NWJ s2 Meryem Boutgoulla
NWJ s2 Meryem Boutgoulla
NWJ s2 Meryem Boutgoulla
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Meryem Boutgoulla1,2, Yousra Zghoundi2, Nacer Akkouri2*, Yahya Agzenai Ben Salem2, Yassine Taha3, Khalid El Azdi4,
Mohamed Kebir5, Zineb Edfouf2,6 and Rachid Hakkou1,3
Laboratory of Innovative Materials, Energy and Sustainable Development (IMED-Lab), Faculty of sciences and techniques Marrakech (FST-UCA), Marrakech,
Batteries & Smart Materials Center, Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science Innovation and Research (MAScIR), Mohamed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P),
Benguerir, Morocco
Geology & Sustainable Mining Institute (GSMI), Mohamed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Benguerir, Morocco
Center for Transport Infrastructure Studies and Research (CERIT), Public Laboratory for Tests and Studies (LPEE), Casablanca, Morocco
Société Nationale des Autoroutes du Maroc (ADM), Rabat, Morocco
Materials and Nanomaterials for Photovoltaic conversion and Electrochemical Storage (MANAPSE), Faculty of Sciences Rabat, Mohammed V University, Rabat,
Correspondence to:
Nacer Akkouri
Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science Ageing and cracking are the main failure forms of the distresses in asphalt
Innovation and Research (MAScIR),
pavements. These issues occur due to the impact of factors such as heavy traffic
University Mohamed 6 Polytechnic (UM6P),
Batteries & Smart Materials Center, and weather. Asphalt pavement is a self-healing material that can fix itself be-
Rabat, Morocco. cause it has the ability to restore its properties by closing micro-cracks. To make
E-mail: nacer.AKKOURI@um6p.ma asphalt roads better at fixing themselves, numerous successful technologies are
Received: July 25, 2023 investigated. One of these techniques is called microencapsulation which rep-
Accepted: September 26, 2023 resents nowadays a promising approach that could help make asphalt pavement
Published: September 28, 2023 last longer. In general, self-healing microcapsules will be incorporated into as-
Citation: Boutgoulla M, Zghoundi Y, Akkouri phalt pavements before they are activated to release the rejuvenator, requiring
N, Salem YAB, Taha Y, et al. 2023. Properties of them to be stable for years. Thereby, excessive thermal and mechanical properties
Microcapsules Used in Self-healing of Asphalt in terms of asphalt pavements are necessary, because of how they are mixed and
Pavement: A Review. NanoWorld J 9(S2): compacted. This paper aims to present an overview of new research on microen-
capsulation technologies, focusing on the durability of microcapsules embedded
Copyright: : © 2023 Boutgoulla et al. This is in asphalt pavement. Furthermore, some recommendations of future solutions to
an Open Access article distributed under the improve the mechanical stability of microcapsules will be proposed.
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License (CCBY) (http://
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which Keywords
permits commercial use, including reproduction,
adaptation, and distribution of the article provided Microcapsules, Asphalt pavements, Self-healing, Stability, Durability
the original author and source are credited.
Published by United Scientific Group Introduction
Asphalt is a common type of pavement used in the world for its excellent
road performance, and comfortable driving conditions [1]. Asphalt pavement is
a composite material, generally prepared by mixing petroleum refined bitumen,
mineral aggregates and filler at high temperature in a specific proportion [2]. Bi-
tumen works as a binder of asphalt, forming a thin layer of about 20 - 50 μm [3],
also it must be resistant to its environment and traffic loads. The major problem
concerning the use of bitumen in asphalt pavement is the ageing process during
the storage, transport, mixing and paving, as well as in service life. Under the
effect of the natural environment (Oxygen, rainwater, moisture, ultraviolet radia-
tion, and temperature) and the impact of heavy traffic [4], the adhesion between
the compounds of asphalt pavement decrease [5], and the cracks will be created.
