Local symmetries occur in a Lagrangian formulation of a field theory. Associated to each local symmetry is a corresponding equivalence class of constraint functions. In general relativity the nonspatial diffeomorphisms do not project to all of phase space.
Local symmetries occur in a Lagrangian formulation of a field theory. Associated to each local symmetry is a corresponding equivalence class of constraint functions. In general relativity the nonspatial diffeomorphisms do not project to all of phase space.
Local symmetries occur in a Lagrangian formulation of a field theory. Associated to each local symmetry is a corresponding equivalence class of constraint functions. In general relativity the nonspatial diffeomorphisms do not project to all of phase space.
Local symmetries occur in a Lagrangian formulation of a field theory. Associated to each local symmetry is a corresponding equivalence class of constraint functions. In general relativity the nonspatial diffeomorphisms do not project to all of phase space.
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Local symmetries and constraints
Joohan Lee and Robert M. Wald
Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics. University of Chicago, 5640 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60637 (Received 5 September 1989; accepted for publication 1 November 1989) The general relationship between local symmetries occurring in a Lagrangian formulation of a field theory and the corresponding constraints present in a phase space formulation are studied. First, a prescription-applicable to an arbitrary Lagrangian field theory-for the construction of phase space from the manifold of field configurations on space-time is given. Next, a general definition of the notion of local symmetries on the manifold offield configurations is given that encompasses, as special cases, the usual gauge transformations of Yang-Mills theory and general relativity. Local symmetries on phase space are then defined via projection from field configuration space. It is proved that associated to each local symmetry which suitably projects to phase space is a corresponding equivalence class of constraint functions on phase space. Moreover, the constraints thereby obtained are always first class, and the Poisson bracket algebra of the constraint functions is isomorphic to the Lie bracket algebra of the local symmetries on the constraint submanifold of phase space. The differences that occur in the structure of constraints in Yang-Mills theory and general relativity are fully accounted for by the manner in which the local symmetries project to phase space: In Yang-Mills theory all the "field-independent" local symmetries project to all of phase space, whereas in general relativity the nonspatial diffeomorphisms do not project to all of phase space and the ones that suitably project to the constraint submanifold are "field dependent." As by-products of the present work, definitions are given of the symplectic potential current density and the symplectic current density in the context of an arbitrary Lagrangian field theory, and the Noether current density associated with an arbitrary local symmetry. A number of properties of these currents are established and some relationships between them are obtained. I. INTRODUCTION The gauge structures of Yang-Mills theory and general relativity are very similar when viewed from the perspective of Lagrangian field theory. In both cases, there is a group of local symmetries of the Lagrangian that acts on the manifold offield configurations, Y, on space-time M. In Yang-Mills theory, the field variable is a connection on a principal fiber bundle with group Gover M, which may be represented lo- cally as a Lie-algebra-valued one-form All on M. The group of local symmetries, f YM , consists of the usual gauge trans- formations, i.e., the set of maps from Minto G. In general relativity, the field variable is a metric gllv on M, and the group oflocal symmetries f GR is the diffeomorphism group of M. In both cases, the action of the group of local symme- tries gives Y the natural structure of a principal fiber bun- dle. where l: denotes the initial data surface, IIIIl denotes the gauge covariant derivative operator, E? is the electric field of All [see Eq. (2.43)], and A is a map from l: into the Lie algebra of G. Note that the set of such maps, A, is isomorphic to the Lie 'algebra of the factor group fYM = fyM/K', where K' is the normal subgroup of f YM composed of the gauge transformations that act trivially on the initial data. The Poisson bracket algebra of the C A'S is naturally isomor- phic to the Lie algebra of f ~ M ' i.e., have Both Yang-Mills theory and general relativity also can be given a Hamiltonian formulation on a phase space. In both cases, there are constraints on phase space associated with the local symmetries on the field configuration mani- fold Y. However, when the structure of the constraints is examined carefully, the close analogy between Yang-Mills theory and general relativity appears to end. In Yang-Mills theory one can define constraint func- tions on phase space (i.e., functions whose simultaneous vanishing defines the constraint submanifold) by C A = L tr(A'IIIIlEIl), (1.1) {CAo' CA) = CIAo,A,) (1.2) In general relativity, the structure with respect to the spatial diffeomorphisms (i.e., the diffeomorphisms that map the initial data surface l: into itselO is very similar to that occurring in Yang-Mills theory. Constraint functions for the spatial diffeomorphisms can be defined by C p " = - 2 LPllh J/2Dv(h -J/21r ll v), (1.3 ) where P II is an arbitrary vector field on l:, the tensor density 1r IlV is given by Eq. (2.49), and Dil is the covariant deriva- tive operator associated with the spatial metric h llv on l:. The Poisson bracket algebra of these constraint functions is naturally isomorphic to the Lie algebra of the diffeomor- phism group of l:, i.e., we have ( 1.4) However, the situation for the nonspatial (i.e., "time trans- lation") diffeomorphisms is quite different. Constraint func- 725 J. Math. Phys. 31 (3), March 1990 0022-2488/90/030725-19$03.00 1990 American Institute of Physics 725 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions tions associated with these diffeomorphisms can be defined by C a = !ah 1 / 2 [ -3R+h-{7TJ'V1TJ'v- ~ r)], (1.5) where a is an arbitrary function on l:. However, although the Poisson bracket of any pair of constraint functions (1.3) and (1.5) is proportional to a constraint function (so that the constraints are "first class"), we now find that the pro- portionality factors are not constant on phase space. Rather, we obtain {Cp",C a } = C r , ( 1.6) {Ca"C a ) = Cr'" (1.7) where r = /3J' aJ'a, Y' = a1h J'V a v a2 - a2h J'V ava 1 . ( 1.8a) (1.8b) The spatial metric explicitly appears on the right-hand side of Eq. (1.8b). Hence Y' varies from point to point of phase space, and the Poisson bracket (1.7) yields different con- straint functions at different points of phase space. Thus the canonical transformations generated by the constraints ( 1.3) and (1.5) do not correspond to a group action on phase space, and the constraints do not appear to reflect the structure of the local symmetries (i.e., the space-time diffeo- morphisms) on field configuration space. The above situation has been noted and studied by many authors (see, e.g., Isham and Kuchar,l and the references cited therein), particularly with respect to the difficulties that arise on account of the lack of Lie algebra structure when one attempts to apply the Dirac procedure for impos- ing the constraints (1.3) and (1.5) in the canonical quanti- zation of general relativity. In this paper, however, we shall not be concerned primarily with these difficulties or their remedies, although a step toward a possible remedy will be suggested near the end of Sec. IV. Rather, our primary focus will be on developing the general theory of local symmetries and constraints in order to enable us to understand how such differences can arise. Specifically, we seek to answer the fol- lowing questions: For an arbitrary Lagrangian field theory, under precisely which circumstances and in precisely what manner does the presence of local symmetries on the mani- fold of field configurations give rise to the presence of con- straints on phase space? When such constraints do arise, what is the general relationship between the Poisson bracket algebra of the constraint functions and the Lie algebra of the local symmetries? We shall give complete answers to these questions in this paper, and these answers will enable us to account fully for the above differences that occur in Yang- Mils theory and general relativity. The first major obstacle encountered in our analysis is caused by the fact that the local symmetries are defined on the manifold of field configurations, Y, whereas the con- straints are defined on phase space r. Hence, in order to relate constraints to local symmetries, we must first relate r to Y. We overcome this obstacle in Sec. II by giving a gen- eral prescription-valid for an arbitrary Lagrangian field theory-for constructing r from Y. To do so, we give gen- 726 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 eral definitions of a "symplectic potential current density" (}P- and a "symplectic current density" if on space-time, and we establish a number of their properties. A "presym- plectic form" CiJ AB on Y then is defined by integrating if over a Cauchy hypersurface. Phase space r with symplectic form nAB is then obtained from (Y, CiJ AB ) by a reduction procedure. For Yang-Mills theory and general relativity, this construction yields the usual phase space of these theo- ries. For a parametrized scalar field theory, the construction yields a phase space equivalent to that of the "deparame- trized" theory. Section III is devoted to the study of local symmetries on the manifold offield configurations, Y. We give a general definition of the notion of local symmetries for an arbitrary Lagrangian field theory that encompasses the usual notions of local symmetries for Yang-Mills theory and general rela- tivity as special cases. The Noether current density JI'" and Noether charge Q of a local symmetry are then introduced. The main result of this section is a theorem relating the vari- ation of the Noether charge to the local symmetry field vari- ation and the presymplectic form. An immediate corollary of the theorem is that the presymplectic form always is "gauge invariant" in a suitable sense. We thereby obtain a completely general proof of a result previously obtained for the particular cases of general relativity2,3 and Yang-Mills theory. 3 In Sec. IV, we combine the results and constructions of the previous sections to obtain our general relations between local symmetries and constraints. It is proved that to each local symmetry which suitably "projects" from solutions in Y to phase space there exists a corresponding constraint. Furthermore, the constraints thereby obtained are always first class, and the Poisson bracket algebra of these con- straints is always isomorphic to the Lie bracket algebra of the local symmetries. The differences occurring in the struc- ture of the constraints between Yang-Mills theory and gen- eral relativity arise mainly from the following fact: In Yang- Mills theory all the "field-independent" local symmetries (i.e., the gauge transformations A: MI--+G, with A chosen to be independent of AJ') suitably project to phase space, whereas in general relativity one must choose the nonspatial diffeomorphisms to be "field dependent" (i.e., dependent upon gJ'v) in order to obtain a well defined projection. Con- sequently, although the nonspatial diffeomorphisms are ful- ly represented on the constraint submanifold of the phase space of general relativity, the principal bundle structure of Y arising from the "field-independent" local symmetries does not "project" to phase space. The relevance of consider- ing "field-dependent" diffeomorphisms in analyzing the gauge structure of general relativity previously has played a prominent role in the work of Bergmann,4 Bergmann and Komar, s and Salisbury and Sundermeyer. 6 Our paper concludes with an appendix giving a brief discussion of Hamiltonian formulations of the general class of Lagrangian field theories considered here. Finally, we comment briefly on the nature ofthe results of this paper. Essentially all of our analysis divides cleanly into one of the following two categories: (i) local construc- tions of quantities on space-time-such as the current densi- J. Lee and R. M. Wald 726 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions ties (}", if, and J"-and derivations of relationships be- tween them; and (ii) constructions involving the manifold of field configurations, .7, and/or phase space r and proper- ties of tensor fields defined on these infinite-dimensional manifolds. The results falling into category (i) (comprised by the first half of Sec. II and all of Sec. III) are completely rigorous. In particular, formulas involving the varied fields 8tjJa are rigorous statements about partial derivatives of ap- propriate one-parameter families of field configurations. On the other hand, the results falling into category (ii) assume that a Banach manifold structure has been given to.7 and r. There is no difficulty in doing this (at least in typical theo- ries), although the appropriate choice of manifold structure will depend upon the degree of differentiability and asymp- totic conditions one wishes to impose on the fields. However, we have not shown that a manifold structure can be defined so that appropriate continuity and other properties are satis- fied by the quantities obtained by our constructions, so that they rigorously define tensor fields of the indicated types. For example, we define by Eq. (2.24) below a functional () on .7 that is linear in the varied field 8tjJ. However, in order that () define a one-form at each point of.7 as we assume, the manifold structure must be chosen so that () is a continuous (Le., bounded) functional of 8tjJ. Since we have not attempt- ed to treat technical issues of this nature, the results of this paper falling into category (ii) must be viewed as heuristic. