Hobdari - Jani Natcroat - 2023
Hobdari - Jani Natcroat - 2023
Hobdari - Jani Natcroat - 2023
Hobdari, V. & Jani, S.: Testing of potato cultivars in the Tirana region conditions. Nat. Croat.,
Vol. 32, No. 2, 511-521, Zagreb, 2023.
The potato is a very important crop in Albania and the cultivation of new cultivars with high pro-
ductivity and better quality is very significant. This study was conducted to test some imported culti-
vars of potato and explore some features in their characterization and evaluation, with the aim of in-
creasing interest in those that are the best for Albanian farmers, as well as for other studies. Thirteen
potato cultivars of foreign origin were tested in a field trial for their morphological and agronomical
characteristics under the climatic conditions of the Tirana region. It was found that among the potato
cultivars studied there is a significant variation, both in the characterization traits (qualitative traits)
and in the evaluation traits (quantitative traits). Drawing on the conclusions reached, we recommend
the most suitable cultivars for cultivation in this region.
Keywords: cultivars, quality, potato, testing, variation
Hobdari, V. & Jani, S.: Testiranje kultivara krumpira u uvjetima Tiranske regije. Nat. Croat., Vol.
32, No. 2, 511-521, Zagreb, 2023.
Krumpir je u Albaniji vrlo važan usjev te je kultiviranje novih kultivara s visokom produktivnošću
i boljom kvalitetom vrlo značajno. Ovo istraživanje je provedeno da bi se testiralo uvezene kultivare
krumpira te da bi se istražila njihova svojstva za daljnju evaluaciju, s ciljem promoviranja onih kultivara
koji bi bili najbolji za albanske seljake, i za druga istraživanja. Na pokusnoj plohi u klimatskim uvjeti-
ma Tiranske regije testitane su morfološke i agronomske osobine 13 kultivara krumpira uvoznog pori-
jekla. Utvrđeno je da među testiranim kultivarima postoje značajne varijacije, kako u kvalitativnim,
tako i u kvantitativnim osobinama. Slijedom dobivenih zaključaka, donosimo preporuke za kultivara
najpogodnijih za uzgoj u ovoj regiji.
Ključne riječi: kultivari, kvaliteta, krumpir, testiranje, varijacije
The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important crop and it has good nutritional
value. It is ranked the 3rd crop in terms of total production, with over 365 million tons
per year (FAO, 2013), after rice and wheat (Virupaksh et al., 2016).
It remains an essential crop in Europe, especially in Northern and Eastern Europe,
where per capita production is still the highest in the world, while the most rapid
expansion in production over the past few decades has occurred in southern and ea-
stern Asia, with China and India leading the world in overall production as of 2018
(Anon., 2023).
*Corresponding author
512 Hobdari, V. & Jani, S.: Testing of potato cultivars in the Tirana region conditions
Apart from the 5,000 cultivated varieties, there are about 200 wild species and
subspecies, many of which can be cross-bred with cultivated varieties. The major spe-
cies grown worldwide is Solanum tuberosum (a tetraploid with 48 chromosomes), and
modern varieties of this species are the most widely cultivated (Anon., 2023).
Cultivar selection is very important for growers trying to market quality products.
Estévez et al. (1982) studied the factors affecting tuber yield in potato cultivars. They
observed that the number of tubers per plant, average tuber weight and plant height
were most closely related to tuber yield (Mohammadi et al., 2010).
Individuals of a population, even though they have the same genetic factors, when
cultivated in different environmental conditions, give different phenotypes (Xhuveli
& Salillari, 1984).
The environmental conditions of the cultivated potato are various and for this reason it
is necessary for different varieties to be cultivated sustainably in different agroclimate
conditions. Use of the new varieties has a special role in that task. Since 1992 imported
potato seeds have been introduced in Albania (Mecollari et al., 2002).
The production of the potato is increased using new varieties more suitable in the diffe-
rent regions (Elezi, 2013).
During the field testing we identified the planting period for each new variety (Salceni
et al., 2000). The observations carried out indicated that the same cultivars have a 3-4 days
longer vegetative period in the Korca than in the Tirana region (Elezi & Mecollari, 2001).
The goal of the study is to test and investigate the productivity potential of different varie-
ties and to identify which variety to choose for best adaptation to the climatic and soil
conditions of the farms where it will be cultivated (Rusinovci et al., 2001). One of the main
reasons for low potato yields is the planting of unsuitable varieties (Kaciu & Salceni, 2001).
The improvement of the varietal structure with new varieties necessarily requires their
preliminary study in field, which includes testing trials in different areas (Bardhi et al.,
2007). The potato cultivars planted in Albania are valued for early ripening with the aim
of ensuring production for export as well as for the purpose of use, for fresh consumption
or for industry (Mecollari et al., 2002).
