases for specific Works
C. Purchases for Division and Purchases for contractors
Competitive world
(iv) An abstract should be prepared to show the totals of all the classes.
A. i, ii, and iii
B. i, iii and iv
C. i, ii and iv
D. All of the above
525. State whether true or false When a workshop has been established, all
direct outlay on the jobs executed and on other operations of the workshop is
passed through the suspense head “Workshop Suspense”
A. True
B. False
526. Pick the incorrect one
A. A separate account is kept under it of each job or operation, so that all
charges relating to each may be collected and charges of a general nature may
be suitably distributed over all the jobs or operations affected, before the total
cost recoverable is determined.
B. The recorded expenditure on a job is removed from the suspense head only
when and to the extent that, an adjustment is effected against the deposit
received or against the service or other head concerned.
C. Such removal is effected by a credit to the account of the job.
D. Accordingly, when any charges are transferred from one job or operation
to another, the transfer should be made by a credit and minus credit entry.
527. State whether true or false On the completion of a job, all outstanding
charges on it must be debited, as soon as possible, to the head concerned, but
in cases where this cannot be done, as in the case of expenditure incurred in
excess of the deposit received, the unadjusted amount should be transferred to
the head “Miscellaneous Works Advances” pending settlement.
A. True
B. False
528. Central Government Account (Receipts and Payments) Rules, 1983 come
into force
C. 267(3)
D. 267(1)
533. Responsible for establishing and maintaining a technically sound payment-
cum-accounting system in the departmentalized accounts offices and for
prescribing the rules for regulating the custody, ayment into and withdrawal of
money from the Government Account is
A. Chief Accounting Authority
B. Accounts Officer
534. Departmental officer means
A. A Gazetted Officer
B. Any Government Servant
C. An officer who maintains the accounts of Government department
D. An officer of the Government authorised to handle Government money
535. Public Account of India referred to in
A. Article 266(2)
B. Article 266(3)
C. Article 267(2)
D. Article 267(3)
536. Payments relating to certain pensionary benefits of Central Government
pensioners are governed by relevant rules
C. Treasury Rules
D. Departmental Rules
B. next day
C. next working day
D. without undue delay
542. Pay-in-slip is to be maintained in Form
A. GAR 1
B. GAR 2
543. Moneys received by or tendered to Government officers on account of
revenues or receipts or dues of the Government shall not be utilised to meet
departmental expenditure under any circumstances.
A. True
B. False
544. The conditions under which Government moneys may be deposited with a
bank other than the Reserve Bank or its agent for the purpose of Government
transactions shall be decided by the Government in each case after consultation
with the
A. President
D. Parliament
545. A cheque drawing D.D.O. functioning under the scheme of
departmentalisation of accounts may withdraw money for such purposes as
may be prescribed by the
C. Financial Advisor
D. Ministries/Departments
546. No withdrawal shall be permitted on a claim for the first of any series of
payments of pay and allowances to a Government servant (other than a person
newly appointed to Government service) prepared by a DDO unless the claim is
supported by a copy of the last pay certificate
A. Form GAR 2
B. Form GAR 3
C. Form GAR 4
D. Form GAR 5
547. If a cheque drawing D.D.O. receives information from the Accounts Officer
that moneys have been incorrectly withdrawn and that a certain slim should be
recovered in respect of any bill passed by him, he shall
A. undertake the correspondence with Accounts Officer in this regard and
recover the amount after response
B. effect the recovery without delay and without regard to any
correspondence undertaken
C. note down the same for short payment in forth coming payments
D. Any of the above
548. A Government officer supplied with funds for expenditure shall be
responsible for such funds until an account of them has been rendered to the
satisfaction of the
A. Head of the Department
B. Accounts Officer
C. Chief Controller of Accounts
549. Pick the incorrect one: Receipts in the form of local cheques, or demand
drafts (to be crossed) in favour of Pay and Accounts Officers accepted by non-
cheque drawing D.D.Os
A. need to be entered in the Cash Book
B. need not be entered in the Cash Book
555. The keys of cash chest must be sent for examination and returned under
fresh sealed covers to the respective officer/ bank Once a year in
A. March
B. April
C. January
D. June
556. No transactions of the Government with a State shall be adjusted against
the balance of the Government except in accordance with such directions as
may be given by the
A. CGA on the advice of the CA&G
B. CAG on the advice of CGA
C. Parliament
D. Ministry of Finance
557. The bank will be kept open for the conduct of Government transactions on
a recognised holiday, or beyond normal business hours on any day (e.g. on the
last working day of March every year), if so required by
A. CAG or by any authority or authorities nominated by him.
B. CGA or by any authority or authorities nominated by him.
D. Accountant General or by any authority or authorities nominated by him
558. Which of the following statements does NOT describe conduct required of
an auditor under ISSAI 30 the INTOSAI Code of Ethics?
A. Auditors should refuse gifts or gratuities which could be perceived as
influencing their independence and integrity.
B. Auditors should not disclose information obtained in the auditing process
to third parties under any circumstances.
C. Auditors should maintain their independence from political influence in order
to discharge their audit responsibilities in an impartial way.
D. Auditors should update and improve the skills required for the discharge of
their professional duties.
559. Which of the following duties is only likely to be carried out by an auditor
of a public sector body, and not by an auditor of a private company?
A. The identification of errors detected in the financial statements.
B. The review of the effectiveness of internal controls relating to the financial
C. The assessment of the impact of fraud and error on the financial statements.
D. A review of reported performance indicators.
560. Which of the following is NOT a valid consequence of carrying out an
interim audit?
A. The overall amount of audit testing required will be reduced.
B. Audit testing can be better focused on key risk areas in the final audit.
C. Changes may be made to internal controls that will reduce the level of
control risk by the time of the final audit.
D. Where the results of interim controls testing are satisfactory, the amount of
substantive testing in the final audit can be reduced.
561. Which of the following statements about the external auditor’s
responsibilities with respect to fraud in financial statements is true?
567. Which of the following are ALL identified by ISSAI 1315 as assertions about
classes of transactions and events for the period?
A. Occurrence; completeness; cut-off; valuation and allocation.
B. Existence; rights and obligations; completeness; classification.
C. Occurrence; completeness; accuracy; classification.
D. Classification and understandability; completeness; existence; accuracy.
568. Which one of the following factors would lead an auditor to question the
appropriateness of audit evidence obtained?
A. When interviewed, a payroll manager states that receipts are always issued
to staff collecting expense payments in cash.
B. The validity of payroll payments has been tested by checking that all staff
on the client’s staff list have received a payment for a particular period.
C. There is no link in the audit schedule between the risks of material
misstatement and the amount of audit testing undertaken.
D. Audit matters classified as highly material are not subject to more types of
audit testing than those classified as of average materiality.
569. You are testing the valuation of the trade payables balance in an audit
client’s statement of financial position. Which of the following tests would
provide the most reliable audit evidence?
A. Carry out a check of the outstanding balances to details of invoices issued
by the creditors in the payables ledger and payments made to them by the
B. Ask the audit client to provide details of payments made to creditors in the
first four weeks after the accounting year-end.
C. Inspect the audit client’s records of the monthly reconciliation carried out on
the payables balance.
D. Inquire about the procedures for checking statements issued by suppliers
with the payables section manager.
570. Which of the following does NOT describe a category of sampling risk?
A. The sample selected is too small and therefore the auditor does not have
sufficient evidence to form a conclusion relating to the population.
B. The auditor selects a population that does not provide evidence to support
the audit objectives.
C. The auditor fails to spot errors in the sample of items that they test.
D. The auditor selects a sample from an incomplete population.
571. On reviewing audit evidence obtained an auditor discovers errors and
omissions which they consider could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements and
which are confined to specific elements, accounts or items of the financial
statements. Which of the following statements best describes these errors and
A. They are material but not pervasive.
B. They are material and pervasive.
C. They are material and may be pervasive.
D. They are neither material nor pervasive.
572. A public hospital has failed to apply accounting standards correctly in that
it has not made provisions for cost overruns in respect of a building scheme
which commenced during the financial year. Which of the following responses
is LEAST likely to be chosen by the auditor?
A. Adverse opinion.
B. An unqualified audit opinion.
C. Qualified opinion on the basis of misstatement.
D. Disclaimer opinion.
573. Which one of the following statements about International Standards for
Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and International Standard on Auditing
(ISAs) is correct?
A. Each ISSAI contains the full verbatim text of the related ISA plus a
supporting Practice Note (PN) which deals with specific considerations
relating to the audit of public sector entities.
D. 14%
586. If the Money Discount Rate is 19% and Inflation Rate is 12%, then the Real
Discount Rate is:
A. 7%
B. 5%
C. 5.70%
D. 6.25%
587. Money Discount Rate if equal to:
A. (1 + Inflation Rate) (1 + Real Rate)-1
B. (1 + Inflation Rate) 4- (1 + Real Rate)-1
C. (1 + Real Rate) 4- (1 + Inflation Rate)-1
D. (1 + Real Rate) + (1 + Inflation Rate)-1
588. Real Discount Rate is equal to:
A. (1 + Inf. Rate) (1 + Money D Rate)-1
B. (1 + Money D Rate) + (1 + Inf. Rate)-1
C. (1 + Money D Rate) 4- (1 + Inf. Rate)-1
D. (1 + Money D Rate) - (1 + Inf. Rate)-1
589. Which of the following cannot be true?
A. Inflation Rate > Money Dis. Rate
B. Real Dis. Rate < Money Dis. Rate
C. Inflation Rate < Real Dis. Rate
D. Inflation Rate = Real Dis. Rate
590. Money Cash flows should be adjusted for:
A. Only Inflation Effect
B. Only Time Value of Money
C. None of (a) and (b)
D. 16
596. C&AG is authorised to audit all expenditure from consolidated fund of India
and of a state and of a Union Territory having a legislative assembly under
__________ of DPC act.
A. Section 16
B. Section 15
C. Section 14
D. Section 13
597. Audit of a body or authority receiving loan or grant for a specific purpose
from the consolidated fund of India or of a State or of a Union Territory having
a legislative assembly is done under section ____ of DPC Act.
A. Section 19
B. Section 15
C. Section 14(2)
D. Section 14(1)
598. The authority for C&AG to lay down general principles of Government
accounting is derived from
A. Section 23 of DPC Act
B. Section 11 of DPC Act
C. Section 10 of DPC Act
D. Article 150 of the Constitution
599. The Regulation on Audit and Accounts was made by C&AG of India under
the powers conferred on him by _____________of C&AGs (DPC) Act, 1971.
A. Section 24
B. Section 23
C. Section 21
D. Section 20
600. C&AG is authorised to audit all receipts of the GOI and of Government of
each State and of each Union Territory having a legislative assembly under
________ of DPC Act.
A. Section 16
B. Section 15
C. Section 14
D. Section 13
601. C&AGs power to audit and report on the accounts of the stores and stock
kept in any office or department of the Union is derived from
A. Section 18
B. Section 17
C. Section 16
D. Section 15
602. C&AGs authority to inspect any office of accounts under the control of
union is derived from ______ of C&AGs (DPC)act.
A. Section 13
B. Section 14
C. Section 18
D. Section 19
603. The audit of bodies and authorities, other than Government establishments
and companies, by C&AG is governed by the provision contained in
A. Section 14,15,19(1),19(2) and 19(3), 20 of the DPC Act
B. Section 14,15,19(2) and 19(3), 19 A and 20 of the DPC Act
C. Section 14,15,19(1),19(2) and 19(3) of the DPC Act
D. Section 14, 15 & 20 of the DPC Act
604. The result of audit under section 14 or 15 shall be communicated to the
(i) Chief executive officer of the body or authority
(ii) Department of the Government that paid the grant or loan to the body or
A. (i) above only
B. (ii) above only
C. both (i) and (ii) above
D. none of the above
605. Where a body of authority is audited under Section 14(1) or 14(2) for a
particular year, than C&AG is empowered to continue to audit that body or
authority for a further period of
A. none of the above
B. three years
C. two years
D. one year
606. The scope and extent of audit shall be determined by the C&AG of India
under which section of DPC Act?
A. Section 10
B. Section 13
C. Section 19A
D. Section 23
607. Under sec 18 of DPC act the C&AG has the authority to
A. inspect any office of accounts under the control of a Union Territory having
a legislative assembly
B. require that any accounts, books, papers and other documents which deal
with or form the basis of or are otherwise relevant to the transactions to which
his duties in respect of audit extend, shall be sent to such place as he may
appoint his inspection
C. put such questions or make such observations as he may consider necessary
to the person in charge of the office and to call for such information as he may
require for the preparation of any account or report which it is his duty to
D. all of the above
608. The power to dispense with detailed audit of any accounts or transaction
is derived by C&AG of India under ____________ of DPC act.
A. Section 22
B. Section 23
C. Section 24
D. Section 25
609. A request for the special Audit shall be given due consideration by C &AG
or any other Officer so authorised if the request for such audit of a programme
, project or organisation is made with the approval of the
A. Minister concerned
B. Secretary of the concerned department
C. Cabinet secretary
D. None
610. Under the constitution of India, it is the duty of the C&AG of India to audit
and report on the accounts of the
A. Government of Union Territory having legislative assembly
B. Governments of each State
C. Union Government
D. all of the above
611. One of the essential requirements of Section 20(1) is that audit can be
entrusted to the CAG
A. Only in public interest
B. Only if the Central or State Government feels the necessity to entrust the
audit work to CAG
C. Only if the president or governor feels that autonomous body is not well
managed and there are sufficient ground justifying the entrustment of audit to
D. Only if the president or governor of the State is of the opinion that no other
audit would be sufficient to serve the legislative control over the autonomous
612. Which among the following provisions empower C&AG to conduct audit of
bodies or authorities?
