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Inquiry On Mechanical Properties of M30 Grade Concrete With Partial Replacement of Copper Slag and Dolomite Powder For Fine Aggregate and Cement

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019

Inquiry on Mechanical Properties of M30 Grade

Concrete with Partial Replacement of Copper
Slag and Dolomite Powder for Fine Aggregate
and Cement
G. V. V Satyanarayana, K. Yashwanth

 fly ash and so on which are natural pozzolans and so forth in

Abstract: Concrete plays an important role in every concrete generation is one of the answers for reducing the
construction. This paper is an experimental investigation to study cement content in concrete and therefore reducing the Co2
the mechanical properties of the concrete with partial replacement content into the environment. Along these lines, conditions
of cement by dolomite powder and fine aggregate by copper slag.
for additional protective and eco-pleasing establishing
So, in this investigation, by usage of Dolomite powder in concrete
on one side improves density and other side improves strength and material have increased eagerness for inadequate bond
hardness. Copper slag also increases density of concrete and replacement material. Replacing of cement content in
toughness of concrete. The cement content replaced with dolomite concrete by pozzolanic material like Dolomite powder in
and fine aggregate replaced with copper slag from 5% to 25% at reducing the cost of the concrete which also improves the
regular intervals of 5%. In the designed mix proportion of M30 mechanical properties. Meanwhile, the fine aggregate
grade concrete is 1:2.17:2.95. The Superplasticizer Master partially replaced with copper slag improves the workability
Rheobuild 920SH of 0.5% dosage used as chemical admixture is and density of the concrete. The excavation of sand from the
added to the concrete to maintain 0.45 the water-cement ratio. The
river beds lessen the water head, therefore less pervasion of
concrete cubes, cylinders were casted. The different mechanical
properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural water into the ground resulting lower ground water level.
strength were tested after 3 days, 7 days and 28 days of curing Along these lines, conditions for additional protective and
from 5 to 25% at regular intervals of 5% replacement of cement eco-pleasing waste materials have increased eagerness for
with dolomite powder and 10% to 50% at regular intervals of 10% inadequate replacement of fine aggregate. By using with
replacement of fine aggregate with copper slag. different mineral admixtures in concrete like dolomite, copper
slag not only improves mechanical properties but also other
Keywords: concrete, cement, dolomite powder, fine aggregate, properties like workability. The partial replacement of
copper slag, compressive strength, split tensile and flexural dolomite and copper slag have increased the compressive
strength. strength and flexural strength in an investigation [1] for M20
concrete with being copper slag replacement is made constant
I. INTRODUCTION about 20% and with varying dolomite replacements from 20%
to 30% at regular intervals of 5%. Some researchers have
Concrete is an adaptable designing material utilized in most
found that [2], the compressive strength have increased with
of the construction. It is fundamentally made out of cement,
varying replacements of dolomite from 10% to 30% and
water, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. It is eventually
replacement of copper slag being 25% throughout for a M25
noticed that, concrete is very crucial as it is made in such a
grade concrete. Usage of dolomite powder reduces the cost of
way that it is economical, highly durable with good
concrete [3] and increases the strength of concrete. This paper
workability and it can be made it into any form and size with