Then, the performances of asphalt pavement deteriorate. There are two types of
aging, the first characterizes the chemical changes in the binder, and it is irre-
versible. The second type attributes to the molecular structure, Styrene Acrylonhrtilrei polymer and Nano-aluminum oxide
known as physical hardening and is a reversible process [6]. (Al2O3). The result demonstrate that the additives impact the
Bitumen consists of four components: saturated hydrocarbons, rheological properties of asphalt with the preference to the
aromatics, resins and asphaltenes [7]. During the aging pro- Al2O3 nanoparticles. Al-Mansob et al. [24], examine the per-
cess, saturated and aromatic components are easily volatilized formances of Epoxidized Natural Rubber modified asphalt
at room temperature. The amount of asphaltenes in bitumen using nano-Al2O3 as Additive. Which enhances the stiffness,
increases, making the asphalt binder more brittle and cracking the compatibility, the elastic behavior, and the viscosity of the
[8]. Micro-cracks will not negatively affect the asphalt pave- binder.
ment [9], but under the continuous action of varying loads,
It is well-known that the healing ability of asphalt pave-
micro-cracks progressively transform into macro-cracks, and
ments decreases when bitumen is aged. To overcome this issue,
then develop into potholes, losing the performance of the
rejuvenating the bitumen to repair asphalt pavement will be a
promising approach. Rejuvenator is an oil with high number
Asphalt pavements have an inherent self-healing ability; it of light components, used to improve the rheological and engi-
is a typical temperature-sensitive viscoelastic material that can neering properties of aged or hard binder, by restoring its col-
recover its properties by closing micro-cracks autonomous- loidal structure. Rejuvenators decrease softening point, rutting
ly. However, the asphalt intrinsic self-healing is not enough factor and viscosity, reduce the stiffness, increase the penetra-
and is limited, because it depends on several conditions as the tion grade, phase angle (δ) and ductility [25]. There are three
damage degree [10], chemical compounds [11] and rest peri- methods to rejuvenate the aged asphalt pavement: by spraying,
ods [12]. For this reason, researchers suggest various methods by blending with the recycled asphalt pavement, or by micro-
related to the supplement of energy and substance, including encapsulation. Zargar et al. [26], reported that the use of waste
induction heating, nanoparticles, and encapsulated rejuvena- cooking oil as a rejuvenator for aged bitumen aided to restore
tor. Induction heating is one of the technologies that have the properties of asphalt pavement, especially the maltenes to
been proposed to accelerate the healing process [12]. Scientists asphaltenes balance. The problem with this technology is that
have proven that temperature is the main factor that influenc- the rejuvenator cannot penetrate the asphalt pavement deeply,
es the self-healing properties of asphalt. The principle of this which means that the deeply aged bitumen cannot be restored.
method is to heat a conductive or microwave-absorbing ma- Shen et al. [27], investigate the use of three rejuvenators and
terial in asphalt pavement by electromagnetic field or micro- found that none could penetrate more than 2 cm into the as-
wave radiation [13]. Thus, changing heat from the outside to phalt concrete. The penetration capacity is considered a critical
the asphalt pavement and improving the mobility of bitumen factor because it directly influences the rejuvenation process
molecules. The induction heating in asphalt pavement was in- and determines the effectiveness of the rejuvenator in revital-
troduced by Minsk [14], he investigates the use of graphite as izing the aged bitumen. In order to overcome these problems,
a conductor material in asphalt pavement to melt snow and encapsulated rejuvenators have been considered as a potential
ice on road surfaces by induction heating. In 2011, Liu et al. solution to improve the self-healing ability of asphalt pave-
[15], prove that cracks can be repaired via induction heating. ment. The principle of this approach is that when micro-cracks
They examine the electrical conductivity and induction heat- appear, the microcapsules containing rejuvenator will be bro-
ing of asphalt concrete containing steel wool and steel fibers ken, and the healing agent will be released and flows into the
as conductive fillers. Metal shavings with a density of 7.980 g/ micro-cracks under the capillarity and diffusion action [28].