A. Section 14 & 15 of the DPC Act
B. Section 14, 15, 19 & 20 of the DPC Act
C. Section 14, 19 & 20 of the DPC Act
D. none of the above
613. Which of the following is NOT a provision of the CAG's DPC Act that
empowers it to take up the audit of autonomous bodies?
A. Section 13
B. Section 14
C. Section 15
D. Section 20
614. Which among the following is incorrect as to Section 14 audit?
A. If the grant or loan is from outside the consolidated fund, audit under section
14 is not possible
B. Payments of purely deposit nature should also be regarded as expenditure
C. The expenditure incurred on purchase of raw material, finished goods,
disbursement of loans is treated as expenditure in respect of institutions
running business
D. none of the above
615. The objectives of audit of accounts or audit of receipt & expenditure of
bodies and authorities under section 14, 19 and 20 of the Act are:
A. To check that transactions comply to relevant laws, rules and regulations
B. where the auditor decides that he can not place some reliance on the internal
C. where the auditor do more substantive testing if he took no assurance at all
from auditee’s internal control
D. none of the above
632. Which among the following is the essential feature of statistical sampling
A. sampling should be predictable
B. The sample results need not be in accordance with the probability theory
C. the sample items should have known probality of selection
D. none of the above
633. Match the following various types of sampling
(A) Stratified sampling (A) the sample is chosen by selecting a random starting
point and then picking every sample interval
(B) Cluster sampling (B) sampling assigns higher inclusion probability of
selection for population units with higher sizes
(C) Probability proportional to size (PPS) (C) the target population is first
divided into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive clusters
(D) Systematic sampling(D) is a two-step process in which the population is
partitioned into sub- populations
A. A-D;B-A;C-B;D-C
B. A-D;B-C;C-B;D-A
C. A-B;B-A;C-D;D-C
D. A-C;B-D;C-B;D-A
634. What is true as to Analytical Review as substantive audit techniques
A. It is a substantive procedure used to reduce the overall audit risk
B. It is a form of deductive reasoning
C. to detect monetary errors in the financial statements given that they have
C. BoT
644. The common characteristic of Institutional PPPs and contractual PPPs is
A. The operation of a facility is contracted out to another private party
B. The users pay for the facility availed and such charges accrue to the private
sector partner
C. The public sector usually designs, constructs and operate PPP
D. none of the above
645. What distinguishes each type of PPP model from one another is
A. the degree of risk and responsibility borne by the private sector partner
B. the degree of risk and responsibility borne by the public sector
C. The private sector partner will bring in most of the investment requirements
D. none of the above
646. The main difference between PPP and privatization is
A. There is no permanent transfer of ownership of assets to private partner
B. The responsibility and accountability to deliver the goods and services
remains with the state/public sector
C. Besides the transfer of ownership to the private sector, the accountability is
also shifted to the purchaser
D. none of the above
647. Find out the incorrect statement
A. The private sector partner should equally gain from the innovation brought
about by it
B. The private entrepreneurs come into the PPP arrangements primarily with
profit motive
D. The private partners are unlikely to resist the move on the plea of
commercial confidentiality
652. The impact of public audit of concession agreements PPP projects is that
A. The audit findings will have only academic value
B. The contractual clauses could be amended and altered based on the findings
of the SAI
C. For ensuring accountability and for future probity/lessons learnt
D. Both (a) & (c)
653. Find out the true statement
A. The DPC Act does not directly contemplate the audit of PPP projects with
only minority participation in Government agency
B. Audit of PPP projects by CAG is possible by virtue of section 20(1) & 20(3) of
the DPC Act
C. The best course of action would be to include a clause in the PPP agreement
to provide for the audit oversight of the CAG
D. All of the above
654. With regard to the risks, the public auditor has to ascertain
A. How each of the risks would impact the public sector participants and
B. Whether risk allocations have been judicious and fair
C. Whether the risks envisaged by the all parties are in balance
D. All of the above
655. Which among the following risk is borne by the public sector partner
A. Financing risk
B. Construction risk
C. operation Maintenance risk
D. Termination risk
656. The factor irrelevant for the selection of a project for PPP audit is
Competitive world
A. a function of the equity support given by the partners for the project
B. a user charge reasonably linked to the total project cost
C. a critical input into several aspects of the contracting agreements between
the partners to a PPP
D. none of the above
661. In Audit of Total Project Cost (TPC) the public auditor should
A. see that the TPC is not padded up
B. eschew the temptation of expecting the public authority to transfer most of
the risks to the private partner
C. see how is any cost accruing due to ‘change of scope’ to be included in the
D. All of the above
662. Which among the following is incorrect as to auditing PPP for value for
money (VFM)
A. public auditor should evaluate whether PPP has met intended social and
economic objectives
B. public auditors should look only from the angle of safeguarding the
interests of public sector partner
C. the concession granted proportionate to the risks allocated to the private
D. none of the above
663. The important principle that the public auditor to bring out in their reports
A. what has been achieved rather than how it was achieved by the private
B. the review of end results rather than the ‘how’ of achieving them
C. the auditing do not focus only on technical issues at the risk of neglecting the
social and economical effects of PPPs
D. All of the above
A. Carbon Footprint
B. Carbon Intensity
C. Carbon sinks
D. none of the above
669. ‘Carbon Intensity’ denotes which of the following
A. the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced to support human
B. the linkage of carbon footprint with economic growth and implies growth
with equity
C. certified emission reductions
D. none of the above
670. Match the following w.r.t. international protocols and the objects for which
they were created
(A) CARTAGENA Protocol (A) conservation and wise use of wetlands
(B) Vienna Convention (B) control of Transboundary movements of Hazardous
wastes and disposal
(C) RAMSAR Convention (C) binding agreement governing international
movement of genetically modified organisms
(D) Basel Convention(D) Protection of ozone layer
A. A-D; B-A; C-B; D-C
B. A-B; B-A; C-D; D-C
C. A-C; B-D; C-A; D-B
D. none of the above
671. Which protocol that laid down individual emission limitations and
reduction commitment of greenhouse gases?
A. UN convention on Environment and Development
B. Kyoto protocol
C. World summit on sustainable development
Competitive world
690. Consider the following statement and find out the incorrect one
A. MITIGATION tackles the causes of climate change
B. ADAPTATION seeks to tackle the impacts of climate change
C. sustainable development refers to non-declining human wellbeing over time
D. India has ratified the London convention dealing with prevention of marine
pollution by dumping wastes
691. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India derives his authority and
functions mainly from the provisions of ________.
A. Articles 148 to 151 of the Constitution of India
B. Articles 147 to 150 of the Constitution of India
C. Articles 150to 154 of the Constitution of India
D. Articles 150 to 155 of the COnstitution of India
692. Accounts which relate to the expenditure brought to account during a
financial year, to the several items specified in the law made in accordance with
the provisions of the Constitution or of the Government of Union Territories
Act, 1963 (20 of 1963) for the appropriation of moneys out of the Consolidated
Fund of India or of a State, or of a Union Territory having a Legislative Assembly,
as the case may be is called
A. Appropriation Accounts
B. Finance Accounts
C. Balance Sheet
D. Annual Financial Statement
693. In audit of revenue receipts, Audit has to examine the judicial decisions or
judgements with a view to:
A. check whether the judgement was sound and in the accordance with the
provisions of the respective acts
B. check whether the judgement was onsistent with the previous judgement or
judgement of a higher court
C. check whether the revenue authorities has submitted appeals to ensure that
no loss of revenue occurred due to erroneous judgements
D. check the effectiveness of the assessment procedures and recovery
procedures in the light of the judgement
694. Tax audits are primarily legality and regularity audit, when auditing the
application of tax laws, Audit should examine the system and efficiency of tax
collection. Which of the following statement would be appropriate in case of a
tax audit?
A. The Audit is empowered to audit the ollection of taxes as extensively as
possible and to examine individual tax files
B. The Audit is not empowered to audit the colletion of taxes extensively
C. The Audit is not empowered to examine individual tax files
D. The Audit is empowered to audit the collection of taxes but not empowered
to examine individual tax files
695. Which of the following procedure could be adopted, according to the MSO
(Audit) issued by CAG, while auditing the accounts of furniture in the residences
of high officials?
A. The high official can be asked to vacate the house during a specified day
during the audit period and the audit staff along with the department staff could
verify the furniture stock with actual stock.
B. The high official can be asked to certify to the effect that he uses the furniture
in the residence only for his official purpose and no furniture is used for his
personal purpose.
C. Audit may require, where necessary, the furnishing by the executive
authority nominated for the purpose of an annual certificate of verification
incorporating the details of verification.
D. The furniture supplied to the residence of a high level officer need not be
696. Which of the following statements is NOT correct with regard to the
submission of utilisation certifiate for a grant?
1) Central Government
2) State government
3) Government companies established under companies act
4) Government autonomous bodies
A. 1 and 2
B. 1,2,3 and 4
C. 1 and 3
D. 1,2 and 4
701. An auditor and audit institution should maintain independence. This
include independence from:
1) The Legislature
2) The Audited Entity
3) The Executive.
A. Only 2
B. Both 2 and 3
C. Only 3
D. 1,2 and 3
702. Which of the following are considered quality assurance activities?
1. Report to management on progress against budget
2. Report to management on progress against schedule
3. Supervision
4. Allocation of responsibilities
A. only 1, 3 and 4
B. only 1 and 4
C. only 3 and 4
D. all of the above
C. The audit should take into account the shift from a ‘GovernmentCentred’to a
D. none of the above
730. In instances where an audit body disagrees with the audit criteria then the
SAI should:
A. convene a meeting with the head of the audited body and get him/her to
agree on the audit criteria
B. amend the criteria to suit the requirements of the audited body.
C. weigh the facts and arguments presented by the audited body against other
relevant facts and arguments.
D. none of the above
731. Suitable criteria should be identified to enable the performance auditors to
assess the activities subject to audit and to achieve the audit objectives. Which
of the following is NOT a characteristic of good criteria?
A. Reliability
B. Objectivity
C. Usefulness
D. Complexity
732. The recommendations suggested to ready the deficiencies may be
acceptable when
A. the audit objectives have been communicated to the entity
B. the audit criteria accepted by the entity and no disagreement exists on audit
C. the audit findings are supported by competent relevant and reasonable
D. All of the above
733. Considerations that determine the strength of evidence is
A. If the observation is highly significant and material, it will require stronger
evidence to sustain
B. The strength of evidence should be very high when the degree of risk
associated with wrong conclusion is low
C. Evidence needs to be more convincing, if the issue is noncontroversial or
D. none of the above
734. An expert is a person or firm possessing special skill, knowledge and
experience in a particular field other than auditing. Performance auditing may
use the services of experts. Which of the following statement is CORRECT with
reference to the procurement of the services of the expert or using the work of
the experts from time to time?
1. When using the work performed by an expert, sufficient and appropriate
audit evidence should be obtained to ensure that such work is adequate for the
purposes of the audit.
2. Because of the diverse range of activities/subjects to performance auditing,
Accountant General may need to obtain audit evidence in the form of reports,
opinions, valuations and statements of an expert.
3. When the performance auditor uses the work of an expert as audit evidence,
the responsibility for the conclusions in the audit report lies with the expert
A. a, b, c
B. a, b
C. a, c
D. c only
735. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT with reference to the area
and scope of performance auditing?
A. It is always necessary to conduct performance audits of the entity or the
programme as a whole by engaging sufficient manpower.
B. The scope and audit objectives of a performance auditing can be confined
only to significant aspects of the programmes or activities.
C. Where desirable, the subjects of performance audit may be selected cutting
across various departments or entities
742. In vetting the action taken notes’ the audit has to concentrate on
A. substantive action on the recommendations
B. the form of the report
C. the action taken report be accepted only on verification
D. none of the above
743. Which of the following is MOST likely to be the time frame covered by a
strategic plan document?
A. One year
B. Six months
C. One quarter
D. Five years
744. The most important measure of quality of a performance audit would be:
A. The extent of positive impact on the policies and programmes of the
government through performance audit
B. The number of pages of the report turned down by the performance audit
C. The number of recommendations made in the report based on the audit
D. The extent of audit analysis and auditing techniques used in the conduct of
performance auditing
745. Which of the following is generally considered as the last stage in a
performance audit life cycle?
A. Finalizing the audit observations
B. Submission of an audit report incorporating the findings
C. Follow-up procedures on audit recommendations
D. Planning for next performance audit
746. Which of the following statement signify the difference between the term
'performance audit process documentation' and 'performance audit
A. Performance audit process documentation is the documentation of the
performance audit management whereas performance audit documentation
refers to the working papers for performance audit in support of audit
findings, conclusions and recommendations.
B. Performance Audit documentation is the documentation of the performance
audit management and performance audit process documentation is the
documentation of the working papers
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
747. An independent assessment or examination of the extent to which an
entity, programme or organisation operates efficiently and effectively, with due
regard to economy is called:
A. Independent Auditing
B. Entity auditing
C. Performance Auditing
D. Financial Auditing
748. Which of the following is CORRECT with reference to the Performance Audit
Annual Plan?
A. Performance Audit Annual operational Plan prepared for a financial year
B. The time schedule for completion of all stages of a selected performance
Audit subject can spread over more than one financial year
C. None of the above
D. Both 1 and 2
749. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT with respect to strategic
planning of SAI?
A. All SAI field offices may carry out in-depth exercise for performance audit
strategic planning.