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the tensor calculus we use involving the Lie derivative and exterior derivative is well defined on infinite-dimensional Banach manifolds. 7 II. PHASE SPACE OF LAGRANGIAN FIELD THEORIES In this section, we describe in detail a geometrical con- struction of phase space for Lagrangian field theories formu- lated on an n-dimensional space-time M of topology R X l:.. For simplicity, we shall assume that l:. (and hence M) is orientable. If the space-time metric g"v is part of the "back- ground structure" (as in special relativistic theories), we assume that (M, g"v) is globally hyperbolic with each l:.t in the foliation of R X l:. being a spacelike Cauchy surface. If g"v itself is a dynamical variable (as in general relativity), we simply restrict g"v to be such that each l:.t is a spacelike Cauchy surface. In various places below, we will integrate total divergences over M. We then shall assume either that l:. is compact or that the fields satisfy asymptotic boundary conditions appropriate to ensure that no "spatial boundary terms" arise from applying Gauss' law to such integrations. We shall assume that the field (or collection of fields) tjJ of our theory can be described as a map from space-time M into another finite-dimensional manifold M', i.e., tjJ: Mt--+M'. In some theories (e.g., for a real- or complex-valued scalar field), the field tjJ is initially presented in this manner. In other cases, it may be necessary to introduce some additional structure in order to so describe the field. For example, in Yang-Mills theory the field is a connection in a principal fiber bundle over space-time. However, by choosing a cross section of the bundle as well as a basis field of the cotangent space of M, we can locally express the Yang-Mills field as a 727 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 mapfromMintoM' = L(G) XRn, whereL(G) denotes the Lie algebra of the Yang-Mills group G and n = dim(M). Thus, by describing the field as a map from space-time into M', we assume that any such additional structure has been introduced. We will verify below that for the Yang-Mills theory and general relativity, our construction of phase space is independent of the choices of cross sections and/or bases needed to so describe the field as a map between mani- folds. Note that, locally on M, there should be no loss of generality in assuming that the field can be expressed as a map of space-time into M', Le., more precisely, we would take this as the definition of a field theory on space-time. However, globally on Mit may not be possible to express the field in this manner, as occurs, for example, in Yang-Mills theory based on a nontrivial principal bundle. Nevertheless, since our fundamental constructions of the current densities (}I' and if given below are entirely local in nature, there are no problems with globalizing our results in such cases pro- vided only that the integrands appearing on the right side of Eqs. (2.23) and (2.24) are independent of the allowed choices, as they are in Yang-Mills theory and general rela- tivity. Thus there should be no essential loss of generality in assuming that the fields are described globally as a map tjJ: Mt--+M'; for simplicity we shall assume this is the case. For simplicity, we assume, further, that M' has been chosen so that all sufficiently smooth maps tjJ: Mt--+M' satis- fying appropriate asymptotic conditions are "kinematically allowed" field configurations. Again, there should be no es- sentialloss of generality in making this assumption. We de- note by .7 the collection of all allowed field configurations on space-time. In a sufficiently small neighborhood U' of any point tjJoEM', we may choose coordinates for M' such that the map tjJ can be represented locally as a collection of scalar func- tions, tjJa, o.fthe space-time point x. (Here we use lowercase greek letters for indices referring to M and lowercase roman letters for indices on M'. On account of a shortage of alpha- bets, abstract index notation will not be used.) Note that a change of coordinates in U' corresponds to an x-independent field redefinition t/.f = r(tjJb). We also choose a fixed deriva- tive operator V" globally on M. (Below, we will introduce a fixed volume element, E a , ... a n ' onM and will then restrict V" to satisfy V "E a .... an = 0.) We act with V" on tjJa by treating tjJa as a scalar function. (Indeed, the purpose of introducing coordinates on M ' is to enable us to define a notion of second and higher derivatives of tjJ.) Our constructions below will make use of our choice of coordinates in M' and derivative operator on M. However, we will point out explicitly when the quantities we define are independent of any such addi- tional structure we have introduced. As we shall see, the key quantities ()" and if obtained below are independent of the choice of coordinates in M', but may depend upon V" for sufficiently high derivative theories. We assume that the field equations satisfied by tjJ are derived (in the manner to be specified below) by variation of an action S: .7 t--+R of the form (2.1 ) J. Lee and R. M. Wald 727 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions where the Lagrangian .Y is a scalar density of weight 1 (see below) locally has the form of a function of tP , its first k symmetrized derivatives, and, in addition, may also de- pend upon nondynamical background fields Y' (such as the space-time metric in special relativistic theories), In other words, the value of the density .Y at a point xeM depends only on the value of the quantities appearing on the right side ofEq. (2.2) evaluated at pointx. (There is no loss of generality in our assumption that .Y is a function only of totally symmetrized derivatives of tP , since any antisymme- tric part of V"" ... V ",io can be reexpressed in terms of the curvature tensor associated with V", and lower derivatives of tP .) Note that the statement that .Y depends only upon tP a and its first k symmetrized derivatives is independent of the choice of derivative operator on M and coordinates in M'. Since our analysis below will heavily involve unit weight scalar and vector densities, we take this opportunity to re- view their definition and properties and to explain our nota- tional conventions. On an orientable manifold M of dimen- sion n, a tensor density of type (k,l) and weight seR may be defined as an equivalence class of pairs (T"""'\ ... v" Ea ... a ), where T"""'\ ... V is a tensor field of type (k,l), I nil Ea ... a = E[a a I is a nonvanishing n-form (i.e., a volume and tw"o such pairs (T,E) and (T,E) are said to be equivalent if (2.3) where the functionfis defined by (2.4) Normally, one proceeds by introducing a fixed volume element Ea ... a on space-time and representing a tensor den- , n sity by the tensor field T"""'\ ... v" which is paired with Ea ... a in the equivalence class. However, for unit weight densities (which is all that will be considered here) a much sinipler description is available: For s = 1, we can rep- resent a tensor density by the tensor field T"""'\ ... v/a ... a ,oftype (k,l + n), which is antisymme- tric in last indices. [This tensor field is indepen- of the choice of representative (T,E) in the equivalence class.] Thus a unit weight scalar density, such as the Lagran- gian density above, is equivalent to an n-form .Y a a =.Y [a a I. From this remark it is easily seen that' then integral the Lagrangian density over an oriented space-time M is well defined, without the need to specify additional structure on M. Similarly, a vector density of weight 1 may be represented by a tensor field vi' a ... a = vi' [a ... a )" By contracting the vector index with the' m;t n index, we produce an (n - 1 )-form vi' I'U a Thus the integral of vi' I'U .a over an oriented hy- l: in Mis well defined, the need to specify any additional structure on l:. Note that by Stokes' theorem, for any region DCM that comprises a compact manifold with boundary, we have 728 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 (2.5) where Va is any derivative operator and n = dim M. Although the above viewpoint on unit weight tensor densities has considerable formulational advantages, it is no- tationally quite cumbersome to keep the n antisymmetric indices in formulas. Hence, mainly for notational conven- ience, we shall follow the usual practice of introducing a fixed volume element E a , ... a n on space-time and representing a tensor density by the tensor in the equivalence class paired with Ea ... a (An additional reason for doing so is that to , n treat nonorientable space-times, this type of representation of tensor densities is necessary. [On a nonorientable space- time, a tensor density may be defined as an equivalence class of pairs (T, E), where T again is a tensor field but now E is a nonvanishing "n-form modulo sign." In the equivalence re- lation (2.3), fis taken to be the magnitude of the factor relating the two "n-forms modulo sign."] For simplicity, however, we consider only the orientable case here.} In this manner, the Lagrangian density will be represented by a sca- lar function .Y, as was already done above. Similarly, a vec- tor density will be represented by a vector field vi' . Since our notation does not distinguish between tensors and tensor densities, we shall frequently remind the reader which quan- tities are densities (i.e., which tensors depend in the manner indicated above upon a choice of volume element). Note that in terms of the vector field representative vi' of a vector density, Stokes' theorem (2.5) takes the Gauss' law form (2.6) where V", is any derivative operator satisfying V", E a , .a n = 0, and n", satisfies n",t'" = 1 for an "outward pointing" vector field t"', whereas n",f" = 0 if f" is tangential to aD. [The volume element E a , ... a n on Mis understood on the left- hand side of (2.6), whereas the volume element E a , ... a n t a, on aD is understood on the right-hand side.] For convenience, we shall assume that the derivative operator V", introduced above [see Eq. (2.2)] has been chosen so that V",Ea, ... a n = O. Note that each side ofEq. (2.6) is equal to the corre- sponding side of Eq. (2.5). Thus we emphasize that both sides ofEq. (2.6) are well defined for vector densities, with- out the need to specify any additional structure on D or aD. In the following, we will frequently encounter "local functions" (such as .Y) of the fields, i.e., quantities whose value at x can be expressed as an ordinary function of the coordinates, tP a (x), of the image of tP at x and of the symme- trized derivatives of tP a evaluated at x. We also shall encoun- ter "functionals" of the fields, i.e., quantities defined on field configuration space Y whose value may depend nonlocally on tP. To help distinguish notationally between local func- tions of tP and functionals of tP, we will use parentheses to denote the arguments oflocal functions [see, e.g., Eq. (2.2) above] and brackets to denote the arguments of functionals [see, e.g., Eq. (2.23) below]. Finally, we introduce the following notation for the first partial derivatives of the function .Y: J. Lee and R. M. Wald 728 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions L 1'," 'I'k a (2.7) In taking these partial derivatives (as well as in all field var- iations considered below), it is understood that any nondyn- amical background fields t' that may be present [see Eq. (2.2)] are held fixed. Note that each of the M tensor densi- ties, M' covectors, Lal',"I'), defined by Eq. (2.7) is totally symmetric in its space-time indices, La 1'," '1') = La (1'," '1'). However, with the exception of the highest derivative quan- tity Lal',"I'" these tensor densities depend both upon the choice of derivative operator VI' on M and coordinates on M'. Consider, now, a smooth, one-parameter family, rp(J.): Mt-+M', of field configurations on space-time. We assume, initially, that rp(J.;x) is fixed (i.e., J. independent) for x out- side of a compact set in M. The first variation of the Lagran- gian density about the field configuration rpo = rp(O) then takes the form = L 1""'l'lV "'V {)rpa, d 'l .. a (1', 1') /L A=O j=O (2.8) where evaluation of L/""I') at rpo is understood, and where arpa(J.;x) I aJ. A=O (2.9) has compact support. Note that {)rpa (x) is the tangent to the curve c(J.) = rp(J.;x) (with x fixed) in M' at J. = 0, so {)rpa (x) may naturally be viewed as a vector in the tangent space to M' at the point rpo(x). Thus {)rpa is an M'-vector- valued scalar field on M. We may rewrite Eq. (2.8) as (2.10) where k E = ( - l)lV "'V L 1', ... 1') a .. 1-', p,j a j=O (2.11 ) and k j () I' = ( _ 1) i + I ( V ... V L 1'1'2"'1') ..i 1'2 Jli a j= I i= I (2.12) [In Eq. (2.12) it is to be understood that when i= 1, no derivatives act on La 1'1'2' . 