cm3 are used to replace steel wool fibers. Adding steel shaving Then the rejuvenator and asphalt binder will be mixed in order
to the asphalt mixture was investigated by Gonzalez et al. [16] to close the micro-cracks. Self-healing bituminous compos-
, it is concluded that this additive has the potential to facilitate ites based on microcapsules have become a research hotspot
the healing of mixture by microwaves radiation. in the field of self-healing of asphalt, thanks to their unique
advantages such as controlled the release of rejuvenator mate-
Adding nanoparticles presents a significant scientific in-
riel and it’s targeted in specific areas [29]. The purpose of this
terest, with a dimension less than 100 nm. Nanoparticles have
method is liberating the healing agent encapsulated by a wall
the possibility to modify the asphalt mixture at the molecular
material under the effect of cracking. Microcapsule defined as
level, with a high self-healing capacity [17-20]. Self-healing
an active material embedded with another material called the
by nanoparticles has been described by stretching and extend-
shell, synthesized via several methods like in situ polymeriza-
ing of the polymer chains near to the nanoparticles [21]. To
tion, coacervation and interfacial polymerization. The type of
understand the properties of nanoparticles in asphalt pave-
microcapsules results in differences in microcapsule properties
ment, scientists incorporate nanomaterials in deferent ap-
such as size, morphology, compatibility with bitumen, high
plications, to improve rheological, fatigue and aging perfor-
thermal stability, survival under mixing and construction con-
mances of asphalt. Sun et al. [22], investigate the use of seven
ditions [17]. Thus, it is very important to learn about these
types of inorganic-nanoparticles as a modifier of base asphalt
properties of the microcapsule.
used in the asphalt pavement to increase its performance. They
found that silicon dioxide (SiO2) is the suitable one, due to The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the
its ability to improve the water and thermal stability of base literature that addresses the durability of microcapsules incor-
asphalt pavement. The study of Mubaraki et al. [23], was con- porated in asphalt pavements. In addition, some suggestions
ducted to evaluate and to characterize the properties of asphalt for potential future solutions to improve the properties of mi-
binder exposed to high temperature and modified by Acrylate crocapsules are provided.
Figure 1: The effects of ageing and rejuvenation on the colloidal structure of bitumen (Reproduced from [30]).
with good strength, heat resistance and size is mainly concen- with 14.0% of asphalt mixture without capsules. Micaelo et al.
trated in 1.0 to 1.7 mm. The issue of this technic summarized in [49], encapsulated sunflower oil and Ca-alginate with a hard
the limited rejuvenator content and its release. For overcoming wall prepared by epoxy resin and cement composite to studied
that, the chemical synthetize process using polymer as external the self-healing capacity of asphalt mixtures. Microcapsules
phase can be applied to prepare a self-healing capsule. These containing rejuvenator for asphalt pavement were synthesized
microcapsules were manufactured using amino resin such as via interfacial polymerization by Ji et al. [42]. The mean size of
shell (urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin, melamine-formaldehyde microcapsules was 14.26 µm, the thickness of microcapsules
(MF) resin, melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) resin, and shell was 2 - 3 µm. Also, these particles had good thermal,
methanol modified melamine-formaldehyde (MMF)), by mechanical, and chemical stability.
different technics like in situ polymerization, interfacial po-
However, the microcapsules applied in asphalt pavements
lymerization and coacervation. Zhang et al. [43], prepared mi-
are quite different from those used in other fields, this appli-
crocapsules with UF resin as the wall and asphalt rejuvenator
cation should have some requirements:
as the core by in situ polymerization. The results show that
UF microcapsules have been successfully manufactured, and • The reaction between the core and shell materials should
the rheological properties and self-healing ability of asphalt be inert.
had been improved. In 2017, Al-Mansoori et al. [46], prepared • Microcapsules should have enough chemical, thermal,
calcium (Ca)-alginate microcapsules containing sunflower oil, and mechanical stability to decomposition and deform
and investigated the effect of Ca-alginate capsules on the me- under the conditions of production, transportation,
chanical performance and self-healing properties of asphalt paving and compaction process.
mixture. They found that Ca-alginate capsules can recover
52.9% of initial strength of cracked asphalt at 20 °C compared • The shell and the core materials should be friendly to the
environment, easy to obtain and not expensive.
