Aims, Concepts, Phylosophies-Devika
Aims, Concepts, Phylosophies-Devika
Aims, Concepts, Phylosophies-Devika
The knowledge is an innate quality of human beings which makes them distinct
from all other creations by God. Increase in human needs demanded a more
organized and specific knowledge for supporting special ventures. In the formation
of separate branches of knowledge which are specialized in particular areas of
human activity. This specialization eventually gave birth to profession we will
discuss the basis of general education and nursing education.
According to one view, the word ‘Education’ is derived from the Educo
which means “I lead out “.
E- means “out”
Duco – “ I lead”
In other words it means “I lead out of darkness into light”. Here “I” denotes
the teacher.
There is also another view that education is originated from the word
educare, meaning “to rear”, “to bring up”, “to nourish”.
There is yet another view that in the term “Education” comes from the word
education which means the act of teaching or training.
According to the above stated Latin words, Educare and educatum,
education is something external, which is imposed from outside
1. According to Pestalozzi
“Education is the all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-
body, mind and spirit.”
Herbert Spencer makes the aim of education more specific that the
education is ma preparation for ‘complete living”. Let us see the aims of
Education is not only helps in the formation of social norms and their
implementation but also trains the learner to follow them effective utilization
of social resources is essential for the progress of the society and education
equip the learners to harness the social resources in an ecofriendly as well as
people friendly manner.
4. Intellectual aim:
5. Citizenship:
Education prepare the child to lead a healthy life through providing the
knowledge required for a healthy living and helping him to develop a positive
attitude towards health.
Education should also help the child to develop a health conscience and
respect towards his or her own health.
7. Character development:
8. Moral development:
9. Cultural development:
Leisure is the time meant for enjoyment and recreation. Leisure plays an
important role in recharging our depleted energy levels. Leisure time should be
utilized in such a way that the individual as well as the society should benefit
from it.
11. Self-realization : What we are is god’s gift to us and what we become is
our gift to god. Child is born with tremendous potentials and education
should helps the child to become what he has to become by assisting to
realize his potentials and then equipping him to utilize the identified
potentials to the maximum extent possible. Self-realization helps the child to
realize his strengths, weakness, and opportunities and threats so that he can
exert a good control over his life by strengthening the weakness.
12.Mental and emotional development:
In this fast changing world, good mental health is a must to cope with the
changing lifestyles and societal needs. Education should train the child by
giving adequate opportunities for mental and emotional development. Now-a
days, lot of research is taking place to gather more information regarding the
role of emotional development on education and life.
13.Autonomous development:
Harmonious development will enable the child to deal effectively with the
problems and uncertainties of life.
The word education is derived from the Latin word ‘educare’ which
means to ‘lead out. This derivation connotes ‘growth from the within’. The term
education is ‘educare’ meaning to ‘bring up to train’ to mould. Than education
has been derived from the two words ‘e’ and ‘duco’, ‘e’ means ‘out off’ and
‘duco’ means ‘to lead’. This word is derived from two Greek words namely
‘pedo’ (child) and logos (discussion) which means “science of instruction for
the purpose of leading the pupils”.
There are number of synonyms of the word “education “.The most common
Indian word “siksha ” which means to ‘discipline’. To control, ‘to instruct ‘or to
The word vidya is derived from Sanskrit root which means “to know the subject
matter of knowledge.
The few Indian philosophers / educationists give the concepts of Indian education.
“Human education means the training, which ones getS from the nature”.
- {Panini}
“Education is the process which helping the growing soul to draw out that is in
- {Aurobind Ghosh}
- {Guru Nanak}
“Education I mean an all – round out of the best in child and man body mind and
- {M.K.Gandhi}
- {Pestalozzi}
- {Spencer}
- {Brown}
According to his definition, the human child who is quite immature and in
developed at birth is subjected to systematic course of instructional and
disciplinary influence by a mature and experienced person called “educator”.
Moral development
Intellectual development
All education places in and through the society. Thus the three verticals of
triangle of education are
It involves the interplay of the ‘Educator the educand and the social forces. The
education tries to modify the personality of the child in the light of the needs of the
society to which the child belongs.
Formal education through Informal education through Non-formal education
School, colleges and other family, press, radio, cinema, adopts midway
educational institutions. church, playground and between formal and
It involves direct face to library. No specially qualified nonformal. It is
face interaction with personnel to teach or no systematically
teacher . evaluation systems like planned, organized and
examinations and conferring implemented. E.g.
of certificates. Correspondence
education, distance
education, opens
learning {IGNOU},
continuing education
and telelecturing /
For e.g. Training in auto mobiles of means of transport and training in tractors and
heavy machinery in agriculture and production purposes.
For e.g. The old method of teaching is reading and lecture methods, progressive
techniques and procedures like the project the laboratory.
An organized system of education must meet the social, economic and physical
needs of the community. The needs from place to place and from country.
For e.g. the course of study, curricular and co-curricular activities as well as
methods and techniques of education are different at different places in a big
country like India and America.
The term is derived from or can be traced to the Greek word philosophia
which is made up of two words ‘ phileo’ means ‘Love’ and Sophia means
‘wisdom’- It means loving wisdom or searching for wisdom.
- Cisero
- Ristippus
- John Dewey.
1. Idealism
2. Naturalism
3. Pragmatism
4. Existentialism
5. Realism
6. Electism
It means ‘mind and self’. It shifts the emphasis from the natural or scientific facts
of life to the spiritual aspects of human experiences ‘Exalt the human personality”
is the slogan of idealism.
c. Universal education:
1. Questioning
2. Discussion
3. Lecture method
4. Single and group projects
5. Limitations
1. According to idealism, the best teacher is one who always inspiring the
students and serves as a role model to them. Idealistic teacher is
2. It considers teacher as a spiritual guide to the student for achieving the
all-round development.