C. After setting the strategic goals and objectives, the data on entity contained
in budget papers, programme papers, plan documents, annual reports,
parliamentary debates and reports, media concerns, research and reports of
international agencies, follow-up and leads from the past audits, etc. should be
analysed on the parameters of risk, materiality, significance, visibility, coverage,
etc. to select subjects for performance audits to be carried out over the strategic
plan period.
D. SAI top management may conduct brain storming meetings with Accountants
General from time to time in respect of audit strategic and annual operational
plan and risk assessment to select the subject which addresses the SAI's
concerns for high risk programmes and activities.
E. The strategic planning is normally done for a period of five years and after
approval by the SAI top management, it becomes a static document. No
deviations from the plan are permissible until a review is taken up after five
years as a rollover exercise.
750. Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the strategic plan
document in the context of performance auditing?
A. Strategic planning is the process of determining the long-term goals of
performance auditing and the best approach for attaining them.
B. The strategic planning document define the long-term mission statement
consisting of goals to be achieved through the performance audits, statements
of detailed objectives expected to be accomplished through performance audits
and the subjects of performance audits to be carried out in pursuance of the
strategic goals and objectives
C. Strategic planning for performance auditing and overall strategic planning
of SAI are one and the same
D. All of the above
B. Outcome evaluation
C. Impact evaluation
D. Policy Evaluation
752. The audit team would like to verify the quality of the 'Patients
Management System' bought by the Hospital last year. What would be an
appropriate method that the team can use to best allow for gathering of audit
data in an efficient and effective manner?
A. Physical observation of patients and interview with doctors
B. Physical observation and documentary review of payments to the supplier
C. Documentary review, statistical sampling of equipment and interview with
D. Survey with the system users and review of complaints made to the
hospital IT unit
753. Find out the incorrect statement quality assurance in PA
A. Quality assurance is process-centric
B. Quality assurance is for the entire life cycle of the performance audit
C. Quality assurance is applied after the work is completed
D. Quality assurance concerns all steps and techniques that PA auditors must
follow to assure quality audit
754. Which among the following is incorrect statement quality control
A. quality control system attempts to make sure that results of PA are what was
B. quality control measures apply to individual stages or products
C. quality control is process centric
D. quality control is applied after the work is completed
755. Which among the following is a fundamental principle of Performance
A. performance audit should not include sunrise issues in the light of policy
Competitive world
A. Accountants General and the SAI should be alive to major shifts in the policies
and programmes of the entity and the consequential new public sector
programmes and select critical cutting-edge subjects for performance audits in
the context of policy changes.
B. Performance audits of sunrise issues are likely to contribute value to the
implementation of the policy shifts
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
776. Which of the following are considered quality assurance activities?
A. Report to management on progress against budget
B. Report to management on progress against schedule
C. Supervision
D. Allocation of responsibilities
E. All of the above
777. Which of the following is Least likely to be part of a performance auditing?
A. Examination and reporting on the quality of information and advice available
to government for the formulation of policy
B. Examination and reporting on the existence and effectiveness of
administrative to inform the government whether programme objectives and
targets have been determined with a view to fulfilling policy objectives
C. Examination and reporting on compliance to applicable laws and regulations
in the context of the performance audit objectives
D. Examination and reporting on policies formulated by the government
778. Selection of audit topics for performance audits should be determined on
which of the following stages of the audit:
A. pre-study
B. research and evaluation
C. main study
D. none of the above
Competitive world
779. Which of the following should the auditor first consider when planning the
A. the audit objectives and criteria.
B. the audit objectives and findings.
C. the audit objectives and methodology.
D. the audit objectives and scope.
780. Based on strategic planning and further risk assessment, Accountant
General identifies a performance audit subject with high priority and whose
postponement may be associated with risk. But available manpower put a
constraint on undertaking such tasks. Which of the following could be the best
alternative in such a situation?
A. Accountant General may postpone the other performance audits selected for
the year and divert the resources
B. Accountant Genearal may request the Internal Audit wing of the entity to
undertake a performance Audit.
C. Accountant General may document in details the reasons for not being able
to undertake the high priority task after analyzing the resources
D. Accountant General may examine the possibility of outsourcing works in
part or full other than the core audit functions with the approval of SAI top
management in accordance with the extant policy within the SAI.
781. What is true in respect of case study technique
A. It is an-indepth study of individual cases to explore the audit issues
B. Examining a small selection of cases is cheaper that studying a larger
representative sample
C. case studies involve judgment in selection and is open to bias
D. All of the above
782. The weakness/concern of using benchmarking technique is
A. It stimulates an objective review of processes, practices and systems
B. It supports recommendations for making changes
785. The audit findings in the report are put into perspective and congruence is
ensured when:
1. Audit objectives link with audit questions
2. Audit link conclusions with findings
3. Recommendations link with overall objectives
B. only 1 is correct
C. only 2 is correct
D. only 3 is correct
E. All of the above are correct
786. PERT refers to:
Competitive world
790. If new information/problems have come to the notice of audit team during
the conduct of audit, then
A. changes should not be made to increase the scope of the audit work plan
even if the new audit procedure could have a significant impact on the overall
audit question as such increase in scope will cost more time and money.
B. changes should not be made to increase the scope of the audit work plan
even if the new audit procedure could have a significant impact on the overall
audit question, but the information/issue could be recorded for subsequent
audits or for coverage during follow-up audit.
C. changes should always be made to the audit work plan on collection of new
information as performance audit plans are required to be flexible.
D. none of the above is correct
791. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be the objectives of strategic
planning in SAI?
A. provide a firm basis for the SAI management to give strategic direction for
future audit coverage
B. provide a platform for communication with agencies and the legislature on
SAI audit strategies
C. understand entity risks and take them into account in audit selection
D. initiate disciplinary actions against the non-performing audit staff in SAI
792. Which of the following documents can act as source documents for
strategic planning for performance auditing?
A. Documents of the entity including their administrative policies
B. Parliamentary interest in the form of legislation, parliamentary questions,
reports of PAC etc
C. Academic research on entity activities
D. All of these
793. Under default NPS scheme, funds are allocated by the PFRDA among the _
Public Sector Undertaking fund managers based on their past performance in
accordance with the guidelines of PFRDA for Government employees?
A. three
B. two
C. four
D. five
794. What is the percentage of Government Contribution under NPS in respect
of individuals who are not Government Employees?
A. 10% of basic salary
B. 14% of basic salary
C. Individual can choose while joining the scheme
D. No contribution
795. New Pension Scheme is mandatory for all new recruits joining the Central
Government Service from?
A. 1st January, 2004
B. 1st January, 2003
C. 1st January, 2006
D. 1st July, 2005
796. Individuals can normally exit at or after age ____ years for Tier-I of the New
Pension system?
A. 50 years
B. 55 years
C. 56 years
D. 60 years
797. Under NPS, Individuals would have the flexibility to leave the pension
system prior to age 60. In this case, the mandatory annuitization would be __%
of the pension wealth?
A. 80%
B. 60%
C. 50%
D. 90%
798. Contributions and investment returns in respect of Central Government
Employees under NPS are deposited in?
A. Tier-I account
B. Tier-II account
C. Tier-III account
D. Employee can choose either Tier-I or Tier-II at the time of joining
799. At exit under NPS, the individual would be mandatorily required to invest
______ percent of pension wealth to purchase an annuity (from an IRDA-
regulated life insurance- company)?
A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 40%
D. 20%
800. On superannuation, a request is received from a subscriber other than
NPSLite, having pension wealth less than _____ may opt for withdrawal of total
pension wealth?
A. one lakh rupees
B. two lakh rupees
C. Fifty Thousand
D. Five lakh rupees
801. Choice of Pension Fund and investment pattern in Tier-I of NPS has been
introduced with effect from?
A. 1st April 2019
B. 31st January 2019
C. 1 July 2020
D. 1 January 2020
Competitive world
ii. when other leave is admissible, but the Government servant applies in writing
for the grant of extraordinary leave
A. Only i
B. Only ii
C. Both i and ii
D. None of the above
811. Extraordinary leave is mentioned under which Rule of CCS(Leave) Rules,
A. Rule 32
B. Rule 30
C. Rule 29
D. Rule 26
812. No Government servant, who is not in permanent employ or quasi-
permanent employ, shall be granted extraordinary leave on any one occasion
in excess of?
A. One month
B. Two months
C. Three Months
D. Six Months
813. An apprentice shall be entitled to which among the following leave?
i. leave, on medical certificate, on leave salary equivalent to half pay for a period
not exceeding one month in any year of apprenticeship
ii. extraordinary leave
A. None of the above
B. Only i
C. Only ii
D. Both i and ii
814. What is the maximum no.of days of leave preparatory to retirement to the
extent of earned leave due?
A. 300 days
B. 200 days
C. 100 days
D. 360 days
815. The leave granted as leave preparatory to retirement shall not include?
A. Earned Leave
B. Half Pay Leave
C. Extraordinary leave
D. All the above
816. Encashment of Earned Leave along with Leave Travel Concession while in
service is mentioned in which Rule of CCS(Leave) Rules,1972?
A. Rule 38-A
B. Rule 39-A
C. Rule 29
D. Rule 33
817. A Government servant may be permitted to encash earned leave upto __
days at the time of availing of Leave Travel Concession while in service?
A. 5 days
B. 10 days
C. 6 days
D. 12 days
818. While taking Encashment of Earned Leave under LTC, a balance of at least
_ days of earned leave may be available to his credit after taking into account
the period of encashment as well as leave?
A. 20 days
B. 60 days
C. 30 days
D. 10 days
819. Total Encashment of Earned Leave along with Leave Travel Concession
while in service shall not exceed __ days in the aggregate?
A. 60 days
B. 90 days
C. 45 days
D. 30 days
820. Under which Rule of CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972, the authority competent to
grant leave shall, suo motu, issue an order granting cash equivalent of leave
salary for both earned leave and half pay leave, if any, at the credit of the
Government servant on the date of his retirement?
A. Rule 38
B. Rule 38-A
C. Rule 39
D. Rule 41
821. What is maximum number of days of encashment of cash equivalent of
leave salary for both earned leave and half pay leave payable to a retired
Government Servant?
A. 360 days
B. 300 days
C. 240 days
D. 700 days
822. Mr.Adwaith retired from Service on Superannuation on 31.11.2021. He has
the following leave to his credit on the date of retirement: EL -210, HPL -200.
How much HPL will be taken for calculating his cash equivalent to leave salary
apart from 210 days EL?
A. 180 days HPL
Competitive world
B. 90 days HPL
C. 45 days HPL
D. HPL will not be taken for calculating CELS
823. Half pay leave is mentioned in which Rule of CCS(Leave) Rules,1972?
A. Rule 24
B. Rule 11
C. Rule 29
D. Rule 35
824. Earned leave for Government servants serving in Departments other than
Vacation Departments is mentioned in which Rule of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972?
A. Rule 21
B. Rule 26
C. Rule 14
D. Rule 22
825. The half pay leave account of every Government servant shall be credited
with half pay leave in advance, in two instalments of __ days each on the first
day of January and July of every calendar year?
A. 5 days
B. 10 days
C. 15 days
D. 7 days
826. What is the maximum no.of Earned leave for persons serving in Vacation
Departments during each half year?
A. 15 days
B. 10 days
C. 5 days
D. 7 days
827. Under Half pay leave, The leave shall be credited to the said leave account
at the rate of __ days for each completed calendar month of service?
A. 5/3 days
B. 2½ days
C. 3 days
D. 4½ days
828. Under which of the following circumstances, credit to be afforded to leave
account of a Govt.Servant at the commencement of the next half-year be
reduced by 1/10th of the period of such leave?
A. extraordinary leave
B. dies non
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
829. Which among the following is/are true with regard to grant of Commuted
A. Commuted leave not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due may
be granted on medical certificate
B. the authority competent to grant leave is satisfied that there is reasonable
prospect of the Government servant returning to duty on its expiry
C. when commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be
debited against the half pay leave due
D. All the above are true
830. Commuted leave not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due may
be granted to a Government Servant on production of?
A. Medical Records
B. medical certificate
C. SR-1 leave application
D. Application in a white paper
A. one eighteenth
B. one sixth
C. one tenth
D. one sixteenth
835. Earned leave shall be credited to the leave account of Government servant
at the rate of __ days for each completed calendar month of service?
A. 1½ days
B. 2½ days
C. 3 days
D. 5½ days
836. Where a Government servant who has been granted commuted leave
resigns from service or at his request permitted to retire voluntarily without
returning to duty, the commuted leave shall be treated as?
A. half pay leave
B. Earned Leave
C. Dies-non
D. extra ordinary leave
837. The maximum earned leave that may be granted at a time to any
Government servant employed in India is?
A. 60 days
B. 120 days
C. 180 days
D. 360 days
838. A Government servant on leave shall not return to duty before the expiry
of the period of leave granted to him unless he is permitted to do so by?
A. Head of the office
B. Head of the Department
C. Disciplinary Authority
D. authority which granted him leave
839. Government servant who remains absent after the end of leave without
sanction will be treated as on half pay leave, the period in excess of such leave
due being treated as?
A. Commuted Leave
B. Extraordinary leave
C. Dies-non
D. Leave not due
840. Government servant who is serving in a Department other than a Vacation
Department, shall be credited with earned leave, in advance, in two instalments
of 15 days each on the first day of?
A. January and July of every calendar year
B. April and October of every calendar year
C. April and July of every calendar year
D. January and April of every calendar year
D. None of these
847. A Government servant who has taken leave on medical certificate may not
return to duty until he has produced?