'I'J, and when i = j, no derivatives act on {)rpa. Note that if we had chosen a derivative operator VI' for which VI'Ea""a n #0, then Eqs. (2.10)-(2.12) would be modified.] We refer to (1' as the symplectic potential cur- 729 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 rent density. Note that the dependence of ()I' on {)rpa and its derivatives is linear. Since .!f -and hence {).!f -is a scalar density on space- time and since {)rpa-and hence ()I'-has compact support in M, it follows that is well defined, i.e., independent of the choices of volume element, E a ''' a , derivative operator V" in M satisfying , n r V Ea '''a = 0, and coordinates in M'. Since {)rpa is an arbi- I' , n trary M'-vector-valued scalar field on M (subject only to being of compact support in M), it follows that the quantity E a , which is a scalar density with respect to M and a dual vector with respect to M', must similarly be independent of these choices. It then follows immediately from Eq. (2.10) that the scalar density V I' () I' also is well defined. From the form of Eq. (2.12) and the fact that each L/''''I') is totally symmetric in its space-time indices, it can be shown further than the vector density (1' is independent of the choice of coordinatesinM'. However, in general, (1' will depend upon the choice of operator V f' M; a different choice of derivative operator V f' (satisfying V I'Ea''''a n = volume element Ea""a n on M) will yield a vector density (1' which, in general, differs from () I' by an identically con- served current density of the form V vH I'v, where H I'V = H [I'v] is locally constructed from the derivative oper- ators VI' and VI" the background structure t', and from {)rpa, and their derivatives. [Note that formula (2.12) for ()I' applies only when the volume element Ea''''a n compatible with VI' is used to express the Lagrangian density as a scalar function If. To compare l1' with ()I', we must multiply this expression for e f' in terms of If and V f' by the factor /-I, where/is given by Eq. (2.4).] Nevertheless, from the form of Eq. (2.12), it can be shown that (1' is independent of the choice of VI' when k < 3. Thus, for theories in which the Lagrangian density does not contain derivatives higher than second order of the field variable, the symplectic potential current density (1' is independent of all extraneous structure introduced in our constructions above. Note that the M-scalar-density, M'-convector Ea is a local function of rpa and its derivatives up to order 2k. Since Ea depends locally on rpa and is independent ofthe choice of derivative operator on M, we may calculate it at any point xEM by choosing a local coordinate system in a neighbor- hood of x, taking E a , .. 'a n to be the coordinate volume ele- ment, VI' to be the coordinate derivative operator aI" and then applying Eq. (2.11). Similarly, the M-vector-density, M' -scalar (1' is a local function of rpa and its derivatives up to order (2k - 1) and of {)rpa and its derivatives up to order (k - I). When k < 3 we also may calculate (1' by using Eq. (2.12) in a local coordinate patch. Finally, since bothE a and (1' depend locally on rp and {)rpa, we now may drop the restric- tion that {)rpa have compact support in M, i.e., the quantities Ea and ()I' given by Eqs. (2.11) and (2.12) continue to satis- fy Eq. (2.10) and all the properties listed above when rp (J.) : Mt-+M' is an arbitrary smooth one-parameter family. From Eq. (2.10), it follows immediately that the action J. Lee and R. M. Wald 729 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions S at field configuration rfJo: Mf--+M' will be stationary (i.e., dS / dA = 0) for all variations, 6rfJof compact support if and only if Eo = 0, (2.13) at rfJo. We take Eq. (2.13) as the equation of motion for the field rfJ. It should be noted that our expression (2.12) for fI' changes when we modify the Lagrangian density .Y by the addition of a term of the form VII- rf', where vector density zf' is a function of rfJand finitely many of its derivatives. (Such a modification of .Y, of course, has no effect upon Eo .) If zf' is a function of rfJ only (i.e., if it does not depend upon derivatives of rfJ), then this change in.Y simply induces the change 6rf' in (}II-. However, in general, the change in fI' determined by Eq. (2.12) will differ from 6zf' by an identi- cally conserved vector density which is a local function of rfJ, 6rfJ, and finitely many of their derivatives. In particular, if zf' is a local function of only rfJand its first derivative V II- rfJ, i.e., if (2.14) then the change in Lagrangian density, .Yf--+.Y + V II- zf', in- duces the following change in fI' : (}1I-f--+(}1I-+6zf'+.lV {[ av v _ azf' ]6rfJ0}' 2 v a(VII-rfJ) a(VvrfJ0) (2.15 ) An important relation can be derived by considering the second-order variations in .Y resulting from an arbitrary, smooth two-parameter family rfJ(A I .A2) of field configura- tions. By Eq. (2.10) we have 6 2 .Y= a.Y = Eo 6 2 rfJ + (2.16) aA 2 where 6 2 rfJ = arfJ/ aA 2 and () is given by Eq. (2.12) with 6rfJ= 6 2 rfJ. Taking the derivative ofEq. (2.16) with respect to A I' we obtain a 2 'y aA I aA 2 = (6 1 E o )(6 2 rfJ) + Eo (6 1 6 2 rfJ) + VII- (2.17) A similar expression holds, of course, for 6 2 6 1 .Y. Subtract- ing these expressions and using equality of mixed partial de- rivatives, we obtain 0= (6 I E o )(6 2 rfJ) - (6 2 E o )(6 I rfJ) + VII-oI', (2.18) where 01' = - 6 2 (}f k j "'V 6LII-II-""II-) 11-, 11-1 10 j= 1;= 1 (2.19) (The variations 6L o lI-""lI-j can, of course, be expressed in terms of the second partial derivations of .Y and the field variation 6rfJand its space-time derivatives.) We refer to 01' 730 J. Math. Phys . Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 as the symplectic current density associated with .Y. It is a vector density with respect to M and a scalar with respect to M ' , and is a local function of rfJ, the varied fields 6 I rfJ, 6 2 rfJ, and the space-time derivatives of these quantities. Note that the possible terms in 01' involving 6 1 6 2 rfJ = 6 2 6 1 rfJcancel, so 01' depends linearly both upon 6 1 rfJ and its derivatives, and upon 6 2 rfJ and its derivatives. It also is manifestly antisym- metric in 6 1 rfJand 6 2 rfJ. From the properties of () 11-, it follows that 01' is independent of the choice of coordinates in M I, but, in general, a change in the choice of derivative operator on M will change 01' by the addition of an identically con- served vector density locally constructed from rfJ, 6 I rfJ, 6 2 rfJ, and finitely many of their derivatives. How- ever, if k < 3, then 01' will remain unchanged. Note further that under the change in Lagrangian density .Y f--+.Y + VII- zf', 01' also will, in general, change by addition of an identically conserved vector density locally construct- ed from rfJ, 6 I rfJ, 6 2 rfJ, and finitely many of their derivatives. For the case where zf' is a function of only rfJ and VII- rfJ, the change in 01' is easily computed from Eq. (2.15). Note that if zf' depends only on rfJ, then 01' remains unchanged. Final- ly, we point out that in the simple case where .Y depends only on rfJ and its first derivative (i.e., when k = 1), we have (}II- = L 1I-(6rfJ) = a.Y 6rfJ (2.20) a(VII-rfJ) and hence 01' is explicitly given by 01' - a 2'y [6 A,0 6 A,b 6 A,0 6 A,b] - arfJ0 a(V II-rfJb) I'f" 2'f" - 2'f" I'f" a 2 'y +------:-- a(VvrfJ)a(vII-rfJ b ) x [(V v 6 I rfJ)6 2 rfJ b - (V v 6 2 rfJ)6 I rfJ b ]. (2.21 ) Suppose, now, that rfJ(A 1 , A 2 ) is a two-parameter family of solutions of the equations of motion. Then Eo = 0, for all AI' A 2 , so, in particular, 6 1 E o = 6 2 E o = O. Hence, by Eq. (2.18), we obtain VII-oI' = o. (2.22) In summary, we have shown that for any Lagrangian field theory, a symplectic current density 01' can be con- structed from .Y via Eq. (2.19). This current 01' is a local function of a "background field" rfJ, two "linearized pertur- bations" 6 1 rfJ and 6 2 rfJ, and a finite number of their deriva- tives. It is independent of the choice of coordinates in M I and, for k < 3, also is independent of the choice of derivative operator on M. It satisfies the property that when rfJ is a solution to the field equations and 6 1 rfJ and 6 2 rfJ solve the linearized field equations, then 01' is conserved. We can construct from 01' a real-valued functional of the field variables, denoted m[rfJ,6IrfJ,62rfJ]' as follows. Choose a Cauchy surface l: in the foliation of M (see the beginning of this section) and define m[rfJ,6IrfJ,62rfJ] = L oI'np.' (2.23) (As discussed above [see Eq. (2.6) ] this integral on the right J. Lee and R. M. Wald 730 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions side is naturally defined, without the need to specify a vol- ume element on l:.) Ifl: is compact, then W is independent of the choice of derivative operator on M (even when k> 3 ) and also remains unchanged under the change in Lagrangian density Y ........ Y ........ V /llf'. In the noncompact case, such changes in V /l (when k> 3) or Y may change w by a "sur- face term at infinity." In general, w will depend upon the choice ofl:. However, if tP a , /)ltP a , and /)2tP a are solutions, then w will be independent of this choice provided that either l: is compact or the fields satisfy asymptotic conditions appro- priate to ensure that no "spatial boundary terms" arise from applying Gauss' law to Eq. (2.22). In the following, we shall assume that such asymptotic conditions have been imposed upon the fields in the case where l: is noncompact. The above definition of w can be described in a much more geometrical manner, in terms of which our construc- tion of phase space will be given. We assume that the collec- tion Y offield configurations on space-time (i.e., the set of all sufficiently smooth maps tP: M ........ M I satisfying appropri- ate asymptotic conditions) has been given the structure of an infinite-dimensional Banach manifold. There is no difficulty in doing this (at least in typical cases), but we have not attempted to show that it can be done in such a manner that the continuity and other properties assumed below for var- ious quantities will hold. Thus, as already mentioned at the end of the Introduction, the discussion we are about to give must be viewed as heuristic. (This contrasts with the preced- ing discussion, which was entirely rigorous.) A field configuration tP on space-time is represented as a point of Y. Similarly, a field variation /)tP a on space-time about the field configuration tP [see Eq. (2.9)] may be viewed as a vector in the tangent space to Y at point tP. To emphasize this viewpoint in our notation, we will adopt an abstract index notation for tensor fields on Y, using capital roman letters. Thus we will write (/)tP)A when we view the field variation in this manner. [By contrast, we shall contin- ue to write /)tPa(x) to denote the tangent vector at point tP(x)EM' defined by Eq. (2.9) above.] From the vector den- sity (J'- on space-time defined by Eq. (2.12) we can define a functional () [tPa,/)tP a ] by integration over a Cauchy surface l:, (2.24) (This functional depends, of course, upon the choice of l:.) We may view () as a function on the tangent bundle of Y. However, since {)Il is linear in /)tP a and its derivatives, it fol- lows that () is a linear function of (/)tP)A. We shall assume that the manifold structure of Y is such that () is continuous in (/)tP) A (which is not a consequence oflinearity in infinite dimensions) so that () defines a dual vector field on Y which we denote as () A, given by , (2.25) for all (/)tP )A. Similarly, since the functional w defined by Eqs. (2.23) is linear and antisymmetric in (/)ltP)A and (/)2tP)A, we assume that it defines a two-form WAB = W[AB J 731 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 on Y. Furthermore, it is easily seen that Eq. (2.19) corre- sponds to the relation (2.26) where d denotes the exterior derivative on Y. Thus our con- struction of W given above may be viewed as producing as exact (and hence closed) two-form W AB on Y, which we refer to as a "presymplectic form." The two-form W AB fails to be a symplectic form on Y because it is degenerate; equivalently, Y itself is unsuitable to serve as phase space because it is "too large." In particu- lar, note that any field variation /)tP a with support away from l: gives rise to a degeneracy direction (/)tP)A for W AB . How- ever, these difficulties can be cured by the "reduction proce- dure" of taking the "symplectic quotient" of (Y,w) (see, e.g., Ref. 8), thereby producing a manifold r on which there is defined a nondegenerate closed two-form !lAB' This sym- plectic manifold will serve as our phase space. We outline, now, the steps (and assumptions) needed to construct this phase space. By a standard identity (which holds on infinite-dimen- sional Banach manifolds 7 ), for any vector field ,pA on Y, we have ",W AB = t/F(dw) CAB + (dA)AB' where AA = W BA rps. (2.27) (2.28) The first term ofEq. (2.27) vanishes since WAB is closed. If ,pA is a degeneracy vector field, i.e., if W AB,pA = 0 at all points of Y, we have AA = 0 and thus we find that ",W AB =0. (2.29) Furthermore, if,pA is the commutator of two degeneracy vector fields, i.e., if ,pA = [tPI,tP2]A = ("" tP2)A, with W AB 1/1 = W AB t/4 = 0, we have (2.30) W AB,pA = W AB "" t/4 = "" (w AB t/4) - t/4 "" W AB = 0, (2.31) so,pA also is a degeneracy vector field. Consider, now, the distribution of degeneracy sub- spaces, i.e., the collection of subs paces of the tangent space to Y consisting of the degeneracy vectors of W AB' We assume that this distribution comprises a sub-bundle of the tangent bundle of Y. Since by Eq. (2.31) the commutator of two vector fields lying in this distribution also lies in this distribu- tion, by Frobenius' theorem 7 the distribution admits integral submanifolds. Hence we may define an equivalence relation on Y by setting tP I ~ tP2 if and only if tP I and tP2lie on the same integral submanifold. Let r denote the set of equivalence classes of Y and let 17': Y ........ r denote the map that assigns each element of Y to its equiValence class. We assume that a manifold structure can be defined on r such that Y has the structure of a fiber bundle over r with projection map 17'. (This need not automatically be the case since, in particular, the integral surfaces need not be embedded submanifolds i.e., they could "wind around in Y" like lines with irrationai J. Lee and R. M. Wald 731 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions slope on the unit torus). We will use the same index notation (with capital roman letters) for tensors on r as for tensors on Y; no confusion should result since it should be clear on which manifold the various tensors are defined. We define a two-form nAB on r by the condition that, for all vectors RA , and SA in the tangent space to each point sEr, we have nABR ASB = OJABpAaB, (2.32) where pA and aA are any tangent vectors at any point </JEY in the fiber over ssuch that 1T*pA = R A, 1T*aA = SA, where 1T* denotes the natural map from the tangent space V." of <p to the tangent space Vs- of S induced by the map 1T. (We also shall use the same notation, 1T*, to denote the natural pull- back map taking differential forms on r to differential forms on Y.) On account of the degeneracy of OJ AB in the fiber directions, the right side ofEq. (2.32) does not depend upon the choice of "representative vectors" pA and aA at <p. Fur- thermore, on account of Eq. (2.29), the right side of Eq. (2.32) also does not depend upon the choice of point </JEY in the fiber over S. Thus nAB is a well defined two-form on r, which is related to OJ AB by (2.33) i.e., OJ AB is the pullback of nAB under the projection map 1T. Furthermore, nAB is closed (as a direct consequence of the fact that OJ AB is closed) and, by construction, is nondegener- ate. (Note, however, that nAB need not be exact even though OJ AB satisfies this property). Thus (r, nAB) is a symplectic manifold, which we take to be the phase space of our theory. Note that we have not provided r with a "polarization," i.e., we have not distinguished between configuration and mo- mentum variables, e.g., by expressing r as a cotangent bun- dle of a configuration space. However, we will have no need for such a polarization in the analysis given below. Note also that the definition of OJ depends upon a choice of Cauchy surface [see Eq. (2.23)], and hence the construction of (r, nAB) also depends upon such a choice. Let Y denote the subset of Y consisting of solutions to the equations of motion (2.13). We shall Y submanifold of Y. Similarly, the image r=1T[Y] of Y under the projection map 1T will be assumed to be a submani- fold of r, which we shall refer to as the constraint submani- fold. If we interpret r as representing the possible" instantaneous states of the system, then...!" consists of those states that are "dynamically possible." If r is a prop- er subset of r, then not all kinematically possible states are dynamically possible, i.e., cons!:aints are present. We de- note by 17" the restriction of 1T to Y. We further, that Y has the structure of a fiber bundle over r, with projection map 17": Y Note that we then have (2.34) where W AB denotes the pullback of OJ AB to Y, and nAB de- notes the pullback of nAB to r. Note also that although, as mentioned above, the construction of (r, nAB) depends upon a choice of Cauchy surface on space-time, the con- struction of (r, nAB) does not by virtue of the Eq. (2.23). The relationships between Y, r, Y, and rare illustrated in Fig. 1. 732 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 r FIG. 1. The relationship between the manifold of field configurations Y and phase space r. The reduction procedure described in the text produces from the "presymplectic" manifold (Y, OJ AB ) the symplectic manifold (r, flAB)' together with a projection map 1r. Y .... r. The submanifold of Y comprised by the solutions to the field equations is denoted as Y, and its image under 11" defines the submanifold of phase denoted f. The restriction of 11" to Y defines the projection map iT: !Jr .... r. Several examples should help elucidate the above con- struction of phase space. Since we are primarily interested in theories with local symmetries, we focus attention on the three primary examples of such theories: Yang-Mills theo- ry, general relativity, and a parametrized scalar field theory. In Yang-Mills theory in a fixed, curved background space-time (M, gJl.v ) based on a semisimple Lie group G, the field variable is a connection on a principle fiber bundle over M with structure group G. As already mentioned at the be- ginning of the section, by choosing a cross section of this bundle and a basis of the cotangent space of M, we can (at least locally) describe this connection as a map A ill from M into M' = L( G) X an, where L( G) is the Lie algebra of G. Note that both the Lie algebra index i and the cotangent basis index,u correspond to the index" a" in our general treatment above. Since our general construction above calls for <pQ to be treated as a scalar function when acted upon by V Il' we will avoid some potential confusion by introducing a local coor- dinate system in M, choosing the basis of the cotangent space of M to coincide with the coordinate basis of this system, and choosing the fixed volume element and derivative operator to be the coordinate volume element E a" " an and coordinate derivative operator aJl.' [By doing so, the usual meaning of "ailA iv" coincides with our usage; by contrast, for, e.g., the metric compatible derivative operator, the usual meaning of V A i differs from what one would obtain by treating each JI. v component A i v (x) as a scalar function.] The Lagrangian density !L' is taken to be (2.35 ) where F i 2 a Ai + i Aj A k IlV = [Il v I C jk Il v' (2.36) where is the structure tensor of the Lie algebra and the Lie algebra indices are lowered and raised with the Killing metric - Cki/Cjk' Since!L' does not depend upon second and J. Lee and R. M. Wald 732 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions higher derivatives of A i,.., the quantities (I' and 01' do not depend upon our choice of derivative operator a,.., and the simplified formulas (2.20) and (2.21) apply. Thus we ob- tain (2.37) 01' =.,f=g [ - (oIFr) iv) + (02Fr) (oiA iv) ]. (2.38) Now, under an infinitesimal change in the choice of local cross section (used to express the connection as a map be- tween manifolds), we have iii j f: k F ,..v-+F,..v +Cjk F . (2.39) (2.40) Hence the variation of Ai,.. is changed by oA i,.. -+oA i,.. + (oA i,..)S k. (2.41 ) It follows from Eqs. (2.40) and (2.41) that both (I' and 01' remain unchanged under a change of local cross section. (Note, however, that (I' and 01' are not gauge invariant in the sense that if oA i,.. takes the form of an infinitesimal gauge transformation, then (I' and 01' do not vanish. Nevertheless, in the next section, we will show, quite generally, that the pullback iii AB of liJ AB to the solution submanifold Y always is gauge invariant in this sense.) It also is manifest from the expressions (2.37) and (2.38) that the vector densities (I' and 01' do not depend upon the choice of coordinate basis of the contagent space in M. Thus (I' and 01' are well defined, i.e., they do not depend upon the additional structure intro- duced to express the Yang-Mills field as a map between manifolds. By Eqs. (2.23) and (2.38), we have = L.,f=g[ - iv) + (o2F;"V)(OIA iv) ]n,... (2.42) From this equation, it is manifest that the degeneracy direc- tions of liJ AB consist of those field variations for which the spatial projection (i.e., pullback) of OAi,.. to l:. and (2.43) both vanish on l:.. Hence each integral submanifold of degen- eracy directions consists of all field configurations that have on l:.the same E i '" and pullback of A i,... Thus the phase space r can be identified with such (A i,.. ,E;") pairs, with symplec- tic form nAB determined by Eq. (2.42). Thus (r,n AB ) cor- responds precisely to the usual phase space of Yang-Mills theory. Note that the constraint submanifold r consists of the (A i,..,E;") pairs that satisfy (2.44) As a second example, consider general relativity. The field variable here is the space-time metric. By introducing a basis of the cotangent space, we can (at least locally) view the metric as a map g,..v from M into the vector space of symmetric n X n matrices. (Here the index pair "/lv" corre- sponds to the index "a" in the general discussion above.) 733 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 Again we introduce a local coordinate system and choose the cotangent space basis to coincide with the coordinate basis of our local coordinate system. We also again employ the coor- dinate volume element and derivative operator a,... For con- venience, we choose one of our coordinates to be "t " (i.e., the time function appearing in our foliation of M by Cauchy surfaces l:.,) and by a field redefinition (i.e., a coordinate transformation in M ') take our field variables to be the spa- tial metric components h,..v, the shift vector N,.. = h,..v (a / at) v, and the lapse function N = ( -!!tv a,..t avt) 1/2. The usual Hilbert Lagrangian den- sity, 2" H = - gR, for general relativity leads, via Eq. (2.19), to the formula for 01' given by Crnkovic and Witten,3 which differs from the expression originally given by Fried- man 2 by an identically conserved term of the form a v - g 0lg"'['" We obtain thereby relatively complicated expressions for the integrands defining 0 A and liJAB' To simplify the situation, we choose instead the La- grangian density (2.45) where 3 R is the scalar curvature of h,..v and K,..v is the extrin- sic curvature of l:. given in terms of h,..v, N, and N,.. by (2.46) whereD,.. is the derivative operator on l:. associated with h,..v. This Lagrangian density differs from 2" H by addition of the divergence of a vector density if" which depends only on de- rivatives of the metric up to first order (see p. 464 of Ref. 9). Thus 2" Hand 2" yield the same equations of motion. Note that by our general discussion above, the symplectic current 01' obtained from 2" differs from the current obtained from 2" H by an identically conserved vector density locally constructed from the fields and their variations which can be computed using Eq. (2.15). Thus if l:. is compact, 2" and 2" H produce the same presymplectic form liJ AB on r; how- ever, in the noncom pact case, the two expressions for the presymplectic form may differ by a "surface term at spatial infinity." Further discussion of the relationship between 01' and will be given elsewhere, and a generalization of to the Einstein-Maxwell case also will be used to derive con- venient expressions for conserved fluxes of gravitational and electromagnetic radiation. 10 Since 2" has no dependence on second-order time-time or mixed time-space derivatives (or any higher-order de- rivatives) of g,..v, formulas (2.20) and (2.21) apply for the relevant components O"'n,.. and oI'n,.. (where n,.. = V,..t) of the current densities 0'" and 01'. We obtain O"'n,.. = 1T"'V oh,..v (2.47) and oI'n,.. = (OI1T,..V)(02h,..v) - (021T"'V)(Olh,..v), (2.48) where 1T"'V =,fh (K"'v - Kh"'V). (2.49) Equations (2.47) and (2.48) define scalar densities on a hy- persurface l:. that are independent of the choice of coordi- J. Lee and R. M. Wald 733 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions nates used in the construction. Note, however, that, as in Yang-Mills case, () I'nl' and ifnI' fail to be gauge invariant in the sense that they do not vanish identically if tJgl'v is a gauge variation V (1'5v)' Nevertheless, as already mentioned above, it follows from the theorem proved at the end of the next section that such a gauge variation always is a degeneracy direction of the pullback (ij AB of ltJ AB to Y. From Eq. (2.48), we obtain ltJ AB (c5 l g)A ( c52K)B = 1 [(tJ!,17'I'V)( c5 2 hl'v) - (c5 2 '17'I'V)( tJ 1 hl''')]' (2.50) Thus the degeneracy directions of ltJ AB consist of those field variations c5gl'v for which c5hl''' and tJ'17' 1''' vanish on l'.. Conse- quently, we may identify phase space r with the pairs (hl'''' '17' I''') on l'., with symplectic form nAB determined by Eq. (2.50). This corresponds precisely to the usual choice of phase space for general relativity. Note that the constraint submanifold f consists of those pairs that satisfy - 3R + h -1('17'1''''17'1''' - = 0, (2.51) DI' (h -1/2'17' 1''') = 0, (2.52) where 3R denotes the scalar curvature of hl'v' As our last example we consider the parametrized mass- less, Klein-Gordon, scalar field theory, which is a generally covariant version of the ordinary scalar field theory in a background space-time. In this theory, the field variables are a real scalar field r/J on M, and a diffeomorphism y from M to another copy of the same manifold, which will be denoted M. [Thus the field variable J in the general discussion above corresponds to the pair (r/J,y) and we have M' = RxM.] The manifold M, in which the field y takes its value, is equipped with a fixed, nondynamical metric gab and, intro- ducing a coordinate volume element and derivative operator as before, the Lagrangian density of this theory, !f, is given by (2.53) where the metric gl''' (y) denotes the pullback of the back- ground metric gab by the map y, i.e., ( *)a ( *)b 0 gil" = Y I' Y "gab' (2.54) where (y*)al' denotes the induced map from the tangent space of xEM to the tangent space of y(x)EM [or, equiv- alently, the pullback map from the cotangent space of y(x) to the cotangent space of x ] . From