Study data (mean values) were subjected to analysis of variance using ANOVA.
Correlation coefficients were grouped according to the classes: r = ± 0.3 weak correla-
tion; r = ± 0.3 to ± 0.5 medium correlation relation; r = ± 0.5 to ± 0.7 good correlation and
r = ± 0.7 to ± 0.9 strong correlation (Xhuveli & Salillari, 1984).
For tuber shape, potato cultivars were divided into three groups: 3 cultivars (23.1%)
had round tubers (code 2), 2 cultivars (15.4%) had ovate tubers (code 3) and 8 cultivars
(61.5%) had reverse obovate tubers, code 4 (Tab. 2).
The use value of potato tubers was also evaluated. Although the use value is subje-
ctive, the study showed that there is variation among the 13 potato cultivars. According
to this assessment, potato cultivars are divided into three groups; for example, “Very
good for baking and boiling” was one cultivar (Gala); 9 cultivars (Maima, Blondine,
Fokus, Groky, Grescenda, Estrella, Fanisango, Daunia and Kenzia) were rated as “Good
for baking and boiling” and three cultivars (Universa, Alaska and Spectra) were rated
as “Very good for baking, frying and boiling”.
The identification and recognition of the morphological characteristics of various
genotypes are important mainly for the identification and recognition of genotypes in
order to distinguish them from one another.
We examined and analyzed the quantitative traits to find the possibility of choosing
the most suitable genotype (cultivar) for cultivation, with the highest production and
the best quality indicators, which is in the interest of not only the grower (or the farmer)
but also of the consumer.
Initially, the study data were subjected to analysis of variance through the ANOVA.
From the variance analysis for genotypic differences, it was found that among the
potato cultivars the differences for all quantitative traits among them were statistically
significant at the P<0.01 level, while for the replications there were differences only in
tuber weight, at the P<0.05 level (Tab. 3).
F factual
Source of
df Plant height Primary Tuber Set/ Tubers/ Tuber Productivity
(cm) Stem/plant Hill stem weight (kv/ha)
Cultivars 12 212,380858** 98,996904** 26,595636** 174,500264** 3279,575052** 12,498258**
Replication 2 2,952756 0,2 1,0 0,17 5,333897* 0,3
** - P≤0.01; * - P≤0.05
Based on the analysis of variance, we continue with the examination of the data
according to the cultivars for the six quantitative traits.
For the height of the plant, the study showed that there were significant differences
between the potato cultivars (Tab. 4, Fig. 1). Thus, for example, out of 69.4 cm which
was the average plant height for all 13 potato cultivars, the shortest plant was 45.3 cm
in cultivar Maima, followed by cultivar Fokus by 48.0 cm, etc. Cultivars with the tallest
plants were Fanisango and Estrella at 102.7 and 88.3 cm, respectively.
Potato cultivars also differed in the number of primary stems per plant. For example,
of the 4.1 stems per plant that was the average of all cultivars, the lowest number was
in cultivars Blondine, Fokus, etc., with 2.9 and 3.2 stems per plant respectively, while
the largest number was in Grescenda with 5.5 stems, Kenzia with 5.2 stems and Spectra
with 5.0 stems, etc. (Tab. 4, Fig. 2). Even for the number of tubers per plant there was
significant variation among cultivars. From 17.7 which was the average number of
tubers per plant, the smallest number was 11.0 in cultivar Gala, 12.3 to Universa, whi-
le the largest number was 25.2 tubers per plant in Spectra, followed by Estrella with
20.3 tubers and Kenzia with 19.7 tubers per plant (Tab. 4, Fig. 3). The number of tubers
that the plant gives also depends on the number of stems that it forms and develops.
Even for this trait, the potato cultivars had a significant variation. For example, from
4.2 tubers which was the average number, their smallest number was 2.9 tubers in
cultivar Gala, while the largest number was 5.0 in cultivars Blondine and Spectra,
followed by cultivar Estrella with 4.9 tubers per plant stem (Tab. 4, Fig. 4).
The power of the tuber developing plant is expressed in the number of tubers that
it sets and in the size of the tubers. The study data show that the average tuber weight
was very different in different cultivars. Thus, out of 155.2 g which was the average
tuber weight for all cultivars, 3 cultivars (Spectra, Kenzia and Estrella) had tubers
weighing less, 123.2, 124.2 and 124.8 g. Cultivar Alaska had the tuber with the largest
weight, with the average weight of 201.8 g, i.e. 1.6 times greater than the minimum
weight (123.2 g), followed by cultivar Gala with the average weight of the tuber 192.2
g (Tab. 4, Fig. 5).