A. medical certificate of fitness in Form 5
B. charge report
C. SR-1
D. All the above
848. What is the name of leave granted in lieu of duty performed by a
Government servant on Sunday or a holiday for a full day?
A. Casual Leave
B. Special Casual Leave
C. Duty Off
D. compensatory leave
849. Which among the following is/are correct with regard to Return from
A. A Government servant on leave shall not return to duty before the expiry of
the period of leave granted to him unless he is permitted to do so by the
authority which granted him leave
B. a Government servant on leave preparatory to retirement shall be precluded
from returning to duty, save with the consent of the authority competent to
appoint him to the post from which he proceeded on leave preparatory to
C. A Government servant who has taken leave on medical certificate may not
return to duty until he has produced a medical certificate of fitness in Form 5
D. All the above
850. Willful absence from duty after the expiry of leave renders a Government
servant liable to?
A. disciplinary action
B. criminal prosecution
859. Rule of five years maximum continuous leave shall not be applicable in
which of the following cases
A. Child Care Leave
B. Extraordinary leave without MC
C. Leave applied on medical certificate, in connection with a disability
D. None of the above
860. Which Rule of CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 states that a Government servant
while on leave, including leave preparatory to retirement shall not take up any
service or employment elsewhere?
A. Rule 13
B. Rule 19
C. Rule 69
D. Rule 5
861. As per CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, any application for leave or for extension
of leave shall be made in which form to the authority competent to grant leave?
A. Form 54
B. Form 1
C. Form 13
D. Form 12-A
862. Where a Government Servant is unable to submit application of leave on
account of a disability, such leave application can be signed by
A. Spouse of the Government Servant
B. Parents in the case of an unmarried Government Servant
C. child including adopted child or brother or sister of Government Servant who
has attained age of majority
D. All the above
B. 200
C. 250
D. 180
868. Leave of Government servants working in industrial establishment is
governed by?
A. CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972
B. Factories Act, 1948
C. Industrial Establishment Act, 1950
D. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
869. As per which Rule of CCS(Leave) Rules,1972, “Leave cannot be claimed as
of right”?
A. Rule 3
B. Rule 5
C. Rule 7
D. Rule 9
870. As per Rule 7(2) of CCS(Leave) Rules,1972, when the exigencies of public
service so require, leave of any kind may be refused or revoked by?
A. Appointing Authority
B. Head of the office
C. Authority competent to grant leave
D. Disciplinary Authority
871. Leave applied under which Rule shall not be refused or revoked without
reference to the Medical Authority?
A. Rule 7
B. Rule 20
C. Rule 15
D. Rule 12
872. Earned Leave applied for in the last _ years of service shall not be denied
so that leave accumulation do not take place?
A. One year
B. Five Years
C. Three Years
D. Ten Years
873. According to Leave Rules, an authority competent to grant leave cannot
refuse or revoke a leave applied under
A. Rule 7
B. Rule 15
C. Rule 20
D. Rule 27
874. What is the reason for not denying earned leave during the last 10 years of
A. Because the Govt.Servant has only few years left
B. To increase efficiency of the senior employees
C. To decrease the accumulation of earned leave
D. To avoid paying huge sum as cash equivalent to leave salary
875. What is the effect of leave balance in respect of an employee who is
dismissed or removed or who resigns from Government service
A. cash equivalent to leave salary will be paid
B. ceases from the date of such dismissal or removal or resignation
C. effect of dismissal will be postponed to the days of leave at credit
D. None of the above
876. What is the effect of leave in case of a Government servant, who is
dismissed or removed from service and is reinstated on appeal or revision?
A. shall be entitled to count for leave his service prior to dismissal or removal
B. shall not be entitled to count for leave his service prior to dismissal or removal
C. leave at credit prior to dismissal or removal shall be converted to cash
equivalent and paid
D. None of the above
877. In case of technical resignation, which among the following kinds of leave
will not be carried forward
A. Earned Leave
B. Half Pay Leave
C. Child Care Leave
D. All kinds of due and admissible leave will be carried forward under technical
878. Where an advance has been drawn by a Government servant, the claim for
reimbursement of the expenditure incurred on the journey shall be submitted
within __ of the completion of the return journey
A. One month
B. Two months
C. Three months
D. 45 days
879. Government servants availing LTC are eligible for advance amount up to __
part of the estimated amount?
A. 1/2
B. 3/4
C. 4/5
D. 2/4
880. A Govt. servant who is granted advance to enable him/her and/or members
of his/her family to avail himself/herself of the LTC should refund it, in full,
immediately, if the outward journey is not commenced within __ days of the
drawl of advance?
A. 10 days
Competitive world
B. 20 days
C. 30 days
D. 60 days
881. Comment on the following: If a decision is taken by the Disciplinary
Authority to initiate disciplinary proceedings against a Government servant on
the charge of preferring a fraudulent claim of leave travel concession.
A. disciplinary proceedings will not affect the LTC of the official
B. LTC can be availed by the official subject to outcome of the disciplinary
C. official shall not be allowed the leave travel concession till the finalisation
of such disciplinary proceedings
D. only home town LTC is applicable till finalisation of such disciplinary
882. If any penalty is imposed on Govt.Servant as per Rule 11 of CCS(CCA)
Rules,1965 on the charge of preferring a fraudulent claim of leave travel
concession (LTC), then?
A. Government servant shall not be allowed the next two sets of the leave
travel concession in addition to the sets already withheld during the pendency
of the disciplinary proceedings
B. Government servant shall not be allowed the LTC for the next block year on
expiry of the punishment imposed
C. Government servant shall be allowed LTC on expiry of the punishment
D. Government servant will not be eligible for any LTC claim in future
883. Total leave encashed by a Govt.Servant during the entire career under
Leave Travel Concession (LTC) does not exceed?
A. 90 days
B. 45 days
C. 60 days
D. 30 days
Competitive world
884. While opting leave encashment under LTC, a balance of atleast __ days
Earned Leave should be still available at credit?
A. 30 days
B. 20 days
C. 300 days
D. 120 days
885. Which among the following is/are correct regarding Encashment of Earned
Leave under LTC
(i) Maximum EL encashed at a time is 10 days subject to maximum 60 days in
entire career
(ii) Encashed Earned Leave will not be deducted from the leave account
(iii) balance of atleast 60 days EL should be available at credit for opting leave
A. (i) and (ii) only are correct
B. (iii) only is correct
C. (ii) and (iii) are correct
D. (i) only is correct
886. For which class of Govt.Servants (as per 7th Pay Commission), they are
eligible for Air travel in respect of TA only and not for LTC?
A. Level 4 to 8 of the Pay Matrix
B. Level 6 to Level 8 of the Pay Matrix
C. Level 11 to Level 13 of the Pay Matrix
D. Level 1 to Level 6 of the Pay Matrix
887. What is the income limit prescribed for dependency?
A. Income not exceeding pension of Rs.9,200 p.m. and Dearness Relief thereon
B. Income not exceeding pension of Rs.9,000 p.m. and Dearness Relief thereon
C. Income not exceeding pension of Rs.9,500 p.m. and Dearness Relief thereon
D. Income not exceeding pension of Rs.7,500 p.m. and Dearness Relief thereon
888. As per CCS(LTC) Rules, Dependency is not applicable to
A. Son
B. Daughter
C. Father
D. Spouse
889. Who among the following is the Sanctioning Authority for LTC advance?
A. Head of Department
B. Controlling Officer
C. Drawing and Disbursing Officer
D. Head of Office
890. As per CCS(LTC) Rules 1988 the Condition of “residing with” is waived in
respect of?
A. Parents
B. Spouse and Children
C. Brothers and Sisters
D. Father in Law and Mother in Law
891. Who among the following is authorized to a change of Home Town already
declared by Government Servant?
A. Immediate Superior
B. Controlling Officer
C. Head of Department
D. Head of Office
892. LTC is not admissible during which among the following
A. Casual Leave
B. Special Casual Leave
C. Maternity Leave
Competitive world
D. Expense incurred till the date of retirement will be reimbursed by his office
898. Medical facilities under CS (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 has been
extended to Staff working in Industrial establishments under Central
Government with effect from?
A. 1 June 1972
B. 1 January 2016
C. 9 December 2015
D. 12 September 2016
899. Due to non-availability of facility at a Government hospital, a Medical
Officer can send a Government servant and his family to a private clinic/
laboratory for bacteriological or pathological examination with the consent of?
A. Government Servant
B. Head of the Office in which Government Servant is working
C. Director of Health Services
D. None of the above
900. As per note below Rule 2 (h) of CS (MA) Rules, 1944, _____ is the amount
refunded for massage treatment per visit of the masseur?
A. Rs.25
B. Rs. 100
C. Rs. 10
D. Rs.250
901. In case of re-employed pensioners who are entitled under CS (MA) Rules,
1944, which of the following are taken into consideration for calculating the
A. Pay
B. Pension
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A or B
902. What is the full form of AMA under CS (MA) Rules, 1944?
A. Authorised Medical Attendant
B. Assistant Medical Authorisor
C. Authorised Medicine Assistant
D. Authorised Medical Assistant
903. Private medical practitioner is appointed as Authorised Medical
Attendant(AMA) by?
A. Head of the Department
B. Director Health Services
C. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
D. None of the above
904. Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs.25/- per month to Government employees
working in interior/ remote areas where no AMA was available has been
stopped from?
A. As per the recommnedtaion of 7th CPC
B. 3 June 2015
C. 1 July 2019
D. 2 December 2006
905. What is the rate of first consultation fees paid to Medical Postgratuate/
Specialists appointed as AMA?
A. Rs.500
B. Rs.300
C. Rs.200
D. Rs.100
906. What is the rate of first consultation fees paid to Medical Licentiates and
Medical Graduates (MBBS or equivalent) appointed as AMA?
A. Rs.40
B. Rs.100
C. Rs.75
D. Rs.70
907. Who of the following has the power to recognize any private hospitals for
treatment of beneficiaries and their family members under CS (MA) Rules, 1944?
A. Central Government Employees Welfare Co-ordination Committee
B. State Government
C. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
D. Department of Personnel and Training
908. What is the full form of CGHS?
A. Central Government Health System
B. Central Government Health Scheme
C. Central Government Hospital Treatment Scheme
D. Central Government Hospital Scheme
909. Approximately how many beneficiaries are covered by CGHS?
A. 38.5 lakh
B. 32 lakh
C. 23 lakh
D. 13 lakh
910. As per the website of CGHS, the scheme is available in how many cities all
over India?
A. 45
B. 112
C. 74
D. 32
911. CGHS provides health care through which among the following systems of
i. Ayurveda
ii. Homoeopathic
iii. Allopathic
iv. Unani
v. Siddha and Yoga
A. Only iii
B. Only i, ii and iii
C. Only i, iii and v
D. All the above
912. Who among the following is/are eligible to join CGHS?
i. All Central Government employees paid from the Central Civil Estimates
ii. Widows of Central Government pensioners, in receipt of family pension
iii. Members of Parliament and their families
A. Only i
B. Only i and ii
C. Only i and iii
D. All the above
913. Which among the following is the criterion for determining eligibility of a
Central Government servant for availing medical facilities under the Central
Government Health Scheme?
A. Residence alone
B. Headquarters
C. Home Town
D. All the above
914. Which among the following is not a Facility available under CGHS?
A. OPD Treatment including issue of medicines
B. Indoor Treatment at Government and Empanelled Hospitals
Competitive world
A. yearly basis
B. one time (ten yrs) contribution for whole life validity
C. Either A or B
D. monthly
924. Which among the following is correct with regard to entitlement of wards
in private hospitals empanelled under CGH based on corresponding Basic pay
drawn by the officer in 7th CPC per month?
A. General Ward – Upto Rs. 47,600/-
B. Semi Private Ward – Rs. 47,601 to 63100/-
C. Private Ward – Rs. 63101 and above
D. All the above are correct
925. Duplicate CGHS card can be obtained against lost card by applying for the
same to the concerned Additional Director along with?
A. a copy of FIR
B. Rs. 50/- as charge
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
926. What is the colour of CGHS card of Serving Government employees?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow
927. What is the colour of CGHS card of Pensioners, ex-MPs, Freedom Fighters,
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow
928. What is the colour of CGHS card of Member of Parliament?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow
929. What is the colour of CGHS card of Beneficiaries of Autonomous Bodies/
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow
930. Which among the following categories of CGHS beneficiaries are eligible for
cashless treatment?
A. Members of Parliament
B. Pensioners of Central Government drawing pension from central estimates
C. Serving employees of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
D. All the above
931. How much grace period from date of retirement is given to pensioner
beneficiaries to get a CGHS card made (and be eligible for treatment under CGHS
with that grace period)?
A. One month
B. Three months
C. Six months
D. one year
932. Referral from CGHS for consultation with specialists in private empanelled
hospitals will be valid for consultations upto _ times in the same hospital within
30 days?
Competitive world
C. has carried forward the leave travel concession to home town in respect of
the second block of two years within the block of four years.
D. None of the above
941. Whether a Government servant and each member of his family is permitted
to visit different places of their choice during a block of four years?
A. Yes
B. Not permissble
C. Family should visit same place as Government servant
D. Government servant and family must travel together to same place
942. Whether travel by air is permitted between places not connected by rail
and an alternative means of travel is either not available or is more expensive?
A. Permitted
B. Not permitted
C. Restricted to road mileage
D. None of the above
943. What will be the restriction of train fare in the case of air journey by
nonentitled officers having concessional train fare for his family members?
