Poverty is conceptualized broadly, taking into account not only income but
its impact in terms of human deprivation, development, and quality of life.
The absolute gains were attributable to rapid economic growth during the
Ramos administration, increased foreign investment, relative political
stability, and decent public sector revenues associated with the
privatizations introduced as part of the FVR reform agenda. (see
Globalization Part 1 and Globalization Part 2).
Although the Philippines escaped the Asian financial crisis in better shape
than many of its neighbors, the crisis did have a significant impact, an
impact exacerbated by the damage done to the agricultural sector by the El
Niño phenomenon during 1997-98. Both urban and rural sectors were hard
hit by rising prices and a weakened labor market, causing poverty to begin
edging up again. These factors contributed to a major increase in the
number of Filipinos earning less than $276 a year (considered the minimum
required to meet basic living requirements here), from 27 million in 1997 to
31 million in 2000 (39.4% of the population)
I have been acutely aware of the relationship between poverty and hunger
since my first trip here in 1982. As a statistical programmer cum
development economist on a USAID-funded project based at Cornell, I
came to Manila to analyze data from a national nutrition survey. The survey,
conducted by the National Nutrition Council (NNC), provided the basis for
targeting food and nutrition services designed for mothers and children in
the most impoverished parts of the archipelago.
Although the work I did was both technologically primitive and abstract -
tabulations painstakingly extracted from a Fujitsu computer using an
ancient Fortran compiler and hand-drawn maps with stick-pins and
annotations showing malnutrition prevalence rates - it was also a real eye-
opener for me. While I had studied political and economic development at a
theoretical level for years, those endeavors had been intellectualized and
idealistic. In the process of analyzing that real world nutrition data, I came
to appreciate the existential reality that underdevelopment and poverty are
more than concepts in a book - they are directly related to starvation,
illness, and human degradation.
Thus, I found it sad that when I returned here in 1998, the situation, while
somewhat improved, was still not that good. When I again analyzed data on
a nutrition study, this time for UNICEF, the numbers were still appalling.
Still just numbers spit out by a computer, but still numbers reflecting real
human suffering.
The NNC, the same organization I worked with so long ago, recently
developed a Philippine Nutrition Country Profile with funding from the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Findings showed
that, just like 20 years ago, the biggest problems are protein-energy
malnutrition (PEM) and micronutrient deficiencies. Paralleling the general
trend in poverty statistics, there was a decline in the prevalence of
malnutrition during mid-1990s, followed by gradual increases beginning in
1998. There are now approximately 4 million (32%) preschool children who
are underweight-for-age, 3 million (20%) adolescents who are underweight-
for-age, and 5 million (13.2%) adults who are chronically energy deficient.
Vitamin A deficiency is a serious problem, with 7% of pregnant women and
8% of infants under six months being severely deficient. Iron deficiency
anemia affects 57% of infants, 51% of pregnant women, and 46% of
lactating women.
The Americans, as they did in so many other areas, relied on their own
idiosyncratic historical experience. They opted for public land grants on
the "homestead" model (i.e., the model used in settling Oklahoma and
other areas of the American West), theoretically empowering poor peasants
to become independent small-scale farmers. This was institutionalized
when the American Congress passed the Public Land Act (1902), the Friar
Lands Act (1903), and the Rice Share tenancy Act (1933). Each of these
laws provided for land entitlements and extended the possibility of
landless tenants gaining title to land.
Since independence in 1946, the Philippines has had four land reform
programs (under Presidents Magsaysay (1955), the first Macapagal (1963),
Marcos (1972), and Aquino (1987)). The latter, known as the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP), was by far the most ambitious.
Today, CARP is still alive and kicking under the auspices of the Department
of Agrarian Reform. Erap made a big deal out of handing out land titles to
peasants during photo ops, and President Arroyo is now doing the same.
However, the bottom line is that land reform has never been effectively
implemented in the Philippines. In fact, a good case can be made that
efforts at land reform over the last 15 years have served only to perpetuate
the cycle of rural unrest, poverty, and economic stagnation.
Philippine Presidents in particular have been drawn from the ranks of the
wealthy and privileged. How can they relate to what it means to be poor or
hungry? Even if their heart's in the right place (which is not all that
common), well-photographed visits to squatter settlements are not the
She has also latched onto fighting poverty as a key policy emphasis. In her
State-of-the-Nation (SONA) address on July 22nd, she emphasized the so-
called "rolling stores" - trucks loaded with subsidized rice, rice, sugar, and
canned meat that ply the streets of Manila - as a sterling example of her
administration's anti-poverty programs. The only problem was that her
remarks had knowledgeable economists practically rolling in the aisles,
given that few poor people ever get access to the trucks and only 5% of the
nation's poor live in Metro Manila. But real poverty alleviation programs
where they are most needed - say in rural Mindanao - would lack the
publicity opportunities of the rolling stores on Manila streets.
True anti-poverty programs take a long time to bear fruit, and the
politically-driven nature of Philippine government sector programs almost
ensures that the emphasis will continue to be on quick fixes or
interventions that provide high visibility and political payoffs.
Poverty and malnutrition are already at alarming levels in this country, and
the country's too-rapid population growth is magnifying the strain on
limited budgetary resources. The rapidly growing population is
jeopardizing the quality of basic social services, contributing to the
ongoing decline in quality of basic education, and limiting access to health
care (especially primary health care, reproductive health/family planning,
immunization, and feeding programs).