examined the possible usage of dolomite as a partial
high compressive strength. The usage of supplementary
replacement of cement. The replacements done were 0%, 5%,
solidifying materials like dolomite powder, egg shell, rice
7.5%, 10%, 12.5%. The optimum percentage was found to be
husk, silica fume, sugarcane bagasse, metakaolin,
at 7.5%. From the research paper [4], it was concluded that
Revised Manuscript Received on October 30, 2019. copper slag and recycled aggregates might be used as partial
* Correspondence Author replacements of fine aggregate which are waste products.
Dr. G.V.V Satyanarayana*, Department of Civil Engineering, Copper slag with lesser water absorption and higher strength
Gokaraju Rangraju institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad,
than fine aggregate can be effective in concrete. Some
Email:satyanarayanag42@gmail.com researchers [5] have found that, by partially replacing cement
K. Yashwanth, Department of Civil Engineering, Gokaraju Rangaraju with dolomite and fine aggregate by manufactured sand, the
institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India, compressive strength increased for certain replacement and
then decreased gradually.
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the
CC-BY-NC-ND license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Retrieval Number L26921081219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L2692.1081219 4219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org & Sciences Publication
Inquiry on Mechanical Properties of M30 Grade Concrete with Partial Replacement of Copper Slag and Dolomite
Powder for Fine Aggregate and Cement
II. MATERIALS Formula CaMg(Co3)2
The materials utilized for this trial work are OPC 53 grade
Specific gravity 2.85
cement, water, fine aggregate (river sand), coarse aggregate
20mm, Dolomite powder, Copper slag and water. Color White
Tenacity Brittle
A. Ordinary Portland Cement Crystal system Hexagonal
Cement used for all the concrete mixes in this experimental Sieve analysis Zone III
work is Ordinary Portland Cement. Fresh and no lumps were Moisture content Nil
present in the cement used in this trial work. Cement was
tested as per IS: 12269-1987. OPC 53 grade was used in this
experimental work.
Table:5 Chemical Properties Of Dolomite Powder
Table:1 Characteristics Of Cement
Total carbonate 97.4%
Normal consistency 32%
CaCo3 54.3%
Initial setting time 65 min
MgCo3 45.6%
Final setting time 270 min
Al2O3 0.02%
Specific gravity 3.15
SiO2 0.3%
Compressive strength at 28 57 Mpa
days Fe2O3 0.04%
B. Fine Aggregate
E. Copper slag
Fine Aggregate helps the mix to be workable and consistent.
Aggregate passing through 4.75mm sieve and held on Copper slag is a by-product of copper extraction by smelting
75micron sieve is named as fine aggregate. Fine aggregate process. During smelting, impurities become scoria that floats
was tested as per IS:383-1970. on the liquified metal. Scoria that’s quenched in water
produces angular granules that are disposed of as wastes are
Table:2 Characteristics Of Fine Aggregate utilized in concrete for construction. Copper Slag used for this
CHARACTERISTICS OBSERVED VALUE experimental work was collected from Sri Srinivasa
Metalizers, Cherlapalli. The particle shape is multifaced. Its
Grade zone II
appearance is black and glassy. The specific gravity of the
Specific gravity 2.6 copper slag was found to be 3.15.
Fineness Modulus 2.2
Table:6 Physical Properties Of Copper Slag
C. Coarse Aggregate
Coarse aggregate is the largest percentage in the concrete mix.
Particle Shape Multifaced
Coarse aggregate used in this experimental work is an angular
shaped aggregate. The aggregates passing through the 20mm Appearance Black and Glassy
sieve and were held on 10mm sieve. Coarse aggregate was
tested as per IS 383-1970. Specific Gravity 3.15