Eq. (2.11), the r/J component of the equations of motion is 0= E", = - al'PI', where (2.55) (2.56) This is the usual equation of motion for a massless, Klein- Gordon scalar field in the space-time (M,gl''')' The ya com- ponent of the equations of motion is (2.57) 734 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 where (y. )Va == (y-1o)"a is the inverse of (y*)al" V I' is the derivative operator associated with gl'''' and TI''' is the ordi- nary stress--energy tensor of r/J in the space-time (M,gl''')' i.e., (2.58) Since conservation of stress-energy, VI' Tl'v = 0, is a conse- quence of the field equation for r/J, we see that Eq. (2.57) automatically is satisfied whenever Eq. (2.55) holds. We proceed, now, to construct the phase space. Again, note that the Lagrangian density (2.53) does not depend upon second or higher derivatives of either r/J or y. Therefore, one can apply the formula (2.20) to obtain (}1'=Pl'tJr/J+ -gTl'v)(y.)V a tJya. (2.59) From this one obtains if = tJ1PI' tJ 2 r/J - c5 2 PI' c5 1 r/J -gTl'a)tJJYa, (2.60) where Tl'a = Tl'v(Y. )"a. (2.61 ) By integrating Eq. (2.60) over a hypersurface l'. we get ltJ AB (c5 1 r/J,c5JY) A (tJ 2 r/J,c5,]),) B = 1 [(c5 I '17'tJ 2 r/J - c5 2 '17"c5 I r/J) + (tJ1Ha c5'])'a - tJ 2 Ha tJJYa) ], where '17' and Ha are defined by '17'==Pl'nl' = - - ggll" a" r/J) nl' , Ha==(,r=gT"a)n". (2.62) (2.63) (2.64) Note that '17' is the usual canonical momentum of the Klein- Gordon scalar field in the space-time (M,gl''')' Note also that Ha on l'. is a function only of r/J, '17', and and the spatial derivatives of r/J From Eq. (2.62), and this property of H a , we see imme- diately that any two field configurations having the same values of r/J, '17', and ya on l'. lie in the same degeneracy sub- manifold of ltJ AB' Furthermore, by expanding tJ1Ha in terms of c5 1 r/J, tJ l '17', and c5JYa, one can verify that the field variation (tJr/J,c5'17',tJya) on l'. is a degeneracy direction of ltJ AB ifand only if (2.65) where tJyIl = (y. )1' a tJya, hI''' is the spatial metric on l'. in- duced from gl'''' and ul' is the unit normal to l'.. Thus we sweep out the degeneracy submanifold by allowingy to vary arbitrarily, with the corresponding variations of r/J and '17' giv- en by Eqs. (2.65) and (2.66). Hence we can uniquely char- acterize each degeneracy submanifold of ltJ AB by choosing a fixed diffeomorphism, y: MI-+M, and specifying the values of r/J and '17' on l'. associated with this choice of y. In this manner, we may identify phase space (r ,nAB) with the manifold composed ofthe pairs (r/J,17') on l'., with symplectic form J. Lee and R. M. Wald 734 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions nAB = L - (2.67) This is precisely the usual phase space of a scalar field in the fixed, nondynamical space-time (M,gllv). Thus, when ap- plied to this case, our general prescription for constructing phase space has the effect of "deparametrizing" the parame- trized scalar field theory. Note that solutions to the equa- tions of motion (2.55) and (2.57) exist for all (",,1T) on l:, so in this case there are no constraints, i.e., the constraint sub- manifold is all of phase space, r = r. III. LOCAL SYMMETRIES ON FIELD CONFIGURATION SPACE In this section we shall define the notion oflocal symme- tries on field configuration space Y and will derive some of their properties. The principal result of this section is a theorem that directly implies that on the solution submani- fold Y every local symmetry direction (8)A is a degener- acy direction of the pullback to Y, (ij AB' of the presymplectic form W AB. In the next section, this result will be used to obtain important relationships between local symmetries and constraints on phase space. Roughly speaking, a local symmetry is a field vari- ation-such as the gauge transformations of Yang-Mills theory or the diffeomorphisms of general relativity-that keeps the action S invariant and that is "local" in a suitable sense to be made precise below. In this paper, we shall be concerned exclusively with infinitesimal local symmetries. Each infinitesimal local symmetry at each field configura- tion EY gives rise to a vector A in the tangent space to . In order to distinguish notationally such local symmetry vectors from arbitrary tangent vectors at ;EY, we will place a caret over local symmetry vectors, i.e., (8) A will denote a field variation corresponding to an infinitesimal local sym- metry, and similarly 8a (x) will denote the tangent vector to M' for this infinitesimal local symmetry at the point (x)EM'. Variations of other quantities induced by local symmetry variations also will be denoted with a caret, e.g., 8.!f denotes the change in .!f resulting from 8a [see Eq. (3.1) ]. The most difficult part of formulating a notion of local symmetries for a general Lagrangian field theory-formu- lated within the framework of the previous section-is to capture the idea that one has "complete, local (in space- time) control" over the symmetry variations. The following definition provides such a notion in a form conveniently ap- plicable to the proofs of the lemmas and theorem of this section. As we shall explain further below, this definition encompasses the standard notions of infinitesimal local sym- metries in specific theories such as Yang-Mills theory and general relativity. Definition: A set of pairs (8a,a ll ) consisting of a field variation 8a on space-time (i.e., an M' -vector-valued scalar field on M) and a vector density all on M will be said to comprise a collection of infinitesimal local symmetries at field configuration if the following three conditions are satisfied. 735 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 (i) The pairs form a vector space, i.e., if (8 1 a,a') and are in the collection, then for all C I ,C 2 ER so is (CI 8 1 a + C2 8 2 a,C I a') + (ii) For each pair (8a,aIl) we have 8.!f = V Ilall. (3.1 ) Furthermore, if l: is noncom pact, we require all to be such that no "boundary terms at spatial infinity" arise from ap- plying Gauss' law to integration of V Il all over the region between two Cauchy surfaces l:1 and l:2. In the noncompact case, we also require 8a to be such that no such spatial boundary terms arise from a similar application of Gauss' law to VJ)Il, where Oil is given by Eq. (2.12) with re- placed by 8a. (iii) Given any pair (8a,a ll ) in the collection and given any two disjoint, closed subsets CC I' CC 2 eM of space-time, then there exists a pair (8' a,a'll) in the collection such that 8,a(x) = 8a(x) } 'VXECC I; a'll(x) = all(x) whereas 8,a(x) = 0 } 'VXECC 2. a'll(x) = 0 (3.2a) (3.2b) Note that condition (i) of the definition is not restrictive in that if one has a set of pairs (8a ,all) satisfying conditions (ii) and (iii), one can obtain a set satisfying all the condi- tions by taking their linear span. Note also that Eq. (3.1) by itself places no restriction on 8a, since one could simply solve Eq. (3.1) for all. Condition (ii) becomes restrictive only in conjunction with condition (iii), which states that one must be able to deform 8a and all to zero on CC 2 while preserving Eq. (3.1). It should be emphasized that condition (iii) applies to both 8a and all, i.e., it does not suffice to be able to deform only 8a to zero on CC 2. Finally, it should be noted that the same field variation 8a may occur many times in the collection of local symmetries, paired with dif- ferent vector densities all, i.e., a given local symmetry vari- ation 8a need not have a unique all associated to it. Quanti- ties defined below, such as the Noether current JIl, will depend on the choice of all. Let W", denote the subspace of the tangent space V", to Y at field configuration spanned by the local symmetry vectors (8)A at . An assignment of local symmetries to each ;EY will be said to comprise an algebra of local sym- metries on Y if the distribution of subspaces W", is integra- ble. By Frobenius' theorem, this is equivalent to requiring that the distribution W", comprise a sub-bundle of the tan- gent bundle to Y and that the commutator of any two vector fields on Y lying in W", also lies in W",. For the results obtained in this section, it is not necessary that the local symmetries comprise an algebra. A collection of local symmetries at field configuration EY always is produced if all of the pairs (8a,a ll ) in the collection satisfy condition (ii) and are generated by formu- las locally having the general form J. Lee and R. M. Wald 735 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 8t/Ja = ToA + TI aA + ... + TI alA, a" = UoA+ UlaA + ... + U m amA, (3.3 ) (3.4) where, for a given t/J!T, the quantities To, ... ,T I and U o ,"" U m are fixed tensor fields on space-time, but the tensor field A can be chosen arbitrarily (within its specified index type) on space-time. [We have omitted all indices on the right sides ofEqs. (3.3) and (3.4) because the tensor fields T, U, and A may have arbitrary index structure (with re- spect to both M and M') and the index contractions may occur in an arbitrary fashion in each of the terms.] On ac- count of the linearity of Eqs. (3.3) and (3.4) in A and its derivatives, it is clear that the pairs (8t/Ja,a") comprise a vector space, so property (i) is satisfied. Since A is arbitrary, given disjoint closed sets C{; I' 2 eM, we can choose A' so that A' = A on C{; I but A' = 0 on C{; 2' From this it follows that also property (iii) is satisfied. In Yang-Mills theory, at field configuration A i,. the in- finitesimal gauge transformations (3.5) satisfy Eq. (3.1) with a" = 0, where N is an arbitrary Lie- algebra-valued scalar field on M. Thus the pairs {( 8A i ,O)}, A . ,. with8A ',. given by Eq. (3.5), comprise a collection of in fin i- tesimallocal symmetries at A i,.. Furthermore, the tangent subspaces to Y generated in this manner are integrable, so these gauge transformations define an algebra of local sym- metries on Y. For general relativity with Lagrangian density .2" H = - g R, at field configuration g,.v the infinitesimal gauge transformations 8g,.v = Ag,.v = 2V(,.A v ). = 2a(,.A v ) - r",.v A " (3.6) satisfy Eq. (3.1) with (3.7) where A" is an arbitrary vector field on space-time. [For the modified Lagrangian (2.45), which differs from .2" H byad- dition of a term of the form V,. If', the vector density a" would be changed by the addition of 81f'.] Thus these gauge transformations comprise a collection of infinitesimal local symmetries atg,.v' Again, the tangent subspaces to Y deter- mined by Eq. (3.6) are integrable, so we obtain an algebra of local symmetries on Y. In the parametrized massless scalar field theory, the in- finitesimal transformations at field configuration (t/J,ya) , 8t/J= At/J=A"a,.t/J, 8ya= (y.)a,.A", (3.8) satisfy Eq. (3.1) with a" = A".2", where A" is an arbitrary vector field on space-time. Thus these transformations com- prise a collection of infinitesimal local symmetries at (t/J,ya). In this case, also, the tangent subspaces to Y given by Eq. (3.8) are integrable, and we obtain an algebra oflocal sym- metries. Thus the gauge transformations of Yang-Mills the- ory, general relativity, and parametrized scalar field theory are encompassed by our general definition of local symme- tries. 736 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 In fact, the local symmetries of Yang-Mills theory, gen- eral relativity, and parametrized scalar field theory actually have more structure than indicated above. In all three cases, one can define an action of (infinite-dimensional) group [1 on Y so that Y is given the structure of a principal fiber bundle. The tangent subspaces of the infinitesimal local symmetries then correspond simply to the tangent subspaces to the fibers. As mentioned in Sec. I, in Yang-Mills theory, the group [1 consists of the set of maps from space-time M into the Yang-Mills group G, whereas in general relativity, the group [1 consists of the diffeomorphisms of M into itself. In parametrized theories, the role of [1 is also played by the group of diffeomorphisms on M. The key additional structure provided by such a group action on Y is that it allows one to define the notion of a "field-independent" infinitesimal local symmetry. Namely, we say that an infinitesimal local symmetry (8 1 t/J)A at t/JIEY iSA"the same symmetry" as (8 2 t/J)A at t/J2eY if (8 1 t/J)A and (8 2 t/J)A correspond to the action on Y of the same element of the Lie algebra of [1. A vector field (8t/J)A on Y which is everywhere tangent to will be said to be afield-indepen- dent infinitesimal local symmetry if it represents the "same in this sense at all points of Y. [Otherwise, (8t/J)A will be referred to as "field dependent".] Clearly, the field-independent infinitesimal local symmetries comprise a subalgebra-isomorphic to the Lie algebra of [1-of the al- gebra of infinitesimal local symmetries. Since the field-inde- pendent symmetries span at each t/JeY, in most cases nothing is lost by restricting attention to them. Thus, in most discussions, only the field-independent symmetries are con- sidered. For Yang-Mills theory the field-independent local symmetries are given by Eq. (3.5), with N chosen to be independent of A i,.. For general relativity and parametrized scalar field theory the field-independent local symmetries are those for which A" (as opposed to, say, A,.) is chosen to be independent ofg,.v in Eq. (3.6) and independent oft/Jand yin Eq. (3.8). One reason why we have not assumed the existence of the structure on Y sufficient to enable us to define the no- tion offield-independent symmetries is that it is unnecessari- ly restrictive. A much more fundamental reason is that, as we shall explain in Sec. IV, even when this structure is pres- ent, it will be necessary to consider the "field-dependent" infinitesimal local symmetries in order to represent fully symmetries on phase space. Thus, for the purpose of this paper, the notion of field-independent local symmetries ap- pears quite unnatural. We define now the notion of the Noether charge Q of an infinitesiIl!allocal symmetry and obtain some of its proper- ties. Let (8t/Ja,a") be an infinitesimal local symmetry at field configuration t/J. We define the Noether current J" by (3.9) where 0" is given by Eq. (2.12), with8t/Ja substituted for 8t/Ja. Thus J" is a vector density on space-time. Note that J" de- pends upon the choice of a", i.e., if the same local symmetry field variation 8t/Ja is paired with different a"'s, different Noether currents will result. Taking the divergence ofEq. (3.9), we obtain J. Lee and R. M. Wald 736 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions v J!