Hamet 2017
Hamet 2017
Hamet 2017
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a general term that implies the use of a computer to model
Artificial intelligence intelligent behavior with minimal human intervention. AI is generally accepted as having
Robots started with the invention of robots. The term derives from the Czech word robota, meaning
Future of medicine biosynthetic machines used as forced labor. In this field, Leonardo Da Vinci's lasting
Avatars heritage is today's burgeoning use of robotic-assisted surgery, named after him, for
complex urologic and gynecologic procedures. Da Vinci's sketchbooks of robots helped set
the stage for this innovation. AI, described as the science and engineering of making
intelligent machines, was officially born in 1956. The term is applicable to a broad range of
items in medicine such as robotics, medical diagnosis, medical statistics, and human
biology—up to and including today's “omics”. AI in medicine, which is the focus of this
review, has two main branches: virtual and physical. The virtual branch includes
informatics approaches from deep learning information management to control of health
management systems, including electronic health records, and active guidance of
physicians in their treatment decisions. The physical branch is best represented by robots
used to assist the elderly patient or the attending surgeon. Also embodied in this branch are
targeted nanorobots, a unique new drug delivery system. The societal and ethical
complexities of these applications require further reflection, proof of their medical utility,
economic value, and development of interdisciplinary strategies for their wider application.
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Publication of this article was supported by the Collège International de Recherche Servier (CIRS).
⁎ Correspondence to: P. Hamet, CRCHUM, room R14.404, 900 Saint-Denis Street, Montréal, Québec, Canada H2X 0A9. Tel.: +1 514 890 8246.
⁎⁎ Correspondence to: J. Tremblay, CRCHUM, room R8.456, 900 Saint-Denis Street, Montréal, Québec, Canada H2X 0A9. Tel.: +1 514 890 8247.
E-mail addresses: pavel.hamet@umontreal.ca (P. Hamet), johanne.tremblay@umontreal.ca (J. Tremblay).
0026-0495/© 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc.
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Vinci's sketchbooks were a source of inspiration for a generation Today literature on AI is abundant and unbridled. AI was
of robotic researchers, some of whom worked at NASA. portrayed as a possible threat to the world economy during
In medicine, a surgical system made by the American the 2015 economic forum held at Davos, where Stephen
company, Intuitive Surgical, was named Da Vinci in recogni- Hawking even expressed his fear that AI may one day
tion of his inspirational impact. It was approved by the eliminate humanity [3]. We will not discuss here the use of
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000, and the this rapidly developing field in military, security, transport or
number of units in operation around the world is now manufacturing; instead, the focus of our chapter is on
over 5000. Da Vinci surgical systems facilitate complex medicine and health systems.
surgery using a minimally invasive approach, and can be
controlled by a surgeon from a console. The system is
commonly used for prostatectomies and gynecologic surgical 2. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine:
procedures. It is starting to be used for cardiac valve repair. The Virtual Branch
The evolution of robots made a change in direction with
the first robot to be recognized as revolutionary in its The application of AI in medicine has two main branches:
mechanical realistic conception being the “Flute Player”, virtual and physical. The virtual component is represented by
conceived in the 18th century by the French inventor, Jacques Machine Learning, (also called Deep Learning) that is represented
de Vaucanson, as an innovative “automaton” playing the by mathematical algorithms that improve learning through
pipe. It had a repertoire of 12 songs. Two centuries later, experience. There are three types of machine learning
William Gray Water became famous in 1948 for the algorithms: (i) unsupervised (ability to find patterns), (ii)
fabrication of the first electronic autonomous robot, which supervised (classification and prediction algorithms based
he named Machina Speculatrix. His goal was to demon- on previous examples), and (iii) reinforcement learning (use of
strate how the brain functions. It revealed that connections sequences of rewards and punishments to form a strategy for
between a small number of “brain cells” could lead to very operation in a specific problem space). First, AI has boosted
complex behaviors. John McCarthy coined the term “artifi- and is still boosting discoveries in genetics and molecular
cial intelligence” (AI) in 1955, defining it as “the science and medicine by providing machine learning algorithms and
engineering of making intelligent machines”. He was very knowledge management. An example of successes in medi-
influential in the early development of AI. With his cine is the unsupervised protein–protein interaction algo-
colleagues he founded the field of AI in 1956 at a rithms that led to novel therapeutic target discoveries [4]. The
Dartmouth College conference on artificial intelligence. methodology used a combination of adaptive evolutionary
The conference gave birth to what developed into a new interdis- algorithms and state-of-the-art clustering methods, named
ciplinary research area. It provided an intellectual framework for all “evolutionary enhanced Markov clustering”. It permitted
subsequent computer research and development efforts. prediction of over 5000 protein complexes, of which over
During the following years, computers started to solve 70% were enriched by at least one gene ontology function
many complex mathematical problems that soon became term [4]. Novel computational methodology is also being
of interest to the Department of Defense of the USA. Then, developed to identify DNA variants such as single nucleotide
after a period of slowdowns in the 80’s, a new golden era polymorphisms (SNPs) as predictors of diseases or traits,
restarted with the use of logistic data mining and medical using novel evolutionary embedded algorithms that are more
diagnosis. Instruments with increasing computational robust and less prone to over-fitting issues that occur when a
power were developed. This new capability allowed Big model has too many parameters relative to the number of
Blue to finally beat the world Chess champion, Gary observations [5].
