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Geo Certificate rf2-2021 Tensar Re500

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Certificate No. RF 2/2021

Tensar RE500 Geogrids

Certified Products
Products: Tensar RE520, RE540, RE560, RE570 and RE580 geogrids

Certificate holder: Tensar International Limited, Units 2-4 Cunningham Court,

Shadsworth Business Park, Blackburn, BB1 2QX, United Kingdom

Product distributor: Tensar Geosynthetics (China) Limited, 289# Checheng Avenue,

Wuhan Economic & Technical Development Zone, Hanyang
District, Wuhan, Hubei Province 430056, China

Conditions of Certification
This Certificate is granted only to Tensar International Limited. No other company, firm or person may
hold or claim any entitlement to this Certificate.

In granting this Certificate, the Civil Engineering and Development Department makes no representation
as to the presence or absence of patent rights subsisting in the product and/or as to the legal right of the
certificate holder and product distributor to market, install or maintain the product.

Where the Tensar RE500 geogrids are used in permanent reinforced fill structures and slopes in Hong
Kong, the design tensile strengths of the product shall comply with the values specified in Tables 3 to 7
of this Certificate, and the design shall be in accordance with Geoguide 6 – Guide to Reinforced Fill
Structure and Slope Design (GEO, 2017).

This Certificate shall cease to be valid if the product data or specifications are withdrawn or re-issued in
an amended form by the certificate holder. Applications for amendment to this Certificate shall be made
to the Head of Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering and Development Department
by the certificate holder in all cases of changes in the products, the manufacturing details or the conditions
of use, or of changes of the product distributor.

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Civil Engineering and Development Department

Date Issued: 9 October 2021 (Raymond W M Cheung)

Valid Until: 8 October 2023 for Director of Civil Engineering and Development

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Product Information

Tensar RE500 geogrids

Tensar RE500 geogrids are intended to be used as reinforcing elements in reinforced fill structures and
slopes. The geogrids are made of co-polymer high density polyethylene (HDPE) of class BS3412: 1992,
PE, E1, W, 50-003 Condition 5 (BSI, 1992). The carbon black content when determined by ASTM
D1603 – 14 (ASTM, 2014) will not be less than 2.0% and not more than 4.0%.

The Tensar RE500 geogrids are manufactured in five grades by punching holes in a sheet of
polyethylene, which is then stretched under temperature controlled conditions to the shape and form as
shown in Figure 1. The typical dimensions, mass and identification of Tensar RE520, RE540, RE560,
RE570 and RE580 geogrids are given in Table 1.

Figure 1 – Tensar RE500 geogrid

Product Grid dimensions Roll dimensions Mass per Colour

grade unit area coding
AL AT BWT FWL tB tF Length Width
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (g/m2)

RE520 235 16 17 6 2.0 – 2.2 0.9 75 1.0 or 1.3 360 Blue

RE540 235 16 17 6 2.5 – 2.7 1.1 50 1.0 or 1.3 450 Yellow
RE560 235 16 17 6 3.6 – 3.9 1.5 50 1.0 or 1.3 650 Orange
RE570 235 16 17 6 4.8 – 5.2 2.0 50 1.0 or 1.3 870 White
RE580 235 16 17 6 5.6 – 6.0 2.3 50 1.0 or 1.3 980 Green
Table 1 – Geogrid dimensions, mass and identification

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Tensile strength and load-strain properties
Quality control tensile tests are performed on specimens in accordance with BS EN ISO 10319: 2015
(BSI, 2015). The characteristic short-term tensile strengths in the longitudinal direction of the geogrids
guaranteed by Tensar International Limited are provided in Table 2. The load-strain properties of the
geogrids are shown in Figure 2. The actual strain at maximum load is approximately 10%.

Product grade RE520 RE540 RE560 RE570 RE580

Characteristic short-term tensile strength
52.8 64.5 88.7 118.4 137.3
Table 2 – Characteristic short-term tensile strength (longitudinal direction)

Figure 2 – Typical short-term load-strain properties (longitudinal direction)

Quality assurance
Tensar RE500 geogrids supplied to Hong Kong are manufactured by Tensar International Limited at
Shadsworth, Blackburn, UK (by Tensar Manufacturing Limited), and Wuhan, China (by Tensar
Geosynthetics (China) Ltd) under ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Certificates. Independent audits are
carried out periodically by BSI in UK and China Certification Centre, Inc. in China.

Tensar RE500 geogrids are imported into Hong Kong from UK or China. Each roll of Tensar RE500
geogrid has adhesive tape fixing bands identifying the particular product grade and the ends of the rolls
are sprayed with colour coded paint (Table 1). A copy of the manufacturer’s test certificate will
accompany each shipment of delivery. This certificate is available from the product distributor.

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Design Aspects

Design tensile strength

According to Geoguide 6 - Guide to Reinforced Fill Structure and Slope Design (GEO, 2017), the
design tensile strength, TD, per unit width of reinforcement is:

TD 

where Tult = characteristic short-term tensile strength guaranteed by Tensar International

Limited (see Table 2)
m = partial material factor on tensile strength of geogrid (see Note (c))
n = partial consequence factor to account for consequence of failure

The design tensile strengths of the Tensar RE500 geogrids in the longitudinal direction given in Tables
3 to 7, which have been agreed with Tensar International Limited, shall be used.