Table:3 Characteristics Of Coarse Aggregate

CHARACTERISTICS OBSERVED VALUE Table:7 Chemical Properties Of Copper Slag
Water absorption 0.5 COMPONENT
SiO2 33-35%
Specific gravity 2.64
Fe2O3 40-44%
Fineness modulus 6.8
Al2O3 4-6%
D. Dolomite powder
CaO 0.8-1.5%
The dolomite is an anhydrous carbonate mineral created out
of calcium magnesium carbonate. Dolomite powder is MgO 1-2%
obtained by crushing the dolomite mineral.

Table:4 Physical Properties Of Dolomite Powder


Retrieval Number L26921081219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L2692.1081219 4220 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019

F. Water 3. Compressive strength test

Water is the important factor in the concrete mix. When The cubes of size 150mm x 150mm x 150mm were used to
added, it reacts with cement to form a paste which helps in conduct the compression test in accordance with
binding the ingredients in the concrete. Water also helps the IS:516-1959. Three samples were used to test the
concrete to hardened due to the hydration process caused compressive strength test after 3, 7 and 28 days curing.
between cement and water. The job of water is important in
4. Split tensile test
concrete due to the water to cement ratio plays an important
role to get a perfect concrete mix. Spilt tensile strength test was performed according to IS
5816-1970, a standard test to get the tensile strength in
G. Super plasticizer indirect manner.
Super plasticizer Master Rheobuild 920SH was used in this
experimental work to improve the workability of the concrete.
5. Flexural strength test
TABLE:8 Properties of Super Plasticizer Flexural strength test is utilized to determine the flexural
State Liquid strength of concrete under bending. Flexural strength teste
was performed according to IS:516-1959.
Color Dark 6. Concrete Mix
Percentage POWDER Aggregate SLAG
Chemical name Naphthalene formaldehyde Percentage Percentage Percentage
polymer M1 100% 0% 100% 0%
pH 8.40
M2 95% 5% 90% 10%


The mix design techniques utilized in various nations are M4 85% 15% 70% 30%
mostly dependent on the empirical relationships, charts and
graphs created from extensive trial examinations. A properly M5 80% 20% 60% 40%
designed concrete mix should have least cement content
without relinquishing quality so as to make in concrete mix. M6 75% 25% 50% 50%
The aim of contemplating the different properties of the
material of concrete, plastic concrete and hardened concrete,
is to empower a concrete technologist to design a concrete
blend for a specific strength and durability.
1. Compression test
1. Mix proportion
The Compressive strength for 3, 7 and 28days values are
In this experimental study, M30 grade of concrete was used
shown graphically in fig.1 below. It was observed that the
and the mix proportions for cement, fine aggregate and coarse
compressive strength was optimum when 10% of cement
aggregate was taken as 1:2.17:2.95 which was designed as per
replaced with dolomite powder and 20% of fine aggregate
IS:10262-2009, with a water-cement ratio as 0.45.
replaced with copper slag. It was also observed that 20% of
2. Casting and Demoulding cement replaced with dolomite powder and 40% of fine
Weigh batching was done with the assistance of electronic aggregate replaced with copper slag can be replaced which
scales. Batching was performed for each of the combination gives strength at par with conventional mix.
proportions. Tilting concrete mixture was used for mixing of
concrete ingredients for about 2-3 minutes.
Placing and Compaction: First the cube, cylinder and beam
moulds are cleaned and then oil is applied to them to avoid the
bond between the moulds and the concrete. Placing of
concrete into the mould is done in 3 layers with 25 blows
given to each layer with the help of tamping rod. The air
trapped in the fresh concrete which was put in the moulds is
removed by the table vibrator. The fresh concrete is allowed
to set for 24 hours after it is placed in the molds. Then they
were marked with specific identification like M1, M2, M3
etc., for varying replacement percentages of dolomite and
copper slag and were put in the curing tank at ambient
temperature. The hardened concrete specimens were removed
from the curing tank after 3, 7 and 28 days for testing.

Retrieval Number L26921081219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L2692.1081219 4221 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org & Sciences Publication
Inquiry on Mechanical Properties of M30 Grade Concrete with Partial Replacement of Copper Slag and Dolomite
Powder for Fine Aggregate and Cement


T E W I7Tdays
H C O P28
P Edays
4.72 4.67

Flexural strength (N/mm2)

3 days 7 days 28 days 4.13 4.05 3.96
3.88 3.79 3.71
46.66 45.88 3.2 3.2
59.77 44.22 2.78 2.78
43.55 42.22 43.11 2.6 2.53
Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

41.11 40.44 41.11 2.44

39.33 2.11 2.02
36.22 35.55
21.33 20
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
Nomenclature of mixes