Kasparov on May 11, 1997. Today's “systems thinking” about health care not only
Today, AI is considered a branch of engineering that focuses on the classical interactions between patients and
implements novel concepts and novel solutions to resolve providers but takes into account larger-scale organizations
complex challenges. With continued progress in electronic and cycles. Furthermore, the health care system must not be
speed, capacity, and software programming, computers stationary but must learn from its own experiences and strive
might someday be as intelligent as humans. One cannot to implement continuous process improvements. This is a
neglect the important contribution of contemporary cyber- multi-agent system (MAS), where a set of agents situated in a
netics to the development of AI. common environment interact with each other. This process
Defined as a trans-disciplinary approach, cybernetics aims involves building or participating in an organization, which
for control of any system using technology that explores uses AI to achieve significant progress.
system regulation, structure and constraints, most notably An example of such a process in medicine is the
mechanical, physical, biological, and social. The origin of development of problematically complex ecosystems for
cybernetics is attributed to Norbert Wiener [2], who formal- treating chronic mental diseases [6]. Instead of focusing on
ized the notion of feedback, with implications for engineering, health expenditures (in public health systems) or cost
systems control, computer science, biology, neuroscience, recovery (in health management organization), the MAS
philosophy, and the organization of society. Fields that were approach proposes to capture the dynamics of individual
most influenced by cybernetics are (if we exclude game patients, including their responses to received medications as
theory) systems theory, sociology, psychology (especially well as their behavioral interactions within a larger societal
neuropsychology and cognitive psychology), and theory of ecosystem. This global care coordination technology allows
organizations. process mapping, facilitates control, and better supports
S38 M E TAB OLI S M CL I NI CAL AN D EX PE RI M EN TA L 6 9 ( 2 0 17 ) S 3 6 – S4 0
changes to the system with a demonstrated increase in real-time, and institutions should promote their transforma-
response to medication, decrease of costs and more effica- tion into intelligible processes. New scientific and clinical
cious interventions. Its implementation has allowed health findings should be shared through open-source, and aggre-
systems managers to analyze the dynamics of system gated data must be displayed for open-access by physicians
performance across changes in social, medical and criminal and scientists and made automatically available as point-of-
justice components [7]. care information. Integration and interoperability including
Included in the virtual applications of AI are electronic ethical, legal and logistical concerns are enormous, particu-
medical records where specific algorithms are used to identify larly with the forthcoming addition of “omics-based” data.
subjects with a family history of a hereditary disease or an The simplification, readability and clinical utility of data sets
augmented risk of a chronic disease. AI is used to improve should be made evident, and each result must be questioned
organizational performance by enabling individuals to cap- for its clinical applicability. Our group has developed such a
ture, share and apply their collective knowledge to make design as illustrated in Fig. 1. Electronic medical or health
“optimal decisions in real time”. As a consequence, electronic records are essential tools for personalized medicine and for
medical records and health care process management are early detection and targeted prevention, again with the aim of
crucial to achieve the desired quality. From current patients' increasing their clinical value and decreasing health costs [9].
record keeping of variable quality, information needs to be Further virtual application of AI in medicine is the use of
captured in a digital format accessible as individual data as softbots, as psychotherapeutic avatars [10]. Avatars stem from
well as in aggregated forms for epidemiological research and the famous 2009 James Cameron movie which features a
planning. Major efforts are required from academia and the hybrid human–alien created to facilitate communication with
information technology industry to achieve desired efficacy people from the planet known as Pandora. The use of
and minimize cost. emotionally sensitive teachable avatars is receiving recogni-
The current status of medical records is mostly in the form tion in medicine [11]. It has been applied to pain control in
of incommunicable silos of wasted information for the health children with cancer (called “pain body”) and it is able to detect
system and for knowledge acquisition. Laboratories and early emotional disturbances in youngsters in native Amer-
clinics need to collaborate to accelerate the implementation ican reservations, including suicidal tendency. This approach
of electronic health records [8]. Data need to be captured in seems to work better than human interventions [11]. One of
Fig. 1 – DataTrust Pipeline Flow Integration. Figure from Kirby, E., Tassé, A.M., Knoppers, B.M., Joly, Y., Ngueng Feze, I., Dalpé, G.,
Phillips, M.S., Tremblay, J., Hamet, P. (2016). P3G DataTrust—Developing a DataTrust (P3G-DT) Service for Personalized Medicine Research
and Therapeutic Optimization. Manuscript in preparation.
