Track 1 - Cesar Malpica - Paper
Track 1 - Cesar Malpica - Paper
Track 1 - Cesar Malpica - Paper
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) has been used in several industries (i.e. aeronautical,
nuclear, oil and gas) for very long time with documented success to provide facilities with the
most cost benefit asset strategies. Although there are many other times that RCM hasn’t been
able to fulfill customer’s expectations (customer is also referred as “user”) for effectiveness and
cost reduction, it still meets the definition of a best practice — a process that, if repeated, will
consistently provide the desired outcome. The RCM reached a high level of maturity and already
went over a learning curve that made its implementation either a well-known common practice
or a practice to avoid due to some very unsuccessful projects. However, RCM has been adopted
by the majority of users (i.e. airlines, nuclear power plants, petrochemical complex and O&G
facilities), and it is fair to say it is a best practice, even it is no longer a differentiator.
RCM implementation requires that many parties interact and address a broad range of asset types
and organizational processes. RCM is great to manage the collective knowledge of asset’s team
by expert elicitation and performance review. As successful you are identifying and mitigating
RCM failure modes, as successful you will be on managing a safe and reliable and profitable
In this paper, the author shares a modern approach to perform RCM in an integrated manner with
other industry standard and best practices related to safety; process hazard analysis. The silos-
based organization has the opportunity to promote a safer and more efficient facility if reliability
and safety related activities are planned and performed in such a manner that both are as much as
possible integrated and supported by each other.
Failure on implementing the reliability and safety programs (e.g. asset integrity ) can conduct to
very critical accidents like the ones registered in the Gulf of Mexico and other locations in the
past years; these accidents affected the assets, injured people and the nature was heavily
impacted. It happened due to a lack of the implementation of reliability and asset integrity
programs. It “must” be avoided. It “Can” be avoided. An “incident-free” operation is achievable.
The Process Hazard Analyses (PHA) provides the engineering team with the identification of
those critical hazard scenarios that “do have or don’t have” enough safeguards in place to either
mitigate or avoid the occurrence of such scenarios.
The Safety Integrity Level (SIL) analysis departs from the process hazards identification and the
validation of the safeguards to recommend what should be done from design, testing and
Lessons learned
The integration of safety related studies and reliability have allowed the project team to
document the following lessons learned that can be now shared with other project teams,
business units and peers in the O&G industry.
Plan is needed for both reliability and safety related tasks early in each project execution
phase (if not complete late in previous phase) to ensure that funds and resources are
allocated to fully support the successful implementation
Reliability and Safety teams should ensure that scope and schedule and expectations are
not only shared but adopted by each team in order to ensure a seamless integration and
delivery of safer and more reliable assets
If it is well coordinated, the execution of reliability and safety related workshop will
provide inputs to each other and optimize the resource allocation as well as ensure
consistency across the studies and accuracy of results (risk assessment and asset
Third parties and contractors need to be educated on how to deliver an integrated
approach for reliability and technical safety, Currently, the silos-based organization does
not only belong to users but it is also replicated in most of the reliability and service
providers. It is common to find contractors that only provides specialized services on the
application of a single methodology but don’t go beyond that to offer a more holistic and
integrated reliability program implementation
The leverage from existing industry standard and best practices allows the
implementation of programs that cover the entire value chain of reliability engineering