-'=V ()I'-V al' I' I' I' = (6.Y - Ea 6tpa) - 6.Y = (3.10) where Eqs. (2.10) and (3.1) were used. Thus if satisfies the equations of motion, then the Noether current is conserved. Given a Cauchy surface l:, we define the Noether charge Q associated by Q= LJl'n w (3.11) In general, Q depends upon the choice of l:, but by Eq. (3.10) [supplemented by condition (ii) of the above defini- tion oflocal symmetries in the case where l: is noncompact] if is a solution to the equations of motion, then Q is inde- pendent of the choice of l:. Indeed we have the following stronger result. Lemma 1: Let be an arbitrary infinitesimal 10- cal symmetry at a solution Then the Noether charge Q, defined by Eq. (3.11), vanishes: Q = O. (3.12) Proof Choose disjoint closed sets C(f I' C(f 2 eM such that C(f I contains an open neighborhood of the given Cauchy sur- face l: appearinginEq. (3.11), whereas C(f 1. contains an open neighborhood of another Cauchy surface l:. Using property (iii) of the definition of infinitesimal local symmetries, we choose to be an infinitesimal local symmetry that agrees with on C(f I but vanishes on C(f 2' Then, as proved above, the Noether charge Q' associated with (6' is conserved. However, clearly we have Q' = Qon l: whereas Q' = 0 on l:. Thus we obtain Q = o. 0 Our next result provides a generalized Bianchi identity for all Lagrangian theories with local symmetries. Lemma 2: Let be an arbitrary field configuration, and let be an infinitesimal local symmetry such that both and al' have compact support on space-time. Then, we have (3.13) Proof Since and al' have compact support, it follows immediately that the Noether current JI' also has compact support. The lemma then follows directly from integrating Eq. (3.10) over M. 0 If the local symmetries are of the form (3.3) and (3.4), then Eq. (3.13) is equivalent to a local differential identity on Ea [obtained by integration of Eq. (3.13) by parts to remove derivatives of A and then setting the coefficient of A in the integrand equal to zero]. For Yang-Mills theory and general relativity, this yields the usual Bianchi identity. For the parametrized scalar field theory, it yields an identity re- lating the ya equation of motion (i.e., conservation of stress- energy) to the "'equation of motion (Le., the Klein-Gordon equation). The next result can be interpreted as saying that at any point of the solution submanifold Y offield configuration A A space.'T, every local symmetry vector lies tangent to Y. The basic argument in our proof of Lemma 3 was sug- 737 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31 , No.3, March 1990 gested to us by S. Anco. Lemma 3: Let be a solution to the equations of motion, Ea = O. Let be an infinitesimal local symmetry at Then the induced variation of Ea vanishes: 6E a = 0, (3.14) i.e., is a solution of the linearized equations of motion. Proof We prove Eq. (3.14) first for the case ofa local symmetry pair such that both and aI' are of compact support on space-time. Let Mf--+M' be a smooth two-parameter family of field configurations, with = such that, for all AI' the field variation (3.15) aA 2 ;',=0 is a local symmetry field variation of compact support, paired with an al' also of compact support. Then Eq. (3.13) holds at A2 = 0 for all AI' Taking the partial derivative ofEq. (3.13) with respect tOA I and evaluating atA I = 0, we obtain 0= J) (tiIEa) + Ea ] (3.16) where we used Ea = 0 at in the second line. On the other hand, by Eq. (2.18) we have 0= - + Vl'if. (3.17) Since has compact support, it follows that if also has compact support. Hence, integrating Eq. (3.17) over M, we obtain 0= J) (tiIEa) - (62Ea) ]. (3.18) Subtracting Eq. (3.18) from Eq. (3.16), we obtain 0= JM (62 E a (3.19) Since is an arbitrary field variation, Eq. (3.19) implies that 6 2 E a = 0, (3.20) for an arbitrary local symmetry pair of compact support. To prove that Eq. (3.20) holds for an arbitrary local symmetry pair not necessarily of compact support, we suppose Eq. (3.20) failed to hold for such a local symme- try atxeM. Choose disjoint closed sets C(f I' C(f 2 eM such that C(f I contains an open neighborhood of x and such that the complement of C(f 2 has compact closure. The local symmetry pair provided by property (iii) of the definition of local symmetries then would have compact support and also would fail to satisfy Eq. (3.20) at x, in contradiction with the above result. 0 We now are ready to prove the main result of this sec- tion, which can be interpreted as stating that at each solution t/>EY, and for each local symmetry at we have (dQ)A = (3.21) J. Lee and R. M. Wald 737 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions where Qis the Noether charge associated with d de- notes the exterior derivative on Y, and (J)AB is the "presym- plectic form" on Y. Theorem: Let t/J be a solution to the equations of motion, Ea = 0, and let t/J(A,1,A,2): Mt---+M' be a smooth two-param- eter family offield configurations with t/J(O,O) = t/J such that (at/Ja / aA,2 >1."2 = 0 is the field variation of an infinitesi- mal local symmetry for all AI' Let Q(A,l) denote the Noether charge of this local symmetry at t/J(A,I'O). Then at t/J we have 8 1 Q = (J)[t/J,8 1 t/J,t5 2 t/J], (3.22) where (J) was defined by Eq. (2.23). Proof: By Eq. (2.18) we have (OlEa )(t5 2 t/Ja) - (t52Ea )(8 1 t/Ja) + Vp(J)P = O. (3.23) The second term vanishes by Lemma 3. Since Ea = 0 at t/J, we may write the first term as 0 1 (Ea t5 2 t/Ja). Using Eq. (3.10), weseethatEq. (3.23) takes the form Vp ( -DIP + if) = O. (3.24) Thus, by Gauss' law, the associated charge S l: ( - 8 1 JP + if)np is conserved, i.e., independent of choice of Cauchy surface l:. An exact repetition of the proof of Lemma 1 above then shows that, in fact, this charge van- ishes. Thus we obtain 0= 1 ( -8 1 JP + if)n p = -8 I Q+(J)[t/J,8 1 t/J,t5 2 t/J], (3.25) as we desired to show. 0 Note that if we weaken the hypothesis of the above theorem by not requiring t/J to be a solution, the calculation that previously led to Eq. (3.24) now yields V P ( - 8 1 JP + if) = t5 2 (E a 8 1 t/Ja). (3.26) Hence, if we happen to have a local symmetry vector field (t5 2 t/J)A on Y that satisfies 8 1 t/J Q ) = 0 for all two-pa- rameter families of the type specified in the theorem [but with t/J = t/J(O,O) now arbitrary], then we again obtain Eq. (3.24), from which the result (3.25) again follows. Thus, for such very special, local symmetry vector fields on Y, Eq. (3.25) actually holds at all t/JEY, not just at solutions tjJEY. As we shall discuss further in Sec. IV, the field-independent gauge transformations of Yang-Mills theory satisfy this property. As already mentioned above, the Noether charge Q de- pends, in general, upon a P as well as t5t/JQ. An interesting corollary of the above theorem is that for any local symmetry (t5t/Ja,a P ) at a solution t/J, the gradient of Q does not depend upon aP, nor does it depend upon how and a P are extended off of t/J. [This result follows immediately from the fact that the right side ofEq. (3.22) is independent of these choices.] It also follows immediately from Eq. (3.22) that at a solution t/J, the first variation of the Noether charge in a degeneracy direction of (J) always vanishes. A further, very important corollary of the above theorem may be stated as follows. Corollary; Let t/Ja be a solution to the equations of mo- tion, E a = 0; let 8 1 t/Ja be a solution to the linearized equations 738 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 of motion at t/Ja (i.e., let 8 1 t/J Q be such that 8 lEa = 0); and let be an infinitesimal local symmetry field variation at t/J0. Then we have (3.27) Proof: This result is an immediate consequence of Eq. (3.22) together with Lemma 1. 0 This corollary can be interpreted as saying that at any t/JEY, every local symmetry vector is a degeneracy direction of the pullback W AB of (J)AB to Y, i.e., we have = O. (3.28) [Note that by Lemma 3, is always tangent to Y, so the action ofwAB on is well defined.] The analysis of the next section will be based mainly on this result. Note also that this corollary can be viewed as stating that, as claimed in Sec. II, W AB always is "gauge invariant," i.e., for any solution t/J and for any pair of linearized solutions (8 1 t/J)A, (8 2 t/J)A at t/J, the quantity (J)AB(01t/J)A(8 2 t/J)B depends only upon the gauge equivalence class of (8 1 t/J)A and (8 2 t/J )A. Thus we have given a completely general proof, applicable to an arbitrary Lagrangian theory with local symmetries, of a result of Friedman 2 for the case of general relativity. This result for the cases of Yang-Mills theory and general relativity also was obtained previously (by means of detailed calculations) by Crnkovic and Witten. 3 IV. LOCAL SYMMETRIES AND CONSTRAINTS ON PHASE SPACE Recall that, in Sec. II, we introduced the manifold of field configurations, Y; we defined a "presymplectic form" (J)AB on Y; and we constructed phase space (r, {lAB) from (Y,(J) AB) by a reduction procedure. We thereby also ob- tained a projection map 1T: Y t---+ r. The "constraint submani- fold" r of r was defined to be the image under 1T of the solution submanifold Y of Y and the restriction 1Tof 1T to Y gave a similar projection map 1T: Y t---+r. As in Sec. II, we shall continue to assume below that Y has the structure of a fiber bundle over r with projection map 1T and that Y has the structure of a fiber bundle over r with projection map 1T. We shall also assume that the nondegenerate symplectic form {lAB on r is invertible, so that the notion ora Poisson bracket is well defined on r. (Nondegeneracy does not auto- matically imply invertibility in infinite-dimensional spaces.) We denote the inverse of {lAB by {lAB, so that {lAB{lBC = OA c. In the present section, we shall use the projection map 1T to "carry down" the notion and properties of local symme- tries obtained in Sec. III from Y to r and from Y to r. We thereby shall obtain a relationship between local symmetries and constraints on phase space. As already noted in Sec. II, the projection map 1T: Y t---+ r induces a corresponding map 17"*: V",t---+V from the tangent space V", of any point tjJEY to the tangent space V of the image point S = 1T(t/J )Er. Thus, given a local symmetry vec- tor at t/J, we may project it to obtain the vector X A:= 1T* (t5t/J)A at point S. However, since the map 1Tis manY- to-one, there is no reason why a local symmetry vector field (t5t/J)A on Y should have a well defined projection onto r; J. Lee and R. M. Wald 738 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions the vector 1r*(B(J)A at 5Er obtained by projection may de- pend upon the choice of point tjJeY in fiber 11'- I [5] A over 5. Indeed, a necessary and sufficient condition for (&/J)A to have a projection from Y to r is that for all degeneracy A A vector fields f/I- on Y, we have that ", (8(J) also is a degen- eracy vector field, i.e., for all f/I- satisfying {U AB tf!1 = 0, we have (4.1 ) (4.2) We shall see below that in the case of parametrized theories, there do not exist any local symmetry vector fields on Y satisfying this condition that project to a nonvanishing vec- tor field on r. However, in the case where there are local symmetry vector fields on Y that have a Wtrll defined, non- trivial projection to r, a notion oflocal symmetries on r can be defined. In fact, for most purposes the requirement that a local symmetry have a well defined projection from all of Y to all of r is too strong; it would exclude the nonspatial diffeomorphisms of general relativity (see below). Rather, all that is needed for most of our results is that the local symmetry project from Y to f. Therefore, we introduce the following two definitions. Definitions: A vector field X A on r will be called an infinitesimal local symmetry on r if it is of the form X A = 11'* (B(J )A, where (B(J)A is the field variation of an infin- itesimallocal symmetry defined on all of Y. Similarly, a vector field X A on f will be called an infinitesimal local symmetry on f if it is of the form X A = 11'* (B(J)A, where ) A is the field variation of an infinitesimal local symme- try defined on Y. We explore, now, some of the properties of infinitesimal local symmetries on f. Since, by Lemma 3 of Sec. III (l>r/ A is always tangent to Y, for any infinitesimal symmetry X A on f, we have (4.3) where 17"* is the tangent space map associated to the projec- tion map 17": Y t--+f. (We also use the same notation 17"* to denote the associated pullback map on forms.) By Eq. (2.34) of Sec. II, we have - -*-0 {U AB = 11' AB' (4.4) where (jj AB denotes the pullback of the form OJ AB to Y, and 0 AB denotes the pullback of 0 AB to r. By the elementary properties of the map 17"*, we thus obtain A - AB (jj AB (l>(J)B = 17"* (OABX ). (4.5) The key result of this section now follows by invoking the corollary to the theorem proved at the end of Sec. III. According to that corollary, the left side ofEq. (4.5) always vanishes. Thus we obtain (4.6) and, we find that every infinitesimal local symmetry X A on r satisfies 739 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 OABX B = O. (4.7) Equation (4.7) directly implies that to each infinitesi- mallocal symmetry on f, there co"esponds a constraint on phase space. To see this, we note that OAB is nondegen- erate, if the infinitesimal local symmetry X A is nonvanishing at 5Ef, then the one-form f.lA = OABX B (4.8) also is non vanishing at 5. But Eq. (4.7) states that f.lA TA = 0, for all TA tangent to f at 5. Thus the codimen- sion off in r must be at least 1. Each additional independent infinitesimal local symmetry X,A at 5 results in an independent f.l and thus increases the codimension of r in r by 1. Since, as mentioned in Sec. II, r has the interpreta- tion as representing the "kinematically possible" states whereas f represents the possible" states, each such increase in the codimension ofr corresponds to an additional constraint. Furthermore, in the case where the infinitesimal local symmetries on Y form an algebra, then the co"!..traints asso- ciated with infinitesimal local symmetries on r always are first class, i.e., these constraints close under the Poisson bracket in the sense explained below. To show this, given an infinitesimal local symmetry X A on f, we let C be any func- tion on r such that on f we have Clr =0 (4.9) and (4.10) where d denotes the exterior derivative on r. [On account of Eq. (4.7), Eq. (4.10) is merely a condition on the normal derivatives of C at f, so there are no futher integrability conditions that need be satisfied in order to obtain such a C. ] We refer to any C satisfying (4.9) (4.10) as a "con- straint function" associated with XA. Note that, by Eq. (3.21), the pullback 11'* (dC)A of (dC)A to Y is equal to (dQ)A onY, where Qis with the local symmetry that projects to X A on r. For a choice of constraint function C, it is convenient to extend X A to a vector field X A on r by setting X A = OAB(dC)B' (4.11) Then X A automatically satisfies XOAB = O. (4.12) Now, consider two infinitesimal local symmetries, X I A and X/, on f. Under the hypothesis that the infinitesimal local on Y comprise. an their commutator X A = x X 2 A also will be an mfiruteslmallocal symmetry on f. On f,' we have A A B A B 0AB XB = OABX,X 2 = OABX,X 2 = x, = x, (dC 2 )A = (d(Xf(dC 2 )DA = - (d(OBD(dC l h(dC 2 )DA = (d{C I ,C 2 })A' J. Lee and R. M. Wald (4.13) 739 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions where the identity (2.27) was used in the third line and where the Poisson bracket {Cl>C 2 } is defined by {C I 'C 2 } = - .{}--4B(dC I )A (dC 2 )B. (4.14) Note that Eq. (4.13) holds on r for any choice of constraint functions C I ,C 2 satisfying (4.9) and (4.10). Furthermore, we have {C I 'C 2 } = 0 on r. Hence C= {C I ,C 2 } is a con- straint function for XA. Thus the above calculations estab- lish the following results: To each infinitesimal local symme- try X A on r we may associate an equivalence class [C] of "constraint functions," where [C] consists of all functions on phase space satisfying Eqs. (4.9) and (4.10). The Pois- sion bracket algebra of these constraint functions is isomor- phic to the Lie bracket algebra of the infinitesimal local sym- metries on r in the sense that if C I is any constraint function for X I A and C 2 is any constraint !unction .for X 2 A , then {C I 'C 2 } is a constraint function for X A = X,X 2 A In partic- /".. _ ular, since the Lie bracket algebra of the X A'S on r close when the infinitesimal local symmetries on Y comprise an algebra, it follows that the Poisson bracket algebra of the constraint functions close. This corresponds to the usual no- tion of first class constraints, so, in this sense, the constraints associated with local symmetries are first class. Of course, our analysis does not preclude the possibility that the theory may possess other constraints in addition to those implied by the presence of local symmetries, so the entire set of con- straints need not be first class. The above discussion and results apply to all Lagran- gian field theories with local symmetries. Hence any differ- ence in the structure of the resulting constraints on phase space for different theories with local symmetries must be attributable to differences in the structure of the local sym- metries on Y and/or differences in the manner in which these local symmetries project to r. We now shall elucidate the special features of the local symmetries on phase space arising in Yang-Mills theory, general relativity, and the par- ametrized scalar field theory. We shall see that the differ- ences in the structure of the constraints on phase space in these theories arise primarily from the manner in which the local symmetries project to phase space. In Yang-Mills theory, the "field-independent" infini- tesimallocal symmetries on Y give rise to local symmetries on phase space that satisfy much stronger properties than in the general case considered above. As already mentioned in Sec. III, the "field-independent" symmetries on Y are given by i:" I a AI+ I Aj Ak (4.15) I' Cjk I' ' where N is a fixed (i.e., independent of field configuration A II') Lie-algebra-valued function, A: (G), on space- time. In particular, on we have i: "I _ a AI + I A j Ak I' Cjk I' ' (4.16) l>Et = c/kE/A k . (4.17) Furthermore, as discussed in Sec. II, the degeneracy sub- manifolds of (J) AB consist of those field configurations with the same pullback of A II' to and the same Et on Thus if we consider the field-independent infinitesimal local sym- metry (4.15) at two field configurations on the same degen- 740 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 eracy submanifold, it is clear from Eqs. (4.16) and (4.17) that the fields liE II' on and the pullback of l>A / to will be the same. This implies that in Yang-Mills theory, all the field-independent infinitesimal local symmetries on Y proj- ect to r and thus define infinitesimal local symmetries on all ofr. We shall refer to these local symmetries on r as "field- independent." The Lie algebra of the field-independent local symmetries on r is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of the group [! / K, where [! is the gauge group acting on Y and K is the normal subgroup of [! consisting of the gauge transformations that keep Et and the pullback of A II' fixed on 1:. Furthermore, r thereby naturally acquires the struc- ture of a principal fiber bundle, with group [! / K. The con- straint submanifold r similarly acquires a natural principal fiber bundle structure, also with group [! / K. In fact, the field-independent local symmetries of Yang- Mills theory possess further remarkable properties. It is not difficult to verity that the field-independent local symme- tries on Y satisfy the condition l>2(E a 8 1 ifJ Q ) = 0 discussed after the theorem at the end of Sec. III. Consequently, the equation (dQ)A = {J)AB(l>ifJ)B (4.18) holds for field-independent local symmetries (l>ifJ)A at all t/JEY (i.e., not merely for tjxi7, as guaranteed by the theorem). An immediate consequence of Eq. (4.18) is that the Noether charge Q is constant on the degeneracy subman- ifolds of {J)AB. Consequently, we may project the function Q from Y to r so as to obtain a function Con r that satisfies (dC)A = OABXB, (4.19) everywhere on r, whereX A is the projection of (l>ifJ)A. Note '" that, in particular, Eq. (4.19) implies that X A is symplectic, i.e., XOAB = o. Consequently, in Yang-Mills theory, for '" any field-independent local symmetry X A on r, we can uniquely assign a constraint function C such that C == 0 on r and Eq. (4.10) holds on all of r, not merely on r. Conse- quently, the Poisson bracket algebra of these constraint functions on r is isomorphic to the Lie bracket algebra of the field-independent local symmetries on r, which, in turn, is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of [! / K. Thus in Yang-Mills theory the field-independent local symmetries on r satisfy much stronger properties than hold in the general case. In Yang-Mills theory, the most general infinitesimal symmetry vector field (l>ifJ ) A on Y that projects to r is given by Eq. (4.15), where N is constant on the degeneracy sub- manifolds of (J)AB' i.e., the map A: G) is an arbitrary functional of Et on and the of A II' The local symmetries that project from Y to r are characterized simi- larly. Such field-dependent local symmetries on Y fail, in general, to satisfy Eq. (4.18). Their projection to r fails, in general, to be symplectic, and thus one cannot associate to them a constraint function on all of r. (Of course, as with all local symmetries, their projection to r is associated with an equivalence class of constraint functions in the manner de- scribed above.) However, since the field-independent local symmetries on r span the tangent subspace of infinitesimal local symmetries at each point of r, there is little reason to consider field-dependent local symmetries on r. J. Lee and R. M. Wald 740 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions In general relativity, a certain subclass of the field-inde- pendent local symmetries on .7 -namely, the spatial diffeo- morphisms-satisfy special properties similar to the field- independent local symmetries of Yang-Mills theory. Recall from the previous section that the field-independent local symmetries are given by 8gp,v = Agp,v' (4.20) where the vector field AP, is independent of the field configu- ration gp,v on space-time. (Note that, therefore, Ap, = gp,v A v does depend upon field configuration.) Consider, now, the purely spatial infinitesimal diffeomorphisms, i.e., consider the case where AP, on 1: is everywhere tangential to 1:. Then on 1: we have 8hp,v = Ahp,v = 2D(p,Avl' 8#v = A #v = aU (AU#V) - 21fI(p, auAV), ( 4.21) (4.22) where Dp, denotes the derivative operator on 1: associated with hp,v' Since the degeneracy submanifolds of (U AB consist of field configurations with the same hp,v and #V on 1:, it follows immediately from Eqs. (4.21) and (4.22) that the field-independent infinitesimal spatial diffeomorphisms project from all of Y to r. The Lie algebra of the resulting local symmetries on r (which we again refer to as "field independent") is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of the diffeo- morphism group of 1:. Furthermore, both rand f thereby naturally acquire the structure of a principal fiber bundle, with this structure group. However, unlike the Yang-Mills case, the field-independent infinitesimal spatial diffeomor- phisms on Y do not satisfy the condition 8 2 (Eo {j1<jJ) = 0 discussed following the theorem at the end of Sec. III. In- stead, we obtain (4.23) Nevertheless, remarkably, when this term is inserted into Eq. (3.25), it makes no contribution, since = O. Con- sequently, for the field-independent infinitesimal spatial dif- feomorphisms (8<jJ)A on Y, we again obtain (4.24) everywhere on Y. Hence, by exactly the same arguments as in the Yang-Mills case, to each of the resulting field-inde- pendent local symmetries on r we can uniquely associate a constraint function on all of r in such a way that the Poisson bracket algebra of these functions is isomorphic to the Lie bracket algebra of the local symmetries, which, in turn, is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of diffeomorphisms on 1:. Thus the structure for the field-independent spatial diffeo- morphisms in general relativity is completely analogous to the structure of the field-independent gauge transformations of Yang-Mills theory. However, the structure for the nonspatial diffeomor- phisms of general relativity is very different. For general AP" the formulas corresponding to Eqs. (4.21) and (4.22) are [see, e.g., Eqs. (E.2.35) and (E.2.36) of Ref. 9 for the case Gp,v = 0] 741 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 (4.25) 8#v = ah 1/2h p,uh VPG up _ ah 1/2e R p,v _ 3 Rh P,V) + - lf2 h P,V( - r) _ 2ah -1/2( #u11' u v _ !11'#V) + h If2(DP,D va - h p,VD UDua) + au (f3u#v) - 21fI(P,D u f3 V ), (4.26) where a = - up,AP, (with up, the unit normal to 1:) and f3 p, = h p, vA v are the lapse function and shift vector associat- ed with AP" and Gp,v is the Einstein tensor of gp,v' Note that the term involving the Einstein tensor is the only term on the right sides of Eqs. (4.25) and (4.26) not determined by the specification of hp,v' #v, and AP, on 1:. Indeed, on a given degeneracy submanifold (i.e., for fixed hp,v and 11'P,v on 1:), the space-time metric gp,v can be chosen so that the spatial projection of Gp,v can be specified arbitrarily. Taking this fact into account, we see from Eqs. (4.25) and (4.26) that the only way a and f3 p, can be chosen on a given degeneracy submanifold so that 8hp,v and 8#vare constant (i.e., so that a consistent projection to r is obtained) is to choose a = 0 and f3 p, independent of field configuration. Thus the most general local symmetries that project from Y to r are the infinitesimal spatial diffemorphisms, with AP, = f3 p, chosen to be an arbitrary functional of (hp,v,#V) on 1:. In particular, there is no notion of local symmetries on all ofr correspond- ing to nonspatial diffeomorphisms. However, this situation improves considerably if one seeks only local symmetries that project from !Jr to f. In that case, we have G p,v = 0 and it is clear from Eqs. (4.25) and (4.26) that 8hp,v and 8#v will be constant on each de- generacy submanifold if and only if a and f3 p, are constant there. Thus the