Synthesis and Biological Screening of Some Novel 3-Subsituted Indole
Synthesis and Biological Screening of Some Novel 3-Subsituted Indole
Synthesis and Biological Screening of Some Novel 3-Subsituted Indole
In the present work Indole and substituted glycolic acid have been chosen as starting materials. These are broad
class of chemical compounds, with many important pharmacological properties. Because of ease of reaction with
electrophiles, indole is widely used in various pharmaceutical preparations. The present investigation was
concerned with synthesis of some novel 3-substituted indole derivatives with objective of discovery novel and
potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents. These compounds were synthesized by cyclisation
of indole-3-acetic acid with different aromatic amines. The structures of new compounds were confirmed by FT
IR, 1HNMR and Mass. These compounds were tested in-vivo for analgesic, anti-inflammatory activates and
biochemical studies antioxidant activity. The statistical analysis was carried out by ANOVA. All the compounds
tested (NHR-I-NHR-VII) showed analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. Among seven
compounds three compounds (NHR-I, NHR-II, NHR-IV) showed significant analgesic, anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant activities. Compounds NHR-II and NHR-V showed 74.38% and 70.68% inhibition of paw oedema in
anti-inflammatory activity compared to 75.28% inhibition of standard Indomethacin. Compounds NHR-I and
NHR-II showed 68.84% and 73.30 % inhibition against acetic acid induced writings’ in analgesic activity
compared to 75.23% inhibition of standard Diclofenac. Compound NHR-II showed 71.6% inhibition of DPPH
radical in Anti-oxidant activity compared to 84% inhibition of standard Ascorbic acid. The results showed that
incorporation of appropriately substituted aromatic amines at third position of Indole nucleus can afford good
analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant with reduced side effects of compounds.
synthesized derivatives were screened for their potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
anticonvulsant activities against maximal electroshock activities with least possible unwanted effects.
(MES), subcutaneous pentylenetetrazole (scPTZ) and
subcutaneous strychnine (scSTY) tests. (Pandeya et al., MATERIAL AND METHODS:
1999)3. Gerard A. Pinna et al. investigated various new Research Design:
derivatives and structural analogues of N-(1-ethyl-2- To start the work, initially literature survey has been
pyrrolidinylmethyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-benzo [g] indole-3- done. After literature survey, a general scheme was
carboxamide, a representative term of a series of 2- prepared as follows.
aminomethyl pyrrolidinyl derived 4,5-dihydrobenzo[g]
indole carboxamides with good D2-like affinity, and O
evaluated for their ability to bind to dopamine D2-like
receptors in vitro. From these studies, compound (2- N
Importance of the proposed investigation: Indole and substituted glycolic acid have been chosen as
Indoles found to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, starting materials. The formations of the final products
antioxidant activities which are potent molecules and were monitored by TLC. The completed products
hence indole derivatives can effectively treat these showed significant color under UV chamber. All the
diseases. The starting materials in the present work are compounds prepared were purified by recrystallization
Indole and substituted glycolic acid which are broad with suitable solvents. Structures of the synthesized
class of chemical compounds, with many important compounds have been characterized and confirmed by
pharmacological properties. It is widely used in various IR, NMR and Mass techniques.
pharmaceutical preparations. Therefore, various efforts
have been made to produce new compounds with Chemicals and Instruments:
different properties and least possible unwanted effects. The chemicals used in this project was obtained from SD
The present investigation mainly concerned with Fine chemicals, the instruments such as FT-IR was of
synthesis and characterization of some novel 3- Shimadzu make, NMR of Joel D-3000, and UV
substituted Indole derivatives and evaluated for their Spectrophotometer of Labo Med Inc 2602.
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 13(12): December 2020
Synthetic methodology (table-1). 2. Compound: N-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-(1H indole-3-yl)
Spectral results: The synthesized compounds were Code: NHR-II
characterized by IR, NMR and Mass spectral studies IR
spectra were recorded on SHIMADZU as KBr disc and
Mull technique (γ cm-1).1H-NMR spectra were recorded
on Bruker AC 80 MHz Spectrophotometer using CDCl3
as an internal standard (chemical shift in δ, ppm).Mass
spectra were recorded on an Electron impact Mass
spectrometer at 70 eV using direct insertion probe. The
molecular weight was calculated in positive mode by
standard addition method.