Particle size of Design tensile strength

fill material m (kN/m)
n = 1.0 n = 1.1
D85  10 2.48 21.3 19.4
10 < D85  50 2.88 18.3 16.6
50 < D85  100 3.46 15.3 13.9
100 < D85  125 3.72 14.2 12.9
Table 3 – Design tensile strengths of Tensar RE520 geogrid

Particle size of Design tensile strength

fill material m (kN/m)
n = 1.0 n = 1.1
D85  10 2.46 26.3 23.9
10 < D85  50 2.76 23.3 21.2
50 < D85  100 3.22 20.0 18.2
100 < D85  125 3.41 18.9 17.2
Table 4 – Design tensile strengths of Tensar RE540 geogrid

Particle size of Design tensile strength

fill material m (kN/m)
n = 1.0 n = 1.1
D85  10 2.43 36.5 33.2
10 < D85  50 2.62 33.8 30.7
50 < D85  100 2.93 30.2 27.5
100 < D85  125 3.10 28.6 26.0
Table 5 – Design tensile strengths of Tensar RE560 geogrid
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Particle size of Design tensile strength
fill material m (kN/m)
n = 1.0 n = 1.1
D85  10 2.43 48.7 44.3
10 < D85  50 2.55 46.4 42.2
50 < D85  100 2.77 42.8 38.9
100 < D85  125 2.91 40.7 37.0
Table 6 – Design tensile strengths of Tensar RE570 geogrid

Particle size of Design tensile strength

fill material m (kN/m)
n = 1.0 n = 1.1
D85  10 2.41 57.0 51.8
10 < D85  50 2.48 55.4 50.3
50 < D85  100 2.62 52.4 47.6
100 < D85  125 2.74 50.1 45.5
Table 7 – Design tensile strengths of Tensar RE580 geogrid

The following notes apply to Tables 3 to 7:

(a) The design tensile strengths given in Tables 3 to 7 are in kN per metre width of the geogrids (not
per metre run of the structure or slope).

(b) D85 is the particle size corresponding to 85% by weight of particles passing in a grading test.

(c) The partial material factor, m, applies to the tensile strength of the individual grades of Tensar
RE500 geogrid. It has taken into account the environmental effects on material durability,
construction damage and other special factors including hydrolysis, creep and stress rupture for a
120-year design life at a design temperature of 30C.

(d) The fill material used within the reinforced fill block shall comply with the requirements specified
for either the Type I or the Type II materials given in Geoguide 6 (GEO, 2017). In addition, the
maximum particle size and the D85 value of the fill material shall not exceed 150mm and 125mm

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Fill-to-reinforcement interaction
According to Geoguide 6 (GEO, 2017), the design coefficients of fill-to-reinforcement interaction dsD
and pD relating to direct sliding resistance and pullout resistance respectively are:

 ds tan  '
 dsD 
 p tan  '
 pD 

where dsD = design coefficient of interaction against direct sliding

pD = design coefficient of interaction against pullout
m = partial material factor for fill-to-reinforcement interaction
n = partial consequence factor to account for consequence of failure
ds = direct sliding coefficient
p = pullout coefficient

In preliminary design, the direct sliding coefficient, ds and the pullout coefficient, p given in Table 7,
which have been agreed with Tensar International Limited, may be used. The partial material factor,
m, for fill-to-reinforcement interaction shall be taken as 1.2.

Fill material
Interaction coefficient
Type I fill Type II fill
Direct sliding coefficient ds 0.9 0.8
Pullout coefficient p 0.8 0.6
Table 8 – Direct sliding and pullout coefficients

The design coefficients of fill-to-reinforcement interaction should be verified by tests in accordance

with the requirements of Clause A.61 and Clause A.62 given in the Appendix A of Geoguide 6
(GEO, 2017).

The typical facing types recommended by Tensar International Limited for the construction of
reinforced fill structures and slopes using Tensar RE500 geogrids are presented in Appendix A. The
suitability of these facing types should be carefully assessed by the designer and suitably modified to
suit the individual design situations and contract requirements. The various design situations that need
to be considered in the design of reinforced fill structures and slopes are discussed in Geoguide 6
(GEO, 2017).

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Compliance Testing
The materials used for the construction of the reinforced fill structures and slopes should be inspected
and tested on a regular basis during construction. Testing is required to ensure that the materials
conform to the specification. Particular attention should be given to materials which can change
properties; these include reinforcing elements and fill. Fill from different sources may have different
material parameters and should be checked for compliance with specification. Each batch of
reinforcement delivered to site should be sampled, tested and properly labelled and should be
accompanied by relevant documentation from the certificate holder.

The requirements for the testing of materials are recommended in the Appendix A of Geoguide 6
(GEO, 2017).

ASTM (2014). Standard Test Method for Carbon Black Content in Olefin Plastics (ASTM D1603 –
14). ASTM International, United States.

BSI (1992). Methods of specifying general purpose polyethylene materials for moulding and extrusion
(BS 3412: 1992). British Standards Institution, London.

BSI (2015). Geosynthetics – Wide width tensile test (BS EN ISO 10319: 2015). British Standards
Institution, London.

GEO (2017). Guide to Reinforced Fill Structure and Slope Design (Geoguide 6) (Continuously
Updated E-Version released on 29 August 2017). Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering
and Development Department, HKSAR Government, 218p.

Certification Information
Readers are advised to check the current conditions and requirements stipulated in this Certificate by
referring to the Civil Engineering and Development Department’s website at

Geotechnical Engineering Office

Civil Engineering and Development Department
October 2021

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Appendix A

Reinforced fill structures

Full height facing Elemental facing

Segmental block facing Typical connection detail “A”

* 80mm x 8mm bodkin should be used for all grades of Tensar RE500 geogrids

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Appendix A

Reinforced fill slopes

Erosion control mat protection (slope angle to 45º)

Wrap-around facing (slope angle to 70º)

* 80mm x 8mm bodkin should be used for all grades of Tensar RE500 geogrids

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