Table 2: Materials used for the synthesis of microcapsules.
Shell Core Method Ref.
Different Properties of Microcapsules
MUF Rejuvenator In situ polymerization [39] Physicochemical properties
In situ polymerization +
MMF Rejuvenator
two-step coacervation
[40] Controlling microencapsulation process is crucial to ob-
Sunflower cooking tain optimum physicochemical properties, which affect the
Ca-alginate Inverse gelation [41] thermal and mechanical stability of microcapsules. The physi-
Isophorone cal properties of microcapsules containing asphalt rejuvenator
Rejuvenator Interfacial polymerization [42]
di-isocyanate (Like particle size distribution, micro-morphology, and shell
UF Rejuvenator In situ polymerization [43] thickness) are primarily influenced by the emulsification pro-
Green bio-oil
In situ polymerization [44] cess, especially the reaction temperature, emulsion speed, the
product emulsifier concentration and core/shell ratio [50].
In situ polymerization +
MMF Dense aromatic oil [40]
two-step coacervation The shell thickness of microcapsule is an important
In situ polymerization + factor, because it is related to the mechanical strength. It can
MMF Diphenyl silane [45]
two-step coacervation be measured using optical microscope or scanning electron
Ca-alginate Sunflower oil Ionic gelation [46] microscopy images of cross-section of ruptured microcapsules.
Commercial The optimization of the ratio of the core to the wall material is
PVDF Dry-wet spinning [47]
necessary to achieve a stable microcapsule shell structure. For
example, the excess of the shell material conducts to reduce temperature of the UF-microcapsule was 250 °C, which
the relative content of the rejuvenator in the microcapsule. is higher than the melting temperature of bitumen. Also,
However, the insufficient dosage of the wall material involves Su et al. [53], indicated that the MMF microcapsules still
the formation of a thin layer, which decreases the mechanical maintained the globe shape and smooth surface as original
properties, as reported by Ji et al. [42]. Furthermore, the core/ state under 180 °C and 200 °C. Thus, they will not decompose
shell ratio has another effect on the morphology. A higher thermally during the process of mixing. In 2016, Micaelo
amount of rejuvenator leads to a spherical shape, and a large et al. [49], investigated the thermal stability of Ca-alginate
diameter [51]. Reaction temperature has an important effect capsules with cement-epoxy resin like a hard composite shell.
on the morphology and in the formation of shells. When the These capsules had a mass loss percentage of 4% at 200 °C,
reaction temperature is low, the reaction time is long, and slow caused by the dehydration of water from the capsules and
shell formation. Thus, the shell becomes thin. In contradiction, the degradation of Ca-alginate. Al-Mansoori et al. [54], used
a high reaction temperature leads to a fast reaction rate, then TGA analysis to evaluate the thermal property of Ca-alginate
shell rupture and the adhesion between microcapsules. In capsules, indicating that the capsule containing a large amount
2021, Ji et al. [42], studied the effect of temperature on the of oil resists the increase in temperature, with only about 2%
morphology of microcapsule as shown in figure 3, and they loss in mass at 200 °C. The effect of nano-clay on thermal
selected 60 - 70 °C as the optimum reaction temperature stability was studied by Jagtap et al. [55], they found that the
range for the synthesis of microcapsules. The emulsion speed fraction of nano-clay can enhance the thermal property of
affects the droplet size in the emulsion solution. Increasing the microcapsules, with the onset of degradation at approximately
stirring rate leads to a decrease in particle size [52]. 290 °C. The TGA curves of thermal stabilities of different
capsules extracted from literature had been evaluated by Li
and Zhang [56], as observed in figure 4.
