PAIM 20 00052 - Rev
PAIM 20 00052 - Rev
PAIM 20 00052 - Rev
acute kidney injury, In the last decades, a lot of research has been done to improve our understanding of acute kidney injury
creatinine, glomerular (AKI) as well to standardize its diagnostic criteria. As a result of many years of work of intensivists and
filtration rate, renal nephrologists, consensus definitions were established, finally unified in 2012 by the Kidney Disease:
replacement therapy Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) group. These criteria refer to the time of AKI development and are
based on serum creatinine level increase and / or urine output decrease. Acute kidney injury is defined
as an increase in serum creatinine levels by at least 0.3 mg/dl within 48 hours or 1.5‑fold the baseline,
which is known or presumed to have occurred within the preceding 7 days, or—according to the urine
output criterion—urine volume less than 0.5 ml/kg/hour for at least 6 hours. The present review covers is‑
sues discussed during the KDIGO controversy conference, devoted to AKI. Here, we attempted to answer
3 main questions: Is the KDIGO definition of AKI valuable in clinical research and global epidemiology?
Is it helpful in everyday clinical practice? Is it useful in the treatment of critically ill patients with AKI?
Introduction Over the past decades, there has dysfunction syndrome. Therefore, in the 1970s
been a significant increase in the incidence of and 1980s, patients with severe AKI were treat
acute kidney injury (AKI),1 especially in the old ed mainly in general wards. Today, most of them
er population (>65 years). The number of AKI are referred to intensive care units (ICUs). Such
cases in the hospitalized population have more a change in the spectrum of AKI must have in
than doubled; it also concerns AKI requiring di fluenced patients’ survival; that is why mortality
alysis.2 At the same time, in high‑income coun in severe AKI remains very high, despite several
tries, we have witnessed a profound change in treatment improvements. In patients requiring
the disease spectrum (Figure 1). It is a consequence renal replacement therapy (RRT), the overall 90
of the spectacular progress in medicine, leading ‑day mortality ranges between 44% and 60%.5 -7
to a considerable life extension. In high‑income Moreover, those who survive the hospitalization
countries, AKI develops in up to 20% of hospi period are at risk of developing long‑term com
talized patients, which is approximately 50% of plications associated with a substantial cost bur
adult patients receiving intensive care, and in 1 den. Recent studies have consistently shown that,
Correspondence to:
in 4 pediatric patients receiving intensive care.3,4 in both adults and children, AKI and its stage is
Prof. Joanna Matuszkiewicz In adults, it has become a disease of the older, a strong, independent risk factor for CKD devel
‑Rowińska, MD, PhD, FERA, who, with many comorbidities and chronic de opment.8,9 The mechanisms of progression from
Department of Nephrology, generative organ changes, are much more vul AKI to CKD have been partially elucidated in ex
Dialysis and Internal Diseases,
Medical University of Warsaw,
nerable to acute insults. Many of them have al perimental studies. They include maladaptive re
ul. Banacha 1a, 02-097 Warszawa, ready had some form of chronic kidney disease pair and endothelial injury, which result in neph
Poland, phone: +48 22 599 26 58, (CKD), called “AKI on CKD.” Patients who sur ron and capillary dropout, interstitial fibrosis,
Received: February 29, 2020.
vive extensive, high‑risk cardiovascular or ab and the progressive decline of glomerular filtra
Revision accepted: May 13, 2020. dominal surgery, extensive trauma, or burns and tion rate (GFR).10 -12 In those with already existing
Published online: May 19, 2020. those after hematopoietic stem cell or solid organ CKD, AKI may significantly accelerate its progres
Pol Arch Intern Med. 2020;
transplant often develop sepsis and other com sion to the end‑stage disease. Patients who recov
130 (12): 1074-1080
doi:10.20452/pamw.15373 plications. In many of them, AKI occurs as a late er from AKI also remain at higher risk of develop
Copyright by the Author(s), 2020 event, often as a manifestation of multiorgan ing hypertension and cardiovascular events.10,13,14
STEP 2. Prerenal or renal toxic AKI?
Drugs that influence renal hemodynamics Discontinuation of suspicious
(NSAIDs, ACEIs, ARBs) drug(s), fluid therapy
Other drugs, contrast agents
STEP 3. Postrenal AKI?
USG: urinary Removing or bypassing
Prostate disease, nephrolithiasis, pelvic malignancies, Yes
tract obstruction the obstruction
anticholinergic drugs, RPF
Figure 2 A stepwise approach for the recognition and management of acute kidney injury
Abbreviations: ACEIs, angiotensin‑converting enzyme inhibitors; ARBs, angiotensin II receptor blockers; GCS, glucocorticosteroids; HUS, hemolytic
uremic syndrome; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti‑inflammatory drugs; RBF, renal blood flow; RPF, retroperitoneal fibrosis; TLS, tumor lysis syndrome;
TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; USG, ultrasonography
concern about implementing this system in Pol metabolic and fluid demands exceed the total kid
ish hospitals.51 ney capacity.
The prognosis in hospital‑acquired AKI is gen
Key messages for everyday practice The current erally poor and is associated with high in‑hospital
approach to AKI includes: 1) identification and and long‑term mortality. However, since AKI is
treatment of the underlying causes such as vol not a single disease yet a complex, heterogeneous
ume depletion, hypotension, use of selected syndrome being a collection of entirely different
drugs, or urinary tract obstruction; 2) removal entities, ranging from those relatively benign such
of any potential insults to minimize additional as pre- and postrenal AKI to multiorgan failure,
injury; and 3) supportive measures to maintain the prognosis widely varies among patients. In ad
optimal fluid, acid–base, and electrolyte balanc dition to the cause, the risk of poor outcomes is
es. In patients with severe AKI, RRT is initiated determined by a variety of clinical factors includ
when these measures fail to provide an adequate ing patients’ age, underlying CKD, baseline renal
and safe control of homeostasis. A stepwise ap function, failure of other organs, sepsis, chron
proach for the recognition and management of ic comorbidities, stage and length of an AKI epi
AKI is presented in Figure 2 . The timing of dialy sode, and the degree of renal recovery.
sis initiation as well as its optimal dose remains It is suggested that AKI survivors, especially
controversial. It should be related to the general those who develop AKI in the hospital, should be
condition of the patient, capacity of the cardio closely followed up, since they are at substantial
vascular system and other organs, as well as ob risk of relapse and the subsequent development
served or predicted dynamics of serum potassium of end‑stage CKD as well as other adverse out
and acid–base alterations. In recent years, a con comes including hypertension and cardiovascu
cept of the differentiated and individualized ap lar disease. According to the 2012 KDIGO guide
proach has been increasingly appreciated,50 ac lines, patients discharged from the hospital with
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Conflict of interest None declared. ed urinary levels of kidney injury molecule type 1 and adverse cardiovascu‑
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Open access This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms
Intern Med. 2018; 128: 301-309.
of the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 Inter‑
national License (CC BY‑NC‑SA 4.0), allowing third parties to copy and re‑ 26 Walther CP, Winkelmayer WC, Deswal A, et al. Readmissions after
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