The term “Mangyan” is an umbrella term that refers to several indigenous communities on the island of
Mindoro in the Philippines. There are eight recognized groups: Iraya, Alangan, Tadyawan, Tawbuid,
Bangon, Buhid, Hanunuo, and Ratagnon. While these groups are often referred to as “Mangyan,” they
speak different languages, and only one of the ethnic groups—Hanunuo—refers to itself as Mangyan.
“Hanunuo” is an exonym for both the ethnic group and the language, and is often tagged onto
“Mangyan” to form “Hanunuo Mangyan.” “Hanunuo” means “truly, real,” or “genuine.” Hanunuo
Mangyans tend to drop the descriptor “hanunuo” within their communities, and refer to themselves
and their language as “Mangyan.”Of the eight groups of Mangyan listed above, only the Hanunuo and
the Buhid from the southern part of Mindoro Island have attested writing systems. Both writing systems,
called “Surat Hanunuo Mangyan” and “Surat Buhid Mangyan” respectively are thought to be of Indic
origin, and perhaps introduced into Mangyan culture from what is now Indonesia around the 12th or
13th centuries. The Hanunuo Mangyan and Southern Buhid have similar syllabic scripts due to their
geographical proximity. The Northern Buhid, on the other hand, have their own syllabary. These
syllabaries, that date back to pre-Spanish times (before the early 1500s), are one of the few pre-Spanish
writing systems that survived Spanish rule, and enabled the Mangyan peoples to preserve a rich literary
tradition.One of the most widely loved Mangyan literary forms is the song poem. There are three
distinct classes of song-poems: ambahan, urukay, and adahiyo. The ambahan is a poem with 7 syllables
per line with the last syllable of each line rhyming with the others. Ambahan are composed
anonymously and still immensely popular. They cover a wide range of subjects such as birds, plants, and
natural phenomena. The composers use the symbolism of these subjects to express their desires, deal
with embarrassing situations, and in courting, among other things. Ambahan are often recited during
large gatherings and there is no musical accompaniment. Those who participate in ambahan sessions
often go back and forth in exchanges that highlight the improvisational skills of the poet. In addition to
public settings, ambahan are also recited in more private surroundings for pleasure. The Library’s
Mangyan bamboo collection contains 22 ambahan (Set 1).Another poetic form is the urukay. Urukay
consist of lines of eight syllables and have uniform end-rhymes. The word urukay probably comes from
the neighboring island of Panay where it means “merrymaking.” The language of the Mangyan urukay is
old Hiligaynon-Bisaya and is no longer understood by most Mangyan singers today. Urukay was probably
acquired by the Mangyans from early contacts with Bisayans. Usually, urukay is less popular with
younger audiences and confined to the older generation of Mangyan. They are sung to the
accompaniment of a guitar.
The adahiyo is the third kind of poem in the Mangyan literary tradition. The term comes from the
Spanish adagio or “adage.” The adahiyo usually has six syllables to a line but without a fixed final syllable
rhyming scheme. This literary form is not widely performed among the Mangyan and might have been
acquired through contacts with Tagalogs who settled in Mindoro. The adahiyo is recited without the
accompaniment of music, and contains many adapted Spanish words and Catholic religious terms.As is
evident, the Mangyan have a rich literary tradition with a long history. Despite its deep roots, most of
the extant historical examples of Mangyan writing are no more than a century old. This is because
Mangyan writing was carved on bamboo, a material that deteriorates quickly in the local, tropical
climate. The Library of Congress’s Mangyan bamboo collection—which dates to between ca. 1904-1939,
thus preserves a link between the current living tradition of Mangyan writing and literature and its
past.While the Mangyan script is still not widely known, its preservation has received a boost in the last
few decades. In 1997, the Mangyan script was declared as a National Cultural Treasure by the
government of the Philippines and the following year, it was inscribed in the Memory of the World
Registers of UNESCO (United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization).The work of Antoon Postma—
a Dutch scholar who originally went to Mindoro as a Society of the Divine Word or SVD missionary in
1958 and lived among the Mangyan for more than half a century—inspired the establishment of the
Mangyan Heritage Center, a non-profit organization based in Calapan City. The Mangyan Heritage
Center continues to promote and keep alive the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of Mindoro
through digital collections, recordings, and publications on the Mangyan as well as through programs to
revive Mangyan syllabic scripts and ambahan.
The Iraya Mangyan tribe is one of the indigenous ethnic groups in the Philippines, specifically
on the island of Mindoro. They are part of the larger Mangyan people, who are known for their distinct
cultures, languages, and traditional ways of life. The Iraya Mangyan primarily inhabit the mountainous
regions of Mindoro and are known for their skill in handicrafts, particularly in weaving and basket-
making. Their culture and traditions are an important part of the country's indigenous
heritage.Traditional Iraya clothing consists of loincloth bahag fashioned from a tree bark, the belt
kaitong and the headband talawak for males, and skirt-like covering tapis made from bark, the belt
lingob and breast covering sagpan or pamanpan for females. Both males and females wear necklaces
kudyasan that are made from tigbi seeds, and earrings panalingnaw. However, at present, most modern
Irayas are dressed the same way as with lowlanders.
-Land is a major common issue among the mangyans because Many Mangyan communities lack official
land titles, making it difficult to assert their land rights and protect their territories.The Mangyan
communities often rely on their ancestral lands for agriculture, hunting, and gathering. The
encroachment of outsiders, illegal logging, and mining activities have led to deforestation and
environmental degradation, affecting their livelihoods