1. Beaker
2. Filter paper
3. Green marker
4. Water
5. Dropper
6. Glass rod
2. A line (called the origin) was drawn at the bottom of the paper, about 2 cm from the base of
the paper strip.
3. A dot of the green marker line was placed at the centre of the origin and was left to dry.
4. The paper was attached to the glass rod using the sticky tape.
5. A beaker was filled with enough water to immerse the edge of the filter paper without
touching the spot of ink
6.The paer was tipped into water ensuring that the ink water does not touch the water.
Rf =
DistanceTraveled by spot
The two (2) components of the green, green, and blue marker are yellow and blue dye. The blue
dye was more soluble in water than the green and yellow dye because it went more quickly and
farther. The ratio of the solute's travel distance is known as the Pip (retardation factor) value.
Chromatography is where the wad originated when it was initially found.
This experiment was very fun, interesting and educative.
Lab: 2
Date: February
Aim: To determine the temperature at which the H₂0 goes through different phase changes.
1. Ice
2. Beaker (600ml)
3. Bunsen Burner
4- Shrring Rod
5. Thermometer.