Global Economy
Global Economy
Global Economy
The global economy refers to the interconnected worldwide economic activities that take place
between multiple countries. These economic activities can have either a positive or negative impact on the
countries involved.
International Trade
International Finance
Global Investment
Globalization describes a process by which national and regional economies, societies, and cultures have
become integrated through the global network of trade, communication, immigration, and transportation
International trade
International trade is an impact of globalization. It refers to the exchange of goods and services between
different countries, and it has also helped countries to specialize in products which they have a
comparative advantage in. This is an economic theory that refers to an economy's ability to produce goods
and services at a lower opportunity cost than its trade partners.
International Finance
Money can be transferred at a faster rate between countries compared to goods, services, and people,
making international finance one of the primary features of a global economy. International finance
consists of topics like currency exchange rates and monetary policy.
Global investment
This refers to an investment strategy that is not constrained by geographical boundaries. Global
investment mainly takes place via foreign direct investment (FDI).
Providing a foundation for worldwide economic growth, with the international economy set to
grow by 4% in 2019 (source: World Trade Organization);
Encouraging competitiveness between countries in various markets;
Raising productivity and efficiency across countries;
Helping in the development of underdeveloped countries by allowing them to import capital goods
(machinery and industrial raw materials) and export primary goods (natural resources and raw
What are the effects of global economy?
Every country in the world is in some way affected by things that happen in what may seem at
times, like unrelated countries - due to the influence of the global economy. The main cause of
these effects is economics — based on the production and exchange of goods and services.
Restrictions on the import and export of goods and services can potentially hamper the economic
stability of countries who choose to impose too many.
Trade Liberalization
Protectionism is defined as "a systematic government intervention in foreign trade with the goal
of encouraging domestic production, which includes preferential treatment for domestic producers and
discrimination against foreign competitors."
Trade Liberalization
The Trade liberalism practice lowered tariff rates and re- moved many import licensing regulations
intended to protect producers of import-substitutes.
Fair Trade
Fair trade, as defined by the International Fair Trade Association, is the "concern for the social,
economic, and environmental wellbeing of marginalized small producers"
Economic Globalization and Sustainable Development
The downsides of globalize trade
-its lack of sustainability or the degree to which the earth's resources can be used for our needs, even in
the future.
Environmental Degradation
-the rising demand for goods and services and the cycle of production has harm the planet in numerous