Educ 9 Notes
Educ 9 Notes
Educ 9 Notes
These classes exist for a wide variety of reasons (Mathot, 20010. For most
Southeast Asian countries, it is seen as the means to achieve quality
education for all (SEAMEO INNOTECH Research Updates, n.d.) Multigrade
classes may also be the result of the community or neighborhood’s
geographical location, socio-economic or cultural conditions. Access to
education may be difficult for children living in remote mountain
barangays. Socio-economic constraints may also prevent children from
attending schools. Cultural practices may require children to perform
domestic and agricultural tasks. These factors would result in the decline
of students. Thus, students from varying levels or ages need to be
combined to comprise one class, the multigrade class.
2. Department of Education
a. DO #96 s.1997, the following guidelines were stipulated
with regard to Multigrade Classes (MG)
1. Protect and promote the rights of all citizens to accessible quality
education at all levels
2. Comple six grade levels to children in the remote barangays
3. A multigrade class is defined as a class of 2 or more grades
under one teacher in a complete or incomplete elementary
4. The class size is 8 to 35 pupils
5. Construction of 3-room school building for MG classes
6. classroom layout should provide for grouping or regrouping
7. the provision of textbooks and other resources
8. allocating teacher items and or assigning teacher in MG classes
9. providing support, welfare and incentive program for multigrade
teachers such as : regular monitoring of MG classes, regular
training of MG teachers, designated lodging place of teachers,
granting of special hardship allowance
b. DO #81 s.2009, the following guidelines were stipulated
with regard to MG classes:
1. Provide access to quality education for all school-aged children in
remote communities
2. To respond to the issues in the implementation of DEpEd Order
#96, s.1997, the following guidelines are issued:
a. Strict implementation of Special Hardship Allowance for MG
b. Assigned teachers should be trained on multigrade teaching
c. Provision of training resources and learning package
d. Training of core of trainers for MG teachers
e. Service of 2 years before a trained multigrade teacher is
3. International initiatives support the implementation of Multigrade
Programs. In Southeast Asia, the creation of multigrade schools
responds to the international commitments to EFA, the Millennium
Development Goals and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
(SEAMEO-INNOTECH research updates, n.d.)
a. EFA (Education For all)
The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization) commits to the achievement of “full and equal
opportunities or education for all (EFA). In addition, Article 26 of
the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that:
“Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free at
least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary
education shall be compulsory” (Mundy and Manion, 2021)
MDGs 2015
SDGs 2030