A. 50% of air fare
B. Actual concessional train fare
C. 75% of air fare
D. If full air fare has been charged and paid, then full train fare will be
944. Which of the following claim is admissible for travel on LTC by air?
A. Daily Allowance and Air fare ticket
B. Incidental expenses and Air fare ticket
C. LTC – 80 fare of Air India
D. Expenditure on local journeys and Air fare ticket
945. By which mode can air tickets be purchased for travel on LTC?
A. By the website of any private airlines
B. Through any private travel websites like Makemytrip, Goibibo etc.
C. Through Internet/ Indian airlines directly/ Authorized travel agents
D. All the above
946. What is the amount admissible for reimbursement of LTC claim in respect
of entitled officers and their families, travelling by any private airlines?
A. Actual cost of air fare
B. LTC – 80 fare of India
C. Prevailing fare on the date of booking of LTC
D. None of the above
947. If a Government Servant not entitled to travel by air, avails LTC and travel
through airlines, which among the following will be admissible for
A. Actual air fare
B. LTC – 80 fare of India
C. Entitled class of rail fare
D. None of the above
948. “Common Proceedings” is mentioned in which Rule of CCS(CCA) Rules,
A. Rule 18
B. Rule 21
C. Rule 24
D. Rule 37
949. Under Common Proceedings as mentioned in Rule 18 of CCS(CCA) Rules
1965, If the authorities competent to impose the penalty of dismissal on such
957. An appeal lies against which among the following under CCS(CCA)
A. an order which denies or varies to his disadvantage his pay, allowances,
pension or other conditions of service as regulated by rules or by agreement
B. an order which interprets to his disadvantage the provisions of any such rule
or agreement
C. an order reverting him while officiating in a higher service, grade or post, to
a lower service, grade or post, otherwise than as a penalty
D. All the above
958. “Appellate Authority” is mentioned in which Rule of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965?
A. Rule 21
B. Rule 30
C. Rule 34
D. Rule 24
959. What is the period of limitation of appeal under Rule 25 of the CCS(CCA)
Rules, 1965?
A. 30 days
B. 45 days
C. 60 days
D. 90 days
960. Under which among the following circumstances, an appellate authority
may entertain the appeal after the expiry of the limitation period of 45 days?
A. if the appellant was on tour to a foreign country
B. if the appellant had requested extension for filing appeal on receipt of the
C. if it is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient cause for not preferring the
appeal in time
D. All the above
961. Which among the following is not correct with regard to appeal preferred
under CCS(CCA) Rules,1965?
A. Every person preferring an appeal shall do so separately and in his own name
B. The appeal shall be presented to the authority to whom the appeal lies
C. It shall contain all material statements and arguments on which the appellant
relies, shall not contain any disrespectful or improper language
D. The authority which made the order appealed against shall wait for the
orders of the appellate authority before forwarding to the concerned
962. An appellate authority has which among the following powers while
disposing an appeal preferred under the provisions of the CCS(CCA) Rules,1965?
i. he can pass orders confirming, enhancing, reducing, or setting aside the
ii. he can pass orders remitting the case to the authority which imposed or
enhanced the penalty or to any other authority with such direction as it may
deem fit in the circumstances of the case
A. Only i
B. Only ii
C. Either i or ii
D. None of the above
963. Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021 has been notified in the official
Gazette on?
A. 18 July 2021
B. 20 December 2021
C. 1 July 2021
D. 14 February 2022
964. Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021 came into force on?
A. 1 January 2022
B. 20 December 2021
Competitive world
C. 1 July 2021
D. 20 March 2022
965. Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules,2021 shall apply to the Government
servants appointed on or before?
A. 1 January 2021
B. 31 December 2003
C. 12 June 1972
D. 1 January 2004
966. Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules,2021 shall be applicable to?
A. railway servants
B. members of the All India Services
C. civilian Government servants in the Defence Services
D. None of the above
967. Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules,2021 shall not apply to?
A. railway servants
B. persons in casual and daily rated employment
C. persons paid from contingencies
D. all the above
968. Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules,2021 shall also apply to?
i. a Government servant who was put on induction training on or before 31st
day of December, 2003 followed by appointment on regular basis after 31st day
of December, 2003
ii. a Government servant appointed after 31st December, 2003 to a civil service
or post in connection with the affairs of the Union, if he fulfils the conditions for
coverage under these rules in accordance with any special or general order
issued by the Government in this regard
A. Only i
B. Only ii
Competitive world
C. Both i and ii
D. None of the above
969. What is the name of the online system for sanction of retirement benefits
and tracking of sanction and payment of pension by the Government servant
and the authorities concerned with sanction of pension to the Government
A. Bhavishya
B. Karmayogi
C. Anubhav
D. Sampoorna
970. “Head of Department” as defined under CCS(Pension) Rules, 2021 means
an authority specified in Schedule 1 to the?
A. Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1978
B. CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972
C. CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965
D. CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964
971. Which among the following is the service in which a Government Servant
receives his pay with the sanction of the Government from any source other
than the Consolidated Fund of India?
A. Deputation
B. Freelance Service
C. Foreign service
D. Temporary transfer
972. “Minor” as defined under CCS(Pension) Rules, 2021 who has not completed
the age of?
A. 7 years
B. 10 years
C. 14 years
D. 18 years
973. “Definitions” is mentioned in which Rule of CCS(Pension) Rules, 2021?
A. Rule 1
B. Rule 2
C. Rule 3
D. Rule 5
974. “Pension Disbursing Authority” as defined under CCS(Pension) Rules, 2021
A. Accounts Officer
B. Post Office
C. Bank/ Treasury
D. All the above
975. Which among the following statements are correct with regard to
CCS(Pension) Rules, 2021?
Statement 1 – The day on which a Government servant retires or is retired or is
discharged or is allowed to resign from service, as the case may be, shall be
treated as his last completed working day
Statement 2 – the date of death of a Government Servant shall also be treated
as a completed working day
A. Statement 1 is only correct
B. Statement 2 is only correct
C. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct
D. None of the above are correct
976. In a case where the Government servant immediately before his retirement
or death was absent from duty on leave or otherwise or was under suspension,
the day of retirement or death shall be?
A. part of such leave or absence or suspension
B. treated as a working day
C. 5 Chapters
D. 7 Chapters
987. How many sections are provided In the Right to Information Act, 2005?
A. 25 sections
B. 31 sections
C. 30 sections
D. 32 sections
988. As per RTI Act, 2005 “record” includes?
E. any document, manuscript and file
F. any microfilm, microfiche and facsimile copy of a document
G. any other material produced by a computer or any other device
H. All the above
989. “Right to information” is defined under which section of RTI Act, 2005?
A. Section 2(e)
B. Section 2(f)
C. Section 2(j)
D. Section 2(g)
990. Record under RTI Act, 2005 includes?
A. Any document, manuscript
B. Any microfilm, microfiche
C. Facsimile copy of a document
D. All of the above
991. How many terms were defined under section (2) of the Right to Information
Act, 2005?
A. 14 terms from (a) to (n)
B. 13 terms from (a) to (m)
1006. Who is the authority competent to accept the notice for voluntary
retirement tendered under Rule 48/48-A of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972?
A. Disciplinary Authority
B. Head of the Department
C. President of India
D. Appointing Authority
1007. Which among the following is correct with regard to Rule 48 of
CCS(Pension) Rules,1972?
A. Voluntary retirement can be requested less than the prescribed notice period
of three months giving reasons therefor
B. appointing authority may relax the requirement of notice of three months in
case of voluntary retirement
C. Government servant shall not apply for commutation of a part of his pension
before the expiry of the period of notice of three months
D. All the above
1008. Retirement or death gratuity as finally calculated contains a fraction of a
rupee, then?
A. Fraction shall be ignored
B. it shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee
C. it shall be rounded off to the next hundred
D. None of these
1009. As per CCS[Pension] Rules,1972, rate of death gratuity when length of
qualifying service is one year or more but less than 5 years?
A. 2 times of emoluments
B. 6 times of emoluments
C. 12 times of emoluments
D. Half of emoluments for every completed six-monthly period of qualifying
service subject to a maximum of 33 times of emoluments
1014. Head of Office, prior to _____ months from date of retirement of the
Government servant furnish to him a certificate regarding the length of
qualifying service proposed to be admitted for the purpose of pension and
gratuity and also the emoluments and the average emoluments proposed to be
reckoned for retirement gratuity and pension?
A. Six Months
B. 12 Months
C. Eight Months
D. Four Months
1015. As per Rule 56 of CCS[Pension] Rules,1972, every Head of Department
shall have a list prepared every ___months, of all Government servants who are
due to retire within the next twelve to fifteen months of that date?
A. Six Months
B. Four Months
C. Three Months
D. Two Months
1016. Comment on the following with regard to a Government Servant who
commits suicide while in Service.
A. Will not be eligible for family pension/death gratuity to the family
B. Pension Rules do not prohibit the grant of family pension/death gratuity to
the family of a Government servant who commits suicide
C. It is the discretion of the Head of the Department to grant family
pension/death gratuity to the family
D. None of the above
1017. As per Rule 51 to 53 of CCS[Pension] Rules,1972, a `family’, in relation to
a Government servant, means?
(i) judicially separated husband/wife
(ii) brothers below the age of eighteen years
(iii) unmarried sisters and widowed sisters
C. New Delhi
D. Ghaziabad
1033. Which among the following with regard to holding of office of Chief
Information Commissioner is correct?
i. Chief Information Commissioner shall hold office for such term as may be
prescribed by the Central Government
ii. CIC shall not be eligible for reappointment
iii. No Chief Information Commissioner shall hold office as such after he has
attained the age of sixty-five years
A. All the above
B. Only i and iii
C. Only ii and iii
D. Only i and ii
1034. Terms of office and conditions of service of CIC and IC as contained in
Section 13 of RTI Act,2005 was last amended in the year?
A. 2021
B. 2020
C. 2019
D. 2016
1035. Where the Information Commissioner is appointed as the Chief
Information Commissioner, his term of office shall not be more than __ years in
aggregate as the Information Commissioner and the Chief Information
A. ten years
B. seven years
C. five years
D. three years
C. ten days
D. two days
1065. If the information sought under RTI Act, 2005 concerns the life or liberty
of a person, the same shall be provided within?
A. 24 hours of its receipt
B. 48 hours of its receipt
C. 5 days of its receipt
D. 10 days of its receipt
1066. Where a request has been rejected under RTI Act 2005, the CPIO shall
communicate to the person making the request?
A. the reasons for such rejection
B. the period within which an appeal against such rejection may be preferred
C. the particulars of the appellate authority
D. All the above
1067. Re-employed military pensioners should exercise option under Rule 19 (1)
of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972 within __ from the date of re-employment, whether
he would like to get past military service counted for pension in the civil post or
A. one year
B. six months
C. one month
D. two years
1068. Who is the authority competent to allow a person to withdraw his
A. Disciplinary Authority
B. Appointing Authority
C. Head of the Department
D. Head of the office
Competitive world
B. Superannuation pension
C. Retiring Pension
D. None of these
1077. Normally a Government Servant shall retire from service with effect from?
A. first day of the month in which the Government Servant turns 60 years of age
B. afternoon on the day in which the Government Servant turns 60 years of age
C. afternoon of the last day of the month in which Government Servant turns
60 years of age
D. forenoon of the last day of the month in which Government Servant turns 60
years of age
1078. A Government Servant whose date of birth is on 21.04.1961 shall retire
from service on superannuation on?
A. 30.04.2021 afternoon
B. 01.04.2021 afternoon
C. 01.05.2021 forenoon
D. 21.04.2021 afternoon
1079. A Government servant whose date of birth is the first of a month shall
retire from service on?
A. afternoon of the last day of the month on attaining the age of 60 years
B. forenoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of 60
C. forenoon of the last day of the month on attaining the age of 60 years
D. afternoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of 60
1080. A Government Servant whose date of birth is on 01.07.1961 shall retire
from service on superannuation on?
A. 31.07.2021
B. 30.06.2021
C. 01.07.2021
D. None of these
1081. Which among the following is correct with regard to retirement of a
Government Servant?
(i) retirement of a Government servant is automatic on the date on which he
attains the age of compulsory retirement
(ii) specific orders of the competent authority is required for the retirement of
a Government Servant
(iii) a Government Servant retires on the last working day of the month of
(iv) a Government Servant retires on the last day of the month of retirement
even if it is a closed holiday.
A. (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
B. (i) and (iii) are correct
C. (i) and (iv) are correct
D. All the above are correct
1082. Any person entrusted with the duty to handle or deal with the complaint
under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and
Redressal) Act 2013, contravenes Section 16 (Prohibition of publication or
making known contents of complaint and inquiry proceedings), he/she shall be?
A. Removed from Service
B. liable for penalty in accordance with the provisions of the service rules
C. Suspended from Service
D. liable to face action under CCS(CCA) Rules,1965
1083. What is the period of limitation of appeal against the recommendations
of the Internal Committee or the Local Committee?
A. 90 days
B. 30 days
C. 60 days
Competitive world
D. 15 days
1084. Which among the following are the duties of employer under Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal)
Act 2013?
A. provide a safe working environment at the workplace
B. display at any conspicuous place in the workplace, the penal consequences
of sexual harassments
C. organise workshops and awareness programmes at regular intervals for
sensitising the employees with the provisions of the Act
D. All of these
1085. District Officer shall forward a brief report on the annual reports received
under sub-section (1) of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013 to the?
A. State Women’s Commission
B. Central Government
C. National Women’s Commission
D. State Government
1086. Where the employer fails to constitute an Internal Committee as provided
under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and
Redressal) Act 2013, he/she shall be punishable with fine which may extend to?
