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Mrs.Mariz G. Nite

1. Gossip
2. Bullying
3. Harassment
5.Low motivation and job satisfaction
6.Performance issues

1.1 Communication is the transfer of information meaningful to those involved. It is the process in which
messages are generated and sent by one person and received and translated by another person. However,
the meaning generated by the receiver can be different from the sender‟s intended message.
1.1.1 Forms of communication There are two form of communication.
Verbal communication (or written and oral communication) such which engages the use of words –
whether written or spoken.
Written communication is such communication done through writing. Letters and correspondence ,
written news and articles from magazines, newspapers and the likes, books and other reading materials,
literary pieces such as essays, short stories and the likes, song and poetries, billboard materials, bulletins
and any other written forms comprise this kind.
Oral communication uses spoken words. Thus, speeches-whether formal or informal, discourses like
debate, argumentation and open forum, dialogues and monologues, poetry readings, drama presentation,
singing or just common talks, all of these fall under the category of oral communication.

Non-verbal communication: It is neither written nor uttered but it is such an effective means of
communication. This is the Sign communication or the Sign Language. It uses the aids of the hands, the
fingers, the eyes, and other body mechanism as in the form of gestures. Sometime, it simply aids the oral
communication in getting the idea across but in some cases, it is the only means of having an
understanding with each other
1.1.2 Ways of communication One-way communication If the flow of information from the sender to the
receiver is one-way the communication is dominated by the sender‟s knowledge and information is
poured out towards the receiver .This model does not consider feedback and interaction with the sender.
A familiar example of this model is the lecture method used in a classroom, where the teacher stands at
the front of the class and lectures on a subject without any interaction or activities .Unless mechanisms
are put in place to get feedback from the audience, many mass media communication methods are one-
way. Figure.1 One-way communication.

Two-way communication In this model the information flows from the sender to the receiver and back
from receiver to the sender again in the other direction (Figure .2 ). Two-way communication is reciprocal,
the communicant (receiver) becomes the communicator (sender) and the communicator (sender) in turn
becomes a communicant (receiver). Most ordinary conversations are along the lines of this model .Two-
way communication is usually more appropriate for problem-solving situations. Figure.2 Two-way

1.2 Methods of communication - Intrapersonal communication
Intrapersonal communication takes place within a single person. It is
usually considered that;
there are three aspects of intrapersonal communication, self
awareness, perception and expectation. Self awareness is the part of
intrapersonal communication that determines how a person sees him
or herself and how they are oriented toward others. Self-awareness
involves three factors: beliefs, values and attitudes.
Perception is about creating an understanding of both oneself and
one‟s world and being aware that one‟s perceptions of the outside
world are also rooted in beliefs, values and Methods and Approaches
of Health Communication attitudes. Expectations are future-oriented
messages dealing with long-term roles, sometimes called „life scripts‟.
Intrapersonal communication is used for clarifying ideas or analyzing a
situation and also reflecting on or appreciating something.

Self-awareness is a life skill that is practiced and then applied to overcome the day-to-day challenges of
life in a more positive and effective way. Self awareness also affects one‟s view of oneself in the context of
either being. Interpersonal communication Interpersonal communication is the interaction between two
or more people or groups. You will be using this form of communication all the time during your health
work. This form of communication can be face-to-face, two-way, verbal or non-verbal interaction, and
includes the sharing of information and feelings between individuals or groups. The most important parts
of personal communication are characterized by a strong feedback component, and it is always a two-way
Expectations are future-oriented messages dealing with long-term roles, sometimes called „life scripts‟.
Interpersonal communication involves not only the words used, but also various elements of nonverbal
communication. The purposes of interpersonal communication are to influence, help and discover as well
as to share and perhaps even play together. The main benefits of interpersonal communication include the
transfer of knowledge and assisting changes in attitudes and behavior. It may also be used to teach new
skills such as problem solving. The communication takes place in both directions from the source to the
receiver and vice versa.

Mass communication is a means of transmitting messages to a large segment of a population. Electronic

and print media are commonly used for this.

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