most general local symmetries that project from !Jr to f are those for which a and f3P, are arbitrary functionals of hp,v and #V on 1:. In particular, none of the ''field-independent'' local symmetries with nonspatial AP, project from!Jr to f, because if AP, is constant on a degener- acy submanifold, then a = - up, AP, and f3 p, = h p, vA v are nonconstant, since up, and h p, v = {jP v + uP,u v depend upon properties of the space-time metric gp,v that are not deter- mined by hp,v and #V on 1:. The infinitesimal local symmetries on f comprise an algebra that is "as large" an algebra as one would have ex- pected to obtain if the field-independent local symmetries had projected down. Thus the field variations corresponding to the nonspatial infinitesimal diffeomorphisms are fully represented on f. Furthermore, by our general analysis above, for each infinitesimal local symmetry on f we obtain an equivalence class of constraint functions whose Poisson bracket algebra is isomorphic to the Lie bracket algebra of the local symmetries on f. However, since there is no subal- gebra of local symmetries on f corresponding to the field- independent, nonspatial, infinitesimal diffeomorphisms on !Jr, there is no natural action on f of the group of field- independent local symmetries on Y group of diffe- morphism of M) or any of its factor groups, apart from the spatial diffeomorphisms. J. Lee and R. M. Wald 741 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions In summary, we see that the difference in the manner in which the local symmetries project from field configuration space to phase space fully accounts for the following differ- ences between Yang-Mills theory and general relativity. (1) In Yang-Mills theory the notion of local symme- tries is naturally defined on all of phase space r. In general relativity, although the local symmetries corresponding to spatial diffeomorphisms also are naturally defined on r, the local symmetries corresponding to nonspatial diffeomor- phisms are defined only on the constraint submanifold f. (2) In Yang-Mills theory the "field-independent" local symmetries on Y project to a natural subalgebra of local symmetries on r, also referred as "field independent." To each such field-independent local symmetry on r one can uniquely associate a constraint function C defined on all of r and satisfying the properties discussed above. In general rel- ativity, the field-independent local symmetries on Y corre- sponding to spatial diffeomorphisms similarly project to r, and, for the resulting field-independent local symmetries on r, constraint functions also can be defined on r that satisfy similar properties. However, for nonspatial diffeomor- phisms, the field-independent local symmetries do not even project from Y to f, so one does not obtain a similar subal- gebra. Furthermore, for the nonspatial diffeomorphisms, constraint functions on r are naturally defined only up to equivalence class as described above. (3) In Yang-Mills theory field-independent local sym- metries on phase space naturally endow rand f with the structure of principal fiber bundles, with the structure group being a factor group of the group ;j of field-independent local symmetries on Y. For general relativity, similar re- sults hold for the spatial diffeomorphisms. However, since there do not exist any local symmetries on r or f corre- sponding to the field-independent nonspatial diffeomor- phisms of Y, neither r nor f naturally acquire a similar principal fiber bundle structure with regard to an appropri- ately large factor group of the diffeomorphism group of M (i.e., a factor group that includes any nonspatial diffeomor- phisms). With regard to this last point, since in general relativity the local symmetries corresponding to the nonspatial diffeo- morphisms are not even defined off of f, there is, of course, no sense in which r can be given a principal bundle structure associated with them. However, as described above, the local symmetries corresponding to all diffeomorphisms are fully represented on f. Suppose that one could find a subalgebra d of these local symmetries on f such that each X AEd is nonvanishing at each point of f (unless X A vanishes identi- cally) and such that at each point of f, the local symmetry vectors in d span the tangent subspace oflocal symmetries. Then f would acquire principal bundle structure with re- spect to the subgroup 9) "" of diffeomorphisms of f genera- ted by d. If so, then 9) "" could be viewed as the local sym- metry group of the phase space formulation of geneal relativity. Note that, presumably, 9) "" would not be a factor group or subgroup of the diffeomorphism group of M. The issue of whether there exists such a subalgebra d of the local symmetries on f appears worthy of further investigation. Note that if such a subalgebra d exists, the constraint func- 742 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 tions associated with elements of d would suffice to enforce all the constraints of general relativity. The Poisson bracket algebra of these constraint functions then would close on f with "structure constants" rather than "structure func- tions." [Indeed, one way of searching for such an d would be to try to choose the field dependence of a and P J.' on r such that the Poisson bracket algebra corresponding to the algebra (1.4), (1.6), and (1.7) obtained for "field-indepen- dent" a nd P J.' now closes with structure constants on f.] Thus the existence of such an d could provide a possible remedy to the difficulties, mentioned in the Introduction, that arise when one attempts to impose the constraints in quantum gravity. Finally, we note that the situation for local symmetries on phase space for the parametrized scalar field is complete- ly different from Yang-Mills theory and general relativity. For an arbitrary field configuration (t/J,y) on space-time the local symmetries (3.8) yield the following field variations on l:: = (y. )QJ.'AJ.', = N' aJ.' t/J = pJ.' aJ.' t/J + ah -1/21T, = aJ.' (P J.'1T) + aJ.' (a,,[hh J.'V avt/J) - aJ.' (.J - gg'vavt/J) (4.27) (4.28) (4.29) Comparing this with Eqs. (2.65) and (2.66), we see that on Y [where the last term in Eq. (4.29) vanishes], the local symmetry vector fields are degeneracy directions of Cd AD' Hence the map -iT: Y -+ f projects all local symmetries on Y to zero on f. Indeed, since in this case we have r = f, it follows that if is a local symmetry vector field on any degeneracy submanifold of Y that projects to a vector X at corresponding point of r, then we have X = = O. Thus, in parameterized scalar field theory, there are no local symmetries on phase space, as might be expected in view of the fact that-as noted in Sec. II-the construction of phase space, in effect, deparametrized the theory. The absence of nontrivial local symmetries on phase space also is implied by our general arguments above from the fact that no con- straints are present. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We want to thank Stephen Anco, Gregory Burnett, and Robert Geroch for several helpful remarks and Karel Kuchar for suggesting that we include an analysis of the parametrized scalar field theory in our general framework. This research was supported, in part, by National Science Foundation Grant No. PHY 84-16691 to the Uni- versity of Chicago. APPENDIX: HAMILTONIAN FORMULATIONS In this appendix, we analyze the circumstances under which the general type of Lagrangian field theory considered in Sec. II can be given a Hamiltonian formulation on phase space. For simplicity, we shall restrict attention to the "time- independent" case (see below) . Let t J.' be a complete vector field on space-time M having J. Lee and R. M. Wald 742 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions the property that the diffeomorphisms A ( t) generated by til map the Cauchy surface l: used in the definition of tV AB [see Eq. (2.23)] into Cauchy surfaces. We will refer to til as a "time translation," although it is not necessary that til be timelike. The diffeomorphism A (t) can be made to act on any field configuration, 4>: M -+ M', to produce a one-param- eter family, 4>(t) = 4>oA(t) , of "time translated" field con- figurations. We denote the infinitesimal field variation asso- ciated with this one-parameter family by I)t4>a. For simplicity, we now restrict attention to the case where, if nondynamical background fields r are present in .!L' [see Eq. (2.2) above], then the time translations genera- ted by t Illeave r invariant. Thus the following discussion is applicable, for example, to general relativity (where no background fields are present) and to a field theory in a curved, stationary space-time (with til chosen as the station- ary Killing field) but is not applicable to, say, a field theory in a background space-time without symmetries. This re- striction corresponds to the consideration of "time-in de pen- dent" systems in ordinary particle mechanics and we will use that terminology here. (In order to treat the "time-depen- dent" case, we would need to enlarge Y to include the back- ground fields r in order to define time evolution properly.) Note that in the "time-independent" case considered here, if is a solution to the equations of motion, then (t) also will be a solution for all t. Let be a vector field on the solution submanifold Y such that at is oftheform (I)t)A, for some til that leaves the background fields (if any) invariant. [In or- der to encompass theories like general relativity, we do not require that til be the same vector field on space-time for different points t/JEY, i.e., til may be "field dependent." In order to encompass Yang-Mills theory, we would have to permit to differ from (I)t)A by a (field-dependent) local symmetry vector field (i.e., an infinitesimal gauge transfor- mation) )A.] We view as representing time evolution on Y. Note that is tangent to Y. The result of Sec. II that tV [ a ,I) I a,1)24>a] is independent of the choice of Cauchy sur- face l: used to define tV when 4> is a solution and I) l4>a and 1)2a are linearized solutions implies that (AI) where W AB denotes the pullback to Y of W AB . Note that, here, we have used the time translation invariance of r, since varying l: corresponds to time translating both 4> and r, whereas represents the variation of only the dynamical fields . Suppose, now, that we can find a nontrivial vector field on Y as in the previous paragraph such that has a well defined projection to a vector field TA on f. Note that the existence of such a is intimately related to the existence of a well posed initial value formulation for the equations of motion for ; if the projection map iT: Y -+ f is many-to- one (i.e., if many solutions exist having the same "initial 743 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 31, No.3, March 1990 data"), there need not exist any such nonvanishing If such a does exist, we may view TA as representing the time evolution on f. For such a TA, Eq. (AI) then directly im- plies .!L'TOAB = 0, (A2) where nAB is the pullback of nAB to f. Equation (A2) is the necessary and sufficient condition that, locally, there exists a function H on phase space r such that on f we have (dH)A = nABTB. (A3) To see this, we note that Eq. (A2) is just the integrability condition for the pullback of Eq. (A3) to f since, setting rA = - nAB T B , we have, using the identity (2.27), ( dA. )AC TOAC - TB( dnhAc = TOAC' (A4) Hence, ifEq. (A2) is satisfied, we can obtain a function H on f satisfying the pullback ofEq. (A3) to f. The remaining components of Eq. (A3) can be satisfied by appropriate choice of the normal derivatives of H on f. Of course, as in our discussion of constraints earlier in this section, the exten- sion of H to r is highly nonunique, since only the normal derivatives of Hand f are determined by Eq. (A3). Equation (A3) can be rewritten as TA = nAB(dH)B' (A5) where evaluation on f is understood. This is the standard form of Hamilton's equations of motion on a symplectic manifold. Thus we have shown that in the "time-indepen- dent" case, the Lagrangian field theories considered in this paper can be given a Hamiltonian formulation provided only that an appropriate time evolution vector field on Y proj- ects to f. Finally, we remark that, in particular, all Lagrangian field theories that are "generally covariant" (i.e., where the field variations induced by diffeomorphisms are local sym- metries) can be given a Hamiltonian formulation whenever there exists a local symmetry vector field on Y representing nontrivial time translations that projects from Y to f. In such a case, the Hamiltonian H can be chosen to be a con- straint function for this local symmetry and hence can be chosen to vanish on f. IC.I.lsham and K. V. Kuchar, Ann. Phys. (NY) 164,288,316 (1985). 21. L. Friedman, Commun. Math. Phys. 62, 247 (1978). 3C. Cmkovic and E. Witten, in Three Hundred Years o/Gravitation, edited by S. W. Hawking and W. Israel (Cambridge U.P., Cambridge, 1987). 4p. G. Bergmann, in Encyclopedia o/Physics, edited byS. Fliigge (Springer, Berlin, 1962), Vol. 4, p. 203. G. Bergmann and A. Komar, Int. 1. Theor. Phys. 5, 15 (1972). 6D. C. Salisbury and K. Sundermeyer, Phys. Rev. D 27,740,757 (1983). 7S. Lang, Differential Manifolds (Springer, New York, 1985). 8N. Woodhouse, Geometric Quantization (Oxford U.P., Oxford, 1980). 9R. M. Wald, General Relativity (Univ. Chicago, Chicago, 1984). lOG. Burnett and R. M. Wald, to be published. J. Lee and R. M. Wald 743 Downloaded 01 Mar 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jmp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
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