A. Rs. 25,000/-
B. Rs.10,000/-
C. Rs.50,000/-
D. Rs.1 Lakh
1087. If any employer, after having been previously convicted of an offence
punishable under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013 subsequently commits and is convicted of
the same offence, he shall be liable to?
A. twice the earlier punishment
1099. Internal Committee or the Local Committee have the same powers as are
vested in a civil court in respect of?
A. summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person
B. examining him on oath
C. requiring the discovery and production of documents
D. All of these
1100. Internal Committee or the Local Committee shall complete the inquiry
within a period of?
A. 60 days
B. 45 days
C. 90 days
D. 30 days
1101. Internal Committee or the local Committee cannot recommend to the
employer which among the following, during the pendency of the inquiry?
A. to suspend the employee against whom the complaint has been made
B. transfer the aggrieved woman or the respondent to any other workplace
C. grant leave to the aggrieved woman up to a period of three months
D. grant such other relief to the aggrieved woman a may be prescribed
1102. Internal Committee or the local Committee can recommend the employer
for grant of leave to the aggrieved woman up to a period of?
A. 30 days
B. 6 months
C. 2 months
D. 3 months
1103. The leave granted to the aggrieved woman under Section 12 of Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal)
Act 2013 shall be?
A. debited to the leave account
Competitive world
B. 90 days
C. 15 days
D. 60 days
1108. Where the Internal Committee or the Local Committee finds that the
complaint is malicious, then it shall recommend to the employer?
A. to take action against the woman or the person who has made the
B. to arrest the the woman or the person who has made the complaint
C. to deduct from the salary or wages of the complainant such sum as it may
consider appropriate
D. None of these
1109. Comment on the following: Internal Committee or the Local Committee
may recommend to the employer of the witness to take action against him/her,
if he/she has given false evidence or produced any forged or misleading
A. True
B. False
C. Committee cannot recommend action against witness
D. None of these
1110. For the purpose of determining the sums to be paid to the aggrieved
woman the committee shall consider which among the following?
A. the mental trauma, pain, suffering and emotional distress caused to the
aggrieved woman
B. the loss in the career opportunity due to the incident of sexual harassment
C. the income and financial status of the respondent
D. All of these
1111. Publication or making known contents of complaint and inquiry
proceedings under RTI Act, 2005 or to the public, press and media in any manner
B. 9 December 2013
C. 21 August 2014
D. 22 January 2015
1116. “Chairperson” under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013 means?
A. Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Women
B. Minister of Women and Child Development
C. Chairperson of National Women’s Commission
D. Chairperson of the Local Complaints Committee
1117. “Employee” under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013 means?
A. regular employee
B. temporary employee
C. adhoc/daily wage employee
D. All the above
1118. Which among the following is a “sexual harassment” as defined under
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and
Redressal) Act 2013?
A. physical contact and advances
B. a demand or request for sexual favours
C. showing pornography
D. All the above
1119. Which among the following does not come under the meaning
“workplace” under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013?
A. any private sector organisation
B. hospitals or nursing homes
C. any sports institute, stadium, sports complex
Competitive world
D. None of these
1120. Which of the following may amount to sexual harassment under Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal)
Act 2013?
A. implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment
B. implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment
C. humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety
D. All the above
1121. Section 4 of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013 deals with?
A. Complaint of sexual harassment
B. Inquiry into complaint.
C. Constitution of Internal Committee
D. Prohibition of publication or making known contents of complaint and inquiry
1121. The decision of the competent authority of representation against APAR
and the final grading shall be communicated to the officer reported upon within
__ days of receipt of the decision of the competent authority by the concerned
APAR Section?
A. 15 days
B. 10 days
C. 30 days
D. 20 days
1122. Numerical grading to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authorities
in APAR is on a scale of?
A. 0-10
B. 1-100
C. 1-10
D. 0-25
1123. What is the weightage on assessment of work output while writing APAR
in respect of officers?
A. 60%
B. 50%
C. 40%
D. 30%
1124. What is the weightage on for assessment of personal attributes and
functional competency while writing APAR in respect of officers?
A. 60% each
B. 50% each
C. 40% each
D. 30% each
1125. Which among the following is/are the remarks against the integrity
column to be be made by the reporting officer in APAR?
i. Beyond doubt
ii. Since the integrity of the officer is doubtful, a secret note is attached.
iii. Not watched the officer‟s work for sufficient time to form a definite
judgement but nothing adverse has been reported to me about the officer
A. Only i
B. Only i and ii
C. Only ii and iii
D. All the above
1126. Wherever there is any gap in the APAR during a particular reporting
period, it is the responsibility of the officer in-charge for maintaining the APAR
to place __ in the APAR dossier for the relevant period?
A. Blank APAR
B. no report certificate
Competitive world
C. No action required
D. copy of the previous APAR
1127. Annual Performance Assessment Report is to be written in case of
employees appointed on?
A. on honorary basis
B. purely part-time basis
C. Government servants appointed on contract
D. All the above
1128. The Annual Performance Assessment Report on the Integrated Financial
Adviser would be initiated by the?
A. CVO of the concerned Ministry/Department
B. Directly by the Minister in charge of the Ministry
C. Secretary of the Administrative Ministry/Department
D. Immediate superior of Financial Adviser
1129. Annual Performance Assessment Reports of Chief Vigilance Officer, who
are working on a full time basis shall be written by?
A. Secretary of the Ministry/Department
B. APAR for CVO is not required
C. Immediate Superior of the CVO
D. None of these
1130. In the case of Central Government servants who are deputed to other
Departments, State Governments or are on Foreign Service, the Annual
Performance Assessment Report should be maintained by?
A. parent Departments
B. borrowing Departments
C. Either A or B
D. None of these
1131. Annual Performance Assessment Reports should not in any case be kept
by an authority higher than the?
A. Disciplinary Authority
B. Appointing Authority
C. Head of the Office
D. Head of the Department
1132. Annual Performance Assessment Reports relating to deceased
Government servants may be destroyed after a period of _ years from the date
of death?
A. two years
B. five years
C. ten years
D. permanent record
1133. In the case of retired Government servants, the Annual Performance
Assessment Reports dossiers may be retained for a period of __ years after the
date of retirement?
A. two years
B. three years
C. five years
D. ten years
1134. APARs graded between 8 and 10 will be rated as?
A. very good
B. outstanding
C. extra outstanding
D. good
1135. APARs graded between 6 and short of 8 will be rated as?
A. very good
B. outstanding
C. extra outstanding
D. good
1136. What is the full form of APAR?
A. Annual Performance Assessment Report
B. Annual Performance Appraisal Report
C. Either A or B
D. None of the above
1137. Which among the following is/are the objectives of writing APAR?
A. To make aware the employee how well or otherwise, he is performing his job
B. To help the employee to plan his career development in a systematic manner
C. To make employee aware of his defects and helps overcomes them by taking
special efforts
D. All the above
1138. Immediate superior officer of a Government servant who writes the APAR
is known as?
A. Controlling Officer
B. Reporting Officer
C. Reviewing Officer
D. Accepting Authority
1139. As per instructions on APAR, main focus of the Reporting Officer while
writing the APAR of the subordinate should be?
A. developmental
B. judgemental
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
1144. Which among the following with regard to APAR is/are correct?
A. There is no objection to two or more independent APAR Reports being
written during a year by different Reporting Officers
B. In such a case, each Reporting Officer has at least three months experience
on which he can base his Report
C. When a Report has to be written by a Reporting Officer, who is under transfer,
it should be written at the time of transfer or immediately thereafter and not
deferred till the end of the year.
D. All the above are correct
1145. Where for a period of APAR, there is no Reporting Officer with the
requisite experience to initiate the Report, then what action will be caused?
A. APAR for that period will not be written
B. APAR will be treated as closed by keeping No Report Certificate
C. Reviewing Officer himself may initiate the Report as a Reporting Officer
D. None of the above
1146. Where a Reporting officer/Reviewing officer retires, he/she may be
allowed to give the report on his subordinates within ____ month(s) of
A. Three Months
B. One month
C. Two months
D. Six months
1147. Earned Leave for a period of more than how many days can be deducted
from the total period spent on any post, for the purposes of computing the
period of 3 months which is relevant for writing of entries in the APAR?
A. 180 days
B. 30 days
C. 15 days
D. 5 days
Competitive world
ii. when the disciplinary authority, having regard to the circumstances of the
case, so permits
A. Only i is correct
B. Only ii is correct
C. Both i and ii are correct
D. Both i and ii are incorrect
1152. Under Rule 14 of the CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965, Government servant shall not
take the assistance of any other Government servant who has __ pending
disciplinary cases on hand in which he has to give assistance?
A. three
B. two
C. five
D. four
1153. If the Government servant applies orally or in writing for the supply of
copies of the statements of witnesses the inquiring authority shall furnish him
with such copies as early as possible and in any case not later than _ days before
the commencement of the examination of the witnesses on behalf of the
disciplinary authority?
A. Five
B. Ten
C. Three
D. Fifteen
1154. As per Rule 14(13) of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 on receipt of the requisition
every authority having the custody or possession of the requisitioned
documents shall produce the same or issue a non-availability certificate before
the Inquiring Authority within __ of the receipt of such requisition?
A. 15 days
B. one month
C. two months
D. 10 days
1155. After the conclusion of the inquiry as envisaged under Rule 14 of the
CCS(CCA) Rules 1965, a report shall be prepared and it shall contain?
A. the articles of charge and the statement of the imputations of misconduct or
B. the defence of the Government servant in respect of each article of charge
C. an assessment of the evidence in respect of each article of charge and
findings on each article of charge and the reasons therefor
D. All the above
1156. The inquiring authority, where it is not itself the disciplinary authority,
shall forward to the disciplinary authority the records of inquiry which shall NOT
A. the report prepared by it
B. the oral and documentary evidence produced in the course of the inquiry
C. written briefs, if any, filed by the Presenting Officer or the Government
servant or both during the course of the inquiry
D. TA bill preferred by the Charged Government Servant during the course of
the inquiry
1157. The Inquiring Authority should conclude the inquiry and submit his report
within a period of _ months from the date of receipt of order of his appointment
as Inquiring Authority?
A. Three Months
B. Six Months
C. Nine Months
D. 12 months
1158. Where it is not possible for the Inquiry Authority to adhere to the time
limit of completion of enquiry, the Inquiring Authority may record the reasons
and seek extension of time from the?
A. Presenting officer
B. Reviewing Authority
C. Appellate Authority
D. disciplinary authority
1159. Disciplinary authority may allow an additional time not exceeding __
months for completion of the Inquiry, at a time under Rule 14 of the CCS(CCA)
Rules, 1965?
A. one month
B. three months
C. six months
D. nine months
1160. Rule 15 of the CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 is about?
A. Action on inquiry report
B. Procedure for imposing minor penalties
C. Communication of Orders
D. Common Proceedings
1161. Government servant on receipt of a copy of inquiry report shall be
required to submit his written representation or submission to the disciplinary
authority within _____days, irrespective of whether the report is favourable or
not to the Government servant?
A. 10 days
B. 5 days
C. 30 days
D. 15 days
1162. In every case where it is necessary to consult the Union Public Service
Commission, the Disciplinary Authority shall forward or cause to be forwarded
to the Commission for its advice along with?
A. a copy of the report of the Inquiring Authority together with its own tentative
reasons for disagreement
1170. Which among the following leave will not count as qualifying service for
the purpose of pension?
A. Extraordinary leave for prosecuting higher technical and scientific studies
B. Extraordinary leave granted on medical certificate
C. All kinds of leave for which leave salary is payable
D. Extraordinary leave without medical certificate
1171. Where the departmental proceedings against a suspended employee for
the imposition of a major penalty finally end with the imposition of minor
penalty, then?
A. Minor penalty cannot be imposed on a Govt.Servant who has been
B. Suspension can be said to be wholly unjustified
C. Half the suspension period only will count as qualifying service
D. None of these
1172. In which among the following cases, time passed by a Government servant
under suspension shall count as qualifying service?
A. pending inquiry into conduct period shall count as qualifying service
B. shall count as qualifying service on conclusion of such inquiry if he has been
fully exonerated
C. shall count as qualifying service if suspension is held to the wholly unjustified
D. All the above
1173. Request for withdrawal of a resignation shall not be accepted by the
appointing authority where a Government servant resigns?
A. his service or post with a view to taking up an appointment in or under a
private commercial company
B. his service or post with a view to taking up an appointment under a
corporation or company wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the
A. Govt.can withdraw whole or such part of the pension and for such periods as
may be specified without any notice
B. Govt.has no power to take any action against such pensioner
C. Govt.can withdraw whole or such part of the pension and for such periods
as may be specified by issuing show cause notice to the pensioner
D. None of these
1178. If the disciplinary authority comes to the conclusion that action under Rule
9 of the Pension Rules, is not justified and that the proceedings should be
dropped, then?
A. Disciplinary Authority needs permission of President to drop the proceedings
B. It would be within the competence of the disciplinary authority to drop the
C. Disciplinary Authority can drop the proceedings by submitting a report
regarding the findings to the President
D. Only President has powers to drop proceedings under Rule 9 of CCS(Pension)
1179. As per Rule 13 of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972 qualifying service of a
Government servant shall commence from the date?
A. Appointment order is issued for his first appointment
B. He takes charge of the post to which he is first appointed
C. Date of issue of confirmation orders
D. Date of completion of induction training
1180. A Government servant who is re-employed having rendered military
service earlier, if chose to continue to draw the military pension or retain
gratuity received on discharge from military service, then?