Microencapsulated asphalt rejuvenator technology has
aroused a great interest and a large application in terms of de-
veloping a smart asphalt pavement. This technology involves
Figure 5: Compressive strength against capsule size [2]. incorporating active agents into a tiny capsule to protect and
release them effectively. They are generally designed to restore
nano-indentation to test the Young’s modulus and hardness the properties of bitumen, with a healing efficiency of approx-
of MUF microcapsules. The results showed that the hardness imately 90%. Based on a comprehensive literature study, this
ranges from 0.26 to 0.31 GPa, while the elastic modulus was review highlights the rejuvenation mechanism, the microcap-
in the range of 2.28 to 2.68 GPa. The force-displacement curve sule properties, and the impact of synthesis method on them.
of MMF microcapsules performed by Su et al. [58], indicates The main conclusions are as follows:
that they have the possibility to deform elastically and return
to their original state after removing the applied stress. • Rejuvenators can enhance the self-healing properties of
Modifying the polymeric shell with inorganic materials such bitumen in asphalt pavements. By incorporating additives
as nano-CaCO3 particles, can be a good approach to enhance that soften the aged binder, improve elasticity, and reduce
the mechanical properties of microcapsules as reported by brittleness, rejuvenators increase the resin and aromatic
Wang et al. [59]. contents of the maltene phase while decreasing the
asphaltenes content. This leads to a sol-gel type asphalt,
restoring the desired ratio of asphaltenes to maltenes and
Table 3: Mechanical properties of different microcapsules.
promoting self-healing.
Capsule type Test Young’s modulus Ref.
• The mechanism of rejuvenation depends on the type and
MUF Nanoindentation 2.50 GPa [57]
chemical composition of the rejuvenator used. Research
IPDI Nanoindentation 466.86 MPa [42] has shown that certain rejuvenators, such as WCO, do
MMF Nanoindentation 1.5 - 2.7 GPa [58] not undergo chemical reactions with the asphalt binder
MMF/nano-CaCO3 Nanoindentation 2.75 - 3.46 GPa [60] but rather exhibit physical interactions.
• Microcapsules used in asphalt pavements require
Functional properties specific properties and characteristics. They should have
inert reactions between the core and shell materials, as
The release mechanism of rejuvenator embedded in mi-
well as sufficient chemical, thermal, and mechanical
crocapsules is based on the micro-cracks stress or external
stability during production, transportation, paving, and
stress. However, this release mode is passive, because it is un-
compaction processes. Additionally, the materials used
able to guarantee the timely release of the asphalt rejuvenator
for the shell and core should be environmentally friendly,
at the appropriate time. Moreover, the modified shell structure
easily accessible, and cost-effective.
can provide the adjustment and the management of core re-
lease, via the detection of the environmental variations and the • The synthesis of microcapsules for asphalt pavements
control of its permeability. In these terms, advance strategies involves different shell and core materials, such as MUF,
have been developed to enhance the matching degree between MMF, Ca-alginate, isophorone di-isocyanate, UF, and
the self-healing ability and the cracking of asphalt pavement. PVDF. These materials are combined with rejuvenators,
including sunflower cooking oil, green bio-oil product,
Relying on the self-healing by induction heating [61], and commercial rejuvenator, using methods such as in situ
incorporating magnetic nanoparticles or microwaves absorbing polymerization, two-step coacervation, inverse gelation,
substances in the shell or in the core, can be a promising interfacial polymerization, and dry-wet spinning.
approach to control the releasing mode of asphalt rejuvenator.
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the action of electromagnetic or microwave fields. Ca-alginate/ asphalt pavements improve the rheological properties,
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