The study also evaluated the distribution of production (in %) according to the size
of the tuber; this indicator helps to evaluate the production rate for the market, remo-
ving the small tubers that are part of the production but have no commercial value,
even though they can be used for other purposes. In general, among the potato cultivars
under study, the small tubers are in a small percentage; however, even for this indica-
tor there are differences between them (Tab. 5). For example, in 4 cultivars (Gala, Ma-
ima, Fokus and Alaska) small tubers account for less than 2 percent of the harvested
production. But there are also cultivars that have more small tubers in their producti-
516 Hobdari, V. & Jani, S.: Testing of potato cultivars in the Tirana region conditions
on, such as cultivars Groky and Fanisango in which small tubers make up 6.0 percent
of production, while the largest percentage of these tubers was 21.0 percent in cultivar
Grescenda, followed by cultivars Estrella and Kenzia in which these tubers constitute
respectively 11.1 and 10.4 percent of the total production.
The position occupied by medium-sized tubers, which may be most desired by the
consumer, varied widely among the potato cultivars studied. Thus, in cultivar Kenzia
these tubers make up 83.1 percent of production, followed by cultivars Estrella with
63.2 percent and cultivar Daunia with 61.5 percent, etc. Cultivar Alaska has the lowest
percentage of these tubers with 14.74 percent and Gala with 15.53 percent. According
to large tubers cultivars Alaska and Gala have the highest percentage of these tubers,
respectively with 83.13 and 83.00 percent.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Number
Number of
of stems
stems per
per plant
plant of
of potato
potato cultivars
Of course, the final goal of cultivating agricultural crops, including potatoes, is the
yield of the cultivar. Every potato grower would prefer to choose for cultivation the
cultivar that gives the highest yield and the best quality of production. It is in this
perspective that we should examine the data of the study of 13 potato cultivars. Based
on these data (Tab. 6; Fig. 6) we can see that all cultivars have generally given high
yields. However, although cultivars generally show higher production capacities in
experimental trials than in large–scale production conditions, there are notable diffe-
rences in actual production. Thus, for example, the first group for the highest yield,
based on D01, includes the two cultivars Alaska and Fokus with respectively 1,045.5 kv/
ha and 890.4 sq/ha. Six cultivars (Blondine, Spectra, Kenzia, Groky, Universa and Ma-
ima) belong to the second group for yield level, respectively with yields of 757.9 kv/
ha, 749.3 kv/ha, 708.5 kv/ha, 695.2 kv/ha, 667.7 kv/ha and 667.2 kv/ha; cultivar Estrella
gave the lowest yield which was 344.7 kv/ha.
Nat. Croat. Vol. 32(2), 2023 519
From the data of correlation coefficients there are 3 positive correlations. Two corre-
lations: the number of primary stems per plant with the number of tubers per plant
(r23=0.76**) and the number of tubers per plant with the number of tubers per primary
stem (r34=0.76**) were strong and validated at the P< 0.01, while the relationship between
productivity and tuber weight (r56=0.57*) is a good correlation and confirmed at the P<
0.05 level. It seems that the correlations found in this study are reliable because cultivars
Alaska (1,045.5 kv/ha) and Fokus (890.4 kv/ha) had good and very good values for the
number of primary stems per plant, the number of tubers per primary stem and per
plant. Therefore, rapid field evaluation of potato cultivars for production even relying
on the number of primary stems per plant can be effective.
520 Hobdari, V. & Jani, S.: Testing of potato cultivars in the Tirana region conditions
We can conclude that the 13 potato cultivars included in the study showed distinct
variations in all morphological characteristics and quantitative traits.
For plant height the 13 potato cultivars showed good variation: 69.4 cm was the
average height, while the extreme values were 45.3 cm and 102.7 cm;
For the number of primary stems per plant, 4.1 was the general average, and the
smallest and largest numbers were, respectively, 2.9 and 5.5 primary stems per plant;
For the number of tubers per plant, 17.7 was the overall average, while the lowest
number was 11.0 tubers and the highest number was 25.2 tubers;
The average number of tubers per primary stems was 4.2, while the smallest and
largest numbers were 2.9 and 5.0 tubers per stem, respectively.
The weights of the tubers varied widely:155.2 g/tuber was the average weight, whi-
le largest tuber was 201.8 g and the smallest 123.2 g;
Even for the ratio of tuber sizes to total production there was wide variation. Medi-
um tubers accounted for 83.1 percent of production to 14.74 percent of total producti-
Although productivity data were generally high, the best cultivars in productivity
were Alaska (1,045.5 kv/ha) and Fokus (890.4 kv/ha). The lowest productivity was 344.7
kv/ha (Estrella);
The variation among cultivars may be important for potato genetic improvement.
According to the study data, the highest yield for the conditions of Tirana was given
by cultivar Alaska followed by cultivar Fokus.
Received August 31, 2023
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