A. his former military services shall not count as qualifying service
B. his former military services shall count as qualifying service
C. on re-employment such Govt.Servant will lose all benefits of military services
D. such kind of re-employment is not possible
B. 7 working days
C. 30 working days
D. 20 working days
1189. Under no circumstances, the extension of time for filing written statement
of defence shall exceed _____days from the date of receipt of articles of charge?
A. 60 days
B. 30 days
C. 45 days
D. 90 days
1190. Under which Rule the Disciplinary Authority shall act, after recording its
findings on each charge taking such evidence as it may think fit?
A. Rule 14
B. Rule 15
C. Rule 11
D. Rule 13
1191. Under Rule 14 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965, the disciplinary authority, where
it is not the inquiring authority, need not forward to the inquiring authority?
A. A copy of the Article of Charge and the statement of imputation of
misconduct or misbehaviour
B. copy of the statements of witness, if any referred to in sub-rule (3)
C. A copy of the order of appointing ‘Presenting Officer’
D. A written brief of the case with directions for conducting Inquiry
1192. Which among the following with regard to appointment of Defence
Assistant is correct?
A. Government servant may take the assistance of any other Government
servant posted in any office either at his headquarters or at the place where the
inquiry is held
B. Government Servant may not engage a legal practitioner for the purpose,
unless the Presenting Officer appointed by the disciplinary authority is a legal
C. Government servant may take the assistance of any other Government
servant posted at any other station, if the inquiring authority having regard to
the circumstances of the case, and for reasons to be recorded in writing, so
D. All the above
1193. When can the Disciplinary Authority inquire into truth of any imputation
of misconduct or misbehaviour against a Government servant?
A. When there is a ground established
B. When there is an anonymous complaint received
C. Can inquire even when there is no ground established
D. On an oral complaint received
1194. Where the disciplinary authority itself inquires into any article of charge
or appoints an inquiring authority for holding an inquiry into such charge, it
may, by an order, appoint a Government servant or a legal practitioner, to be
known as the?
A. Assistant Inquiry Authority
B. Adhoc Disciplinary Authority
C. Assistant Government Servant
D. Presenting Officer
1195. If no written statement of defence is submitted by the Government
servant, the disciplinary authority?
A. may itself inquire into the articles of charge
B. if it considers it necessary to do so, appoint, under subrule (2), an inquiring
authority for the purpose
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
1196. Central Government Civil posts are classified into __ after implementation
of Seventh CPC
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
1197. Within the meaning of Rule 11, which of the following does not amount
to a penalty?
A. Stoppage of a Government servant at the efficiency bar
B. Compulsory retirement
C. Withholding of increments
D. Withholding of promotion
1198. How many minor penalties are prescribed under Rule 11 of CCS(CCA)
A. Five
B. Four
C. Six
D. Three
1199. Under which among the following circumstances, review of suspension
not become necessary on completing 90 days of suspension?
A. Deemed suspension
B. Under detention
C. If it is not validated
D. None of the above
1200. Which among the following does not come under minor penalty as
defined in CCS(CCA) Rules,1965?
A. Warning
B. Censure
C. withholding of promotion
D. withholding of increments of pay
1201. From the following, choose which comes under the minor penalty
A. Compulsory retirement
B. Dismissal from service
C. Reduction by one stage for a period not exceeding three years without
cumulative effect
D. Termination of the service under CCS (Temporary) Rules, 1965
1202. Which among the following shall ordinarily be a disqualification for future
employment under the Government?
A. compulsory retirement
B. removal from service
C. dismissal from service
D. All the above
1203. A Government servant is appointed to a higher post on ad hoc basis
against a short-term vacancy. Can he be allowed to continue in the ad hoc
appointment when a disciplinary proceeding is initiated against him?
A. He shall be allowed to continue
B. He shall be reverted to the post held by him on a regular basis
C. He can be given an option between (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
1204. Under Rule 11 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 which among the following is a
major penalty
A. Withholding of increment of a Government servant for his failure to pass any
Departmental exam as per Recruitment Rules
B. Withholding of promotion
C. Recovering from pay of the whole or part of any recurring loss to the
Government caused by the official’s negligence
D. Reduction to a lower time scale of Pay, Grade, Post or Service for a period
specified in the order of penalty, which shall be a bar to his promotion
1205. Penalties is defined in which Rule of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965?
A. Rule 9
B. Rule 10
C. Rule 11
D. Rule 12
1206. Reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay by one stage for a
period not exceeding __ years, without cumulative effect and not adversely
affecting his pension shall be treated as minor penalty?
A. three years
B. two years
C. one year
D. four years
1207. Which among the following shall not amount to a penalty within the
meaning of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965?
A. stoppage of a Government servant at the efficiency bar
B. compulsory retirement of a Government servant in accordance with the
provisions relating to his superannuation or retirement
C. termination of the services of a temporary Government servant in
accordance with Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965
D. All the above
1208. If a Government servant had committed a misconduct during his earlier
employment, what action should be taken against him in his present
A. Should be warned
B. Render him unfit and unsuitable for continual in service
Competitive world
C. Three
D. Four
1217. Disciplinary Authorities is specified in which Section of the CCS(CCA) Rules
A. Rule 10
B. Rule 11
C. Rule 12
D. Rule 13
1218. Who among the following is empowered to impose any of the penalties
specified in Rule 11 of CCS(CCA) Rules 1965 on any Government servant?
A. Union Public Service Commission
B. Prime Minister of India
C. Governor of the concerned State
D. President of India
1219. Any of the penalties specified in Rule 11 of CCS(CCA) Rules 1965 may be
imposed on a Government Servant by?
A. appointing authority
B. authority specified in the schedule in this behalf
C. any other authority empowered in this behalf by a general or special order of
the President
D. Either A or B or C
1220. From the following, which are the powers that cannot be exercised by an
officer who is appointed to perform the current duties of an appointment?
A. Administrative powers
B. Financial powers
C. Statutory powers
D. Technical powers
C. Rule 13(2)
D. Rule 14(5)
1225. Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance/Hostel subsidy can be
claimed for how many surviving children?
A. Only one
B. Only two
C. Only three
D. No limit
1226. The reimbursement of Children Education Allowance/Hostel subsidy can
be claimed only for the two eldest surviving children with which of the following
A. second child birth results in twins/multiple birth
B. failure of sterilization operation, the CEA/Hostel Subsidy would be admissible
in respect of children born out of the first instance of such failure beyond the
usual two children norm
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
1227. Amount for reimbursement of Children Education allowance will be Rs.__
per month (fixed) per child?
A. Rs.2250/-
B. Rs.4500/-
C. Rs.450/-
D. Rs.1250/-
1228. The period/year under Children Education allowance (CEA) means
academic year i.e. _ months of complete academic session?
A. Eight
B. Six
C. Twelve
D. Ten
1229. Which among the following is/are correct with regard to Children
Education allowance (CEA)?
A. The amount for reimbursement of Children Education allowance will be
Rs.2250/- per month (fixed) per child.
B. Amount of Rs.2250/- is fixed irrespective of the actual expenses incurred by
the Govt. Servant.
C. In order to claim reimbursement of CEA, the Govt. servant should produce a
certificate issued by the Head of the Institution for the period/year for which
claim has been preferred
D. All the above
1230. In case certificate can not be obtained from the Head of the Institution for
claiming Children Education allowance (CEA), it can be claimed by producing?
A. Self-declaration signed jointly by the child and Government Employee
B. self- attested copy of the report card or self-attested fee
receipt(s)confirming/indicating that the fee deposited for the entire academic
year can be produced as a supporting document to claim CEA
C. Declaration countersigned by the Head of the Office
D. Declaration countersigned by Panchayath President in which Government
Employee is residing
1231. What is the amount of ceiling of hostel subsidy per month?
A. Rs.2250/- pm.
B. Rs.4500/- pm.
C. Rs.6750/- pm.
D. Rs.10000/- pm.
1232. Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance for Divyaang children of
government employees shall be __ per month?
A. Rs.2250/-
B. Rs.4500/-
C. Rs.450/-
D. Rs.1250/-
1233. Rates/ceiling of Children Education Allowance (CEA) would be
automatically raised by _____% every time the Dearness Allowance on the
revised pay structure goes up by ____%?
A. 10% and 25%
B. 25% and 50%
C. 50% and 100%
D. None of the above
1234. Which among the following is/are correct with regard to Children
Education Allowance (CEA)?
A. Hostel Subsidy and Children Education Allowance can be claimed
B. In case both the spouses are Government servants, only one of them can
avail reimbursement under Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy.
C. The reimbursement of CEA and Hostel Subsidy will be done just once in a
financial year after completion of the financial year.
D. All the above
1235. Hostel subsidy is applicable only in respect of the child studying in a
residential educational institution located at least __ kilometers from the
residence of the Government servant?
A. 50 Km
B. 25 Km
C. 10 Km
D. 5 Km
1236. What happens to the reimbursement of Children Education
Allowance/Hostel Subsidy if a child fails in a particular class?
A. reimbursement of Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy shall be
1244. Reimbursement of CEA and Hostel Subsidy shall be applicable for children
from class nursery to?
A. Degree
B. 12th Standard
C. 10th Standard
D. 8th Standard
1245. Which of the following is not correct with regard to admissibility of
children education allowance.
A. Admissible only if the child is studying in a recognised school
B. Admissible for children studying through correspondence or distance
C. Admissble for children up to 20 years or till time of passing of 12th class
whicever is earlier
D. Admissible to Divyang children upto 25 years of age
1246. Children education allowance is admissble only is the child is studying
A. Recognized school
B. Correspondence learning
C. Distance learning
D. All the above
1247. The CEA and Hostel Subsidy is admissible in respect of children studying
__ classes before class one?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. CEA and Hostel Subsidy is admissible from class one only
1248. The CEA and Hostel Subsidy is admissible in respect of initial two years of
a diploma/certificate course from Polytechnic/ITI/Engineering College,
A. child pursues the course after passing 10th standard
B. Government servant has not been granted CEA/Hostel Subsidy in respect of
the child for studies in 11th and 12th standards.
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
1249. The CEA is payable for the children of all Central Government employees
including citizens of _ and _, who are employees of Government of India, and
whose children are studying in the native place?
A. Bangladesh and Pakistan
B. Srilanka and Myanmmar
C. Nepal and Bhutan
D. China and Nepal
1250. Children Education Allowance or hostel subsidy shall not be admissible to
a Govt. servant in which on the following circumstances?
A. On duty
B. Under Suspension
C. on leave including extra ordinary leave
D. dies non
1251. Recommendation on Children Education Allowance or hostel subsidy as
per 7th Pay Commission are applicable w.e.f?
A. 1 January 2016
B. 1 July 2016
C. 1 January 2017
D. 1 July 2017
1252. Negotiation with bidders after bid opening must be severely discouraged.
However, in exceptional circumstances where price negotiation against an ad-
hoc procurement is necessary due to some unavoidable circumstances, the
same may be resorted to only with?
A. the lowest evaluated responsive bidder
B. the highest evaluated responsive bidder
C. the bidder recommended by the tender opening committee
D. the bidder with best technical parameters
1253. Rejection of all Bids is justified when?
A. effective competition is lacking
B. all Bids and Proposals are not substantially responsive to the requirements
of the Procurement Documents
C. none of the technical Proposals meets the minimum technical qualifying
D. All the above
1254. When a limited or open tender results in only one effective offer, it shall
be treated as a?
A. limited tender contract
B. open tender contract
C. single tender contract
D. In case a purchase Committee is
1255. In case a purchase Committee is constituted to purchase or recommend
the procurement, no member of the purchase Committee should be reporting
directly to any other member of such Committee in case estimated value of
procurement exceeds?
A. Rs.5 lakhs
B. Rs.10 lakhs
C. Rs.25 lakhs
D. Rs.50 lakhs
Competitive world
A. Rule 123
B. Rule 176
C. Rule 152
D. Rule 199
1281. As per Rule 154 of GFR 2017, Purchase of goods upto the value of Rs._
only on each occasion may be made without inviting quotations or bids on the
basis of a certificate to be recorded by the competent authority?
A. Rs.1 Lakhs
B. Rs.50,000/-
C. Rs.25,000/-
D. Rs.10,000/-
1282. Purchase of goods costing above Rs. 25,000 and upto Rs_____ on each
occasion may be made on the recommendations of a duly constituted Local
Purchase Committee consisting of three members of an appropriate level as
decided by the Head of the Department?
A. Rs.5 Lakhs
B. Rs.2 Lakhs
C. Rs.1 Lakh
D. Rs.2.5 Lakhs
1283. Which Rule of GFR states that “demand for goods should not be divided
into small quantities to make piecemeal purchases to avoid the necessity of
obtaining the sanction of higher authority required with reference to the
estimated value of the total demand.”?
A. GFR 21
B. GFR 43
C. GFR 157
D. GFR 234
1284. Advertised Tender Enquiry shall be resorted for procurement of goods of
estimated value of?
Competitive world
C. Three
D. Five
1289. Under which among the following condition(s), purchase through Limited
Tender Enquiry may be adopted even where the estimated value of the
procurement is more than Rupees twenty-five Lakhs?
A. The competent authority in the Ministry or Department certifies that the
demand is urgent and any additional expenditure involved by not procuring
through advertised tender enquiry is justified in view of urgency
B. There are sufficient reasons, to be recorded in writing by the competent
authority, indicating that it will not be in public interest to procure the goods
through advertised tender enquiry
C. The sources of supply are definitely known and possibility of fresh source(s)
beyond those being tapped is remote
D. All the above
1290. Two bid system (simultaneous receipt of separate technical and financial
bids) are resorted to for procuring?