Fig(3) : Flexural Strength Results

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
Nomenclature of Mixes
Below are the conclusions that made from the inquiry are:

i. The partial replacement of cement with dolomite and

Fig(1) : Compressive Strength Results copper slag with fine aggregate has increased the
2. Split tensile test compressive strength
ii. The optimum compressive strength is observed at mix M3
The split tensile strength for 3, 7 and 28days values are shown
i.e., at 10% replacement of cement with dolomite and
graphically in fig.2 below. It was observed that the split
20% replacement of fine aggregate with copper slag.
tensile strength was reduce gradually.
iii. It was also observed that upto M5 i.e., at 20% dolomite
and 40% copper slag can be replaced which gives
compressive strength at par with conventional mix.
iv. The split tensile strength is observed to be gradually
decreasing with the increase of replacement of dolomite
and copper slag maybe due to reduce of interlocking
DO L O MI TE P O W DER A N D F I N E between the ingredients of concrete mix.
A GGREGA TE W I TH C O P P ER SL A G v. The flexural strength is also observed to be decreasing
3 days 7 days 28 days with the increase of replacement of dolomite and copper
3.5 slag.
Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2)

3.37 3.34 3.31

3.21 3.12
2.99 2.92
2.35 2.38
2.22 2.22 1. K. Sathish Kumar and K. Anitha (2017) “Experimental investigation
1.97 of partial replacement of cement by dolomite powder and fine
1.81 1.71 aggregate by copper slag”, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol 116, PP 25-30.
2. N. Kohila and et al (2018) “Experimental investigation in partial
replacement of cement by dolomite powder and fine aggregate by
copper slag”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in
Engineering Research, Vol 6, Issue 4.
3. Athulya Sugathan (2017) “Experimental investigation on partial
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 replacement of cement by dolomite powder”, International Journal of
Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 6,
Nomenclature of Mixes Issue 7.
4. Ashwin Raval, B M Purohit and A R Dharji (2017) “Experimental
investigation on use of copper slag and recycled aggregate as a fine
Fig(2) : Split Tensile Strength Results aggregate in concrete”, International Journal for Research in Applied
3. Flexural strength test Science and Engineering Technology, Vol 5, Issue 2.
5. A. Muthukumaran and V. Rajagopalan (2017) “Experimental study on
The Flexural strength for 3, 7 and 28days values are shown partial replacement of sand with m-sand and cement with dolomite
graphically in fig.3 below. The flexural strength was observed powder in cement concrete”, International journal of Civil Engineering
to be gradually decreasing. and Technology, Vol 8, Issue 6.

Retrieval Number L26921081219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L2692.1081219 4222 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019

Dr. G V V Satyanarayana, Professor of Civil
Engineering, completed his Ph.D from JNTUH,
Hyderabad and has over Thirty two years of
academic, Industrial and research experience in
India. His Ph.D work was on Mechanical
Response of Slab specimens with Mineral
Admixtures Under Different Edge Conditions
Subjected to Flexure, Punching Shear and Impact,
Prior to PhD, he had earned Bachelors of Engineering in Civil Engineering
from Osmania University, Hyderabad, and Masters of Engineering in
Structural Engineering from JNTUH, Hyderabad. His research interests
include developing modelling in FEM, various studies and applications of
concretes like bi or triple blended concretes with bi-product materials,
fibrous concrete etc., in which he has more than 16 publications, in various
journals and conferences. He currently manages Co-Ordinator for M.Tech
(STE) program at GRIET, Hyderabad and In-Charge for ACT laboratory and
quality control In-Charge of GHMC consultancy works. He has been in this
role since 2014. These GHMC consultancy for quality control are conducted
for 3 Municipalities in GHMC, Hyderabad.

K. Yashwanth, has pursued his civil engineering

from Gandhi Institute of Technology and
Management (GITAM) deemed to be university,
Hyderabad, Telangana during 2013-2017 with 1st
class. His B.Tech project was on “Mix Design Using
Recycled Fine Aggregate Replacing Conventional
River Sand And Comparative Study”. Presently
pursing masters in Structural Engineering at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of
Engineering and Technology (GRIET), Hyderabad. He has participated in
some of the major conferences conducted by institute of engineering (India)
and also attended some of the workshops like Modern developments in
concrete and building technology. He is keenly interested to perform
experimental investigations on mechanical properties and some durability
properties of cement and fine aggregate replacement by-product materials.
His interests are in special concrete. Under the guidance of Dr. G V V

Retrieval Number L26921081219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L2692.1081219 4223 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org & Sciences Publication

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