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the clearest examples is the control of paranoid hallucina- with nanoliposomes bearing therapeutic properties. Early
tions when the subject designs his own avatar representing data have disclosed a significant increase in the gradient of
the persecutor in his mind. The system encourages the desired drug into the hypoxic zones [17].
subject to engage in discussions with his persecutor who Most of these novel applications of AI in medicine need
progressively learns to moderate such destructive behavior. further research, particularly in areas of human–computer
Initial successes with this technology have been demonstrated interactions. Moshimo Mori [18] introduced in 1970 the notion
by achievement of a lower level of hallucinations and vocal of uncanny valley in which an important theme is the human–
threats. Perhaps the most useful function will be in care of the robot interaction (HRI) field. In these studies humanoid robots
elderly, where the frequency, reassuring nature, and kindness of were evaluated for their apparent humanity, eeriness and
what is said are all important elements of improved communi- attractiveness as factors making perception of robots either
cation. Avatars have been also applied to home care, and for acceptable, feared or rejected [19].
biological and physical monitoring with 3D vision [12].
5. Conclusion
3. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine:
The Physical Branch AI for personal use is going to stay with us much as genetics will
continue to provide personal services. It is therefore important to
The second form of application of AI in medicine includes
consider how AI will also serve the development of our health
physical objects, medical devices and increasingly sophisti-
care systems. Takashi Kido [20] proposed MyFinder as a person-
cated robots taking part in the delivery of care (carebots) [13].
alized community computing to resolve challenges of personal-
Perhaps the most promising approach is the use of robots as ized genome services, acting jointly with AI and shaping the
helpers; for example, a robot companion for the aging personalized and participative health care of the future. The goal
population with cognitive decline or limited mobility. Japa- of this platform is to provide personal genome environment
nese carebots are the most advanced forms of this technol- interaction in both directions: impact of genes on diseases,
ogy. Robots are used in surgery as assistant-surgeons or even health and drug responses, and impact of our environment,
as solo performers [14]. One of the most impressive examples behavioral and wellness on our gene activities. The World
of the utility of robots is their ability to communicate with and Economic 2016 Forum named open AI ecosystem as one of the 10
teach autistic children. Here, and in many other situations most important emerging technologies. With the unprecedented
that might benefit from robotic intervention, important
amount of data available, combined with advances in natural
ethical considerations will have to be resolved before it will
language processing and social awareness algorithms, applica-
become possible to use AI-robots routinely in today's medical
tions of AI will become increasingly more useful to consumers.
environment. Apart from ethical issues, a major challenge in
This is particularly true in medicine and healthcare where there
this new dimension of medical care is the clear need for are many data to be utilized from patient medical records and
standardized, comparative evaluation of the effect of robotic lately also from information obtained by wearable health
systems on health indicators, and measures of changes in sensors. This huge volume of data should be analyzed in detail,
psychological and physical status, side effects, and outcomes [15]. not only to provide patients who want suggestions about
lifestyle, but also to generate information aimed at improving
healthcare design, based on the needs and habits of patients. It is
4. Use of Robots to Monitor Effectiveness important to tear down the prejudices and fears regarding AI and
of Treatment understand how it could be beneficial and how we can cope with
its perceived or real drawbacks. The biggest apprehension we
Robots can also be useful in the evaluation of changes in
have is that AI will become so sophisticated that it will surpass
human performance in such situations as rehabilitation [16].
human brain capabilities and eventually will take control over
Another area where AI might be helpfully employed is for
our lives. However, if we succeed in creating ethical standards,
monitoring the guided delivery of drugs to target organs,
developing measures of success and effectiveness, making it
tissues or tumors. For example, it is encouraging to learn of
available to the mainstream, and not only to the Ivy League
the recent development of nanorobots designed to overcome
medical institutions, by making AI tools open-source and user-
delivery problems that arise when difficulty of diffusion of the
friendly and of proven clinical utility, then societal benefits will
therapeutic agent into a site of interest is encountered. This
accrue from the use of AI.
problem occurs when the therapist is attempting to target the
core of a tumor which tends to be less vascularized, anoxic,
but most proliferatively active. To overcome limitations of
mechanical or radioactive robotics, researchers have Acknowledgments
attempted to harness a natural agent with desired properties
as a replacement of “intelligent” nanoparticles alone. For this The authors would like to thank Professor Ted VanItallie for
purpose, they are studying a special type of marine coli, called his excellent comments and suggestions and for the editorial
Magnetococcus marinus which travels spontaneously to low review of their manuscript. Publication of this article was
oxygenated zones. Initial guidance is provided by an external supported by the Collège International de Recherche Servier
magnetic source and then inherent properties of nanorobots (CIRS) and Canada Research Chairs to PH. The authors are
are put into play. These nanorobots can be covalently bound members of CIRS.
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