A. Value of goods exceeds Rs.1 crore
B. high value plant, machinery etc. of a complex and technical nature
C. vehicles including cars, buses etc.
D. goods involving foreign suppliers
1291. In a Two bid system, which bids are to be opened by the purchasing
Ministry or Department at the first instance and evaluated by a competent
committee or authority?
A. Financial bids
B. Technical bids
C. Either A or B
D. None of these
1292. As per which Rule of GFR, a subordinate authority shall not withhold any
information, books or other documents required by the Audit Officer or
Accounts Officer?
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A. Rule 40
B. Rule 13
C. Rule 55
D. Rule 32
1293. Which among the following files may be sent personally to the Head of
the Audit Office?
A. ‘Secret’ and ‘Top Secret’ Files
B. Confidential Files
C. Personal Files
D. All the above
1294. Which Chapter of GFR deals with Procurement of Goods and Services?
A. Chapter 4
B. Chapter 2
C. Chapter 6
D. Chapter 9
1295. As per Rule 143 of GFR, which items will not come under the purview of
definition of Goods?
A. Furniture, Fixtures and raw materials
B. Books, Publications, Periodicals
C. intangible products like software, Patents
D. vehicles, aircraft, ships
1296. “Fundamental principles of public buying” is mentioned in which rule of
A. Rule 21
B. Rule 23
C. Rule 144
D. Rule 142
1301. Which among the following is wrong with regard to utilization of GeM
portal by the Government buyers for direct on-line purchases?
A. Up to Rs.50,000/- through any of the available suppliers on the GeM
B. Above Rs.50,000/- and up to Rs.30,00,000/- through the GeM Seller having
lowest price amongst the available sellers
C. Above Rs.30,00,000/- through the supplier having lowest price meeting the
requisite quality, specification and delivery period after mandatorily obtaining
D. All the above
1302. You can find “OPEX” model or “CAPEX” in?
A. FR and SR
C. Indian Penal Code
D. Financial Hand Book Volume I
1303. Ministries/Departments shall workout their procurement requirements as
per their requirement/ suitability at the time of preparation of Budget Estimates
(BE)and shall project their Annual Procurement Plan of goods and services on
GeM portal within __ days of Budget approval?
A. 90 days
B. 60 days
C. 30 days
D. 10 days
1304. The Government Buyers may ascertain the reasonableness of prices
before placement of order using the BA tools available on GeM?
A. Business Assessment
B. Business Analytics
C. Business Analysis
D. Business Adjustment
1309. A sanction for any fresh charge shall, unless it is specifically renewed, lapse
if no payment in whole or in part has been made during a period of?
A. Six months from the date of issue of such sanction
B. 12 months from the date of issue of such sanction
C. 24 months from the date of issue of such sanction
D. 36 months from the date of issue of such sanction
1310. In cases of loss to Government on account of culpability of Government
servants, the loss should be borne by?
A. Central Government Department
B. State Government concerned with the transaction
C. Both A or B
D. Government Employee Concerned
1311. If any recoveries are made from the erring Government officials in cash,
the receipt will be credited to the?
A. Central Government Department or the State Government who sustained
the loss
B. Contingent Expenditure Fund
C. Unclassified Receipt Account
D. Consolidated Fund of India
1312. As per Rule 33 of GFR 2017, which among the following losses need to be
reported by the subordinate authority concerned to the next higher authority
as well as to the Statutory Audit Officer?
A. Loss above Rs.10,000/- even if the same has been made good by the party
responsible for it
B. refunds allowed on the ground that the claims were timebarred
C. under assessments which are due to interpretation of the law by the local
authority being overruled by higher authority after the expiry of the time-limit
prescribed under the law
1317. An officer shall be held personally responsible for any loss sustained by
the Government through fraud or negligence on his part as per which Rule of
GFR 2017?
A. Rule 33
B. Rule 41
C. Rule 11
D. Rule 37
1318. Orders sanctioning the creation of a temporary post should contain which
among the following?
A. sanctioned duration
B. date from which it is to be created
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
1319. “Lapse of Sanctions” is mentioned in which Rule of GFR 2017?
A. Rule 13
B. Rule 30
C. Rule 44
D. Rule 21
1320. Subject to fulfilment of the provisions as contained in the Delegation of
Financial Powers Rules, all rules, sanctions or orders shall come into force from?
A. date of issue
B. any other date from which they shall come into force is specified therein
C. Either A or B
D. None of these
1321. Copies of all sanctions or orders other than the following types should be
endorsed to the Audit Officers?
A. Sanctions relating to grant to advances to Central Government employees
B. Rule 7
C. Rule 21
D. Rule 54
1326. As per GFR 2017, the financial powers of the Government, which have not
been delegated to a subordinate authority, shall vest in?
A. Parliament
B. President of India
C. Reserve Bank of India
D. Finance Ministry
1327. When the maintenance of any rentable building is entrusted to a civil
department, other than the Central Public Works Department, who among the
following shall be responsible for the due recovery of the rent thereof?
A. Head of the office concerned
B. Head of the Department concerned
C. Accounts Officer at the Ministry
D. Drawing and Disbursing Authority concerned
1328. Who among the following is responsible to watch the realization of
miscellaneous demands of Government, not falling under the ordinary revenue
administration, such as contributions from State Governments, Local Funds,
contractors and others towards establishment charges?
A. Accounts Officers
B. Head of the Department
C. Secretary in charge of Accounts Wing
D. None of the above
1329. Under Rule 19 of GFR 2017, which Central Government Department is
exempted from submitting on the 1st of June to the Audit Officer and the
Accounts Officer concerned, statements showing the remissions of revenue and
abandonment of claims to revenue sanctioned during the preceding year by
competent authorities?
A. Department of Expenditure
B. Department of Telecom
C. Department of Posts
D. Department of Agriculture
1330. Which among the following is/are correct as contained in Chapter 2 of GFR
1. Amounts due to Government shall not be left outstanding without sufficient
2. Where such amounts appear to be irrecoverable, the orders of the competent
authority shall be obtained for their adjustment
3. Unless specially authorized by any rule or order made by competent
authority, no sums shall be credited as revenue by debit to a suspense head.
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3
1331. Standards of financial propriety is mentioned in which Rule of GFR 2017?
A. Rule 13
B. Rule 17
C. Rule 21
D. Rule 20
1332. Expenditure from public moneys should not be incurred for the benefit of
a particular person or a section of the people, unless?
A. a claim for the amount could be enforced in a Court of Law
B. the expenditure is in pursuance of a recognized policy or custom
C. Both A or B
D. None of the above
1333. Which among the following is not included in the Standards of financial
propriety as contained in GFR 2017?
A. Every officer is expected to exercise the same vigilance in respect of
expenditure incurred from public moneys as a person of ordinary prudence
would exercise in respect of expenditure of his own money.
B. The expenditure should not be prima facie more than the occasion demands
C. Expenditure should never exceed the Budget allocation under any
D. No authority should exercise its powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass
an order which will be directly or indirectly to its own advantage
1334. Administrator or a Head of a Department responsible for the collection of
revenue shall keep who among the following informed of all important
variations in revenue collections as compared with the Budget Estimates?
A. President of India
B. Parliament
C. Reserve Bank of India
D. Finance Ministry
1335. As per Rule 9 of GFR 2017, it is the duty of the Department of the Central
Government concerned to ensure that the receipts and dues of the Government
are correctly and promptly assessed, collected and duly credited to the?
A. Consolidated Fund
B. Public Account
C. Either A or B
D. None of these
1336. Which among the following is/are the duties and responsibilities of a
controlling officer in respect of funds placed at his disposal?
A. that the expenditure does not exceed the budget allocation
B. that the expenditure is incurred for the purpose for which funds have been
1347. Which among the following is/are correct with regard to making
nomination under GPF (CS) Rules 1960?
A. A subscriber shall, at the time of joining the Fund, send to the Accounts
Officer through the Head of Office a nomination conferring on one or more
persons the right to receive the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund
B. where a subscriber is a minor, he shall be required to make the nomination
only on his attaining the age of majority
C. a subscriber who has a family at the time of making the nomination shall
make such nomination only in favour of a member or members of his family:
D. All the above are correct
1348. Every nomination under GPF (CS) Rules 1960 shall be made in the Form
set forth in which schedule?
A. First Schedule
B. Second Schedule
C. Third Schedule
D. Fourth Schedule
1349. A subscriber under GPF (CS) Rules 1960 may at any time cancel a
nomination by sending a notice inwriting to the?
A. Accounts Officer
B. Head of the Office
C. Head of the Department
D. Any of the above
1350. Every nomination made, and every notice of cancellation given by a
subscriber under GPF (CS) Rules 1960 shall, to the extent that it is valid, take
effect on the date on which?
A. it is accepted by the Accounts Officer
B. it is received by the Accounts Officer
C. as specified by the subscriber
D. as specified by the Accounts Officer
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1351. A subscriber shall subscribe monthly to the GPF Fund except during the
period when he is under?
B. Leave
C. Suspension
D. All the above
1352. As per which clause of Fundamental Rules, an officer who is absent from
duty without any authority shall not be entitled to any pay and allowances
during the period of such absence?
A. FR-15(a)
B. FR 17
C. FR 44
D. FR 23
1353. The period of unauthorised absence during strike or in the case of an
individua lemployee remaining absent unauthorizedly or deserting the post shall
be deemed to cause an interruption or break in service of the employee for the
purpose of?
i. LTC
ii. quasi-permanency
iii. eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations
A. Only i
B. only ii
C. only iii
D. All the above
1354. What is the effect of period of unauthorised absence on the eligibility for
appearing in departmental examinations?
A. The period will cause break in service for considering the requirement of
minimum continuous service
B. FR-24
C. FR-26
D. FR-22
1364. Which among the following will count for the purpose of increment as
provided under FR-26?
i. All leave except EOL w/o MC
ii. Officiating period in higher post will count for increment in the lower post
iii. Period of foreign service
iv. Period of joining time
A. Only ii, iii and iv
B. All the above
C. Only i, iii and iv
D. Only iv
C. 1 January 2022
D. 1 July 2022
1367. What is the date of next increment in respect of employee appointed or
promoted or granted financial] up-gradation during the period between
02.01.2021 and 01.07.2021?
A. 01.07.2021 and thereafter it shall accrue after one year on annual basis
B. 01.01.2022 and thereafter it shall accrue after one year on annual basis
C. 01.07.2022 and thereafter it shall accrue after one year on annual basis
D. None of the above
1368. What is the date of next increment in respect of employee appointed on
A. 01.07.2021
B. 01.01.2022
C. 01.07.2022
D. None of the above
1369. Premature increment can be granted by competent authority under?
A. FR-27
B. FR-22
C. FR-31
D. FR-47
1370. Who is the competent authority to grant premature increment to a
Government Servant?
A. Appointing Authority
B. Appellate Authority
C. Authority competent to create a post in the same cadre on the same scale
of pay as that of the post held by the Government Servant
D. None of the above
1371. When the Government Servant is reduced to a lower service, grade or post
or to a lower time scale whether for a specific or unspecified period, the pay in
the lower service, grade or post or lower time scale would be regulated in
accordance with
A. FR-22(I)(a)(1)
B. FR-23
C. FR-27
D. FR-28
1372. A recurring or non-recurring payment granted to a Govt.Servant from the
Consolidated Fund of India as remuneration for special work of an occasional or
intermittent character is called?
A. Fee
B. Special Pay
C. Personal Pay
D. Honorarium
1373. Joining time is mentioned under FR?
A. FR 9 (9)
B. FR 9 (10)
C. FR 9 (11)
D. FR 9 (12)
1374. Lien means __ of a Government Servant to hold a post to which he has
been appointed on a regular basis.
A. Post
B. Designation
C. Title
D. Position
1375. A Government Servant retains lien acquired on a post during?
i. Suspension
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A. a tenure post
B. a temporary post
C. A substantive post due to disciplinary measure
D. A substantive post otherwise than as a disciplinary measure
1380. Substantive pay does not include
A. Special Pay
B. Personal pay
C. Emoluments
D. All the above
1381. What is subsistence grant as defined under FR 9(27)
A. monthly grant made to a Government Servant under suspension
B. monthly grant made to a Government Servant who is not in receipt of pay
or leave salary
C. monthly grant made to a Government Servant as a matter of additional pay
D. monthly grant made to a Government Servant for a specific addition to the
work or responsibility
1382. What is the maximum period of retention of lien when appointed to
another Central Government office/State Government in normal course?
A. 4 years
B. 2 years
C. 5 years
D. 7 years
1383. No person may be appointed in India to a post in Government service
without a medical certificate of health as per which Fundamental Rule?
A. FR 9
B. FR 13
C. FR 22
D. FR 10
1384. Under which Fundamental Rule, President may transfer a Government
Servant to another post carrying lesser pay on account of inefficiency or
misbehavior or on his written request?
A. FR 13 (a)
B. FR -54
C. FR -23
D. FR 15 (a)
1385. Which among the following with regard to fixation of pay in case of
employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15 (a) on own request is
applicable w.e.f 01.01.2016?
A. pay will be fixed in the revised pay structure at the stage equal to the pay
drawn by him/her in the higher level of post held regularly
B. the difference in pay may be granted as personal pay to be absorbed in future
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
1386. Indicate the Rule under which a Government Servant may be required to
subscribe to a provident fund
A. FR 14-B
B. FR 16
C. FR 14-A
D. FR 11
1387. Compensatory Allowance means?
A. An allowance sanctioned to meet the expenses of cost of incidentals while
on LTC, to a GS
B. An allowance sanctioned to GS who is placed under Suspension vide Rule 10
of CCS(CCA) Rules 1965
C. A monthly grant made to a GS who is not in receipt of pay or leave Salary
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