3. Learning through memorization and discussion
4. Teacher as a friend, philosopher and guide.
James ward says naturalism is the doctrine that separates nature from God,
subordinates spirit to matter and sets up unchangeable laws as supreme.
Hayword Joyce: naturalism is a system of which the salient characteristic is
the exclusion of whatever is spiritual or indeed, whatever is transcendental of
experience. This definition straightway denies whatever is spiritual and
Principle of naturalism:
1. Self-expression
Self expression as the main aim of education, naturalism lays stress on
self expression and self preservation.
2. Self – preservation: In naturalistic point of view, self-security or self-
preservation is an unavoidable aspect in life and education should enable
the child to develop these qualities. It involves a sense of direction and
helps us to identify the right direction in life.
3. Redirection instincts: Naturalist believes that each child is born with
certain instincts, which are the guiding force behind all human conduct.
These instincts may develop improperly if they are self-directed by the
4. Struggle for existence: naturalist says that individual child may have to
face several painful and stress situations in the physical world. It should
help children to adjust themselves, physically and mentally to their
environment and to the changing circumstances of life
5. Education according to nature
While educating the child, consider his whole nature i.e., tendencies,
developmental status, capacities, instincts, likes and dislikes.
1. Learning by doing:
Pragmatist gives importance to the child than the book, teacher and subject matter.
These methods are dynamic, vary from class to class and time to time. Pragmatism
recommended participatory approach of teaching, which is considered as an
excellent approach by the current education system. In participatory method
students are allowed to participate actively in the teaching-learning process.
Pragmatism does not believe in strict and rigid discipline. They believe in social
discipline. Social discipline may develop from the society, school and home.
According to this philosophy, things we see and perceive are true and knowledge
acquired through senses only is true.
The doctrine if realism asserts that there is a real world of things behind and
corresponding to the objects of our perception. [J.S.Ross]
Forms of realism:
Principles of realism:
Realistic curriculum prefers subjects and activities which prepare children for day
to day living.
Realism opposes bookish knowledge as it failed to prepare the child for real life. It
recommends objective method of teaching. Importance must be given to
observation, experimentation and activities.
Realism believes in self-dicipline and advocate moral and religious education for
the development of self-dicipline among children.
1. The primary aim of education is the making of a human person as one who
lives and makes decisions about what he will do and be.
2. The school should provide an encouragement where the individuals find
security, encouragement and acceptance by teachers.
3. All school subjects and activities should provide situations for the
development of human beings.
4. The teacher has to facilitate development or originality and creativity by
providing necessary materials and opportunities.
5. The teacher has to be very active and equip students to face challenges
6. School should nurture democratic ideas.
Concern and respect for the individual student should be the main concern of
the school.
The motivated educationist creates a new educational philosophy by pooling all the
good and relevant features from different educationist, this newly educational
philosophy is named as electism.
Cultural heritage: All societies are proud to uphold or highlight their cultural
heritage and ascertain that the culture is preserved and transmitted through social
organizations to future generations. All types of education and all agencies of
education have to carry out the function of cultural transmission in an earnest way
by teaching the elements of culture like literature, history, art, philosophy, etc.
Educational trains in skills that are required by the economy. Economy and
education always enjoy a bilateral relationship. For example the number of well
functioning hospitals is directly related to the number of qualified and competent
nurse passing out from the nursing institutes. More patients’ will be admitted to a
hospital which is providing quality nursing care. This will lead to more money
transactions and ultimately results in the economical development of the nearby
areas of the hospital.
Fosters participant democracy. In participant democracy, ordinary citizen is aware
about his and duties and participates actively in the democratic process. Literacy is
essential to nurture participant democracy and literacy is the product of education.
Thus, education fosters participant democracy.
Technology exerts great influence on education as a tool for teaching and learning.
Education system prefers technology empowers new solution. Technology will
help the teachers to solve the emerging educational problems created by factors
like growing school population, heterogeneity of pupils in schools, divergent and
even confusing needs of learners, rapid development of new information.,
expanding technology bring about changes and shifts in education is being
developed with the aim not only of making education more widely available but
also of improving the quality of education. The facility for online education
through information technology enabled services has redefined the concept of non
– formal education with the wide spread use of computers assisted learning and
computers assisted instruction are becoming common even in the lower levels of
education. Now-days universities by fully utilizing the technology advancements
for impairing knowledge. Success of any education system lies in understanding
this reciprocates relationship between education and society. Technology of
education is being developed not only with the aim of making education more
widely available, but also for improving the quality of education. Developments in
technology will bring about changes and shifts in educational goals, which in turn
stimulate the emergence of newer techniques.
It is the process by which men and women prepare for exacting, responsible
service in the professional spirit.
The changes are occurring in the social and cultural life of the society as a
result of the impact of the advancements in the science based technology is broadly
described as modernization. Since education is a multi- polar process, it is
influenced by the modernization in different –ways.
States adopting a variety of tax credits for working families giving them help
with childcare and in-home care expenses (Hirsch horn Donahue, 2006)
Family-leave policies, allowing both parents opportunities to spend time
with newborn babies in the early formative years of infancy
Flexible work schedules and job-sharing opportunities for parents who want
to continue on their career path
Internet and media control legislation to assure parents that children will not
view or find inappropriate materials while using media for learning
Improvement in the quality and availability of infant and toddler care