1. Compound: 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)-N-phenylacetamide
Code: NHR-I
3. Compound: 2-(1H-indole-3-yl)-N-(3-
methoxyphenyl) acetamide
Table No. 2: IR and 1H-NMR and Mass spectral data of compound NHR-I, II, III
Data of Compound NHR-I
No. Vibrational moiety Wave number, Chemical shift Nature of proton Data of positive Molecular
γ (cm-1) (δ, ppm) addition method weight
1. Indole N-H stretch 3432 3.928 2H, s, CH2 (M + BP) = 250 250
2. N-H stretch of RCONHR1 3276 7.0-7.6 10H, s, of Aromatic
3. C-H stretch in aromatic ring 2854 8.2 1H, br-s, NH
4. C-H stretch in aliphatic ring 2930 8.4 1H, br-s, NH
5. C=O stretch in RCONHR1 1654
Data of Compound NHR-II
No. Vibrational moiety Wave number, Chemical shift Nature of proton Data of positive Molecular
γ (cm-1) (δ, ppm) addition method weight
1. Indole N-H stretch 3372 3.928 2H, s, CH2 Aliphatic (M + BP) = 250 250
2. Br N-H stretch of RCONHR1 3314 7.0-7.6 9H, m, of Aromatic
3. C-H stretch in aromatic ring 2854 8.1 1H, br-s, NH
4. C-H stretch in aliphatic ring 2930 8.3 1H, br-s, NH
5. C=O stretch in RCONHR1 1654
Data of Compound NHR-III
No. Vibrational moiety Wave number, Chemical shift Nature of proton Data of positive Molecular
γ (cm-1) (δ, ppm) addition method weight
1. Indole N-H stretch 3413 3.89 3H, s, CH2 Aliphatic (M +) = 281 281
ring Base peak 277
2. Br N-H stretch of RCONHR1 3294 3.75 3H, s, of OCH3
3. C-H stretch in aromatic ring 2854 8.1 1H, br-s, NH
4. C-H stretch in aliphatic ring 2929 8.3 1H, br-s, NH
5. C=O stretch in RCONHR1 1666 6.60 1H,m of Aromatic ring
Pharmacological Studies:
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of
synthesised compounds were evaluated by in vivo
Analgesic Activity:
The analgesic activity of the compounds was evaluated
by acetic acid induced writhing model and Eddy’s hot
plate methods.
Results of Analgesic Activity using Eddy’s Hot-Plate “3-substituted some novel indole derivatives” were
Test in Mice: synthesized in two steps facile procedure. The reaction
involves interaction of indole, Glycolic acid and
Table No. 3: Eddy’s Hot-Plate Test substituted anilines. Seven derivatives were synthesized,
S. Compound Response in minutes characterized and evaluated for analgesic, anti-
No. Group 30min 60min 90min
1 Control 2±0.29 3.83±0.8 3±0.52
inflammatory and antioxidant activities. The purity of
2 Standard 6±0.45 ns
7±1.16** 9.16±0.76** the title compounds were tested in the precoated TLC
(Diclofenac) plates, structural characterization was performed by IR,
3 NHR-I 3.33±0.5ns 6.6±0.25* 5.83±0.7** 1H NMR and Mass. All the three derivatives were
4 NHR –II 3.33±0.4** 6±0.2** 6.83±0.3** screened for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory and
5 NHR –III 4.66±0.5*** 6.1±0.4** 8.33±0.33**
antioxidant activities. Synthesized derivatives were
evaluated for analgesic activity in this activity,
Effects of the all compounds on the latency time of mice
Diclofenac was used as standard drug.
exposed to the hot plate test were studied. All values are
expressed as Mean ± Sem n=5, one way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) followed by multiple comparison
Acetic acid induced writhing model:
Dunnett’s test *P<0.005, **P<0.01, and***P<0.001 as
From the results the synthesized derivatives screened at
compared to control group. Some of the values are said
20 mg/kg body weight NHR-I has shown 68.8% of
to be NS (no significant)
inhibition which is more potent when compare to control
and less potent than standard (72.5%) due to
Anti-Inflammatory Activity:
unsubstituted aniline. The result of NHR-II revealed that
The anti-inflammatory activity of the compounds was
73.30% of inhibition which is less potent than standard
evaluated in Carrageenan-induced paw method.
Diclofenac may be presence of Chlorine group at Meta
position might be favoured more potent analgesic
Results of Anti-inflammatory Activity in Mice using
Carrageenan-induced paw oedema model in mice:
Carrageenan-induced paw oedema model:
From the results of synthesized derivatives screened at
20 mg/kg body weight, NHR-I shown percentage of
inhibition 62.9 which is shown to be more potent than
Fig. 5: Graph showing Anti-inflammatory activity results control and less potent than standard that of 75.28% may
be unsubstituted aniline. NHR-II revealed 74.38% of
DISCUSSION: inhibition which shows that it is equipotent to that of
The wide literature survey kept in view for the present standard Indomethicin (75.28%) may be presence of
research work, and it has been carried out to synthesize Chlorine group at meta position. NHR-III has given
the 3-substituted indole acetamide and their evaluation 62.73% of inhibition which is more potent.
for the analgesic, anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 13(12): December 2020
I am very grateful to my parents who have struggled
their present days for the wealth of my tomorrow, who
shows their blessings, love and encouragement in every
activity of me which gave strength and power to achieve
my goals, even in hard times.